Jan - March 2012 Issue 12


Jan - March 2012 Issue 12
Village Voice
Newsletter for Hagworthingham
Issue 12 - January-March 2012
Published by Hagworthingham Parish Council
Printed by The Pelican Trust
Diane Morgan
Seasoned firewood delivered direct to your door
High quality - locally sourced
Competitive prices
Call Nick on
07554 935549 - 01507 533736
Neal’s Yard Remedies Independent Consultant
Organic Skin and Body Care
100% Natural Remedies!
Yoga classes - all abilities - Hagworthingham
9.30am Monday & 6.30pm Thursday
(in school term time) £5 per class
telephone 01507 588446 mobile 07505 957416
Increase stamina : suppleness - have fun!
Various classes, incl. Raithby Tues 6-7pm
Plumbing & Building Contractors
New Build & Renovations
Kitchen & Bathroom Design & Installation
Granite Worktop Specialist
Talks to groups - Personal Training - Specialist classes
Marion Manson (Dip.EHM) 01507 588414
07818 418367 - 01205 364266 - 01507 588598
Poultry; Housing; Feed; Sundries
------------------------Traditional and rare breeds
Various ages and vaccinated
Julia - 01507 588551
If you would like to advertise in the Village
Voice, please contact
Adverts cost £5 per single slot (£10 for people
outside Hagworthingham). Ads for the next
issue must be paid for by 20th March 2012
Pirouette School Of Dance - SPILSBY
Dance Lessons For All
Adult Tap and Modern
Children from aged 3
Tap, Modern Jazz, Ballet
and Street Dance
Contact Tina 01507 588442
WWF’s Earth Hour Switch-Off isn’t simply an hour in the dark...
The WWF is on the search for a 'Champion Community' to kick-off the UK celebration. One community - it
could be your school, workplace, street, village, pub or club - will lead the UK's Earth Hour switch-off.
Landmarks like Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Edinburgh Castle could follow your lead.
http://earthhour.wwf.org.uk Switch off your lights at 8.30pm on Saturday 31st March
Nicky Mutti
Village Voice Team
Marion Manson! !
Nicky Mutti!
Heather Temple-Marsh!
588414! !
588514! !
588250! !
Thanks go to Gill Maxim and Wendy Done (both of whom were founder members of this publication in 2009)
who have decided to stand down from the team.
The next issue of the Village Voice is due out at the beginning of April. Please ensure that all articles, activity
reports, adverts, etc are submitted by 20th March. Please submit articles in plain text so that they can be easily
formatted into the newsletter. Accompanying photos are welcome. Please submit your topical and seasonal
village photographs (they will appear on the website, and one per issue will be chosen for the front cover of the
Village Voice). By submitting articles and images, you give permission for use in the newsletter and on the
Any opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Parish Councillors.
Local Medical Centres / Hospitals
Tetford Doctors’ Surgery 0844 3879233
Spilsby Doctors’ Surgery 08444 773309
Horncastle Doctors’ Surgery 01507 522477
Lincoln County Hospital 01522 512512
Skegness Hospital 01754 762401
PCSO Keith Briggs 07825 100408
Lincs Police (non-emergency) 0300 111 0300
Boston Pilgrim Hospital 01205 364801
NHS Direct 0845 4647
Non-emergency fast help 111
Red Cross Community Member:
County Councillor
District Councillor
William J Aron
01507 526951 (Home) 01507 523555 (Work)
Mrs L J Marfleet
01507 534672
Church Contacts
MP for Louth & Horncastle
Canon P. Coates (Rural Dean) 01790 752526
Sir Peter Tapsell
Constituency 01507 603713
House of Commons 0207 219 4477
Spilsby Catholic Church 01754 762528
Eileen Jackson 01507 588273
Horncastle/Spilsby Methodist Chapel
Geoff Tamblin 01790 752411
Citizens’ Advice Bureau 08701 224422
Samaritans 0845 790 9090
National Drugs Helpline 0800 77 66 00
Childline Lincolnshire 0800 3895272
RSPCA 0300 1234 999 (24 hrs)
Lincs Wildlife Trust www.lincstrust.org.uk
Anglian Water 0800 145145 (24 hrs)
Electricity (loss of supply) 0800 0568090
Call Connect Bus Service 0845 234 334
Mobile Library
Mobile Post Office
George & Dragon car park 10.15-10.45
monthly on Mondays (see link on website)
01522 550354
George & Dragon car park 13.30-14.30
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Horncastle Catholic Church 01526 352245
Hagworthingham Community Help Group - HaggNet
To all those who originally attended the first meeting last January at Karen’s Tea shop and to
anyone else who would be interested in volunteering some form of help i.e., 4x4 assistance during
snowy weather or ‘seeing to the dog should the owner have to go into hospital unexpectedly’ etc.
