win $100 - TheBANK of Edwardsville
win $100 - TheBANK of Edwardsville
January February March ���� Be “Green Smart” win $100 Cover photo by Joan Howard, Marketing Department what’s inside: SEE PAGE 6 Victoria Vancouver Cardinals vs. Diamondbacks Pizza Recipes Join us for this wonderful 6 day trip. PAGE 12 Deep dish, grilled and dessert - yum! PAGE 12 PAGE 18-19 Spotlight 2 Editor’s Note 2 A Note from the President 3 Tips & Tidbits 4-5 Bank News 6 Fraud Alert 7 Around TheBANK 7 Around the Community 8 People You Know & Trust 9 Merchant Discount Program 10-11 Merchant Coupons 11 You’re Invited 12 TheMUNY 13 Out & About 13 Money Matters 14 Cougar Banking 15 The Fishin Hole’ 16 Winning Websites 16 Top Reads 17 Kids Korner 18 What’s Cookin? Brain Teaser 2 18-19 19 E D I T O R ’ S Dear Friend, As we look forward to spring, we think “green” and, speaking of green, I wanted to remind you that we are striving to do our part in making our planet environmentally better. So don’t forget (1) that each magazine you receive in the mail is FSC rated which means that the paper we use is of mixed sources from well-managed forests and other controlled sources. If you are interested in finding out more about FSC, please go to their web site Also (2), please remember if you wish to receive TheCLUB Quarterly magazine online and be a part of making our tree (page 6) grow green, it’s very simple! Just go online to and choose to receive the magazine online to be Green Smart. As you view the magazine online, listen for the pages “whish” when you turn them!!! Be sure and let me know ( what you think about this new feature. Be sure and check out the recipe section this quarter. The recipes are all about pizza! Yum! We have included optional cooking methods of pizzas and using different ingredients (apple pie anyone?). I have never grilled pizzas before, but I will try it this spring. I have added a web site following the recipes that gives you additional N O T E pizza options. Of course it’s your pizza, dress it up or down with your favorite toppings. Enjoy! When it’s springtime my mind naturally drifts outdoors. Hopefully you are getting ready to plant a garden of vegetables and herbs. If so, you will have fresh vegetable toppings for those pizzas and other dishes. It’s definitely time to get digging! Also, you might want to plant some flowers to uplift your spirits as they bloom! Enjoy the warm sunshine and milder weather and get out there and take a good long walk. Don’t forget to check out our upcoming TheCLUB events and trips as well as the various community events in your area. I’m trying to have something for everyone. The MUNY has some wonderful shows and dinner is included for some evenings. There is our Cardinal Baseball evening, Movies-in-theParks, local produce markets with a variety of items to enjoy, plus all of our Discount Merchants with their specials. Enjoy every day and thanks for reading TheCLUB Quarterly magazine. I’m always happy to hear from you. Best Regards to you, Need us?… Need Us? Call Us! Us! Call Dear Customer; A Note from the President As we enter into the spring and summer months we all look forward to the wide assortment of outdoor activities generally associated with this time of year. Whether you participate in sports activities yourself or attend your children’s or grandchildren’s games; plan on taking a short trip or well-deserved vacation; or are preparing to spend needed time in the yard or on other home projects…the next several months will be a busy time. During this time, and throughout the year, please keep in mind that the many products and services that we offer are designed to save you time and add convenience to your life--like our new Mobile Banking. Mobile Banking allows you to access your account at TheBANK anytime, anywhere using your mobile phone. With this innovative new product, you have the option to view your account balances, monitor financial activity and transfer funds between your accounts. Mobile Banking is a handy and secure way to manage your financial transactions right in the palm of your hand. Combined with all of the other convenient services you receive as a member of TheCLUB such as our popular MagicCheck debit card, free online banking and bill pay services, as well as available ATM rebates on all U.S. ATM fees, Mobile Banking is the perfect banking companion for people on-the-go. In-Store Center Shop’n Save Felicia Rees 618/659-0011 Alton Center/M.L. King Drive Sarah Deperto 618/659-6673 Alton Center/Ridge Kim Lair 618/659-6461 Belleville Center/ West Main Street Mary Jones 618/234-5541 Belleville Center/ South Green Mount Road Erica Kingery 618/257-3239 Bethalto Center/Rt 140 Sara McCoy 618/659-4354 Collinsville Center Kathleen Luczak 618/659-4104 Glen Carbon Center/ Route 159 Collin Perry 618/659-4234 Glen Carbon Center/ Route 157 Kyle David 618/659-4391 Helping to make your experience with TheBANK more convenient is just another way for us to say thank you for being our customer. Granite City Center/Nameoki Chris Harbinson 618/659-4125 Best Regards, Granite City Center/Maryville Stephanie Asaro 618/659-6373 Highland Center Jennifer Lercher 618/651-3508 O’Fallon Center Kevin Welch 618/622-5451 Treasury Securities that have Stopped Earning Interest Do you have savings bonds that have matured and stopped earning interest? If so, it’s time to cash them in or reinvest them. Check your savings bonds periodically to determine if they’re still earning interest. Use the tables below to determine whether your E or EE Series Bonds have stopped earning interest, or for how long you can expect them to earn interest. The following savings bonds no longer earn interest: Series E EE How long bonds earn interest based on issue date: Series Issue Date E EE Troy Road Center Dawn Schmidt 618/659-6282 So while you fill your days with your favorite pastimes and enjoy the fun things in life with your family and friends, you can also enjoy the peace-of-mind of knowing that you can do your banking on your own time—anywhere you want, whenever you need to. Thomas E. Holloway Main Office Kathy Dickmann 618/659-6202 Kim Kinsey 618/659-5697 Donna Rezabek 618/659-6263 Online Center Patrick Hack Pontoon Beach Center Erin Janek 618/659-6318 Issue Date SIUE Cougar Banking Center Eboni McKenney 618/655-0780 May 1941 through February 1980 January 1980 through February 1980 Swansea Center Mary Jo Hanvey 618/222-7707 Troy Center Ginny Shup 618/659-6663 Number of Years Bond Earns Interest May 1941 - November 1965 40 years December 1965 - June 1980 All issues 30 years 30 years Wood River Center Marlene Cruthis 618-258-4171 3 tips & tidbits TIDBITS You can forget about Prozac or St. John’s Wort. A genuine smile increases the production of serotonin, the happy hormone. • It’s a bonding agent. Smiling builds bridges to other people around us. It keeps us from remaining aloof and separate from one another. Babies as young as three weeks old even recognize smiling as a bonding behavior. • What a workout! One smile uses more than 16 muscles. Call it the Milk of Human Kindness It works in the office, so why not on the farm? Great Britain’s Newcastle University found that cattle treated with care and a “more personal touch” tend to produce more milk for farmers. Newcastle’s School of Agriculture studied over 500 farmers across the UK and found that cows given names by their owners gave over 50 percent more milk than cattle who were nameless. 14,000! It may not be a world record, but one Orange County, Calif. , teenager reportedly sent and received more than 14,000 text messages in a month, according to her somewhat stunned father, a writer for the Orange County Register. (Fortunately for them, her family had unlimited text messaging.) The complete bill, available to the family online, was 400 pages long. The father’s call to AT&T uncovered the fact that cell phone users in the 13-17 age bracket text more than any other age group. The average, according to a Neilsen survey, is about 1,700 texts a month. 4 One More Reason to Brush Your Teeth The Benefits of Smiling HEALTH Mom was Right… Brushing your teeth regularly is good in all sorts of ways. Doctors now theorize that it may help prevent heart attacks. Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease, which increases the amount of high-sensitivity C-reactive-protein (hs-CRP). Whether increased levels of hs-CRP is a danger signal or risk factor is unclear, but scientists have found that people with gum disease are twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease as those who don’t. So start brushing. Success: You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need. – Vernon Howard Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. – Unknown TIMELY National Park Week April 17-25 America’s national parks are examples of our magnificent natural landscapes and our varied yet interrelated heritage. Parks provide recreation, exercise, opportunities to learn and grow, and places of quiet refuge. Take time this month to visit a national park near you. Astronomy Week April 19-25 A grass-roots movement conceived to “Bring Astronomy to the People.” Astronomy clubs, science museums, observatories, universities, planetariums, laboratories, libraries, and nature centers host special events and activities to acquaint their neighbors with astronomical resources and facilities. Dairy Alternative Month • June If you’re vegan, lactose intolerant, or just don’t like milk, there are lots of options for maintaining good health while avoiding dairy products. Visit Web sites such as National Cancer Survivors Day • June 1 “The National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation defines a ‘survivor’ as anyone living with a history of cancer —from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life.” For information on supporting survivors and helping find a cure, see tips & tidbits TIDBITS SCIENCE Origins of the Easter Bunny What Did One Plant Say to the Other? Next to Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny is probably the most beloved bringer of gifts to small children. This famous symbol of spring was originally associated with Eostre, a German goddess of fertility who was often depicted with a rabbit companion. The bunny as a symbol of Easter was first mentioned in German writings during the 16th century, and edible bunnies made of pastry and sugar were made in Germany during the 19th century. The Easter Bunny was introduced to American children by German settlers in the Pennsylvania Dutch region in the 1700s. Plants obviously can’t talk, text, or send e-mail, but they can communicate—in their own ways. Here’s how some of our leafy friends manage to get their message out: • Researchers at Pennsylvania State University have found that some plants, when being gnawed by caterpillars, quickly generate chemicals that spread through the air and attract dragonflies, which eat the caterpillars. The chemicals also entice small parasites to infect and kill the hungry caterpillars. TIMELY Good Signs & Bad Omens for Your June Wedding The month of June was named for the Roman goddess Juno, known as the goddess of marriage (among other divine duties). That’s probably why June is considered the most popular month for weddings, even though the Hallmark greeting card company notes that most people get married during August (June comes in second). The thought of getting married makes many brides and grooms nervous. Beware of these common wedding superstitions noted by • Sisters shouldn’t get married on the same day, or they’ll both have unhappy marriages. • Women shouldn’t get married in the same church they were christened in. • A widow at the wedding ceremony is bad luck. On the other hand, Snopes also mentions a few signs of good fortune to watch for: • A sneezing cat on the day of one’s wedding is a sign of good luck. • A baby crying during the service may be annoying, but it’s also a positive omen for the marriage. • Crying during the ceremony foretells happiness later. NUMBERS Robots on the Rise They may not be poised to revolt against their human masters, but robots are becoming more and more common in the workplace. Some 1 million industrial robots are at work around the world, according to high-tech journal IEEE Spectrum. A lot of them are in Japan, which has 295 robotic workers for every 10,000 manufacturing workers—a proportion nearly twice that of the No. 2 nation, Singapore. The U.S. has 86 industrial robots per 10,000 human workers, but regionally Europe is the most heavily roboticized, with 50 robots per 10,000 human employees (as opposed to 31 for the Americas as a whole). Video Gamers Break Some Stereotypes Slightly over half of all U.S. adults (53 percent) play video games, according to a study from the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Twenty-one percent play daily (or almost daily). Although kids under 18, not surprisingly, are the most common players (97 percent), 23 percent of people 65 years and up report playing games, too. But stereotyping the player as a geeky guy may be dying out: 50 percent of video gamers are women, compared with 55 percent of males. And they’ll have lots of games to choose from. Research firm Parks Associates predicts that video game revenues will reach $4.4 billion by 2010, up from revenues of $1.1 billion in 2008. 5 Be “Green Smart” & Be a Winner Be “Green Smart” and be a winner like Mark Porter of Troy, IL by Opting-In to receive TheCLUB Quarterly magazine online. Just go to our website, www.4thebank. com/theclub to view our online edition as well as to “Opt-In” and be entered into the contest to be our next $100 winner! Above & Beyond Several of our employees are recognized during the year for going Above and Beyond their job descriptions. Joe Harris, a truly exemplary employee, and a greater humanitarian, was presented the Award in January. Joe took over the responsibility of collecting the recyclables at TheBANK. When he makes his rounds and empties all the waste and recycle bins, he sorts the items and recycles as much as possible. After his workday and on his own time, Joe takes the newspapers to the Boy Scouts or to a local church that participates in a paper recycling program. He takes the plastic bottles to a recycling center in Alton, and the aluminum cans are donated to a man in Alton who has cerebral palsy and who supports himself on his income from aluminum. Our ink cartridges that cannot be refilled are donated to a church group that in turn sells them, using the proceeds to support various groups within the community. Joe is a true Steward of the Earth. Thank you, Joe, for caring enough about our world to take your personal time and make the extra effort to help your fellow man through the goodness of your heart. Service Award Recipients Many of our employees have made working at TheBANK their life careers. Each year we honor at an Awards Ceremony. Carolyn Detchman, AVP/Deposit Account Services, was recognized this year for 40 Years of Service. 25 Year Recipients: Grady Ambuel, Charlie Berkel, Mike Cruz, Tom Degroot, Barb East, Barb Loyd and Kathy Pfeiffer. Our 20 Years of Service recipient was Kathy Dickmann, TheCLUB Services Officer. 15 Years of Service: Dan Abegg, Barb DeWitt, Sue Nelson, Clint Ringering and Dale Smith. 10 Years of Service: Deb Bauer, Robert Cahill, Andee Duuncan, Maryann Frueh, Diana Hargis, Kara Johnson, Julie Leopold, Anna Margherio, Tawnya Parmley, Emily Richardson, Tony Sammis, Candace Schmitt, Kristy Shelton, and Carol Wellen. 5 Years of Service: Mike Angle, Tricia Beard, Mary Dettmer, Whitney Dickerson, David Fink, Melinda Hawkins, Jessica Henke, Justin Huneke, Kristi Huneke, Linda Klaus, Ted Luebbert, Karen McAtee, Sara McCoy and John Schlecht Congratulations to all! IBA Pays Tribute to Wetzel Be a part of helping turn our tree Green! For everyone that Opts-In to receive TheCLUB Quarterly Magazine we will add a little life to our tree. Watch each quarter as we branch out to help contribute to a greener environment. 