theatre – plays and more: sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries
theatre – plays and more: sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries
THEATRE – PLAYS AND MORE: SIXTEENTH THROUGH THE NINETEENTH CENTURIES I am pleased to present a small catalogue of eighty-three items related to the theatre (plays, memoirs, histories, bibliographies, etc.). Highlights include: A presentation copy by John Adolphus, manager of Drury Lane and actor. Two extremely rare French pamphlets bound together – each with two copies recorded, all in France A possibly unique pastoral in Italian First editions of Cecchi‟s plays, plus a second An archive of Verneuil‟s plays The Verneuil archive consists of his plays or those he wrote in collaboration with others, some of the same books or others with manuscript notes and/or notations, books by other authors with manuscript notes and/or notations, and books from Verneuil‟s own library. This fascinating collection gives a good insight to boulevard plays and provides good research material for prospective scholars. In one instance, a play written in collaboration with Georges Berr is extensively annotated in more than one copy. Findings for a scholar of the field and Verneuil may be most rewarding as this archive consists of 323 items. Happy hunting. Institutions can be billed to accommodate their requirements. Sam Gatteño Sam Gatteño Books 542 Lakeland Grosse Pointe, MI 48230 Website: Email: (313) 885-2254 (office) (313) 587-4582 (mobile) (313) 885-2254 (fax) 1 PRESENTATION COPY TO HIS NIECE 1. Adolphus, John. Memoirs of John Bannister, Comedian. London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, 1839. Octavo. Two volumes. I: xx, 399pp.; II: xii, 368pp. First edition. Contemporary calf. With engraved frontispiece portrait of Bannister in each volume. Presentation copy from the author to his niece, Louisa Lyne. The acting manager of Drury Lane in 1802-03, Bannister appeared in many of Sheridan's plays. $900 2 2. Baker, David Erskine; Reed, Isaac; Jones, Stephen, compilers. Biographia Dramatica; or, a Companion to the Playhouse: Containing Historical and Critical Memoirs, and Original Anecdotes, of British and Irish Dramatic Writers ... Together with an Introductory View of the Rise and Progress of the British Stage. London: Printed for Messr. Rivingtons, et. al., 1782. Octavo. Two volumes. I: [iv], lii, 496pp.; II: [iv], 442pp. I:[] 2 (-[]1), b8-d8, B8-Z8, Aa8-Ii8; II: []2, B8-Z8, Aa8-Ee8, Ff4, Gg2 (-Gg2 blank). With the half-title to volume II present. Blue cloth. With the ownership inscription of Thomas Fairman Ordish (1855-1924) on the verso of the front free endpaper, dated 1880. Ordish was an English author who specialized on folklore, Shakespeare and drama. One of the richest sources on British Theatre in the 17th and 18th centuries. $300 3 TWO COPIES RECORDED – BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE & BIBLIOTHEQUE MUNICIPALE DE LYON 3. [Bavardin, Nicolas]. Lettre sur l'état actuel du spectacle à R*** . n.p.: n.p., 1765. Octavo. 24pp. A8, B4. Nineteenth-century cloth over marbled boards. Even though the titlepage is dated 1765, the book ends with a date of 15 January 1773. The Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon dates the book to 1775, and attributes it to Nicolas Bavardin. Bound with: Observations sur le spectacle de Rouen. Some old staining. $1,750 4 4. Bonarelli della Rovere, Guidobaldo. Filli di Sciro, Favola del Conte ... detto l'Aggiunto, Accademico intrepido. Da essa Accademia dedicata al Sereniss. Signor, Don Francesco Maria ... dalla Rovere Duca VI d'Urbino. In Amsterdam et in Parigi: Nella Stamperia del S.D. Elsevier, appresso Thomaso Jolly, 1678. 