CLA / XIP IE DAC - NYS Historic Newspapers
CLA / XIP IE DAC - NYS Historic Newspapers
THE EAST HAMPTON STAB. EAST HAMPTON. N. Y.. DECEMBER 6, 1962 EIGHT C L A / X IP IE D A C / CLOSING TIME FOR ALL CLASSIFIED ADS WEDNESDAY AT 12 NOON Caih in Advance for all Classified Ads. except lo businesses with an active charge ac A surcharge of 50c per advertisement will be made to handle billing on classified BOATS PHILCO CLOCK RADIO — rej 14 FT. 4 IN. FIBERGLAS BOAT — fully equipped 45 h.p. Mer larly $26.95, special $19,88. Lester cury outboard engine and tip & Wchlfert. Inc., EA 4-1700. trailer. Excellent condition. $700 USED TVs — Motoiola table model Tel. BR 2-0641 after 6 p.m. 11-2 and Olympia console. $50 each. Lostcr & Wohlfc-il, Inc , EA 4-1700. 8 FT. 4 IN. DUCK BOAT — covered 30" WESTINGHOUSE RANGE — wCih grass. Fiberglas bottom. 3 h.p. Evirvrude mdtcr. Also automatic with clock and timer. Only $169.95. shotgun. All for $150. Excellent Ten pound ham with purchase. condition. Tel. BR 2-0641 after 6 Letter & Wohlfert, Inc., EA 4P-m._______________________ 11-2 1700. 5 ELECTRIC RADIATORS — with MARINE DIESEL BUDA — 105 h.p., 2 to 1 reverse gear, 24 volt elec tfhermo.Uit control. Excellent con tric. Complete. Only tost time since dition. Tel. Giimshaw, EA 4-0133. complete overhaul. $800. Tel. 8-4 1961 BLITZ GO-KART — Power PArk 7-5333. 9-3 Product. AH-58 engine. Alumi num head and piston. Slicks. I/ike AUTOMOBILES new. Asking $200. Tel. EA 4-1986 LIVING ROOM RUG - Central registration for the 1963 general election starts tomorrow at the Yapbank office of the Board of Elections. Eligible voters, especWeekly ially students- who plan to be away ^ —“ “ “ ” “ — ” — during local registration days in REAL ESTATE FOR SALE October, 1963, have been urged to -------------------------------—---------------register at Yaphank. The office is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Voters who have 110 voted at least once in the past two Springs years, and who have not changed ;q. ft. National Home. their r.ddresses, are1automatically carried over on .the permanent per exterior, hot air heat, sonal registration rolls. plumbing, electricity. Completely finished. Total Discount for all orders placed before Jan. 1. 1963 for the erection of your $10 per sq. ft. MISCELLANEOUS $9120 WESLEY D. MILLER. BUILDER. INC. Call for Free Literati BRidgehampton 2-088 >uch. Tel. EA 4-0444. FOR BEST SELECTION — of Christmas trees, homemade wrctaths, and decorations, come to our store on No:ith Main St., oppc.'Hc Cedar St, next door to Janie Spot Cleaner. Reasonable Honing. SI,150? SITUATION WANTED ’ prices.________________________ 1955 Ford Sta. Wagon 4 dr. Std. - and Shift. S375. 1957 Buick Hardtop. S450. 1961 Corvair Monza. Automatic Shift CANDLES' — new and beautiiul at 1961 Corvair Monza. Standard Shift Vetaults, 89 Newtown Lane. Tel. 1962 Volkswagen. 900 miles EA 4-0344. 10-tt 1958 Pontiac Sta. Wagon 9 Passenger SEASONED OAK FIREPLACE 1959 Metropolitan. Like new GARAGE TO RENT — general WOOD — and kindlings. Tel. 1958 Volkswagen 2 dr. Sed. vicinity Newtown Lane and Os Hugh C. Filer, EA 4-0568. 10-2 1957 Dodge 4 dr. $495. borne Lane. TCI. EA 4-1335. 1961 Chevrolet Conv. Beautiful CHRISTMAS SHOPPING PROBSMALL DWELLING — for removal LEMS? — try Vetaults for some , to B r.dgehampton area. Reply imthing unusual in the gift line. 89 r mediately to Box J, c/o East Newtown Lane, East Hampton. Hampton Star, or telephone col Tel. EA 4-0344. 