2013 Golf Tournament - Alvin-Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce
2013 Golf Tournament - Alvin-Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce
PAGE M O N T H L Y Golf Tournament Lawsuit proof your Estate Start pre-ordering your 2 0 1 3 Mo nda y, Ma y 2 0, 2 01 3 G o lf c res t Co unt ry Club * 25 09 C oun try Cl ub Dr . * Pe ar la nd, T X 77 581 BBQ Sandwich plates! M A Y , 2013 Golf Tournament SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: N E W S L E T T E R , 1 Player Gift Lunch Thank you Sponsors! Awards 19th Hole Beverage Brazoria County Day Hole In One INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Putting Green Driving Range AmeriWaste, Inc. President’s Corner Business Expo 2 Vote! 3 Ribbon Cuttings 4 Ambassador Spotlight Renewing Members New Members 5 Monthly Luncheon Monthly Breakfast 6 Business After Hours - MSR Houston 7 Monthly Calendar 8 Contact Us: Alvin-Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce 105 W. Willis Alvin, TX 77511 281-331-3944 Chamber@amacc.org AlvinManvelChamber.org Team Sponsors PLATINUM Hawkins Lease Service, Inc. Ron Carter Automotive TDEC, Inc. Gordon Street Tavern Ron Carter Toyota GOLD RosRit Financial Group UV Country Powersports SILVER American Quality Fire & Safety Charles M. Stagg, CPA HomeTown Bank of Alvin IPOA Keller Williams - Eileen Jasper Moody National Bank Omnimetics Precision Machinist TDEC, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank Hole Sponsors Ascend Performance Materials Bunky and Son Construction, LLC Commissioner Stacy Adams Daniel Scott Engineering, LLC Davison Water Well Service First State Bank of Clute Hawkins Lease Service, Inc. HomeTown Bank of Alvin INEOS Olefins & Polymers USA Killum Pest Control Moody National Bank MSR Houston, LLC Ron Carter Automotive Group Ron Carter Toyota RosRit Financial Group Sam's Club 4843 Southland Title State Farm - John Barron Team, Inc. UV Country Powersports VALDÉS LAW FIRM Wal-Mart Thelma Ley Anderson Family- YMCA Tent Sponsors Fairway Chiropractic Gordon Street Tavern State Farm Ins., Claron Salter-Clark TDEC, Inc. Thelma Ley Anderson Family YMCA For more information, to sponsor or reserve your team or individual player position, please contact Johanna @ 281-331-3944 or email j_mcwilliams@amacc.org THANK YOU TO OUR DIAMOND LEVEL INVESTORS PAGE 2 President’s Corner Platinum Investors One of my biggest daily downfalls is staying “in” for lunch. Lunch Is Not For Wimps and taking an hour doesn’t mean you aren’t giving a full day’s work. Going out to lunch is what leaders do, and it helps them achieve more during the day, says Frank Partnoy, professor of law and finance at University of San Diego. While doing research for his book, W.A.I.T. The Useful Art of Procrastination, he found that “ senior leaders stressed the importance of strategic ‘downtime’-- lunch or some other block of an hour or more per day -- to break up their thinking and spur them to be more strategic.” He also discovered, "where we have lunch can be almost as important as whether we have it. If we sit down at a real restaurant and take time to chat leisurely with colleagues, we are more likely to slow down..." In the next month invest in a couple of real restaurant meals with people with whom you want to build better relationships. Avoid sticking to fast food chains, because they are generally packed, noisy places that have an impact on stress. Save those for the days you need to “grab and go”. In the Alvin-Manvel area, it’s easy to find a quiet little place where the proprietor knows your name. It’s worth the time and you’ll get the break you deserve! Read more in the below referenced article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-19495012 Upcoming Business Expo & Taste of the Town Want to sign up to receive the newsletter by mail? Contact the Chamber to Opt-In to the Newsletter mailing list: Office: 281-331-3944 Last October, the Chamber held the Business Expo & Taste of the Town and saw more than 800 visitors to the exhibit hall. With overwhelming success and a sold out map in 2012, the event will again take place in the Fall. Save the date of Thursday, October 3, 2013. The event will begin at 2pm, with all booths open. At 5pm, the Taste of the Town will kick-off and select booths will be serving tasty sample size portions! Don’t miss your opportunity to host a booth. In addition, the first committee meeting for this