Product Catalog OAT-706 / OAT-709 Audio Tester Summary OAT-900 / OAT-900A Audio Tester Model OAT-900 is audio tester generating a signal and measurement the captured the signal by digital processing. The following products can be inspected by changing the treatment device, changing the connection, and switching the measurement software. specifications Target Product Measurement item ؞Stereo headphone ؞Stereo handsetقStereo headphoneٔMicrophoneك ؞Handset ؞ReceiverقSpeakerك2or1 ؞Microphone, Directional microphone Measurement item : Sensitivity, Frequency characteristic, Impedance, Polarity, LR-Polarity Harmonic distortion, Rub٭Buzz, Fo Frequency range : 20Hz to 20kHzقOAT-900ك Frequency range : 10Hz to 45kHzقOAT-900Aك Sweep time : 0.5 to 10sec Output Signal : Sine wave log sweep. OAT-901 Model OAT-706 is audio tester which can measure a speaker and the characteristic of the microphone. This model measure a characteristic with a microphone auto matically in audio frequency band (20Hz to 40kHz). Model OAT-709 to measure the charasteristics, of the speakers at the 1/4 inch microphone (200Hz to 100kHz). [Speaker measurement] Sensitivity, impedance, F0, Q value (Qes, Qms, Qts), Frequency characteristic [F1 (0 degrees), F2 (30 degrees), F3 (60 degrees)], Impedance frequency characteristic, distortion characteristic (The total 2nd to 10th and total harmonic distortion.) [Microphone measurement] Sensitivity, F1 (0 degree in an axis) frequency response, F2 angle (Example : an angle of 90 degrees) frequency response, F3 angle (Example : an angle of 180 degrees) frequency response, F1-F2 frequency response, F1-F3 frequency response, F1-F2 five points of frequency sensitivity difference, F1-F3 five points of frequency sensitivity difference. Audio Tester Model OAT-901 is audio tester generating a signal and measurement the captured the signal by digital processing. Power amplifier unit can be selected from 2W type, 20W type and 100W type. Target Product ؞Speaker OAT-710 Turntable Ფoption for OAT-706 / OAT-709 Model OAT-710 is turntable that was developed for the model OAT-706 and model OAT-709. Audiotester (model OAT-706 and model OAT-709) can be output polar pattern measurement Measurement item : ؞Sensitivity ؞frequency characteristic (20Hz to 40kHz) ؞impedance frequency characteristic (20Hz to 40kHz) ؞Impedance ؞Fo (25Hz to 20kHz) ؞Polarity: positive and negative judgment ؞Abnormal sound inspectionقRub and Buzzك ؞Total harmonic distortion : 50Hzع5kHz Harmonic range : The total of 2nd to 10th Selectable power amplifier ؞Power amplifier AP-1903ق100Wك Load : ϮɏŽƌŵŽƌĞ Drive voltage : 1V to 30V ؞Power amplifier AP-1902ق20Wك Load ͗ϮɏŽƌŵŽƌĞ Drive voltage : 1V to 13V ؞Power amplifier AP-1904ق2Wك Load ͗ϰɏŽƌŵŽƌĞ Drive voltage : 0.5V to 4V Turn Table and characteristics of each angle, such as shown in the figure below by combining with this model. This model is possible to put the object to be measured up to about 100kg. . Frequency range : 20Hz to 40kHz Sweep Time؟0.5 to 10second Signal : sine wave log sweep 1/2 inch condenser microphone accessories Controller AP-1903 "Voice coil Temperature Meter" of Onsoku will electrically measure the temperature of the wire itself. Therefore, It is possible to measure the electric wire original temperature without being affected by the thermal resistance of such an insulating coating and the bobbin material. ᲤᲴWhen measuring the temperature of the voice coil using a temperature sensor of contact type, Thermal resistance of the insulating coating and adhesive, and measurement error of several tens of degrees is caused by heat radiation to the bobbin and the outside air. OMT-205A Voice Coil Temperature Meter OST-828 Fo & Ze meter Summary Model OST-828 measures Fo and Ze of the speaker by the constant voltage