DATES TO REMEMBER Year 12 exams will be completed next
DATES TO REMEMBER Year 12 exams will be completed next
No. 10 24 October 2013 Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: DATES TO REMEMBER November Tue 19 Wed 20 Fri 22 Wed 27 Fri 29 December Thu 5 Fri 6 Fri 13 January Tue 28 Yr 12 Legal Studies Exam Year 12 Formal Year 11 Finish Year 7 Transition Student Free Day Presentation Night Year 7 Transition – Pt Vincent Year 10 Finish Last day 2013 School Year – dismissal at 2.05pm First day 2014 School Year Bushfire Information Important Websites On Catastrophic Fire Days YAS is closed and no buses will run ATTENDANCE WEEKS 3 to 5 Junior School Middle School Senior School School Total: 87% 86% 84% 86% FROM THE PRINCIPAL Year 12 exams will be completed next week and the formal is being held next Wednesday 20 November. I know that the organising committee is still following up with the last few students for payment and meal orders and I thank them in advance for their work to ensure a successful formal. I thank all Year 12 teachers who have spent many hours chasing up, marking final pieces of work, and revising with students. I look forward to receiving the Year 12 results in the week before Christmas. Staffing We are yet to finalise our staffing for 2014 but I can tell you that Helen deGooyer has retired. I think I speak for her colleagues and many students when I say thank you to Helen for her service. She has been a fabulous teacher; creative, innovative and demanding of a high standard of work from herself and her students. We hope that you make a full recovery and enjoy a long, fulfilling and much deserved retirement. Mr deGooyer is taking leave for the last couple of weeks of this term. Students who are planning to work during harvest must complete all their assignments to the satisfaction of their teachers before they will be given permission to leave for the year. An end of year clearance/exemption form must be completed at least one week before harvest work is to commence. Forms are available from the Front Office and should be returned to Mr deGooyer or Miss Wilson in the week before the leave is required not after the fact. Liz Wilson Principal Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: From the Junior School Hello everyone! Here we are half way through the term already!! Time is certainly marching on. Last week all families should have received a letter outlining upcoming dates for the rest of the term. There was also a copy of a letter about our end of year unit party for the R-6 classes. If you did not receive these letters, please ask your child’s class teacher for a copy. On Monday 11 November the 5/6 class travelled to Bublacowie for a Remembrance Day Ceremony. Our junior school captains Sarah and Matthew laid a wreath during the ceremony on behalf of Yorketown Area School. After the ceremony the children shared a sausage sizzle and a drink and then had the opportunity to look through the museum. The class were exceptionally well behaved. They demonstrated our school values and represented YAS in the very best possible manner. They should all be very proud of themselves! ceremony held here at the school. It was great to hear that these students were also well behaved and showed respect and responsibility during the ceremony. Well done everyone! A quick reminder that all students must wear hats during any outside activities in terms four and one. Please ensure your child has an appropriate hat, otherwise they will not be permitted to participate in these activities. Thank you! On Monday 11 November Mrs Secker and I travelled to Adelaide to attend a workshop on ‘Reading Comprehension.’ This was an excellent session and we came away with some great ideas to use in the classrooms. That’s all from the junior school! CHEERS Kelly Coe Junior School Coordinator The rest of the primary classes attended a Canteen Roster Term 4 – Week 3 Term 4 – Week 5 Term 4– Week 8 Mon 18/11 Tue Mon 25/11 Tue CANTEEN CLOSED Mon 2/12 Tue A Thompson Wed 4/12 5/12 Wed 20/11 Thu 21/11 Fri 22/11 D Allen CANTEEN CLOSED C Cameron Wed 27/11 Thu 28/11 Fri 29/11 R McEvoy A Collins Fri 6/12 J Johnson CANTEEN CLOSED K Johnson T Lee Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: PRESENTATION NIGHT Presentation Night is an important event on the school calendar where we acknowledge and celebrate highlights of the year, efforts and achievements in the school community. This year our Presentation Night will be held on Thursday 5 December (Week 8) starting at 7.30pm in the Yorketown Town Hall. Staff are currently making decisions for the various student awards that are presented on the night. The YAS Community Award recognises a community member who has displayed a high degree of involvement in school events or school organisations and/or made an extra effort for their school community throughout the year. Nominations can be made by any school member or wider school community