July 2016 - Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 310
July 2016 - Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 310
The Chapter 310 Dispatch July 2016 TWO TIME NATIONAL CHAPTER OF THE YEAR Washtenaw County KIA’s David Palmer William Brown 5 July 1967 9 July 1965 Philip Spencer Thomas Cleland 10 July 1968 11 July 1967 David McKenzie Frederick Boss 12 July 1965 15 July 1967 Richard O’Neal Douglas Atkins 26 July 1968 27 July 1970 Michigan MIA’s Unaccounted for - 49 Accounted for - 36 Table of Contents President’s Message .................. ... 2-3 Chapter Minutes ........................ ... 3-6 AVVA ......................................... ... 6-9 Friends Minutes ......................... ...9-10 Chaplin’s Corner ......................... ...... 11 Memorial Grounds Report ......... ...... 12 WCCV Report ............................. ...... 13 Dexter to A2 Race Road Guards ...... 13 Kettles Receives Medal of Honor 14-15 Packing Party For Our Troops ... ...... 15 July’s KIA’s ................................. .15-19 Calendar of Events ..................... ...... 20 Officers & Board Members........... 21-22 Click on the Icon to the left to view and Like us on our Facebook page. Page 2 President’s Message: As many of you have already heard, one of our members is going to be receiving the Medal of Honor. On July 18, 2016 Lieutenant Colonel Charles Kettles will be presented with the Medal of Honor by the President of the United States. It has been five years in the making to upgrade his Distinguished Service Cross to the Medal of Honor. All of us at this Chapter are very proud of LTC Kettles and his accomplishments. There will be a celebration for him at the Yankee Air Museum in Belleville on August 13 between 1400 and 1700. See more detailed information on our website about LTC Kettles and his heroic actions. June has come and gone and we were certainly busy. Our Merchandising Team did a great job with sales at the VA Hospital. It looks like the VA merchandising events are becoming a great revenue source. Al Dieter and the Merchandising Team donated money to the Pig Roast and to our Independence Day Family Picnic. The Milan Fair had a little disappointing result in sales, because there were not as many fair goers this year. Thanks to Al Dieter and his team for the great job they are doing. It would be great to see more volunteers for setup, sales, and takedown. Jane Kinzinger, on behalf of the Friends & AVVA, spearheaded scheduled meals for Doc and Sandy as Doc became ill in recent weeks. Many of us dropped off food and chatted with Doc and tried to make sure he was in good spirits. That does not take much effort because, even when he’s not feeling well, he seems to carry a positive attitude and Sandy’s spirit seems to stay high. We are all wishing them the best and we send Doc our prayers for healing and comfort. Thanks to everyone who took time to call, drop off food, and just chat with Doc. I’m sure he really appreciates it. Several of us helped John and Jane with the annual Dexter – Ann Arbor Run as road guards. There seemed to be many more runners this year. Several of us got drenched, as we did last year. Fortunately, the rain was short in duration. There DID seem to be more crazies out driving as a couple of drivers tried driving through the run. This event brings in little bit of revenue for VVA as we (VVA 310) get a stipend for the duties we perform. And, it’s a lot of fun cheering on the runners! I am always impressed with the spectator turnout for the Independence Day parade. This year seemed to be even better with more people attending, although we (VVA 310) did not have as many members show up to participate. Thanks to all who did show up. In general, a good share of the spectators stood up as our flag passed. I’m not sure that our children are being taught in school the proper respect and courtesy for our Nation’s flag. After seeing some of the children at the Saline event last month, I’m not even sure they are being taught the Pledge of Allegiance and when to place their hand over their heart! That said, the event was a lot of Page 3 fun and the weather was great. I look forward to next year’s parade. Following the parade, we had our VVA Family Picnic. Thanks to Al Merritt, Wendy Hibbitts and Jon Luker for performing much of the organizing of this event and thanks to our friends at Team Red, White & Blue for cosponsoring this event. I know I had a lot of fun with my grandson playing many of the games that they provided: badminton, yard darts, volleyball, croquette, and tug-of-war were some of the games provided. Some of the kids were able to fire the 50 cal on the back of the Jeep provided by private collector Bob Schrock. It looked like they really had a lot of fun! Thanks go out to Ypsilanti Township for providing the grounds and for the labor to set out all of the flags along the driveway. They are always there for us at these special events. Several community partners were involved as well, such as Monroe RSVP who provided volunteers and 10 tables, and Target, who provided all of the tableware and much of the food. Also, many thanks go to Al Merritt and his team for getting the Memorial grounds in absolutely beautiful shape. The flowers, planters, mulch, and new bench looked great. Lastly, and on a more serious note, I would like to put a reminder out there that there is an alarming rate of suicides amongst military veterans. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs released the results of a study in 2013 that showed “roughly 22 veterans were committing suicide per day.” Watch those around you. Some you know are still dealing with PTS. Try to be understanding and maybe learn to recognize the signs of someone thinking of harming themselves. According to the Veterans Crisis Line, some of the signs are “depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and/or hopelessness”. If you know someone that is showing these signs or has talked about harming themselves, have them contact (or make contact for them) the Veterans Crisis Line by calling 1 (800) 273-8255. They can also text message them at 838255. Let’s help our brothers and sisters who are still trying to cope with the effects of being in war. SSgt Dave Draper President Chapter Minutes: Regular Meeting Minutes - VVA Chapter 310 9 June 2016 Call to order by President Draper at 1900 Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence for POW/MIA’s, their families and those who are serving in hazardous places around the world. Page 4 Prayer: Mayes Roll call. A quorum was established. Welcome Home Everyone! Guests None Motion to Approve the June Minutes by White and Duncan. Approved. President’s Report by Draper. Please be quiet during the Friends/AVVA meetings. I presented three Certificates of Appreciation: One to Brenda Stumbo, Ypsilanti Township Supervisor; One to April LeRock, from the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System (VAAAHS) for their 50 th Vietnam Commemoration; and, One to Monty, a Saline high school student who built the new President’s name tag plate for the VVA 310 wall. I will soon present a Certificate of Appreciation to Kimberly Wayt at Home Depot for all the bushes, soil, fertilizer and help they provided for the Memorial grounds. Treasure’s report: Paulo. Balances reported. No questions. Friends report. Kinzinger. Please see attached report. AVVA report. Driscoll. Please see attached report. Food Pantry. Martinez. No report. Merchandise Report. Dieter. Merchandize Committee needs an operating balance of $3,000 for purchasing inventory. Since the balance is just over $5,000, the committee decided to donate $500 to the Pig Roast and $1,500 to WACU. The committee is also going to start to pay its own registration fees and such for the events it attends. The committee is still seeking help for their activities, especially for help setting up and taking down the tents. The next event is on the third floor of the VA on 16 and 17 June from 0800 until 1600. We are now handing out a little memento we made from stars we cut out of retired US flags. We attach a small note on the back of the star that welcomes and thanks the veteran. Washtenaw County Council of Veterans Report. Luker. Please see attached report. Memorial Committee Report. Merritt. Please see attached report. Website Committee Report: Pereira/McCrumb. Google blocked portions of our site for a while, but that issue was resolved. Membership Report. McCrumb. Fredric Reed, one of our earliest members, renewed after a period of nonrenewal. He is not in good health. Our last membership report from National was for April and it put our official membership number at 189. Newsletter. Luker. After the elections, we revised all of the names on the Board of Directors and Officers pages. Please check your information there to be sure your name is spelled correctly and that we have the right phone number listed. Be advised that we do include your phone number when we email the Dispatch to our select mailing list and in the print edition but we exclude your phone number in the version we post on the website. Page 5 VAAAHS Report. Kinzinger. The next event at the hospital will be the Halloween party on 29 October. As always, it is a costume event and we will spend some time together at the Side Track afterward. VVA Health Report. Wilson. Please see the August Dispatch for a special report on the final report of the Commission on Care. Vet’s Radio. Throneberry. No report. VVA State Chapter No report. Special Events Reports: Heritage Festival will be 26 to 28 August. The flyer will be sent to all the veterans organizations in the county and will be given out at the next WCCVO meeting. We still need people to sell raffle tickets. Pig Roast will be held on 11 September. We need donations. 4th of July Celebration. The event begins at 1400 on the Ypsilanti Township land just north of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. You are only asked to bring a blanket or chair. Everything else will be provided. The event may be catered, but if you would like to volunteer to help cook or serve or cleanup, please do. Other Events: For news of other events, see page 20 of the Dispatch. Old Business: None New Business: Volano introduced an event to commemorate LTC Kettles being awarded the Medal of Honor. Motion by: Luker/Rogge to be an event sponsor; to authorize Bill Volano to represent VVA 310 in planning the event; and to authorize Volano to use his discretion to spend up to $250 in support of the event. The motion was previously reviewed and approved by the Board. Membership Approved. Good of the Order Draper: Doc went to the hospital after an outpatient procedure. He’s home now. He’s not in good shape. Does he have any needs? One of his sons lives with him and Sandy at this time. K Driscoll: AVVA is donating $100 to the Kettles event fund. Perrault: Pass the hat for the Kettles Event. Sargent-At-Arms passed the hat. $250 was collected. Hall: Line up for the Fourth of July parade will be at 1030 on Cross Street, west of the water tower in Ypsilanti. Wilson: The Dexter United Methodist Church has a veterans group in it. The veterans group is planning a veteran’s benefits open house on June 18 th from 1300 to 1600 on Huron River Drive. VVA Agent Orange group is talking about having a town hall meeting over there also. Kinzinger: Thanks Al Dieter and group for the donation to WACU. WACU is group of people who have PTSD and their caregivers. WACU helps these Page 6 people gather in a safe and peaceful environment where they can help each other. Don Behm is involved too. McCrumb. Vets in the classroom. There were several of us involved in a couple of different classrooms recently. The last event was at Saline High. It was good event. I encourage you to get involved. Perrault. VFW has an event this weekend and a meeting Monday, so we have to move the boxes of goodies somebody just gave us. Can we use any of it for gifts on the 4th of July? Closing Prayer: Mayes Adjourned 2018. Respectfully Submitted, Jon Luker AV VA M i n u t e s : June 2016 I attended the AVVA Michigan State Association Board meeting on Friday, June 24th. We hope our AVVA Michigan State