2015 Fair Book - Bellville Street Fair
2015 Fair Book - Bellville Street Fair
Bellville Agricultural Society Bob McConkie President Tom Barr Bob Price Vice President Secretary / Fair Manager Ellen Walker Treasurer, Admin. Asst. Fair Board Directors Tom Barr Term Expires 2015 Bob Price Term Expires 2015 Trent Walker Term Expires 2016 Steve Broeske Term Expires 2015 Craig Roberts Term Expires 2016 Wes Weiss Term Expires 2017 Carolyn Haip Bob McConkie Jason Tilton Donald Traxler Term Expires 2015 Term Expires 2015 Term Expires 2017 Term Expires 2016 Larry Weyhmeller Rob McConkie Term Expires 2016 Term Expires 2017 Tom Pfeifer Term Expires 2016 Ron Walker Term Expires 2017 Ryan Pfeifer Term Expires 2017 Honorary Directors Scott Walters Term Expires 2017 Drew Dill Norm Johnson Marlin Hamilton Eric Mowry Bob Robinson C.W. “Bill” Smith 1 Randall Freeman Travis Tilton Bruce Steel Ron Tilton Les Williams Richard Mowry Bellville Fair 2015 We would like to thank the community for their interest and work that makes the Bellville Fair’s display of agriculture and other exhibits a success each year. BELLVILLE FAIR BOARD OFFICE 131 Main Street, Bellville OH 44813 Phone: 419-886-4280 • Fax: 419-886-4295 www.bellvilleohio.net Tom Barr: 419-886-2621 Vice President, Senior Fair Produce Committee, Junior Fair Produce Committee Carolyn Haip: 419-884-0582 4-H, Fair Entries, Canned Goods, Art Show, Needlework and Baked Goods Larry Weyhmeller: 419-961-7326 Senior Fair Produce Committee, Junior Fair Livestock Committee Bob McConkie: 419-886-3232 President, Tractor Pull Committee, Junior Fair Livestock Committee Rob McConkie: 419-989-3450 Honey Bees, Tractor Pull Committee, Junior Fair Livestock Committee, Antique Machinery Display Wes Weiss: 419-512-4161 Tractor Pull Committee, Junior Fair Livestock Committee Ryan Pfeifer: 419-632-1111 Maintenance, Tractor Pull Bob Price: 416-886-4280 Fair Manager, Secretary, Concessions, Entertainment, Pedal Pull and Scheduling Craig Roberts: 419-886-4280 Entertainment, Pedal Pull and Scheduling (continued on page 3) 2 Ellen Walker: 419-886-2856 Treasurer, Administrator Assistant Trent Walker: 567-215-5194 Maintenance and Electric Ronald Walker: 419-886-2856 Maintenance and Electrician Tom Pfeifer: 419-886-4807 Maintenance, Tractor Pull Donald Traxler: 419-886-2966 Maintenance, Produce, Tractor Pull Committee Scott Walters: 419-886-4280 Maintenance, Tractor Pull Committee Steven Broeske: 419-688-1064 Livestock and Tractor Pull Committee Jason Tilton: 419-564-5111 Junior Fair Livestock, Tractor Pull Committee “Enjoy “Enjoy the Fair” “Enjoy the the Fair” Fair” JUDGE JUDGE JUDGE FRANK ARDIS, JR. FRANK FRANK ARDIS, ARDIS, JR. JR. MANSFIELD MUNICIPAL COURT MANSFIELD MANSFIELD MUNICIPAL MUNICIPAL COURT COURT Paid For By Citizens For Judge Ardis Paid For By Citizens For Judge Ardis Paid For By Citizens For Judge Anita Kochheiser, Treasurer • 1031 Laurelwood Rd.Ardis • Mansfield, OH 44907 Anita Kochheiser, Treasurer • 1031 Laurelwood Rd. • Mansfield, OH 44907 Anita Kochheiser, Treasurer • 1031 Laurelwood Rd. • Mansfield, OH 44907 3 9 9 9 The 2015 Bellville Fair 2015 Bellville Fair TRACTOR PULL LOCATION: Jefferson Twp. Bellville Fire Dept. State Route 13 South GPS: 470 S. Main St. DATE: Sunday, September 13th TIME: 12:00 Noon See Details on page 65 4 The 2015 Bellville Fair TABLE OF CONTENTS Senior & Fair Board Members ............................................. 1 Officers ..............................................................................2-3 Constitution & Bylaws...................................................16-18 Entertainment............................................................. 114-115 Department 2 Department 3 Department 4 Department 5 Department 6 Department 7 Department 8 Department 9 Department 10 Department 11 Department 12 Department 13 Department 14 Department 1 Department 3 Department 4 Department 5 Department 6 Department 8 Department 9 Department 10 Department 11 Department 12 Department 14 Department 15 Department 16 Department 17 Department 18 JR200 Department 18 SENIOR DIVISION RULES Individual Garden Displays................................................. 24 Fresh Vegetables.................................................................. 24 Potatoes............................................................................... 26 Corn & Grain....................................................................... 27 Fruits.................................................................................... 28 Special Exhibits................................................................... 29 Flowers................................................................................ 30 Baked Goods & Candies..................................................... 33 Needle Work........................................................................ 35 Art Show............................................................................. 39 Honey Bees.......................................................................... 41 Canned Goods..................................................................... 41 Maple Syrup........................................................................ 42 Pedal Pull / Pet & Doll Show.............................................. 45 Antique Machinery Display................................................ 21 Bellville Fair Queens........................................................... 43 Schedule.............................................................................. 44 Junior Division Livestock Rules......................................... 48 Official Entry Blank.......................................................... 121 Livestock Entry Form.......................................................... 55 Tractor Pull Rules................................................................ 65 Livestock Exhibit Health Rules........................................... 69 JUNIOR DIVISION RULES Goats.................................................................................... 50 Sheep................................................................................... 50 Swine................................................................................... 50 Beef Cattle........................................................................... 51 Dairy Cattle......................................................................... 52 Rabbits................................................................................. 53 Youth Horse Show............................................................... 57 Fresh Vegetables & Crop Projects....................................... 60 Special FFA......................................................................... 62 4-H & Junior Projects.......................................................... 62 Family Life.......................................................................... 63 Sewing................................................................................. 63 Nutrition.............................................................................. 63 Other Projects...................................................................... 64 Kid’s Junior Corner............................................................. 64 Pet Show.............................................................................. 45 5 The 2015 Bellville Fair B & C RUBBISH Residential & Commercial or by the Pickup Load SERVING: Bellville • Butler • Lexington and south of Lucas Bob Britton 419.886.4520 1296 Rinehart Rd. Bellville, OH 44813 6 GENERAL RULES The 2015 Bellville Fair GENERAL RULES 1. NO PERSON will be permitted to: A. Sell or be distribute free, any 1. NO PERSON will permitted to:merchandise B. Post or display signs A. Sell or distribute free, any merchandise C. Distribute handbills or advertising material B. PostD. or display signs of any nature on the Fairgrounds except Make solicitations C. Distribute handbills or advertising material rented spaces. in contracted Concession or Commercially D. Make solicitations of any nature on the Fairgrounds except Smoking is NOT permitted in any barn and/or exhibition building. in2.contracted Concession or Commercially rented space. 3. DOGS or other PETS are NOT permitted on the Fairgrounds except Assistance Dogs and Junior Fair demonstration and building. pet show 2. Smokingfor is NOT permitted in any barn and/or exhibition animals. 3. DOGS4.orAlcoholic other PETS are NOT permitted on the beverages may NOT be brought into Fairgrounds the fairgrounds.except for Assistance Dogs and Junior Fair demonstrations and pet show 5. Bikes, Skateboards, Roller Blades (Inline Skates), Roller Skates, animals. Motorized and other Scooters, ATV’s and/or similar & wheeled devices are NOT permitted on the Fairgrounds. 4. Alcoholic beverages may NOT be brought into the fairgrounds. 6. LASER pens, pointers or any other Laser devices are NOT permitted on the Fairgrounds. 5. Bikes, Skateboards, Roller Blades (Inline Skates), Roller Skates, 7. Weand reserve the right to inspect alland/or packagessimilar and containers. Motorized other scooters, ATVs & wheeled devices are NOT permitted on the Fairgrounds. 9. The Agricultural Society assumes no responsibility for damage to or loss ofpointers parked vehicles personal property contained within parked on the 6. LASER pens, or anyorother Laser devices are NOT permitted vehicles. Fairgrounds. 7. We reserve theWELCOME right to inspect all TO packages and FAIR containers. THE Compliments of 8. The Agricultural Society assumes no responsibility for damage to or loss of parked vehicles or personal property contained within parked vehicles. Whitey’s NO DOGS Barbershop ARE Whitey Flockerzie PERMITTED Bob Suto IN THE FAIR Bellville, Ohio 886-3894 AREA! Welcome to the Fair 8 Compliments of Ron (Butch) & Ellen Walker The UPS 7 STORE The 2015 Bellville Fair Paid for by the Committee to elect Bart W. Hamilton, Treasurer Matt Finfgeld, Deputy Treasurer • 350 Avalon Dr., Mansfield, Ohio 44906 8 The 2015 Bellville Fair 9 The 2015 Bellville Fair 11 10 The 2015 Bellville Fair 11 The 2015 Bellville Fair Welcome to to the Welcome the2012 2015 Bellville Street F air Fair W elcome Street to the 2012 Bellville Fair Fair air Bellville Street F Patrick W. Dropsey Patrick W. Dropsey Richland County Auditor Richland County Auditor Paid for by friends for Pat Dropsey Committee Robin Golden, Treasurer, 539 Forest St. Mansfield, OH 44903 Paid for by friends for Pat Dropsey Committee Robin Golden, Treasurer, 539 Forest St. Mansfield, OH 44903 12 14 The 2015 Bellville Fair WELCOME to the 2015 Bellville Street Fair J. STEVE SHELDON, SHERIFF RICHLAND COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT 597 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, Ohio 44905 Paid for by Sheldon for Sheriff Committee Mike Hill, Treasurer, 1338 Tiffany Dr., Mansfield, OH 44907 13 The 2015 Bellville Fair 14 The 2015 Bellville Fair 15 The 2015 Bellville Fair CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I - TITLE This Society shall be known as the Bellville Agricultural Society. ARTICLE II - OBJECT The object of this society shall be to promote and encourage agriculture, horticulture, and the rearing of better livestock, improve domestic science and art, promote general community betterment, aid in student and children’s club work, together with all other industrial, commercial, and educational interests in the community. ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP Sec. 1 Any person 18 years of age and over and a resident of the State of Ohio may become a member of this society by paying annually the sum of one dollar ($1.00) not later than noon on Friday, the week of the fair. Sec. 2 No person shall pay or secure more than one membership and that for himself or herself. ARTICLE IV - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sec 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of a minimum fifteen (15) members. Sec. 2 There shall be five (5) Directors elected each year for a term of three (3) years, each who shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 3 The Term of Office of the retiring directors shall expire and that of the directors elected begin at the time of the Annual Meeting as provided in this Constitution. Sec. 4 Director’s residence shall be limited to Jefferson Twp. plus two (2) miles past the Twp. line to the north and two (2) miles pat the Twp. line to the west, limited to Richland County. Sec. 5 Directors may receive one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year for duties performed in addition to ten dollars ($10.00) per meeting attended. Sec. 6 Any ten (10) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 7 Any director that were to have 3 unexcused absences from regular meetings, that director could be removed from the Board of Directors. Reason for absence will to be determined excused or unexcused by the members attending. ARTICLE V - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Sec. 1 The annual election of directors of the society shall be by ballot and held in the fair office on Friday of the fair each year. Sec. 2 Only members of the society can vote or hold office. Sec. 3 The casting of votes for directors by proxies will not be permitted. Sec. 4 The following oath (or affirmation) shall be used by a competent authority in inducting newly elected directors into office at the annual meeting: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Ohio, the rules and regulations of the Board of Agriculture of Ohio pertaining to county and independent fairs and to the best of my ability perform the duties of director of the Bellville Agricultural Society, so help me God.” ARTICLE VI - ORGANIZATION AND MEETINGS Sec. 1 The Society will meet each month or/as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. Sec. 2 The Annual Meeting will be held in October of each year. Sec. 3 Proposed amendments to this constitution may be made at any regular meeting of this society by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voted on at the annual meeting. Sec. 4 Before the election of officers, the newly elected directors, shall qualify by taking oath (or affirmation) as specified in Sec 4 of Article V of this constitution. Sec. 5 The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer which will be known as the Executive Committee will be elected at the Annual Meeting. 16 The 2015 Bellville Fair Sec. 6 Any member of the Executive Committee may call a special meeting of the society. The same notice shall be given for a special meeting as is required by the rules and regulations of the Board of Agriculture for the annual meeting. ARTICLE VII - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Sec. 1 The Executive Committee members are to serve one (1) year terms as the board of directors may determine and/or until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 2 The Executive Committee may receive compensation for their duties as the Board of Directors shall deem proper. Sec. 3 The President, Vice-President must be Directors. Sec. 4 The Secretary and Treasurer may or may not be Directors. Sec. 5 President — It shall be the duty of the President to enforce all rules and regulations adopted by the State Board of Agriculture which directly affects this society, preside over all meetings, appoint all committees, and exercise supervisory control over the affairs of the society. Sec. 6 Vice-president — It shall be the duty of the Vice-president to carry out the duties of the President in his absence. Sec. 7 Secretary/Fair Manager — It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep record of all proceedings of the society, issue membership tickets, receive all monies due to the society and pay the same to the treasurer, keep accurate statement of receipts, report annually as required by law to the State Board of Agriculture and this society, renting of all spaces for concessions, rides, games, and novelties, and perform other duties either required by law or as may be required by the Board of Directors. Sec. 8 Treasurer — It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive all monies from the secretary and receipt for the same, pay all orders drawn on the treasurer when signed by the treasurer and countersigned by the president, report to the society monthly statements of income and expenses, report annually itemized statement for budgeting, report with Secretary as required by law to the State Board of Agriculture, and perform other duties either required by law or as may be required by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VIII - GENERAL BY-LAWS Sec. 1 It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to see that due publicity be given to the Fair in any manner that the Board or Society deems advisable. Sec. 2 No person shall be permitted to engage in any kind of business, traffic or exhibition within the Bellville Agricultural Society District without permit from the Board of Directors during the duration of the Fair. Sec. 3 Competition is open to all and everyone is welcome to compete for premiums as specified in the premium book. Sec. 4 All premiums will be paid by check and mailed to the winners within four weeks after the close of the Fair. Sec. 5 The Society reserves the right to pay premiums pro rata which may be awarded at each year’s fair, if there are not sufficient funds (after paying all the expenses of the society) in the treasury to pay the same in full. Sec. 6 Any exhibitor contesting the decision of a judge (the decision of the judge is final) in the award of any premium shall forfeit all right to any premium on the disputed article. Sec. 7 Articles intended for competition for premiums must be entered through the designated person before the deadline specified and must have an entry card for the competing article. Sec. 8 Exhibitors will be required to take all entries to the place provided for their exhibition. Sec. 9 All exhibitions shall be on display at the owners risk. The Board of Directors or any of its appointees assume no risk for damages to articles on display or in competition. Sec. 10 It is the intent of the Society to comply with Sec. 2305.38 of the Ohio Revised Code regarding qualified immunities from civil liability in tort upon uncompensated volunteers of nonprofitable charitable organizations, and every provision of the Constitution or By-Laws deemed by proper authority to not be in compliance with said sections are thereby repealed. 17 The 2015 Bellville Fair ARTICLE IX - SUPERINTENDENTS Sec. 1 It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors of the Society to supervise with the different Superintendents of the various departments. Sec. 2 It shall be the duty of the Superintendents to report to the assigned areas at the appropriate times and continue there and be helpful and attentive to the exhibitors. Sec. 3 It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to take charge of all articles in the department, supervise and arrange the same, and remain in charge for the duration of the Fair. Sec. 4 Each Superintendent shall see that the respective displays and spaces are properly cared for and protected while on exhibit to the best of their ability. Sec. 5 The Superintendent shall, on the day the awards are made, give such instructions as will enable them to decide all questions that may come up for their consideration, in accordance with the rules of the Society. Sec. 6 Any Superintendent may direct any consideration to the attention of the Board of Directors for resolution, Sec. 7 Superintendents may receive monies per year for duties performed in the respective departments. It is at their discretion the application of said monies. Sec. 8 Supplies for each Department will be provided by the Society. All requisitions for supplies must be acquired through the Board of Directors as to eliminate duplications. Welcome to the Fair compliments of Tom Barr and family 18 The 2015 Bellville Fair Good Luck To All Good Luck To All Bellville Exhibitors Bellville Exhibitors At This Year’s Fair At This Year’s Fair From the Staff of the Richland County Clerk of Courts Legal Division and Auto Title and RICHLAND COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS LINDA H. FRARY Working hard to provide courteous customer service and preserve records for future generations 19 16 The 2015 Bellville Fair 20 18 The 2015 Bellville Fair ANTIQUE MACHINERY DISPLAY Rob McConkie, Superintendent • 419.989.3450 **Place tractors after 12:00 p.m. Tuesday (week of the Fair)** Tractors must be in running condition Tractors do not have to be newly restored Due to limited space, limit one tractor to a person Pick up after 2:00 P.M. Saturday 21 The 2015 Bellville Fair Bellville Fair 2015 EXHIBITS DUE: Tuesday, September 15th Flowers Baked Goods & Candies Needlework Art Show Honey Bees Canned Goods Livestock Dept. 8 9 10 11 12 13 1-8 Location Old Fire Station Old Fire Station Old Fire Station Bellville Library Old Fire Station Old Fire Station Tents on S. Main St. Wednesday, September 16th Dept. Individual Farm Display 1 Individual Garden Display 2 Fresh Vegetables 3-4-5 Fresh Fruit 6 Special Exhibits 7 Time 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm 11:00 am - 7:00 pm 9:00 am - 8:00 pm 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm Location South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Time Before 6:00 pm Before 6:00 pm Before 6:00 pm Before 6:00 pm Before 6:00 pm Judging Wednesday Morning Art Show • Needlework • Flowers Baked Goods & Candies • Canned Goods Thursday Morning Fresh Fruit & Vegetables • Special Exhibits EXHIBIT REMOVAL TIMES: Saturday September 19th After 2:00 pm Art Show • Farm & Garden • Fruits & Vegetables • Special Exhibits After 4:00 pm Flowers • Baked Goods • Canned Goods • Needlework 22 The 2015 Bellville Fair SENIOR DIVISION PREMIUM LIST STREET - JUNIOR FAIR & HOMECOMING SEPTEMBER 16-19 SENIOR DIVISION RULES Carolyn Haip, Entry Superintendent REQUIRED MEMBERSHIPS ($1.00) and ENTRY TAGS ($1.00) AVAILABLE: (Jefferson Township Office, Old Fire Station) 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Saturday, September 5th; Saturday, September 12th; Monday, September 14th; Tuesday, September 15th Fair Board Members will be available at these times to assist. OR Mail to: Bellville Fair Board, 131 Main St., Bellville, OH 44813 Entry Blank on page 121 Enclose a LARGE pre-stamped envelope if tags are to be mailed to you. Refer to Livestock, pages 48-55 Refer to previous page for location & arrival time All exhibits must remain in place until 4:00 pm Saturday (unless otherwise noted) or premiums will be forfeited. • All exhibits must have entry ticket • All entry tags must be signed and sealed • All exhibitors must have correct claim ticket when removing entry • Judges have the right to see that all exhibits are worthy of premium and correctly exhibited Thank You 23 The 2015 Bellville Fair CLUB DISPLAY - 6 Ft. Table DEPARTMENT 2A - Fresh Produce, May Include Flowers. Must be grown in current year. Minimum of 10 varieties of fruits and vegetables. CLUB DISPLAY JUDGES CHECK SHEET Attractiveness 25 General Arrangement 20 Vegetables 25 Fruit 25 Miscellaneous 5 Possible Total100 1st - $40.00 2nd - $30.00 3rd - $20.00 All Others - $10.00 FRESH VEGETABLES CLASS S-3 S-3a S-4 S-5 S-5a S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-13 S-14 S-15 S-16 S-17 S-18 S-19 S-20 S-21 S-22 S-23 S-24 S-25 S-26 DEPARTMENT 3 Tom Barr, Larry Weyhmeller & Donald Traxler, Superintendents Arrangement of Gourds - 6 varieties......................... (3 ft. table space) Pumpkin & Squash Display........................................15.0010.005.00 5 varieties, 3-5 each variety Tomato Display............................................................15.0010.005.00 5 varieties, 5 each variety Pepper Display.............................................................15.0010.005.00 5 varieties, 5 each variety Nut Display................................................................... Plate of 5 Table Beets................................................... Ground Cherries.......................................................... Plate of 5 Carrots.......................................................... Plate of 5 Parsnips........................................................ Plate of 4 Turnips......................................................... Plate of 5 Red Radishes............................................... Plate of 4 White Radishes........................................... Plate of 4 Black Radishes............................................. Head of Cabbage - up to 6” dia. ................................ Head of Cabbage - over 6” dia. .................................. Head of Red Cabbage.................................................. Plate of 5 White Onions (unpeeled).......................... Plate of 5 Red Onions (unpeeled).............................. Plate of 5 Potato Onions (unpeeled)......................... Plate of 5 Yellow Onions (unpeeled)......................... Plate of 5 Bottle Onions (unpeeled).......................... Plate of 5 Bermuda Onions (unpeeled).................... Plate of 2 Eggplants...................................................... Head of Cauliflower..................................................... Plate of 5 Kohlrabi....................................................... Plate of 5 Red Tomatoes.............................................. 24 The 2015 Bellville Fair S-27 Plate of 5 Pink Tomatoes............................................. S-28 Plate of 5 Yellow Tomatoes......................................... S-29 Plate of 5 Oxheart Tomatoes...................................... S-29a Plate of 5 Roma Tomatoes.......................................... S-30 Plate of 5 Paste Tomatoes............................................ S-31 Plate of 5 Pear Tomatoes............................................. S-32 Plate of 5 Cherry Tomatoes........................................ S-32a Plate of 1-3 Hillbilly Tomatoes................................... S-32b Plate of 5 Green Cherry Tomatoes............................ S-33 Plate of 5 Slicing Cucumbers...................................... S-34 Plate of 5 Pickling Cucumbers................................... S-35 2 Bunches of Celery..................................................... S-36 5 Roots of Salsify.......................................................... S-37 5 Stems of Rhubarb (without leaves)......................... S-38 Giant Squash (soft stem)............................................. S-39 Plate of 5 Green Bell Peppers..................................... S-40 Plate of 5 Red Bell Peppers (ripe).............................. S-41 Plate of 5 Yellow Bell Peppers (ripe).......................... S-42 Plate of 5 Peppers (Banana type)............................... S-43Watermelon.................................................................. S-44Muskmelon................................................................... S-45 Plate of 5 Pimentos...................................................... S-46 Quart of Lima Beans (shelled and dried)................. S-47 Bush Lima Beans (12 pods)........................................ S-48 Butter Beans (12 pods)................................................ S-50 Plate of 5 Garlic............................................................ S-51 Head of Lettuce............................................................ S-52 Plate of 5 Mini Pumpkins........................................... S-53 Home Grown Peanuts of Stalk................................... S-54 Plate of Green Beans (12 pods).................................. S-55 Plate of Yellow Beans (12 pods)................................. S-56 Plate of Corn Beans (12 pods)................................... S-57 Plate of Pole Beans (12 pods)..................................... S-58 Plate of Kentucky Wonder Beans (12 pods)............. S-59 Sugar Pumpkin (hard stem)....................................... S-60 Common or Field Pumpkin (hard stem).................. S-60a White Pumpkin............................................................ S-61 Blue Hubbard Squash..................................................300 2.001.00 S-62 Warted Hubbard Squash............................................. S-63 Golden Hubbard Squash............................................. S-64 Banana Squash............................................................. S-65 Buttercup Squash......................................................... S-66 Giant Crookneck Squash (edible).............................. S-66a Patti Pan Squash........................................................... S-67 Delicious Squash.......................................................... S-68 Table Queen or Acorn Squash................................... S-69 Butternut Squash.......................................................... S-70 Zucchini (edible).......................................................... S-71 Summer Squash (edible)............................................. 25 The 2015 Bellville Fair S-72Citron............................................................................ S-73 Cushaw, any variety..................................................... S-74 Plate of 12 Brussels Sprouts........................................ S-75 Broccoli (main head)................................................... S-76 Plate of 5 Okra.............................................................. S-77 Plate of 5 Rutabaga...................................................... S-78 Stalk of Swiss Chard.................................................... S-79 Head of Chinese Cabbage........................................... S-80 Plate of Endive (1 head).............................................. S-81 Head of Kale (edible)................................................... S-82 Plate of Ornamental Kale............................................ S-83 Plate of 5 Hungarian Hot Wax Peppers.................... S-84 Plate of 5 Jalapeno Peppers......................................... S-85 Plate of 5 Cherry Peppers........................................... S-86 Plate of 5 Chili Peppers............................................... S-87 Plate of 5 Long Red Cayenne Peppers....................... S-88 Navy Beans (12 pods).................................................. S-88a Plate of 5 Anihiem Peppers........................................ S-88b Plate of 5 Habanero Peppers....................................... S-88c Other not listed above................................................. S-88d Plate of 5 Mesillaa Thai (large)................................... S-88e Plate of 5 Mesillaa Thai (small).................................. POTATOES DEPARTMENT 4 Tom Barr, Larry Weyhmeller & Donald Traxler, Superintendents CLASS S-90 Best Display of Potatoes, not less than 8 varieties labeled 1st - $6.00 2nd - $5.00 3rd - $4.00 (Plate of 5 to constitute a display) S-92 S-93 S-94 S-95 S-96 S-97 S-98 S-99 S-100 S-101 S-101a Plate of 5 Russet Potatoes............................................ Plate of 5 Irish Cobbler Potatoes................................ Plate of 5 Kennebec Potatoes...................................... Plate of 5 Red Pontiac Potatoes.................................. Plate of 5 Kathadin Potatoes....................................... Plate of 5 Lasoda Potatoes.......................................... Plate of 5 Norland Potatoes........................................ Plate of 5 Sebago Potatoes........................................... Plate of 5 Blue Potatoes............................................... Plate of 5 Sweet Potatoes............................................. Plate of 5 Yukon Gold Potatoes.................................. 26 The 2015 Bellville Fair CORN AND GRAIN DEPARTMENT 5 Tom Barr, Larry Weyhmeller & Donald Traxler, Superintendents (All displays must be grown in current year or be disqualified) CLASS S-120 Field Corn Display (labeled) .....................................5.00 4.00 3.00 (8 varieties - 6 ears each) S-121 Best (1) Ear Field Corn (any variety)........................ S-122 6 Ears Pioneer (any variety)....................................... S-123 6 Ears P.A.G. (any variety).......................................... Funks S-124 6 Ears (any variety)...................................................... S-125 6 Ears Dekalb (any variety)........................................ S-126 6 Ears Calico Corn (multi-color)............................... S-126a 6 Ears Indian Corn (solid color)................................ S-127 Shelled Corn (any variety).......................................... S-128 Best (1) Ear Sweet Corn (any variety - edible)......... S-129 3 Ears Early Yellow Sweet Corn (dry)....................... S-130 3 Ears Early White Sweet Corn (dry)........................ S-131 3 Ears Late Yellow Sweet Corn (edible).................... S-132 3 Ears Late White Sweet Corn (edible)..................... S-133 3 Ears Bicolor (white-yellow kernels - edible)......... S-133a 3 Ears Bicolor (yellow-white kernels - dry).............. S-134 Popcorn Display (labeled).......................................... (4 varieties - 6 ears each) S-135 Best (1) Ear Popcorn (any variety)............................ S-136 6 Ears White Popcorn................................................. S-137 6 Ears Yellow Popcorn................................................. S-138 6 Ears Strawberry Popcorn......................................... S-140 6 Ears Tom Thumb Popcorn....................................... S-141 6 Ears of any other variety (labeled) Popcorn.......... S-142 Shelled White Popcorn (clear qt. jar)........................ S-143 Shelled Yellow Popcorn (clear qt. jar)....................... S-144 Shelled Strawberry Popcorn (clear qt. jar)............... S-145 3 Heads Broom Corn.................................................. S-146 3 Heads Sorghum......................................................... S-147 Stalk of Tobacco (fresh).............................................. (All following entries to be shown in clear qt. jars) S-148 Wheat (any variety)..................................................... S-149 Oats (any variety)......................................................... S-150 Barley (any variety)...................................................... S-151 Rye (any variety).......................................................... S-152 Buckwheat (any variety)............................................. S-153 Timothy Seed (any variety)........................................ S-154 Clover Seed (any variety)............................................ S-155 Soybeans (any variety)................................................ S-156 Navy Beans (any variety)............................................ S-157Hay................................................................................. 27 The 2015 Bellville Fair FRUITS DEPARTMENT 6 Tom Barr, Larry Weyhmeller & Donald Traxler, Superintendents CLASS BEST S-160 Display of Apples - not more than 8 varieties, labeled, plate of 5 1st - $10.00 2nd - $8.00 3rd - $6.00 S-161 Display of Pears - not more than 6 varieties............. labeled, plate of 5 S-162 Display of Grapes - not more than 5 varieties.......... labeled, 2 bunches S-163 Display of Plums, 5 varieties....................................... S-164 Display of Peaches, 5 varieties.................................... S-165 Plate of 5 Melrose Apples............................................ S-166 Plate of 5 Cortland Apples.......................................... S-167 Plate of 5 Maiden Blush Apples.................................. S-168 Plate of 5 Grimes Golden Apples............................... S-169 Plate of 5 Northern Spy Apples.................................. S-170 Plate of 5 Sweet Apples................................................ S-171 Plate of 5 Red Delicious Apples................................. S-172 Plate of 5 Starking Apples........................................... S-172a Plate of 5 Ginger Gold Apples.................................... S-173 Plate of 5 Golden Delicious Apples........................... S-173a Plate of 5 Golden Apples............................................. S-174 Plate of 5 Red Gold Apples......................................... S-175 Plate of 5 Winesap Apples........................................... S-176 Plate of 5 Franklin Apples........................................... S-177 Plate of 5 Banana Apples............................................. S-178 Plate of 5 Jonathan Apples.......................................... S-179 Plate of 5 Rome Beauty Apples.................................. S-180 Plate of 5 Mutsu Apples............................................... S-181 Plate of 5 McIntosh Apples......................................... S-182 Plate of White Grapes (2 bunches)............................ S-183 Plate of Red Grapes (2 bunches)................................ S-184 Plate of 5 Monroe Apples............................................ S-185 Plate of 5 Jonalicious Apples....................................... S-186 Plate of 5 Jona-Red Apples......................................... S-187 Plate of 5 Gallia Apples............................................... S-188 Plate of 5 Ida-Red Apples............................................ S-189 Plate of 5 Ruby Apples................................................. S-190 Plate of Blue Grapes (2 bunches)............................... S-191 Plate of 5 Pears, any variety........................................ S-192 Plate of 5 Quinces, any variety................................... S-193 Plate of 5 Yellow Peaches............................................. S-194 Plate of 5 White Peaches............................................. S-195 Plate of 10 Crab Apples............................................... S-196 Plate of 5 Granny Smith Apples................................. S-197 Plate of 5 Kiwi............................................................... S-198 Plate of 10 Blueberries................................................ S-199 Plate of 5 Plums 28 The 2015 Bellville Fair SPECIAL EXHIBITS CLASS S-200 S-201 S-202 S-203 S-204 S-205 S-206 S-207 S-208 S-209 S-210 S-211 S-212 S-213 S-213a S-214 DEPARTMENT 7 Tom Barr, Larry Weyhmeller & Donald Traxler, Superintendents All largest will be by circumference Premium $4.00 Most Unusual Shaped Fruit S-215 or vegetable S-216 Tallest Stalk of Field Corn S-217 Tallest Sunflower S-218 Longest Zucchini S-219 Largest Turnip S-220 Largest Onion S-221 Largest Green Pepper S-222 Largest Crab Apple Largest Tomato S-224 Largest Potato S-225 Longest Cucumber S-226 Longest Carrot S-227 Largest Gourd Largest Table Beet S-228 Largest Ornamental Plant S-228a Largest Plum S-229 29 Largest Pear Largest Stock Beet Largest Apple Largest Peach Biggest Diameter Sunflower Longest Ear Field Corn Largest Muckmelon Heaviest Field Pumpkin or Squash ----$10.00/8.00/6.00 Largest Watermelon Largest Head of Cabbage Most Heads on one Sunflower Stalk Neatest Basket of Vegetables ----$12.00/10.00/8.00 Most Soybeans on one Plant Longest Gourd Largest Cauliflower The 2015 Bellville Fair FLOWERS DEPARTMENT 8 Dana, Ida and Maurine (419) 886-4280 All flower entries to be judged must be in place between 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm Tuesday and removed no sooner than 4:00 pm on Saturday. The flower superintendents reserve the right to combine or divide all classes. SPECIMENS Specimens should be displayed in clear plastic water bottle or bud vases. Wedges can be used to hold specimen in place. Limit is 2 per class, different variety. Weight in bottle accepted. Best of Show Specimen - Selected by the judge $5.00 CLASS S-230 S-231 S-232 S-233 S-234 S-235 S-236 S-237 S-238 S-239 S-240 S-241 S-242 S-243 S-244 S-245 S-246 S-247 S-248 S-249 S-250 S-251 S-252 S-253 S-254 S-255 S-256 S-257 S-258 S-259 S-259a S-259b S-259c S-259d Individual Bloom of Tea Rose..................................................... 3.002.00 Shrub Rose - 1 spray - Not over 10”........................................... 3.002.00 Aster - 1 spray................................................................................ 3.002.00 Dahlia - 1 bloom over 8” in diameter........................................ 3.002.00 Dahlia - 2 blooms 4” - 8” in diameter........................................ 3.002.00 Dahlia - 1 bloom under 4” in diameter...................................... 3.002.00 Snapdragon - 1 spike.................................................................... 3.002.00 Rudbeckia - 1 stem....................................................................... 3.002.00 Canna - 1 spike.............................................................................. 3.002.00 Gladiolus - large flowering spike................................................ 3.002.00 Marigold - Yellow - large flowering, 1 bloom............................ 3.002.00 Marigold - Orange - large flowering, 1 bloom.......................... 3.002.00 Marigold - Yellow - small flowering, 1 spray............................. 3.002.00 Marigold - Orange - small flowering, 1 spray........................... 3.002.00 Marigold - Bicolor - small flowering, 1 spray............................ 3.002.00 Celosia - Crested, 1 bloom........................................................... 3.002.00 Celosia - Feathered, 1 bloom....................................................... 3.002.00 Hosta Leaf - Small - clean, undamaged..................................... 3.002.00 Hosta Leaf - Large - clean, undamaged..................................... 3.002.00 Petunias - single, 1 spray.............................................................. 3.002.00 Petunias - double, 1 spray............................................................ 3.002.00 Sedum - 1 spray............................................................................. 3.002.00 Zinnia - 1 bloom over 4” diameter............................................. 3.002.00 Zinnia - 2 blooms - 2” to 4” diameter, same size and color.... 3.002.00 Zinnia - 3 blooms - under 4” diameter, same size and color.... 3.002.00 Coleus - 1 stem under 18” tall..................................................... 3.002.00 Ornamental Grass - 1 stem not over 30” tall............................. 3.002.00 Salvia - 1 spike............................................................................... 3.002.00 Chrysanthemum - 1 spray any variety....................................... 3.002.00 Everlasting - 1 bloom................................................................... 3.002.00 Any Annual or Perennial Not Mentioned - 1 stem or spray..... 3.002.00 Herb (any variety) - 1 stem or spray........................................... 3.002.00 Sunflower - 15” tall or less........................................................... 3.002.00 Cosmos - less than 15” tall - 1 spray........................................... 