Second Impact Analysis Report - IC² Institute, The University of


Second Impact Analysis Report - IC² Institute, The University of
lR;eso t;rs
IC2 Institute
University of Texas at Austin, USA
Indo – US
Science & Technology Forum
TiE Silicon Valley
Second Impact Analysis
of the
DST - Lockheed Martin
India Innovation Growth Programme
lR;eso t;rs
IC2 Institute
University of Texas at Austin, USA
Indo – US
Science & Technology Forum
TiE Silicon Valley
Second Impact Analysis
of the
DST - Lockheed Martin
India Innovation Growth Programme
The information provided in the report are believed to be correct at the time of publication but cannot be
guaranteed. The findings, conclusions and recommendations are based on information gathered in good faith
from responses provided by innovators and other respondents as well as secondary sources, whose accuracy
we are not always in a position to guarantee. EY and FICCI will not be held liable or responsible for actions taken
by any third party based on any information that may subsequently prove to be incorrect.
The data on technology features & capabilities, patents & development status, estimated/actual company
revenues, awards & recognitions, etc. were obtained from innovators/ companies who responded to the survey
conducted by FICCI, which is deemed by EY to be authentic and reliable. However, neither FICCI nor EY makes
no claims, as to the accuracy of the information, and will not be held responsible for any information which
may be erroneous due to changes in market forces, economic changes, inaccuracies in information provided
by innovators/ companies, lack of response from the innovators/ companies or any other changes due to force
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Table of Contents
Background....................................................................................................................................... 7
Executive Summary......................................................................................................................... 9
India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP)......................................................................... 15
Business Engagement Agreements....................................................................................... 33
Programme Evaluation........................................................................................................... 39
3.1 Analysis of the feedback from innovators........................................................................ 41
3.2 Analysis of the feedback from incubation managers........................................................ 48
Key Challenges........................................................................................................................ 59
About the programme...................................................................................................... 16
Programme partners........................................................................................................ 18
Programme selection process.......................................................................................... 23
Programme evolution....................................................................................................... 26
Analysis of selected technologies (2007-2015)................................................................. 27
5Recommendations.................................................................................................................. 63
6Appendix.................................................................................................................................. 67
6.1 Geographic definition....................................................................................................... 68
6.2Questionnaire................................................................................................................... 69
6.3 Impact assessment coverage and approach.................................................................... 73
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Table of Figures
Figure 1.1: Participation by respective partners in IIGP................................................................. 17
Figure 1.2: Programme partners.................................................................................................... 18
Figure 1.3: Selection process......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 1.4: Applications received over the years............................................................................ 27
Figure 1.5: Sectoral analysis of the selected technologies (2007-15)............................................. 29
Figure 1.6: Gender analysis of selected technologies (2007 to 2015)............................................ 30
Figure 1.7: Geographic analysis of selected technologies (2007-15).............................................. 31
Figure 2.1: Business engagement agreements (2007-2014).......................................................... 35
Figure 3.1: Growth in revenue generated by innovators (actual and projected figures)................. 42
Figure 3.2: Employment generation in the organizations............................................................... 44
Figure 3.3: Geographic analysis of exports.................................................................................... 46
Figure 3.4: Economic analysis of exports....................................................................................... 47
Figure 3.5: Sources of additional funding received by innovators.................................................. 48
Figure 3.6: Relevance of the Programme for the incubation managers......................................... 50
Figure 3.7: Level of satisfaction with the training programme and discussion.............................. 50
with trainers in the US
Figure 3.8: Whether satisfied with the interactions with the incubators in the US....................... 51
Figure 3.9: Level of satisfaction with the programme structured.................................................. 52
Figure 3.10: Training helpful to the enhance knowledge of incubation centers............................... 53
Figure 3.11: Whether additional funding received by the incubation managers.............................. 54
Figure 3.12: Whether relationship exists with incubator, faculty of trainer in the US...................... 55
Figure 3.13: Steps taken to implement the learning........................................................................ 56
Figure 6.1: Our approach................................................................................................................ 74
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
This report evaluates the impact generated by the DST-Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth
Programme (IIGP) over the last nine years – 2007 to 2015. It is an extension of the previous report
published in 2012 consisting of similar analysis for the period 2007 to 2012.
The previous report analyzed the value added by the Programme for the innovators who participated
in IIGP. Furthermore, the outcomes were analyzed and presented in a brief and concise manner. This
assessment is compared with the results of the previous report to understand the trend in growth
on various parameters.
Any reference in this report to data pertaining to the years 2007 to 2012 is based on the assessment
done as part of the report titled “DST-Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme – Impact
Analysis Report” published in 2012.
Summary of First Impact Analysis Report (2007-2012)
India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP) attracted a total of 2,846 applications from innovators
across the country during 2007–2012. Out of these, 120 innovators were awarded for their innovative
technologies (15 awards each year till 2010 and 30 each for 2011 and 2012). These innovators have
invented technologies or improved existing ones that are applicable in a wide spectrum of enduser applications including pharmaceuticals and health care, energy, utilities, technology, services,
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
aerospace, defense, agriculture, forestry, and environmental and waste management services
among others.
The pharmaceuticals and healthcare sector received the highest number of awards during 2007–2012,
and accounted for 22% (26 out of 120 technologies) of the total awards presented. Technology and
services was the second leading end-user industry, accounting for 14% of total awarded technologies
during the period, with 17 technologies belonging to this category. The third leading end-user industry,
energy and utilities, accounted for 11% of the total awards during 2007–2012, with 13 technologies
belonging to this category.
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) led the innovation bandwagon, accounting for 38% of total
awarded technologies during 2007–2012. This was followed by start-ups, which contributed to
32% of the total awarded technologies during 2007–2012. Pre-startups occupied the third position,
contributing 12% of the total innovations. These were marginally ahead of universities such as the
Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), which accounted for
11% of total innovations. The rest were developed by government laboratories and accounted for 7%
of the total awarded technologies during this period.
According to geography, southern India emerged as the most innovative geographical region during
2007–2012, accounting for 45% of the total awarded technologies. It was followed by western India
and northern India, accounting for 25% and 23% of the total awarded technologies, respectively.
With exemplary support and guidance from the programme, the cumulative turnover of the
participants’ companies during 2010–2012 exceeded the INR 1,500 crore (US$275 million) mark. The
total turnover of the participants’ companies is expected to reach INR 4,440 crore (US$814.1 million)
by 2015, which is substantially higher than the cumulative figure of 2010–2012 Besides a strong
impetus to innovation, this also implies a substantial positive impact on the entrepreneurship and
employment levels in the country.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Executive Summary
Technology and innovation play a critical role in defining the way we live today. New inventions and
innovations have made the world an ever dynamic place and before we get accustomed using a
technology, the next best thing is already out in the market. Innovation involves engaging in a constant
process of thinking creatively, differently and insightfully to develop solutions that could generate
economic and social value. Innovation is universal. Innovation could be disruptive or incremental; highend or jugaad; could happen in a most sophisticated lab of NASA or in a small village of Karnataka; it
could be for profits or for social good. Innovation aims to improve access, affordability, sustainability,
efficiency, productivity and competitiveness. Currently, innovation is seen as the corroborator of
economic growth.