member. Should you wish to nominate someone who you believe fits the criteria please send a short letter or email to the school outlining the reasons why you believe the person you are nominating would be a worthy winner. Letters should be addressed to the Principal or an email sent to Please send nominations in by Friday November 22. A small group with representatives from Governing Council, staff and students will decide on the eventual winner This is the last newsletter before the night and we remind you that all students attending Presentation Night are expected to wear school uniform. Students who are receiving an award will be sent a personal invitation. Students should arrive from 7.15pm, ready for a 7.30pm start time. They are expected to be seated in the main hall, with their teachers, at all times throughout the evening. We look forward to seeing many of you there to share the evening with the students. Presentation Night Committee STA ID PHOTOS STA photos will be taken on Monday 10 February 2014 (Week 3, Term 1). All students from Year 9 to Year 12 should have an STA card to enable them to travel on public transport on a student fare plus as identification when a photo is required. STA Cards are $3.00 each – this will be paid to the photographer on the day. If a student who is under 15, but appears to be older, it is recommended that they also have an STA Card. More information will be available at the beginning of the 2014 school year. Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: SRC OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD - FUNDRAISER REPORT The SRC packed 25 boxes for Operation Christmas Child as this year’s charity fundraising event. Globally, more than 100 million shoeboxes have been given to kids in need in more than 130 countries since 1993. Operation Christmas Child is a unique project of Samaritan’s Purse Australasia-Operation Christmas Child Limited that brings great joy to kids in need through a simple shoebox filled with gifts. One of the boxes was given to Pov who lives in the village of Viel Thom in Cambodia. She is one of the children who received the first boxes from Australia. “I’ve never gotten a gift like this before,” said six year old Pov. “I like the stuffed animal the most,” she added, pulling the stuffed gorilla tightly into a hug. Pov’s parents, poor rice farmers, would never have dreamed of giving a gift like that to their daughter. Yet on the day of the distribution, Pov could not contain her excitement. The corrugated tin shacks that line the dusty dirt track cutting through the heart of Viel Thom expose the village’s poverty. Of all the communities in the region, Viel Thom is the poorest. While most of the men in the village are handicapped former soldiers, now retired because of their disabilities, the women of the village farm rice, or tie hay to make thatch to build homes. Samaritan’s Purse has worked in Viel Thom providing the village with some of its most basic needs; water filters through local partners, a school for the children of the community, and support for the village’s men. It was with stories like this in mind that the SRC organised the Coin Line fundraiser, from which they bought items to go into the shoeboxes. Many families also donated items to go into the boxes. The SRC packed the boxes on Thursday October 24 and they were picked up by Gina Voigt the next day. They should arrive at a place like Cambodia by Christmas. The SRC should be very proud of their efforts Barb Agnew Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: LIBRARY HAPPENINGS Congratulations Congratulations to all 88 of our students who completed the Premiers Reading Challenge this year. Medals and Certificates will be awarded soon. R/S Dale Ruby Ben Cassidy Shane Charlotte Natasha Zara Anthony Bailey Sabine 1/2MS Charlotte Eric Isobel Xavier Luke Cooper Kye Brady Beau Shineah Tate Emilie Alyck Kane Alana 3/4/5H Bradley Dudley Lucy Thomas Sarah Brodie Elliott Wes Charlie Alice Daniel Leah Aaliyah Zoe Jayden Noah Lucas James Ben 5/6C Tully Natalie Jack Charli Gemma Taylor Grace Toby Tom Emma Rhiannon Jacob Sarah Erin Hope Tristan 7AM Chloe Rebecca Jessie Shyra Eliza Holly Kate Ebbony Mikaelah Naomi Joshua Cooper Cale Brad Bailey Jayden Lachlan Josh Daniel Mitchell Jason Tom Brody Ben 8 Emily Micheal Alexandra Thank you to the Friends of the Library who have kindly covered the funds to allow our students to experience a visiting author. Kate Willson talked with the students yesterday about being a writer and her books. Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: REMEMBRANCE DAY – LEST WE FORGET! The ninety fifth anniversary of the end of World War I and the signing of the Armistice was observed by our students at three different venues. The Year 5/6 class accompanied by teacher, Mrs Coralie Crosby and SSO Tammy Gutsche went to Bublacowie Military Museum where along with other local schools they observed this special event. A wreath made by James, Grace and Matthew with the assistance of florist, Lyn Gates and Tammy Gutsche (poppies) was laid by Sarah and Matthew. The Year 7 students accompanied by Mrs Barb Agnew attended the RSL commemoration at the Memorial at the town oval. Again, two of our students, Eliza and Mitchell laid a wreath to recognise the sacrifice of so many Australians not only in World War I but in every war since. This wreath too, was made by James, Grace and Matthew. The remainder of the students, Years R–11, observed this special event at a ceremony organised by Mr Chris Carroll and the Year 10 students and held by the flagpole on the western side of the school. A number of staff and students participated in the ceremony including Miss Wilson (Introduction), Mr de Gooyer (the Address), Kiara (Prayer of Remembrance), Aimee, Jasmine and Lucy (the poem For the Fallen), Liz and Alex (the Ode) and David (The Last Post).The SRC representatives from each class filed past and placed red poppies in baskets on either side of the flagpole. The ceremony concluded with a minute’s silence, the Rouse and the National Anthem. Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: UNIFORM 2014 Uniform Sales With the advent of a new uniform supplier we have changed the way that uniforms are ordered. There will be a uniform order once per term. Uniforms ordered will be available before the start of the school year and then at the beginning of each term during the year. Uniforms will be available for sizing purposes on the following days, at the following times: Monday 18 Nov – 8.30-10.30am & 2.30-4.00pm Tuesday 19 Nov – 8.30-10.30am Orders will be accepted with payment until Friday 22nd November. If these times are not convenient please call Anne Collins on 0438521644 to arrange an alternative time. Uniform Order Form Please fill in the form with the necessary information and return it to the front office with payment or your credit card details. We will notify you when the uniform is ready for collection. Thank you. Parent’s Name _______________________ Phone _______________ Email ________________________________ Child/children’s Name __________________________________________________ Description Sizes Price (each) T-shirt - junior 4 6 8 10 12 14 T-shirt - senior XS S M L XL XXL Total Quantity Total Price $35.00 $35.00 4 6 8 10 12 14 Jumper -junior $40.00 Jumper -senior S M L XL XXL XXXL 4 8 10 12 14 16 $10.00 *Clearance price 82 87 92 97 102 107 $10.00 *Clearance price Shorts - junior Shorts - senior (cm measurement) Hat XS S/M M/L L/XL $40.00 $12.00 TOTAL Payment Method: Bankcard Credit Card Visa Cash Mastercard Cheque Other ………..…………………….. (please specify) Expiry Date …./….. Cardholder name_____________________________________ Signature ________________ Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: COMMUNITY NOTICES BLUE LIGHT DISCO Saturday 30th November at Minlaton Town Hall 6.30pm – 9.00 pm $5 entry plus $5 supper Reception to Year 8 only Canteen, Prizes and DJ Lock-in event that is supervised by police. This is a fundraising event for the skate park in Minlaton. RAZZ RAZZ is a musical and dramatic performance group which has toured regional South Australia for the last thirteen years, presenting a show to primary and area schools. From 2014, RAZZ will become an independent group under Footlight Theatre and as such is able to include any students who wish to participate, providing they are able to attend rehearsals and go on tour. The tour lasts for one week and is usually in term 3 (dates for 2014 not finalised yet). Rehearsals will be held at Minlaton District School every Thursday from 3:45 to 5:00pm in the Drama Room. Initial cost will be $15 registration fee and the tour fees are usually around $130 covering transport, accommodation and meals. I am calling for expressions of interest for the 2014 tour entitled "The Pharaoh and the Pyramid". Anyone who is interested in playing the music (sax, trumpet, trombone, flute, clarinet, extra percussion), vocals, acting (some very funny major roles and many bit parts), dancing (need at least six to learn belly dancing), backstage (managing props, costumes, helping with sound etc) or costume making, can contact me on 0427617690 or leave a message at Minlaton District School on 88532346. Anyone from year 6 upwards in 2014 is welcome. Carol Wilkin RAZZ YP’s GOT TALENT YOUTH EDITION WALLAROO TOWN HALL Saturday 23 November 7.00pm Tickets $5 (to purchase tickets call Wanita on 88281200 or call into Kadina Council office) Copper Coast YAC Brought to you by the Copper Coast Youth Advisory Committee Phone: 8852 1233 Fax: 8852 1024 Email: 2013 Christmas Tree Festival Thursday 28 & Friday 29 November Come and see Christmas Tree displays by schools, businesses and local community groups. You be the judge of the best display Yorketown Town Hall 10:00am to 6:00pm Light lunch / Afternoon tea available Entry Gold coin donation Yorketown Progress Association Inc