3.002.00 30 The 2015 Bellville Fair ARTISTIC ARRANGEMENT Accessories and foliage permitted. No painted material unless specified in class. One arrangement per exhibitor per class. Entry must be the work of the exhibitor. Classes may be withdrawn, combined or divided if number of entries warrants. “FLIGHTS OF FANCY” CLASS S-260 Cardinal Capers - Arrangement featuring red blooms...........................4.003.00 S-261 Snowbird - Christmas Arrangement - Painted material permitted......4.003.00 S-262 Warbling Wren - Miniature - not over 4” overall....................................4.003.00 S-263 Nestlings - Arrangement in a Basket........................................................4.003.00 S-264 Migrating Flocks - Mass Arrangement.....................................................4.003.00 S-265 Woodpecker Smorgasborg - Featuring Weathered Wood.....................4.00 3.00 S-266 Coral Beds - Arrangement Including Product(s) of the Sea..................4.00 3.00 S-267 Robins Galore - Arrangement using any one variety of flower.............4.003.00 S-268 Black Crow - Modern Arrangement - Painted material permitted......4.00 3.00 S-269 Back to Nature - Dried Arrangement - Material in Natural Color.......4.00 3.00 S-270 Butterfly’s Bounty - Using Flowers, Fruits, and/or Vegetables...............4.00 3.00 S-271 Dove’s Flight - Wedding Bliss - Your Interpretation...............................4.00 3.00 S-272 Woodland Garden - Foliage Without Flowers.........................................4.00 3.00 S-273 Blistering Summer Days - Using a Mug as a Container.........................4.00 3.00 S-274 Yellow Finch Feast - Arrangement Featuring Sunflowers......................4.00 3.00 S-275 Hummingbird Delight -Arrangement Featuring Zinnias......................4.00 3.00 S-276 Kiss of Dew - Arrangement Featuring Roses...........................................4.003.00 S-277 Bellville Fair - Your Interpretation............................................................4.00 3.00 S-278 Down on the Farm - Animal made using vegetables & plant material...4.00 3.00 S-279 Peacock Parade - Featuring Dahlias..........................................................4.00 3.00 BEST OF SHOW Best Artistic Arrangement in Show - Selected by the judge....................................5.00 S-280 S-281 AMATEUR DIVISION Open to anyone never winning a ribbon at the Bellville Flower Show. Arrangement Featuring Marigolds............................................................4.00 3.00 Arrangement in a Blue Container.............................................................4.00 3.00 S-282 S-283 WREATH DIVISION To Be Hung On Wall No artificial material is to be used. Ribbons are permissible. Grapevine Wreath........................................................................................4.00 3.00 Wreath Made of Dried Materials in their Natural Color (pine cones, herbs, etc.)...............................................................................4.00 3.00 CHILDREN’S ARRANGEMENTS No more than 2 arrangements per child JR-284 Arrangement by a Teenager.......................................................................3.00 JR-285 Arrangement by a Child - 8 to 12 Years Old.........................................3.00 JR-286 Arrangement by a Child - In a Toy - 7 year and under.........................3.00 JR-287 Animal Made of Plant Material................................................................3.00 Children’s arrangements are judged by merit. 31 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 The 2015 Bellville Fair HOUSE PLANTS Entries must be single plants established in pot and in exhibitor’s possession for at least 6 months. No entries will be accepted if over the maximum of a 10 inch pot. All plants will be displayed on a table. CLASS S-288 Best Blooming House Plant.............................................................4.00 3.00 S-289 Best Foliage Plant..............................................................................4.00 3.00 S-290 Best Foliage Vine...............................................................................4.00 3.00 S-291 Best Cacti...........................................................................................4.00 3.00 S-292 Best Succulents..................................................................................4.00 3.00 S-293 Best African Violet............................................................................4.00 3.00 S-294 S-295 MINIATURE GARDENS Best Miniature Garden - Depicting a Scene (not to exceed a 24 inches diameter)..............................................4.00 Best Terrarium..................................................................................4.00 3.00 3.00 Timber Appraisals & Sale Administration Woodland Management • Tree Planting • Ginseng Shiitake Mushrooms Cultivation • Products Jeff Wilkinson Forester/Conservationist 108 East Main Street • Lexington, OH 44904 Cell: 419.989.1119 • Evenings 419.884.2639 Nuts2u2@earthlink.net Forestry Consulting Services 32 The 2015 Bellville Fair BAKED GOODS AND CANDIES DEPARTMENT 9 Nonprofessional only. Judging is Wednesday morning. Mrs. Bonnie Temple, Superintendent, Phone 419-886-2248 Items will be received between 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm on Tuesday. To be baked by exhibitor and put on a Paper Plate in a Plastic Bag Rosette given to exhibitor for: Best of Show. All items to remain in position until Saturday at 4:00 pm MAY ENTER 2 IN EACH CLASS No Cream Type Pies. BEST CLASS YEAST BREADS: S-300 Loaf of White Bread..................................................... S-301 Loaf of Wheat Bread.................................................... S-302 Plate of 6 Cloverleaf Rolls........................................... S-303 Plate of 6 Cinnamon Rolls-Iced................................. S-304 Coffee Cake................................................................... S-305 Swedish Tea Ring.........................................................4.503.502.50 QUICK BREADS: NOT ICED S-306 Loaf of Date Bread....................................................... S-307 Loaf of Zucchini Bread................................................ S-308 Loaf of Pumpkin Bread............................................... S-309 Loaf of Nut Bread......................................................... S-309a Banana Nut Bread........................................................ S-310 Plate of 6 Bran Muffins................................................ S-311 Ginger Bread................................................................. S-311a Misc. Breads.................................................................. BAKED COOKIES: S-312 Plate of 6 Sugar Cookies.............................................. S-312a Plate of 6 Iced Sugar Cookies..................................... S-313 Plate of 6 Ginger........................................................... S-314 Plate of 6 Butterscotch................................................. S-315 Plate of 6 Oatmeal........................................................ S-315a Plate of 6 Oatmeal with Additives............................. S-316 Plate of 6 Iced Chocolates........................................... S-317 Plate of 6 Peanut Butter............................................... S-318 Plate of 6 Toll House.................................................... S-319 Brownies (Light) NOT ICED, Plate of 6................... S-320 Brownies (Dark) NOT ICED, Plate of 6................... S-320a Plate of 6 Any Cookie Not Listed Above.................. S-320b Plate of 6 Molasses Cookies........................................ CAKES: S-321 White Cake...................................................................4.503.502.50 S-321a Misc. Cakes...................................................................4.503.502.50 S-323 Chocolate Cake............................................................4.503.502.50 S-324 Hickory Nut..................................................................4.503.502.50 S-325 Carrot Cake..................................................................4.503.502.50 S-326 Angel Food (Not Iced)................................................4.503.502.50 S-327 Chiffon (Not Iced).......................................................4.503.502.50 S-328Spice...............................................................................4.503.502.50 33 The 2015 Bellville Fair CANDY: NOODLES: (1/2 PoundDry PerEgg PlateNoodles in a Plastic Bag) S-329 - 8 oz. in a Plastic Bag --------------------- 3.00 2.00 S-330 CANDY:Chocolate Fudge.......................................................... S-331 Butter (1/2 PoundPeanut Per Plate in Fudge.................................................... a Plastic Bag) S-332 Sea Foam....................................................................... S-330 Chocolate Fudge --------------------------------------------------- 3.00 2.00 S-333 Peanut Brittle................................................................ S-331 Butter Fudge -----------------------------------------------3.00 2.00 S-332 Sea Foam ------------------------------------------------------------3.00 2.00 PIES: Must on a Foil Pan - No Cream Pies S-333 PeanutbeBrittle ------------------------------------------------------3.00 2.00 S-334Cherry........................................................................... PIES: Must Be On A Foil Pan - No Cream Pies S-335Peach. S-334 Cherry............................................................................. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4.00 3.00 S-336Apple. ............................................................................ S-335 Peach.----------------------------------------------------------------4.00 3.00 S-337Pecan. ............................................................................ S-336 Apple.----------------------------------------------------------------4.00 3.00 S-338 Berry ....................................................................... S-337 PecanPie. ----------------------------------------------------------------4.00 3.00 S-338a Miscellaneous Pies....................................................... S-338 Berry Pie ------------------------------------------------------------4.00 3.00 S-338a Miscellanous Pies -------------------------------------------------- 4.00 3.00 JUNIOR JUNIOR CLASS: CLASS: JR-312 JR-312 Sugar Cookies. Cookies.............................................................. ------------------------------------------------------ 3.00 2.00 JR-317 Peanut JR-317 Peanut Butter Butter Cookies. Cookies................................................ -------------------------------------------- 3.00 2.00 JR-318 JR-318 Toll Toll House HouseCookies. Cookies..................................................... ----------------------------------------------- 3.00 2.00 JR-320Brownies. JR-320 Brownies....................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------ 3.00 2.00 JR-321Cake............................................................................... JR-321 Cake ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.00 2.00 JR-331 Butter Fudge....................................................... JR-329 Peant Noodles -------------------------------------------------------------3.00 2.00 JR-334Pie.................................................................................. JR-331 Peanut Butter Fudge ----------------------------------------------- 3.00 2.00 JR-334 Pie -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 www.weekleyauto.com ALL NEW CAR WASH TOUCH FREE AUTOMATIC AND MANUAL BAYS AVAILABLE TRIPLE FOAM, WHEEL AND ROCKER PANEL BLASTER GET THE ULTIMATE WASH FOR ONLY $8.00 BASIC WASH JUST $5.00 BUY TOKENOTE PACKAGES AND SAVE 49 UNION ST JUST BEHIND WEELEYS 34 33 The 2015 Bellville Fair NEEDLEWORK DEPARTMENT 10 Bob Watts, Superintendent 419-545-1105 Needlework entries must be clean and never shown in any previous Bellville Fairs. Not over one entry in any one class. Entries are to be placed on Tuesday before the first day of fair, from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the Old Fire Station. The judge reserves the right to disqualify soiled or worn items and to break large classes. Entries will be judged on Wednesday morning. Pick up time is Saturday after 4:00 pm. Before removing entries, check in with superintendent or helpers. CLASS AFGHANS - Crocheted (Must be at least 45” x 60” except baby size) S-340 Shell Afghan (variations)............................................ S-341 Ripple Afghan (variations)......................................... S-342 Granny Square Afghan (variations).......................... S-343 Mile-A-Minute Afghan............................................... S-343a Scrap Afghan................................................................ S-344 Afghan Stitch Afghan (with or without embr.)........ S-344a Popcorn Afghan........................................................... S-345 Any Other Type Afghan.............................................. S-346 Baby Size Afghan......................................................... BEST CROCHETED S-347 Sweater or Vest............................................................. S-347a Poncho or Shawl.......................................................... S-348 Dish Cloth..................................................................... S-350 3 pc Baby Set (bonnet - booties - sweater)............... S-352 Table Cloth.................................................................... S-352a Table Runner................................................................ S-352b Table Topper (over 20” and NOT mounted)............ S-354 Doily (11” and under - mounted on cardboard)..... S-355 Doily (12” to 19” - mounted on cardboard)............. S-355a Miscellaneous Doily (mounted on cardboard)........ S-356 Any other Miscellaneous Crocheted Item................ BEST BEDSPREAD (Must fit a least twin size bed) S-349Crocheted...................................................................... S-349aKnitted........................................................................... S-349b Any Other Type............................................................ Best of Class Bedspreads BEST KNITTED S-357 Sweater or Vest............................................................. S-359 3 pc Baby Set (bonnet - booties - sweater)............... S-360 Dish Cloth..................................................................... S-361 Poncho or Shawl.......................................................... S-361a Coat - Jacket (variations)............................................ S-362 Afghan Adult Size (45” x 60” or larger).................... S-363 Baby Size Afghan......................................................... S-363a Any Other Miscellaneous Knitted Item.................... 35 The 2015 Bellville Fair BEST EMBROIDERED I S-364 Pillow Cases (matched pair - hand and machine will be separated)................................ S-365 Towels (matched pair - hand and machine will be separated).......................................... S-366 Table Cloth or Runner................................................. S-366a Any Other Miscellaneous Embroidery Item............ BEST HARDANGER S-365aPicture........................................................................... S-365b Dining Room Item....................................................... S-365c Any Other Miscellaneous Hardanger Item.............. PICTURES (Framed and ready to hang) S-367Embroidered................................................................. S-369Needlepoint.................................................................. S-370Crewel............................................................................ S-370a Any Other Miscellaneous Picture.............................. WALL HANGINGS (Ready to hang) S-372Embroidered................................................................. S-373 Latch Hook................................................................... S-374Needlepoint.................................................................. S-375 Counted Cross Stitch................................................... S-378Crocheted...................................................................... S-378aKnitted........................................................................... S-379Quilted........................................................................... S-380Candlewick................................................................... S-380a Any Other Miscellaneous Wall Hanging.................. PILLOWS (No larger than 16” in any direction) S-381Embroidered................................................................. S-382 Latch Hook................................................................... S-383Needlepoint.................................................................. S-384Crocheted...................................................................... S-385 Counted Cross Stitch................................................... S-386Candlewick................................................................... S-387Quilted........................................................................... S-387a Any Other Miscellaneous Pillows.............................. Best of Class Pillows HOLIDAYS (I Crocheted - II Knitted - III Any Other) S-388 Valentine’s Day............................................................. S-388a St. Patrick’s Day............................................................ S-388bEaster............................................................................. S-390 4th of July...................................................................... S-390aHalloween..................................................................... RUGS S-391Crocheted...................................................................... 36 The 2015 Bellville Fair S-391aKnitted........................................................................... S-392 Latch Hook................................................................... S-392aRag................................................................................. S-392b Any Other Miscellaneous Rug................................... QUILTS S-393 Appliqué (Sewing Thread).......................................... S-394 Embroidered (Floss).................................................... S-394a Computer Picture........................................................ S-395a Hand Pieced - Hand Quilted...................................... S-395b Hand Pieced - Machine Quilted................................ S-395c Machine Pieced - Hand Quilted................................ S-395d Machine Pieced - Machine Quilted........................... S-396 Any Other Type Quilt................................................. S-396a Miniature Quilt (replica of full size quilt)................ S-396bQuillow.......................................................................... S-397 Baby Quilt - Any Type................................................. S-397a Lap Quilt....................................................................... S-398 Knotted Comforter...................................................... S-398a Any Other Miscellaneous Quilted Item.................... Best of Class Quilts HAND MADE TOYS (Only 1 piece per entry) S-399 Stuffed Animals (sewn)............................................... S-399a Stuffed Animals (crocheted)....................................... S-399b Stuffed Animals (knitted)........................................... S-400 Handmade Doll (soft sculpture)................................ S-400a Handmade Doll (porcelain)....................................... S-401 Handmade Doll (rag with homemade clothes)....... S-402 Handmade Doll (Raggedy Ann or Andy)................ S-403 Crocheted Doll and Crocheted Dress....................... S-403a Doll with Crocheted Dress......................................... S-404 Any Other Miscellaneous Toys.................................. S-404a Doll Clothes (sewn)..................................................... Best of Class Toys ACCESSORIES (Each class has three different categories) I. Crocheted II. Knitted III. Any Other Type Pot Holders (match pair - mounted on cardboard)..... S-405 S-406 Hat and Scarf Set.......................................................... S-406aHat.................................................................................. S-406bScarf............................................................................... S-406c Gloves or Mittens......................................................... S-406dPurse.............................................................................. S-407 Placemats (match pair)............................................... S-409 Slippers (match pair)................................................... S-409a Socks (match pair)....................................................... S-410 Coasters (set of 4 - plastic canvas)............................. S-410a Coasters (set of 4 - crocheted).................................... 37 The 2015 Bellville Fair S-410b Coasters (set of 4 - any other type)............................ Best of Class Accessories PLASTIC CANVAS S-505 Any Toy Item................................................................ S-505a Any Wall Hanging....................................................... S-505b Any Other Miscellaneous Plastic Canvas Item........ Best of Class Plastic Canvas CHRISTMAS S-500 Ornaments, 3 (crocheted-set of 3-mounted on cardboard)............ S-500a Ornaments, 3 (cc stitch-set of 3-mounted on cardboard)............... S-500b Ornaments, 3 (any other type-setof 3-mounted on cardboard)..... S-501 Wall Hanging................................................................ S-502 Stocking (crocheted)................................................... S-502a Stocking (knitted)........................................................ S-502b Stocking (any other type)............................................ S-503 Any Other Type Christmas Miscellaneous............... S-504 Tree Skirt (crocheted).................................................. S-504a Tree Skirt (any other type).......................................... COUNTED CROSS STITCH S-506Sampler.......................................................................... S-507Verse.............................................................................. S-508 Floral Design................................................................ S-508a Still Life......................................................................... S-509People............................................................................ S-509aSantas............................................................................. S-509bAngels............................................................................ S-509cFantasy........................................................................... S-510Animal........................................................................... S-511Landscape..................................................................... S-512 Christmas Scene........................................................... S-512a Any Other Miscellaneous Counted Cross Stitch..... SWEATSHIRTS AND T-SHIRTS S-513 Painted Sweatshirt/T-Shirt......................................... S-514 Appliqué Sweatshirt/T-Shirt....................................... S-515 Punch Needle Sweatshirt............................................ S-516 Any Other Type Sweatshirt/T-Shirt.......................... AFGHANS - Knitted (Must be a least 45” x 60”) S-517 Aran - Fisherman......................................................... S-517a Ripple Variations.......................................................... S-518Lace................................................................................ S-518aMotifs............................................................................. S-519Scrap.............................................................................. S-519a Any Other Type Knitted............................................. 38 The 2015 Bellville Fair FINE ART SHOW DEPARTMENT 11 Bellville Branch Manager, Superintendent, 419-886-3811 Original work - 4 entries per exhibitor No Glass or Plexiglass will be accepted All photographs MUST be matted or mounted (NO FRAMES). Bring entries to Bellville Library TUESDAY from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. Late entries will not be accepted. Pick up entries for removal Saturday (last day of fair) from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Claim ticket is required. DEPARTMENT :11 DIVISIONS: Adult Adult Professional (photo only) Middle School / High School Elementary CLASS:1. Original Oil Painting - Adult a. Landscapee. Mixed Media b. Portraitf. Abstract c. Still Lifeg. Animal d. Floral CLASS: 2. Original Acrylic Painting - Adult a. Landscapee. Mixed Media b. Portraitf. Abstract c. Still Lifeg. Animal d. Floral CLASS: 3. Original Watercolor - Adult CLASS: 4. Pastel/Chalk - Adult CLASS: 5. Charcoal/Pencil - Adult CLASS: 6. Pen/Ink - Adult CLASS: 7. Sculpture - Adult a. Clay b. Metal c. Mixed CLASS: 8. Wood Carving - Adult CLASS: 9. Stain Glass - Adult CLASS: 10. Decorative Painting - Adult CLASS: 11. Middle & High School - Original Art a. Oil/Acrylic Painting d. Charcoal/Pencil b. Watercolor e. Pen/Ink c. Pastel f. Abstract CLASS: 12. Middle & High School - Sculpture a. Clay b. Metal c. Wood d. Mixed 39 The 2015 Bellville Fair CLASS: 13. Elementary Art - Ages Up thru 5th grade (original art no coloring book pages.) a. Oil/Acrylic Painting d. Pencil/Ink b. Watercolor/Markers e. Sculpture/Clay c. Pastel/Charcoal CLASS: 14. Photography - Elementary - 1st - 5th grades CLASS: 15. Photography - Middle & High School (Best of Show Photography) a. Landscape f. Floral b. Animals g. Abstract c. People h. Patriotic d. Object i. Digitally Enhanced e. Black & White CLASS: 16. Photography - Adult - Amateur (Best of Show Photography) a. Landscape f. Floral b. Animals g. Abstract c. People h. Patriotic d. Object i. Digitally Enhanced e. Black & White CLASS: 5. Photography - Adult - Professional (Best of Show Photography) a. Landscape f. Floral b. Animals g. Abstract c. People h. Patriotic d. Object i. Digitally Enhanced e. Black & White BEST OF SHOW will be awarded in the following classes: Adult Fine Arts (Classes 1-11 combined) Middle / High School Fine Arts (Classes 1-12 combined) Adult Professional Photography Adult Amateur Photography Middle / High School Photography PREMIUMS: BEST OF SHOW 1st Place 2nd Place $5.00 $3.00 $2.00 40 The 2015 Bellville Fair HONEY BEES & OTHER PRODUCTS OF THE HIVE DEPARTMENT 12 Rob McConkie, Superintendent, 419-989-3450 RULES: 1. Only one entry per class, per exhibitor. 2. Honey to have been produced not earlier than present year. 3. All products entered shall be the property of, and have been produced by the exhibitor. 4. A label describing honey CAN NOT be on the jar. PREMIUMS: 1st - $5.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.00 1. Two one pound jars of light honey. 2. Two one pound jars of amber honey. 3. Two one pound jars of dark honey. 4. Two sections of comb honey (square wood frame). 5. Two sections of comb honey (round plastic frame). 6. Two cakes of cut comb honey, 12 oz. minimum in plastic clear container. 7. One frame of honey (large or small frame). 8. One pound (approx.) of Beeswax. 9. One observation hive with frame of bees and brood with marked queen. Premium for Class 9: 1st - $7.00 2nd - $5.00 3rd - $3.00 CANNED GOODS DEPARTMENT 13 Nonprofessional only. Judging is Wednesday morning. Mrs. Bonnie Temple, Superintendent, Phone 419-886-2248 All canned goods must be in standard quart canning jars. All items in this class to be canned in current year. Jars may be opened at random. Items will be received between 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm on Tuesday All items remain in position until Saturday 4:00 pm Rosette to exhibitor with most winning entries. MAY ENTER 2 IN EACH CLASS BEST CLASS SENIOR CLASS: S-410 Can of Yellow Peaches................................................. S-411 Can of Pears.................................................................. S-412 Can of Red Plums........................................................ S-413 Can of Purple Plums.................................................... S-414 Can of Red Sour Cherries........................................... S-415 Can of Black Cherries.................................................. S-416 Can of Red Grapes....................................................... S-417 Can of White Grapes................................................... S-418 Can of Blue Grapes...................................................... S-419 Can of Apricots............................................................ S-420 Can of Black Raspberries............................................ S-421 Can of Apples............................................................... S-421a Can of Apples for Pie................................................... S-422 Can of Apple Sauce...................................................... 41 The 2015 Bellville Fair S-423 S-424 S-425 S-426 S-427 S-428 S-429 S-430 S-431 S-432 S-433 S-434 S-435 S-436 S-437 S-438 S-439 S-440 S-441 S-442 S-443 S-444 S-445 S-446 S-447 S-448 S-449 S-450 S-450a S-451 S-452 S-453 S-454 S-455 S-456 S-457 S-458 S-459 Can of Blackberries...................................................... Can of Elderberries...................................................... Can of Mixed Fruit Salad............................................ Can of Beets.................................................................. Can of Carrots.............................................................. Can of Mixed Vegetables............................................. Can of Onions.............................................................. Can of Yellow Stringbeans.......................................... Can of Green Stringbeans........................................... Can of Shell Beans (white).......................................... Can of Lima Beans....................................................... Can of White Sweet Corn........................................... Can of Yellow Sweet Corn.......................................... Can of Yellow Tomatoes.............................................. Can of Red Tomatoes.................................................. Can of Vegetable Juice................................................. Can of Peas................................................................... Can of Tomato Juice.................................................... Can of Dill Pickles....................................................... Can of Mixed Pickles................................................... Can of Salsa................................................................... Can of Yellow Tomato Juice........................................ Can of Pumpkin........................................................... Can of Sauerkraut........................................................ All General Display must be in like Jars Best General Display of Pickles & Relishes 4-5 varieties (in pint glass).......................................... Best General Display of Jelly & Jams 4-5 varieties (in standard jelly jar)............................. Can of Peppers............................................................. Can of Bread & Butter Pickles.................................... Jar of Relish (can be pints).......................................... Other Not Listed Above.............................................. Other Pickled - Peppers-Pickles-Onion................... Spaghetti Sauce (tomato sauce).................................. Can of Meat (any variety)........................................... Jar of Sweet Pickles (can be pints)............................. Jar of Jams (can be pints)............................................ Jar of Strawberry Jam.................................................. Jar of Jelly...................................................................... Condiments & Butters................................................. MAPLE SYRUP CLASS S-460 S-461 S-462 DEPARTMENT 14 Any size clear jar Maple Syrup - Light Amber........................................ Maple Syrup - Medium Amber.................................. Maple Syrup - Dark Amber........................................ 42 The 2015 Bellville Fair Bellville Fair Queens Brandy Weyhmeller 419.543.1672 Rules for Bellville Queen contestants: 1. 2. 3. 4. Must be 16 years or older, and still enrolled in school. Must live in the Clearfork School District. Must have never been married or have born a child. Must hold a 2.0 or higher grade point average from the previous school year. Queen Contest Sponsored By Todd & Becky Sipe of Sipe’s Concessions ~ featuring ~ DiRusso’s Sausage Tiara donated by Griffon Jewelers 1974 - Robin Woodward 1975 - Sheryl Phillips 1976 - Vonda VanHouten 1977 - Dawn Mullens 1978 - Joan Schaefer 1979 - Marianne Sweeney 1980 - Beth Steel 1981 - Trudi Truex 1982 - Shelly Pierce 1983 - Tammy Ute 1984 - Lisa Gehrisch 1985 - Marla Fuller 1986 - Patty Ute 1987 - Dawn Swiatek 1988 - Carla Flockerzie 1989 - Penny Davis 1990 - Melissa Shafer 1991 - Brandy Weyhmeller 1992 - Lynelle Leedy 1993 - Leigh Dill 1994 - Lindsay Stull 1995 - Samantha Reynolds 1996 - Kristie Ute 1997 - Mandi Miller 1998 - Marla Worner 1999 - Carrie Benson 2000 - Kim Shelton 2001 - Mandy Taylor 2002 - Amber Doup 2003 - Liza Bowman 2004 - Brett Crunkliton 2005 - Megan Butterbaugh 2006 - Anne Kelly 2007 - Brittany Bowman 2008 - Sarah VonBlon 2009 - Katy Longshore 2010 - Morgan Bennett 2011 - Deanna McClain 2012 - Haley Culler 2013 - Darby George 2014 - Susie Beveridge 43 The 2015 Bellville Fair 2015 BELLVILLE STREET FAIR MS = MAIN STAGE BS = BANDSTAND LT = LIVESTOCK TENT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 12:00 PM................................TRUCK & TRACTOR PULL........(FIRE STATION ST RT 13 SOUTH) WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM......... ART SHOW IN LIBRARY 4:00 PM .............................. RIDES AND CONCESSIONS OPEN 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM......... PAY ONE PRICE RIDES 5:00 PM............................... SHEEP AND BEEF JUDGING........................................................ LT 6:00 PM............................... RABBIT AND POULTRY JUDGING.............................................. LT 6:00 PM............................... FAIR QUEEN CONTEST................................................................ MS 7:00 PM............................... CLEAR FORK HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND........MS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 9:00 AM............................... STREET EXHIBIT JUDGING 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM......... ART SHOW IN LIBRARY 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM......... PAY ONE PRICE RIDES 5:00 PM............................... GOAT, DAIRY, CATTLE, AND SWINE JUDGING BEGINS..... LT 6:00 PM............................... MARCHING PRINCESSES.............................................MS 7:30 PM............................... BUCKEYE COUNTRY CLOGGERS.................................MS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM......... ART SHOW IN LIBRARY 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM............ PAY ONE PRICE RIDES (KIDS DAY) 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM......... PAY ONE PRICE RIDES 7:00 PM............................... AM RADIO.....................................................................MS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 10:00 AM............................. JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE............................................................. LT 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM......... ART SHOW IN LIBRARY 11:00 AM............................. PET AND DOLL SHOW................................................................. MS 1:00 PM............................... KIDDIE PEDAL PULL..................................................................... MS 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM............ PAY ONE PRICE RIDES 4:00 PM............................... CLEARFORK MUSIC BOOSTERS AUCTION............................BS 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM......... PAY ONE PRICE RIDES 7:00 PM.........................MIKE ALBERT (ELVIS TRIBUTE SHOW).......................MS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 1:00 PM............................... HORSE SHOW ...................... (FIRE STATION ST RT 13 SOUTH) 44 PET SHOW The 2015 Bellville Fair DEPARTMENT 18 Register at Pet Show, Saturday, Closing day of fair, 10:30 am ALL PET CLASSES Doll & Pet Shows start at 11:00 am closing day at Main Stage. Children up to 12 years of age may enter. All pet entries must be actual pets. The Pet Show will precede the Doll Show. Best Trained Pet ......................................................3.00 Best Dressed Pet ......................................................3.00 DOGS Best Large Dog ........................................................3.00 Best Small Dog ........................................................3.00 CATS Best Large Cat .........................................................3.00 Best Small Cat .........................................................3.00 MISCELLANEOUS PET CLASS (Excluding Dogs and Cats) Most Unusual Pet ....................................................3.00 DOLL SHOW Best Small Doll - 6” and under .............................3.00 Best Large Doll ........................................................3.00 Most Unusual Doll .................................................3.00 Oldest Old Doll .......................................................3.00 45 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 The 2015 Bellville Fair MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS OHIO SOCIETY OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS DAVID D. TAYLOR, CPA, INC. TAX AND PLANNING PROFESSIONALS DAVID D. TAYLOR, CPA (419) 886-3366 FAX (419) 886-3897 285 SOUTH MAIN STREET BELLVILLE, OHIO 44813 ddtaylorcpa@aol.com 46 The 2015 Bellville Fair JUNIOR FAIR LIVESTOCK SALE Thank you to the following buyers who supported the 2014 BELLVILLE STREET FAIR LIVESTOCK SALE Buyers of Market Champions Market Beef Feeders................. 1: Phillips Manufacturing Market Beef Steers................... 1: First Knox National Bank Market Chickens....................... 1: Tall Timber Inn, Rod Smith 2: Fredericktown Chevrolet Market Dairy Feeders............... 1: Phillips Manufacturing 2: B & B Farm Services Market Ducks............................ 1: Mechanics Bank 2: First Knox National Bank Market Lambs........................... 1: Jamison Well Drilling 2: Mike & Sue Temple Market Hogs.............................. 1: Mike Links 2: First Knox National Bank Market Rabbits......................... 1: Dee Jays Processing 2: Kline Natural Colors Market Turkeys......................... 1: Mechanics Bank 2: Lucas Buyers Club Market Wether Goats............... 1: Jamison Well Drilling 2: Jamison Well Drilling 47 The 2015 Bellville Fair JUNIOR FAIR LIVESTOCK Goats, sheep, swine, beef cattle, dairy cattle, poultry, and rabbits Directors: Steven Broeske, Bob McConkie, Rob McConkie, Jason Tilton, Trent Walker, Larry Weyhmeller, and Wes Wiess Livestock Rules & Regulations 1. Eligibility limited to students who live in Richland County or attend a Richland County primary or secondary school. Only JVS students whose home schools are Richland County Schools will be eligible. 2. An exhibitor is eligible to show at the fair of the year he/she graduates from high school. 3. All livestock must be brought in Tuesday, September 16, 6:30 - 10:30 PM. 4. All feed, bedding, care of animal, and responsibility for loss must be assumed by exhibitor. 5. Exhibitor must care for animal until it leaves the grounds. 6. All livestock must be shown and sold by exhibitor unless authorized by Livestock Directors. 7. Only one entry per class per exhibitor. 8. Exhibitors may NOT stay overnight in the livestock barn. 9. Animals to be sold must be in sale class and will not receive a premium. 10. Each exhibitor will be permitted a total of two sales. 11. The hog show is terminal. 12. All grand champion and reserve champion market animals must be sold. 13. All animals must be shown in order for exhibitor to receive premium or to sell in sale. 14. No horns on steers or feeder calves. 15. Horns are permitted on goats but must be sanded to a smooth end (not pointed). 16. 5% sale commission will be deducted from each sale to cover sale expenses. 17. All animals must have the appropriate health papers and/or proof of required testing before unloading. 18. All market animals that don’t make weight will show in the non-sale class and be eligible for a premium. 19. An animal can only be shown in one class. 20. Showmanship classes: (All ages are as of January 1 of the current year.) • Youth Showmanship - 8 years and under • Jr. Showmanship - 9 – 13 years old • Sr. Showmanship - 14 years old and over • Pro Showmanship – any previous winners of any showmanship classes • Exhibitors may only complete in the division for which their age qualifies them, unless they have previously won their age division. In such case, exhibitor must complete in next higher level. 48 The 2015 Bellville Fair 21. Ownership requirements as per Ohio Livestock Tampering Exhibition Rules 901-19-39-A and are as follows: - Market steers - 150 days - Market goats - 60 days - Market dairy steers - 150 days - Veal calves - 60 days - Market hogs - 60 days - Market lambs - 60 days - Feeder calves (beef & dairy) – 60 days - Market poultry - within five days of hatch including all individual participants in a cooperative 22. All sale and non-sale animals (excluding breeding) in the following species: goat, sheep, swine, beef cattle, and dairy cattle must be tagged with a Bellville Fair tag or official tag from a surrounding county fair. 23. If your steer (dairy or beef) does not have a county fair tag, contact a Livestock Director before June 1. 24. Market poultry will be checked at weigh-in and must have proof of ownership, i.e. hatchery paperwork, bill of sale. 25. Rabbits will be tattooed prior to Fair. 26. All exhibitors of market animals must complete a Drug Use Notification Form at weigh-in 27. All animals (including breeding) cannot leave grounds until the conclusion of the livestock sale. 28. Livestock entries are due July 1 29. Tagging of market animals will be held Sunday, July 12 from 1:00 P.M.5:00 P.M. at Clear Fork High. 30. The fair board reserves the right to refuse any entry. 