Newswire - Florida Agenda


Newswire - Florida Agenda
The cost of gender confusion in
America. PAGE 10
The cost of keeping gays out of
the military. PAGE 8
Newswire Iconic bar commissions creation of
rainbow pride flag in Miami Beach
n Fort Lauderdale n Miami
n Bay Area n Central Florida
Empire Stage's
new play "Sex
and Violence"
opens with
shows through
Feb. 13.
Courtesy, Empire Stage
n IT'S
After years
battling the
courts, Martin
Gill's adoption
of foster children is official.
Courtesy, The Miami Herald
UP: Circuit-
sytle party
El Gancho
arrives this
weekend in
Ybor City.
Palace Bar to celebrate
23rd anniversary Feb. 3
Now in its 23rd year as the first and
only gay bar/restaurant on Ocean
Drive, Palace is saying “Thank You” to
the community in a big way.
Thursday, Feb. 3 beginning at 7 p.m., get
ready for non-stop entertainment, complimentary cocktails until 8:30 pm and a
few surprises.
Located at 1200 Ocean Drive in the
heart of the Art Deco District, Palace
has entertained countless men and
women for decades. Their legacy of infamous weekend drag shows, luscious
libations and mouth-watering burgers
prevails today. Whether gay, lesbian,
bisexual, transsexual or straight, it is
the place to be on South Beach.
“We didn’t want to wait another two
years – our 25th year – to thank the community for their support through the
years. The past year has been an especially challenging one for many, and
Palace has continued to be a place to just
get away from it all; to laugh with
friends, enjoy the show and, of course,
enjoy a few cocktails,” said Palace
Photo by Felix Becerra
General Manager Ivan Cano says, “The Palace Bar has continued to be a place to just get
away from it all; to laugh with friends, enjoy the show and, of course, enjoy a few cocktails.”
General Manager Ivan Cano.
February 2011 also marks the third
anniversary of Palace’s acquisition by
Thomas J. Donall, a Miami Beach resident who has continued to maintain and
enhance Palace’s place as one of the
most successful gay-owned establish-
ments on South Beach.
In commemoration of the anniversary, Palace has commissioned the creation of a Rainbow Pride flag, which
will be presented to the City of Miami
See PALACE BAR on Page 15
Rick Scott: only married couples should adopt children
Courtesy, DJ Abel
Erika Jayne to
perform her
hits live at
House Jan. 30.
Less than a month after taking office,
Florida Gov. Rick Scott has already
dissed the LGBT community by not
including them in a human rights
proclamation. Now the controversial
governor is making headlines again, this
time by saying that he doesn’t want lesbian and gay couples adopting children,
a right that the community just recently
won in the courts.
“I believe that adoption should be by a
married couple,” Scott told reporters
and editors at the annual Associated
Press planning session in Tallahassee.
While our community is used to governors in Florida who were opposed to the
adoption of children by gays and lesbians, Scott is taking it one step further
by saying he doesn’t even want single
males or females getting their hands on
kids in need.
Scott’s appointment to be the new sec-
retary of the Department of Children &
Families (DCF) is David Wilkins, a former finance chief for the Florida Baptist
Children’s Home, a private agency that
allows only “professing Christians” to
adopt children in its care.
Scott spokesman Brian Burgess said
the governor has no plans to revive the
ban on gay adoptions at this time.
“The governor's priority is job cre-
See ADOPT on Page 15
JANUARY 27, 2011
Gill’s adoption of two
foster sons becomes final
MIAMI – After a successful fight to overturn Florida’s ban on adoption by gay men
and lesbians, the two young brothers adopted by Martin Gill participated in an adoption
ceremony in Judge Cindy Lederman's chambers in Miami-Dade County Juvenile Court
last week, marking the final step in their
adoption process. Gill and his partner had
served as foster parents to the two brothers
for six years. Gill worked with the American
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to fight for the
right to adopt them by challenging Florida’s
33-year-old ban on gay people adopting. As a
result of the ACLU lawsuit on behalf of Gill,
the ban was ended last year.
“We are thrilled that after so many years,
we are officially a family in the eyes of the
law,” said Gill. “All children deserve a permanent, loving home. This is a happy day.”
In November 2008, Miami-Dade Circuit
Court Judge Lederman held that the statute
barring adoption by gay people is unconstitutional and granted Gill's petition to adopt
brothers. Last year, the Third District Court
of Appeal upheld that decision after the
state appealed.
“Martin and his family were instrumental in ending one of the most discriminatory laws in the country,” said Leslie Cooper,
staff attorney with the ACLU Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender Project.
“Hopefully now, thousands of children in
Florida who are waiting to be adopted will
be able to know the love and support of having a family.”
“We are delighted for the Gill family,
and thankful to Judge Lederman for seeing that justice was done for Florida’s children,” said Howard Simon, executive
director of the ACLU of Florida. “The welfare of the children of Florida and their
need to be part of a permanent family had
been held hostage to anti-gay politics for
far too long. We wish Martin and his family all of the best, and we are thankful that
the two brothers he has so lovingly cared
for will have a permanent home and be
part of a forever family.”H
AHF collecting your jeans
Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is collecting
used jeans as part of its JEANS FOR LIFE
campaign. AFH will collect your old jeans
and resell them through their Out of the
Closet thrift stores. Monies raised from the
jeans goes to HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention. Used jeans can be dropped off at
Sidelines Sports Bar, Georgie’s Alibi, Bill’s
Filling Station, New Moon and Rosie’s Bar
and Grill. For more information, visit
Unit Coalition to host
‘Leaders, Legends and
Lovelies Ball’
MIAMI BEACH – Celebrating the good,
positive and outstanding within our LGBT
community, The Unity Coalition’s Leaders,
Legends & Lovelies Lectures & Exhibits
strive to focus on just that.
Bringing lecturers from all walks of
life in the LGBT and friends of community, the events focus on the similarities
rather than the differences we all share,
and how we can inspire others to do
good, excel, be proud of who they are and
just be better people.
On April 14, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Unity
will host the Unity Coalition Leaders,
Legends and Lovelies Ball, and your participation will help make this magical night
even better.
