The Banner of Anaheim Free Methodist Church January, 2016
The Banner of Anaheim Free Methodist Church January, 2016
The Banner of Anaheim Free Methodist Church January, 2016 Volume LVII Pastor’s Corner by Pastor Nancy Wong Dear Anaheim Church Family, Pastor Carl & Pat Omaye opened their perfect “party” home to us for our staff Christmas luncheon where we enjoyed their hospitality, a delicious meal, warm fellowship, and conversations full of joy. Off to the side was a ping pong table where Pastor Kevin and Lauren rallied with Michael. Michael’s skill was quite impressive as he kept up with his young adult opponents whose sweaters began to get a bit sweaty! I decided to join in the fun for a doubles game. As I approached the ping pong table, I mentally reviewed the fundamentals since I haven’t played in years. I heard the coach inside me whisper, “Keep your eye on the ball.” I flashbacked to my former basketball coaching days: I remember teaching my players, “Catch the ball with your eyes; keep your eyes on the ball.” So as I took my position next to Michael and adjusted my grip, I was determined to keep my eye on the ball. While warming up and rallying, I concentrated by fixing my eye on the ball. But it would hit my thumb, pointer finger, anything but the paddle’s center. What was wrong? The ball was blurring in and out. Oh, I forgot I needed my eyeglasses which were in the car. Poor Michael. He traded me in for Pastor Matt as his new partner. In this New Year, “let’s run the race that God has set before us by keeping our eyes on Jesus on whom our faith depends from start to finish.” (Heb. 12:1-2). Fixing our eyes on Him is a spiritual fundamental. And let us lean on the Holy Spirit: our helper, tutor, and coach to keep our vision of Jesus crystal clear while we run His marathon toward the finish line. We want to see more of Him. See you on His course. (Pictured above: Staff and family members at the Omayes’ home, December 2014) AFMC Information Sunday Worship Services: 8:30 a.m. First service 11:00 a.m. Japanese-English bilingual service Last Sunday of the month is Japanese language only. 11:00 a.m. Second service, Sunday school & nursery care Website: Nichigo Website: AFMC Pastoral Staff Rev. Nancy Terada Wong, Senior Pastor Rev. Kevin Wong, Associate Pastor Pastor Matthew Asami, Assistant Pastor Kristin Ou, Assistant Church Office Information: Phone: 714-827-0782 Email: Office hours: Tuesday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. AFMC’s Christmas Program & Worship Service - December 20, 2015 Pictured L to R: Program director Darlene Omaye with her (reindeer) runners - Pat Omaye & Elaine Wong. Worship team with special guest violinists. Pastor Nancy Wong welcomes the congregation. Pictured L to R: Pastor Carl Yoshimine shares. Scripture reading. Joyful Noise choir. Pictured at L: SEYO basketball players perform a choreographed routine. Above: Yoshito Nakamura leads the Nichigo choir. Below right: Troy H.S. “Ohana” Club performs. A few more pictures: Lauren sharing, Pastor Kevin Wong giving the message, final praise song, refreshments, and boys enjoying the warmth around the fire table. “Light Up the World” - AFMC’s Christmas Alternative For the past several years, AFMC has offered the “Light Up the World” - Christmas Alternative program for those who wish to support our ministry partners in lieu of buying gifts for family members or friends. Donations are made in their honor to various ministries in our community and overseas. It has been a wonderful opportunity to give a special gift to the person “who has everything.” This past Christmas our ministry partners included: Education for a Better Life (Swaziland, Africa), ZOE International (Chiang Mai, Thailand), Heavenly Treasures (worldwide), Soup Kitchen/Orangethorpe Christian Church (Fullerton, CA), and Pastor Themba & Buhle Bhembe (Natal, South Africa). Nearly $5400 was donated; thank you for your generous support! Missions Committee chair Penny Takeda recently received an email from one of the young men who has been part of the Education for a Better Life ministry: “I Colani Samkelo Nkambule, would like to thank you all for your support in our lives here in Swaziland. Your support has seen us getting a better life and getting into levels where we not going to get into without your love, prayers and support through the years! I personally want to thank you on behalf of my brothers for making our lives better through education. We are now looking forward to acquiring other academic certificates because of the love you have for us. I may not be able to thank everyone with words but the Almighty God will thank you in his glory. Through your actions, we have seen how much God loves each and everyone of us. I would love to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! God bless you all. We love you here! Colani, Thando, Musa, Menzi and Lindo!” Kidz Korner: Our Children’s Ministry department was very busy through the end of 2015! Here are a few highlights: November 29- Remember and Celebrate/Big Group: Children first through sixth grades gathered together to learn about the Passover meal. They learned