LOCAL 342 BLUEPRINT november 2015


LOCAL 342 BLUEPRINT november 2015
november 2015
935 Detroit Ave, Concord, CA 94518-2501 Tel (925) 686-5880 Fax (925) 685-3710 www.UA342.org
Dear Members,
The next UA Local 342 Membership Meeting will be Thursday, November 12, 2015.
The meeting will start at 7:00 pm. Please remember to bring your membership card.
special order of business
There will be a Special Order of Business at the November 2015
Membership Meeting for Officer Nominations.
Plumbers & Steamfitters
Local 342
Business Office
Please see page 12 for requirements to hold office.
Mike Hernandez
Business Manager/Fin.Secretary
Derrick Kualapai
Assistant Business Manager
Bob Bustos
Business Representative
Robbie Nash
Business Representative
Ché Timmons
Plumber Representative
you and yours
a safe and
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jamie Bird
Refrigeration Representative
Obray Van Buren
From the Business Office & Staff
Special Representative/Organizer
Christmas for our Kids
9 Service Awards
3 New Retirees, Birth Announcement, Notifications, Condolences
10 Service Awards
4 Representative Reports11
Representative Report12
General Election
Representative Report13
Enrollment Application Period
Moved?, Trust Fund News
Enrollment Application Period
Trust Fund News15
Enrollment Application
Christmas for Our Kids
We are pleased to invite Members of Local 342 to bring their children
(12 years old and under) to a Christmas Party which is being held at the Union Hall.
December 5, 2015
11:30 AM – 2:30 PM
For Children 12 Years and Younger
MEMBER’S NAME: _____________________________________
MEMBER’S TELEPHONE NUMBER: ______________________
NUMBER OF ADULTS COMING: _________________________
Please note: Space is limited, and popularity for this event has grown in recent years.
As a result, we ask that you please limit guests to immediate family.
In addition, Retirees will be limited to one Child and one Adult guest.
CHILD’S NAME: __________________________________________ AGE:______ GENDER: _________
First Name
Last Name
CHILD’S NAME: __________________________________________ AGE:______ GENDER: _________
First Name
Last Name
CHILD’S NAME: __________________________________________ AGE:______ GENDER: _________
First Name
Last Name
CHILD’S NAME: __________________________________________ AGE:______ GENDER: _________
First Name
Last Name
CHILD’S NAME: __________________________________________ AGE:______ GENDER: _________
First Name
Last Name
CHILD’S NAME: __________________________________________ AGE:______ GENDER: _________
First Name
Last Name
Due November 20, 2015
Complete and mail this form to: Local 342, 935 Detroit Avenue, Concord, CA 94518
November 2015
Blueprint - 3
New Retirees
Congratulations to the newly retired members of Local 342!
We wish you many happy years of retirement!
Linda Favilla
Retired Steamfitter
April 1, 2013
34 Years of Service
Edward Estrada
Retired Steamfitter
August 1, 2015
15 Years of Service
Joseph Buresh
Retired Steamfitter
September 1, 2015
25 Years of Service
Kelly Citty
Retired Steamfitter
November 1, 2015
26 Years of Service
Gerald Holman
Retired Steamfitter
Novemer 1, 2015
24 Years of Service
Birth Announcement
We would like to
congratulate proud parents,
Brian & Christi Ginn,
on their newly born
baby girl!
Gemma Janene Ginn
7 lbs, 6 oz.
20 inches
Born October 12, 2015
Condolence Notifications
Some members have expressed interest in receiving an email notification each time a member passes away. If you would like to be included
in our e-mailing list, please call the Business Office to sign up. Please
note, our notifications email is for informational purposes only and
does not receive replies. Any/All information available to share will be
provided; however, please note that we do not always receive information regarding scheduled services and sometimes the services are kept
private per the family’s request.
UA Local 342 would like to extend their
deepest sympathy to the family and
friends of the following members who
passed away:
Omar Barstad
Retired Steamfitter & Life Member
passed away August 19, 2015,
with 74 Years of Membership.
Karl Reichsrath
Retired Steamfitter & Life Member,
passed away September 19, 2015
with 56 Years of Membership.
James Caylor
Retired Refrigeration Steamfitter
and Life Member,
passed away September 23, 2015,
with 37 Years of Membership.
Thomas Kosach
Retired Refrigeration Steamfitter,
passed away September 29, 2015,
with 40 Years of Membership.
Cecil Crim
Retired Steamfitter
passed away September 29, 2015
with 40 Years of Membership.
Harlan West
Retired Steamfitter & Life Member,
passed away October 7, 2015,
with 56 Years of Membership.
Larry Moore
Retired Plumber
passed away October 20, 2015
with 39 Years of Membership.
4 - Blueprint
November 2015
Alameda County Report
The final quarter of 2015 is
among us and the two largest
projects in Alameda County for
the fitters have tailed off to very
small start up crews. The Seagate Project in Fremont saw 50
fitters at peak and Therma still
has 7 UA Local 342 members
on the job. The Silevo Solar
Project, also in Fremont, had 45
fitters at peak and Southland
Industries will be completing
that job with 8 UA Local 342
Derrick Kualapai
Asst. Business Manager
At the time of writing, Murray Company has started a
project at Bayer Pharmaceuticals in Emeryville called B-88
QA/QC Lab. Western Allied Mechanical is the principle
on this project and they have decided to sub-contract all
the piping to Murray Company. The approximate total
manpower on this project will be 20 UA 342 members and
is projected to go until August 2016.