The Ball will feature the unveiling of the
Exhibit at the Art Deco Welcome Center,
featuring a celebration of our LGBT community and its history through art, photography and costumes; introduction of the
2011 LL&L honorees; and the unveiling of
the UC Legends Dolls, a one-of-a-kind collection of fashion dolls created by and in the
image of local divas. They will be exhibited
and auctioned to benefit UC programming,
along with many other great items being
donated for fundraising efforts as part of a
silent auction that night.
The event will also feature an open bar,
light fare, music, live performance art, gift
bags and a magical evening. The Exhibit
(April 14-16) and Ball will take place at the
Art Deco Welcome Center, 1001 Ocean
Drive, Miami Beach. The lectures will take
place April 16 and coincide with the Miami
Beach Gay Pride festival.
For more information, visit
WIN looking for walkers
Network (WIN) is looking for people to join
them in an exciting and spiriting effort to
help weaken the impact that HIV/AIDS currently has in our community. WIN has
formed a team to participate in the Florida
AIDS Walk, a 10K walk in Fort Lauderdale
on Sunday, March 20. The money WIN raises
for the Florida AIDS Walk will be used to
provide needed care and services for the
women, men and children in our community
who are living with HIV/AIDS. It will also
fund the expansion of free HIV testing, prevention education and treatment referral
right here in Fort Lauderdale and throughout the state of Florida.
In order to reach our goal of $5,000, we
are looking for 40 walkers to take part in
the event. Please note that you do not have
to be a WIN member to be on the team.
The more walkers we get, the more money
we can raise.H
Equality Florida to host
Equality Friends, Family
and Allies Dinner
MIAMI BEACH – Equality Florida will
host its first-ever Equality Friends, Family
and Allies Dinner from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on
Thursday, Jan. 27, at Asia de Cuba at The
Mondrian, 1100 W. Ave., Miami Beach.
The event, which benefits Equality
Florida, includes a three-course meal
paired with cocktails and wines. The cost
is $95, and tickets can be purchased at
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ cost
military $193 million in
the past six years.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. military's ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell’ ban on gays
serving openly in the military cost the
Pentagon more than $193 million over six
years, the Government Accountability
Office recently reported.
In the first-ever public accounting of the
cost of the Clinton-era policy, which
remains in effect despite its December
repeal, the GAO determined that the bulk of
that expenditure, $185.7 million, went
toward recruiting and training replacements for the 3,664 gay service members
expelled during those years. The Pentagon
spent another $7.7 million on administrative costs.
The report also suggested that the cost on
military readiness of the policy had been
high. It said 79 percent of soldiers expelled
from the Army under “Don't Ask, Don't
Tell” held jobs that were critical to military
operations. In the Navy, 760 sailors expelled
spoke languages considered critical to U.S.
military operations, including Arabic,
Serbian and Haitian Creole, the report said.
"Today's GAO report underscores that the
‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell’ law not only deprives
the military of the qualified Americans it
needs, but has also been a huge waste of taxpayer dollars on replacing patriots lost
under this discriminatory law," Aubrey
Sarvis, an Army veteran and executive
director for Servicemembers Legal Defense
Network, said in a statement.
The average cost was $52,800, but it varied
widely by service, the GAO said. The Navy's
cost was the highest, at $103,000 per recruit.
"Our calculations for the services'
replacement costs amount to about $19.4
million for the Air Force, $39.4 million for
the Army, $22.0 million for the Marine
Corps, and $104.9 million for the Navy," the
GAO report stated.
The majority of those expelled had
already served at least two years in the military, the report found.H
HUD proposes rule to
ensure equal access to
Department of Housing and Urban
Development has proposed new regulations intended to ensure that its core housing programs are open to all eligible persons, regardless of sexual orientation or
gender identity.
“This is a fundamental issue of fairness,”
said HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. “We
have a responsibility to make certain that
public programs are open to all Americans.
With this proposed rule, we will make clear
that a person’s eligibility for federal housing
programs is, and should be, based on their
need and not on their sexual orientation or
gender identity.”
HUD is also conducting the first-ever
national study of discrimination against
members of the LGBT community in the
rental and sale of housing. Every 10 years,
HUD Secretary Shawn Donovan
Courtesy, ABC News
HUD does a study of the impact of housing
discrimination on the basis of race and
color. HUD undertook this important
research in 1977, 1989 and 2000 and is currently undertaking this study again. It is
believed that LGBT individuals and families
may remain silent because in many local
jurisdictions, they may have little or no
legal recourse. While there are no national
assessments of LGBT housing discrimination, there are state and local studies that
have shown evidence of this sort of bias.
The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in rental, sales and lending
on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability and familial
status. Approximately 20 states, and the
District of Columbia, and more than 150
cities, towns and counties across the
nation have additional protections that
specifically prohibit such discrimination against LGBT individuals. Under
guidance announced last year, HUD will,
as appropriate, retain its jurisdiction
over complaints filed by LGBT individuals or families but also jointly investigate or refer matters to those state, district and local governments with other
legal protections.H
Justice Dept. defends
DOMA in court
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Gay rights
advocates are criticizing the Obama
Justice Department after its attorneys
filed a court motion last Thursday in support of the Defense of Marriage Act
(DOMA) despite the president's view that
the law should be repealed.
The DOMA defines marriage as a union
between a man and woman -- a provision
the administration has suggested is ripe
for scrutiny after Congress repealed the
“Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy banning
gays from serving openly in the military.
But the Justice Department nevertheless
filed a brief this week before the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in
defense of the law after a lower-court
judge ruled it unconstitutional.
The Justice Department says it's obligated to defend U.S. policy regardless of
the president's personal beliefs.
"All families deserve the recognition
and respect of their government. We know
the president supports us. It's time for him
to help lead the American public toward
full equality for all Americans," Human
Solmonese said in a statement. H
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
A very masculine woman and a very
effeminate man walked into a bar…
This is not a joke. A very masculine
woman and a very effeminate man walked
into a bar to get a drink, but neither could
afford one. According to a new study
released by the National Center for
Transgender Equality, and the National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force, gender nonconforming people and transgender people
live in extreme poverty at four times the
national rate, and are twice as likely to be
unemployed. If they’re persons of color,
they fare far worse.
