JULY 2013 EDITION - Vietnam Veterans of America
JULY 2013 EDITION - Vietnam Veterans of America
Boo Coo News Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 VVA154.com Mount Clemens, Michigan JULY 2013 WELCOME HOME! GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS 7 P.M. SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AT AMERICAN LEGION POST 4, 401 N. GROESBECK HIGHWAY SOUTH OF ELIZABETH ROAD *** VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 16945 12 MILE ROAD ROSEVILLE MI 48066 (586) 776-9810 PHONE (586) 776-9683 FAX MONDAY - FRIDAY 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. STOP BY. HANG OUT &HELP OUT. Scholarships Awarded his was a good year for us from the perspective of scholarship awards to graduating seniors. Last year we only mustered one scholarship, but this year the membership heard our plea and a total of four scholarships were awarded. Of course, as Woody Horne so aptly put it, we're “no longer nominating our children, it's now our grandchildren.” Thanks, Woody, for letting us realize our age. This year, awards went to Haley Malloy (who is actually the daughter of chapter member John Malloy . . . way to go John!); Anthony Tillman, grandson of Charlie and Ruth Babcock; Gilbert Claunch IV, grandson of Gil and Phyllis Claunch, and Jordan White, granddaughter of Jim and Melissa Watts. Several members got up and spoke briefly about their personal experiences with their children receiving these scholarships, and Woody reminded all the awardees that we expected them to come back to us in four years and tell us of their successes. T *** BOO COO NEWS DEADLINE: PREVIOUS MONTH’S MEETING TO SUBMIT ITEMS, PHOTOS, AD COPY: MAIL, FAX OR DELIVER TO THE VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 1,646 Americans Still Missing in Southeast Asia 49 from Michigan t the June chapter meeting, Al Marino, owner of the Sorrento Pizza empire, made a presentation to Chapter 154. This presentation was the result of money raised by the Thrilla at the Villa event, which is held every year at the Villa Penna banquet hall. This event is sponsored by a number of local businesses, and the intent is to raise money to benefit muscular dystrophy. However, this year the organizers decided to additionally designate a veteran’s organization to be the recipient of a portion of the money raised. Knowing Chapter 154 the way that Al Marino does through his ongoing Sorrento Pizza fundraiser campaign for us, it was an easy sell for Al to convince his group to earmark us as the awardee of their fundraising efforts. Al presented our chapter with a “significant” donation. These folks came to understand what Chapter 154 is all about, and acknowledged the good work that we do all year, every year. Their generosity will go a long way to help us to continue serving the veterans of Macomb County, and we gratefully extend our thanks to Al and the other Thrilla at the Villa sponsors for honoring our chapter. A President’s Message t becomes difficult to write about this chapter every month. The accolades of who we are and what we’ve done over all the years of our existence have been well communicated, and it seems inadequate to continue to say, over and over, what we already know: no one does it like Chapter 154. The stories detailed elsewhere in this newsletter are testimony to the hard work of a lot of people in this chapter. We are truly blessed to have so many members, working hard every day to not only reinforce our reputation, but to extend it out to new audiences. The wheels of progress turn slowly at times, but we continue to fight the good fight. Frustrations are plentiful, but small successes make every setback worthwhile. We still have work to do on several fronts, and I sometimes wonder why other organizations don’t do what we do. I guess the answer is simple; it comes down to our volunteers, being innovative about furthering the causes of veteran’s issues. We are sometimes seen as a thorn in the sides of some people, but we push on regardless. It’s been our credo since day one, and will continue as long as we’re capable of stepping up to the plate. By the time this newsletter is in your hands, the Ride for Freedom will be in the history books, and will be another testament to the hard work of Pat Daniels, who organizes this key fundraiser every year. The traveling memorial has been covering some new areas of the state this year, and continues to do well with merchandise sales and donations. I appreciate that the “wall flowers,” as Dave Schoenherr refers to his memorial crew, sacrifice many hours of their personal time to ensure that our Michigan soldiers