AUGUST 2012 Edition - Vietnam Veterans of America
AUGUST 2012 Edition - Vietnam Veterans of America
Boo Coo News Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 Mount Clemens, Michigan AUGUST 2012 WELCOME HOME! GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS 7 P.M. SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AT AMERICAN LEGION POST 4, 401 N. GROESBECK HIGHWAY SOUTH OF ELIZABETH ROAD * * * VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 16945 12 MILE ROAD ROSEVILLE MI 48066 (586) 776‐9810 PHONE (586) 776‐9683 FAX MONDAY ‐ FRIDAY 10 A.M. ‐ 4 P.M. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. STOP BY. HANG OUT & HELP OUT. Ride for Freedom T he 2012 Ride for Freedom was another resounding success. More than 360 bikes participated in the ride. The weather couldn't have been more cooperative, and the ride went off without incident. The Young Marines posted colors, and the Chapter 154 color guard did a rifle volley prior to the procession leaving Wolverine Harley‐Davidson. All of the veterans who had served in Iraq or Afghanistan were presented with medals thanking them for their service. A big thank‐you to Pat Daniels and Peggy Rossman who headed up the event, the Wolverine crew, the Young Marines, the Associates and volunteers from American House who helped make the ride a success. * * * BOO COO NEWS DEADLINE: PREVIOUS MONTH’S MEETING TO SUBMIT ITEMS, PHOTOS, AD COPY: MAIL, FAX OR DELIVER TO THE VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER I 1,664 Americans Still Missing in Southeast Asia 50 from Michigan want to thank the volunteers that came out to help for the Ride for Freedom. Thank you to Cathy Cook who stepped up and organized the continental breakfast and her crew: Karen Mack, Pat Cherry, Julie Cook, Gail Mazzie, Phil and Mary Michaud. Phil also helped Randy Chom with selling the raffle tickets for the gas card. I also want to thank the volunteers who helped tirelessly with registration: Roxy, Fran and Renee from American House, Pat Drdul, Tish, Noah and Morgan Jusko, Terri Lehrman, Lisa Kelly, Dave Rocco and Lenny Russo. Thank you all so much for coming out early that day and helping in any way you could to make the day a success for the Veterans Support Center. I know that you believe that helping veterans is what it's all about! I also want to thank all the people that donated food for the breakfast. By donating, you increased the total amount we could give to keep the Vet Center's doors open. ~~ Peggy Rossman President’s Message A ugust is upon us, and what a summer it has been! The long run of great weather has, in some ways, been a blessing. It helped us get through some of our major outside events, the Ride for Freedom and one of our car shows. In other ways, it has been a strain on some of our activities. Our color guard and memorial wall crew have done yeoman's duty working in the hot and humid temperatures. Although I haven't heard anything concrete about Freedom Hill, I was out there the other day and saw several large dirt piles in one of the low areas of the picnic area. I took that to be a good sign that something is underway. I can't imagine they'd be spending time and money filling in low spots if there wasn't an intention to open things back up. It sure would be nice to get it opened again and have the chapter get some use out of it. Before the weather turns foul, we will need to get another work detail together to get our memorial at Freedom Hill spruced up. Some dedicated members have been keeping things under control, but I would like to see a major clean up of our area. No one else is going to do it for us. We have major activities coming up that are going to need member involvement. It is time to start planning for Operation Christmas, and we need someone to step up to coordinate the activities of the toy and food drive and distribution. We have a functional model of how it has been done in the past, but we can't depend on the same people to take the reins again. September will mark our 26th vigil out at Oakland Memorial Gardens Cemetery in Novi. Frankly, the turnout of members in past years has been somewhat dismal. If we're serious about wanting to keep a focus on getting our MIAs home, we need to have a good