M E D I A K I T U N I Q U E C O N C E P T «I KNEW WHAT AN AVERAGE WOMAN WANTED». AENNE BURDA AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST ABRAHAM MASLOW, while studying human psychology, has discovered some regularities allowing him to create his so-called “hierarchy of human needs”. According to Maslow, a human being satisfies his/her needs in a strict order, and these needs themselves are ordered in a hierarchy represented as a pyramid. Higher needs cannot be satisfied unless and until lower ones are met. TYPES OF HUMAN NEEDS: SELF-ACTUALIZATION Creativity, self-actualization ESTEEM Career development, achievement, esteem LOVE/BELONGING Care of others, attachment, love SAFETY Safe and comfortable life PHYSIOLOGICAL Hunger, thirst, sleep B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 F A S H I O N «FASHION IS NOT NECESSARILY ABOUT LABELS. IT’S NOT ABOUT BRANDS. IT’S ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE THAT COMES FROM WITHIN YOU.» Ralph Lauren 2 SIMILAR DRESSES TO BUY IN A SHOP TO SEW BY YOURSELF from RUB 3,500 from RUB 7,000 > Burda magazine > Sewing machine/sewing in a salon > Fabric and accessories B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 www . burdastyle . ru > 11,800,000 VISITS PER MONTH > 400,000 UNIQUE USERS PER MONTH > 350,000 PHOTOFORUM VISITS PER WEEK > 20,500 REGISTERED USERS > 7–8 MINUTES – AVERAGE TIME OF VISITING THE WEBSITE > 40 PAGES – AVERAGE NUMBER OF VISITS PER SESSION > MORE THAN 70% OF VISITORS BROWSE THE WEBSITE EVERY DAY > GROUP IN ODNOKLASSNIKI SOCIAL NETWORK – MORE THAN 3,000 MEMBERS > GROUP IN VKONTAKTE SOCIAL NETWORK – MORE THAN 5,000 MEMBERS * According to LiveInternet, December 2014 > INTERESTING ARTICLES ABOUT FASHION AND DESIGNERS; > PRINT VERSIONS OF THE BURDA MAGAZINE; > USEFUL WORKSHOPS; > BEAUTY, HEALTH, COOKING, FANCYWORK AND SEWING SECTIONS; > PHOTOFORUM The users of the website are both readers of the Magazine and fans of stylish and creative solutions – either in clothes and accessories, or in home interior. B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 M A G A Z I N E I N F A C T S THE BURDA MAGAZINE has a very wide audience aged 16–55. These are the women for whom sewing is not just a hobby, but a mean of self-expression, a chance to realize their creative potential and to emphasize their unique style, as well as to always look fancy and to get enthusiastic reviews from other people. Burda always inspires creativity, gives self-confidence, and it is proud of the love and trust of its readership. Coverage per issue: Periodicity: 2 170 900 EVERY MONTH Half-year audience: Print run: 4 755 800 400 000 copies Loyal audience: Volume: 1 019 400 124–215 PAGES Exclusive audience: Copy price: 976 700 about 1/1 page rate: Number of readers aged 16–34: 430 000 RUB withoat VAT 666 500 (32,3%) B u r d a 100 RUB m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 M A G A Z I N E I N F A C T S > FOR OVER 25 YEARS, BURDA HAS BEEN ONE OF THE TOP TEN WOMEN’S MAGAZINES IN RUSSIA. > DUE TO ITS RELAUNCH IN 2009, THE MAGAZINE BECAME MORE FASHIONABLE AND EMOTIONAL. > BURDA ACQUAINTS ITS READERS WITH THE WORLD’S LATEST FASHION TRENDS AND INSPIRES CREATIVITY IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF LIFE: FASHION, ACCESSORIES, DECOR, KIDS AND FASHION FOR STOUT WOMEN. > IN EACH ISSUE READERS CAN FIND: SUBJECT SURVEYS, BEAUTY SECTION, BEAUTY-NEWS, HEALTH SECTION, FIRST-AID