49 The 2015 Bellville Fair ~ GOATS ~ The show will be held Thurs., Sept. 18, beginning at 5:00 PM. Premiums: A - $15.00 B - $10.00 C - $5.00 Sale animals will not receive a premium; ribbons only Classes: J-1 Kid Goat, born after January 1 of current year J-2 Yearling not in milk, 1 year and under 2 J-3 Yearling in milk, under 2 years J-4 Doe, milker, under 3 years J-5 Non-Sale Market Wether J-6 Market Wether, 65 lbs. and up ~ SHEEP ~ The show will be held Wed., Sept. 17, beginning at 5:00 PM. Premiums: A - $15.00 B - $10.00 C - $5.00 Sale animals will not receive a premium; ribbons only Classes: J-20 Yearling Ewe, 1 year and under 2 J-21 Ewe Lamb J-22 Yearling Ram, 1 year and under 2 J-23 Ram Lamb J-24 Breeders’ Young Flock (yearling ewe, ewe lamb, and all lambs - under 1 year yearling or ram lamb) Premiums: 1st - $40.00 & Trophy, 2nd - $25.00 3rd - $15.00 4th - $10.00 J-25 Market Wether, 200 lbs. and up J-26 Market Wether, 200 lbs. and up ~ SWINE ~ The show will be held Thurs., Sept. 18, following the Dairy Show. Class: J-30 Market Pig, 200 lbs. and up 50 The 2015 Bellville Fair ~ BEEF CATTLE ~ The show will be held Wed., Sept. 17, following the Sheep show. Premiums: A - $20.00 BREEDING B - $15.00 C - $10.00 Classes: J-40 Jr Heifer Calf J-41 Sr Heifer Calf J-42 Summer Heifer J-43 Jr Yearling Heifer J-44 Sr Yearling Heifer J-45 Cow/Calf Age Classifications: J-40 J-41 J-42 J-43 J-44 J-45 Jr Heifer Calves - Jan. 1 to Apr. 30 of current year Sr Heifer Calves - Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 of previous year Summer Heifers - May 1 to Aug. 31 of previous year Jr Yearling Heifers - Jan. 1 to Apr. 30 of previous year Sr Yearling Heifers - Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 - 2 years prior Cow/Calf - Cow must be born after Aug. 31 - 2 years prior FEEDER CALVES & STEERS Sale animals will not receive a premium; ribbons only Classes: J-46 Non-Sale Feeder Calf J-47 Non-Sale Steer J-48 Steer, minimum weight 850 lbs. J-49 Sale Feeder Calf, weight 350 lbs - 849 lbs. BRIDGING & PAVING the way to Fair Fun! TOM BECK Richland County Engineer Paid for by the Citizens for Beck Committee, 330 Maple Lane, Mansfield, Ohio 44906. Adam Gove, Treasurer 51 The 2015 Bellville Fair ~ DAIRY CATTLE ~ The show will be held Thurs., Sept. 18, following the Goat show. Premiums: A - $20.00 B - $15.00 C - $10.00 Classes: J-50 Jr Heifer Calf J-51 Intermediate Calf J-52 Sr Heifer Calf J-53 Jr Yearling Heifer J-54 Sr Yearling J-55 Cow Age Classifications: J-50 J-51 J-52 J-53 J-54 J-55 Jr Heifer Calves - Mar. 1 to May 31 of current year Intermediate Heifer Calves - Dec. 1 of previous year to Feb. 28 of current year Sr Heifer Calves - Sept. 30 to Nov. 30 of previous year Jr Yearling Heifers - Mar. 1 to May 31 of previous year Sr Yearling Heifers - Sept. 1 (2 years prior) to Feb. 28 of previous year Cow - 4 years or older or a Sr Yearling that has freshened FEEDER CALVES & STEERS Sale animals will not receive a premium; ribbons only Classes: J-56 J-57 J-58 J-59 Non-Sale Steer Non-Sale Feeder Calf Steer, minimum weight 850 lbs. Sale Feeder Calf, weight 350 lbs - 849 lbs. 52 ~ RABBITS ~ The 2015 Bellville Fair The show will be held Thurs., Sept. 18, at 6:00 PM. Premiums: A - $5.00 B - $3.00 C - $1.00 Sale animals will not receive a premium; ribbons only Classes: J-81 3 Rabbits from weaned litter J-82 Doe Rabbit J-83 Buck Rabbit J-84 Non-Sale Pen of 3 Rabbits J-85 Market Pen of 3 Rabbits, wt. 12-18 lbs. ~ POULTRY ~ The show will NOT be held this year. All poultry shows at the Ohio State Fair and county/city fairs across the state have been canceled this year because of the threat of a deadly bird flu virus, the state’s agriculture department announced the first week of June. The virus that has led to the deaths of more than 44 million chickens and turkeys in the Midwest hasn’t been found so far in Ohio, but state officials said banning all poultry shows is a needed step to protect Ohio’s $2.3 billion poultry industry. The order applies to poultry auctions, swap meets and all other gatherings of birds for show or sale as well as fairs. “This was a difficult decision because it means young people can’t show their birds at fairs, but it’s in the best interest of an industry that literally thousands of Ohio families and businesses depend on and which provides billions of dollars to our state’s economy,” Ohio Agriculture Director David Daniels said in a statement. Several other states already have canceled poultry shows at fairs this summer, including Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Michigan. Scientists believe migratory waterfowl carry and help spread the H5N2 avian influenza virus. Wild ducks and geese don’t become sick from it but can spread it through their droppings. It’s thought that the virus can get into poultry barns on workers’ shoes or clothing, or perhaps on contaminated dust. Ohio’s state veterinarian, Dr. Tony Forshey, said fairs and other poultry shows have a high risk of unintentionally spreading the virus to other farms. “Until we can be sure that there has been no transference from the wild bird population migrating through the state, we need to do all we can to minimize the exposure for our domestic birds,” he said. 53 The 2015 Bellville Fair Rules for Livestock Auction The sale will be held Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. in the Livestock Show Arena. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Each animal entered in the auction will be sold to the highest bidder. Buyers beware that the Fair Board is not responsible for the quality or health of the animals sold. All animals to be sold must be properly entered and shown during the 2015 Bellville Street Fair. Sale order rotates each year and will be posted in the Livestock barns during the Fair. Payment must be made at the close of the sale. Add-on bids will be accepted during the Sale. Only champion, reserve, and scholarship animals will be brought through the sale ring. All other sales will be exhibitor only. WHATMAN HARDWOODS, INC. Hardwood and Reclaimed Lumber Products WHA TMAN HARD WOODS, INC. WHATMAN HARDW CUSTOM-MADE • Custom-Made Trim PRODUCTS: • Paneling Kitchen Cabinets Flooring • Kiln Dried Lumber Bathroom Cabinets Barn Beams • Custom Sawing • Hardwood Flooring FurnitureBarn Siding • Mantel Shelves Doors • Kiln Drying Service Tim Whatman 847 Wagner, P.O. Box 308 Bellville, OH 44813Millwork, • Millwork SERVICES: Phone: 419-883-2443 Kilnww.whatmanhardwood.com Drying & Finishing Tim Whatman LLC Palmer Enterprises PO Box 308, Bellville, OH 44813 Scott419-883-2443 Palmer President whatmanhdwd@yahoo.com Office 877-938-3114 Fax 419-938-6814 www.whatmanhardwood.com Excavating, Concrete, Utilities Septic Systems54 Directional Drilling PO Box 556 Bellville, Ohio The 2015 Bellville Fair Livestock Entry Blank Livestock entries due by July 1, 2015 Send entries to: Bellville Fair Board 131 Main St. Bellville 44813 Name ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ City _______________________________ Zip ______________ Phone Number ________________________________________ Current Age ____ Birthdate _________ Grade (‘15-‘16) _____ School You Attend _____________________________________ Attending Quality Assurance (QA) training is required for all exhibitors. I’ve completed QA during the last 12 months. YES__ NO__ Where? ________ My animals are tagged form y county fair. My county fair is ________________ Class Description J-48 Beef Market Steer County Fair Tag # RC-451 Note: All sale and non-sale animals (excluding breeding) in the following species: goat, sheep, swine, beef cattle, and dairy cattle must be tagged with a Bellville Fair tag or official tag from a surrounding county fair. Poultry will be checked at weigh-in and must have proof of ownership, i.e. hatchery paperwork, bill of sale. Rabbits will be tattooed prior to Fair. Rabbit exhibitors will be notified with details. The undersigned agrees to be bound by the rules and regulations of the Bellville Agricultural Society and abide by the decision of the Board in case of dispute arising from the interpretation or application thereof. Exhibitor’s Signature __________________________ Date ________ Exhibitor’s Parent/Guardian Signature (If exhibitor is under 18) _________________________________________ Date ________ 55 The 2015 Bellville Fair Bob McConkie Jefferson Township Trustee 56 The 2015 Bellville Fair 57 The 2015 Bellville Fair 58 The 2015 Bellville Fair 770 State Route 97 East 419-886-4835 Bellville, OH 44813 Horsetack1@aol.com 59 The 2015 Bellville Fair JUNIOR FRESH VEGETABLES & CROP PROJECTS DEPARTMENT JR10 Donald Traxler, Tom Barr, & Larry Weyhmeller, Superintendents (Must be grown by exhibitor) CLASS JR- 3 Arrangement of Gourds - 6 varieties (3 ft. table space)...5.00 JR- 3a Pumpkin & Squash Display - 5 varieties, 5 of each variety....5.00 JR- 4 Tomato Display - 5 varieties, 5 of each variety..................5.00 JR- 5 Pepper Display - Sweet & Hot - 5 variety, 5 of each variety...5.00 JR- 6 Plate of 5 Table Beets............................................................3.00 JR- 7 Ground Cherries...................................................................3.00 JR- 8 Plate of 5 Carrots...................................................................3.00 JR- 9 Plate of 5 Parsnips.................................................................3.00 JR-10 Plate of 5 Turnips..................................................................3.00 JR-11 Plate of 5 Red Radishes........................................................3.00 JR-12 Plate of 5 White Radishes....................................................3.00 JR-14 Head of Cabbage - up to 6” dia...........................................3.00 JR-15 Head of Cabbage - over 6” dia.............................................3.00 JR-16 Head of Red Cabbage...........................................................3.00 JR-17 Plate of 4 White Onions (unpeeled)...................................3.00 JR-18 Plate of 5 Red Onions (unpeeled).......................................3.00 JR-19 Plate of 5 Potato Onions (unpeeled)..................................3.00 JR-20 Plate of 5 Yellow Onions (unpeeled)..................................3.00 JR-21 Plate of 5 Bottle Onions (unpeeled)...................................3.00 JR-22 Plate of 5 Bermuda Onions (unpeeled).............................3.00 JR-23 Plate of 2 Eggplants...............................................................3.00 JR-24 Head of Cauliflower..............................................................3.00 JR-25 Plate of 5 Kohlrabi................................................................3.00 JR-26 Plate of 5 Red Tomatoes.......................................................3.00 JR-27 Plate of 5 Pink Tomatoes......................................................3.00 JR-28 Plate of 5 Yellow Tomatoes..................................................3.00 JR-29 Plate of 5 Oxheart Tomatoes...............................................3.00 JR-30 Plate of 5 Paste Tomatoes.....................................................3.00 JR-31 Plate of 5 Pear Tomatoes......................................................3.00 JR-32 Plate of 5 Cherry Tomatoes.................................................3.00 JR-33 Plate of 3 Hillbilly Tomatoes................................................3.00 JR-34 Plate of 5 Green Cherry Tomatoes.....................................3.00 JR-35 Plate of 3 Slicing Cucumbers...............................................3.00 JR-37 5 Stems of Rhubarb (without leaves)..................................3.00 JR-38 Giant Squash (soft stem)......................................................3.00 JR-39 Plate of 5 Green Bell Peppers..............................................3.00 JR-40 Plate of 5 Red Bell Peppers (ripe).......................................3.00 JR-41 Plate of 5 Yellow Bell Peppers (ripe)...................................3.00 JR-42 Plate of 5 Peppers (banana style)........................................3.00 JR-42Watermelon...........................................................................3.00 JR-44Muskmelon............................................................................3.00 JR-45 Plate of 5 Pimentos...............................................................3.00 JR-46 Plate of Lima Beans ( 12 pods)............................................3.00 JR-47 Plate of Bush Beans (12 pods).............................................3.00 60 3.002.00 3.002.00 3.002.00 3.002.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 The 2015 Bellville Fair JR-48 Plate of Butter Beans (12 pods)...........................................3.00 JR-50 Plate of 5 Garlic.....................................................................3.00 JR-51 Head of Lettuce.....................................................................3.00 JR-52 Plate of 5 Mini Pumpkins....................................................3.00 JR-53 Home Grown Peanuts of Stalk............................................3.00 JR-54 Plate of Green Beans (12 pods)...........................................3.00 JR-55 Plate of Yellow Beans (12 pods)..........................................3.00 JR-57 Plate of Pole Beans (12 pods)..............................................3.00 JR-58 Plate of Kentucky Wonder Beans (12 pods)......................3.00 JR-59 Sugar Pumpkin (hard stem)................................................3.00 JR-60 Common or Field Pumpkin (hard stem)...........................3.00 JR-61 Blue Hubbard Squash...........................................................3.00 JR-62 Wated Hubbard Squash........................................................3.00 JR-63 Golden Hubbard Squash......................................................3.00 JR-64 Banana Squash......................................................................3.00 JR-65 Buttercup Squash..................................................................3.00 JR-66 Giant Crookneck Squash (edible).......................................3.00 JR-67 Patti Pan Squash....................................................................3.00 JR-68 Table Queen or Acorn Squash............................................3.00 JR-69 Butternut Squash...................................................................3.00 JR-70 Zucchini (edible)...................................................................3.00 JR-71 Summer Squash (edible)......................................................3.00 JR-73 Cushway, any variety............................................................3.00 JR-74 Plate of 12 Brussels Sprouts.................................................3.00 JR-75 Broccoli (main head)............................................................3.00 JR-76 Plate of 5 Okra.......................................................................3.00 JR-77 Plate of 5 Rutabaga...............................................................3.00 JR-78 Stalk of Swiss Chard.............................................................3.00 JR-79 Head of Chinese Cabbage....................................................3.00 JR-80 Plate of Endive (1 head).......................................................3.00 JR-81 Head of Kale (edible)............................................................3.00 JR-82 Plate of Ornamental Kale.....................................................3.00 JR-83 Plate of 5 Hungarian Hot Wax Peppers.............................3.00 JR-84 Plate of 5 Jalapena Peppers..................................................3.00 JR-85 Plate of 5 Cherry Peppers....................................................3.00 JR-86 Plate of 5 Chili Peppers........................................................3.00 JR-87 Plate of 5 Long Red Cayenne Peppers................................3.00 JR-88 Navy Beans (12 pods)...........................................................3.00 JR-88a Plate of 5 Aniheim Peppers.................................................3.00 JR-88b Plate of 5 Habanero Peppers................................................3.00 JR-88c Other Not Listed Above.......................................................3.00 JR-90 6 Ears Corn............................................................................3.00 JR-91 Wheat (quart can).................................................................3.00 JR-92 Plate of 5 Potatoes.................................................................3.00 JR-93 Oatas (quart can)..................................................................3.00 JR-94 All Other Grains (quart can)...............................................3.00 JR-95Hay..........................................................................................3.00 JR-96 Hay Silage...............................................................................3.00 JR-97 Corn Silage.............................................................................3.00 JR-98 Soybeans.................................................................................3.00 61 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 2.001.00 The 2015 Bellville Fair SPECIAL FFA & 4-H DEPARTMENT 11 Don Traxler, Tom Barr, & Larry Weyhmeller, Superintendents RULES: 1. Clearfork and all adjoining school districts with F.F.A. organizations may compete in this exhibit. 2. Organizations will be allotted table space of 25 ft. long by 3 ft. wide. 3. All products in the exhibit must have been grown in the current year. 4. Specimens of seed must contain one pint and specimens of grain must contain not less than one quart. 5. This display shall be limited to table produce display only. 6. Displays must remain in place until Saturday and can be removed after 2:00 pm on Saturday. 7. SCALE OF POINTS FOR JUDGING Grains ................................................................................ 5 Hay ..................................................................................... 5 Corn ................................................................................... 5 Fruit ................................................................................... 5 Vegetables ....................................................................... 10 Potatoes ............................................................................. 5 Pumpkin, Squash, Melons, Cantaloupes, Gourd........ 10 Miscellaneous ................................................................... 5 Attractiveness Overall ................................................... 20 Educational Value .......................................................... 10 Correct Naming and Labeling ..................................... 10 Theme Attractiveness .................................................... 