2016 Monmouth Leaders Guide


2016 Monmouth Leaders Guide
Leader’s Guide
Monmouth Council’s Trail’s End Popcorn Sale
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Letter from your Council Kernel
Popcorn Sale Leadership Contact Information
Popcorn Sale Calendar
Why Popcorn as Your Unit’s Fundraiser?
Sales Methods
Unit Commissions
Unit & Scout Incentive Prizes
Unit & Scout Incentives
Galactic Patch
Wawa Sale Dates & Locations
Monmouth Mall Dates & Locations
Scholarship Information
Popcorn Pick-Up & Return Dates & Warehouse Information
Timeline for Popcorn Kernels
Steps for a Successful Sale
Steps for a Successful Unit Kickoff
Sample Kickoff Agenda
Unit Popcorn Kernel Job Description
Ideal Year of Scouting
Show & Sell Location Ideas
Frequently Asked Questions
Dear Unit Kernels,
Thank you for all that you do for your Unit and for being a part of the team dedicated to the popcorn sale.
Last year, over $650,000 of popcorn was purchased to help support Scouting in
Monmouth Council and approximately $230,000 went directly to our Units (this does
not include the cost of the prizes that the Scouts earned). A little more than half of
all Units participated in the sale in 2015.
I said this last year but it is worth repeating - We aren’t selling popcorn. We are
asking people to support Scouting by purchasing our popcorn. We are asking people to support our Troops all over the world by purchasing our popcorn (with the
Military donation).
I need your help. I need to hear all the wonderful things your Unit was able to do
because of your successful popcorn sale. Please email me directly at njscoutdad@aol.com with anything you would like to share with me.
Once again, for all you do, THANK YOU! If you are not participating or need more
information on how the sale benefits your Unit and the Council, please reach out to
me. I will be more than happy to meet with you and your Unit Committee to go over
the ins and outs of popcorn sales.
Yours in Scouting,
Philip Baum
Council Popcorn Kernel
Popcorn Sale Leadership
Battleground District
District Kernel
Linda Simon
Staff Advisor
Dan Sloan
Middlesex District
District Kernel
Matt Marshall
Staff Advisor
Anthony Cullen
Thunderbird District
District Kernel
Karen & Tim Little
Staff Advisor
John Kryda
Twin Lights District
District Kernel
Michelle Chumash
Staff Advisor
Stephanie Billings
Monmouth Council
Council Kernel
Philip Baum
Staff Advisor
Kathleen Picciano
Trail’s End
2016 Trail’s End Popcorn Sale Calendar
Monmouth Council, Boy Scouts of America
Monmouth Council Leader Kickoff Training, 8:30am Quail Hill Scout Camp,
Lawrence Lodge, 56 La Valley Drive, Manalapan
Council Blast Off, Official Launch - Door to Door – Take Order
Monmouth Council Leader Kickoff Training 7pm, Monmouth Scout Office,
705 Ginesi Drive, Morganville
Show & Sell Orders due online by 5pm
Show & Sell Order Pick up – Sunny Delight, 10 Corn Road, Dayton
Monmouth Mall
10/1-10/2/16 Wawa Sale Dates
Show & Sell Returns due at the Council Service Center by NOON
Door to Door/Take Orders due online by 5:00
Prize &Trails End Incentive Orders due
Take Order Popcorn Distribution – Sunny Delight, 10 Corn Road, Dayton
Popcorn payment due to Council Service Center. Commission reduced 1.5% for
every 7 days payment in full is not received
Unit Sales Roster Due - REQUIRED for top seller recognition and to receive full bonus commission.
Online sales commission will be a straight 50%.
No prizes can be ordered after Nov. 4th
Why Popcorn as your Unit’s Fundraiser?
Over 73% of the purchase price goes to support local Scouting programs.
Up to 38% commission for units - one of the top in the country!
NO RISK! A turn-key program; no upfront money, no leftover product, order just what
your Scouts sold.
A Council supported prize program for many levels.
Two ways of selling: Face-to-Face or online.
Scouts can earn their own way in Scouting with “One fundraiser a year”.
There is a Scholarship Program. Sell $2,500 just once and you’re in!
BONUS PRIZES: $700 and $1,500 Club levels and a Fill a Sheet Weekly drawing
Great prizes for top three sellers in each District & Top 3 sellers in the Council!
Trail’s End is Better Than Ever
Highest quality/best tasting products.
All microwave products are made with Canola Oil.
