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PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KATA ALUAN Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar Salam Sejahtera Persidangan dan Pameran Geographic Information System (GIS) Kebangsaan kali ke-3 merupakan satu program yang melibatkan komuniti GIS di Malaysia di kalangan agensi kerajaan dan swasta. Program ini merupakan salah satu usaha kerajaan bagi memantapkan sistem penyampaian perkhidmatan dengan berbantukan teknologi GIS. Ia bersesuaian dengan tema persidangan kali ini iaitu ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi”. Penggunaan GIS di Malaysia perlu terus dikembangkan kerana sistem ini mampu memberi manfaat yang besar kepada pengguna GIS sektor awam dan swasta. Malaysia perlu melihat dan mencontohi bagaimana negara-negara maju menggunakan sistem GIS ini dalam perkhidmatan mereka. GIS merupakan sistem yang boleh dipercayai, praktikal, berkesan dan efisien serta sesuai diguna pakai dalam pelbagai bidang sama ada bidang pertanian, perikanan, geologi, pengangkutan, ekonomi, politik dan sebagainya. Memandangkan manfaat yang besar boleh dicapai melalui penggunaan GIS, agensi kerajaan khasnya perlulah membangunkan sistem ini secara teratur dan komprehensif. Dengan pemantapan sistem ini, kualiti penyampaian perkhidmatan kerajaan akan lebih efisien serta mampu memastikan masyarakat mendapat perkhidmatan kerajaan yang terbaik. Justeru, penganjuran persidangan dan pameran GIS Kebangsaan pada tahun ini adalah merupakan satu langkah ke hadapan bagi sektor awam dan swasta untuk berkongsi pendapat, ilmu dan maklumat yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu penggunaan GIS yang terkini. Usaha penganjuran persidangan seperti ini haruslah diteruskan pada masa-masa akan datang. Ini kerana ia merupakan satu forum penting di peringkat nasional yang melibatkan sektor awam dan swasta bagi mengemaskini dan mendalami pengetahuan sejajar dengan perkembangan pesat teknologi, perkakasan dan perisian yang berkaitan GIS. Akhir sekali, saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merakamkan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada pengerusi dan ahli jawatankuasa penganjur, para jemputan, pengerusi sesi, pembentang kertas kerja, peserta serta semua pihak yang telah memberikan sumbangan bagi menjayakan persidangan ini. Kepada semua, diucapkan selamat bersidang. Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas 1 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” SEUNTAI BAHASA Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera Terlebih dahulu saya merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada pihak penganjur khususnya Pusat Infrastruktur Data Geospatial (MaCGDI) yang telah memberi peluang kepada saya untuk menyampaikan sepatah dua kata bersempena dengan Persidangan dan Pameran GIS Kebangsaan Ke-3 ini. Ini adalah merupakan kesinambungan dan kejayaan dari persidangan kedua yang telah diadakan pada tahun 2006. Seiring dengan matlamat kerajaan untuk memperkasakan sistem penyampaian kerajaan, tema ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” telah dipilih sebagai tema Persidangan dan Pameran GIS Kebangsaan kali ke3 ini. Sektor awam adalah digalak meningkatkan penggunaan GIS di dalam urusan jabatan agar dapat memberikan impak positif terutama kepada agensi kerajaan yang mengendalikan urusan berkaitan dengan maklumat geospatial. Pejabat Tanah misalnya, amat memerlukan maklumat geospatial bagi mempercepatkan urusan seperti pengeluaran hakmilik tanah. Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) pula dapat memproses pengeluaran lesen dengan lebih efektif. Kebelakangan ini isu-isu yang melibatkan alam sekitar seperti masalah banjir kilat, penyalahgunaan tanah, tanah runtuh dan sebagainya kerap berlaku di negara kita. Oleh itu, dengan adanya maklumat geospatial yang tepat dan lengkap, kerajaan dapat membuat pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan bagi mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Kerajaan telah berusaha menggubal dasar, standard, infrastruktur dan aplikasi berasaskan GIS bagi menggalakkan perkongsian data geospatial di kalangan agensi pembekal data untuk digunakan oleh pengguna-pengguna GIS. Kerajaan juga telah membuat perbelanjaan yang besar bagi membiayai kemudahan infrastruktur dan membekalkan komponen-komponen asas GIS ke arah meningkatkan keberkesanan pengendalian data geospatial bagi kegunaan pelbagai agensi. Sehubungan itu, demi menjayakan usaha ini saya berharap agensi-agensi yang terlibat terus memberi komitmen dalam mendokong dasar dan standard yang digubal bersama, membekal dan mengemaskini data untuk tujuan perkongsian melalui Infrastruktur Data Geospatial Negara (MyGDI). Sekian, terima kasih. Datuk Suboh bin Mohd Yassin 2 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” SEKAPUR SIRIH Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penganjur Persidangan dan Pameran GIS Kebangsaan ke-3 Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera Persidangan dan Pameran GIS Kebangsaan Ke-3 merupakan persidangan yang dianjurkan oleh Pusat Infrastruktur Data Geospatial Negara (MaCGDI) dengan bertemakan ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi”. Persidangan meliputi pembentangan kertas-kertas kerja, pameran produk serta aplikasi Geographic Information System (GIS) oleh sektor awam dan swasta. Persidangan juga akan membincangkan permasalahan, isu-isu semasa, keupayaan dan cabaran penggunaan GIS dalam mempertingkatkan mutu penyampaian di sektor awam. Pihak penganjur mensasarkan persidangan ini disertai oleh pelbagai pengamal GIS yang terdiri dari pelbagai jabatan persekutuan, negeri, pihak berkuasa tempatan, badan berkanun dan institusi pengajian tinggi. Para peserta akan didedahkan dengan peluang, strategi dan cabaran dalam penggunaan GIS menerusi pembentangan kertas-kertas kerja oleh pelbagai kalangan profesion menerusi pengalaman masing-masing. Forum ini juga diharap menjadi suatu perjumpaan dwitahunan komuniti GIS sektor awam di samping berkongsi maklumat dan pengetahuan dalam perkembangan teknologi GIS. Menerusi pameran pula, para peserta akan berpeluang melihat keupayaan teknologi GIS yang akan dipamerkan oleh pelbagai agensi kerajaan serta syarikat-syarikat swasta dalam negara yang menjadi peneraju dalam teknologi GIS masakini. Dalam kesempatan ini, saya ingin merakamkan penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua ahli jawatankuasa dan jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecil, para pembentang kertas kerja, agensi-agensi kerajaan dan pihak yang mengambil bahagian dalam pameran ini, seterusnya kepada semua peserta persidangan yang memberi sokongan dan kerjasama bagi menjayakan Persidangan dan Pameran GIS Kebangsaan Ke-3 ini. Sekian, terima kasih. Dato’ Haji Azmi bin Che Mat 3 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” PROGRAM – MAJLIS PERASMIAN 21 Julai 2008 (Isnin) MASA ATURCARA 8:00 pagi Ketibaan Tetamu Jemputan 8:30 pagi Ketibaan Dif-Dif Kehormat 8:50 pagi Ketibaan Y.B. Senator Dato’ Maznah Mazlan Timbalan Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar 9:00 pagi Bacaan Doa Ucapan Aluan oleh Y.Bhg. Dato’ Haji Azmi bin Che Mat Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha II Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar Merangkap Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penganjur Persidangan dan Pameran GIS Kebangsaan ke-3 Ucapan Perasmian oleh Y.B. Senator Dato’ Maznah Mazlan Mewakili Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar Pelancaran Persidangan dan Pameran 10:30 pagi Minum Pagi 4 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” MASA ATURCARA SESI I : Teknologi Geoinformasi: Masa Kini dan Akan Datang Pengerusi 11:00 – 11:30 pagi Y.Bhg. Prof. Dr. Ayob bin Sharif Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kertas 