24mo. 168pp. A8-K8, L4. Contemporary mottled calf; hinges cracked in places. Top of spine chipped. With a frontispiece and 6 plates by Sébastien LeClerc. Willems 1542; Copinger 461; Brunet I, 1088; Rahir 1673. In the same genre as Tasso's Aminta (1573) and Guarini's Il Pastor Fido (1590), it differs from the two mentioned and other similar works of the period in that its heroine, Celia, is in love with two shepherds at the same time, which was criticized by the author's contemporaries. Bonarelli had to defend this work in his Discorsi in Difesa del Doppio Amore della sua Celia. The work was extremely popular and reprinted many times during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. $400 5 ONE OTHER COPY MENTIONED IN 1874 – WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN 5. Brigliano, Giovanni Battista. Gli Penosi Affetti; Egloga Pastorale. In Napoli: Per Egidio Longo, 1628. Duodecimo. 103pp. A12 [-A1 & -A10], B12-D12, E4. Lacks two leaves. Later quarter sheep over marbled boards, repaired. Title label. In the bio-bibliography compiled by Pietro Martorana, entitled, "Notizie Biographiche e Bibliographiche degli Scrittori del Dialetto Napolitano," Napoli, Presso Chiurazzi Editore, 1874, the author notes the work briefly on page 42, but enlarges upon it in the Appendix, page 427, where he says, " Brigliano Gio. Battista. Un semplice ricordo da taccuino, ci fece scrivere poche parole alla pag 42 citando nudamente Brigliano detto il masturzo, ma nel corso di questo lavoro avendo acquistato il libro citato, diremo, Gli penosi affetti egloga pastorale in Napolitana e Toscana lingua di Gio. Battista Brigliano Dottor di Legge Napolitano. Detto il Masturzo. In Napoli, per Egidio Longo, 1628. Con licenza de‟Superiori. Esso è in 12 di pag 103, ed è dedicato dall‟autore al Sig. Camillo Masini in data da Napoli 20 Luglio 1628." In 1875, Camillo Minieri Riccio, in his “Notizie biographiche e bibliographiche degli scrittori napoletani fioriti nel secolo XVII I cognomi dei quali cominciano con la lettera B,” Napoli: Tipografia di Raffaele Rinaldi e Giuseppe Sellitto, 1877, also makes a brief reference to this work. Other than these two entries, no reference to this work can be found in any of the standard bibliographies that I have consulted. The whereabouts of Martorana‟s copy is unkown (unless, of course, this happens to be the one). $2,500 6 FIVE FIRST EDITIONS – AND A SECOND – OF CECCHI’S PLAYS 6. Cecchi, Giovanni Maria. La Dote. In Vinegia: Appresso Gabriel Giolito de‟ Ferrari, et fratelli, 1556. Duodecimo. 47ff. A12-D12 (D12 blank, wanting). With several historiated capitals. Contemporary vellum. Index Aurel. 134.844. Bound with five other plays of Cecchi: Gl'incantesimi, La Moglie, I Dissimili, L'Assivolo, and La Stiava. Cecchi‟s works, a Florentine playwright who was one of the most prominent figures of sixteenth-century Italian comedy, are noted today for their portrayals of contemporary Italian speech and mannerisms. $9,900 7 7. Cecchi, Giovanni Maria. L'Assivolo. In Vinegia: Appresso Gabriel Giolito de‟ Ferrari, et fratelli, 1550. Duodecimo. 45, [i]ff. A12-D12 (D11-12, both blank, wanting). First edition. With several historiated capitals. Contemporary vellum. Index Aurel. 134.844. Bound with five other plays of Cecchi: Gl'incantesimi, La Dote, La Moglie, I Dissimili, and La Stiava. See # 6 8 8. Cecchi, Giovanni Maria. La Stiava. In Vinegia: Appresso Gabriel Giolito de‟ Ferrari, et fratelli, 1550. Duodecimo. 36ff. A12-C12. First edition. With several historiated capitals. Contemporary vellum. Index Aurel. 134.844. Bound with five other plays of Cecchi: Gl'incantesimi, La Dote, La Moglie, I Dissimili, and L'Assivolo. See # 6 9 9. Cecchi, Giovanni Maria. La Moglie. In Vinegia: Appresso Gabriel Giolito de‟ Ferrari, et fratelli, 1550. Duodecimo. 43, [i]ff. A12-C12, D8. First edition. With several historiated capitals. Contemporary vellum. Index Aurel. 134.844. Bound with five other plays of Cecchi: Gl'incantesimi, La Dote, I Dissimili, L'Assivolo, and La Stiava. See # 6 10 10. Cecchi, Giovanni Maria. Gl'incantesimi. In Vinegia: Appresso Gabriel Giolito de‟ Ferrari,et fratelli, 1550. Duodecimo. 42ff. A12-C12, D6. First edition. With several historiated capitals. Contemporary vellum. Index Aurel. 