ACCO started the Grifols Project. This is a tenant improvement project that will not only see new piping, but also
equipment change out as well. The approximate manpower
will be 16 UA members and is expected to last until February 2016.
Frank Booth has the East County Hall of Justice Project,
which should see it’s first fitter in the next week or two.
This project should begin hiring fitters around the end of
November with a crew of 8 UA members to install the
mechanical piping.
We expect to see approximately 14 fitters with F.W. Spencer at Washington Hospital at peak of the project. The first
fitter will likely get dispatched around mid- January 2016
for this medium sized retrofit project.
As reported at the union meeting, the above projects will be
utilizing orbital welding, tube bending, and certified brazing. I do not see a slowdown for those members with these
skill sets anytime in the near future. So, if you need to get
these certifications I encourage you to do so. Please contact
the Training Center at (925) 686-0730. See you all at the
next membership meeting.
Industrial Report
CHEVRON - At the time of
writing, the shutdowns in
the FCC and ALKY plants
are underway with Harder,
PMI, Newtron, and Contra Costa Electric. Harder has approximately 50
UA members on both days
and nights in the ALKY.
PMI has 35 UA members
on days and 35 UA members on nights working the
FCC Turnaround.
Robert Bustos
Business Representative
Contra Costa Electric has 15 UA members performing
Instrumentation, start-up, and support on both units and
Newtron has 6 UA members on start-up and support
and 16 UA members working the zone shops on instrumentation. Harder is still running approximately 60 UA
members on maintenance, capital projects and various
small jobs. Goebel has 25 UA members on small capital
and maintenance projects. Additional manpower is
pending for all contractors.
PHILLIPS 66 - PMI has 20 UA members working daily
maintenance and capital projects. There will be a turnaround with approximately 40-50 UA members in late
December for 5 weeks.
SHELL - Harder is in the final days of a turnaround with
12 UA members on site.
TESORO - Cherne has 40 UA members on the Wharf
Project. It has peaked for the time being and may possibly increase next spring.
The Chevron Renewal Project is still on schedule for a
2nd or 3rd quarter start. In order to be dispatched to this
job, you must have a current TWIC and a refinery safety
certification card (BATT, DSOP, or RSO). In addition,
please take advantage of the opportunities our training
center offers for certifications in rigging and signalperson so Local 342 can man these positions locally.
Have a safe and wonderful Holiday Season!
November 2015
Blueprint - 5
Pipeline Report
The pipeline season for 2015 is in full
swing and we currently have members
working throughout Local 342’s jurisdiction as well as working to help our
sister locals in Fresno and Bakersfield
man their work.
For those who are interested, Local 250
has a need for welders that want to travel and take the SoCal (SEMPRA) test.
As we move toward the winter months
and the work starts wrapping up, I want
to remind all the helpers who wish to
pursue the advancement program, and
break out welding next season, that you
will need to complete an application,
submit a minimum of 5 letters of recommendation and complete all of the
required steps laid out in the advancement document. Once all of the above
is complete, you will be scheduled to
meet with the Executive Board to be
considered for advancement to provisional journeyman. The requirements to
remove the provisional restriction may
seem harsh, but the additional training
requirements set forth are designed to
enhance your skills and provide you
with the training necessary to be more
valuable to both yourselves and the
union. Finally, applicants must have
5 years experience per the UA Constitution in order to be considered for
violations by our contractors, while
other issues were about members that
may be in violation of the UA Constitution or Local 342 by-laws. In all cases,
it was pointed out that there are procedures in place that must be followed in
order to correct either a contractor violation through the grievance process as
proscribed within the agreement or in
the case of a member violation, through
filing charges. Neither of these actions
should be taken lightly, and when such
actions are taken, documentation is of
utmost importance.
There was also a lot of discussion about
the work outlook, the rate of pay, and
some special circumstances that the
PG&E PSEP work has revealed that
isn’t addressed in the current contract.
Many suggestions were offered by
those in attendance to remedy these
gaps and all are being taken into consideration and will be presented to both
the contractors and to PG&E in hopes
that we can enhance the work environment for our members.
On Sunday, October 18th, approximately 65 pipeliners attended a meeting at
the union hall to discuss some of the
issues that are coming up on various
projects throughout our jurisdiction.
All in all, it was a productive meeting.
Even though there were times when
discussions got heated, at the end of the
day most of the ongoing issues were
discussed and possible solutions were
offered to correct the matters at hand.
I would like to urge all 342 members that work on pipelines to view a
couple of videos that are available on
the internet: Right of Way Etiquette
local-798/video/126266947) and
Standards of Excellence (https://vimeopro.com/user8645635/local-798/
video/126266946). These are two great
presentations that, although long, can
provide some insight to what pipeline
culture is about. It doesn’t matter if
you are working on a PG&E project in
California or a Keystone XL project in
Nebraska, both of these videos can be
applied to our members’ responsibilities
and obligations to the union, to the contractors, to the gas or oil company, and
to themselves and their families.
