myKristin This Week


myKristin This Week
my Kristin
This Week
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
From the desk of...
Diana Patchett
Junior School Principal
Igniting the spark, fanning the flame
I was one of hundreds of first-year uni students filing into the central hall of the
University of British Columbia (UBC) to complete our course registrations, when
I was singled out from the throng, tapped on the shoulder and invited to join the
university rowing team.
“Why me?” I asked, looking around at the multitude of other student contenders.
“We’re looking for large, athletic women,” the scout replied. Not exactly the descriptor an 18-year old girl is hoping for, but I guess I could
see their point.
Not long after, I attended an introductory session and loved it. The combination of strenuous dry-land training and early mornings on the
lake, the opportunity for individual and team pursuits; but mostly the sound of the hull moving through the water, that sublime whoosh as
the oars exit the water together and send the boat running away underneath you. Poetry in motion. I was hooked, and went on to enjoy four
years competing at national and international level.
Until that Fall I had always been a swimmer and was comfortable in that domain. After 10 years following the black lines on the bottom
of the pool, I realised my competitive nature needed a more physical outlet and took up water polo; where success and accolades came
easily. So, I wasn’t really looking for a new sport when the shoulder-tap occurred. Nonetheless, taking that opportunity opened up a whole
new world for me - igniting a spark then fanning the flame of a passion that would very likely have gone unrealised.
The guest speaker at Kristin’s recent Sports Awards dinner recounted a similar story of
opportunity unveiling talent, stimulating desire and realising potential for excellence. By his
own admission, Eric Murray was a chunky teenager and a mediocre rugby player at school.
But, rugby was what everyone valued in Hawkes Bay, so he persevered. Looking to gain
some off-season fitness and thereby secure a spot in the 1st XV, Eric took up the offer to try
rowing and never looked back. Since partnering with Hamish Bond in 2009, the pair have
won 16 consecutive international titles including four World Championships and an Olympic
Now, international representation is most certainly not the benchmark of success for anyone
undertaking an activity. There has been much written and shared in this domain and others
about the value of being involved in sporting or cultural pursuits. As an educator, I know
that every child comes with their own set of gifts and it is part of my job to provide an environment where these can be discovered and
‘unwrapped’, much to the delight of the child and those with whom they can share these talents.
Kristin recognises that a ‘one size fits all’ curriculum does not meet the needs of our students, nor does a narrow programme of cocurricular offerings. To this end, Kristin affords our young people the chance to engage in an incredible variety of pursuits. Thankfully, our
vision has never reflected the singular focus of a Rugby School, an Orchestra School or a Robotics School; instead, we pride ourselves
on the fact that these and many other co-curricular activities are on offer for students to try. In doing so, passions and talents may well be
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
When boasting choices of Aerobics, Badminton... Water Polo, Yachting - and everything
in between, Kristin recognises the dilemma of offering more than we can resource. Our
Sports and Performing Arts Directorates offer instruction and coaching in our ‘major codes’
and ensembles, but our partnership with expert providers in the community has allowed
the growth in breadth of Kristin Clubs. Most notably of late is the popular addition of Rock
Climbing, the success of our Fencers, Orienteerers and Rhythmic Gymnasts. These
partnerships allow our students the opportunity to benefit from the passion and expertise of
outside providers, yet within the school environment.
In the end, a Kristin education is not one where we expect all students to fit the same
mould. We aim to provide an environment where young people are exposed to a variety of
opportunities and feel safe to try new things, in the hopes that together we can unpack their gifts, ignite the spark and fan the flame.
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
What’s been happening?
Goals in the Kindy
In the Kindergarten the children have been busy concentrating on their individual goals. Earlier
in the term the children decided on a goal, which they then turned into a reality through hard
work and determination.
The goals were many and varied, from learning to have patience, learning to do ‘big people’
writing, being able to make fairy sandwiches like mum and even learning to take the new
family puppy for a walk. So many aspirations and so much fun in working to achieve them.
Year 1’s Zoo Adventure
We went to the zoo, zoo, zoo, there was so much to do, do, do, we saw the monkeys too, too,
too, when we went to the zoo, zoo, zoo.
The Year 1s began their day in the zoo classroom learning all about different animals and how
their bodies are adapted to suit their respective habitat. We were wowed by lion skins, real kiwi
eggs and blind frogs.
Next, it was time to explore the zoo and meet all of the animals from sea lions and giraffes,
to rhinos and even tigers! A picnic lunch in the sun was enjoyed by all followed by more
exploration time. We ended our day playing on the dragon and super speedy slide.
Upon our return to school, 1G made iMovies to tell the tale of their trip. Click on the following
link to see Mina, Milly, Erin and Georgia’s adventure unfold. We went to the zoo, zoo, zoo.
Year 6 Camp Countdown…
The countdown is on! With only a short time until Year 6 depart for the extraordinary YMCA
Camp Adair in the Hunua Ranges, the excitement and anticipation is building!
We have learned the important aims of our camp. They are all about being caring, supportive,
encouraging, respectful, independent, cooperative, collaborative and confident risk-takers.
