athletes guide - Challenge San Gil
athletes guide - Challenge San Gil
ATHLETES GUIDE Welcome Triathletes Challende San Gil welcomes you to San Juan del Río, Querétaro, México! Welcome triathletes, volunteers, spectators and families to the second edition of a CHALLENGE FAMILY Triathlon in Mexico, and one of the four events in Latin America!! Family and friends will be well entertained as their athletes spend their day racing. No doubt that Challenge San Gil Queretaro promises to be an exciting event for the entire family. Our goal at Challenge San Gil Queretaro is to maximize the enjoyment for everyone at the race and this includes athletes, their family and spectators too! So, whether you’re competing, volunteering, or spectating, we intend to make it a memorable experience. If we can do anything to help you, please let any staff member know and we will do our best to make your experience a better one. There is so much going on this weekend so be sure to read the enclosed Schedule of Events. This includes swim practices, course overviews, Expo details, fun kid’s activities and all of the important race day details. On behalf of the CHALLENGE SAN GIL QUERETARO Triathlon team enjoy being a part of the Challenge Series in Mexico, Make CHSANGIL more than just a race. Make it an EXPERIENCE! Our Best, HEGLENNCO SPORTS MEXICO Schedule EVENT WHERE TIME Friday July 1st, 2016 Junior Challenge Packet Pick Up & Athlete Packet Pick Up Junior Challenge Adventure Race Pre Race Meeting Junior Challenge Packet Pick Up Closes Pro Presentation on Carbomeal CarboParty at the Host Hotel Mision San Gil Club House San Gil San Gil Lake View garden 11:00 - 17:30 pm Club House San Gil 5:30 pm Club House San Gil Mision San Gil 6:00 pm 6:45 pm Mision San Gil 6:45 pm Junior Challenge & Women Challenge San Gil Lake Deck 8:00 am CHSANGIL Expo OPENS Athlete Packet Pick Up Bike Mechanical Support Available Practice Swim Kids Zone Open Mandatory Bike Check Into T1 English Mandatory Athlete Meeting Spanish Mandatory Athlete Meeting CHSANGIL Expo Closes Club House San Gil Club House San Gil Expo in Retail Tent San Gil Lake Junior Challenge Expo Futbol Court San Gil San Gil Lake View garden CHSANGIL Expo on the Stage Club House San Gil 9:00 am 10:00 am - 5:30 pm 10:00 am - 5:30 pm 10:30 am -12:30 pm 11:00 am - 5:30pm 11:00 pm - 6:00pm 5:00 pm 5:45 pm 7:00 pm Futbol Court San Gil Parking Lots San Gil T1 bike entrance 5:00 am 5:15 am 5:00 am - 6:30 am Saturday July 2nd, 2016 Sunday July 3rd, 2016 RACE DAY Transition 1 Opens 1st Shuttle Runs to T1 Bike Mechanical Support Available Last Athlete Shuttle T1 Transition1 Closes for HALF athletes 1st Wave / Pro Athletes CHSANGIL Expo Opens CHSANIL Kids Zone Opens Half Award Ceremony and Finish Fiesta T2 Closes and all Bike Must be Out Futbol Court San Gil Futbol Court San Gil Lake Deck Church Side Garden Church Side Garden CHSANGIL Stage Futbol Court 6:30 am 6:30 am 6:45 am 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 10:00 am - 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 3:00 pm CHALLENGE SAN GIL QUERETARO Expo will be located at the entrance of the Club San Gil facilty: CHSANGIL Expo & Registration: Club House, Club de Golf San Gil A.C. km 172.5 Mexico – Queretaro Highway, San Juan del Río, Queretaro, Mexico CP 78821 Athlete Check In Schedule: Step 3: Friday July the 1st: All events athelte ragistration Y there will also be a CHSANGIL Expo from 12:00 am-5:50 pm Saturday July the 2nd: 11:00am-5:30pm REGISTRATION AND BIKE CHECK IN Sunday JULY the 3rd 2016: RACE DAY, Transition opens at 5:00 am, CHALLENGE SAN GIL RACE START 6:45 am NO PACKET PICK UP ON RACE DAY You will then need to go to the TIMING TRAILER to pick up your timing chip. If you do not have a chip you will not be able to race. REGISTRATION If you have any questions about this process please e-mail: Step 1: There will be a banner on a wall in the Registration Tent that will have everyone’s name and bib number on it. You will need to look up your bib number before getting your packet. Step 2: Once you have you bib number you can get in line at the registration tent to pick up your packet. There will be NO race day check in. Please be sure to bring photo identification with you