10 CLASS J-210 Special FFA display PRIZES: 1st Place - $150.00 2nd Place - $100.00 3rd Place - $75.00 The senior fair board and judge reserve the right not to pay the prizes if the exhibit does not warrant it. 4-H & JUNIOR PROJECTS DEPARTMENT 12 Linda Stull, Superintendent 419-886-2585 Entries must be current years projects. Pick up after 2:00 pm last day of the fair. Articles to be placed Tuesday, 11-6 in Old Fire Station. All posters 14” x 22” Premiums: A - $5.00 B - $3.00 C - $2.00 CLASS J-110Woodworking J-121Gun Safety J-111 RopeJ-122 Rocket/Airplane/RC J-112 Electricity & Electronics J-123 Insects - 2 levels J-113 Vet Science J-124 Natural Resources J-114 Small Animals J-125 Horse Nutrition J-115 WeldingJ-126 Health Projects J-116 Tractor Safety J-127 Small Engines J-117 Fishing - 2 levels J-128 All Other Projects J-118 Bicycle - 3 levels J-129 Computer J-119 ArcheryJ-130 Gardening 62 FAMILY LIFE The 2015 Bellville Fair DEPARTMENT 14 J-140 Child Care J-141 Growing on My Own - 3 J-142 Designing Interiors J-143 Family History J-144 And My World Premiums: A - $5.00 B - $3.00 C - $2.00 DEPARTMENT 15 Entries to participate in Style Show J-150 Creative Costumes J-151 Tops for Teens J-152 Joyful Jumpers J-153 Sewing for Others J-154 Active Sportswear J-155 Lounging Apparel J-156 Dress Up J-157 Outer Layers J-158 It’s Time for Clothing J-159 Sportswear for Spectators J-159a Middle School Clothes J-160 High School/College Clothes J-161 Dressing for your Career J-162 Fun with Clothes J-163 Accessories for Teens J-164 Ready Let’s Sew J-165 Frugal Fashion Premiums: A - $5.00 B - $3.00 C - $2.00 SEWING NUTRITION DEPARTMENT 16 Entries to be on poster board 14” x 22” J-170 Adventure with Food J-171 Food & Fitness for Fun J-172 Breads - Quick Yeast J-173 You’re the Chef J-174 Great Grains J-175 Outdoor Chef J-176 Party Fun with Food J-177 Mini Meal Magic J-178 Fast Break for Breakfast J-179 Global Gourmet J-180 Star Spangled Foods J-181Microwave J-182 Meals in Minutes J-183 Science Fun with Dairy Foods Premiums: A - $5.00 B - $3.00 C - $2.00 63 STREET - JUNIOR FAIR - AND HOMECOMING The 2015 Bellville Fair SEPTEMBER 12-15 Continued) SENIOR (4-H DIVISION RULES CarolynOTHER Haip, Entry Superintendent PROJECTS REQUIRED MEMBERSHIPS DEPARTMENT 17 ($1.00) & J-190 Photography - 3 projects Entries on Poster Board 14” x 22” ENTRY TAGS ($1.00) AVAILABLE: J-191 First Aid (Jefferson Township Office, Old Fire Station) J-192 Creative Arts 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Saturday 1st, J-193 Journalism & CreativeSeptember Writing - 2 projects Saturday September 8th, Monday September 10th, Tuesday September 11th J-194 Leadership - 5 projects Fair Board Members will J-195 Money Management - 4 projects J-196Laundry be available at these times to assist. J-197Self-determined OR J-198 Discovering/Exploring 4-H Mail to: Bellville Fair Board J-199 Misc. Projects Premiums: A - $5.00131 B -Main $3.00 St. C - $2.00 Bellville, OH 44813 Enclose a LARGE pre-stamped envelope if tags are to be mailed to you KID’S JR. CORNER Livestock entries close 18 September 1st. DEPARTMENT JR200 Exhibits Grades 1 - 6 Mailed or taken to George Keep, 4761 Appleseed Rd., Bellville, OH 44813 Theme: Teachers Choice Phone: 419-886-2188 Premiums: A - $15.00 B - $12.00 C - $10.00 Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers All displays must be in place by &6:00 p.m. Wednesday, 1st day of fair. Needle work Ideas Work should be done by children table per classroom and fine art are in place earlier. See5 ft. Department 10 & 11 for time of placement. All displays must remain in position until 2:00 p.m. Saturday or premium will be forfeited. All entry tags must be signed and sealed. Individual exhibitors are responsible for having correct entry tag. The wrong tag signified disqualification. Judges must be satisfied thatATTORNEY all articles areAT worthy LAWof premium and correctly named. JOHN D. STUDENMUND OFFICE 419.522.2889 FAX 419.525.4666 RWB@RWBLAWOFFICE.COM JOHNS@RWBLAWOFFICE.COM & BURTON TheRENWICK, FairWELSH Board would like to thank all the NINE NORTH MULBERRY STREET MANSFIELD, OHIO 44902Advertisers for their support! Sponsors and CHEM-TECH Consultants Consultants Inc. Inc. State Route East 559559 State Route 9797 East Bellville, Ohio 44813 Bellville, Ohio 44813 Phone: 419/886-4375 • Fax: 419/886-4062 Phone: 419/886-4375 Environmental Safety Engineering FAX: 419/886-4062 www.chemtech1.com Chemical & Environmental Engineering 64 www.chemtech1.com The 2015 Bellville Fair DEPARTMENT 14 Bellville Agricultural Society Truck & Tractor Pull Committee: Ryan Pfeifer, Scott Walters, Steven Broeske, Jason Tilton, Tom Pfeifer, Wes Weiss Rob McConkie, Bob McConkie, Donald Traxler SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 13TH 2015 – 12:00 PM No Rain Date GENERAL TRACTOR PULL INFORMATION FOR THE 2015 BELLVILLE STREET FAIR TRACTOR PULL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON CLASSES, PAYOUTS, AND RULES PLEASE REFER TO OUR WEBSITE https://sites.google.com/site/bellvillestreetfair/ 2015 Class Information Cut/Uncut Antique Classes Hot/Open Classes 4x4 Truck Class Field Ready Classes INVITATION ONLY SEMI CLASS GPS Directions: 470 S. Main Street Bellville, OH 44813 Behind Jefferson TWP Fire Station Contact a Committee member for directions or any questions. bellvillestreetfair@gmail.com 65 The 2015 Bellville Fair 66 The 2015 Bellville Fair 4594 Lincoln Hwy Crestline, Ohio 44827 800-741-3304 419-683-3304 Fax: 419-683-3304 Cell: 419-295-1405 67 The 2015 Bellville Fair 68 The 2015 Bellville Fair OHIO’S LIVESTOCK HEALTH EXHIBITION RULES 901:1-18-01 Chapter’s application. (A) (B) Animals listed in this chapter when moved or imported into Ohio for exhibition purposes only shall comply with the requirements of this chapter and when in compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall, with the exception of rules governing movement and importation of quarantined animals, be exempt from any other rules governing movement within or importation into Ohio. Animals moved within or imported into Ohio for any purpose in addition to exhibition shall meet all movement and import requirements of Chapter 901:1-17 of the Administrative Code. 901:1-18-02 Definitions. As used in this chapter: (A) “Exhibition” means any public show of animals which is sponsored by or under the control of an Ohio county or independent agricultural society organized under chapter 1711 of the Revised Code; or the Ohio state fair; or which is assembled for a period which exceeds thirty-six hours or contains animals of origins other than Ohio. (B) “Certificate of veterinary inspection” means a form from the state of origin which has been issued and completed by a licensed and accredited veterinarian attesting to the health status and identification of an animal listed thereon. (C) “Approved veterinarian” means any licensed and accredited veterinarian approved by the Ohio departmentof agriculture, or an employee of the Ohio department of agriculture or the United States department of agriculture, animal plant health inspection service, veterinary services. (D) “Licensed and accredited veterinarian” means a person who is licensed by the state of Ohio to practice veterinary medicine and who is certified by the United States department of agriculture, animal plant health inspection service, veterinary services, to be an accredited veterinarian. (E) “Residue” means any poisonous or deleterious pesticide governed by 40 C.F.R. 180, poisonous or deleterious substance governed by 21 C.F.R. 109.6, or any other substance governed by 21 C.F.R. 556. (F) “Contagious or infectious disease” means any disease, including any foreign animal disease, or vector, capable of transmission by any means from a carrier animal to a human or to another animal and includes dangerously contagious or infectious diseases. (G) “Tuberculosis accredited free herd” is one that has passed at least two consecutive annual negative official tests for tuberculosis in accordance with the “Uniform Methods and Rules - Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication”, and has no other evidence of bovine tuberculosis. 901:1-18-03 Exhibitions: sanitation, inspection and records. (A) Each entity sponsoring an exhibition shall have in attendance an approved veterinarian for the duration of the exhibit. (B) Each entity sponsoring an exhibition shall: (1) Immediately, prior to an exhibition and under the direction of the approved veterinarian, thoroughly clean and disinfect each building, pen, stall, ring or other enclosure in which animals are to be quartered for exhibition; (2) Have the approved veterinarian: (a) Examine the certificate of veterinary inspection when required for an animal brought to the exhibition; (b) Inspect within a reasonable time of arrival each animal brought to the exhibit for symptoms of any infectious or contagious diseases. (c) Daily inspect each animal present at the exhibition for symptoms of infectious or contagious disease. (3) Maintain a record for one year from the date of the exhibition of each animal present at the exhibit. The record shall contain the name and address of the owner of each animal and the species and breed of the animal. (4) May order the immediate removal of any animal which in the opinion of the approved veterinarian places other animals at unacceptable risk of disease. 69 The 2015 Bellville Fair (C) An exemption from the requirements of paragraph (B))1) of this rule may be requested from the department and will be granted when, in the judgment of the department, cleaning and disinfection will serve no purpose. By way of example only, cleaning and disinfection will generally serve no purpose in a newly constructed building that has never been occupied. 901:1-18-04 Exhibitors. (A) (B) (C) (D) No person shall present for exhibition or exhibit an animal which he knows or has reason to suspect is affected with or has been exposed to a dangerously contagious or infectious disease or residue. The owner or bailee of an animal with symptoms of an infectious or contagious disease shall, when directed by an exhibition official, the approved veterinarian, or an employee of the Ohio department of agriculture, immediately remove the animal from the exhibition premises. Upon request, each person who presents for exhibition or exhibits an animal, shall make available any certificate of veterinary inspection, registration certificates, vaccination certificate, and other documents to exhibition officials, the approved veterinarian or an employee of the Ohio department of agriculture. Each person who presents for exhibition or exhibits an animal for which a certificate of veterinary inspection is required by rules 901:1-18-01 to 901:1-18-11 of the Administrative Code shall forward a copy of the certificate of veterinary inspection to the Ohio department of agriculture’s division of animal industry. 901:1-18-05 Poultry and Fowl. (A) All turkeys, chickens and gamebirds moved within or imported into Ohio for exhibition must: (1) Originate directly from a flock or hatchery which is a participant in the national poultry improvement plan for the eradication of disease and be accompanied by documentary evidence that they meet the requirements of this paragraph; or (2) Originate directly from a flock which has had a negative test for pullorum/fowl typhoid disease within twelve months preceding the opening date of exhibition and be accompanied by documentary evidence that they meet the requirement of this paragraph; or (3) Have had a negative test for pullorum/fowl typhoid disease, within ninety days, preceding the opening date of the exhibition and be accompanied by documentary evidence that they meet the requirement of this paragraph; or (4) Be tested for pullorum/fowl typhoid disease upon arrival at the exhibition by a tester approved by the Ohio department of agriculture and found negative. (B) The rapid whole blood test shall not be used to test turkeys for compliance with the requirements of paragraph (A)(2), (A)(3) and (A)(4) of this rule. (C) Waterfowl, doves and pigeons are exempt from this rule. 901:1-18-06 Cattle. (A) Cattle moved within Ohio for exhibition: (1) The animals presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of an infectious or contagious disease. (B) All cattle imported into Ohio for exhibition must: (1) Be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days preceding the opening date of the exhibition and be identified with official individual identification; (2) Originate from a tuberculosis-accredited free herd, an accredited free state or zone, or a modified accredited advanced state or zone; (3) If originate from a modified accredited state or zone must comply with Rule 901:1-17-03 of the Administrative Code; (4) If originate from an accreditation preparatory or a non-accredited state or zone are prohibited from exhibition; (5) If from a brucellosis class A state or area/zone must be negative to an official brucellosis test within thirty days of the opening date of the exhibition unless: they re under six months of age, steers, or official vaccinates under twenty months of age (dairy) or twenty-four months of age (beef ); and 70 The 2015 Bellville Fair (6) If from a brucellosis class B or C state or area/zone must meet all requirements for pre-entry testing as specified in 9 C.F.R. 78.9 and obtain an Ohio permit prior to movement. (C) Cattle from a brucellosis certified free herd or class free state or area/zone are not required to be brucellosis tested. 901:1-18-07 Goats. (A) Goats moved within Ohio for exhibition: (1) The animal presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of and infectious or contagious disease. (2) All sexually intact animals and any wether eighteen months of age and older must be identified with an official identification as defined in Rule 901:1-13-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code. (B) Goats imported into Ohio for exhibition: (1) Must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days preceding the opening date of the exhibition and be identified with official individual identification; (2) The animal presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of an infectious or contagious disease; and (3) The owner and veterinarian must attest to the following statement written on the certificate of veterinary inspection “the goats in this shipment are not known to be under any movement restrictions because of scrapie.” (4) Originate from a tuberculosis accredited free herd as defined in Rule 901:18-02 (G) of the Administrative Code for bovine tuberculosis eradication; or (5) Originate from a bovine accredited free state or zone, or a bovine modified accredited advanced state or zone; or (6) Originate from a bovine modified accredited state or zone must comply with Rule 901:1-17-06 of the Administrative Code. (C) If originate from a bovine accreditation preparatory or a bovine non-accredited state or zone are prohibited from exhibition. 901:1-18-08 Horses, mules and ponies. (A) Horses, mules and ponies moved within Ohio for exhibition: (1) If not under quarantine and if they are free of any signs of a contagious or infectious disease; and (2) If the animal is twelve months of age or older, the exhibition manager may require that the animal has been tested and classed negative to an official test for equine infectious anemia within twelve months of the opening date of the exhibition. (B) Horses, mules and ponies imported into Ohio for exhibition: (1) Shall be accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days of the opening date of the exhibition; and (2) If the animal is twelve months of age or older, it shall be accompanied by evidence the animal was negative to an official test for equine infectious anemia within twelve months of the opening date of the exhibition; and (3) Upon request by an authorized representative of the Ohio department of agriculture, the person responsible for each animal must make available a chronological list of dates, places and events attended by this animal within thirty days prior to entry into Ohio. 901:1-18-09 Sheep. (A) Sheep moved within Ohio for exhibition: (1) The animal presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of an infectious or contagious disease. (2) All sexually intact animals and any wether eighteen months of age and older must be identified with an official identification as defines in Rule 901:1-13-04 of the Ohio Administrative Code. 71 The 2015 Bellville Fair (B) Sheep imported into Ohio for exhibition: (1) Must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days preceding the opening date of the exhibition and be identified with official individual identification; and (2) The animal presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of an infectious or contagious disease; and (3) The owner and veterinarian must attest to the following statement written on the certificate of veterinary inspection “the sheep in this shipment are not known to be under any movement restrictions because of scrapie.” 901:1-18-10 Swine. (A) Swine moved within Ohio for exhibition: (1) The animals presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of an infectious or contagious disease. (2) Will be exempt from the requirement of a certificate of veterinary inspection if they originate immediately and directly from a pseudorabies stage V area. (3) Swine originating from a pseudorabies stage IV area shall: (a) Be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days preceding the opening date of the exhibition; and (b) Originate from a pseudorabies qualified herd; or (c) Be negative to an official pseudorabies test within thirty days of the exhibition. (B) Swine imported into Ohio for exhibition: (1) Must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days preceding the opening date of the exhibition; and (a) Originate immediately and directly from a pseudorabies stage V area or an area or country recognized by the United States department of agriculture, animal plant health inspection service, veterinary services as pseudorabies free; or (b) Originate immediately and directly from a pseudorabies stage IV area; and (c) Be negative to an official pseudorabies test within thirty days of the exhibition. 901:1-18-11 Llama. (A) Camelids including, but not limited to, llamas, alpacas and vicuanas moved within Ohio for exhibition when presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of an infectious or contagious disease. (B) Camelids including, but not limited to, llamas, alpacas and vicuanas imported into Ohio for exhibition: (1) Must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued within thirty days preceding the opening date of the exhibition and be identified with official individual identification. (2) When presented for exhibition must show no symptoms or evidence of contagious disease. Rev. 5/2011 72 The 2015 Bellville Fair OHIO’S LIVESTOCK TAMPERING EXHIBITION RULES 901-19-01 Definitions. As used in Chapter 901-19 of the Administrative Code: (A) Accessory reproductive tissue includes but is not limited to epididymis. (B) Agricultural society or society means a county agricultural society or an independent agricultural society that is organized under the laws of the state of Ohio. (C) Approved, when used in reference to drugs, means approved by the United States food and drug administration for use in the species indicated on the label. (D) Breed show or class means a show or class limited to breeding stock of a specific breed of livestock. (E) Class means a division within a show or exhibition as defined by a sponsor. (F) Department means the department of agriculture created under section 121.02 of the Revised Code. (G) Designee, when used in reference to an exhibitor, means a member of the exhibitor’s family or household or any other registered or authorized representative of the exhibitor. (H) Director means the director of agriculture appointed pursuant to section 121.03 of the Revised Code. (I) Drug means drug as defined in division (C) of section 4729.02 of the Revised Code and its metabolites. (J) Drug use notification form means the document completed in accordance with Rule 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code. (K) Exhibition drug residue legal means an animal has not been administered a drug; or if administered a drug the withdrawal period has elapsed at the time the drug use notification form is completed. (L) Exhibitor means any person who shows, displays, or exhibits livestock at an exhibition. (M) Extra label use means the actual or intended use of a drug in livestock in a manner other than in accordance with the drug label directions. (N) Fair means the annual exhibition held by the Ohio expositions commission, pursuant to division (A)(1) of section 991.03 of the Revised Code, or a county agricultural society or independent agricultural society, as reported to the director pursuant to Rule 901-5-11 of the Administrative Code. (O) Family means the immediate family of an exhibitor, including but not limited to the exhibitor’s parent, step-parent, foster parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, foster grandparent, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister, half-brother, half-sister, son, daughter, step-son, step-daughter, or guardian. (P) Grand champion means the highest placing livestock entry of a show. (Q) Household means the permanent residence address of the exhibitor. (R) Immediately means the time period between the cessation of administration of a drug and the point at which drug residues in the livestock are within tolerance levels or at zero tolerance, unless a safe level has been established by the United States food and drug administration. (S) Internal rule means any rule adopted by a sponsor or applicable to the sponsor’s exhibition, and includes all mandatory rules and those optional rules from which the sponsor does not exempt itself or its exhibition. (T) Junior livestock show means a show limited to exhibitors nine years of age or in the third grade through nineteen years of age, or as authorized to participate in either 4-H, FFA or other youth organization. (U) Label means the attached label or the accompanying brochure that lists the approved species, dose, route of administration, withdrawal times and any cautionary statement; a prescription label, the requirements of labeling for an extra label use drug as permitted by the United States food and drug administration; and information provided by the food animal avoidance databank (FARAD). (V) Licensed livestock facility means a livestock facility licensed pursuant to Chapter 943 of the Revised Code or a similar law of another state. (W) Mandatory rule means any rule adopted by the director relating to food safety or the health, safety, or welfare of livestock and from which a sponsor may not exempt itself or its exhibition. (X) Market flock style project means ownership including an individual junior exhibitor, family of a junior exhibitor or a cooperative made up of junior exhibitors. Through this type of ownership, the junior exhibitor(s) are to care for, groom, and select any and all birds to be used in exhibitions as well as actively participate in any decision making processes for the flock. (Y) Market livestock means exhibition livestock bred, raised and intended for slaughter for food purposes. (Z) Market poultry means birds including, but not limited to, meat chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks. 73 The 2015 Bellville Fair (AA) Non-terminal show means a show in which no livestock is required to be slaughtered. (BB) Optional rule means any rule adopted by the director from which a sponsor may exempt itself or its exhibition. (CC) Outstanding market project means the exhibitor ranking highest in the outstanding market project competition in a show. (DD) Over the counter drug means any drug that lawfully may be purchased without a prescription. (EE) Partial terminal show means a show in which no fewer than the grand champion and reserve grand champion in each show or market class of livestock are sent directly to slaughter or to a licensed livestock facility no later than immediately following the conclusion of the exhibition. (FF) Prescription means prescription as defined in division (G) of section 4729.02 of the Revised Code. (GG) Quarantine means isolation pursuant to section 941.07 of the Revised Code. (HH) Reserve grand champion means the second highest placing livestock entry of a show. (II) Residue means residues as defined in division (I) of section 941.01 of the Revised Code. (JJ) Show means that part of the exhibition restricted to exhibiting a single species and category of livestock such as, by way of example, but not limited to, market steer, dairy goats and market lambs. (KK) Slick clipping or body shaving means having hair that is less than one half inch in length on the body of market hogs. (LL) Terminal show means a show in which all livestock entered in the show are sent directly to slaughter or to a licensed livestock facility no later than immediately following the conclusion of the exhibition. (MM) Tolerance level means the detectable level of a residue or other substance in livestock, in a livestock test sample, or in food, as that word is defined in division (A)(5) of section 3715.01 of the Revised Code, in a level less than or equal to the maximum level determined to be safe, acceptable or non-violative by the United States food and drug administration. (NN) Unlawful substance means any of the following: (1) Any drug prohibited by division (E)(1)(b) of section 901.76 or section 2925.04 of the Revised Code; or (2) A substance which is not normally found in or does not naturally occur in livestock; or (3) A substance which is normally found in or does naturally occur in livestock, but is detected or discerned in an amount or area greater than normal; or (4) Any drug required to be listed, but which is not listed on a drug use notification form; or (5) Any drug present in an animal regardless of how the drug came to be present if the drug was not administered under paragraphs (A), (B) or (C) or Rule 901-19-04 of the Administrative Code. (OO) Veterinarian means any person licensed to practice veterinary medicine under Chapter 4741 of the Revised Code or under similar laws of another state. (PP) Withdrawal period or withdrawal time means the interval from the time the livestock is removed from medication until all residues are within the tolerance level. 