Week 8 Newsletter - Our Lady of the Southern Cross
Week 8 Newsletter - Our Lady of the Southern Cross
June 2, 2016 Our Lady of the Souther n Cr oss NEWSLETTERWEEK8 - TERM2 NOTES COMING HOMETHIS WEEK: Taking Time t o Ref l ect and Respond Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God. ELDEST CHI LD: Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of each other. Au st r al i an Cat h ol i c M agazi n e Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of ourselves. PREP & YEAR 1 STUDENTS: M el bou r n e Ch i l d M agazi n e REMINDERFORPREPPARENTS Sch ool Nu r se Qu est i on n ai r es t o be r et u r n ed by Fr i day 10t h Ju n e. Let us take time to stop to be aware of our breath. Notice the pattern of our in breath and our out breath. 4t h Annual St . Vincent DePaul Wint er Sl eepout Notes went home this week to all Year 5/ 6 students regarding our winter appeal for the St. Vincent DePaul society. If you haven?t seen the note at home please let me know so I can share it with you. Sacr ament of Euchar ist Please pray for these students who will receive the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time this Sunday at St. Andrew?s Church. Ashton M Ethan A Shaeleigh T Hannah-FC Isyss S Samina S Isabelle K Elise G Aldrin M Rylan A Marvi BA Thomas G Natalia G Dallas H Shaun F Erin K Heidi J Clara J Ricky W Kelso McA Jasmine P Ella J Mikayla P Kendra B Ramsay K Quinton Del V Charlie L Dallas H Caleb H Darren B James T Benjamin A Cooper D Sean C Clara J Ethan S Tariq K SRCACTiVITIESTERM2: AMENDEDDATE: j une10TH: spel l at hon *iNFORMATIONGOINGHOMEONFRIDAY* Mat hs Night f or Par ent s Venue: Our Lady of the Southern Cross Primary School Date: Monday 6th June 2016 Time: 6:30 - 8pm Presenter: Michael Ymer Michael is a specialist mathematics consultant fr om Melbour ne, Austr alia. He is involved in many Pr ofessional Development pr ogr ams in schools acr oss Austr alia and Asia. Michael is cur r ently wor king with our school and has pr esented us with a pr actical appr oach to teaching Mathematics in the 21st centur y. He is an enthusiastic and enter taining pr esenter who addr esses the challenges that confr ont schools and par ents in mathematics. On this evening Michael will address the following issues: · What is my child learning in mathematics? · How can I help my child become an efficient problem solver? · How do children best learn mathematics? · How can parents promote quality thinking and learning? · How can I help my child in mathematics? Any questions please contact Kr ystin in LC3 or Sandy via the Office Mat hs Lear ning Updat e Our Lady of the Southern Cross along with St Francis - Tarneit, St Martin De Porres - Laverton and St Peter Sunshine - Sth West, have been working with Michael Ymer, an internationally recognized expert in mathematics education over the last 18 months. Michael has worked with our whole staff groups on 2 occasions, hosted at OLSC and has then worked with each year level conducting in school and after school workshops, modeling practice and supporting staff planning. We have had two workshop days a couple of weeks ago for the Year 5 / 6 and the Prep teachers and next week OLSC will host the Year 3 & 4 staff from our own and other schools as they work with Michael and our Year 1 & 2 teachers are going to St Francis to work with Michael on Tuesday. As has been mentioned in the newsletter over the last few weeks, Michael Ymer will be conducting a parent maths information evening at our school on Monday from 6.30 ? 8pm in the sports centre. We hope that all our parents will be able to make the time to come along to the evening. JUNE5TH(SUNDAY) YEAR 4 EUCHARIST ST ANDREW 'S CHURCH 2.00 - 3.30 PM JUNE6TH(MONDAY) M ICHAEL YM ER M ATHS NIGHT FOR PARENTS 6.30 PM - 8.00 PM JUNE10TH(FRIDAY) Spellathon: see attached Flyer JUNE13TH(MONDAY) Queens Bir thday Public Holiday NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS JUNE24TH(FRIDAY) LAST DAY OF TERM 2 1.00 PM FINISH FOR STUDENTS JULY11TH(MONDAY) Ter m 3 Com m ences MSJ Open Mornings - 9.30 am - 10.30 am (Thursday) 16th June, 11th August, 8th September, 10th November 2016 MSJ Musical - Anyt hing Goes Come and see the show on Friday 17t h June at 7pm' Sat urday 18t h June at 12.30 pm or 7pm. Caroline Chisholm College Quin Auditorium 204 Churchill Avenue, Braybrook For more information, call 8398 2000, or visit www.tickethost.com.au MSJ Twil ight Open Evening - 3pm - 7pm (Thursday) 6th October 2016 Current l y Accept ing Appl icat ions f or 2016, 2017 and 2018 Limited places are available for 2016. Further information can be found at our website www.msj.vic.edu.au or by contacting the College Registrar at registrar@msj.vic.edu.au or Ph: 8398 2007.