anodizing. This model collects the statistics with plural measurements and calculates and does the standard judgment. specifications Summary Model OMT-205A measures the temperature of a speaker voice coil (copper or aluminum) during operation, and indicates the resultant temperature and input voltage on two digital meters simultaneously. Measurement can follow the signal sources of sine wave, white noise, pink noise or music source in the frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Output terminals for recorder are provided, both the input voltage and related temperature can be simultaneously recorded to show the relationship between the two. Fo measurement range : ϭϱ,njƚŽϭϬŬ,nj;ŝŵƉĞĚĂŶĐĞƌĂŶŐĞ͗Ϭ͘ϵɏƚŽϮϱϰɏͿ Ze measurement range : ϭɏƚŽϭϬϬɏ;ĂƚϱϬ,njƚŽϭϬŬ,nj 1point) Measurement time : Fo about 3s. Ze about 1s. Q measurement : Electrical Q of driver, Mechanical Q of driver, Total Q of driver Notice : Signal sources and a power amplifier are not built into the unit. Optional unit : 10-channel Data Recorder Model ODR-363 OST-726 specifications Number of channel : 1 Measurement temperature range : 0 to 400Υ Speaker DC resistance range : ϭ͘ϱɏ to ϰϬɏ Maximum input voltage : 90Vrms Maximum input power : 1kW peak Response selector : 5 positions OMT-405 Voice Coil temperature meter Speaker Fo & Ze meter Summary Model OST-726 measures the Fo and Ze of the speaker automatically, and performs GO, NG decision and setting ranking selection in relation to measurable quantity and standard value. It is possible to provide output to the thermal printer or personal computer. specifications Fo Measurement range : 20.0Hz to 5000Hz ĞDĞĂƐƵƌĞŵĞŶƚƌĂŶŐĞ͗ϭ͘ϬϬɏƚŽϮϬϬ͘ϬϬɏ Measurement Voltage : 0.05V to 4V Summary Model OMT-405 measures the voice coil temperature of at most 5 speaker units. Signal source corresponds to all kinds of signals in the reach of the 20Hz to 20kHz (sine wave, white noise, pink noise, standard load test noise and music source.) A measurement item indicates a chart and the value to time between the temperature and the input voltage. This model can use the BTL power amplifier, too. Specifications Cone paper Fo meter Summary Number of channel : 5 Measurement temperature range : -40Υ to 400Υ Speaker DC resistance range : ϭ͘ϱɏ ƚŽϰϬɏ Maximum input voltage : 70V peak Maximum input power : 400Wpeak Response selector : 2 positions to change low-pass filter cut off frequency OMT-404 OST-727 DC Voice coil temperature meter Summary Model OMT-404 is a temperature meter to measure the temperature of voice coil of the speaker unit applying the DC voltage. This model displays temperature, DC resistance, and input voltage value for measurement result of the voice coil at the same time with digital. And also the measurement value is stored in the USB flash drive at constant time interval. Notice : DC power supply are not included this model. specifications Measurement temperature range : 0Υ to 400Υ (Measurement display up to 999Υ) ƌĞƐŝƐƚĂŶĐĞŽĨƚŚĞƐƉĞĂŬĞƌ͗ϮɏƚŽϯϱɏ;ƚϮϬΥ) Maximum input voltage : 100VDC Maximum input current : 50ADC Model OST-727 measures the Fo of the cone paper. This model measures displacement of a cone paper excited by a drive speaker with a displacement sensor, and sets frequency at the displacement peak value to Fo according to direct method. This equipment judges a cone paper to be pass or no pass about Fo frequency by setting of an upper - lower allowance. specifications Frequency range : 10Hz to 10000Hz Frequency resolution : 2048 points of logarithm(between start frequency and stop frequency) Accuracy of frequency : Within 0.1% Distortion : within 3% Output voltage : 0.100 V to 4.000 V (0.001V step). ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚǀŽůƚĂŐĞĚƌŝǀĞ;ŝŵƉĞĚĂŶĐĞŽĨƚŚĞĚƌŝǀĞƐƉĞĂŬĞƌϰɏŽƌŵŽƌĞͿ Output voltage accuracy : ±(3%+0.02 V) Sweep frequency range : 2 times of the ± allowance or manual setting Sensor input : AC 3.5Vrms Sensor input range : Sensor input range is set to any among 3 ranges (1 time, 5 times and 25 times) automatically. Sensor locative-calls voltage : ±5 VDC Measuring time : Approx. 4s Measurement accuracy : ±(3%+1 Hz) at Q = 1.6 or more Measurement result output : Serial number, Fo (measured value), Judgment (Go, Lo, Hi) Judgment allowance setup : Centering frequency 10 Hz to 10000 Hz (0.1Hz step) Upper and lower limit allowance setup : ±1 Hz to 20000 Hz (0.1 Hz step) Output items : Setting conditions (Product number, Lot, Measurement date, Temperature and relative humidity, Memorandum, Centering Fo, upper and lower limit allowance), The number of measurement, Average value, Maximum value, Minimum value, R (max.-min.), Standard deviation, Cp, Cpk, Histogram, The ŶƵŵďĞƌĂŶĚƌĂƚĞŽĨ͞'K;ƉĂƐƐͿ͕͟dŚĞŶƵŵďĞƌ;>Ž͕,ŝ͕dŽƚĂůͿĂŶĚƌĂƚĞŽĨ͞E';ŶŽƉĂƐƐͿ͟ OST-806 Programmable step up timer Summary Model OST-806 is step up load test signal level and when the speaker is broken step number, indicates voltage and that time. These system can be a large number of concurrent test on a single PC. Specifications ODR-639 Load test data logger Summary Model ODR-639 is a data logger for load test. This model measure a voltage, current and electricity of audio signal input to the speaker during load testing and record up to 100h. specifications Recording time : up to 100 hours every one second (selection of 1s / 10s / 1min / 1h) Number of channel : 6 (voltage and current) Voltage range : 30Vpeak resolution 1mV Current range : 10Apeak resolution 1mA The recorded value : effective value, peak value (voltage, current, electricity) Voice recording : 1 record channel of the voice in WAV format (1s recording mode only) 1 / 3oct Frequency Analysis : After recording, the results of the analysis in one second increments can be displayed to retroactively 1 / 3oct frequency analysis range : 20Hz to 20kHz Voltmeter input impedance ͗ϮϬŬɏ Ammeter : through-type current sensor Sampling Frequency : 48kHz The number of quantization bits : 16bit Start / stop control : key operation and an external remote signal OST-465 OST-468 OST-469 10-channel timer for speaker load test 50-channel timer for speaker load test 100-channel timer for speaker load test Summary OST-465 is a 10-channel timer for simultaneous load testing of ten units for small speaker units such as micro-speakers, receivers and headphones. In addition to this measurement instrument of 10ch specification, 50ch specification (Model OST-468) or 100ch specification (model OST-469) is also available.. specifications (one unit) Timer time display and setting : 9999h 59min 59s Maximum step range 15 times Step interval : up to 99h Step level : JIS C5063 standard sequence step Constant Voltage step Constant Power step Constant Decibel step User settings (four configurable) OPT-202 Timer For Speaker load test Summary Model OPT-202 is a timer that will stop a time count and will stop an output signal if the preset time passes. When an output signal is stopped (e.g. a speaker will be ĚŝƐĐŽŶŶĞĐƚĞĚͿĂŶĚƚŚĞƚŝŵĞƐĞƚĂƐĂ͞ďƌĞĂŬŝŶƚĞƌǀĂůƚŝŵĞ͟ŝƐĞdžĐĞĞĚ͕ĂƚŝŵĞĐŽƵŶƚ will be stopped. Specifications Display : 7-segment display Preset time : 9999h 59min or 9999min 59s Break interval time : 999min 59s Output impedance : 200ɏ (balance output) 100ɏ (unbalance output) Break detecting current : 0.05A to 30A OST-824 Programmable timer Summary Model OST-824 is a programmable timer that provides accurate ON-OFF operation. This equipment is very useful for a durability test or a load test of electric products, electronic parts, such as loudspeaker, motor, lamp, relay and solenoid. Number of Channel : 10 Maximum output : 2 W (minimum load ͗ϰɏϮ͘ϴsƌŵƐͿ The maximum voltage : 6Vrms Peak voltage : 24Vp-Ɖ;ϭϴɏŽƌŵŽƌĞůŽĂĚͿ Maximum speaker impedance ͗ϰϬɏ Timer display time : 1000h 59min 59s Break interval time set time : 0s to 300s, step setting 1s Specifications ON/OFF time mode selecting : 99h 59min 59s mode or 999s 999ms mode. ON time setting : 99h 59min 59s or 999s 999ms ON number of times, up to 10 times. OFF time setting: 99h 59min 59s or 999s 999ms OFF number of times, up to 10 times. ON/OFF number of times setting : 999999 times. Frequency range : 10Hz to 20kHz ±0.5dB Maximum input and output voltage : ±10Vpeak Input and output gain : 0dB (gain: ×1) Optional unit : Additional channel adapter Model AP-1824 OPTION AP-1824 Onsoku has a lineup of oscillator that can meet a variety of applications. OG-422A OG-440 OG-484 OG-442 OG-449 OG-430A OG-431A OG-433A OG438L OG438AL OG-439A Model name Model name Frequency range 20Hz to 20kHz 10Hz to 20kHz 10Hz to 20kHz 70W Maximum output 20W power 50W 150W 200W ;ϭ͘ϱɏ to ϴɏ load) ;ϭɏ to ϴɏ load) ;Ϭ͘ϱɏ load) ;ϰɏ load) 20W 35W 3Vrms ϭt;ϴɏ load) ;Ϯɏ͕ϴɏ load) 2ɏŽƌŵŽƌĞ Load impedance ϭɏ͕Ϯɏ͕ϰɏ͕ϴɏ͕ĂĐĐŽƌĚŝŶŐ to the load switching ϭ͘ϱɏ or more Manual sweep Ϭ͘ϱɏ or more 2ɏŽƌŵŽƌĞ 10Hz to 20kHz Line output:1Vrms (Load is open) Power amplifier output (ϴɏ load intermittent operation at the time ime) 4ɏŽƌŵŽƌĞ Endless rotation frequency dial Frequency range Maximum output power Load impedance Variable frequency dial Endless rotation frequency dial Manual sweep Ყ Ყ Ყ 1 to 20 second Ყ 1 to 5 second Ყ Auto sweep time Ყ Ყ Ყ Ũ Ũ Ũ Ყ Ყ Judgment of polarity 342x142x330 352x152x370 400x150x410 390x170x410 250x130x160 252x178x170 Dimension (mm) (not include protrusions) 7.5kg 15kg 18kg 20kg 3.5kg 2.7kg Mass Auto sweep time Ü Judgment of polarity Ყ Ყ Dimension (mm) (not include protrusions) 250x120x200 Mass 5.6kg 0.5 to 10 second 332x118x272 It switches the output voltage in three stages Function Repeat sweep Repeat sweep Function Noise oscillator is the Onsoku original products. OG-530 Noise oscillator OG-532 Noise oscillator OG-636 Tone burst oscillator Summary Model OG-636 is a programmable oscillator which tests audio devices and equipment using tone burst signal. Number of ON-wave and OFF-wave, burst repeat count, wave type (sine wave or rectangular wave) and frequency can be selected. Summary Summary Model OG-530 is a noise oscillator with four outputs providing different and independent functions for continuous load test of loudspeakers. This equipment can be added a filter of other test standard on the rear extension panel. Model OG-532 is a noise oscillator for continuous load test of loudspeakers. Specifications Output : JIS [DIN, IEC, EIAJ(SN-1)] EIAJ (SN-2), Pink noise, White noise Clipper : Crest factor 2 (equivalent to a 2:1 ratio between the peak and RMS voltage.) Timer : Short term maximum ON 1sec, OFF 60sec Long term maximum ON 1m, OFF 2m Specifications Output : EIA-426B Clipper : Crest factor 2 (equivalent to a 2:1 ratio between the peak and RMS voltage.) Specifications Burst ON / OFF wave number : 1 to 9999 ON / OFF number of repetition s: 1 to 9999999 , 0 Continuous Frequency : 20 to 2000Hz Output voltage : 2Vrms Partial Disconnection Checker has been added to the inspection unit group which is indispensable to the speaker products. ODC-489 Partial Disconnection Checker Onsoku filter was spread use of range by the additional of the noise signal source. OFV-552 Model ODC-489 is an apparatus that checks the partial disconnection state (incomplete lead soldering at voice coil and frame) of speaker. GO/NG indication by LCD display and buzzer. (Japanese Patent No. 5756437 (registration date June 5, 2015)) . The wire vibrator for checking the connection state of soldering of the wires to be connected to a speaker is available as an option. Wire