JANUARY 2012 EDITION - Vietnam Veterans of America | Chapter
JANUARY 2012 EDITION - Vietnam Veterans of America | Chapter
Boo Coo News Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 www.VVA154.com Mount Clemens, Michigan JANUARY 2012 Operation Christmas Thank You WELCOME HOME! GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS 7 P.M. SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AT AMERICAN LEGION POST 4, 401 N. GROESBECK HIGHWAY SOUTH OF ELIZABETH ROAD * * * VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 16945 12 MILE ROAD ROSEVILLE MI 48066 (586) 776‐9810 PHONE (586) 776‐9683 FAX MONDAY ‐ FRIDAY 10 A.M. ‐ 4 P.M. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. STOP BY. HANG OUT & HELP OUT. # Gary Purcell T Operation Christmas Lessons Learned There is an Operation Christmas closure meeting January 9 at the Vet Center starting at 6 p.m. We will discuss this year's Operation Christmas, how it went and how we can improve it for next year. Stop by with your input and ideas. HANKS to everyone, Operation Christmas was a huge success from the beginning to the end. I would like to thank all the chapter members and associates for all their hard work and dedication in making this a better Christmas for a lot of people who wouldn't have had such a merry Christmas. Once again, Chapter 154 showed what veterans are supposed to do – help other vets. The 58,000 plus on the wall in D.C., and our brothers and sisters of chapter 154 who are no longer with us would be so proud of this chapter and the work it does all the time on behalf of veterans in their memory. May God bless you and your family with happiness, health, and peace. Please remember to turn in the names of sponsors, businesses and other people that helped make this year a success so we can send them a thank you letter or present them with a certificate or plaque. * * * BOO COO NEWS DEADLINE: PREVIOUS MONTH’S MEETING TO SUBMIT ITEMS, PHOTOS, AD COPY: MAIL, FAX OR DELIVER TO THE VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 1,679 Americans Still Missing in Southeast Asia 50 from Michigan UAW check presentation President’s Message W ell, 2011 is behind us. I continue to be amazed to see how the time flies. I think 2011 was good to Chapter 154 in spite of some turmoil. I'm encouraged to see new people stepping up to some of our committee tasks: Bob Steward taking over as merchandise chairman, Ron Bawks assuming the lead for the lottery committee with the support of Jim Aiuto. I even hear that there is some rumbling about new personnel stepping up to the Traveling Memorial duties. Speaking of the memorial, I assume by now that most everyone knows we have received a generous donation of a truck to use as a tow vehicle for the wall and our chapter merchandise. The folks at Central Transport in Warren came to our aid, with some encouragement of key people in Macomb County government who wanted to make sure our memorial continues to provide its valuable service. There will be an official “handing over of the keys” sometime in January, and I want to make sure that Chapter 154 is well represented at this event. The time and place is being worked out, but everyone in our chapter should recognize the magnitude of this contribution, and let the people at Central Transport know we appreciate their generosity. A media blitz is being worked on to ensure everyone that was instrumental in this donation gets acknowledged. I will count on your attendance and support! These past eight months have truly been a learning experience, and I get to see, firsthand, how many people in our community know about us and the good things we do. This is due, in total, to the people who have preceded me, both in the executive board, the board of directors, and the membership. You are the people who always seem to get the job done, in spite of obstacles. I wish to say thank you to all the people who have supported not only me, but the activities of the chapter this past year. From the Vet Center desk, to the committee chairmen who plan and execute our events, to everyone involved in Operation Christmas, to those of you who tend the Memorial, to our hard‐working Associates, and to our Executive Board — it really sends a message about who we are and what we stand for. I wish everyone a healthy, happy holiday season, and I look forward to a great 2012. Brian Bobek ~ 20th Engineering Brigade (Combat) Vietnam, 