that God asked His people (Israelites) to remember how He brought them out of Egypt in the miraculous exodus event and to celebrate the Passover every year. Each child partook in the seder plate by tasting the bitter vegetables (lettuce dipped in salt water) which represented the tears of the slaves in Egypt and the matzo crackers to remind them of how the Israelites had to leave Egypt so quickly that their bread didn't have time to rise. December 20 - Annual Christmas Program: The Joyful Noise Children’s Choir and the SEYO "Beat Ballers" represented CM in our intergenerational program. It was wonderful to see all of the different church ministries being “lights” for Christ. The program’s theme verse was from John 12:46 "I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in Me should remain in darkness." December 27- Farewell to Debbie Nishi: Children's Ministry Director Debbie Nishi was presented with a surprise video from various kids in Kidz Church to thank her for blessing AFMC with her faithful service. Debbie retired from her position at the end of 2015. She and her husband Hiro received a gift and prayer of blessings. We are so thankful for Debbie’s years of service as our C.M. Director. Her love for children and her gift for helping them grow in their faith contributed to her effective leadership. We also appreciate Hiro for his supportive partnership with his wife. Save the Date! Movie night: Friday, Jan 29, 2016 @ 7 p.m. Join us for our next family movie/game night. We will be showing HOME in the Fellowship Hall and WAR ROOM in Room 1. Invite your friends! Welcome to Shirley Chai This month we welcomed Mrs. Shirley Chai as our new Children’s Ministry Director. Shirley has been training for the position since July as she worked alongside Debbie Nishi. Shirley is married to Mike Chai and they have three children. She graciously answered some interview questions so our AFMC family can get to know her a bit better! When did you become a Christian? “I did not have the privilege of growing up in a Christian home/family but I was fortunate to have been invited to attend church (only handful of times) with a childhood friend. Even though I don't remember what type of church I visited nor my friend's name, God certainly made an impression on me. Because of my family's move out of the country, I had lost all contact with my friend and any Christian influence. It wasn't until many years later in 1998 that I truly understood who Jesus was and I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior at Evergreen Baptist Church.” When did you first come to AFMC? What brought you to this church? “The first time I came to AFMC was to help with making the curry bentos for the SEYO basketball teams. At that time, I was attending and serving at another church. It was clear that my family and I were called to attend AFMC permanently around September of 2013.” What is (or was) your occupation? “I worked at my husband's office (he is a State Farm Agent), and I continue to serve as an Administrative Leader in Bible Study Fellowship.” What do you like to do in your free time? “I really like to dance but I’m too old to go ‘clubbing’. Instead, I bake whenever I have free time :)” What is your vision for the Children's Ministry at AFMC? “Instill a love for God and His Word to every child by revealing the truth about Him through the Bible … that their faith is developed so that each may claim Jesus Christ as their own Savior. My hope and prayer is that they will bear fruit in the spirit as they mature in His Word.” Pictured at right: Debbie & Shirley at the Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing party. With Appreciation for Special Offerings Deepest Sympathy Thanksgiving We pray for the Lord to comfort the Takaki family as they grieve the loss of a great husband, father, and grandfather in Gerald. His faith and life was remembered and celebrated on December 29, 2015. The whole AFMC family will truly miss Gerald. Sally Asawa, Gloria Garza, John Iwashita, Wendy Morimoto-Huey, Ed Nakama, Richard & Ellen Oye, Margaret Saito, Betty & Troy Sugita, Robert Wada, Anonymous Christmas Hiroshi & Frankie Fukuda, Jeanette Gamachi, Junko Hamamura, Tomio & Lynette Kanegae, Reiko Kitahata, Kubota Nikkei Mortuary, John & Shari Matsuo, Ron & Judy Nichols, Ed Nakama, Watson & Janice Omohundro, Margaret Saito, Ron & June Takai, Yoshio Tani, John Iwashita, Steve & Roann Fukunaga, Isamu Inouye, Gail Ishino, Susie Kubota, George & Alice Mizuno, Wendy Morimoto-Huey, Katsuko Odanaka, Pastor Carl & Pat Omaye, Richard & Ellen Oye, Tatsuye Shozi, Robert Wada, Ben & Tomoko Yasukochi, Anonymous Chapel Fund Tom, Endo, Min Higashi, Jeffrey Murakami, Kirk & Judy Nakamura, Richard Takasago, WiM, Henry & Elaine Wong In Memory of Gerald Takaki Ford & Frances Kuramoto In Memory of Kenji Takasago Judy Takasago In Memory of Setsuko Saito Margaret Saito In Memory of Dick Robinson Betty Robinson In Memory of Scott Robinson Betty Robinson In Memory of Mas Egawa Yoko Egawa Christmas caroling gratitude Michiko Erickson SEYO, Youth, Loveshare, Chapel Anonymous Missions & Soup Kitchen Anonymous Gratitude - Chapel