6 Recently, Bob Wetzel was inducted into the Illinois Bankers Association (IBA) 50-Year Club with a presentation by the President and CEO Linda Koch of the IBA. The 50-Year Club is made up of an elite and prestigious group of Illinois bankers who have seen the banking industry change dramatically over the last several decades. serving President during its 142-year history. He has been on the Board of Directors for TheBANK since 1974. Bob Wetzel, who has served his entire career at TheBANK of Edwardsville, began as a Teller/Bookkeeper in 1960. He later served as Cashier, Vice President and Senior Vice President prior to being named President of TheBANK in 1981. He was TheBANK’s 10th and longest An active supporter of the IBA, Bob has served on a number of IBA committees and boards, and in 2003, he was presented with the Illinois Banker of the Year Award, the highest award the Illinois Bankers Association can bestow upon one of its members. Bob & Carol Wetzel Fraud Alerts Disaster Relief Fraud Alert With all the web sites, organizations and individuals asking for contributions for DISASTER RELIEF, how are you going to know if they are legitimate? We’d like to remind internet users who receive these appeals in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti to apply a critical eye and to investigate these before responding. Past tradegies and natural disasters have prompted individuals with criminal intent to solicit contributions purportedly for a charitable organization and/or a good cause. Therefore, before making a donation of any kind, consumers should adhere to certain guidelines, to include the following: • Do not respond to any unsolicited (spam) incoming e-mails, including clicking links contained within those messages. • Be skeptical of individuals representing themselves as surviving victims or officials asking for donations via e-mail or social networking sites. • Verify the legitimacy of nonprofit organizations by utilizing various Internet-based resources that may assist in confirming the group’s existence and its nonprofit status rather than following a purported link to the site. Note: Since this article was printed, sadly there have been additional disasters occur around the world. Please remember that these alerts and information to prevent fraud apply to all events that may pull at one’s heart strings and encourage donations to the cause. • Be cautious of e-mails that claim to show pictures of the disaster areas in attached files because the files may contain viruses. Only open attachments from known senders. • Make contributions directly to known organizations rather than relying on others to make the donation on your behalf to ensure contributions are received and used for intended purposes. • Do not give your personal or financial information to anyone who solicits contributions: providing such information may compromise your identity and make you vulnerable to identity theft. Anyone who has received an e-mail referencing the above information or anyone who may have been a victim of this or a similar incident should notify the Internet Crime Compliant Center (IC3) via Or, you may go to escams.htm for more information. Most Centers will celebrate Easter (April 2), Memorial Day (May 28) and Independence Day (July 2) with lots of treats! Please join us! Relay for Life Walks • American Cancer Society Cougar Banking Center – SIUE Morris University Center • April 16-17 Alton Center May 11 • Customer Appreciation Day Troy Center • Tri-Township Park • June 11-12 Edwardsville/Glen Carbon Edwardsville High School • June 18-19 Wood River Center • EAWR High School • June 25-26 Movie Nights Edwardsville City Park • July 10 Troy Tri-Township Park • TBA American Red Cross Blood Donation Main Office • May 19 Highland Center • Highland High School • July 9-10 Belleville Centers Belleville West High School • July 16-17 7 Alton Go to for more info for Alton, Godfrey, Grafton, Elsa. Die Laughing Dinner Theater: All in the Mafia Family Wed. • April 14 • 11:30 am Prescription Bunker Fri. • June 11 • 6:30 pm Lucy Loves Ricky Tues. • June 22 • 11:30 am CSI Alton Tues. • June 23 • 11:30 am A Night at the Museum Sat • April 17 • 7:30 pm - 11 pm LIVE at Jacoby: Last Saturday Nights Sat. • April 24 • 7 pm - 9 pm Alton Little Theater: Little Shop of Horrors May 14 - 23 • Evening Shows Tues. - Sat. • 7:30 pm Sun. Matinee • 2 pm Alton Muny Band Concert May 27 - Aug. 1 • 8 pm Jazz in the Park Wed. • June 16, July 14 & Aug. 11 • 7 pm Belleville Breakfast with the Bunny Eckerts & the Easter Egg Citement April 3 Flea Market at the Fairgrounds April 17 – 18 & June 19 - 20 Antique Show at the Fairgrounds April 24 Gun & Knife Show at the Fairgrounds May 2 & June 26 - 27 Art on the Square May 14, 15 & 16 Memorial Day Parade May 31 Shriner’s Parade June 4 Shriner’s Circus at the Fairgrounds June 5 - 6 • 888-567-1870 for tickets Antique American Glass & Pottery Show at the Fairgrounds June 12 - 13 Bethalto 50th Annual Memorial Day Parade May 25 - 10:15 a.m. Bethalto Jaycees Country Fair Bethalto Central Park Zion Lutheran Old Fashioned Church Picnic June 14 Bethalto Village Benefit Golf Tournament Clover Leaf • June 26 Spirit Summer Concerts in the Park The Diz Strohman Big Band June 28 • 7:30 pm Firework Show by Cornerstone Church June 28 • Regional St. Louis Airport 8 Collinsville Senior Fair Collinsville Township Senior Center April 6 • 10 am -2 pm • For info call 344-7787 Fabulous Fifties Gateway Center • April 16 Auction/Dinner/Entertainment Ticket info Anderson Hospital Baby Fair Gateway Center • Sun. - May 2 • 1 pm - 4 pm For info visit “Kids’ Day” Cahokia Mounds May 16 • 11 am - 4 pm • 346-5160 Splash City Open Memorial Day Weekend • 346-4571 International Horseradish Festival June 5 & 6 • Woodland Park • 344-2884 Edwardsville Route 66 Festival July 11 • 4:30 – 11 pm July 12 • until 11:30 pm • Edwardsville City Park Enjoy fun, food from local vendors, local art, and a children’s area, plus a Classic Car Route 66 “Cruise”. Col. Benjamin Stephenson House Activities Muster of Col. Stephenson’s Militia April 24 & 25 • General Admission View a militia encampment, soldiers’ daily routine, and preparations for the expedition led by Col. Stephenson during the War of 1812. Other events and tours of the Stephenson House Family Fun Day: Marbleizing Paper June 5 • General Admission + $2 for supplies Make marbleized paper. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Story time at the Stephenson House June 19 • 1-2 pm • Free During the months of June thru September storytellers will entertain children with stories of the past. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Garden Talk: Fruit Trees June 26 • 9:30 am • Free This 30-minute talk introduces participants to the basics of growing fruit trees. Weather permitting. Family Fun Day: Laundry July 3 • General Admission Learn how to clean your clothes the old-fashioned way with lots of elbow grease, water and lye soap. Children must be accompanied by an adult. City of Edwardsville’s Park & Recreation Movies in the Park: Movies will begin at dusk in the Edwardsville City Park June 5 • Tales of Desperado July 10 • TheCLUB Night!!! • Annie August 7 • TBA September 4 • Princess and the Frog Join us for these fun-filled evenings with family and friends while watching a movie outdoors. Glen Carbon 2nd Annual Senior Health Fair Eden Village Retirement Community April 9 • FREE & open to the public • 9 am - 1 pm Grafton Easter Egg Hunt April 4 • 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Piasa Winery Mushroom Festival April 25 • 1 pm - 4 pm Hummingbird Festival May 16 • 11 am - 3 pm Grafton’s Music In The Park June 3, 10, 17 & 24 • 7 pm Fishing Fair and BBQ Expo June 12 • 11 am - 3 pm Great Rivers Towboat Festival Sat. & Sun. • June 19 & 20 Sat. 10 am - 5 pm • Sun. Noon - 5 pm Godfrey That Mancini Magic! Sun. • April 25 • 3 pm BIG Truck Day Wed. • May 12 • 10 am - 1 p Bark in the Park Sun. • June 6 • Noon - 4 pm Movie Night Fri. • June 11 • Dusk Granite City Hungarian Luncheon Sts. Cyril & Methody Church Hall • April 18 • 2 – 4 pm • $10 per person Reservation required. Hungarian foods & pastries All- American Potluck Picnic Sun. • June 13 • Lincoln Place Community Center A celebration of our American heritage. Bring your favorite picnic food and pictures. O’Fallon Miracle League Kick Ball Every Sunday in April • 3 pm Moody Longacre Park • Fairview Heights Special needs Kids - weather permitting H.O.G. (Harley Owners Group) June 3 - 5 • Regency Conference Center Salute to Scott AFB Family Picnic June 12 • 11 am - 3 pm • O’Fallon Community Park Swansea Farmers Market June - Oct. • Thurs. • Mel Price Park Troy Troy Family Summer of Fun May 28 • Tri Township Park Relay for Life June 11 • Tri Township Park Troy City Wide Garage Sale June 12 Golf Scramble Troy/Maryville/St. Jacob Chamber of Commerce • June 18 Wood River Easter Egg Hunt March 27 • 251-3100 Animal Inoculation Day April 14 • Dogs: 6:15 - 7:15 pm Cats: 7:15 - 7:30 pm • Info 251-3100 Camp du Bois Rendezvous May 1 & 2 • Info 251-3100 JoEllen Wernsing was recemtly promoted to AVP/Assistant Center