event will be on Wednesday, May 29 @ 3:30 pm in the Chamber board room. Chamber members are invited to serve on this committee. To serve, simply attend the meeting, or contact Johanna McWilliams to be placed on the contact list. For more information, please contact Johanna at 281331-3944 or j_mcwilliams@amacc.org PAGE 3 Your Voice is Your Vote! Two candidate Forums held by the Chamber in April Two Candidate Forums were held during the month of April for the elections of the City of Alvin, Alvin ISD and City of Manvel. Approximately 100 were in attendance at the Nolan Ryan Center, and close to 90 at Manvel High School. Attendees submitted questions to moderator Kevin Jeffries, Department chair of Government and Economics for Alvin Community College. Candidates shared their goals and vision for the future. Early Voting began Monday, April 29 and runs through Tuesday, May 7. Election & Early Voting Information Monday, April 29 - Friday, May 3…………...8am to 5pm Saturday, May 4……………………………………..7am to 7pm Monday, May 6 - Tuesday, May 7…………..7am to 7pm Alvin Location: Alvin Library 105 S. Gordon, Alvin Manvel Location: Courthouse North Annex 7313 Corporate Drive, Manvel For questions on early voting by mail , absentee ballots, or other area voting locations please contact: Joyce Hudman, County Clerk - 281-756-1662 or 979-388-1662 * Election Day is Saturday, May 11, 2013 One Vote Doesn’t Make a Difference? Think again! By former California Secretary of State, Bill Jones One of the most often-cited reasons people give for not voting is their sense of futility… they don't think their vote makes a difference; they claim they have no impact on government, and vice versa; they believe "special interests" run everything so their votes don't count. To those pessimists, skeptics and cynics, I say "wrong!" There are too many reallife examples where one vote has made the difference between winning and losing, between enacting a law or bond measure and rejecting it. Especially at the local level, we repeatedly see instances where a city council member, school board trustee, member of the board of supervisors, or a special district member — such as water board or fire district — is elected by one vote. And my personal experience in the 1994 General Election is demonstrative of the value of one vote. Had less than two voters per precinct voted for a different candidate, I would not be your Secretary of State today. History proves this same value of a vote. In 1894, a Del Norte constable was seated by one vote, and in 1882 a supervisor won his seat in that county by the same simple margin. In 1948, President Truman carried Ohio and California by less than one vote per precinct, thereby winning enough electoral votes to give him the presidency. And in 1960, one vote change in each precinct would have defeated John F. Kennedy. Clearly one vote — your vote — can determine the margin of victory. What groups of people are least likely to participate in election day decisions? Political pollsters and demographers indicate the traditionally lowest participation rates come from 18 -35 year-olds, minorities, blue-collar workers, those who are lesser educated, renters, unemployed persons, those with the lowest income levels, and, until recently, women. Fortunately, women have about reached the same level of voting as men. So the next time you hear someone complain about government or say their vote doesn't count, remind them that this country allows them a powerful voice to be expressed on election day! And if they don't vote, they've given up the privilege of complaining. Because if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Make your voice heard! You've got the power! PAGE 4 Gold Investors Ribbon Cutting: Home Depot The Home Depot was founded in 1978 with a vision of one-stop shopping for the do-it-yourselfer came to fruition when they opened the first two Home Depot stores in 1979. From the start, associates were able to offer the best customer service in the industry, guiding customers through projects such as laying tile, changing a fill valve or handling a power tool. Not only did store associates undergo rigorous product knowledge training, but they also began offering clinics so customers could learn how to do it themselves. The Home Depot revolutionized the home improvement industry by bringing the know-how and the tools to the consumer and by saving them money. Home Depot’s