Cradle is Cradle
Cradle is Cradle
Cradle is Cradle 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 1 T H E C R A D L E 2 013 A N N UA L R E P O R T Our Message to You We always write “The Cradle” with a capital “T.” There is only one Cradle and in many ways it is unparalleled. But The Cradle wouldn’t be The Cradle without Florence Walrath, who founded the organization 91 years ago; without the nurses who care for Cradle babies and the professionals who care for our clients; without the women, children and families The Cradle serves; and without you: our donors and friends. This is your Cradle. Your Cradle has made tremendous strides since 1923 in providing lifelong support to clients, and we continue to change and evolve in order to stay relevant. We’re here to thank you for your generosity in helping us get to where we are today. Inside this report you’ll read about how your Cradle has taken a strong stand on the absolute necessity of ethical adoption: how much it costs and how we invest your gifts in reaching expectant women and delivering exemplary adoption-related services. You’ll learn about how, from the beginning, your Cradle has been an innovator – starting with the Nursery and continuing into the 21st century with and other superior e-learning resources. You’ll see the wonderfully varied faces of the children, birth parents and adoptive families who make up your Cradle today. You may not see the faces of the nearly 1,000 women who contacted us for guidance and support last year because they turned to us for confidential, nonjudgmental services. You’ll see the names of those – like you – who made a commitment to supporting The Cradle’s work in 2013. Please join us for a look back at some of the highlights from the past nine decades, a look at the accomplishments and challenges of the last year, and a look ahead at the new directions we are taking – thanks to your support. With gratitude, Caryn Rowe Africk James G. Connelly III Chair, The Cradle Board of Directors Chair, The Cradle Foundation Board of Directors Julie S. Tye Brooke Voss President, The Cradle President, The Cradle Foundation Our Cradle is a new beginning: for the child, the parents, the family. The beginning of a new journey together.” Tom and Sharon Venchus began their journey at The Cradle with the adoption of their son Luke in 1993. Martha, now 17, joined the family in 1997 and joined her parents at our photo shoot last summer. Our Cradle is where our dream of becoming a family came true!” Alyse and Frank Ziede started their adoption process at The Cradle in April 2008 and two years later were matched with their son, Carter. The Ziedes celebrated Carter’s 4th birthday on March 22 and his “gotcha” day on April 8. They feel very blessed. 4 THE CR ADLE IS YOUR CR ADLE On March 12, 2013, The Cradle celebrated the 90th anniversary of its founding. Since that day more than 15,000 children have found permanent, loving homes with The Cradle’s help. Many thousands of adults, too, have received Cradle services. While we are proud of these numbers – and grateful to be carrying on the life-changing work started by Florence Walrath so many years ago – we are not content to rest on past achievements. The Cradle would not be the organization it is today without growth and change, without looking forward. A milestone anniversary is always a good time to take stock of where we have been and where we are going. What we have done well and what we can do better. To ask ourselves some tough questions. March 12, 1923 March 12, 2013 5 T H E C R A D L E 2 013 A N N UA L R E P O R T How has your Cradle continued to deliver ethical, high quality services for over 90 years? B Y S TAY I N G T R U E T O O U R F O U N D I N G M I S S I O N … The Cradle’s Mission – 1923: To furnish needful care for homeless babies and aid in securing for them permanent homes and legal adoption The very first Cradle Nursery occupied a bedroom in the two-story brick home that housed the original Cradle Society. While the Nursery has taken on various forms since 1923, and we no longer describe our Nursery babies as “homeless” – they are under our temporary legal guardianship until they go home with a family – we are still 100% committed to providing “needful” loving care, regardless of their race, religious background or medical needs. WHILE ADAP TING AND ENHANCING OUR MISSION TO REFLEC T THE CHANGING TIMES AND THE CHANGING NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE WE SERVE… The Cradle’s Mission – 2013: To benefit children and all others touched by adoption – by compassionately delivering exceptional education, guidance and lifelong support to build, sustain and preserve nurturing families Children have always been at the heart of The Cradle’s mission, but we wanted our revised statement, along with our developing practice, to reflect the importance of everyone else touched by adoption as well. In 2013 The Cradle expanded its post-adoption services by launching the Center for Lifelong Adoption Support (CLAS). The mission of CLAS is to provide support to birth and adoptive parents, adopted persons and families as they live, learn and grow. Private counseling with experienced therapists, informational consultations for those who are interested in learning more about biological relatives, and parenting workshops on a wide range of topics are just some of the services offered through CLAS. Our Cradle has been the warm and reassuring pathway to our joyful life with Dominic.” Dominic Bohlen was born in Japan on February 22, 2010 and came home three months later with his parents, Betsy and Jon. Now 4, Dominic is a happy boy who laughs easily and loves to play with his big sister Anna, 8. I N 2 013 : 414 hours of therapy were provided to adopted persons and adoptive families by Cradle therapists 107 adult adoptees or birth family members took advantage of our free, 30-minute Informational Consultations 100+ people participated in our 7 parenting workshops. The Cradle Nursery admitted 90 babies in fiscal 2013, a 32% increase over 2012. Our nurses and infant aides provided 49,824 hours of nurturing care to these babies! 32% T H R O U G H C O N T I N U O U S I N N O VAT I O N … Your Cradle has been a trailblazer in adoption and child welfare from its earliest days: 1920s-30s: Establishing a state-of-the-art Nursery Infant mortality rates were high in the early decades of the 20th century, but relatively low at The Cradle until 1927, when a nationwide epidemic of gastroenteritis claimed the lives of 27 babies admitted to the Nursery that year. Because she could not conceive of losing another baby, Mrs. Walrath nearly closed The Cradle. Instead, upon learning that the source of the epidemic was tainted milk powder used to make infant formula, she sought the counsel of renowned physicians and together they created a model, state-of-the art nursery. Aseptic techniques, germicidal lighting and food sterilization all helped reduce the infant mortality rate at The Cradle to below 1% by 1929. 1950s: Being a trusted, go-to resource A research project on infant feeding began at The Cradle in April of 1957 under the direction of the Mead Johnson company. For nearly two years, babies in the Nursery were fed a formula that was the prototype for Enfamil, Mead Johnson’s signature brand. Enfamil was officially introduced in 1959, directly following The Cradle study. Dr. Iwan Rosenstern, a consulting pediatrician to The Cradle in those years, described this work as “a valuable contribution to the science of nutrition.” 1990s: Embracing emerging technologies The Cradle was among the first adoption agencies to launch a website, in 1996. Our Communications Manager at the time, Karen Buck, created the first version of on an MS-DOS computer, using a very basic text-only program called Notepad. We knew the web was quickly becoming the place where people sought out information. We wanted to make sure that information about adoption and The Cradle could be found by adoptive parents, birth parents and adopted people — many of whom faced complex emotions and challenges around the idea of adoption. In the first few years, we grew the site from text only and began to incorporate visuals. Prospective adoptive parent profiles became available online by the late 1990s. 2000s: Making high quality adoption education accessible to all By the 1990s The Cradle was widely recognized for the excellence of its preparation of adoptive parents. Families, however, were required to complete their extensive pre-adoption training in Evanston. A Cradle social worker suggested to President Julie Tye that we convert our curriculum to a web-based format, making it available to anyone with access to the internet. That idea became a reality in 2002 with the launch of (ALP). Beginning with a single online course, ALP steadily grew, building a reputation as a pioneer in adoption e-learning for the quality, scope and effectiveness of its offerings. Today, visitors to the ALP website will find a catalogue of 25 adoption-related online courses and as many recorded webinars. Over 300 participating agencies require their pre-adoptive clients to take ALP courses. 39,328 COURSE AND WEBINAR ENROLLMENTS logged in 2013. ALP also launched Adoption Parenting Pathways, a new search tool that allows adoptive parents to find local and online resources to specifically meet their family’s needs. EIGHT WEBINARS were hosted by Adoption Learning Partners in 2013. Our Cradle is union. We have connected with many people in deeply significant ways through The Cradle, from the other couples with whom we shared the adoption experience to the students we have had the privilege to speak to about adoption in several high schools. Our children’s birth parents grow more precious as the years pass. Because of The Cradle our lives have been greatly enriched.” Andy Franklin and his wife Beth adopted their son Dan through The Cradle in 1997 and Grace (pictured with her dad) in 2000. A biological son, Tom, came along in 2002. Though the kids are “completely different,” Andy says that together, as a family, “it is just plain right.” 9 T H E C R A D L E 2 013 A N N UA L R E P O R T BY FOLLOWING BES T PR AC TICES IN EVERY ASPECT OF OUR WORK… Your Cradle serves all members of the adoption triad with respect and empathy. When Laura Pagels found out she was pregnant, she spent several months trying to decide between parenting and adoption. Ultimately, she decided that adoption was the right choice. “In order for him to have the best life, I needed to be selfless,” she explained. Eight months into her pregnancy, Laura contacted The Cradle and began to work with Katie, an Expectant Parent Counselor. “At The Cradle, counselors guide you along the path of what you want to do,” Laura observed. “They don’t push.” After reviewing a number of adoptive parent profiles, one stood out. Mary and Mike Olley were younger, outdoorsy, adventurous and had been married for several years – all qualities that Laura was looking for. She also liked their different cultural backgrounds. Going into the match meeting, Mary and Mike were nervous. They had baked cookies for Laura. The nervousness quickly dissipated as the three got to know one another and realized they had much in common. “Katie had prepared us very well for uncertainty,” Mike said. “She kept us grounded and kept us from getting too excited.” But Laura felt at peace with her decision and confident in the family she had chosen. The Olleys were at the hospital when Laura gave birth to her son. Together, they picked out the name Logan Henry – the first being a favorite of Mary’s and the second in honor of Laura’s grandfather. A week later there was an entrustment ceremony at The Cradle, where Mary and Mike gave Laura a jade bracelet for luck, and Laura presented them with a beautiful poem she had written for Logan. Today, the Olley and Pagels families enjoy a positive open relationship, with visits every 2-3 months that often include the grandparents on both sides. Laura is grateful for the support she received from The Cradle. “The whole experience was wonderful,” she said. “I couldn’t have asked for anything better.” For their part, Mary and Mike are thrilled to be parents. “We feel very fortunate, and so grateful, to be able to raise this happy, healthy child,” Mike said. Our relationship with our clients does not end with a placement. Laura, Mary, Mike and Logan can count on The Cradle’s support – for a lifetime. “The Cradle was our advocate and provided us with an extensive amount of knowledge about adoption – from the birth parent perspective to the grief experienced by an adopted child to the immense love felt by new adoptive parents. After having The Cradle be a part of our lives for so long, we didn’t have to say goodbye to them after our son joined our family. Recently we participated in an interactive chat room with The Cradle that answered questions related to adopted toddlers. I’m sure this will be the first of many sessions that we will participate in to ensure that we are providing our child with all the support he needs.” —Cradle mom Karin Barden (Colin, Class of 2011) in a blog post titled “Lifelong support – for us and our children.” Follow Karin and her husband, Sean, on Twitter @seanandkarin 30 HOURS of options counseling is provided, on average, to Cradle expectant parent clients, without pressure in favor of an adoption decision. Those who decide to place their child might receive up to 60 hours of compassionate guidance and support. Prospective adoptive parents receive around 20 hours of education and training through The Cradle, both onsite and online. Multigenerational gathering at The Cradle Family Picnic in August 2013: from left, Laura’s dad, Rich; Laura, holding Logan; Mike and Mary; and Mary’s parents, Chizhi and Mao Li Jiang. 