Some of the items of discussion involved contract language and possible
During the coming months, I encourage
our seasoned welder and journeymen
Robbie Nash
Business Representative
members to reach out to another
member starting out as a helper
or struggling to master downhill
welding, hot-tapping, testing, or
any other pipeline specific tasks.
While some may see it as training
yourself out of a job, you must keep
in mind that we are actually a team
that depends on being comprised of
many star players in order to win. If
we instead choose to keep our skills
and knowledge to ourselves, we will
find that Local 342 will come to rely
more on outside help to meet the
needs of our signatory contractors.
As we come to the end of this
season of pipeline work, I want to
encourage the welders to utilize the
school to keep their skills sharp. We
hope the ongoing dialogue with the
contractors and PG&E will open an
opportunity for requalification as we
did prior to the end of the Letter of
Understanding, so members won’t
have to complete a butt and branch
test combination at the start of a
new season.
In closing, I would like to thank
everyone that has been involved in
the pipeline work for their efforts.
Though there are times when we
have been at odds with other members, we must keep in mind that in
order to be stronger and to secure
better conditions, we must stand
6 - Blueprint
November 2015
Alameda County Report - Plumbers
The work in Alameda County was steady through the summer and
coming into the end of the year we can expect to see the same. A few
projects that have seen prolonged delays are finally getting started as
well as some new projects.
F.W. Spencer is currently in the underground plumbing phase at
Washington Hospital with 6 plumbers currently onsite. As the project
moves forward we should see around 15 plumbers at peak.
Ché Timmons
Business Representative
Frank Booth is just getting started installing the overhead plumbing systems at the East County Hall of
Justice. There are currently 6 plumbers onsite and we should see around 4-6 more dispatched in the coming
months as the job progresses.
Bellanti Plumbing is at the Claremont Hotel doing a complete remodel of all guest rooms and a restaurant
with 12 plumbers onsite. This project has been ongoing since the beginning of summer and should be completed after the New Year.
Hellwig Plumbing will be starting the Hayward Maintenance Complex Expansion Project for BART in mid
December. This is an extensive expansion to their existing facility located in Hayward. The manpower projections for this 2-year project are 15 plumbers at peak.
Kinetics Mechanical Services has just been awarded the new Gillig Bus Manufacturing project in Livermore.
This project consists of a tenant improvement of 3 warehouse buildings that were just recently erected next to
the Livermore Airport. Business Representative Derrick Kualapai and I will be doing a pre-job with KMS in
the near future and we will report more at a later time.
Uptown Station, the old Sears building in downtown Oakland, has taken a positive turn. Originally that project
was being developed for a future tenant, or possibly multiple tenants. But just recently, UBER purchased the
entire building and there are plans for a full build out. I will keep you informed as I know more.
There is an enormous amount of development happening in Oakland right now, specifically downtown. We,
along with the some of other crafts, are tracking up to 8 high-rise residential towers that are proposed in downtown. In the past month I have been to 4 meetings with 4 different developers discussing the benefits of using
Union Labor. A couple of those have been positive and the others not so good, but we have other ways of being
influential. In the coming months, I will be working hard to help secure as much of this work as possible and
will be calling on the membership for support. There will be city council meetings that we need our local residents to attend, and sometimes speak at on our behalf. So, if I contact you please keep in mind at what we have
at stake.
Thank you all for your support and I hope to see you at the next Membership Meeting.
November 2015
Blueprint - 7
If you have recently moved,
please contact us by mail (935 Detroit Ave. Concord CA 94518),
telephone (925-686-5880), or fax (925-685-3710)
with your new address and telephone number(s).
Northern California Pipe Trades
Trust FUnds
(925) 356-8921
(800) 780-8984
1855 Gateway Blvd., Suite 350
Concord, CA 94520-8445
Kim Biagi – Administrator
medicare enrollment for retirees and/or retiree’s eligible dependent(s)
important reminder
In order to maintain coverage in the Northern California Pipe Trades Retiree Health and Welfare Plan (“Plan”),
once a Retiree and/or a Retiree’s Dependent(s) becomes eligible for Medicare coverage, enrollment in Medicare (including Parts A and B) is mandatory.
If a Retiree and/or a Retiree’s Dependent(s) does not enroll in Medicare (including Parts A and B), when he/
she becomes entitled to Medicare coverage, he/she may lose coverage under his/her medical plan option
or an additional premium amount (currently $275 a month per individual) may apply in order to continue
participation in the Plan.
To avoid delays, the Plan recommends that individuals file for Medicare benefits at least three months prior
to turning age 65. For those individuals under age 65 who receive a Social Security Disability Award, we suggest that you contact your nearest Social Security Office once you receive your Award to determine when you
would be entitled to enroll in Medicare coverage.
Please be aware that a Retiree and/or a Retiree’s Dependent(s) with Medicare may only assign his/her
Medicare benefits (Part A, Part B, and/or Part D) to one insurance carrier. As a result, once a Retiree and/or
a Retiree’s Dependent(s) becomes Medicare eligible, he/she will only be permitted to maintain Retiree Health
and Welfare benefits in this Plan if he/she disenrolls from any other Health Plans.
