January 2015
January 2015
Volume 11, Issue 1 January 2015 Avalon Connection A Publication of Avalon Missionary Church Resolve to Be Content this Year January 1st is the day for many that self-improvement resolutions are made. Most will be financial, business, or personal fitness goals. There is nothing wrong with any of that. In fact, Proverbs 21:5 states that the plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty. Yet as children of the King we should be cautious of the motivation behind any resolutions we might make. Are our goals generated from a state of discontentment? To say "I won't be content until this happens" means God is not enough for us now. And if God is not enough now, it means we'll be striving to accomplish that resolution by our own strength. Paul says, "Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content." Phil 4:11 Paul knew who he was. Paul was aware of his identity as a child of the King. When we say to ourselves, "I'm lacking", or "I'm insufficient in my current state", then we are living below our privileges. The prodigal son left his father's estate to work by his own strength. That didn't turn out well. The other son stayed, but lived below his privileges because he was waiting on something he already had access to. Remember, godliness with contentment is great gain. Unlike the riches of the world, the riches of God cannot be taken away from you. When we are content we put ourselves in a position for God to bless us. Once we know who we are in Christ, every resolution we set should be in Him and for Him. There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve our situation for the Glory of the Kingdom. In fact, God commissioned us to go out and do the work of His Kingdom. And when he commissioned us, he also equipped us with everything we need. Perhaps a good practice for the start of this New Year is simply deciding to be content. Before setting any goals or resolutions, spend some quiet time with the Father thanking him for what He has done. Thank Him for who He is, who you are, and acknowledge that Inside this issue: He is more than enough. Regardless of your state: in debt, deployed in the military, family health issues, homeless… God is enough for you. It's important to find that place. It may be difficult at first. It may only come through prayer and worship. But God would rather have you be complete in Him with zero resolutions than discontent in Him and hit every resolution you set. Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4 Another way to look at this scripture is that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, our desires will begin to align with his desires. So find that special place of contentment where the Father can show you just how complete in Him you are. Delight yourself in His ways. When you do this, any goal or resolution you set will be one that God can bless! Blessings, Nancy Special points of interest: PK Ponders 2 1 Happy New Year Preschool News 3 17 Upwards BB /CC games begin ASM & Children’s Ministry 4 19 MLK day Mission Home Updates 5 Monthly Calendar 6 Save the Date: Souper Bowl Sunday Feb. 1st, after 2nd Service PK Ponders Welcome to a new year! Perhaps you joined many others this past week staying up until midnight to celebrate the arrival of a new year. And it’s likely you’ve spent some time (intentionally or not) over the past couple of weeks reminiscing about all that has happened during the year 2014. Some of those memories feel good. Others likely are reminders of pain or struggle. It’s also a time in the church office when we’re wrapping up “end-of-year” stuff. And the finish to the year was a strong and encouraging one for us in a number of ways! The Advent and Christmas season was one marked by meaningful stories of the ways that many of you were celebrating “Christmas on Purpose.” My thanks to those of you who shared your stories. And a word of gratitude to those who shared their talents in music on the Sunday morning Christmas celebration whether in voice or instrument. And to Carol Bates and the rest of her gifted team who decorated our worship center in a way that drew us into the vibe of the season. It was also a season marked by radical generosity on your part when it came to our financial giving! Those of you who read the numbers on the back of the bulletin have remarked about the faithfulness of the Lord and His people as you have seen the response at the close of the year. Your generosity has been such an encouragement to me and to our leaders here at Avalon! For much of the year we have been short of the goals we had set for giving. We have made that a matter of consistent prayer. And we have seen the response! What a joy! Thanks for the ways that each of you have given so faithfully in this past year – both over the course of time and here in the closing weeks! And we give praise to the Lord for His faithfulness in this season! As we come into the new year, we’re getting ready to kick off another season of Upward basketball and cheerleading. I’m excited about that! And I hope you are, too! Upward is a crucially important outreach ministry for our church – especially as we seek to become a church that reflects and reaches a diverse community! Our Upward program already connects well with a diverse set of folks. It will be critical for us to invest heavily