When openly gay actors Chris Colfer
and Jane Lynch, from the popular television program Glee, won awards at the
Golden Globes for best supporting actor
seems to have found her niche in the work
she is doing. Her gender non-conforming
appearance may even make her more
attractive to those people who want to have
their body tattooed or pierced. If she came
to me for advice because she had changed
her mind about the direction of her life,
and now wanted to work on the trading
floor at one of the major banks, I would
suggest to her that her chances for success
would increase if she shaved and took the
giant rings out of her earlobes. She might
respond, “But most banks prohibit discrimination based upon gender expression, don’t they? Why would I need to
change my appearance?” And I would
probably respond, “I don’t know the
answer to that question.”
gender people?”
What if we dropped gender expression
from ENDA and kept gender identity?
Most banks actually say they prohibit discrimination based upon gender identity
but they don’t include expression. It’s
okay now to be a transsexual person but
not one who pushes the boundaries on
gender conformity.
If Chris Colfer in “Glee” didn’t have the
great voice that he does, he might have a
tough time finding meaningful work
because of his effeminate speech and manner. If effeminate men, regardless of their
sexual orientation, are not successful in
the arts, their job opportunities are often
limited to floral design and hair styling.
It seems to me that though most gay men
Editor-in-Chief JEREMY JONES
Creative Director DENNIS DEAN
Production Manager JONATHAN BUGG
President for Business Development CLIFF DUNN
General Manager JAMIE FORSYTHE
Administrator SEAN UTHE
Brand Managers:
BRAD CASEY - REAL ESTATE - 954-554-4912
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The original gender bender Julie Andrews in Victor Victoria
National Ad Representative
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Placement by Fridays, 5 p.m.
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Placement by Mondays, 5 p.m. Artwork by Mondays, Noon
and actress in a series, one might have
been tempted to announce “Mission
accomplished. The culture war has been
won!” But it hasn’t yet, especially for people who make us uncomfortable because
they are gender non-conforming. Young
people refer to such non-conformance as
“gender queer.”
Chris Colfer is effeminate, and Jane
Lynch is a bit masculine, but they are very
talented people. If you are a very talented,
wealthy, likeable, and influential person, or
you bring business or status to your
employer, you can get away with being an
effeminate man or a masculine woman.
But if you’re an average person whose
presentation of self exceeds traditional
gender boundaries in mannerisms, voice
level, attire, and other forms of expression
you will have a harder time being
embraced by the general public or making
a living. Most employers, even those with
policies that prohibit discrimination based
upon gender identity or expression, are
not comfortable having gender non-conforming people as the face of their company. Lower-paying back office positions can
be found, but very effeminate men and
very masculine women are unlikely to be
in higher-paying front office jobs. Many
young, so-called “gender queer” people
work at Starbucks, Target, and Walmart.
There’s a heavily tattooed, pierced, and
bearded woman I know who works as a tattoo artist. I say, “Hi” to her when I see her,
but she generally doesn’t respond. She
The Employment Non-Discrimination
Act (ENDA), according to most insiders,
Representatives if it didn’t include gender
identity (transsexuality) and expression
(cross dressing and other gender non-conforming behaviors). Most Americans
oppose job discrimination based on sexual
orientation, and there’s probably a survey
out there saying they don’t want transsexuals fired either, but the majority of people
are not yet able to say they embrace all
expressions of gender. Most people, especially those in Congress, couldn’t yet get
their arms around the bearded lady.
So, can we never claim success until socalled “gender queer” people win Golden
Globe awards? Does the “T” in LGBT drag
us down? Are transsexuals equally invested in the equality of men who only wear a
dress occasionally? Should we be angry
with the really masculine woman and the
really effeminate man for coming into the
bar and making us uncomfortable? Should
we buy them a drink, or turn our heads
and hope they leave?
Most non-political gay and lesbian people I know don’t really get the “transgender thing.” If they had the choice, they’d
have the “T” dropped from the ENDA legislation so that sexual orientation protections would pass. In fact, a longtime gay
activist said that very thing to me at a
party last week. “Why can’t we just first
get employment protections for gay and
lesbian people, and then work on trans-
and women will never be considered “gender queer,” many of us walk at the edge of
the boundaries of gender expression. If we
win protections through federal legislation
for our sexual orientation, we may also
need protections for our mannerisms. The
same is true in corporate non-discrimination policies, which protect us until states
or the federal government does so.
Until we gay men and women see our
very real personal connection to the gay or
straight person who pushes the gender
expression boundaries, our success in the
cultural war will be undependable. We will
have won a battle, but not the war. We’re
still vulnerable to discrimination.
The bearded lady scares me, and makes
me uncomfortable. I say, “Hi” but I avoid
her. Very masculine women can have the
same effect on me, as can very effeminate
men. But I don’t want them to be poor or
unemployed. I don’t want to win my
acceptance at their expense. And I want to
understand and accept that my discomfort
with them is a reflection of my discomfort
with myself, and my fear that I don’t measure up as a "real" man.
Gender non-conforming people will only
begin to win public acceptance when gay,
lesbian, and transsexual people embrace
them as equals and worthy of respect. I
don’t have to have lunch with the bearded
lady, but I want to make sure that she can
afford her own. This sounds very close to
the feelings of some heterosexual people
about me and my gay sexual orientation.H
ALL MATERIAL in the Florida Agenda is protected by federal
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Who Knew?
According to the
American Cancer Society (ACS):
It’s encouraging to see so many pink ribbons and bumper stickers (like my personal
favorite “save the tatas”), which symbolize
the fight for a cure to cancer – and a show
support for those who are fighting for their
lives. However, it’s concerning that so many
men are under the impression this is a campaign only targeted at women. But who
knew of the dangers of men developing and
surviving breast cancer?
The chances of a man developing breast
cancer are significantly lower than for a
woman. Primary due to that fact that a
man’s breast tissue and ducts are not in continual exposure to specific hormones primarily found in women, including estrogen
and gonadotropin. However, that is not to
say men’s breasts are not undergoing any
hormone growth changes. The mild growth
does put men at a one in 1,000 chance of
developing one of the five types of breast
cancers. The National Cancer Institute
reported that there were 1,970 cases of male
breast cancer in 2010, 390 resulted in death.