901-19-02 Types of shows; slaughter. This is a mandatory rule. (A) The sponsor of an exhibition shall designate each of the shows held at the exhibition as one of the following types: terminal show, partial terminal show, or non-terminal show. (B) All of the following junior livestock shows or classes at a fair must be terminal shows or partial terminal shows: market beef steer, market hog, market lamb, market dairy steer, veal calf and market goat unless at least thirty days prior to the opening of the show, the sponsor has submitted a written request to exempt a show from this provision, and the director has provided written authorization granting this request prior to the start of the fair. (C) All livestock which participate in a terminal show shall be slaughtered. The livestock shall be consigned to slaughter either at the conclusion of the show or immediately following the exhibition. (D) In a partial terminal show at least the grand champion and the reserve grand champion shall be slaughtered. Prior to the show, the sponsor of the exhibition may require that additional livestock from a partial terminal show shall be slaughtered. The livestock shall be consigned to slaughter either at the conclusion of the show or immediately following the exhibition. (E) All livestock required to be slaughtered under this rule shall be slaughtered at a meat establishment either licensed by the department or granted inspection by the United States department of agriculture. 74 The 2015 Bellville Fair (F) Notwithstanding paragraphs (B), (C), and (D) of this rule, livestock required to be slaughtered under this rule may, at the option of the sponsor of the exhibition, be consigned to a licensed livestock facility for sale provided that: (1) The livestock is consigned either at the conclusion of the show or immediately following the exhibition; and (2) The livestock is sold only for slaughter. (G) From the beginning of the exhibition until departure for slaughter or consignment to a licensed livestock facility, the exhibitor or the exhibitor’s designee shall be responsible for caring for the livestock. (H) Livestock destined for slaughter or consignment to a licensed livestock facility shall not be removed from the exhibition grounds until the livestock is transported to slaughter or to the licensed livestock facility or until the sponsor approves movement of the livestock to another secure area for: (1) Disease control in accordance with paragraph (B)(4) or Rule 901:1-18-03 of the Administrative Code; and (2) Quarantine for residue to allow a withdrawal time as determined by the approved fair veterinarian or in accordance with the instructions listed on the drug use notification form to elapse and may be subject to testing. (I) All livestock destined for slaughter shall be subject to testing by the director in accordance with section 901.73 of the Revised Code. (J) Livestock carcasses passing inspection may be released for normal disposition. (K) During inspection or testing, if the livestock carcass is preliminarily determined to have been tampered with or found to contain an unlawful substance, one of the following shall occur: (1) If the livestock carcass must be trimmed or reconditioned to comply with the meat inspection requirements, the carcass shall be trimmed and reconditioned and released to the exhibitor, unless the successful bidder accepts the trimmed or reconditioned carcass. (2) If the livestock carcass cannot be trimmed or reconditioned, it shall be condemned in accordance with the meat inspection requirements. (L) Livestock entered in or eligible for a carcass contest prior to or during a terminal, partial terminal or non-terminal show must be exhibition drug residue legal at the time of the show and eligible for immediate slaughter. 901-19-03 Auction sales at terminal or partial terminal shows. This is a mandatory rule. (A) The sponsor may hold an auction sale of livestock exhibited at a terminal or partial terminal show. (B) An exhibitor who exhibits livestock at a terminal or partial terminal show consents to participating in the subsequent auction sale. (C) All bidders at an auction sale following a terminal or partial terminal show consent to the slaughter of the livestock or delivery to a licensed livestock facility. (D) Title to livestock sold at an auction sale and subsequently presented for slaughter or sale at a licensed livestock facility shall remain vested in the exhibitor, or if the exhibitor is not the owner, in the owner until the livestock has been passed by inspection and released in accordance with paragraph (K)(1) and (K)(2) of Rule 901-19-02 of the Administrative Code and passes all testing performed by or at the direction of the department or the sponsor. (E) At the discretion of the sponsor, the sponsor may collect the sale proceeds from the successful bidder and retain the proceeds until the carcass of the livestock has been released, or may allow the successful bidder to withhold payment of the proceeds until the carcass is released. In the event the carcass is not released, the sponsor shall return the sale proceeds to the successful bidder. (F) Prior to the auction, the sponsor shall announce the identification of the exhibition livestock which have been administered drugs for which the withdrawal time has not elapsed. 901-19-04 Prohibited practices. This is a mandatory rule. No person shall: (A) Administer or cause or permit to be administered a prescription drug to livestock either immediately before an exhibition or during an exhibition unless the prescription drug is administered: (1) By or under the supervision and direction of a veterinarian; and, (2) Only in accordance with label directions; and, (3) In conjunction with a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship; and, 75 The 2015 Bellville Fair (4) For a valid medical purpose; and, (5) A drug use notification form is completed and filed in accordance with the applicable requirements of Rule 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code. (B) Administer or cause or permit to be administered an over the counter drug to livestock either immediately before an exhibition or during an exhibition unless the over the counter drug is administered: (1) By or under the supervision or direction of the exhibitor, the exhibitor’s designee, the owner of the livestock or a veterinarian; and, (2) Only in accordance with the label directions; and, (3) Only for a valid medical purpose; and, (4) A drug use notification form is completed and filed in accordance with the applicable requirements of Rule 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code. (C) Administer or cause or permit to be administered either a prescription drug or an over the counter drug other than in accordance with the drugs label directions unless extra label use of the drug is: (1) By or under the supervision or direction of a veterinarian; and, (2) Only in accordance with the extra label directions provided by the veterinarian; and, (3) In conjunction with a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship; and, (4) For a valid medical purpose; and, (5) A drug use notification form is completed and filed in accordance with the applicable requirements of Rule 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code; and, (6) An extended withdrawal time is assigned to the drug by the veterinarian as part of the extra label directions and reported on the drug use notification form. (D) Show, sell, or offer for sale any livestock which contains an unlawful substance or has been subjected to unacceptable practices. (E) Show any livestock which contains a drug in an amount which exceeds the tolerance level if established or sale level; or, a drug for which the withdrawal period has not elapsed unless administered in accordance with paragraphs (A), (B) or (C) of this rule. (F) Sell or offer for sale in an auction at a terminal or partial terminal show an animal that contains a drug in an amount which exceeds the tolerance level if established or safe level; or, a drug for which the withdrawal period has not elapsed unless administered in accordance with paragraphs (A), (B) or (C) of this rule. (G) Exhibit and animal which has been tranquilized. (H) Make a false statement on a drug use notification form. (I) Fail to file or update a drug use notification form as required by 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code. (J) Negligently cause an unlawful substance to be present in an animal. (K) Fail to sign a chain of custody form. (L) Violate a mandatory rule. (M) Violate any optional rule from which a sponsor could have exempted itself or its exhibition, but did not. (N) Fail to render assistance as provided by section 901.73 of the Revised Code. 901-19-05 Responsibilities of an exhibition sponsor. This is a mandatory rule. (A) Every sponsor of an exhibition shall appoint a person as its records official. The records official shall receive and maintain the drug use notification forms filed under Rule 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code. (1) The records official shall reject any drug use notification form that is incomplete, illegible or unsigned. At the close of the exhibition the records official shall turn over the drug use notification forms received by him to the sponsor. (2) The sponsor shall maintain all drug use notification forms for a period of one year from the close of an exhibition. The drug use notification forms shall be made available to the department for inspection and copying upon request. (3) Review the submitted drug use notification forms prior to the show for compliance with paragraph (1) of rule 901-19-06 and rule 901-19-07 of the Administrative Code. (4) Review the submitted drug use notification forms for compliance with paragraph (B) of Rule 901-19-38 of the Administrative Code if applicable. 76 The 2015 Bellville Fair (B) The sponsor of an exhibition shall provide information requested by the director on a form prescribed by the director at least ten days before the start of the exhibition. (C) The sponsor of an exhibition shall, prior to the start of the exhibition, establish a method of identifying each animal in a terminal, partial terminal or non-terminal show and maintain a chain of custody for each market livestock animal from the show through consignment to either slaughter or a licensed livestock facility for sale. The sponsor shall maintain a record of the identity of each animal and its chain of custody for a period of one year from the date of the last day of an exhibition. (D) All county and independent agricultural societies and the Ohio expositions commission shall print Chapter 901:1-18 of the Ohio Administrative Code (Ohio’s livestock health exhibition rules) in their premium book for the current year. (E) The sponsor of a county or independent agricultural society or the Ohio exposition commission shall provide a livestock exhibitor or an adult advisor, upon request, a copy of Chapter 901-19 of the Administrative Code and print in their current premium book the following notice: Chapter 901-19 of the Administrative Code (Ohio’s livestock tampering exhibition rules) will be made available to a livestock exhibitor or an adult advisor, upon request. (F) If Chapter 901-19, of the Administrative Code (Ohio’s livestock tampering exhibition rules) for the upcoming show season are available prior to the sponsor’s printing deadline, the sponsor may elect to include the entire text or these rules within their premium book. (G) All other exhibitions shall provide to the exhibitors, upon request, a copy of Chapters 901:1-18 and 901-19 of the Administrative Code and shall include the following statement in a least one written announcement prior to the beginning of the exhibition, the exhibitions management will provide, upon request of an exhibitor, a copy of Chapters 901:1-18 (Ohio’s livestock health exhibition rules) and 901-19 (Ohio’s livestock tampering exhibition rules) of the Administrative Code. 901-19-06 Drug use notification. This is a mandatory rule. (A) The exhibitor and the owner of an animal are jointly and severally responsible for completing and filing the drug use notification form in the manner required by this rule. (B) The drug use notification form shall be signed by either the exhibitor or the owner. If the person signing the form is a minor child, the form may be cosigned by a parent or guardian of the minor child. (C) A drug use notification form shall be completed for every animal from which a test sample is collected at every terminal and partial terminal or non-terminal show and for every animal that is administered a drug either immediately before or during an exhibition. (D) The director shall require a drug use notification form to be completed for livestock including market steer, market hog, market lamb, veal calf, market dairy steer, market goats, market poultry, lactating dairy cattle and lactating goats exhibited in a junior livestock show at a fair. (E) The drug use notification form shall be filed with the records official prior to the show in which the animal is entered. (F) The director may require a drug use notification form to be completed for livestock exhibited at any type of show including a non-terminal show. (G) If at any time after the drug use notification form is filed the information on the form regarding drug use changes or if a drug is subsequently administered, an updated drug use notification form shall immediately be filed with the records official. (H) No person shall submit an incomplete, illegible or unsigned drug use notification form. (I) When a drug use notification form submitted to a records official for livestock is incomplete, illegible or unsigned neither the exhibitor nor the owner shall, until the defect is corrected: (1) Receive any prizes or awards from shows in which the livestock was exhibited prior to the time the drug use notification form was to be filed. (2) Participate in any shows or sales held subsequent to the time the drug use notification form was to be filed. 901-19-07 Quality assurance. This is a mandatory rule. Sponsors shall require exhibitors at fairs sponsored by county or independent agricultural societies or the Ohio exposition commission to annually attend or compete at a quality assurance program sponsored and conducted cooperatively by an exhibition sponsor, Ohio state university extension, Ohio agricultural education, or agricultural commodity organizations. Alternatively, at the discretion of Ohio state university 77 The 2015 Bellville Fair extension, annually pass a test based on the appropriate skill level for their age (twelve to fourteen or fifteen to eighteen) under the supervision of Ohio state university extension or Ohio agricultural education before exhibiting terminal or partial terminal market livestock, including market poultry, lactating dairy cattle and lactating goats in a junior livestock show. Youth who pass the test will be exempt from annual quality assurance re-certification until they move to the next age bracket or they are no longer a junior exhibitor (nineteen years of age or older on January first of their last year). Minimum standards for youth food quality assurance are as set forth in Appendix A attached hereto. 901-19-09 Drug residue in non-terminal show animals. This is a mandatory rule. (A) A person may, notwithstanding paragraph (E) of Rule 901-19-04 of the Administrative Code, show at a non-terminal show an animal which has been administered a drug provided they are in compliance with all of the following: (1) The drug is a prescription drug or an extra label use of a drug and the drug is prescribed by a veterinarian pursuant to a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship; and, (2) The drug is administered or used only in accordance with label directions or the prescription; and, (3) The drug is administered or used only for medical purposes; and, (4) A drug use notification form is completed and filed in accordance with the applicable requirements of Rule 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code. (B) Milk or other food obtained from livestock administered or treated with a drug and permitted to exhibit pursuant to paragraph (A) of the rule shall not be used for human consumption. 901-19-10 Testing requirements and test results. This is a mandatory rule. (A) Urine, blood, tissue and other test samples shall be collected in accordance with the Ohio department of agricultures protocol for the collection of livestock test samples at exhibitions. Test samples may be collected before, during or immediately after a show. Deviation from the protocol shall be noted. (B) The director may at his discretion, collect any urine, blood, tissue or other test samples from exhibition animals at the time of slaughter. 901-19-11 Humane treatment of livestock. This is a mandatory rule. (A) A person shall treat livestock in a humane manner and in accordance with acceptable commercial practices so as to protect the health, safety and welfare of the livestock. (B) All exhibitors shall comply with and abide by the policy statement and code of practices of the Ohio Livestock Coalition. 901-19-12 Acceptable practices. This is a mandatory rule. The following practices are deemed acceptable to protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of livestock: (A) Adding caffeine free soda pop, gelatin, or other sweeteners to drinking water in nominal amounts to encourage water consumption; (B) Hoof trimming; (C) Cosmetic dehorning in market class livestock; (D) Using collodion as a teat sealant, but for no longer than eighteen hours; (E) Adding molasses or other sweeteners to feed to encourage consumption; (F) Properly administered and approved growth implants; (G) Castration; (H) Beak trimming; (I) Dehorning; (J) Tattooing; (K) Hot or freeze branding; (L) Humane ringing; (M) Tail docking; (N) Ear notching; (O) Ear tagging; 78 The 2015 Bellville Fair (P) (Q) (R) (S) Shearing; Drenching of lambs for a medical condition at an exhibition when diagnosed by a licensed veterinarian; Acceptable surgery, including clamps, bands and chemical castration. Application of ice, ice packs, cold packs or cold compresses prescribed to relieve heat stress or a medical condition diagnosed by a licensed veterinarian at an exhibition. 