Riding on innovation, there is a new wave of entrepreneurship and start-up culture in the country.
Still, international comparative studies of innovation consistently place India far below the top of the
innovation charts. In the latest INSEAD-WIPO Global Innovation Index (2013), India ranks #66.
The Government of India has declared the current decade as the “Decade of Innovation”. Science,
technology and innovation are expected to play a major role in India’s development and growth.
The Government is playing the role of a catalyst by encouraging interactions between industry,
innovators, and academia. Innovation - oriented programs such as Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)
and Self-Employment & Talent Utilisation (SETU) are expected to promote a network of world-class
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
innovation hubs. In addition, focus is on evaluating and strengthening existing initiatives aimed at
promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in India. The strategic objective is to result in widespread
job growth and the creation of globally competitive enterprises.
About the Programme
The India Innovation Growth Programme (“IIGP” or “the Programme”) is a joint initiative of the
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India; Lockheed Martin Corporation; IndoUS Science and Technology Forum; Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry;
Stanford Graduate School of Business, TiE Silicon Valley and the IC2 Institute at the University of
Texas at Austin. The Programme is in line with the decadal theme and aims at accelerating innovative
Indian technologies into the global marketplace. It is a unique Programme with a sharp focus on
capacity building through teaching world-class commercialization strategies and providing business
development assistance.
The IIGP has been constantly evolving since its inception in 2007. With time, new components and
partnerships have been included in the Programme including capacity building, market reach-out
support to make it focused and outcome-oriented for Indian innovators. From a humble beginning in
2007 (number of applications received being 102) to 2015 (the number of applications increased to
1015), the hard work and commitment of the Programme partners is aptly reflected in the popularity
it has gained among India’s innovator fraternity.
The Programme’s selection process consists broadly of six steps starting from inviting applications
to providing business development support for successful commercialization. At the first stage of
screening, 100 innovations are selected from the total number of applications received followed
by a further selection of top 50 innovations by the Programme partners. These 50 innovators are
provided in-depth capacity building training and are invited to present at the innovators’ competition.
The competition results in 30 innovation awards.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Over the last nine years, the Programme has helped hundreds of Indian innovators to take their
innovations to global markets. Maximum number of technologies selected in the Programme were
from the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector (20%) followed by Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) (12%) and Energy & Utilities (9%) respectively. Over the same period, out of every
10 innovators selected, one has been a woman innovator. South India accounts for the maximum
number of innovations (46.7%) in the total number of selected innovations over the years 2007 to
Business Engagement Agreements (BEAs)
Business Engagement Agreements (BEAs) are the outcome of the business development activity
undertaken under the Programme. These agreements are facilitated by the business development
managers from FICCI and IC2 Institute at the University of Texas, Austin according to the terms and
conditions agreed by the innovator and the potential industry partner/investor identified.
Based on the stage of development of the innovation and requirement identified by the innovator,
the support provided can be in the form of connecting with seed funds, angel investors, venture
capitalists; leading industry players for collaboration on pilot projects; assisting in technology transfer
or joint development of a technology; and connecting with distributors. .
During the period 2007-2015, innovators entered several business deals for commercialization of
technologies. In 2007, innovators entered 15 business deals with Indian and global companies. This
number rose to 85 deals in the year 2012 when the highest growth in business deals entered by
innovators was witnessed with both Indian and global companies.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Programme evaluation
A programmatic evaluation has been carried out to assess the quantitative and qualitative impact
for the participants over the years 2007-2015. The assessment methodology focused on gathering
feedback directly from innovators and incubation managers to understand the impact the Programme
has created on the business performance. Key performance assessment parameters are:
Revenue earned
Export turnover
Employment generation
Access to additional funding
The chief objectives of the Programme are to build capacities in Indian innovators on critical issues
relating to technology commercialization and facilitate investor as well as market connects for
successful conversion of ideas into businesses. Analysis on revenues, turnover from exports, business
deals, employment generation and additional funds raised have been conducted to provide an overall
summary of the Programme since its inception. The analysis helps in assessing the outcomes of the
Programme and thereby, identifies the areas of success and improvement.
The key results experienced by the innovators over the last three years are shown in the table below:
S. no.
Revenue generated
INR 1,500 crore
INR 3,739 crore
Export turnover
INR 181 crore
Business deals
Additional funds generated
INR 580 crore
Not available
For 2013 and 2014
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
In addition, an important parameter for measuring the performance of the Programme is employment
generated by the innovators. By the end of 2015, 3,422 employees are expected to be working with
the innovators.
Apart from historical results, the innovators also reported estimated revenues and exports over the
next three years. The projections are optimistic and reflect increasing growth trends, both in revenues
and exports.
During the period of the analysis, the incubation managers have expressed having access to
improved quality of training and learning opportunities, increase in funding received and establish
global associations and partnerships. They were also able to implement the best practices from US
to their own incubators in India. Out of the total, 26% of incubation managers were able to raise
additional funds for their centers and around 11% were able to network globally to create meaningful
alliances and partnerships with incubators, faculty members and trainers in the US after attending
the Programme.
Incubation managers have reported satisfactory programme support and considered it relevant to
their area of competencies. In the survey, more than 75% participants judged the Programme to be
structured in an efficient and professional way and 47% were satisfied with their interactions with
the incubation centers in the US.
Key challenges
The Programme has been successful in creating an ecosystem and institutional mechanism to
support Indian innovators and entrepreneurs. However, specific changes may be suggested to create
an efficient programme structure so that it continues to play a crucial role in commercialization of
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
innovations and providing a boost to entrepreneurship and advancement in technology. The key
challenges faced by the program over the last three years are highlighted below:
Low participation from women
Low participation from select regions of the country such as eastern and north-eastern India
Lack of funding options and funds
Low emphasis on the commercial and business aspects of the innovation by innovators
Reduction in number of participating industries
In order to increase women’s participation in the programme, awareness programmes should
be conducted which are centralized on promoting women participation. Additional incentives
can also be given to the female participants and winners for a higher participation of women
in the programme.
Increased number of financial institutions should be attracted to the Programme so that
more funds can be generated for commercialization of innovations of the participants. A
dedicated fund by the Government of India, may also be created in the programme for the
same purpose
Increased participation from industries should be encouraged to get a more holistic view of
the needs of the customers.
Efforts should be enhanced to increase the number of innovators selected each year to
ensure a wider and larger coverage of innovators under the Programme.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Section I
India Innovation Growth
Programme (IIGP)
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Section I
India Innovation Growth
Programme (IIGP)
1.1 About the programme
Innovation is gaining momentum globally with each passing day and India is no exception. It is seen
as the harbinger of economic growth and increasingly so in emerging markets such as India with
its large talent pool and educated youth population. India is expanding and innovating in high-tech
products and services.