Association will be visiting local AVVA chapters around our state. We hope to be able to visit Chapter 1047 in Harrison, MI and Chapter 274 in Cheboygan, MI. Chapter 274 is our first and only incorporated chapter. I met five of their members last October in Sault Sainte Marie. This chapter has great fundraisers supporting their Operation Christmas Project. The board discussed AVVA Michigan State Association fundraiser proposals. I will have more information after our August Association meeting. Our next AVVA Michigan State Association meeting will be in August at the American Legion Post in Howell, MI. AVVA Chapter 310 donated $100 to the LTC Charles Kettles Celebration. The celebration will be on Saturday, August 13 th at the Yankee Air Museum from 1400 to 1600 hours. All AVVA 310 members are invited to attend. Please R.S.V.P. via email to Bill Vollano, AVVA 310 member, at wmjv@ymail.com . AVVA 310 and the Friends of VVA 310 donated $100 to the Geoff Bowen Memorial Skate/Hockey fundraiser. This fundraiser is supporting the family of Geoff Bowen. AVVA/VVA Project Friendship 2016 AVVA 310 has donated $100 to AVVA Project Friendship. AVVA has selected Esperanza En Escalante, Transitional Housing for Page 7 Homeless & Disabled Veterans, for AVVA/VVA Project Friendship 2016. “Esperanza En Escalante’s programs target the distinct characteristics in veterans that lead to homelessness. Their efforts help the veteran develop the necessary skills and changes needed to overcome their life barriers, and reachieve independent living and stability.” AVVA Leadership Conference 2016 Meni Draper will attend the 2016 Leadership Conference in Tucson, AZ. AVVA 310 has paid her registration fees to attend the conference. AVVA Michigan State Association Events I will attend the AVVA MI State Association Convention in Bay City on June 4 - 5. I submitted my name to run for Vice President, AVVA Michigan State Association. Betty Pike, from AVVA Chapter 18 and Marilyn Lash from AVVA Chapter 133 are running for President. Cecilia Essenmacher and Melanie Thon will be seeking re-election as Treasurer and Secretary. Fundraising The Milan Quartermania will stop for the summer months and resume in September. We will have a raffle table at the VVA 310 Pig roast on Sunday, September 11th. Last year we raised $221. Our 3rd Annual “No Bake / Bake” sale fundraiser will be held in August. We raised $375 last year. We hope to surpass those totals this year. I will be sending out an email and snail mail letters to those members without email. I will have more information at our July meeting. I would like AVVA 310 to support the proposed Ann Arbor Fisher House “Build it for the Brave” fundraising. Please think of a fundraiser we can have for this project. If you have a fundraising idea, please let me know. In order to have a successful chapter, we need to raise funds for our projects and operating expenses. Membership AVVA 310 has 24 members. If you are a Friend of VVA 310, please consider joining AVVA 310 and becoming a dual member of AVVA 310 and Friends. Our dues are $20 yearly with three-year and lifetime memberships available. VISTA AVVA 310 members submitted their VISTA hours at our May meeting. I calculated the hours and submitted them to Jeri Wallis, AVVA VISTA Chair. We have AVVA 310 members supporting VVA 310 Memorial Maintenance Grounds Crew and the VVA Merchandizing Team. Please send your volunteer hours to dkathyr16@gmail.com. Legislative Update Page 8 Senate Bill S. 901 is now part of S.2921, the Veterans First Act! This is the latest update from www.vva.org VVA Veterans Advocacy Legislative Action Center. VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA LEGISLATIVE ALERT! June 20, 2016 Your grassroots advocacy is working - And we need your Help Again! The legislative language of S.901, the Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015, has been included in S.2921, the Veterans First Act, under Title II, Subtitle I, “Research and Toxic Exposure.” The bill has 42 cosponsors. VVA supports this legislation. On May 12, S.2921 was placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar, under General Orders Calendar No. 467, for a floor vote. However, if this bill does not move, our chances of getting the Toxic Exposure Research Act and other veterans issues in the bill enacted into law is less than hopeful. VVA urges you to Take Action NOW by entering your zip code and send the prepared letter requesting your U.S. Senators contact Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Democratic Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada asking that S.2921, the Veterans First Act, be moved to the floor of the Senate for vote and passage before the scheduled summer recess. Passage of the Toxic Exposure Research Act into law is one of our most important efforts in ensuring that future military service generations learn from our experience, and that our offspring receive the respect and consideration for the sacrifices and pain that they endure from illnesses associated with a parent's exposure to toxic substances during service in the United States military. Please, follow up on your letter with a call or visit to their state office. Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) is the only national Vietnam veterans’ organization congressionally chartered and exclusively dedicated to Vietnamera veterans and their families. WWW.VVA.org Current update from www.congress.gov for H.R. 1769 02/25/2016 Ordered to be Reported in the Nature of a Substitute (Amended) by Voice Vote. Type of Action: Committee Consideration. Action By: House Veterans' Affairs 02/25/2016 Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. Type of Action: Committee Consideration. Action By: House Veterans' Affairs 02/25/2016 Subcommittee on Health Discharged. Type of Action: Committee Consideration. Action By: House Veterans' Affairs Page 9 As of Sunday, June 26, 2016 there are no co-sponsors of H. R. 5286 reported on www.congress.gov. Page 51 addresses Title III – Matters relating to Toxic Exposure. Current Actions on H.R. 5286 Date 06/09/2016 05/19/2016 05/19/2016 05/19/2016 05/19/2016 All Actions Except Amendments Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel. Type of Action: Committee Consideration Action By: House Armed Services Referred to House Armed Services Type of Action: Introduction and Referral Action By: House of Representatives Referred to House Veterans' Affairs Type of Action: Introduction and Referral Action By: House of Representatives Referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. Type of Action: Introduction and Referral Action By: House of Representatives Introduced in House Type of Action: Introduction and Referral Action By: House of Representatives http://veterans.house.gov/sites/republicans.veterans.house.gov/files/H.R.