Throughout the past few weeks, we have discovered our organisation and activity teams. In
these teams we have practised a variety of skills that we will need on camp.
We used our physical skills when we ran around the school to collect codes in a visual
scavenger hunt. We used our mental skills to crack the codes and our performance skills to
choreograph a dance for the Camp Adair Idol judges! We also practised our teamwork and
problem-solving skills through other pre-camp challenges such as water relays, moon hopping
relays, moving radioactive materials, crossing beams, moving around obstacles and caterpillar
Through these activities we have learned that it is important to cooperate, communicate and
work together as a team. We have learned that the acronym TEAM stands for ‘Together
Everyone Achieves More’.
After a sneak peek at our camp folders today, we have learned all about the other amazing
activities and incredible challenges that will be part of our camp experience ... we can’t wait to
get into it!!
Michael Martin, Bailey Clague and Max Johnson
>> Issue 32 2013
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
Things to note...
A reminder that sunhats are needed every day.
Operation Christmas Child
Any late Christmas boxes can still be delivered to the Junior School office and Mrs Miller will arrange for their pick up
What’s coming up?
Year 6 Camp - Sunday 10 November to Thursday 14 November (no school on Friday 15 November for Year 6 students)
Year 3 and 4 Choir Visit - Monday 11 November
Year 2 Botanic Gardens Trip - Wednesday 13 November
Year 1-3 Wheels Day - Monday 18 November, 12.40pm-1.15pm
Year 4-6 Wheels Day - Tuesday 19 November, 12.40pm-1.15pm
Year 1-3 Parent Teacher Interviews - Tuesday 26 November 3.30pm-8pm
Year 0
Emilie Hohensinner for being a confident communicator and a keen story writer
Jeremy Tobin
Jerry Sun
for a positive approach to his learning
for an easy transition into Year 1
Year 2
Dominic Lock
Peter Harrison
Thomas Hamilton
for being a very principled student
for always showing a keen interest in his classmates news
for the effort he has put into learning and recognising Chinese characters
Tony Zhang for showing understanding and explaining his mathematical thinking
Lily Richardson for being a risk-taker and thinker when learning and writing Chinese characters and for great thinking when
solving subtraction problems
Eric Park
for reading fluently and clearly
Maximilian McCarthy for wonderful reading using expression
Patrick Vezich
Rachel Poon
Angelina Bennett
for showing responsibility in caring for his seeds
for taking more risks in reading by sharing her ideas
for being more enthusiastic and active when learning Chinese
Year 3
Michael Hudson for consistently applying yourself to any activity
Rosa MacDonald
for being a risk-taker in her mathematical thinking
Aaron Lloyd for writing a report with great independence
Olivia Lai for her enthusiasm during our Year 3 assembly rehearsals
Campbell Deng
Ivy Doak
for being a thinker and inquirer when participating in a variety of music activities
for good problem solving of mathematical equations
Max Munro for working hard while inquiring into marketplaces
Ye Jun Kim
for excellent thinking and reflection when inquiring into marketplaces
Lorreta Wang
for including many changes of dance elements into her dance sequence
Daniel Wyber
for including appropriate feelings and facial expressions into his dance performance.
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
Luke Bachmann
for his excellent work ethic and time management skills
Caitlin Sly for her commendable organisational skills and independence
Aubery Rong
for creative poetry writing using adjectives and similes
Jacqueline Tsui for her positive attitude and time management skills
Seren White
for creative poetry and detailed information report writing
Year 4
Henry Newman
Logan Chalmers
for being open-minded and a risk-taker
for being a knowledgeable learner during our Unit of Inquiry
Spike Chilberto for being a caring and principled 4B class member
Tiffany Ho
Cameron Kemp
for confidently sharing her knowledge with her peers
for being principled and showing integrity towards his classmates
Christopher Allison for his enthusiasm and commitment towards his reading
Leia Paltridge for demonstrating ‘deep thinking’ during her lessons and being ‘reflective’ in her learning
Tobey Martin for faster recall of mathematical knowledge and for demonstrating the ‘caring’ profile through his actions and
Mattie Bell
for demonstrating a new-found confidence to try new things - a risk-taker
Year 5
Tallula Rainger for being a responsible and mature class member
Dasha Ruzich
for being a kind and caring class member
Olivia Reed for sharing her thoughts and ideas with confidence
Cole Tetro
Leon Lee
Ryan Wen
for wonderful improvement in his reading and listening carefully in literacy
for being a motivated and enthusiastic group member during our literature circle work
for being such an enthusiastic and creative member of his Literature Circle group
Bradley Tsang
for excellent work habits and commitment to his learning
Grace McInnes
for her focus and positive attitude to her school work
Trista Taylor
for her growth in the courage to be independent
Year 6
Jonathan Hudson for outstanding determination and focus in all curriculum areas
Rachel Harding
for outstanding focus, ability and determination to succeed in measurement
Blake Girardet
for having a love of reading and passing the bug onto others
Sydney Power
for reading fluently and applying outstanding effort to comprehending texts
Bevan Liang
Samuel Finnemore
Jessie Lee
Nelson Moore
Amber Brinkman
James Buckle
for applying outstanding effort in Mathematics
for making steady progress in reading and putting in lots of effort
for outstanding commitment to achieving a very high standard in the completion and presentation of all work
for being a fantastic thinker and contributing excellent ideas and information to Inquiry discussions
for brilliant effort and diligence in her Reading and Inquiry work
for communicating thoughtful, informative ideas during our Inquiry discussion
Dennis Yang for his fantastic ability to paint a vivid picture in the readers mind when describing a character
Jenna White
for her fantastic ability to paint a vivid picture in the readers mind when describing a setting
Principal’s Merit Award
Luke Paltridge
for achieving 2nd place in Kata and 2nd place in self defence at the Auckland Martial Art Invitational
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
What’s been happening?