If you have any questions, please contact the Trust Fund Office at (925) 356-8921, ext. 510 or toll free at (800)
780-8984, ext. 510.
8 - Blueprint
November 2015
2015 Northern California Pipe Trades (“NCPT”) supplemental 401(k)
Retirement plan education workshop schedule
We are pleased to announce that Supplemental 401(k) Retirement Education Workshops have been scheduled to explain Plan information, retirement and investment ideas, historical fund performance, and any
other questions you may have. Participants and spouses are encouraged to attend.
The Final Supplemental 401(k) Retirement Education Workshop for 2015 is:
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The workshop will begin at 5:45 pm in the downstairs auditorium at UA Local 342 (935 Detroit Avenue / Concord, CA 94518-2501) and will last approximately one hour.
Pension Pre-Retirement Educational Workshop /
social security overview workshop
Schedules will be available in 2016
The next workshops will be held in 2016. Once the dates have been determined,
the schedules will be listed on the NCPTTF website under General Information.
NCPTTF Website - ISSI System (“ISITE”)
We encourage Plan Participants to visit our website at www.ncpttf.com for information on Plan benefits. On
our website:
You can download frequently used forms, including the Plan’s Enrollment Forms, Beneficiary Designa-
tion Form, HRA Claim Form, and Retirement Application.
You can view Plan Information including current notices.
You can e-mail the Trust Fund Office.
You are provided with useful website links, including those for Kaiser, Blue Shield, Delta Dental, Vision Service Plan (VSP), Kaufmann & Goble (K&G), and the NCPTTF ISSI System (“ISITE”).
To access ISITE, you will need to select the phrase “Log in to your ISITE account” which is located in the upper right hand area of our website. In ISITE, you can view:
Your eligibility.
Your work history.
Your contributions, including Supplemental 401(k), Pension, Dues Check-off, HRA, and Credit Union Deductions.
In order to access information in ISITE, you will need your username and password. If you did not receive or
misplaced the notice containing your username and password, please contact our office either by phone or
by completing the Contact Us Form which is located under the “Contact Us” tab of our website.
- Blueprint
Service Awards
Congratulations to the following members who became eligible for a Service Award in 2015!
Member(s) who passed away are denoted with italics.
65 Years of Service
Frank Ribeira
Paul G Simpson
James W Szuch
60 Years of Service
Edward L Bovee
Paul Chapman
Jess C Doporto
Robert C Fuller
Luiz J Garcia Sr
Kenneth Gruss
Harmon G Higgins Jr
John E Lauther
James J Lynch
Carroll K McCallister
Norman Schoenfeld
Harry M Sheridan
55 Years of Service
George A Blalock
Richard C Bonetti
Bruce C Carman
Charles H Cox Jr
Gene Furman
Richard L Green
Alfred R Grimstad
James A Hansen
William C Jones
Wilhelm Locher
Robert E Logsdon Jr
Roger V Maes
Robert H Meinbress
Robert Moitoza
Richard J Mullins
Wallace W Ryburn
Rudy Selby Jr
George F Stewart
Patrick J Traynor
50 Years of Service
Frank P Aiello
Arthur N Anderson Jr
Emilio F Avila
Earl N Bennett
Frank W Black
Robert Bowser
Larry A Briggs
Douglas W Brown
Peter K Carswell
Lionel A Castelhano
Robert K Clark
John J Cuddihy
Dean E Fassett
Paul L Foreman Jr
Joseph E Fratello Jr
Michael E Gosney
Gordon E Huntington
Dale E Lyall
Larry D McDaniel
Michael H McMillen
Roger B Newland
William Peterson
Donald G Quintana
Robert Reading
Wayne H Roberson
Michael J Ryan
Jerry L Sartain
Paul E Seiwald
Larry W Smith
Thomas C Souza
Larry E Thompson
Joe I Tocchini
Stanley Trotter
Patrick M VanBuren
Leonard R Venti
45 Years of Service
Patrick H Coelho
Gary D Ellis
Frank N Giannini
Charles E Hawley
Howard H Herting
Stephen S Hobaugh
Harry W Hokerson
Henry A Hummel
David W Hunt
Bernie E Lay Jr
Apolinar H Pimentel
Larry L Roy
Donald E Smith
Howard L Sweatfield
Myron C Taylor
John G Vieira
Christopher Wacht