The Government of India has declared 2010-2020 as the “Decade of Innovation”, which rightly
emphasizes the importance of innovation in India. The Government has established the Atal
Innovation Mission (AIM) and Self-Employment and Talent Utilization (SETU) which underlines its
commitment to foster innovation, entrepreneurship and start-ups in India. For the first time, the word
“innovation” has been added to the latest Science and Technology policy formulation with the new
policy being named “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy”. However, India is yet to exploit its
innovation potential to make an impact on the lives of its people — with direct implications for longterm industrial competitiveness and economic growth of the country.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Since its introduction in India, the Programme has received an overwhelming response from
innovators, inventors, scientists, researchers and industry players from diverse sectors in India. The
advent of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and Indo-US Science
and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) as programme partners in 2009 provided it a substantial qualitative
boost and helped scale the Programme. In 2013, the Stanford Graduate School of Business and TiE
Silicon Valley came on board as knowledge and global ecosystem partners respectively. This also
enhanced understanding of global-best practices on innovation and entrepreneurship in the country
to learn from.
Figure 1.1: Participation by respective partners in IIGP
Initiated by Lockheed
Martin, IC2 Institute and
TiE Silicon Valley and
Stanford Graduate School
of Business came on
DST and IUSSTF joined
in as partners
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP)
The India Innovation Growth Programme (“IIGP” or “the Programme”), launched in March 2007 jointly
by Lockheed Martin Corporation, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
and IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin; aims to enhance the growth and development of
India’s innovation driven entrepreneurial economy. The Programme is in line with the decadal theme
and aims to accelerate innovative Indian technologies in the global marketplace. It is a unique program
with sharp focus on capacity building through teaching world-class commercialization strategies and
providing business development assistance.
The IIGP has been constantly evolving since its inception in 2007. With time, new components and
partnerships have been included in the Programme including capacity building, market reach out
support to make it focused and outcome-oriented for Indian innovators.
1.2 Programme partners
The IIGP is a unique and a first-of-its-kind public private partnership (PPP) model in the innovation
and commercialization domain in India. Over the years, the Programme has added new partners who
bring global best practices on innovation evaluation, commercialization and entrepreneurship.
Figure 1.2: Programme partners
Government Partner
Department of Science and Technology
Government of India
Industry Partner
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Knowledge Partner
Stanford Graduate School of Business
Bi-national S&T Cooperation Partner
Indo - US Science and Technology Forum
Programme Implementation and India
Business Development Partner
Federation of Indian Chambers of
Commerce and Industry
Global Business Development Partner
IC2 Institute, University of Texas at Austin
Global Ecosystem Partner
TiE Silicon Valley
The role of each programme partners is elaborated in the following sections.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
India is one of the top-ranking countries in the field of basic research. In India, science has come
to be regarded as one of the most powerful instruments of growth and development, especially
in the emerging scenario and competitive economy. In the wake of the recent developments and
the new demands that are being placed on the S&T system, it is necessary for us to embark on
some major science projects which have relevance to national needs and which will also be relevant
for tomorrow’s technology. The Department of Science & Technology (DST) plays a pivotal role in
promotion of science and technology in the country. The department has wide ranging activities
ranging from promoting high-end basic research and development of cutting edge technologies on
one hand to service the technological requirements of the common man through development of
appropriate skills and technologies on the other.
The National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), established in
1982 by the Government of India under the aegis of Department of Science & Technology, is an
institutional mechanism to help promote knowledge driven and technology intensive enterprises. The
Board, having representations from socio-economic and scientific Ministries/Departments, aims to
convert “job-seekers” into “job-generators” through Science & Technology (S&T) interventions.
DST has been supporting the India Innovation Growth Programme since 2009 as a co-sponsor of the
Programme along with Lockheed Martin Corporation. DST plays a critical role in the Programme by
deeply engaging and mentoring the program activities and outcomes.
1.2.2 Lockheed Martin Corporation
Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 112,000 people
worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration
and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP)
1.2.1 Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India
In 2006, Lockheed Martin partnered with the Department of Science and Technology, Government of
India to develop and execute the India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP). The IIGP is now entering
its tenth year. The Programme has accelerated the transition of the India’s innovative technologies into
the Indian and global marketplaces. Programme partners include the Federation of Indian Chambers
of Commerce and Industry, the IC2 Institute at University of Texas, at Austin, the Indo-U.S. Science
and Technology Forum, Stanford Graduate School of Business and TiE Silicon Valley.
IIGP represents an example of Lockheed Martin’s commitment to long-term partnership with India
along with other such initiatives. For example, Lockheed Martin is sponsoring the C-130J Roll-On/
Roll-Off University Design Challenge with five leading universities in India to develop cargo aircraft
modules for disaster relief operations worldwide, complementing the Defense Trade and Technology
Initiative that promotes collaboration on defense technology. Lockheed Martin has also partnered with
Delhi Technological University to develop the next generation of unmanned aerial systems for urban
applications. Lockheed Martin has shown commitment and support for promoting Indian innovators
and bringing them closer to the marketplace.
1.2.3 Indo-US Science and Technology Forum
The Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) was established in 2000 under an agreement
between the Governments of India and the United States of America with a mandate to promote,
catalyze and seed bilateral collaboration in science, technology, engineering and biomedical research
through substantive interaction amongst government, academia and industry.
As its mandate, IUSSTF provides an enabling platform to the scientific enterprises of the two nations
by supporting an S&T program portfolio that is expected to foster sustainable interactions with a
potential to forge long term collaborations. IUSSTF program manifests are largely catalytic in nature
that helps to create awareness through exchange and dissemination of information and opportunities
in promoting bilateral scientific and technological cooperation. IUSSTF maintains a close working
relationship with the federal agencies, laboratories, government institutions, and the academia in
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
The IUSSTF has played a critical role in execution of the IIGP by identifying core competencies of
institutions both in India and the US and bringing them together for supporting commercialization of
Indian innovations in the US markets.
1.2.4 Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
Established in 1927, FICCI is the largest and oldest apex business organization in India. Its history is
closely interwoven with India’s struggle for independence, its industrialization, and its emergence as
one of the most rapidly growing global economies.
A non-government, not-for-profit organization, FICCI is the voice of India’s business and industry.
From influencing policy to encouraging debate, engaging with policy makers and civil society, FICCI
articulates the views and concerns of industry. It serves its members from the Indian private and
public corporate sectors and multinational companies, drawing its strength from diverse regional
chambers of commerce and industry across states, reaching out to more than 250,000 companies.
FICCI provides a platform for networking and consensus building within and across sectors and is the
first port of call for Indian industry, policy makers and the international business community.