Year 9 Speech Competition
On November 1 the Year 9 speech competition was held. The event was ably MC’ed by
Caitlin Sullivan and Zephan Gates from 9DPL. Seven finalists were chosen to speak their
way to the top: Adam Sinclair, Sylvia Glenn, Brie Forbes, Asha Pandya, Maggie Powell, Ella
Rainthorpe and Sarah Hogg. Each finalist spoke about someone who inspired them, and the topics ranged from Bear Grylls to Santa. The
whole audience was well entertained as everyone gave an outstanding performance. The winner of the competition was Ella Rainthorpe
and the runner-up was Maggie Powell. Overall the Year 9 speech competition was a great success that all the Year 8’s can look forward to
participating in next year.
Anna-Lise Hinton, Caitlin Sullivan, Bella Donoghue and Chanel Brodeur-Muir
Auckland City Mission
A couple of weeks ago, the Auckland City Mission Team threw an exciting event in the Middle School to raise awareness about our cause.
The Auckland City Mission Team at Kristin for 2013 has been a part of Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots programme. This group is
dedicated to “fostering respect and compassion for all living things, to promote understanding of all cultures and beliefs and to inspire each
individual to take action to make the world a better place for people, animals and the environment.” Previously this year, we have gone to
the Grafton Road Auckland City Mission Distribution Centre and helped work with the volunteers by sorting out clothes and blankets to go
to charity second hand stores.
What we did a couple of weeks ago was throw a quiz for the Middle School students to educate them and spread awareness about the
Auckland City Mission’s cause. A modern quiz was displayed on the MS Atrium’s screen, attracting curious students to take part in the
challenge. Numbered balloons were unexpectedly released from the second floor railing, inviting the students to each collect a balloon.
At this point, we were all nervous as to how our quiz would be received. The numbers on the balloons dictated which question a student
could answer, and if he or she answered correctly, a delicious candy treat would be won. It was a huge success, with every round new
students rolled in to take part and ultimately learn a bit about the Auckland City Mission. Laughs were had from both the quizzers and
participants, we all had a tremendous amount of fun hosting the event. What we took out of our time supporting the Auckland City Mission
at Kristin and hosting this quiz event is that change isn’t an abstract thing.
Personally, I thought when joining the ACM and Roots and Shoots team that it would only be a step in the right direction, but over my time
working with my friends in the group, I was privileged to experience change first-hand. Seeing the stuff we helped sort in the distribution
centre be packed up and ready, and seeing the Middle School students really enjoy the quiz we set up made every ounce of effort we put
in throughout the year worth it.
Laith Bayan
Middle School ICAS Writing, Science and Mathematics Results
More than half a million students throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific took part in the ICAS English, Science and
Mathematics tests this year.
A High Distinction is awarded to the top 1% of students in New Zealand who sat each test, while a Distinction is awarded to the top 10%.
The remaining students receive Credit and Participation certificates.
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
The recipients of the awards are:
Year 7
Year 8
Christina Brand
Mathematics – High Distinction
Oliver Bell
Mathematics – High Distinction
Fraser Brant
Mathematics - Distinction
Science - Distinction
Aleisha Chalmers
Mathematics - Distinction
Chantal Dalebroux
Writing - Distinction
Dominic Chen
Mathematics – Distinction
Hector Fleming
Mathematics - Distinction
Alyssa Chia
Mathematics – High Distinction
Brian Jung
Mathematics – Distinction
Science - Distinction
Oriana Follas
Writing – Distinction
Romeo Dean
Mathematics Distinction
Kate Li
Mathematics – Distinction
Science – Distinction
Holly Ma
Mathematics –Distinction
Sam Doak
Mathematics – Distinction
Katrina Miehlbradt
Mathematics - Distinction
Writing - Distinction
Matthew Officer
Mathematics – Distinction
Eva Harvey
Writing – High Distinction
Science – High Distinction
Christina Min Mathematics – High Distinction
Max Ramsay
Mathematics – Distinction
Science - Distinction
Science – Distinction
Briar Petrie
Writing – Distinction
Writing - Distinction
Joshua Phillips
Mathematics – High Distinction
Matthew Williams
Mathematics – Distinction
Science – Distinction
Science - Distinction
Max Williamson
Mathematics – Distinction
Ryan Yong
Mathematics - Distinction
Katie Zheng
Mathematics – Distinction
Year 9
Year 10
Ricky Lu
Mathematics - Distinction
Jungwoo Bae
Mathematics - Distinction
Victoria Gancheva
Mathematics – Distinction
Emma Cadman
Science – High Distinction
Science – High Distinction
Rocky Jiang
Mathematics – High Distinction
Writing - Distinction
Science – High Distinction
Flynn Smith
Science – Distinction
Hyeongjin Kim
Mathematics – Distinction
Felicity Qin
Mathematics – Distinction
Science – Distinction
Science - Distinction
Charles Law
Mathematics – Distinction
Bruce Zhang
Mathematics – Distinction
Science – Distinction
Science – Distinction
Writing – Distinction
Nadia Meyer
Mathematics – Distinction
Nicholas Miehlbradt
Mathematics – Distinction
Yan Tian Zhang
Mathematics – High Distinction
Science – High Distinction
Writing - Distinction
10 O’clock Club - Year 9
Danielle Alexander, Louis Bell, Chanel Brodeur-Muir, Fraser Brownsey, Jasmine Bryham, OIiver Denny, Eleanor Dewar, Sam Gentry, Sonia
Hua, Emilia Kelly, Haoting Ma, Emily Maclean, Houston Murray, Asha Pandya, Maggie Powell, Felicity Qin, Ella Rainthorpe, Adam Sinclair,
Rory Sutherland, Peter Troake, Christine Zhang.