This does not include the potential for
benign (non cancers) breast disorders.
Gynecomastia is the most common male
breast disorder. It is not a tumor but rather
an increase in the amount of a man's
breast tissue. Usually, men have too little
breast tissue to be felt or
noticed. A man with gynecomastia has a button-like or
disk-like growth under his
nipple and areola, which can
be felt and sometimes seen.
Although gynecomastia is
much more common than
breast cancer in men, both
can be felt as a growth under
the nipple, which is why it's
important to have any such
lumps checked by your doctor.
Unfortunately, some gay
men are not as open with
their doctors and many male
related cancers go undiagnosed and
untreated. One reason for this lack of trust
with one’s medical provider is a fear of discrimination. Others have actually had a
negative experience with their health care
professional. This poor patient/doctor
JANUARY 27, 2011
“Save the Tatas”
– Male Breast Cancer
relationship can lead to serious consequences. “Missing routine cancer screenings can lead to cancer being diagnosed at
a later stage, when it’s harder to treat,”
according to the ACS. More importantly - it
may result in a higher morbidity and mortality. And with the long list
of other cancers men are at
risk of, especially gay and
bisexual men - every second
may count.
As with anyone who
smokes, there is a risk of
developing lung cancer.
However, gay and by sexual
men are more than 10 percent more likely to smoke,
which according to ACS is
responsible for nearly 87
percent of all lung cancers.
For in individuals with a
compromised immune system (such as with HIV) recovery is even
more challenging. Skin cancer doesn’t
really have any higher rate with one’s sexuality; however, for anyone who enjoys
basking in our great Florida sun, you may
find yourself at a greater risk.
Additionally, skin tone and family history
plays a role. Prostate and colon cancer is
more common in men over the age of 50,
but again smoking and diet (red meat)
increases those odds.
Apparently, sexuality does have an
influence on increased risk of anal cancer. Gay and bisexual men are 17 percent
more likely to develop anal cancer. In
addition, contraction of human papillomavirus (HPV) (a sexually transmitted
infection) increases those risks, especially for individuals with weakened immune
systems. Penile cancer is also a risk factor
linked to HPV, affecting 800 men annually
according to the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC). Testicular cancer affects
near 10 times that many men each year,
putting men between the ages of 20 and 54
higher at risk.
Overall the picture should be clear. The
“Big C” is nothing to ignore. Your race,
gender and sexual orientation doesn’t
immune you – it may even increase your
risk. Your best bet is early detection and
an open relationship with your doctor;
shockingly something four in 10 gay men
don’t have. But that’s another story.H
JANUARY 27, 2011
jean’s kitchen
Hollandaise sauce
This sauce using egg yolks and butter
appeared in the 19th century. Various
sources say it was first known as “sauce
Isigny” (a town in Normandy, France
which is renowned for the quality of its
butter). Hollandaise requires some skill
and knowledge to prepare and hold.
Properly made, it will be smooth and
creamy with no hint of separated oil. The
flavor will be rich and buttery, with a mild
tang. It must be prepared and served
warm, but not hot. There are a number of
different methods for preparing a
Hollandaise sauce. All methods require
near-constant agitation, usually with a
wire whisk.
My method is known as a “bain marie
method.” Another family of methods uses
a blender. Yolks are placed in a blender,
then butter – at a temperature higher than
appropriate for bain marie methods – is
drizzled into the blender. Heat from the
butter cooks the yolks. Blender methods
are much quicker, though temperature
control is difficult. The results of blender
methods may be OK, but they are generally considered to be inferior to the results
of a bain marie method. This sauce is used
for asparagus, poached fish, artichoke
hearts … and, of course, eggs benedict.
3 fl oz of vinegar
3 egg yolks
5 oz butter
half a lemon juice
Melt the butter slowly and then skim the
whey on top and keep the butter warm.
In a small saucepan, reduce the vinegar until about 2 tablespoonfuls are left
and cool it down by putting the bottom of
the sauce pan into cold water. Add the
yolks and 2 tablespoonfuls of cold water
and whisk.
Put your saucepan in a bain-marie
which is close to boiling point, and whip
continuously making “8” shapes. When
the sauce has become thick enough, take
the sauce pan out of the bain-marie and
gently and progressively pour in the
melted butter and work as if you were
making a mayonnaise.
Add a pinch of salt, and then the
lemon juice. You are a chef !H
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
Palace Bar thanks community in a big way
PALACE BAR continued from Page 1
Beach GLBT Business Enhancement
Committee. The 50-pound flag, measuring
20 feet by 80 feet, will be made available
for use in citywide events, including
Miami Beach Gay Pride.
“Miami Beach is such a diverse and
welcoming community, that it is only
appropriate that the city should own their
own piece of the rainbow,” said Cano.
In addition to complimentary cocktails
and hors d’oeuvres from 7 p.m. to 8:30 pm,
Palace will have an extraordinary showcase of drag queens strutting their stuff,
singing and dancing.
The event will also mark the launch of
“Palace Boys,” Palace’s unprecedented
at For the past several weeks, nearly 100 young men from
all over the country have submitted
videos and profiles in order to be considered for one of 10 spots in the Palace
Boys competition.
The 10 semifinalists will be announced
and introduced to the crowd that
evening, as well as to a worldwide audience watching the live broadcast.
Created by Cano and produced by
Palace, Andrew Richardson Creative and
Toni Gonzalez, Palace Boys will combine
a wide range of innovative and interactive technology, including all social media
platforms, USTREAM, Skype, Stream Box
and live mobile broadcast. More than 16
live cameras will be focused on the contestants for the entire world to see.
Tiffany Fantasia and Noel Leon, Palace’s
legendary drag queens, will host the show,
in which participants will live together,
play together and work together at Palace,
while competing for votes in challenges.
They will use social media, provide video
updates and live video chats, even recording and broadcasting each other. For
more information about the anniversary
event or Palace boys, please
visit or call
(305) 531-7234. H
Florida’s new governor under fire
again from LGBT community
ADOPT continued from Page 1
ation and not setting new legal precedent
at DCF,” Burgess said.