KIT, COOKING SECTION, RAFFLES AND PRIZE DRAWINGS. B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 A U D I E N C E ReaDERSHIP OF FASHION MAGAZINES IN RUSSIA (NRS-RUSSIA 2014/2, DECEMBER 2013 – APRIL 2014) Magazine AIR Average issue readership Half-year readership Cosmopolitan 4 918 100 11 092 200 Karavan istoriy 3 588 900 9 037 900 Burda 2 170 900 4 755 800 Dobrye sovety 1 496 600 4 645 600 Good Housekeeping 1 474 100 3490 700 CPT’ RUB Karavan istoriy 181,1 Burda 184,3 Dobrye sovety 225,9 246 Cosmopolitan 421,8 Good Housekeeping B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 A U D ie N C E Burda cosmopolitan 12 23 18 dobrye sovety 18 18 housekeeping Good karavan istoriy (% of the half-year audience of each magazine) lOYAL READERSHIP OF WOMEN AND FASHION MAGAZINEs IN RUSSIA EXCLUSIVE READERSHIP OF WOMEN AND FASHION MAGAZINEs IN RUSSIA* 36 dobrye sovety 41 good housekeepeng 31 (% of the average issue readership of each magazine) 44 45 karavan istoriy Burda cosmopolitan * among all women monthlies B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 A U D ie N C E BURDA MAGAZINE readership IN RUSSIA AGE Cover Cover% Affinity Index = 100 (Russians 16+) Total 2224 90,8 163 Women aged 25 – 34 396,4 18,3 170 Women aged 35 – 44 413,8 19,1 216 Women aged 45 – 54 444,2 20,5 225 Can afford food and clothes, but not expensive items 1094,1 50,4 106 Can buy expensive items/can afford anything they need 894 41,2 99 Managers, individual business, (co-)owner 285,2 12,7 101 Specialists 457,6 21,1 138 White-collar workers 325,8 14,5 132 Blue-collar workers 401,1 17,9 80 Students 105,3 4,7 77 Housewives, young mothers 247,4 11,4 182 B 745 34,3 100 C 235,5 10,8 86 Family purchasing capacity Social status Income B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 A U D ie N C E BURDA MAGAZINE READERSHIP IN RUSSIA Completely agree with the statement Cover Cover% Affinity Index = 100 (Russians 16+) I consider myself a creative person 429 000 15,1% 130 It’s better to stand out than to be like everyone else 502 100 17,7% 136 Today, it is important to have time to manage several tasks at once 980 800 34,6% 124 I’m always looking for some new ideas to improve my home 759 000 26,8% 134 I’s important not to stop learning something new over the lifetime 1 278 900 45,1% 133 I’s important for me to look young 568 400 20,1% 128 I often go shopping to raise my spirits 466 700 16,5% 144 B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 special P R O J E C T S > Advertorials < B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 S pecial P rojects > Non-standard Formats < B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 special P R O J E C T S > ad-specials < B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 A d - specials > TEASER OF CONTEST IN ADVERTORIAL FORMAT (1/2 OR 1/1 PAGE) > PRODUCT PLACEMENT IN RELEVANT SECTION > PRODUCT PLACEMENT IN INTERNET SECTION > CONTEST RESULT IN ADVERTORIAL FORMAT (1/2 OR 1/1 PAGE) > cross-media projects < >teaser of contest on the main page (the first screen) >teaser of contest in social networks >online contest / tes >pr - article in a relevant section >branding site / section >video workshop / reviews B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 R A T E S D E A D L I N E Size Clean size Rates (RUB)* 1/1 page 215x267 mm 430.000 Back cover 215x267 mm 545.000 Inside back cover 215x267 mm 465.000 Inside cover 215x267 mm 510.000 1/2 pade (vert.) 103х267 mm 260.000 1/2 pade (horiz.) 