fund Anonymous Camp scholarships Anonymous In Honor of 80th birthday & Thanksgiving - Youth Ministry Elsie Mizutari Kimiko Kinoshita membership - Chapel fund Joan Tanaka Fishing Ministry (from sale of Don Takai’s reels) Kirk & Juli Inagi Stewards - gift cards for meals Brian & Sandy Ohno Sports Ministry John Ho 95th Birthday Lily Matsuoka Christmas Caroling Ministry Kirk & Judy Nakamura End of Year gift David & Audrey Masai Congratulations, Newlyweds! Congratulations and God’s blessings to Kristina Nishi and Jonathan Gramenz who were joined in marriage on New Year’s Day! Kristina is the daughter of Hiro and Debbie Nishi. Infant Dedication Kairi was dedicated by her parents Jeremy and Jeannie on December 6, 2015 surrounded and supported by her family and friends. Congratulations to the whole family! Rev. George Takaya passed away peacefully at the age of 95 on December 4, 2015. His son Timothy - who had been battling non -Hodgkins lymphoma - passed away on December 12. A memorial celebration of their lives will be held on Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. at the Camarillo United Methodist Church, 291 Anacapa Drive, Camarillo. Please uplift Mrs. Mitsi Takaya and the family in prayer during this time of loss. Henry Asai, Pastor Cliff Asai’s father passed away on December 31, 2015. His memorial service was held on January 15, 2016 at Green Hills Memorial Park in Rancho Palos Verdes. Please keep the Asai family in prayer. Welcome New Members! On December 27, 2015 we welcomed new members to AFMC: Pastor Matt Asami, Luke Mizuki, Mae Shintani, and Jason Spessert. Praise God for their steps of faith and discipleship! (Missing from picture: Mae Shintani) Recent Graduates Congratulations to Sarah Dunn, who recently graduated from Arizona State University with a B.S. in Applied Biology and to Zoe Matsunaga, who received her B.A. from Cal State Northridge in Deaf Studies/Education. May God continue to guide you in your future career paths! PCJC Summer Camp ~ July 17 - 22, 2016 Save the Date! PCJC Camp July 17-22 @ Redwood Christian Park Pick up a brochure designed by Julie & Josh Spessert to invite new friends and family to camp! “Million Coin” Chapel Fund Update Praise the Lord - we have collected nearly 660,000 coins totaling approximately $21,000! Thank you all for your faithful giving! Remember that every penny counts! Soup Kitchen Volunteers Needed! Our next service date for the Orangethorpe Christian Church Soup Kitchen will be Monday, February 29th. Help is needed for three shifts: 2:30 - 5:45 p.m. (set-up & cooking); 5:45 - 7:30 p.m. (serve & clean up); 7:15 p.m. - close (clean up). Please see Miko Yoshimine for more information. Calendar Items Dates subject to change without notice. Contact the church office 714-827-0782 if you have any questions. 1/16 1/23 Saturday Saturday 1/24 1/29 Sunday Friday 2/6 Saturday 2/12 - 2/15 3/13 Fri. - Mon. Sunday Dr. Helen Rhee seminar, 8:45 a.m. - noon in the Fellowship Hall Forever Young New Year potluck, 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Sign-up at church now; invite your senior family and friends! Annual Congregational meeting, 9:55 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall (regular worship schedule) AFMC movie night, 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and room 1 Join us for the movies “Home” and “War Room” Invite your friends! Women’s Appreciation Dinner, 5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall Speakers: Pastor Carl & Pat Omaye; special music by the Troy H..S. Ohana Club Men: $15; Women: FREE! Please sign up at church. Youth Midwinter Retreat @ Tahquitz Pines Daylight Saving Time begins - spring forward! Ongoing Activities: Sewing Circle - Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. - noon in room 6. Bring sewing projects or help make quilts. Some experience needed. Facilitator: Yoko Grieve Watercolor Class - 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 9 a.m. Instructor: Donna McFarland Contact Pastor Carl Yoshimine to sign up or for more information. Line Dancing - Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in room 1. Instructor: Marian Ikeda Knit & Crochet - Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. Instructor: Carol Yee Growth groups and Bible studies meet throughout the week at church and in homes; there is a group just for you! Contact Pastor Kristin for information and to find a group that meets your needs. Orangethorpe Christian Church Soup Kitchen - AFMC is serving on February 29, May 30, August 29, October 31, 2016 with three shifts: 2:30—5:45 p.m. set up & cook; 5:45—7:30 p.m. serve & clean-up; 7:15 p.m.—closing clean up. Please save the dates! Missions Committee Ozoni - New Year’s Soup The Missions Committee and other volunteers served up tasty bowls of ozoni (Japanese New Year’s soup) to the church family on Sunday, January 10. The ozoni contained softened mochi (glutinous rice cakes) made by hand in December at AFMC’s annual Mochitsuki. Thank you to John Dunn for his generous donation of fresh green mizuna (“water greens” or “Japanese mustard”).
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