What’s coming up?
Dress for Success
We are pleased to announce the third annual Kristin Dress for Success Clean Out Your Closet Drive. It’s time to spring clean your
wardrobes for a great charity. Dress for Success provides interview appropriate clothing for disadvantaged women returning to the
workforce. Dress for Success is in desperate need of clothing, shoes, handbags and accessories. The drive will run from 18 November
through to 6 December. Donations can be dropped off at the Junior School Office or the Middle School Atrium. All donations will be
gratefully received.
Holly (Year 8) and Olivia Roberts (Year 6)
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
Things to note...
Homework Assistance
Help for children in completing set homework as well as students who just require extra support. Held in LA7 on Tuesdays and Thursdays
during term time from 3.30pm-4.30pm. Two staff will be on hand both afternoons to assist Middle School students with their homework as
required. A small afternoon tea is provided.
Maths Clinic
In addition to the homework assistance service, Mrs Jackson also holds a Maths Assistance Clinic every Wednesday during term time from
Year 7
Henry Elworthy for showing initiative in practising for his Spanish oral assessment
Dylan Brooke
for his constant enthusiasm and motivation to learn in Spanish classes
Harrison Nixon
for his excellent research and animation on cereals in Soft Technology
Anya Khalid
for her very good phrase book and dictionary project in Chinese
Oliver Shera for his outstanding work in Science
Grayson Leversha
for settling into Kristin so well
Fraser Brant
for his great community spirit
Campbell Hay
Francesca Tolich
for always being inclusive of his classmates
for always being ready to lend a helping hand
Holly Watson for her wonderful sense of humour in class
Christina Brand, Helena James
for being consistently helpful and reliable
Alex Marris, Oscar Eele
for being good buddies to a new student
Harriet Powell, Sam Doak, for awesome research and presentation of their cereal investigation in Soft Technology
Georgia Tobin-Vile,
Hannah Reddy, Ella Walton,
Jane Smolira, Morgan Taylor
Cory Peters, Oliver Whiley for demonstrating good research skills in his cereal investigation in Soft Technology
Helena James, Olivia Milsom
for completing their Maori Myths and Legends homework in a timely manner
Francesca Tolich, Wiley Austin, for their outstanding results in the probability test in Mathematics
Phoebe McKellar
Year 8
Sammy Allan for her fantastic efforts in Mathematics
Ryan Harding
Wilf Sergant
for his great effort in Mathematics
for working so hard in Mathematics
Zara Felstead
for increased participation and use of excellent grammar in Spanish
Harry Dalbeth
for his focused characterisation writing, resulting in a great piece of visual language
Marty Kim
Trent Davis
for his commitment and consideration of others in PE
for finding the humorous side of life in his Sports lesson
Chantal Dalebroux
for her excellent, detailed piece of English homework that went beyond what was requested
Nicholas Baughan
for his focused attitude and excellent progress in mapping
Larissa Chen
Trent Davis
for working consistently well in Hard Technology, finishing her product early
for always having a great sense of humour
Olivia Foster, Emma Hardie, for insightful work on reflection for the fraction, percentage and ratio assessment
Sarah Swanepoel, Leon Yu
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
Year 9
Saffi Pallesen
for her effort in her Science investigation. She was actively involved in the practical, collecting data,
and worked hard to complete the written aspect
Samuel Christie for slotting quickly and effectively back into school life
Victoria Gancheva
Haoting Ma
for her impressive placing at the National Rythmic Gymnastics Competition
for blitzing the Auckland Quarter Marathon in 49 minutes - awesome!