FICCI Centre of Innovation, Science and Technology Commercialization has been the implementation
partner for the IIGP since 2007 in India. FICCI has played a key role in scaling the Programme over
the last nine years in terms of outreach and impact.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP)
U.S. and India, cutting across all disciplines. As an autonomous, not-for-profit society, IUSSTF has the
ability, agility and flexibility to engage and involve industry, private R&D labs; and non-governmental
entities in its evolving activity manifold. This operational uniqueness allows the IUSSTF to receive
grants and contributions from independent sources both in India and the US, besides the assured
core funding from the two governments.
1.2.5 Stanford Graduate School of Business
The Stanford Graduate School of Business empowers individuals to envision what is possible and
make it happen through principled leadership and creative problem solving. The school has built a
global reputation based on its management and leadership programs, including the two-year MBA;
the one-year MSx Master’s Program; the PhD Program; Stanford Ignite, Stanford go-to-market
program; and Executive Education. Each creates an experience that transforms people and prepares
them to change lives, change organizations, and change the world. Programs engage the highest
quality students with world-class faculty from across Stanford University, as well as alumni, Silicon
Valley professionals, global executives, and the broader world community.
Stanford’s primary role in IIGP is in creating and delivering the educational content for the one-week
course held every April in Goa, India. The content has been developed to fit the needs of the Indian
entrepreneurs and is delivered via the same methods that are used in the Stanford MBA program.
The goal of Stanford’s involvement is to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in India and have an
impact not only on the Indian economy but also on the lives of the people in India and around the
1.2.6 IC2 Institute, the University of Texas at Austin
Founded in 1883, the University of Texas at Austin is one of the largest universities in the US. Its core
purpose is to transform lives for the benefit of society, and its mission is to achieve excellence in the
interrelated areas of education, research and public service. UT’s motto “What Starts Here Changes
the World” captures the idea that the university is able to make a greater impact in the areas of
innovation, social and economic growth because of its size and impact in a vast number of fields.
IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin has devoted more than 30 years in establishing itself
as a leader in technology commercialization through research, education and service. IC2 Institute
was founded on the premise that science and technology are resources for economic development,
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
IC2 has been a key partner of the IIGP since its launch in 2007 wherein it has provided in-depth capacity
building and business development support to Indian innovators as well as incubation managers in
commercializing their ventures in the global markets.
1.2.7 TiE Silicon Valley
TiE Silicon Valley is a non-profit association dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship in the Bay Area
as well as globally. TiE strives to inspire entrepreneurs through mentoring, networking, education,
incubating, and funding programs and activities. With nearly 50 events held each year, TiE brings
together the entrepreneurial community to learn from local leaders as well as from each other. TiEcon
attracts business professionals and startup employees alike with its keynote speakers, educational
tracks, and networking opportunities. Entrepreneurs can enroll in TiE’s programs in order to receive
mentorship from our successful charter members, compete for angel funding, talk one-on-one with
venture capitalists, and more.
A cohort of innovators and incubation managers are taken to the US to expose them to the global
best practices on innovation and entrepreneurship. TiE is responsible for designing and organizing a
highly interactive program for this cohort in the US.
1.3 Programme selection process
The Programme consists of broadly six steps starting from inviting applications to providing
business development support for successful commercialization. At the first stage of screening,
100 technologies are selected from the total number of applications received followed by a further
selection of top 50 innovations by programme partners. These 50 innovators are provided in-depth
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP)
enterprise growth, and shared prosperity worldwide, and the principle that entrepreneurship and
technology transfer is the predominant source of wealth and jobs in market economics.
capacity building training and are invited to present at the innovation competition. Following the
competition, 30 innovation awards are given.
Figure 1.3: Selection process
Step 1: Inviting applications
Applications are invited from across India through advertisements in leading daily newspapers,
organizing pan-India road shows in tier-I and tier-II cities, and making presentations to potential
technology companies, innovators, knowledge centers, incubation centers, etc.
Step 2: First screening
A team from FICCI evaluates and scores all the applications received to select the most appropriate
technology companies on the basis of several predefined parameters (e.g., the development and
patent status of the innovation, funding required for technology development, etc.).
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
FICCI approved applications and technologies are evaluated and ranked by a joint team comprising all
programme partners to select the top 50.
Step 4: Entrepreneurship workshop
The selected 50 innovators are given week long advanced training in basic principles of product
commercialization, readiness for market, business models, IP rights, competitive positioning, and
mechanisms for revenue by experienced faculty members from the Stanford Graduate School of
Business. The entrepreneurship workshop is organized to provide training to the innovators and also
prepare them to participate in an innovation competition.
Step 5: Innovation Competition
The top 50 innovators present their innovations to a panel of judges comprising renowned
technologists and commercialization experts from India and the United States. At the end of the
competition, 30 best innovations will be awarded. Out of these 30, ten innovators are taken to Silicon
Valley to participate in a programme focused on learning best practices on innovation, incubation and
entrepreneurship. The other twenty innovators receive a cash award of INR one lakh each.
Step 6: Business development
Thereafter, the top 50 innovators receive professional business development assistance from FICCI
and eight are also supported for global business development by the IC2 Institute, University of Texas
at Austin. The business development managers at FICCI and IC2 Institute work towards assisting
the winners in commercializing their technological innovations and finding them suitable business
partners in India as well as global markets.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP)
Step 3: Second screening to select the top 50
1.4 Programme evolution
Over the last nine years, the Programme has helped hundreds of Indian innovators take their
innovations to global markets. From a humble beginning in 2007 (number of applications received
being 102) to 2015 (the number of applications increased to 1015), the hard work and commitment
of the Programme partners is aptly reflected in the popularity it has gained among India’s innovator
In 2011, number of applications increased by more than 100% to 915 from 394 in 2010, the applicants
representing diversified sectors including metals and mining, agriculture and forestry, transport
and logistics, environmental and waste management. Considering the positive response to the
Programme and its commitment to rewarding innovation, the programme partners increased the
number of annual awards from 15 to 30 in 2011. The Programme has created a platform for innovators
to become successful techno-entrepreneurs by converting their ideas into economic products and
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Number of participants
Number of participants
Growth in participation
Many innovators, who received funding or forged industry partnerships as a part of their business
development activity under the Programme, have been successful in expanding their operations and
generating substantial employment.
