the voice of victims in europe: networking for victims support
the voice of victims in europe: networking for victims support
“THE VOICE OF VICTIMS IN EUROPE: NETWORKING FOR VICTIMS SUPPORT” TUESDAY 10TH, WENESDAY 11TH, AND THURSDAY 12TH MARCH 2009 MADRID, SPAIN NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security “THE VOICE OF VICTIMS IN EUROPE: NETWORKING FOR VICTIMS SUPPORT” TUESDAY 10TH, WENESDAY 11TH, AND THURSDAY 12TH MARCH 2009 MADRID, SPAIN CONTENTS 1. DRAFT FRAMEWORK OF THE EVENT 2. EVENTS 2.1 VIRTUAL TRIBUTE 2.2 THE VOICE FOR VICTIMS 2.3 BREAKFAST BRIEFING 2.4 WREATRH 2.5 PUBLIC AWARENESS: VOLUNTEER 2.6 TRIBUTE CONCERT: IN MEMORIAM 3. MEETING: MINUTES AND ASSISTANTS 4. ANNEXES 4.1 PRESS RELEASE 4.2 INVITATION TO THE VOICE OF THE VICTIMS. 4.3 LIST OF MEMBERS AND VICTIMS OF EUROPE 4.4 LIST OF INVITED TO ALL EVENTS. 4.5 SPEECHES OF THE VOICE FOR VICTIMS 4.6 SPEECHES OF BREAKFAST BRIEFING. 4.7 VOLUNTEERISM: LETTERS TO DEAN OF UNIVERSITIES 4.8 LETTER TO VOLUNTEER 4.9 PROJECT AWARENESS poster 4.10 EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE . 4.11 DESIGN OF PLATE and T-SHIRT DRAWINGS NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security 1. DRAFT FRAMEWORK OF THE EVENT The contents of this report deals with: "The voice of the victims: networking support for victims." This meeting is part of the SEEK NAVT JLS/2008/D1/003, funded by the Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security, European Commission). NAVT officials the European victims of terrorism, as the official agency from October 2008 until October 2010. NAVT is the culmination of the launch and implementation of two projects funded by the Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security, called Vnet I and Vnet II during the years 2006 and 2007 respectively. With these two projects began the union of associations of victims of terrorism in Europe, through various activities and with clear objectives, which responded primarily to defending the rights of victims and the provision of a context where all can express their wishes and demands. All activities outlined in this report are framed by both NAVT in pursuance of the objectives outlined at the beginning of creation. The main objective of NAVT, stimulate transactional cooperation of associations of victims of terrorism and improving the representation of the interests of victims of terrorism at a European level. This is being done through the establishment and functioning of a stable, focused and effective network of European associations of victims of terrorism or other non-governmental organizations focused on assistance to victims of terrorism. The specific objectives NAVT therefore are: - The creation of a network of associations of victims of terrorism and other organizations focused on assisting victims of terrorism. - To contribute to increase the representation of victims of terrorism in the European Union and increasing the solidarity of European citizenship with all them. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security - To evaluate the current support and protection offered to victims of terrorism in the European Union. - To collect best practices and to identify errors or failures in the aid or protection offered to victims of terrorism. - To propose activities and to disseminate good practice and eliminate errors. - To support the attainment of the objectives of the Union to provide aid and protection to victims of terrorism To accomplish these goals were set within a range of activities NAVT. Specifically in fulfilling these objectives appointed in general, and in compliance with the second goal in particular, have developed the activities referred to below, so that might be a channel through which victims may sue and express their needs, feelings, emotions, life experiences and both society, and the European institutions, as well as increase the solidarity of European citizenship with all of them. For all that has taken place in Madrid, on days 10, 11 and March 12, 2009, meeting on the subject of this report: "The Voice of the victims: victims support for networking." This meeting was held during the days above, as the European Parliament set March 11 as the Day in Memory of Victims of Terrorism. All events organized by the European Network of Victims of Terrorism, and in compliance with NAVT the days 10, 11 and March 12, 2009 go, and victims of numerous partners throughout Europe1. 1 List of invitated Anexes 4.3 and 4.4 NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security 2. EVENTS A. VIRTUAL TRIBUTE On March 11 is not just a date that does not go unnoticed in the calendar of all Spaniards. Shortly after the brutal bombing of trains in Madrid, the European Union, a proposal by the Portuguese MEP José Ribeiro e Castro, institutionalised memory of all victims of terrorism who have suffered the injustice of terrorism throughout the continent on 11 March every year. So many events and tributes that have taken place over the past days, in memory of victims of terrorism in different cities, are a nice gesture of support and solidarity with the victims began to take shape very quickly and soon spread after March 11, 2004. But all these acts and tributes have been one in which all Europeans have been able to attend and give our love and support from every corner of Europe. One more year, this meeting point that has no physical boundaries, through new technologies, has been organized by European Network of Victims of Terrorism and again, had the close cooperation of all associations of victims of terrorism to European up. We speak of virtual tribute organized by the European Network in memory of victims of terrorism. So, like all years, all European citizens and also those who do not live on our continent have converged in a single act that does not mean hours or borders. In the event this year all had the opportunity to write our name and that of those who are no longer with us in a memorial wall. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Was allotted for construction five links that are maintained year to year and are beginning to establish itself as a must for us each March 11: The visits came not only from almost all European countries. It also commemorated the victims of terrorism from Japan, Egypt, Iran, Mexico, the United States or Australia, among many other nations. The time difference in different parts of the world, contributed to the construction is done with a steady trickle of visitors throughout the day. From the network, we want to thank everyone who contributed to make this virtual tribute. In this very special date, the solidarity and support shown from such scattered places on the planet, we are reinforcing our commitment to work and for victims of terrorism. Virtual Tribute frame 11 March 2009. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security B. THE VOICE OF THE VICTIMS: On March 10, 2009, in celebration of V Day in Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism, held a tribute to all victims of terrorism in Europe, called " The Voice of the Victims." The meeting took place at 20:30, at the Foundation Lázaro Galdiano, located in Serrano Street 122, Madrid. Were invited to honour Spanish Royal House, the President and Vice-Chairmen of the Spanish Government, 18 Ministers, 17 Presidents of Autonomous Communities, The Presidents of the Congress and Senate, the highest representatives of the Directorate General for Health Care and Victims of Terrorism the Ministry of Interior, 150 Ambassadors, 10 audio-visual media and radio in Spain, seven media of print, 4 communications agencies, and 14 media from across Europe2. The event opened the speech by the Director of the European Network of Victims of Terrorism. María Lozano, first thanked the participation and presence of all guests, while the importance of the existence of a network where all the victims' associations at European level may be represented, and from which to fight for victims' rights, always against the barbarity of terrorism. She also supported the European Commission in the implementation and development of these projects and of the network as official Organization. Then, the European Commission Vice-President and Commissioner for DG Justice, Freedom and Security, Mr Don Jaques Barrot gived, us with a video in which from his own person, praising the work of the Network European victims of terrorism, and encouraged to continue fighting for the rights of all victims, united in the same boat in Europe. 2 ANNEX 4.4 NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security After hearing the speech of Mr Barrot, victims of different European countries, read these testimonies, and experiences as victims and demands from different associations representing the victims of terrorism. The total number of interventions were3: Doña María Lozano. Director, European Network of Victims of Terrorism “Since the birth of the European Network of Victims of Terrorism in 2006, to its formalization as a European Network of Associations of Victims of Terrorism in 2008, Victims of Spain, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Portugal, Germany or Sweden may already have a strong European support and defend their rights.” ”The European Commission, along the road and having to face the biggest terrorist attack in its history, as were the barbarities that occurred in Madrid and London, has shown its full backing and support to victims of terrorism and has not never missed an opportunity to express their deep and continuous feeling of solidarity with all victims of terrorism” 3 All the speeches can be consulted: Annex 4.5 NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Mr Jaques Barrot. European Commission Vice President ”Our action in the fight against terrorism is based on the Absolute Primacy of the rule of law. This means that we fight terrorism by the law and within the law. Fighting terrorism is about preserving our most fundamental human rights and Cherished and this means that we must uphold these human rights with every step we take” ”There can never be adequate compensation for the victims or for the families of the victims of terrorism. However, we can stand by them as we do today, all expressing our sympathy and our continuing efforts to try to prevent such attacks in the future.” NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Ángeles Domínguez. President. Association of Victims Support M11. SPAIN “I would like, to seize the opportunity provided by the European Network of Victims of Terrorism and public, once more, our feelings of gratitude to all those persons.” ”Social support, which has never failed us, has a therapeutic value to the victims of unimaginable terror. Since the association that I chair since its inception, we have dedicated ourselves to the care and support to victims of the M11.” ”All of this work since the first day, has given us the knowledge and tools necessary to work by and for the victims of the attack, short, medium and long term in various areas of work of the Association.” NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Mr Michael Gallagher Chairman of Omagh Self Help and Suppport group. NORTHERN IRELAND ”I have attended many international conferences since the group has been set up. My message to victims of terrorism is not to give up hope we must continue to support each other it is not an easy journey, but it is important to build links with others who have suffered from terrorism, both nationally and internationally we have a great deal to share each other with those, who have suffered should not be forgotten that is why we are here today. “ NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Cristina Cuesta. Foundation director Miguel Angel Blanco. SPAIN ”Any human being minimally sensitive to the pain of others, describes the M11 as a crime against humanity. Many stories, how many dreams, how many projects have been thwarted. The murderers removed lives with the right to live and develop, joys, sorrows, problems and hopes that we are as people. They disrupted the essence of being human: our fragility and our compassion. We are left flabbergasted by his thirst for hatred, not knowing what to think, feel, an infinity vacuum gripped our beliefs, we find suffering and evil with a capital "for which were not prepared or protected. That day I felt deep in the inclement total of all terrorist acts.” NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Don Alexandre Sebban. Vice President of ““Mouvement Pour la Paix et Contre le terrorisme” ( MPCT). Representing the "Mouvement Pour la Paix et contre le terrorisme" (Movement for Peace and Against Terrorism), a human rights association, focusing on the universal condemnation of terrorism and solidarity with their victims and being a member of the international alliance against terrorism I have to transmit a double message: - Mobilize against terrorism doesn’t concern only to Europe - Mobilize against terrorism doesn’t concern only the victims We welcome the existence of the European Network of Victims of Terrorism, and we congratulate its creators, Maria Lozano and his partners in all countries, especially our friends from Italy, Spain, Northern Ireland and France. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security This allows to Europeans victims to stay united and that their voice is heard more strongly ...