1 : Geoinformation Technology for Project Planning Towards Sustainable Development Pembentang : Y. Bhg. Dato’ Prof. Dr. Ibrahim bin Komoo Timb. Naib Canselor Hal-ehwal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi, UKM 11:30 – 12:00 tgh Kertas 2 : Development in GIS Technologies and Their Application to Citizen Services Pembentang : Dr. Bill Shepherd Senior Strategic Business Development Manager ESRI Asia 12:00 – 12:30 tgh Kertas 3 : Technology Trends in Geoinformation Pembentang : Y. Bhg. Dato’ Prof. Sr Dr. Abdul Kadir bin Taib Timb. Ketua Pengarah Ukur dan Pemetaan, JUPEM 12:30 tgh Makan Tengahari & Rehat Sesi II : Geoinformasi untuk Alam Sekitar dan Bencana Pengerusi 2:15 – 2:45 ptg Y. Bhg. Prof. Madya Sr Dr. Hj. Wan Muhd Aminuddin bin Wan Hussin Pengerusi Program Pengurusan & Kejuruteraan Geomatik,USM Kertas 4 : Implementing Geoinformation Technology for Environmental Management – A Case Study for Kampung Pasir Landslide Pembentang : Y. Bhg. Prof. Dr. Mahadzer bin Mahmud Pengarah Infrastructure Research and Development Center (IRDC), Kumpulan IKRAM Sdn Bhd 2:45 – 3:15 ptg Kertas 5: Geo-information for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Pembentang : Y. Bhg. Ir. Dr. Salmah binti Zakaria Ketua Pengarah National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) 3:15 – 3:45 ptg Kertas 6: Development of Centralised System for Road Accident, Safety and Hazard Studies (CRASH) Pembentang : Cik Nur Fazzillah binti Mohamed Nordin Pegawai Penyelidik Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) 3:45 – 4:30 ptg Lawatan ke Pameran 4:30 - 5:00 ptg Minum petang & bersurai 5 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” 22 Julai 2008 (Selasa) MASA ATURCARA Sesi III : Teknologi Geoinformasi dan Infrastruktur Data Geospatial Pengerusi 9:00 – 9:30 pagi Y. Bhg. Dato' Prof. Sr Dr. Abdul Kadir bin Taib Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Ukur dan Pemetaan, JUPEM Kertas 7: Malaysian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MyGDI) - The Way Forward Pembentang: Pn. Fuziah binti Hj. Abu Hanifah Pengarah Pusat Infrastruktur Data Geospatial Negara (MaCGDI) 9:30 – 10:00 pagi Kertas 8: Remote Sensing and Related Technologies for Natural Resources Management Pembentang: Y. Bhg. Tn. Hj. Darus bin Ahmad Ketua Pengarah Agensi Remote Sensing Malaysia 10:00 –10:30 pagi Kertas 9: Satellite Technology for Geoinformation Pembentang: Y. Bhg. Dr. Mustafa Din bin Subari Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Agensi Angkasa Negara (ANGKASA) 10:30 – 11:00 pagi Minum pagi Sesi IV : Geoinformasi Dalam Sistem Penyampaian Pengerusi 11:00 – 11:30 pagi Sr Tuan Hj. Saharuddin bin Saat President The Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (ISM) Kertas 10: SOA - An Interoperable Web Services Architecture for a Better Access and Diffusion of Geospatial Information Pembentang: Mr. Vincent Dessard Senior Vice President, Business Development, ERDAS 11:30 – 12:00 tgh Kertas 11: Geoinformation for National Planning Effort Pembentang: Tn. Hj. Nor Sallehi bin Kassim Pengarah Teknologi Maklumat, JPBD 12:00 – 12:30 tgh Kertas 12: Pembangunan dan Pelaksanaan Sistem Aplikasi Geospatial (GIS) Perbadanan Putrajaya Pembentang: Tn. Hj. Ahmad Affandi bin Kamaruddin Timbalan Pengarah Teknologi Maklumat, Perbadanan Putrajaya 12:30 – 1:00 ptg Kertas 13: Use of Mobile and Web Geospatial Solution to Improve Asset Management Pembentang: En. Shamsul Izhan bin Abdul Majid Managing Director/Architect Telekom Malaysia Berhad 1:00 - 2:00 ptg Makan Tengahari & Rehat 6 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” 22 Julai 2008 (Selasa) Sesi V : Pembangunan Modal Insan Bidang Geoinformasi Pengerusi 2:00 – 2:30 ptg Y. Bhg. Sr Dr. Nordin bin Ahmad Perunding Utama, Geoinfo Services Sdn. Bhd. Kertas 14 : Teaching, Research and Innovations for GIS Specialists Pembentang: Y. Bhg. Prof. Dr. Alias bin Abdul Rahman Timbalan Dekan (Akademik), Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Sains Geoinformasi, UTM 2:30 – 3:00 ptg Kertas 15 : Innovation and Learning : The Two Faces of Geoinformation Graduate Studies Pembentang: Y.Bhg. Prof. Dr. Shattri bin Mansor Pengarah Pejabat Pembangunan dan Pengurusan Aset, UPM 3:00 – 3:30 ptg Kertas 16 : GIS Education and Training : The UiTM Experience Pembentang: Y.Bhg. Prof. Madya Dr. Wan Mohd Naim bin Wan Mohd Dekan Fakulti Senibina, Perancang dan Ukur, UiTM PROGRAM – MAJLIS PENUTUP MASA ATURCARA 3:50 ptg Ketibaan Y.Bhg. Datuk Suboh bin Mohd Yassin Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar 3:55 ptg Penyampaian cenderahati kepada peserta-peserta pameran Ucapan Penutup oleh Y.Bhg. Datuk Suboh bin Mohd Yassin Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar 5:00 ptg Minum petang dan bersurai 7 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 1 Geoinformation Technology for Project Planning Towards Sustainable Development Y.Bhg. Dato’ Prof. Dr. Ibrahim bin Komoo Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal-ehwal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) e-mail : komoo@ukm.my Abstract Geoinformation technology has evolved from cartographic tools and remote imaging into a branch of science. This paper presents geoinformation-based applications that are inter-disciplinary in the context of earth science and environmental analysis where map manipulation is the core outcomes. Hence, the capability of spatial analysis is vital in providing technical backbone, decision making process and dissemination of information. Several case studies ranging from site-scale, state-scale and up to river-basin wide are used to illustrated this technology. Geoconservation database, a system deals with geo-relational data of sites with geological significant in conservation geology to inventorise geological heritage sites. Site terrain assessment for landuse suitability was made easy - a GIS can analyze multiple layers of topographic parameters and provide virtual realistic visualization to improve project planning and management. Digital terrain analysis – a terrain analysis performed using geoinformation technology for the assessment of environmentally sensitive areas, i.e. conservation of highland areas in state and local authorities. For assessment of geohazards, numerous data and models was used to ultimately derive multi-hazard and risk maps for regional planning. Integrating information of various disciplines such as geological, geotechnical and socio-economic was manifested in hazard management and governing of a landslide prone area. Large scale ecosystem assessment in a river basin, taking into consideration ecology, environment, hazards, economic and social well-being was an example of the inter-disciplinary research that require a geoinformation system to host multi-facet dataset in ecosystem health studies. Some challenges and issue relating to the future of geoinformation technology also discussed. As we strive for wider spatial coverage, higher resolution and volume of information – megabyte, gigabyte and terabyte, are of main issues. The future of geoinformation is about developing towards user oriented and user friendly applications to make available numerous geological data for project planning toward sustainable development. Biography : Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ibrahim Komoo is the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Prior to his appointment he was the Director of the University’s Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI) (from 1999 to 2000, and 2002 to 2005). He has extensive research experience, particularly in the field of Earth Sciences having pioneered the field of Engineering Geology in Malaysia in 1979 and Earth Heritage Conservation in the 1990’s, and broad multidisciplinary policy relevant research, such as Sustainability Science and Governance. He has been awarded the fellowships with the Institute of Geology, Malaysia (FIGM), and Academy Sciences, Malaysia (FASc). Academic Background : Ph.D in Mining Engineering, University of Strathclyde Glasgow, Scotland. Bachelor of Science in Geology (Hon), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). 