March 2014 Edition - Vietnam Veterans of America


March 2014 Edition - Vietnam Veterans of America
Boo Coo News
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154
Mount Clemens, Michigan
MARCH 2014
16945 12 MILE ROAD
(586) 776-9810 PHONE
(586) 776-9683 FAX
10 A.M. - 4 P.M.
Still Missing in
49 from
t the February 12 membership meeting, we had three presentations
prior to the meeting getting started.
! Joe Delfrate, the young first lieutenant of the Anchor Bay H.S. Junior ROTC
came back to tell us the results of his recent project to obtain items for the
veterans center at Piquette Square in Detroit. You may recall, he requested
paper napkins from our chapter, and many of you responded with your
donations. He said that he ultimately got 53,000 napkins and, of that
amount, Chapter 154 was the largest contributor. Another job well done by
the members of this chapter.
! Chapter member Rick Francis
introduced his daughter and his
grandson, who is in remission from a
disease. Awhile back, the chapter voted to
make a donation to assist the family in
having a spaghetti fundraiser to raise
money for Rick’s grandson’s treatments.
The family came to our meeting to extend
their gratitude for our participation.
! An honorary membership in the Chapter 154
Associates was granted to George de la Nuez from
Wolverine Harley-Davidson, and an Associates
jacket was presented. This was in recognition of
all the good things that George does, not only for
Chapter 154, but for all veterans in general. He
sponsors the annual Ride for Freedom, the VA
Hospitality visit, and numerous other functions
throughout the year, and provides cash
contributions along with many of these activities.
As George was under the weather, the jacket was
accepted on behalf of George by Frank Blowers, a
longtime member of the chapter and the Director of Marketing and Public
Relations for Wolverine.
President’s Message
guess I was premature last month in hoping that our brutal winter weather was behind us. It continues with a
renewed vigor after a very slight respite. In spite of that, the business of the chapter continues to move
forward. We’re a hearty breed!
The first round of nominations for the 2014-15 officers took place at the last general membership meeting and,
as anticipated, a lot of familiar faces are once again on the ballot, especially in the executive board positions. There are some
new candidates for the board of directors, and will hopefully allow some new people begin to make a run for higher office in
successive years. The March meeting will see the second round of nominations, so you still have time to throw your hat in the
ring or get on the ballot yourself. You may self-nominate if you wish. Nominees must be present at the meeting to either accept
or decline the opportunity of serving the chapter. Prior to election and preparation of the final ballot, all nominees will have
their DD-214 and current membership status verified.
Note that at the next chapter meeting on March 12, the Associates are, once again, treating all attendees to cake and
coffee in recognition of Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day that comes up at the end of the month. Thanks to Karen Mack
and the folks at Resurrection for honoring all of us. Speaking of celebrations, there will be another party at the Bruce Post on
March 29. If you haven’t been to one of these in the past, I strongly advise you to attend. The folks at the post put on a first
class event to honor us. Their members contribute food for the event, and they generally have live entertainment. Each year we
pass out several of our medals, and our memorial will again be on display. It’s a very well done event and I hope to see a lot of
you there.
The bike raffle continues, as indicated in an attached article. We still have a ways to go with ticket sales if we are looking for a
significant payday. Watch the calendar in the newsletter, and pay attention to the emails that get sent out from time to time.
They will show where the bike will be, and will present an opportunity for you to get involved in selling some tickets. Of
course, volunteers are always needed at Wolverine Harley while the bike is between stops. We’re about half way through the
ticket sales process and we’re just now beginning to see a positive return on our investment. Come out and help make it a
resounding success.
For those of you that may have received a letter from Larry May concerning getting us a file copy of your DD-214, if you
haven’t done so already, please do so ASAP. This is in reference to audits being conducted on fraternal veterans organizations
by the IRS to attempt to find these groups out of compliance with the exemption requirements of the federal tax code. The IRS
began fining some American Legion posts $1,000 per day if they were out of compliance, so this is serious business. I’d rather
be safe than sorry so, if you get a letter, get your documentation in to us quickly.
Stay healthy and warm. Spring is just around the corner!