to receive your packets. Please bring your FMTRI card to show proof of current FMTRI membership or $100.00 pesos to purchase a one-day license. If you purchased a one day license online we will have proof of your purchase on site. If you are a FMTRI member and forget your card you will be required to sign the FMTRI wavier and purchase a one-day license. **All Relays** MUST check in as a team. You will not be allowed to check in for other members of your relay. This is to ensure the entire team fills out the correct waivers. If you do not check in during the designated hours you will not be able to race. At Check In you will receive the following: • Athlete Wristband • Bike/Helmet/ and Bag Stickers • Swim Cap • Course Maps • Dry Clothes Bag • Swim to Bike Bag Step 4: You will go to the retail tent to pick up your SWAG Bag. In your SWAG bag you will find other goodies from our sponsors. Athlete Wristband Every CHSANGIL athlete will get a wristband once you check in. This band will identify you as an official participant and must be worn during race weekend. This wristband is required for medical identification purposes and allows you access to transition and post race food. Your wristband will have your bib number on it. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR WRISTBAND IN ORDER TO RETRIEVE YOUR BIKE OUT OF TRANSITION AFTER THE RACE AND TO RECEIVE POST RACE FOOD. Athlete timing chip ATHLETE TIMING CHIP When you pick up your timing chip at the timing trailer, after you have received your race packet, you will be asked to double check all the information on your timing chip. You must wear your timing chip at all times while you are racing. Fasten it to either ankle, with the Velcro strap provided, before the swim and leave it on until after you finish the run. Volunteers will help you remove the chip at the finish line. If you do not start the race, you are responsible for returning the chip to timing. If you drop out or are pulled from the race at any time, turn in your chip to a CHSANGIL STAFF member. Failure to do so may disqualify you from participating in future CHSANGIL events. It is essential that we know where you are on the course at all times for your safety and our peace of mind. Your race chip is a loaner. By picking up your race number and timing chip, you are guaranteeing that you will return the chip to timing, or you will be billed for its replacement. There is a $50.00 replacement fee for any lost or damaged timing chips. If you lose your timing chip during the event, you are responsible for a replacement at one of the following locations: swim exit, bike exit or run exit. The CHSANGIL Transition Director will have extra timing chips at the timing locations above. If you lose your timing chip while on the run course, please notify a timing official immediately after crossing the finish line. Failure to wear your timing chip on race day, return your chip after the event, or pay the replacement cost of your lost chip may disqualify you rom future Rev 3 events. Important to note: Several athletes lose their timing chip during the swim portion of the race. Please make sure your chip is strapped to your ankle underneath your wetsuit, we promise that you chip scans will read and you have a better chance of not losing your chip when you remove your wetsuit in transition. NO CHIP = NO TIME Set-Up and Bike Check In (Saturday July the 2nd, 2016) On Saturday in order to drop off your bike you will need to walk /drive yourself to the Futbol Court of San Gil. BIKE CHECK IN 11:00 am to 5:30 pm T1 is about 350 meters away from the expo/registration. There will be a drop off zone and limited parking at T1. You will be able to park across the street, check your bike, and then head back to the Expo or your hotel after this is done. We will have security at the entrance of T1 overnight to make sure your bikes stay safe and sound. Race Day (Sunday July the 3rd, 2016) When you pick up your packet you will receive three plastic bags. One GREEN Bag that is used for “Street Gear” also knows as your Dry Clothes Bag, one RED BIKE Bag “Swim to Bike Bag” and the third RUN Blue Bag, your race bag for your running gear. These are for all of your gear for T1. In the