on our wall get their just recognition. The hospital committee with Tom Duff, making sure that our hospitalized veterans know that someone cares. The food bank group under Gil Claunch making sure that our veterans don’t go hungry. The Associates doing whatever we ask of them to support any of our activities. I am particularly pleased, as reported elsewhere in this paper, that we have brought home another one of our Michigan MIA brothers. Again, this is a reflection of our efforts to demand full accountability of our soldiers, and is the main purpose of our upcoming vigil. All of this makes us who we are, and we should all take pride in all of our accomplishments. Yes, we’re blessed. We’re blessed that so many people honor Chapter 154 with donations so that veterans get the respect and help they need, and we’re blessed that our volunteers give so much to this chapter. Without all of this, we wouldn’t be that “thorn” that makes a difference. Brian Bobek 20th Engineering Brigade (Combat) Vietnam, 1967-68 I VVA CHAPTER 154 OFFICERS President Brian Bobek 1st VP Gary Purcell 2nd VP Steve Bago Secretary Mike Schneider Treasurer Mike Jacobi 586-524-3806 586-243-6293 586-419-2212 586-567-0731 586-786-9932 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Greg Bowman (2014) Chuck Charbeneau (2014) Gil Claunch (2014) Ron Drdul (2014) Dave Schoenherr (2014) Mike Gardner (2015) Larry May (2015) Chris Scalise (2015) Donn Sinclair (2015) Gary Stephens (2015) 586-850-1800 586-431-7133 586-854-7842 586-899-7112 586-940-2568 586-615-1509 586-790-0008 810-278-1907 586-243-0222 586-747-8149 Boo Coo News Publisher The Board of Directors Boo Coo News Editor Brian Bobek Typesetting Linda May Thank you! to all of our advertisers, and to the dedicated volunteers who provide copy and photos, those who act as printer, proofreaders, mailing crew, facilitators & advisers for Boo Coo News. VVA State Council Newsletter www.everythingveteran.com TRUSTEES Mike Gardner (2016), Fred Warner (2015), Mitch Malek (2014) 2011-2012 STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS Community Service Constitution/By-Laws ETABO Finance Government Affairs Membership Minority Affairs Nominating Committee Public Affairs Veteran’s Affairs Veteran’s Benefits Women Veterans POW/MIA Agent Orange/Dioxin Incarcerated Veterans Veteran’s Health Care State Delegates Mike Gardner Donn Sinclair Chris Scalise Mike Jacobi Ron Drdul Larry May Steve Bago Gary Sox, Bill Mault, Marv Domaradzki Brian Bobek Gary Stephens Brian Bobek Chuck Charbeneau Tom Duff George Sawyer Dave Schoenherr Gil Claunch Mike Gardner, Brian Bobek, Mike Schneider SPECIAL & AD HOC COMMITTEES AVVA Rep Color Guard Food Bank Hospitalized Vets Lottery Merchandise Michigan Memorial Scholarship Speaker’s Bureau Webmaster Welcome Home Operation Christmas Patrick Bozzi Jim Watts Gil Claunch Tom Duff Ron Bawks Tim Ignash Dave Schoenherr Woody Horne Mike Brink Larry Sauger Mitch Argyris TBD chairman; TBD dance; TBD food; TBD toys Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JULY 2013 - Page 2 # COLOR GUARD - The Point Team - Jim Watts, Commander S ince our last report, the following 10 funeral details were rendered: 1 USMC, 3 USAF, 6 Army 3 WWII, 2 Korea, 3 Vietnam, 1 Vietnam Era, 1 Iraq Lawrence Lemieux, Sr. Carl Altagonnia Tommy Coffman David Cortese Larry Clawsen George Bright Arthur Bisson Patrick Wisniewski Walter Hydner William Kawa USMC Army USAF Army Army Army Army USAF Army USAF Korea WWII Vietnam Vietnam Korea WWII Vietnam Era Iraq (son of Harry Wisniewski) WWII Vietnam 10 various details as follows: Veterans Welcome Home at Heidebreicht Chevrolet Thrilla at the Villa, flag presentation, 21 gun and Taps Headstone dedication at Lincoln Memorial Cemetery for Martin Rimson Memorial service at Cadillac East Cemetery, placing of the wreaths, 21 gun and Taps Flag detail at American House Flag detail at UAW 1264 Flag detail at Chrysler Transportation Flag detail at Martha T. Berry Nursing Home Pre-Memorial Day: Clinton Grove and Mount Clemens fire station Memorial Day: Resurrection Cemetery, Cadillac East, Freedom Hill During these two days, the honor guard visited three cemeteries, posted flags, and fired volleys. We did this for groups of 10 to 12 veterans. We honored 435 veterans from: Revolutionary War, Civil War, Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Color guard officers: • Jim Watts Commander • Steve Bago Vice Commander • Gary Stephens Treasurer and Armorer • Ted Szymanski Armorer & Property Officer • Ron Drdul Chaplain • Jerry Fleetwood Assistant Chaplain Saturday, July 20 is the Chapter 154 golf outing at Hickory Hollow Golf Course in Macomb Township. The cut-off for signing up is July 1, so get your registrations turned in to Marge Schoenherr ASAP. It's open to chapter members as well as your friends and guests. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JULY 2013 - Page 3 VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER Free Services 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday ! 16945 12 Mile Road ~ Roseville ~ 586-776-9810 Macomb County Veterans Affairs Office SERVICE OFFICERS (file claims and answer questions) Mary Barrette ~ Tuesdays ~ first-come, first-served basis Carol Ann Turner ~ Thursdays ~ appointments only HELP WANTED: Volunteers to staff the Vet Center and work on the food bank. SICK CALL Contact Ron Drdul ropa30@comcast.net Hospital Report or 586-899-7112 If you know of a death or illness of a chapter member or their family, please notify Ron Drdul so that we may get the information in the Boo Coo News in a timely manner. All of the kind thoughts and prayers offered up by our membership are truly appreciated by these folks, and apparently are working to help them through their tough times. Keep ‘em coming. • • • Chapter member Dave “Chief” Lehrman is on the mend following the replacement of his hip joint. This is the second time the same joint had to be replaced. Associate member Peggy Rossman had arthroscopic knee surgery and is recuperating well from that procedure. Marty Eddy updated us with the following: consult with the radiation oncologist went well. “Partial breast irridation is not an option, so it's whole-breast irradiation for me. Daily radiation treatments continue for six weeks.” Taps • • • • Tom Duff, Chairman n June 12 Bob Steward, Pablo Guzman, Clark Cherry, Pete Gernand, Joe Spencer, Gil Claunch, Judy Haag, John Hages, Bob Edwards, and I went to the VA Hospital. We went to Wards A-4 North, A-5 North, the Substance Abuse Ward, and the Dialysis Ward. We visited with 56 vets. We passed out personal items bags, magazines, crossword puzzle books, and Boo Coo Newsletters, blankets, lap robes, bananas, pretzels, Little Debbie, Keebler and Nabisco products. We presented a medal to an Iraq veteran. We had a great time and, most of all, we let at least 56 vets know that we care and they are not forgotten. The next visit will be on July 10, leaving the Vet Center at 8 a.m. sharp. O Patrick Wisniewski, 33-year-old son of chapter member Harry Wisniewski, was killed in a motorcycle accident at 21 Mile and Jefferson. Patrick was active duty Air Force and also a reserve police officer. Services were held at the Selfridge ANGB Chapel, and burial was at Great Lakes National Cemetery. Chapter member Randy McConnell's 19-year-old grandson David passed away. The chapter paid their respects at the funeral home. Steve Bago's niece, Kelly Milliken, died. She was buried in Grayling. Mrs. Richard C. Simpson, mother of members Marty Griffin and deceased brother Frank T. Griffin, passed away June 21 in Sanford, Maine after a long illness. There will be a private family service in Sanford, Maine. Lifesaving Equipment Donated to Chapter n May 24, MedStar Ambulance donated an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to Chapter 154. The board of directors thought it would be advisable to have this type of unit available at the Vet Center in the event of one of our visitors or members suffering a heart attack. MedStar Ambulance heard of our dilemma and came to our assistance with the donation of a state-of-the-art machine, plus free training in its use. Kolby Miller, CEO of MedStar came to the Vet Center and made the formal hand-off of the unit. It now hangs in an accessible location in the conference room. Thanks to MedStar for their generosity. This was a costly unit, and their donation is very much appreciated. O Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JULY 2013 - Page 4 ASSOCIATES OF VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA http://www.avva.org The Mission and Vision of the Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. is to advance the work of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. through cooperative projects and/or programs, to facilitate, enhance and improve communication with our members and the general public and to continue legislative efforts to ensure the rights of and benefits for all veterans and their families. Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., are dedicated to the aggressive advancement of realistic goals with integrity and in the spirit of unity that reflects our commitment of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., all veterans, their families and communities. JOIN THE ASSOCIATES! e meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the lower level of the Mount Clemens Public Library on Cass Avenue. Marge Schoenherr marsch@att.net; Cathy Cook cookc@libcoop.net W AVVA meeting – Minutes June 19, 2013 Present were: Chris and Tim Ignash, Pat and Clark Cherry, Patrick Bozzi, Marge Schoenherr, Cathy Cook, Pat Drdul, Karen Mack, Gil and Phyllis Claunch. Meeting opened at 7pm with the pledge and a moment of silence for our troops. It was announced that Gary Purcell will chair Operation Christmas and he will have a meeting later in the year. Boz will try and call some of the registered members of the Associates and see if he can recruit anyone to come to our meetings. Ride for Freedom was discussed. Cathy reported that help is needed both at Wolverine for breakfast and registration and at Freedom Hill. American Indian Group Marches in Parade They will send some people to Freedom Hill with coffee and breakfast This year, the newly formed American Indian items when everything is set up and ready at Wolverine. Veterans of Michigan, Inc. marched in the St. Clair Boz reported that the board is asking the question how can we get Shores Memorial Day Parade. Absent from the other family members interested in joining the Associates to help as no picture is Chris Franklin, who is still recuperating one is getting any younger. That matter was tabled until after the from recent kidney surgery. These are a great group summer break. We will ponder it over the next few months. of veterans, and we need to make certain we help Marge reported on the golf outing, we have 26 hole sponsors and are in them get a running start and prosper in their need of golfers. endeavors. Our next meeting will be held September 18. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Claunch, Secretary Study: Veterans uninformed about Medicare; 75 percent unaware of late enrollment fees - June 17, 2013 by Brooke Self, Desert Dispatch – Medicare eligible, senior-aged military veterans may disproportionately be making costly Medicare mistakes, according to initial results of a study conducted by the company 65 Incorporated. bout 75 percent of survey respondents said they did not know military veterans late to enroll in Medicare would incur a late enrollment penalty. In addition, about 20 percent of veterans have been informed that they need not worry about Medicare as long as they had VA benefits, according to the survey. Medicare is a national social insurance program available to Americans 65 and older or younger people with disabilities. A total of 39.6 million aged adults in 2010 were insured through Medicare, according to the A latest U.S. Census data. And the largest number of total enrollees from an individual state, 4.6 million, were from California. Modern technology and advancement in health care mean more adults will live to old-age. In the United States, approximately 10,000 Baby Boomers are expected to turn 65 each day until 2030, according to 65 Incorporated. In fact, the number of adults 65 and older will also increase from 12.9 percent of the total U.S. population to 19 percent by 2030, according to data from the Department of Aging website. R.N. Diane Omdahl, Medicare expert and co-founder of 65 Incorporated, said the current Medicare late enrollment penalty adds 10 percent to the Part B premium for each year of delayed enrollment. For example, someone enrolling in Medicare five years late would pay an extra $52.45 in addition to the regular $104.90 Part B premium. This penalty is paid each month for the rest of the beneficiary’s life. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JULY 2013 - Page 5 Minutes of General Membership Meeting 6/12/13 ~ Submitted by Mike Schneider eeting called to order at 1900 hours by President Brian Bobek. Pledge of Allegiance recited and moment of silence observed. Introduction of new member Bill Theut, USMC, Vietnam 65-66. Welcome home Bill. Introduction of officers. Motion to suspend regular business made by Ron D, seconded by Gary S to present scholarship awards and for a check presentation from Al Marino of Sam’s Sorrento Pizza. Check was from fundraiser sponsored by Al and others at the Thrilla’ at the Villa. Thank you one and all for your support of our vet center. Motion to return to regular business made by Mike B, seconded by Jim W. Motion by Mitch A, seconded by Leo M to accept minutes as published in the Boo Coo News. Treasurer’s Report by Mike Jacobi, we are doing well with all accounts and getting ready to submit 990 report to National. Motion to accept report, subject to audit, made by Larry G, seconded by