Brian Bobek
20th Engineering Brigade (Combat) Vietnam, 1967-68
President Brian Bobek
1st VP Gary Purcell
2nd VP Steve Bago
Secretary Mike Schneider
Treasurer Mike Jacobi
Greg Bowman (2014)
Chuck Charbeneau (2014)
Gil Claunch (2014)
Ron Drdul (2014)
Dave Schoenherr (2014)
Mike Gardner (2015)
Larry May (2015)
Chris Scalise (2015)
Donn Sinclair (2015)
Gary Stephens (2015)
Boo Coo News Publisher
The Board of Directors
Boo Coo News Editor ~ Brian Bobek
Typesetting ~ Linda May
Thank you! to all of our advertisers, and to the dedicated
volunteers who provide copy and photos, those who act as
printer, proofreaders, mailing crew, facilitators & advisers
for Boo Coo News.
VVA State Council Newsletter
Mike Gardner (2016), Fred Warner (2015), Mitch Malek (2014)
Community Service
Government Affairs
Minority Affairs
Nominating Committee
Public Affairs
Veteran’s Affairs
Veteran’s Benefits
Women Veterans
Agent Orange/Dioxin
Incarcerated Veterans
Veteran’s Health Care
State Delegates
Mike Gardner
Donn Sinclair
Chris Scalise
Mike Jacobi
Ron Drdul
Larry May
Steve Bago
Gary Sox, Bill Mault, Marv Domaradzki
Brian Bobek
Gary Stephens
Brian Bobek
Chuck Charbeneau
Tom Duff
George Sawyer
Dave Schoenherr
Gil Claunch
Mike Gardner, Brian Bobek,
Mike Schneider
Patrick Bozzi
Color Guard
Jim Watts
Food Bank
Gil Claunch
Hospitalized Vets
Tom Duff
Ron Bawks
Tim Ignash
Michigan Memorial
Dave Schoenherr
Woody Horne
Speaker’s Bureau
Mike Brink
Larry Sauger
Welcome Home
Mitch Argyris
Operation Christmas
TBD chairman; TBD dance; TBD food; TBD toys
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2014 - Page 2
GUARD - Jim Watts, Commander
ince our last report, the following details were rendered:
Funerals: 10
5 Army, 2 Navy, 1 Marine, 2 Air Force
3 WWII, 2 Korea, 4 Vietnam, 1 Vietnam era
Richard Perhogan
Donald Guitar
Leonard Cwiertnlewicz
Raymond Meota
Howard Randall
Charles Estep
John Frischman
David Einkorn
William Grinols
Paul Schneider
Vietnam Era
Other Details - 5:
Swearing in of 2014 Honor Guard Officers
Our Honor Guard was requested to post guard, handle 21
gun and taps for the Dignity Vietnam Traveling Memorial.
This wall is one of five and was transported to Georgia to be
put on display for five years. It was held in storage by Post 29
We did a pass and review for Cynthia Guzman, wife of
Detail at Glen Peters School. This school teaches and trains
the mentally and physically impaired. The entire school
turned out into the hallway as the honor guard posted the
colors. These children had made Valentine cards and gave
them to us to transport to the VA Hospital.
The busy schedule of the color guard continues.
Color Guard Goes Back to School
# Submitted by Jim Watts/Steve Bago
n February 11 our Honor Guard performed a detail at Glen H. Peters School in
Macomb Township, and what an honor it was to present the colors to this special
group of students.
Glen H. Peters is a special education school for cognitively and physically challenged
children. Currently there are 226 students attending the
school. This special education school provides special
services for children with disabilities; physical, mental or
learning needs.
This was their second annual “Valentines for Veterans”
day and was organized by Mary Pelgus. Students Brooke,
April and Chris presented us with approximately 100
handmade Valentine's Day cards made by the students,
which were subsequently passed out by our chapter at
the John D. Dingell Medical Center in Detroit on February
12. These cards were a big hit for those veterans, many of
whom are confined at this veteran facility.
VVA 154 Honor Guard, led by Vice Commander Woody Horne, marched into the school
with the American and service branch flags, winding their way through the entire school,
with hallways lined with students. These young patriots were extremely happy to see the
guys marching through their school, and many of these children acknowledged our
presence by reaching out to touch our team members. Even with all the problems these
children, have they just wanted to be by us and be part of the program.
At the completion of the flag presentation, Principal John Nader provided opening
comments, and was followed by student Jeffery who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to
our Great Flag. When Jeffery completed his wonderful part in the program, volunteer mother Dana Elkins sang “America the
Beautiful” and did a fine job. The Honor Guard then sounded Taps in memory of our lost brothers. Immediately following the
ceremonies the school treated us to cookies and juice.