morning we will have a drop off location for your Dry Clothes Bag in the wardrobe Located outside of transition1/bike start. You will have an extra bag to leave it in the second wardrobe, beside the swim start. This bag has the purpose to keep warm clothes before the swim start. Once you finish your swim you will need to put your wetsuits, goggles, cap, etc in your Swim to Bike bag and leave it by your transition spot. We will come and pick up all bags of the swim start, and bring them to T1 (wardrobe) for you. PLEASE REMEMBER TO LABEL YOUR BAGS WITH YOUR RACE NUMBER (stickers will be provided). We cannot return them to you if we do not know who they belong to. Please do NOT bring bike pumps to T1, we will have mechanics on site and they will have bike pumps available for race morning. Once you leave (T1) on your bike you WILL NOT be able to come back. Transition will be closed. If you have a question regarding this, please e-mail MANDATORY BIKE CHECK It is important for all athletes to check their bikes in T1 before the race starts on Sunday morning. Mandatory Bike Check Times for Saturday are: BIKE CHECK IN 11:00pm- 6:30pm From 11:00 am to 5:30 p,m. on SATURDAY JULY the 2nd. You will not be able to remove your bike from transition until the start of the bike portion of the race. All bikes must be removed from T1 by 3:30 pm on Sunday afternoon. ALL ATHLETES MUST CHECK THEIR BIKE PRIOR TO RACE DAY If you have a question regarding this please e-mail us at MANDATORY MEETING There will be two mandatory meeting for athletes to attend the pre-race mandatory athlete meetings. The meeting will take place in the CHSANGIL Lake View Garden near the Club House. The meetings will be led by our Race Director Mario Herrera and the head FMTRI official. If you have ANY questions regarding race day, race morning procedures, or the course please make sure you attend this meeting. English Athlete Meeting will take place on the CHSANGIL Stage at 4:30pm. Spanish Athlete Meeting will take place on the CHSANGIL Stage at 5:00pm CHALLENGE SAN GIL Sprint Meeting Stage at 5:00pm We strongly encourage all athletes attend your event Meeting. Schedule: (all athletes must attend one of the two meetings in the CHSANGIL event, and the CHSprint Meeting) Saturday @ 4:30pm Spanish Saturday @ 5:00pm English Saturday @ 6:00pm CHSprint Spanish RACE MORNING To better plan your race morning, there is a walk of 350 meters from T1 to the swim start, it is approximately a 10 minute walk. T1 opens at 5:00am on race morning. Bike technicians will be available in the transition area on race morning from 5:00 am to 6:40 am. The first swim wave will go off at 6:45am. Remember to bring your CHSANGIL timing chip, swim cap, goggles, and wetsuit. You will not be permitted into the transition area on race day without your athlete wristband and timing chip. If you have misplaced any of these items please see the transition area director for a replacement. AID STATION Nutrition is a vital part of finishing the race. Strategic aid stations will be located through the race. Bike Aid Stations: You will have an assorted mix of energetic bars, gels, Water, and Power ade. Ciel PURIFIED Water will be offered on Race day in all the aid Stations. ON the BIKE course, the Water will be offered on a sport top plastic water bottle, as well as POWERADE. llenge Equipo del atleta Cha San Gil 113K 02 01 NÚMERO CASCO TATOO NÚMERO 03 04 BRAZALETE NÚMERO BICI 05 NÚMERO COMPETIDOR 06 BOLSAS 08 CHIP COMPETIDOR 07 TATOO NÚMERO Swim Course 1 .9 k / 1.2 mi SWIM COURSE RULES AND REGULATIONS: •Wearing swim goggles or a face mask is recommended, but optional •No fins, paddles, or flotation devices of any kind allowed •Timing Chips must be secured on your ankle. •No individual paddlers or escorts allowed. Course will be adequately patrolled by surfboards, kayaks, and patrol boats. •Please do not apply sunscreen or Vaseline to areas bearing your race number prior to applying your race number. Numbers must remain on during the swim. •Time penalties may be imposed on an athlete not behind the official start line 5 minutes prior to the race start. •Swimmers are required to stay on course and keep turn buoys on their right. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. •If you require assistance in the swim you are able to hold on to any kayak as long as you do not make any forward progression. If you are unable to finish the swim or need immediate assistance please remove your swim cap and wave it in the air until a boat or lifeguard is by your side. Each swimmer must wear the colored swim cap provided by the Race Director, unless you have latex allergies or you switch for the red swim cap. PRACTICE SWIM The practice swim will take place at the swim start from 10:30am-14:30pm on Saturday morning. There will not be shuttles running to the practice swim so you will need to drive over to swim start. There will be limited parking for athletes inside the San Gil Residential area. COURSE SUMMARY The swim takes place in Lake San Gil one of the biggest artificial lakes in Mexico. The swim is take place in the permeter of the lake (see map). You will start the swim on the left side of San Gil deck, and will follow the bouys turns in acordance to the map turns. The exit wil be on the ride side of the San Gil deck. You will be swimming in a counter clockwise direction around the SWIM BOUYS, and exiting the lake at the right side of the San Gil dock. SWIM SUMMARY The majority of our events are held in locations where the swim course utilizes a body of water that is open to the general public for swimming, and other recreational activities. CHSANGIL wishes to caution all participants that it does not provide lifeguard services prior to the event, and that all participants who swim prior to race day or during non practice swim hours will do so at their own risk. While we make reasonable efforts to inspect the swim entry and exit points for underwater hazards, the inspection does not take place until just before the swim discipline starts. Participants are further admonished to exercise caution and use common sense if they elect to swim prior to the event and to be mindful of underwater hazards. Keep in mind that this is Bike Course 90 k / 56 mi BIKE COURSE SUMMARY The bike starts at San Gil main avenue, and the exit of the T1 wil be located along side the Futbol Cout park. Athletes will exit the main entrance of San Gil, and will take the and will take highway No. 120 to Galindo. The first 10 kilometers are flat, before the first climb starts. This is a good time to have some “big ring” action for you too. The first uphill starts after pasing the Galindo town, after pasing the 10K mark. The first uphill is a 10K lenght acent, and after pasing Puerto de Alegria, an uphill tendency continues but in a lower grade. Technical areas start after the first turn to Huimilpan highway. Form the first right turn in km 25, a tecnical up hill goes thru Huimilpan Forest Area up to km 34 where the first U turn takes place. Back to the highway NO. 120 to Amealco, the tendency is downhill until athletes arrive to km 47 that tha second right turn takes place. A 9 kilometer acent to Amealco y probably the toughest part of the bike circuit. When arrivind to Amealco city entrance km 56, the second an last U turn takes place and a long descent to San Gil starts,watch the descent, there are two hairpin turns before the bottom, and then head towards T2 which is located at the same spot in teh Futbol San Gil Court inside the Residential Area. Altitude Bike course graphic BIKE COURSE MARKINGS The Half Bike course will be marked with ORANGE signs and ORANGE duct tape arrows on the ground. There will be a progression of duct tape arrows on the ground before every turn and then a progression of duct BIKE COURSE RULES AND REGULATIONS MEXICAN TRIATHLON FEDERATION (FMTRI) RULES Welcome to this FMTRI Triathlon sanctioned event. You are racing under the FMTRI Competitive Rules. In order to minimize misunderstandings on race day, please take the time to read the following summary of the Position Violations, which you know as the drafting rules. Position Rules can be summarized to the following: Ride on the right side of your lane. Keep three bike lengths between yourself and the cyclist in front of you. Pass on the left of the cyclist in front, never on the right. Complete your pass within 15 seconds. If passed, you must drop completely out of the