Zephan Gates, Caitlin Sullivan for particularly good work as Class Captains and for their great job as MC’s for the Year 9 Speech
Ella Rainthorpe, Maggie Powell for being winner and runner up respectively at the Year 9 Speech Competition
Sarah Hogg, Asha Pandya, for their outstanding speech presentations in front of their year group
Adam Sinclair, Sylvia Glenn,
Brie Forbes
Adam McLeod, Sarah Hogg, for precise and detailed finishing in their pewter pendant project in Technology
Ali Antaqi
Year 10
Ben Williams for his efforts with interpreting Shakespeare in English
Livia Wicks
for her enthusiasm and talent in reading aloud in English lessons
Chenyang Zhao for her continual enthusiasm and determination to succeed in PE
Stephen Beale
for his positive attitude and behaviour in PE lessons
Samantha Barrable, for their commitment to preparing for their examinations
Charlotte Cowie, Emma Dil,
Jack Rogers, Grace Dibble,
Benjamin Houlahan,
Oscar Gunn, Sophia Doak,
Olivia Manaton
Maisy Smithers,
Juliette Jenkins,
Samantha Khan,
Lucy Chambers,
Jessica Huang, Grace Dibble
Thomas Boocock,
Jessica Marsden
Stephen Beale, Sofia Berry
for their excellent Humanities assessments
for their excellent approach and ideas for the new unit of work on masks in Art
for maintaining a good effort in Mathematics
Abbey Hooper, Annabel Wylie for an excellent effort in attaining a commendable grade in the algebra test
Ana Ross, Jamie Li
for maintaining a commendable effort in Mathematics
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
What’s been happening?
Return to Rome
Thursday 31 October marked the celebration of all things Roman with the Year 13
Classical Studies Annual Toga Party. Students presented themselves for the occasion
dressed as senators, emperors and patricians, some covered in blood spatter from a
day at the Colosseum. With Christian Topp ably acting as the Pontifex Maximus or head
priest, assisted by Cameron Williams as his Haruspice, a roast chicken was sacrificed to
the gods with its innards inspected for predictions of the future. The chicken revealed that
all students would pass their exams with high grades and would have prosperous futures.
Students had a mixed reaction to the traditional Roman music that had been carefully
re-created by university students, but thoroughly enjoyed their Mediterranean feast. Some
have decided to utilise their Roman attire as a permanent fashion statement and we could
not help but notice the persistence of the gladiator sandal as common modern wear!
Rome was re-lived if only for a day but our journey back in time was a successful one!
Things to note...
NCEA Examinations Begin Monday 11 November
Students were issued Examination Admission Slips on Tuesday 5 November. Parents please make sure students bring these with them
each day of their examinations. Also please check the timetable (on the Admission Slip) and double check that they have the correct date
and time for each examination.
Students should arrive no later than 20 minutes before the start time of an examination:
• Morning examinations begin at 9.30am
• Afternoon examinations at 2pm
Only a clear plastic zip-lock bag may be used for stationery. If you have any queries regarding the details on your examination slip, please
feel free to contact Mr Geoff Burge by email at or Ext 2336.
University of Auckland Faculty of Education Scholarships
The Faculty of Education is offering new scholarships for study in Education (Teaching), Physical Education, Social Work and Human
Services. Applications close on Friday 31 January. Click here for more information.
E-Week 2014
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Canterbury is hosting E-Week over 20-24 January 2014; a 5-day
camp for a total of 15 students who are studying science and mathematics at school and who are interested in studying engineering at
The deadline for applications is Monday 11 November. Students can access all the information they need here.
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
What’s coming up?
Senior School Graduation Dinner - 7 December
Final application date for the University of Canterbury - 9 December
Deadline for receipt of applications at UCAS (United Kingdom) for all courses except those listed with a 15 October 2013 deadline
and art and design courses with 24 March 2014 deadline - 15 January
Kristin Futures
To stay up-to-date with what the Senior School is doing in the area of academic and tertiary planning, you can follow us on Twitter:
@KristinFutures and on Facebook.
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
What’s coming up?
Middle School Try Day - Monday 18 November
Do you know a student in Year 5-9 who would like to try a day in the Middle School? Please
invite them along to our Try Day this term on Monday 18 November. Students will join in with
our classes, take part in fun activities and discover all the things that make Kristin Middle School
Interest can be registered with Linda Teagle by emailing
Christmas Cakes
Made to a traditional recipe, this Christmas cake is packed full of fruit and glazed with almonds.
Our Kristin taste testers guarantee you won’t find a cake to better this one.
Order by 22 November for collection at School on 5 December. $35 small / $45 large.
Click here to download an order form or email Trudi on
Things to Note ...
Kristin Facebook
It’s been great to see everyone ‘liking’ our Kristin School Facebook page. If you haven’t done so already, don’t forget to check out Kristin
School on Facebook.
We have three other sites set up for Kristin Alumni, Kristin Family and Friends and Kristin Futures. Pass them on to your friends,
family and anyone you know who is interested in staying connected to Kristin.
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
What’s been happening?
Kristin successes at Showdown 2013
Kristin was proudly represented at this week’s annual Showdown Awards. Having been
nominated in virtually every category, we received the Most Outstanding Play award of the night
for A Midsummer Night’s Dream and senior student, Gemma Revell received Best Female Lead
in a Play.