Vibrators (AP-1022) using Scenes ͤOption Variable Band Noise Generator Summary Model OFV-552 is equipped with a high-pass filter and a low-pass filter which are equivalent to those in the OFV-551 Variable Band-pass Filter plus white-noise and pink-noise signal sources. These provisions make it possible to create desired band noises by using built-in noise sources. Specifications Signal Sources : White noise / Pink noise /External input Composition of Filters : A set of high-pass filter and a low-pass filter Filter Characteristics : Butterworth Slope ͗оϲ͕оϭϮ͕оϭϴ͕оϮϰĚͬŽĐƚ͕ϰƐƚĞƉƐ Cut-off Frequency Range : 20 Hz to 20 kHz Cut-off Frequency : 999 Hz × 0.1, 999 Hz × 1, 999 Hz × 10, and 200 Hz × 100 Clipper Circuit : Built-in, Settable to ON or OFF Sound pressure meter of ONSOKU is rated high reliability in many years of experience. OS-445 Sound Pressure Meter Summary Model OS-455 is designed for measurement of the sound pressure in a free sound field. Measurement use a 1/2-inch condenser microphone. OPC-288 Speaker Polarity Checker Summary Model OPC-288 is designed to test the polarity of speaker units. The result of a check is shown wiƚŚĂĐŽůŽƌĐŽĚĞĚ͞-͞;ƌĞĚͿͬ͞н͟;green) indicator within approximately 0.1 sec. Specifications Measurement frequency range : 20Hz to 40kHz Sound pressure measuring range: 55 to 140dB Indicator : memory range -5dB to + 10dB Response : FAST, SLOW Range changeover : 10dB step Measurement microphone : OMC-57 + AP-1157A (supplied) Specifications Polarity ͗н;ŐƌĞĞŶͿо;ƌĞĚ) Polarity Checking Microphone : AP-1291 (Accessory) OS-447 Sound Pressure Meter Summary Model OS-447 sound pressure meter uses an OMC-263 1/2-inch back-electret type condenser microphone coupled with AP-1163 preamplifier. Frequency response is selectable between flat and A-weighting. OPC-488 Speaker Polarity checker with tweeter checking Summary Model OPC-488 is designed to test the polarity of speaker units and broken voice coil of tweeter of the speaker system. The result of a check is shown with red and green LED indicator within approximately 0.1sec. Specifications Polarity : +(green) -(red) Tweeter Open : GO(green) NG(red) Polarity Checking Microphone : AP-1291(Accessory) Specifications Measurement Frequency Range : 20 Hz to 20 kHz Frequency characteristics : flat, A-weighting (JIS C1509 compliant) Measurement rang : 45 to 130 dB Indicator : -5 to +10dB Range changeover : 10dB step Measurement microphone : OMC-263 (supplied) OPA-460 Audio Power Amplifier OMR-107A True RMS Meter Summary Summary Model OMR-107A indicates true RMS values within a frequency range from 2 Hz to 50 kHz. Specifications Voltage range : 0.1 to 300Vrms (8 ranges) Input impedance ͗ϭϬϬŬɏ Crest facto r: 5 or more Meter dynamic characteristics FAST : 0.3 sec SLOW : 20 sec Model OPA-460 provides high-power output into a low impedance speaker. It ĚĞůŝǀĞƌƐϭϱϬtŝŶƚŽĂůŽĂĚŽĨϭƚŽϴɏ͘ It includes a true RMS output voltmeter. An output short-circuit protector protects the output circuit from accidental shorting. The output circuit is automatically reset from short-circuit detection after 1sec approx.. Specifications Output power : 150 W Load impedance ͗ϭ͕Ϯ͕ϰ͕ϴɏ;^ĞůĞĐƚŝŽŶĂĐĐŽƌĚŝŶŐƚŽůŽĂĚͿ Gain : 27 dB Frequency range : 10 Hz to 20kHz OMR-107R AC Voltmeter Summary Model OMR-107R indicates true RMS values and peak values within a frequency range from 10 Hz to 20 kHz. OAT-594 Condenser Microphone Amplifier Summary Specifications Voltage Range :0.1 to 300Vrms (8 ranges) Input Impedance ͗ϭDɏ Crest factor : 4 or more Response FAST : 0.3 sec SLOW : 3 sec Model OAT-594 is a preamplifier for two different types of microphones ʹ ƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚĐŽŶĚĞŶƐĞƌƚLJƉĞ;ϭͬϰ഼͕ϭͬϮ഼ĂŶĚϭ഼ͿŽƌϭͬϮ഼ĞůĞĐƚƌĞƚĐŽŶĚĞŶƐĞƌƚLJƉĞ͘ A selector switch is provided inside the unit and it is set