muestras diseno pag guia#130983
muestras diseno pag guia#130983
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Introduction and Welcome Contact Details Programme Entry Details Service Park Two-way Radios Import of vehicles and spare parts Helicopters Hospitality arrangements Hotels Media List of services APPENDIXES A) Itinerary and map B) Itinerary compared with previous years C) Recce schedule and map PAGE 3 4 5 8 11 14 14 15 16 17 19 24 30 35 36 02 00 1. INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME An Argentine Classic Rally Argentina 2014 arrives in a compact format, identical to last year’s successful itinerary. As usual, the itinerary includes the visit to the three valleys of Córdoba in four days of competition that will take place between May 8th and 11th. The 34th edition of this competition will be the fifth round of the FIA World Rally Championship (WRC), the first one of the CODASUR Rally Championship and it will count with the organization of the Automóvil Club Argentino. The engines will start very early on Thursday 8th with the Shakedown. In the afternoon, the countdown will finally get to an end when the action will take place in the Theme Park in the city access of Villa Carlos Paz, where the first timed special will be held. On Friday, the hills on the Punilla valley will witness the World Rally Car’s skids. The double run of Santa Catalina – La Pampa and the long one Ascochinga – Agua de Oro with an extension of 52 kilometers will be the “filter” that the competitors should beat on the first day. On Saturday the competition will go to the South of Córdoba, precisely to the colorful valley of Calamuchita. Two runs in San Agustin – Villa el Dique and Amboy – Yacanto plus a night visit to the Super Special Stage in the Theme Park will make up the longest day of the rally with 165,36 timed kilometers. The last day of Rally Argentina 2014 will not be a simple formality. The action will take place in the stunning landscape of Traslasierra with the two most emblematic stages of the competition Giulio Césare - Mina Clavero and El Cóndor – Copina. The latter will be the scenery of the Power Stage during the second loop of the third day. As usual, the prize-giving ceremony will be held in the Villa Carlos Paz promenade on the coast of the San Roque Lake, a few meters away from the Service Park in the open-air and it will be open to spectators the previous week and during the competition. This document has no regulatory power. For information only. 03 2. CONTACT DETAILS a) Permanent organization contact details In Córdoba: Rally Argentina Secretariat Mons. Pablo Cabrera 2256 – Barrio Altos de San Martín X5008HHG – Córdoba Argentina Tel/Fax: ++ 54 351 4872727 / 4872010 / 4877653. Key Contacts Please send your queries to and these will be forwarded to the appropriate official. In Buenos Aires Automóvil Club Argentino Av. del Libertador 1850. 1425. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Contact: Eng. Carlos García Remohi Tel: + 54 11 4808 4389. Fax: + 54 11 4808-4620 In the Web Official Web Site: E-mail: b) Media contact details Media Delegate: Mr. Augusto Lobo Tel/Fax: + 54 351 4872727 / 4872010 / 4877653 Mob: + 54 9 351 3994080 Email: 04 3. PROGRAMME 3.1 Before the Rally week Date Activity Location Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 Entries open Publication of the Supplementary Regulations Tuesday, April 8 Entries close (including co-drivers data) Road Books, Rally Guide 2 and Maps issued and available Wednesday, April 9 Closing date for National Accreditation Application Tuesday, April 15 The original entry form must reach the organizers Wednesday, April 16 Closing date for International Accreditation Application Tuesday, April 22 Media Safety Book issued Monday, April 28 Rally Secretariat moves to HQ Portal del Lago From Saturday, May 3 to Wednesday, May 7 Between 10:00 – 18:00 Administrative Checks Reconnaissance Registration Collection of material and documents Sports Hall Saturday, May 3 Opening of service Park Villa Carlos Paz 05 3.2 During the rally week Monday, May 5 18:00-20:00 Tuesday, May 6 08:00 - 18:30 14:00 17:00 - 19:00 Wednesday, May 7 08:00–18:00 8:00 14:00-17:30 16:00 18:00-22:00 18:00 19:00 Thursday, May 8 8:00-10:00 10:00-12:00 10:00-12:00 13:30 14:00 Official Notice Board Available Distribution of tracking systems for reconnaissance (Nominated drivers) Recce starts Media Accreditation starts Distribution of FIA safety tracking rally system Recce finishes Administrative checks finish Media Center opens Part’s sealing and certification for Manufacturer and MT cars Team Managers’ Meeting (WRC registered teams) Scrutineering