Al R. M Committees: POW/MIA, Hospital, and Color Guard reports to follow. No Food Bank report. Speakers Bureau: Dakota, Utica, Sterling Hts. Stevenson and Warren Mott High were the only schools to schedule visits this year but we will try again next school year. Monthly Raffle: Tickets are out and we thank all the sellers and buyers for their help. Merchandise: New shirts are not yet in, some berets are coming in for those who ordered them and more will be available at the vet center. Agent Orange: The Blue Water Navy bill is still stalled, the Pentagon is trying to eliminate Tri-Care and force people into Tri-Care Standard at a greater expense. House Affairs Committee will now fund the VA one year in advance so they can continue their good work. Ft. Hood victims have been denied the Purple Heart due to the ongoing trial. The Pentagon nixed the gold medal for the drone operators. North Korea has nullified the peace agreement and wants to go to war with South Korea. Traveling Memorial: We have been to Jackson, Vernon Public Library, Fowlerville, Royal Oak Farmer’s Market, Port Huron Art on the River, Alpena, Gaylord, Grand Blanc, Ride for Freedom. Boy, those guys on the wall sure like to travel. Thanks to all who give to our efforts to keep their memory alive. We get more information for our books each time we are out, thanks to family and friends of our heroes. Car Show: Coming Aug 24. Still looking for registrations, prizes and trophies. Ride for Freedom: Looks to be another huge success due to number who have pre-registered. Final report will come at next month’s meeting. Membership: We now have 622 members and 57 Associates. Six new memberships were submitted and one new Associate. Associates: We had a good turn out for Memorial Day at Freedom Hill. Thanks to all who helped make the event a success. No meeting in July or August. Next meeting in September. State Council: Meeting was held in Alpena in conjunction with Agent Orange Riders Symposium. There are ad hoc committees for incarcerated veterans but none for Veterans Treatment Court. Brian wrote a paper describing the courts objectives so State Council can look into starting similar programs in other chapter areas. Operation Christmas: Not that far away. Gary Purcell will be the chairman. Ron Drdul will handle the dance and Gil Claunch the food. Please plan on helping these men and we would appreciate someone volunteering to be in charge of toys. Old Business: Ride to the VA Hospital is July 20. Please support the ride for those at the hospital. Golf Outing is July 20, sponsor a hole or get a team together for a fun filled day on the links. Property tax relief bill still being discussed for 100% disabled vets. Call your congressmen and ask them to support this bill. The application for nonprofit mailing status was approved and we will look into the requirements. We may save about 30 cents per piece of mail if we go this route. AED device presented by MedStar. We will set up training sessions for the desk personnel and the regulars at the Vet Center on proper use of the machine and CPR techniques. Another service officer from the county will start on Tuesday June 25. She will handle walk-ins to start and may switch to scheduling appointments. Town Hall type meeting held July 1 concerning homeless residence in Mount Clemens for veterans, more to follow. VA national has declined to hear our PSA proposal. We will try to press this issue when we have the Region 5 conference in Dearborn. We hope to get the attention of the Public Affairs Committee at the convention in Jacksonville. The 501(c)(3) status is still up in the air. Thanks to all who helped with the cleanup at Freedom Hill and the food drive at Shelby Twp. post office. The National Records Bureau needed a letter from a police department to release information on J.T. Smith who is buried at Lincoln Memorial. We need this to try to contact some relatives and hopefully get him a headstone. If you see the Clinton Twp. Chief of Police or Doug Mills please tell them thanks for their help. New Business: Harry Wisniewski thanked the chapter and the honor guard for their presence in honoring his son Patrick. There will be a spaghetti dinner fundraiser on July 25 for Patrick’s family. Please try to attend and support their family. More details will come out later. Dave Treverow reported that he was awarded 10% disability for skin cancer, perhaps others can get help. Kermit Harris is resigning from the Macomb County Veterans Commission. There will be a search for a new director as well as two new service officers and a new secretary. Gary Purcell thanked Greg Bowman for