8 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 2 Development in GIS Technologies and Their Application to Citizen Services Dr. Bill Shepherd Senior Strategic Business Development Manager (ESRI Asia) e-mail : bshepherd@esri.com Abstract Governments, whether large or small, are comprised of many departments that perform hundreds of business functions in the provision of services to their communities. It is well understood that most of these business functions have location as an important aspect of their operation. And, it has been demonstrated time and time again that a government’s effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of information and services can be greatly improved by taking advantage of geographical information systems (GIS). And, as IT and GIS technologies evolve, GIS plays an ever more important role in the efficient organization of work within governments, and in the effective delivery of information and services to their citizens. Today, mirroring the evolution of other information and enterprise technologies, GIS technologies have evolved beyond professional desktop toolsets into truly enterprise platforms. The result is the emergence of Server-based GIS platforms such as ArcGIS Server for the creation, management and publication of geospatial information services. Where professional GIS tools are used to create and manage GIS data, models, processes and metadata, and where the GIS Servers are used to publish these services. More specifically, where the services are published to a variety of users, located where they are doing their work, using the computing devices that make the most sense for the job. With these evolutions, the reach of GIS and GIS enabled applications has grown dramatically, to the point that many people now use geo-enabled applications on a daily basis in the work that they are doing as well as in their personal lives. The emergence of GIS Servers participating in service oriented architectures allow governments to fully leverage their spatial information, assets and processes that have developed and implemented over many years. It now becomes possible to redeploy information and knowledge in ways that were not previously possible. Governments can now offer services previously not available and provide more traditional services at reduced cost. Interactive, GIS-enabled sites open up the doors of government by encouraging collaboration between government, business, and the public. Today, GIS-enabled government deploys tools for collaboration, communication, and enhanced service delivery. This is true of the public facing web sites, providing information and services to the community. It is as true of the intranet web sites that governments use to carry out their day-to-day business operations. Behind the scenes are service-oriented architectures that are fundamentally changing the way that governments work. And, GIS services integrated into the business processes of the government enterprise are key components to the efficiency and effectiveness resulting from these new capabilities. Biography : Bill Shepherd is currently a Senior Strategic Business Development Manager at ESRI Asia. Bill has worked with ESRI for the past 15 years. Bill’s has a well rounded background in GIS technology and its application included application prototyping and development, project management, technical marketing, training and business development. In his time with ESRI, Bill has worked throughout Asia and Latin America, covering the area of mapping and cartographic production, cadastral and land management, transportation, asset and facility management, logistics and delivery scheduling, urban and regional planning, as well as environmental analysis and management. Academic Background : Ph.D in Urban and Regional Planning from Cornell University. Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from Eisenhower College. 9 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 3 Technology Trends in Geoinformation Y. Bhg. Dato’ Prof. Sr Dr. Abdul Kadir bin Taib Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Ukur dan Pemetaan Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM) e-mail : drkadir@jupem.gov.my Abstrak Perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang geoinformasi telah berlaku begitu pantas. Abad ke 21 adalah merupakan Abad Maklumat di mana masyarakat yang menggunakan maklumat secara cekap dan bijak akan lebih maju dari yang lainlain. Kertas ini membincangkan perkembangan teknologi khususnya Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS) yang meliputi pungutan data dan halatuju GIS dimasa depan. Di samping itu, perbincangan mengenai teknologi bagi perkongsian dan pertukaran data melalui Infrastruktur Data Spatial (SDI) yang telah berubah dari generasi pertama yang berasaskan data kepada generasi kedua yang berasaskan perkhidmatan . Contoh-contoh pelaksanaan di negara ini seperti JUPEM GeoPortal dan Malaysia Geoportal akan dijelaskan. Selain dari itu akan dijelaskan juga halatuju teknologi geoinformasi yang menggunakan teknologi mobile seperti PDA, Smartphone, mobile phone, pocket pc dan lain-lain lagi. Penggunaan alat GPS dan imej-imej satelit di masa depan akan lebih meluas lagi bagi penggunapengguna GIS dengan ketepatan dan resolusi yang tinggi. Biodata : Dato’ Prof. Sr Dr. Abdul Kadir bin Taib telah berkhidmat dengan Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM) sejak 1 April 1978. Memulakan tugas sebagai Juruukur dan telah menjawat jawatan-jawatan penting di JUPEM antaranya; Pengarah Ukur Bahagian Pengeluaran Pemetaan, Pengarah Ukur Bahagian Pengurusan dan Pembangunan dan Pengarah Ukur Bahagian Pemetaan sebelum menjawat jawatan sekarang mulai 20 Mac 2004. Di peringkat profesional beliau memegang jawatan Timbalan Pengerusi Lembaga Jurukur Tanah Semenanjung Malaysia, Fellow/Past Presiden Pertubuhan Juruukur Malaysia dan Fellow Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors United Kingdom. Antara tugastugas penting beliau ialah selaku Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Teknikal TC 2 di bawah SIRIM yang bertanggungjawab membangunkan Standard Maklumat Geografi dan Geomatik bagi Malaysia, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Teknikal Framework bagi Infrastruktur Data Geospatial Negara (MyGDI) dan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Teknikal Nama Geografi Kebangsaan. Di peringkat antarabangsa pula beliau telah dilantik sebagai Ketua Delegasi Malaysia ke Mesyuarat Kumpulan Kerja dan Planeri ISO TC 211 dan sebagai Panel Penasihat Perancangan Strategi sejak tahun 1998. Beliau telah dilantik oleh Universiti Teknologi Malaysia sebagai Profesor Tamu mulai Jun 2008. Latar Belakang Akademik : Ph.D in Geomatic Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 1994. M.Sc. in Photogrammetry, ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1985. Postgraduate Diploma in Photogrammetric Engineering, ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1981. Bachelor of Surveying (Land), Hons, UTM, Kuala Lumpur, 1978. Registered Land Surveyor with the Land Surveyors Board Peninsular, Malaysia. Fellow Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (F.I.S.M). 