% 205286.pdf I hope to see everyone at our next meeting on Thursday, July 14th at 1800. Regards, Kathy Driscoll Chapter Representative, AVVA Chapter 310 734-355-4897 dkathyr16@gmail.com Friends Minutes: Minutes – June 9, 2016: There were 8 members present. There was 1 guest in attendance – Carol Talbot. Welcome back, Carol. Old Business – The deposits and expenses for the month and Page 10 the year-to-date financial reports prepared by Kathy were reviewed. Meni researched the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and Education Center Organization which we had under consideration for donating. The fund raiser is 40 years old, and for the last 30 years has had no complaints. There have been 400,000 items received which will be displayed in the Education Center. The Center will have a virtual show of those deceased in Vietnam. Their yearly report stated 88% of the donations go toward the Center. Only 1% goes to Administration costs. A motion was made and passed to send VVMF $200 to support this organization. The flowers at the Memorial look beautiful. Thanks to all who helped plant, weed, and clean up the grounds for the Memorial Day celebrations there. The current balance of the Lois Perrault Memorial Fund was reported New Business – The Friends Tree at the Memorial has split and is in need of care and/or replacement. It is a soft wood and has split down the middle and the branch is over the Memorial. To make sure it does not fall on the Memorial, it would be best to cut the tree down and have the stump removed. Fall would be the best time to do this. Jane will check with Master Gardener Cynthia Calhoun for advice on a good replacement tree. Friends will abide by the best judgment of the Memorial Grounds team in this matter. Friends will attempt to purchase a different type of tree which is harder wood to prevent this from happening in the future. Jane suggested the Friends consider voting on the person to lead the group. She has been filling that role for some time and would like to give that opportunity to someone else in the group if that is what the group decides to do. Friends were asked to think about who they might nominate for this position and how they would vote that person in. Jane placed a small order for Friends Shirts on 6/7/16. Upcoming Dates to Remember: Key events listed elsewhere in this Dispatch and on the Chapter Website. Announcements/Birthdays: Corrine Gignac 6/11; Bonnie Woods 6/26: Shirley Hitte 7/4; Jackie McManus 7/4; Sharon Kwiecinski 7/18 Next Meeting - Thursday, July 14, 2016 at 6:00pm – VFW Post 423 Respectfully submitted, Jane Kinzinger Notes: Thanks to those who marched in the Milan Fair Parade, which was right on the heels of the busy Memorial Day Weekend festivities. Shirley drove her hot red Corvette convertible and Bonnie rode along with her. Jane rode in Steve Hitte’s truck with their grandson, Kyle. He goes to school in Milan and sees many friends on the parade route. Meni and Judith were staffing the Merchandise booth at the Fairgrounds. Thanks to all the Friends who support the Chapter in so many ways. Page 11 Chaplain’s Corner: 734-277-3528 glmoore@umich.edu If you are at all familiar with Star Wars you would recognize that there is both a light and dark side of the force: a good versus evil situation at its core that permeates the Star War series. It has seemed to me that with the approach of July and our Independence Day - celebrations of our freedom from tyranny - that we are more and more faced with a common scenario to the Star Wars theme of light versus darkness; only our scenario revolves around our freedom in general and the freedom of speech in particular. Following the current political scene is a bit nauseous, I grant you, but it is in need of actual warriors to rescue it from the dark side of Liberty where it is being held hostage. Freedom of speech was taken hostage when leaders were allowed to say anything whether it was truthful or not for the purpose of political gain. It was also taken hostage as the media and the main stream public used social media with preposterous statements to support their agendas hoping that just putting something out there would be taken by others as truth, when, in deed, it was not. So where do we come into this scenario? In some form or other it once again falls upon the warriors to step up and make a change for good. This really needs your input to be worthwhile, but I would suggest that it starts with us along with a two front (maybe more) attack: First, to make sure that what we communicate to others is truthful as measured against a standard of absolutes, and second, that we do not allow ourselves to be duped by our political machine and vote for the lesser of two evils. Evil is evil and comes from the dark side of freedom where it needs to be defeated. As we evaluate the enemy and the way it attacks, we may find that we indeed have to throw the baby out with the bath water because most of Congress is entrenched in a fight with each other and really does not care about mainstream America, or the entire electoral system would be changed. The issue, it would seem to me, is how exactly do we attack this monster? Do we use our ability to write in candidates’ names that we can support without fear of them being on the dark side of freedom? Do we vote out our House and Senate representative until they finally get