This is truly a great event and I hope it continues through the years with us being part of this beautiful program. As the
Commander, I would like to personally thank all of the children, school officials, and volunteers for allowing our Honor Guard
to be part of this truly wonderful experience.
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2014 - Page 3
Free Services
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday ! 16945 12 Mile Road ~ Roseville ~ 586-776-9810
Macomb County Veterans Affairs Office SERVICE OFFICERS (file claims and answer questions)
Mary Barrette ~ Tuesdays ~ first-come, first-served basis
Carol Ann Turner ~ Thursdays ~ appointments only
HELP WANTED: Volunteers to staff the Vet Center and work on the food bank.
* ****
Contact Ron Drdul
If you know of a death or illness of a chapter member or their family, please notify Ron Drdul so that we may
get the information in the Boo Coo News in a timely manner. All of the kind thoughts and prayers offered up
by our membership are truly appreciated by these folks, and apparently are working to help them through
their tough times. Keep ‘em coming.
Hospital Report
Tom Duff,
Sick Call
Darlene Domaradzki, wife of Marv, has returned home after an extended stay in the
hospital. She is slowly recovering.
Chapter member Tom Duff has undergone surgery for a detached retina.
Mike Sand, President of VVA Chapter 9, has undergone heart surgery. He is home
Tim Ignash is home recovering from his recent heart surgery.
Dave Shirey is home from the hospital with serious breathing issues, and hospice has
been called in.
Noel Holley was admitted to the hospital for a heart catherization.
Pablo Guzman’s wife Cynthia passed away on January 24. The chapter paid their
respects on Monday, January 27 at the funeral home.
Diane Kesek, wife of former color guard commander, Ron Kesek died at home
suddenly on Thursday, January 23
A recent chapter member, Dennis Poosch, has passed away.
The mother of chapter member Mitch Malek passed away.
As always, keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers during their time of loss or physical
he Golden Retriever Rescue of Michigan presents New York Times best-selling
author Capt. Luis Carlos Montalvan, and Tuesday the service dog at 2:30 p.m.
March 16 at the Troy Community Center. The center is at 3179 Livernois Road
and the topic is animal-assisted therapy, trauma, and recovery. Tickets are $30 in
advance $35 at the door which includes lunch, snacks, a silent auction, and a Golden
Kissing Booth. Book-signing benefits the dog rescue group and proceeds from the
event also go to the rescue. Moltalvan is a 17-year U.S. Army veteran who was
awarded multiple medals and commendations. He is a spokesman for veterans who
have trauma and people who have disabilities. A documentary film, ``Buried Above Ground,`` features
Montalvan and Tuesday.
Free medical coverage for the service dogs of veterans is now being handled under a new U.S.
Department of Veterans contract with pet health insurance company Trupanion. The program pays 100
percent of the costs for veteran-owned service dogs for ongoing preventive care as well as emergency
care and other medical treatments and prescription medications. The coverage is available only to
veteran-owned service dogs that VA has determined are eligible for the program, as well as VA-owned
PTSD dogs. VA is mailing information to veterans whose dogs qualify for the program, and letting them
know a package is coming from Trupanion.
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2014 - Page 4
The Mission and Vision of the Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. is to advance the work
of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. through cooperative projects and/or programs, to facilitate,
enhance and improve communication with our members and the general public and to continue
legislative efforts to ensure the rights of and benefits for all veterans and their families. Associates of
Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., are dedicated to the aggressive advancement of realistic goals with
integrity and in the spirit of unity that reflects our commitment of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc.,
all veterans, their families and communities.
We meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. AT THE VET CENTER.
Chapter Motorcycle Raffle Update
ou may have heard that enough tickets have
now been sold to cover the costs of us
purchasing the 2014 CVO Road King
motorcycle for
the upcoming
raffle. While
this is true, do
not mistake this
to mean our
work is done.
Everyone must
continue to
push tickets
because now,
every dollar of every ticket we sell drops right to
the bottom line for the chapter. This is our
opportunity to make this raffle successful and get
a significant financial cushion in place for the Vet
Center. Volunteers are still needed at Wolverine
every day that they're open, as well as the various
venues where the bike will be on display. Look at
the calendar in the back of this issue for
destinations where you can help with selling
tickets. If you can sell tickets, or want to buy
tickets, call or email Randy Chom (in Pat's
absence through April 1) and he will make
arrangements to get them to you. Tickets will also
be available at the chapter meeting and the vet
center. Randy's phone number is 586-899-5003
and his email address is
Please continue your efforts to help make this
raffle a success. – Thanks.