in this effort and in building bridges from this ministry to other opportunities in our church if we’re going to achieve this vision. Many of you have already helped as volunteers during our registration and evaluation events. And several more of you have stepped up to serve as coaches and assistant coaches. Rachel Niccum is serving as our commissioner for the cheerleading program this year. And we have a team of directors who will be overseeing our basketball season – Micah Barcalow, Jordan Dillon, Brock Rauch, Pastor Jeff and myself. Lee DeTurk is serving as our coaches commissioner. Jim Beard will be coordinating our referee team. And Don and Barb Yackley will be overseeing concessions. I’m enthusiastically excited to be serving with such a capable team of leaders and servants! But none of that will amount to much if we don’t have some committed prayer warriors who are lifting them and our Upward ministry in prayer this season. Will you help us in this regard? Ultimately our Upward program will impact the lives of the people involved beause the Lord is at work. A strong foundation of prayer is a vital part of that effort. Watch for updates and suggestions on ways to pray for Upward in the prayer lists that are placed in your mail folders each week. If you’re on Facebook, we’d love to have you as a part of the Avalon Upward group that we’ve created there. We’ll be posting regular updates on ways you can be praying for this important outreach in our community. All of that is a crucial part of a multifaceted effort to become a church that truly reflects and reaches a diverse community. Over the next year we’ll need to be focused on several key components: Building on the community outreach connections that we’ve already established through Upward, our preschool ministry, our block parties, ENL outreach partnership with the Latino church that meets on our campus, Easter Eggstravanza, etc. Developing and equipping leaders who reflect the diversity of community. Shaping worship experiences that are welcoming – both in terms of the elements in the service and in the atmosphere of hospitality that people experience, and… Building a strong biblical understanding of mission, to the world whether it be across the ocean or across the street. In closing, let me say a huge “thank you” for the generous Christmas gift to our staff this year! It is a privilege to be a part of this church family and to hear the kind words of encouragement that many of you offer. And it is humbling to receive your generous gift during this Christmas season. Looking forward to all that God has in store for us in the coming year! Page 2 Avalon Connection Avalon Christian School Bits ‘N Pieces Avalon Christian School December flew by. To kick off our month we had Fire Prevention Week. The Fort Wayne Fire Department and “Spotz” the Fire Dog came and talk to us about Fire Prevention and safety. The students got to participate in putting on the Fire equipment, to see firsthand how it all works. The program ended with Spotz showing up and handing out coloring books. We had a special visitor “Santa” come for a visit. Dean and Marvel Embrey came as Santa and Mrs. Claus. They are always awesome. Santa talked about the true meaning of Christmas. He shared with us the birth of Jesus Christ. This is something that the students get excited about every year. We ended our month with our Christmas program ”Mary Had A Little Lamb”. The children have been learning the 23rd Psalm in our weekly Chapel time. The students were fabulous. The Two’s sang of Baby Jesus, the Three’s sang of the snowflakes falling from Heaven and the Pre-K sang about the birth of Jesus through the eyes of the animals. When our program ended our staff and students started our two week break. Classes resume on January 5th with new Chapel Lessons and exciting new letters to learn and new Science experiments to try out. Happy New Year, Shelley Randolph Volume 11, Issue 1 Page 3 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from ASM Children’s Ministry Well, another year is in the books! It has been my privilege to "Partner With Parents To Help Kids Find And Follow Christ" in 2014. So, now that we're on to 2015, if I were a parent that wanted to resolve to help my kiddo walk with Christ even more closely this year, what would I resolve to do? Research increasingly shows that there is no better plan of action than reading the Word with your kids at home! Check out this blog post, and consider what you might resolved to do this year ... let me know how I can partner with you to help your kids find and follow Christ in 2015! Pastor Jeff “You can find the original blog post here: http://christianmomthoughts.com/the-most-important-new-year%E2%80%99s-resolution-for-a-christian-parent/ Page 4 Avalon Connection Mission Home 7111 Dear Friends at Avalon— You will never know how grateful we are for a home to stay in. We stopped in yesterday to move a few things in and it felt so much like home I was moved to tears. We have been in such incredible transition over the past few months as we strategically withdrew from Guinea because of the Ebola crisis a few months ago. While our hearts remain heavy for the situation there, we are so thankful for this time to be in the US with our boys as they are both recently engaged and getting married next summer. We are