We will be meeting at the George and Dragon on Wednesday 1st Feb at 7pm to organise a rota
and contact list. Please let me know if you are intending to come.
For the time being the initial point of contact should anyone require assistance will be Nicky on
07803 619709 or email nicky@mutti.demon.co.uk. Thank you.
Nicky Mutti
Parish Council Report
Financial Regulations have now been adopted.
An open public meeting of the PCC, PC and villagers was agreed upon, to be chaired by
Canon Peter Coates. Details will be announced. This is to allow all parties to discuss the
Holy Trinity Church community space.
Mrs Susan Archibald took up her employment as the Parish Council Clerk on November
1st 2011.
The village sign to the east is requiring refurbishment.
Some of the Councillors and the new clerk have attended various courses provided by
Cllr Aron gave information regarding small Community Grants being available for
community projects. Souvenir mugs, or similar, for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, being
amongst projects being considered.
Willow Farm. Planning has been approved for the conversion of and alterations to
existing barn (which is a listed building) into a rare breed poultry and accessories shop
and provision of parking.
The Council voted to keep the village mower.
The Council resolved to enter the Best Kept Village Competition 2012. It is then up to us
all to work together on this.
Marion Manson, Chairman
Dog Warden Coordinators are Required in Hagworthingham
The Dog Warden scheme (0800 195 5228) has been successfully trialled in Mablethorpe.
Dog Fouling. It is an offence to allow a dog for which you are responsible to foul, and not to clear it
up immediately. The Dog Wardens have the power to issue fixed penalty notices to members of
the public who allow their dog to foul and fail to remove the waste.
What happens if an offence is reported?
The Dog Wardens conduct many patrols but need the public’s help as well. As a member of the
public reporting dog fouling, we would need the following information in order to consider any
formal action:
A description of the offender, dog, and where applicable a registration number if they get in a car
Location of offence
Date and time of offence
Name and address of owner
Contact:East Lindsey District Council, Dog Wardens
Tedder Hall, Manby Business Park, Manby, Louth,
Lincolnshire LN11 8UP Tel: 01507 601111 Fax: 01507 328412
Email: dog.warden@e-lindsey.gov.uk
Marion Manson, Chairman
PCC News
Owing to a delay at East Lindsey District Council we are still awaiting a decision regarding a balanced flue for
our new heating system (already agreed by the Diocese). The Parochial Church Council would like to thank
everyone for their support during the year and to the Volunteers who have helped to maintain the Churchyard.
Wendy Done
Harvest Supper
The Harvest Supper held in October was a wonderful event. Following a supper of various casseroles and
desserts there was musical entertainment enjoyed by all.
Wendy Done
Coffee Morning
A very successful coffee morning was held on 19 November (£401 was raised). It
was really good to see so many village people chatting and enjoying themselves.
Wendy Done (photo Eileen Jackson)
Christmas Services
Ninety plus people and 16 children attended the Carols by Candlelight service which was conducted by Fr.
Peter Coates. The decorated Church looked wonderful. Mince pies and mulled wine were served at the end of
the service. Toys and the collection were donated to St Andrews Children’s Hospice and dry foods to Centre
Point Homeless in Boston.
Twenty eight people attended the Christmas morning service.
Wendy Done
Interested in Cheaper Oil?
Buying Groups - providing energy cost savings to the Parish
Chandlers Oil & Gas are offering to set up an “oil buying group” for Hagworthingham. Here is an (abridged)
extract from their letter …
“At this time of rising energy costs, we have been reviewing how we can help the local communities to reduce
their heating costs, particularly in the rural areas. The ‘margin’ charged by oil distributors is only a few pence
per litre and therefore the only realistic option is to reduce the transportation costs. One way that we have
achieved this is by the formation of ‘oil buying groups’ for individual villages and communities, supplying oil on
a ‘group’ basis. The oil is delivered on set days each month and the transportation savings are passed onto the
customer in the price per litre.