215х133 mm 260.000 1/3 pade (vert.) 73х267 mm 170.000 1/3 pade (horiz.) 215х87 mm 170.000 Junior spread 190x200 mm 530.000 Special placement 15% Ad special on request Issue Booking / cancellation deadline Material deadline On sale 02/2015 08.12.14 15.12.14 29.01.15 03/2015 12.01.15 16.01.15 26.02.15 04/2015 06.02.15 13.02.15 26.03.15 05/2015 13.03.15 20.03.15 30.04.15 06/2015 09.04.15 16.04.15 28.05.15 07/2015 08.05.15 15.05.15 25.06.15 08/2015 12.06.15 19.06.15 30.07.15 09/2015 10.07.15 17.07.15 27.08.15 10/2015 07.08.15 14.08.15 24.09.15 11/2015 11.09.15 18.09.15 29.10.15 A D V E R T I S I N G O N www . burdastyle . ru THE PLACEMENT OF ADVERTISEMENT BANNERS FIRST SCREEN SECOND SCREEN B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 A D V E R T I S I N G B u r d a O N www . burdastyle . ru m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 S P E C I A L E D I T I O N S | R A T E S > Стоимость рекламной полосы 140 000 руб. (без НДС) > стоимость обложек – 170 000 руб. (без НДС) Спецвыпуск BookingDeadline On sale Circulation Академия шитья 23.12 30.12 04.02 70 000 Burda Plus/ Мода для полных 26.01 02.02 04.03 140 000 Easy Fashion/ Шить легко и быстро 24.02 03.03 01.04 120 000 Burda Plus/ Мода для полных 27.07 03.08 02.09 140 000 Easy Fashion/ Шить легко и быстро 24.08 31.08 30.09 110 000 Детская мода 23.03 30.03 29.04 120 000 Burda. Спецвыпуск. Пэчворк 2014 Booking/cancellation & materials deadline On sale 01/2015 24.02.15 18.03.15 02/2015 28.04.15 20.05.15 03/2015 01.09.15 23.09.15 04/2015 10.11.15 02.12.15 B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 E D I T O R I A L S E C T I O N S BEAUTY > Mascara of different colours | body care products with cinnamon, cloves, pepper, coffee, with the armona of gluhwein, chocolate etc HEALTH > Antigravity-yoga and pilates NOVELTIES FOR HOME > Baby goods RECIPES > Children’s menu BEAUTY > Hans cream (nutritious, protective, with extracts, vitamins etc) | Hair and weather impact: how rain, wind, snow, cold, temperature changes influence on hair HEALTH > cough NOVELTIES FOR HOME > Everything for the sewing RECIPES > Crumpets and pancakes BEAUTY > Shooting: perfume | 4 trends in make-up: trans, west, animation, illusion shades of lemon, mint, orange and marine palette plus nude look, military-image in khaki colour and also style Twiggy) | fashionable sets of the spring-and-summer season + hair dye (new shades) HEALTH > obligatory examination once a year NOVELTIES FOR HOME > Presents RECIPES > fast dishes M ay BEAUTY > Cosmetic products for face, body and hair with the camomile extract | Cream BB and CC and also other “sly” product of care+tone | Clean of face: everyday (gels, foams, lotion), once a week (scrubs), deep cleaning (masks)+ salon procedure HEALTH > disharmony of vessels NOVELTIES FOR HOME > Clothes care RECIPES > Meet Easter BEAUTY > Deodorants, antiperspirants | anti-cellulite and modeling issues | Cosmetics with Herbes de Provence: lavender, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, oregano, sage, basil, fennel, estragon, bay leaf HEALTH > Lose weight by the summer NOVELTIES FOR HOME > Review on tissues RECIPES > Time to picnic J un e A p r il M ar c h J anu ar y O F Fe b r u ar y P L A N BEAUTY > Top-10 cosmetic products for holidays | Using of eye shadow: different liners, eyeliner, kajals, pencils, felt-tip pens | Nail varnishs: overview