Larry C White
40 Years of Service
James M Abeyta
James Albright
Brian K Anderson
James P Anglim
Larry J Ault
Daniel R Baremore
Buddy Barnett
Garrey R Barron
George A Bell
Hugh Blackmon
William E Bratton
Joe L Campbell
Michael L Campbell
Wesley N Canby
Paul S Christie
Sidney A Clutts
Harold W Cogswell
Luis Conceicao
Bruce C Connitt
James A Coon
Glenn A Cooper
Cecil A Crim
Barry B Cronin
Michael J Cronin
Craig L Cunningham
Jay L Davidson
W H Davis Jr
Wilfred N Decoite
Donald E Deluca
Sheridan F Dickey
Ronald R Dinatale
Thomas D Doss
Duane C Dughman
Stephen R Eckley
Scott C Eichelbaugh
Scott Ervin
Joseph J Facer
Richard P Feehan
Kenneth R Fenton
Joe Finney
Calvin R Fisk
Stanley Fletcher
Roberto V Flores
John H Frerichs
Harold R Fuhrmann
Everett E Games
James E Gavello
Gary F Gill
Lyn R Goodbar
Don Gosney
Gary C Graves
Charles M Greeley
Hobby K Green
Scott N Harbaugh
Nelson Harmon
Richard E Hazeltine
David R Hernandez
Michael D Hernandez
Thomas R Herrington
Dave J Hetzel
William Hicks Jr
Brent E Hokanson
10 - Blueprint
David P Hook
Glenn L Irwin
Warren F Iserloth Jr
Donald T Jackson
Richard D Johnson
William Johnson
Wylie D Keen
Robert J Kiser
Thomas G Kosach
Richard I Kral
Danny L Lacy
Lawrence D Ladra
Roger R Lewis
James T Lipanovich
Frank G Lisby
Hoyt D Little Jr
Steven E Little
John R Magana
James F Mahar
James M Maltbie
Patrick N McDuffie
Charles D McFadden Jr
Thomas C McNair
Vern D McPherson
Dave L Menesini
Jack A Mercado
Virgil R Montgomery
Amador Murguia
Steven H Myers
Robert L Nash
David S Neasbitt
Scott L Negherbon
Van C Neilson
Joseph K New
Tim Nierhake
Dennis R Nummi
Ralph L Ottaway
James L Owens
Roy W Pantle Jr
Alan B Pastega
Kenneth G Pastega
Louis Pegueros Jr
Leo Poche
Steven C Price
Steve D Radonich
Thomas G Ramage
Clinton L Robbins
John H Roberts
November 2015
James W Rogenski
Robert Rogers
Peter Rosa
James M Saathoff
Carl J Schnaitmann
Thomas W Scoggins
Carl Simms
Frank P Sparacino
Rudolf H Stahl
Dan A Towers
Richard Travalini
Forrest L Trimm
Aaron M Turner
Thomas W Unger
Obray Van Buren
Michael Viramontes
John C Voight
Mike G Walenter
James D Walker
Larry D Walther
David A Watts
Potter Wickware
Michael R Wilkerson
Stephen D Windle
Ronald W Wood
James Yates
Ralph M Zuniga
35 Years of Service
Steve H Apperson
James C Austin Jr
Anthony P Barber
Dave Bean
Steve E Berge
Rashad Bilal
Keith A Blevins
David J Bunio
John C Byal
Clifton T Davis
Dan C Delariva
Kevin J Denson
Richard J DeYoung
Kenneth P Dixon
Steve Dornan
Norman Downing
Gordon H Emberton
Robert G Engle
Steve Estes
David L Freeman
Darwin Gardner
Robert W Keen
George H Kikes
Joe N Lee
Timothy J Luders
Chad Martin
James R McKay
Jaymie D Orear
Tommy J Ross
David Sequeira
Robert G Stewart
Harold C Walling
Richard S Werstein Jr
Randall Wurth
Steven L Zarnick
30 Years of Service
Mark Anderson
Edward R Baldwin
Carl M Brooks
Raymond L Brown Jr
Scott Campbell
William H Christy
Thomas G Clifford
Philip Cohran
Rick Dow
John E Guichard
Jack Harrington Jr
James L Ison
Guenter Krantz
Mark D Leeper
Jeri L Marston
Kevin J Martin
Gregg Oxsen
Farman Robinson
25 Years of Service
Brian Ashworth
Brian J Atnip
Steven P Barbier
Daryl E Bartzi
Shane A Biesecker
Juan R Briones
Bryan Burch
Joseph A Buresh
Darryl D Burleson
Sean P Clancy
James A Crowson
Joseph Cruze
Roger B Deaver
Daniel Deltoro
Peter R Dempster
James A Escorcio
Allen G Frerichs
Chet T Frerichs
Jon P Frerichs
David Garcia
Ronald S Hall
Michael A Hanisian
Guy R Helfrick
Kevin R Hulme
Edward N Hunter
Joe P Jacoby II
Robert J Kiser Jr
Raymond L Kraft
Kenneth J Leval
Richard C Lightner Jr
Brian McLeroy
Shawn Miller
Julie A Mitchell
Craig Morrill
Robert J Murphy
Ronald S Newton
Gary F Page
Catherine D Partain
Jay C Pistante
Lionel W Richards III
Joseph E Rosales
Jose L Sandoval
Randolph T Shiek
Daniel E Simonds
Donald R Simonds
Aaron D Strock
Alan Vandeven
Jessy S Van Slochteren
Felipe D Velasco Jr
Anthony J Victor
David S Waite
Erik T Westergard
Jeffrey S Williams
- Blueprint
- 11
October 2015
Mark Your Calendar!