supplying the speaker system at Freedom Hill on Memorial Day. As we read the names of the Macomb County 149 they could be heard loud and clear as we honored them. National POW/MIA Remembrance Day is Sept 20. We will post signs throughout the county in hopes of raising awareness. Thanks to all who help at the vet center, the associates and the color guard. Meetings for Operation Christmas will probably start in August. VVA Chapter 494 of Bay City is raffling a commemorative M-16 rifle valued at $2,400. See Brian for ticket information. Humana Health Care is offering a PPO Health Plan at no cost to subscribers. Motion made by Gary P, seconded by George S to allow rep. to speak at a chapter meeting regarding this plan. Charlie Babcock thanked the chapter for the medals to pass out during the National Veterans Awareness Ride (NAVR). He said that they have made quite an impression on the presenters and recipients alike. Just a small token to let those young ones know that we care. 50/50 raffle ticket #3185990 won by Chuck C who donated it back to the chapter. Thanks Chuck. Motion to adjourn made by Ron D, seconded by Gary S. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JULY 2013 - Page 6 POW/MIA Welcome Home! 1,646 Missing 49 Michigan REMEMBER THE MICHIGAN POW/MIAs for JULY *** David Greiling, Hillsdale MIA 7/24/68, North Vietnam, Navy Jeremy Jarvis, Warren MIA 7/25/67, North Vietnam, Air Force Marshall Kipina, Calumet MIA 7/14/66, Laos, Army Earl Seablom, Ishpeming MIA 7/18/68, South Vietnam, Army *** YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN! "I was prepared to be wounded --- prepared to be captured -- even prepared to be killed. I was not prepared to be abandoned by my country." Former POW U.S. Navy Captain Eugene "Red" McDaniel Support your POW/MIAs. Fly your POW/MIA flag. Display a POW/MIA decal. If you need a POW/MIA decal for your car, truck or bike, or certificate of appreciation for flying a flag, see Tom Duff National League of POW/MIA Families is on Facebook with the latest updates. ********* Remember, if a company or homeowner is flying a POW/MIA flag, let Tom Duff know so we can give them a certificate. Tom Duff, right, and the VVA Chapter 154 hospital committee make sure vets at the John D. Dingell Veterans Affairs Medical Center know that they are not forgotten. A man is not dead until he is forgotten. We will never forget. Welcome Home! ``When one member of the armed forces is not worth the effort to be found, then we have lost our honor.`` ~~ VVNW POW/MIA Reports # Submitted by Tom Duff POW/MIA chairman 9th Inf. ‘68 - ‘69 WWII 1st Lt. Robert Fenstermacher, Army Air Force, MIA 12/25/44 in Belgium. Accounted for on 4/30/13. He will be buried in the fall of 2013 in Pennsylvania. Over 73,000 are still unaccounted for from WWII Korea Cpt. Donald McLean, Army, MIA 12/2/50 in North Korea. Accounted for 5/22/13. To be buried this summer in Illinois. Cpl. Marvin Omans, Army, MIA 12/3/50 in North Korea. Accounted for 5/24/13. To be buried in June in Arkansas. MSgt. Olen Williams, Army, MIA 12/12/50. Accounted for 5/1/13. Was buried in June in Alabama. PFC. James Constant, Army, MIA 9/8/50 in South Korea. Accounted for 5/1/13. Buried in May in Indiana. Over 7,900 remain missing from Korea. Vietnam Major Lusi Guillerman, Air Force, MIA 4/30/68 in Laos. Remains returned 2/14/2006 and identified 5/13/13. Spc5 John Burgess, Army, Michigan, KIA/BNR 6/30/70, South Vietnam. Remains recovered 4/12/12 and identified 9/26/12. There are now 1,646 missing from Vietnam, 49 from Michigan. Signer Declares by John Witherspoon here is a tide in the affairs of men, a nick of time. We perceive it now before us. To hesitate is to consent to our own slavery. That noble instrument upon your table, that insures immortality to its author, should be subscribed this very morning by every pen in this house. He that will not respond to its accents, and strain every nerve to carry into effect its provisions, is unworthy of the name of free man. For my own part, of property, I have some; of reputation, more. That reputation is staked, that property is pledged on the issue of this contest; and although these grey hairs must soon descend into the sepulcher, I would infinitely rather that they descend thither by the hand of the executioner than desert at this crisis the sacred cause of my country. T Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JULY 2013 - Page 7 CPL TRAINING Bob Barch, owner of Michi-Gun, has offered to provide concealed pistol license (CPL) training to chapter members at a reduced rate. This would be based on a group price for 10 members, all taking training at