of fashionable colours + gold, silver, metal, crackle and others. Trends HEALTH > Healthy legs NOVELTIES FOR HOME > Clothes care RECIPES > Summer salad, cold soups B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 O F E D I T O R I A L S E C T I O N S BEAUTY > Sunscreeners (overview or shootings) | Make-up: fuchsia and tint of nail varnishs, pomade, eyeshadows | Hair styles: beach and evening HEALTH > The nature treats: phytotherapy and others RECIPES > Berry dainty S e p t e mb e r BEAUTY > Micellar and thermal water, tonics, lotions and other remedies which soothe the skin (remove redness, irritation, moisten dry and delicate skin) | Skin care preparations round eyes: creams, rolls, fillers, highlighters and correctors | Shooting: perfume HEALTH > Teeth RECIPES > Cook quick October BEAUTY > Hair-colours Care for colored hair: shampoo, masks, issues for styling, oils How to determine your skin type and take care of it HEALTH > Everything about the gravedo NOVELTIES FOR HOME > household appliances RECIPES > Dishes of pumpkin N ove mb e r BEAUTY > Skin and hair care after sunburn: creams, lotions, oil, masks | Shower gel HEALTH > Uneasy in the stomach RECIPES > Fish and seafood BEAUTY > Night beauty preparations for face and decollete | Shooting: scrubs, gommage scrubs, exfoliants | Lips: how to emphasize the volume and make visually bigger thin lips. Contours. Masterclasses with drawings (by schemes of putting) HEALTH > Fight with tiredness NOVELTIES FOR HOME > Review on tissues RECIPES > Russian cuisine D e c e mb e r A ugu s t J ul y P L A N BEAUTY > Shooting: perfume | Hairstyles for festives + make-up | Facial serum, decolette, hair HEALTH > Prepare our liver for holidays NOVELTIES FOR HOME > Presents RECIPES > Christmas table B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 distribution St.Peterburg and Nath-West region 7,1% Moscow and Central region 37,34% Dalnij Vostok 8,99% 1,51% Ural Sibir Southern region and Chernozemye 19,28% 8,04% Povolzhje 13,13% State Region Burda-01/13 % State Region Burda-01/13 % Moscow Moscow Region Central region Moscow Ivanovo Moscow Region Pereslavl Rostov the Great Smolensk Tver Yaroslavl 33.59 0.25 1.15 0.01 0.02 0.12 2.09 0.11 Saint Petersburg Northwest Saint Petersburg Arkhangelsk Petrozavodsk 6.65 0.22 0.23 Povolzhje Dzerzhinsk Kazan Kirov Nizhny Novgorod Penza Perm Samara Saratov Cheboksary Ufa 0.17 3.49 0.47 0.91 1.92 1.38 1.92 0.71 1.18 0.98 Ural Chelyabinsk Ekaterinburg Kurgan Tyumen 2.59 5.32 0.07 1.01 Southern Region Chernozemye Krasnodar Makhachkala Pyatigorsk Rostov-on-Don Astrakhan Volgograd Voronezh 9.28 0.15 1.37 2.01 0.29 2.09 4.09 Sibir Barnaul Irkutsk Novosibirsk Omsk 0.67 0.93 5.38 1.06 CIS CIS Latvia / Riga Belarus 0.75 0.03 3.86 Dalnij Vostok Vladivostok 1.51 B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15 C O N T A C T FOR ADVERTISING IN THE BURDA MAGAZINE AND ON WWW.BURDASTYLE.RU PLEASE CONTACT US TELEPHONE NUMBER +7-495-783-44-36 ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTOR NATALIYA YAKOVETS N.Yakovets@burda.ru ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER ANASTASIYA KULIKOVA A.Kulikova@burda.ru ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER WWW.BURDASTYLE.RU SVETLANA GARONINA S.Garonina@burda.ru LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU! B u r d a m a g a z i n e | m e d i a k i t 2 0 15
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