Though Scott opposes gay adoptions,
“he will follow the law, whatever the law
is,” Burgess said. Scott said it doesn't matter what Wilkins' personal view is. “I'm
the governor and whatever my position
will be, will be the position that will be
enforced,” he said.
Also on Wednesday, Attorney General
Pam Bondi said she has no plans to challenge the appeal court's decision.
“We are following through with what
McCollum did on that and chose not to
continue,” she said at the AP meeting.
Howard Simon, head of the ACLU of
Florida, believes that his group and other
advocates of adoption by gay and lesbian
couples need to gear up for a continuing
fight in the right to raise children.
“This is not over, and what we now have
to do is roll up our sleeves and defend the
ruling of the courts,” he said. ``We are
preparing now for an assault, either in
the Legislature or on the ballot in 2012.
DCF currently has a budget of about $3
billion per year. In November 2010, 19,843
kids were in the foster care program at
DCF, looking for permanent homes. In the
past two years, more than 2,752 kids have
been adopted out of foster care and into
permanent homes.
Groups all over Florida are not taking
Scott’s statements lightly.
Florida Together, an LGBT equality
group, said, “Obviously, this is an end-run
around the courts on gay and lesbianinclusive adoption. It could remove millions of Floridians from the adoption
process and leave tens of thousands of
children in state foster care who could otherwise be adopted by loving families.” H
Florida Gov. Rick Scott (above), has no plans to revive the ban on gay adoptions.
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
GLAAD announces nominees for
22nd annual GLAAD Media Awards
The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation (GLAAD), the nation’s lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
media advocacy and anti-defamation
organization, announced the nominees for
its 22nd Annual GLAAD Media Awards.
By recognizing and honoring media for
outstanding images of the LGBT community, the GLAAD Media Awards serve as a
benchmark for the media industry and
complement GLAAD’s work to bring LGBT
images and stories to Americans.
Cholodenko's Golden Globe-nominated
film “The Kids Are All Right;” “ I Love
You Phillip Morris” starring Jim Carrey
and Ewan McGregor; “Howl” starring
James Franco; the summer hit film “Easy
A;” HBO’s acclaimed drama “True
Blood;” Fox’s hit show “Glee;” ABC’s
“Modern Family,” NBC’s hit sitcom “30
Rock” and “Prodigal Sons,” a documentary about a transgender woman and her
family; season eight of “Project Runway;”
“The Oprah Winfrey Show” for Ricky
Martin's first televised interview;
MSNBC’s interview with Fort Worth City
Council member Joel Burns; CNN’s
“Anderson Cooper 360;”’s
“Bridal Bliss: Aisha and Danielle;” the
Scissor Sisters; Chely Wright; and
I Love You Phillip Morris
The Kids are All Right
Spanish-language nominees “Levántate,”
“Aquí y Ahora,” “Caso Cerrado,” “Casos
de Familia;” and openly gay music artists
Christian Chávez and Fedro.
In 2011, the GLAAD Media Awards will
also celebrate GLAAD’s 25th anniversary,
looking back at a quarter-century of working to build acceptance and advance equality through LGBT images in the media.
“This year’s nominees represent some
of the images and stories at the root of the
growing acceptance of our community
and support for our equality,” said
GLAAD President Jarrett Barrios. “They
also have created a benchmark for inclusion of our community that other media
outlets should look to. As GLAAD celebrates 25 years of working with the
media, we are proud to recognize this
year’s nominees, and we challenge the
industry to share more stories that reflect
the diversity of our community and the
challenges that gay and transgender people face.”
The GLAAD Media Awards ceremonies
will be held in New York on March 19 at
the Marriott Marquis in Times Square; in
San Francisco on May 14 at San Francisco
Marriott Marquis and in Los Angeles
(details to be announced).
GLAAD announced 114 nominees in 23
English-language categories, and 33
Spanish-language nominees in nine categories. In the English-language categories, cable networks earned 22 nominations, while broadcast networks garnered
11 nominations.
This year, GLAAD introduced a new category to recognize independent blogs in
recognition of the growing role of online
media in shaping today’s culture. The first
nominees in this category are The Bilerico
Project, Blabbeando, Joe. My. God., Pam’s
House Blend, and Rod 2.0.
Special Honorees for each city will be
announced in the coming weeks.
To receive the latest updates on the
GLAAD Media Awards, follow @glaad and
use the hashtag #glaadawards.
The GLAAD Media Awards recognize
and honor media for their fair, accurate and
inclusive representations of the lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender community
and the issues that affect their lives.
The 22nd Annual GLAAD Media
Awards nominees were published,
released or broadcast between January 1,
2010 and December 31, 2010. Nearly 1,000
media projects were considered by over 85
volunteers serving on seven nominating
juries. Each year, the GLAAD Media
Awards in New York, Los Angeles and San
Francisco bring together more than 5,000
supporters to raise nearly $3.5 million for
the organization’s work.
For a more information and a full list of
nominees and corporate partners, visit
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
Sex and violence
in Fort Lauderdale
This time it's a new play
Part of the reason to see the world premiere of a play is to catch it in its embryonic stage, to see it try and obtain its sea
legs as it makes its first journey from page
to stage.
The Empire Stage Theater in Fort
Lauderdale, a theater that often presents
works of interest to the LGBT community,
is now offering the world premiere of “Sex
and Violence,” by Ronnie Larsen.
“Making Porn” may be Larsen's most
famous play, but he's also written “10
Naked Men,” “Sleeping with Straight
Men,” and “Cocksucker: A Love Story.”
Obviously he knows his audience (which is
why some nudity is usually thrown in).
He uses as his inspiration point the true
story of a New York transsexual who kept
a corpse in her closet for over 15 years.
Larsen combines that 1979 story with a
2011 one about a writer struggling with
writers block as he tries to find the subject matter for his second bestseller.
Needless to say, sex, violence and laughter
is the result.
Ronnie Larsen says this play is about,
“money, desperation, loneliness, gender,
book publishing, marriage, commitment,
fear, murder, love, sex, violence.” Therein
lies the problem. It's about too many
things, particularly for a play that's supposed to be less than 90 minutes long. It
scatters its shots and loses sight of any single target.