grateful that Hannah was also able to return to the US for Christmas for a few weeks. As you think of our family. Could you pray for the following things… · Pray for Hannah returns to Dakar Academy in Senegal on Jan. 10th to finish her second semester. She will be returning to the US for a short spring break in March and then for the summer in June. ourselves and other missionaries and also in our continued pursuit of doing development well - helping without hurting and empowering people as they seek, with God’s help, to improve their living situations. · Pray for us as we get to know Rachelle (Ben’s fiancée) and Emily (Kaleb’s fiancée) over the next months. Pray that they will continue to grow together and establish foundations for strong, Godly marriages as they transition to a new phase of life. Pray that we would be great in-laws. · PLEASE continue to pray for the Ebola crisis in Guinea and all of West Africa. Though it is basically out of the news in the US, the battle continues there and the ripple effects on families, the health care systems, and the economies are still not totally known. · Jim and I will be taking several difference courses to help us overseas, both in the aspect of member care for internship would have to happen no matter where I go so at least I can continue moving forward. My first prayer request is that God would give me clarity on where He wants me to serve. In addition, I still have to continue support raising and not knowing where I'm going or what my budget will be makes it more difficult. So my second prayer request is that God would put me in touch with people who understand the call on my life and are willing to support me no matter where I go. And lastly, that I would not get discouraged. Satan would so love to do that. (counseling missionaries )for our return to Uganda in 2016. -that God continues to show His good plan to use us to uplift His workers So that question: when are we going back? In 2016 when Aaron has completed his required state license, we will move back to Uganda where he will counsel missionaries. That work will still be under AIM like our last two years. In fact, this year of work at Alongside is also with AIM, but considered “study leave”. That is great as the position at Alongside is unpaid, and we will still need ministry support. Please pray for: -for right hearts about another move/transition Mission Home 7027 We pray this finds you full of the joy of Christ. We are excited to report our joy as God has been generous to us in 2014 and has made provision for 2015. This summer we finished our assignment in Uganda as the managers of Matoke Inn. The four months since have flown as we met with supporters and family and received further training. In February of 2015 we will begin a new phase of ministry so that Aaron can complete professional hours for his counseling license. We are excited to report that Aaron will practice at Alongside ministries in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 2015. Not only will this experience meet the state requirements, but it will give him relevant experience Volume 11, Issue 1 Blessings, Jim and Dawn Anderson Mission Home 7017 Just this past November, God said No to the place I thought I would be serving, so, kind of like Abraham, I've been called but don't know to where! I am learning quickly "to live by faith and not by sight." For the next 5 to 6 months, I will be training here in Fort Wayne and then I will go into a one year discipleship internship with a Missionary Church somewhere in the US before I move on to where God wants me. This training and Thank you again for your grace and kindness to weary travelers! Praises: -that Aaron found a position to meet his state and mission counseling requirements "Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless." I Corinthians 15:58b Lisa L. Kay (World Partners Missionary) -for good adjustment for our boys in a new city/church/ homeschool group -for affordable housing in Kalamazoo -for continued and new supporters in prayer and finance Blessings, Aaron, Bobbie, Owen (10), Grahm (7), & Cole (6) Howley -that our transition back to the states has been smooth Page 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Regina Frederick Shirley Pitzer Megan West ^Denotes Anniversary * Denotes Missionary 4 5 6 ^Wally & Phyllis Hull Eileen Stitzer (100) 11 *Jean Coody 18 Andrea Bauman 12 Sherry Blake 13 Lyle Augsburger Shelby Johnson Chuck Stewart 19 Nathan Smith 25 7 26 8 ^Phil & Bonnie Harris Amber Stephenson 20 ^Neil & Delores Shultz ^Mike & Frances Brooks Jonas Hubley Derek Stewart 21 ^Bill & Sharon Maginnes *Marla Bettinger Heather Lane 27 9 ^Don & Alice Grimme Sophie Cour Bob Dove 15 ^Mike & 14 Dana Kirby *John Coody Wayne Hanks Michael Lindley Don Lindley Bradley Miller 22 Michael Brooks If we missed you, we’re sorry! Call or email the church office to give updates or to provide us with new information. nleming@avalonmissionarychurch.com / 747-1531 29 Kevin Gibson Sharon Magginnes Bob Wilson 10 Randy Drummond Micah Hubley Cody Leming Jim Oglesbee Jeff Scantlin 16 *Stephani Clouser Mike Kirby Rose Rabbitt 17 Andrew Armstrong Wally Hull 23 Drew Miller Sarah Miller Don Nobles 28 Phyllis Brubaker Cora Peters 24 Dorothy Hart 30 Carolyn Pillar 31 Don Gerber *Valli Yoder
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