and component sealing and marking for P2, P3 and non Priority drivers Doctors’ Briefing Helicopter Pilot Briefing HQ HQ MC Sports Hall MC SP HQ Cordoba HQ HQ V. Garcia - Cabalango V. Garcia - Cabalango VCP - Cabalango MC 15:35 16:00 Shakedown (P1 + P2 drivers) Shakedown (P1, P2 + P3) Shakedown (Non P) FIA pre event press conference Publication of the list of crews eligible to take the start Publication of start list for Leg 1 (Section 1 and 2) TC0 – Service Park Out SSS1 – Thematic Park Villa Carlos Paz Friday, May 9 21:30 Publication of start list for Section 4 HQ Saturday, May 10 21:30 Publication of start list for Section 7 HQ Sunday, May 11 14:40 15:00 15:30 16:00 Prize giving Final checks Post-event FIA Press Conference Publication of Final Provisional Results VCP VCP MC HQ Monday, May 12 12:00 12:00 Media Center closes Rally Secretariat closes MC HQ HQ SP VCP 06 Locations HQ (Headquarters) Hotel Portal del Lago; Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera and Gobernador Álvarez, 5152 Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina. SP (Service Park) Avenida Presidente Arturo U. Illia (ex Av. Atlántica) and Gobernador Álvarez (between Gob. Peña and Gob.Ferreira), Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina. MC (Media Center) Auditórium of Portal del Lago Hotel, Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera and Gobernador Álvarez, 5152 Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina. Pre Event Scrutineering Cordoba Sports Hall Avenida Arturo U. Illia y Gobernador Álvarez, Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina Prize Giving Av. Pte. U. Illia between Medrano and NahuelHuapi streets, V. Carlos Paz Final Scrutineering Honda Rosso – Av. San Martin 1687, Villa Carlos Paz 07 4. ENTRY DETAILS 4.1 Titles FIA titles for the rally: FIA World Rally Championship for Drivers FIA World Rally Championship for Co-Drivers FIA World Rally Championship for Manufacturers FIA WRC 2 Championship for Teams FIA WRC 2 Championship for Drivers FIA WRC 2 Championship for Co-Drivers FIA WRC 2 Production Car Cup for Drivers FIA WRC 2 Production Car Cup for Co-Drivers FIA WRC 3 Championship for Teams FIA WRC 3 Championship for Drivers FIA WRC 3 Championship for Co-Drivers FIA Junior WRC Championship for Drivers FIA Junior WRC Championship for Co-Drivers Codasur Rally Championship 4.2 Entry Period Opening date: March 4th Closing date: April 8th 4.3 Vehicle eligibility (as per 2014 FIA WRC Sporting Regulations) All cars must be in accordance with the FIA technical regulations of the championship concerned. A minimum of five starters per class is admitted: should this number not be attained, the competitors in the class concerned are admitted in the next class up. superior. 4.4 Maximum number of entrants Maximum number of entrants is 90. If more than 90 entries are received the organizer reserves the right to decide which entries among the non-priority drivers will be accepted. 4.5 4.5.1 Entry Fees Priority Drivers In accordance with Appendix VI of FIA 2014 WRC Sporting Regulations. 08 4.5.2 Other Competitors With the optional advertising proposed by the organisers (to be published in a bulletin): Argentinean Competitors Competitors from the American Continent Others $ 6,000 (Argentine pesos) € 2,500 € 3,000 Without this advertising Argentinean Competitors Competitors from the American Continent Others $ 12,000 (Argentine pesos) € 4,500 € 5,000 Entry applications will be accepted only when accompanied by the total entry fees or by a receipt issued by the competitor’s National Sporting Authority. 09 4.6 Modes of Payment Argentine Competitors are advised to make payment of entry fees and other entryrelated fees at any of the Automóvil Club Argentino Offices. The entry will only be considered if receipt of this payment is submitted to the Rally Secretariat. Competitors from abroad are advised to make payment of entry fees and other entryrelated fees by direct bank transfer. TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS IN U$S: UBS AG 677 Washington Blvd Stamford, CT 06901 SWIFT Code: UBSW US 33 ABA: 026007993 Credit: UBS International Inc. Account#: 101-WA-258640-000 For further credit: Automovil Club Argentino Account #: R2-62709 TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS IN EUROS: Bank Name: UBS AG, Zurich, SZ Wire Address: UBSWCHZH80A Credit: UBS Financial Services Inc. Account#: 0230-58828.20X IBAN: CH900023023005882820X For further credit: Automovil Club Argentino Account #: R2-62709 Note: Bank transfer charges to be borne by the issuing party. Please take into account that Banks currently request the sender of the money to include the complete address of the participant on the bank transfer request document. 