10 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 4 Implementing Geoinformation Technology for Environmental Management - A Case Study for Kg Pasir Landslide Y.Bhg. Prof. Dr. Mahadzer bin Mahmud Director Infrastructure Research and Development Centre (IRDC), Kumpulan IKRAM Sdn. Bhd e-mail : mahadzer@ikram.com Abstract The Kampung Pasir landslide incident which occurred in May 2006 has caused lost in lives and economy. Due to the incident, a detailed investigation has been carried out by the Slope Engineering Branch, Public Works Department Malaysia to determine the contributing factors, failure mechanism and causes of the landslide. The application of various state-of-the-art technologies in surveying, which include Airborne Laser Survey (ALS) has contributed to many valuable information and data for the study area. By utilizing GIS and mapping, the data from ALS are generated into meaningful layers such as slope angle, slope hillshade and flow accumulation. The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the failed area could also be generated using GIS. This paper presented various applications of Geoinformation technologies in the Environmental Management with emphasis on a case study of one of the major landslide in Malaysia. Biography : Prof. Dr. Mahadzer bin Mahmud is currently the Director of Infrastructure Research & Development Center (IRDC) of Kumpulan IKRAM. He was the President and Chief Executive of Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College (KLIUC) from 2003 to April 2007. Immediately upon completion of his study, Prof. Dr. Mahadzer was appointed as an Engineering Assistant with Howard Needle Tammen and Bergendoff (HNTB)/JK(SEA) and has been posted at the Penang Bridge Project from 1982 to 1984. Dr. Mahadzer pursued his study for a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering under the Japanese Government Scholarship for Asian Students program. Prof. Dr. Mahadzer was a Project Engineer with Kedah Regional Development Authority (KEDA) prior to joining University Technology of Malaysia (UTM) in 1988. He served UTM as a lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering for about 10 years. While at UTM, Prof. Dr. Mahadzer was sent to pursue post-graduate studies. He completed his MSc in Civil Engineering specializing in Geo-environmental Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York in 1993. Four years later, in 1997, he was awarded the Doctoral of Philosophy in Civil Engineering with specialization in Geotechnical Engineering from the same university. He has conducted researches in geo-environmental engineering, centrifuge modeling of contaminant migration, simulation of landfill liners/covers, geosynthetics interfaces friction in landfill liner, centrifuge modeling of geosynthetics reinforced slopes and innovative methods in slope stabilisation. Academic Background : Doctoral of Philosophy in Civil Engineering with specialization in Geotechnical Engineering from New Hampshire, USA. B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from New Hampshire, USA , 1986. Diploma in Civil Engineering from UiTM, 1982. 11 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 5 Geo-information for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Y.Bhg. Ir. Dr. Salmah binti Zakaria Ketua Pengarah Institut Penyelidikan Hidraulik Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM) e-mail : salmah@nahrim.gov.my Abstract Malaysia’s rapid pace of development has given rise to increase and accelerated challenges in related water resources management in the country. Some of these challenges include escalating flood occurrences, water quality deterioration, land slides and erosion, forest fires and many others. These challenges are invariably connected to land use and are best managed through the concept of IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Management) which focus on integrating and managing land and water resources in all development initiatives, to ensure sustainable development. IWRM is implemented in the field through IRBM (Integrated River Basin Management) and in Malaysia there are currently 189 defined RBMU (River Basin Management Units). This paper seeks to link the use of geo-information in better managing the challenges above. Biography : Ir. Dr. Salmah binti Zakaria is currently the Director General of National Hydraulics Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) since April 2007. She begins her career in engineering since 1979. She had held numerous positions among which; Director of River Engineering Division (JPS), Director of Corporate Development Division (JPS) and Director of National Hydraulics Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM). At the professional level, she was appointed as a Fellow Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Board of Director of Selangor Waters Authority and advisor of Malaysian Water Partnership (MyWP). Academic Background : Ph.D in Water Management In Deep Peat Soils In Malaysia (Cranfield) 1993. MSc in Land and Water Resources Management (Cranfield) 1986. DHE, Delft, the Netherlands, 1981. BE Civil (UTM), 1977. 12 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 6 Development of Centralised System for Road Accident, Safety and Hazard Studies (CRASH) Cik Nur Fazzillah binti Mohamed Noordin Researcher Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) e-mail : nurfazzilah@miros.gov.my Abstract In recent years, efforts made to expand the analytical features of road information system with spatial component by integrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) capabilities. One of the continuing goals of applying the GIS into road safety research is to encourage the relevant departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations to explore the capabilities of GIS-based road safety analysis tools and to adapt those ideas and applications to fit their particular needs. The main advantage of applying GIS for road safety is its ability to access and analyze spatially distributed data with respect to its actual spatial location overlaid on a base map of the area of coverage that allows analysis not possible with the other database management systems. This National Accident Database contains information that will be the basis of studies and research conducted in MIROS that will enable analyses and policies to be based on scientific data. The Database will increase ease of data sharing among departments for design and implementation of road safety measures. Data will be organized systematically and be readily available for constant updates / maintenance of accident information by a multi-disciplinary team. The Traffic Branch of Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) will benefit from analyses conducted by MIROS based on the analysed data within the Database. As accident data providers, PDRM can benefit from information translated through the Database system by effective means of enforcement and implementation. Indirectly, other Organizations collaborating with MIROS will benefit from this Database due to use of Malaysian accident data as basis of all analysis and policies. There will be an increase in ability to integrate and contrast/compare with information from worldwide due to the use of internationally renowned methods and software. Biography : Nur Fazzillah binti Mohamed Noordin is currently a Researcher in Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS). She heads the study in design and development of GIS application for National Accident Database. She is also a partner of Road Traffic Injuries Research Network (www.rtirn.net) and is a part of the organizing Secretariat for Global Road Safety Partnership (http://www.grsproadsafety.org) Workshop for Malaysian Traffic Police and JPJ officers jointly organized by MIROS (www.miros.gov.my) and JKJR (www.panducermat.org.my). Academic Background : Bachelor's Degree in Urban and Regional Planning (Hons.) 13 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 7 