the same time. Normally the training costs $175, but Bob has offered to do it for $100 per person. If you are interested in getting a CPL, contact Pat Daniels at 586-246-0876 to get your name on the list. Dates and other details will be provided when the number of responses are known. Michigan Vietnam Veterans Traveling Memorial schedule July 5-7 Eagle, Globe and Anchor, Grayling, MI July 17-20 Ogemaw Bike Week, Ogemaw Fairgrounds July 21-24 Lenawee County Fair T-SHIRTS Any of you who ordered the Sweet Land of Liberty T-shirts, please be advised that they have arrived. If you wish to have the listing of Michigan POW/MIAs imprinted on the back, you need to let Tim Ignash know so he can do the imprinting on a batch basis. Call the Vet Center and let Tim know. Otherwise, if you just want to stop in at the Vet Center and pick up your shirt without the additional imprinting, you may stop in during normal hours. Memorial Day Busy for Chapter s is always the case, the Memorial Day holiday was a busy time for the chapter in general, and the color guard in particular. May 23 found us at American House in Rochester Hills, participating in a ceremony emphasizing the meaning and importance of Memorial Day. On May 26, we attended the veteran’s services at Clinton Grove Cemetery and the Mount Clemens Fire Hall. The following day, May 27, the color guard spent the entire day doing ceremonies at both Resurrection Cemetery and Cadillac East Cemetery. After a lengthy day of ceremonies and graveside services for veterans, we ended up at Freedom Hill for the reading of the 149 Macomb County KIAs. Thanks to Karen Mack at Resurrection for providing lunch for the color guard, and to the Associates for feeding everyone following the ceremony at Freedom Hill. This year, our graveside firings were attended by MSgt. Jeff Rector, US Army (ret.), and his wife. I believe they came away with a new perspective on just what we do on this important holiday. They kept us moving on placing flags on graves of veterans. Thank you to the color guard for doing what they do, and to the members who came out and supported us during this busy time. A Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JULY 2013 - Page 8 Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JULY 2013 - Page 9 21184 Cass Ave. Clinton Twp. Company of Macomb County Buy Direct • Quality Granite & Bronze Cemetery Monuments • War & Civic Memorials • Rock Engraving & Cremation Urns • Free Local Delivery 586-463-9551 Re/Max Suburban Inc. “Since 1987" Residential & Commercial Real Estate Private Sales – Short Sales – Bank-Owned - HUD ! Ray Nadolski Realtor and Chapter 154 member •Office 586-262-2000 • Cell 248-705-3794 raynadolski@hotmail.com Tell Your Story to the Library of Congress Veterans History Project The Macomb County Clerk’s office [586.469.5122] issues veteran ID cards for $10 to use for store discounts. http://www.loc.gov/vets Catholic Social Services of Macomb County (586) 756-1430 or vhpmacomb@hotmail.com Call your favorite store first to confirm that they accept these cards. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JULY 2013 - Page 10 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Activities are at the Vet Center unless otherwise stated July 2013 7 1 2 Pointman Ministry 7pm Service Officer 10-4 8 9 Service Officer 10-4 Color guard meeting 7pm 14 15 16 Service Officer 10-4 3 4 5 Chapter board meeting 7 pm INDEPENDENCE DAY Traveling memorial: July 5-7 Grayling 10 11 22 12 13 18 19 20 Service Officer 10-4 Traveling memorial July 17-20 Ogemaw Fairgrounds July 20 color guard golf outing 26 27 Hospital visit 8am Gen Mem Mtg American Leg. Post 4 Mount Clemens 7pm 17 28 23 24 Service Officer 10-4 Traveling memorial: July 21-24 Lenawee County Fair 6 Service Officer 10-4 AA & Alanon AA & Alanon 21 Saturday 25 July 20 Ride to the VA hospital Service Officer 10-4 AA & Alanon 29 30 Service Officer 10-4 Color guard meeting 7pm 31 Looking ahead: Aug. 24 car show location TBA AVVA Meetings 7pm at the Vet Center start Sept. 18 FIRST CLASS Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 P. O. Box 1114 Mount Clemens MI 48046-1114 OPEN to read the GOOD NEWS about Chapter 154 WWW.VVA154.COM a VVA CHAPTER OF THE YEAR! JULY 2013 issue of BOO COO NEWS Veterans Support Center ~ 16945 12 Mile Road ~ Roseville MI 48066 (586) 776-9810 ~ (586) 776-9683 fax Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. All Volunteer-Run Chapter Business Center Veterans Food Bank Employment Assistance Veterans Benefits Service Officer Free Counseling Information Camaraderie Drop In & Hang Out & Help Out 1,646 still unaccounted for; 49 from Michigan