All Trail’s End products have ZERO grams of Trans Fat .
Chocolate Covered Caramel Popcorn IS BACK!
(Just sell $1,500 worth of popcorn)
Sales Methods
On-Line Sales receive a straight 50% Commission
Scouts contact friends and family members in person or via e-mail, phone, person contact, etc. Consumers log onto www.trails-end.com and order products, pay by credit card, and have product delivered to
their home.
Advantage: Allows Scouts to sell to friends and family members who live out of state. Also allows for
repeat purchases year round.
Take Order Sale
 The Scout goes door to door with a Take Order form. The customer writes his/her
order and the Scout delivers product and collects the money in a few weeks.
1. Set up a sales territory within your Unit’s area.
2. Assign two Scouts to a territory.
3. Have a parent accompany each sales team.
4. Determine the timeline for when orders are due to the leader.
5. Two out of three people will buy.
6. Less than 30% of households have been called on to buy popcorn.
Advantage: High dollar sales per customer & only order what you need
Show and Deliver
Scouts will have some of the product on hand before the sale begins. When going door to door with a
Take Order form, Scouts offer the consumer an opportunity to purchase the
Popcorn and take the product on the spot. Scouts will make additional deliveries in a few weeks to fulfill
remaining requests.
Advantage: High dollar sales per customer and only 1 visit
per customer. Reduces time spent delivering
Show-N-Sell (formally known as Popcorn Blitz)
Unit orders product up front and sets up in front of a busy storefront.
Secure location prior to the sale: Ask store manager for permission
Some good locations: supermarkets, convenience stores, shopping malls, donut shops,
Work in two-hour shifts. Don’t have the entire unit attend at one time.
Do not block the store entrance.
Be sure to leave the location clean.
5. Set up a display of the products. Do not use tables; Scouts tend to hide
behind them.
Sales are credited to the Scouts working the shift at the time.
7. Left over product is used to fulfill Take Order needs.
Advantage: This method of sales, provides a confidence building opportunity for Scouts..
Typically, this produces a lower dollar sale, but when combined with the Take Order method
this will increase overall sales.
Unit Commissions
Your unit will receive 31% of your gross sales as your base commission. In 2016, your
unit will have the opportunity to earn an additional 7% commission for a possible total of
38%, one of the highest in the country.
The 7% bonus is broken into two parts:
 Preparing Your Unit for the Sale—5%
 Submitting a Unit Sales Goal—2%
To receive the “Preparing your Unit” 5% your unit must complete the following
 Attend one of the 2 Sale Kickoff/Training meetings
 Schedule, conduct, AND invite your distr ict ker nel or Distr ict Executive to your
unit sale kickoff.
 Submit all popcorn and prize orders on time and online and meet all other due dates.
To receive the “Unit Sales Goal” 2% your unit must complete the following items:
 Each Unit submits a Unit Popcorn Sales Goal to their District Kernel or District
Executive. Visit the Trails End Popcorn System and use the online tool, Ideal Year of
Scouting to help establish a Unit Popcorn Sales Goal, or review this with your
District Kernel or District Executive.
 A unit needs to simply set and communicate a goal. Achieving a unit sales goal is not
a prerequisite to receive the additional 2% commission..
Online sales commission will be a straight 50%.
Submit a full order sheet by Friday at 5pm, to be entered into a
drawing every Monday, for 2 tickets to the Franklin Institute during
the Show & Sell Dates beginning August 15, 2016.
Unit & Scout Incentives
This year the Monmouth Council has created great incentives for your unit and your Scouts.
These incentives are tools for you to use to motivate and prepare your Scouts for the sale.
Council & District Top Seller Recognition
Unit Sales Roster MUST be completed and submitted by 12/5/2016 for your Scouts to
qualify for Council and District top seller recognition.
Fill A Sheet Giveaway
During the “Take Order” & “Show and Deliver” sale only Scouts will have the chance to
enter a drawing for great prizes. To enter, make a copy of the Scout’s filled order form and
then either drop it off at the Scout Service Center, fax (732-536-2850), mail, or e-mail it to
kathleen.picciano@scouting.org. There is no limit to the number of different filled order
forms a Scout can submit, but each form can only be entered once. Drawings will take
place every Monday and winners will be notified by phone/e-mail and the council website/
e-Trail. Order forms must be in the office by 5:00 pm Friday to qualify for the following
weeks drawing. The first drawing will be 8/15/2016.
