Table of Contents KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Table of Contents Acknowledgements 3 Message From the Director 4 Organization Background 5 Organizational Structure 6 Children At Risk Program 7 Dorm Ministry 10 Children's Prayer Movement 12 Relief and Development Assistance Program 13 Partner Capacity Building Program 17 Financial Summary 19 Challenges 19 Organizational and Staff Development 21 Contact Information 22 KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 2 Acknowledgements We would like to give praise to God for the tremendous blessings we’ve experienced throughout this year. To each church project partner, prayer network member, and field worker, you are the arms of God protecting and caring for the children. To our prayer partners and donors, volunteers as individuals and teams, you helped bring many to know the love of God. Deep thanks to all of you! Foundations: Churches: Individuals: Burlington Christian Academy Calvary Chapel La Mirada Beth Snyder Chab Dai – Doorsteps Eastside Community Church Dignity & Hope Foundation, Cambodia Nelson Evangelical Covenant Church Cindy Sasser Cheryl Traub Integrity Community Church Eleos Centre Ministries Oakhall Church Equitas Group Cora Hogue Koop Daniel Oberli Darryl Record David Schofield River of Life Church Ethnos Ministries Tokyo Grace Evangelical Church Freedom’s Promise Tokyo Chapel Love 146 Heather Crane Laura Fok Matthew Miller Sean and Su Limyakhoon Willow Creek Church Viva Network University Avenue Baptist Church Terri Floyd Toni Ballard Wine To Water KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 3 Message from the Director Being the Director, it is not only about the role but it is about responding to the call from our Mighty God. Back in 2005, I was praying for guidance. He revealed a vision for the church to act on the needs of crying children. My heart was definitely open to say “Yes” to Him. Even though I did not know what the future would be like, I trusted that God knew the plan (Jeremiah 29:11). Then, I devoted myself to start this ministry called ‘Kone Kmeng’. Since its birth, Kone Kmeng has been growing into a ministry that impacts thousands of lives, especially vulnerable children in Cambodia through empowering the churches. We have found that a holistic approach is necessary for sustainable transformation. For that reason, we focus on four main areas – student education, community awareness, family welfare development and spiritual growth. In 2013, we worked with 110 churches in 5 provinces and Phnom Penh. We provided trainings to 102 children’s teachers and church leaders in order for them to work more effectively in their communities. As a result, we helped 932 children continue their studies in primary and secondary schools. 32 other students were helped to pursue tertiary education. We trained 496 children and adults to understand the issues of child rights, safe migration, domestic violence, child abuse and human trafficking through community workshops. We also helped 94 families to improve their economic conditions through micro-loans and 3,020 people, including children, received benefits from 120 water wells, 68 water filters and 120 latrines. Throughout the year, 998 children gathered to pray regularly at their churches and 715 children participated in the children’s prayer fellowship events. Finally, I would like to thank you very much for standing with me and trusting in us to do what we are called to do. We are blessed by your prayers, friendship and partnership with us. For that, we are extremely grateful. We enter the New Year 2014 with a great anticipation of blessings upon our work. May you continue to join us in the journey to fulfill this great mission! With abundant blessings, Pang Sophany Director Kone Kmeng KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 4 Organization Background Kone Kmeng began as a bridge between charitable financial donors and churches in Cambodia that desperately needed assistance in their desire to work with children at risk. Over the past 7 years, Kone Kmeng has developed this idea into an organization that empowers local churches to meet the needs in their communities, especially those of children. Kone Kmeng’s efforts have grown from several small, temporary outreaches, such as Motorbike Repair Training, Jesus Club for Children, and Nutrition for babies in poor health; to projects that are building the local churches through programs such as non-formal education classes, community education, family economic development and clean water & sanitation projects. Vision “Churches throughout Cambodia responding to children at risk in their communities” Mission “Empowering churches to respond to children at risk in their communities” Core Values: - We believe God places a high value on children and families. - We believe that the church is the most important agency in transforming communities, including the lives of children at risk. - We believe that supporting the children's families is essential in order to ensure their long-term well-being. Kone Kmeng Objectives Objective 1: Churches have resources to start specific projects to respond to immediate needs. Objective 2: Churches are effective at implementing activities related to children at risk. Objective 3: Churches care for children spiritually, socially, physically and culturally. KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 5 Organizational Structure Samdy Leang Chairperson of Board of Directors Pang Sophany Non-voting member Laura Fok Non-voting member Glenn Miles Member of BOD Real Naleng Member of BOD Pang Sophany Director Laura Fok Internal Advisor Din Tita Tray Sok Leap Lo Savuth Phon Chanthorn Admin/HR Manager CAR Program Manager RDA Program Manager Program Manager of CPM/Dorm Ministry Thouk Sreypuch Meas Sophea Nou Somaly Accountant Information Officer Admin Assistant Nhim Seyla Sim Somphors Keo Chakrya Pang Kimhour PCB/IGA Facilitator CAR Admin Provincial Program Assistant Program Assistant Prum Setha Yok Sokunthea Provincial Facilitator Admin/Accountant Assistant Kim Sreymom Yem Bona Tol Savy Mok Hom Pouk Ourng Meas Ny Niem Sophea Meas Samin Accountant Assistant Guard/Driver Janitorial Servicer Field Staff Field Staff Field Staff Guard Cleaner Boeuy Ponary Sewing Training Centre Instructor KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 6 Children At Risk Program The Children at Risk program (CAR) responds to the needs of vulnerable children in a holistic fashion, focusing on: Educational Support Community Risk Prevention/Protection Income Generation Assistance Spiritual Growth These four elements must be actively sown in each community affected in order to have lasting impact on the children’s lives. Kone Kmeng supports 8 church-based projects on Community Prevention and Protection, Education Support, and Income Generation Assistance. Community Prevention and Protection In 2013, we reached out to 496 people through our community prevention and protection program. 8 project partners provided training workshops to parents, local authorities, teachers and staff. These workshops related directly to children’s issues such as: Safe migration Child rights Sanitation Effects of using drugs Child abuse Positive discipline Family Planning Domestic violence Education Support In 2013, we were able to help 869 children with educational support. 127 children received non-formal education classes (Khmer literature, Math, Bible study & Morality), 57% of which were reintegrated into public school 742 primary school students studied in supplemental classes, 95% of which passed to the next grade level 28 middle school students participated in supplemental classes 534 children received school supplies to encourage continued education At least two months after the workshops, an evaluation was conducted among a sampling of the participants. The results showed that 70% increased their knowledge, 30% improved their attitude, and 20% improved their daily life practices regarding the issues seen above. KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 7 Children At Risk Program Income Generation Assistance Income Generation Assistance provides children’s families with micro-loans to increase their standard of living. With the funds provided through these loans they are able to start small enterprises and purchase vegetable seeds and animals. 94 families received small loans through 7 project partners, of which 85% improved their living standard (they had 3 meals per day, were able to support their children to go to school, and they had some left over for saving). There were also 20 women who attended sewing classes with the Restoration of Vulnerable Children project in Battambang province. A Future Through Education My name is Tha Chandy. I am 11 years old and have one younger brother. Nowadays my brother and I live with my old grandfather because my parents migrated to Thailand looking for work. One day, in grade 4, my grandfather brought me to register for the supplemental classes with Save the Children project. The project always announces these classes to all the parents of children who are falling behind their grade. It is not very far from my grandfather’s house, the classes are for free, and the project also provides the school supplies. I study Khmer Literature, Mathematics, Child Right’s, English and Bible Study. During that time I heard about the Love of Jesus Christ who loves all the children. After 1 year attending the supplemental classes, they have helped the quality of my study. I’m very happy that I received this opportunity to study. I’m thankful to the teacher who taught me, and to the Kone Kmeng organization that cooperated with Save the Children project to provide educational support to the children at risk in my village. In the future I want to be a primary school teacher to help the new generation in my village. KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 8 Children At Risk Program Micro-Loan of Hope My name is Chey Sary. I am a 55 year old widow with 5 children. Before I received small loan from Hope Of Children project I had no regular income, I just did some farmimg. Because of my family situation, four of my children had to give up their schooling to work in construction. I could not support them in school and some days my family did not have enough to eat. Only my youngest son stayed in school and even then it was difficult for me to pay for his school supplies. After I received the small loan of 50.00 USD for a year from Hope of Children project I started to plant sugarcane and cucumber. Every 45 days I got profit from my cucumbers of around 100.00 USD, as well as a profit from the sugarcane of 500.00 USD per year. I am thankful to Kone Kmeng for cooperating with Hope of Children to provide me with a loan to start my business. As a result, my living standards have improved with three meals a day, clothes, shelter and medical care. Also, with the extra income I have now reimbursed the Hope of Children project, and have been able to support my youngest son at school with $40 per month. He is presently in grade twelve. KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 9 Dorm Ministry Program The Dorm Ministry Program (DMP) provides opportunities for education at the high school and college levels. Despite the fact that nearly 96% of children complete elementary level education, enrollment at the high school level is only 21%. This epidemic level of dropouts is due to the fact that for many in Cambodia, high education is simply too far away and too expensive. Kone Kmeng is seeking to help by providing both housing and scholarships through the DMP, drawing students primarily from poorer, rural areas `into both our high school and university programs. In 2013, we had 35 high school students in our dorms at Svay Rieng and Banteay Meanchay provinces. In the fall of 2013, KK supported 14 new university students, to bring the university dorm total to 32. KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 10 Dorm Ministry Program From Dream to Reality I am Mony Sengleang, and am 21 years old. I come from Kandal province and I’m a second year student at the National University of Management. I am so excited that I have the opportunity to share the testimony of my life. I lived in a poor single parent family. I never had hope that I could go to university, but had a dream for it. The question always came across my mind, ‘”How can I continue to higher education?” When my mom fell sick, she spoke to me that she was sorry she couldn’t support my studies anymore. So, I cried because I felt that the dream for higher education was lost. One day my mom heard about Jesus from the neighbor and she accepted him as her savior. She encouraged me to pray to God because he can do all things: he is a God who helps. Amazingly, God answered my prayer through Kone Kmeng for an opportunity to study at university which made me very excited. It is clear that God is living; he hears my prayers. After coming to live at the woman’s dorm of Kone Kmeng, God has blessed me with a broader understanding about him. I have access to study at university and other additional classes such as English, computers and music. I have also met many friends who are from different provinces across the country. More importantly, God is continually growing in me and showing me his heart of unconditional love. I would like to give thanks to God and Kone Kmeng for helping me and other students here. I also would like to say thanks to the donors for your great heart for us. With your help, my dream is coming to past now. May God bless you! KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 11 Children’s Prayer Movement Kone Kmeng initiated this program in 2007 to motivate churches in areas where Kone Kmeng does its work. Our hope is to see children begin to bring changes to their families and communities as their faith is strengthened through a lifestyle of prayer. In 2013: 86 children’s teachers were trained to use the prayer curriculum which we developed 67% of these teachers are using the curriculum to teach the children 79 churches conduct ongoing children prayer meetings to provide encouragement and support 715 children attended the children’s prayer fellowship 82% of them have improved faith and can explain the characteristics of God In Banteay Meanchey, the local CPM committees have expanded their work to target districts such as Serey Sophorn, Preahnet Preah, Picjriv and Mongkul Borey. An Answer to Prayer My name is Son Sophana. I come from Svay Kaae Church in Tasuos Commune, Svay Chrum District and Svay Rieng province. I do not a have father, only a mother. Because of the needs of our family, my mother goes to work at a garment factory and I live with my grandmother. My school is far away from home, so I need a bicycle to ride there. However, because I do not have bicycle it was very difficult for me. I missed many classes at school and even repeated one year. I was discouraged and did not want to continue anymore. Fortunately, my church and family encourage me to pray to God and ask him for help. In 2013, God answered my prayer and blessed me with a wonderful bike. I was so excited and happy for having a new bike. This helps me see more of God’s power through prayer. Thanks God so much for blessing me with this bike! KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 12 Relief and Development Assistance Program The Relief and Development Assistance program (RDA) partners with churches to provide basic necessities such as clean drinking water and the means to proper hygienic practices. These needs are met through providing communities with wells, filters, and latrines. RDA also promotes good hygiene, sanitation, and proper care for wells, filters and latrines through workshops in the villages and a national radio program that covers