2015 Remaining Holidays & Dates to Remember:
December 13, 2015
General Election of Officers
November 11, 2015
Veterans Day
December 15, 2015
Supp. 401(K)
Education Workshop
November 12, 2015
General Election
December 5, 2015
Local 342 Kids Christmas
December 24, 2015
Christmas Eve
December 25, 2015
Christmas Day
December 31, 2015
New Year’s Eve
January 1, 2016
New Year’s Day
January 4, 2016
UA Local 342 Scholarship
Application Period Opens
Master Labor Agreement
2016 Holiday Schedule
HOLIDAYS, Article IX, Section 79, Page 23: The recognized holidays in both Alameda and Contra Costa
Counties shall be as follows:
New Year’s Day
ML King Jr’s Birthday
President’s Day
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Jan 1st
Jan 18th
Feb 15th
May 30th
July 4th
Sept 5th
Veteran's Day
Thanksgiving Day
Friday after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve
Nov 11th
Nov 24th
Nov 25th
Dec 24th
Dec 25th
Dec 31st
Article IX, Section 80, Page 26: If any of said holidays fall on Sunday, the Monday following shall be considered a legal holiday. When a holiday falls on Saturday, the Friday before shall be considered a holiday and
when a holiday falls on Thursday, the following Friday shall also be considered a legal holiday. When a holiday
falls on a Friday, the following Saturday shall be paid at the holiday rate. When a holiday falls on a Monday,
the preceding Saturday shall be paid at the holiday rate.
Please Note: If you are working under a special project agreement or any other agreement, other than the
Master Labor Agreement, you will need to check the holiday schedule within that agreement.
12 - Blueprint
November 2015
GENERAL ELECTION - Sunday, December 13, 2015
Nominations and
Of Officers
In December 2015, Local 342 will
hold a General Election of Officers
to elect the 35 Officers that will help
guide this Local for the next three
years. At our November 12, 2015,
Membership Meeting, we will have
a Special Order of Business for the
nomination of those officers. All 35
Offices will be up for election.
There is often some confusion about
exactly what the duties of Local
Union Officers are; so in an effort to
make things a little clearer, please
find a brief description of each Officer’s duties. All Offices mentioned
below will be open for nomination.
President (1 to be elected) shall preside over all meetings and shall have
a general supervisory control over
matters pertaining to the welfare of
the Local Union. The President shall
be ex-officio over all committees.
Vice President (1 to be elected) shall
be chairman of the Local’s Executive
Board and have supervision over
members entering and departing the
assembly room, assists the President
in keeping order and, in the President’s absence, will assume the chair.
Business Manager / Financial Secretary (1 to be elected) shall have
control and supervision over the daily
affairs and business operation of the
Local, protect the trade jurisdictions
and represent the members.
Business Representative (3 to be
elected) works under the direct supervision of the Business Mgr/ Financial
Secretary, protects the trade jurisdiction and represents the members.
Treasurer (1 to be elected) oversees
the finances of the Local Union.
Finance Committee (3 to be elected)
works with the Treasurer and Bookkeeper to review bills and vouchers
and reports to the membership.
Executive Board (4 to be elected)
meets twice monthly & reviews
business referred to it by the Local’s
Officers. As the need arises, they will
report their meetings to the membership.
Board of Trustees (4 to be elected) shall have a personal fiduciary
responsibility to provide the most fair
and secure terms to the Participants of
the Plans and aid the trust Actuaries
& Attorneys.
Recording Secretary (1 to be elected) shall keep a correct & intelligent
account of all resolutions, motions,
and general business transacted.
Inside Guard (1 to be elected) shall
have charge of the door and be under
the direct supervision of the Vice
Welfare Committee Chairman (1 to
be elected) presides over the committee, visits sick members as well
as hardship cases, and also serves on
the Supplemental Disability Program
Examining Board (14 to be elected)
meets at least once per month with
their primary duty being to provide
a skills evaluation to all applications
referred to them. The board is comprised of 14 members as follows:
Steamfitter (2)
Welder (2)
Plumber (2)
Refrigeration (2)
Instrumentation (2)
Pipeliner (2)
At Large (2)
eligibility for office
in local unions
(UA Constitution Sec. 121)
No member shall be eligible to be
nominated for office in any Local
Union unless he shall be a journeyman
member and shall have been a member
of the United Association and the Local Union in good standing for at least
a period of two (2) years immediately
prior to the election. Any journeyman
member who owes or has paid a reinstatement fee within a period of two
(2) years immediately prior to the date
of the election shall not be eligible to
be nominated for office in any Local
Union. See UA Constitution Sec.
161 regarding eligibility of member
eligibility to vote at
local union election
(UA Constitution Sec.124a)
No member shall vote at any election
of any description unless he has been a
member in good standing in the Local
Union where the vote is being taken
for a period of one (1) year immediately prior to the date of election.
Any member who owes or has paid a
reinstatement fee within a period of
one (1) year immediately prior to the
date of election shall not be eligible to
vote in any Local Union election. See
UA Constitution Sec. 161 regarding
eligibility of member contractors to
Please note: Apprentices are not eligible to vote at a Local Union election.
See UA Constitution Sec. 148(b).