4.7 Reimbursements Entry Fees will be refunded in full: -To candidates whose entry has not been accepted. -In the case of the rally not taking place. The organizers may refund up to 50% of the entry fees to those competitors who, for reasons of “force majeure” (duly certified by their ASN), were unable to start the rally. 10 5. SERVICE PARK 5.1 Main Service Park 5.1.1 Location The Service Park will be located across from the Rally Headquarters, on AvenidaPresidente Arturo U. Illia (ex Av. Atlántica) and Gobernador Álvarez (between Gob. Peña and Gob. Ferreira), Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina. GPS Reference: Lat. 31 23 56 – Long. 64 28 41 – Alt. 649mts. 5.1.2 Type of Surface Manufacturers and Manufacturer Team: Tarmac. Others: Gravel compacted ground. 5.1.3 Areas a) Available Areas For priority drivers as per 2014 FIA World Rally Championship Sporting Regulations Appendix VI. For other drivers: 10x10mts. b) Allocation of spaces Competitors who wish to use a joint area with other competitors must request it to the organizers by Monday, April 14. 5.1.4 Access Service Park will be opened from May 3rd. 5.1.5 Facilities Organisers have foreseen the following facilities at the Service Area for competitors: WiFi (on charge) General security General lighting Power Supply (1 and 3-phase) Toilets Non-drinkable water Garbage and oil collection service Car wash Medical room For extra facilities, please fill in the proper form in this guide. 11 SERVICE PARK EXTRA FACILITIES REQUEST FORM (to be charged upon request) Please complete the following order form: TEAM / COMPANY: ...................................................................................................... SERVICE AREA RESPONSIBLE:....................................................................................... CONTACT DETAILS:....................................................................................................... REQUIRED FACILITIES: Extra Toilets ( how many, period of use):.................................................................... Dedicated lighting ( type, power, etc.): ....................................................................... Extra security ( period of use):.................................................................................... Catering service:........................................................................................................... Telephone lines (Please complete the request form on this guide) Generators ( please indicate power, period of use, etc.): ........................................... Others (please indicate):.............................................................................................. BILLING INFORMATION Team / Company: ........................................................................................................ Address: ....................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... Other Specifications: .................................................................................................... Date:........................................................ Signature*: ................................................. * We hereby authorize the organizers to charge our company with the costs involved in the installation and use of these services, as per the previous quotation. Please return this form to Rally Argentina Secretariat Email: , Fax: + 54 351 4872010 / 4872727 12 REQUEST FORM FOR TELEPHONE LINES Company: .............................................................................................................................. Contact Person: ................................................................................................................... Telephone: ........................................................... Fax: ........................................................ Email: ..................................................................................................................................... SERVICE PARK Type DDI (VOICE) ADSL Equipment Telephones sets Quantity Period Quantity Comments: ............................................................................................................................ BILLING INFORMATION: (As per supplier billing) Company: Address: Other specifications: Date: ..................................... Signature:* ..................................... * We hereby authorize the Organizers to order the above mentioned telephone lines on our behalf, and to charge our company with the costs involved in the installation and use of said lines, according to the amounts billed by the supplier. Please return this form by Tuesday April 1st 2014 to the Rally Argentina Secretariat. Email: Fax: + 54 351 4872010 / 4872727 13 6. TWO-WAY RADIOS The Comisión Nacional de Comunicaciones (CNC) is responsible for the management of the radio spectrum. The CNC shall be notified of the frequencies in the equipment in question, upon which it decides on assignment a suitable frequency to the customer and issues a license for the radio transmitter. Any unlicensed use, or equipment operated outside the terms of a license is a major concern for the CNC. Competitors wishing to use 2-way radio communication during the event are required fill the form in this guide reporting the use of certain frequencies, the type and number of stations and the competitor’s address directly to Rally Organizers, in order to obtain a special authorization from CNC before Tuesday, April 15, 2014. APPLICATION FORM TEAM RESPONSIBLE ADDRESS TYPE OF STATION BASE MOBILE NUMBER OF RADIOS REQUIRED FREQUENCIES TX OUTPUT POWER PERIOD OF USE NUMBER NUMBER RX FROM TO Please return this form to Rally Argentina Secretariat by Tuesday, April 15, 2014. Email: Fax: + 54 351 4872010 / 4872727 7. IMPORT OF VEHICLES AND SPARE PARTS Rally vehicles, support vehicles, parts, tyres and components can be temporarily imported to Argentina. For further details please contact the Rally Secretariat. 14 8. HELICOPTERS HELICOPTER USE In compliance with FIA safety regulations and the local Air Traffic Authority, every helicopter flying in support of the rally must be registered with the organisers. REGISTRATION FORM Helicopter Helicopter’s registration: _________________________________________________ Type and make: ________________________________________________________ Colours: _______________________________________________________________ Number allocated: ______________________________________________________ Owner Company/Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________________________ Operation What will be the use of the helicopter during the Rally: ________________________ Jet A1 at Service Park required quantity: ____________________________________ Overnight parking location: _______________________________________________ Pilot Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address and phone: ______________________________________________________ E-mail address (all info will be by e-mail): ____________________________________ Address and mobile phone during the event: _________________________________ Flying under contract from Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________________________ Possibility for patient transport yes no I, the pilot of the helicopter above, agree to follow the rules notified to me during the rally. Date: _________________________ Signature: _____________________________ Contact details for helicopter companies: For helicopter rental, please contact Rally Argentina Secretariat. 15 9. 9.1 HOSPITALITY ARRANGEMENTS Hospitality Arrangements - VIP The Organisers of Rally Argentina have entrusted EN VIVO PRODUCCIONES with the task of providing quality hospitality services. These are real thematic parks with capacity for 2000 people located at strategic stages of the rally. Those who access this area experience the excitement of the event at the best jumps and turns during a day full of entertainment and all inclusive facilities and services. The FANATIC VIP hospitalities will be distributed as follows: Thursday May 8 and Saturday May 10 Super Special Stage Thematic Park Villa Carlos Paz Sunday May 11 El Cóndor - Copina For information and tickets: TE: (0351) 153 409 835 E-mail: Website: 9.2 Tourist Services To fully enjoy Rally Argentina, we recommend you to contact "ALTAMARCA VIAJES (EVT 14.595)"; a company with over 20 years of experience offering reliable services understanding and satisfying all the client's needs. Exclusive packages including: □ Accommodation □ Transportation to the stages □ Exclusive hospitality spaces □ Preferential location in the Super Special Stages □ Official Rally Kit □ Optional services: flight tickets, shuttles from and to the airport, rent-a-car, special services for guests (promenades, outings, etc) Furthermore, we offer you distinctive and unique services that you won´t find anywhere else: □ Helicopter and rally car rides, exclusive locations at the shakedown and Service Park, autographs T-shirts, met & greet, etc. Contact us today: Tel: +54 11 4733 3322 / +54 (9) 11 5409 8161 E-mail: Web: 16 10. HOTELS 10.1 Contact Details For Booking The Province of Cordoba has a