Scholarship Award Applications
s was announced in last months Boo Coo News, the 2014
application process for the Jack Boyd Thomas Memorial
Scholarship has underway. The scholarship amount has been
increased to one thousand ($1000) per student up to a total of four
awards. The official paperwork can be requested from Woody Horne,
Scholarship Chairman, but here is a quick outline of the requirements:
Student must be a graduating senior from high school
Student must submit a completed application and provide the
following information:
A transcript of high school grades, including class ranking (if
known) and standardized test results of SAT or ACT.
A personal letter stating ambitions and goals, extracurricular
activities and achievements, and any offices or leadership
positions held while in high school.
Applicants must be dependent children of paid up, full voting
members of Chapter 154.
Dependent children include natural children, stepchildren,
legally adopted children and grandchildren.
Children of Associate members are also included in this program.
Applications must be submitted on or before the deadline date of April 1,
2014. Successful applicants will be notified on or about May 1, 2014.
Please contact Woody Horne if you need additional information and to
get a copy of the application packet without delay. Each year we come
down to the wire with people submitting paperwork late. Increasing the
amount makes this award much more meaningful, so make sure you get
your student in the process.
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2014 - Page 5
Minutes of General Membership Meeting 2/12/14 ~ Submitted by Mike Schneider
eeting called to order at 1900 hours by President Brian Bobek. Pledge of Allegiance recited and moment of silence
observed. Introduction of officers. New members introduced, Richard Gronowski, Army, Vietnam 70-71 and Steven
Kemmis, Navy, Vietnam 69-70. Welcome home men. Motion made by Woody H, seconded by Glen C to suspend regular
business to welcome Joe Delfrate, 1st Lt, ROTC Anchor Bay High. He thanked the members for donating the napkins to help him
with his project. Rick Francis was also in attendance with his daughter Crystal and grandson Jeremiah who suffers from
auto-immune diseases. He spent three and a half weeks at Children’s Hospital and we contributed to a spaghetti dinner fund
raiser to help defray medical costs. The fundraiser was a success and money collected helped to purchase two game systems
and 80 games and four boxes of toys which were donated to the hospital. They thanked us for contributing and letting us know
that Jeremiah was doing well now. Frank Blowers was in attendance to accept a jacket for George De la Nuez of Wolverine
Harley for all he does for veterans and for the chapter. He was made an AVVA member and the jacket carries that logo. The ride
for freedom is now named the Patrick Wisniewski Memorial Ride for Freedom. Motion was made by Mitch A and seconded by
Mitch M to return to normal business. Motion by Mitch M, seconded by Ron D to accept minutes as published in the Boo Coo
News. Treasurer’s report, we had a gain of funds in the chapter and an audit was performed. Money from bike raffle as of 1/31
is $17,647. Motion by Gary P, seconded by Gil C to accept Treasurer’s report.
POW/MIA, hospital, color guard, to follow. No merchandise,
Speakers Bureau, State Council or membership reports this
Scholarship: These awards have been given out to members’
children and grandchildren since 1992. They help to defray
some of the costs of schooling and this year the awards will be
increased. Applications must be submitted by April 1 and they
will be awarded in June.
Lottery: The tickets are out and a big thanks to all who help.
Agent Orange: A reminder to those who were stationed at
Camp Lejuene to file for benefits. COPD has been designated as
connected to exposure to Agent Orange but is not a
compensatory ailment yet. Remember to file for your 2014 tax
exemption; you can get your letter from the VA regional office at
the McNamara Building.
Traveling Memorial: Still in Royal Oak; we will be at Gibraltar
North in March for a bike show and then the fun begins. 29
events have been scheduled to date.
Associates: At the March general membership meeting the
Associates will serve coffee and cake to honor Welcome Home
Vets day. No meeting for February.
Car Show: Donn reported that he already has one entry for the
show. More info to follow.