zone, to the rear, before attempting to re-pass. Remember you are racing in a FMTRI Triathlon sanctioned event and there are FMTRI certified referees on the course to ensure fairness in the competition. There will be NO WARNINGS if you commit a foul during competition. Triathlon is an individual event and you must take personal responsibility to understand the rules and avoid penalties. At the end of the penalty should be assessed. The Head Referee’s ruling is final in the case of Position Violations and there are no protests or appeals of Position penalties. Run Course Half Marathon 21 km / 13.1 mi Marshals commonly cite the following violations: •Position– riding on the left side of the lane without passing. •Blocking – left side riding and impeding the forward progress of another competitor •Illegal Pass – passing on the right. •Overtaken – failing to drop back three bike lengths before re-passing •Drafting – following a leading cyclist closer than three bike lengths and failing to pass within 15 seconds. Though Position Violations carry a time penalty for first offense, two citations will result in an additional penalty and if you are cited for three violations, you will be disqualified. Be sure to check the penalty sheet before you leave the race site and have a chat with the Head Referee if you have any questions. Make sure your helmet is a CPSC approved model. All helmets legally sold in the US are CPSC approved but if you purchased your helmet in a different country it might be illegal for use in sanctioned events. While on your bike, always have your chinstrap securely fastened – before, during and after the event! The chin strap rule is easy to follow, so don’t forget – that’s a DQ! Wear your race numbers, don’t leave your trash on the course, and don’t carry or use any portable audio devices. Remember to treat other athletes, volunteers, and officials with courtesy and consideration. Failure to do so is called Unsportsmanlike Conduct and you will be disqualified. RUN COURSE MARKINGS The Half Marathon Run course will be marked with COLORED signs and COLORES duct tape arrows on the ground. There will be a progression of duct tape arrows on the ground before every turn and then a progression of duct tape arrows on the ground after every turn. Run Course Rules and Regulations: Permitted Conduct. A participant must run or walk the entire portion of the run course. Except for reasons of safety and when no advantage is gained, all runners shall follow and remain within the prescribed course. A participant who gains forward progress by crawling or otherwise violates this Section shall be disqualified. Knowledge of the Course. The responsibility of knowing and following the prescribed course rests with each participant. Permitted and Illegal Equipment. Any participant who at any time wears or carries a headset, radio, headphones, personal audio device, or any other item prohibited by Section 3.4(i) shall be subject to a time penalty. A participant may carry a water bottle on the run portion of the course, provided that such container is not made of glass. Glass containers are prohibited. Run Aid Stations: At all of our run aid stations we will have the following: • Water • Power Ade • Pretzels • Energy bars • Energy gels • Cola • Salt Tablets • Bananas will be at selected aid stations LOCATIONS: • BIKE Aid Stations at km: 20, 34, 56 and 70 • RUN Aid Stations at aprox. every two kilometers **Specially Marked Caps will be available for all swimmers who feel uncomfortable in the water, just ask at registration and we will provide you with a different cap. By taking a red cap lifeguards, kayaks, and race officials will know to keep a close eye on you** COURSE MAPS Athletes will leave the T2 on the opposite side of the exit, just behind the finish line. Atheltes will take the Cerrada San Salvador street to the left, and will run thru the main San Gil avenue called “Paseo de las Abanico”, after arriving to the main roundabout, atheltes will make a right turn thru the lake swim start and cotinue bordering the san gil lake thru golf hole No. 9, to exit the area in the now famous Tree tunnel. After this area, a right turn takes place passing km 1, and returno to “paseo