these topics. RDA primarily works in Prey Veng Province (Bah Phnom district) and Svay Rieng Province (Svay Chrum, Kompong Roh, and Romdourl district). In 2013: 43 churches participated in receiving wells, water filters, and latrines for their communities 65 seminars & community training on clean water and sanitation were conducted 120 wells were drilled and tested for water quality 120 latrines were installed 55 community groups were set up to maintain and monitor the wells and latrines 68 water filters were provided A Total of 3020 people were benefited including 1445 children Another program under RDA is the Samaritan’s Fund. Kone Kmeng’s Samaritan’s Fund responds to emergencies such as natural disaster, famine, and sickness. During 2013, Samaritan’s Fund helped two families whose homes were destroyed by heavy rain storms in Svay Rieng province, and 11 children received funds for their hospital fees. KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 13 Relief and Development Assistance Program Water Feeds Me My name is Murng Saveourn. I’m 50 years old and live in Nhor village, Nhor commune, Kompong Rouh district, Svay Rieng province. Women have an important role in caring for their family’s hygiene and sanitation so I had to spend about 30 percent of my daily time drawing water from the lake. Water that I drank before was not safe and I had to spend time boiling it before drinking. I was so tired and my health was not good because often we got sick with diarrhea. Being a poor family we didn’t have enough money to see the doctor or buy medicine to treat our sickness. So it seemed we kept getting poorer and we didn’t have a happy life. Before, I used to think about growing some local vegetable crops and raising livestock to help my family, but I couldn’t because there were not enough water resources. But it’s really amazing after getting the clean water well from Kone Kmneng. This helps us not only at home to improve our daily hygiene but we use it to grow local vegetables and sweet potatoes as well. We’ve especially benefited from growing a morning glory plant for feeding the villager’s pigs. Now I can earn at least 15 to 20 thousand Riel (3.75 – 5.00 USD) per day. If you look around my home there are a lot of crops and it looks green. Now I have connected electricity to my home, built a clean latrine and fixed some areas of my home. Things have changed a lot now that we have a well. Well of Joy Nhor Primary School has 8 classes among 2 sessions- four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon - with 194 students, 12 teachers, and 3 staff. Recently we met with the principal of Nhor Primary School to observe the impact of Kone Kmeng supporting activities at their school. He said, “In our school there are 194 students under the age of 15. Students are often absent because they are sick (diarrhea being the most common sickness) due to unclean water and lack of safe water at school. We did not have enough water to maintain and use our toilets, nor could we provide enough safe drinking water for all those people. Our school faced many problems because of a lack of clean water sources. But now I am really grateful for you providing our school with a water well and 8 water filters. Now the rate of student absence has been reduced and our student’s hygiene has improved. We don’t need to worry about unclean water anymore because we have enough water to clean and use the toilet. With a water filter in each classroom, all students have access to clean drinking water. Providing us with the well and water filters has made a great impact on our school and our community too. I would like to say thanks to all of you and wish you success and strength. KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 14 Relief and Development Assistance Program Clean Water Gives New Life Mr Khat Yong (48 years old) is a farmer who lives with his wife, Neang Sarem, and their 6 year old daughter, Khat Srey Toch. They reside in Potharos village, Basac Commune, Svay Chrum district, Svay Rieng province. As a poor family, as well as myself having a disability, it is not easy to access clean water. Almost every day my wife goes to draw water from another well that is far away from our home. Sometimes when she is working in the field all day, our little child goes to draw the water - I know it’s not good to let her draw the water but I have no choice for I am unable because both my legs are disabled. This is hard on the whole family especially our little girl who works long and hard to bring us water all because we have no access to a well nearby. So I would like to thank all of the donors who supported us through Kone Kmeng. Now I have a well with clean water and my wife and little girl don’t need to spend as much time far away drawing water. Not only does my family use the well but I love to share it with my neighbors too. Now that our water sanitation and hygiene has improved we are able to make future plans to raise live-stock, as well as grow fruit trees and local cabbages. Because I am handicapped with little education, it is difficult for me to find a job; though, I strongly believe that after receiving this well I can help my family earn some money by using the clean water to our advantage. In short, I’d like to say thank you to all