10-tf lect 212-475-0694. ROBERT W. DIMON. INC. North Highway Southampton - tel. Tel. AT 3-0363 WANTED — 10 to 15 acres of land, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Floor Waxed Zone A or B, between Wainscott and Amagansett. Reputable cus SLOW DOWN — and live it up! Rug Shampooed Free Wilh Sale tomer. Hilda Huntting, 46 The Be active or relaxed m this tradi Authorized Agent Circle. TeL EA 4-0484. tional four bedroom, 2M> bath, Call Frank Fondacaro WANTED FOR MY COLLECTION' brown shingle house in a good AT 9-0855 —old guns, pistols, powder horns, year - round or summer location. Box 1442, East Hampton, N. Y. bullet moulds, swords or cannon Rewarding at $25,000. 10 ~DAY barrels, Indian arrow heads. Li Broilers Fryers SALE — $4,500. Brown shingle censed dealer for modern guns Roasters Capons house, two bedrooms, bath, living and ammunition. Richard G. Hen Fricassee Chickens room, kitchen, enclosed porch, FRESH EGGS cellar and floor furnace. Act drickson, Lumber Lane, Bridge hampton, N. Y. Tel. BR 2-0893. quickly. Hilda Hunttijig, 46 The 23-tf Circle. TeL EA 4-0484. IACONO FARM EA 4-1107 44-tf HOME MADE CLAM CHOWDER — clam pies, all kinds of fresh fish, soft shell crabs, shrimp, soft clams and hard clams, oysters. Stuart’s Market, Oak Lane, Ama gansett. Tel. AM 7-3563. 37-tf ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS—construc tion, repair and maintenance. TeL EA 4-1020 for estimates. South Shore Petroleum Corp., Springs Road. 35-tf FURNITURE—all types. Contents of homes bought and sold. N. Press, Southampton, L. I. Tel. AT 3-2110. ___________________________30-tf THE ROOF — “designed for your home" for as little as $10.00 per month. Turnbull & Cain, Flanders Road, Riverhead, PArk 7-3660. ________ _________________ 44-tf Large Stock of NEW and USED FURNITURE J OHN W. N I L S S O N North Sea Road, Southampton AT 3-1434 established 1930 38-tf R002ING PROBLEMS? — Call AT 3-2240. T & D Roofing Co. Roofing and siding. 147-155 North Sea Rd., Southampton, N. Y. 29-tf WESLEY D. MILLER PETS ST. BERNARDS — excellent AKC litter. Mostly male. Whelped 11/19. Delivery for Christmas. Tel. HAmiHon 1-1433. 11-2 WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS PRE SENT — AKC registered Sp: nger Spaniel puppies with fabulous background. Ready about Dec. 16. Tel. Schwartz, SA 5-0525. 11-2 AKC DACHSHUND PUPPIES — miniature and standard. Red or black and tan. Also stud service. Tel. JUniper 8-5204._________ 43-tf NORTHWEST KENNELS — Swamp Road. Tel. A. Staudinger, SAg Harbor 5-1090 or SAg Harbor 50845-M. 27-tf DI CK' S KENNELS BUYERS WAITING f • ' 1 _ FURNITURE REPAIRING — and refinishiing. Antiques restored. Caning and weaving. Jack Becker, Neck Path, Amagansett. Tel. AM 1600 7-3143.________________________ 1955 PLYMOUTH — V-8, two door. Excellent condition. Tel. SA 50088 between 5 and 6 p.m. CHARMING COLONIAL COTTAGE 1957 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE — —- three bedrooms. Beautifully 4 dr. sedan. Automatic transmisfurnished. Near ocean. $13,500 sion. Asking $450. Tel SA 5-1040. furnished. Tel. AM 7-3406. 