January_2013 1.1 MB - vietnam veterans of america
January_2013 1.1 MB - vietnam veterans of america
Volume 13 • Issue 01 VVA Chapter 12 ♦ Newsletter January, 2013 Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 12 PO Box 276, Allenhurst, NJ 07711 ‘For those who fought for it, Freedom has a special flavor the protected will never know.’ Officers and E-Board Dennis Beauregard, President Ernie Diorio, First Vice President Don Davison Paul Bausch, Secretary Rich Brandon, Treasurer 732-741-2567 vva12p@verizon.net 732-2455552 litetrop67@aol.com 732-988-4056 soulpony@aol.com 732-373-9668aggie1025@hotwiremail.net 518-966-8347 Committees Bob Lopez, Minority Affairs,Food Pantry Tony Corbella PTSD Rob Ford, Community Service, Gov’t Affairs, “Cremains” Don Davison, School Speaker Program, Tom Milmoe, Agent Orange Walter Reed Hospital Ernie Diorio, School Speaker, Transportation Bob Hopkins, Grievance, Membership,Chaplain Bucky Grimm, POW/MIA Jimmy Mack, Product Sales “Cremains” Tony Ponzo, Finance Richard Magovern, Public & Community Affairs 732-988-9241 seabees7@verizon.net 732-640-1967 paddybella@optonline.net 732-687-3846 reford@optonline.net 732-988-4056 soulpony@aol.com 732-859-8783 milmoe7@aol.com 732-780-3506 litetrop67@aol.com 732-531-2574 herc3000@aol.com 732-222-9376 wheat111@comcast.net 908-489-7438 jmack6649@verizon.net 973-979-0142 ybor47@ptd.net 732-842-2950 richandnema@verizon.net “Cremains” Michael Quilty, Homeless Vets Joe McCreary, Veterans Health Care 732-939-8938 quiltym@gmail.com 908-675-6905 joecmbg@yahoo.com State Council Delegates Rob Ford, Delegate Jim Mack, Delegate Tony Ponzo, Delegate Mike Berman, Alternate Delegate Paul Bausch, Alternate Delegate Other Contacts Don McNamara, Vet Service Officer 732-775-7009 donald.mcnamara@njdmava.state.nj.us Bob Parrella, AVVA Liaison 732-303-1689 bobpark4@aol.co Rob Ford, BITW Editor 732-687-3846 reford@optonline.net Please remember our fellow Chapter members, and their families in your prayers, as they continue to face very serious medical conditions. Please also remember the victims of “Superstorm Sandy” and the Sandy Hook Shootings. ******************************************************************************* **** More pictures have been added to Chapter 12's MySpace page. All are invited to log in to the following link: www.myspace.comUsername:vva12p@verizon.net& Password: chapter12. We have been informed that in lieu of specific items to send to troops on deployment, gift cards to the PX would be appreciated. The troops can get almost anything in the PX, but could use the help via gift card. This is also a money and effort saver on our part. Donations to the PX gift card fund are being accepted. We are also switching from actual food to gift cards for our food bank as this will better serve our veterans in need. If you know of anyone in need, please contact Rob Ford, or Ernie Diorio. Anyone needing a ride to the VA, please contact Ernie Diorio for assistance. ************************************************************ If you are looking for a fellow vet that you lost track of, or someone that you served with, that might have information you need, please send it to us and we will put it in the monthly newsletter. ******************************************************************************* ******* Check this link out if you need help with an appeal, or know a Vet that does. Keep it moving, and pass it on to all other Vets you know. http://www.vetsprobono.org/index.htm ******************************************************************************* ******* Anyone wanting to submit an article, picture, or story please send it to: vva12p@verizon.netor nlvva12@gmail.com by the 25th of each month. Anything received after that will be placed in the following month's newsletter. (Make sure it can be verified) ******************************************************************************* ******* If anyone is wearing a POW/MIA Bracelet, go to this website, and find out any updates for the Brother on the POW/MIA Bracelet. http://www.pownetwork.org/bios/p/p077.htm President’s Message On Saturday December 1st Lt. Hopkins and his crew once again put together a great holiday party that was enjoyed by the 125 in attendance. Special thanks go to our friend Carmen Petersons for a great meal, and to Santa who made a stop to see all the grandchildren. I hope by now every member has received the 30th anniversary patch that Tony Ponzo mailed out for this year’s fund raiser. Keep in mind, that with 30 years we are the largest Chapter in the State and still growing. As of my last membership report from National, we are the largest in the State with Mother Margaret (Wojo) and Chapter 800, 10 members behind us. On Monday night I attended Chapter 800’s Christmas Party/Meeting in Little Ferry, and made a bet with Margaret that we will remain the largest