Malaysian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MyGDI) – The Way Forward Puan Fuziah binti Abu Hanifah Director Malaysian Centre for Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaCGDI) e-mail : fuziah@macgdi.gov.my Abstract Spatial data is a national capital asset. Malaysian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MyGDI) facilitates collection, sharing and dissemination of spatial data among all levels of government organisations. Among the objectives of MyGDI is to assure that spatial data from multiple sources (Federal, State and Local Government) are widely available and can be easily integrated to facilitate spatially-enabled government towards enhancing the service delivery. As the amount of spatial data available increases very rapidly, the need for understandable and reliable measures of data quality becomes more important. Data collected by different agencies are often incompatible. The data may cover the same geographic area but use different geographic bases and standards. MyGDI framework initiatives will improve this situation by leveraging agencies geospatial data collection efforts so that data can be exchanged within governments at reasonable cost. There should be a common spatial data foundation organised according to accepted layers, scales (or resolution) and seamless sources that are available for the entire area of geographic coverage to which other geospatial data can be easily referenced. The establishment of MyGDI also requires an understanding of the requirements and responsibilities of the members of the community. The paper summarises the current initiatives that define the ways to effectively implement and enhance MyGDI taking into account the current challenges and the range of possible services to be included. Biography : Puan Fuziah binti Abu Hanifah is currently the Director of Malaysian Centre for Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaCGDI), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE). Her role is managing the implementation of Malaysian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MyGDI) where, among significant tasks includes the development of policies, standards, framework data, technology, capacity building as well as facilitating geospatial data sharing activities among agencies at Federal, State, and Local Authorities at all levels. She is also the Chairperson of MyGDI Clearinghouse/Geodata Centre Technical Committee and Chairperson of Working Group on Geographical Names Database and National Gazetteer. Being a member of Technical Committee 2 (TC2) SIRIM, she involves in the development of Malaysian standard for Geographic Information/Geomatics. At the international level, she is among the Malaysian delegates attending ISO/TC 211 Plenary and Working Groups Meeting. She obtained Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computer Science from National University of Malaysia and began her career as a System Analyst in 1983. Academic Background : Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computer Science from National University of Malaysia (UKM), 1981 Postgraduate Diploma in Computer System Analysis and Design, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), 1982 14 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 8 Remote Sensing and Related Technologies for Natural Resources Management Y. Bhg. Tn. Hj. Darus bin Ahmad Director General Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency e-mail : director@remotesensing.gov.my Abstract Malaysia has been blessed with diverse natural resources and recognised as a mega-biodiversity country. Natural resources and environment management in Malaysia requires special approaches in terms of coordination and implementation. To ensure definite support to the development and implementation of policies and strategies for sustainable development, the management and utilization of natural resources, and immediate response to environmental crisis, a various types of data and information is required. The management of natural resources and applications sector in Malaysia will become more efficient with an existing of advance technologies such as earth observation technologies, in particular remote sensing satellites with optical and radar systems, meteorology satellites, and satellite-based positioning system. Integrated Geospatial Database and Planning (IGDP) system established by Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency is a one of a kind centralised database information system for integrated natural resources and environment in Malaysia. The IGDP system is equipped with GIS and web-based capabilities to ensure maximum benefits to the holistic planning and management of natural resources and the environment in the country. Biography : Tn. Hj. Darus bin Ahmad began his professional career as Agriculture Officer at Department of Agriculture (DOA) in July 1979. In DOA, he confers his knowledge and experience in soil conversation and management to help country in implementing thriving agricultural development. After 16 years of invaluable contribution in Research & Development, he was promoted as research officer in Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (Remote Sensing Malaysia) in year 1995. With vast experience in research and development, he was then appointed to lead data and information division in Remote Sensing Malaysia for 8 years. His serious dedication and commitment in remote sensing technology development in the country was realised when he was promoted as Deputy Director (Research & Development) in the year 2003. Four years later, he was appointed as the Director for Remote Sensing Malaysia. Since February 2008 he was then promoted as Director General of Remote Sensing Malaysia to spearhead the development of remote sensing and related technologies in the country. Academic Background : B. Agric.Sc. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang, 1979 Cert. of Rremote Sensing Techniques, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, 1986 Cert. of Applied Remote Sensing, Ontario Centre for Remote Sensing, Toronto, 1988 Non-Degree/Non-Certificate Course, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 1988 15 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 9 Satellite Technology for Geoinformation Y. Bhg. Dr. Mustafa Din bin Subari Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Agensi Angkasa Negara (ANGKASA) e-mail : mustafa@angkasa.gov.my Abstract Two satellite systems application directly usable in geo-information and related sectors are the earth observation (EO) and navigation satellites (NavSat). The EO satellites which are the main source of remote sensing applications has been in used since early eighties, while the navigation satellite, dominated until now by GPS, has also been around about the same time. The history of usage for both satellite systems, locally, are quite different, while the EO usage has been in constant increase, the NavSat which is quite slow in the beginning, has becoming increasingly adapted since the last two decades, especially in utility mapping and tracking application. While looking into the global trend, this paper focuses into the national space program related to this application. Biography : Dr. Mustafa Din bin Subari currently acting on the Director General post of ANGKASA. He was an Associate Professor and Head of Geomatic Engineering Department in the University Technology Malaysia until 2004, before being seconded to the National Space Agency (ANGKASA) under the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), as the Deputy Director General since 2005. Academic Background : PhD in GPS Surveying, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia,1996 MSc in Geodetic Sciences, Ohio State University (OSU), Columbus USA, 1987 