Tribute must be paid to our other talented student nominees of the evening: Phoebe Jasper,
Toby Hunt, James Collyer, Mitchell Hageman, Andrew Scott, Holly Thomas, Harrison Medhurst
and Conrad Edwards.
What’s coming up?
Junior School Production: Disney’s Sleeping Beauty
Tickets are on sale this Monday 11 November!
Bookings through from Monday 11 November.
A general admission ticket for a daytime session will be valid for both daytime sessions and the same applies for the evening sessions.
Please make a careful note of the production date and times of the upcoming Junior School Production.
There are four performances on Friday 29 November:
10.30am (Blue Cast), 12pm (Red Cast), 5.30pm (Blue Cast) and 7pm (Red Cast).
The Blue Cast consists of the following classes: 0D, 0S, 1H, 2T, 2B, 3I, 4C, 4B, 5M, 6C, 6N.
The Red Cast consists of the following classes: Kindy, 1G, 2P, 3S, 3L, 4D, 5B, 5D, 6D, 6G.
The lead cast performs in all four shows.
Upcoming Auditions
Audition Application forms for both the Senior Play and the Musical will be emailed to all students who will be in the Senior School in 2014
during next week. Application forms can be dropped off and students can sign-up at the Performing Arts office from Friday 15 November.
Senior School Play 2014: All My Sons
Arthur Miller’s classic play All My Sons will be a new co-curricular theatre production, open to all seniors in Year 12 and 13 in 2014.
Production Dates: 26-28 March 2014.
Cast Auditions: Sunday 1 December, 2pm-5pm.
Callbacks: Monday 2 December, times to be arranged with those shortlisted.
Crew: By written application, due 30 November 2013 at the latest.
Application forms available at the Performing Arts office from next week. For more information, email
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
Senior School Musical 2014: Les Miserables
The annual Senior School Musical will be open to all seniors in 2014 .
Production Dates: 13-17 May 2014.
Cast Auditions: 3-5 December 3pm-6pm.
Callbacks: Monday 9 December, times to be arranged with those shortlisted.
Crew: By written application, in early Term 1 2014.
Application forms available at the Performing Arts office from next week. For more
information, email
Things to Note ...
Assistance Required
As in the past, we rely on the generosity of our parent helpers to assist with the making of props, costumes and set for the upcoming Junior
School production. Assistance from Kristin families enables every student in the school to shine on stage. If you can assist in any way,
please email Jeanette Verster on
Middle School Production of Aladdin
Images from this production are being collated and will be available in the Retail Shop in a few weeks time.
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
What’s been happening?
Sports Dinner
A record 470 athletes and their families, Principals, Board Members, staff, coaches and
managers attended the annual Kristin Sports Dinner, held at the North Harbour Stadium
on 24 October. Our guest speaker Eric Murray, Olympic and World Champs Gold Medal
Rower, entertained and inspired us with his account of his journey to becoming one of New
Zealand’s most decorated and respected athletes.
Congratulations to the following athletes who received awards on the night:
Sorenson Simpson Cup
Rhys Kimber
Middle School Team Dedication Cup
Rugby 6th Grade Team /
Netball Year 7 Team 1
Middle School Kaipara Team Cup
Kristin All Stars Cheerleading Team
Middle School Team of the Year Football 12th Grade Addicks Team
Middle School Kaipara Cup
Tegan Knightbridge
Year 7/8 Female Sportsperson of the Year Hannah Reddy
Year 7/8 Male Sportsperson of the Year
Samuel Dick
Year 9/10 Female Sportsperson of the Year Eden McKay
Year 9/10 Male Sportsperson of the Year Leonard Takahashi
Thomas Bridgman Memorial Trophy Caitlin McKissock
Hamlin Trophy Football 1st XI Boys’ Team
Toby Goodman Cup Joshua Burt
Walker Trophy Francesca Jenkins and Emma Bower
Mittiga Trophy Andrew Scott
Bishop Cup
Water Polo Premier Boys’ Team
Tournament Trophy Water Polo Premier Girls’ Team
Senior School Kaipara Cup
Cameron McTaggart
Senior School Female Sportsperson of the Year Sophie Corser
Senior School Male Sportsperson of the Year Alexander Hanham and Anton Sunde
Premium Real Estate Service to Sport Janelle Sunde
Institute of Sport, Health Cup Callum McDonald
Marge Scott Cup Natasha Perree
Firth Cup Alexander Hanham and Anton Sunde
Year 7 and 8 Athletics Champions
Year 7 Girls
Year 7 Boys
Aleisha Chalmers
Track Champion
Hamish Thornton
Tess Heath
Max Williamson
Sylvie Porter
3rd Mitchell Davern
Aleisha Chalmers
Track Champion
Max Williamson
Field Event Champion Aleisha Chalmers
Field Event Champion Daniel Harris
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
Year 8 Girls
Year 8 Boys
Grace Hickson
Yuxin Wang
Tyra Daruwalla
Ryan Harding
Oriana Follas
Ryan Seo
Track Champion
Grace Hickson
Track Champion
Will Parker
Field Event Champion Emily Stewart
Field Event Champion Peter Redwood
House Champions
North Island Year 7 and 8 Water Polo
The Kristin Middle School Year 7 and 8 Water Polo team, lead by teacher/coach Ashleigh
Grant and parent manager Ninon Kemp, finished a credible and hard earned 8th place in last weekend’s North Island Champs.