11 T H E C R A D L E 2 013 A N N UA L R E P O R T How does a brick and mortar agency remain viable in the face of competition from an ever-increasing number of online adoption providers? B Y A L W AY S P L A C I N G C H I L D R E N F I R S T… Your Cradle embraces a child-centered practice model, meaning that we identify the child as our primary focus and consider the purpose of adoption to find families for children in need. Fundamental to this model is helping expectant parents make a plan to deal with an unintended pregnancy, which may include the decision to parent their child. On the other side is the commercial model. Hopeful parents are promised a baby quickly – as long as they can pay. Since the goal of such providers is to find children for their clients (and in doing so, turn a profit), the only “right” option presented to expectant parents is adoption. They might offer a pregnant woman a new cellphone or washing machine, a plane ticket to another state, comfortable housing with other birth mothers and strong encouragement to surrender her baby – only if, however, she is expecting a healthy baby. The Cradle has mystery shopped some of these online brokers to find out, for example, how they would respond to an inquiry from an anxious expectant mother whose baby will be born with Down syndrome. Via instant messaging, we received the following response: Unfortunately, we can’t help you. I’m so sorry but we don’t do adoptions with babies that have special needs. (End of IM session) The Cradle will work with any woman who seeks our help, and we have found families for many babies with Down syndrome and other special needs. Profit-based providers treat expectant women as vehicles for providing the “product” they need: healthy newborns. By contrast, The Cradle offers women in crisis non-coercive counseling, compassionate care and support. From the debut of in 1996 until today, we have used the web to present our programs and services honestly and transparently. We view the internet as a tool to connect people with the services they need, not as a way to lure people in with enticements and false promises. In addition to our website, The Cradle uses social media such as Facebook and Twitter to stay connected with our families and friends. Our counselors use texting, Instant Messaging and Skype to communicate with clients who may not be able to meet face-to-face. In 2013, The Cradle continued to encourage the Illinois Attorney General’s office to enforce provisions of the 2005 Adoption Reform Act. As a first step, the AG sent a letter to Illinois agencies, reminding them that working with unlicensed, out-of-state providers has ethical and legal ramifications. BY GET TING THE WORD OUT… Your Cradle makes a major investment in marketing and outreach: $827,000, in fact, in fiscal 2013. That’s a lot of money. But a robust mass media presence, we’ve found, is key to reaching expectant parents and those they trust. It is key to helping them find an ethical provider whose chief concern is their best interest and that of their child. We spend more than $500,000 annually for placements of Cradle television ads and an additional $150,000 each year on Search Engine Optimization – ensuring that The Cradle ranks high on internet searches of keywords like “adoption” and that our internet advertising is timed to coordinate with our local TV campaign. To watch, visit The greatest number of inquiries The Cradle receives from expectant parents result from internet searches and our TV ads. But the airwaves and cyberspace aren’t the only means we use to reach women who need our help. The Cradle conducts an extensive outreach program throughout the greater Chicago metropolitan region, calling on hospitals, health departments, family planning clinics, social service agencies and other organizations to educate their staff about adoption and our services for pregnant women. Many expectant women of color would prefer a same-race placement. To give these women a broader choice of prospective adoptive families, the Sayers Center for African American Adoption at The Cradle also reaches out to the community, holding meetings where African Americans can learn more about adoption and the need for families for black and biracial babies. I N 2 013 : 1,328 contacts with healthcare and social work professionals were made by Cradle community outreach workers. Our Cradle is the place that helped us become sisters.” Emma Mosco Flint, 10, is big sister to Kayla, 8. Both girls spent time in The Cradle Nursery before going home. They also like coming back each spring for The Cradle Open House. 973 pregnant women contacted The Cradle for information or options counseling in 2013. While less than 10% of those women made an adoption plan, every woman who sought The Cradle’s help received it – without judgment or obligation. The Sayers Center held seven informational meetings in 2013 at large Chicago area churches with predominantly African American congregations. Cradle workers completed home studies for 11 prospective African American adoptive families. 13 T H E C R A D L E 2 013 A N N UA L R E P O R T Why does adoption cost so much? The full fee today for a domestic adoption through The Cradle is $33,900, which is comparable to other agencies in our area. The average fee across all placements, however, is just $22,400. Because your Cradle is committed to finding families for all children, we adjust our fees to make that possible. D I D YOU K N OW? $50,000 $48,000 $40,000 $30,000 $33,900 I N 2 013 : 3,157 $22,400 $20,000 hours of counseling for expectant and birth parents $16,500 4,991 $12,500 $10,000 hours of counseling and training for prospective adoptive parents $7,500 0 Domestic placement For the first 77 years, The Cradle operated entirely on donations. Adoption fees were only instituted in 2000. AA adoptive parents Sibling placement Medically fragile child Average fee per placement Actual cost (with overhead) *All of the above include home study fees Through The Cradle’s Finding Families for Children initiative, instituted in 2013, fees were significantly reduced for the following types of placements: • Prospective adoptive parents of a medically fragile child pay $7,500 • Cradle parents who adopt the sibling of their adopted child pay $12,500 • African American prospective adoptive parents pay $16,500 2,067 BABY DAYS (1 baby day = 1 baby in the Nursery for 1 day) PR E SE NTI N G YOU R C R A D L E C L A S S O F 2 013 Although the fee per placement averages out to $22,400, The Cradle’s actual cost is nearly double that: $42,000 ($48,000 if you include overhead). How can a single placement be so expensive? The answer to this question can be found in the preceding sections. TO RECAP: Cradle counselors, all of whom hold Master’s degrees, devote many hours to our expectant parent and adoptive parent clients, as well as post-placement support for birth parents. The Cradle Nursery accepts every baby referred to our care, including those who need extra time and special attention. We invest heavily in effective, targeted marketing to reach vulnerable women who might otherwise fall prey to profitdriven providers. Adam Alexander C. Alexander C-H Alexis Andrew Audrey A. Audrey S. Barrick Baylie Beccan Benjamin C. Benjamin S. Bennett Blake Brandon Caden Cameron Carlyle Caroline Carter Cecelia Cooper Daniel Dylan C-V Emma T. Ethan Ezekiel Gabriel George Grace Grant Gwendolyn Henry Isaac Jackson Jayden Jennifer John Jonah Josef Josephine Josiah Jude Kye Liam Lincoln Logan Lovensky Maxwell Micah Michael Miles Millicent Morgan F. Morgan T. Natalie Nathaniel Naya Nicholas Nina I. Nina T. Nolan Oliver Owen Parker Riley Ryerson Samson Sierra Simon Soleil Stella Dylan S. Elijah Elizabeth K. Elizabeth T. Ella Elyssa Emily Emma H. Lucy Luke Mae Maeve Malcolm Marguerite Martin Matthew Tashi Tiernan Tristan Uriah Vespasia William Zachary Zander 81 BABIES were placed through our domestic adoption programs in 2013. Twenty-six of these babies were African American or biracial. Our international home study program helped 12 children born in five overseas countries join loving families in the U.S. The Cradle’s research-driven advertising content and strategies have increased birth parent referrals by 53% since 2011. In a nutshell, adoption costs so much because we allocate considerable resources to reach, counsel, prepare and support our clients, and take excellent care of the babies in our Nursery. Class of ’13 member Emma H. was born on May 31, 2013 and went home from The Cradle a week later with her mom and dad, Sanja and Bill Harvey, and big brother Noah, 5, also a Cradle baby. 15 T H E C R A D L E 2 013 A N N UA L R E P O R T How is The Cradle doing financially? If you look at the balance sheet on the opposite page, it appears that our expenses are essentially in line with our revenues, with a modest loss in net assets in fiscal 2013. But you’ll also note that a large chunk of revenue was from investment income. We drew over $2 million last year from our investments to cover shortfalls in operating expenses. This was planned. It was also necessary considering programs such as The Cradle Nursery and Expectant Parent Services, which are both very costly to operate, are provided free of charge and therefore generate no fee income. On the bright side, at the close of FY13 our investment portfolio had the same value as it did at the beginning of the year ($16.9 million), even after the $2 million withdrawal. The Cradle Investment Committee, a group of dedicated and financially astute volunteers, works very hard to make sure that our reserves are prudently managed. Adoption Learning Partners revenue was slightly under goal but still considerably ahead of 2012’s total. Event income was down in part because The Cradle Ball, our premier annual fundraiser, was held in early October 2013, so any revenue generated the night of the Ball or afterward was counted in fiscal 2014. But that was offset by stronger individual giving. Overall, your Cradle is on a solid financial footing – thanks to you. OTHER FISCAL HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE YEAR: Domestic placements in 2013 were 16% above our goal and 12.5% higher than in 2012. Program revenue came in at slightly above our goal for the year and more than $200,000 higher than the previous year. Public support exceeded our goal by over $70,000. Financial Results Fiscal 2013 Actual REVENUE Public Support Program Revenue Investment Income Gains on Restricted Trusts Miscellaneous Total Revenue $1,661,463 2,780,151 2,326,024 250,247 3,616 7,021,501 EXPENSES Program Expenses 5,628,113 Management & General 460,054 Fundraising1,012,655 Total Expenses 7,100,822 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS $ ( 7 9, 3 2 1 ) Net Assets – beginning of year Net Assets – end of year $19,786,079 $19,706,758 Support for Expenses Funds for Operating Expenses Provided by: Public Support Program Revenue Other Cash Flows Dividend & Interest Income Investment Draws Total Expenses before depreciation (non-cash item) Fiscal 2013 Actual $1,661,463 2,780,151 16,370 350,159 2,069,841 $6,877,984 Funds Spent on Outreach & Media ■ Public Support (24.2%) ■ Program Revenue (40.4%) ■ Other Cash Flows (0.2%) ■ Dividend & Interest Income (5.1%) ■ Investment Draws (30.1%) Investment Portfolio Analysis Investment Balance as of 10/1/12 Funds added to portfolio Funds Withdrawn Market Value Appreciation Investment Balance as of 9/30/13 SOURCE OF SUPPORT FOR EXPENSES $16,919,591 96,297 (2,069,841) 1,975,865 $16,921,912 Fiscal 2013 Actual Outreach Expense $87,867 Media 739,170 Total$827,037 What is the impact of your contributions? THE 1923 SOCIETY Gifts of $25,000 & over Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. James G. Connelly III / The Connelly Family Foundation Ms. Marjorie M. Findlay Mrs. Ernest E. Freeman, Jr. Ms. Martha M. Gamble§ Mr.* & Mrs. Richard H. Hartle Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Petersen Mrs. George Young The Cradle is very deliberate in how we invest our resources toward advancing our mission. The increase in expectant parent inquiries, for example, is just one tangible result of a strategic decision to increase spending on media and outreach. § bequest *deceased Your support helps The Cradle empower expectant parents to make informed decisions that are best for them and their babies, thereby diminishing regret and remorse. Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 It helps us give babies, whose futures are being decided, a safe, temporary, nurturing home. It helps us to thoroughly educate and prepare adoptive parents, so that they are better prepared to meet their child’s needs over time. This protects the permanency of adoptions and helps children achieve their potential. Your generosity helps us provide lifelong support to anyone touched by adoption. Listed on the pages that follow are donors who made cumulative gifts of $100 or more to The Cradle Foundation between October 1, 2012 and September 30, 2013. We regret that space does not permit us to list everyone who made a contribution last year. If you find an error or omission, please call the Foundation office at 847.733.3240. Thank you for everything that you do to sustain your Cradle. The Siragusa Foundation Fred B. Snite Foundation Mr. C. Geoff Swan Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Uhlenhop / M.R. Bauer Foundation Walgreen Co. Mr. & Mrs. Stuart E. White W.P. & H.B. White Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Henry Whiting, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Phillip H. Wilhelm § bequest Anonymous (2) The Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation Alexander J. H. Bond Memorial Trust Mrs. Martha P. Brooks§ Ms. Phyllis Scholl Thomas & Mr. Alan S. Curtis Mrs. Robert Spink Davis§ Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dix, Jr. / Business Development Index Ltd. The Duchossois Family Foundation Nina W. Englehart Trust Mr. & Mrs. William J. Enright Ava Farwell Trust for Fallen Women Mr. & Mrs. James M. Fauerbach / The Northridge Group, Inc. First Look for Charity Mary Emma Fisher Trust John and Kelly Hartman Foundation§ Healthcare Foundation of Highland Park John R. Houlsby Foundation Mrs. Margarita Kellen Marvin & Kay Lichtman Foundation Mrs. Ellen W. Lohff Mr. & Mrs. David E. Mason / The Krasberg-Mason Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William E. McClintic Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Neustadt Mrs. Edith B. Parker Mrs. Jack F. Reichert / The Reichert Foundation Mrs. Robert E. Sargent Ms. Carol Sharer § bequest *deceased 1938 CORNERSTONE SOCIETY Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 GUARDIANS OF THE CRADLE Mr. Mahlon B. Wallace III Water Street Healthcare Partners, LLC William Blair & Company, LLC Anonymous (3) Abbott Laboratories Ms. Caryn Rowe Africk & Mr. Jon Africk / Merit Advisors, LLC Bank of America Barilla America, Inc. Baxter International Inc. Ms. Jo Ann Berry / Joseph K. and Inez Eichenbaum Foundation Mrs. Margaret E. Bracken Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. Dickes George M. Eisenberg Foundation for Charities Mrs. Mary Ann Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Grepling Mrs. Marguerite DeLany Hark Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Haswell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Hays Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Herchenbach Hospira, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. James, Jr. / PetroBob Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Keiser Dr. John S. Luce & Mr. Douglas R. Luce Ms. Maxine Marinaccio Mr. & Mrs. John S. Meany, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jon C. Neustadt Mrs. Robert Peterson PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Quick Mr. & Mrs.* Laurance M. Redway Luther I. Replogle Foundation Ms. Jacqueline L. Schoellhorn Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schoellhorn Mrs. Evelyn Shaw Mr. Francis C. Smithers / Health Promotion Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William R. Stasek / Bill Stasek Chevrolet, Inc. Dr. Judith H. Sutton Louise Benton Wagner Trust§ Anonymous (3) Advocate Health Care Network Ally Financial Ms. Megan A. Holmes-Anderson & Mr. Edward C. Anderson Ms. Margaret A. Hickey & Mr. Anthony J. Ashley Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Mr. & Mrs. John K. Barth BCU Mr. & Mrs. Francis Beidler III / Francis Beidler Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Boardman / Aristotle Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bode Ms. Marilyn Bremer Mr. & Mrs. William F. Browne Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Califano, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Chrisman Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Dekker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fealy Fifth Third Bank Mr. Robert W. Hickok & Mr. Brian V. Fletcher Mr. John J. Frautschi / John J. Frautschi Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Barry T. F. Fulk Mr. & Mrs. Scott T. Garrett / Garrett Family Foundation Garrett Capital Advisors LLC Geneva Investment Management of Chicago, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Graft Hadley Capital, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Melville H. Ireland, Jr. / The Pegasus Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Jeton Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Kaczmarek Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kane Kenneth Douglas Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lund Mr. & Mrs. James W. MacAllen Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Macy Elinor and Maynard Marks Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Rocco J. Martino Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. McDonald 18 THE CR ADLE IS YOUR CR ADLE Mrs. Patricia K. McPherson Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Miller Ms. Jean Y. Lin & Mr. Thomas A. Morehead NorthShore University HealthSystem Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Ross / Kimberly & Richard Ross Foundation Mr. Lawrence H. Rubly Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Ruhl / The Rhoades Foundation Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, LLP Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sereda Sidley Austin LLP Ms. Kimberly A. Simonton Mrs. Jackson W. Smart Mr. & Mrs. Joel E. Solomon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Spencer Mr. Charles A. Sted Mr. Charles J. Sted* Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Vole / Ernie’s Wrecker Service, Inc. Mr. Michael B. Whelan Mr. & Mrs. Duncan M. White Mr. & Mrs. Philip O. White, Jr. Willow Creek Community Church Mr. & Mrs. Robin E. Winslow *deceased PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 Anonymous Acres Group Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Adams Ms. Margaret M. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Adams / Sable Point LP Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Allen Mrs. Jean R. Armour Mr. & Mrs. Larry Aronson Dr. Ira & Mrs. Roberta Asher AT&T Services, Inc. Autoguard Inc. Ms. Lynn Donaldson & Mr. Cameron S. Avery Mr. Alan E. Bain & Dr. Michelle B. Bain Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Balsamo Dr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Bennett, D.D.S. Mrs. Mary M. Besanceney Mr. & Mrs. Jerry H. Biederman Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bloom Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Bordenet Mr. Harold S. Bott, Jr. Bridewell-Henning Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Brinn / FNI Management Group, Inc. Ms. Elizabeth Brombach Mrs. Beverly R. Brucher Mr. & Mrs. David P. Buckley, Jr. Mrs. Suzanne A. Buffum Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cahill II / John J. Cahill, Inc. Ms. Margaret A. Cartier Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Cashel Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cathcart / Seven ‘C’ Foundation Ms. Frances D. Cheyne Clarity Group, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John E. Cortesi Mr. & Mrs. John R. Couzins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Curvey Ms. Nancy L. Sanborn & Mr. Richard Dahling Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Delaney, Jr. Ms. Siobhan M. S. Flynn & Mr. Alexander T. Dike Dr. & Mrs. David S. Duda Mr. Thomas Duda Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Dutka Mr. William F. Dvorak, Jr. Elkay Manufacturing Company Mr. David M. Elkins Mr. & Mrs. William N. Farran III Mr. J. Van Dyck Fear Mr. Daniel J. Flatley Mr. Steven E. Mosco & Mr. Joseph L. Flint Forever Families Foundation NFP Mrs. Diana K. Foster / Vortex Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Giesecke Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goodrich W.W. Grainger, Inc. Grant Thornton LLP Mr. & Mrs. Erik M. Gregersen Mr. & Mrs. Rob Guglielmi Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Guillard Mrs. Dona H. Gulley Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Hanna Ms. Mary S. Dolan & The Hon. David E. Haracz Mr. & Mrs. Craig D. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. David A. Herbst / William H. Hannon Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. Hermanson Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Fred Holubow Ms. Judith C. R. Hope Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Hopps Mrs. Dolores V. Horan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hulina Ms. Josephine M. Ireland / Lojo Foundation Ms. Linda Busken & The Rev. Andrew MacAoidh Jergens Johnson Wilbur Adams, Inc. Jookie Portrait Boutique Ms. Ellen Costello & Mr. Michael Judge Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas B. Kalm Ms. Amy L. Hubbard & Mr. Geoffrey Kehoe Mr. & Mrs. Kim A. Klatt Ms. Jayne Sackrison Knighton Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Koppel Mr. & Mrs. Norman Korenthal Mr. & Mrs.* Philip Krasny Kunes Country Ford Stateline Superstore Mr. & Mrs. John H. Kunkle, Jr. Mrs. Joan H. Kuypers Dr. Brooke A. Jackson & Mr. James E. R. Lackland / Skin Wellness Center of Chicago, S.C. Mr. & Mrs. Santo A. LaMantia / Shure Incorporated Mr. H. Kirke Lathrop III Ms. Marliss Levin & Mr. Gilbert Levy Mr. Gerald F. Valentine & Mr. Scott A. Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lojkovic Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Lovelace MacLean-Fogg Company Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Maloney Dr. Gail L. Patrick & Mr. Jeffrey C. Marcella Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Martin The Master’s Touch Interiors, LLC Mr. Leonard Mattson Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. McAlaine Mr. & Mrs. George McAndrews Ms. Michelle J. McJimpsey-Ojielo Mr. & Mrs. J. Neil McLoughlin Mrs. Betty Anne McSweeney-Aavang Mead Witter Foundation, Inc. Mr. Eric J. Mersmann Mrs. Anne H. Thompson Moore Mrs. Susan S. Mosher Mr. David B. Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Nishan Mr. Daniel J. Obringer Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Phenner PNC Foundation Dr. Lucy Axtell & Dr. John G. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Porter Mrs. Leslie C. Price Sudsational / Auto Renew Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Prosser Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore A. Quatrochi / Westfield Ford Mrs. Carson Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. Jason H. Reynolds Mrs. Patricia H. Rodzik Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. George Ruebenson / Ruebenson Family Foundation Mr. George E. Sargent Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Schoellhorn Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Schueneman Mr. & Mrs. Ted Scislowski / Travelliance Chicago Dr. Jane R. Shaw Ms. Lee Webster Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Sparr Mr. & Mrs. Norbert St. John Mr. Matthew E. Steinmetz Ms. Sharon Wilson-Taylor & Mr. Dwight R. Taylor Ms. Carol J. Herlache & Mr. Robert H. Tesar / The HLA Group Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Thiems Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tichy Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Tilghman The Hon. Elizabeth B. Tisdahl / Elizabeth Beidler Tisdahl Foundation Ms. Laura Auwerda & Ms. Betty Tsamis Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Turner Dr. & Mrs. Fred Tye Versus Motors LLC Mr. & Mrs. John G. Wallor Mr. & Mrs. Milton A. Wendland Mr. & Mrs. Lynn F. White Mr. & Mrs. John H. Whitney Ms. Susan Giffei & Mr. L. Scott Wiscomb, Jr. Mr. William M. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Wulf *deceased Gifts of $500 to $999 Mr. James K. Abbott* Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Africk Ms. Julieta Amante Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Asper Mr. Edgar Astrove Mr. & Mrs. James E. Astrove Ms. Afton L. Gauron & Mr. Brian A. Audette Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Austermiller Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard Auwerda Ms. Susan Cole Bainbridge Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Barrington Mr. & Mrs. William Becich Mr. & Mrs. Elliot C. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Florin Berca Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Bergmann Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Berry Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Bivin Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Boyer Mr. Criss Henderson & Mr. Richard Boynton Mrs. Emily Hodge Brasfield Mr. Charles Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brown Mr. & Mrs. Joel M. Brown Mr. John Brunke Mr. L. Edward Bryant, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Buechele Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Butts Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Bykowski Ms. Nora Naughton & Mr. Charles Campbell Mr. Thomas T. Carder Mr. & Mrs. William R. Carnahan Carnica Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cavender CBRE, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Chappelle Mrs. Earl H. Chessman Ms. Corry M. Connelly / Club Z! In-Home Tutoring Mr. & Mrs. William R. Cortesi Mr. & Mrs. James R. Cote Ms. Catherine M. Coughlin Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Curley Mrs. Celia Davis* Deljo Heating & Cooling, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Diersen Ms. Kathleen Koch-Dolansky & Mr. John Dolansky Dr. Benjamin Domb Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Donovan DPS Automotive Ms. Michele Gehrke & Mr. Richard C. DuBois Mr. & Mrs. Terance M. Duggan Dr. & Mrs. James L. Elliott Mr. Brian Ellsworth Ms. Elizabeth Engle Executive Clothiers Mr. & Mrs. John L. Fairfield Mr. Bryon Farmer Mr. & Mrs. Warren L. Fellingham III Fellowes, Inc. Mr. Raj Fernando Dr. & Mrs. Martin Fine First Bank & Trust of Evanston Mr. Peter N. Flevaris Mr. Edward L. Formento Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Foster Mr. & Mrs. David A. Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Franklin Mr. & Mrs. John E. Freechack Ms. Victoria Priddy & Mr. Mark Fromm Mrs. Shizuko F. Fulk Geneca Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Georgevich Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Glowski Dr. Aileen M. Gnatz & Dr. Steven M. Gnatz 19 T H E C R A D L E 2 013 A N N UA L R E P O R T Ms. Teresa Garcia & Mr. Nelson Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. James P. Gorter / Gorter Family Foundation Mr. Stanley D. Grace, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Gray Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Haapala Mr. Lance S. Avants & Mr. Richard J. Hagan Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hanna Mrs. M. Donna Harris Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Hartley Mr. John P. Hasler Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Hass Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hauser Health Advances, LLC Ms. Mary S. Healy Ms. Marybeth Andersen & Mr. Robert W. Henderson Mr. Chad Herman Ms. Kristen Hlavacek Mr. & Mrs. William S. Hlavacek / James & Williams Jewelers Ms. Linda Hope Mr. & Mrs. John R. Huggins Dr. Linh O’Connor & Mr. Joel Igel Mr. & Mrs. Timothy K. Iida Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Israelite Mr. & Mrs. Joel G. Jaglin Mr. & Mrs. John C. Jeka Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Jimenez Mr. & Mrs. F. Martin Johnson Ms. Catherine D. Siebel & Mr. Michael A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Juan Juarez Ms. Mindy Kairey Mr. & Mrs. David Kaiser Mr. Dennis H. Kelly Ms. Maureen A. Kelly Mr. Michael L. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Dan J. Kempf Mrs. Charles H. Kendall Mr. & Mrs. Anthony K. Kesman Mr. Shepard Krech Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Krupczak Mr. & Mrs. James E. Kupferschmidt Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Lacey Mr. & Mrs. John J. Langan Mrs. Marcene E. Larkin Ms. Martha M. Love & Mr. Jon M. Leberknight LexisNexis Cares Matching Donations Mr. & Mrs. Ryan J. Liebl Mr. & Mrs. William R. Limestall Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. LoCascio Mrs. Walter P. Loomis, Jr. Ms. Jill K. Lott Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Lyddon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Maher Ms. Darlene Mannix Mr. James P. Martin Mr. Michael M. McDonnell Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. McInerney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McKinney Mr. Robert E. McQuinn Mr. & Mrs. David C. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Matthew F. Miller Ms. Marjorie S. Mizes Dr. Alan Moltz Ms. Kathleen H. Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moser Motorola Solutions Foundation Mrs. Linda H. Mulvey Mrs. Camilla R. Nielsen Mr. Matthew Nielsen Northern Illinois Industry Fund The Northern Trust Company Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K. Odom Mr. Charles D. O’Kieffe Ms. Jane K. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Neil P. O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Osgood Mr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Oskin Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Overhuls Mr. & Mrs. William A. Pacetti Mr. Gary Paetsch Mr. & Mrs. James V. Pampinella / The Pampinella Family Charitable Foundation Ms. Kelly L. Cotter & Mr. William N. Pappano Mr. Keith Tyschper & Mr. Carlos Paret Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Paulk, Jr. Ms. Leah E. Weatherford & Mr. Ronald G. Pawelko Mr. & Mrs. Brad Peters Mr. Kurtis Peterson Mr. Stephen Phelps & Mr. Allen Reed Mr. & Mrs. Lance Piccolo / HealthPic Consultants, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Denis B. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Piper Plumbing Contractors Association Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Pollak Mrs. Harry T. Porter Practical Communications, Inc. Ms. Laura L. Priehs Ms. Janet L. Prince Mr. & Mrs. Melvin E. Pritchard Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Provost Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Purtell Mr. & Mrs. William L. Raub III Mr. James C. Raymond Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Ricketts Mr. & Mrs. John V. Rimarcik Mrs. Andrea Q. Robinson Ms. Joan Rockey Mr. & Mrs. Robb W. Rowe Ms. Maryellen Caravello & Mr. Phillip J. Saccente Mr. Carmelo A. Scarpace Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Scott Dr. & Mrs. A. Ross Shepherd Mr. & Mrs. George L. Sianis Mr. Raymond Silverstein Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Sincere Mr. James C. Skelton Mr. & Mrs. Donald U. Smith III Dr. Susan B. Krevoy & Mr. Leo Spiwak Mr. & Mrs. David L. Steinberg Mr. John A. Stevenson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Stilp Studio 222 Architects LLC Ms. Alison Scholly & Mr. John Summy Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Svensson Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Tichy Mr. & Mrs. John H. Tocks Dr. & Mrs. William D. Trainor Mr. & Mrs. John F. Turben / Susan and John Turben Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Uxa, Jr. Ms. Jan C. Vartzikos Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Voss Mr. & Mrs. H. Stuart Waddell Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Walrath Mr. & Mrs. C. Richard Walsworth Mr. & Mrs. Jerry N. Ward Ms. Teresa Ward-Maupin Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wenzel Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Wienkoop Ms. Elizabeth J. Clifford & Mr. Marlon A. Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Wilson Yacktman Asset Management Mr. & Mrs. Steve Yarina Mr. & Mrs. Larry F. Yutkowitz Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Zambianchi Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Zeddies *deceased Gifts of $250 to $499 Allstate Giving Campaign Mr. & Mrs. Arrie Ammons, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Andras Ms. Peggy Anselmo Archi Dorati Corporation Ms. Angela Marie Arnold Mr. Chris Avery Ms. Linda Avon Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bacon Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Baldassari Ms. Randi Cigelnik & Mr. David Balmuth Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. Baner Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Barker Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Bear Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Bendersky / Hussain, Egan & Bendersky, LLC Mr. Christopher Cotner & Mr. David Benton Mrs. John Berry Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Bestvina Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bigelow Mr. & Mrs. James V. Bliss Mr. & Mrs. Ken Boldt Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Borland Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bormes Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Boudreaux Mr. Robert E. Bracken Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Braverman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Brickman Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Britton Mr. & Mrs. William F. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. David T. Brown Mrs. Arlyn Bruccoli Mr. & Mrs. Duane R. Carlson Ms. Michele A. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Bryan H. Carter Mr. Gary Carter Mr. & Mrs. James B. Casey Ms. Christine Campuzano & Mr. Peter del Castillo Mr. & Mrs. John P. Chapin Dr. & Mrs. John F. Cherry Christian Fellowship for All Nations Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Cichon Mrs. Julie V. Cohen Mr. Guy Comer Mr. & Mrs. Harlan J. Cook Mr. & Mrs. John L. Coon III Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Costello Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Crannell, Jr. Ms. Ellen M. Dahl Mr. & Mrs. John R. Daily Mr. N. Benjamin Davidson Ms. Henrietta Saunders & Mr. Richard Day Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Deland Ms. Annette M. Cortese Delgado & Mr. Xavier Delgado Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Di Laura Mr. & Mrs. John M. DiDonato Mr. & Mrs. James F. Dietz Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Doll Mr. Leo J. Domzalski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Dormin Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Drake Mr. & Mrs. Tim Dugan Ms. Cynthia Dvorak Mr. Daniel Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Eklund Ms. Molly Moore & Mr. Patrick Eskew Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Evanich Ms. Jennifer A. Farkas Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Warren L. Fellingham, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. Barney Firestone Mrs. Jeanne L. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Flaherty Mr. & Mrs. William A. Fleury Mr. & Mrs. James M. Florsheim Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fonda Mr. & Mrs. Jose L. Frausto Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Fritz Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Gange Mr. Gary R. Gemberling Mr. & Mrs. James A. Geocaris Ms. Beverly L. Gillen Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. James R. Glass III Mr. & Mrs. Ernest C. Goggio Ms. Margaret Govern Ms. Gina A. Sedivy & Mr. Thomas J. Green Ms. Caro C. Gregg Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Grubich Mr. & Mrs. Allan Gunn Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hamparian Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Hannan Mr. & Mrs. William B. Hanson§ Ms. Barbara Q. Harper Mr. & Mrs. William G. Hartman Mrs. Mary E. Hasson Mr. David Hatcher Mr. & Mrs. Monte R. Haymon Ms. Tricia E. Henry Ms. Merrilee Hepler Mrs. Georgene Herbst Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hesser / Martin D. and Barbara H. Rich Family Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Heuvelmans Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Hewitt Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Hingle Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Hitz Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Hoagland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Hofer Mr. & Mrs. Virgil A. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hogan Holli Motors Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holzworth Home Depot Foundation Mr. Andrew Homrou Mrs. Patricia Hoodwin Ms. Emily Ruskin & Ms. Gina Horrie Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Horwitch 20 THE CR ADLE IS YOUR CR ADLE Mr. Michael Howley Dean M. Hunter, M.D. Illinois Tool Works Foundation Ms. Janice C. Impey International Refinish Products, Inc. Ms. Karen Horwitz & Mr. Hector Izaquirre Mrs. LeRoy Jaacks Mr. & Mrs. Myles L. Jacobs Mrs. Judith G. Jaglin Mr. & Mrs. James Javorcic Ms. Caryn Hoeft & Mr. Andrew Jaworski Mr. Edward H. Johnson Ms. Hariklia Karis & Mr. Constantine P. Kanellos Mr. Matthew Keller Mrs. Kelly Kenney Ms. Laurie King Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Kirshenbaum Mr. & Mrs. William A. Klettke Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Kolder Ms. Nancy Kolinsky Mr. & Mrs. Tsuneo Konishi Ms. Sonya R. Malunda & Dr. Edward C. Lampley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Terry Langan Mr. Geoffrey T. Rice & Mr. Daniel B. Lange Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Langer Ms. Shirley A. Lata Maureen K. Bolon, M.D. & Lincoln J. Lauhon, Ph.D. Mrs. Nancy D. Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Albert S. Licup Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Lin Ms. Beth A. Loeb Mr. & Mrs. William H. Lutz Mr. David Mack Ms. Kelly L. O’Connor & Mr. John W. Madeja Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Maglio Ms. Shelley Malkin Mr. Carl P. Marinacci Mr. & Mrs. Glen E. Markham Ms. Nancy Churchill & Mr. George J. Matkov, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Mattson Dr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. Steve McAuliff Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McCann Mr. & Mrs. E. Hoy McConnell II Ms. Cara M. Gaziano & Mr. Stuart J. McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Jesse F. McDonald Mrs. Patricia A. McGarr Mrs. Nancy McGowan Ms. Susan McGreevy Mr. & Mrs. William J. McGuckin Ms. Barbara B. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. J. William McVey Mr. A. Richard Metzger Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Miller Ms. Annabelle Durr & Mr. L. John Miller Mirco Builders Mrs. Shirley D. Mullin Dr. & Mrs. William P. Murphy Dr. & Mrs. Kris Narasimhan Mr. & Mrs. David P. Nicholls Mr. & Mrs. Nelson B. Noland Mr. & Mrs. James M. Nondorf Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Novak Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Novicki Mr. Clemens J. Nowak, Sr. Ms. Judith A. Oberholtzer Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. O’Donoghue Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Olenczak Mr. Charles H. Padelford Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Page Mr. & Mrs. John F. Palmer Dr. Georga K. Parchem & Dr. Allen L. Parchem Mr. & Mrs. Karl J. Pedersen Mr. Raymond Perez Ms. Beata E. Welsh & Mr. David L. Phillips Ms. Crystal Bowyer & Mr. Troy Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Pizza Mr. & Mrs. Roman T. Plichta Ms. Allison Porterfield Mr. & Mrs. James W. Powers, Sr. Mr. John S. Price Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Price Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Pridmore Mr. Dave Rammelt Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Raymond Ms. Kathleen J. Reese Mr. & Mrs. James L. Reichel Ms. Candida Miranda & Mr. Fred E. Reid III Ms. Nancy Temple & Mr. David Reif Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Retel Mr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Riley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian H. Robinson Ms. Nicole V. Rohr Mr. & Mrs. David A. Rossi Mr. Robert C. Runkle Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sacks Ms. Marilynn Savalas Mr. William Schleicher Mr. Elias Schonberger / Schonberger Family Foundation Mrs. Jean M. Schousen Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Scott Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Scott Mr. Bruce V. Seanor Mr. Stephen B. Sergesketter Ms. Helen W. Settle Mr. & Mrs. Michael Severino Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester J. Sheppard Ms. Joan E. Romer & Mr. Robert D. Sheppel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Sherman Ms. Coleen T. Reedy & Mr. Kornel Simons Ms. Maia T. Davis-Singleton & Mr. Steven P. Singleton Mrs. Helen C. Sjoquist Mr. & Mrs. David E. Sloan Mrs. Donna Smith Ms. Vanessa Smith Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Smolenski Mr. & Mrs. George Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Stelter Ms. Collette L. Rand & Mr. Jerome C. Studer Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Sturges, Jr. Mrs. Maurice A. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. James H. Swartchild Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Terepin Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Thies Ms. Sarah H. Dearing & Mr. Christopher S. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Thomas Dr. Sherece B. Thompson & Mr. Darren A. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Treleven Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tucker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Tyschper USG Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John Van Horn Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Van Wart Mr. Daniel C. Vangen Mrs. Anna R. Vazzano Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Vetri Wakeman Equipment Sales, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Walden Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence T. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Wawczak Ms. Robin Webb Mr. & Mrs. Bill White Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. White Mr. & Mrs. Timothy N. White Mrs. Kenneth M. Wilson Ms. Sally J. Winek Ms. Maggie Wirth Dr. & Mrs. William R. Wittert Mr. & Mrs. Richard Worth Mr. & Mrs. James H. Wright Mr. & Mrs. John L. Wright Ms. Sherry Wright Mr. & Mrs. Vernon P. Wright Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Lewin J. Wyatt, Jr. Ms. Theresa Yamauchi Mr. & Mrs. John W. Young III Mr. Florentino Zamora, Jr. Mr. L. S. Zuckerman § bequest Gifts of $100 to $249 Anonymous Ms. Judith A. Napier & Mr. Bryan T. Aaker Mr. & Mrs. David Abraham Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Allan V. Africk Dr. Cynthia Z. Africk & Mr. Michael B. Africk Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Agins Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Ahrens Mr. & Mrs. Ludolph Albers Mr. John R. Albert Mr. David Albertson Mr. & Mrs. Philip Allen Alloy Welding Corporation Mr. David Almario Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Anast Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Andersen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Pete Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Willard P. Anderson Ms. Jala L. Anderson-McKee Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Andren Mr. & Mrs. James Andrulis Mrs. Mary K. Antes Aon Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Appleton Mr. & Mrs. Tom Aralis Mrs. Joseph J. Archibald, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur William Ardizone, Jr. Mr. William A. Argo Mr. Roy Arphy Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Arquisch Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Aschim Mr. & Mrs. David J. Aten Ms. Nancy Auyeung Mrs. John R. Axe Mrs. Ronald D. Bader Dr. & Mrs. Michael F. Banasiak Ms. Lorna S. Bantz The Barker Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David M. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Barringer Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bartee Ms. Cris Bartlett Ms. Barbara VanSomeren & Mr. Bryan Bates Mr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Bates Mr. & Mrs. John Bausch Mr. & Mrs. James A. Beal Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Beatty Ms. Stephanie Beck Mr. & Mrs. William A. Beckert Mr. & Mrs. David N. Beckman Ms. Kim Beible Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Bekas Mr. & Mrs. Darrel D. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bennett Ms. Debra Yale & Mr. Scott Berger Ms. Susan A. Berkowitz Mr. Raul Bermejo Ms. Suzanne Bernard Mr. & Mrs. William J. Best Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Beveridge Mr. Matthew Bialecki Mrs. Judith E. Bickel Mr. & Mrs. Phillip S. Bierman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Bingham Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Biondi Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Birren Constance Blade, M.D. Mr. Marshall L. Blankenship Mr. Brad Bloecher Ms. Heidi E. Bloom Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Boldt Ms. Beth Bolman The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. Mrs. Margaret M. Borkland* Mr. & Mrs. Burton B. Bossley, Jr. Mr. Stephen Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Bowes II BP Foundation, Inc. Mr. Michael Bracco Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Brandt Ms. Julia W. Brasfield Ms. Marilyn G. Breiding Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bronson Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Brown Mr. Andrew S. Bruce Mrs. Anne Bruce Mr. John S. Buccheri Mr. David P. Buckley, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Don P. Buckman Ms. Monika M. Buechel Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Buechele Mr. & Mrs. Bryce B. Bulman Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Burk Mr. & Mrs. John M. Burlingame Ms. Suzanne Maso & Mr. Don Burnett Mr. Richard T. Busch Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Byrd Mr. Richard Caden Mr. Brian Caffarelli Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cahoon Mrs. Robert E. Calahan Mr. & Mr. Michael A. Calcagno Mr. & Mrs. James A. Caldwell Capital Trading Group 21 T H E C R A D L E 2 013 A N N UA L R E P O R T Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Cappo Mr. Rudolf Carl Mr. Frederick J. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Case Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Caspers Mr. & Mrs. David E. Cassin Mr. Andrew H. Caster Mr. & Mrs. L. R. Casty Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Catalfamo Mrs. Alice P. Cestari Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Chabot Mr. & Mrs. Austin George Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chandler / Howard C. Chandler & Son Ms. Kathleen H. Chatfield Mr. & Mrs. Daniel K. Chervenak Mrs. Peter T. Chew Mr. & Mrs. David S. Christakes Mrs. Janet Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Christiansen Mr. Peter T. Christiansen Mr. Gary Chyi Mr. Timothy P. Ciraulo Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Clark Ms. Kimberley A. Clark Ms. Sacha M. Coupet & Mr. Lee V. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Clarke III Mrs. Valeria A. Curry & Mr. Robert B. Claud Ms. Marina Claudio Mr. & Mrs. Torsten Clausen Mr. & Mrs. John F. Clesen Mr. & Mrs. Peter Z. Clifford Mrs. Betty B. Coale Mr.* & Mrs. Donn M. Coddington Ms. Jeannette C. Cogsdill Mr. & Mrs. Russell Cohen Collins Brothers, LLC Ms. Toni R. DiDonato & Mr. Kevin T. Connelley Mr. & Mrs. James J. Connelly Ms. Jean Skornicka & Mr. Jerry Conrad Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Conroe Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Conroy, Jr. Ms. Linda B. Millunchick & Mr. Frederick J. Cooperman Dr. & Mrs. W. Gene Corley Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Corrado Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Coviello Ms. Colleen Coxe Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Crane Mr. Steve Crawford Crescendo Consulting, Inc. Mr. Bob Crowe Mr. & Mrs. R. James Crowle Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. John D. Cunningham Ms. Kathlene Cunningham Mr. Daniel Cyphers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dailey Dr. Rhea J. Craigen & Mr. Garth A. R. Daley Mrs. Janine Daniel Ms. Katelyn Danielski Mr. & Mrs. David A. Dannels Mr. & Mrs. Edgar F. Darling II Mr. & Mrs. Oscar A. David Ms. Lindsay Davies Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Davis Mr. Michael W. R. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Daniel V. DeClue Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeFarno Mr. Scott DeGraeve Lt. Col. & Mrs. George P. Deibert Ms. Mary DeLaney Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Dellota Dr. & Mrs. James W. Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Donn H. Denniston Ms. Susan R. Denniston Mr. & Mrs. D. Alan Denton III Ms. Judith M. Desenis Ms. Colleen Detjen Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Devore Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Dickey Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Diercks Ms. Mary Jane C. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Matthew L. DiMaria Ms. Catherine Disch Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Dobey Ms. Lori A. Dorshorst Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dow Mrs. Shirley Doyle Ms. Madeleine B. Dugan Mr. Dean DuMontheir Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Echols Mr. & Mrs. James T. Eckelkamp EganVance Insurance Agency, Inc Prof. & Mrs. Dale F. Eickelman Mrs. Helen M. Eldred Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Elkins Mrs. Stephanie Elliman Mr. & Mrs. John M. Engle Mrs. Marjorie Enright Mr. & Mrs. Eric Erickson III Mr. & Mrs. James K. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Neal L. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fahrberger Dr. Pamela S. Fennewald & Dr. Michael A. Fennewald Ms. Andrea Schweitzer & Mr. Calvin Fentress III Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fera Ms. Rita Ferretti Ms. Ridgely S. Ficks Mr. & Mrs. John H. Fiore Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Fischer Mr. Nathaniel Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Fiskow Ms. Jodi F. Barke & Mr. Vincent L. Flannery Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Tony Fong Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Forsberg Mr. & Mrs. Steve Frainey Ms. Mary Franco Dr. & Mrs. Armin T. Franke Mr. John F. Franzese Ms. Janet W. Minkler & Mr. Peter Freire Mr. & Mrs. William R. Frey Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Frost Mr. & Mrs. William D. Frost Ms. Sono C. Fujii Mr. & Mrs. Rory Gahart Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Gallagher Mrs. Phyllis H. Gander Gantz Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. D.J. Garner Mr. John Geier Mr. & Mrs. Pete Gialamas Mr. & Mrs. George T. Giglio Ms. Mildred J. Gillen Ms. Kathleen M. Gillespie Dr. & Mrs. Carl R. Gilmore Ms. Suzunne M. Gizel Mr. & Mrs. James C. Glynn Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Goetz Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Goldfield Mr. L. Stuart Gordon Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gow Mr. & Mrs. Toni Gozali Ms. Sheryl L. Grandt Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Grant Ms. Melissa Graves Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Greene Mrs. Donna M. Griffin Mrs. Linda Griffin Mr. Jeff Grillo Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Groombridge Mr. & Mrs. Ron Grove Mr. & Mrs. David D. Grumhaus Ms. Cornelia Grumman Ms. Teresa Guerriero Mrs. Kenneth E. Guetlich Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Gutof Ms. Gabriel Guzman Mr. & Mrs. Roberto I. Guzman III Ms. Lyn Haars Ms. Lynn Sides & Ms. Katherine Haase Mrs. Kathryn M. Haider Mr. Donald J. Haigh Mr. & Mrs. Edwin K. Hall Ms. Pam Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Hansmann Mrs. Betty J. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Vince Hanson Mr. William G. O. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Roger Harney Ms. Sheila Harris Mrs. Janet Hart Mr. & Mrs. Julian Harvey Mr. James Hauck Ms. Cynthia M. Haviland Mr. & Mrs. Denny Hebson Mr. David Hefter Mr. & Mrs. F. James Heider Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Heim Mr. & Mrs. John C. Heitz Mr. Carl Helle Ms. Carol A. Helsdon Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Hepler Ms. Cari Herman Mr. Brian Hill Ms. Joan L. Hillenbrand Mrs. Diane D. Hilton Mr. & Mrs. Jon P. Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold V. Hobfoll Ms. Nanette Hoff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Holford Ms. Nancy I. Holloway Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Holman Mr. & Mrs. Addison C. Hoof Mr. Aaron Hopkins Mrs. Louise Horan Mr. Timothy Horton Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hourihane Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Howard Ms. Tiffany Hudok Ms. Katherine E. Tisdahl & Mr. Patrick Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. Hull Mr. & Mrs. James W. Humphries, Jr. Ms. Luanne C. Humpries Mrs. Samuel F. Hunter Mrs. William W. Hutchinson Mrs. Jean D. Huyler Dr. & Mrs. Nkemakolam Iroegbu Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Jaeb Mrs. Ruth Jaeger James Martin Associates, Inc. Ms. Ann F. McKenna & Mr. Mark John Jeffery Mr. & Mrs. Alan S. A. Jeffrey Ms. Gloria C. Jewell Ms. Cynthia G. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Gavin D. Johnson Mrs. Muriel E. Renstrom Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ned D. Johnston Ms. Karin Jonch-Clausen Ms. Catherine D. Jones Ms. Lorrie A. Lynn & Ms. Edwina L. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kaczmarek Mr. Lawrence Kaczmarek Mr. & Mrs. James L. Kadela Ms. Linda D. Kaplan Mr. Nicholas Kapsis Mr. Joe Karlovsky Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Karnatz, Jr. Themis & Melodie Karnezis Mr. Thomas P. Kearney / Moran & Company Mrs. Damaris Kearns Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Keaty Ms. Ashley Burnham-Godsil & Ms. Patricia Keenan Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Kelleher Mr. Jason Kellen Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Keller Mr. Jack E. Kelley Ms. Colleen Kelly Mrs. Mary Rae Kelly Mrs. Mildred A. Kelly Ms. Bonnie Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. James W. Kennedy Mr. Kevin Kennedy Ms. Loretto Kennedy Mr. Robert B. Kennedy Dr. & Mrs. James K. Kent Mr. Russell M. Hall & Mr. Scott C. Kihoi Pete & Judy Kilborne Dr. & Mrs. George P. Kimber Ms. Geraldine A. King Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Kirsten Mr. & Mrs. John R. Kleber Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Klein Mr. Joseph M. Klett Mr. & Mrs. Luke D. Knecht Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Knippen Ms. Jane M. Mellon & Mr. Thomas R. Koeppen Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kohl Ms. Laura Koopman Dr. Shelley J. Korshak Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Koskey Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Kraemer Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Krajcir Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Krause Ms. Helen Kreidermacher Ms. Mary R. Krick Ms. Jenina Kroah Ms. Stephanie Krol Ms. Carol A. Stoker & Mr. Kenneth A. Krzywicki Mr. Lawrence G. Kuncl Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kunz Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kurey Mr. & Mrs. David H. Kwarta Mr. & Mrs. George Lamason 22 THE CR ADLE IS YOUR CR ADLE Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Lanigan Mr. Larry J. Larkin Mrs. Juanita B. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Don Larson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth O. Larson Mr. & Mrs. David Lavin Ms. Mary P. Spalding & Mr. Mark S. Lazar Mrs. Irwin P. Lazarus Leapfrog Online Mr. Raymond Lechner Mr. Christopher Lee Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Lee Ms. Seong Lee Ms. Suzanne S. Leech Mr. Gregory J. Diercks & Mr. Jay D. Lenn Ms. Mary Lerps Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Levine Ms. Vanessa Lide Ms. Anna Lively Mrs. Barbara C. Lobdell Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Lobenhofer Mr. & Mrs. William A. Loewer Mrs. Estelle London Mr. Christopher Loubsky Mrs. Sandra W. Lovell Mr. James R. Lowe, Jr. Ms. Therese Lowry Mr. & Mrs. Ronny C. Lubcke Mr. Gregg M. Lunceford Mrs. Virginia C. Lyons Mr. & Mrs. R. Murray MacDonald Ms. Priscilla R. MacDougall Mr. & Mrs. Sean Madden Mr. & Mrs. Laurence J. Maher Mr. Richard Malone Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Marchini Mr. Daniel H. Marks Mrs. Margaret J. Marrs Mr. & Mrs. William F. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Martucci Ms. Eve B. Mayer Ms. Carole McClain Robert R. McCormick Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William F. McDermott Mrs. Therese F. McDonough Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. McGeath Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. McKown Mr. & Mrs. James P. McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Hugh S. McManus Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. McNew Mr. & Mrs. James J. McPartlin Mrs. Clarence W. McQuillan Mrs. Marjorie Meador Mr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Melzer Ms. Gael Mennecke Ms. Jane Mentzinger Mr. Martin Mercer Mr. & Mrs. Lenard J. Meyer Dr. Mary Ann Meyers Mr. & Mrs. James S. Milch Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd T. Millard Dr. & Mrs. I. Barry Miller Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Miller Dr. Nancy L. Miller & Dr. Ralph H. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Miller Dr. & Mrs. James G. Milliken Mrs. Kelly Minichiello Mr. Michael Calicagno & Mr. Paul Mittleman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mohan Mr. & Mrs. Allan S. Moller Ms. Norma Jean Moody Mr. Craig Morgan Ms. Jennifer K. Morgan Ms. Julie A. Mueller Ms. Lisa L. Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. Mullen Mr. James Murch Mr. & Mrs. David M. Murdoch Mr. & Mrs. James J. Murphy Ms. Teresa J. Heit-Murray & Mr. Sean D. Murray Ms. Carleen L. Schreder & Mr. Ralph C. Musicant Mrs. Kathleen M. Myers Ms. Katie Coggeshall Myers Mr. & Mrs. David Nelson Ms. Pamela Nelson Ms. Margo Schwartz-Newton & Mr. Joel G. Newton Dr. Brian W. Nicholas Mr. & Mrs. George Niemeyer Mrs. Joan W. Niemitz Ms. Amy Goldberg & Mr. Peter Nierman Mr. & Mrs. William R. Nimrod Mr. & Mrs. Christian D. Nokkentved Ms. Krista Nunemaker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Nutter III Mrs. Yolanda M. Oakson Mrs. Donna M. Odar Mr. Michael F. Odar Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. O’Dell Ms. Nadia Oehlsen Mr. & Mrs. Frank O. O’Hallaron Mr. & Mrs. James H. Ohlmiller Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Olds Mrs. Anne S. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Glen B. Ottoson Mr. Richie Palmero Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Pappano Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Paral Mr. & Mrs. Edwin P. Parker III Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Parkinson Ms. Ann P. Paschall Mr. & Mrs. James S. Pasman, Jr. Mrs. Sandra H. Pearlman Ms. Margaret A. Talburtt & Dr. James Peggs Mr. Edward Peirson Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Penewitt Ms. Dominique A. Geer & Mr. John J. Perissi Perkins Coie LLP Mr. James S. Perrin Mr. Donald W. Peters Dr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Peterson Mrs. Theresa J. Peterson Mr. John Petreanu Mr. & Mrs. Bruce O. Pfaff Mr. & Mrs. Brian Pickard Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Pieper Mrs. Forrest E. Pirtle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pitassi, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. Gregory Platts Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Pless Mr. John L. Plyer Mr. Frank Polancic Mr. Robert Pondelicek Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pondelicek, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pontello Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Ponticelli Mr. & Mrs. William Poole Ms. Nancy M. Prater Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Prosch Ms. Sharon S. Prusch Mr. Kurt Puckhaber Dr. Charles A. Puntillo Mr. & Mrs. Indru Punwani Mr. Adam W. Lazar & Mr. James M. Puricelli Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Purves Mr. James T. Radtke Mr. & Mrs. Norman W. Raedle Mr. & Mrs. Carl N. Raether Mr. & Mrs. John Ray Mr. & Mrs. Chris Reedy John F. Reedy & Associates, LTD Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Reisinger Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Remsberg Dr. Mary Beth Richmond & Mr. Jeffrey S. Richmond Mr. Richard W. Rietz Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Rietz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Riggs Mr. C. Jackson Ritchie Mrs. Gerhard C. Robien Mr. Randy Rochman Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Roderick Ms. Barbara N. Roecker Mr. & Mrs. James H. Roesslein Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. Rohr Mr. Howard J. Romanek Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Romero Mrs. Anita B. Rosenblum Mr. & Mrs. Bruce H. Rosnes Ms. Gwen Ross Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Roth Mrs. Madelyn W. Rothgeb Mr. Michael A. Rowe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Royer Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Royer Ms. Ann M. Russo & Ms. Francesca T. Royster Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Rudnick Mrs. Laurie Rule Mrs. John R. Rumery Mr. & Mrs. Gordon E. Rusk Mr. & Mrs. Peter Russell Mrs. David K. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Sabel Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Samonds Ms. Sydne D. Mullings & Ms. Janeen N. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Sanscrainte Mr. & Mrs. Andrei Savu Ms. Debra R. Bernard & Ms. Robin Schachtel Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Schaefer Mr. Peter Schaffer Mrs. Joan Z. Scheel Ms. Peggy J. Schlapper Ms. Kristen White & Ms. Deb Schlies Mr. & Mrs. Derek W. Schmitt Mr. Erik J. Reedy & Mr. Eric J. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Sevill Schofield, Jr. Mr. Carl J. Schwalm Mrs. Sally F. Schwarzlose Mrs. Patrick J. Sehy Mr. David Selby Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Sents Ms. Bridget M. O’Keefe & Mr. James P. Sepich Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Seppi Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Seul Ms. Heather Shaffer Mrs. Russell Shaw Mrs. Loretta A. Shea Mr. & Mrs. Brent A. Shepherd Mr. Joseph O. Shewmon Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd A. Sigman Mr. & Mrs. Jules Silbert Ms. Sharon Sims Ms. Janet M. Sirabian Mr. & Mrs. F. Richard Skweres Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Slan Mrs. Falicia C. Slavik Mr. & Mrs. James B. Sloan Ms. Irene Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Smith Mr. & Mrs. P. Terrence Smith Mrs. Toby Koch Smith* Ms. Lisa A. Sokoloff Ms. Kay Solomon-Okoli Speranza & Bates Square D Foundation St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church Ms. Christine Stamm Ms. Christina Stangarone Ms. Lisa Steele Mr. & Mrs. John Stegink Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Steinhagen Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Stendel Mrs. Frances Stevenson Ms. Julie Stracks Mr. & Mrs. Scott L. Strodtman Major General John A. Studds Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. Suckley Mrs. Nancy E. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sundberg Mr. & Mrs. Vytas Suopy Ms. Catherine C. Swarm Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Swift Swigert & Associates, Inc. Mr. Frederick Szydlik Ms. Monika Taraschewsky Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Taube Mr. & Mrs. Rick Tauber Mr. & Mrs. Jason R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Korol A. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Trevor W. Thompson Mrs. Rex A. Thorne Mr. John F. Timmer Ms. Sarah Tinney Tix 4 Cause, LLC Mr. Robert F. Toland Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Tolliver Ms. Yvonne Towers Mr. Mark Trager Mrs. Linda A. Traub Mrs. Bettye Traylor Ms. Phyllis Treff Mr. & Mrs. Ming T. Tsay Ms. Laura Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Frederic H. Tudor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Tullo Mrs. Barbara R. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Tad Turner Mr. & Mrs. Jon P. Uhlenhop Mr. & Mrs. Bradley A. Uhlig Ms. Judy Van Dyke Mr. & Mrs. John C. Van Horn 23 T H E C R A D L E 2 013 A N N UA L R E P O R T Ms. Cynthia S. Vance Ms. Lindsey Todderud & Mr. Ryan VanMeter Mr. Vince Venturella Ms. Barbara M. Vertel Ms. Kathleen Villano Village Green Dentistry Mr. & Mrs. Scott S. Vrablik Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Vyborny Ms. Nichole D. Pinkard & Ms. Chanita M. Wade Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Wagner Mrs. Patricia Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Everett B. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Walker Mr. & Mrs. William N. Walker Mrs. Susan B. Ward Mrs. Virginia P. Ware Ms. Charlene D. Warren Mrs. Sandra K. Wascher Ms. Zawanda L. Washington Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Weber, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Wegren Mr. Baron L. Clay & Mr. Chad P. Weiden Mr. & Mrs. William B. Weiler Mr. & Mrs. Togo D. West, Jr. Ms. Carol White Mrs. Dorothy W. Wiese Mr. Marv Wigder Ms. Debbie Wiggins Mr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Wik Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Will Mr. & Mrs. Don Williams Ms. Leora J. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Stanford K. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Williams Mr. & Mrs. Owen D. Wilson Mrs. Donna M. Winter Mrs. Charlene S. Wiss Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Wnek Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Woldt, Jr. Dr. Muriel D. Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Raol A. Wolf Ms. Karen Wolfen Mr. & Mrs. Norman S. Wolowicki Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Wolowiec Ms. Patricia C. Wolsko Ms. Rhonda M. Woodard Mrs. Karen L. Woodbury Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Woods Ms. Marianne L. Woodward Mrs. Lorraine Worley Mr. & Mrs. David J. Wozniak Ms. Tina M. Yarovsky Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Yochim Mr. Alex Yoom Mr. & Mrs. John F. Zander II Mr. & Mrs. Logan R. Zintsmaster Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Zinzi Mr. Joseph J. Zmich, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George A. Zykan *deceased LIFETIME GIVING SOCIETY The Cradle Lifetime Giving Society proudly and gratefully recognizes in perpetuity individuals and families whose cumulative lifetime giving exceeds $25,000. Diamond ($5,000,000 +) The Schreyer Family Emerald ($1,000,000 - $4,999,999) Anonymous (3) Janice Ogden Carpenter* The Connelly Family Gerald M. & Mary L. Fisch* Mr. & Mrs. Tony Fucito* Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hall* Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Meyer* Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Petersen Mr.* & Mrs. Jack F. Reichert Robert E. Sargent* & Cynthia M. Sargent Robert A. Schoellhorn Mrs. Ralph Wagner* Platinum ($250,000 - $999,999) Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Clarkson Joseph K. and Inez Eichenbaum Foundation Mr.* & Mrs. Ernest E. Freeman, Jr. Mr.* & Mrs. Richard H. Hartle Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hope* The Ireland Family Liz & Barney Ireland Josephine M. Ireland Kate Ireland Louise Ireland Humphrey* Mrs. Louis A. Smith* Mr. Walker Jensen Mr.* & Mrs. Kevin Kellen Diane Mall Mr. & Mrs. David E. Mason Mrs. Kenneth M. Piper* The Siragusa Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Spranze* Ms. Phyllis Scholl Thomas & Mr. Alan S. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Uhlenhop / M.R. Bauer Foundation Ms. Sandra Williams* Gold ($100,000 - $249,999) Anonymous (2) Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Alford* The Butler Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Carpenter Mrs. Edmund S. Cummings Mrs. Marie E. Deubler* Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dix, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Fauerbach Mr. & Mrs. Allan Gunn Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hartman* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Hays Mr. & Mrs. Addison C. Hoof Mr. Smith Hamill Horne* Ms. Amy L. Hubbard Mr. T. Benjamin Jennings Mr. & Mrs. William A. Klettke Mr. & Mrs. John S. Meany, Jr. Mr. Richard F. Mills Mr. & Mrs. Aidan I. Mullett* Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Neustadt Mr. & Mrs. Perry R. Pease* Mrs. Hazel E. Pedersen* Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Phenner Mrs. Mildred Pinc* Mr. & Mrs. J. Eric Plym Mrs. Carson Rasmussen Miss Martha P. Richardson* Lawrence H. & Maria T.* Rubly Ms. Karla Scherer Ms. Jacqueline L. Schoellhorn Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Sergesketter Mr. & Mrs. William R. Stasek W. Clement & Jessie V. Stone Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Milton A. Wendland Mrs. George Young Mrs. Elizabeth F. Zeller* Mr. Robert G. Zeller* Silver ($50,000 - $99,999) Ms. Margaret M. Adams Mr. W. Randolph Adams* Anne H. Addington, Ph.D.* Mr. & Mrs. Louis Auer* Mr. John H. Benton* Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bode Mr. & Mrs. John A. Canning, Jr. Ms. Priscilla A. Newman & Mr. Ronald J. Cappello Ms. Carol E. Danielson* Mr. & Mrs. William J. Enright Mr. & Mrs. John L. Fairfield Mrs. Mary B. Finlen* John J. Frautschi Family Foundation Mr. Fredrick Gohl Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Grepling Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Hartnett Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Haswell Robert & Sheila Hulseman Nancy & Peter Jeton Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Kaczmarek Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Keiser The Kenneth Douglas Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Macy Mr. & Mrs. William J. McKenna, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rene C. McPherson* Mr.* & Mrs. William A. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Jon C. Neustadt Mrs. Gertrude B. Nielsen* Mr. & Mrs. Jansen Noyes, Jr.* Mrs. Robert Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Quintin E. Primo III Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore A. Quatrochi Mr. & Mrs. Dale J. Razee Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Ross Ms. Alice G. Rubovits* Mr. Thomas F. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Gale E. Sayers Ms. Carol Sharer Mr. Dean B. Smith* Dr. Gregory P. Sutton Dr. Judith H. Sutton Dr. & Mrs. Fred Tye Mrs. Taggart Whipple* Mr. & Mrs. Lynn F. White Mr. & Mrs. Philip O. White, Jr. Mrs. Elisabeth Y. Winter* Bronze ($25,000 - $49,999) Anonymous (7) Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Adams Dr. Carol K. Tharp & Dr. Gary Almy Mrs. John K. Armstrong* Mr. Edgar Astrove Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Austermiller Dr. Michelle Bain & Mr. Alan Bain Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Jerry H. Biederman Mrs. Emily H. Black* Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Boardman / The Aristotle Foundation Mr. Harold S. Bott, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Brinn Mr. & Mrs. Rutherford D. Brosious* Mr. & Mrs. David P. Buckley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cahill II Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Califano Mrs. Frederic E. Camp* Mrs. Carol N. Cane* Bob & Nancy Cashel Mr. Franklin G. Clement* Mrs. Margaret Congleton* Mr. Henry P. Cowen* Mrs. Robert Spink Davis * Erin & Scott Dickes Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Dutka Mr. & Mrs.* Walter G. Eissler III Mr. & Mrs. George M. Endicott* Mr. & Mrs. Eric* G. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. James F. Faunce* Mr. J. Van Dyck Fear Mr. & Mrs. Richard Flender* Mr. & Mrs. Ernest C. Goggio Gottlieb Family Foundation Mr. Stanley D. Grace, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rob Guglielmi Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Guillard Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Haughey Mr.* & Mrs. Kenneth C. Hayden Mr. & Mrs. William T. Hazlehurst John K. Henry Tricia Ehlers Henry Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Herchenbach Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Hillman Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hoffman* Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Hovey, Jr. DeVerille A. Huston Mrs. Harry D. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. James, Jr. Andrew MacAoidh Jergens & Linda Busken Jergens F. Martin & Dorothy A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Joyce* Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas B. Kalm Mr. & Mrs.* Dennis H. Kelly Mr. James W. Kinnear Mr. & Mrs. John H. Kunkle, Jr. Dr. Catherine T. Kuzel & Mr. Frank C. Kuzel Dania & Patrick Leemputte Mr. & Mrs. George D. Lockhart* Mrs. Ellen W. Lohff Dr. & Mrs. Mark I. Lundell Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Lyddon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James W. MacAllen Dr. & Mrs. James A. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. William E. McClintic Patti & Hoy McConnell Janet S. & Stephen E. McDonald Mr. J. D. McNamara Mrs. Patricia K. McPherson Jennifer Evans Montgomery Mrs. Anne H. Thompson Moore Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Niehoff* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nowlin Mr. Daniel J. Obringer Mr. & Mrs. F. J. O’Neill, Jr.* Mrs. Edward C. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parkinson Mr. & Mrs. Blair Phillips* Dr. Lucy Axtell & Dr. John G. Porter Mr. Ronald D. Quick Mr. & Mrs. William C. Rands III Mrs. Comella S. Reynolds 24 THE CR ADLE IS YOUR CR ADLE Mr. & Mrs. Jason H. Reynolds Mary & Tom Rogers Lucianna G. Ross* Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Ruhl Mr. George E. Sargent Mr. & Mrs. James A. Schlindwein Julie Matthei & Sarah Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Alan Singer Mr. & Mrs. John R. Siragusa Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Sirotek, Jr.* Mrs. Helen C. Sjoquist Mr. Francis C. Smithers Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Soderstrom Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Sparr Mrs. Joan C. Stevenson* Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tichy Dr. & Mrs. William D. Trainor Mr.* & Mrs. Donald L. Ullman Mr. & Mrs. Roderick S. Walker Mr. Mahlon B. Wallace III Mrs. William B. Walrath* Mrs. Margaret J. Walters* Mr. & Mrs. Griswold L. Ware Dorothy A. White, M.D.* Mr. & Mrs. Duncan M. White Mr. & Mrs. John H. Whitney Mrs. Frances F. Wigglesworth* Ms. Linda Kreer-Witt Mrs. Barney York* Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Ziegel *deceased THE CRADLE FAMILY LEGACY SOCIETY By designating The Cradle Foundation in their estate plans, the following people are helping to secure a better future for countless children and families. Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. W. Wallace Abbott Ms. Margaret M. Adams Mrs. Nan H. Altmayer Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Andrees Mr. Edgar Astrove Mr. & Mrs. James E. Astrove Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Austermiller Mr. & Mrs. James J. Balaguer Ms. Lorna S. Bantz Mr. & Mrs. John W. Barriger IV Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Baxter II Mr. & Mrs. David K. Beecken Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Berry Mr. & Mrs. Jon B. Boss Mr.* & Mrs. Robert Bracken Mr. Robert E. Bracken Mr. & Mrs.* Thomas T. Carder Mr. Rudolf Carl Mr. Jack W. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Cashel Mr. & Mrs. Austin George Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Cole Ms. Corry Connelly Ms. Martha K. King & Mr. Christopher A. Deeney Mr. & Mrs. Donn H. Denniston Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dix, Jr. Mr. Leo J. Domzalski Mrs. Dione D. Donnelly Ms. Deborah Dooling Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Druley Ms. Joyce R. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. James T. Eckelkamp Mr. Walter G. Eissler III Mrs. Stephanie Elliman Dr. & Mrs. James L. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Faust, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Fjeldheim Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Franklin Mr. & Mrs. John D. Gabor Mr. & Mrs. James R. Glass III Ms. Caro C. Gregg Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Guillard Mrs. Dona H. Gulley Ms. Pamela Gween Mr. & Mrs. Craig D. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Haswell Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Haughey Mary Ann & Tom Hays Mr. & Mrs. Brice W. Heath Mr. & Mrs. James F. Heider Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Heim Ms. Marybeth Andersen & Mr. Robert W. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. David A. Herbst Mrs. Herman Hersperger* Mr. & Mrs. Terry G. Hersperger Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Heuvelmans Mr. & Mrs. Robert Holzman Mr. & Mrs. Wallace R. Holzman, Jr. Mrs. Juliette Huff Mr. James F. Hurley Mr. Edward H. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Johnson Mr. Gerald F. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Franklin M. Judson Mr. & Mrs. James S. Junge Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Karnatz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs.* Jack E. Kelley Mr. & Mrs.* Dennis H. Kelly Ms. Maureen Kelly Mr. Robert B. Kennedy Mrs. Charles R. Kinnaird Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. LaGrippe Mrs. Marcene E. Larkin Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Lochtefeld Ms. Janet Lyon Mrs. Virginia C. Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Malabre, Jr. Ms. Diane Mall Ms. Anne C. Maxfield Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Mazzarella Mr. & Mrs. Warner E. McAdam Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McCann Ms. Mary T. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Richard McInnes Ms. Ann P. McKee Mr. & Mrs. J. Neil McLoughlin Mr. J. D. McNamara Mrs. Betty Anne McSweeney-Aavang Mr. Karl A. Mertz Dr. & Mrs. James G. Milliken Richard F. & Anne* Mills Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. Mittelbusher Mr. & Mrs. John R. Morgan Ms. Deborah W. Mueller Mrs. Shirley Mullin Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Muscott Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Norris Mr. Michael O. Noyes Mr.