Bsc. Land Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 1983 16 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 10 SOA : An Interoperable Web Services Architecture for a Better Access and Diffusion of Geospatial Information Mr. Vincent Dessard Senior Vice President, Business Development ERDAS Email: vd@ionicsoft.com Abstract Traditional Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are based on applications connected to encrypted data in proprietary formats for geomaticians who collect and maintain this data. The geomaticians use complex functionalities, on their powerful desktops able to display, manage, edit, analyse and process large volume of vector and raster data, using predefined functionalities available in a GIS or image processing fat client application. Each of the geomaticians has followed a specialised training, installed the software on their desktop and specialised in some part of the full process. Today, a large number of users are also interested in the discovering, visualisation, exploration, even simple data analysis or light data editing without having to install specific GIS applications or geospatial data on their terminals. They want to be able to connect to data services in real time and create different data combinations, and interact with the data, through an internet bus, using thin client application, loosely decoupling the data from the business logic. Ultimately, the data provider would like to publish/share their contents and services to third parties and application developers. In the Geospatial world, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) implemented by means of interoperable OGC Web Services, is particularly useful for setting up spatial data infrastructure or applications able to access and publish geospatial information. It enables to combine seamlessly spatial information from different sources through Web Services and share it between many users and applications, for many purposes. These services should allow the users to identify and access spatial or geographical information from a wide range of sources, from the local level to the global level, in an interoperable way for a variety of uses. The services as well as the date should be documented by metadata so that the services can expose the content (data) in a understandable manner. Doing so, Services and Data can be registered in Catalogs. Finally a complete Spatial Data Infrastructure can be built under a multi dimensional approach which can address data quality, data types, coordinate systems, policy, accuracy, data security, uniformity, etc. Examples of Programs & Initiatives across the world, in different thematic, will be presented. Biography : Vincent Dessard is the Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of IONIC Software SA, Belgium. As an international consultant for GIS and Distributed Geographical Systems as well as an Active Technical Member of the OGC since 1999, Mr. Dessard has experience in developing new markets for adopting the concepts and COTS products implementing the ISO and OGC vision of interoperable Spatial Data Infrastructure. He is currently focusing on support of the INSPIRE Initiative of the European Commission, GMES and GALILEO. He is also leveraging the OGC / ISO vision of interoperable Geo Services in emerging markets. He has extensive work experience with large companies as Siemens Nixdorf, gaining experience in R&D activities and project management. Academic Background: University Degree in Computer Science from the University of Liege, 1988 17 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 11 Geoinformation For National Planning Effort Tn. Hj. Nor Sallehi bin Kassim Pengarah Teknologi Maklumat Jabatan Perancang Bandar dan Desa (JPBD) e-mail : sallehi@townplan.gov.my Abstract In meeting the demands and the ever changing urban land uses, Town and Country Planning Department have adopted new programs and strategies which also requires better approaches and reliable tools. The drawing boards and t-squares are considered as obsolete tools and replaced by computer networking while Geographical Information System (GIS) has become the main tool in plan making operations particularly in the preparation of the Development Plan consisting of the National Physical Plan, Structure Plans and Local Plans. These three levels of the national development planning framework are integrated and operated as a collectively cohesive system with the same goal in supporting and to achieve the Vision 2020. Based on these, the implementation of development planning plans has features the three levels which by nature are integrated and dependent on each other. The integration needs standardization and to achieve this, action has been taken in coordinating the base map, land use classifications, coding system and terminology through GIS platform where data are easily stored, retrieved and updated while maps are neatly done. It has also created voluminous planning information and these will support landuse planning exercise and decision-making processes. Besides that, GIS offer flexibility in analysis, interface with simulations and other models. It is expected to assists urban planners to meet the new challenges in developing a systematic databases on land uses and providing the monitoring tool in evaluating land use changes. This paper advocates the directions and promoting the use of GIS in landuse planning and how it add new dimension to manage large volume of information. Biography : Nor Sallehi bin Kassim is currently the Director of IT Division at the Federal Town and Country Planning Department. He is a committee member of the ENSPADS (Expanding Expertise for Generating and Sharing Knowledge Related to Spatial Planning and Decision Support) group, headed and jointly organized by International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and ITC Holland which also included members from Italy and the Philippines. He is actively involved in the preparation of the National Physical Plan (NPP), specifically on the Information System and the application of the Geographical Information System for the development of the NPP database system and analysis. Academic Background : M.Sc in Town Planning from UWIST, United Kingdom, 1986 Diploma in Town Planning from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 1981 18 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 12 Pembangunan dan Pelaksanaan Sistem Aplikasi Geospatial (GIS) Perbadanan Putrajaya Tn. Hj. Ahmad Affandi bin Kamaruddin Timbalan Pengarah Teknologi Maklumat Perbadanan Putrajaya e-mail : affendi@ppj.gov.my Abstrak Perbadanan Putrajaya ditubuhkan di bawah Akta Perbadanan 1995 (Akta 536) pada 1 Mac 1996. Tugas dan tanggungjawab Perbadanan adalah untuk membangun, mentadbir dan mengurus Wilayah Putrajaya. Perbadanan Putrajaya juga bertindak sebagai Custodian dan pengumpulan data-data spatial/geografi di bawah pentadbiran Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya bagi tujuan perancangan, pembangunan, pengoperasian, penyelenggaraan dan pemantauan mengikut keperluan jabatan-jabatan di Perbadanan Putrajaya. Tidak dapat dinafikan, perkembangan teknologi GIS yang semakin sofistikated kini boleh diaplikasikan untuk peningkatan aktiviti-aktiviti pengurusan dan pentadbiran dalam membantu meningkatkan kualiti kerja dan penyampaian perkhidmatan. Pelaksanaan dan Pembangunan Sistem Aplikasi dan Pusat Pangkalan Data Geospatial GIS Perbadanan Putrajaya adalah bagi membolehkan capaian maklumat spatial/geografi dan data non-spatial secara terus melalui Perkongsian Dataset yang membolehkan pengintegrasian data dilakukan serta menyediakan maklumat yang teratur, tersusun dan mengikut piawaian yang ditetapkan tanpa mengira sempadan dan kawasan geografi. Biodata: Tuan Haji Ahmad Affandi bin Kamaruddin adalah Timbalan Pengarah Teknologi Maklumat Perbadanan Putrajaya. Pernah berkhidmat sebagai Ketua Pegawai Sistem Maklumat di MARDI dan Ketua Penolong Pengarah Bahagian Korporat MARDI. Beliau juga merupakan ahli Jawatankuasa Pemandu ICT Kementerian Wilayah Persekutuan, ahli Jawatankuasa Penasihat Teknikal ICT Cyberjaya/Putrajaya City Command Center (CCC) dan Panel Penasihat eLearning Putrajaya MSC Neighbourhood Communities Program. Latar Belakang Akademik : Bsc. (Hons) Mathematics (Computer Science/Statistics), USM 1980. Certificate of Proffessional Study : Strategic Management of Information Systems Program, Cambridge 1995. 