1.5 Analysis of selected technologies (2007-2015)
The IIGP was envisaged with an aim to create wealth and boost economic growth through
entrepreneurship and commercialization of innovative Indian technologies in global and Indian
markets. It received a total of 6,124 applications from across the country during 2007–2015. The
assessment of selected technologies out of the total number of applications received during this
period is presented in the sections below.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP)
Figure 1.4: Applications received over the years
1.5.1 Sectoral analysis
The pharmaceutical and healthcare sector accounted for the largest number of innovations being
selected for the Programme with a share of 20% of the total in the last nine years. Innovation
in the pharma sector is also boosted by “Pharma Vision 2020” formulated by the Department of
Pharmaceuticals of India which aims to make India one of the leading destinations for end-to-end
drug discovery and innovation in the world. It envisages achieving this objective by developing high
quality infrastructure for talent and research by promoting public-private partnership (PPP) models,
offering financial incentives to encourage and incubate innovation and shaping a favourable regulatory
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector attracted the second-highest number
of applications from innovators across the country, accounting for 12% of the total technologies
selected during this period. IT in India has grown rapidly during the recent years in India.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP)
Figure 1.5: Sectoral analysis of the selected technologies (2007-15)
Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare
Information and Communication Technology
Energy & Utilities
Agriculture and forestry
Industrial Goods and Machinery
Aerospace and defense
Business and consumer services
Consumer Packaged Goods
Environmental and Waste management Services
The energy and utilities sector was the third leading end-user industry, with 9% of the total number
of technologies selected during the last nine years. Technological innovation is seen as the key to the
future of the sector and makes a significant impact on energy and utilities sector. Emphasis on the
use of alternative sources of energy is on the rise to ensure that India has a secure and sustainable
supply of energy, which becomes the backbone for economic development.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Other end-user industrial sectors, including agriculture and forestry, electronic and manufacturing,
aerospace and defense, waste management services, industrial goods and machinery, water and
sanitation and automotive among others, accounted for the rest of the selected technologies during
this period.
1.5.2 Gender analysis
Figure 1.6: Gender analysis of selected
technologies (2007 to 2015)
A gender analysis of the participants based on their
gender provides insights into the gender aspect.
The analysis, in the following figure, shows that for
every nine male participants, there was only one
female participant. Though female participation in
the Programme has continued to be low; over the
years it has witnessed higher number of technologies
being selected that have been developed by women
indicating strong growth in innovation projects
undertaken by women. The Programme witnessed
an improving gender ratio in the recent years
demonstrating increased diversity and inclusiveness
in the whole programme framework. Such initial results have been achieved through targeted
awareness campaigns resulting in receiving quality applications from women innovators.
1.5.3 Geographic analysis
The Programme attracted the largest number of applicants from South India, accounting for 46.7%
of the total number of applications received during the last nine years. West India was the second
leading region, with 21.5% of the total number of applications received, followed by North India
(19.1%), East India (9%) and North-East central India (2.0%) and others (1.7%) respectively.3
The list of states included in each of the regions is provided in Annexure.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Figure 1.7: Geographic analysis of selected technologies (2007-15)
South India
West India
North India
East India
Central India
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP)
The figure below indicates that around half of the total participants belong to South India depicting
the popularity of the Programme in the southern region. Participation from northern and western
India are almost equal while numbers have reduced for the eastern region of India.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Business engagement agreements
Section II
Business Engagement
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Section II
Business Engagement
Business Engagement Agreements (BEAs) are the outcome of the business development activity
undertaken under the IIGP. BEA is a tool to capture the understanding between the competition
winners and the potential collaborator defining roles and responsibilities of both parties. It primarily
defines the engagement roadmap between two parties. These agreements are facilitated by
business development managers from the FICCI and the IC2 Institute at the University of Texas,
Austin according to the terms and conditions agreed by the innovator and the potential industry
partner/investor identified.
A wide range of business development support services are provided by FICCI and the IC2 institute
to innovators, based on their needs. Based on the stage of development of the innovation and
requirement defined by the innovator, following support is provided:
For individuals and pre-startups: Incubation facilities at leading incubation centers in India
connect to funding programs for seed funding such as PRISM.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
For start-ups: Connect them with angel funds, venture capitalists, leading industry players
for collaboration on pilot projects, assistance in technology transfer, connecting them to
distributors, connecting them to relevant government schemes for scale.
For government laboratories: Connecting them with industry players for technology transfer
or joint development of a technology.
During the period 2007-2015, innovators entered several business deals for commercialization of
technologies. In 2007, innovators entered 15 business deals with Indian and global companies. This
number rose to 85 deals in the Year 2012 when the highest growth in business deals entered by
innovators was witnessed with both Indian and global companies.
Figure 2.1: Business engagement agreements (2007-2014)
No. of Business Engagements
8 7
Indian Deals
Global Deals
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Business engagement agreements
Some of the significant successful cases in recent past are described hereunder.
Successful case studies: India
Name of innovation/ technology
Branchless banking technology solution combined with extensive
distribution channel
This technology consists of software, firmware, and hardware that
allows for real-time access and interaction with a core banking
system from satellite locations in retail outlets
Technology developed by
FIA Technology Services Pvt. Ltd.
Business Engagement Agreement
(BEA) signed with
ICICI Lombard, Mumbai
Nature of engagement
FIA will distribute ICICI Lombard ‘s products for rural/semi-urban
market. Key products include, Health care for BOP, Artisan/Weaver
healthcare insurance and vehicle loans.
Name of innovation/ technology
Guided Ultrasonic Pipe Monitoring System (GuMPS)
GuMPS is a sensor which has the potential of detecting any kind of
leaks or damages, predominantly corrosion in long range industrial
Technology developed by
IIT Madras
Business Engagement Agreement
(BEA) signed with
Reliance Industries
Nature of engagement
The total cost envisaged for the project is US$100,000 (INR 60
Lakhs), which will be paid by RIL Jamnagar.
The project will be completed in three phases - each phase being
of 8 months.
RIL expects that at the end of 24 months IIT Madras will be
providing a system that can do inspection for corrosion under
Starting from the day of the completion of the project, RIL will
avail discounted services for two years from IIT Madras.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Name of innovation/ technology
Antibiotic Adjuvant Entity – EloresTM
The EloresTM drug stops development and spread of bacterial
resistance toward antibiotics, such as penicillin. These antibodies are
increasingly rendered ineffective in a rapidly growing population of
Technology developed by
Venus Remedies Limited
Business Engagement Agreement
(BEA) signed with
Austell Laboratories, South Africa
Nature of engagement
One of South Africa’s fastest growing pharmaceutical companies
obtaining exclusive South African licensing rights to EloresTM for:
US$100,000 (INR 60 Lakhs) upfront fee.
Forecast cumulative 8-yr revenue: US$ 41 million (INR 255 crore)
Venus’ direct revenue: US$ 9.7 - 13 million (INR 61 - 82 crore)
Name of innovation/ technology
Cloud based SaaS Hospital Information System
Dr MHope is a cloud based hospital information system that elegantly
integrates almost all of a hospital’s information needs.
Technology developed by
Dr MHope
Business Engagement Agreement
(BEA) signed with
Caduceus Systems, Austin, Texas
Nature of engagement
Dr MHope will convert Caduceus’ into a SaaS based application.
Expected revenue: US$378,500 (INR 2.4 crore)
Dr MHope receives 25% share of Caduceus’ current business
valued at US$13.5 million (INR 84 crore) for exclusive distribution
rights in the US.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Business engagement agreements
Successful case studies: Global
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Programme Evaluation
Section III
Programme Evaluation
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Section III
Programme Evaluation
Over the past nine years, the Programme has benefitted many innovators and incubations managers
by providing them the thrust to grow their business and thereby catalyzing an innovation-led
entrepreneurship culture in the country.