>> D. Juan Antonio Casquero. President of Association of Victims of Terrorism. SPAIN ”While we, democratic societies, we endeavour to not only form a bloc against terror, and our judicial systems are dedicated hard to put barriers between them, terrorism as a phenomenon has been understood long ago that there is strength and its disdain for human life and much more unites totalitarianism to different terrorist groups that they can differentiate.” NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Dante Notaristefano. President AIVITER. ITALY ”Let me return briefly to the feeling of brotherhood, that unites us here and try to prove that this has nothing to do with rhetoric. When Parliament introduced the European Day of Victims of Terrorism, a few months after the tragic events that took place in this city, when in 2005 the first edition of this anniversary, and when there was still the European Network of Victims of Terrorism, was born thanks to the European Commission programs, our group decided to use the date of March 11 to start a confrontation with the reality outside the country. “ NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Guillaume Denoix de Saint-Marc. President de la association Française des Victimes du Terrorisme(AFVT).FRANCE ”We have offered immediate assistance to victims and their parents (two mothers of children who participate are also here tonight) and have decided to create a few days ago, the French Association of Victims of Terrorism. This new working structure and functioning. To effectively fulfill its mission we have the moral support, technical and financial support from public authorities but also the help of civil society” NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security After the speeches, was served in the main hall of the Foundation Lázaro Galdiano, a cocktail reception for all guests, authorities, ambassadors, victims ... etc, thus providing the opportunity and context for the exchange of views, experiences, testimonies ... "face to face." . The ceremony began at 20:30 and ended at 23:30 at night NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security The Spanish media and foreign news coverage were the following: AGENCIES EUROPA PRESS EFE SERVIMEDIA ATLAS PRESS ABC EL PAIS EL MUNDO RADIOS COPE ONDA CERO RNE ONDAMADRID RADIO INTERCONTINENTAL TV TVE NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security TELE EXTREMADURA LIBERTAD DIGITAL TELEMADRID ANTENA 3TV Y TELE5 INTERNET PRESS ESTRELLA DIGITAL EL IMPARCIAL LIBERTAD DIGITAL Foreign media: Diarion de Noticias Portugués Reportaje de Céu Neves C. BREAKFAST BRIEFING NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security On March 11, European day in memory of victims of terrorism took place at 9 am in Madrid at the headquarters of the European Commission, one of the activities and developments within the European project Vnet II. As in the past, with other topics and in other European cities, this time, a further meeting between the victims of terrorism on our continent and a large media group who did not want to miss the thoughts and analysis of the European victims in one day and noted as well that you also meet its mission and brought the vehicle information transmitted to educate the European public the current status of associations of victims of terrorism in Europe. Journalists Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and United Kingdom, to give a few examples, shared space and time with the victims of terrorism in their respective media reported on successive days for all the events planned and developed by the network in Madrid. The speakers shared with the larger audience the work of different countries by different associations, as well as the joint task carried out by all the associations that work and integrate the European network. The format chosen, a breakfast briefing in the presence of numerous media promoted the exchange and the interrelationship among the speakers with the audience and the media. This meeting of "The voice of the victims," focused on "Working in a network to support victims” and complements the other events that have occurred in the past. Jacques Huchet, Director of the European Commission Representation in Spain, introduced the speakers and acted as moderator during the event. Victims of ETA, the M11, the IRA or the Red Brigades in Italy, among other terrorist organizations, shared their experiences with journalists and demands. William Taylor Jameson, Paul Klein, Cristina Cuesta, Roberto Della Rocca, Eloy Moran and Pedraza Angeles, were among the victims who spoke to European journalists covering the event. During the event, read a letter José Ribeiro de Castro. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Portuguese MEP suggested that the March 11 as European Day in memory of victims of terrorism, wanted to again express its solidarity with the victims on this day as prescribed. After the brief speeches of the speakers, opened up a quick question and answer session, between attendees and speakers. In this way we learn of the act of terrorism in neighbouring countries in the mouth of the players that terror became unintended victims. Spain, United Kingdom, France, Ireland and Italy were among the countries that were present and were able to inform the public of its current partnerships in their respective countries. No one will go unnoticed by the terrible UK today with new terrorist attacks during these days in Madrid. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security AGENCIES EUROPA PRESS, EFE, SERVIMEDIA, ATLAS PRESS ABC, EL PAIS, EL MUNDO RADIOS COPE, ONDA CERO, RNE, ONDAMADRID, RADIO INTERCONTINENTAL TV TVE, TELE EXTREMADURA, LIBERTAD DIGITAL, TELEMADRID, ANTENA 3TV Y TELE5 INTERNET PRESS ESTRELLA DIGITAL, EL IMPARCIAL, LIBERTAD DIGITAL NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security D. WREATH On March 11, about two hours after breakfast informative, took place a wreath at the Forest of the absent, located inside the Retiro Park, Madrid. The "Forest of the absent" located specifically Chopera in the Retiro park is a tribute to all those who died due to terrorism. At the side of a creek that borders the monument is a text that says: "In honour and appreciation to all victims of terrorism, whose memory remains alive in our existence and constantly enriched; The citizens of Madrid, March 11, 2005. "The creation of this" Forest of the absent ", has earned the Award Alhambra recently awarded by the National Congress of Public Parks and Gardens. The 192 copies of cypress and olive trees remain within the Forest of the absent, on a terraced hill, accessible to pedestrians and surrounded by a layer of water. These 192 samples represent the memory of each victim killed in the attack on March 11 in Madrid. For this reason, some 500 people, authorities, presidents of associations of victims of terrorism in Europe, volunteers from the European Network of Victims of Terrorism, and citizens in general, were quoted at 13.00 in the Forest, to pay tribute to all victims of terrorism, offering flowers were placed in each olive and cypress. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security While a pianist, Don Manuel Carrasco, attached to the wreath with the piece of music composed exclusively in memory of all victims of Terrorism, called “By them”. MR. MANUEL CARRASCO. Composer Piano. This melody accompanied the end of the route of the wreath, the reading of a manifesto, by Angeles Pedraza, Vice President of the Association of Victims of Terrorism in Spain. With this manifesto, Angeles thanked from the podium the crowd support, and proclaimed as a goal unpronounceable members of associations in the European Network "truth, memory, dignity and justice for all victims of terrorism, both in Spain and Europe . NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Angeles Pedraza. Vice President Association of Terrorism Victims of Spain. ”That's why we gather here today, and victims of attacks in different parts of Europe to thank, first, the sincere support that society shows for the victims of terrorism. Because we are all aware of the irrationality of terrorist attacks and therefore it knows that no citizen is exempt from any one day can change your life dramatically without finding a reason, and because the society does not want to tolerate or defend in any way terrorist behaviour, we are here today to say with one voice and a high, clear and unequivocal that victims have a European unpronounceable goal shared by all European society: Truth, Memory, Dignity and Justice for all victims of terrorism in Europe” NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security E. PUBLIC AWARENESS: VOLUNTEER On March 11, 2009, while it was under the wreath at the Parque de El Buen Retiro in Madrid, a group of some 500 volunteers from the European Network of Victims of Terrorism, roamed the streets of Madrid giving all citizens from Madrid a plate4 with the logo of the European Network, in remembrance and solidarity with all victims of terrorism, and transmission of values such as peace and freedom, against all terrorist acts. All volunteers were identified through the streets of Madrid with a shirt of the European Network of Victims of Terrorism5. These 500 volunteers were young university student’s careers as Psychology, Social Work, Law, Business Administration, Nursing or Medicine, Public and Private Universities of Madrid, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, Universidad Carlos III and Universidad San Pablo CEU. To establish this platform as a volunteer for the day March 11 was followed the following protocol developed by the technical performance of the European Network of Victims of Terrorism: Plates and t-shirts that volunteers distributed among the citizens of Madrid March 11th 2009 in Madrid. 4 5 Desing of plate. Anex 4.11 T-shirt drawings. Anex 4.11 NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Ana Zapardiel. Volunteer Coordinator with a group of volunteers Group of volunteers in the Retiro Park. Madrid NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security PROTOCOL FOR ACTION: BUILDING PLATFORMS FOR VOLUNTEER PHASE CONTACTS: 1. We contacted an expert in training volunteers in relation to supporting victims of terrorism. This group of experts with the collaboration of technicians from the Network Europe, was responsible for training all volunteers, for any sufficiently prepared to deal with both victims and to educate the public on the issue of terrorism, support provided to victims. This group of experts belonged to the Consulting PsicoteC, having qualified for the training of volunteers. This group of training developed to train all the volunteers the seminar on “Communication for Peace”. 2. We performed a list of public and private universities to be able to contact them and visit their campus to offer to all college volunteer involvement of the European Network of Victims of Terrorism in the V Day in remembrance of the victims. 3. We contacted the university asked the presidents and deans, through a letter6 prepared and signed by the Volunteer Coordinator of the European network, permission to conduct the campaign's outreach project. This campaign consisted of a hand in the distribution of posters7 in which he informed all students of the project for their cooperation was needed as volunteers. On the other hand, was a talk in their own awareness classes at the university, he made by technicians of the Network, which attempted to convey the importance of social support to all victims on March 11 in Madrid, through the participation of all university students. At the same time providing a list, which remained in the universities so that those interested can register to be part of the platform of volunteerism. They had two weeks to be able to join the lists. 6 7 Letters to dean of Universities. Anex 4.7 Projet awareness poster. Anex 4.9 NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security PHASE OF VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING: 1. Once the campaign's outreach project, compiled lists of all stakeholders. 2. Established a timetable for conducting training sessions for volunteering. To this end, the staff of the Network was coordinated with the trainers, and made contact with all stakeholders by providing different days and times that may come to receive the relevant training. Were 6 training seminars during the first week of March 2009, in the classrooms of the “Universidad Complutense” of Madrid. Each seminar was attended by about 83 volunteers, making a total of 500. Evaluation phase: After each activity in which volunteers have been involved, in the end of the training seminar received (“Communication for Peace”) and the March 11 event has been conducted an evaluation on their participation. This assessment has been fully participatory, as has been done by the volunteers through the responses to open a series of questionnaires relating to the activity8. At the same time an email is sent to the 400 volunteers that already exist in the Database of the European Network of Victims of Terrorism, inviting them to participate in work one more year of support to all victims9. 8 9 Evaluation questionnaire. Anex 4.10 Letters to Volunteers. Anex 4.8 NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security SCHEDULE OF BUILDING PLATFORMS FOR VOLUNTEER 11M 2009 DURATION: 6 WEEKS Timing ACTIVITY PLACE OF BUSINESS FIRST WEEK CONTACT WITH THE SPANISH PSICOTEC EXPERTS VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION TRAINING TO SUPPORT CONSULTING VICTIMS OF TERRORISM FIRST WEEK lists of public and private FROM THE universities ORGANIZATION FIRST WEEK CONTACT WITH THE FROM THE UNIVERSITY. seek ORGANIZATION permission for the deans and rectors to conduct the campaign for the project that will be offered to participating students. FIRST WEEK First-week schedule of days FROM THE to attend the university to ORGANIZATION conduct the campaign from the organization FIRST WEEK First-week schedule of days FROM THE to go to college to collect ORGANIZATION lists of interested in volunteering for the project. SECOND WEEK personal explanation of the AT UNIVERSITIES project to the students. Start time for stakeholders to be targeted (2 weeks) FOURTH WEEK Collect lists at universities AT UNIVERSITIES FOURTH WEEK Establish schedule to FROM THE provide training for ORGANIZATION volunteers, in coordination with the trainers FOURTH WEEK Contact with stakeholders and create training groups according to their possibilities FROM THE ORGANIZATION FITH AND SIXTH WEEK Conducting training courses for volunteers. AT THE COMPLUTENSE UNIVERSITY OF MADRID NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security As we have already announced, all volunteers receive a training workshop called “Communication for Peace”, through which all the volunteers knew the existence, aims and work of the European Network of Victims of Terrorism, and receive specific training in transmission of values of peace, and solidarity with all victims of terrorism and be able to convey this to the general public. For this reason, the primary objective of this training, first, was that volunteers were ready to have direct contact with victims of terrorism and the other is that the volunteers learn to have a direct contact with society at general, also submitted to the same on a personal basis, identifying themselves as volunteers of the European Network of Victims of Terrorism. The action was proposed for the development of the project's objectives with regard to citizenship, was delivering a stick to transmit those values of solidarity and we have spoken throughout this report. Therefore the creation of this new platform of volunteerism and the development of this project developed several training seminars on the theme of “Communication for Peace”, which consisted mainly of the following: 1. First step: CONTACT WITH THE VICTIM OF TERRORISM AND THEIR FAMILIES - Knowledge of state and physical and psychological scars of the victims and their families: theoretical knowledge and practical exposure, always anonymous to comply with the rules of confidentiality. - Knowledge of approaches and treatment of victims and relatives. - Knowledge of direct support, empathy and solidarity with the victims and their families. - Knowledge of aid resources, institutions and public and private organizations that support victims and their families. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security - Reflection on what the volunteers should have with respect to the victims: * attractive smile * Eye Gaze. * Speak slowly. * Empathic attitude. * Attitude. * Solidarity. * Interest. * Active listening. 2. Second step: Contact with the society Example: I'm Juan, a student of Psychology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and volunteer for the European Network of Victims of Terrorism. 2.1 Reflection: First Printing, with the reactions that must be citizens of the volunteers: - Attractive smile. - Look in your eyes. - Speak slowly. - Attitude empathic. - Attitude. - Interest. 2.2 Reflection: WHAT REACTIONS found volunteers from the public: - Interest. - Attention. - Perplexity. - Distrust. - Indifference. - Negative. - Positive NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security 2.3 Preparation for possible reactions from the citizenry react always courteous and respectful to different reactions and attitudes. 3.Step Three: ARGUMENT Example: I want to give a veneer of the European Network of Victims of Terrorism, which we want to do a tribute to all victims in the European Day of Victims of Terrorism. (March 11) 4. Fourth Step: CLOSE Example: Thank you for your time and hope that all of us to a better world. 5. Fifth Step: ASSESSMENT It is a meeting with all volunteers to assess their action, assess their reactions, the reactions of victims and the reactions of the general public. Two volunteers tested the public awareness for March 11 NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Seminars Communication for Peace. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security f. TRIBUTE CONCERT: IN MEMORIAM On March 11, 2009, The Foundation for Victims of Terrorism, organized a concert tribute to all victims of terrorism. The Orchestra of Madrid pieces performed by the authors like Arriaga, Schuman and Haydn. Specifically the pieces performed were: Arriaga, Juan Crisóstomo de (1806-1826) Los esclavos felices (overtura) Schumann, Robert (1810-1856) Concierto para violonchelo y orquesta en La menor, Op. 129 - Nicht zu schnell - Langsam - Sehr lebhaft Haydn, Joseph (1732-1809) - Sinfonía nº 91 en Mi bemol Mayor - Largo - Andante - Menuet. Un poco Allegretto - Finale. Vivace NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security The orchestra was led by Jose Ramon Encinar, with the soloist Asier Polo, the cello. The concert took place at the National Auditorium, located at Principe de Vergara Street, in Madrid. Began at 19:30 and ended at 21:30. The tribute began with a few words of the President of the Foundation for Victims of Terrorism, Mrs. Maite Pagazauturnúa, who opened the concert with an emphasis on the support of society for all victims of terrorism and freedom. Maite Paragurzuntudua. President of “ Foundation Victims of Terrorism” “The society that supports victims of terrorism supported their freedom. Innocent human being attacked and the active defence of human rights is undoubtedly a pillar of strength against the terrorists. Fans of political or religious identity, both giving, they want a weak, frail and with memory and ready to self cowardice. Therefore, terrorists cause victims, cowering for everyone, but against the great pillars of the community relations invisible and insignificant wish” NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security In addition, the President of the Foundation for Victims of Terrorism, wanted to thank the Caja Madrid Foundation and the Government of Madrid, the Madrid City Council and the Ministry of Culture for their great cooperation to enable this concert. The concert was chaired by His Royal Highness, The Prince of Asturias, on behalf of the Spanish Royal Family, as well as by numerous authorities as the Government's First Vice-President, Mrs. Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega, President of the Government of the Commonwealth Madrid, Mrs. Esperanza Aguirre. Authorities went to the Concert Tribute: In Memoriam The Foundation for Victims of Terrorism, gifted to the European Network of Victims of Terrorism, with some 60 tickets for all victims of terrorism in Europe. The European Network of Victims of Terrorism, allowed about 50 people attended the tribute concert. Among these guests were victims of terrorism from the following organizations: - Foundation For Peace. (Northeirland) - AIVITER. (Italy) - OMAGH (Irland) - DC10 (France) - IMPACT (Holand) - APAV ( Portugal) - AVT (Spain) - AAV11M (Spain) NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security 3. MEETING MARCH 12TH 2009 On March 12, 2009, pursuant to the activities of NAVT, the encounter took place between all partners of this project in the city of Madrid, the Hotel Embassy Petti, at 10: 00 hours of morning. Assistances: - María Lozano. AAV11M. Spain - Iñigo Molero. AAV11M. Spain - Ana Zapardiel. AAV11M. Spain. - Javier Gavilanes. AAV11M Spain. - Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc. DC10 UTA. France - Francoise Tenenbaum. DC10 UTA. France - Daniele Klein. DC10 UTA. France - Magda Rooze. IMPACT. Holand - Ariëlle de Ruijter. IMPACT. Holand. - Josée Netten. IMPACT. Holanda - Clare White. FOUNDATION FOR PEACE. Norther Irland. - Jo Dover. FOUNDATION FOR PEACE. Norther Irland - Luca Guglielminetti. AIVITER. Italy - Donna Catherine McCauley. OMAGH. Norther Irland - Michael Gallager. OMAGH. Norther Irland. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security The meeting was opened Maria Lozano, doing a feedback asking all present on all the events that had attended during days 10 and March 11 in Madrid, in commemoration of the V Day in Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism. All participants agreed on the importance of developing this type of contexts where on the one hand, victims have a space where they can be heard, and where it can be shown a special awareness and solidarity in support for all victims. All attendees congratulated the European Network of Victims of Terrorism for making it possible, that victims are heard by the media, authorities and by society in general. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security All agreed that the wreath and the piano music was one of the most exciting and emotional for the victims. All of them, felt supported voiced by the staff of the organization, volunteers and Spanish society in general. Then everyone here start talking about the next event to develop and NAVT Vnet II: Victims and Law, in Turin, 21 and May 22, 2009. Luca Guglielminetti, representing of the Italian Association of Victims of Terrorism presents to all the partners timing and content of the meeting in Turin. All manifested the importance of contact and engagement with experts from each country, legislation on terrorism, to develop Workgroups of the encounter in the most efficient way possible. It was agreed that during the month of April, in coordination between all partners, via email, and via telephone, Iran is organizing the contents of a specific, objective and practical to develop for 21 to May 22 in Turin. The meeting was closed at 13:00 and thanked all attendees participating in all events pay homage to the victims of terrorism that occurred in Madrid during the days 10, 11 and March 12, 2009. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security ANEXES 4.1 PRESS RELEASE 4.2 INVITATION TO THE VOICE OF THE VICTIMS. 4.3 LIST OF MEMBERS AND VICTIMS OF EUROPE 4.4 GUEST LIST TO ALL EVENTS. 4.5 SPEECHES OF THE VOICE FOR VICTIMS 4.6 SPEECHES OF BREAKFAST BRIEFING. 4.7 VOLUNTEERISM: LETTERS TO DEAN OF UNIVERSITIES 4.8 LETTER TO VOLUNTEER 4.9 PROJECT AWARENESS poster EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE 4.10 IO. 4.11 OF THE DRAWING AND DESIGN OF METAL T-SHIRT NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security 4.1 PRESS RELEASE Announcement to the Media On the occasion of the fifth European Day in Memory of the Victims of Terrorism, the European Network of the Victims of Terrorism with the support of the European Commission will hold a series of events in Madrid on March 10th and 11th, 2009. Around 100 victims of terrorism from all of Europe will visit Madrid on these days for the event. March 10, 8:30 p.m. Tribute "The Victims’ Voices” Lázaro Galdiano Foundation. Madrid. There will be a tribute to all European victims. During the event an announcement will be made by the Vice-President of the European Commission, Jacques Barrot. Victims from all of Europe will also give short speeches. Government officials, the media and representatives from European and international victims’ support organizations will be present, as well as a large number of the embassies in Spain. Victims from Italy, France, Holland, Sweden, Northern Ireland, Germany, Portugal and Spain will attend the event. March 11, Virtual Tribute This year’s event will consist of the construction of the second virtual tribute in memory of the victims of terrorism in Europe, made for everyone from all parts of the world to participate. The following websites will be set up and each hit made throughout the entire of day of March 11th will collaborate to the construction of the virtual tribute to the victims. March 11th, 9:00 a.m. Breakfast with Q&A NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security At the European Commission head office in Madrid. Victims will be represented from Italy, France, Holland, Sweden, Northern Ireland, Germany, Portugal and Spain and will answer journalists’ questions. March 11th. 12:00 p.m. Volunteer Campaign: with the victims and against terrorism. 500 young volunteers from the EUROPEAN NETWORK OF THE VICTIMS OF TERRORISM, wearing shirts from the European network for victims, will hand out badges to passers-by around Madrid so they can mobilize and make a commitment to the victims, and against terrorism. March 11th. 1:00 p.m. The Gift of Flowers. Bosque del Recuerdo at the Retiro Park in Madrid. A public statement will be read in defense of the Truth, Memory, Dignity and Justice for all of the victims of terrorism in Europe. We would like to ask all attending media to obtain credentials by calling the following numbers and identifying the event they would like to cover: (0034) 91 365 01 47 / (+34) 658 80 90 83 NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security 4.2 INVITATION TO THE VOICE OF THE VICTIMS The European Network of Victims of Terrorism, in celebration of V European Day in Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism, delights to invite you to celebrate the Homage: “The Voice of the Victims”, The next Thursday 10th march at 20:30 p.m, in the Museum Lázaro Galdiano and invites you too the cocktail after that. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security 4.3 LIST OF MEMBERS AND VICTIMS OF EUROPE SPAIN - Angeles Domínguez Herguedas. AAV11M Juan Antonio Casquero. AVT Cristina Cuesta. Fundación Miguel Angel Blanco. Mª Jesús González. Fundación Víctimas del Terrorismo. Francisco Javier Mendoza. Covite NORTHERN IRLAND - Clare White. Foundation For Peace. Jo Dover. Foundation for Peace. Donna Catherine MacCauley. Omagh. Michael Gallager. Omagh. ITALY: - Luca Guglielminetti. AIVITER Roberto Della Rocca. AIVITER HOLAND: - Magda Rooze. IMPACT Ariëlle de Ruijter. IMPACT Josée Netten. IMPACT FRANCE: - Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc. DC10 UTA Francoise Tenenbaum. DC10 UTA Daniele Klein. DC10 UTA PORTUGAL: NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security - José Felix Duque. APAV Bruno Brito. APAV. Helena Sampaio. APAV María Rodrigues. APAV Ceu Neves. APAV ANNEX 4.4 GUEST LIST TO ALL EVENTS NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security GUESTS TO EVENTS 10 Y 11 DE MARZO DE 2009 Casa de su Majestad el Rey. Palacio de la Zarzuela 28 071 Madrid Excmo. Sr. D. José Bono. Presidente del Congreso de los diputados Carrera de San Jeronimo s/N 28071 Excmo. Sr. D. Francisco Javier Rojo García Plaza de la Marina Española 8 28071 Madrid Presidenta del Tribunal Constitucional Excma Sra Dª Mª Emilia Casas Bahamonde C/ Doménico Scarlatti 6 28003 Madrid Excmo. Sr. D. Francisco Rubio Llorente. Presidente del Consejo de EstadoC/ Mayor 79 28013 Madrid (España) Defensor del Pueblo Excmo Sr D. Enrique Múgica Herzog C/ Eduardo Dato 31 28010 Madrid Presidente del Consejo General de Poder Judicial Excmo sr D. Carlos Divar C/ Marques de la Ensenada 8 28071 Presidente del Gobierno. Excmo. Sr D. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero Complejo de la Moncloa 28071 MADRID Teléf. 