wide range of hotels to offer you, especially in the main cities of Córdoba and Villa Carlos Paz. For accommodation in any of either one of these cities, please contact the hotels directly, but do not hesitate to ask for our assistance at Rally Argentina Secretariat. Please find below a non-exhaustive list of hotels in Córdoba and Villa Carlos Paz. 10.2 List Of Hotels In Cordoba HOTEL Cat Holiday Inn Córdoba 5* Address Fray Luis Beltrán y Cardeñosa Phone #+ 54 351 4779199 Web Site - Email Sheraton Córdoba 5* Duarte Quiros 1300 5269000 Córdoba Plaza 5* San jerónimo 137 4268900 Quorum Hotel & Spa 4* Av. La Voz del Interior 7000 5542400 King David 4* Av. Gral. Paz 386 5703528 Amerian Córdoba Park 4* Bv. San Juan 165 4207000 Panorama NH 4* M. T. de Alvear 251 (La Cañada) 4103900 Windsor 4* Buenos Aires 214 4224012 Hotel de la Cañada 4* M. T. de Alvear 580 (La Cañada) 4231227 Azur - Real Hotel Boutique 4* San Jerónimo 243/257 4247133 4210797 4215878 Orfeo Suites Hotel 3*+ Complejo Dinosaurio R. del Busto 4086 5261555 17 10.3 LIST OF HOTELS IN VILLA CARLOS PAZ HOTEL Cat Address Portal del Lago 4* J. L. Cabrera & Gob. Alvarez 424931 Amerian 4* Alvear 50 421446 La Posada del Qenti 4* Ruta 14 km 14 ½ Icho Cruz 495715 Hipocampus 4* Brown 240 421653 Las Lajas 4* San Martín y España 422134 Libertador 4* San Martín 1001 420170 Pinares del Cerro 4* Roque Saenz Peña y Paraná 433369 Estilo MB 4* Almafuerte 40 43 8000 Casablanca 3* Sarmiento 1002 423924 Altos del Valle 3* Sarmiento 590 486347 MonPetit 3* Libertad 285 423022 Days Inn Jardín 3* Libertad 600 424032 Costa Azul 3* J. S. Bach 293 427087 Costanera 3* Av. Illia 713 427061 Uruguay 3* Uruguay 730 42233 421797 Mesón de la Montaña 3* Phone #+ 54 3541 R. Sáenz Peña & D. de Velázquez Web Site - Email Interlac 3* Maipú 130 426089 El Portico 3* Leandro N. Alem 309 421969 Sierrasol 3* José Ingenieros 353 427357 Riviera 3* San Martín & Lincoln 432300 Monaco 3* San Martín & Zubiría 421242 Florida 3* Belgrano 45 421905 El Cid 3* H. Irigoyen 250 421358 Capvio 3* Curro Enriquez 15 423595 18 11. MEDIA 11.1 Media Permanent Contact Details Rally Argentina Secretariat Monseñor Pablo Cabrera 2256 – Barrio Altos de San Martín X5008HHJ Córdoba Argentina Media and Accreditation Delegate: Mr. Augusto Lobo Tel/Fax: +54 351 4872727 / 4872010 / 4877653 e-mail: FIA WRC Media Delegate Ms. Hayley Gallagher 8, place de la Concorde 75008 Paris - France Tel: +44 (0)1252 781431, Fax: +44 (0)870 112 3279 E-mail: 11.2 Important Note Rally Argentina, following FIA criteria, considers the Media Pass to be a working tool to be used only by bona fide members of the press. Only press members (journalists, photographers, and cameramen) are allowed to wear one of this passes. For that reason, the procedures for the media accreditation, as defined by the FIA, will be adhered to all the times. 19 11.3 Accreditation Procedures 11.3.1 Printed Media/Photographers General Criteria 1) A maximum of three (3) representatives (journalist and/or photographer) will be accredited for a single WRC round per media. 2) All publications must comply with the circulation and quality criteria of the FIA. 3) Under no circumstances will an advertising, public relations or commercial agency, or similar, be accredited neither as a media, nor will Rally Argentina issue any accreditation to sponsor representatives (press officers or others), suppliers, teams, drivers, etc. All the accreditations requests for the above categories must be sent to the FIA. 4) WRC FIA Media Delegate can accept requests from private teams with priority drivers for their PR personnel. A maximum of one person accredited by private team can be accepted. 5) Publications must be available to the general public via retail outlets (trade, club or internal company magazines will normally not be accredited). However, at the sole discretion of the FIA, and where the quality and circulation criteria justify their consideration, such magazines may be eligible for accreditation on a case by case basis. 6) Applications of national publications will be discussed with the WRC FIA Media Delegate, based on the documentation submitted. Argentinean Press Procedure Printed Media accreditation form must be sent, duly completed, with the following documents attached, before Wednesday, April 9th, 2014: 1. A complete form for each media representative. 2. A formal letter, in headed paper and signed by the Media Director, including: a. The name and function of the representatives who will be accredited in the name of the Media. b. Publication data, like: circulation rates, frequency, monthly circulation, etc. c. A valid fax number and an e-mail address to send the answer to the request. d. A formal commitment letter from the Editor of the media to publish a daily, weekly or monthly report of the event (as applicable) and an estimated date for this publication. 