presence so the public and press know that Chapter 154 is not going away. The color guard will be maintaining its 24‐hour vigil, and the support of the chapter lets them know their efforts are appreciated. There's plenty to do, and I'm encouraged that we have some new members throwing their hat in the ring to serve in some capacity. Join in with them and keep up the good work that this chapter is noted for. You'll get more out of it than you'll put in . . . guaranteed. Brian Bobek 20th Engineering Brigade (Combat) Vietnam, 196768 VVA Chapter 154 Officers President: Brian Bobek (586) 337-3407 1st Vice President: Gary Purcell (586) 243-6293 2nd Vice President: Woody Horne (586) 716-0959 Secretary: Mike Schneider (586) 567-0731 Treasurer: Mike Jacobi (586) 786-9932 Board of Directors Steve Bago (2014) (586) 419-2212 Greg Bowman (2014) (586) 850-1800 Chuck Charbeneau (2014) (586) 431-7133 Gil Claunch (2014) (586) 854-7842 Dave Schoenherr (2014) (586) 940-2568 Ron Drdul (2013) (586) 899-7112 Ben Elwartowski (2013) (586) 566-3442 Mike Gardner (2013) (586) 615-1509 Larry May (2013) (586) 790-0008 Donn Sinclair (2013) (586) 243-0222 Boo Coo News Publisher The Board of Directors Boo Coo News Editor Brian Bobek Typesetting Linda May Thank you! to all of our advertisers, and to the dedicated volunteers who provide copy and photos, those who act as printer, proofreaders, mailing crew, facilitators & advisers for Boo Coo News. VVA State Council Newsletter 2011-2012 Standing Committee Chairs Community Service Mike Gardner Constitution/By-Laws Donn Sinclair ETABO Ben Elwartowski Finance Mike Jacobi Government Affairs Ron Drdul Membership Larry May Minority Affairs Steve Bago Public Affairs Brian Bobek Veteran’s Affairs Woody Horne Veteran’s Benefits Brian Bobek Women Veterans Chuck Charbeneau POW/MIA Tom Duff Agent Orange/Dioxin George Sawyer Incarcerated Veterans Dave Schoenherr Veteran’s Health Care Gil Claunch State Delegates Mike Gardner, Brian Bobek, Mike Schneider Nominating Committee Gary Sox, Frank Griffin, Marv Domaradzki Special & Ad Hoc Committees AVVA Rep Marge Schoenherr Color Guard Jim Watts Food Bank Gil Claunch Hospitalized Vets Tom Duff Michigan Memorial Dave Schoenherr Scholarship Woody Horne Speaker’s Bureau Mike Brink Webmaster Larry Sauger Welcome Home Mitch Argyris Operation Christmas Dance: Mike Gardner Food: Gil Claunch Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News AUGUST 2012 - Page 2 # COLOR GUARD - The Point Team - Jim Watts, Commander Color Guard Report ~ Submitted by Mike Brink/Jim Watts Total of nine funerals: Of the nine funerals since June 13 there were five Army, two Marines, and 2 Navy. Four Vietnam vets, one Vietnam era, two Korea, one WWII, one Post‐WWII. Joseph Hammel Michael McHale Steven Brooks Arthur Karas Philip Toyia David Siercke William Flinn Vince Massina Gerald Hill USMC Army Navy Army Navy Army USMC Army Army Korea Vietnam era Vietnam WWII Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam Korea Post WWII Other Detail/Functions: We performed 10 flag details: 2 American Houses 1 St. Josaphat Church 1 Clinton Township Family Worship Church 1 Eye on Design ‐ Henry Ford Estate 1 Macomb senior celebration 1 Windermere senior housing 1 Ride for Freedom 1 senior living 1 Watch Fire and New Baltimore Bay Rama Parade New Baltimore Parade F ollowing the Ride for Freedom, the Chapter 154 color guard departed Wolverine Harley Davidson and headed for the annual march in the New Baltimore Bay Rama parade. This is a lengthy parade, made even more so by the warm temperatures. At the conclusion of the parade, the color guard returned to Wolverine where they gratefully put the buffet line to good use. Sault Ste. Marie Veteran's Bike Rally #Submitted by Brian Bobek n July 12, the Michigan Vietnam Veterans Traveling Memorial wall crew headed for the Veteran's Bike Rally in Sault Ste. Marie. Mike Schneider, Patrick "Boz" Bozzi, Ben Elwartowski, Ron Bawks and his son, Kurt, new chapter member Tim Ignash, and I made the trek up I‐75 to assist with the 2½ day event. The tents provided for us by the local American Legion gave us lots of room to spread out our display. Unfortunately, the event wasn't as well attended as we had hoped. The traffic through our display