January 2016
January 2016
Volume 12, Issue 1 January 2016 Inside this issue: Preschool News 3 Church Monthly Calendar 4 Avalon Connection 2 A Publication of Avalon Missionary Church ASM & Children Ministries A New Beginning After this Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation. And so he died, old and full of years (Job 42:16-17) The book of Job ends on a note of contentment and peace. Job was probably about seventy when the book opens, so he is an older man. What a picture of peace, a contented man. God had greatly blessed him. Before us stretches a new year, a new beginning. The old is past, put away forever. God invites us always to forget about all the distrust and fears, all the anxieties of the past, all the resentments we have been holding against others, all the grudges, all the criticisms--to put them away and begin again. The question that hovers over us as we close this book (and I feel it deeply in my own heart) is, On what basis am I going to live in this new year? Will it be on the old basis of it-alldepends-on-me, do-it-yourself goodness before God, trying my best to be pleasing to God and meaning it with all my heart but never realizing the depths of evil with which I have to deal? Or will I accept the gift of God that is waiting for me every day, fresh from His hand, a gift of forgiveness, of righteousness already mine, of a relationship in which He is my dear Father and I am his cherished, beloved daughter, and in which I therefore have provided for me all I need, all day long, so that I may say no to evil and yes to truth and right? Will it be on that basis? If it is, this will be a year in which my life will be characterized by peace, fragrance, and beauty. And so will yours. Or, if we insist on living it on the same old basis, we will find ourselves like these friends of Job, arousing the anger and the wrath of God. Though He is patient and merciful, our only escape will be to repent of our evil and rest upon the righteousness of our perfect substitute and return to God for the blessing that He is waiting to give. That is the choice before us, every one of us. How are we going to live in this new year? Lord, thank You for this new year that lies before me. I choose You. I choose to depend on You, trust You, and accept from Your hand all that You would give me. Before us stretches a new year, a new beginning. The old is past, put away forever. On which one of the two bases are we going to live in this new year? Blessings, Nancy Special points of interest: 1 Happy New Year 16 Upwards BB /CC games begin 18 MLK day Save the Date: Souper Bowl Sundae Feb. 7th, following 2nd Service “The Search Is On” Update The Pastoral Search Committee wants to keep you all updated on our search for our next senior pastor. If you recall from my last update, we had reviewed resumes and listened to on-line sermons for 14 candidates and had narrowed the candidates to six. Since then, one of the candidates withdrew since he and his wife had not sensed God releasing them from their current ministry, and two were eliminated based on the homework and ministry surveys that were returned to us. Consequently, we are now looking at three strong candidates. We are waiting on the homework from one candidate and have interviews scheduled for the other two. As you can see we are making progress and it’s getting exciting! We continue to spend time in prayer at each meeting seeking God’s direction. We would continue to ask that you pray for the search committee and especially that God would make it abundantly clear to us who will be the next senior pastor at Avalon. We had a great Advent season with Pastor Jerry Cramer as our speaker and have speakers scheduled through February. As always, if you have any questions or comments, please see one of the search committee members. This month we started our new curriculum: D6 2nd Gen! Both parents and kids alike seem to be enjoying the new curriculum, which is focused on Deuteronomy 6 which equips parents to teach their kids about faith alongside the church. D6 is offered for a variety of age groups, so the youth has decided to jump on board as well. We’re excited that 2’s-12th grade will be learning the same topics and passages to create better family discussions on faith at home. If you’d like to learn more about our new curriculum, go to www.d62gen.com. Thanks so much to all of our children’s ministry volunteers for attending the trainings and turning in background paperwork. We are looking forward to partnering with you in the coming year by ministering to our children! The Upward Basketball and Cheerleading programs are now underway as well! We have over 140 players between the two sports currently registered! We are looking for opportunities to share Christ’s love with each family that walks through our doors. Thanks for partnering with and praying for this ministry! It is our goal to partner with Avalon parents to assist the students with setting a firm foundation that will stand the test of time as Jesus said in Matthew 27:24-25 (NLT) “’Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock.’” To accomplish this we are going to use D6 for our Sunday school curriculum. We will cover the Bible from beginning to end in 6 years. Each quarter will have a one month study from the Old Testament, a one month study from the New Testament, and a one month study of a Special Topic. This is also the same curriculum that is being used by the Children’s Ministry at Avalon. To find out more about D6, click on this link http://www.d62gen.com/ and listen to the short video. There is also a sample lesson. It is also our goal to partner with you in helping your students realize that Jesus came to give them life, not just in heaven but NOW! John 10:10 (NLT) says, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” Students tell us that they are busy during the week, and many of them do not think about God. He is not a part of their routine. Our theme for 2016 is DISRUPT YOUR ROUTINE….WITH JESUS That is more difficult than it sounds. We all have routines that we follow each day without giving a lot of thought to them. Your youth staff is committed to interrupting your student’s routine with Jesus! We have created a YouTube Channel for Avalon Student Ministries. This is the link https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCjRSdbWB1VYj5NqMoQhzTPw. Our channel has been created to help students engage with Scripture. Each week, we will put up a video of a student reading the passage we study in Sunday school so students can listen to the Bible on their devices. We will also be linking worship music on a “Worship” playlist, asking discussion questions, and uploading a fun video of the week that is designed to get students to check us out. We encourage you and your students to subscribe. The channel will go live on January 3, and the first video of the week will be AWESOME!!! We will also be using Social Media to reach out to students 2 or 3 times a week with a key verse from the week, an application, and opportunity to respond. These will be posted on FB (ASM page) and twitter and be sent out via text and/or email. We know there are students that don’t have FB, twitter, or phones. In an attempt to reach them, we will be sending these “interruptions” to parents to pass on to their students. If we do not have your email or cell phone #, please send it to me via text (415-2346), email (cindysparling@mcusa.org), or private message me on FB. You can also subscribe to the YouTube channel and “like” our page on FB. Happy New Year from the Student Ministry Team! ASM Christmas Party 2015 Page 2 Avalon Connection Avalon Christian School Bits ‘N Pieces December Avalon Christian School By: Tracy Hatfield December was a short month for the Preschool. With only 2 ½ weeks we managed to still cram in a lot into our month. We completed our first term semester at the beginning of the month and pleased with the results of where our students are at this point. Avalon Christian School is full of thriving students that are eager to grow in God’s Love. A special visitor dropped by the school. It was Santa and Mrs. Clause! They came to see what we wanted him to bring us this year. The students all sat on Santa’s Lap and told him the one special thing that they wished for. We had a lot of brightly smiling little faces that week. Ending the month with a week full of special crafts we made for our parents and practice for our Christmas Program. All the students worked so hard to prepare for our Program. They did a phenomenal job ending our week with sharing with others “True Meaning of Christmas”. After learning Luke2:8-14 we recited this message from the bible stating that this was “THE TR UE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS”. Sharing this story with others through the mouths of our student was truly amazing to hear. We are so proud of the amazing job they did! We Hope Everyone had a Great Holiday ! Volume 11, Issue 1 Page 3 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu ^Denotes Anniversary * Denotes Missionary 3 4 5 Andrea Bauman Sharon Magginnes ^Wally & Phyllis Bob Wilson Hull 10 11 *Stephani Clouser Mike Kirby Rose Rabbitt 17 6 12 *Jean Coody 18 Lyle Augsburger Shelby Johnson Chuck Stewart 19 Nathan Smith 24 25 Carolyn Pillar 26 7 Sherry Blake 13 ^Phil & Bonnie Harris 20 ^Neil & Delores Shultz ^Mike & Frances Brooks Jonas Hubley Derek Stewart 21 ^Bill & Sharon Magginnes *Marla Bettinger Heather Lane 27 31 *Valli Yoder If we missed you, we’re sorry! Call or email the church office to give updates or to provide us with new information. nleming@avalonmissionarychurch.com / 747-1531 1 2 Regina Frederick Shirley Pitzer Megan West Phyllis Brubaker Cora Peters 8 9 ^Don & Alice Grimme Sophie Cour Bob Dove Dana Kirby *John Coody Wayne Hanks Michael Lindley Don Lindley Bradley Miller 22 Don Nobles 28 Michael Brooks Sat 15 ^Mike & 14 Amber Stephenson Fri Drew Miller 29 Kevin Gibson Randy Drummond Micah Hubley Cody Leming Jim Oglesbee Jeff Scantlin 16 Andrew Armstrong Wally Hull 23 Dorothy Hart 30 Don Gerber
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