Chapter. I will need your help to keep us there. See Bob Hopkins for membership applications. Dolores and I wish you and and your families a Happy appy Holiday and a Happy New Year. Year. In Brotherhood The Colonel This was previously published in the News Letter, but also appeared in the latest edition of The Veteran under Letters to the Editor, and is well worth repeating. Just a Thought Between February and March, in about a ten day span, we lost two of our Brothers, Roy Carey and John McGowan. So I was thinking, if we all pray to God, and ask if He could rethink His theory about us so we could live a bit longer. After all, He was with us when we went to Vietnam. He looked out for us during our tour of duty. He brought us all home safely where we tried to ease our way back into society and become good citizens, got married, had children, and best of all blessed us with grandchildren. I believe God has a greater plan for us. And in the end, when all the tears stop flowing, we will all be reunited with our past Brothers, in a greater place. Brother Ernie Diorio said to me after John’s funeral, while we were in Vietnam, we made new friends, created a strong bond with them. Then we would read the weekly casualty list and recognize some of their names. And it hurt deeply. But we kept our faith and marched forward. Now, some 40 or so years later, we made new friends and created even stronger bonds. We now call them Brothers. We became so much closer because we went to Hell and back together. Now, we read their names in the obituaries and the pain is much greater. So if we could pray a little more and ask God to rethink His taking of us, it just might help. Therefore, in my nightly prayer, I ask God if He can slow down the taking of my VVA Brothers. Allow us more time to finish what we started and best of all see our grandchildren grow up to be healthy, productive citizens. Last but not least, I ask God to keep our young men and women out of future wars. Let us all keep fond memories of our fallen Comrades. After all, this is just a thought. In Brotherhood, Tony Ponzo VVA Chapter 12 UPCOMING CHAPTER EVENTS Chapter 12 Annual Installation and Dinner Dance, 13 April 2013, celebrating our 30th Anniversary!! (See attached flyer) ***************** The next chapter meeting will be Wednesday, January 2 ,2013 at 7:30PM, VFW Post 2226, 210 Norwood Ave, Oakhurst, NJ ******************* Featured Guest Speakers On 2 Jan. 2013 we will have the following visitors join us at the Membership meeting. Michael Ruane Col. Retired US Army Supervisor for the Aging and Veterans Affairs Ms. Sue Moleon VSO For Monmouth County Veterans Affair office They will talk about what they do and where they are located and how they can assist Veterans with claims and how to fill out the proper forms and other things of interest for the Veterans of Monmouth County. Mike Ruane is a Chapter #12 life member. BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Best Wishes to all celebrating in January ************************************************** If you wish to post a birthday or anniversary please submit the info by the 20th of the month for the next month’s news letter. VIETNAM VETERANS of AMERICA NEW JERSEY SHORE AREA CHAPTER 12 30th Anniversary INSTALLATION & DINNER DANCE Our Annual Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, April 13, 2013, 7:00 pm at VFW 2179, One Veterans Lane, Port Monmouth, NJ 07758. Tickets are $40 per person or $75 per couple. To reserve tickets, please contact, Ernie Diorio at 732732-245245-5552 or Tony Ponzo 972972-979979-0142 We hope to see some more familiar faces there this year. Entertainment by Sidewalk Serenade VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA NEW JERSEY SHORE AREA CHAPTER # 12 VVA Chapter 12 are looking for Corp donation that will be holding its Annual Dinner Dance on April 13, 2013. An integral part of our yearly operating budget is based on our fund raising efforts. Over the past years we have enriched the lives of veterans and there families though a variety of activities including lobbying for veterans legislation , both in Trenton and Washington; assisting veterans in the VA hospitals; aiding and referring veterans for counseling in PTSD [ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder] and substance abuse; providing assistance in filing service connected disability claims. We also sponsor public awareness programs connected with the POW/MIA issue. We are active in the community, providing speakers for elementary and high schools history classes; we participate in New Jersey Adopt a Highway program, to help keep our state highways clean. We along with other veteran groups are identify Honor and Inter unclaimed, abandoned cremated veterans and secure remains or future abandoned or orphaned veterans. And assure that all qualified orphaned and abandoned