Joining a group is simple and we look after all of the administration. The customer simply registers with us to
set up an individual account but the price of their oil will be at the ‘buying group’ rate. Registering as a member
of a group does not mean that the customer is obliged to order with us it simply means that they will have the
option to buy at the ‘group’ rate.”
They do all the arrangements, and the customer just chooses the most convenient delivery day. Obviously the
bigger the group, the more delivery drops there will be, and the lower the price for the customer.
It does seem as if it could be good for the village, if a fair few of us join. If you are interested, please contact
Karen Healy 08456 202010 or email karen@chandlersoil.com
Heather Temple-Marsh (full report on the village website)
Jan 11th
Sausage & Mash night
Please book - 588255
George &
Jan 18th
Quiz Night
starts at 8pm
£4 per person to include supper, £2 per
person without. Hagg 2000
George &
Jan 23rd
Parish Council Meeting
Public and press welcome
Jan 25th
Burns Night Supper
Bagpipes included!
Please book - 588255
George &
Jan 28th
Golf Society Dinner
Presentation of awards and prizes
George &
Feb 1st
HaggNet Meeting
see article on page 3
George &
Feb 6th
Mobile Library
10:15 - 10:45
George &
Feb 8th
Curry Night
Please book - 588255
George &
Feb 15th
Quiz Night
starts at 8pm
£4 per person to include supper, £2 per
person without. Hagg 2000
George &
Feb 22nd
Meatloaf Night
Please book - 588255
George &
Mar 5th
Mobile Library
10:15 - 10:45
George &
Mar 5th
Parish Council Meeting
Public and press welcome
Mar 14th
Quiz Night
starts at 8pm
£4 per person to include supper, £2 per
person without. Hagg 2000
George &
Apr 11th
Quiz Night
starts at 8pm
£4 per person to include supper, £2 per
person without. Hagg 2000
George &
Bingo will be starting in a few weeks’ time - look out for details!
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
The Queen’s coronation took place on 2nd June 1953, and to mark sixty years of her reign many celebrations are being planned around the country. It has been suggested that this Parish Council
consider organising a competition for children in the village to design a “Diamond Jubilee” logo.
The winning design could be used for the celebrations. Commemorative mugs could be distributed
to youngsters in the village, to mark the occasion. There is a grant available. Look out for the
next issue of your Village Voice for further details
Heather Temple-Marsh
George & Dragon Golf Society
October’s golf day the Hagg society ventured down to the coast and North Shore golf club.
Traditionally the last venue of the season but brought forward this year by a month in an attempt to
avoid howling gales and driving rain of November. Albeit a chilly start the day stayed dry with the
expected wind you get on the coast. Sadly the
scores did not reflect the good conditions. Mike
Thompson hardly romping home with 34 points
but nice to see yet another first time
winner. New member Bob Sessions came in
second with 33 followed by Julian Miles and
the consistent David Preston, surely the
favourite to take the end of season major
prize. Two nearest the pin prizes were taken by
Julian Miles and Martin Ross. Once again many
stories of how close players got to making a 2
but no one actually managed it so that carries
over. Thanks to first time captain Andrew Lee a
job well done looking forward to seeing you in
the captains chair soon!
The finale of the season was a Texas Scramble at a
very foggy South Kyme Golf Club with four teams of
three disappeared into the gloom. David Preston
picked up one of the 'nearest the pin' prizes, Mike
Robinson taking the other. Continuing his good form
for the season David Abiley, assisted by Ian Spendluf
and Rick Hunt, stormed to 7 birdies and no dropped
shots, less their handicap allowance, scored 55.5. A
great score by anyone’s standard. 2nd was Margaret
Preston Brian Grant and Mike Robinson, making good
use of their handicap allowance! Julian Miles, Trevor
Hunt and Martin Ross played well for 3rd with Mike
Thompson, Bob Sessions and John Redman bringing
up the rear. We now look forward to the end of season presentation on the 28th of January at the
George and Dragon.
Julian Miles.
Hagworthingham Women’s Institute
The last three months have been very successful for the WI with a
wonderful harvest supper, a lucrative jumble sale, an interesting
demonstration on cake icing, a lovely Christmas craft session and
an absolutely delicious Christmas meal at Sausthorpe Hall.
Gill Maxim (photo Eileen Jackson)
Children’s Christmas Party
Evie Williams
HAGG 2000
Hagg 2000...