A programmatic evaluation has been carried out to assess the quantitative and qualitative impact for
the participants over the years. The assessment methodology focused on gathering feedback directly
from innovators and incubation managers to understand the impact the Programme has created on
the business performance. Key performance assessment parameters are:
Revenue earned
Export turnover
Employment generation
Access to additional funding
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
To conduct the impact assessment, separate questionnaires were designed for both innovators
and incubation managers. The data collected was thereafter analyzed to evaluate the impact of the
Programme over the years and the trends were studied to derive key inferences.
3.1 Analysis of the feedback from innovators
The feedback was collected from 133 innovators, which represents a sample of 30% innovators
selected as part of the Programme from 2007 to 2015. The survey emphasized on the growth realized
and expected in terms of revenues, manpower employed, exports generated and access to additional
funds. The questionnaire is attached as annex to this report. The results for each of these aspects
have been described in the following sections.
3.1.1 Growth in revenue
The Programme continues to demonstrate a sustained growth in terms of cumulative revenue
generated over the years. According to the information shared by the innovators, in 2013, total
revenue amounting to INR 1,157.75 crore was generated cumulatively and it grew by 6.18% and
9.99% in 2014 and 2015 respectively. The total revenue generated in the period 2013 to 2015 was INR
3,739 crore.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Programme Evaluation
The chief objectives of the Programme are to build capacities in Indian innovators on critical issues
relating to technology commercialization and facilitate investor as well as market connects for
successful conversion of ideas to businesses. Analysis on revenues, turnover from exports, business
deals, employment generation and additional funds raised have been conducted to provide an overall
summary of the Programme since its inception. The analysis helps in assessing the outcomes of the
Programme and thereby, identifies areas of success and improvement.
Figure 3.1: Growth in revenue generated by innovators (actual and projected figures)
` 1,157.75
` 1,229.31
` 1,352.07
` 1580.94
` 8,407.22
Growth in Revenue
e – Estimated/ projected figures as reported by Innovators4
The survey also captures the cumulative revenue projections from commercialization of technology
for the next three years 2016 to 2018. The expected revenue amounts to INR 1,580.94 crore in 2016;
for the two subsequent years, 74% and 206% revenue increase amounting to INR 2,745.24 crore
and INR 8,407.22 crore is anticipated by the innovators. This clearly indicates that innovators are
confident and upbeat about the significant growth in revenue from commercialization of technology
For those innovators who have not provided the projected figures for any of the three years (2016 to 2018), the average
of previous three years is considered in the next three years to arrive at a comparable figure of revenues.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Therefore, considering revenue of INR 1500 crore in the period 2007 to 20125, total revenue generated
till the year 2015 amounts to INR 5,239 crore.
3.1.2 Employment generation
Employment generation is one of the key parameters to assess the impact created by the Programme.
The innovators, upon successful commercialization of their technologies, hire trained manpower
across different areas such as finance, strategy, operations, marketing, for smooth functioning of their
ventures and future expansion. As and when the ventures grow in terms of revenue and outreach, the
human resources hired by individual innovators and organizations also increase.
To gauge the impact of the programme, the growth in the number of employees over the past three
years was analyzed. The primary information collected through the survey shows an increase of
523% in the number of manpower employed from 2013 to 2015.
Covered in the First Impact Assessment Report, December 2012
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Programme Evaluation
and expansion of their business in the years to come and hence, signifies the value that IIGP adds to
the growth of their businesses.
Figure 3.2: Employment generation in the organizations6
549 employees at first year of operation
3,422 employees at present
The manpower data at the first year of operations has been provided by 94 companies and for the year 2015 has been
provided by 100 companies
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Programme Evaluation
This analysis further strengthens the view that programmes such as IIGP play a critical role in
fostering employment generation in the innovation driven industry of India.
3.1.3 Exports generated
Since the inception of IIGP, there are several innovators who are not only able to commercialize
their technology but have also generated exports. In the period 2013 to 2015, the total export
turnover of the innovators was INR 181 crore. The geographic spread of these innovators and
the economic impact are analyzed as part of this section.
Geographic outreach
The innovators export their technologies to various countries across the globe. While these
technologies were primarily exported to developed countries of the Europe and the US, some
of the technologies also found takers in the upcoming and growing market of Africa. This
signifies the market for Indian innovation and technologies are increasing beyond India and
have significant potential for replicating the success in other geographies.
The following map shows geographical spread of countries to which technologies were
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Figure 3.3: Geographic analysis of exports
Europe & Russia
The Americas
Asia Pacific region
Middle East & Africa
The size of the balloon depicts the number of innovators exporting to these nations. The bigger the
balloon, the larger is the number of innovators exporting to that nation.
Economic analysis
In 2013, innovators generated exports amounting to INR 27.55 crore. In 2014, a growth of 118.13%
and in 2015 a growth of 56.27% was reported in exports. Innovators also projected exports trend till
year 2018.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Turnover from Exports
(in INR crores)
Turnover from Exports (in crores)
Growth in turnover from exports
e – Estimated/ projected figures as provided by innovators
The above trend shows that the Programme has been successful in achieving the aim of promoting
Indian innovations on a global platform. It further signifies that innovators are confident to continue
the trend in the future and raise the contribution from exports manifold.
3.1.4 Additional funding from other sources
To facilitate fund raising, besides the business development undertaken by FICCI and IC2 Institute,
two technology expositions are organized annually by programme partners across India to facilitate
interactions between innovators and potential funding sources including government, venture
capitalists and angel funds.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Programme Evaluation
Figure 3.4: Economic analysis of exports
Figure 3.5: Sources of additional funding received by innovators
Own Funding
Private Equity
Additional Funding
Innovators received approximately INR 580.33 crore funding from various sources for their ventures
over the last three years. These funds are used by innovators to expand the scale of business, and
promote their ventures across the globe among others.
3.2 Analysis of the feedback from incubation managers
The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India nominates incubation managers of
Indian incubators from all over the country to visit the US every year. These incubation managers visit
the incubators operating in the US and interact with start-ups based in the US to understand their
operational, sustainability and scalability models.
The Programme structure includes in-depth training on incubation models, lectures, training exercises
to expose incubation managers to global entrepreneurship and incubation models. In addition to the
curriculum, visits to the local technology incubators as well as small, medium and large technology
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
The visit helps Indian incubation managers to benchmark their respective operational methods
against global best practices. The learning from the visit is then implemented by each participant in
their respective incubators adding to the success rate of the incubators.
Feedback was collected from 20 of such incubation managers and results of the survey are shown
in the following sections. The survey also shows the extent to which the training programmes have
helped in resolving operational issues.
During the period of the analysis, the incubation managers have expressed their desire to have access
to increased number and imroved quality of trainings and learning opportunities, rise in funding
received and establish global associations and partnerships. They were also able to implement the
best practices from the US to their own incubators in India.