the message that they are being held accountable for their actions and inactions? Let’s weigh in as we only have four months to develop and carry out a battle plan to take back control of “we the people.” “Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (2Cor 3:17) Read “truth” as in “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32) For a more God- centered America, Gordon Page 12 Memorial Grounds Report The new boxwood bushes are doing okay. Remember, do not prune them. They are intended to create a natural fence. Our crews, especially George Perrault, have taken care of making sure they get water. The next step for helping the bushes grow better is to remove the sod from around the bushes, so there is less competition for nutrients and the bushes have room to grow. We are thinking of having a sod removal party. If you are interested in helping, please contact Fredo. The new hoses have taken a beating and have sprung many leaks as a result. Other than that, things seem to be going smoothly. All equipment is in good working order and we continue to get complements from passersby. Grounds Crew Chief Al (Fredo) Merritt and crew, especially Wendy Hibbitts and Jon Luker have also been working on planning and executing the Veterans Family 4th of July Celebration. VVA members Don Miller, Vance McCrumb and Dell Mayes provided much physical support. The event was well attended. Several people paused at the Memorial on the way to the Celebration. If you have not been to the Memorial recently, please give yourself the gift of a few moments there. If you have any questions Fredo can be reached at (734) 904-4499 or by email at harleyman_1948@comcast.net. Respectfully Submitted, Jon Luker Page 13 WCCV Report The Michigan Veterans Trust Fund process is still not working well. Gary Bourdeau volunteered to be trained in the new system. As threatened, a lawsuit was filed that attempts to invalidate the Veterans Relief property tax levy and two other nonvoted taxes. The County attorney does not think the suit would survive, but the County is considering asking voters to approve a new Veterans millage that would not only fund Veterans Relief and the Burial Fund, but would also provide the operating budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs. If voters approve the millage, it would stabilize the Department’s finances for years to come. The Board of Commissioners will take up the issue at its 6 July meeting. Membership dues and delegate lists are due at the July meeting. Dexter to A2 Race Road Guards By John Kinzinger We thank all of you who made it out to do Road Guard work for the 2016 Dexter-Ann Arbor race along Huron River Drive. Jane and I enjoy that morning each year as we offer a breakfast snack, coffee, juice and such for our VVA volunteers. The race group gives us $300 for this work for our Support Our Troops program. I believe all the volunteers enjoy doing this work. Most of you have done this for several years. We wish to thank all of you for giving of your Sunday morning. Steve and Shirley Hitte, Don Miller, Al Dyer, Al Merritt, Roy and Bonnie Hall, Jon Luker, Elmer White, Chris Wetzler, Dave and Meni Draper and Pioneer High history teacher Brent Richard. About half way through the race, a major downpour moved over the race course. Panchos and umbrellas were needed for sure. All of us got a little wet, but the poor runners got drenched. Again, thank you all for volunteering. We hope you are able to do it again next year. And maybe we will get some other volunteers to step forward too. Just call me at 734-994-0444 to be put on a volunteer list for next year. Page 14 K e tt l e s R e c e i v e s M e d a l o f H o n o r On Monday, July 18, 2016, Lieutenant Colonel Kettles, US Army (Ret), will receive the Medal of Honor for his actions while serving as a Flight Commander assigned to 176th Aviation Company (Airmobile) (Light), 14th Combat Aviation Battalion, Americal Division. Then-Major Kettles distinguished himself in combat operations near Duc Pho, Republic of Vietnam, on May 15, 1967. He led a platoon of UH-1Ds to provide support to the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, during an ambush by a battalionsized enemy force. The 101st had suffered casualties. Major Kettles immediately volunteered to carry reinforcements to the embattled force and evacuate their wounded from the battle site. Although friendly artillery had pounded the hostile positions, the enemy was well entrenched and fighting fiercely. Major Kettles led a flight of helicopters into the landing zone through a savage barrage. Small arms and automatic weapons fire raked the landing zone and inflicted heavy damage to the ships, but Major Kettles refused to leave the ground until all the craft were loaded to capacity. He then led them out of the battle area. He later returned to the battlefield with more reinforcements and landed in the midst of a rain of mortar and automatic weapons fire which wounded his gunner and ruptured his fuel tank. After leading more wounded aboard, he nursed the crippled craft back to his base. He then secured another ship and led a flight of six helicopters to extract the Infantry unit. All but eight men had been loaded when Major Kettles directed the flight to take off. Completely disregarding his safety, he maneuvered his lone craft through Page 15 a savage enemy fusillade to where the remainder of the Infantrymen waited. Mortar fire blasted out his windshield, but he remained on the ground until the men were aboard. The enemy concentrated massive firepower on his helicopter and another mortar round badly damaged his tail boom, but he once more skillfully guided his heavily damaged ship to safety. Major Kettles' extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army. He is credited with saving the lives of 40 soldiers and four of his own crew members. Pa c k i n g Pa r t y F o r O u r Tr o o p s On Sunday, July 24th, starting at 5pm we will have a packing party at the VFW. Bring items to send by 4:30 to get them organized for the packing start. We have many cases of Girl Scout cookies to mail