November 2015
Blueprint - 13
enrollment application period
Supplemental 401(k) retirement, hra, & credit union (VCD) deductions
Enrollment applications for the Supplemental 401(k) Retirement Plan, Health Reimbursement Account (HRA),
and Voluntary Credit Union deduction program are now available. These applications will take effect with January 2016 hours. You can find the application on page 15.
If you would like to enroll or make changes to your existing classification pursuant to the Master Labor Agreement (MLA), please call the Business Office at (925) 686-5880 for an application, come in to fill one out, or use
the application on page 15. No action is required if you are not making changes or enrolling at this time.
The deadline for accepting 401(k) and HRA applications is a postmark date of Monday, November 30, 2015.
Please note: Changes to your Voluntary Credit Union deduction (only) can be made at anytime and are effective
the 1st day of the month following receipt of your application.
Supplemental 401(k) Retirement Plan
As of February 1, 2015, Voluntary Employee deferrals have been under the new 401(k) Plan. This Plan complies with IRS guidelines. Under the 401(k) Plan, an Employee will be given the option of deferring a portion
of his or her wages to the 401(k) Plan. However, as explained below, there are certain limits established by
Congress and the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) that the Plan must follow.
1. Annual Election—You will be permitted to elect a specific amount that you wish to be deferred to
the 401(k) Plan. Depending upon your applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement, the deferral amounts for
2016 will be: $2.00; $4.00; $6.00; $8.00; and $10.00 an hour (subject to the maximum limits summarized in
number 2 below). These are the rates under the Master Labor Agreement. The deferral amounts could be
different under other agreements.
The next enrollment period in which you will be able to elect to change amounts deferred to the 401(k) Plan
will take place through November 30, 2015, and will be effective with January 2016 hours. An Employee’s
election will remain in place until the next election period, which will likely be in January 2017. Any deferral
amounts will be in addition to the “Mandatory” Employer Contribution in the Collective Bargaining Agreement
(such as the Master Labor Agreement).
ALERT: If you previously designated an amount to be allocated to the Supplemental 401(k) Plan and
wish to make a change, A NEW FORM IS REQUIRED and must be submitted no later than November
30, 2015, to make a change effective with January 2016 hours.
2. $18,000 and $24,000 Contribution Limits Required by the IRS. Pursuant to IRS guidelines, the maximum amount that can be deferred to a 401(k)Plan is $18,000 each calendar year; however, for Employees who
are age 50 or older, the IRS permits an additional catch-up contribution of $6,000 each year. Thus, the maximum amount that a person age 50 or older can defer is $24,000. Later in the year, the IRS will make a determination whether these maximum amounts will be increased in 2016.
The Plan will monitor your deferrals to ensure that the maximum deferral amounts are not exceeded during a
calendar year. Any amounts received in excess of the IRS guideline maximums will be reversed and paid to
you as wages. When determining deferral maximums, this will not include any “Mandatory” Employer contributions required by your Collective Bargaining Agreement. However, since you are the only party who knows
your hours prior to the time of employer contributions, you will want to monitor your deferrals to prevent headaches come tax time.
14 - Blueprint
November 2015
3. FICA/FUTA Withheld From Deferral Amounts. Pursuant to IRS guidelines, amounts deferred by
an Employee to a 401(k) Plan are subject to Social Security and Medicare withholdings (“FICA”) and Federal
Unemployment taxes (“FUTA”). As a result, FICA and FUTA taxes will be deducted by your Employer from
the deferral amounts.
4. Investment Options Remain the Same. Your Plan assets will continue to be invested in the same
manner as in the past and you will continue to have the same options available to you. While your statements
show both a 401(k) balance and Supplemental Pension Plan balance, the funds are invested together.
Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)
Anyone with a mandatory HRA contribution may have additional contributions made to their HRA as outlined
on the Enrollment Application on page 15. The HRA contribution hourly rate is excluded from the taxable wage.
Pursuant to IRS guidelines, these are considered employer contributions.
You (any member with an account balance) may use your HRA account balance to pay for qualified health &
welfare expenses that are not otherwise covered by the health plan, including self-payments and COBRA premiums.
The application requires you to read and understand the Plan prior to applying. You can access the information
at the Northern California Pipe Trades Trust Fund’s website at www.ncpttf.com or by contacting Kaufmann &
Goble at (800) 767-1170.
UA Credit Union Voluntary Credit Union (VCD) Deduction
The UA Local 342 Agreements provide for a voluntary UA Credit Union payroll deduction for active working
The Credit Union Payroll Deduction will be deducted from his/her paycheck and remitted by your employer,
along with your benefits, to the Northern California Pipe Trades Trust Funds office. The Trust Fund, in turn,
will remit a monthly report with your payroll deduction to the UA Credit Union on your behalf. For example,
when you work during the month of January, the January hours are reported to the Trust Fund by your employer
late in February and transferred in March to the Credit Union. (So please take note that the Credit Union payroll deduction will be in your account approximately 45-60 days or so after you have worked that given month.)
Credit Union payroll deductions must be designated in flat dollar amounts of $1.00 - $5.00 per hour.