who supported the people in need in our communities. May your God and Lord bless you. Story Update Four months later we at Kone Kmeng went to check on Khat Yong’s family’s condition and already saw a big change. They now have a fishpond, yam garden and some local vegetables. What was barren before now looks green! Mr Khat Yong said “The support received was really vital for us to improve our living conditions with clean water. Thank you again and may God bless you all.” KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 15 Partner Capacity Building Program This program is in place for the development of our project partners to increase their capacity to effectively run the projects. The workshops and seminars put on build various work skills and bring about social awareness. Managers and staff from 8 different project partners attended these workshops in 2013, which included: Teachers Skills Project Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) IGA Loan Management Conflict Solving Proposal Writing Leadership Financial Management Child Rights/Protection As a result of the training, 100% of project leaders can use and develop the M&E system, i.e. output/outcome/indicator and measures of verification 90% of all non-formal education and supplemental classes improved on lesson plans, class decoration, and class management 85% of staff can effectively develop the loan project document 70% of project partners have an improved understanding of proposal writing and can correctly fill out the Kone Kmeng proposal format 60% of staff can describe 4 different, and effective methods to solve conflict 80% of project partners have implemented Financial Policy and Standard Operating Procedures KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 16 Partner Capacity Building Program Confidence and Excellence My name is Sayuk, and I am a 52 year old woman. Here at the New Life of Hope project I’m in charge of managing projects. In 2011 I started a partnership with Kone Kmeng organization to run the New Life of Hope project. With this project we aim to restore the children at risk in my community through providing children education support, increasing the knowledge of children’s parents in prevention/protection, and improving food security/living standards of children’s families. From the start, I was not really sure how to write a proposal to Kone Kmeng or properly manage the project. But after I attended the PCB workshop on proposal writing, my knowledge had improved to be able to fill out the Kone Kmeng proposal form. I am thankful to the Kone Kmeng organization for supporting my project activities and building up my staff’s capacity, and my confidence and skill to run the project effectively. I also give thanks to Kone Kmeng’s staff for always providing encouragement and coaching us on implementation. KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 17 Financial Summary Income and Expenses 2007-2013 CAR 32% $ 69,196.29 $250,000 Expense Breakdown by Program 2013 CPM 7% $ 15,913.86 $200,000 RDA 26% $ 56,242.14 Amount $150,000 Admin 16% $ 34,450.75 $100,000 Other 2% $ 3912.87 $50,000 $0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Income $23,032 $47,154 $59,998 $138,888 $204,318 $218,376 $228,902 Expense $20,014 $40,078 $63,422 $123,294 $189,477 $210,270 $216,355 PCB 5% $ 11,125.85 Dorm 12% $ 25,512.92 KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 18 Difficulties Along with many successes, we also experienced some difficulties. Here are some of the challenges Kone Kmeng faced in 2013: The weather was extremely hot for the children, project teachers, and field staff. Parents were not completely supporting their children in school. Some projects had a lack of tables & chairs for children at the supplemental classes. Parents kept insisting that their children stop school and go work in Thailand. Some participants of the community workshops were illiterate. Muddy roads blocked transportation of the drill/well equipment to the villages. KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 19 Organization and Staff Development Here are a few the things we did to train and develop our staff in 2013: Financial audit for 2012 was completed with improved recommendations Staff attended trainings such as Time Management, Proposal Writing, Financial Accountability and Stewardship, Adoration & Prayer workshop, Story Writing training, Effective Networking training, professional staff training, Combating Human Trafficking KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 20 Contact Information Cambodia Mr. Pang Sophany, Director Cambodia Office Address: #44, Street 454, Sankat Toul Tompong 2, Khan Chamcamon, Phnom Penh Cambodia Office phone (+855) 23 69 13 908 Email: konekmeng@gmail.com P.O Box: 2654 Phnom Penh 3 United States Freedom’s Promise• attn: Kone Kmeng Address: Freedom's Promise, P.O. Box 58996, Nashville, TN 37205 with the notation Kone Kmeng. In the US, these donations are tax deductable If you need any assistance, please contact Tiffany Atkinson via email: tiffany@freedomspromise.org Canada Ms. Judy Sawatzky "Ethnos Ministries" Address: #4 - 2604 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, BC, V1X 7Y5 Canada. Tel: (+855)12 577 542 Email: judysawatzky@hotmail.com KONE KMENG ANNUAL REPORT 21