3. An original issue of the publication from the present year. 4. Originals or copies of Rally Argentina 2013 or others WRC rounds coverage articles, news or documents published in the cited media. 5. Freelance journalists must apply for credentials via their own agencies. The onus is on the freelance applicant to prove the supply of regular stories to at least five publications corresponding to the FIA accreditation criteria. The abovementioned documents must be sent to: Rally Argentina Secretariat Monseñor Pablo Cabrera 2256 – Barrio Altos de San Martín X5008HHJ Córdoba Argentina Two weeks before Rally Argentina maximum, those Medias who have apply for press accreditation will receive the confirmation via fax or e-mail with an accreditation agreement form that must be signed by the Editor of the Media and handed at the accreditation desk at the moment of collecting the media passes. 20 Photo Agencies To photographers of national agencies willing to apply for single round accreditation must submit evidence of independent coverage of a minimum of 15 pictures per pass issued at each event they have been accredited for in the previous year’s Championship. Photo agencies must be able to prove that its pictures have been regularly sold to publications matching the FIA criteria and have been paid for at the normal commercial rate.A publication must be able to prove that the pictures published are the original work of the publication's accredited photographer. International Agencies (for example AP, AFP, EFE, etc) must apply for their accreditation on their own directly to FIA even when the request is done through the local office. Commercial Photographers Photographers not complying with the above criteria (e.g., commercial photographers) must apply for accreditation to stating the nature of their business 11.3.2 RADIOS General Criteria 1) A maximum of one (1) representative (journalist) will be accredited for a single WRC round per Radio. Only official Radio broadcasting live (2 Radio maximum) will be allowed to ask for more than one media pass under Organizer’s criteria. 2) All Radios must comply with the coverage and quality criteria of the FIA. 3) Applications of national radio will be discussed with the WRC FIA Media Delegate, based on the documentation submitted. Argentinean Radios Procedure Radio accreditation form must be sent, duly completed, with the following documents attached, before Wednesday, April 9th, 2014: 1. A complete form for each media representative. 2. A formal letter, in headed paper and signed by the Radio Director, including: a. The name and function of the representatives who will be accredited. b. Radio data, like: coverage area, Rally and/or sport programs or specials of the Rally Argentina, etc. c. A valid fax number and an e-mail address to send the answer to the request. d. A formal commitment letter from the Director of the Radio to broadcast daily reports of the event and an estimated time for this broadcast. The abovementioned documents must be sent to: Rally Argentina Secretariat Media Accreditation Monseñor Pablo Cabrera 2256 – Barrio Altos de San Martín X5008HHJ Córdoba Argentina Two weeks before Rally Argentina maximum, those Medias who have apply for press accreditation will receive the confirmation via fax or e-mail with an accreditation agreement form that must be signed by the Editor of the Media and handed at the accreditation desk at the moment of collecting the media passes. 21 11.3.3 WEBSITES MEDIA General Criteria 1) A maximum of one (1) representative (journalist) will be accredited for a single WRC round per Website Media. 2) The cited website must demonstrate a truly interest in the following of WRC rounds in general and Rally Argentina in particular 3) Facebook pages or social networks will not be accredited as those are not considered as a Media. 4) Applications of national websites will be discussed with the WRC FIA Media Delegate, based on the documentation submitted. Argentinean WebsitesProcedure Websites accreditation form must be sent, duly completed, with the following documents attached, before Wednesday, April 9th, 2014: 1. A complete form for each media representative. 