The playwright currently lives in
Mexico and hasn't seen this first-time
production, and that hurts, because any
writer will make changes once he sees
his work in full performance - some
scenes will be tightened, some expanded,
and others dropped altogether.
Dressed in a form that's part theaterof-the-absurd, part Texas chainsaw
splatter movie (or what the French
called Grand Guignol, to give its proper
theater lineage), part drag show on the
down low, and part satire on all of the
above. You admire it for its audacity and
energy even if this production fails to
hang together.
Jeff Holmes, the director, hasn't given
it the nimble tempo the playwright
intended. Again, if Larsen had been present he may have helped Holmes find ways
to reduce the costume and furniture
changes that halts the pace too often,
even if there is a clever selection of
Courtesy, Empire Stage
recorded songs to cover such moments.
“Sex and Violence” demands brave performances from its actors and this cast
gives it their all (and even a couple of the
men appear in their all-together).
South Florida theatergoers will recognize some familiar faces, including David
R. Gordan, who's also the founding partner of Empire Stage Theater, and Kitt
Marsh who was recently so good in “Fit
To Be Tied.”
Even if there are some missteps, do
give yourself this rare chance to see the
very first production of an original play.
Empire Stage Theater is located at 1140
N. Flagler Drive in Fort Lauderdale.
Tickets are $30 and can be purchased
online at or at the
boxoffice before performances. Runs
Thursdays thru Sundays until Feb. 13.H
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
Letter to the Editor
It is absolutely unbelievable that Florida
Agenda would provide a forum so that
Nick Stone, vice president of the “socalled” Sunshine Gay Republicans, could
verbally and relentlessly accost and insult
U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, a
great friend and supporter of the gay community.
While Rep. Wasserman-Schultz and
other trusted and respectable politicians
and pundits urged the media and other
politico’s to tone down their rhetoric in the
wake of the tragedy in Tucson, Mr. Stone,
provided us with the usual rant of distortions, distractions and, in his own words,
“bald faced lies,” we have come to expect
from right-wing extremists.
Going back 30 years, Mr. Stone’s diatribe
included the well-debunked myth, but
often repeated right-wing talking point,
that Jimmy Carter and John Wayne Gacy
were friends; they were not, nor was Gacy
a friend of Roselyn's.
President Obama was never a “friend” of
William Ayers or Bernadette Dorn, however, Mr. Stone, along with others on the hateful right continues to repeat that lie. It didn’t work in 2008 and it doesn’t work now.
William Ayers and the president did
serve on the board of the Chicago
Annenberg Challenge, an education initia-
tive focused on mainstream thinking
among education reformers. Known as
CAC, Walter Annengerg and his wife
Leonore, funded that project.
Stone should be reminded that it was
President Richard Nixon that appointed
Annenberg as ambassador to the Court of
St. James's in the United Kingdom. And, it
was Annenberg who introduced President
Reagan to British Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher. The Reagan’s often
celebrated New Year's Eve with the
Leonore Annenberg was named by
President Ronald Reagan as the State
Department's chief of protocol, and served
as an assistant to Mrs. Reagan. Therefore,
using the logic of Mr. Stone one could easily say that the Annenbergs, Nixon’s and
Reagan’s, were also friends of Bill Ayers
and Bernadette.
Democrats, left wingers and liberals are
the first to admit they have experienced
their share of turbulent and violent acts,
dating back to the Kennedy assassination.
But trying to equate Democrats, liberals
and “lefties” to Stone’s other examples of
the past 30 years is not only worn and
dated assumptions, but ludicrous!
Not sure where Mr. Stone has been during recent history, or where he was during
the Oklahoma City bombing, when rightwing extremists Timothy McVeigh and
Terry Nichols killed 168 people.
Has he forgotten The Centennial
Olympic Park bombing? July 27, 1996 in
Atlanta, during the 1996 Summer
Olympics, the first of four committed by
Eric Robert Rudolph, a right-wing extremist and former explosives expert for the
United States Army. Two people died, and
111 were injured.
Then there were the 2001 anthrax
attacks, letters containing anthrax spores
were mailed to several news media offices
and two Democratic U.S. Senators, killing
five people and infecting 17 others. The
accused was not a Liberal.
How will we ever forget the Fort Hood
Shooting, a mass shooting that took place
on November 5, 2009, or February 18, 2010,
when Andrew Stack, another right-winger
flew his airplane into the IRS building in
Austin, Texas killing one other person and
injuring many more. Mr. Stack was a TeaBagger Republican.
Not to mention, the murder of George
Tiller, an abortion doctor from Kansas, and
how can anyone forget, the United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting on
June 10, 2009 at the U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.?
These were not the work of Democrats, liberals or left-wing nuts.
It is time for Mr. Stone to put his “bigboy” pants on and “man-up.” If he thinks
our memories are shorter than Newt’s
junk, he is wrong! Words do have consequences and we are witnessing that today.
Who would have ever thought, we as a
gay community would have and promote
an extremist right wing hate group propagating within our midst? Mr. Stone and his
colleagues on the far right don’t want civility, because that would weaken their cause.
Mr. Stone and his organization, offer no
solutions, only more attacks, rants and
non-stop whining. While the country is
trying to heal from the assassination
attempt and murders in Tucson, Mr. Stone
continues to ramble on, pointing fingers
and lashing out.
The Sunshine Republicans take great
pride in bulldozing their way past every
reasonable person that doesn’t agree with
their party’s manufactured poll and result
driven drivel. Their words have no meaning, and their organization no credibility
when Mr. Stone’s only defense is that
“they” did it too.
Joe McNamara
Fort Lauderdale, FloridaH
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
out in florida
NYC Producer Leslie L. Smith
and Andrews Living Arts
Theater are pleased to announce
Jim David’s “South Pathetic” to
play the ALA Comedy Series for
eight shows: Jan 27- Feb 5. The
show runs Thursday, Jan. 27 to
Sunday, Jan, 30 at 8 p.m., then
Thursday, Feb. 3 to Saturday, Feb. 5
at 8 p.m. with a special matinee
performance at 2 p.m. on Feb. 5.