veteran cremains do receive a military burial in our We would appreciate your advertising in our ad journal. Let veterans know you care and support our activities. Business or personal ads are welcome. We also welcome donations of products or gift certificates to act as door prizes. Tickets are $40.00 each or $75.00 per couple Please fill out the enclosed ad form and send your check or money order for the appropriate amount to the above address. Make your check or money payable to: VVA Chapter 12. The deadline for all ads is April 1, 2013 FULL PAGE $100.00 For Further Information call: Dennis Beauregard Ernie Diorio 908-902-8789 732-245-5552 HALF PAGE THIRD PAGE $50.00 $30.00 A Gentle Reminder Brothers, It’s almost the end of another year, and, while 2012 is winding down, Chapter 12 is up and running. Our membership roster continues to grow putting us first in the state with just under 300 members. This is also the 30th Anniversary of the founding of Chapter 12! – who would have ever thought? Our commitment to working on behalf of Veteran’s causes and welfare is as strong as ever, and we have provided assistance to more veterans than ever. Agent Orange, PTSD, Homelessness, and POW/MIA, to name a few, are areas of great concern, as is funding for the VA. We interred the cremated remains of three WWII veterans, which sat unclaimed on the shelf at ELY Funeral Home for well over 20 years. This is part of a project by the Chapter to insure that no veteran’s cremains are abandoned, and that all receive the proper military burial that they earned and deserve. The annual Installation Dinner and Dance, the Day at the Races, as well as the Chapter Picnic, and Holiday party were events, that if you missed, you missed a great time with our brothers and spouses! The holidays are fast approaching, and as if the economy were not bad enough, Superstorm Sandy has caused devastation, and created enormous needs. We have attempted to help our Brothers and their families, and will continue to do for as long as help is needed. In that regard, to help others, we need your help. I can’t be more blunt .Your time, as well as, your donations of cash are needed to help alleviate the suffering of the less fortunate. I have enclosed a 30th Anniversary Patch for you to wear proudly. There are no strings attached, it is yours. If you can make a donation to the Chapter it would help, but is not required .Donations, as well as orders for additional patches @ $15 each should be sent to: Tony Ponzo PO Box 2203 Albrightsville, PA, 18210-2203. As always, may you and your families have a safe and wonderful Holiday Season. In Brotherhood, The Colonel A Thank You from the Nasuta Family (son of Chapter member) Rob, We just wanted to reach out to you and the chapter and say thank you so much for all of your generosity and support! In such a tough time for our family, your generous gifts have meant so much to us! Everything has been so overwhelming and to be so supported by the chapter is amazing! Wishing you and all of your families a happy holiday, and a happy, healthy new year! Attached are just a few pictures of the devastation. The last picture is from last week. Hopefully we can move home by the end of the summer! Thank you all so much, The Nasuta's Vinnie, Anastasia, William James and Vincenzo SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE NEW JERSEY VIETNAM VETERANS’ MEMORIAL 1 MEMORIAL LANE P. O. BOX 648 HOLMDEL, NJ 07733 PHONE: (732) 335-0033 FAX: (732) 335-1107 www.njvvmf.org 2012 - 2013 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Fall 2012 To Whom It May Concern: The New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Foundation will be awarding two (2) $2,500.00 scholarships for post-high school education (college, community college, trade school, etc.). The Scholarship Committee has established the following criteria for eligibility: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Applicant must be a New Jersey resident. Applicant must be a graduating high school senior. Applicant has visited the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial. Applicant has written an essay about his/her visit (see back of application). Applicant has submitted verification of acceptance at a particular school with application. Application must be typed or printed legibly in its entirety. Applicant may submit only one (1) application per school year. Applicant must sign and date Authentication. Parent or Guardian signature is also required for applicant under 18. 9. All applications must be received at the Foundation’s office no later than Friday, April 19, 2013 at 5:00 PM. (Those postmarked prior to due date, but received after deadline, will NOT be accepted.) 10. Applications, essays and acceptance letters may be faxed to (732) 335-1107. 