2. A formal letter, in headed paper and signed by the Website Director, including: a. The name and function of the representatives who will be accredited in the name of the website. b. Website data, like: monthly visits ranking, Rally Argentina or WRC dedicated sections, etc. c. Url links to articles published by this website about WRC or Rally Argentina. d. Press card of the accredited journalist. e. A valid fax number and an e-mail address to send the answer to the request. f. A formal commitment letter from the Director of the Website to publish daily reports of the event and an estimated media plan for this. The abovementioned documents must be sent to: Rally Argentina Secretariat Monseñor Pablo Cabrera 2256 – Barrio Altos de San Martín X5008HHJ Córdoba Argentina Two weeks before Rally Argentina maximum, those Medias who have apply for press accreditation will receive the confirmation via fax or e-mail with an accreditation agreement form that must be signed by the Editor of the Media and handed at the accreditation desk at the moment of collecting the media pases. 22 11.3.4 TV All TV requests must send their requests, with no exception, to the following e-mail address, specifying the event (Rally Argentina 2014) for which you want to apply for an media pass. This prescription applies for those websites wishing to broadcast moving images, too. 11.3.5 INTERNATIONAL MEDIA Requests from international media should be made via the online accreditation system on before Wednesday, April 16th, 2014. NO ACCREDITATION PASS CAN BE COLLECTED WITHOUT THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. For further information please don’t hesitate to contact Rally Argentina Secretariat. ANY APPLICATION RECEIVED AFTER APRIL 9TH,2014, INCOMPLETE OR ONLY FAXED WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. 23 12. LIST OF USEFUL FACTS AND SERVICES CLIMATE The rally will be run in autumn. This season, in Córdoba, usually offers pleasant temperatures at midday and early in the afternoon and rather cool temperatures during the rest of the day, and cold nights. Average temperatures at the beginning of May: Minimum Average Maximum 11ºC 16ºC 23ºC Sunrise and Sunset in Córdoba Date Sunrise Sunset Thursday, May 8 Friday, May 9 Saturday, May 10 Sunday, May 11 07:52 07:52 07:53 07:54 18:34 18:34 18:33 18:32 TIME ZONE Argentina is located three hours to the West of the Greenwich. GMT – 3 hours. CURRENCY Argentina has a decimal currency system, with 100 cents equaling one Argentine peso ($1). The notes are: $100, $50, $20, $10, $5 and $2. The coins are: $1; 50 cents; 25 cents; 10 cents and 5 cents. Exchange rate*: The government of Argentina has put in place restrictions/controls in the purchase of foreign currency by Argentine inhabitants. This has led to a parallel market of currencies. The official exchange rate is: 1 Euro = $ 8.79 (Argentine pesos) 1 U$S = $ 6.43 (Argentine pesos) Unofficial: 1 U$S = $ 9.97 (Argentine pesos) 1 Euro = $ 12.28 (Argentine pesos) * At the time of producing Rally Guide 1. (27/12/13) Foreign Currency may be exchanged in banks at the official rate. VISA Not required for most nationalities, but there are exceptions. For more information, please check: SubMenu=tramMigraciones&idNameSubMenuDer=tramMIGRegimenVisasor contact Rally Argentina Secretariat. AIRPORTS • MinistroPistarini – Ezeiza- Buenos Aires. International flights to most cities of the world. • Aeroparque Jorge Newbery. Buenos Aires. Domestic flights. • IngenieroTaravella – Córdoba. International and domestic flights. 24 TELEPHONES PLEASE NOTE THAT GSM MOBILE PHONES CAN ONLY OPERATE WITH A FREQUENCY DIFFERENT FROM THE EUROPEAN ONE. WE RECOMMEND YOU TO CONTACT YOUR PROVIDER DIRECTLY ON THIS MATTER. All those interested in renting local mobile phones are recommended to contact Rally Secretariat. How • • • • • to dial For International calls, dial 00 – country code – area code – number Country Code for Argentina: 54 Area Code: - Córdoba (0) 351 – Villa Carlos Paz (0) 3541 – La Cumbre (0) 3548 – Santa Rosa de Calamuchita (0) 03546 and Mina Clavero (0) 3544 National Operator: 19 International Operator: 000 To dial an Argentinean mobile phone number from abroad, you should add a 9 after the country code. E.g.: Mobile number within Argentina: 15 – 6 – 333 – 333 Calling from abroad: (++ country code – 9 – area code – mobile phone number without the number 15) ++ - 54 – 9 – 351 – 6 333 333 WEATHER FORECAST We recommend you to visit the following websites:; POWER 220 volts HEALTH The tap water in the city of Córdoba is safe for drinking. No vaccinations are needed. TRAFFIC The Police Department of the Province of Córdoba has implemented traffic control points that can apply fines. For example, there are speed radars installed on the motorway connecting Córdoba to Villa Carlos Paz, apart from control posts that check safety measures such as use of safety belts, lights, etc) Some restrictions: Maximum speed in motorways: 130 km/h Maximum speed in routes: 110 km/h Headlights: it is compulsory to have the dipped headlights on when driving in motorways and routes. Blood alcohol level: the maximum level permitted is 0.5grs TOLLS Tolls must be paid in cash, no credit cards are accepted. Only the local currency “Pesos” is accepted. Motorway Córdoba-Villa Carlos Paz: $ 10 (Argentine pesos) Route 38 Villa Carlos Paz – La Cumbre: $ 6. 