Show and Sell sales do not qualify for this program
$700 and $1,500 Club
Every youth member who sells $700 or more in popcorn will receive a
Smithsonian 30X Telescope / Monocular
Every youth member who sells $1,500 or more in popcorn, will earn
2 tickets to the Summer Nationals Event, June 2017 ($130 Value)
at the Raceway Park, Old Bridge NJ
Wawa Sale Locations & Instructions
204 Highway 35
579 Monmouth Road
350 Georges Road
426 Ryders Lane
1310 Highway 34
909 Highway 33
1181 Highway 36 & Poole Ave.
301 Newtown Corner Road
2485 Rt 9 North
Route 9 And Kent
885 Cranbury South River Road
75 Appleton Ave
345 Union Hill Road
146 Woodward Ave
2432 Highway #35
455 Country Rd 520 West
177 Route 34
337 Applegarth Road
960 Rt. 33
3520 Rt. 66
1344 Corlies Ave.
1910 Route 27
3600 US Highway 9
1453 Route 18 South
1886 Englishtown Road
14 Bridge Street
40 Washington Road
656 Old Bridge Tpk
2000 Shafto Road
Cream Ridge
East Brunswick
Howell Twp
Monroe Twp
Monroe Twp
North Brunswick
Old Bridge
Old Bridge
Old Bridge Twp
Red Bank
South River
Tinton Falls
To sign your unit up to participate in the Wawa sale go on-line at:
www.monmouthbsa.org/popcorn. *Only 1 slot is available for each unit to
reserve. Additional slots may open up to units already participating in the
Wawa sales on a first come first serve basis.
Monmouth Mall dates are:
September 19th through 30th & October 1st through 12th
To sign your unit up to participate in the Monmouth Mall
sale go on-line, more details to follow.
To sign your unit up to participate in the Monmouth Mall
sale go on-line at: www.monmouthbsa.org/popcorn.
*Only 1 slot is available for each unit to reserve. Additional slots may open up to units already participating in
the Monmouth Mall sales on a first come first serve basis.
Scholarship Information
Scouts who sell at least $2,500 (online, face-to-face or combination) in any calendar year
receive 6% of their total sales invested in their own college scholarship account. That is
$0.06 of every dollar they sell!
Once Scouts are enrolled, 6% of their sales each year will be added to their account.
Scouts only have to hit the $2,500 minimum one time. Online sales count!
To credit a Scholarship account, please send Trail’s End (scholar ship@tr ailsend.com) the following documents:
1. Scholarship Form (with your council’s signature) (Please ask your council or
us for a form if you do not have one.)
2. A copy of each Take Order Form used in the Spring and/or Fall Sale
3. A copy of your online sales report from trails-end.com
Scholarship Payout Request:
In order for your college, university, vocational or technical school to receive
your scholarship payment, you must email the following documents to
1. High school transcript
2. Class schedule issued by the Registrar’s Office of your educational institution
3. Letter of recommendation from an educator or Scout leader
4. One-page essay on the impact Scouting has had on your life
5. Completed payout request form (Please ask your council for this if they do not
have it we can provide this to you)
Scholarship balances will be emailed to Scouts annually.
2016 Trail’s End Popcorn Sale
Our warehouse location for both our Show & Sell and Take Order portions
of our Popcorn Sale will be:
Sunny Delight
10 Corn Road
Dayton, NJ 08810
We will distribute popcorn on Friday, September 9th and
Friday, November 18th. If you are willing to help sor t,
please let your District Kernel know. Sorting will occur at 8 - 11 am on
the Distribution days.
*It is important to reserve your time!
To reserve your units warehouse popcorn pick-up and
return times go on-line at:
Timeline for Popcorn Kernels
Are you feeling a little overwhelmed by your Kernel job? Are you a NEW Kernel or a Seasoned Kernel? All these papers??? Well, don’t be overwhelmed as we all have been there before! Many new Kernels, after the first year, enjoy this job, and they continue for several years! We are here to help and offer support!
The main thing is ORGANIZATION!
As soon as possible, text/email/sit down with your unit leader and discuss dates, timeline, and their
support! Here’s a timeline you can follow. Don’t be afraid to call the District Kernel for help!
You volunteer to be “Kernel”
Talk with your Unit Leader about sale, due dates, goals, etc.
Contact District Kernel with any questions
Set your Show and Sell dates for September/October – Council dates
Wawa Oct 1 & 2,– this is standing outside store with product and
selling, sell at Monmouth Mall and other stores you can identify.