The mixed team, consisting of Daniel Harris, Harvey Aitken, Dylan Brooke, Jordan Kemp, Matthew Williams, Sarah Dixon, Rachel
Marsden, Marty Kim, Sarah Swanepoel, Claudia Morgan, Dominic Chen and Oliver Bell showed considerable improvement in pool play
against the benchmark school Murrays Bay Intermediate, reducing the score from the previous time they had met in a tournament. A win by
default against Remuera and a 3-3 draw with Balmoral had the team finish top two of pool play in the first two days of the tournament.
Over the weekend in play-off games the team suffered close losses to Kings and Mount Maunganui respectably and in their final game of
the weekend they fell at the final hurdle in the 7th/8th place game, 3-1.
On Saturday 2 November, Kristin hosted the final U13 North Island Fencing competition. Kristin dominated the competition, securing Gold
and Silver medals in the Girls’ U13 Foil, The results are:
1st place Girls’ Foils - Lena Jacob, Year 6
2nd place Girls’ Foils - Sally Zhang, Year 8
Congratulations to Maya Paul (Year 7), who competed at the NZ Gymsports Artistic Championships held recently. She had an excellent
competition, finishing 1st on the Beam and the Floor and was 1st overall for Level 6. Maya was also a member of the North Harbour team
who placed 2nd overall. This title follows Maya’s 2nd placing at the NZ AIMS tournament in the Open Section, at the end of Term 2.
The 1st XI Boys’ keep their championship hopes alive after beating Auckland Grammar 2nd XI on Saturday. Kristin won the toss and
bowled first. The Kristin bowling attack performed superbly and they were well supported in the field resulting in Grammar being bowled
out for 122. Opening bowlers Andrew Scott and Marko Garlick kept the pressure on early and came back strongly in their second spell to
get critical wickets. They finished with figures of seven overs, one wicket for 16 runs and seven overs, two wickets for 13 runs respectively.
Dinesh Fonseka also bowled well, finishing with seven overs, two wickets for 22 runs. Joseph Mayes and John Shaw also picked up two
vital wickets a piece, while Samuel Macintosh had a tidy performance behind the stumps and took two sharp catches.
Kristin batted responsibly, led by Dinesh Fonseka who opened and finished unbeaten with a well compiled 61 not out. John Shaw formed
a good partnership before he was caught for 18 runs. Thomas MacFarlaine helped to cement the victory, finishing with 23 not out which
included a massive six over long on.
Kristin play ‘top of the table’ Liston College this Saturday at Liston which is another must win match if Kristin are to keep in the running for
the championship.
Tegan Knightbridge competed in the Wellington Club Orienteering Champs over Labour Weekend. She performed well but made some
uncharacteristic errors. She won the Middle and the Sprint distance, and was 2nd in the long distance. The sprint format was run over 2
races. She made a big error in the first race to place 5th overall, and had a great run in the second sprint race to win. Therefore, when the
times of both races were combined she won overall by 1 second!
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
Touch Year 7 and 8 North Harbour Zone Day
Kristin selected a strong mixed Year 7 and 8 team last Thursday at Sunnynook Park against other local North Shore Intermediate schools.
We were fortunate to have a clear, fine day, after it had been forecast for showers and strong winds.
Drawn in a strong pool of two other schools, Belmont and Whangaparaoa, Kristin went through unbeaten winning 1-0 against Belmont and
4-0 against Whangaparaoa. Drawn then in the quarter final stage against Northcote Intermediate, the team came up short, losing 0-4. With
limited practice time together, the team showed off some excellent moves, finishing a couple of great tries in the process. Our co-captains
Tiennan Costley and Maggie Hanham lead the team well from the front during the day.
The Girls’ Year 7 and 8 team completed a busy Touch day with their usual weekly Thursday module competition taking placed straight after
the Zone Day. The girls played out a tight and exciting 3-3 draw with Takapuna Normal Pink Panthers. Try scorers were Alisha Chalmers (1)
and Maggie Hanham (2).
What’s coming up?
The annual Mahurangi Form 1-4 Regatta (Fleet racing) is being held on Monday 25 November at Algies Bay.
The regatta is unique in that it is a one-day (four races) fleet regatta organised by a local school. It is aimed at Year 7-10 students and has
been running for 20+ years (hence historical name Form 1-4). It attracts up to 90 sailors in Optimist, Starling, Splash, Laser, Techno and
420 classes. The event also incorporates the North Harbour Intermediate Optimist Championships.
Entries are taken on the day. Entry fee is $20 for single handed, or $30 for double handed boats. If you are interested in attending this
event or require more information, please email Mr Messervy asap on
North Harbour Basketball is holding trials for their 2014 Representative teams.