was slim, and the promoters of the event were scratching their heads about why the attendance was down. There were a number of other events going on in the upper and lower peninsulas that may have been a factor. It was certainly hot, but we managed to dodge the rain. On the bright side, some of the audience had never seen the memorial before, and the result may be that we'll be getting more pictures for our notebooks. O Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News AUGUST 2012 - Page 3 VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER These Are Free Services 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday ‐ Friday ! 16945 12 Mile Road ~ Roseville ~ (586) 776‐9810 SERVICE OFFICERS file claims and answer questions Kenneth J. Aune ~ Wednesdays ~ call ahead Carol Ann Turner ~ Thursdays ~ appointments only HELP WANTED: Volunteers to staff the Vet Center and work on the food bank. Hospital Report SICK CALL Submitted by Ron Drdul or 586-899-7112 • • • • Frank Griffin remains in the hospital and is still on his trach tube. He's quite the warrior. Pat Jacobi, wife of Mike Jacobi, has taken yet another setback. After some time at home with apparent recovery, she is now hospitalized again. Marlene Mohan, wife of John Mohan, took a spill on her motorcycle while on a bike trip out west. She succumbed to the effects of dehydration and high altitude, and went down in Wyoming. Luckily she was only doing about 25 mph at the time. Marlene is home now, recuperating from a broken nose, some broken ribs, and a hairline fracture of the pelvis, along with numerous cuts and scrapes. Chapter member Pablo Guzman had a slight heart attack, but things appear to be OK and he is on the mend. TAPS & CONDOLENCES • • • • Louie Abate, brother‐in‐law of chapter members Marty and Frank Griffin, passed away of cancer on July 16. Louie was a very strong veterans supporter. Julie Bowman, sister‐in‐law of Greg Bowman and wife of Bob Bowman, passed away on July 5. Julie was 53 years old. Gil Claunch recently returned from a trip to Alaska. His brother is in hospice and the prognosis is unclear at this time. Noel Amber Doll, the 21‐year‐old granddaughter of Edd and Toni Beuadin, passed away. She leaves behind a two‐year‐old son, Benjamin Michael Doll, and a whole lot of grieving family and friends who are all in disbelief. Submitted by Tom Duff O n July 11, Dave Shirey, Bob Steward, Pablo Guzman, Clark Cherry, Carol Gernand, Pete Gernand, Joe Spencer, Jim Mauchline, Bill Baisden, Bob Edwards, Bob Forster and I went to the VA Hospital. We went to wards A‐4 North, A‐5 North, the Substance Abuse ward and the step‐down wards. We visited with 60 vets. We passed out personal items bags, magazines, crossword puzzle books, Boo Coo newsletters, blankets, bananas, chips, pretzels, and Little Debbie and Nabisco products. We had a great time and, most of all, we let 60 vets know that we care and that they are not forgotten. Next visit is August 8, leaving the Vet Center at 8 a.m. The following poem was written by Sp4 Donald L. Keeter. Keeter was KIA on November 13, 1968 in Plieku Province, LZ Vera. Remember Me Remember me when flowers bloom early in the spring. Remember me on sunny days in the fun that summer brings. Remember me in the fall as you walk through the leaves of gold. And in the wintertime, remember me in the stories that are told. But most of all, remember me each day, right from the start. I will forever be near, for I live within your heart. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News AUGUST 2012 - Page 4 ASSOCIATES OF VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA The Mission and Vision of the Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. is to advance the work of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. through cooperative projects and/or programs, to facilitate, enhance and improve communication with our members and the general public and to continue legislative efforts to ensure the rights of and benefits for all veterans and their families. Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., are dedicated to the aggressive advancement of realistic goals with integrity and in the spirit of unity that reflects our commitment of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., all veterans, their families and communities. JOIN THE ASSOCIATES! W e meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the lower level of the Mount Clemens Public Library on Cass Avenue. Marge Schoenherr; Cathy Cook Car Show Recap and Future Plans Donn Sinclair ~ Car show chairman he final tally for the June car show was $2,129. Thanks once again to all who helped out. On to new business: the chapter's fall car show is Sunday, September 9 at Gratiot Auto Center. We need donations for the raffle table, and sponsors for awards. The more trophies and awards sponsored, the more money in the chapter kitty. Entry blanks and sponsor forms are available at the Vet Center. I got confirmation that Kaul and Resurrection Funeral homes have donated a 50‐ inch Panasonic HD TV to be raffled off at the September 9 show. Tickets are being printed as I type. Upon completion, they'll be available for purchase and sale at the Vet Center. T Art on the River Stars & Stripes Festival T A he Michigan Vietnam Veterans Traveling Memorial was displayed in Port Huron at their Art on the River event. This is the first time we have been part of this two‐day event, and I can say we came away impressed. We staged at a Meijer store in Marysville and were escorted into Port Huron by local motorcycle groups, veterans organizations, and the local police and fire departments. We could not even begin setting up the memorial with the crush of people who were waiting for our arrival. From 10 a.m. until closing the first night, we were literally overrun with people coming to see the memorial. As usual, some tears, some happy memories . . . we had many people that promised to get us pictures to help fill in our bio books, and we passed out a few of our medals to the younger vets who came through. Merchandise sales were brisk, and the donation box was overflowing. These people really were appreciative of the opportunity to see the memorial. This is a focus of the memorial crew this year . . . to ferret out some new venues where more citizens of Michigan get a chance to honor our heroes. gain this year, the memorial crew set up in downtown Mount Clemens for the annual Stars & Stripes Festival. The temperatures assured that the set up of the wall involved a lot of sweat from the participants. We had a terrific turnout of people coming by to view the memorial, and the sales of merchandise were brisk over the entire three days. We were promised many pictures to add to our biography notebooks, helping to further our mission of getting pictures of all the 2,654 names on our memorial. The consumption of lots of “carny” food assured that the memorial crew went home happy. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News AUGUST 2012 - Page 5 Minutes of General Membership Meeting 7/11/12~ Submitted by Mike Schneider M eeting called to order at 1900 hours by President Brian Bobek. Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence observed. Introduction of new members Tim Ignash, Army, Vietnam 69‐70; Rod Redlawsk, Army, Vietnam 68‐69 and Desert Storm; and Charlie Larsen, Army, Vietnam 66‐67. Welcome home and welcome to the chapter. Introduction of officers. Treasurer's report by Mike Jacobi, papers on way to state and national to keep chapter running. We make minimal amounts on our CD investments but the chapter is doing well at this time. Motion by George S seconded by Greg B to accept treasurer's report. Committees: POW/MIA, Hospital and Color Guard reports to follow. No Associates report. Food Bank: Running smoothly, food donations coming in and many are being helped each month. Thanks to all who help every day in the food bank. Monthly Raffle: $6,600 for the chapter. Thanks to all who helped sell 305 tickets for the State Council Lottery. Time to renew our license. Merchandise: We made $1,000 at the Ride for Freedom and will be out with the memorial. Agent Orange: Schools not helping those who wish to use their GI Bill benefits. Bill proposed for Blue Water Navy benefits not progressing after 7 months. 