Manager/Retail Banking of our Main Office. She has been an employee of TheBANK for 33 years. JoEllen says, “I enjoy assisting our customers and staff in solving problems. I am detail oriented and love a challenge!” She has earned numerous certificates from the Center For Financial Training from Teller Operations to Supervision. JoEllen is the Treasurer of the SHARE Breast Cancer support group and CoCaptain of TheBANK’s Relay for Life team. She loves to spend time with her family, read a good book and travel whenever possible. She and her husband Nelson live in Edwardsville and have adopted Callie, an older Calico cat last year from one of her customers who passed away. Leslie Jellen, a Teller in our Main Office, was named Teller of the Year for Exceptional Teller Performance. Two other Tellers, Chrissy Maul from the Bethalto Center and Mary Jo Hanvey from our Swansea Center, were also recognized for their exceptional teller performance. Congratulations to all for a job well done! Ray Trost has been promoted to Senior VP at TheBANK. He has been here for 17 years. Ray reviews and assigns risk ratings to loans and develops work-out strategies for borrowers experiencing difficulties. Ray states that “Helping a customer work out of a problem situation is very gratifying.” He previously worked as a bank examiner with the Comptroller of the Currency and the FDIC for 9 years. Ray has a BS in Economics from SIUE, and he and his wife Helen currently reside in Litchfield. Ray has 3 children, Raymon, Elizabeth, and David and 2 grandchildren, Eliza and Joseph. He has been a member of the Staunton Volunteer Fire Department for 18 years, served as President for 11 years and currently serves on the color guard. He enjoys golf, boating and home remodeling. Chelsey Dubson (Banking Services Consultant, Main Office) received her Master of Arts (M.A.) in Speech Communication with a concentration in Organizational/ Corporate Communication from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. Chelsey has been with TheBANK since 2007. Congratulations, Chelsey! Terry Dooley, located in our Alton Center on M.L.King Drive, has received a promotion to Vice President. He works in Loan Administration and as an Appraiser. Terry says, “TheBANK is a great place to work and offers great opportunities for younger people interested in the field of finance. “ He has worked here for 17 years. Terry and his wife Carolyn live in Alton and have 3 children and 5 grandchildren. He is on the Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Alton, Finance Committee at St. Mary’s Church, a licensed appraiser/real estate/insurance broker and belongs to the following Professional Organizations: SRA (Senior Residential Appraiser); CRA (Certified Review Appraiser); RMU (Residential Mortgage Underwriter); and IFA (Independent Fee Appraiser). Jennifer Lunsford recently passed the Certified Information Systems Auditor exam and is now a CISA. Since 1978, the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) program, sponsored by ISACA, has been the globally accepted standard of achievement among information systems (IS) audit, control and security professionals. The CISA consists of a 4-hour, 200 multiple choice exam. Jennifer has been an employee of TheBANK since 2000 and a member of the Audit department since 2001. Congratulations, Jennifer! 9 Merchant Discount Program The following merchant discounts are available exclusively to our club members. Club Card must be presented to receive offer. Apparel • BJ’s Printable (Edw) – FREE embroidered name with jacket purch. •Chick Pea’s (Glen Carbon) – 5% off all purchases •Designs ‘n Stitches (Troy) – 10% off first purchase up to $50 •Glik’s (E. Alton & Edw.) – 10% off on Wednesdays •IMBER’S Men Wear (Edw.) – 20% off reg. priced items •Iris (Alton) – 10% off purchase •Kambe Original Brides (H’land) – “Sixpence” with the purchase of a bridal gown Auto Service & Supplies •Auto Body X-Perts, Inc. (Fairmont) – 5% discount •Burian’s South Side Auto, Inc. (Edw.) – 20% off mechanic labor •Mark Muffler Shop (Edw) – FREE brake inspection •McKay Auto Parts (H’land) – 10% off merchandise (except sale items & paint) ; FREE instal of wiper blades. ALL STORES •Speed Lube SLC (Bethalto) - $2 off any service •Ted’s Motorcycle World (Alton) – 10% off all merchandise (except motorcycles & ATV’s) •The Last Detail (Troy) - $10 off detail work •Ziebart / Speedy Auto Glass/ Rhino Linings (Edw.) 10% off detailing or window tinting; $50 off Rhino Bed Liner Books & Movies •Words of Wisdom (Swansea) – FREE Bible with purchase •Peace of Mind Books (Edw.) – 10% off purchase Electronics •Communication Concepts (Glen Carbon) – 25% off accessories •Dellamano Electric Repair (C’ville) – 20% of first repair •Dennis Technology (Edw.) – 10% off accessories •Intec, Inc (St Louis) – 314-454-9899 -$5 off dial-up Internet access, available in all cities listed in this section •Laser Cartridge Service, Inc (Troy) – 10% off nonsale items •Midwest Security & Sateliite (Granite) – 10% off all accessories. Full service DISH Network retailer. •X-treme Nations Computers (Belleville) - 5%-15% off sales over $25-$75 10 Florists & Gifts •Bill’s Montclaire Florist (Edw) – 10% off Cash & Carry (excluding wire) •Carol’s Forget Me Knot Florist (H’land) – 10% off Cash & Carry (Wed. only) •Four Seasons Flowers & Gifts (Troy) – 15% off (excluding wire service) •Krupp Florist (Belleville) – 15% off cash & carry (excluding wire service) Food & Beverage •Alfonzo’s Restaurant (Maryville) – 10% discount •Bindy’s Bar & Grill (Granite) – $2 off order chicken wings •Blimpie Subs and Salads (Edw.) Buy 1 reg. priced 12” sub & 32 oz. drink & receive 6” sub free •Caffé Avanti (Belleville, O’Fallon & Edw.) 10% off any purchase (excluding delivery) •ColdStone Creamery (Edw. & Shiloh) – 10% off purchase •Crushed Grapes (Edw.) – 10% off any item on Tues. only (excludes custom made baskets) •Dippin Dots (Edw.): 15% discount •Edwardsville Frozen Foods (Edw.) – 10% off purchases of $15 or more (Wed. only) •Farmer’s Restaurant & Bakery (H’land) $5 off CarryOut Family Meal and FREE Toasted Ravioli with an Adult Entree meal purchase in the dining room •The Hen House (Pontoon Beach) – Large drink with meal purchase •Joe’s Pizza & Pasta (Edw.): Free breadsticks with purchase of regular meal. •LaFonda’s (Edw.) – Free large soft drink with lunch entrée •McDonald’s (Alton/Broadway, Alton/Homer Adams Prkwy, Bethalto, Godfrey) – 35¢ coffee or soda •McDonald’s (C’ville, E. Alton, 2 Edw. locations, Granite City/ Madison Ave-Johnson Rd, Pontoon Beach) – Buy 1 Big Mac or Egg McMuffin, get 1 FREE •McDonald’s (Troy) – Buy 1 large sandwich, get 1 sandwich FREE •Novacich Meat Market (C’ville) – Buy 9 lbs. ground beef, get 1 lb. FREE •OMI’s Frozen Custard (Edw.) – Buy 1- 16” pizza & receive 2 reg. cones FREE •Outlaw Blues Restaurant & Saloon (O’Fallon) $5 off Carry-Out Family Meal and FREE Toasted Ravioli with an Adult Entree meal purchase in the dining room •Quizno’s (Glen Carbon) – 10% off everyday & 20% off Wed. •Pizza World (Granite City – Johnson Rd.): 20% off entire purchase, good any time. •Ravanelli’s (Granite & C’ville)$5 off Carry-Out Family Meal and FREE Toasted Ravioli with an Adult Entree meal purchase in the dining room •Taco Bell (Troy) - 10% off any purchase •Uncle Linny’s Family Restaurant (Pontoon Beach) – FREE dessert with dinner purchase; 10% Senior Discount All You’ll Ever Need Garden, Landscape & Supplies •Delmore Design (Shiloh) – 10% off any landscape drawing (by appointment only) •ECO-Scapes Midwest LLC (Glen Carbon) – FREE tree & installation with every $250 spent in services •The Garden Kingdom (Glen Carbon) – 10% off any purchase •Stone Landscaping (Edw.) – $50 discount for every $1,000 in landscaping •Treb’s Lawn & Garden Services (Edw.) – 10% off services over $40. Golf •Pro-Tee Golf Center (Wood River) – Buy 1 game of miniature golf, get 1 FREE • STL Give Away (Glen Carbon) - Visit our website for FREE weekly and monthly give-aways! Health & Beauty •A Signature Hollywood Salon (O’Fallon) FREE $20 value take-home product with a “COLOR Experience •All About You – Hair on Wheels (Belleville) - 1 FREE consultation, haircut & blow style. •Back & Neck Pain Center (Glen Carbon) – FREE exam. •CURVES (E. Alton, Edw., Maryville, Troy) – 60% off Entry Fee •Hendrickson Hair Design (Edw.) - Free Redken Color Extend or Blonde Glam & conditioner with a hair color service. •Joseph Mathews Salon (H’land) - $3 off haircut. •LA Nails (Glen Carbon) – $3 off any service over $20 •Lynne’s Hair Care (C’ville) – $5 off new customer. (Walk-ins welcomed Wed. – Sat.) •Mane Attractions Hair Studio (C’ville) – $3 off cut & style •Our Health Club & Spa (Glen Carbon) – 7-day FREE trial; 25% off first Spa serv. – new clients; 25% off new serv. – current clients •Sun Catchers Tan / Pick-A-Video (Wood River) – 10% off tanning package; rent 1 movie, get 1 FREE •The TAN Company (Glen Carbon) – 10% off packages Hobbies •Alton Stained Glass Works (Alton) – 10% off stained glass supplies (excluding discounted or sale items) •Belleville Sportscards (Belleville) – 10% off all regular priced items with mention of this ad. • The Quilted Garden (Edw) - 15% off on Wed. & Thurs. (Excludes class fees, Hinterberg frames & consignment items.) •Hometown Comics (Edw) 10% off or $5 off any purchase over $30. Includes comic books, graphic novels, posters, card games, toys & t-shirts. refurbishing or upholstery •Aztek Cleaning Systems (Granite City) - Residential carpet special – 3 rooms for $99 •Bio-Fresh Carpet Cleaning (C’ville) - Call for details on special rates •Buhrmester Wallpaper & Paint (Edw.) – 15% off purchase - 30% off wallpaper. •Cherry Hills Properties (Edw.) – FREE credit check •Daech and Bauer Roofing. (C’ville) – 10% of retail; Free verbal roofing inspection •Decorative Design (Edw.) – 10% off (Wednesdays only) •Felty Photography (Fairmont City) – 25% off session fee and $75 off portrait package of $200 or more •Frames By 3 (Edw. & H’lan) – 15% off all framing orders (excluding Flower Press Creations & Gold Canyon Candles) •Home Furniture (C’ville) – 35% off reg. priced items •Lepchenske Construction (WR) 5% off Labor. •Midwest Security and Satellite (Granite City) 10% off all accessories. Full service DISH Network retailer. •Miss Bailey’s Poppy Patch (Glen Carbon) – 10% off purchase •Patriot Sunrooms (Edw.) – Free engineering & design consultation up to $425 •Randy Leitner Building & Remodeling (Edw.) – 10% off labor for jobs of $5000 or more •Rammer Clean-Rite (H’land) – 10% off washing of vinyl siding or wood fence or deck being prepared for treatment •Simplify 101, Inc. (Edw.) – 20% off initial consultation •The Art Loft Gallery, LTD – 20% off baskets, candles, floral & other accessories (NOT valid with other sales, P. Buckley artwork and merchandise not listed) •The Galleria Hearth & Home (Edw.) – 10% off regular priced merchandise (excluding Vera Bradley) •The Galleria Hearth & Home (Edw.) – Vera Bradley Exclusive; FREE gift with purch. from Vera Bradley collection. •TO-DO’s – 10% off all regular priced merchandise (excluding costume rentals & balloons) •Woods Home Improvements, LLC (Sorento) 10% off siding, soffit, facia and roofing. Independent Merchants •Home Interiors & Gifts (Pontoon) – 618-406-7068 Additional $50 in Free merchandise for hosting a party OR 40% off Individual orders of $25 or more •Pampered Chef/Carol Pigg (Troy) - 618-972-9131 Free gift with $60 order •Premier Design Jewelry / Sue Parkin (Edw.) – 618-656-2325 - 20% off regular priced item •Seeds of Blessing/Jan Denby (Edw.) – 618-363-5866 - 50% off 1 item for hosting a party •Seeds of Blessing/Beth Buenger (Granite City) 618-960-4540 FREE GIFT for hosting a party or individual order of $75 or more. •Silpada Designs Sterling Silver Jewelry / Kathy Wehling (Edw.) – 618-656-8259 - Additional $20 in FREE hostess jewelry when hosting a party •Biegert’s Jewelry (C’ville.) – 15% off purch. (Excluding Class rings, Bingham collection merch. & sale items) •Elliott Fine Jewelers (Edw.) – 15% off jewelry repairs •L E Smith Jewelers (C’ville) – 10% off (excluding Featured Discounts certain sale items) Medical •Keith A Bryant, DMD, PC (Glen Carbon) – 10% discount •Errick L. Cameron, DMD, MA, PC (Glen Carbon) – 5% discount •David W. Hyten, DMD (Edw.) – $50 off 1-hour whitening ($500 value) ; $500 off Invisalign (4000 value) •Integrated Medical Group (Edw.) – Headaches, neck or back pain? FREE Consulation and exam. •Kristen M. Jacobs MD-PC Family Medicine & Aesthetic Medicine (Maryville) - $50 off Botox treatment. $150 or $50 Revederm Dermal Filler. •James F. Strieter, ODPC (C’ville) – 15% off material (NOT available with other sales) •Medicine Shoppe (Alton) – 10% discount •Metro Eye Care P.C. (Edw.) – 20% off on all prescription glasses, selected sunglasses & contact lenses •Unger Eye Care (Troy) – FREE eyeglass cleaner kit Free Redken Color Extend or Blonde Glam & Conditioner with a Hair Color Service ($25 value) Offer valid for TheCLUB Members only. Please present coupon or membership card for offer. Offer valid with coupon; no other discounts apply. Coupon valid thru 6/2010. 26 Glenonly. Ed Offer valid for TheCLUB Members Professional Park Please present coupon or membership card for offer. Glen Carbon Offer valid with coupon; no other discounts apply. Coupon valid thru 1/2010. 618.656.4011 COUPON 10% off service calls & 5% off new equipment •Alton Landing Antiques – $25 off complete Jewelers with exam; $10 off fames & lenses Miscellaneous •AAdvantage Insurance Group (Glen Carbon) – FREE annual reviews and consultation services for home, auto, business, health & life insurance. •Airport Rides R Us (Pontoon Beach) – $5 off roundtrip transportation •Bilbrey Farms, Inc. (Edw) – Weekday (non-holiday) FREE Spumante or Sparkling Juice &$5 room discount •Catherine Photography (Edw.) Free proofs with all pkg. •ExacTime Watch & Clock (Glen Carbon) $4 watch batteries (unlimited) & 15% discount on any in-stock clock •GRIZZLIES GMC Stadium (Sauget) – Buy 1 ticket & get 1 FREE (Mon. – Thurs only) •Highland Pool & Spa – $50 off new pool table •Jackson Hewitt Tax Services (Alton) - $31 off Tax Preparation (Alton, East Alton, Wood River & Edwardsville) •The Mail Box Store (Collinsville) 15% discount off any purchase (excludes USPS) •Milo’s Tobacco Road (Edw) – 15% off reg. box price of cigars •Pak Mail (C’ville) – 10% off shipping (excludes postage) •Premier Combat League (Alton): $5 off Cageside tickets •Safe-N-Secure Self-Storage, LLC (Alton & H’land) – 5% off monthly rental •Voegele Studio (H’land) – 50% off session fee Pets •LaBest, Inc & Dog Watch Hidden Fence Systems (Edw.) – $100 off Hidden Fence System. Stay 3 days & 4th day is FREE. •Shiloh Veterinary Clinic (Shiloh) - Get 15% off all office visits 15% off Custom Framing Orders Offer valid for TheCLUB Members only. Please present coupon or membership card for offer. Offer valid with coupon; no other discounts apply. Coupon valid thru 6/2010. Caffé Avanti COUPON •A.C. Products (A.C. Heating Service & repair) (Edw.) – COUPON Home 10% off Any Purchase Offer valid for TheCLUB Members only. Please present coupon or membership card for offer. Offer valid with coupon; no other discounts apply. Coupon valid thru 6/2010. Merchants: If you’d like to give customers a special offer and be featured as our “Special Merchant” for upcoming quarterly issues of this magazine, please contact Kathy Dickmann at 659-6202 or your local TheCLUB Representative (list on page 3) and watch your business grow! Customers: If you have a favorite merchant that you would like featured with a special coupon in the future, please contact Kathy a 659-6202 or your local TheCLUB Representative and we’ll try to make it happen! New Merchant 11 Invited You’re May 12 For group travel reservations or detailed information, contact Kathy Dickmann at 659-6202, or your local TheCLUB Representative. Progressive Tea Party & Shopping Trip Grab your shopping bag and make a date to join us for our 4th Annual Progressive Tea Party. Reservations have been made for you to enjoy a day full of delicious food, fun, flowers, friendship and shopping. A light breakfast with tea or coffee will start our annual Progressive Tea Party, followed by a little or perhaps a lot of boutique shopping. Need more energy for the day?… wait no longer because a delicious lunch has been planned at a favorite local eatery. Following lunch there will be more delightful shops to visit full of beautiful spring items and flowers. As in years past the last stop will be fun and memorable….a visit to indulge in your favorite flavor of ice cream! Date: May 12 Time: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Price: $60 per person. Payment in full is due with your reservation. RSVP: April 29 Cardinal vs. Cub Getaway Sorry, we had to cancel this trip this year because we were unable to get any tickets. We’ll try for 2011! 