Council Kick-Off training for Unit Kernels, who have not previously
attended a 2016 training, Aug 4, 7pm. Scout Office
orders due on-line (look at last year’s order!) Due Date 8/26
Unit Sales begins Aug 5th.
Unit Kickoff – discuss sales techniques, safety, checks made to unit,
Fill -a-Sheet weekly drawings, $700 club prize, $1,500 Club Prize,
prize sheet, due dates, do a skit – good salesman/bad salesman.
Hand out Family Guide and prize insert to each scout.
Council sponsored Show and Sell date Oct 1 & Oct 2 at Wawa’s,
Monmouth Mall Sept 19th - Oct. 12th. Sell at other stores you can
make arrangements with.
Return any un-sold product to Council for by Oct 22nd NOON.
Take Orders and Prize Orders Due Nov. 4
Order pick-up Nov. 18 (bring several mini-vans or trucks)
Sunny Delight Warehouse, 10 Corn Rd. Dayton,
Sort and deliver popcorn within the unit
Unit Popcorn payment due to Council on or before Dec. 9. Ask Unit
Treasurer for check made to “MCBSA”
Sort and give out prizes
Steps for a Successful Sale
Set a sales goal for your Unit and for each Den or Patrol.
Most important step a Unit can do. Base this goal on your actual budget needs. Use the tool from Trails
End website, Ideal Y ear of Scouting, The Unit popcorn goal must be submitted to receive the extra sales
Communicate the Unit’s plan to assistant leaders and committee members and together, determine a
sales goal for each Scout based on the Unit’s goal.
Conduct a “Fun-Filled” Kickoff event for Scouts and their parents.
Emphasize what the Scouts will receive for hitting their goal; prizes, Scouting programs, camp, etc.
Provide a letter to parents that clearly spells out:
the purpose of the sale.
how the money raised will be used.
and what the “per-Scout goal” is.
They will be much more interested when they know this information.
Consider using some of the Unit’s commissions to offer additional incentives that your Scouts really
Encourage ALL your Scouts to go out and sell! 67% of people will buy when asked, and less than 30%
of the public is approached!
Sell to friends, family members, neighbors, etc.
Bring “Take Order form” to work.
Set up an organized “Show and Sell” at the beginning of the sale to help give your Scouts a good start to
their sale.
Have a victory celebration!
Have a fun activity planned at the end of your “Show and Sell” day.
At the first Pack Meeting after the sale ends, give out prizes, additional incentives, trophy to top-seller(s)
– and remind everyone how the money raised will help Scouts and Parents fund their year in Scouting.
Steps for a Successful Unit Kickoff
Provide plenty of popcorn and snacks and make it exciting for your sales team - The
Review the year’s Scouting Program calendar and explain to the families how the entire
program can be funded with one fundraiser: the Trail’s End Popcorn Sale.
Communicate the Unit’s sales goal and each Scout’s Popcorn sales goal. Have the boys
write their goals on the Take Order Forms.
Show the Scouts what prizes they can earn by hitting their sales goal.
Have a prize for the top seller in the Unit and/or each Den; Ticket to local amusement
park, a video game, gift cards, etc.
Review the Trail’s End National Prize Program with
the $700 Prize, $1,500 Prize and $2,500 Scholarship
Review the Popcorn Extravaganza.
Review the Monmouth Council Fill-a-Sheet Incentive
Role-play with the Scouts on how to sell.
Review the safety and selling tips.
Review sales materials and key dates.
Do a skit or fun activity to get the boys trained and excited about the sale, and to teach
them about safety when selling.
During the gathering period, have a popcorn display and samples. Use the pictures taken at
camp to create a collage of activities the unit participated in last year and what you want to do
this year. Have a poster with the Scout’s names and a place for them to write in their
popcorn goals.
Sample Kickoff Agenda
 Pledge of Allegiance, Welcome parents and introduce committee members
Parent Meeting
 Key Ingredients to Our Successful Scouting Year
 Planning the entire year – focus on program in a Scouting activity
 Developing a budget to fund the program
 Setting goals for the unit and Scouts
 Communicating the plan and budget
 Participating in one fundraiser to meet the needs of the budget
 Building excitement for the program
Annual Program
 Go over activities unit will be participating in throughout the year
 Discuss the cost for activities
 Communicate to the parents how much it will cost each Scout to receive a full scouting program
Financing our plan
 One Fundraiser!