Please note: Changes to your Voluntary Credit Union deduction (only) can be made at anytime and are effective the 1st day of the month following receipt of your application. If you wish to make a change to your Credit
Union Deduction effective with November 1 or December 1, 2015, please clearly state your wishes on your
401(k) and HRA Enrollment Applications
are due by Monday, November 30, 2015.
U A LOCAL UNION 342 9 3 5 D e tro it A v e n u e , C o n c o rd , C A 9 4 5 1 8-2 5 0 1 P h o n e (9 2 5 ) 6 8 6 -5 8 8 0 F a x (9 2 5 ) 6 8 5 -3 7 1 0
ENROLLMENT APPLICATION Application Approved: E f f e c t i v e J a n u a r y 1 , 2 0 1 6 NAME: _______________________________________________________________ SSN# ________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Init. Social Security ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Current Employer Job Location Are you currently working on a T ravel Card? If yes, the UA Local No.#: _________________. CIRCLE: HELPER APPRENTICE JOURNEYMAN FOREMAN GEN. FOREMAN SR.GEN. FOREMAN OTHER 401(k) ELECTIVE DEFERRAL: Voluntary Deduction -­‐ Please check √ one option per agreement below Master Labor Agreement, or similar agreement e.g. NCSA, NMA □ No Deduction □ $2.00 Per Hr. □ $4.00 Per Hr. □ $6.00 Per Hr. □ $8.00 Per Hr. □ $10.00 Per Hr. California Shortline National Distribution “Other” Agreements; e.g. Residential Spec. , Serviceman Agreement Agreement □ No Deduction □ No Deduction □ No Deduction □ $2.00 Per Hr. □ $2.00 Per Hr. □ $2.00 Per Hr. □ $4.00 Per Hr. □ $4.00 Per Hr. □ $4.00 Per Hr. □ $6.00 Per Hr. □ $6.00 Per Hr. □ $8.00 Per Hr. □ $8.00 Per Hr. HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT (HRA): Please check √ one classification per agreement below Master Labor Agreement, or similar agreement e.g. NCSA, NMA A. □ $0.50 Per Hr., Mandatory B. □ $1.00 Per Hr., includes Mandatory, 50¢ C. □ $1.50 Per Hr., includes Mandatory, 50¢ D. □ $2.50 Per Hr., includes Mandatory, 50¢ E. □ $3.50 Per Hr., includes Mandatory, 50¢ F. □ $4.50 Per Hr., includes Mandatory, 50¢ G. □ $5.50 Per Hr., includes Mandatory, 50¢
“Other” Agreements; California Shortline Agreement e.g. Serviceman, Tradesman/1601+, National Distribution Agreement A. □ $0.25 Per Hr., Mandatory A. □ $0.25 Per Hr., Mandatory B. □ $0.75 Per Hr., includes Mandatory, 25¢ C. □ $1.25 Per Hr., includes Mandatory, 25¢ D. □ $2.25 Per Hr., includes Mandatory, 25¢ B. □ $0.75 Per Hr., includes Mandatory, 25¢ C. □ $1.25 Per Hr., includes Mandatory, 25¢ *Choice D. is available for Jynmn.& Serviceman; *D. □ $2.25 Per Hr., includes Mandatory, 25¢ UA CREDIT UNION: Voluntary Payroll Deduction -­‐ P lease check √ one box below □ No Deduction, □ $1.00 Per Hr, □ $2.00 Per Hr, □ $3.00 Per Hr, □ $4.00 Per Hr, □ $5.00 Per Hr I have read and understand the information provided on the 401(k) Elective Deferral and the HRA Plan. I am aware that I can request additional documentation on each or both of these Plans, such as the Plan Document and/or most recent Summary Plan Description. I understand that provided I qualify under the 401(k) Plan, HRA Plan and MLA and/or CSL, National Distribution, Residential Plumbing and/or applicable contract rules, the 401(k) and HRA allocations will take effect with January 1, 2016 hours and will continue to be in effect until I serve written notice during the next open enrollment period (which may not take place for another 12 months). Additionally, I understand the above voluntary Credit Union Payroll Deduction will start with January 1, 2016 hours or the first day of the month following my deduction request, if made after January 1, 2016. SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________________________ DATE:______________________________________ United Association Local 342
935 Detroit Avenue
Concord, CA 94518-2501
Wishing you a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
935 Detroit Ave., Room 259; Concord, CA 94518-2501
(925) 686-1044 s www.unitedassociationcu.org
Greetings from UACU!
Need some extra cash? The Credit Union offers competitive rates with a free and easy application process!
Fund ANY credit union loan this year and you will receive a gift of your choice*!
Recieve a trip for two to Las Vegas*!
Two tickets to an event of your choice...NFL, MLB, NBA, concerts and More*!
*Some restrictions apply. 401A loans not eligible for promotion. Loans approved based on credit worthiness. See Credit Union for complete promotion and loan details.
Home Loans
The Credit Union is partnered with CU Lending Group to offer mortgage products to our members.
Now may be the best time to refinance, with interest rate at historical lows!
For more information and assistance call: Michael Botelho (925) 354-6633.
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday 9am to 4:30 pm
Friday 9am to 3pm
Closed for lunch from 12 to 1pm
For your convenience we are also open union meeting night from 6pm to 7pm.