1,000 remains left at funeral homes need to be identified and properly buried. There is a shortage of psychiatrists to help those suffering from emotional problems when they return home. Traveling Memorial: We have been busy and we will continue throughout the summer. State Council: National numbers on homeless vets is 670,000, 4,000 in Michigan. VVA membership in Michigan: 4,313. Sandy Wilson is no longer on VVA Trust Fund Board. Two claims were denied because they were filed in an untimely manner. Money from the state for VVA service officers was not replenished. Many cases need to be worked on. Fraser House held an open house on July 21. There were 154 suicides in 165 days by vets. 4 vets are now in the Veterans District Court and all are on probation. More mentors are needed. Circuit court also doing things to help veterans. Car Show: Final numbers not in for June show. Next show on Sept. 9 at Gratiot Auto. Enter your car, donate prizes for raffles, sponsor trophies or come help at the car show. Kaul and Resurrection Funeral Homes donated a 50" TV to be raffled at the car show. Thank you for the donation to help raise funds for the vet center. Mike Schneider being interviewed by Channel 7's Dave Rexroth at the Stars & Stripes Festival. Old Business: Dave & Buster's would like to sponsor a fundraiser for the chapter, more to follow. We have 600 members, 6 new and 358 life members. Those who went to the Tigers game on Veterans Night were invited to park at Chapter 9 and get a ride to the game and eat and drink at their center. The 501(c)3 paperwork is in the hands of the state and we hope to have it approved soon. Artwork for the chapter challenge coin needs to be reworked. The initial cost for 100 coins is $650 and Leo Miller offered to pay this cost. Thank you Leo. Motion was made by Tom B and seconded by Leo M to put 3 soldiers on the coin subject to copyrights. Insurance for the contents of vet center, trailer, storage facility for truck and trailer and liability insurance for members doing business for the chapter is $1,200 to $1,500 annually. Motion by Leo M seconded by Chuck C to spend up to $1,500 for coverage. Don't forget the millage renewal in August. Video of the procession to Great Lakes is available at the vet center. The vet center on Garfield Road is run by the government to help all veterans and their families, especially the young ones returning home. Send them for the help they need and deserve. Retirees are having difficult times with idle time on their hands. Sean Flaherty is coming to the vet center on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 11 a.m. to talk with vets. New Business: Seminar held in Warren on July 28 for all vets. Military Moms of Michigan held their car show on July 22. 30th anniversary of the Wall is this year and they are looking for readers of the 58,469 names. Go to to register. There are reports of health concerns from new meters being installed by DTE. We received a package from a law firm stating that we were a beneficiary of an estate and we would receive a check for $25,000. After some checking we were assured that is was not a scam and we would indeed receive this check shortly. Shafer‐Rachelle VFW Post in Eastpointe has extended an invitation to our chapter to use their club room as ours. They have supported many of our fundraisers over the years. Stop in for some refreshments and thank them. American House is sponsoring a Christmas in July fundraiser for our Operation Christmas. Thank you American House for all you do for us. Motion by Mitch A seconded by Larry G to accept the board's recommendation to donate $500 to the Young Marines for their help at the Ride for Freedom. We received a donation from St. Ronald Parish of over $1,000 from their Change for Soldiers collection. Thank you for your continued donations to the chapter. We are still looking for a supplier to upgrade our office equipment, especially after a couple bad days at the center. Chapter members and all vets were invited to meet with Senator John McCain and Representative Candice Miller at the American Legion in Utica to discuss veterans concerns. A young veteran we met at the Stars and Stripes was concerned when we surrounded him to present him with a medal. We assured him that we only wished to thank him for his service and welcome him home. Thanks to Dave and his crew, Ruth and Charlie Babcock and all who help to man the memorial and for what it means to so many. 50/50 won by Tom Duff who donated his $87 to the hospital fund. Thanks, Tom. Motion to adjourn by Mitch A seconded by Ben E. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News AUGUST 2012 - Page 6 POW/MIA Welcome Home! 1,664 Missing 50 Michigan A man is not dead until he is forgotten. We will never forget. Welcome Home! ``When one member of the armed forces is not worth the effort to be found, then we have lost our honor.`` ~~ VVNW WELCOME HOME POW/MIA Report REMEMBER THE MICHIGAN POW/MIA FOR # submitted by Tom Duff POW/MIA chairman 9th Inf. ‘68‘69 WWII No new recoveries, more than 73,000 remain missing AUGUST Korea PFC Nelson Young, Army, captured 12/2/50, North Korea, accounted for 3/30/12 Richard Allard Chesaning MIA 8/24/67 South Vietnam Army Vietnam *** YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN! "I was prepared to be wounded ‐‐‐ prepared to be captured ‐‐‐ even prepared to be killed. I was not prepared to be abandoned by my country." Former POW U.S. Navy Captain Eugene "Red" McDaniel Support your POW/MIAs. Fly your POW/MIA flag. Display a POW/MIA decal. If you need a POW/MIA decal for your car, truck or bike, or certificate of appreciation for flying a flag, see Tom Duff National League of POW/MIA Families is on Facebook with the latest updates. SFC Gunther Wald, Army, MIA 11/3/69, South Vietnam, accounted for 5/30/12 Lt. Dennis Peterson, Navy, MIA 7/19/67, North Vietnam, remains recovered 4/13/10 and identified 3/30/12 1,664 remain missing from Vietnam, 50 from Michigan. Other News 2 POW/MIA flag certificates were presented to the following businesses: Sonny's Market/Gas Station in Mount Clemens, and Sorrento's Pizza in Mount Clemens. Don't forget, if a company or business flies a POW/MIA flag, get them a certificate. See Tom Duff. Fly-Over Remembers Missing Airman Lt. Col. Amy Young recently led a four‐ship missing man flyover June 15 honoring the fellow Airman whose name she has worn and remembered for more than two decades. Lt. Col. Amy Young, wears an MIA bracelet honoring Lt. Col. Charles Walling, an F‐4C Phantom pilot who was shot down Aug. 8, 1966, during a close air support mission in the Dong Nai province northeast of Saigon, Vietnam. Lt. Col. Walling left behind a pregnant wife and a two‐year‐old son after volunteering. For more information on MIAs and MIA bracelets, visit The Origin of the MIA/POW Bracelets Web page at, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial website at http://www.thewall‐, and the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office website at Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News AUGUST 2012 - Page 7 Tell Your Story to the Library of Congress Veterans History Project Catholic Social Services of Macomb County (586) 756‐1430 or The Macomb County Clerk’s office [586.469.5122] issues veteran ID cards for $10 to use for store discounts. Call your favorite store first to confirm that they accept these cards. Support Boo Coo News ~ Business & Patron Ad Application Contact name _______________________________ Address _____________________________________ Phone _______________________________________ How would you like your ad to read? Attach business card or additional sheet. We may not be able to reproduce all graphics. Name of business________________________________________________________________________________________ Business address________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone/fax_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Ad rates: Month Quarter Year $15 $37.50 $150 Run in month(s) of: JAN FEB MAR JUL AUG SEP APR OCT MAY NOV JUN DEC Make check payable to VVA Chapter 154 and mail to: Boo Coo News advertising - Veterans Support Center - 16945 12 Mile Road - Roseville MI 48066 NEW Member Application Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 ~ P.O. Box 1114, Mount Clemens MI 48046-1114 name____________________________________________ birth date _________________ circle: male/female address______________________________________________Apt__________ home phone _________________________ city______________________________________state_________ZIP____________ work phone ______________________ email for important