too. So, come on out and help pack. We will have a pot luck afterwards. It will be nice to see our packing team members again. Best to you all, John K July’s KIA’s - May We Never Forget Data and images are the result of the research by Pete (Leather Neck) Belaire Hospitalman David Scott Palmer was born on October 6, 1945 to Mr. and Mrs. David E. Palmer of Ypsilanti, Michigan. David is a 1963 graduate of Roosevelt High School in Ypsilanti, Michigan where he received honors in math. He was also the co-captain of the swimming team. David attended the University of Michigan before enlisting in the Navy in December of 1965. Hospitalman Palmer began his tour of duty in Quang Nam Province with Headquarters and Service Company, 1st Battalion, III Marine Amphibious Forces. David was killed on July 5, 1967 due to an explosive device. David Scott Palmer is survived by his parents, a sister and a brother. He lived 21 years 8 months and 29 days. David's name is listed on the Vietnam Memorial in Ypsilanti Township under Ypsilanti. His name also appears on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC on Panel 23E Line 014. Page 16 Lieutenant William Lennington Brown was born on October 5, 1935 in Ypsilanti, Michigan to Mr. Robert S. and Mrs. Patricia Lennington Brown. William graduated from Roosevelt High School in Ypsilanti, Michigan. In June, 1955, he received a Congressional Appointment to the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. He graduated from the Naval Academy on June 3, 1959. According to Captain John A. Standish, USN (Ret), "I met Bill Brown when I reported aboard my first ship, the Destroyer, USS Braine (DD-630)...in San Diego. I was assigned as Gunnery Officer, Bill was the Weapons Department Head. Bill was a very conscientious, fun loving young officer, and quickly pulled me under his wing. He was a great mentor and coach, and much of my love for the Navy and its traditions were as a result of Bill's attitude and instruction...Bill also became a good friend...Bill was very religious and tempted me with pizza if I would go to evening services with him, which I did on occasion. At some point, Bill picked up the nickname, 'Squirrel's." Lieutenant Brown served with the 15th Republic of Vietnam Navy, River Assault Group, Naval Advisory Group, MACV. He was acting as a Naval Advisor to the Marine Corps in Chu Lai, South Vietnam when the island of Ky Hoa was attacked by a large force of Viet Cong. Bill Brown was killed as a result of multiple fragmentation wounds on July 9, 1965 along with four other Americans. Lieutenant William Lennington Brown is survived by his parents, two brothers and a sister. He lived for 29 years, 9 months and 4 days. He is resting at the Brookside Cemetery in Tecumseh, Michigan. According to USNA Classmate Greg Nolan, "He (Bill) is remembered in Memorial Hall at the U.S. Naval Academy with other 1959 Classmates while serving our Country." Bill's name is listed on the Vietnam Memorial in Ypsilanti Township under Ypsilanti. His name also appears on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC on Panel 02E Line 033. Specialist 4 Philip Glenn Spencer was born on March 3, 1946 in Ypsilanti, Michigan to Mr. Glenn F. and Mrs. Jessie K. Spencer. Philip is a 1964 graduate of Willow Run High School in Ypsilanti, Michigan where he was on the 1963 State Championship Football Team. He also was on the wrestling team, student council, Varsity Club and attended Wolverine Boys' State in 1963. He was also in Scouting. Philip attended Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan for a year before transferring to Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Michigan majoring in mechanical engineering. Specialist 4 Spencer enlisted in the Army on October 25, 1967 taking his Basic Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky with further training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Philip began his tour of duty at Camp Carroll in Quang Tin Page 17 Province, South Vietnam on April 21, 1968 serving as a Field Artillery Surveyor with A Company, 2nd Battalion, 94th Artillery, 108th Artillery Group, XXIV Corps. He died of a very rare blood disease called Agranulocytosys at the 108th General Hospital at Kishine Air Force Base in Japan on July 10, 1968. Philip Glenn Spencer is survived by his parents and his wife. years, 4 months and 7 days. He is resting in Highland Cemetery Michigan. Philip's name is listed on the Vietnam Memorial Township under Ypsilanti. His name also appears on the Vietnam Washington, DC on Panel 52W Line 011. He lived 22 in Ypsilanti, in Ypsilanti Memorial in Specialist 4 Thomas Leonard Cleland was born on November 5, 1941 to Mr. Leslie Cleland and Mrs. Coryell Mellon. Thomas is a 1959 graduate of Lincoln Consolidated High School where he played on the baseball team. He also worked on the Maleski farm that had milking cows. Thomas enlisted in the Army in 1960. He was sent to Korea shortly after completing his Basic Training. He re-enlisted and received orders for Vietnam. Specialist 4 Cleland began his tour of duty in Quang Ngai Province, South Vietnam on May 7, 1966 serving as an Antenna Installer Specialist with Headquarters, Headquarters Company, First Brigade, 101st Airborne Division. He was killed on July 11, 1967 after serving "In-country" for one year, two months and four days. Thomas Leonard Cleland is survived by his parents, a wife, a brother, a half-brother, and a half-sister. He lived 25 years, 8 months and 6 days. He is resting in St. Joseph's Cemetery in Whittaker, Michigan. Thomas' name is listed on the Vietnam Memorial in Ypsilanti Township under Ypsilanti. His name also appears on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC on Panel 23E Line 049. Lance Corporal David Dayle Mc Kenzie was born on February 13, 1945 in Detroit, Michigan to Mr. and Mrs. David D. Mc Kenzie of Ann Arbor, Michigan. David attended Mary Magdalene Parish School in Melvindale, Michigan until 1959. He attended St. Francis Xavier Parish School for one year. His family moved to Ann Arbor where he attended St. Thomas High School. He was the