Bike Raffle: Thanks to Wolverine Harley for making this bike
available and for all their help. Thanks, also to all who are
helping to make this a success. We did quite well at the RV and
camper show in Novi. $7,000 worth of tickets were sold and
Randy Chom gave Mike $13,000 from proceeds of all ticket
sales. There is a calendar at Wolverine for scheduled dates and
venues, please sign up if you are able to help any of these places.
Picnic: Chris stated that he is working on a venue and a date
will be determined later. Frank Blowers was asked to get with
George De la Nuez about confirming a date and location.
Old Business:
Member of the Year to be announced at March meeting.
Chapter challenge coins are in at the vet center. We still
have some books about Korea if you would like to give one
to a Korean War veteran. Allied Printing is now publishing
the Boo Coo News, we are still working to get the nonprofit
mailing underway. Gary P thanked all those who help at
the Vet Center daily and thanked the color guard for their
hard work and dedication.
New Business: Brian will begin writing letters to
Forgotten Harvest, Gordon Food Services and others to see
if we can benefit from their corporate donations to the
food bank. Members must have a copy of their DD214 on
file at the Vet Center, Larry May will contact those who do
not have one on file. Phil Smith said that if you wish to
receive a new ID card from the VA you must have your old
card and two picture IDs. A bill has been submitted to
increase the deduction of taxes paid by renters rated at
100% disabled, also to reduce fees for license plates for
those who do not receive 100% disability.
50/50 ticket #272822 won by Tom Duff who donated his
share to the hospital fund. Thanks Tom. You retired guys
have all the luck! Motion to adjourn made by Glen C,
seconded by Chuck C.
Nominations for 2014-15 Officers and Board
(first round):
1st Vice-President:
2nd Vice-President:
State Delegates:
Nominating Committee:
Brian Bobek
Gary Purcell
Steve Bago
Mike Schneider
Mike Jacobi
Mike Schneider, Brian Bobek
Mike Bilyk, Gary Sox
George Sawyer
Board of Directors: Jim Watts, Gil Claunch, Pat Daniels,
John Mohan, Ron Drdul, Chris Franklin, Dave Schoenherr,
Chuck Charbeneau, Greg Bowman
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2014 - Page 6
Welcome Home!
1,643 Missing
49 Michigan
Sgt. Harry Beckwith, Flint, MIA 3/24/71, South Vietnam, Army
SSgt. Craig Dix, Livonia, MIA 3/17/71, Cambodia, Army
Cpl. Larry Green, Mt. Morris, MIA 3/26/68, South Vietnam, Marines
Sp5 Michael May, Vassar, MIA 3/2/69, Cambodia, Army
SFC Richard Roberts, Lansing, MIA 3/25/69, South Vietnam, Army
LCdr. Donald Woloszyk, Alpena, MIA 3/1/66, North Vietnam, Navy
"I was prepared to be wounded --- prepared to be captured --- even
prepared to be killed. I was not prepared to be abandoned by my
country." Former POW U.S. Navy Captain Eugene "Red" McDaniel
Support your POW/MIAs. Fly your POW/MIA flag.
Display a POW/MIA decal. If you need a POW/MIA decal for your
car, truck or bike, or certificate of appreciation for flying a flag,
see Tom Duff
man is not dead until he is forgotten. We
will never forget. Welcome Home!
``When one member of the armed forces is not
worth the effort to be found, then we have lost
our honor.`` ~~ VVNW
POW/MIA Homecomings
# Submitted by Tom Duff
POW/MIA chairman 9th Inf. ‘68 - ‘69
No new recoveries
PFC James Holmes, Army, MIA 12/1/50 North
Korea. Accounted for 1/14/14. Burial May 2014
Cpl. Christobal Romo, Army, MIA 12/12/50 North
Korea. Accounted for 1/13/14. Burial March 2014
No new recoveries.
1,643 remain missing nationally, with 49 from
National League of POW/MIA
Families is on Facebook with the latest updates.
If a company or homeowner is flying a POW/MIA flag,
let Tom Duff know so we can give them a certificate.
Traveling Memorial
# Submitted by Dave Schoenherr
ust like the groundhog, the “Wall Flowers” can predict when spring
will arrive. The calendar says the first day of spring is March 20.
But the Wall Flowers know it is really March 22. That is the first
event scheduled for the 2014 season. So finish your “to do” list and
get ready to hit the road!
Our first event is the Custom Bike Show at Gibraltar North on March
22 and 23. On March 29 we will be at the Bruce Post in St. Clair Shores
for their annual Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans event. This is
always a good time.