chapter announcements between newsletters:______________________________________________ Eligibility: Vietnam and Vietnam-era veterans who served more than 180 days of active service in the U.S. military (for other than training purposes) between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 (in-country Vietnam) or between August 5, 1964 and May 7, 1975 for Vietnam-era veterans. PLEASE NOTE: application must include a LEGIBLE copy of your DD-214 AND PAYMENT TERM __ 1 year __ 3 year $20 $50 LIFE MEMBERSHIP AGE __ 49 & under $250 __ 50-55 $225 __ 56-60 $200 __ 61-65 $175 __ 66 & better $150 Life Membership Payment Plan $50 down/$25 per month ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP ___ I am the spouse or family member or friend of a Vietnam veteran/I am a nonVietnam era veteran. I would like to join Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America and help the chapter. __ I enclose $20 for a one-year AVVA membership. VVA is a nonprofit veterans service organization. Programs and services are funded by member dues and public donations. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News AUGUST 2012 - Page 8 It is important to vote in the Aug. 7 Michigan primary. There is a Macomb County ballot proposal to renew a millage approved four years ago that costs average taxpayers about $4 per year to maintain the county’s Veterans Affairs Office and its service officer program.. The Macomb County Veterans Affairs office hired five professional service officers since voters approved the millage in 2008 and that has reduced what used to be a five‐week wait to see a service officer down to one to two weeks. Because of the economy, more veterans are applying for benefits; 4,727 veterans came into the office in 2010 and 6,482 came in 2011. Retroactive payments to veterans for service‐connected disabilities rose from $3,152,245 to $7,021,566. The county office also oversees the Macomb County Veterans Relief Fund, a grant program to help vets with things like utility shut‐offs and other emergencies. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News AUGUST 2012 - Page 9 VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA CHAPTER 154 CLASSIC CAR SHOW CHARITY FUNDRAISER SUNDAY, SEPT. 9 GRATIOT AUTO CENTER 29187 Gratiot Ave., North of 12 Mile Road REGISTER 8 AM – 10:30 AM SHOW 10 AM – 4 PM SUPPORT CHAPTER 154 FOOD BANK AND SUPPORT CENTER PLEASE BRING NON-PERISHABLE ITEMS FOR DONATION BASKETS Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Activities are at the Vet Center, unless otherwise stated August 2012 1 2 Service Officer 10-4 Service Officer 10-4 3 4 10 11 traveling memorial in Hillman Bush Creek Mill traveling memorial in Hillman Bush Creek Mill 17 18 Chapter board meeting 7 pm traveling memorial Monroe County Fair 5 6 7 Pointman Ministries 7pm 13 20 14 15 16 Color guard meeting 7pm Service Officer 10-4 Service Officer 10-4 traveling memorial Armada Fair traveling memorial Armada Fair traveling memorial Armada Fair traveling memorial Armada Fair 22 23 24 25 Service Officer 10-4 Service Officer 10-4 traveling memorial Armada Fair 21 traveling memorial Armada Fair 26 traveling memorial Gibraltar Trade North Shriners Car Show Service Officer 10-4 • Gen Mem Mtg American Leg. Post 4 Mount Clemens 7pm traveling memorial Armada Fair 19 9 • Service Officer 10-4 • VA hospital visit traveling memorial at Shiawasee County Fair 12 8 traveling memorial Gibraltar Trade North Shriners Car show 27 28 29 30 Color guard meeting 7pm Service Officer 10-4 Service Officer 10-4 31 Lookingahead: September Car Show Sept. 9, POW/MIA Vigil; December Operation Christmas FIRST CLASS Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 P. O. Box 1114 Mount Clemens MI 48046-1114 OPEN to read the GOOD NEWS about Chapter 154 WWW.VVA154.COM a VVA CHAPTER OF THE YEAR! AUGUST 2012 issue of BOO COO NEWS Veterans Support Center ~ 16945 12 Mile Road ~ Roseville MI 48066 (586) 776-9810 ~ (586) 776-9683 fax Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. All Volunteer-Run Chapter Business Center Veterans Food Bank Employment Assistance Veterans Benefits Service Officer Free Counseling Information Camaraderie Drop In & Hang Out & Help Out 1,664 still unaccounted for; 50 from Michigan