3.2.1 Experience during the program
The feedback received from the incubation managers was analyzed and overall results indicate
experience of participants during the Programme.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Programme Evaluation
companies are organized. The goal of these visits is to expand learning network of the participants
and familiarize them with the structure and processes of the US incubators and companies. Usefulness of training modules for
Indian incubation centers
More than 60% incubation managers expressed
that the Programme is highly relevant7 and
useful to their area of expertise and has
benefitted them significantly. This shows value
creation for the Indian incubators and managers
and ability to contextualize the learning to meet
their needs. Level of engagement and discussion
with trainers
The training modules are an important part of the
Programme comprising various lecture sessions,
classroom exercises and peer-to- peer learning.
The learning from these training sessions is
implemented by incubation managers in India.
More than 75% of the incubation managers felt
satisfied after attending the Programme over
the last three years signifying the success of
this capacity building component of IIGP and
high-level of involvement of the trainers in the
Figure 3.6: Relevance of the Programme
for the incubation managers
75-100% relevant
50-75% relevant
25-50% relevant
Figure 3.7: Level of satisfaction with the
training programme and discussion with
trainers in the US
Very satisfied
Partially satisfied
Not satisfied
Participants responded with 75-100% usefulness of training modules
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
As shown in the following figure, 47% of the Incubation Managers were satisfied with their
interactions with the incubation centers in the US while 37% and 16% were partially satisfied and
not satisfied respectively. This entails that there is a scope of improvement in the Programme to
improve its overall effectiveness.
Figure 3.8: Whether satisfied with the interactions with the incubators in the US
Very satisfied
Partially satisfied
Not satisfied of Programme
The Programme is well structured around the centralized theme of commercialization of new
innovations and technologies. Among the participants, more than 75% incubation managers opined
that the Programme is structured in an efficient and professional manner while only 11% of the
participants expressed a need for improvement.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Programme Evaluation Interactions with incubation centers of the US
Figure 3.9: Level of satisfaction with the programme structured
Very satisfied
Partially satisfied
Not satisfied knowledge
After undergoing the training and interacting with the US trainers, 32% of the incubation managers
were able to substantially enhance their knowledge and learnt about operational aspects of incubation
centers. As depicted in the chart, 47% of the respondents considered the training sessions to be
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Programme Evaluation
Figure 3.10: Training helpful to the enhance knowledge of incubation centers
Very helpful
Partially helpful
Not very helpful
3.2.2 Key learnings
According the results of the survey, some of the key takeaways from the Programme for the incubation
managers are as follows:
The Programme provides an insight into the way the innovation ecosystem is built and works
in the Silicon Valley and also identifies the tools and methods of adopting similar innovation
eco systems in India.
It promotes autonomy in the incubators and institutes to encourage ideation and innovation.
It emphasizes the need to make incubators self-sustainable, deploying dedicated staff and
creates awareness about IPR-related issues and patent registration process and requirements.
The Programme focuses on creating an understanding of approaches to cultivate innovation
and entrepreneurship in students.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Field visits provide a first-hand account of the operational and financial models of the
incubation centers.
The Programme provides an in-depth account of the critical concepts such as technology
commercialization, marketing, valuation, segmentation targeting, and positioning, pricing and
promotion strategies
3.2.3 Impact of the Programme funding received
The Programme provided opportunity to several incubation managers to raise funds to expand their
business in India and globally. Out of the total, 26% of incubation managers were able to raise
additional funds for their centers and around 11% were able to network globally to create meaningful
alliances and partnerships with incubators, faculty members and trainers in the US after attending
the Programme.
Figure 3.11: Whether additional funding received by the incubation managers
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
The Programme is a platform which provides access and networking opportunities with investors,
business partners, industrialists from the US and other countries. It provides an excellent opportunity
to the incubation managers to explore international partnerships to help build their existing operating
model and business channels. During 2013 to 2015, around 11% of the incubation managers were
able to collaborate with international partners to bring global best practices to their own incubators.
Figure 3.12: Whether relationship exists with incubator, faculty of trainer in the US
89% of the learning
All incubation managers, who attended the Programme during 2013-15, were able to incorporate
learning into their work in India. Therefore, the analysis shows that the program has built capacities
for the incubation ecosystem in India across sectors.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Programme Evaluation with incubator, faculty or trainer in the US
According to the results of the primary survey, a majority of incubation managers made the
infrastructural and operational changes at their incubation centers based on the learning from the
Figure 3.13: Steps taken to implement the learning
Infrastructural and operational change in
your Incubation center
Developing market driven business models
Implementing detailed process of
technology validation in structured way
Developing IP Exchange platform to
facilitate licensing of technology
Others (Please specify)
As many as 24% of the incubation managers revised their business models to have an increased
focus on the markets and an equal number implemented a detailed process of technology validation
in a more structured way in their respective incubators. Nearly 12% of the managers developed IP
Exchange platform in order to facilitate licensing of technologies.
Some of the initiatives taken up by the incubation managers at their respective incubations:
Initiated specifically designed capacity building programs for incubation managers of
developing countries. So far, around 110 incubation managers from 40 developing countries
have been facilitated
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Provided requisite guidance for designing the appropriate business model for an institute
engaged in entrepreneurship education, research and training
Developed a technology commercialization model
Structured loan recovery, assessed performance of the incubator, identified the need for
investment for company and enabled the sourcing of the same
Promoted the importance of IP issues, resulting in 8 patents being filed
Developed a suitable model for creating a venture capital funding system with D2E Consulting,
Kolkata with US counterparts for startups
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Programme Evaluation
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Key challenges
Section IV
Key Challenges
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Section IV
Key Challenges
The Programme has been successful in creating an ecosystem and an institutional mechanism to
support Indian innovators and entrepreneurs. However, some changes may be incorporated in the
program structure to make it more effective so that it continues to play a crucial role in commercialization
of Indian innovations and provides a boost to entrepreneurship and advancement in technology. The
key challenges faced by the program over the last three years are highlighted below:
Though there is an improvement in the gender ratio of the participants over the years, the
number of women participating in the Programme is still very low as compared to that of
men. Concentrated effort is required to address this major challenge and promote diversity.
The innovators who attended the Programme are clustered in a few regions of the country.
As shown in the previous section of the report, they primarily belong to southern, western
and northern India while there is very little representation from eastern and central India.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Lack of funds has been considered as one of the major challenges faced by several
innovators in the Programme since its inception in 2007. Over the years, several innovations
have displayed promising commercial prospects; however they have not received funding to
advance their commercialization. Moreover, several technologies are still in the nascent stage
as adequate funding is not available for research and business development activities.
Several times the innovations are only driven by technology and not its business case and
commercial aspects. These innovations have to face many restrictions from the industries
and are not adopted easily. This is because the universities and institutes lack the ability to
derive the business viability and market potential of the innovations.
