yas sports day 2014 - Yorketown Area School
yas sports day 2014 - Yorketown Area School
Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au PRIMARY MEDAL WINNERS SECONDARY MEDAL WINNERS YAS SPORTS DAY 2014 HOUSE WINNER-RED Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au Canteen Roster Term 1 - Week 9 Term 1 - Week 10 Term 1- Week 11 Mon 24/3 Tue 25/3 Wed 26/3 Thu 27/3 Fri 28/3 Mon 31/3 Tue 1/4 Wed 2/4 Thu 3/4 Fri 4/4 Mon 7/4 Tue 8/4 Wed 9/4 Thu 10/4 Fri 11/4 T Thiel CANTEEN CLOSED A Thompson L Taheny L Mills CANTEEN CLOSED M McIntosh T Hull S Heinrich-Smith CANTEEN CLOSED J Haywood T Lee We are in urgent need of more volunteers for our canteen. Please contact the school’s front office if you can help out. Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au Dates to Remember April Wed 2 Tue 8 Fri 11 Mon 28 May Thu 8 Tue 13-Thu 15 Wed 14 Mon 19-Tue 20 Wed 21 Mon 26 Wed 28 June Fri 6 Mon 9 Tues 10 Mon 16 – Fri 20 Weds 18 Fri 20 July Fri 4 Mon 21 Year 8 & 9 Immunisations Christian Options Seminar Last Day Term 1 First Day Term 2 8/9/10 Netball - Ardrossan NAPLAN Open Football Open Netball - Maitland Year 12 Home Ec Trip National Simultaneous Storytime 11.00am National Sorry Day Reconciliation Day Activities –Jun School Music is Fun R-7 Public Holiday School Photos Activities Week Year 12 English Trip End of Semester 1 End of Term 2 First Day Term 3 From the Principal Welcome to our third and final newsletter for this term. Sport has been high on the school’s agenda for this term. Congratulations to Red House for a job well done. Well done to our Secondary Interschool team who competed at the YP Athletics Day held in Moonta this week. Well done in advance, to the Primary Interschool Athletics Team who I’m sure will have competed very successfully in the SYP Combined Primary Schools Athletics Day on Thursday this week (the day we print our newsletter). As always I am pleased to report how great it was to see the spirit of friendly competition evident in the way our students approached these days. I received many positive comments after our own Sports Day about both the behaviour of our students and the smooth way the day operated. A big congratulation to Blake who has been selected in the Australian Under 16 School Boys Cricket team. It is not every day we have a member of an Australian team who is also a YAS student. We look forward to a report from Blake when he returns from Sri Lanka. Meet the Principal – Morning Tea Invitation Wed 2 April I have spoken to a number of parents who have said they would love a chance to meet with staff informally and to take a tour of the school and see it in action; if you would like this opportunity then please complete the RSVP at the end of the newsletter. We, staff and I, look forward to having a cup of tea with you from 10:30 to 11:00am and then, if you like, a tour of the school from 11:00am. Staffing With Term 2 fast approaching I can report that at this stage we are expecting no staff changes for second term. NAPLAN Testing The annual NAPLAN assessments are coming up in the third week of Term 2. For your information the tests will be conducted over the days Tues 13 to Thursday 15 May. Protocols are in place to ensure the tests are conducted according to the rules. Parents are advised that we expect all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 to participate in the NAPLAN test. We ask that you try not to schedule anything that will require your child to be absent from school on those days. We are however aware that the test protocols allow parents to withdraw their child(ren) for philosophical or personal reasons. Students who are absent due to illness on test days have an opportunity to sit the test on their return to school in the week of the tests. If you have such concerns regarding the NAPLAN tests please contact Junior School Coordinator, Kelly Coe, if your child is in Years 3 or 5 or Middle School Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au Coordinator, Bronny Maywald, if your child is in Years 7 or 9 in the next few weeks to discuss the issues? Attendance At YAS we keep an eye on student attendance at a number of levels – home group teachers follow up unexplained absences, at leadership meetings we specifically consider students who have a large number of absences and the attendance officer regularly visits with us to proactively support concerns we may have. We take this issue seriously as regular attendance at school is one of the key indicators of academic success. Term 1 had 54 days so a student who was absent for 5 days had missed just under 10% of the instruction time available. We know there will always be unavoidable absences from school. Prolonged illness can prove to be one such reason. Occasionally families seek exemption from school so that their child can go on a family holiday. These longer one-off absences can usually be dealt with if you or your child seeks school work to complete during the absence. The more detrimental kinds of absences are the regular and semi-regular single day absences. These lead to work being incomplete and key concepts and tests being missed. It is sobering to reflect that if a child regularly misses 1 day per week of school from years 1 to 11 they will be absent for approximately 441 days, which is approximately a year and half of learning time. If you require assistance or advice regarding attendance then please do not hesitate to contact the school. National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence As I reported in the last newsletter March 21st is the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. To signify this day a bullying audit will be conducted across the school. Mrs Agnew has been working with members of the SRC to finalise and revamp the questions we will be asking. If you would