Carol Singing
raises money mainly by means of the
monthly quiz and bingo sessions. The
money raised enables Hagg2000 to put
on a Children's Christmas party (see
report in the Children’s News); the
Seniors’ Christmas Lunch (see report
below) and a summer outing to the
seaside. Hagg2000 is also able to make
donations to various charities during the
Irene Curtis
Ten singers made their way round the village to the
accompaniment of father and son musicians playing
guitar and piano accordion. Snow had prevented
the singers from going out the last 2 years, so the
better weather this year enabled them to raise £250
for the Ambucopter appeal. Irene Curtis organised
the event and would like to thank everyone who
gave so generously. The £250 will be made up to
£500 by Hagg2000.
Irene Curtis
Seniors’ Christmas Lunch
45 people enjoyed an excellent Christmas meal courtesy of
Hagg2000 at the George & Dragon on January 5th. Entertainment
was provided by Maurice Bird. Thank you to all who helped and
contributed. Lyn and Chris Say would like to say how much they
enjoyed the lunch and thanks to all those concerned in arranging
and cooking it.
Eileen Jackson
Frog Watch
Having lived down Church Lane for nearly 13 years, we've noticed a steady decline in the number of frogs and
toads on the roads. Each year since we've been here we go out in the evening and pick them up off the road
(well Anita picks them up while I carry the bucket and torch). Initially the season would only last a couple of
months and in that time we would save several hundred including a few newts. But now we can be picking
them up for up to six months, and each year the numbers get less and less. Now we might save only 50 -100.
What we do save, we put down the bottom of our garden. So please be observant when in the area and try not
to squish any. As a point of observation it seems toads are surviving better than frogs.
Charlie and Anita Waters, Church Lane
Lincolnshire Mud and Stud
In most areas of Britain there is traditionally an earth based construction of building that has been used for
many, many years. The method varies in each region due to the available timber, geology, traditions, etc. In
Lincolnshire there is a unique form of construction known as ‘mud and stud’.
Vertical laths are nailed onto a timber framework and then a mud mix is applied
to both sides using a twinned pronged fork known as a daubing fork. The exterior
is then painted with a lime-wash with added animal fat for waterproofing.
Our barn at Willow Farm is a typical mud and stud 3 bay threshing barn, most
likely dating to the mid or late 17th century. It is one of perhaps only 3 or 4 of its
type that remains standing. One of the more unusual features is that the 2 main
trusses have ladder bracing.
Rodney Cousins, an expert on mud and stud
buildings, carried out a survey of all the surviving
structures in Lincolnshire of which there are over
800, and 8 of them are in Hagworthingham. He listed the Willow Farm barn as
the ninth out of 21 outstanding examples because of the internal framework and
daubing fork marks.
Since moving into Willow Farm in 2006 we have carried out various repairs to
the barn to make it watertight. If you are interested and would like to see the
barn then please contact Mark or Julia on 588551.
Julia Lyndsey
The Snowdrop (galanthus)
Common Names: Fair Maid of February; Bulbous Violet; Emblem of Early Spring; Maids of February;
Candlemas Bells; Mary's Tapers.
Native of Switzerland, Austria and of Southern Europe, Snowdrops are traditional flowers for January.
There are lots of different varieties of snowdrop. Many legends survive about the origin of the snowdrop, one
tells us that after being expelled from the Garden of Eden, Eve sat weeping. An angel comforted her. Since the
Autumn, no flowers had bloomed, but snow fell ceaselessly. As the angel talked with Eve, he caught a
snowflake in his hand, breathed on it, and it fell to earth as the first snowdrop. The flower bloomed and Hope
was born.
Years ago snowdrops were dried and transported to European shops from Turkey. Monks brought snowdrop
bulbs from Rome to England and were the first to plant them around old monasteries. Because of this
snowdrops became known as the church flower. Traditionally on Candlemas (February 2nd) the image of the
Virgin Mary was taken down and a handful of snowdrop blooms were scattered in its place. Their presence in
churchyards generated an unlucky reputation as time went on.
According to superstitions it is unlucky to bring snowdrops indoors and the sight of a single snowdrop blooming
in the garden foretells of impending disaster. It is regarded as an omen of death despite its beauty. It
symbolises purity and hope in the language of flowers.
Marion Manson
Looking After Your Back
Good posture:-! !
Poor Posture:✹ Helps prevent back problems and injury
✹Enables good breathing
✹Prevents strain on the neck and shoulder girdle
✹Looks and feels better
Toned abdominal muscles support your back and help protect internal organs.