37-tf 1956 STUDEBAKER HAWK — V-8, standard shift. Tel. AM 7-3856. HELP WANTED SPECIAL YOUNG WOMAN — to work full CHRISTMAS SALE or part time in dress Shop. Re 1960 Valiant 4 dr. Std. Shift 1960 Dodge 2 dr. Sed. Automatic. ferences. Tel. EA 4-0730. Long Lane EAST HAMPTON HIGH SCHOOL Voter Registration For 1963 Starts usual films and congenial friends at tlho Great Films Series, John Drew Theater, Guild Hall, Ea£t Hampton. “Farrebique" (Fr.), Fri day, Dec. 7, 8:30. Refreshments too! Help make second series (to begin Jan. 4) possible by joining Film Club now. Single member ship $4 (choice of 5 films); double membership $7.50. The films: "Forbidden Games" (Fr.), "The Love Game” (Fr.), “Magnificent Seven” (Jap,), “The Quiet One" (AM.), “The Key" (Br.), plus spec ial bonus film. Call EA 4-0806. SATURDAY. DEC. 8th COUNTRY SUPPER SAUSAGE AND PANCAKES SPECIAL 50c MERRILL'S IRISH MIST Lazy Point Rd. Amagansett NOTICE—Hunting, clamming, fishing, trapping, the taking of any shellfish, or otherwise trespassing in any way on Gardiner's Island is strictly forbidden under penalty of the law. Bayberry Ventures, Inc. 37-tf RESTORATION ART OBJECTS — oil paintings, new and old picture frames, China objects, missing parts duplicated. Lamps converted, Furniture repaired. Robert Schiffleger, 79 Mill Hill Lane, East Hampton. Tel! EA 4-0732. 52-tf CESSPOOL PUMPING—and clean ing. George L. Smith, Main Street, Amagansett. Phone AM 7-3441. 25-tf SCHAEFER'S MOWER SERVICE— mowers sharpened and repaired. Shears and knives sharpened. Bikes repaired. Shop'tel. EA 4-1880. Res. tel. EA 4-1021. 36-52 Hampton and vicinity. Apply Frank BLACK WALLET — between Lester T. Bennett, telephone EA 4-0838. Motors, Abraham’s Path, and ____________________________24-tf Sonny's Luncheonette. Papers imROTA TILLING — lawn mowing, portEmt to owner, also large sum of money. Reward. TeL AM 7flower planting and care. Estate 3112.________ maintenance and jobbing by ex perienced gardener. Apply George GRAPHEX OPTAR PHOTOGRA Verheyden. tel. EA 4-0215. 27-25 PHIC LENS — 135 mm on chrome mount. Reward. Tel. Fillmore 8- FOR RENT - MONTAUK — Lenhart’s Cottages available for winter rentals. From now to May 15. Fully equipped. Utilities included. Attractive rates. Old Montauk Highway. Tel. MO 8-2356. 9-4 HOUR, DAY, WEEK — bicyeles, outboard motors, chain saws, power scythes, power tillers, ce ment mixers, skill saws, portable 2000-watt generators, power sanders. Hampton Mower and Marine Service, west of East Hampton on Montauk Highway (Rt. 27). Tel. BR 2-0696. 36-tf HEATED APARTMENTS — two, three and four rooms. Winter or year-round. Montauk Chalet, Sec ond House Rd. Tel. MO 8-2105. __________________________ 50-tf WINTER RENTALS — East Hamp ton House. Efficiences. Very re duced rates. Tel. EA 4-4300. 8-tf ASHAWAGH HAL^-Springs, East Hampton. Available for private parties or private exhibitions of art. Tel. EA 4-0875-W. 34-tl ONLY $6,995 — THE RESORTER— three bedroom cottage, fully equipped kitchen and bath, living room, dinette, and porch. All rooms fully furnished including screens and storms. Central heat. Beautifully landscaped on 50 x 120 lot. Ready to move in. The perfect resort or retirement home. 10 year financing available. See it at the East Hampton Trailer Court, 105 Oakview Highway, off the Three Mile Harbor Road. 2-tf SOUNDVI EW S E C T I O N, MONTAUK — three bedroom house. Lot 75 x 150 f t Large basement. Room for apartment. Attached garage. $15,000. Tel. MO 8-2706. 10-tf 3 SALTBOX BUILDINGS — 20 x 40 ft., moved onto your property. Cedar shingled roofs and sides. Robert E. Kennelly, house mover. Tel. AT 3-2820. 10-tf HEAVEN ON EARTH — on Mecox MISCELLANEOUS Bay, overlook ocean! Dead end read- High hedge on one acre beautifully landscaped and bulk headed. Old 214 story house, reno vated, natural shingles with white trim. Fireplace in living room ad Hot •Dry and Steam Room joining dining area. Kitchen with SWEDISH AND MEDICAL butler's pantry and separate utility MASSAGE room. Oversized bath with sky Formerly With light to watch sea gulls fly over head. Large shaded porch. Pic St. Luke's Hospital In N< York and McFadden's ture windows throughout and slid Phone Now For Appointm ing glass door. Upstairs, four bed BRidgehampton 2-1183 room, two baths. Sliding glass Days — Nights door opens on to patio from two 10-tl bedrooms. Maid's suite with priv ate bath. Perfeot privacy. Contact BEACH BULKHEADS—35 years in Connie Anderson, real estate beach bulkhead construction, docks broker. Franklin Triangle (the old and jetties. A. B. Pugsley Se Son, saltbox). Tel. EA 4-1892 or EA 4Noyac Rd., Sag Harbor, L. I. Tel. 0209-M. SA 0-0950. 1-tX RT. 114 BETWEEN SAG HARBOR AND EAST HAMPTON — black wallet. Reward. Tel. Page Spen cer, EA 4-4352. FEMALE BEAGLE — brown and white, redish eyes. FT 6-8341 carved in leather collar with li cense 'attached. Children's pet. Re ward if returned. Tel. EA 4-0545 or EA 4-0690. CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends for the many acts of kindnesfe shown to us in our bereavement Douglass A. Reed and Family of Central Islip Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Skinner, Jr. Mrs. Walter Maxey East Hampton Again Leads GLF College Board Entrance ExaminaMary Two more East Hampton High School seniors have been accepted by colleges. Marilyn Cullum was accepted by the Eastman School for Physicians Aids, New York, where she will study x-ray technology. Robert Wilford has two accept ances, one from Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, Ohio, and the other from Rider College, Tren ton, N. J. Mr. Dunn's non - college history classes recently viewed a film on drug addiction. The film covered the general rea sons for drug addiction, how young people become addicted, and how drug addiction can lead to other crimes. Some student reactions were: Junior Jainet Petykowski said: “It was worth while because it makes one realize what drug addiction is really like.” Billy Webb, senior, remarked: "Now I can see why dope pushers are considered among the lowest people on earth. Senior Janet Converse feels that the very worst thing about drug addiction is thalt "cured” addicts often return to addiction, so there is really n Mr. Dunn was very pleased with the film and he is certain that his students will never forget it I I I I J ‘ ‘ * ; ] j i j j The Basketball Schedule 7 — Mattituck — 7 — H 11 — Eastport — 4 — H 14 — Southold — 7 — H 20 — Center Moriches — 7 — H 4 — Bridgehamprton — 7 — A 8 — Westhampton — 4 — A 11 — Greenport — 7 — H 15 — Southampton — 4 — A 18 — Mattituck — 7 — A 22 — Sag Harbor — 4 — H 25 — Southold — 7 — A 29 — Shelter Island — 4 — H 1— Center Moriches — 4 — A 4 — Bridgehampton — 4 — H 8 — Sag Harbor — 7 — A 15 — Southampton — 7 — H 19 — Westhampton — 4 — H 21 — Greenport — 7 — A H —home A — away Holly Drive Students are being urged to con tribute to the Bonac Beachcomber's “Holly Drive.” Principal John Meeker received, about two weeks ago, a letter from a young Kentucky school girl. In it, she said that she had eight brothers and sisters, and that her family lived 13 miles from the near est town. She wanted to trade the beautiful holly that grows around her home for clothing and toys for her family's Christmas. As soon as the Beachcomber staff got wind of this, they decided to make this their Christmas project. Judy Schenck is chairman of the drive and Marilyn Sepp is her cochairman. J. C. CORWITH of Water Mill was renamed president of the Cooperative GLF Exchange at a meeting Nov. 26-27 in Ithaca, N. Y. Mr. Corwith has been on the board of directors of the farmer cooperative since 1932. New Students all the "wanders" of Bast Hampton High. Their owners. Rich and Jim Lia and Yolanda Barren, all began school Nov. 26. Jim and Rich arrived in East Hampton on Thanksgiving with their parents and their two younger brothers. Jim is a junior, and is already a member of the Varsity basketball team. Rich, a freshman, is also in terested in sports. Blonde Yolanda, who arrived a day after Rich and Jim, is an ex resident of Sag Harbor. She's an eighth grader and she says about her new school, "It’s really neat.” Margie Schneider and June Rig by are two students who are ex tremely glad that they heeded their teachers advice to attend the Ladies' Village Improvement Society pro duction, “Our Town." Why? They were two of the lucky 23 to win door prizes. The December issue of the Bonac Beachcomber, East Hampton High School’s student newspaper, was put together or "made-up” on Monday evening. This ten-page issue, which is the largest number of pages the Beachcomber ever prints, will come out Dec. 15. This is also the last issufe of the paper to go to the Columbia Press Association to be judged. Last year the Beachcomber won first place Medalist, the highest in its class. Two of East Hampton's outstand ing football players, Mike Fabrizio and Ed Hammer, have been chosen by the. coaches and news reporters attending the games to be members of the League A-II All-Star Foot ball Team. Mike, a junior, is five feet ten inches tall and weighs 185 pounds. He plays center. Eddie, who is five feet 11 inches bell and weights 175 pounds, made K E Anderson to J S Lyall Sew, the left guard position on the team. ldt 9, blk 1018, subdiv, number 5, Ed has averaged 55 out of 60 minutes Montauk Beach Development Corp, of play for each game. Montauk, $16,500. W J Gibson &w to W W Huber Jeanne Dordelman, a freshman, &w, lot 5, block 12, Soundview attended her first opera, "Aida," at Estates, Montauk, $3000. the Metropolitan Opera House Sat R L Slater &ano to A S Gerard, urday night Jr &w, pci ne s Meadow Way, East For her semester English project Hampton, $4500. Jeanne chose the opera. She re E M Allen &ano to P W Mcported to the class on her exper Quillen, lot 6, blk 1028, SubDiv No ience in ‘her oral report a required 5, prop of Montauk Beach Develop part of the project ment Corp, East Hampton Town, $2500. Report cards will be seat out A P Strong to Muriel G Rogers, tomorrow. Along with them will pci ws Town Line Hgwy, Wainscott come the posting of the Honor Roll. $21,000. An 85 average is required for the W A Irwin &w to Teresa Modolo, Honor Roll, and a 90 average for pci se s Central Ave, East Hampton the High Honor Roll. Town, $16,000. Last Friday the girls' volleyball W C Hewitt to V Lamanno, pci team traveled to Sag Harbor to play ws Springs- Firepilace Hgwy, East the Academy of the Sacred Heart Hampton Town, $3000. of Mary. Both the first and second Catherine E Hammer to F U string teams were victorious. Gaugler &w, lot 3, blk 283, SubDiv No. 9, prop of Montauk Beach Dev The Preliminary Scholastic Apti Corp, Montauk, $3000. tude Test scores will arrive at the R Venegas &w to M Janus &ano, High School around Dec. 10. Juniors pels 1 & 2, ws Osborne Ave, East and a few seniors took these tests Hampton Town, $19,500. Oct. 20. These scares help predict DEEDS C M Swift to A Hirsch &ors, pci es Jones Rd, East Hampton Town, $49,500. Elizabeth M Mallery to R Ceslow &w, pel ss North Farragut Rd, Mon tauk, $3500. , Leeton Corp to S Efremenko Sew, lots 62 & 64, ec A, Montauk-onSea, East Hampton Town, $3000. A Reiter to C Kaiser &w, pci ne s South Lake Drive, Montauk, $6500. I W Magovem &w to J E Hiscock Sew, pci ms Montauk Hgwy, East Hampton, $25,000. G A Bill to Martha D Phillips, pci ne s Hampton St, Sag Harbor, $2000. E C Waldvogel &w to Y Kawachi & w, 1st pci, ws East Lake Drive, 2nd pci ne s Lake Montauk, Mon tauk, $27,000. Montauk Beach Co 'Inc 'to M C Peden Sew. lot 188, Oceanside-atMontauk, Montauk, $3000. H S Cooper to H Stovall Sew, lot 7, SubDiv Map of Prop of Joseph High, Bridgehampton, $2500. E T CaTd to J E Smith &w, pci ne s Woodbine Drive, East Hampton Town, $15,000. M K Peck, to C B Peck, Jr, pci ws Atlantic Ave, Bridgehampton, $15,000. Elizabeth M Mailer to J F Walter &w. pci ss N Farragut Rd, Monltauk, $3500. W F Youngs to Joscelyn E Smith &w, pci ws Robeson Blvd. Sag Har bor, $1000. Leeton Corp to W H Jack, lots 117, 118, 119, 120, Sec A, Montaukon-Sea, East Hampton Town, $80000. K Anderson Sew to K Uelzmann &w, pci ss Jefferson St, Sag Har bor, $10,500. H J Johnson to M Seff Sew, pci es Drew Lane, East Hampton Vil lage, $40,500. R Norman Semler to B S Cush man, pci ss Wainscott Main St., East Hampton Town, $25,000. Leeton Corp to V G Willing &w, lot 71, Sec A, Montauk - on - Sea, Amagansett $1500. R James &ano to W E Hicks &w, &ors, pci es Lincoln St Sag Harbor, $2500. 'M Da Silva &w to H Kovner, pci ss Town Lane, Amagansett $3500. Henrietta W Pontick &ors, to R C Scull, pci ins Georgiea Rd, East Hampton, $7500. William B Northrop to Henrietta W Pontick & ors, pci ns Georgiea Rd, East Hampton, $14,000. W C Hewitt &ors to P S Gallo Sew, lot 25, Clearwater Beach, East Hampton Town, $7000. W C Hewitt &ors to A H UeltWiller Sew, lot 47, Lion Hoad Beach, East Hampton Town, $10,000. C o m e S e e O ur Assortm ent We wish to thank all those who helped make our Christmas tea and sale a success for the W.S.C.S. of the Methodist Church. The Committee Evelyn ConracJ, Chairman We wish to tlhank Dr. Rowe, Dr. Abel, Dr. Nugent, and the nurses at Southampton Hospital for the care given my husband during his stay there. Special thanks to the East Hampton Blood Bank, relatives, friends, neighbors, and the fisher men from the “Ida K" of Greenport for the kindness, sympathy, and IN MEMORIAM LESTER — In memory of our brother, Robert S. Lester, who died Dec. 8, 1961. The lass was great The shock In r hearts alway The Finest In Personalized Cards or Choose The Best Bargain in Town Box o f 21 Distinctively Different Cards Only $1.00 THE EAST HAMPTON STAR