There are many local events coming up. If you have thought about
helping out at the memorial, or just wondered what it’s all about, this
Michigan Vietnam Veterans Traveling Memorial
is your chance to join us. We can always use help greeting people and
introducing them to our brothers and sister on the wall. Each event is unique, and sometimes emotional. But it is always
rewarding. At the end of the day we are tired but have the satisfied feeling that we may have helped bring closure to a family.
Or listened to a serviceman share his experiences with us. And we always gather around the younger generation of service
people with one of our medals, a “welcome home” and a hug. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2014 - Page 7
We Are Americans
# Submitted by Jerry Fleetwood
ollowing words in the “You are not forgotten” statement are: “I was not prepared to be abandoned by my country”
has me thinking about encouraging words we get from Brian Bobek, chaplain Ron Drdul, and others when they ask
us to keep our brothers and sisters in our thoughts and prayers. If we don’t do as they ask, knowing we are able to,
is that request important enough to actually be abandonment if we deliberately refuse? I think that would depend on
whether or not we truly believe our prayers and thoughts could or would make a difference. I mean really make a
difference, or is it only a kind or nice gesture? Is there a parallel here? Being left in a hostile environment as a prisoner or
a lost warrior? Needing to be rescued or at least needing ministry or some kind of help? Comparing a physical combat
situation then and a spiritual combat situation now? If we ask someone to pray for us, is that like asking that they not
abandon us now while we need what they can do for us? To actually talk to a higher authority about the help we need?
Help that is more than is possible by ourselves? Yes, it’s two different kinds of warfare. And maybe it’s a stretch to use
the word abandonment, or maybe not. Either way we’re counting on someone else to be there for us at a time when it is
very important to us to have what we need in order to make it or to even survive whatever we’re facing. I don’t think it’s
something to take lightly when a higher power is available to show up and be there for our brothers and sisters, and
doesn’t simply because someone didn’t ask. So if we have faith in supreme intervention in situations like that, I say let’s
ask. Let’s show up in force. Let’s continue to be there for one another. Why? Because it matters. It is that important.
Having one’s turn in a hospital room or doctor’s office, feeling so helpless and needing help, we can’t simply pay lip
service when real help is available for the asking. We must be committed to making a difference. So I say “hurrah” for
Brian and others who have the courage to exercise the freedom we still have as Americans.
I speak as someone who has been personally impacted by the very power of the thoughts and prayers of my brothers
and sisters. We never know when that final reveille will be sounded for us, and each and every one of us will benefit
from those sincere outpourings of true spiritual support. Think about that.
2- 8 p.m. MARCH 16
Pub Froggy
16420 Thirteen Mile Road in Roseville
(west of Groesbeck on the south side of the street)
20% of your bill will be donated to Vietnam Veterans of
America Chapter 154's general fund. This will allow the
chapter to continue serving the veterans
of Macomb County.
Encourage your family, friends, and neighbors
— the more people we have means added
cash we will raise for the chapter.
The Veterans Support Center is a 100%
volunteered-staffed center providing much needed
services to our veterans. Please support our veterans
-- we owe them everything!
This offer is good for dine-in and carry-out services
and includes all food choices.
50/50 Raffles every hour
Special raffles included throughout the day.
Thank you for your patronage!
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2014 - Page 8
Dignity Memorial Sent Off In Style
n January 25, a replica wall of the Washington Memorial known as the Dignity Memorial
was being shipped off to the National Infantry Museum in Columbus, Georgia, where it
will reside for the next five years. AMVETS Post 29 in Mount Clemens was the host
organization in putting together a ceremony to ensure that the memorial was giving a dignified
sendoff. The Commander of AMVETS 29 approached Chapter 154 about taking a lead role in
the ceremony, due to the fact that we comprised all Vietnam vets, and it seemed appropriate
for us to be the organization sending the memorial on its journey.
A small crowd of people gathered in a warehouse in Sterling Heights where the memorial was
being prepped for its departure for Georgia. The high point of this ceremony was supposed to
be the addition of 60 new names to the wall, acknowledging the soldiers who had died as a
direct result of their service in Vietnam even though they were not KIA. Additionally, another
13 were having their status changed from MIA to recovered. Unfortunately, for some reason
the engravers were not able to get this done prior to the memorial’s transfer.