del Abanico”. Athletes will contunue running in this Street, and at km 2.5 a left turn takes place to enter the perimetal Street named “paseo de las palomas”. The run course will continue in Paseo de las Palomas, until athletes return to the main Avenue of Paseo del Abanico. After the 5km mark, athletes will aim their left side, to enter the new area of San Gil, that exends to Golf holes No. 2 & 3. A left turn will make athetles return to Cerrada San Salvador to their left side. In km 6.5 athletes will enter the new area, and will be about to arrive to the now called “Bermunda Triangle”. This area is located in the more distant sección of Residential San Gil. Athletes, running always in their left side, will run thru the Triangle until the only U turn will take place. Still running in the left side of the course, atheltes will run again in Cerrada San Salvador, so they could finish the first loop of the course 11 KM. The run course will continue in the same circuit, and after the second visit to the “Bermuda Triangle”, atheltes will arrive to the 20 km mark. When returning to T2, athletes will see the sing in Cerrada San Salvador to the finish line in the 200 meters mark. AWARD CEREMONY Challenge San Gil Queretaro is excited to announce that our traditional Age Group Prize Purse will be offered with the big Pro Purse of USD $ 20,000 purse. Additional prices we will be awarded the top 3 OVERALL Age Group Men and Women in the CHSANGIL Award Ceremonies for the Half Rev will begin at 3:00pm. Please note we will not be able to distribute awards before the awards ceremony. If you have placed in your age group and need to leave before the award ceremony you will need to have a friend pick up your award or e-mail us after the race at and we can mail you your award for the cost of shipping. All Award Ceremonies will take place on the CHSANGIL Triathlon Stage. Profesional Prize Purse EUROS Top 10 Overall men and women: RankMenWomen 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH $ 3,600 $ 2,350 $ 1,650 $ 1,350 $ 1,050 $ 3,600 $ 2,350 $ 1,650 $ 1,350 $ 1,050 Challenge Family events have a strong commitment to support elite / profesional athletes. Because of this profesional athletes don´t pay an entry fee if they are ranked from NO. 1 to No. 250 of the Challenge Family World rranking. Profesional Athletes that hold a National Federation elite or profesional certificate can apply for an invitation to race Challenge San Gil Queretaro. Please contact us to receive an invitation to Challenge San Gil. RACE CUT OFF TIMES CHALLENGE SAN GIL •Swim Cut-off: The swim cut off is 1:10:00 from start of the last swim wave. •Bike Cut-off: You must finish the bike course within 5:30:00 following the start of your swim wave. Run Cut-off: 8:30:00 from the start of the last swim wave. CHSANGIL EXPO The CHSANGIL Expo/ will be located at entrance of San Gil Club House Km 172.5 Mexico – Queretaro Highway San Juan del Rio, Queretaro, México 78821 In the Expo you will find Kids Zone Here all kids can come and make inspirational signs for athletes and enjoy some balloon fun! The Kids Zone will be located inside the CHSANGIL expo. Schedule for Kids Zone Saturday Open from 11:00am-5:30pm Parents will need to stay with their kids while they are in the Kids Zone. We will have CHSANGIL staff and Volunteers to monitor the area but will not be responsible for your children. Junior & Women´s Challenge For Teams, don’t forget to come up with a creative team name so our announcer can inform the audience of your arrival at the finish line! All athletes can register for the Family Adventure Race Here or you can sign up on site during Expo hours at the Kids Zone. ALL JUNIOR CHALLENGE ATHLETES WILL RECEIVE A: Tee-shirt Bib Number at registration. Finisher Medal upon completion of the race. Prize after completion of the race The Junior Challenge race will begin at 8:30am on Saturday with an athlete briefing all athletes will then move to the CHSANGIL swim pier for a race start time of 8:30am. Registration for a Junior athlete will be $ 30 USD You may register on site from 12:00pm-5:45pm on Friday. Run course & swim stars CHALLENGE Roth & The Championship Official Qualifier 2017 Challenge San Gil Querétaro 