$700 Prize Choices
 Using the budget to set goals
Parental Support
 Explain the different committees
 Each parent has a role in the unit
Describe the popcorn program, Why a sale?
 Scout level: Build leadership and earn advancements
 Unit level: Fund the unit programs
 Council level: improve camping facilities and programs
 Prize program: Gift Cards and special rewards
 Emphasize 100% participation from all Scouts
Smithsonian 30X Telescope/Monocular
Discuss safety concerns
 Train on sales techniques for Show and Deliver and Take Order
 Instruct Scouts to wear uniforms
Don’t forget to mention the $1,500 prize!
 Question and answer period
Go over courtesy points
June 2017 Raceway Park, Old Bridge
 Say thanks!
 Count change in front of the customer
 Make checks payable to unit
 Do not leave popcorn unattended
 Discuss details (dates, locations, etc.)
Review Scout Goals and Incentives
 Show the goal in terms of customers or containers
 Explain your unit incentives for the dens or patrols
 Explain the Fill a Sheet contests and hand out the “Sample Order Form”
 Review the Popcorn Extravaganza
 Review the $600 Club information
 Distribute Order Forms and Sales Brochures
The Responsibilities of
The Unit Popcorn Chairman
Unit Popcorn Chairman Job Description
1. Attend the Council popcorn sales training session. Pick up forms and information.
2. Work with committee to develop a unit sales goal. Divide that goal into a “per scout”
3. Develop a unit incentive plan for your Scouts.
4. Decide when Take Order, money, and prize forms will be due to you.
5. Prepare handouts for Unit Kick-off meeting for both leaders and Scouts. Handouts include:
a) Timeline showing sale dates, date orders due, time and place for pick up.
b) Unit goal and per boy sales goal.
c) One order form and 1 prize flyer.
6. Hold Unit Kick-off meeting near date popcorn sales begins. Discuss sales techniques,
Scout goals, money collection, and safety. invite District Popcorn kernel to kickoff.
7. Collect and total orders from den/patrol leaders on designated unit order due date.
8. Enter your Popcorn Unit Order and Prizes online.
9. Pick up the popcorn at the Popcorn Distribution site ( Sunny Delight Warehouse, 10
Corn Rd. Dayton). Reserve your unit time online on the popcorn pick up dates. Make sure
to bring vehicles large enough to accommodate your order. You will be expected to verify
counts and sign the Unit Packing Slip form acknowledging receipt.
10. Units pick up popcorn as scheduled. Scouts distribute popcorn to customers.
11. Remind Scouts of money due dates. Make sure checks are payable to the unit.
12. Collect and tally money by unit money due date.
13. Issue one check payable to Council for “Total Amount Due Council” by 12/9/16 date.
Plan your Unit’s program year.
Get the Scouts engaged. It’s THEIR
Determine the budget for the year.
Set the goal for the Unit and each Scout.
Have a well thought out communication
Earn the desired funds needed from one
Enjoy the activities planned and HAVE
Frequently Asked Questions
I have a problem with my bill. Who do I call?
Call the Monmouth Council Office at 732-851-8230 between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Mon. through Fri.
Can I order individual boxes or cans?
Your customers can order individual boxes or cans from you. For the Show and Sell Sale all orders must be
in whole cases. For the Take Order Sale you may order individual containers. Returns can be partial cases.
There will be no product returns after October 22, 2016.
I ordered too much popcorn for my Show & Sell. Can I return the extras to the council for a
Yes. You may return popcorn on or before Oct 22, 2016. We will accept full and partial cases for return.
After 10/22 we cannot accept anymore product. Please plan accordingly. During the sale, if you know that
you will have extra popcorn, let your district kernel know. Other units in your neighborhood are often looking for extra popcorn and they may be able to take some of your hands. We can arrange a transfer of popcorn from one unit to another.
Can people order additional popcorn from my unit after the official sale is over?
Yes they can. We generally have additional popcorn available through the holidays so please let us know
your needs. Your consumers can also log onto www.trails-end.com and purchase popcorn with a credit
card. The product is shipped directly from Trail's End to the consumer and your unit and Scouts receive credit for the sale. The Monmouth Council will distribute 50% commission to units on all sales generated online
Where Can I Find Additional Information?
Visit the Trail's End at www.trails-end.com for online video training for both scouts and leaders, nutritional
information, and other helpful hints.
Other questions can be answered by your district kernel or your district executive.