The Banner of Anaheim Free Methodist Church May, 2016 Volume
The Banner of Anaheim Free Methodist Church May, 2016 Volume
The Banner of Anaheim Free Methodist Church May, 2016 Volume LVII “The Finnish Secret to Success” by Pastor Kevin Wong Recently I saw a video on Facebook that rocked my world. It was a clip from a documentary that tracked Finland’s journey from one of the lowest ranks in global education to now one of the top 5 in the whole world. It wasn’t an overnight fix, but today the international spotlight shines brightly on Finland’s incredible success. Do you want to know what the secret to their success was?? NO HOMEWORK. Finland’s Ministry of Education confirmed this in the video and claimed that “students should have more time to be kids, to be youngsters, to enjoy life”. So young students in Finland (like 1st graders) go to school on Mondays for 3 hours, Tuesdays for 4 hours, and so on, coming to a grand total of 20 hours per week (including lunch hour!). A school principal gave the reasoning behind this schedule: “Your brain has to relax every now and then. If you just constantly work, work, work, then you stop learning. And there’s no use doing that for a long period of time.” This statement really hit home for me and caused me to challenge the American recipe of success which has resulted in crazy busy, over-packed schedules and economic competition like no other. It also caused me to realize that even though my own schedule can be jam-packed with all sorts of good things like meetings, sermon prep, studying, and sending emails, I wonder if I am being “efficient” at the cost of being more “effective”? Perhaps I would be more effective if I worked less? Or perhaps working/stressing less would affect my quality of life (as the Finns would suggest)? Ultimately, this was a reminder that the creator of the Sabbath WANTS US to take time for recreation (RE-creation) and play, so that our creativity and rejuvenated self would be expressed through who we are and not what we do… “We were made to enjoy ‘playing’ like our Creator – especially on Sabbath. We are invited to dance with our God who joyfully runs the universe with his love and power.” - Peter Scazzero author of “Emotionally Healthy Church AFMC Information Sunday Worship Services: 8:30 a.m. First service 11:00 a.m. Second service, Sunday school & nursery care 11:00 a.m. Japanese-English bilingual service Last Sunday of the month is Japanese language only. Church Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. English Website: Nichigo Website: AFMC Staff Rev. Nancy Terada Wong, Senior Pastor Rev. Kevin Wong, Associate Pastor Pastor Matthew Asami, Assistant Pastor Kristin Ou, Assistant Yoshito Nakamura, Nichigo Director The Anaheim Moms Group started their current 10-week session on April 15. The moms and children made a recyclable craft (bird's nest) for Earth Day. Pastor Kevin and Pastor Matt helped in childcare by playing with the children. Pastor Kevin also prayed a blessing at the end of the meeting time. Moms, grandmothers and their (grand) children ages 0 - 5 years old are welcome any time! This session will continue through June 17. Kidz Korner - submitted by Shirley Chai, CM Director Children at AFMC Kidz Church are truly blessed to have such wonderful teachers preparing and planning their lessons each Sunday. It brightens their day and uplifts their spirit when children enter the classroom prepared and ready to learn about God and His love for His people. This month, we had six children complete their charts (pictured below)! Congratulations to all of them for their diligent effort in attending church faithfully, being on time, bringing their Bible and memorizing scripture! Thank you parents for being their spiritual models. We love seeing your child growing and maturing in God’s Word! The Joyful Noise choir presented a song for Mother’s Day during Nichigo and 2nd service. Save the Date! Vacation Bible School “Ocean Commotion” is coming July 5-8! Times will be Tuesday – Friday 6:30 – 8:30 pm & Saturday 1:00 – 3:00 pm. It is open for children entering kindergarten through 6th grade in the fall, 2016. We will dive into Noah’s Flood and learn important life lessons from Noah! Check the Sunday worship bulletin for registration info. and receive a free t-shirt for early registration! For VBS parents: Debbie Nishi will be offering a FREE spiritual parenting class during VBS hours (Tuesday-Friday). Take advantage of this great opportunity! AFMC Sports Ministry & CSP (Community Service Programs) Present Award to the Anaheim Police Department ~ submitted by Julie Spessert This past year the AFMC Sports Ministry received a $5,000 grant from Orange County's Community Service Programs to help promote prevention/education about drug and alcohol use/abuse in youth. Thus, we had two special presentations at our annual basketball banquet. During the younger group session (2nd - 4th graders), we made a special presentation to the Anaheim Police Department and recognized their efforts in the fight against driving under the influence. Pictured are Loga, Lucas, and Mason with Lt. Orozco of the Anaheim P.D. and members of CSP. During our older session (5th - 8th graders), we had two youth from the Touchstones program share about their life experiences which involved drug/alcohol use and the difficult road that they have been on. It was very difficult for them to share, but they shared from their hearts about their struggles, desires, and the need for help from God. They have been able to stay sober for the past year. We lifted them up in prayer and also prayed that their courage may help others who needed to hear their message. AFMC’s participation in the Project Faith in Youth Mini-Grant program was recently featured in the monthly “Faith Coalition” newsletter. AFMC’s Sport Ministry will continue to reach out to our players and their families by providing active events to keep them engaged in a healthy lifestyle with the intention of showing God's love to everyone so that they may come to know Him. WiM Update: Clap-N-Tap Chamber Orchestra/Recital Many craft classes have been planned for this year; these are great opportunities to invite your friends to join in! Space is limited; sign up at church or contact the church office. Classes are $2/person which includes all supplies. Upcoming classes are: *Card Making class Friday, May 27 @ 10:00 a.m. *Designing with Flowers Sunday, June 12 @ 10:00 a.m. or 12:15 p.m. *Jewelry class - making stretchy bracelets Thursday, July 7 @ 10:00 a.m. *Knitting class Thursday, August 11 @ 10:00 a.m. Saturday, May 21, 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Clap-N-Tap Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Mr. David L. Wen, will be performing recital pieces in the AFMC Fellowship Hall on Saturday, May 21, 2016. Members of the orchestra range in age from 7 to 15. All are welcome to come enjoy the music produced by these fine young musicians. Pictures below are from the March 22 Ikebana class; about 12 ladies made beautiful arrangements led by instructor Keiko Miyahara. With Appreciation for Special Offerings Easter offering for chapel remodel: Hiroshi & Frankie Fukuda, Gloria Garza, Isamu Inouye, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oye, Tatsuye Shozi Chapel Fund, for George Suda’s 92nd Birthday Frank Nishimura Chapel Fund, in memory of daughter Jennifer Marilyn Fukuda Chapel Fund, in memory of Gerald Takaki Margaret Saito Chapel Fund, in memory of my father Richard Takasago Chapel Fund Jeffrey Murakami Missions Victor Asawa Youth Merry Toguchi “Light Up the World” Follow-up Pastor Themba and Bhembe were able to purchase a sturdy, reliable truck for their ministry in South Africa, thanks in part to your generous donations to the “Light Up the World” Christmas Alternative fund! Rev. Paul Siaki contacted Penny Takeda with a special note of thanks to the AFMC family: “Thank you once again, may the Lord richly bless you and the church as (you) continue to do the good work and touch lives.” Nikkei Discovery Camp @ AFMC Kizuna is hosting its Nikkei Discovery Camp at AFMC on July 11 15. This is a summer program for kids ages 7-13 (entering 2nd grade to entering 8th grade) centered on building a foundation of Japanese American culture and heritage. The camp is a high-caliber program which selects its instructors from the community’s cultural experts; counselors are carefully vetted and rigorously trained, workshops and activities are optimized for passing on Japanese-American tradition. The program runs Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pricing begins at $215 per child. Kizuna also hosts the camp at other locations. Please visit the website: or contact Program Director Paul Matsushima at or 213-973-4465 for more info. PCJC Family Camp 2016 July 17 - 22 at Redwood Christian Park, Santa Cruz mountains Theme: “Thrive” Registration forms are available at church or can be downloaded on our website: (FREE) On-line registration is available at the PCJC website: Registration is now open; last day to register is May 27 (no late fee) or June 14 (late fee applies) AFMC will pay 1/2 of the registration fee for first-time youth campers (only). Please see Pastor Nancy or Lauren before turning in your registration if you are first-time youth camper. Scholarships are also available; forms are in the Sunday school office. Please note that applications for scholarships must be filled out by a parent or adult, not the student. AFMC’s Observance of the National Day of Prayer “Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet.” Isaiah 58:1a The theme for 2016 is Wake Up America, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to return to the God of our Fathers in reverence for His Holy Name. AFMC joined people all around the country on May 5, 2016 by praying our country’s government leaders, our military, our schools, our businesses, our families, and our churches. AFMC SPORTS SEYO News by Special Correspondent Julie Spessert Little Dribbles: A Fun-Filled Time for All BUENA PARK - Thirty-four kids from pre-K through 2nd grade had a fun time learning how to dribble, pass, shoot, and play defense at our three-week-long Little Dribbles clinic in April. Many volunteers helped to make it a fun-filled time for all of the kids! We would especially like to thank our coaches: Jeff Sano, Mark & Nolan Yokogawa, Eric Lee, Keaton Nishimi, Mumin Sabha, Justin Wu, Joshua & Cory Spessert, Kaitlyn Sugita, Ethane Castillo, Deanna Tanaka, Cale & Braeden Lee-Takaki, Bob Sumiyoshi, Blake & Cole Nagao and Pastor Kevin Wong. Special thanks to Jennie Kaihara for bringing snacks and the sound equipment each week and thanks to Janice Nagao, Juli Inagi and Shirley Chai for helping lead the kids. The kids had a great time and can't wait for our next