91 335 35 35 EXCma Sr Dª María Teresa Fernández de la Vega Sanz Vicepresidenta Primera Complejo de la Moncloa 28071 MADRID Excmo SR D. Pedro Solbes Mira Vicepresidente Segundo Alcalá, 9 28071 MADRID Excmo SR D. Miguel Angel Moratinos Cuyaubé Ministro Serrano Galvache, 26 28071 MADRID Excmo Sr D. Mariano Fernández Bermejo Ministro San Bernardo, 45 28071 MADRID Excma Sra Dª Carme Chacón Piqueras Ministra P.º de la Castellana, 109 28071 MADRID Excmo Sr D Pedro Solbes Mira Ministro Alcalá, 9 28071 MADRID Excmo Sr D Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba Ministro P.º de la Castellana, 5 28071 MADRID Dirección General de Apoyo a Víctimas del Terrorismo Excmo Sr D José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes Director General Sagasta, 22, 5.ª planta 28004 MADRID Subdirección General de Apoyo a las Víctimas del Terrorismo Sra Doña Pilar Pérez Portabales Subdirectora General Sagasta,22, 5ª planta 28004 MADRID NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Excma Sra Dª Magdalena Alvarez Arza Ministra Nuevos Ministerios. P.º de la Castellana, 67 28071 MADRID Excma Sra Dª Mercedes Cabrera Calvo-Sotelo Ministra Alcalá, 34 28071 MADRID Excmo Sr D Celestino Corbacho Chaves Ministro Nuevos Ministerios. Agustín de Bethencourt, 4 28071 MADRID Excmo Sr D Miguel Sebastián Gascón Ministro P.º de la Castellana, 160 28071 MADRID Excma Sra Dª Elena Espinosa Mangana Ministra P.º Infanta Isabel, 1 28071 MADRID Excma Sra Dª María Teresa Fernández de la Vega Sanz Ministra y Portavoz del Gobierno Complejo de la Moncloa 28071 MADRID Excma Sra Dª Elena Salgado Méndez Ministra P.º de la Castellana, 3 28071 MADRID Excmo Sr D César Antonio Molina Ministro Pza. del Rey, 1 28071 MADRID Excmo Sr D Bernat Soria Escoms Ministro P.º del Prado, 18-20 28071 MADRID Excma Sra Dª Beatriz Corredor Sierra Ministra P.º de la Castellana, 112 28071 MADRID Excma Sra Dª Cristina Garmendia Mendizábal Ministra Albacete, 5 28071 MADRID Excma Sra Dª Bibiana Aído Almagro Ministra Alcalá, 37 28071 MADRID Presidents CC.AA. Junta de Andalucía Excmo Sr D. Manuel Chaves González, Presidente Avda. de Eritaña, 1. Villa Eugenia 41071 Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón Excmo Sr D Marcelino Iglesias Ricou Presidente P.º María Agustín, 36 50071 ZARAGOZA Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria Excmo Sr D Miguel Angel Revilla Roiz Presidente Peña Herbosa, 29 39003 SANTANDER (CANTABRIA Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha Excmo Sr D José María Barreda Fontes Presidente Edif. de Doncellas Nobles. Pza. del Cardenal Silíceo, s/n 45071 TOLEDO Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León, Excmo Sr D Juan Vicente Herrera Campo Presidente Pza. de Castilla y León, 1 47008 VALLADOLID Comunidad Autónoma de Cataluña Excmo Sr D José Montilla Aguilera Presidente Palau de la Generalitat. Pza. de Sant Jaume, 4 08002 BARCELONA Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura Excmo Sr D Guillermo Fernández Vara Presidente Pza. del Rastro, s/n 06800 MERIDA (BADAJOZ NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia Excmo Sr D Emilio Pérez Touriño Presidente, Pazo de Raxoi. Praza do Obradoiro 15705 SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA (A CORUÑA) Comunidad Autónoma de las Islas Canarias Excmo Sr D Paulino Rivero Baute Presidente Pza. Doctor Rafael O'Shanahan, 1 35071 LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA (LAS PALMAS) Comunidad Autónoma de les Illes Balears Excmo Sr D Francesc Antich i Oliver Presidente Carrer de Sant Pere, 7 07012 PALMA DE MALLORCA (ILLES BALEARS) Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco Excmo Sr D Juan José Ibarretxe Markuartu Lehendakaria Navarra, 2 01007 VITORIA-GASTEIZ (ALAVA) Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja Excmo Sr D Pedro Sanz Alonso Presidente Vara del Rey, 3 26071 LOGROÑO (LA RIOJA) Comunidad Valenciana Excmo Sr D Francisco Camps Ortiz Presidente Pza. Manises, s/n 46001 VALENCIA Comunidad Foral de Navarra Excmo Sr D Miguel Sanz Sesma Presidente Palacio de Navarra. Avda. de Carlos III, 2 31002 PAMPLONA (NAVARRA) Principado de Asturias Excmo Sr D Vicente Álvarez Areces Presidente Suárez de la Riva, 11 33071 OVIEDO (ASTURIAS) Mass Media Spain: AGENCIA EFE Sra Dª Lola Álvarez Morales Directora General, Espronceda, 32 28003 MADRID Colpisa Sr. D. Francisco Beltrán Urcelay Director Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 7, 2.º 28027 MADRID Colpisa Sr. D. José Luis Castelló Plana Director General Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 7, 2.º 28027 MADRID Europa Press Grupo Sra Dª Rosario Martín G. de Cabiedes Presidenta P.º de la Castellana, 210 28046 MADRID Servimedia, S.A. Sr. D. José Luis Martínez Donoso Presidente Almansa, 66 28039 MADRID ABC Sr. D. Angel Expósito Mora, Director Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 7 28027 MADRID El Mundo Sr. D. Pedro J. Ramírez Codina NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Director Avda. de San Luis, 25-27 28033 MADRID El Mundo Sr. D. Casimiro García-Abadillo Vicedirector Avda. de San Luis, 25-27 28033 MADRID El País/Madrid Sr. D. Javier Moreno Director Miguel Yuste, 40 28037 MADRID El Periódico Extremadura (Grupo Zeta) Sr. D. Antonio Tinoco Ardila Director Dr. Marañón, 2, local 7 10002 CACERES La Razón Sr. D. Mauricio Casals Presidente Josefa Valcárcel, 42 28027 MADRID La Razón Sr. D. José Antonio Vera Director de Publicaciones Josefa Valcárcel, 42 28027 MADRID La Razón Sr. D. Jesús María Zuloaga Subdirector Josefa Valcárcel, 42 28027 MADRID Público Sr. D. Felix Monteira Director Caleruega, 102-104 28033 MADRID Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) Sr. D. Luis Fernández Fernández Presidente Alcalde Sáinz de Baranda, 92 28007 MADRID Radio Televisión Madrid (RTVM) Sra Dª Isabel Linares Liébana Directora General P.º del Príncipe, 3. Ciudad de la Imagen 28223 POZUELO DE ALARCON (MADRID) Antena 3. Sr D. José Manuel Lara Presidente Avda. Isla Graciosa, 13 28703 SAN SEBASTIAN DE LOS REYES (MADRID) Telecinco SR. D. Alejandro Echevarría Busquet Presidente Crtra. Fuencarral-Alcobendas, 4 28049 MADRID Telecinco Paolo Vasile Consejero Delegado Crtra. Fuencarral-Alcobendas, 4 28049 MADRID La sexta Sr. D. Emilio Aragón Presidente Virgilio, 2. Edif. 4. Ciudad de la Imagen 28223 POZUELO DE ALARCON (MADRID Sogecable Sr. D. Rodolfo Martín Villa Presidente Avda. de los Artesanos, 6 28760 TRES CANTOS (MADRID) Cadena de Ondas Populares Españolas/Radio Popular (COPE) Sr. D. Alfonso Coronel de Palma Presidente y Consejero Delegado Alfonso XI, 4, 3.º 28014 MADRID Corporación Onda Cero Radio NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Sr. D. Javier González Ferrari Presidente Fuerteventura, 12 28703 SAN SEBASTIAN DE LOS REYES (MADRID) Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión (SER) Sr. D. Ignacio de Polanco Moreno Presidente Gran Vía, 32 28013 MADRID European Mass Media: AGENCIES Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA) (Hamburgo) White Star (Hamburgo) Bloomberg News (Nueva York) Dow Jones Newswires (Nueva York) France Presse (París) Inter Press Service (IPS) (Roma) AFX News (Londres) Mergermarket (Londres) Reuters Ltd. (Londres) L’Unitá (Italia) da Il Giornale (Italia) di Luca Telese corresponsal tv frances D iário de Noticias (Portugal) reportaje de Céu Neves NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security 4.5 SPEECHES OF THE VOICE FOR VICTIMS MARÍA LOZANO, DIRECTOR EUROPEAN NETWORK OF VICTIMS OF TERRORISM Good evening to all, Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 11, 2009 is the fifth European Day for the Remembrance of the Victims of Terrorism. On the occasion of this anniversary, the European Network of Victims of Terrorism has organized a series of tributes in which over a hundred victims from across Europe who have wanted to join Madrid and move to these days. Many thanks and my warmest welcome to all of you, especially those that have received fate’s of terrorism just a few days ago and, you wanted to share with us this day. I refer to the two French citizens Chantal Hibou y Laurence Iraeta, mothers of two teenagers injured in the recent attack in Cairo, who made the effort and are with us today. Thank you, wholeheartedly. I would like to do a special mention to the victims from Northern Ireland, and our support and solidarity with the last attack in Belfast, in which the soldiers Sappers Mark Quinsey of 23 years, and Patrick Azimkar of 21 were killed, along with the murder of a policeman in Northern Ireland last night. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Thanks for your assistance to more than 25 embassies, which have chosen to join this tribute, making it possible for the commitment to terror and the victims of terrorism is a global compromise with no boundaries or cracks. Thanks to all the authorities for their assistance and thank everyone here for your support and solidarity Since the birth of the European Network of Victims of Terrorism in 2006, to its formalization as a European Network of Associations of Victims of Terrorism in 2008, Victims of France, Italy, UK, Netherlands, Portugal, Germany or Sweden may already have a strong European support and defend their rights. What used to be drawn as a European project is now a proven fact at this ceremony. And it is a reality thanks to the policy of solidarity and support to victims that the European Commission, through the financial assistance in numerous projects aimed at helping the victims and their families, as well as the promotion of solidarity between the citizenship to the victims of terrorism has been developing over the years. The European Commission, along his activity and having to face the biggest terrorist attack in its history, as were the barbarities that occurred in Madrid and London, has shown its full backing and support to victims of terrorism and has never missed the opportunity to express their deep and continuous feeling of solidarity with all victims of terrorism. And it is a reality, also due to institutional and financial support of the Government of Madrid, since the inception of the Network supported this project and as a result of the horrific bombings in Madrid deployed a great device for immediate help victims. This day have to serves to demonstrate our firm and unwavering commitment to democratic values and human rights we all share throughout Europe. Because no terrorist act can undermine our common belief in these rights and principles, and because there can never be any justification for any terrorist act. Therefore, from the European Network of Associations of Victims of Terrorism: Facing the globalisation of the terrorist attack, we develop comprehensive victims' organizations and civil society. Faced with the threat of network fanatical groups to democratic societies, we are a network that works to eradicate terrorism and to protect and assist its victims, faced with the injustice of violence and hatred, then, to all of you, a message from the President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Justice and Internal Security., SR. Jacques Barrot. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Continuing with this homage, and with all of you: Mss. Ángeles Domínguez, President of the Association to Aid Victims of the M11, an association that brings together more than 600 victims of the horrific attacks of March 11, 2004 in Madrid. Mr. Guillaume Denoix of Saintmarc, President of the French Association of Victims of Terrorism. Mr. Juan Antonio García Casquero, President of the Association of Victims of Terrorism in Spain Mr. Dante Notaristefano, President of the Italian Association of Victims of Terrorism. Mss. Cristina Cuesta, President of the Association of Victims of the Basque Country Mr.Michael Gallagher, President of the Association of Northern Ireland and victims support group for victims of Omagh. Mr. William Frazer, President of the Association of Northern Ireland FAIR We are a European society with the victims of terrorism. Against those who shout from the hatred and exclusion. We are a single European voice: the voice of the victims Thank you very much to all the presidents for their contributions and thank you very much to all attendees for joining us wanted to hear the voice of the victims. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security European Day for the Victims of Terrorism 11 March 2009, Madrid Speech Vice-President of the European Commission, Mr Jacques Barrot This year, on 11 March, we mark the fifth European Day for the victims of terrorism. Five years to the day of the terrible attacks in Madrid, we remember all the victims of terrorism. We dedicate this day to show that our solidarity with all victims of terrorist attacks will never come to an end. We do not forget those who have lost their lives or those who still bear the mental and physical scars of these tragic events. This day is an occasion for us to once again express our sympathy. The European Commission will continue to support victims of terrorism, amongst others by assisting to finance projects aiming at improving victims' lives and by actively promoting solidarity with them. We hope that this small contribution can offer them some assistance in the difficult task of having to cope with such a terrible experience. In addition, the EU will continue its fight to combat terrorism. Following the attacks in the US, in Madrid, in London, in Mumbai and recently in Cairo and Belfast we have made significant progress in working together to confront terrorism. Work is carried out in various fields, including, for example, our efforts to prevent terrorists from collecting and gaining access to funds which would enable them to travel and hide or purchase the means to attack. Our action in the fight against terrorism is based on the absolute primacy of the rule of law. This means that we fight terrorism by the law and within the law. Fighting terrorism is about preserving our most fundamental and cherished human rights and this means that we must uphold these human rights with every step we take. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security This day also gives us an opportunity to demonstrate clearly that no terrorist will ever be able to diminish or even destroy our strong faith in these shared values. Terrorist acts will never pay off and there will never be an acceptable reason for them. There can never be adequate compensation for the victims or for the families of the victims of terrorism. However, we can stand by them as we do today, expressing all our sympathy and continuing our efforts to try to prevent such attacks in the future. My name is Michael Gallagher I live in a small town 75 miles West of Belfast Ireland I am married with three children two girls and a boy my first experience of trauma through terrorism was on the 3rd of June 1984 my youngest brother was a member of the security forces his name was Hughie he was married with two small children and was 26 years old The I.R.A. ambushed him and three gun men murdered him he was alone and unarmed. Then on the 15th August 1998 our 21 year old son Aiden was in Omagh town center buying jeans the Police received warning phone calls that there was a car bomb near the Courthouse and evacuated the people including Aiden to the opposite side of town the terrorists had given false information. The bomb exploded where the people had been evacuated to Aiden was killed along with 30 other people mainly woman and children. The car bomb had been parked outside a school uniform shop the dead included two young people from Madrid Fernando Blasco Baselga and Roclo Abad Ramos, 11 other Spanish children where also injured some returning to Madrid by air ambulance. There were 372 people injured some lost limbs and one girl was left blind. The Omagh bomb was the worst single atrocity in the 35-year history of terrorism in Ireland and the most devastating event to happen to our family we still find it very difficult to come to terms with Aidens death. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security After the Omagh bomb I found myself drawn into a world that was new and challenging, I believed that after losing two wonderful people I could not stand by and do nothing this was not an option for me anymore I challenged the terrorists for what they did and the Government for what they did not do. Shortly after the bomb the victims formed a support group to share our experience and help each other through this difficult period. The support group was named Omagh Support and Self Help Group and has continued to grow. We currently have over 180 members and we offer practical support to victims such as social activities, educational programme, Complementary therapies, Archiving, Welfare Advice, Befriending and Youth work. In addition the group continues to meet regularly and keep pressure on the government to address issues, which affect victims. We have taken a civil action against those who bombed Omagh and the court case began in April this year in Belfast and is due to end next month. We the families will continue to seek justice and truth however long it takes. I have attended many international conferences since the group has been set up. My message to victims of terrorism is not to give up hope we must continue to support each other it is not an easy journey but it is important to build links with others who have suffered from terrorism both nationally and internationally we have a great deal to share with each other those who have suffered should not be forgotten that is why we are here today. CRISTINA CUESTA. 5th ANNIVERSARY 11M EUROPEAN DAY ON MEMORY AND REMEMBRANCE FOR VICTIMS OF TERRORISM TERRORISM CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY Campaign: THE INCLUSION OF TERRORISM AMONG INTERNATIONAL CRIME UNDER THE STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Authorities, dear colleagues, dear victims of Spain and Other European countries, good afternoon I begin my speech by expressing my condemnation of recent terrorist attacks perpetrated in Northern Ireland and recalling the three fatalities: Marck Quinsey, Patrick NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Paul and Stefan Azimka Carroll also want to send a message of sympathy to the wounded and Irish society North and particularly the victims of this community here today. Tomorrow is the fifth Anniversary of the worst terrorist attack that Spain has suffered, and democratic Europe in which tribute was set up their victims in the European Day of Memory and remember victims of terrorism. 192 people were killed, 1858 injured, millions of Spanish and people from all parts of Europe experienced the horror 11 M. It Changed our perception on terrorism, opened up new fears and plunged us into the impotence of recognizing the magnitude of the crime to which we were facing. It was not the first time that Islamic fundamentalism attacked Spain, it had in 1985 at the restaurant “el Descanso” causing 18 deaths, was not the first time that Spain was attacked by terrorism, we were thirty-six years to suffer. Up to 11 M-terrorism in Spain had snatched the lives of 1083 people. Before the 11-M, the Spanish victims of terrorism, particularly victims of ETA, had suffered in solitude in the seventies and eighties and had managed, with much effort, which began in the nineties the process of upgrading and social solidarity and institutional setting in major events such as those held by Miguel Angel Blanco and politically in the Covenant by which rennet Liberties Act of Solidarity, the most important law of moral recognition and dignity of victims of terrorism. In 2004, despite the accumulated experience of pain, many Spanish citizens feel safe. 11 M reveals a vicious and ruthless manner innocent of all victims of terrorism. All could have travelled on those trains that day, at that time, our brother, our neighbour, our son could have been there ... Any human being minimally sensitive to the pain of others, describes the M11 as a crime against humanity. Many stories, how many dreams, how many projects have been thwarted. Lives with the murderers removed the right to live and develop, joys, sorrows, problems and hopes that we are as people. Disrupted the essence of being human: our fragility and our compassion. We are left stunned by her thirst for hatred, not knowing NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security what to think, feel, an infinity vacuum gripped our beliefs, we find suffering and evil with a capital "for which we were not prepared or protected. That day I feel the deepest inclement the total of all terrorist acts. M 11 attacks were crimes against humanity, the humanity of those irreplaceable that were on the trains and the hosting of our humanity by the murderers who raped split. That space and time of life of normalcy for the future was snatched unfairly and today we reaffirm the need for memory, dignity and justice in the memory of those absent from the city of Madrid from the heart of Europe Represent the collective victims of terrorism in the Basque Country, a region of democratic Spain, the democratic Europe that enjoys a precarious and insufficient democracy. Recently a group of Belgian politicians from different parties active in two days spent touring towns in the Basque Country, living with the threat, by asking the victims. Chistinne Defraigne, the Liberal Party told back: "When I proposed to participate in this expedition, I remembered the actions of ETA, but I could not imagine that this was what I was going to find. It is impressive that burden of lead, the pressure that represents a violation of fundamental individual freedoms. I returned shocked because everything that happens in the heart of Europe and feel like screaming But what are we doing? What does the Council of Europe? Because there's a job to do, which is the raison of the Council of Europe with the fundamental democratic freedoms are being violated in the most total and complete indifference, because violence is part of daily and, as I said a university professor, this is intolerable banality, ends up accepting the unacceptable Today we live in times of hope which must come into being, we demand that come into being, in the formation of a Basque government to stop humiliating the victims and ideologically legitimise terrorism of ETA. We pledge to support this strategy of political ethics to regain justice freedom and defeat the band in all their fronts, in this way the democratic parties will always have us on their side. There is plenty to do but we walk in the right direction: the European Union must finally agree on a common policy that chooses the action for prevention, the absolute no recognition of terrorism and all its environments and the disqualification of their radical goals The best tribute we can make to the victims of the M11 and all victims of terrorism that we recognize in them is to fight terrorism to ensure that all terrorism in international law is considered a crime against humanity, like slavery, genocide, torture. That we continue to denounce any terrorist act as a bankruptcy of the ideal of human beings and their victims and victims of totalitarian ideologies and strategies with different excuses that are responsible for the violation of basic human rights among the civilian population, innocent and defenceless in many cases. This line of argument is defended today by NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security international agencies: the UN, the European Parliament. We must take new steps, opening a way to support effective interventions and practices that expand our awareness of the unacceptable, unjust and unjustifiable acts of terrorism committed anywhere in the world. The European victims with the Spanish on the front line are an example of perseverance, fortitude and democratic pedagogy. We demand protection laws call for the expansion of international legal guarantees of protection, we ask more coverage in the defence of our freedom to the enemies of freedom and peace. For this reason, a special day we know the symbolism of starting an international campaign launched by Covite with the support of the European Network of Victims that aims to reach the maximum possible support to the International Criminal Court a proposed amendment for the Review Conference of the International Criminal Court to be held from July 1 2009 to include terrorism among international crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court. We’ll request this year to all the victims of organized terrorism anywhere in the world, authorities in the field, human rights institutions, political institutions, governments and academic authorities to support us in this task by the courts against impunity. We also consider your support, thank you very much. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Speech by the Vice President of ““Mouvement Pour la Paix et Contre le terrorisme” ( MPCT). Madrid, March 11. European Day of Victims of Terrorism Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends ... Good afternoon I will introduce myself: Mr. Alexandre SEBB, Vice President of the Movement for Peace and Against Terrorism, part of the international alliance against terrorism. I spoke with excitement to be with you .... on behalf of my organization: We thank the European Network of Victims of Terrorism and its representative in France for this invitation. In paying tribute to victims of the Madrid attacks, all the Spanish victims of terrorism and all the European victims of terrorist acts in Europe or outside Europe, we should be pleased with the tradition of mobilization against terrorism in Spanish society, much greater than in our country In France, unfortunately, even with the wave of bombings in 1995, Paris citizens have never answered as Madrid. After September 11, Madrid and Berlin, not Paris, organized the largest events in Europe. Representing the "Mouvement Pour la Paix et contre le terrorisme" (Movement for Peace and Against Terrorism), a human rights association, focusing on the universal condemnation of terrorism and solidarity with their victims and being a member of the international alliance against terrorism I have to transmit a double message: - Mobilize against terrorism doesn’t concern only to Europe Mobilize against terrorism doesn’t concern only the victims We welcome the existence of the European Network of Victims of Terrorism, and we congratulate its creators, Maria Lozano and his partners in all countries, especially our friends from Italy, Spain, Northern Ireland and France. This allows to Europeans victims to stay united and that their voice is heard more strongly ... But terrorism “strikes” every day anywhere in the world, often at several points at once. This Sunday March 8, when her young friends organized a march in Levallois-Perret, near Paris, in tribute to a brilliant young man of 17 years, Cécile Vannier who was NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security killed in an attack in Cairo, on Sunday February 22 2009 Terrorism continued its campaign in Algeria, Iraq, Northern Ireland. So the moral struggle in solidarity with the victims, their right to justice, against the subservience to the dictates of the terrorists can’t stop at the borders of the European Union. It should be an international feeling in solidarity with the victims and the strong condemnation of terrorist organizations, including the funding partners and those who claim the attacks deliberately targeting civilians, using the most brutal violence in the name of the cause they claim to defend. We are also pleased to have partners in the international alliance against terrorism beyond Europe. Terrorism was not only to their victims. Concerns to society as a whole which is a potential target for terrorists. We are also proud to various civil society organizations that are aware of this scourge in France: association of anti-racism, the promotion of women and other democratic movements. Little by little they have been involved in the events we have organized in the wake of September 11 since 2004; two conferences on terrorism and the launch of the International Day against Terrorism the last September 11. We must develop our struggle to be stronger, to speak with more power, to continue growing within the civil society. We are also the bearers of a proposal: Organize the second International Day against Terrorism on September 11 by signing the petition of NO TO THE TERROR that will provide governments and the United Nations. For peace and against terrorism ... POR LA VIDA Y LA LIBERTAD JUAN ANTONIO CASQUERO. AVT. SPAIN First of all, I would like to thank everyone here and express my joy at knowing the assistance of representatives of associations of victims of terrorism across Europe. And I only can to begin with these shocked words to remember the two people who were killed in a terrorist attack just a few days ago in Belfast. You will always be in our memory. Likewise, we hope and trust in the recovery of those injured in this crime. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Long time ago, that one of the issues that I consider important in the fight against terrorism is the international cooperation. Terrorism can not be seen as a fragmented, as an issue endemic to each of the affected places. Terrorism is a global attack on the most basic values, the most fundamental rights of human beings. It is the negation of the most basic principles of coexistence and mutual respect. From my point of view it’s a mistake to confront this phenomenon as inextricably linked to exclusive and social environment in which each finds expression. It is also an error that the terrorists themselves know very well and take as advantage. And so it is that mutilation, murder and extortion committed by terrorists magnified their impact with a primary purpose for them: to terrorize the population, forcing it to change the focus on issues that, for channels social legally established in our Western democracies, they get a response of society that isn’t pleasant for the terrorist in question or who, without actually making a direct terrorist attacks, will benefit from the results. This is the big mistake we commit: to mix crime with the reasons used by the criminal to justify his crimes. In doing so, the terrorist attack takes its full meaning for the user. It is true that terrorist acts have a special status because of severe fear and disruption of the normal coexistence .But the way to restore peace, security and normal living can never be trying to adapt reality to the alleged "claims" to stop terrorist crimes. It shouldn’t never be mixed with the political issues that failed, through legal and democratic institutions, the terrorist seeks to impose by violence. These dividing line between good and evil, without any other consideration of any political or otherwise, which seems so clearly marked in our societies, it becomes especially vague when borders between countries stand in the treatment to terrorism. And so, terrorist groups such as the ETA in Spain, they become in the bass majority of the European press as an "armed separatist groups”, and mixed in the same note, political issues related to what are no more which attacks the most fundamental rights of human beings. That is exactly what the terrorists want, and that is exactly the reward they seek. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security While we, democratic societies, are determined to not form a bloc against terror, and ours judicial systems are dedicated to aggressively hindered each other, terrorism as a phenomenon has long understood that unity is strength and his disregard f or human life joins the different terrorist groups much more that what can differentiate. In this way, hiding behind legal tricks often based on differences between countries, terrorists succeed in many cases to circumvent the courts of the place where the have committed attacks. It is very sad as the union and collaboration between international terrorists is much greater than unity and international cooperation between those who fight against terror. It is very sad as the International Criminal Tribunal still not considers terrorism as a crime against humanity and, as a result, crimes of terrorism could be subject to prescription. We, the victims could give an important step in the creation of this block against terrorism. We must set an example for the institutions, working and feeling terrorism occurred outside borders as our. Helping, supporting seamless. The vital experience that means to be a victim of terrorism makes us being united and turns insignificant the difference in language or nationality. That is why, for me, this project launched by the European Network of Victims of Terrorism is full of excitement and hope. As all we know, a day like today, 11 March 2004, happened the worst terrorist attack in the European history. For all of us, victims of terrorism, for all those who have lost their lives at the hands of any fanatic heartless, and in defines of the values of respect we’ll continue working tirelessly. Thank you very much Juan Antonio García Casquero. President of the Spanish Association of victims of terrorism Dante Notaristefano President of AIVITER I have today a deep sense of closeness and deep gratitude for allowing our delegation is in Madrid on the anniversary of the Atocha massacre in 2004 and to celebrate V Day of Victims of Terrorism. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security We, and I think the other European associations will agree, hope we would never have had to develop our association, but sometimes it is necessary to ask what would be the collective memory of the events and victims who belong to the entire community without the work of custody, which is one of the social purposes. In Italy, in particular, our work for decades to defend the human rights of victims and their families, seems almost as disturbing memories of an era that not only wanted to erase the memory but also eliminate the awareness collectively. Only in recent years, 30 years after the fact, the memory of the victims was treated as a civic virtue. Thanks to the recognition of our President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, and under the law passed and promulgated in 2007, we have fought for years, we have signed off on the Parliament .The Italian government created the "Day of Memory for Victims of Terrorism and the attacks” by setting May 9 coinciding with the anniversary of the assassination of Aldo Moro, president of “Democracia Cristiana” and several times Prime Minister, who was kidnapped and subsequently murdered by the Red Brigades in 1978. Thinking of Aldo Moro I recently noted that “it can not tell, because they are not trying to survive the abyss in which it was launched, and therefore forever lost the right to talk. Therefore, his jailers in the past can still keep him poisoned through the use of the instrumental memory. It necessarily depends on the use of current needs (legal, political, moral, psychological, religious) of free men, or in search of freedom, but not the historical reconstruction what happened in a past that continues to exercise the monopoly and dictatorship of paradoxical testimony” If there is a risk with the dictatorship of the witnesses, as I think doesn’t happen only in Italy, then we must be proud to have played and continue to play an important action to protect the families of many victims, both civilian and military, to fight terrorism, because that means breaking the monopoly of the memory, preventing the silent voice of the victims who were annihilated by the vociferous terrorists chorus, even in converted former terrorists. Let me turn briefly to the sentiment of brotherhood that we share here and try to prove that this has nothing to do with rhetoric. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security When Parliament introduced the European Day of Victims of Terrorism, a few months after the tragic events that took place in this city, when in 2005 the first edition of this anniversary, and when there was not yet the European Network of Victims of Terrorism born thanks to the European Commission programs, our association decided to use the date of March 11 to start a confrontation with the outsider national reality borders. Then we began to organize public meetings each year, with guests from Spain: Vicenç Villatoro first director of radio and television and the Catalan newspaper "Avui" then Angeles Pedrazar, Miryam’s mother, who died in the attacks against trains in Madrid and now leader of the Association to Aid Victims of the 11 – M. Angels reminded us in a simple and terrible way her feelings: " March 11 began like any other and no one would have thought that day would change my life: I became an orphan of a daughter! How "everything could happen? That was the worst day of my life and nothing would be equal for me or for my family. When the media gave details of the victims and wounded, they did not take into account that although they’re numbers, we are many more families that still exist! Overcome the first shock, the pain began, an immense pain of the soul that you can not breathe. And as if you were tortured, when you think you're dead, you revive" Vicenç concluded his speech with an appeal that contains an important concept that I’ve used today: "What the victims of terrorism feel ideologically closer to understanding whether or not may seem less victims than those who have died or have been directly affected. The ideology of the terrorists is not a variable in judging the morality of terrorism - if existent - or the pain of the victims. Thanks to Mary Lozano and his organization for their hospitality, thanks to the authorities and delegations for their attention. Dante Notaristefano President of AIVITER NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Intervention de Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon. We are here tonight reminding a dramatic event, which has disrupted the lives of most people in this room: terrorism. Therefore, it is difficult for me to say I ‘m happy to be here. However, perhaps my own story could give hope to some. I am a French 45 years reared in Anglophone Africa (Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya). I was 26 years when my father was killed in the deadliest attack against France on September 19, 1989. The objective of this attack was an DC10 aircraft of the French airlines UTA. The flight (UT 772) from Brazzaville (Congo) bound for Paris (France) with a scale in N'Djamena (Chad). N'Djamena was where my father boarded. The plane exploded over the Ténéré desert, Niger, one of the hottest and driest in the world. The 170 passengers and crew of 18 different nationalities, perished immediately. There were many children and young people. 99 victims were from Africa, the rest of the passengers were Europeans and Americans. To find answers to many questions in the wake this act, I joined an association of victims of terrorism and participated in the work of the association during the investigation of the Judge Bruguière in a proceeding "in absentia", 10 years after the attack. Six senior Libyan officials, diplomats or members of the Libyan secret services were sentenced to life imprisonment. Among them, the brother of Colonel Qaddafi, Abdullah Senoussi ... As the sentences were not executed, my wife and I decided in February 2002 have a meeting with Colonel Qadhafi`s son, Saif al-Islam, who was in quasi-official visit in Paris, preparing to restore the Franco-Libyan relations. After a confrontation, was agreed to begin negotiations for a dignified end of the case. In the period after we created this partnership, the partnership became: "The families of the UTA DC-10" that sought to all those affected by this tragedy, especially in Africa. Using my connections, and the media, we have succeeded in obtaining support from the French government. On behalf of the group, my wife, my cousin and I have negotiated for two years, directly with Libya, Tripoli, London and Paris. During the Summer of 2003, negotiations led to an extreme tension between the United States, France and Libya because of the demand for lifting of UN sanctions against Libya, filed in connection with the Lockerbie case. The negotiations were followed by the international media and added more tension. Finally, January 9, 2004, an agreement was reached. The Libyan NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security recognizes their responsibility and agreed to pay a compensation to the relatives of each victim. One of the most difficult objective to achieve was that the amount should be the same for each victim, regardless of their nationality. Then we created the Foundation for the attack of DC10 to find and identify each of the 1 350 people affected to receive their compensation. The foundation, created by the victims, helped all beneficiaries worldwide, particularly in the Congo and Chad ... I directed the work of the Foundation until June 2006 and have been their manager. In 2007, me and members of the other family’s victims, went to the scene of the attack, where everything has remained intact. It was agreed to erect a monument ... which was created after a few months, involving 140 people from the nearest town, Agadez, more than 500 Km away. I participated in the design of the memorial and led the work for a month, on the ground. I wrote a book about the story and a document published a few days ago, with details of the Memorial construction. As all this has helped me to heal the wounds caused by this attack and have served to control the residual psychological pain, it could be quite imaginable that I departed from this world of terrorism and turn the page ... Far from it; I’ll continue the duty of memory for the bombing of the DC10. Also, our association is concerned with the victims of other attacks and other cases: the bombing of La Belle in Berlin in 1986, the Bulgarian nurses in Libya and the attack on the plane of President Habyarimana, Rwanda ... and therefore we have decided to join the European Network of Victims of Terrorism and help in this work. At the end of 2008, the other French Association for Victims of Terrorism, "SOS Attentat", decided to dissolve. Our members, the European Network of Victims of Terrorism and the French authorities (Presidency of the Republic and the Ministry of Justice) have encouraged us to take another dimension and become the reference association in France. We are very conscious of the need, but we know the weakness of our resources. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security On February 22, 2009, a group of French teenagers were victims of an attack in Cairo; Cécile Vannier, 17, died. As you might imagine, we were shocked by this tragedy. This painful crime has also proved that our presence is necessary. We have therefore taken up the challenge. We offered immediately our assistance to the victims and their parents (two mothers of affected children are also here tonight) and we decided to create a few days ago, the French Association of Victims of Terrorism. This is a new working structure and functioning. To effectively fulfil our mission we have the moral, technical and financial support from public authorities, as well as support from civil society. So after a careful consideration and with great humility before the task ahead, I’ve accepted a few more years to help the victims of terrorism. Thanks for your attention. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security 4.6 SPEECHES OF BREAKFAST BRIEFING. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security ANGELES PEDRAZA. AVT. SPAIN Good morning, Thank you for your assistance and special thanks to all the victims came from outside Spain. I make special mention of the Association for the 11-M and in particular to Maria Lozano, director of the Network who has allowed us to meet them all and celebrate together the 11th day tribute to all the victims of terrorism. My name is Angeles Pedraza and Ilost my daughter Miryam in the attacks in Madrid the March 11 2004. She was killed that day with other 190and were injured over 1500. After 5 years since the slaughter in Madrid, and 5 years since the Parliament decided to establish this day as the day of the remembrance of all the victims of terrorism across Europe, we are observing how from the institutions and policies are forgetting to leave tributes. Because of that I think that’s very important the work that is being doing from the European Network. The authentic and greatest tribute that people can paid is not giving us a medal or expressing the intention that it will be no more victims: of course we do not want more victims, but at what price ? If the only problem is that, the remedy is very easy: To give all up and the murders would cease immediately and everyone happy. Of course terrorists delighted.... but what about the rest? How about live bullied and bowed before them? And above all, what happen about having caused so much pain and the sacrifice and heroism of many? If this was the remedy we could have been implemented it decades ago. But if we have not bowed it before it would be incomprehensible and deeply immoral, just do it now .It’s not enough to enjoy certain fundamental freedoms ... We need to know how to defend them, each in his place, otherwise we will not be worthy of a gift so wonderful as we enjoy freedom thanks to the generosity of many ... Who have come to be killed for trying to preserve it. Terrorists will never, never reach the point, neither good or medium, or bad, just come to know the only thing to do (killing and terrorizing), it is a very serious mistake and an example of absolute incompetence considered "wrong people" to which maybe you can convince with a special effort and with communiqués by the government. Why not try to negotiate the release with rapists, abusers, paedophiles ....¿do you lose time with this or would be launched directly to stop to do justice and protect their victims? If they don’t act like that in these cases ,why the should do it in the issue at hand? Perhaps because the fact of terrorism is a less serious violation? These terrorists have the nerve to talk about torture, with what moral authority? Do you really want to talk about torture? Well let's talk ... To torture the hostages who have suffered, to the torture of parents whose sons have been killed, torture of widows who will not live to see their husbands go through the door of the house, the children orphans, those who can not re-embrace a brother, a NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security friend to a loved one now that's torture! Certainly it does not prescribe a torture, however their if crimes. Look, there can be no draw in this fight as some claim, at the height of incompetence and the shamelessness of some politicians. A tie is impossible, here there will always be winners and losers in this brutal battle, and it is better that the victors are not terrorists because they and we represent very different values: To begin with respect for life, liberty and justice are on our side. At his side do not even know what are these concepts to them ... From its deep intellectual and emotional weakness do not support an argument, and only know what they are intended to impose his vision through terror ... to kill some daunt many. So it is better that the victors we, who believe in human dignity and the rule of law, which to match, you must deliver justice in capital letters. And of course sometimes we are concerned that there is talk of making tributes and monuments from the government and not even mention the word justice ... And we must remember that there are many cases still unresolved, not to mention the outrageously bad resolved. . It is very regrettable that the attack in Madrid (the largest attack in Europe) after 5 years still does not clarify who or who were the intellectual authors, we do not know who came, who went on and we still do not know why and what for. Our credibility as a civilized country goes through the complete clarification of this slaughter. The victims have attended as invited stone fact and everything you said about the attack and in the end I want them clear to all attendees who are here today, that after five years, after a trial of nearly 5 months, and 29 defendants, only one has been convicted perpetrator, the rest were police informants, and common criminals convicted of belonging to an armed or terrorist. Since the European network through associations that comprise it have to commit to any terrorist crime is not to judge or condemn. We must fight together for the Madrid attacks, the Omag and many different groups of terrorists, not go unpunished, not the murderers are free and are not without condemning that refugees in countries where we do not have extradition agreements. Since the network we have to fight because the terrorist crimes are reported as crimes against humanity or crimes against humanity. We can not allow a time for red tape, other times so slow that is justice, sometimes by having international support, spend time and prescribe the murders. The deaths of our loved ones if not presquiben never never be late to condemn any terrorist. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security ELOY MORÁN SUPPORT 11M MADRID. SPAIN Good morning everyone. My name is Eloy Moran and I am one of the hundreds of people on March 11, 2004 in Madrid became a victim of terrorism. Today we remember that tragedy that changed our lives dramatically for thousands of people directly and shocked the entire Spanish and European society in general. Because of that European and international solidarity, today we also celebrate the V European Day in memory of the victims of terrorism and remember all those who have suffered terrorist acts that are so opposed to the values embodied in our continent. So today, I am particularly happy to be surrounded by friends from other countries although the most of them, I don’t understand because of language problems ... I feel we all share the same feelings without speaking a single language. So let me say what a pleasure is to share with you these days I am a member of the Association to Aid Victims of 11M since its inception, a member of the Board. From the first day that the Association put in place, we went to work with many more ways to win. Our fundamental objective has been to serve and support victims of 11M manner as an attack as brutal as that suffered, which has no parallel in our continent, has also spawned some needs, which by their size, they had no precedent. Therefore, our Association arises, to try to cope with the enormous needs generated by such a brutal and affecting so many people at once. Unite in the misfortune of the unknown, to what happened before and everything that was to come ... and stay together even more in the situation where we are today and explain that at the end of my speech. Throughout this time we have developed works and studies on social, psychological, judicial and public opinion against terrorism, trying to satisfy the identified needs of survivors and relatives. We have also had the opportunity to share experiences and knowledge with other associations beyond our borders and the result is that we can surrounded by friends today. I said before that such a brutal and unknown fact, such as M11, joined the victims of the attacks on Associations. The need to share with others with whom they are your equal, to those who have gone through the same as you, your pain and your experience and try to support relief and cohesion with the unknown to determine the members of any association and share also the hope that one day we will be able to prosecute those responsible for clearing all this horror and all the unknowns of the attack, connects us to all the victims even more determined. It is now five years from the attack and fortunately the needs in the short term, more immediate and urgent step left to other stages over time. Because the needs and support required in the early stages are different to the needs in the medium and long term. However, over time, we can’t ignore the terrible certainty of knowing that those who organized, designed and planned slaughter that are not yet available to the Justice. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security I said before that you can’t be indifferent to the fact that the masterminds of the attacks remain free. I stress that this argument goes beyond the claims of the victims but is shared by the whole of Spanish society because it can not be otherwise. A phrase that is shouted at the crowd demonstrations that took place shortly after the attacks sums up what I want to share with you all. I was in the hospital, obviously ... and I could not scream about that, "In all these trains were going." Popular cry that embodies very well the feeling that unites us and our shared determination So to end, I can tell you that today we can not understand the attitude of the Court has judged that the bombings. On numerous occasions since the ruling was final and charge people in the trial, we have requested access to the summary court to continue our work in an attempt to dispel the doubts hanging over the attacks. But today, Judge Gomez Bermudez has been unable to accede to our legitimate demands if only for the simple fact that the law protects us. More than 4 months been waiting for a response from the Tribunal and honestly believe that it is not acceptable. Because we are all over the world has the right to exercise legal action because we need to move forward with investigations and this Court is required to meet our demands in the biggest terrorist attacks in the history of Europe. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Daniel Klein - French - sister of Jean-Pierre Klein, one of the victims of the bombing of flight UTA DC-10 September 19 1989. The aim of this attack, perpetrated by Libya, was against a DC10 aircraft from the French Airlines UTA. Theft (UT 772) from Brazzaville (Congo) headed to Paris (France) with a scale in N'Djamena (Chad). The plane exploded over the Ténéré desert in Niger, one of the most warm and dry in the world. The 170 passengers and crew of 18 different nationalities, perished immediately. There were many children and young adults. 99 victims were from Africa, other European or American. Immediately after the attack, I was the only of the French association for the protection of victims of the attacks. This attack was a crime perpetrated by a State, Libya of Gadaffi , against another State. The families of the victims, we realized quickly that stake in the centre of a highly political terrorism case, so ultra-sensitive ... Throughout the years, unfortunately, we could not observe more than the complete lack of various French governments of both left and right and their desire to bury the case. No politician has shown a sincere desire to really help, support and defend the victims' families. Every success, every step has been achieved in the fight. The victims have always been faced with the political administration in order to achieve concrete results. For years, ministers, presidents have agreed to honour with his presence the day of the commemoration of the attack before returning rapidly to their affairs. The attack of the DC 10 had become a sort of “hot potato” for the French government with policies that are adopted each year to avoid disrupting the regime of Colonel Gaddafi, for fear of losing some lucrative contracts. In 2004, 15 years after the attack, Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc, whose father was in the plane, and some families with him, decided to take our destiny with the creation of the group of angry families of DC10 - and reality - a small group of a dozen people connected by friendship. After a fight of 2 years, the Collective of Families, has achieved what nobody had in 15 years. We questioned the politicians denounced demonstrations each representation and Libyan officials in each appearance in France. We have been in contact with the media, etc ... to pressure and create a foundation. We have received a decent and equal compensation, and each family received a little more justice to be recognized as victims and knowing a bit of truth. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security On the contrary it was not clear the Khadafi repentance. We faced during 4 days in December 2007, the visit and the welcome extended by France to him as Head of State of 1st order. And ironically it was because of this last diplomatic episode that a president finally agreed to receive us 18 years after the attack! In 2007, the group built in the desert of Niger a monument at the site of the attack on the plane. Only some of us were able to access the site because it is very difficult to reach. Many of the wreckage is scattered under a scorching sun, guarded by desert, as a sanctuary. We obtained the promise of President Sarkozy to help us get there, as both families had wanted… This was a year ago We have learned to be patient, and calm. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security ROBERTO DE LA ROCA. Vice President of the Italian Association of Victims of Terrorism-AIVITER V European Day of victims of terrorism. MADRID, 11 March 2009 Authorities and estimated delegations of the European associations, and all participants, I express my deepest gratitude to the organizers of these events and especially to the Association to Aid Victims of the M11. On behalf of the Italian Association of Victims of Terrorism (AIVITER)) and his delegation comprising the President Dante Notaristefano, the Secretary Diotti, Judge Maurizio Laudi, the responsible for international relations Luca Guglielminetti, Parliamentarian Sabina, the journalist Luciano Borghese from "La Stampa de Turin”, Luca Teles from" Il Giornale de Milan” and Concetto Vecchio of “ La Reppubblica di Roma” We are here today March 11, 2009, the fifth anniversary of the commemoration of the terrorist attacks in the Atocha and day commemorating all victims of terrorism proclaimed by Parliament in 2004. Italy, in the late 60s and even 80s along with other European countries have suffered an attack of blind violence, linked to a domestic terrorism with a crazy political ideology and not free from contact with other European organizations. The recognition of the facts and the victims still appears extremely difficult in our country. In those years the attacks occurred daily, names, dates and biographies rarely appeared in the chronicles in the newspapers. Those bloody events were exiled to deepest oblivion in police files. The memory of the victims, the lives of their families, broken by the emotional and physical trauma have been almost completely forgotten in, forgotten by society and the state. In all these years have been victims associations in charge of preserving his memory and reclaim his teaching and example. The price of blood in Italy during the "years of lead" was very high. There are more than 7,000 attacks with more than 400 dead and thousands injured. The list includes law enforcement, social workers, judges, academics, journalists, politicians, corporate leaders, ordinary citizens ... In Italy, after 30 years of these attacks is that it seems strange that most of the killings, despite the sentences did not exist except in some cases. Also little is known of the attacks. It is not known beyond the criminal liability of individuals who appear as NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security authors. The long-awaited demise of this great state secret, it would be a desired and apply today. It is essential a revision of laws and conventions, at least among European countries to finally disclose the whole truth. Not only bring to light the documentation retained by the different authorities of a State but also the confidential documents to promote the justice and truth. This is not revenge, it is the moral necessity of knowing the historical facts and do justice. We know that in Italy almost all convicted terrorists have paid their accounts with the law serving a sentence in some cases providing certain facilities. Impunity must cease for a period of decades. The countries of the European Union must work together against terrorists who are directly or indirectly linked to the status of political refugees. When we are faced with decisions of a sovereign and democratic state, the terrorists must be extradited to serve their sentences lawfully imposed Now as in the case in the international terrorism of Cesare Battista, fled to Brazil .. Cesare Battisti in Brazil, where he escaped from the Italian courts because he was convicted during a long process. But do not be in Brazil today had it not received assistance in France, where several terrorist Italians living recipients of the "Mitterrand doctrine". These issues are already resolved, as it is unacceptable that even today there are people that support this in a country of the European Union. The nations that have directly experienced episodes of terrorism must be consistent in the pursuit of the sentences. Otherwise it would be an ambiguous message that is sent to new generations. It is as if the supply of arms, ideologies and their "bad teachers" were a constant in the history of terrorism. Nowadays in Europe we have a “domestic” terrorism, but in 1998 we start to see an evolution in which the phenomenon did not escape from the vision of our late President Mauritius Puddu who said: "Terrorism will become a phenomenon at the international level, as a new form of warfare with which we must live. And with this new emergency we have to prepare for the dilemma of having no means of preventing such conflicts as happened in Italy during “the lead years”. This century began with last September 11 in 2001. From that date, terrorism has been the focus of all security posts in the world of emergencies. With the blood shed in the U.S., the first place, followed in Madrid and then in London spread like a stain of oil on different parts of the world. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Each attack is happening in the world occurs in different ways. Besides this the pain of the victims and their families. For example, here in Madrid, killing 192 people and injuring more than 1800. Thousands of additional data were destroyed. Even the continuing existence of the pain of forever families. After each attack is the one who dies in an instant, and are always the victims are often forgotten over time. Therefore, we have the painful duty of remembering the victims and the reasons for their sacrifice to give meaning to the destruction of many families but especially for not letting the future come mortgaged by the terrorist actions and social actions prevail. Together assume the commitment not to forget as a measure of a society free from any form of revenge and show the pain of delivery to the new generations. We are relatives of those who died in vain and we must transmit the values to society. We recall that in the name of safeguarding the democratic state and the constitutional values. NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security 4.7 VOLUNTEERISM: LETTERS TO DEAN OF UNIVERSITIES Dear Dean: The European Network of Victims of Terrorism, together with the European Commission to celebrate the European Day of Victims of Terrorism, on March 11 in Madrid, has decided to develop an awareness project through the collaboration of students university, to promote volunteerism among young people, support the victims of terrorism, both Spanish and European. The main objective of this draft notice, is to promote youth volunteerism through public awareness and solidarity of all citizens of Madrid for the victims of terrorism. To achieve this organization already has a platform of some 380 volunteers (mostly university faculty of Psychology and the School of Social Work, University Complutense of Madrid). The intention of a further year as the European Network of Victims of the terror and the European Commission is to continue offering opportunities for volunteering in support of victims of terrorism, the Madrid university students. The project is offered this year will be a project to raise awareness to all citizens of Madrid on March 11 in Madrid through which all the volunteers offered to all citizens of Madrid a few lights that represent the support, love and solidarity with all the victims in Spain and Europe, against terrorism and violence. With the intention that our message can reach as many students as possible, The European Network of Victims of Terrorism asks permission to be able to announce, through posters attached to it in this post, this volunteer experience. To meet the deadlines set able to ask the posters in their power during the week of 16 to February 19. We are at your disposal for any question. Thank you very much in advance for your attention Ana Zapardiel Co-ordinator Volunteers European Network Victims Terrorism NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security ANNEX 4.8 LETTER TO VOLUNTARY NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Hello all: How are you? Some of you will already know us and it has been some time since we last worked together, but in the meantime we have continued launching projects in support of victims of terrorism. Therefore, this 11 March, the European Day in remembrance of victims of terrorism, in memory of the terrible attacks in Madrid, we hope to count on your support and cooperation to be able to carry out our work. The European Network of Victims of Terrorism, - which includes the activities of various European organisations of victims of terrorist attacks in EU countries -, along with the European Commission has decided to organise a Project to Raise Awareness, in partnership with people like you, to encourage young people to volunteer in support of victims of terrorism, both Spanish and European. The key aim of this communication project to raise awareness, in which we are offering you a role, is to encourage young people to volunteer by promoting awareness among the general public and solidarity among the people of Madrid with victims of terrorism. To do so, a sizable group of volunteers from the European Network of Victims of Terrorism, young people like you, will be in Madrid handing out lights representing their support, affection and solidarity with all Spanish and European victims, against terrorism and violence. All this will take place on Wednesday 11 March in Madrid. The European Network of Victims of Terrorism has always made use of a committed and trained force of volunteers, and therefore anyone wanting to participate in the project will attend a training seminar on “Communication for NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Peace, in support of victims and against Terrorism”, at which not only will your specific tasks as volunteers be explained, but you will also be given the appropriate teaching and training to be able to carry them out. The hours worked on the project will be certified with a certificate of 50 hours of voluntary work with the European Network of Victims of Terrorism, as well as a certificate of attendance for the seminar “Communication for Peace, in support of victims and against Terrorism”. All those of you interested in participating in the largest European volunteer platform in support of victims of terrorism can get in touch with us via: * Our e-mail address * Our telephone number 91 3650147 We hope to count on all of you, and share with you one of the most interesting volunteer experiences in Europe! Ana Zapardiel Volunteer coordinator European Network of Victims of Terrorism NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security ANNEX 4.9 PROJECT AWARENESS POSTER NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security Would you like to participate in a project of European Public Awareness? The European network of victims of terrorism and the European Commission invite you to join the first European platform for voluntary . With the victims and against terrorism Join us and participate in awareness-raising projects develop in the European Day of Victims of Terrorism: Wednesday 11 March You cold get: Certificate of 50 hours of volunteering one of the European organizations with more young volunteers Certificate of training courses In “Communication for Peace, with the victims and against Terrorism” And the most important thing: Enjoy one of the most interesting experiences in volunteering!!!! Contact us: Sign up on the lists provided in your College or contact us to give you all the info you need: Phone number: 91 365 01 47 Fax: 91 364 57 39 E-mail: Address: Ronda de Toledo 1 Local 4343 28005 Madrid. Spain NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security ANNEX 4.10 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR VOLUNTEERS NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security DRAFT ASSESSMENT OF AWARENESS: COMMUNICATION FOR PEACE. 11 MARCH 2009 Name: Age: Student: ID Number: Phone: 1. How many people around, you found in the path? 2. How many of you found that people have stopped to listen to your message? Have you been able to count everything you wanted? 3. Have you found people with a negative reaction? How many? What was your reaction? 4. And with a reaction of indifference? How many? How have reacted? 5. Have you found people with a positive reaction? How many? How? 6. What is your overall assessment of the response of the citizenry that you found? NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security 7. How you felt when developing this project? 8. What did you think of the training seminar? Do you think you learned something useful for the development of the project? 9. What do you think the development of such projects? 10. What failures or problems you encountered in developing the project? 11. What advantages or highlight positive aspects of this project? 12. What other projects or activities that you think could develop The European Network of Victims of Terrorism in volunteering? Thank you very much, for your participation!!!! NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security ANNEX 4.11 DRAWING OF THE PLATE AND THE T-SHIRT NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security NAVT JLS/2008/E4/003-30-CE-0222844/00-11 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAME Financial Support Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom And Security