It is helpful to rest your back with your spine in its neutral position
(standing gradually by firstly rolling over on to your side).
Marion Manson
Hot Chicken Korma Recipe
(serves 4)
170g (6oz) natural yogurt! !
2 teaspoons turmeric!
60g (2 oz) butter! !
1” fresh ginger chopped! !
9 cloves ground! !
1 teaspoon ground coriander!
3 chillies (less if you are a wimp)!
Sea salt!!
Bottle of red wine
2 large cloves garlic, finely chopped
500g (1 lb) chicken breast, cut into chunks
1 large onion, chopped
1 cinnamon stick
5 cardamoms, seeds only
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon desiccated coconut
150 ml (1/4 pint) water
1. Cork the wine to allow it to breathe.
2. Melt the butter in a wok, add the onion and gently cook for about 5 minutes until soft.
3. Pour the red wine into a large glass and sip occasionally whilst the onions are cooking.
4. Add the chicken increase the heat and cook until the chicken browns slightly.
5. Have another glass of wine to help concentrate.
6. Add all the other ingredients (bung them all in together) and bring to the boil whilst stirring.
7. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 40 minutes. Add more water if the liquid starts to dry out.
8. Finish off the wine whilst the curry is simmering.
9. Serve with rice and naan bread
10. Open another bottle of red wine.
John Allsop
Are you a man with a recipe?
If so, why not share it by sending it in to villagevoice@mmhome.co.uk
British Legion Poppy Appeal
Christine Rennie’s collection around the village raised £314.73. Christine would like to thank
everyone who contributed to this final sum, especially as so many people were out when she
Multiple Sclerosis Research
Helen Spice would like to thank everyone who helped her raise £210 for Multiple Sclerosis
research, much of this was raised in Hagworthingham. Helen fund raises for this and other
charities and receives letters of acknowledgement, outlining what the money actually goes toward.
LIVES Kilimanjaro Challenge
John Clayton would like to thank everyone who sponsored him or donated towards the LIVES
Kilimanjaro Challenge 2011. John raised over £4500 for LIVES (the group of 11 climbers raised a
total of £23,000 for this local charity).
Hagworthingham Old Hall – link with Cromwell.
(By Skegness Magazine on August 29th 2011)
Oliver Cromwell may have stayed at the Old Hall in Hagworthingham...... This historic house is a grade 2 listed
building dating from the early 17th century and Cromwell is thought to have stayed there when he was injured
during the Battle of Winceby, which took place near Hagworthingham. The Hall was built on the site of what
was probably the former Guild Hall and it is described by Sir
Nikolaus Pevsner in his book “The Buildings of England”, as a fine example of “Fen artisan-mannerism”.
Submitted by Aaron Barnard
(Hagworthingham’s local taxi)
Tel. 01507 588225 Mob. 07939 227455
1-7 seater
Rachel’s Café
Old Filling Station
01507 588424
Open daily 8am - 6pm
Katy Fox
cuts from £6.50, blow dry £8.50
01507 588320 - 07917 615119
JJ’s Café
Main Road 01507 588611
Tasty home-cooked food,
Specials board, Sunday lunch,
Good parking - all welcome
Old Filling Station, Main Road Hagworthingham
✷ Stables ✷ Garden Sheds ✷ Summer Houses ✷ ✷
Gazebos ✷ Arbour Seats ✷
Many buildings in stock - also built to order
call and see us 01507 588424 - 07503 981669
Domestic Electrician
Part P. NINEIC registered
Holly House Farm 07919 918 882
Good quality household items.
Furniture, collectables and much more...
Opening hours:
11.30am - 5pm Wed - Fri. 10.30am - 5pm Sat - Sun
D.G.S. Church Lane, Hagworthingham 01507 588275
East Coast Windows & Conservatories
Edwin Baumber
UPVC - Home Improvements
Double glazed units replaced
01507 588215
George & Dragon
>Mon-Thur, 2 for 1 from Specials Board<
Great value home cooked meals served every day
-Sunday Carvery (best to book please)-Friday Fish ‘n’ Chips a specialitywww.georgendragonpub.co.uk 01507 588255
ALL general work undertaken
All-rounder with over 25 years’ experience
Mark - 01507 588551 - 07834 818 185
Servicing / Bodywork / MOT Preparation
Mount Pleasant Farm, Hagworthingham
Telephone 01507 588672