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
U15 Boys 4.30pm-6pm
7 Nov
14 Nov
21 Nov
U15 Girls
9 Nov
16 Nov
23 Nov
U17 Boys 4.30pm-6pm YMCA
9 Nov
16 Nov
23 Nov
U17 Girls
9 Nov
16 Nov
23 Nov
U19 Boys 3pm-4.30pm
9 Nov
16 Nov
23 Nov
U19 Girls 10.30am-12pm
9 Nov
16 Nov
23 Nov
Please register online, $32 for all three trials. Any age-group that has more than 20 players trialling will have another three weeks of
trainings at the conclusion of the initial trials. All players who do not make the top 20 players in an age-group will be invited to trial for a
Development team at the start of Term 1, 2014.
Things to Note ...
Rock Climbing Club
There is still an opportunity to join the Kristin Rock Climbing Club. This club is open to students from Year 5-13, whether you are interested
in taking up rock climbing as a sport or just for fun. Rock climbing is a fun way to get physical exercise, spend quality time with friends and
meet new people.
Climbing sessions run every Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes, on the Kristin rock climbing wall behind the Roy Munn
Gymnasium. All climbing equipment is provided by the school.
Next year, there is potential for the climbing club to become an ‘official’ club at Kristin School. For this to happen, we are looking to establish
enough interest and student support this term.
Due to safety requirements, students in Year 5-6 are only able to boulder, unless accompanied by an adult that can belay for them. If any
parents are available to assist with belaying, please contact Nigel Messervy (Clubs Manager) by email on
If you have any queries or questions about the climbing club, please contact our climbing coach Andrew Boere by phone on 0211 209 135
or by email
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
Weetbix Kids Tryathlon
Give it a try! The 2013/14 series is now accepting registrations. The following events will be held in Auckland:
Sunday 16 February 2014 - St Heliers
Sunday 6 April 2014 - North Shore
These events are hugely popular so we would encourage Kristin students to register early and avoid disappointment from missing out!
Entry is open to anyone 7-15 years of age, no matter what your fitness level. You can enter as an individual or as a team of two with a
For registration and more information, please go to or phone 09 531 5080.
Sport Team Photos
All Winter Sports Team Photos for Middle and Senior Schools are now available for sale.
All orders will be directly delivered to your home. My Class Photo produces traditional class photos and contemporary portraits with a clean
background. A variety of print packages are available.
To purchase please visit and use your student ID number and date of birth to log in and purchase photos.
Please direct any questions and queries directly to, the school is unable to help.
Week 4 - Term 4
Monday 4 November - Sunday 10 November
>> Issue 32 2013
Monster High
Fang-tastic Ball
The Ride to
Conquer Cancer
Greetings from Make-A-Wish!
On 16-17 November Senior School Dean Chris Lee will
be participating in The Ride to Conquer Cancer, a 2-day,
200km cycling event that raises funds for cancer research
and treatment. All proceeds from the event go to Cancer
Society Auckland, whose primary mission is the discovery
and development of new drugs for cancer treatment.
The “Monster High Fang-tastic Ball” is coming to the
North Shore and we’d love to have students there from
This is a social event for guys and “ghouls” in Year 6-8
and will be taking place on Friday 22 November in the
Northcross Intermediate Gymnasium.
Tickets $15 or $25 for two siblings. Prizes for best
constume, scary snacks and drinks provided.
For further detail go to our Facebook event page
This is a fun fundraising event for Make-A-Wish ®. We
grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical
conditions to bring hope, strength and joy at a very
difficult time.
We have partnered with Mattel NZ and Toy World for
this event. The money raised will mean that we can
make more magical wishes come true for children in the
Auckland area.
Local Rental
We are an English family of four relocating to Auckland,
with two teens joining Kristin in January.
We are looking for a 3-4 bed rental property in the Bays,
(eg Browns, Torbay, etc.) or Albany from end November.
We are looking to pay between $600-$700pw.
We also have a 4 year old dog that has lived with us in a
rental apartment in Singapore. He is housetrained, and
well behaved, he sleeps all day!
If you can help please text or call Janet to discuss on
027 968 5779.
Chris will be raising funds and training hard so he can
make a huge impact in the fight to conquer cancer - but
he needs your help, he is still $400 short of his target.
Please make a donation to his fundraising account
today. Simply add “chris lee” to the search.
Cancer is something that has touched all of our lives in
some measure. It’s Chris’ goal to put a stop to that and
The Ride is how he is doing his part. That’s why he is so
passionate about raising funds. Any donation that you can
give is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Horse Grazing
Southern end of Albany Highway. $25 per week, per
Phone 021 1101 635.
Just Nibbles
Have you planned your Xmas function? We at Just
Nibbles know that the end of the year is hectic and we
would love to help.
We would like to offer our Xmas special to Kristin School
family and friends. To those who order by 20 November,
we will provide six canapés per person for the price of
We are able to adapt to your needs so don’t hesitate to
contact us with your specific requirements.
Our extensive menu and pricing list can be viewed at
Please call Janet 0211 736 053 or Debbie 0274 413 811.