196768 2011-2012 Standing Committee Chairs VVA Chapter 154 Officers Community Service Mike Gardner President: Brian Bobek (586) 337-3407 Constitution/By-Laws Donn Sinclair 1st Vice President: Gary Purcell (586) 243-6293 ETABO Ben Elwartowski 2nd Vice President: Woody Horne (586) 716-0959 Finance Mike Jacobi Secretary: Mike Schneider (586) 567-0731 Government Affairs Ron Drdul Treasurer: Mike Jacobi (586) 786-9932 Membership Larry May Board of Directors Ron Drdul (2013) Ben Elwartowski (2013) Mike Gardner (2013) Donn Sinclair (2013) Larry May (2013) Chuck Charbeneau (2012) Gil Claunch (2012) Ed Zysk (2012) Dave Schoenherr (2012) Greg Bowman (2012) Pat Daniels (Past President) (586) 899-7112 (586) 566-3442 (586) 615-1509 (586) 243-0222 (586) 790-0008 (586) 431-7133 (586) 854-7842 (586) 907-1471 (586) 940-2568 (586) 850-1800 (586) 246-0876 Minority Affairs Ed Zysk Public Affairs Brian Bobek Veteran’s Affairs Woody Horne Veteran’s Benefits Brian Bobek Women Veterans Chuck Charbeneau POW/MIA Tom Duff Agent Orange/Dioxin George Sawyer Incarcerated Veterans Dave Schoenherr Veteran’s Health Care Gil Claunch State Delegates Mike Gardner, Brian Bobek, Mike Schneider Nominating Committee Bill Mault, Dave Schoenherr, Mike Bilyk Special & Ad Hoc Committees Boo Coo News Publisher The Board of Directors Boo Coo News Editor Brian Bobek Desktop Publishing/Typesetting Linda May Thank you! to all of our advertisers, and to the dedicated volunteers who provide copy and photos, those who act as printer, proofreaders, mailing crew, facilitators & advisers for Boo Coo News. VVA State Council Newsletter www.everythingveteran.com AVVA Rep Color Guard Food Bank Hospitalized Vets Michigan Memorial Scholarship Speaker’s Bureau Webmaster Welcome Home Operation Christmas Randy Chom Woody Horne Gil Claunch Tom Duff Open Woody Horne Mike Brink Larry Sauger Mitch Argyris Dance: Mike Gardner Food: Gil Claunch Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JANUARY 2012 - Page 2 # COLOR GUARD - The Point Team - Mike Brink, Commander Brian Bobek posted a summary report of color guard activities this month. Through December 12 the color guard did: (17) posting of colors for various activities (15) funerals (1) parade (5) memorial details on Veterans Day The color guard fired 93 volleys with taps over Veterans Day. The election of the 2012 color guard officers was held, and the following officers were sworn in at a ceremony at Gino's Surf Restaurant on December 4: Commander Mike Brink Vice Commander Jim Watts Armorers Ted Szymanski and Mike Schneider Property Officer Ted Szymanski Treasurer Gary Stephens Chaplain Ron Drdul Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JANUARY 2012 - Page 3 VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER These Are Free Services 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday ‐ Friday ! 16945 12 Mile Road ~ Roseville ~ (586) 776‐9810 SERVICE OFFICERS file claims and answer questions Kenneth J. Aune ~ Wednesdays ~ call ahead Carol Ann Turner ~ Thursdays ~ appointments only HELP WANTED: Volunteers to staff the Vet Center and work on the food bank. Sick Call • • Mike (Oleksa) received his heart valve operation at the Ann Arbor VA Hospital. “A 7hour 45minute surgery with three surgeons resulted in a good outcome. Mike was in SICU for about five days, then CCU for about the same. He is coming off the respirator, and cardiac rehab starts. We are very grateful he is still with us, Eric and I think this is a wonderful Christmas gift. From us to all of you: Merry Christmas ~ Andrea, Eric and Mike” Frank Denryter is currently on a feeding tube. Condolences • Art Argyris, brother of chapter member Mitch Argyris, passed away in Florida. HOSPITAL REPORT Welcome Home! Tom Duff O n December 14, Dave Shirey, Bob Steward, George Chicklas, Bob Edwards, Jim Mauchline, Frank Griffin, Pablo Guzman, Clark Cherry and I went to the VA Hospital. We went to Wards A‐3 North, and A‐5 North and the Substance Abuse Ward. We visited with 50 vets. We passed out personal items bags, magazines, Boo Coo News letters, blankets, lap robes, bananas, pretzels, Little Debbie products, candy canes and Christmas cards. We presented medals to two Iraqi vets who were in the surgical ward and they were honored and moved to receive them. The next hospital visit is January 11, and we will leave the Vet Center at 8 a.m. The Joy, The Heartache, and the Pain in the *%# of Owning a Vintage Military Vehicle I overheard a brother say the other day, “boy I wish I could own one of those military vehicles.” Well, you might just want to think about that for a while. Owning a “vintage military vehicle” does carry quite a bit of joy when you see your fellow vet's eyes well up with memories and tears – the camaraderie between owners, and sharing stories and information with all that are interested, not to mention being able to save an article of our history. But, a warning here. The rarer the vehicle, the more headaches than joys, most of the time. There are parts for the more popular vehicles, the WWII GPW (Jeep), ¾ tons, M151 MUTTS (Vietnam War Jeeps by Ford) and the 2½ ton trucks, all versions. Ah yes, parts! Just go to your local parts store and pick them up, right? Guess again bucko! Many vehicles were made in limited numbers. For instance, the M715/M725/M726 series vehicles made by Kaiser Corporation, only 33,000 total were made, between the years of 1966 through 1969. It is true that all three vehicles are exactly the same from the frame DOWN, but above the frame, all three are different. Many times, the owners of these vehicles make their own parts. Not mechanically inclined? Aww, I'll just take it Speedy Muffler, Pep Boys or Sears. Guess again bucko! (Again with the bucko?) Yeah, go to Sears and BUY some nice tools … you're going to need them. You might get lucky and find some used parts off of a vehicle that someone is updating, but remember that those parts are just as old as the parts you are replacing! New parts, or “old new stock” parts most of the time do not exist, or if they do, you'll need a winning lottery ticket to pay for the parts. And I mentioned the pain in the *%#. I leave this to your imagination, whether it's your significant other, your sponsor of your credit card, or your aging body lying on that concrete driveway. Pass the expense of insurance, parts and fuel (most military vehicles only get around six miles to a gallon of gas – going downhill, with a tail wind, being pushed by pygmies.) There are the skinned knuckles and aching bones. Oh, don't forget the memories the vehicle itself will invoke. So, think about it and still see if you are saying to yourself, “Gee I wish I owned one of those vehicles.” Everyone thinks I am on drugs, but I tell you this, it is mixture of gasoline, penetrating oil and parts cleaner fumes. Really officer, I just got done working on it. Michael L. Brink. Commander, Point Team Proud Owner of a M725 Kaiser Army Ambulance Vietnam 7071 Desert Storm 1991 1Sgt, USA, Retired Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JANUARY 2012 - Page 4 ASSOCIATES OF VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA http://www.avva.org The Mission and Vision of the Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. is to advance the work of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. through cooperative projects and/or programs, to facilitate, enhance and improve communication with our members and the general public and to continue legislative efforts to ensure the rights of and benefits for all veterans and their families. Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., are dedicated to the aggressive advancement of realistic goals with integrity and in the spirit of unity that reflects our commitment of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., all veterans, their families and communities. JOIN THE ASSOCIATES! W e meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the lower level of the Mount Clemens Public Library on Cass Avenue. Randy Chom mileater@hotmail.com; Marge Schoenherr marsch@att.net; Cathy Cook cookc@libcoop.net Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JANUARY 2012 - Page 5 Minutes of General Membership Meeting 12/14/11~ Submitted by Mike Schneider M eeting called to order at 1900 hours by President Brian Bobek. Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence observed. Introduction of new member Cliff Allen, Air Force, Vietnam ‘65‐‘66. Welcome home Cliff. Executive board introduced. Motion by Bill M seconded by Mitch M to accept minutes of last month's meeting as published in the Boo Coo News. Treasurer's report by Mike Jacobi, money coming in for Operation Christmas, the food bank and other donations to keep the chapter going. Motion by Mike G seconded by Dave S to accept treasurer's report. Brian apologized for being MIA lately while he was making his move to his new digs and he will be going strong by January. Committees Hospital POW/MIA, color guard reports to follow. Speakers Bureau: All quiet now but we hope to start getting busy in March. Food Bank: 265 boxes were prepared for delivery on December 17. Potatoes, onions, apples, bread and a turkey were added to the boxes. Very busy during the month at the Vet Center. Thanks to all who have been helping. Monthly Lottery: All tickets are out. Jim Auito and Ron Bawks will share duties as raffle chairmen. Thanks guys for volunteering. Dave will help you get started. Agent Orange: Super committee still trying to cut benefits although they have been defeated before. There will be an increase in pharmaceutical benefits. Trying to eliminate future presumptive effects of Agent Orange, eliminate 20‐year retirement plan and school benefits. Hypertension and peripheral neuropathy meet criteria for benefits but they would like to deny benefits for these afflictions. Traveling Memorial: We were set up at Gibraltar North from December 9 thru Christmas Eve. Thanks to all who have manned the wall and merchandise sales. State Council: Homeless vets estimated to be 200,000. Incarcerated vets not being represented. Over 12,000 buried at the Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly. Numbers on Army suicides, 17 in October with 16 under investigation. 12 in November. Phil Smith has 30,000 claims pending, there is no grant money again; we hope to get one from national to help clear up some of the backlog. If you need to file you may be better served to go through a county service officer or other veterans groups. Veterans Court is still in the planning stages and they hope to be up and running by the end of January. Associates: Ready for Operation Christmas to be completed. Operation Christmas: Successful three weekends at Walmart. Thanks to all who gave of their time and thanks Chris and Steve for bringing the deuce out as a draw for what we were doing. We received $2,162 in cash donations, $60 in gift cards and approximately $4 to $5,000 in toys. Thanks also to Frank Cline for his help. Merchandise: We were set up at Gibraltar and had a slow first week but sales picked up the second week. Thanks for helping guys. Operation Christmas: Thanks for all the hard work by the associates at the dance and preparing for all activities leading up to the delivery date. We had breakfast at Rose's Diner and coffee, donuts and music was provided at the distribution center. The event went off very well and we thank all for participating and a special thanks to the Young Marines who were a great help in carrying food and toys to be loaded into delivery vehicles. Please turn in names of anyone who donated so that we may give them a Certificate of Thanks. There will be a follow‐up meeting in January. Old Business: Thanks to Dave Schoenherr for fixing the Medal of Honor display as well as other display boxes. Happy to report that we have a truck donated to the chapter for hauling the memorial. Central Transport donated a 2006 Ford F‐250 pick‐up truck with 83,000 miles. It has a three‐year bumper to bumper warranty from them. Macomb County politicians who helped in this endeavor wish to remain anonymous. We need many of our chapter members to attend the presentation. The date is forthcoming and we will set up the memorial for the event. We have a 30‐page document which must be filled out for our 501(C)(3) status to be finalized. New Business: Marv Domaradzki has gotten a date of January 25 for a fundraiser at Cheli's Chili Bar to benefit the chapter. They will donate 20% of proceeds from lunch, dinner and the bar to us. Thanks Marv and Cheli's also. Ron Drdul's son‐in‐law donated $500 from the Shelby Township Firefighters Local 1338 for Operation Christmas. Thanks guys. Other donations to the chapter for the food bank and Operation Christmas came from the pancake breakfast sponsored by Kathy Tocco and Fred Miller with canned goods and $357 cash given to us. UAW Local 5960 of Lake Orion presented us with food and a $3,000 check raised by their Veteran's Committee. AFSCME $500. Kiwanis of Shelby $500, DAV $1,000 and Leo Miller gave $1,000. God bless each and every one for being so generous and for thinking of others. We never cease to be amazed with your willingness to share. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you. Mitch Argyris spoke of a monument to be constructed in Mount Clemens for those vets who have died since 9‐11. There are brick pavers available for purchase to help pay for the monument. Raffle entries are available for a hunt with Ted Nugent. Thanks to Gary P for getting power at Freedom Hill to light our tree and wreath at the monument. Member of the year forms are available at the Vet Center; winner will be announced in March 2012. The monument is no longer being kept lit at Freedom Hill and this is disgraceful on the county’s part. 50/50 was won by Chris S who donated his share to the hospital fund. Thanks, Chris Motion to adjourn by Mike B and seconded by Tim B. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all that jazz to all. Pat Daniels wants us to remember that the Veterans Millage will be up for renewal in November of 2012. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JANUARY 2012 - Page 6 POW/MI A Welcome Home! 1,679 Missing 50 Michigan REMEMBER THE MICHIGAN POW/MIAS * * * DOUGLAS DAILEY WATERFORD MIA 12/13/68 LAOS, AIR FORCE GERALD HOLMAN NORTHVILLE MIA 12/14/66 SOUTH VIETNAM, NAVY OTHA PERRY DETROIT MIA 12/14/71 SOUTH VIETNAM, ARMY JOHN WORCHESTER BIG RAPIDS MIA 12/8/75 NORTH VIETNAM, NAVY *** YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN! "I was prepared to be wounded ‐‐‐ prepared to be captured ‐‐‐ even prepared to be killed. I was not prepared to be abandoned by my country." Former POW U.S. Navy Captain Eugene "Red" McDaniel Support your POW/MIAs. Fly your POW/MIA flag. Display a POW/MIA decal. If you need a POW/MIA decal for your car, truck or bike, or certificate of appreciation for flying a flag, see Tom Duff A man is not dead until he is forgotten. We will never forget. Welcome Home! ``When one member of the armed forces is not worth the effort to be found, then we have lost our honor.`` ~~ VVNW WELCOME HOME POW/MIA Report # submitted by Tom Duff POW/MIA chairman 9th Inf. ‘68‘69 WWII SSgt. John Hogan, Army Air Force, MIA 9/13/44, remains identified 9/13/11 SSgt. Meceslaus Maskiewicz, Army Air Force, MIA 5/18/44, remains identified 9/15/11 2nd Lt. Hiding Johnson, Army Air Force, MIA 12/25/44, remains identified 9/15/11 There are still more than 74,000 unaccounted for from WWII Korea PFC Maximo Troche, Army, MIA 2/4/51, South Korea. Died as a POW in 1951. Remains identified 10/21/11 Pvt. Richard Clapp, Army, MIA 9/2/50, South Korea, remains identified 9/23/11 Pfc. Casimir Walczak, Army, MIA 8/17/50, South Korea, remains identified 9/23/11 Cpl. Eugene Morrell, Army, MIA 4/51, held in POW camp in N. Korea, reportedly dying from malnutrition. Remains identified 8/24/11 Sgt. Gerald Day, Army, MIA 12/2/50, remains identified 1/6/11 Sgt. Wyatt Belton, Army, MIA 11/28/50, remains identified 1/13/11 Cpl. James Sund, Army, MIA 2/12/51, died as POW when allies attacked the camp. Remains identified 1/31/11 There are still 7,990 missing from the Korean War, 2,000 while held as POW's Vietnam Cpt. Charles Barnes, Army, MIA 3/10/65, remains recovered 6/27/2000 and identified 8/8/11 Sgt. David Lemcke, Army, KIA/BNR 5/21/68, remains recovered 6/23/11 and identified 9/12/11 There are still 1,679 missing from Vietnam, 50 from Michigan. National League of POW/MIA Families is on Facebook with the latest updates. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JANUARY 2012 - Page 7 The Point Team color guard officers being sworn in. Flynn school Flynn school UAW Local 5960 of Lake Orion presented us with food and a $3,000 check raised by their Veteran's Committee. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JANUARY 2012 - Page 8 Tell Your Story to the Library of Congress Veterans History Project http://www.loc.gov/vets Catholic Social Services of Macomb County (586) 756‐1430 or vhpmacomb@hotmail.com The Macomb County Clerk’s office issues veteran ID cards ($10) to use for store discounts. Call (586) 469-5122 From Vietnam magazine Support Boo Coo News ~ Business & Patron Ad Application Contact name _______________________________ Address _____________________________________ Phone _______________________________________ How would you like your ad to read? Attach business card or additional sheet. We may not be able to reproduce all graphics. Name of business________________________________________________________________________________________ Business