session! Juli Inagi & some of the coaches talk to the kids Little Dribbles group picture taken April 9, 2016 Teaching the players basketball fundamentals Longtime friends, Mark Yokogawa, Glenn Kubota and John Lee-Takaki reunited at AFMC Little Dribbles. It’s Time to PLAY BALL! Spring Basketball Academy SUMMER - AFMC’s SEYO baseball season is right BUENA PARK - AFMC's Spring Basketball Academy is cur- around the corner! Games start June 5 and run through the end of July. We are looking forward to a great season for everyone! We have some kids who are “rookies” so we are excited to have them join our team! We ask our church family to pray that our players and coaches have a fun and safe time together. If anyone is interested in helping coach, please contact Julie Spessert. rently in full swing with about 40 participants joining us every Wednesday night from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Buena Park Junior High School. The players’ energy level is high and the coaching by Ron San Pedro and his team is engaging and challenging. We encourage all of our AFMC coaches to come out to watch the academy in action and gather ideas for drills that can raise the level of play for all of your players. AFMC Youth News by Special Correspondent Lauren Fukuzawa Wong Post-Midwinter/Pre-Camp RALLY! ANAHEIM - AFMC hosted the PCJC’s post-Midwinter/pre-camp rally on April 30. The evening was filled with UNITY and FELLOWSHIP before the Lord. We had an awesome time of worship, I gave a message, and we enjoyed a lot of food and quality time together! Each of our camp directors shared a bit on their vision for the program. Shout out to Pastor Matt Asami and Justin Toguchi who will be directing the middle high program, Katie Edwards and Michael Ohno who will be doing the Genesis program, and Lindsey Karasawa who will be directing high school with me! I am superpumped to see what God will do leading up to and at camp! Thanks to all who came out and brought food to share! I am so thankful for what God is doing in our midst. Note to college/post-college people: Join the connect group that meets at the Wong residence the last Friday of every month, 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Contact Lauren for more information and join us! A shy bunny AFMC Calendar & Late-Breaking News Dates subject to change without notice. Contact the church office 714-827-0782 if you have any questions. May, 2016 5/14 Saturday 5/29 Sunday 5/30 Monday All-Church Work Day, 8:00 a.m. - noon Please join us to maintain and clean our church! Lunch will be provided to volunteers. CLASS 301: Discovering your “SHAPE”, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. in room 9 The Lord has a unique calling and purpose for you! Contact Pastor Nancy if you are interested in learning about your spiritual gifts, strengths, and temperament. Lunch will be provided. Some pre-class preparation is necessary; please see Pastor Nancy for class materials. Orangethorpe Christian Church soup kitchen - volunteers needed; see shifts below June, 2016 6/5 6/19 Sunday Sunday Basketball in the AFMC parking lot - 1:00 p.m. All skill levels and ages are welcome! Fathers’ Day 7/1 - 7/3 Fri. - Sun. 7/5 - 7/9 Tues. - Sat. 7/11 - 7/15 7/17-7/22 Mon. - Fri. Sun. - Fri. Fishing Ministry 2-day deep sea trip out of San Diego To sign up or for more information, contact Steve Ikeda or Vince Chiya via the church office. Vacation Bible School for children entering K through 6th grade in Sept. 2016 Theme: “Ocean Commotion” Join us at AFMC for a fun-filled week of stories, crafts, and games! Tues. - Fri. 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.; Saturday 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. See the Sunday worship bulletin for registration info. Nikkei Discovery Camp @ AFMC ~ more details inside this newsletter PCJC Family Camp at Redwood Christian Camp ~ see more details inside this newsletter July, 2016 On-going activities Sewing Circle - Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. - noon in room 6. Bring sewing projects or help make quilts. Some experience needed. Facilitator: Yoko Grieve Watercolor Class - 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Instructor: Donna McFarland Contact Pastor Carl Yoshimine to sign up or for more information. Line Dancing - Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in room 1. Instructor: Marian Ikeda Knit & Crochet - Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. Instructor: Carol Yee Anaheim Moms’ group - Fridays at 10:00 a.m. - noon until June 17. Moms, grandmothers, and their (grand)children ages 0-5 years are welcome! Bible stories, crafts, cooking, and parenting classes all while building lasting friendships! Volunteer caregivers are needed, please contact the church office if you can help. Growth groups and Bible studies meet throughout the week at church and in homes; there is a group just for you! Contact Pastor Kristin for information and to find a group that meets your needs. Orangethorpe Christian Church Soup Kitchen - AFMC is serving on May 30, August 29, and October 31, 2016 Three shifts: 2:30—5:45 p.m. set up & cook; 5:45—7:30 p.m. serve & clean-up; 7:15 p.m.—closing clean up. Thanks a Million, AFMC Family! We have met our goal of collecting ONE MILLION COINS! The total amount equals $25,432.96 towards our main chapel remodel.
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