25 ARGENTINA (++54) CORDOBA (0351) NUMEROS Y DIRECCIONES UTILES / USEFUL NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES Aeropuerto Airport Ing Taravella Paseo del Buen Pastor Av. La Voz del Interior 8500 (Ex Camino Pajas Blancas km 8,5) Av. Hipólito Irigoyen 325 4750871/ 74/77 4342727 Deán Funes 15 4341200 Tourist Info Información Turística (Cabildo) Tourist Office CONSULADOS / CONSULATES Alemania Germany Eliseo Cantón 1870 4890900 Austria Jerónimo Cortéz 636 4720450/55 Bélgica Belgium Filemón Posse 2533 4813298 Brasil Brazil Av. Ambrosio Olmos 615 4685919 Chile Chili Buenos Aires 1386 4692010 Dinamarca Denmark Nuñez del Prado 2884 4810171 España Spain Bv. Chacabuco 875 4697490 Finlandia Finland Bv. Chacabuco 1160 4208200 26 Francia France Ayacucho 46 4221129 Gran Bretaña UK Bv. Chacabuco 1160 Israel Av. Vélez Sársfield 84 P 2 Of. D 4208293 4216444 Italia Italy Av. Vélez Sársfield 360 5261000 México Mexico Ayacucho 330 1ro A 5710029 Perú Peru 12 de Octubre 1320 4861753 Suiza Switzernad Av. Colón 184. P1 Ofic. 6 4232176 Uruguay San Jerónimo 167 Bolivia Av. Vélez Sarsfield 56 (Paseo Santo Domingo) 4241028 4245650 ALQUILER DE AUTOS / CAR RENTAL Hertz Aeropuerto / Airport 4750581/87 AVIS Aeropuerto / Airport 4750785 Alamo Rent a Car Av. Monseñor Pablo Cabrera 5000 4998436 Del Plata Rent a car Av. Colón 2020 4897043 Maximo Av. Entre Ríos 70 4224867 27 Drivers Av. Caraffa 2075 4880800 cordoba@ Sixt Santa Rosa 631 5694310/11 COMPAÑIAS AEREAS / AIRLINES Aerolíneas Argentinas/ Austral 0810 222 86527 LAN 08109999526 Gol Líneas Aéreas 0810 266 3232 Copa Airlines 08004440557 TAM 0810 333 3333 Sol Líneas Aéreas 0810 444 4765 Aeromexico 08008882276 Alitalia 08107772548 American Airlines 011 43181111 Iberia Líneas Aéreas 011 4394 5885 Lufthansa 011 43190600 Air France 011 43174711 British Airways 011 43206600 Continental Airlines 0800 333 0425 Delta Airlines 0800 666 0133 VILLA CARLOS PAZ (03541) NÚMEROS Y DIRECCIONES UTILES / USEFUL NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES Información Turística Av. San Martín 400 421624 - 0810 888 2729 28 ALQUILER DE AUTOS / CAR RENTAL Drivers Rent a Car Aluga Av. San Martín 916 Av. San Martín 698 15595300 15574923 / 0810 77725 842 LA CUMBRE (03548) NÚMEROS Y DIRECCIONES UTILES / USEFUL NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES Secretaría Turismo Tourist information Av. Caraffa 300 452966 SANTA ROSA DE CALAMUCHITA (03546) NÚMEROS Y DIRECCIONES ÚTILES / USEFUL NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES Información Turística Tourist Info Cordoba 144 MINA CLAVERO (03544) NÚMEROS Y DIRECCIONES ÚTILES / USEFUL NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES Información Turística Tourist Info Plazoleta Merlo 470241/470171 29 APPENDIX A - ITINERARY 30 APPENDIX A - ITINERARY 31 APPENDIX A - ITINERARY 32 APPENDIX A - ITINERARY 33 APPENDIX A - ITINERARY 34 APPENDIX B Itinerary compared with previous years SPECIAL STAGES RUN IN OTHER EDITIONS 2014 SS N° 1, 10 2, 4 5 7,9 12, 14 SS Name Parque Temático Villa Carlos Paz Santa Catalina - La Pampa Ascochinga - Agua de Oro Amboy - Yacanto El Condor - Copina SS N° in year 1, 13 in 2013 2, 4 in 20133, 3, 5 in 2013 7, 9 in 2013 16 in 2013 WITH VARIATIONS 2014 SS N° 6, 8 SS Name San Agustín - Villa del Dique SS No in year 7,10 in 2012 / 6,8 in 2013 11, 13 Giulio Cesare - Mina Clavero 20 in 2002 Description of the variation First 9,58 km same as stages 7 and 10 in 2012. Last 30,92km same as in 2013. First 20,01km same as in 2002. 35 APPENDIX C Reconnaissance Schedule Outline Tuesday, May 6: Priority 1 & 2 drivers Wednesday, May 7: Priority 3 & non-priority drivers SS 11 & 13 SS 12 & 14 Giulio Cesare - Mina Clavero El Condor - Copina 8:00 to 13:00hrs 2 PASSAGES SS 2 & 4 SS 3 & 5 Santa Catalina – La Pampa Ascochinga – Agua de Oro 12:30 to 18:30hrs 2 PASSAGES Wednesday, May 7: Priority 1 & 2 drivers Tuesday, May 6: Priority 3 & non-priority drivers SS 6 & 8 SS 7 & 9 Shakedown SSS 1 & 10 San Agustín – Villa del Dique Amboy - Yacanto Villa Garcia - Cabalango Parque Temático VCP 8:00 to 14:00hrs 2 PASSAGES 14:00 to 17:00hrs 14:30 to 18:00hrs 2 PASSAGES 2 PASSAGES 36 APPENDIX C - RECCE MAP 37
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