901-19-13 Unacceptable practices. This is a mandatory rule. The following practices are detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of livestock and are prohibited: (A)Applying any electrical, mechanical, or other appliance to livestock repeatedly or for a prolonged time period in violation of section 313.2 of the United States code of federal regulations; (B)Hitting, striking, beating, or otherwise impacting livestock that induces swelling or enhances, transforms or changes the true conformation, configuration, or appearance of the livestock; (C)Plugging of teats; (D)Sealing of teats using unapproved substances or for longer than eighteen hours using approved substances; (E)Injecting material into udders or teats for non-medical purposes or otherwise artificially modifying the appearance or conformation of the udder or teat; (F) Using ice, ice packs, cold packs or cold compresses internally or externally other than in accordance with paragraph (S) of Rule 901-19-12 of the Administrative Code; (G)Using a stomach tube or pump for any purpose other than for the relief of tympany or gas on the day of exhibiting. (H)Drenching of lambs at an exhibition is prohibited except as permitted under paragraph (Q) of Rule 901-19-12 of the Administrative Code. 901-19-19 Absolute liability. This is a mandatory rule. (A) Both the exhibitor and the owner of the livestock are absolutely liable to discipline under Rule 901-19-21 of the Administrative Code for the presence of an unlawful substance in livestock and unacceptable practices done to livestock. (B) If the exhibitor or the owner was a minor child at the time the unlawful substance or unacceptable practice was detected, the parent or guardian of the person shall also be absolutely liable to discipline under Rule 901-19-21 of the Administrative Code for the presence of an unlawful substance in livestock and unacceptable practices done to livestock. (C) The director or the sponsor in imposing discipline under paragraph (A) of this rule upon a person, shall mitigate the discipline imposed based on one or more of the following facts if established: (1) The person did not introduce the unlawful substance into the animal or do any unacceptable practices to the livestock; (2) The person had no actual or constructive knowledge that the unlawful substance was introduced into the livestock or that unacceptable practices had been done to the livestock; (3) The unlawful substance was not introduced into the livestock and that unacceptable practices were not done to the livestock through the person’s negligence. 901-19-21 Disciplinary action. This is a mandatory rule. (A) Any person who violates a provision of sections 901.70 through 901.76 inclusive, or 2925.04 of the Revised Code or any provision of this chapter, is subject to any of the following disciplinary actions: (1) Disqualification from any exhibition; (2) Disqualification of the exhibition livestock from any exhibition; (3) Continuing education; (4) Written letter of reprimand; (5) Forfeiture or return of awards, prizes, premiums or proceeds; (6) Pre-exhibition drug testing. (B) Disqualification may include any or all shows and classes and may be for any number of years. (C) Anyone who violates Rule 901-19-07 of the Administrative Code may be given a letter of reprimand for the first offense. 79 The 2015 Bellville Fair 901-19-31 Responsibilities of and assistance to junior fair exhibitors. This is an optional rule. (A) A junior livestock show exhibitor shall be responsible for the continuous care, grooming, and preparation of the livestock entered in the junior livestock show. (B) An exhibitor may receive assistance in the care, grooming, and preparation of the livestock entered in the junior livestock show, provided that the assistance shall be limited to explanation or demonstration provided by the following: (1) Family members; (2) Household members; (3) Advisors or adult volunteers of 4-H or FFA in the exhibitor’s club or county; (4) Vocational agriculture instructors; (5) County extension agents; (6) Department representatives; (7)Veterinarians; (8) Members of the exhibitor’s 4-H club, FFA chapter, or other youth organizations; (9) Guest speakers of the 4-H, FFA, or other youth organizations. (C) Any person not specified in paragraph (B) of this rule who provides assistance to a junior livestock show exhibitor shall register in writing with the sponsor. The responsibility to register rests with the exhibitor. An assistant may register for more than one exhibitor. Failure to register constitutes grounds for disciplinary action against the exhibitor. Assistance shall be limited to explanation and minimal demonstration. 901-19-32 Breed shows or classes. This is an optional rule. In breed shows or classes, the rules of the breed association shall constitute accepted grooming practices for that breed’s show or class, unless otherwise modified by a mandatory rule. 901-19-33 Prohibited grooming practices. This is an optional rule. The following grooming practices are prohibited in market classes, non-breed shows or classes, and breed shows or classes unless those grooming practices are permitted under Rule 901-19-32: (A) Using any substance to enhance or change the color of the livestock, including the livestock’s hide or hooves; (B) Adding any substance externally to build up, change or alter the shape or conformation of the livestock, including by way of example but not limited to rope, false hair, graphite, hemp, and powders; (C) Pigmented grooming aids or materials. (D) Slick clipping or body shaving of market hogs except on the ears and tails. 901-19-34 Outstanding market project competition. This is an optional rule. The exhibition may provide for an outstanding market project competition in one or more classes. The competition may include an evaluation of the livestock, demonstration of the exhibitor’s showmanship abilities, and a skillathon or interview judging. The skillathon or interview judging may include demonstration of the exhibitor’s knowledge of quality assurance principles, as set forth in an industry publication or in a publication such as the caring of animals handout or by viewing the Caring for Animals Video available from a county extension office. 901-19-35 Recognition of disciplinary actions. This is an optional rule. (A) Disciplinary action by a sponsor against a person for a violation of sections 91.70 to 901.76, inclusive, or 2925.04 of the Revised Code or chapter 901-19 of the Administrative Code shall be given full faith and credit and shall be honored at all exhibitions. (B) A person who has been convicted of violating section 901.70 to 901.76, inclusive, or 2925.04 of the Revised Code shall be prohibited from participating in any exhibition for a minimum period of three years. 80 The 2015 Bellville Fair 901-19-38 False, deceptive or unacceptable practices. This is an optional rule. The following are unacceptable practices: (A) Castration of livestock for purposes of this rule which exceed the following criteria: (1) Cattle over eight months of age; (2) Swine over seventy-five pounds; or (3) Sheep over seventy-five pounds. (B) Showing any market livestock which has been treated in accordance with paragraph (A), (B) or (C) of 901-19-04 of the Administrative Code when a side effect of the drug conceals, enhances, transforms or changes the true confirmation or condition of the livestock. (C) Any natural occurrence or surgical process which results in testicular tissue remaining in the body of exhibition livestock except rabbits and poultry. 901-19-39 Ownership Requirements. (A) No person shall register, enter, or exhibit in a junior livestock exhibition any of the livestock listed in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(7) of this rule unless the person has owned the livestock for not less than the length of time listed: (1) market steers - 150 days; (2) market dairy steers - 150 days; (3) market hogs - 60 days; (4) market lambs - 60 days; (5) market goats - 60 days; (6) veal calves - 60 days; and (7) market poultry - within five days of hatch including all individual participants in a cooperative. (B) No person shall register, enter or exhibit livestock in a junior breeding livestock exhibition unless the person has owned the livestock for not less than sixty days or, if the livestock is registered, the livestock has been registered in the persons name for not less than sixty days. (C) For any exhibition other than those listed in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(6) and paragraph (B) of this rule, the length of time a person shall own livestock before the person may register, enter or exhibit the livestock at an exhibition may be set by either the sponsor of the exhibition or a breed association. Rev. 1/2011 81 The 2015 Bellville Fair 2015 LIVESTOCK AWARD SPONSORS POULTRY DAIRY Youth Showmanship - Muddy Creek Clovers 4-H Club Youth Showmanship - Opengate Angus Farms / Feilon Junior Showmanship - Pfeifer Repair Junior Showmanship - Opengate Angus Farms / Feilon Senior Showmanship - Pfeifer Repair Senior Showmanship - Mike Snyder Farms Pro Showmanship - Bellville Fair Board Pro Showmanship - The McConkie Family Grain Farm Reserve Champion - Mechanics Bank Reserve Champion Dairy - The McConkie Family Grain Farm Grand Champion - Mechanics Bank Grand Champion Dairy - The McConkie Family Grain Farm Reserve Champion Feeder Calf - Mike Snyder Family RABBITS Grand Champion Feeder Calf - Mike Snyder Family Youth Showmanship - Complete Animal Care Hospital Junior Showmanship - Bellville Fair Board SWINE Senior Showmanship - Bellville Fair Board Youth Showmanship - Highlights Studio / Greg & Linda Tedrow Pro Showmanship - Bellville Fair Board Junior Showmanship - Charles Whatman Realtors and Auctioneer Reserve Champion - Bellville Fair Board Senior Showmanship - DiRusso’s Sausage / Todd Sipes Grand Champion - Bellville Fair Board Pro Showmanship - Sieving Asparagus Farms / Bob & Barb Sieving Reserve Champion - Pfeifer Repair GOATS Grand Champion - Pfeifer Repair Youth Showmanship - Trent & Darla Walker Junior Showmanship - Clear Fork Chamber of Commerce BEEF Senior Showmanship - Clear Fork Chamber of Commerce Youth Showmanship - Richland County Cattlemen’s Association Pro Showmanship - Muddy Creek Clovers 4-H Club Junior Showmanship - Circle H Cattle Company Reserve Champion - Mid Ohio Trophy Darrel Brown Senior Showmanship - Jason Tilton Family Grand Champion -Clear Fork Chamber of Commerce Pro Showmanship - Trent & Darla Walker Reserve Champion Steer - McGinty Family SHEEP Grand Champion Steer - McGinty Family Youth Showmanship - George Keep Reserve Champion Beef Feeder Calf - Opengate Angus Farms / Feilon Junior Showmanship - Tom Carroll Family / Rolling Hills Farm Grand Champion Beef Feeder Calf - Opengate Angus Farms / Feilon Senior Showmanship - US Bank Reserve Champion Beef Breeding - McGinty Family Pro Showmanship - Larry Weyhmeller Family Grand Champion Beef Breeding - McGinty Family Reserve Champion Ram - Clear Fork Chamber of Commerce Grand Champion Ram - Larry Weyhmeller Family Reserve Champion Ewe - Richard Swendal Grand Champion Ewe - Larry Weyhmeller Family Ask any Fair Board Director how you can get your name or business on this page 82 The 2015 Bellville Fair Welcome to the 2015 Bellville Street Fair 83 The 2015 Bellville Fair 84 The 2015 Bellville Fair For Men & Women Phone 886-3551 Tues.-Sat. hours Walk-ins Welcome 85 The 2015 Bellville Fair 419.886.4755 • Fax: 419.886.4750 P.O. 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Sanctuary Foyer Phone:Foyer 419-688-2251Foyer Email:darrevents@gmail.com 5780 State Route 5780 13,State Bellville, Route Ohio 13, 44813 Bellville, Ohio 44813 Phone: 419-688-2251 Phone: 419-688-2251 bsite: www.darreventsllc.com Website: www.darreventsllc.com Find us on Facebook! Find us on Facebook! Email: darrevents@gmail.com Email: darrevents@gmail.co 5780 State Route 13, Bellville, Ohio 44813 Phone: 419-688-2251 Website: www.darreventsllc.com • Email: darrevents@gmail.com Find us on Facebook! 96 The 2015 Bellville Fair Supports The Community US Bank is proud to be a part of the continuing growth and outstanding tradition of excellence in our community. For all your banking needs, stop by your local US Bank office. 97 The 2015 Bellville Fair 419-886-2880 760 Mock Road Bellville, Ohio 44813 98 Enjoy the Fair! The 2015 Bellville Fair Enjoy the Fair! DAVE PETERS, MANAGER Mike & Jenny Jessee Owners DAVE PETERS, MANAGER VILLAGE AUTO PARTS 136 SCHOOL STREET VILLAGE AUTO PARTS 17460 Ankenytown Road AUTO PARTS STORES AUTO PARTS STORES BELLVILLE, OHIO 44813 136 SCHOOL STREET Fredericktown, Ohio 43019 PHONE (419) 886-4882 BELLVILLE, OHIO 44813 PHONE (419) 886-4882 AUT O, TRUCK, FARM 740-694-7492 AUTTUES., O, TRUCK, FARM 8-5:30 PM MON.; 8-5:30 PM WED., THURS., FRI.; 8-1 PM SAT. FAX: 740-694-5380 www.Deejayscustombutchering.com 8-5:30 PM MON.; 8-5:30 PM TUES., WED., THURS., FRI.; 8-1 PM SAT. (We Sell The Land & Everything On It) Charles A. Whatman Derek Whatman Realtor & Auctioneer Realtor & Auctioneer A. Whatman Derek Whatman CharlesCharles A. Whatman Derek Whatman Realtor & Auctioneer Realtor & Auctioneer Tom Whatman Realtor & Auctioneer Realtor & Auctioneer Realtor & Auctioneer Tom WhatmanTom Whatman Realtor & Auctioneer Realtor &Ave Auctioneer 1160 Lexington • Mansfield, Ohio Phone: 756-8012 or 883-3871 1160 Lexington Ave • Mansfield, Ohio Phone: 756-8012 84 or 883-3871 84 99 The 2015 Bellville Fair 100 The 2015 Bellville Fair GRANGE INSURANCE PEKIN INSURANCE STATE AUTO INSURANCE OHIO MUTUAL INSURANCE 101 The 2015 Bellville Fair 102 The 2015 Bellville Fair 103 The 2015 Bellville Fair Welcome to the Bellville Street Fair Always glad to serve you Please Patronize the Advertisers in this 2015 Bellville Fair Program Without their support, this program would not be possible! 104 106 The 2015 Bellville Fair As a Nationwide Agent, I can make sure ® you’re taking advantage of all benefits we have to offer, including home/car discounts, Blue Ribbon Claims Service and more. So if you’re looking for more than just insurance, call me today. Dave Jolin Agency 285 S. Main Street Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419) 886-2220 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and affiliated Companies Home Office: One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, OH 43215 Nationwide® is a registered federal service mark of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company 105 The 2015 Bellville Fair 106 The 2015 Bellville Fair 107 The 2015 Bellville Fair 108 The 2015 Bellville Fair We’re Proud To Support The 2015 Bellville World’s Fair 1313 S. Main Street Mansfield OH 44907 Clubhouse: 419.756.1050 www.possumrungolf.com 1440 Old Oak Trail Mansfield OH 44903 Clubhouse: 419.747.4653 www.oaktreeclub.com 366 Main Street Bellville OH 44813 Clubhouse: 419.886.4400 www.littleapplegolfcourse.com 109 The 2015 Bellville Fair 110 The 2015 Bellville Fair • Brochures • Programs to serve our customers is our business philosophy. We review every job in an effort to help our customers communicate effectively. Our goal is to create solutions that add value, and save our customer’s time, reduce costs, and maintain quality printing. • Business Cards • Letterheads • Guides • Postcards Spring Friday Evening May 10, and Saturday May 11, 2013 • 9:00 a.m. To benefit . . . the students and adults of the Holmes County Training Center and Lynn Hope Industries • Ad Design • Flyers • Presentation Folders • Banners & Signs Raffle Tickets: Raffle - $50000 Prize Drawing at 2:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Holmes County Association for Handicapped Citizens • Catalogs Quilt Auction • 2:00 p.m. Featuring over 100 Amish-made comforters, quilts and wallhangers • Addressing Mailing Services ToTal Clean ouT Property Preservation Carla Eignor 937-622-5185 totalcleanoutpp@aol.com WWW.TOTALCLEANOUT.NET Probate Estates • BankOwned/Foreclosures • Hoarders/Organizers Job & Family Services, APS • Occupied or Unoccupied • General Public & much more! Contact us 800.842.6859 x30 to obtain quotes www.truaxprinting.com TRUAX PRINTING, INC. “Creating Quality Impressions Since 1966” 425 East Haskell St • Loudonville, Ohio 44842 Ph (419) 994-4166 • Fax (419) 994-4617 111 Design, Printing & Marketing Services Going the extra mile . . . The 2015 Bellville Fair • BONDED LOCKSMITH • SAFE SPECIALIST • LOWEST RATES • RAPID RESPONSE • LOCK-OUTS • RE-KEY SPECIALIST CHICKEN B-B-Q September 19, 2015 Saturday - 11:00 A.M. til 7:00 P.M. or until sold out L.C.M. (Lutheran Church Men) 1 block west of bandstand, Bellville, Ohio Full or Children’s Menu Homemade Pies 112 The 2015 Bellville Fair 113 The 2015 Bellville Fair AM Radio ... performing live on the Main Street Stage Friday, September 18th at 7:00 pm. AM Radio is an American rock band fronted by singer Kevin Ridel, a longtime personal friend and former bandmate of Weezer lead singer Rivers Cuomo. The band has released four studio albums. Beginnings, “Radioactive” AM Radio began in 1999, when they recorded a debut album that they couldn’t find the support to release. After Ridel unsuccessfully pursued a project entitled Peel, it was Cuomo who helped AM Radio get off the ground in 2001. Cuomo was enlisted as AM Radio’s manager, and in 2002, the band toured with Weezer on the Dusty West Tour, Japan World Cup Tour, and the Enlightenment Tour. In 2003, “Radioactive” was released on Elektra Records, supported by singles “Taken for a Ride” and “I Just Wanna Be Loved.” “I Just Wanna Be Loved” was featured on “Smallville,” a hit TV series on “The WB” and released on the show’s soundtrack. Also in 2003, “Taken for a Ride” was featured on the videogame soundtrack for EA Sports’ John Madden Football 2003. The band received more support from “The WB” when “Taken for a Ride” was featured on an episode of “One Tree Hill.” The song also appeared on a television trailer for the FOX feature film “The Girl Next Door” that same year. Move to Japan, “Reactive” Later in the decade, AM Radio redirected its musical efforts overseas and pursued a record label with Polydor Records in Japan. “Reactive” was released in 2007. Ridel signed with Sony Publishing Japan and pursued other Japanese side projects as well. Return to LA, “BBBB” After a string of small club tours in Los Angeles and a handful of band rehearsals, Ridel and current AM Radio member Jason Moore began a project entitled “Jason Feat Kevin,” commonly referred to by the band as “JFK.” The duo then restarted AM Radio in mid 2008 and pursued both groups. In December of that same year, it was announced that AM Radio would record a new album. About a year later, in November, “Bigger Better Bolder Brighter” (“BBBB”) was released without the help of a record label. Ridel has stated “Bigger Better Bolder Brighter” is ironic in that we are recording the entire album on our home computers, as opposed to using an expensive studio with a big budget producer.” 114 The 2015 Bellville Fair Mike Albert “Elvis Tribute” performing live with the “Big ‘E’ Band”on the Main Street Stage Saturday, September 19th at 7:00 pm. Mike Albert’s “Ultimate Tribute” show has become known worldwide for the respectful portrayal of the late Elvis Presley. The show had its beginnings with Mike using singa-long tapes of Elvis’ hits. Mike won several major world “Elvis” contests, and demand for his shows resulted in putting together a seven piece Big “E” Band, to emulate the sound Elvis’ band had in the Vegas shows and on tour. An appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show and being featured in six music videos on the national show “A Current Affair”, with Maury Povich, further exposed audiences to Mike’s talent. The actual vocal groups that backed Elvis (the legendary Jordanaires and J.D. Sumner and the Stamps quartet) have toured across the U.S., Europe and as far as Australia and New Zealand with Mike’s show at many large conventions and theaters. Mike’s style and charisma and his ability to get the audience involved in the show have proved to be quite the crowd pleaser. Fairs, festivals, dinner shows and large car cruises have established a long-term relationship with Mike and his band that draws sold-out crowds year after year. Highlighting Mike’s career was an invitation to do the Miss Tennessee beauty pageant, with a full orchestra and choreographed dance routines, and a repeat invitation three years later. Mike’s powerful voice lends itself well to every type of Elvis’ music - 50’s, 60’s and 70’s rock and roll and love songs, as well as a very successful gospel/Christmas show. Since Elvis had so many hits, Mike makes it a point to keep the show fresh with an ever-changing song line-up! Special requests are often delivered to audiences who are “All Shook Up”! 115 The 2015 Bellville Fair Paid for by Fritz Ackerman, Bellville, Ohio Made in the USA 116 The 2015 Bellville Fair MARK GATTON “kindest regards and enjoy the fair” JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE Welcome to the Bellville Fair! Compliments of American Mid-Ohio Title Agency 2416 Lexington Avenue, Mansfield, Ohio 44907 419-884-2215 Ted & Sally Dennison Bill & Rachel Lallman Ann Baker Joseph Lallman David Black Family owned and operated. Serving Richland and surrounding counties since 1974! www.AmericanMidOhioTitle.com 117 The 2015 Bellville Fair 118 The 2015 Bellville Fair In Demand Professional Services “Your Event & Business Specialist” 16912 N. Liberty Rd. Fredericktown, OH 43019 740.398.9598 Indemandcapital@gmail.com EUGENE ROBINSON owner 119 The 2015 Bellville Fair NOTES 120 The 2015 Bellville Fair Bellville Street Fair September 16-19, 2015 OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK The Fair Board requires $2.00 Entry Fee per Senior Exhibitor No entry fee for Junior Exhibitor Entry Tags available at Jefferson Twp. Office, Old Fire Station 1:00 - 4:00 pm Saturday September 5th, Saturday September 12th, Monday September 14th, and Tuesday September 15th. Fair Board Members will be available at these times to assist or mail to: Bellville Fair Board, 131 Main St., Bellville, OH 44813 (Enclose a large pre-stamped envelope if tags are to mailed to you) Entry must remain in place until 4:00 pm Saturday unless otherwise stated or premium will be forfeited. NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Junior Exhibitor (School Age) Senior Exhibitor Name of Department No. of Entries 121 The 2015 Bellville Fair NOTES 122 The 2015 Bellville Fair NOTES 123 The 2015 Bellville Fair NOTES 124 The 2015 Bellville Fair NOTES 125 The 2015 Bellville Fair NOTES 126 The 2015 Bellville Fair NOTES 127 The 2015 Bellville Fair NOTES 128