Prior to the kick-off, the AMVETS color guard posted honor guards near the wall, and were
relieved by the Chapter 154 honor guard. Opening ceremonies were handled by Keith
Hennigar, commander of Post 29. Keith is also the commander of the AMVETS color guard.
Following the invocation by their chaplain, Ray “Screamin’ Freeman” got up to say a few words.
It’s easy to see where his nickname came from! Chapter President Brian Bobek made a
presentation about the memorial and its importance. Then Hennigar and Bobek read off the
names of the additions to the wall, accompanied by the sounding of a bell as each name was
read. The keynote speaker was Major General Smith (ret.) from the U.S. Army who recounted
his time in Vietnam and comments about the wall. Chapter 154 Chaplain Ron Drdul provided
the benediction at the close of the ceremony. Then the Chapter 154 color guard fired three rifle
volleys and sounded TAPS. It was a very nice ceremony and got the memorial off on the right
course for its new home.
here are two bills currently going through the Michigan House of Representatives that impact veterans:
· House Bill 5278 increases the amount of property tax exemption for rental expenses for certain levels of disabled
· House Bill 5258 expands the eligibility for reduced-fee license plates for those with less than 100% rating.
# A new VA medical card is now available to replace the old ones that could have information gleaned from them by
electronic hackers. You can obtain a new card at the administration desk at the VA Hospital. You will need to have your old
card and two pieces of photo ID.
Donations Needed
acomb County Health Department Animal Shelter is in need of
numerous donations to assist current shelter operations as well as
new adoptive parents. Potential donations include newspaper, litter,
litter boxes, food dishes, dog and cat food dry and canned, toys, collars,
leashes, paper towels, bath and hand towels, blankets, bleach, monetary
donations or you can volunteer your time at the shelter.
Donated Items can be left at the Vet Center or taken directly to the Macomb
County Animal Shelter, 21417 Dunham Road, Clinton Township MI 48036
Phone 586-469-5115.
We want this to be a continuous program to help our furry friends. Any
questions contact Gary Purcell or John Willey at the Vet Center.
Macomb County Animal Shelter is a proud adoption partner of Pets for Patriots, a nationally operating 501(c)(3) charity
creating opportunities for veterans and service members to save hard-to-adopt shelter pets.
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2014 - Page 9
21184 Cass Ave.
Clinton Twp.
Company of
Macomb County
Buy Direct • Quality Granite &
Bronze Cemetery Monuments •
War & Civic Memorials • Rock
Engraving & Cremation Urns •
Free Local Delivery
Re/Max Suburban Inc.
“Since 1987"
Residential & Commercial Real Estate
Private Sales – Short Sales –
Bank-Owned - HUD
Ray Nadolski
Realtor and Chapter 154 member
•Office 586-262-2000 • Cell 248-705-3794
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2014 - Page 10
Activities are at
the Vet Center
unless otherwise
March 2014
Ministries 7pm
Service Officer
Chapter board
7 pm
Service Officer
Daylight Saving
Time Begins
Service Officer
Hospital visit 8am
Color Guard Mtg
7 pm
Gen Mem mtg
American Leg.
Post 4 Mount
Clemens 7pm
St. Patrick’s Day
Service Officer
NO Associates
AA & Alanon 7pm
Mar. 7-9
Bike Raffle at
Service Officer
United Military
Families 7pm
Service Officer
AA & Alanon 7pm
Raffle Bike at
Gibraltar North
Bike Show
Christian Ash
AA & Alanon 7pm
Mar. 21-23
First Day of
Service Officer
Service Officer
AA & Alanon 7pm
April 1 deadline to
scholarship apps
Looking ahead:
Memorial: April 5
Laingsburg, MI
April 15 Michigan
State Univ
Memorial at Bruce
Post, Welcome
Home VN Vets
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154
P. O. Box 1114
Mount Clemens MI 48046-1114
OPEN to read the GOOD NEWS about Chapter 154
MARCH 2014 issue of BOO COO NEWS
Veterans Support Center ~ 16945 12 Mile Road ~ Roseville MI 48066
(586) 776-9810 ~ (586) 776-9683 fax
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
All Volunteer-Run
Chapter Business Center
Veterans Food Bank
Employment Assistance
Veterans Benefits Service Officer
Free Counseling
Drop In & Hang Out & Help Out
1,643 still
unaccounted for;
49 from Michigan

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