12 June 14-19 Visit Vancouver & Victoria Day 1 After arriving in Vancouver, enjoy dinner at the Cloud Restaurant. Accommodations this evening are at the Rosedale Hotel. (D) Day 2 Enjoy breakfast at the hotel, followed by a city tour with a local step-on-guide. This afternoon, experience British Columbia’s west coast rain forest and standing 450 feet above the Capilano River at the Capilano Suspension Bridge. Dinner this evening at the hotel. (B, D) Day 3 Depart Vancouver onboard the Whistler Mountaineer for a three-hour premier train journey that includes breakfast as you enjoy a waterfront route. Transfer to the Delta Whistler Hotel for overnight accommodations. (B) Day 4 Travel south to Vancouver by coach and then board a Ferry to journey to Victoria. As the big boat winds it’s way among the small islands, delight in the changing scenery. Dinner this evening is included at the Royal Scot Hotel. (B, D) Day 5 Following breakfast, a local guide will board the coach for a tour of the elegant city of Victoria and surrounding area. A special stop will be made at the historical Craigdaroch Castle. This afternoon take an optional “Walking Tour” which includes the Empress Hotel as well as strolling along the harbor and shopping at boutiques. Optional Whale Watching is also available this afternoon. Tonight enjoy dinner and entertainment at Blethering Place. (B, D) Day 6 Say “Cheerio” to Victoria as you travel back to the mainland and then transfer to the Vancouver Airport for your flight to St. Louis. (B) Time: June 14-19 Price: $750 per person deposit is due at time of reservation. For a Group of 20 Guests: Single: $3,135 per person Double: $2,800 per person For a Group of 30 Guests: Single: $2,879 per person Double: $2,525 per person Price includes: Shuttle service, Luxury motorcoach in Canada, All transfer fees, Roundtrip Airline Tickets, BC Ferry to/from Victoria, Sightseeing tours, 10 Meals, and Gratuity for Motorcoach Driver and Step-on Guides. RSVP: May 7, 2010 June 28 St. Louis Cardinals vs. Arizona Diamondbacks Reserve tickets on the Coca-Cola Patio including an All-You-Can-Eat buffet for your pleasure while you collect lasting memories cheering our St. Louis Cardinals to a win over the Arizona Diamondbacks at Busch Stadium. Treat yourself to the excitement and energy of our 2010 St. Louis Cardinals in a casual picnic setting. The Coca-Cola Patio combines your favorite picnic food (Hunter Hot Dogs, tender BBQ brisket, boneless breast of chicken, nachos with all your favorite toppings, baked beans, Coca-Cola beverages, water and Bud Light & O’Doul’s plus brownies and cookies for dessert) and patio-style seating during the game. Date: Time: Price: June 28, 2010, Monday St. Louis Cardinals vs. Arizona Diamondbacks 5:30 pm from the Main Office Customer Parking Lot, Edwardsville. $114 per person. Price includes: Roundtrip Deluxe Motorcoach transportation, Reserve Seat Tickets (4 per table, chair seating), All-You-Can-Eat Buffet & Beverages at the Coca-Cola Patio. RSVP: May 19, 2010 Note: Changes to Passport Requirements Passports required for travel to/from Mexico and Canada. This applies to ALL passengers, including children and newborns. Please make sure to bring required documents for your outbound and return flights. 2010 l TheMUNY With a terrific 2010 Season planned at THEMUNY, please plan on joining us for wonderful dancing, toe-tapping songs, great music and memorable evenings under the stars. Beauty and the Beast June 24 • $40 per person The Beauty and the Beast story is a “tale as old as time.” Belle becomes the prisoner of the Beast and kept in his spell-bound castle with the singing and dancing silverware conspiring to bring the two together. So travel with us from “once upon a time” to “happily ever after,” BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is a bewitching musical for children of all ages. Titanic • July 7 • $40 per person It was a cold, dark midnight at sea, and passengers were dancing in the grand salon until one man at the stern saw disaster looming straight ahead…a huge iceberg. Everyone called the RMS Titanic unsinkable and more than 2,000 passengers bet their lives on it. Damn Yankee’s • July 15 • includes Backstage Tour and Buffet Dinner • $60 per person DAMN YANKEES is the tempting, tantalizing musical that simply sizzles from the first musical note to the final bow! It’s the story of Joe, a middle-aged man who still holds on to his dreams of playing professional baseball. Cats • July 19 • $40 per person Tonight is the night of the Jellicle Ball and cats of every description will gather in a back alley, slinking around the refuse cans and cast-offs of the human world. It’s a purr-fect show for the whole family to enjoy. Sound of Music • July 27 • $40 per person The Sound of Music has been called “the loveliest musical ever written”. Tonight the hills of Forest Park will come alive with THE SOUND OF MUSIC! Footloose • August 3 • $40 per person The lifestyle in Bomont is quiet and very predictable, until the arrival of Ren, the bad boy from the “Windy City”. Ren knows that that life in a small farm town will be quite different but he certainly isn’t ready for all of the local laws, especially the one that bans dancing in public. Show Boat • August 9 • $60 per person, includes Backstage Tour and Buffet Dinner SHOW BOAT’s comin’! Make sure you are there when Cap’n Andy’s floating palace, the Cotton Blossom, docks at The Muny. This show is the most performed and most demanded musical ever to be performed at TheMUNY. Time: 6:45 pm Departure for Show only evenings. (5) 5:45 pm Departure for Backstage Tour, Buffet Dinner & Show evenings. (2) RSVP: 2 weeks prior to show dates. Magical!!!! That’s how The Variety Show for Relay for Life can be described. Written, directed and performed by bank employees, family and friends TheSHOW generated close to $9,000 for this very worthy cause. The depth of talent that exists among employees of TheBANK and their families was truly on display that night! The night included a Fried Chicken Buffet, music from TheBAND, the comical routine of the Unknown Comic, Cancer Testimonials that brought tears to the crowd, a lot of talented acts, a Costume Contest, and Silent Auction. Thank you to the employees and merchants that donated items for the Silent Auction, which raised over $2,000! A total of 58 employees participated as performers or volunteers at TheSHOW, with 10 family members and friends offering their assistance, as well. Thanks to the Master of Ceremonies Mark Cruse, whose hilarious antics kept the crowd roaring with laughter, Bob O’Rourke (Leader of TheBAND), Diane Balke & Gerri Chappell (Kitchen Coordinators), Joyce Biegert (Silent Auction Coordinator), Becky Yarbrough (Volunteer Coordinator), Nikki Turner (Stage Manager) and her assistant Amber Hallows, Joan Howard and Barb Pajares (Ticket Sales), and Janice Rushing (Cashier). A special thanks to Laura Balster and Danielle Smith as the Directors of Entertainment, who created a monster of a show. Thanks to all who performed, volunteers and especially our audience for being so generous! We recently held our Annual Antique Show & Tell event at the Main Office with our antique guru, Edward Wentz. Everyone had wonderful, beautiful, interesting and unique items for all of us to enjoy and hear the owner’s story. Each year I learn something new from this event and this year was no exception. I didn’t know that on the bottom of china the “crown” was of each country’s royal family where the piece was made. Thanks to everyone who came to this event and shared your “treasures” and stories with all of us. This is an annual event and we look forward to 2011! Start thinking about what “treasure” you want to know more about and we look forward to hearing your story. money matters Robb Treat Financial Consultant Unique Home Loan Opportunity USDA Guaranteed Rural Housing Loan Program n 100% Financing. n No Monthly Mortgage Insurance. n Competitive Fixed 30 Year Interest Rates. n No Maximum Purchase Price Limit. n Normal Timeframe for purchase contracts and closings. n Generous Income Limits to Qualify for Loans. n No Recapture. n Homes must meet Rural Development standards which are not much different than traditional conventional property standards. You can start the process by calling any one of TheBANK of Edwardsville’s mortgage loan originators and determine if you and the property you are looking at qualify. 