captain of his football team and was on the AllCity and All Southwest football teams. He also lettered in basketball, baseball and track. David enlisted in the Marine Corps after graduating from High School. Lance Corporal Mc Kenzie began his tour of duty in Page 18 Quang Nam Province, South Vietnam in June of 1965 serving as a rifleman with B Company, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Amphibious Forces. David was killed early in his tour on July 12, 1965 when his unit was conducting a search and clear mission just south of Da Nang along the Song Cau Do River where mines were numerous. David Dayle Mc Kenzie is survived by his parents and four sisters. He lived 20 years, 4 months and 29 days. He is resting in Michigan Memorial Park in Flat Rock, Michigan. David's name is listed on the Vietnam Memorial in Ypsilanti Township under Ann Arbor. His name also appears on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC on Panel 02E Line 035. Airman Second Class Charles Frederick Boss was born on July 16, 1947 to Mr. and Mrs. John M. Boss of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Charles graduated from Ann Arbor High School in 1965. He was very proud of a First Place Trophy he won at Milan Dragway for driving a 1959 VW to victory. Airman Second Class Boss entered the Air Force in August of 1965. He underwent basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Charles received special training as a fire protection specialist at Kincheloe Air Force Base in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Airman Second Class Boss began his tour in Vietnam on December 15, 1966. He was stationed at the Da Nang Air Base in Da Nang, Quang Nam Province, South Vietnam with the 366th CE Squadron, 366th Combat Support Group, 366th Tactical Fighter Wing of the Seventh Air Force. Charles was killed during a rocket attack on July 15, 1967 along with seven others. One hundred seventy-three men were also wounded during the attack and forty-two aircraft were damaged. Charles Boss is survived by his parents, a brother and two sisters. He lived 19 years, 11 months and 29 days. Charles is resting in Forest Hills Cemetery in Ann Arbor, Michigan. His name is located on the Vietnam Memorial located at the Ypsilanti Township Hall under Ann Arbor. His name is also listed on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC on Panel 23E Line 073. Corporal Richard Mark O'Neal was born on May 22, 1948 to Mr. and Mrs. William O'Neal of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Richard is a 1966 graduate of Ann Arbor High School. He entered the Marine Corps on July 6, 1966 going through Marine Corps Boot Camp at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California. He received his Advanced Infantry Training at Camp Pendleton, California before being stationed with the Headquarters Page 19 and Service Company, First Marine Brigade in Hawaii. Corporal O'Neal began his tour of duty in Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam on May 31, 1968 serving as a rifleman with E Company, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Amphibious Forces. Richard died on July 26, 1968 of head injuries suffered in a truck accident. Richard Mark O'Neal is survived by his parents, a brother and four sisters. He lived 20 years, 2 months and 4 days. Richard is resting in United Memorial Gardens in Plymouth, Michigan. Richard's name is listed on the Vietnam Memorial in Ypsilanti Township under Ann Arbor. His name also appears on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC on Panel 50W Line 015. Private First Class Douglas Paul Atkins was born on September 14, 1950 in Ann Arbor to Mr. and Mrs. Variell L. Atkins. Douglas is a 1968 graduate of Ann Arbor Senior High School in Ann Arbor. He also attended Washtenaw Community College prior to his entry into the Army August of 1969. Private First Class Atkins started his tour in Binh Dinh Province, South Vietnam on July 6, 1970 serving as a Medical Corpsman with Headquarters, Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 503rd Infantry, 173rd Airborne Brigade. Douglas' unit was operating in an area that was full of "booby-traps". Private First Class Douglas Paul Atkins was killed by a booby-trap explosion on July 27, 1970, just 23 days into his tour in Vietnam. Douglas earned the National Defense Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Vietnam Campaign Medal, the Parachutist Badge, the Expert Badge with Automatic Rifle Bar, and the Sharpshooter Badge with Rifle Bar prior to his death. He was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medal, and the Combat Medical Badge. Doug is survived by his parents, family and friends. He lived 19 years, 10 months and 13 days. Douglas Paul Atkins is listed on the Vietnam Memorial in Ypsilanti Township under Ann Arbor. His name also appears on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC on Panel 08W Line 058. Page 20 “Never Again, Shall A Vet Coming Home From Battle, Be Made To Feel Alone And Unappreciated” **If you are a Chapter Patron, please check page 23 to see if you need to renew. Thank you for your continued support of The 310 Dispatch and your Chapter!** *** Upcoming Events *** Date Time Event Saturdays 0930 Meet at end of southeast parking lot at Gallup Park for walk or run with Team Red White & Blue 8-10 Jul Operation LZ Michigan at Oscoda Wurtsmith Airport 10-14 Jul 2016 National Veterans Golden Games in Detroit 14 Jul 1800 AVVA, Friends and VVA Board Meetings at VFW Post 423 14 Jul 1900 VVA Regular Chapter Meeting at VFW Post 423 18 Jul 1930 Washtenaw County Council of Veterans Organizations 19-23 Jul VVA National Leadership Conference in Arizona 24 Jul 1630 Packing Party at VFW Post 423. Bring items to pack at 1630. Packing starts at 1700. Pot luck dinner to follow. 11 Aug 1800 AVVA, Friends and VVA Board Meetings at VFW Post 423 11 Aug 1900 VVA Regular Chapter Meeting at VFW Post 423 13 Aug 1400-1600 LTC Charles Kettles Medal of Honor Celebration at the Yankee Air Museum. 