to the position specified by the customer at the time of shipment from factory. Specifications Gain: ±6 dB Frequency range : 20 Hz to 100kHz Output : 2 output (BNC) Output impedance ͗ϳϱɏ Mike back electret voltage : 200V Preamplifier circuit voltage : 28V (condenser microphone) 15V (back electret condenser microphone) Internal switching (factory setting) OLM-833 Level Meter Summary Model OLM-833 is the level judgment function with digital display level meter of the audio signal. Specifications Measurement range : 2 range [Low] -100dBV to -40dBV [High] -50dBV to -10dBV Response : 0.1 sec, 1 sec, 10 sec Filter type : 20Hz to 20kHz BPF -12dB / OCT A-weighting (JIS C1509 compliant) Linear Input impedance ͗ϭϬϬŬɏ Allowonce : -100dB to +10dB 0.1dB step Our product has become the power supply of fixed voltage except for some products. Please choose from among AC100V, 110V, 120V, 200V, 220V, 240V at the time of the order. Change the power supply voltage is also possible at a later date. ^LJƐƚĞŵƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐƚŚĂƚĐŽŵďŝŶĞƐĞǀĞƌĂůƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐƉĞĐŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƉƌŽĚƵĐƚ͕ŵĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌŝŶŐŽĨĐƵƐƚŽŵƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐŵĞƚŽĨƚŚĞƵƐĞƌ͛Ɛ use condition is also possible. Please contact us. ȷCondenser microphone has been designed for precision measurement ultra-low frequency, audio frequency and ultrasonic frequency range. These models will maintain long-term stability. ONSOKU handles precision measurement microphones and standard coupler. ȷThese models conform to the "ANSI S1.12-1967" standard. OCS-165B Summary Standard condenser microphones and preamplifiers Piston phone Model OCS-165B generates a constant pressure sound source for standard sensitivity calibration of condenser microphones with a standard diameter of 1, 1/2, or 1/4-inch. A 1/2-inch adapter is standard. Other optional adapters are available. Specifications Calibration Level : 124 dB SPL (sound pressure level) Frequency : 200 Hz Available Microphone Adapters : 1/2-inch (standard accessory) 1-inch (optional accessory) 1/4-inch (optional accessory) Driving Power Source : Four pieces of R6, LR6 or AA dry batteries OAE-260 Artificial Ear Summary Model OAE-260 is a 3-cavity coupler type dummy of the human ear with a similar acoustic impedance of the human ear. This artificial ear is designed to comply with IEC60318-1 (IEC60318) standard. As this model incorporates a preamplifier and wide frequency characteristics, it can be used for calibration and frequency response measurement of telephone headsets and ear helix earphones. This model is designed to match with the OMC-58 1/2-inch sound pressure type condenser microphone which is separately available from ONSOKU. Specifications Specification : IEC60318-1 (IEC60318) Frequency Range : 200 Hz to 5000 Hz OAE-262 Ear simulator coupler Summary Model OAE-262 is compliant with IEC 60318-4 (IEC 60711) , it used to measure the frequency characteristics and the sound pressure of insertion type earphone. Since the characteristics of the ear canal, tympanic membrane simulates can be measured at the nearest state when it is worn on the human body. Built-in 1/2 sound pressure type condenser microphone OMC-58, coupler - has been calibrated to the individual by the combination of the microphone. This model is used in conjunction with an optional pre-amplifier AP-1263 or the OAE-260P. Acoustic impedance is very similar to the human ear. Specifications Frequency response : 100Hz to 10kHz Onsoku Electronic Corporation 18-25, Takadanobaba 3-Chome,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 169-0075 TEL:+81-3-5386-4701 FAX:+81-3-5386-4717 C Onsoku 2015.11E ۑ