philosophy of customer service – “whatever it takes” – means cultivating a relationship with customers rather than merely completing a transaction. Store manager Chris Pettigrew has taken that philosophy by the horns and is active in the community and encourages staff to be involved, as well. In addition, Pettigrew would like to expand services to the community and offer tool rentals in the upcoming year. For more information, you can find them on the web at homedepot.com Home Depot 140 N. Bypass 35 Alvin, TX 77511 281-585-6164 homedepot.com Ribbon Cutting: Sound Advice & Dirty Diesel Sound advice & Dirty Diesel is a multi-company that offers lots of different options for your needs in Home Audio and Visual Surveillance, Car Audio and Restorations Custom Interiors and Consoles. Band Promotion and Management, Diesel Performance! Formerly Car audio and Truck accessories, they have expanded into the Diesel Performance and everyday needs of your vehicle including oil changes to windshield wipers, injectors to egr deletes, tires, rims, window tint, custom interior and much more. They offer Photos Courtesy of Photography by Gerald the premium products at an affordable price, while giving the lifetime warranty on all installs in vehicles (when applicable). Located near Clover Field, interest in air planes is rising. Their new location is more secluded and allows focus on each customers job. Relying mostly on referrals, they believe in providing quality work Dirty Diesel and Sound Advice will help you get your vehicle fixed or upgraded just the way you like it. For more information, find them on facebook or on the web at: http:// rdrenterprisestx.com/ Sound Advice 2005 CR 129 Pearland, TX 77581 281-993-5402 Dirty Diesel/ 2005 CR 129 Pearland, TX 77581 281-993-5402 PAGE Ambassador Spotlight: Julie Siggers Julie Siggers is an active ambassador for the Chamber and the Co-Chair for the Ambassadors this year. Julie is also on the Chamber Board and the Business Division Director. In addition to Julies work with the Chamber she has been in the Hospitality Industry for the past eighteen years and is currently the Director of the Alvin Convention and Visitors Bureau for the City of Alvin. Julie is very active in her industry. She is a member of the Texas Travel Industry Association, Texas Association of Convention and Visitors Bureau, Meeting Planners International, Society of Government Meeting Planners, and serves on the Board of Directors for the Texas Independent Trail Region a division of the Texas Historical Commission. Julie is also a member of Alvin Sunrise Rotary, Alvin Soroptimist, Alvin Noon Lions Club, and Texas Amateur Softball Association where she serves as their meeting planner. Julie is married to Terry Siggers and together they have four children. AJ, a CPA in Monroe, LA. Mason, a Land man and Geo-Tech for Fortress Oil and Exploration, Peighton, College Student at U of H and Carson, a freshman in high school. Julie and Terry also have three grand children, Emma, Kody and Aubrey. Julie Siggers Alvin Convention & Visitors Bureau Reinvesting Members Alvin Youth Soccer Club B & D Field Services, LLC. Brazoria County Fair Association Shirley Brothers Downtown Counseling - Jimmie Sue Siptak Emmanuel Worship Center Froberg's Farm Country Store Holiday Inn Express - Alvin International Commodities, Inc. J. Brau Associates/Quorum Group Laurel Court Liberty Road Financial Services, Inc. Ms. Susan's Christian Childcare Center Schwan Food Company Sign-A-Rama Charles M. Stagg, CPA, TDEC, Inc. Terracon Consultants Wild Bill's Rustic Furniture Superstore William R. Bitner, Attorney Women's Center of Brazoria County Thank You, Building Fund Contributors! Holiday Inn Express - Alvin International Commodities, Inc. J. Brau Associates/Quorum Group Laurel Court Liberty Road Financial Services, Inc. Schwan Food Company - Alvin Office Sign-A-Rama Charles M. Stagg, CPA TDEC, Inc. Welcome New Members! Byte-Werx, LLC Bronze Michael Wayland 281-997-8500 byte-werx.com Edible Arrangements Pearland Bronze Ann Morris 281-997-1414 8201 Broadway - Pearland, 77581 ediblearrangements.com Moore Space Bronze William Moore 832-202-5945 1618 Callaway - Alvin, TX 77511 moorespace.us Remax Top Realty Bronze 713-249-5156 Dinah Palmer Manvel, 77578 dinahpalmersellshomes.com Ron Carter Toyota Diamond Kim Eddy 281-388-8600 3507 FM 528 - Alvin, 77511 roncartertoyota.com 5 PAGE 6 Monthly Membership Luncheon