21-22 Aug Merchandize at the VA 20-21 Aug Thunder Over Michigan 26-28 Aug Heritage Festival 11 Sep Pig Roast 17 Sep 1000-1500 DAV Car Show at Island Lake State Park 15-18 Sep Kokomo 34th Annual All Vets Reunion 23-25 Sep Clinton Fall Festival 8-9 Oct Appleumpkin 29 Oct VAAAHS Halloween Party Page 21 VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA AGENT ORANGE: 800.225.4712 WASHTENAW COUNTY CHAPTER 310 P.O. BOX 3221 ANN ARBOR, MI 48106 WASHTENAW COUNTY VETERANS SERVICES: New Number 734.973.4540 CHAPTER TELEHONE: Toll Free Number ~ 1-866-824-4VVA WEB: www.vva310.org MEETING DATE & TIME: 2ND THURSDAY OF THE MONTH BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 1800 HRS OPEN GENERAL MEMBERSHIP: 1900 HRS SOCIAL GATHERING AFTERWARDS LOCATION: VFW GRAF-O’HARA POST 423 3230 S. WAGNER RD., ANN ARBOR BETWEEN ELLSWORTH & WATERS RDS., (ACROSS FROM TOWN & COUNTRY AUTO RECYCLING) NOTE: THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THIS NEWSLETTER BY THE WRITERS AND CARTOONISTS ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT NECESSARILY THE OFFICIAL VIEWS OF CHAPTER 310. THIS IS YOUR NEWSLETTER. PLEASE CONTRIBUTE WITH AN ARTICLE OR BIOGRAPHY. IF REQUESTED, WRITING HELP IS AVAILABLE. THE SLIGHT VARIATIONS IN SPELLING AND GRAMMAR ENHANCE ITS INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER AND AESTHETICS AND IN NO WAY ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FLAWS OR DEFECTS. BUT THANKS FOR NOTICING. NEWSLETTER EDITOR JON LUKER EMAIL: jon@bridge2011.onmicrosoft.com NEWSLETTER STAFF: JOHN & JANE KINZINGER EMAIL: johnalva@aol.com GEORGE PERRAULT EMAIL: geolois@umich.edu PETE BELAIRE EMAIL: pbelaire@comcast.net WENDY HIBBITTS EMAIL: whibbitts.rn@gmail.com OTHER IMPORTANT NUMBERS: POW/MIA HOTLINE: 202.659.0133 MICHIGAN EMPLOYMENT BILL OF RIGHTS: 800.455.5228 VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA: 800.882.1316 Suicide Prevention Hot Line: 1.800.273.TALK (8255) Option 1 www.suicidepreventionslifeline.org/ veterans 2016/17 Officers & Board Members President David Draper 734.417.8021 Vice President Vance McCrumb 734.439.1606 Secretary Jon Luker 734.260.2211 Treasurer Paulo Pereira 734.985.5010 Sgt-at-Arms Tim Clarke 734.649.6215 Nominating Committee Marv Rivers 734.433.9451 Vance McCrumb 734.439.1606 Chaplain Rev. Gordon Moore 734.277.3528 glmoore@umich.edu Board Of Directors Two Year Bill Ballou Al Merritt George Perrault Ken Rogge Larry St. Antoine 734.461.6854 734.340.3172 734.429.1246 734.428.0248 734.323.7905 Page 22 Board of Directors, con’t One Year Marty Cothorn 734.971.5732 John Kinzinger 734.994.0444 Dell Mayes 734.449.4189 Marv Rivers 734.433.0451 Elmer White 734.995.2020 State Delegate Ken Rogge 734.428.0284 Vance McCrumb 734.439.1606 County Delegates: John Kinzinger 734.994.0444 Jon Luker 734.260.2211 VA Service Rep (Vacant) VVA 310 Web Master Paulo Pereira 734.985.5010 www.vva310.org AVVA Kathy Driscoll 734.922.2231 Agent Orange Sandie Wilson 734.429.7819 310 Friends Jane Kinzinger 734.994.0444 Bylaws Gordon Moore 734-277-3528 glmoore@umich.edu Community Service John Kinzinger 734.994.0444 Constitution Tom Fifield 702.346.5658 Economic Affairs (Vacant) Finance Paulo Pereira 734.985.5010 Marv Rivers 734.433.0451 Ken Rogge 734.428.0284 Jon Luker 734.260.2211 Food Pantry VVA 310 886.824.4882 Historian William Vollano 734.973.2536 David Ney 734.693.3803 Legal Affairs Elmer White 734.995.2020 Legislative (Vacant) Librarian Friends of 310 Membership Vance McCrumb 734.439.1606 Memorial John Kinzinger 734.994.0444 Memorial Grounds Al (Fredo) Merritt 734.340.3172 Minority Affairs Horace Frazier 734.218.5239 POW/MIA Richard Price 734.475.0569 Product Sales Al Dieter 734.625.5770 Gary Bourdeau 734.439.7392 Pig Roast Don Miller 734.864.2819 Al Dyer 734.475.8753 PTSD Joe Palazzolo 419.491.1506 Service Officer David (Doc) Martinez 734.439.8106 Assists Chapter Members VAMC Rep. John Kinzinger 734.994.0444 Veterans Justice Jon Luker 734.260.2211 Webmaster Paulo Pereira 734.985.5010 Dell & Fran Mayes ~ October 2016 Al Merritt ~ September 2016 Ron Oliver ~ February 2019 George Perrault ~ October 2022 Mira & Bob Pierson ~ October 2021 Marv & Wendy Rivers ~ January 2017 Ken Rogge ~ February 2017 Glenn Sakcriska ~ November 2026 Edith Semark ~ December 2017 Ron and Marina Silverberg ~ March 2019 Tom & Sandy Sorensen ~ October 2017 Patricia Beechem in memory of her brother, David S. Palmer ~ October 2018 Bonnie Woods in memory of her husband Gary Woods, VN vet ~ December 2018 Helena Prince in Memory of Tom Prince, deceased member ~ April 2023 Linda Lamey-Leonard In memory of *Lavern Lamey ~ March 2018 We Thank You For Your Continued Support! The above have made a contribution in a continuing effort to support our Chapter by offsetting the cost of printing and postage. The month and year are when the patron subscription expires. You may also consider a “In Memory Of.” Our Chapter retains only $9.00 of your yearly $20.00 dues and it costs about $12.00 a year for printing and postage. If you would like to support your newsletter please make a check payable to VVA 310. Beginning 1 January 2015, we will credit 1 month for every $1.50 donated. Note on the Memo Line Dispatch Patron. Please mail your check to: VVA 310 P.O. Box 3221 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3221 *Name Listed On The Washtenaw County Vietnam Veterans Memorial George F Boone ~ October 2021 Cynthia Calhoun ~ February 2018 Marty Cothorn ~ April 2017 Gary Couture ~ November 2017 Joseph Flint ~ December 2017 James Graham ~ February 2019 Ed & Anna Hamady ~ October 2016 Phil and Gena Hecker ~ Feb 2021 Ron Henley ~ September 2016 Steve Hitte ~ April 2017 Glen Johnston ~ June 2016 Dorothy & Donald Kepler ~ August 2016 Dick Knight ~ May 2018 Willie Lee ~ August 2016 Dave & Sandy Martinez ~ September 2021 Chapter/Dispatch Patrons - Please check your dates to see if you are current Page 23 Next Meeting: 1900 hours 14 July 2016 at VFW Graf-O’Hara Post 423 3230 S. Wagner Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 HERE COMES YOUR FOUR TIME WINNER, NATIONAL NEWSLETTER OF THE YEAR Ann Arbor, MI 48106 P.O. Box 3221 Washtenaw County Chapter 310 VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA