WBT Million Dollar Quartet 2016
WBT Million Dollar Quartet 2016
WESTCHESTER BROADWAY THEATRE presents Our 19 7 th Production THE OFFICIAL STORY ACCORDING TO THE SUN RECORD COMPANY The Million Dollar Quartet is the name given to recordings made on Tuesday, December 4, 1956 in the Sun Record Studios in Memphis, Tennessee. The recordings were of an impromptu jam session between Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and Johnny Cash. The jam session seems to have happened by pure chance. Perkins, who by this time had already met success with “Blue Suede Shoes,” had come into the studios that day, accompanied by his brothers Clayton and Jay and by drummer W.S. Holland, their aim being to cut some new material, including a revamped version of an old blues song, “Matchbox.” Sam Phillips, the owner of Sun Records, who wished to try to fatten this sparse rockabilly instrumentation, had brought in his latest acquisition, singer and piano man extraordinaire, Jerry Lee Lewis, still unknown outside Memphis, to play the piano on the Perkins session. month period. Less than four months earlier, he had appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show, pulling an unheard-of 83% of the television audience, which was estimated at 55 million, the largest in history, up to that time. After chatting with Phillips in the control room, Presley listened to the playback of the Perkins session, which he pronounced to be good. Then he went into the studio and some time later the jam session began. Phillips left the tapes running in order to “capture the moment” as a souvenir and for posterity. At some point during the session, Sun artist Johnny Cash, who had also enjoyed a few hits on the country charts, popped in (Cash noted in his autobiography, Cash, that it was he who was the first to arrive at Sun Studio that day). As Jerry Lee pounded away on the piano, Elvis and his girlfriend at some point slipped out. Cash claims in Cash that “no one wanted to follow Jerry Lee, not even Elvis.” Sometime in the early afternoon, Elvis Presley, a former Sun artist himself, but now at RCA, dropped in to pay a casual visit accompanied by a girlfriend, Marilyn Evans. He was, at the time, the biggest name in show business, having hit the top of the singles charts five times, and topping the album charts twice in the preceding 12 The following day, an article written by Memphis newspaperman Bob Johnson about the session was published in the Memphis Press-Scimitar under the title, “Million Dollar Quartet.” The article contained the now well known photograph of Elvis Presley seated at the piano surrounded by Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash. BILL STUTLER BOB and FUNKING, Executive Producers LISA TISO, Producer present COLIN ESCOTT & FLOYD MUTRUX Original Concept and Direction by FLOYD MUTRUX Book by Inspired by ELVIS PRESLEY, JOHNNY CASH, JERRY LEE LEWIS AND CARL PERKINS FEATURING ARI McKAY WILFORD SKY SEALS DOMINIQUE SCOTT JOHN MICHAEL PRESNEY with BLIGH VOTH AND JASON LOUGHLIN david sonneborn sam weber jason cohen Set Design by Costume Design by derek mclanemolly walz Lighting Design by Andrew Gmoser Sound Design bycostume coordinator jonathan hatton & mark zuckermanheidi giarlo ADDITIONAL SCENIC ELEMENTStechnical directorproperties coordinator ADAM KOCHsteve loftusgrumpy’s props sound consultantproduction stage managerassistant stage manager don hanna victor lukassarah hanlon ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR/CHOREOGRAPHER JENNIFER CODY Directed by HUNTER FOSTER Scenery, Props & Costumes are leased through the courtesy of Ogunquit Playhouse, Ogunquit, Maine Million Dollar Quartet is present thru special arrangement with, and all authorized materials supplied by, Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TRW) 1180 Avenue of the Americas, 8th floor, New York, NY 10035 866-378-9758 www.theatricalrights.com OPENING DATE: JULY 21, 2016 CLOSING DATE: SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 CAST Carl Perkins..................................................John Michael Presney* Johnny Cash.................................................................................. Sky Seals* Jerry Lee Lewis........................................................ Dominique Scott* Elvis Presley.......................................................... Ari McKay Wilford* Sam Phillips.................................................................. Jason Loughlin* Dyanne.......................................................................................Bligh Voth* Brother Jay..................................................................................Sam Weber* Fluke........................................................................... David Sonneborn* Production Stage Manager............................. Victor Lukas* Assistant Stage Manager.............................. Sarah Hanlon* Rehearsal Stage Manager.................... Amanda M Stuart* Musical Director...................................... David Sonneborn* Understudies Understudies never substitute for listed players unless a specific announcement for the appearance is made at the time of the performance. jason cohen* – Male Standby; sarah hanlon* – for Dyanne. * Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the only professional union for Actors and Stage Managers. Top off your delicious meal perfectly with one of these scrumptious treats available for purchase! LUXURY DESSERTS CHOCOLATE MOLTEN LAVA CAKE • LEMON SORBET TURTLE CHEESECAKE OF DISTINCTION PRODUCERʼS HOT FUDGE DELIGHT • APPLE CRISP CARAMEL Order your choices before the show begins, and enjoy them during the intermission. A b o u T OU R S E R V I C E Westchester Broadway Theatre takes pride in our leisurely cocktail and dining service, which takes you from the moment you enter the theatre until the start of the performance. If you desire a faster pace to your service, please let your servers know, and they will accommodate your special needs. WESTCHESTER BROADWAY THEATRE 5 musical numbers Blue Suede Shoes...................................................... Carl, Johnny, Jerry Lee, Elvis Real Wild Child................................................................................ Jerry Lee Lewis Matchbox.....................................................................................................Carl Perkins Who Do You Love?..................................................................................Carl Perkins Folsom Prison Blues...............................................................................Johnny Cash Fever........................................................................................................................Dyanne Memories Are Made of This................................................................ Elvis Presley That’s All Right....................................................................................... Elvis Presley Brown Eyed Handsome Man..........................................................Jerry Lee, Carl Down by the Riverside........................................... Johnny, Jerry Lee, Elvis, Carl Sixteen Tons...............................................................................................Johnny Cash My Babe......................................................................................................Carl, Johnny Blue Suede Shoes (reprise)..................................... Elvis, Jerry Lee, Carl, Johnny Long Tall Sally......................................................................................... Elvis Presley Peace in the Valley..................................Dyanne, Jerry Lee, Carl, Elvis, Johnny I Walk the Line........................................................................................Johnny Cash I Hear You Knocking.......................................................................................Dyanne Party............................................................ Carl, Elvis, Jerry Lee, Johnny, Dyanne Great Balls of Fire............................................................................ Jerry Lee Lewis Down by the Riverside (reprise)........................... Johnny, Jerry Lee, Carl, Elvis Hound Dog................................................................................................. Elvis Presley Riders in the Sky......................................................................................Johnny Cash See You Later Alligator..........................................................................Carl Perkins Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On.......................... Jerry Lee, Carl, Johnny, Elvis – THERE WILL BE ONE 30 MINUTE intermission – Printing Professionals Brochures Booklets Post Cards Business Stationery Posters Signs Copies Graphic Design Direct Mail 400 Executive Boulevard Suite 146 Elmsford, NY 10523 Tel: 914-592-3790 • Fax: 914-592-6483 support@pressexpressprint.com WESTCHESTER BROADWAY THEATRE 7 who’S who Ari MCKAY WiLFOrd (Elvis Presley) is super excited to be making his Westchester Debut in this incredible show! He just finished a successful run playing Elvis at Gateway Playhouse and is excited to once again step into the shoes of a legend. Broadway: Once. TV/Film: Gotham, Vinyl, Solitary. Love to mom and dad. Rock and roll! @arimckay sKY seALs (Johnny Cash) last appeared in the successful Chicago re-imagining of Hair (Berger, ATC), and in the OffBroadway musical Sessions (Dylan, Algonquin Theater). Sky is the co-founder of Wide Eyed Productions, a nY-based non-profit theater collective, where he portrayed Jason (Medea), king Edward (Henry 6, part 3), and others. Sky is the composer of the musicals Jack and the Soy Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Polar Bears, and the in-development rock musical Grunts, based on the iraq War.). Other favorite roles include Pippin, Joseph, Don Pedro, and Fagin. He is also exactly one half of the acoustic comedy duo “neil and Sky.” “Z” TRAVEL & LEISURE WALKING & BUS TOURS Live Musical Coach Bus Tour Full Day of live music as we travel throughout Manhattan. Our Actors Equity singer will perform on the bus as we discover New York and hear great voices. Along the way learn about NY from licensed guides! • Historical Broadway Musical review! • Cultural • Anecdotal humor • Themed • Neighborhoods For Individuals, Seniors, Corporations, Schools, Family Outings & Groups of Any Size For more information Email us at: marscot@att.net Call us at: (914) 633-6658 Catch us on the web at: www.ztravelandleisure.com Pick up at local locations! “The Most Unique Theatre Experience and Entertaining Tour” Numerous stops on & off bus, lunch stop & minimal walking! FOR YOUR INFORMATION PersOnAL sAFetY & COMFOrt Please note exits in theatre. Exits are indicated by illuminated “EXiT” signs. For the safety, comfort and enjoyment of yourself and others, please remain seated during the performance. in the unlikely necessity of evacuation, an announcement will be made over the public address system. Westchester Broadway Theatre is completely equipped with automatic sprinkler and smoke detector systems which cover all areas of the theatre. in the event of power failure, a separately powered, totally independent, battery-run lighting system is activated. Should you or one of your party experience illness or unusual discomfort, please notify a service person or management immediately. CAMerAs, reCOrders The use of cameras and tape recorders during the performance is strictly prohibited by new York State copyright laws. CeLL PHOnes, BeePers Out of courtesy to the performers and everyone in the audience, please refrain from using cell phones and electronic devices in the theatre. Please be sure to turn off the audible features of these devices when in the theatre. GrAtUitY Our guests have asked for an approximation of the food portion of the ticket for purposes of determining service gratuity which is not included in the ticket price. An amount equal to one-half of your ticket price should be considered as the dinner portion. Our staff has enjoyed serving you and hopes that our service has been to your satisfaction. 8 WESTCHESTER BROADWAY THEATRE who’S who dOMiniQUe sCOtt (Jerry Lee Lewis) is excited to get real wild at WBT after having just completed a great run of MDQ at Gateway Playhouse. national Tour: Rock of Ages (Drew) Regional: Miss Saigon (Chris), Jesus Christ Superstar (Jesus), Ragtime (Younger Brother). Graduate of nWSA and Syracuse University. For music, tour dates, and all kinds of fun “DOM” stuff, check out domscott.com! Check out Dom’s debut album “Carousel” at the merch booth! Also - let’s be friends on Facebook (/domscottrocks) and Twitter (@domscottrocks)! A big thank you to Hunter, the killer cast, WBT, Lisa Price, Shannon and the Staz Clan. Shake Baby, Shake! CD is available for sale at the WBT Gift Shop in the lobby. JOHn MiCHAeL PresneY (Carl Perkins) is a singer/ songwriter and actor from illinois who now lives in Brooklyn. His current record, “The nighttime and The Dawn,” is available on all platforms. You can catch him playing his music all over new York City. Thanks to Robert Stein Management and love to Florencia. Credits: Million Dollar Quartet (1st national/international Tours), The Snow Queen (nYMF), BETRAYAL (ABC Television). BFA from CCPA at Roosevelt University. See and hear more at JohnMichaelPresney.com and Facebook.com/ JMPresney. SPECIAL NOTICES Additional scenic piece and set installation SCEnE WORkS, Ossining, nY Additional Lighting Equipment provided by SiLEnT G PRODUCTiOnS, Yorktown Heights, nY WESTCHESTER BROADWAY THEATRE ALL THE MAGIC OF THE ICONIC FILM BURSTS ONTO THE WBT STAGE VIBRANT CHOREOGRAPHY AND THE LEGENDARY HITS OF THE BEE GEES SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER THE MUSICAL StayiN’ Alive boogie shoes night fever more than a woman if i can’t have you jive talkin’ cing! n You Should Be Da SEPT. 15 – NOV. 27, ’16; AND DEC. 29, ’16 – JAN. 29, ’17 9 who’S who BLiGH VOtH (Dyanne) recently played the role of Dyanne in Million Dollar Quartet at Ogunquit Playhouse and as a temporary cover on the norwegian Escape international Tour. nYC: Musical Theatre Factory: Pericles (musical reading). Primary Stages: Nineteen (workshop). Atlantic Theater Company: The Searchers (workshop). REGiOnAL: Signature Theatre: Gone Country; Signature Sings 2005-2009, Ladies Choice. Ford’s Theatre: The Civil War; A Christmas Carol; Parade. Washington Stage Guilde: Red Herring. Studio Theatre: Jerry Springer The Opera, Reefer Madness. kennedy Center Millennium Stage: Blonde Ambish. Totem Pole Playhouse: Steel Magnolias. Lyric Theater Oklahoma: Big River. EDUCATiOn: The Boston Conservatory. Bligh hosts a podcast, “Avocados Are For Rich People” available on iTunes. www.blighvoth.com JAsOn LOUGHLin (Sam Phillips) is thrilled to be making his Westchester Broadway Theatre debut with Million Dollar Quartet. A native of north Carolina, Jason has worked regionally in Georgia, Maine, new York, nC, as well as on Broadway in Machinal and The Audience and the first national tour of War Horse. Many thanks to Hunter, our fantastic cast, my family and Sarah. This performance is dedicated to Sandra. Gotta Group? Get ’em Together at the WBT! dAVid sOnneBOrn (Musical Director; W.S. “Fluke” Holland, the drummer) is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, and thrilled to be making his Westchester Broadway Theatre debut. He is a longtime nYC musician, and is an original cast member of The Million Dollar Quartet national Tour, as well as the regional productions of MDQ at the Ogunquit Playhouse, and the Gateway Playhouse. David has performed at the new York Musical Theatre Festival as well as touring nationally in Always, Patsy Cline and Honky Tonk Angels. He studied drums and percussion at the Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music, and theater at Ohio State University. Specializing in western swing and classic country music, David currently plays drums or bass in “Western Caravan,” “The San AnTones,” “Gunsmoke,” “The Mary Lamont Band,” and “Teri Joyce and the Tag-alongs.” Love to wife Becky, and daughter Audrey. sAM WeBer (Brother Jay) is thrilled to be slappin’ the bass at the Westchester Broadway Theatre. A new father and happy Jersey transplant, he hopes this music brings you as much joy to listen to as it is for him to play. national Tours: Buddy Holly Story (Joe B.), Regional Favs: Buddy Holly Story (Joe B., MUnY, Casa Mañana, Ogunquit, Gateway, MSMT), MDQ (Brother Jay, Ogunquit, Gateway), Pump Boys and Dinettes (Eddie, Paper Mill). Thanks to Jen and Hunter for keeping this band of misfits together. And love to my two ladies, Brittany and Charlotte, whose love gives daddy the power to rock. Amps to 11, let’s rock! Special Group Discounts! (914) 592-2225 10 WESTCHESTER BROADWAY THEATRE who’S who JAsOn COHen (Standby) is fresh from playing Jerry Lee Lewis in the national tour of Million Dollar Quartet, performing in over 70 cities across the US and Canada. Regional: Williamstown Theatre Festival, Ogunquit Playhouse, Gateway Playhouse, Half Moon Theatre. Upcoming: Murder for Two in Bangor, ME. He also works as a composer, music director, and musician. BFA in Acting, nYU Tisch. Thanks to Lisa, Hunter, David, nancy and The Carson-Adler Agency, cast and crew, family and friends. Jason-Cohen.net for more. sArAH HAnLOn (Assistant Stage Manager, Dyanne Understudy) is excited to be back with Westchester Broadway Theatre. Some favorite past credits include: The national Tour of Jesus Christ Superstar, starring Ted neeley (Mary Magdalene), Les Miserables (Fantine), Oliver (nancy), Hooray For Hollywood, Show Boat (Julie), Man of La Mancha (Antonia) and her niece’s and nephew’s favorite Pocahontas, for Disney Cruise Lines. She would like to thank her family, friends, and Chris for everything. For Mom HUnter FOster (Director) is an Artistic Associate at the Bucks County Playhouse where he has directed Company, Ain’t Misbehavin’, The Buddy Holly Story, The Rocky Horror Show, It’s a Wonderful Life, Summer of ’42, and National Pastime. Other directing credits include: My Fair Lady (Cape Playhouse), Cabaret (Cape Playhouse), Spamalot (Casa Mañana), Grease (north Carolina Theatre) and Million Dollar Quartet (Ogunquit Playhouse and Gateway Playhouse). As a book writer he has written the books to the musicals, Jasper in Deadland, which played at the 5th Avenue Theatre in Seattle in Spring 2015 following its world premiere at the Prospect Theater Company in nYC. Hunter also wrote the book to the Off-Broadway musical, Summer of ’42, which opened at the Variety Arts Theatre WESTCHESTER BROADWAY THEATRE Celebrate the Season at the WBT with this Delightful Family Musical CHRISTMAS INN Join us for your favorite holiday music and a dash of wonderful Christmas magic! On Stage December 1 thru 23 FEB. 2 – MARCH 19, 2017 The Broadway Sensation and Worldwide Phenomenon We can't announce the name yet, but you're going to say "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme" more tickets! MARCH 23 – JUNE 25, 2017 JUNE 29 – SEP. 10, 2017 11 who’s who in New York City, and was nominated for an Outer Critic Award for best new musical. Other recent book writing credits include The Circus in Winter (Goodspeed Musicals), Clyde and Bonnie: A Folktale (New York Musical Theatre Festival, Aurora Theatre), Tempest Rock (Rhinebeck writers retreat) and The Hollow (Signature Theatre). As an actor, he has appeared on Broadway in The Bridges of Madison County, Hands on a Hardbody, Million Dollar Quartet, The Producers, Little Shop of Horrors (Tony nomination), Urinetown, Les Miserables, Footloose, Grease, King David. Hunter is a graduate of the University of Michigan (BFA in theatre, 1992). ANDREW GMOSER (Lighting Design) has lit all of our mainstage productions since 1990. Over the years he has created the sets and/ or lighting for a multitude of productions throughout Westchester and beyond, and is a proud recipient of the Cab Calloway Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Performing Arts in Westchester. Andrew loves his job designing lighting for all levels of theatre, from high school programs through professional Broadwaycaliber productions. For over thirty years he was set and lighting designer (and from time to time, director) for Asbury Summer Theatre, and just completed his 22nd season with the MacHaydn Theatre in upstate New York. Through his company, Silent G Productions, Andrew provides theatrical lighting design, equipment, and consultation for live theatre, dance, and concerts. Andrew’s best and most important production is with his lovely wife, Catherine: their seventeen year old twins, Thomas and Elizabeth! STEVE LOFTUS (Technical Director) has been one of our resident designers since Kiss Me, Kate in 2002. Some of his favorites at WBT include Gypsy, Phantom, Aida, Miss Saigon and In the Heights. As a set designer, Steve has provided scenery for many regional theaters, colleges and high schools around the Tri-state area. As well as a few tours and special events at Lincoln Center. Steve is also the owner of Scene Works Inc., a fully serviced scene shop providing all aspects of scenic design and fabrication based out of Ossining, NY. He is most proud to be a father to Elias and Aubrey. 12 JONATHAN E. HATTON (Sound Design) is excited to be a part of the design team for Happy Days. He has been a local Sound Designer in Westchester County since 2004. A few of his favorite shows to design include: Disney’s B&B, Titanic, Sweeney Todd and Legally Blonde. Jon has also worked for Broadway’s Beauty and the Beast, TOTS White Christmas On Tour, Sound Associates and PRG Audio. Jon would like to thank Jean Marie for putting up with his crazy schedule. VICTOR LUKAS (Production Stage Manager/ Properties) is happy to be home after spending many years touring the country and having played in every state. Broadway and Equity National Tours include: Bring Back Birdie, Oh Brother, Joe’s...Coat, Cats, Teddy And Alice, One Night Stand, Woman Of The Year w/ Lauren Bacall, the Twyla Tharp/Billy Joel musical Movin’ Out, Cy Coleman’s Welcome To The Club and Barnum, Star of Indiana’s Blast!, Blood Brothers with Petula Clark, Carole King and Shaun & David Cassidy, and Disney’s Aida. For the WBT he has stage managed many shows including the acclaimed Aida and Little Shop of Horrors, both directed by Patricia Wilcox; Richard Stafford’s Gypsy with Karen Mason; and Jonathan Stahl’s Nine. OffBroadway shows include Annie Warbucks, Travels With My Aunt, Tuesday’s With Morrie, and Joan Of Arc with Glenn Close. Favorite gig – Touring with Petula Clark on her 2008 concert tour of England and Wales. Victor also runs “Grumpy’s Props,” a prop rental shop in Carmel NY. Grumpy’s Props also specializes in home & commercial decorating for holidays & theme parties. Visit us online at www.grumpysprops.com. LISA TISO (Producer) is happy to be a part of the WBT family which she joined in 1979 as a buffet girl. Lisa has worked in nearly every department in our organization and, since 1991, as Associate Producer and as Producer on over 25 mainstage productions. Lisa and her 22 year old daughter, Carmen live in Ardsley with Maximus, their very own Toto. BOB FUNKING AND BILL STUTLER (Owners / Executive Producers) On July 9, 2016, the Westchester Broadway Theatre celebrated its 42 nd Anniversary, as well as the 26th Anniversary in this specifically designed, state of the art theatre. Bill and Bob, 2004 inductees into the “Westchester County Business Hall of Fame,” pioneered the Dinner nd WESTCHESTER BROADWAY THEATRE who’S who Theatre concept in Westchester when they opened An Evening Dinner Theatre on July 9, 1974. Having designed and built An Evening from the ground up as a theatre that serves dinner and lunch, they established their operation as a cultural mainstay in the tri-state area. The Westchester Broadway Theatre is the only year round theatre in Westchester where Broadway performers, directors and designers gather to create the best in Musical Theatre. (They have produced more shows than most Broadway producers. Million Dollar Quartet is our 197th Mainstage Production.) The Westchester Broadway Theatre is the longest running, 52 week a year Equity theatre in the State of new York. Each show is produced exclusively for the theatre and each is approached in the same manner as Broadway Productions: casting Broadway performers at auditions in new York City, and hiring the creative staff (Directors, Choreographers, Musical Directors, Set, Costume and Lighting Designers). On the dark nights of the musicals, Bill and Bob have presented over 900 Monday and Tuesday night specials and, in 1997, inaugurated the Gold Star Series of Concerts presenting Jackie Mason to a sold-out house. Other great performers in the Gold Star series have been Tom Jones, George Carlin, Paul Anka, Wayne newton, and Harry Belafonte. With the continued support of the people of the tri-state area, we pledge to continue to present the best in theatre and dining. ACtOrs’ eQUitY AssOCiAtiOn (AEA), founded in 1913, represents more than 45,000 actors and stage managers in the United States. Equity seeks to advance, promote and foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of our society. Equity negotiates wages and working conditions, providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. AEA is a member of the AFL-CiO, and is affiliated with FiA, an international organization of performing arts unions. The Equity emblem is our mark of excellence. www.actorsequity.org One Broadway Plaza, Elmsford, nY 10523 Box Office (914) 592-2222 Business Office (914) 592-2268 www.BroadwayTheatre.com AdMinistrAtiOn Bill Stutler - President Bob Funking - Vice President / Treasurer Lisa Tiso - Producer / Company Manager Jeffrey Lifrieri - Assistant Treasurer / HR Manager Janet Schwartz - internal Auditor Arlene Tiso - Bookkeeper Pia Haas - Press / Public Relations Director Steve Calleran - House Manager Tarah Vega - House Manager Susan katz - House Manager BOX OFFiCe Ron Schlichting - Box Office Manager GrOUP sALes Heidi Giarlo - Manager (914) 592-2225 Jessica Tucci - Group Sales Coordinator (914) 592-2225 Patrick McGillicuddy - (914) 592-2225 Helen DeLago - (203) 637-9393 Joanie Varela - (646) 385-2936 LUXUrY BOXes/GrOUP sALes Ginny Baisi - (914) 592-8730 KitCHen Alex Sampaio - Chef Ryan Stutler - Dining Room Manager Ann Marie Mosca - Asst. Dining Room Manager teCHniCAL stAFF Aaron Cassese – Automation Rana Attia – Wardrobe Mistress Michael Amabile – Deck Audio kayla Brought – Props Sarah Demarest – Sound Engineer Teresa Capra – Electrics Dept. Gerard Lisella – Electrics Dept. ALL PERSOnS SEEkinG ADMiSSiOn MUST HAVE A TiCkET, including children of any age. iF YOU ARE COnSiDERinG BRinGinG A CHiLD to the theatre, feel free to contact the Box Office with any questions regarding the content of the show. Although opinions on appropriate viewing may differ, we will do our best to answer your questions regarding language, violence and adult situations. DOWNLOAD THE WBT App Program Design by Ferguson Marketing President: Raymond Ferguson Art Director: Christine Fiedler Sarasin 175 North Main Street, Branford, CT 06405 (203) 488 5262 Produced For Westchester Broadway Theatre By Today Media Custom Communications 2 Clinton Avenue, Rye, NY 10580 (914) 345 0601 Ext.117 THE ViDEOTAPinG OF THiS PRODUCTiOn iS A ViOLATiOn OF THE UniTED STATES COPYRiGHT LAW AnD An ACTiOnABLE FEDERAL OFFEnSE WESTCHESTER BROADWAY THEATRE 13