2016 presented by LUMINA Gym and Fitness center, will be an official qualifier event for Challenge Roth 2017 with 20 slots (roll down), and the official qualifier of THE CHAMPIONSHIP Challenge 113K event, with 6 slots for each age group and Relay Division. There wont be roll down for THE CHAMPIONSHIP slots. Men Women Age Group (1 Men 1 women) (1 Men 1 women) (1 Men 1 women) (1 Men 1 women) (1 Men 1 women) (1 Men 1 women) (1 Men 1 women) (1 Men ) ( 1 women ) (1 Men ) (1 Men ) ROTH THE CHAMPIONSHIP 113K 18 -24 Age Group 25 - 29 Age Group 30 - 34 Age Group 35 - 39 Age Group 40 - 44 Age Group 45 - 49 Age Group 50 - 54 Age Group 55- 59 Age Group 55 & over women 60 - 64 Age Group 65 & over men A B C D E F G H I J Men Women O P Q R S T U (6 Men 6 women) (6 Men 6 women) (6 Men 6 women) (6 Men 6 women) (6 Men 6 women) (6 Men 6 women) (6 Men 6 women) V (6 Men 6 women) There will be 20 slots for Challenge Roth 2017 event, one for each age group category, plus one slot for the first age group athlete overall, men and Womens division. The second place finisher from the age division of the overall age group men and women champions will receive the age group slot of its age division. The CHALLENGE ROTH slot needs to be accepted in the awards ceremony, and if it is not taken, the slot will be given to the following place that accepts the slot (roll down). The Challenge Roth 2017 slot, needs to be paid in the following two weeks, one day before Challenge Roth 2016 race day CET time. (17th of July 2016) THE CHAMPIONSHIP SAMORIN 2017 AGE GROUP ATHLETE QUALIFICATION Title: Date: No of Pages: THE CHAMPIONSHIP SAMORIN 2017 AGE GROUP ATHLETE QUALIFYING SYSTEM April 20, 2016 Four (4) 1.0 AGE GROUP QUALIFICATION SYSTEM THECHAMPIONSHIP half-distance age-group qualification system is based on place getting, as opposed to the accrual of points. This simplified system provides all races with a fair and equitable share of THECHAMPIONSHIP qualification slots and provides athletes with a clear and concise understanding of the process. The allocation of qualification slots to the top six age group finishers from CHALLENGEFAMILY events is designed to ensure that THECHAMPIONSHIP is purely focused on achievement and elite age group performance, cementing the events’ status at the pinnacle of long distance triathlon. 2.0 AGE GROUP QUALIFICATION PERIOD Qualification for THECHAMPIONSHIP Samorin 2017 will commence at Challenge Fuerteventura on April 23, 2016 and conclude at Challenge Rimini in May 2017 (Date TBC). 3.0 AGE GROUP SLOT ALLOCATION The allocation of age group slots for THECHAMPIONSHIP Samorin 2017 is outlined as follows: 3.1 Challenge Family Age Group Athlete Slots (Individuals) • • • • One slot for each of the top six (6) finishers in each male and female age group at CHALLENGEFAMILY full distance and half distance races. CHALLENGEFUERTEVENTURA, CHALLENGETAIWAN (Full), CHALLENGETAIWAN (Half) and CHALLENGETAIWAN will feature twice in the THECHAMPIONSHIP 2017 qualification period. The 2016 calendar year editions of the above races will have one slot for each of the top three (3) male and female age group finishers in each age group category. The 2017 calendar editions of the above races will also one slot for each of the top three (3) male and female age group finishers in each age group category. Slots will not roll down in each category. Based on the current number of CHALLENGEFAMILY full and half distance races and the above allocation of slots, there is a total of 5,412 individual age group qualifying slots available across Challenge Family full and half distance races. 3.2 Relay Team (Age Group) Athlete Slots • • • 1 One slot for each of the top three (3) finishers of the mixed relay team at all CHALLENGEFAMILY full and half distance events (where relays are conducted). One slot for each of the top three (3) finishers of the all-male relay team at all CHALLENGEFAMILY full and half distance events (where relays are conducted). One slot for each of the top three (3) finishers of the all-female relay team at all CHALLENGEFAMILY full and half distance events (where relays are conducted). THE CHAMPIONSHIP: SAMORIN 2017 Age Group Athlete Qualification System April 20, 2016. Subject to Change.