address________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone/fax_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Ad rates: Month $15 Quarter $37.50 Year $150 Run in month(s) of: JAN FEB MAR JUL AUG SEP APR OCT MAY NOV JUN DEC Make check payable to VVA Chapter 154 and mail to: Boo Coo News advertising - Veterans Support Center - 16945 12 Mile Road - Roseville MI 48066 NEW Member Application Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 ~ P.O. Box 1114, Mount Clemens MI 48046-1114 name____________________________________________ birth date _________________ circle: male/female address______________________________________________Apt__________ home phone _________________________ city______________________________________state_________ZIP____________ work phone ______________________ email for important chapter announcements between newsletters:______________________________________________ Eligibility: Vietnam and Vietnam-era veterans who served more than 180 days of active service in the U.S. military (for other than training purposes) between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 (in-country Vietnam) or between August 5, 1964 and May 7, 1975 for Vietnam-era veterans. PLEASE NOTE: application must include a LEGIBLE copy of your DD-214 AND PAYMENT TERM __ 1 year __ 3 year $20 $50 LIFE MEMBERSHIP AGE __ 49 & under $250 __ 50-55 $225 __ 56-60 $200 __ 61-65 $175 __ 66 & better $150 Life Membership Payment Plan $50 down/$25 per month ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP ___ I am the spouse or family member or friend of a Vietnam veteran/I am a nonVietnam era veteran. I would like to join Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America and help the chapter. __ I enclose $20 for a one-year AVVA membership. VVA is a nonprofit veterans service organization. Programs and services are funded by member dues and public donations. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JANUARY 2012 - Page 9 JCL Printing (Boo Coo News Printer and Chapter Member) The one-stop print shop! We do it all! (586) 239-9332 49685 Gratiot Avenue Chesterfield MI 48051 AD EXP. 3/2012 SIDING • DOORS • WINDOWS • GUTTERS LASALLE SALES INC modernization contractors • licensed & insured phone (586) 778-0589 • fax (586) 778-3909 Charles H. Deslippe 13360 9 Mile Road Warren, Michigan 48089 Ad Exp. 3/2012 Hardware * Electrical * Plumbing * Industrial Supplies WARREN PIPE and supply co. Mike Bradley President - Vietnam Veteran (AD EXP 3/2012) 23883 Hoover Warren MI 48089 (586) 758-6260 fax (586) 758-6471 18660 Fifteen Mile Road Fraser MI 48026 (586) 294-6810 fax (586) 294-4640 Robert Barch Michi-GUN 31516 Harper Avenue St Clair Shores MI 48082 PHONE (586) 296-2360 FAX (586) 264-8307 ad exp. 3/2012 Lincoln Granite since 1963 Designers & Builders of Handcrafted Memorials Hours: M-F 9 - 5 Saturday 9-3 21184 Cass Ave. Clinton Township MI 48036 ad exp. 3/2012 (586) 463-9551 fax (586) 463-9477 computer designs www.lincolngranite.com Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News JANUARY 2012 - Page 10 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Activities are at the Vet Center, unless specified otherwise January 2012 1 New Year’s Day 8 15 22 2 Pointman Ministries 7pm 3 9 4 5 Service Officer 10-4 Service Officer 10-4 Chapter board meeting 7pm AA & Alanon 10 Color guard meeting 7pm 11 12 •Service Officer 10-4 •VAMC visit •Gen Mem Mtg American Leg. Post 4 Mount Clemens 7pm Service Officer 10-4 16 Martin Luther King Jr. Day 17 18 19 Service Officer 10-4 Service Officer 10-4 Associates Meeting 7pm Mount Clemens Library AA & Alanon 23 24 25 26 Service Officer 10-4 Service Officer 10-4 30 31 Color guard meeting 7pm 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 AA & Alanon AA & Alanon 29 Saturday FIRST CLASS Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 P. O. Box 1114 Mount Clemens MI 48046-1114 OPEN to read the GOOD NEWS about Chapter 154 WWW.VVA154.COM a VVA CHAPTER OF THE YEAR! JANUARY 2012 issue of BOO COO NEWS Veterans Support Center ~ 16945 12 Mile Road ~ Roseville MI 48066 (586) 776-9810 ~ (586) 776-9683 fax Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. All Volunteer-Run Chapter Business Center Veterans Food Bank Employment Assistance Veterans Benefits Service Officer Free Counseling Information Camaraderie Drop In & Hang Out & Help Out 1,679 still unaccounted for; 50 from Michigan
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