brochure - BNP Paribas Real Estate
brochure - BNP Paribas Real Estate
PRIME RETAIL WAREHOUSE TO LET Bristol - Centaurus Retail Park, Cribbs Causeway, BS34 5TS • 39,579 sq ft (3677 m2) • Regional location within the Cribbs retail agglomeration • Highly visible store with shared parking • A1 non food planning • Accessible from Junction 17 of the M5 Motorway 020 7338 4084 Bristol - Centaurus Retail Park, Cribbs Causeway, BS34 5TS Unit Size 39,579 sq ft (3677m2) Rent PAX £1,237,964 (£31.28 psf) LOCATION Together with the adjacent Cribbs Causeway Retail Park and The Mall Regional Shopping Centre, the Centaurus Retail Park forms part of a strategically located retail destination dominating the South West of England. According to Experian, there is a population of 93,630 within a 10 minute drive-time of the premises and 538,039 within 20 minutes. The scheme is readily accessible from Junction 17 of the M5 Motorway close by intersections with the M4 and M49 motorways. It comprises a standalone block with Halfords so has its own identity. Other nearby retailers include Toys R Us, dfs, Next at Home, Currys, PCWorld, Argos, Makro, B&Q Warehouse, Furniture Village and Sports Direct together with a leisure scheme anchored by Vue Cinema. There is on site parking for 176 cars. The property occupies a highly visible position. The premises are held on a FR&I lease expiring 9th January 2021 subject to a rent review due 10th January 2016. Rates Payable £496,000 pa Service Charge Available upon request Planning A1 non food retail consent Bristol - Centaurus Retail Park, Cribbs Causeway, BS34 5TS M5 M5 Cribbs Causeway Retail Park A4018 The Mall Regional Shopping Centre B4057 Bristol - Centaurus Retail Park, Cribbs Causeway, BS34 5TS Contact Details od wo gh Hi Lane Highwood Lane Ro ad nd er Ro ad Pe ga su s Neil Gilbert +44 (0) 207 636 2494 +44 (0) 7831 800566 sa Ly Ce nta u rus Ro ad Patrick Heaps +44 (0) 207 338 4084 +44 (0) 7970 077086 Lys an de rR oa d 020 7338 4084 Me rlin Ro ad George Haworth +44 (0) 207 338 4082 +44 (0) 7788 301189 Misrepresentation Act 1967: BNP Paribas Real Estate Advisory & Property Management UK Limited and Gilbert Bath for themselves and for the vendor(s) or lessor(s) of this property whose agents they are, give notice that: 1. These particulars do not constitute, nor constitute any part of, an offer or contract. 2. None of the statements contained in these particulars as to the property are to be relied on as statements or representations of fact. 3. Any intending purchaser or lessee must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. 4. The vendor(s) or lessor(s) do not make or give and neither BNP Paribas Real Estate Advisory & Property Management UK Limited or Gilbert Bath nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. Finance Act 1989: Unless otherwise stated all prices and rents are quoted exclusive of VAT. Property Misdescriptions Act 1991: These details are believed to be correct at the time of compilation but may be subject to subsequent amendment.