SI_Zagorje ob Savi_Župnijska cerkev Sv. Petra in Sv


SI_Zagorje ob Savi_Župnijska cerkev Sv. Petra in Sv
Project summary
Župnijska cerkev Petra in Pavla
Zagorje ob Savi
Type of building
Number of users / dwellings, floors
Year of construction
Total effective area (heated)
Hot tap water consumption (source)
Whole energy consumption for heating
purpose after CSTS implementation
System engineering
Year of construction of CSTS
Type of collectors
Thermal power
Aperture area of collectors*)
Buffer storage
Hot tap water storage
Total capacity of boilers (natural gas)
Type of hot tap water heating
Type of heating system
1874 (2000–2005)
./. m2
./. m3/a,
60,500 kWh/a
Flat vacuum collectors with vacuum
22 kWtherm
32 m2
2 m3
./. m3
39 kW
Total cost solar system
Cost of CSTS / gross area of collectors
14,500 Euro
422 Euro/m2
Output of solar heat**)
Reduction of final energy***)
CO2-emissions avoided
Solar performance guarantee
not yet available
not yet available
Aperture area = light transmitting area of the front glass
measured, between storage and piping to taps (solar system output)
related to the measured output mentioned before
SOLARGE – Good Practice Database
Parish church in Zagorje ob Savi was build
in 1874, mainly from the stones. Because
of static problems the renovation began in
the year 2000. Besides others the renovation
includes the protection of constructions and
interior, which were in bad conditions due
to the high content of water in the constructions and high air humidity. According to
the good experience with low temperature
walls heating in the church in Mokronog (in
SE part of Slovenia) the same system was
chosen. Tubes were installed in outer walls
up to 80 cm over the floor level. Solar system
consists of 32 m2 of vacuum flat solar collectors and a 2 m3 heat storage. In parallel to
the solar system, a gas boiler is installed. The
system is used only for heating of the church
and it operates through the whole year while
back-up gas boiler operates only from the
end of October to the March.
Mr. Matjaž Križnar,
priest at Župnijska
cerkev Sv. Petra in Sv.
Pavla: „The combination
of low temperature
heating and solar heating
enables great advantages compared to other
systems. The system efficiently improves indoor
conditions, protects the interior and runs
from March to November without any additional cost. Although the exact amount of
heat collected with solar system is unknown,
the consumption of energy for heating the
church is much lower then in other comparable churches. Such systems can be multiplied
in number of other churches.“
Owner and operator
Roman Catholic Church, Parish church
Župnijska cerkev Sv. Petra in Sv. Pavla
G. Matjaž Križnar
Cankarjev trg 3
1410 Zagorje, Slovenia
Phone: +386 31 689970
Technical description
Župnijska cerkev Petra in Pavla
Zagorje ob Savi
Description of the CSTS
Year of construction of CSTS
Thermal power
Gross area of collectors
Aperture area of collectors
Type of collectors
Type of assembly
Orientation of collectors
Inclination angle to horizon
Freezing protection
Overheating protection
Operation mode
Use of CSTS for
Buffer storage
Hot tap water storage
Control of backup-system / CSTS
SOLARGE – Good Practice Database
22.4 kWtherm.
34.4 m2
32.0 m2
Flat vacuum collectors with vacuum pump
Roof top
South (°)
Expansion vessel
High flow
Thermal activation of the walls and heating of the church
2.0 m3 (one storage tank)
./. m3 (heating system only)
Separated control
Technical description (2)
Župnijska cerkev Petra in Pavla
Zagorje ob Savi
Hot tap water system
Type of hot water heating
Recirculation system
For decentralised systems:
The installation on the consumer site
Size of storage for hot tap water
Space heating system
Type of heating system
Number of boilers
Total capacity (power output) of boilers
Capacity of each boiler and the
year of construction
Energy source
Type of boiler system
Type of operation
Operator of the CSTS system
CSTS monitoring
Data accessible via internet
Scientific monitoring / follow up
Maintenance contract
Visualisation of the solar heat output
Yield of CSTS plant
Output of solar heat
Origin of data
Measuring point
Reduction of final energy
Origin of data
Solar performance guarantee
Heat consumption
Whole energy consumption for heating
purposes after CSTS implementation
Origin of data
Energy used for
Whole energy consumption for heating
purposes before CSTS implementation
Total tap water consumption
Hot tap water consumption
Hot tap water temperature
Cold water temperature
SOLARGE – Good Practice Database
Hot tap water is
not provided in this
39 kW
No. 1: 39 kW (2002)
Natural gas
Low temperature
Solar system is used for thermal activation
of church walls through the whole year.
It consist of a 32 m2 large field of solar
collectors. A plate heat exchanger is installed
between solar collectors and heat storage
with a volume of 2 m3. The gas boiler is
connected parallel to the heat storage and it
is used only between the end of October till
March. Parallel tubes are built in outer walls
up to 80 cm above the floor. 40 tube loops
are used, divided in 4 groups.
The main advantages of thermal activation
of outer walls are: no problems with wet
constructions, protection of paintings and
wood interior and much better indoor
Yes: once a year
not yet available
The church was not
heated before restoration
60,500 kWh/a
Space heating
The church was not
heated before restoration
0 m3/a
0 m3/a,
Financing & Investment
Župnijska cerkev Petra in Pavla
Zagorje ob Savi
The heating and the solar systems were
financed by many individual donators and
they were build during the urgent renovation
process. Therefore the costs of the bought
systems were lower because no additional
investments for installing the systems in the
building were needed.
Financing of CSTS
Form of financing
Distribution in percentage
Costs of solar materials
Total cost of solar system
Detailed costs for
Elevation / mounting structure
Storage / heat exchanger
Backup heater
Planning / Engineering
Operation costs of heating system
Power cost for pumping
Maintenance cost
Monitoring cost
Other operation cost
Total operation cost
Or: Increase of operation cost after
CSTS implementation
SOLARGE – Good Practice Database
< many individual donators
14,500 Euro
n. a. Euro
n. a. Euro
n. a. Euro
n. a. Euro
n. a. Euro
n. a. Euro
n. a. Euro
n. a. Euro
n. a. Euro/a
n. a. Euro/a
n. a. Euro/a
n. a. Euro/a
n. a. Euro/a
n. a. Euro/a
Development & Experiences
Župnijska cerkev Petra in Pavla
Zagorje ob Savi
Experiences management
Experience problems or failures?
Find solutions to these problems or failures?
Yes: once per year
(at the start of the
heating season) the
vacuum pump must
be used for reducing the pressure in
flat solar collectors;
during the summer the pressure is
higher, but this is
some kind of additional overheating
Financial effects / project performance
Project economically efficient?
Fiscal or other financial effects?
Effects on rental fees?
n. a.
Experiences technical staff
Experience problems or failures?
Find solutions to these problems or failures?
n. a.
n. a.
SOLARGE – Good Practice Database
Summary of experiences / Notices to the
project performance
The combination of low temperature heating
and solar heating enables great advantages
compared to other systems. The system efficiently improves indoor conditions, protects
the interior and runs between March and
November without any additional cost.
Although the exact amount of heat collected
with solar system is unknown, the consumption of energy for heating the church is much
lower then in other comparable churches.
Such system can be multiplied in a number
of other churches.