like more information regarding bullying an easy to follow fact sheet along with many other resources can be found at http://www.bullyingnoway.gov.au/nationalday/for-schools/resources.html For your information I have included a couple of sections from this resource in this newsletter. It is also timely to remind you all that DECD has published a Parent Guide to Raising a Concern or Complaint brochure. This is available from the front office or from the link on our school website if required. Steps guiding how complaints should be made are explained in the brochure. If you’d like more information give me a call or visit the department’s website at www.decd.sa.gov.au/parentcomplaint or email DECD.parentcomplaint@sa.gov.au. There is also a free call number 1800 677 435. This document supports the YAS Grievance Procedures and I have included a copy of the procedures in the newsletter or you can download an electronic copy from our website. Liz Wilson Principal ATTENDANCE 28 Jan – 20 March TERM 1 2014 Junior School – Middle School – Senior School – School Total – 92% 93% 87% 91% Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au From the Junior School Hello everyone! Here we are in Week 8 already! It seems hard to believe how quickly the term is going. It has certainly been a very busy term with lots of events and special days. Our Sports Day was very successful! All students participated enthusiastically and demonstrated good sportsmanship. We had some excellent results across the board! It was a great day and we received positive feedback from parents and visitors. Thank you to anyone who helped out on the day! It certainly makes the day run smoothly and assists teaching staff with different jobs! Today we hosted the SYP Interschool Sports Day. Our Primary students have been practising their events and were more than ready to compete. We are sure it has been another great day of competition and fun! The Parents and Friends group put a lot of work into organising the catering for the day. Thank you to our P&F, your effort and time is very much appreciated! A reminder to all of our students to keep reading and filling in your Premier’s Reading Challenge sheets. We would like as many of the primary students to complete the challenge as possible! This term is our three way interview process. Letters and booking sheets will be sent home in the next week, although some of you may have already received these from class teachers. Please read the covering letter carefully and return your interview preference sheets to teachers as soon as you can. Every endeavour will be made to accommodate those of you who have more than one child in the unit as far as booking consecutive times for your interviews. We would encourage you to attend these interviews. It is a very effective avenue for all of us to discuss your child’s learning and development. On Wednesday March 12, Mrs Secker and the Reception children visited the Yorketown Community Children’s Centre. They were involved in lots of play-based activities and certainly enjoyed their time together. It is a great opportunity for our children and staff to interact and share in a variety of learning activities. If you are running late for school, need to take your child early from school or for an appointment please ensure you sign them in and out via our front office. Do not just collect them from the classroom. This is school procedure and how we monitor where our students are at all times. Also, if your child is absent for any reason, please fill in and return our school absentee notes to your child’s class teacher. Thank you for your cooperation in these matters. There are some upcoming events you might like to pencil into your diaries. We have the ‘Music is Fun’ band coming to school Friday 6 June. We are looking forward to their visit. The shows are always entertaining and interactive! Our primary camp has been booked. The dates are Monday 8 September until Wednesday 10 September. We will be attending the Arbury Park Outdoor School in Bridgewater. Information regarding cost and camp details will be sent home early next term. That’s probably enough for now! Hope you are all enjoying this lovely weather. Remember, keep reading and recording those books!! CHEERS Kelly Coe Junior School Coordinator Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au MID TERM REVIEW Some Middle School and Senior School parents/caregivers would have received letters early last week alerting them to concerns that some teachers have about their child’s progress. We would encourage those parents who haven’t already done so to, either contact the Middle School or Senior School Coordinators to arrange a meeting with the teacher/teachers concerned or, to directly contact the appropriate subject teachers. It is only three weeks before Term 1 reports will be sent home. Any concerns that have been raised should be addressed before then. Bronny Maywald and Claudia Agnew LIBRARY NEWS Congratulations to Dudley from 3/4H for completing his Premier's Reading Challenge. Dudley is the first student to complete and hand in his PRC Challenge sheet. Students have until September 5 to read and record twelve books on their sheet. Medallions and certificates will be presented in fourth term. This week we are running a colouring in competition featuring characters from the soon to be released movie ‘Mr Peabody’. Prizes will be awarded Wednesday of next week. Thanks go to The Friends of the Library for organising a Mothers Day raffle, come and check out the gorgeous gift basket prizes. Tickets are $1, available in the library with proceeds used on various projects in the library. Have you noticed our new library sign at the entrance to the gym car park? This upgrade reflects the opening times which were altered last year. During the school holidays we are closed for Mondays and public holidays. Therefore for the upcoming holidays we will only be open Tuesday-Thursday and there will be no Holiday Happenings. A bit of library lunchtime fun Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au STUDENT WELFARE OFFICER FEEDBACK REQUIRED Many of you will know that Steve McNeair has been Student Welfare Officer at YAS for the last couple of years. As part of the federal funding requirements for this position we are required to seek feedback regarding Steve’s performance in this role. If you have any feedback can you please complete the tear off slip below or email me at liz.wilson121@schools.sa.edu.au . I’d appreciate it if this could be to me before 27 March as I will be collating the results for our next Governing Council Meeting on 31 March. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Student Welfare Officer Feedback MEET THE PRINCIPAL – MORNING TEA INVITATION WED APRIL 2 Are you a new parent at YAS? Are you a parent who has been with YAS for a while now? Would you like to meet staff over morning tea? Would you like to have a look at our school in action? If the answer is ‘yes’ to any one of these questions then please join us for morning tea in the staffroom from 10:30 to 11:00am and, if you wish, stay for a guided tour of the school. If you would like to take up this opportunity can you please either return the slip below to the front office or contact the school on 88521233. This will help us to confirm number for catering and tour groups. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name(s) _____________________________________ I/we would like to come for morning tea I/we would like to participate in a tour of the school Please tick appropriate box(es) Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au Yorketown Area School Sports Day 2014 MEDAL / TROPHY WINNERS 10 yo Girl 10 yo Boy 11yo Girl 11yo Boy 12yo Girl 12yo Boy 13yo Girl 13yo Boy U14 Girl U14 Boy U15 Girl U15 Boy Open Girl Open Boy Winner Leah Charlie Julia Wes Gemma Noah Grace Jacob Jessie Connor Tori Ben Lucy Liam Runner-Up Sarah Thomas Zoe Corey Sarah Tristan Erin Lucas Tarnee Haydn Taylor Blake Skye Braydon 2014 RECORD BREAKERS Event Open Girls Primary 800m 12yo Girls High Jump Record Breaker Erin Gemma JOHNSON HOUSE SHIELD 1ST 2ND 3RD RED YELLOW BLUE 966 points 874 points 853 points Old Record 3m 00.00 1.23m New Record 2m 57.25 1.25m Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au Community Notices SOUTHERN EAGLES NETBALL CLUB We are introducing the ANZ NET SET GO Program for 2014 season. This will commence on Sunday June 1 at 4.00pm at the Yorketown Netball Courts Girls and boys, aged between 5 and 10, are welcome. If interested please phone or message Lisa Rudduck 0407 879071 STANSBURY NETBALL CLUB PRE SEASON TRAINING AND FIRST PRACTICE Pre Season Training and Registration Night will be on Tuesday 1 April at 6.30 -7.30pm at Stansbury Community Courts. Please attend if possible. SENIORS - First training will be on Tuesday 8 April at 6.30 – 7.30pm at Stansbury Community Courts. An information Newsletter for 2014 will be available at this first practice. Also anyone wishing to purchase a Season Ticket or Family Pass please let Lynda Farrow know ASAP on 88525000 or see me at the first practice. Season tickets are $55.00 for Seniors and $35 for Juniors (Primary School), $15.00 for Family. Season starts on Friday 2 May. EDITHBURGH NETBALL CLUB Registration/Expression of Interest Night Netball for Friday night competition for Juniors and Seniors Sausage Sizzle Tuesday 1 April 4.30 – 6.00pm Edithburgh Playground Cost – Gold coin donation We would appreciate, if you are a current playing member, that subs be paid on the night of registration or by the first training session – 8 April for Seniors and first training for Juniors (date to be advised). Contact Margie on 0408 816867 if you are playing and can’t make it, or for more information. SCHOOL HOLIDAY CLINICS AT NETBALL SA STADIUM 23 and 24 April 2014 NETSETGO Come and Try: Wednesday 23 9am-11am 5-7 yrs $43.00 NETSETGO Come and Try : Wednesday 23 2pm-5pm 8-10 yrs $53.00 Netball skills Thursday 24 9am-3pm 10-16 yrs $73.00 Register www.trybooking.com/EEYF Closes 21st April General enquiries 82380500 Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au YP FUTSAL – INDOOR SOCCER – 2014 SEASON 2014 Season starting soon! FUTSAL Indoor Soccer will be commencing 7th May. Games will be held on Wednesday evenings at the Minlaton Basketball Stadium. Interested players are advised to contact their clubs and/or team managers promptly. Team Nominations Close 4th April. Team Nomination Packs (team nomination sheets, welcome note with guide to online registration, medical forms, rules and code of conduct) are available at www.ypfutsal.org.au For further information contact the YP Futsal secretary Tammy Greenwood - 0403691115 tammylgreenwood@yahoo.com.au Maitland is hosting a free National Youth Week event this year, Sunday 13th April, 11am-4pm, at the Maitland Town Hall. The theme is “Our Voice, Our Impact”. Free: transport, young local musicians, open mike, close–up musician, rock-climbing, mechanical surfing; large interactive screen; LAN gaming; photo-booth, sumo-suit wrestling; DJ & DJ workshop; Mini-golf; craft workshops, and more. If you are interested in performing, have any ideas, want to help organise the event, or need transport details, contact Tanya on 0417 860 205, or message our Facebook page YP – National Youth Week. Aimed at young people aged 12-25 years, drug and alcohol free, and generously supported by Yorke Peninsula Council, Country Health SA Local Health Network, The Yorke Peninsula Youth Workers’ Network, and the Office for Youth. Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: dl.0767.info@schools.sa.edu.au