“South Pathetic” tells the story of
an out-of-work performer directing
the worst community theater in
the South in “A Streetcar Named
Desire”. David plays himself as
well as ten other characters. You
can learn more about Jim David
Visit the Florida International Fine
Art Fair (FIFAF) from Feb. 2
through Feb. 12. The fair is A showcase of international galleries featuring a wide range of work including
contemporary design, decorative arts,
and antiques. The fair takes place in
the Miami Midtown Arts District.
For more information, visit
“Sex and Violence” will run at
Empire Stage Jan. 13 through Feb.
13. Shows are Thursdays, Fridays,
and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and
Sundays at 5 p.m. Empire Stage is
located at 1140 N. Flagler Drive, Fort
Lauderdale. Set in 1979 and present
day, the 90-minute play is inspired
by the true story of a New York
transsexual who kept a corpse in
her closet for 15 years. “Sex and
Violence” begins as a simple story
about Jack Shepherd, a successful
writer who goes against the wishes
of his publisher and begins to
research the “corpse” story for a
possible book. Shepherd embarks
on a journey that takes him places
he never thought he’d go and finds
himself in the middle of a twisted
tale of greed, power, love and lust.
The play ends in a shocking and
bloody climax that involves body
parts, a chainsaw and garbage bags
dripping with blood.
For tickets and information, call
(954) 678-1496 or visit
The work of famed photographer
Henning von Berg will be on display at the Dennis Dean Galleries
in an exhibit titled, “Naked,” Von
Berg’s specialty is “character portraits” and “fine art nudes” photographed in unique locations with
natural light. The former architectturned-photographer likes to photograph his models in beautiful architectural settings, many of which are
castles in old-world Europe. He also
works with both male and female
amateurs of all ages. The Dennis
Dean Gallery is located at 2440-B
Wilton Drive in Wilton Manors.H
Will return to south Florida for ONE
Feb. 1 at 8pm at The Fillmore
Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason
Theater. The evening will feature a
program of audience favorites performed by the primo ballerinas that
have made this beloved troupe the
foremost all-male comic ballet company in the world. The Fillmore Miami
Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater is
located at 1700 Washington Ave.,
Miami Beach. For more information,
visit, or
call (305) 532.9898.H
The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian
Chamber of Commerce, Greater
Miami Convention Visitor
Bureau, and the Miami Design
Preservation League, present a
90-minute guided Gay & Lesbian
Walking Tour of South Florida
on Friday, Jan. 28. Tour departs at
5 p.m. from the Art Deco
Welcome Center at Ocean Drive
and 10th Street, and ends at the
Lords South Beach Hotel, 1120
Ocean Drive, where a refreshing
drink will be provided.
Reservations are not required.
Tickets are $20, and can be purchased at MDGLCC or at MDPL's
Art Deco Welcome Center at Ocean
Drive and 10th Street. FREE to
MDPL and MDGLCC members.H
The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian
Chamber of Commerce and
Lucky Strikes Bowling Lanes
Miami Beach (1691 Michigan
Avenue) present their “Bowling
League” Networker for the LGBT
community and friends. The 10week tournament will start on Feb.
1 and end on April 5. Two games
played every Tuesday night starting at 7 p.m. Teams of four persons
each (limited space available). $190
total per person (includes shoe
rental). DJ, menu & drink specials,
fabulous prizes! Open to MDGLCC
members & friends. Inquiries &
team sign-ups call (305) 673-4440 or
out in florida
JANUARY 27, 2011
Once again, the Flamingo Resort is
bringing a whole new event to St.
Petersburg as they proudly present
Cirque. Starting Jan. 11 (10 p.m. to 4
a.m.) and continuing every Tuesday
to follow, experience a whole new
Flamingo for 18 and over. DJ Elix
will be spinning the best music. They
are putting on a whole new experience that will make the club kids of
New York scream with envy. There
will be special events and Conun
Drum hosting the show. Be ready to
experience a night that will leave you
craving for more. The Flamingo
Resort is located at 4601 34th St. S.,
St. Pete.H
Re-scheduled from December, Miss
Erika Jayne will be singing live at
the Parliament House Sunday, Jan.
30. Two amazing shows with the
Footlight Players: 7 p.m. and 4 a.m.
Expect to be entertained! $1 drafts
and wells from 10:30 p.m. to midnight.
Free entry to club all night long and
party until 3 a.m. Plenty of free parking. Dance to the sounds of Billboard
reporting DJ/VJ Brianna Lee on
the decks spinning your favorites. Hot
go-go gods in the video bar and three
rooms of music popping all night.
Parliament House is located at 410 N.
Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando.H
The main event of Gancho Tampa
Gasparilla Weekend featuring DJ
Abel, is the El Gancho Party on
Saturday, Jan. 29 from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m.
at the historic Ritz Ybor Theater. An
amalgam of heavy tribal beats and
diva anthems, spectacular lighting and
eccentric performances will make this
circuit event unlike anything Tampa
has ever seen. For tickets and more
info about other Gancho Weekend
events, visit A
portion of proceeds will benefit Metro
Wellness & Community Centers.
First 100 tickets sold are only $35, after
that prices go up to $45; $55 at the door.
Purchase tickets directly from the Ritz
Ybor box office by (813) 247-2555 to
avoid Ticketmaster fees. VIP floor is
$125 and VIP balcony is $150, both
include bottle service and private seating area.H
Sign up for the 9th Annual 10K/5K
Suncoast Classic which will be held
at Baywalk in St. Petersburg,
Florida. The USATF-Certified 10k/5k
will start promptly at 8 a.m. followed
by the Pelican Mile at 9 a.m. and the
Kids Fun Run at 9:30 a.m. The run is a
benefit for the Ronald McDonald
House Charities. The race will be
held on Saturday, Feb. 12. Ronald
McDonald House Charities of
Tampa Bay provides comfort and care
to children and their families by supporting local Ronald McDonald
Houses, its cornerstone program, and
by making grants to other local not-forprofit organizations that help children
in need. Volunteers are needed to
assist with registration, packet pickup, venue setup, water stations, course
marshals and other general duties.H
First Thursday of each month from 10
p.m. to 2 a.m. at Dunedin Bowling
Lanes, 405 Patricia Ave., in Dunedin.