19 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 13 Use of Mobile and Web Geospatial Solution to Inprove Asset Management Shamsul Izhan bin Abdul Majid Managing Director/Architect Telekom Malaysia Berhad e-mail : smajid@gmail.com Abstract As IT systems mature, organisations are under great pressure to improve business processes through capable and think outside the square solutions that deliver immediate cost savings by collation of best of breed tools and data. Geospatial information and asset-aware solutions deliver unsurpassed ability for one to visualise static and moving assets over public domain map base such as Google Maps for general viewing and the TM MapBase for more outcome approach. Through the many layers available in the TM Map Base, asset managers are able to appreciate the relationship of their asset to its surroundings. This relationship is extended onto an outcome driven approach where mobility and web-based geospatial tools provide field crews and managers with the right tools to conduct time savings procedures better and faster than ever before. This paper and presentation will highlight the use of geospatial practices by non-geospatial users and managers to deliver better outcomes for governments and the private industries. Biography : Shamsul Izhan Abdul Majid is the owner and Managing Director of Ennoble Consultancy Australia and Malaysia. In the last decade, he has been actively involved in the design and development of geospatial asset management and mobility solutions for utilities, telecommunications and government sectors in Australia. Academic Background: Masters of Geomatics Engineering (Research), University of Melbourne Bachelors of Geomatics Science, University of Melbourne 20 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 14 Research and Innovations in Geoinformation Prof. Dr. Alias bin Abdul Rahman Timbalan Dekan (Akademik) Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Sains Geoinformasi Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) e-mail : alias@fksg.utm.my Abstract GIS “proper” has been well accepted by various professional groups in Malaysia since early 1990s. Malaysian professionals such as surveyors, photogrammerists, cartographers, city planners, engineers (civil, environmental, telecommunication, etc.), geologists, and others as usual are very receptive to this new field. This relatively new field has been considered as an excellent tool for spatial data management and analysis for information systems. The Department of Geoinformatics at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) offers GIS programmes for undergraduate and as well as for postgraduate levels. Our existing undergraduate programme has been in place since early 1990s and now we are in the process of introducing new GIS programme as one of the specializations together with Geomatic Engineering programme. Feed backs from various stake holders especially government related agencies and GIS industries are encouraging. This paper discusses the UTM efforts in providing GIS education and research opportunities. Biography : He is a senior academic staff at the Department of Geoinformatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. His current professional activities include as Guest Professor at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Cochair for ISPRS Working Group on Dynamic and Multidimensional GIS. Malaysia representative for UDMS (Urban Data Management Symposium) based in The Netherlands. He also sits in various international scientific committees e.g. 3D Geoinformation Workshop, and others. He recently published 2 books on 3D GIS with Springer-Verlag Germany. Academic Background : Ph.D (Glasgow, UK) M.Sc. Geoinfo. Prod. (ITC, Holland) Post Grad. Dip. Geoinfo. Prod. (ITC, Holland) B.Sc. (Hons.) Surv. & Mapp. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) 21 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 15 Innovation and Learning: The Two Faces of Geoinformation Graduate Studies Y. Bhg. Prof. Sr Dr. Shattri bin Mansor Pengarah Pejabat Pembangunan dan Pengurusan Aset Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) e-mail : sbm@eng.upm.edu.my Abstract Universities are widely regarded not only as teaching establishments but also as organizations that create new knowledge and innovation through research. As such, graduate research has been found to play a significant role in improving and enhancing universities innovation potential. Malaysia is a strong proponent in the use of geo-information to address problems related to land evaluation, natural resources management and natural disaster management. Remotely sensing from both airborne and space-borne platforms have provided a wealth of geo-data in different forms such as digital maps and images which can be manipulated in a Geographic Information System (GIS) to produce strategic geo-information for specific applications. In the past research institutions and resource departments have focused on developing geo-information models and systems to address four areas – agriculture, forestry, geo-science and topography. The Economic Planning Unit of Malaysia required this information to plan the land capability potentials for Malaysia essentially covering areas to be alienated for forestry, agriculture, mineral potential and urbanization. Recently, given the emphasis on sustainable development, bio resource management and natural disaster management, the universities have played an active role, through their graduate program, in developing geoinformation models using the integration of remote sensing, GIS and Decision Support tools. This paper will highlight some useful PhD research findings conducted in Malaysia. Biography : Prof. Dr. Shattri bin Mansor, is the Director of Development, Universiti Putra Malaysia. He maintains a diverse research interests including image processing, remote sensing and GIS. His major research effors include feature extraction from satellite imagery, spatial decision support system, fish forecasting, oil spill detection and monitoring system, UAV-based remote imaging, disaster management and early warning system. He holds membership to various organizations and institutions. He is currently Co-Chairman for the International Society of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Working Group II/4, Editorial Board member of The Malaysian Surveyor Journal, an executive committee for the Malaysian Remote Sensing Society (MRSS) and an executive committee member for the Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (GLS Division). Academic Background : Doctor of Philosophy (Remote Sensing), University of Dundee,United Kingdom, 1993 Master of Science (Engineering Surveying & Space Geodesy), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, 1986 Bachelor of Surveying (Land), Second Class Upper Division, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 1984 22 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” KERTAS 16 GIS Education and Training : The UiTM Experience Prof. Madya Dr Wan Mohd Naim bin Wan Mohd Dekan Fakulti Seni Bina, Perancang dan Ukur Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) e-mail : wmn@salam.uitm.edu.my Abstract Geographical Information System (GIS) has been recognised as a technology used in many disciplined such as urban planning, agriculture, public health, hydrology, geology, environmental science, emergency respond, business and marketing, military and forestry. In respond to the demands for the expertise in GIS, many institutions of higher learning in Malaysia such as UTM, UPM, UKM, UM and UIAM have established GIS and GIS-related programmes/courses. Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) has introduced GIS and GIS-related course since mid1990’s. This paper highlights the experience of UiTM in providing GIS training and education at various levels: diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate. Special emphasis will be given to newly introduced postgraduate GIS programme i.e. MSc in Geographical Information Science. Biography : Associate Professor Dr. Wan Mohd Naim b. Wan Mohd is the Dean of Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, where he teaches Geographical Information Science (GIS), photogrammetry and surveying. He have a BSc (Hons) in Surveying Science from University of Newcastle Upon Tyne in England; M. App. Sc. in Topographic Science from Glasgow University, Scotland (1988) and PhD in GIS from Edinburgh University, Scotland (1998). His main research interests are applications of GIS and remote sensing for environmental modelling and monitoring, GIS-based decision support system development and digital photogrammetry. He has successfully supervised a number of post-graduate research students and served as external examiners for other institution of higher learning. Academic Background : PhD in GIS from Edinburgh University, Scotland (1998) M. App. Sc. in Topographic Science from Glasgow University, Scotland (1988) BSc (Hons) in Surveying Science from University of Newcastle Upon Tyne in England 23 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” JAWATANKUASA INDUK Keanggotaan Penaung : Y.Bhg Datuk Suboh bin Mohd Yassin - Ketua Setiausaha Pengerusi : Y.Bhg Dato’ Hj. Azmi bin Che Mat - Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha II Setiausaha : Puan Fuziah binti Hj. Abu Hanifah - Pengarah MaCGDI Ahli : Y.Bhg Dato’ Prof. Sr Dr. Abdul Kadir bin Taib - Timbalan Ketua Pengarah JUPEM : Tn.Hj. Meharomi bin Mohamad - SUB Kewangan dan Pentadbiran : Sr Ahamad bin Zakaria - JUPEM : Sr Hamdan bin Ab. Aziz - MaCGDI : En. Ya’cob bin Abas - MaCGDI : Sr Dr. Zainal bin A Majeed - MaCGDI : Pn. Jawahiril Kamaliah binti Mohamad - MaCGDI : Pn. Hjh. Norizam bt. Che Noh - MaCGDI : Pn. Aini Hazila bt. Hamzah - MaCGDI : Sr Hazri bin Hassan - MaCGDI : Sr Tn. Hj. Ahmad Akhir bin Tompang - MaCGDI : Sr Tn. Hj. Anual bin Aziz - MaCGDI : Y.M Sr Raja Abd. Aziz bin Raja Ali - MaCGDI : Pn. Siti Sapura binti Raffee - MaCGDI : Pn. Hjh. Mariyam binti Mohamad - MaCGDI : Pn. Hjh. Ria Septia binti Sachlin - MaCGDI : Pn. Norizan binti Mohamad - MaCGDI : Pn. Siti Zaleha binti Yusof - MaCGDI : Sr Tsalimy bin Abdullah - JUPEM 24 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” JAWATANKUASA KECIL Ketua Urusetia : En Hamdan bin Abdul Aziz Pen Ketua Urusetia : En Ya’cob bin Abas Jawatankuasa Persidangan 1. 2. Ketua : Sr Dr. Zainal bin A Majeed Setiausaha : Encik Yaacub bin Yusoff Ahli: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Encik Rabiulkhair bin Mohd Noor Encik Suffian bin Mohd Yusoff Encik Muhammad Daud bin Mahdzur Encik Mohd Noor bin Wagiran Puan Nor Zuraini binti Abdul Rahim Cik Che Zakiah binti Ahmad Puan Raha binti Othman Puan Noor Effa Rizan binti Abdul Razak JK Jemputan dan Pendaftaran 1. 2. Ketua : Puan Zaleha binti Yusoff Setiausaha : Puan Subashini a/p Panchanathan Ahli: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Puan Ruzana binti Mohamad Saad Puan Noor Azah binti Abdul Rahman Cik Rihaida binti Naim Cik Norizah binti Mahmood Puan Suraya binti Ibrahim Cik Nor Fatin binti Hasan Cik Mona binti Mohd Yusof Puan Noor Arianna binti Ab Wahid Puan Hanizah binti Mohd Noor Jawatankuasa Kewangan dan Logistik 1. 2. Ketua : Puan Aini Hazila binti Hamzah Setiausaha : Cik Azizah binti Abdul Malek Ahli: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Encik Mohd Naim bin Norman Cik Rihaida binti Naim Encik Mohd Afandi bin Samsuri Encik Muhamad Zamri bin Mustapha Cik Norizah binti Mahmood Cik Mona binti Mohd Yusof 25 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” Jawatankuasa Protokol 1. 2. Ketua : Puan Jawahiril Kamaliah binti Mohamad Setiausaha : Hajjah Norizam binti Che Noh Ahli: 1. Cik Sherly Suhana Binti Muhamad 2. Cik Siti Aini Binti Abdul Manan 3. Cik Norizah Binti Mahmood Jawatankuasa Perasmian dan Penutup 1. 2. Ketua : Puan Siti Sapura binti Raffee Setiausaha : Puan Nurul Akmalina binti Khairuddin Ahli: 1. Puan Siti Norashikin binti Abd Latif 2. Cik Noralinawati binti Ibrahim 3. Cik Yusmariza binti Yaacob 4. Pn. Mageshwari a/p Valachamy 5. Encik Mohd Nasir bin Mohd Daud Jawatankuasa Sambutan & Protokol 1. 2. Ketua : Puan Norizan binti Mohamed Setiausaha : Puan Anis Badurawaty binti Yeop Ahli: 1. Encik Wan Faizal bin Wan Mohammed 2. Cik Siti Aini binti Abdul Manan 3. Puan Rosazlina binti Mohd Adzmi 4. Puan Noura binti Mohd Ghazali Jawatankuasa Publisiti 1. 2. Ketua : Encik Hazri binti Hassan Setiausaha : Puan Julia binti Mohd Zawawi Ahli: 1. Encik Lam Chee Siong 2. Puan Siti Hajar binti Mohammad 3. Encik Norazman binti Ismail 4. Puan Farahiya binti Mazlan 5. Cik Zie Zie Azeanty binti Mohamad Tahir 6. Puan Roshana binti Mat Rafar 7. Puan Fadzilah binti Misbah 26 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” Jawatankuasa Penerbitan 1. 2. Ketua : Puan Jawahiril Kamaliah binti Mohamad Setiausaha : Puan Azrina binti Reli Ahli: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Encik Anual bin Aziz Puan Mariyam binti Mohamad Puan Fauzani binti Azam Puan Nur Hafizah binti Hamlud Puan Fauziah binti Abdul Rahaman Puan Mazian binti Md. Taib Puan Norsaidatina binti Mohd Said Encik Nik Zamri Sham bin Nik Bahari Shah Jawatankuasa Pameran 1. 2. Ketua : Encik Ya’cob bin Abas Setiausaha : Encik Tang Kieh Ming Ahli: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Encik Norazmel bin Abd Karim Encik Ahmad Nazlie bin Muhammad Encik Mohammad Nizar bin Damis Encik Aziz bin Hassan Puan Siti Zaleha binti Idris Encik Muhamad Apian bin Saidin Event Manager 1. 2. Ketua : Encik Raja Abd Aziz bin Raja Ali Setiausaha : Encik Jamil Faisal bin Yusoff 27 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” Penghargaan Jawatankuasa penganjur merakamkan ucapan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada Y.B. Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas , Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar, Y.Bhg. Datuk Suboh bin Mohd Yassin, Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar (NRE), Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM), Jawatankuasa International Symposium of GIS (ISG) serta agensi-agensi yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam menjayakan PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 28 PERSIDANGAN DAN PAMERAN GIS KEBANGSAAN KE-3 ”Memantapkan Sistem Penyampaian Kerajaan Menggunakan Teknologi Geoinformasi” WAKTU SOLAT BAGI KAWASAN WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN Jadual Waktu Solat Kuala Lumpur Julai / 2008 Lokasi Bulan/Tahun Arah Kiblat Sumber Tarikh Hari 292° 31′ 16″ JAKIM Imsak Subuh Syuruk Zohor Asar Maghrib Isyak 19-07-2008 Sabtu 5:39 5:49 7:11 13:22 16:46 19:31 20:45 20-07-2008 Ahad 5:39 5:49 7:11 13:22 16:46 19:31 20:45 21-07-2008 Isnin 5:40 5:50 7:11 13:22 16:46 19:30 20:44 22-07-2008 Selasa 5:40 5:50 7:11 13:22 16:46 19:30 20:44 23-07-2008 Rabu 5:40 5:50 7:11 13:23 16:46 19:30 20:44 24-07-2008 Khamis 5:40 5:50 7:12 13:23 16:45 19:30 20:44 25-07-2008 Jumaat 5:40 5:50 7:12 13:23 16:45 19:30 20:44 29