* & Mrs. Ralph F. Oehlsen Mr. Charles D. O’Kieffe III Mr. Robert B. Olds Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Overhuls Mrs. Robert Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Papp Ms. Margaret A. Talburtt & Dr. James Peggs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Phenner Mrs. Frances G. Piegari Mrs. & Mrs. James J. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Porzel Mr. & Mrs. James W. Powers, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Ramlow Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Remsberg Mr. & Mrs. William B. Riblet Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Rodums Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Royer Mr. Lawrence H. Rubly Mrs. John R. Rumery Mr. Charles Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. James A. Schlindwein, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schoellhorn Mr. & Mrs. Sevill Schofield, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. L. David Schuelke Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Sears III Mr. & Mrs. William S. Seeley Mr. & Mrs. Craig S. Selders Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Senise Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Sergesketter Ms. Helen W. Settle Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Shaikewitz Mrs. Loretta A. Shea Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Spencer Mr. John A. Stevenson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Sturges, Jr. Mr. Andrew L. Suffern Mrs. Maurice A. Sullivan Mrs. Lois P. Swenson Ms. Phyllis Scholl Thomas Mr. & Mrs. George T. Trumbull, Jr. Ms. Jan C. Vartzikos Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Vasen Mrs. Barbara Roome Waleski Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Weber, Jr. Ms. Karin Fidrych West Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. White Mr. & Mrs. John H. Whitney Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Wienkoop Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Williams The Rev. Robert L. Woodbury Dr. & Mrs. Lewin Wyatt, Jr. *deceased EVENT UNDERWRITING The Cradle Foundation organizes several fundraisers each year. We extend our sincere thanks to the following companies, organizations and individuals whose underwriting support contributed to the success of our 2013 events. AbbVie Inc. Advocate Health Care Network Aristotle Foundation AT&T Ms. Afton L. Gauron & Mr. Brian A. Audette Ms. Susan Cole Bainbridge Barilla America, Inc. Baxter International Inc. BCU Mr. & Mrs. Francis Beidler III Mr. & Mrs. Jerry H. Biederman Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Boardman Mr. & Mrs. William F. Browne Mr. & Mrs. David P. Buckley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cahill II Dr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Chrisman Ms. Corry M. Connelly / Club Z! In-Home Tutoring The Connelly Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John E. Cortesi Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. Dickes Ms. Siobhan M.S. Flynn & Mr. Alexander T. Dike Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dix, Jr. / Business Development Index, Ltd. Elkay Manufacturing Company Mrs. Eric A. Erickson Fellowes, Inc. Fifth Third Bank First Bank & Trust of Evanston Mr. Robert W. Hickok & Mr. Brian V. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. David A. Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Barry T. F. Fulk Garrett Capital Advisors LLC Geneva Investment Management Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goodrich Grant Thornton LLP Hadley Capital, LLC Health Advances, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Herchenbach HLA Group - Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management Holidazzle Hospira, Inc. Johnson Wilbur Adams, Inc. JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas B. Kalm Mrs. Margarita Kellen Mr. & Mrs. Anthony K. Kesman Mr. & Mrs. John J. Langan Ms. Marliss Levin & Mr. Gilbert Levy Mr. & Mrs. William R. Limestall Dr. John S. Luce & Mr. Douglas R. Luce Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Macy Dr. Gail L. Patrick & Mr. Jeffrey C. Marcella Mr. & Mrs. Rocco J. Martino Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. John S. Meany, Jr. Mr. David B. Mullen The Northridge Group, Inc. NorthShore University HealthSystem Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Novicki Ms. Leah E. Weatherford & Mr. Ronald G. Pawelko Photo Booth of the Stars Mr. & Mrs. Lance Piccolo Practical Communications, Inc. PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP Mrs. Jack F. Reichert Mr. Lawrence H. Rubly Schiller DuCanto & Fleck, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schueneman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sereda Sidley Austin, LLP 25 T H E C R A D L E 2 013 A N N UA L R E P O R T Ms. Kimberly A. Simonton Mr. & Mrs. Joel E. Solomon Mr. Charles A. Sted Mr. Charles J. Sted* Studio 222 Architects LLC Sunset Foods Swigert & Associates, Inc. Switchfast Technologies, LLC Ms. Phyllis Scholl Thomas & Mr. Alan S. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Uhlenhop Mrs. Anna R. Vazzano VML, Inc. Walgreen Co. Water Street Healthcare Partners, LLC Westfied Ford Saleen William Blair & Company, LLC *deceased IN-KIND DONORS Acknowledged below are businesses and individuals who made significant contributions of products or services to The Cradle in fiscal 2013. Communications Energy BBDO Starcom Worldwide Computer Software Microsoft Infant Formula & Supplies Abbott Nutrition Infant Physicals Richard C. Burnstine, M.D. / Cradle Medical Director Rachel Elwell, M.D. Frank LaFranco, M.D. Ira S. Salafsky, M.D. Legal Services Edwards, Wildman, Palmer LLP Kirkland & Ellis LLP MATCHING GIFTS We gratefully recognize the following companies and foundations for their contributions to The Cradle Foundation in 2013 through matching gift programs. Allstate Giving Campaign American Express Foundation Aon Corporation Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Bank of America BP Foundation, Inc. Discover Financial Services W.W. Grainger, Inc. The Home Depot Foundation Hospira, Inc. Illinois Tool Works Foundation Kraft Foods LexisNexis Cares Liberty Mutual – Give with Liberty MacLean-Fogg Company Mead Witter Foundation, Inc. Motorola Solutions Foundation The Northern Trust Company PNC Foundation Robert R. McCormick Foundation Pfizer Foundation Square D Foundation U.S. Cellular USG Foundation Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation MEMORIAL GIFTS The Cradle Foundation received generous gifts in fiscal 2013 in loving memory of the following individuals. James Krum Abbott Susan Smith Bellini Martha Brooks Martin Capodice Molly Dickerman Kristen Elkins Nancy Marshall Fischer Perpetua Grohlich George Hansen Ruthie Kahnweiler Kevin Kellen Steven Kenzel Anita and Angelique Lee Mary McConaghy Norma McDonald Michael J. McPherson Pauline O’Kerns Annabelle L. Redway Nancy K. Schneider Dr. Thomas Shafer Phyllis M. Shonfeld Toby Koch Smith Gary Thomas Ronald Widlacki Kenneth Wilson Morri Young Mary Zuckerman VOLUNTEERS The Cradle Board of Directors Cynthia M. Sargent Jacqueline L. Schoellhorn Bernard F. Sergesketter Mary H. Sergesketter Paul B. Uhlenhop Caryn Rowe Africk The Cradle Foundation Board of Directors Chair James G. Connelly III Margarita E. Kellen Chair Jennifer & Howard Brinn Susan Giffei Frank Kuzel Mary Ruebenson April Smail Linda Stasek Brad Tustin Scott Wiscomb Night of Promise Phyllis S. Thomas Dan Smith and Steve McDonagh The Hearty Boys Secretary/Treasurer Honorary Co-Chairs Treasurer Therese K. Fauerbach Janet S. McDonald Cradle Associates Professional Board Chair Susan Cole Bainbridge Penelope Boardman Denise Cortesi Steve Hickson Marliss Levin Janet McDonald Crystal Bowyer The Cradle Classic Vice Chair Greg Kaczmarek Vice Chair Peter C. Hickey Secretary John K. Barth Penelope L. Boardman Richard C. Burnstine, M.D. Eric L. Conley Jane Cummins Erin S. Dickes John F. Dix, Jr. Rose B. Fealy Anna Marie Hajek Andrea I. Herchenbach Sharlene P.B. Hobson Nicholas B. Kalm John S. Luce Lawrence G. Macy R. Bernard Mims Sydne D. Mullings Lawrence H. Rubly Ardythe E. Sayers Gale E. Sayers Barbara S. Sereda Kimberly A. Simonton William R. Stasek Virginia L. Uhlenhop Stuart E. White Honorary Directors Margaret M. Adams Harold S. Bott, Jr. John L. Fairfield Stanley M. Freehling Addison C. Hoof Rose Ann Hoof Charles F. Hovey, Jr. Nancy M. Hovey David E. Mason Margaret K. Mason Mary T. Phenner Michael E. Phenner William C. Rands III Corrine V. Reichert Corry Connelly Rebecca Bennett Heather Cange Kathryn Coon** Katelyn Danielski Lynne Foster Barry Fulk Bobbi Ann Fulk Afton Gauron Jess Godwin Teresa Guerriero Nancy Iida Joel Jaglin Elana Kirshenbaum** Kelly Langan Rebecca Limestall Scott Livingston Jeff Marcella Emily Maxwell Kirsten Passalino** Gail Patrick, M.D. Laura-Min Proctor Jessica Riley** Steve Sergesketter Allison Stein Keith Tyschper **stepped down in 2013 2013 EVENT COMMITTEES First Look for Charity Bill Stasek Chair Chair Jim Connelly Denis Daly Peter Hickey Larry Macy Phyllis Scholl Thomas Day at the Races Bobbi Ann & Barry Fulk Co-Chairs Rebecca Bennett Crystal Bowyer Corry Connelly Kathryn Coon Katelyn Danielski Afton Gauron Jess Godwin Teresa Guerriero Nancy Iida Joel Jaglin Elana Kirshenbaum Kelly Langan Rebecca Limestall Gail Patrick & Jeff Marcella Emily Maxwell Kirsten Passalino Laura-Min Procter Jessica Riley Steve Sergesketter Keith Tyschper 26 THE CR ADLE IS YOUR CR ADLE The Cradle Ball John Luce Chair Charlie Boesel Rick Boynton Libby Brombach Erin Dickes Toni DiDonato Jennifer Farkas Kathy Hart Trish Henry Corinne McClintic Kim Simonton Michael Walsh Siragusa Scholarship Committee 2013 Victoria Brooks Nina Friedman Dori Fujii Andrea Herchenbach Elana Kirshenbaum Dana Mulhuall Corrine Reichert Judy Rubovits Rosemary White CUDDLERS Diane Bansley Kris Barabas Cris Bartlett Annie Bates Susan Berkowitz Heidi Bloom Rochelle Bornarth Nichole Boyd Charlotte Bracamontes Holly Brady Betsy Brittsan Libby Brombach Ellen Browne John Buccheri Ann Burnstine Mary Ann Cajet Colleen Campbell Cheryl Chamberlain Shelly Chester Rooney Clohisy Harriet Conroe Carole Dailey Melissa David Clayton Dibble Kathy Doyle Kathy Duda Cynthia Dvorak Sharon Enochs Kelly Faulisi Sue Fieldman Susie Fine Lynne Firestone Barbara Fonda Sr. Gemma Franczak Cathy Freechack Dori Fuji Marlene Garrison Barbara Goldsen Ellen Goldsmith Carol Hanley Stacy Heffez Sandy Herman Aaron Hershinow Anne Heynen Cristina Higgins Paula Hlavacek Linda Kaplan Elizabeth Kaiser Lisa Kaufman Beth Kemp Terri Kingdom Jan Klingberg Nancy Krent Gail Kushino Sarah Landor Marliss Levin JoAnn Love Barbara Lucas Terry Lurie Eve Mayer Janet McDonald John Mintier Karen Navarre Jessica Noonan Pat O’Donnell Valerie O’Donnell Jane Page Bridget Piacenti Sharon Perik Karen Purves Nancy Rosen Barbara Rubenstein Larry Ruffolo Janice Russ Bob Schaffner Fern Schumer-Chapman Judy Schwartz Alice Scott Fran Shapiro Irene Smith Thomas Smith Jessie Solomon Tom Stilp Sr. Kathryn Stimac Lori Sullivan Tom Todd Penny Trieschmann Deborah Wiggins Elizabeth Williams Nijole Yutkowski VOLUNTEERS FOR ADOPTION EDUCATION (School speakers) Chris Beeftink Regional Coordinator, North Joanne Bordenet Regional Coordinator, Northwest Heide LaVaque Regional Coordinator, South Jennifer Olson Regional Coordinator, West/Far West Annie Brawley Karen Cunningham Heather Cichon Amy Daniel Dawn Eagleson Megan Field Jessica Figlio Kathleen Gallagher Ellen Goldsmith Sandra Gregerman Cindy Heap Lee Hirsch Rita Kealy Valerie Kupferschmidt Julie Leonard Kathy Lipe Sandy Lynn Kara Nickels Dawn Porter Katie Raginis Erin Roling Laura Scalia Renee Schnettler Ashley Shields Mary Skweres Monique Sluzynski Kristin Swayze Beth Tabacsko Kathleen Whitacre Megan Wood CRADLE PROGRAM SPEAKERS Alyssa Bendersky Nicole & Ken Bingham Stacey & Eric Calcagnino Mallory Charatz Liz Collinet Jean Halferty & David Cottingham Bridget & Matt Couture Kara Donnelly Rebeccah Dyer Sandra Gregerman Rachel & Erik Gregersen Ashanti & Edward Howard Marypat & George Hradecky Hilary & Kevin Lacey Jill Maher Christopher & Michael McGuire Alison Miller Amy & Dan Miller Wendy & Matt Miller Noni Miller Maggie Nass Kara & Tom Nickels Mary & Mike Olley Laura Pagels Kelly Cotter & Bill Pappano Dawn Porter Louise Dechovitz & Andrew Rix Cynthia Kater & Dan Rich Candace & Phil Rogers Erik Reedy & Eric Schneider Carrie Shrader Steve Kordich & Scott Sponsler Aaron Stigger Angela & Jason Taylor Sandy & Greg Thomas Jeremy Shott & Bob Thomas Monica Williams Eric Yabush Alyse & Frank Ziede The following companies have helped underwrite the design and production of The Cradle Annual Report for many years. We appreciate their generosity and the superb quality of their work. Concept & Design Rule29 Creative Photography Wonderkind Studios Printing O’Neil Printing Typeset in: Avenir & Archer Annual Report Editor Heidi Bloom 2 0 4 9 R I D G E AV E N U E E VA N S T O N , I L 6 0 2 0 1 T 847 475 58 0 0 F 847 475 5871 W W W.C R A D L E .O R G W W W . A D O P T I O N L E A R N I N G PA R T N E R S . O R G