For more information, call (727) 7361282.H
Join the fun for a great Sunday
happy hour at Revolution. Jimmy
has the bar open at 4 p.m. and
Karaoke with Crazy John starts at
5 p.m. with a huge potluck dinner
and prizes. What a greatway to top
off the weekend. Revolution is
located at 375 South Bumby.H
At the Parliament House, jump on
board the ’80s Super Train on
Saturday, Jan. 29. Come dressed and
enter the ’80s costume contest and
win 2 Scissor Sisters tickets and a PHouse Hotel stay. The Footlight
Players will be in full ‘80's mode for
both shows at 10 and 12. Come early
and have a great meal in The
Rainbow Cafe. Don't forget it's
always free parking and the disco will
be in full swing 'til 3 a.m. Enjoy $1
shots from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. If you don't
love the ’80s you will after this party
so make your reservations early -rooms will sell out quick.H
Sunday, Feb. 6 from 4 p.m. to 2:30
a.m. at Revolution nightclub for
the big game. Watch Super Bowl
XLV on the big screen and on over
20 flat screens. No cover. Tailgate
party from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Game
time 6 p.m. $1 drinks, beer and
touchdown shots and beer bucket
The new Stonewall presents
Super Valentine's Bowl on
Saturday, Feb. 5 from 9:30 p.m. to 2
a.m. – for the lovers of football.
Includes the award winning happy
hour with great drink specials
from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Lacie B.
Rowning will be joined at 10:30
p.m. by Vanity Vane, Dettavon,
Dashia and special drag king performances by Davie Chain and a
whole band of drag kings. Never a
cover and the best drink prices in
JANUARY 27, 2011
TOWNHOUSE ISLES Great location, private courtyard on
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WILTON MANORS Well-designed, within walking distance
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WILTON STATION 2/2 Hard Wood Floors, Granite
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townhouse style loft built in 2006. European kitchen w stainless steel appliances, black sparkle galaxy granite countertops,
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Walking distance to the nightlife of Wilton Drive. Available Feb
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Seller to pay buyer's closing costs. Great location within walking distance to downtown and dining, nightlife, and attractions of Riverwalk. $130.000 CALL JOANN MARCUS/ KENSINGTON & COMPANY 954.940.1244
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KEY WEST STYLE Amazing Wilton Manors corner lot cottage in a tropical setting. Private outdoor patio overlooking
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new A/C, front and back impact doors. Walk to Wilton Drive.
$184,900. 954.612.0946, 954.881.1753
2500+ Sq Ft 4 BR/4 BR pool home. Gorgeous living and dining areas with a beautiful working fire place. Plush tropical
pool area with fountain. This home is move-in ready.
Motivated seller! Call Brandon Frencic at 954-483-9205 for
more info. Robert Blair Real Estate, LLC.
MIDDLE RIVER TERRACE 2/1 Single Family Home, oversize
yard, separate laundry. Close to shops and restaurants on
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Group. 954.533.1130 (C): 954.993.1745.
PROGRESSO Huge Private 2/2 double lot, fireplace, brick
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JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
JANUARY 27, 2011
New chairmen of Republican National
Committee opposes same-sex marriage
While republicans are rejoicing all over
the country that the rain of bumbling,
stumbling Republican National Committee
(RNC) Chair Michael Steele is finally over,
conservative gays and lesbians should realize that new RNC Chair Reince Priebus is
certainly not a friend of Dorothy.
In an interview with the National
Organization for Marriage (NOM), an antisame sex marriage group, Priebus clearly
states that he is opposed to any type of
marriage equality rights.
“Marriage is a gift form god and the
sanctity of marriage ot (sic) to be protected,” Priebus said. “Marriage should be
between one man and one woman. I believe
the Defense of Marriage Act is important.
As Chairmen of the RNC, our platform is
strong in that area is strong – the
Republican Party has hit on all cylinders
in that issue.”
Priebus helped to make sure that a constitutional
Wisconsin in 2007 when he was the chairmen of that state’s RNC.
“Overwhelmingly, a majority of states
have already passed these amendments
because that’s what people want,”
Priebus said.
In the interview, Priebus discussed the
repercussions he feels would happen if marriage was legalized for gays and lesbians.
“The harm is children are better off with
a mom and a dad, and while I certainly
admire single parents, I know its tough,”
Priebus said. “I have two kids and both my
wife and I provide different nurturing to
our children. That was god’s intent.”
The Log Cabin Republicans, a gay
Republican coalition who filed a lawsuit
against the United States government
over the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” military
policy, has tepidly thrown their support
behind Priebus.
“As Chairman Priebus stated, ‘we must
come together over common interests. We
must unite,’” said R. Clarke Cooper, Log
Cabin Republicans executive director. “I
look forward to continuing our successful
partnership with the Republican National
Committee, and urge Chairman Priebus to
continue the Committee's strong record of
coalition-building which was an important
part of GOP success in 2010. Inclusion
wins and our party is strongest when we
embrace a big tent philosophy centered on
the core principles that unite us as
Republicans. It is onward and upward to
win back the White House.”
According to NOM President Maggie
Gallagher, 80 percent of Republicans
strongly support the current definition of
that marriage should stay between one
man and one woman.
Priebus said as RNC chairman, he will
fight against liberal judges who try to
make same-sex marriage legal.
“Our bigger challenge is our courts are
out of control,” Priebus said. “We have
judges that are legislating. That’s not what
the founders of this country intended,
that’s not what god intended, that’s not
what I believe or intend to let them do.”
Christopher R. Barron, chairman of
the GOProud Board, said he is excited to
see what Priebus will offer to the
Republican Party.
“The election of Reince Priebus marks a
changing of the guard,” Barron said.
“Finally we will have an RNC Chair who
understands that his or her role is to raise
money and build party infrastructure, not
to sell books, hire friends and family, and
pontificate on policy.”
Priebus’s predecessor, Michael Steele
had been a lot more open when it came to
LGBT rights, even holding an RNC after
hours function once at a lesbian bondage
Courtesy, RNC
club and charging the RNC donors for
the expenses.
Steel believed that same-sex marriage
rights were an issue for individual states
to handle, and he also publicly stated
that he believed that people were born
gay and lesbian and it was not something
they could control, a position that is on
the outside of the typical conservative’s
scope of brain function.H

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