Lack of participation from industries is also a key challenge considering the fact that innovations
are technology driven and industries are demand driven and to have a balance between the
two is of utmost importance for efficient commercialization of innovations.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Key challenges
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Programme Evaluation
Section V
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Section V
Based on the detailed analysis of the Programme, several recommendations are proposed below to
make it a bigger success in future years.
In order to increase the female participation in the Programme, awareness programs should
be conducted which are centered on promoting women’s participation. Additional incentives
may be given to women participants to encourage increased participation in the Programme.
Special emphasis needs to be given to attract more and more financial institutions to the
Programme so that more funds can be generated for commercialization of innovations. A
dedicated fund by the Government of India and other programme partners may also be created
in the Programme for the same purpose. It will help the participants to boost their R&D
activities, market expansion, manpower, etc., and pace-up the commercialization process.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Participation from industry needs to be encouraged to get a more holistic view of the needs
of the customers so that the innovations are not merely technology driven, but also demand
driven. This parameter is very important in predicting the success of the innovations after
Efforts should be made to increase the number of innovators selected each year to ensure a
wider and larger coverage under the Programme.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Section VI
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Section VI
6.1 Geographic Definition
East India comprises Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim,
Tripura, West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, and Orissa.
South India comprises Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, as well as the union territories
of Andaman, Lakshadweep and Pondicherry.
North India comprises Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Punjab,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, as well as the union territory of Chandigarh and New Delhi.
Central India comprises Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Others include participants other than the above regions.
6.2 Questionnaire
6.2.1 Innovators
Basic Information
Name of the Innovator
Primary Industry Application:
{{ Industrial Goods and
{{ Pharmaceuticals and
{{ Renewable Energy
{{ Skill Development
{{ Technology and Services
{{ Waste Management
{{ Water & Sanitation
{{ Others, Please specify
Aerospace and defense
Agriculture and forestry
Information and
Communication Technology
Electronics & Manufacturing
Energy & Utilities
Banking and Financial services
Food Processing
Pre-start up
Start up
Existing small to medium enterprises
Institutions & Universities
Government Labs
Company/Institution Name:
Business Set up of the
State/ Union Territory
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
West India comprises Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa as well as union territories of Dadra and Nagar
Haveli, Daman and Diu.
{{ Male
{{ Female
How much revenue (sales) have you generated from technology commercialization? (INR)
Have you generated any exports from
technology commercialization?
If the answer to Question 3 is Yes, then, In
which countries have you exported?
How much turnover have you generated
from exports?
How many people have you employed in
your business?
Is there any kind of additional funding
that you have received?
How much funding have you received? (in
2016 (Projected)
2017 (Projected) 2018 (Projected)
{{ Yes
{{ No
2016 (Projected)
2017 (Projected) 2018 (Projected)
In first year of operations
At present
Venture Capital Investment
Private Equity
Angel Investments
Commercial borrowings (Loans)
Others, Please specify:________________________
Venture Capital Investment
Private Equity
Angel Investments
Commercial borrowings
Others, Please specify
Other comments (if any):
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
6.2.2 Incubation managers
Name of the Incubation Manager
Name of the Incubator
Year of participation
in the Executive
Program on Technology
Commercialization under IIGP
{{ Male
{{ Female
Incubator’s technological
thrust areas
{{ Agriculture
{{ Automotive
{{ Food Processing & Clean
{{ Information &
{{ Mechanical & Electronics
{{ Pharmaceutical &
{{ Renewable Energy
{{ Rural & Social Inclusive
{{ Textile & Garment Technology
{{ Other, Please specify
To what extent the training
modules addressed the
various issues faced by
incubation center in India?
{{ o100%
{{ o 75% to 100%
{{ o 50% to 75%
{{ 25% to 50%
{{ <25%
On a scale of 1-5 (5 being highest), Rate the following questions:
{{ 1
The focus of the training
was capacity building on
technology commercialization
and related aspects.Did you
agree that the program was
structured suitably?
{{ 2
{{ 3
{{ 4
{{ 5
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
8b. To what extent, the training
modules and discussion
by trainers helped you to
enhance understanding in
strengthening of Incubation
{{ 1
{{ 2
{{ 3
{{ 4
{{ 5
{{ 1
{{ 2
{{ 3
{{ 4
{{ 5
{{ 1
{{ 2
{{ 3
{{ 4
{{ 5
How helpful was your
interaction with incubation
centers in the US for your
incubation center?
8d. Rate your overall experience
of the program?
Have you implemented the
learning gained from the
programme in your Incubation
{{ Yes
{{ No
Which of the following steps
have you taken in order to
implement the learning in
your Incubation Center?
{{ Developing Market Driven Business Models
{{ Implementing detailed process of technology validation in
structured way
{{ Developing IP Exchange platform to facilitate licensing of
{{ Infrastructural and operational change in your Incubation center
{{ Others (Please specify) ___________________________________
Have you entered into
an association with any
incubator, faculty, and trainer
in US after this programme?
{{ Yes
{{ No
Have you received any other
funding (grant, fellowship,
etc.) after this programme?
{{ Yes
{{ No
{{ If Yes, Please specify the nature and source of funding
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
What was your most
significant take away from
the Executive Programme?
(Max. 100 words)
Any suggestions for
improving this programme?
(Max. 100 words)
6.3 Impact assessment coverage and approach
6.3.1 Scope of services
The scope of services to be provided by EY under the present assignment is as follows:
Prepare questionnaires for participant companies/ innovators and incubation managers for
primary survey
Perform sectoral, geographic and demographic analysis of the information collected from the
Analysis of impact of the programme in terms of revenue generated, employment generated,
expansion of office operation, etc.
Review of previous impact analysis report and highlight the changes.
Identify key challenges faced by the participants of the programme.
Suggest broad recommendations to further improve the experience of the IIGP.
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
6.3.2 Our approach
The overall approach of EY for conducting this evaluation is depicted in the figure below:
Figure 6.1: Our Approach
Data collation and assessment
• Understand the objective
• Finalize the evaluation
• Finalize the questionnaire
• Finalize work products
and timeline
• Set the expectations
Project delivery
Qualitative and
analysis of
feedbacks from
innovators and
evaluation and
identification of
key challenge
• Presentation of draft
report to FICCI
• Incorporation feedback
from FICCI
• Submission of final
report to FICCI
draft report
Assimilation of findings and
suggesting recommendations
The focus of the survey has been on ensuring coverage of all the critical elements which denote
success of the programme. These elements are revenue, export, manpower and funding. The survey
collection and data entry was managed by FICCI. We did not interact with the respondents directly.
The survey has been conducted in a very transparent manner by drafting and providing the survey
forms to FICCI for feedback collection.
The findings of the survey are then analyzed as part of this report and recommendations are suggested
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
Second Impact Analysis of the DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2007-2015
For further details, please contact:
Nirankar Saxena
Senior Director
Tel: 011 - 2348 7233
Centre for Innovation, Science and Technology Commercialization
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi - 110 001