11. Free guided tours of the Memorial are available (but are not required) on Saturdays at 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM, February 2 through April 13, 2013. This Committee will select the two (2) winners of these Scholarships from all eligible applications. The winners will be notified prior to the awards being presented on Monday, May 27, 2013 during the Memorial Day ceremony held at the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial. Winners should make every possible attempt to be at this ceremony. The winners will receive a check for $2,500 after confirmation of enrollment is received. If you have any questions, please call (732) 335-0033 xt. 100. Thank you for your interest and good luck! Sincerely, Scholarship Committee SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE NEW JERSEY VIETNAM VETERANS’ MEMORIAL 1 MEMORIAL LANE P. O. BOX 648 HOLMDEL, NJ 07733 PHONE: (732) 335-0033 FAX: (732) 335-1107 www.njvvmf.org SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE: APRIL 19, 2013 - 5:00 PM (Those postmarked prior to due date, but received after the deadline, will NOT be accepted). (Applications, essays and acceptance letters may be faxed to (732) 335-1107) ALL ITEMS MUST BE COMPLETED OR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED NAME (Last) (First) F M (MI) COMPLETE ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE: PHONE #. ( ) STUDENT’S SOCIAL SECURITY # NAME OF HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTLY ATTENDING: PHONE # ( ADDRESS OF HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTLY ATTENDING INCLUDING ZIP CODE: NAME & ADDRESS OF SCHOOL YOU WILL BE ATTENDING: ) COUNTY: HAVE YOU BEEN ACCEPTED?* Yes No PLEASE READ AUTHENTICATION AND SIGN BELOW: I have visited the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial and the attached essay is my own original work: APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE DATE: PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE (if student is under 18): DATE: *PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF ACCEPTANCE LETTER OR VERIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE. WE DO NOT NEED LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION OR TRANSCRIPTS. ALL APPLICATIONS AND ESSAYS BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THIS ORGANIZATION. THIS APPLICATION MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED. 2012/2013 A visit to the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial in Holmdel, NJ is certainly a time for reflection. In your own words print or type an essay reflecting upon your visit to the Memorial. Attach additional pages, if necessary. IMPORTANT NOTE: Visiting the Vietnam Era Museum & Educational Center is NOT a requirement when writing about the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Directions: Take the NJ Garden State Parkway to exit 116 – PNC Bank Arts Center. As you enter the grounds of the Arts Center, follow the brown directional signs to the Memorial and Educational Center. Turn right on Memorial Lane and make your second left into the parking lot for the Memorial and Educational Center. Hours of Operation: New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial is open 24 hours, 7 days a week Vietnam Era Museum & Educational Center is open Tuesday – Saturday, 10 AM to 4 PM Free guided tours of the Memorial are available (but not required) on Saturdays at 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM, February 2 through April 13, 2013, to accommodate students submitting a scholarship application. Admission Fees: New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial – no charge Vietnam Era Museum & Educational Center - $7 Adults, $5 Seniors/Students Veterans & Active Military - Free; Children under 10 – Free 2012/2013 BOOKS Dead Man Flying MOH Recipient Gen. Patrick H. Brady, on Origins and Execution of Dust Off Major General Patrick H. Brady Dead Man Flying , which covers the origin and execution of Dust Off, the Aero Medical evacuation in Vietnam. While in Vietnam, Gen. Brady was awarded the Medal of Honor for a series of rescues during which he used 3 helicopters to rescue over 60 wounded. At the end of the day his aircraft had over 400 holes in them from enemy fire and mines. In two tours in Vietnam he flew over 2500 combat missions and rescued over 5000 wounded. Gen. Brady is the only living Army veteran of Vietnam to hold both the Medal of Honor and the Distinguished Service Cross. His other awards include two Distinguished Service Medals; the Defense Superior Service Medal; the Legion of Merit; six Distinguished Flying Crosses; two Bronze Stars, one for valor; the Purple Heart and 53 Air Medals, one for valor. He is a member of both the Army Aviation and Dust Off Halls of Fame. ******************************** Senate wants details from VA on claims backlog By Rick Maze - Staff writer Posted : Thursday Nov 