Featuring Maegan Morrow, Musical Therapist Maegan has been spotlighted for her work with Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Tuesday, May 14, 12:00 PM @ Manvel High School Reservations are due by 2pm, Monday, May 13. For those who come without a reserWant to sign up to vation, we will have a waiting list at the door and provide seating as available. No receive the shows will be invoiced unless cancellation is made by 2pm on Monday, May 13. For newsletter by mail? Contact the more information call the Chamber at 281-331-3944 Membership This networking breakfast is a “come & go” event and is complimentary to members and guests of members courtesy of HomeTown Bank and Joe’s BBQ Company. Chamber to Opt-In to the Newsletter mailing list: Office: 281-331-3944 Networking Breakfast Thursday, May 16 8:00 - 10:00 AM Chamber Office Thank you to our sponsors: Leadership Institute: Civic & Community Organizations The 2013 AMACC Leadership class visited several local civic and non profit organizations in the area on Wednesday, April 17, including the Alvin Sunrise Rotary Club, the Alvin Family Community Center, Alvin Noon Lions Club and the Thelma Ley Anderson Family YMCA. Joined by past Leadership Institute graduate, Denise Babb, Alvin ISD. The Class is currently planning their project, and will be heading down to the southern part of Brazoria County in the month of May. Leadership Institute Class visiting with the Alvin Noon Lions Club David Bogan introduces Leadership Institute Class to Alvin Sunrise Rotary Club PAGE 7 PAGE 8 2013 Board of Directors Claron Salter-Clark - Chairman State Farm Insurance Wendy Del Bello - Past Chair Alvin Community College Richard Jay Hawkins - Chair Elect Hawkins Lease Services Chad Dudley - Treasurer HomeTown Bank of Alvin Gabe Adame - Secretary Texas First Bank Linda Criner Texas New Mexico Power Chad Beaver Alvin Equipment Company Chad Fontenot Alvin Police Department Chad Gormly Gormly Surveying, Inc. Dan Johnson Daniel Scott Engineering, LLC Tirso Martinez IESI / Progressive Waste Sheila Olson Alvin ISD Education Foundation Cory Scott Scott Funeral Home Julie Siggers Alvin Convention & Visitors Bureau Clay Stagg Charles M. Stagg, CPA Eric Unverzagt Denbury Resources Fernando Valdés Valdés Law Firm Chamber Events - May 2013 Wednesday, May 1 8:00 AM Economic Development Industry Tour Home Depot 140 N. Bypass 35 - Alvin, 77511 Wednesday May 8 9:00 AM Ambassador Meeting HomeTown Bank of Alvin 1050 N Bypass 35, Alvin, TX 77511 10:15 AM Ribbon Cutting-Ducks Unlimited Chamber Office - 105. W. Willis, TX 77511 10:45 AM Ribbon Cutting -Re/Max Top Reality - Dinah Palmer Chamber Office - 105. W. Willis, TX 77511 Thursday, May 9 2:00 PM Golf Tournament Committee Meeting Chamber Office - 105 W. Willis, 77511 Business After Hours 4:20 PM Reserved Karting for AMACC 5:30 to 7:30 PM MSR Houston 1 Performance Drive Angleton, TX 77515 Friday, May 10 2:00 PM Ribbon Cutting - Alvin Equipment 3375 E. Hwy 6 Alvin, TX 77511 Tuesday, May 14 12:00 PM Membership Luncheon Manvel High School 19601 Texas 6, Manvel, TX 77578 2:00 PM Executive Board Meeting Chamber Office - 105. W. Willis, Alvin, TX 77511 Peter Wallace Team, Inc. One Year Appointees Joan Young engraving etc. by joan Viola Williamson DISH Network Ex-Officio Board Members Stacy Adams County Commissioner, Pct. 3 Dr. Fred Brent Superintendent, Alvin ISD Tom Stansel Alvin Museum Ed Thompson State Representative, District 29 105 W. Willis * Alvin, TX 77511 Thursday, May 16 8:00 AM-10:00 AM Networking Monthly Breakfast Chamber Office - 105. W. Willis, TX 77511 2:00 PM Golf Tournament Committee Meeting Chamber Office - 105. W. Willis, TX 77511 Monday, May 20 8:00 AM Annual AMACC Golf Tournament Golf Crest Country Club 2509 Country Club Dr. Pearland, TX 77581 Wednesday, May 22 9:00 AM Ribbon Cutting-Byte-Werx Chamber Office - 105 W. Willis, 77511 9:30 AM Ribbon Cutting - Ron Carter Toyota Dealership 3507 FM 528, Alvin, TX 77511 10:15 AM Ribbon Cutting - Realty Associates,Yvette Reyes Hall 1400 E. Hwy 6 (next to Joe's BBQ) Thursday, May 23 8:00 AM AMACC Board of Directors Kelly’s Country Cooking 1100 N. Bypass 35, Alvin, TX 77511 Monday, May 27 Office closed in observance of Memorial Day Tuesday, May 28 8:00 AM Leadership Institute Wednesday, May 29 3:30 PM Business Expo & Taste of the Town Committee Meeting Chamber Office - 105. W. Willis, TX 77511
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