14 When someone is looking for home financing, whether they are a first-time homebuyer or own a home currently, one of the most overlooked loan programs is the US Department of Agriculture’s Guaranteed Rural Housing Home loan program. The first reaction by most people is that “I am wanting to live in town and not a rural area.” When they are told that homes in communities like Bethalto, Troy, Lebanon, Mascoutah, and Millstadt qualify for the Rural Development Housing Loan Program they are amazed. People are also amazed that the loan is a 30 year fixed rate mortgage that is competitive with conventional loan rates. There is no maximum purchase price but there are income limits by household size to qualify so this program is not for everyone. The loan process takes no longer and only has a little bit more paperwork than a normal conventional home loan. The Guaranteed Rural Housing Loan Program also has some unique characteristics as well: 1) repairs can be rolled into the loan amount in certain circumstances; 2) alternative credit histories are accepted; (3) gifts from family members are acceptable; and 4) newly constructed homes are allowable. Remember because there is no monthly mortgage insurance premium that means you can qualify for “more home” and have the same monthly payment as other loan programs. Excellence SIUE has made a distinct difference in our region’s quality of life for more than 50 years. As an important cultural and community resource, the Arts & Issues Visit or call the SIUE Fine Arts box office, (618) 650-2774, for performance and ticket information. Malashock Dance 7:30 p.m. • April 1 SIUE’s Dunham Hall theater The Legendary Count Basie Orchestra directed by Bill Hughes 7:30 p.m. • May 1 SIUE’s Morris University Center Meridian Ballroom UMO Ensemble Zen Tales 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. • May 15 SIUE’s Dunham Hall theater In cooperation with SIUE Xfest University Exploration Empowerment Theater & Dance All of the performances below will take place in SIUE’s Dunham Hall theater. Visit THEATER or call the SIUE Fine Arts box office (618) 650-2774, for more information. Mainstage Intimate Apparel 7:30 p.m. • April 21-24 & 2 p.m. • April 25 Student Experimental Theater Organization The Faculty Room, directed by Anna Skidis 7:30 p.m. • April 1-3 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. • April 4 Student Dance Concert by the University Dance Organization 7:30 p.m. • April 14-17 2:30 p.m. • April 18 provides a wealth of opportunities for excellence, exploration and empowerment. We hope you will join us on campus soon. Relay for Life • April 10 Giant Banana Split Canoe • April 22 Stop by and have a treat on TheBANK. Held in conjunction with Springfest. Visit our Web site at for information on more classes, activities and performances that are open to the public. Looking forward to seeing you on campus! 15 The Fishin’ Hole By Bob Richardson TV host of Outdoors in the Heartland My Fishing Friends! My famous last words, “Trust Me,” spring will arrive in 2010, I think!?! For me and my fishing friends, this past winter was really tough, not only just catching fish, but to even get out there with the unpredictable bad weather. Now, my words of wisdom predictions, HIGH WATER - HIGH WATER and more HIGH WATER. 2009 was one of the wettest years for decades. This past fall brought us 12 inches of additional rain in October, then we ended up with more ice and snow from St. Louis to Minneapolis on the Mississippi River. And the fact is, all that snow and ice will flow our way sooner or later. If we get a wetter than normal spring, we may be thinking that the floods of 1993 and 1995 were nothing. Let’s hope not! But a little water here or there won’t stop us fishermen, right! Both states of Illinois and Missouri are blessed to have incredible numbers of small lakes and ponds. Also, the state of Missouri has literally thousands of state conservation lakes and ponds that are “open to the public.” Now my point is, April, May and June bring some of the very best pond fishing of the year and with a little luck they may not be flooded. A few tips for spring time pond and/or small lake fishing: • Bass are usually found in the most shallow part of the waters (it’s spawning season). • Fish the north shores, normally the most direct, longest exposed part of the lake to the sun (warmer water). • If the sun is out, I like to throw a small white silver, single blade spinner bait. • If it is cloudy, I’ll throw chartreuse skirted, gold blade willow spinner bait. • Then I will tie on a black/blue 3/8 oz. jig with a blue trailer, and concentrate on a little deeper water. • Always look for structures, a stick in the water, a tree, a ledge from a ditch that runs into the lake or pond, anything that makes an irregular bottom. Normally the hot water lakes are slowing down at this time of year, but with high waters they also can be a great place to fish. A great place to find fishing reports is in the St. Louis newspaper on Friday. It has a fishing section that covers most of the Midwest area. Also, the local bait shops can be a great source of current fishing and lake information. This is the best time of the year to catch one of the biggest bass of your life, along with the easiest times of the year to catch fish. So take a kid fishing or someone new to the outdoors, they too may find “fishing is fun.” For those of you who want to catch my TV show, Outdoors in the Heartland, we’re on every Sunday at 8:30 on Fox Sports, plus on Saturday mornings on Versus network, nationally. Be safe and catch fish! 16 Winning Web Sites How would you like to make things a little easier at home, up-date your menu and save a little money? Try these web sites. • recipeexchange • • recipes/index.html • • • • • Want to know what’s going on around the world – right now? This web site tracks up-to-the second figures on world population, births and deaths, government expenditures, tons of fish caught, etc. Go to You’ll find some helpful tips on keeping your kids safe while they are online at this web site: content/whats-available Ever wonder what everyone else is looking at on the internet? The following is a list of the top 10 visited web sites as of March 2010: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Children’s Book Recommendations From PBS ‘Between the Lions’ Show. When you’re at the library or bookstore, staring at shelf after shelf of titles, how do you choose something your child will enjoy? Here is a good, all-purpose book list with alphabets, fairytales, poetry and rhymes, songs, story collections, biographies and other non-fiction. • The 20th Century Children’s Book Treasury edited by Janet Schulman. Celebrated children’s picture books to read aloud. Folk and Fairy Tales • The First Strawberries by Joseph Bruchac. A Cherokee myth of how strawberries came to be. • Moon Rope by Lois Ehlert. How Mole climbs up to the moon. • Swamp Angel by Anne Isaacs. A tall tale about the girl who grows up to be “the greatest woodswoman in Tennessee.” Non-fiction • The Big Book of Dinosaurs by Angela Wilkes. A really big book about those really big creatures. • From Tadpole to Frog by Wendy Pfeffer. Discover the stages of a frog’s life. • Home: A Journey Through America by Thomas Locker. Take a very special trip across the country. • The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons. An easy-to-read book of information. Poetry and Song • Read Aloud Rhythms for the Very Young edited by Jack Prelutsky. Easy poems for reading together. • This Land is Your Land by Woody Guthrie. A beautifully illustrated version of the well-known folk song. Editors’ Picks 2009 Teens’ Top Ten More than 11,000 teen voters chose Paper Towns as their favorite book in the 2009 Teens’ Top Ten The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) Teens’ Top Ten: 1. Paper Towns by John Green (Penguin/Dutton) 2. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers) 3. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (Scholastic) 4. City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare (Simon & Schuster/Margaret K. McElderry) 5. Identical by Ellen Hopkins (Simon & Schuster/Margaret K. McElderry) 6. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman (Wake by Lisa McMann (Simon & Schuster/Simon Pulse) 7. Wake by Lisa McMann (Simon & Schuster/Simon Pulse) 8. Untamed by P.C. and Kristin Cast (St. Martin’s Griffin) 9. The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart (Disney-Hyperion) 10. Graceling by Kristin Cashore (Harcourt/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Library Staff’s Recommendations for Adult Leisure Reading • • • • • • • • Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout Smoke Screen by Sandra Brown Angels and Demons by Dan Brown The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Rachel’s Secret by B.J. Hoff Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell Three Little Words by Ashley Rhodes-Courter National Library Week, April 11-17. A week to raise appreciation and support for libraries, and to promote the practice and pleasure of reading. Read-aloud stories for parents and kids • Bluebird’s Nest, by Dorothea Deprisco • Galoshes, by Kit Allen • The Happy Day, by Ruth Krauss • In the Small, Small Pond, by Denise Fleming • Mud, by Mary Lyn Ray • Rabbit’s Good News, by Rut Lercher Bornstein • Spring Song, by Barbara Seuling • Waiting for Wings, by Lois Ehlert For more book lists, go to 17 Kids Korner Kidoku Fill in the blank squares so that each row , each column and each 3-by-2 block contains all of the digits 1 thru 6. If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guessing! 6 1 5 3 6 6 4 5 1 2 just kidding Q: Where would you put an injured insect? A: In an antbulance! Q: Why did the firefly get bad grades in school? A: He wasn’t very bright! Q: What would you call a very nervous insect? A: A jitterbug! Q: How do snails fight each other? A: They slug it out! 18 I found these pizza recipes and thought I’d share them with you. Hope you enjoy them! I am excited to try grilling pizzas. If you want to be creative with pizza making, visit for more ideas. Submitted by Kathy Dickmann Ike Sewell’s Original Chicago-Style Deep-Dish Pizza Olive oil or cooking oil 1 pkg. active dry yeast 1 c. warm water 3 - 3-1/2 c. all-purpose flour 1/3 c. cooking oil 1/2 tsp. salt 6 oz. mild Italian sausage 12 oz. sliced mozzarella cheese 1 (14-1/2-oz.) can Italian-style tomatoes (drained & cut up) 1 Tbsp. snipped fresh oregano (or 1 tsp. dried - crushed) 1 Tbsp. snipped fresh basil (or 1 tsp. dried - crushed) 1/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese or Romano cheese Sliced mushrooms or chopped green sweet pepper (optional) Generously grease a heavy 10x2-inch round cake pan or a 10-inch springform pan with oil & set aside. Crust: In a large mixing bowl, dissolve yeast package in the 1 cup warm water. Let stand for 5 minutes. Then stir in 1-1/2 cups of the flour, 1/3 cup cooking oil, and salt. Beat with an electric mixer on low speed for 30 seconds, scraping the bowl constantly. Beat for 2 minutes on high speed, scraping the bowl frequently. Using a wooden spoon, stir in as much of the remaining flour as you can. Cover; let rise in a warm place until double (50 to 60 minutes). Punch down. Cover; let rest for 5 minutes. Turn dough into prepared pan. Using oiled hands, press and spread the dough evenly over bottom and 1-1/2 inches up the side of the pan. Cover; let rise in a warm place until nearly double (30 to 35 minutes). Meat filling: In a medium skillet, cook Italian sausage until meat is brown. Drain off fat and pat sausage with paper towels to remove additional fat. Assemble: Sprinkle mozzarella cheese over dough; then spoon meat filling and cut-up tomatoes over cheese. Top with oregano and basil. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Optional items to add are sliced mushrooms, sliced peppers or your favorite pizza toppings. Bake at 500° for 20 - 25 min. or until edges of crust are crisp and golden brown and the filling is hot. If using a springform pan, remove side of pan and cut into wedges to serve. Cover crust with foil the last 10 minutes of baking to prevent overbrowning. Cool on wire rack 10 minutes before cutting. Serves 6-8. Gouda & Red Onion Pizza Preheat oven to 400° F 2 Tbsp. olive oil 2 c. red onion (halved lengthwise and sliced thin) 1 Tbsp. snipped fresh thyme (or 1 tsp. dried - crushed) ¼ tsp. salt ¼ tsp. fresh ground pepper 1 Tbsp. cornmeal 1 pkg. (10-13 oz.) refrigerated pizza dough 2 c. (8 oz.) shredded Gouda or Edam cheese In a large skillet, heat 1 Tbsp. oil. Add onion and cook 5-7 minutes or until tender but not brown. Remove from heat and stir in thyme, salt and pepper; set aside. Grease a baking sheet and sprinkle with cornmeal. Place pizza dough on baking sheet; pat dough into a 12” x 8” rectangle and brush with remaining olive oil. Sprinkle cheese over pizza dough and then spoon the onion mixture over cheese. Bake at 400° for 12-15 min. or until crust is golden brown. Caramel Apple-Pie Grilled Dessert Pizza 1/2 of a 17.3 oz. pkg. frozen puff pastry (use 1 sheet per pizza) 1/4 c. brown sugar (packed) 1-1/2 tsp. cornstarch 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 2 Tbsp. butter 2 -1/2 c. Granny Smith (peeled, cored & cut into wedges) 3 c. vanilla or cinnamon ice cream 1/3 c. caramel ice cream topping (optional) Thaw pastry sheets at room temperature (about 10 minutes). Using heavy duty foil, cover entire 12-inch pizza pan. Grease foil-lined pizza pan; set aside. Crust: Unfold pastry sheet on a lightly floured surface. Roll gently to flatten creases (you should have a 10-1/2 inch square). Cut 10-inch circle from pastry. Place circle on pan. Prick with a fork; set aside. Topping: In a small bowl, combine brown sugar, cornstarch and cinnamon, set aside. In a large skillet, melt butter over medium heat; stir in sugar mixture and add apples. Cook for about 3 minutes or until mixture is bubbly and sugar is dissolved, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and spoon over pastry. Charcoal grill: Arrange hot coals around edge of grill. Test for medium-hot heat over center of grill. Place pizza pan on rack in the center of grill. Cover; grill for about 30 minutes or until apples are tender and pastry is puffed and golden brown. Gas grill: Preheat grill. Reduce heat to medium. Adjust for indirect cooking. Place pizza pan on grill. Grill as above. Remove and let stand for 10 minutes. When pizza is cooked, cut into 6 wedges. Place wedges in serving dishes; top each slice with a scoop of ice cream and drizzle with caramel ice cream topping. Serve immediately. Recipe makes one 10-inch pizza. Mother’s Day The mothers who raised us (virtually). Match the TV mother with her words of wisdom. Mail or bring in your completed puzzle by April 30. Good luck! n 1. Marge Simpson (“The Simpsons) n 2. Clair Huxtable (“The Cosby Show”) n 3. Marion Cunningham (“Happy Days”) n 4. June Cleaver (“Leave it to Beaver”) n 5. Laura Petrie “(The Dick Van Dyke Show”) n 6. Lois Griffin (“Family Guy”) n 7. Joyce Summers (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer”) n 8. Carol Brady (“The Brady Bunch”) Words of Wisdom: a. “Once a boy always a boy.” b. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about…where you’re coming from, how to relate to you…and I’ve come to a very simple conclusion: I don’t get it.” c. “Six kids and no noise. That’s what’s the matter with that. I’ve never heard such a loud silence.” d. “You should listen to your heart, and not the voices in your head.” e. “Oh no, I’m not angry . . . I’m MAD!” f. “If you kids don’t quiet down we’re not going to McDonalds after church!” g. “Life would be so much more pleasant if we just had more closet space.” h. “Let me put it this way: I have a happy, semi-well- adjusted husband who comes home and greets me with a smile and a kiss—and I’d rather have that than all the money in the world.” Gift cards will be sent to the winners within the 3 months of this issue. Last quarter’s winners are: Norma Jean Havlin – Belleville Meg Oberlag – Edwardsville Arthur Schuetz – Highland Linda Hoffman – Wood River 19 COMING UP • Troy’s Movie Night • Pampered Shopping Trip • Nashville Holiday Trip FSC FPO Be “Green Smart” win $100 Be “Green Smart” and be a winner by Opting-In to receive TheCLUB Quarterly magazine online. Just go to our website, to view our online edition as well as to “Opt-In” and be entered into the contest to be our next $100 winner!
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