29, 2012 13:37:26 EST The Senate voted Thursday to demand a status report from the Veterans Affairs Department about efforts to reduce the backlog of almost 900,000 benefits claims. By 95-0 vote, the Senate passed an amendment to the 2013 defense authorization bill sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, which would require a report summarizing all the steps taken so far to reduce the claims backlog and what steps are planned in the future. The report would be due within 60 days of the defense bill, S 3254, becoming law. Lawmakers are working toward final passage of a compromise version of the $648.5 billion defense bill by no later than New Year’s Day. Cornyn is especially interested in cooperative efforts between VA and state and local veterans programs he believes have not gotten enough attention. Claims processing has been one of the most difficult issues facing VA in recent years as the number and complexity of claims has grown. As of Nov. 24, almost 900,000 benefits claims were pending before VA, with about 600,000 at least 125 days old. VA considers the older claims to be the true backlog. VA officials have ambitious plans for speeding claims processing. VA Secretary Eric Shinseki said in a Nov. 8 interview that he believes 2013 could mark the first time in years that the department processes more claims than it receives, which would be a first step in shrinking the mountain of claims. Cornyn called the backlog “scandalous” and a “really unacceptable situation.” Here are three web sites you might want to check. US Interagency Council on Homelessness www.usich.gov National Coalition for Homeless Veterans www.nchv.org HUD policy changes, article on TBI, free legal clinics, etc National Alliance to End Homelessness www.naeh.org HUD reports, Capitol Hill news Our annual Holiday Party was held on December 1st, and was, as always, a smash! Tom Milmoe reading Just a Thought Lighting the Menorah Gelt for the children Can you guess who this is? And can you guess who this is? Dear Santa……… Judging the best dessert. Paula Milmoe won. Happiness is…….! NJ State Council President, Chapter 12 President…does this say something about VVA? This says even more!!!! (Mug shot courtesy of Pat Wiley) As If The Photos Were Not Humor Enough > > > THE ITALIAN POKER CLUB > > > > > > Seven retired Italian Floridian fellows were playing poker in the > condo clubhouse when Guido loses $500 on a single hand, clutches > his chest, and drops dead at the table. > > > Showing respect for their fallen comrade, the other five continue > playing, but standing up. > > > At the end of the game, Giovanni looks around and asks, "So, > who's gonna' tell his wife?" They cut the cards. Pasquale picks > the low card and has to carry the news. They tell him to be > discreet, be gentle, don't make a bad situation any worse. > "Discreet? I'm the most discreet person you'll ever meet. > Discretion is my middle name. Leave it to me!" > > So, Pasquale goes over to the Guido 's condo and knocks on the > door. The wife answers through the door and asks what he wants? > Pasquale declares: "Your husband just lost $500 in a poker game > and is afraid to come home." "Tell him to drop dead!" yells the > wife. > > > "I'll go tell him." says Pasquale . > Subject: Hostess Bakery Hostess Bakery plants shut down Friday due to a workers' strike. It was split up. The State Department hired all the Twinkies, the Secret Service hired all the HoHos, the generals are sleeping with the Cupcakes and the voters sent all the Ding Dongs to Congress. EMBARRASSMENT A guy asked a girl in a university library: "Do you mind if I sit beside you?" The girl replied with a loud voice: "I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU!" All the students in the library started staring at the guy; he was truly embarrassed. After a couple of minutes, the girl walked quietly to the guy's table and said: "I study psychology, and I know what a man is thinking. I guess you felt embarrassed, right?" The guy then responded with a loud voice: "$500 FOR ONE NIGHT? THAT'S TOO MUCH!" All the people in the library looked at the girl in shock.The guy whispered in her ear: "I study law, and I know how to screw people". **** TAPS Shore Area Vietnam Vets Called Home By The Lord Bronner, Dennis, 64 Toms River, USMC Burris, Walter Eugene, 65, Ocean Gate, Army Chalian, George, 66 Matawan, Army Collins, Edward,60 Barnegat, Navy Goodrich, Lawrence Keith, 62 Whiting, Army Kessler, Wayne, 62 East Amwell, Army Kroll, George, 72 Toms River, Navy Larocca, John A, 66 Holmdel, Army Palmer, Lewis P, 79, Neptune, Army Santomauro, Anthony, Belmar, Navy Stover, Francis Gary, 67, Fair Haven, Army Testa, Donald, 69, Toms River, Army REST IN PEACE BROTHERS P.S. IF YOU ARE READING THIS YOU SURVIVED 12/21/12!!! Welcome to a new year!!!
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