134.844. Bound with five other plays of Cecchi: La Dote, La Moglie, I Dissimili, L'Assivolo, and La Stiava. See # 6 11 11. Cecchi, Giovanni Maria. I Dissimili. In Vinegia: Appresso Gabriel Giolito de‟ Ferrari, et fratelli, 1550. Duodecimo. 45, [i]ff. A12-D12 (D11 blank; D12 also blank, wanting). First edition. With several historiated capitals. Contemporary vellum. Index Aurel. 134.844. Bound with five other plays of Cecchi: Gl'incantesimi, La Dote, La Moglie, L'Assivolo, and La Stiava. See # 6 12 12. Cibber, Colley. An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, Comedian, and Late Patentee of the Theatre-Royal. n. p. [Waltham St. Lawrence]: Golden Cockerel Press, 1925. Octavo. Two volumes. I: [xii], 160pp.; II: [i], 163, [i]pp. Limited to 450 copies; this is No. 56. Cloth spine over boards. With initial letters by Eric Gill. Upper cover of first volume marked with a circular sun stain and someone must have inserted a sharp object on the lower cover piercing through the cover, leaving a pinprick on the free endpaper. $65 13. Colman, George. Inkle and Yarico: an opera, in three acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal in the Hay-Market, on... August 11th, 1787. London: Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1787. Octavo. 75pp. []4 (-[]1), B4-I4, K2. First edition. Lacks half-title. Twentiethcentury half brown calf over marbled boards. ESTC N965. Deaccessioned from Harvard College Library. $300 14. Corneille, Pierre de. D. Sanche d'Arragon, comedie heroiqve. Imprime a Rouen, & se vend a Paris: Chez Avgvstin Covrbe, au palais, en la petite salle des merciers, a la Palme, 1650. Duodecimo. [viii]ff., 83pp. pi2, e6, A6-G6. With the „privilege dv roy.‟ With a title vignette. Modern brown morocco. Picot 61; Tchemerzine II, 565. $1,100 13 15. Corneille, Pierre de. Le Théatre de Corneille. A Amsterdam: chez Henry Desbordes, 1701. Duodecimo. Five volumes. I: [ii], XLVIII, 462pp.; II: [ii], XLVIII, 416pp.; III: [ii], XXIII, 487pp.; IV: [ii], 479pp.; V: [ii], 382pp. I: []1, *12-**12, A12-T12, V4; II: []1, *12-**12, A12-R12, S4; III: []1, *12, A12-V12, X4; IV: []1, A12-V12; V: []1, A12-Q12 [Q12 blank]. Nineteenth-century morocco. All edges gilt. With a portrait, engraved frontispiece, and 32 full-page plates. Cohen-de Ricci 254; Lewine, Bibliography of 18th Century Art & Illustrated Books, p. 119. $1,000 16. Cowley, Mrs. Hannah. The runaway. A comedy: As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London: Printed for the author; and sold by Mr. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall; Mr. Becket, and Mr Cadell, in the Strand; Mr. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row; and Carnan and Newbery, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1776. Octavo. [viii], 72pp. []4, B4-K4. First edition. The statement ‟The dotted lines in the play are omitted at the Theatre.‟ is placed after the prologue. Quarter red morocco over cloth boards by Sangorski & Sutcliffe. J. E. Norton, 'Some Uncollected Authors XVI, Hannah Cowley, 1743-1809,' The Book Collector VII, 1 (1958), pp. 68-76. The author‟s first play. Garrick produced the play and wrote the epilogue. Nicoll records that Garrick is supposed also to have made some additions to the comedy. $400 17. Cradock, J. Zobeide. A Tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in CoventGarden. London: Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1771. Small quarto. [i]ff., iiipp., [i]ff., 80pp., [ii]ff. []4, B4-L4, M2. First edition. Half brown calf over marbled boards. Tinker 1130 (Goldsmith); NCBEL II, 831. Zobeide, his most successful play, was adapted from Voltaire's exotic tragedy, 'Les Scythes.' Voltaire paid it a compliment in a 1773 letter to Cradock: "Thanks to your muse, a foreign copper shines, Turned into gold, and coined in sterling lines." With his allusions to currency, perhaps Voltaire was subtly suggesting that royalties were due. $300 18. Crisp, Samuel. Virginia. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty"s Servants. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson, and S. Draper, 1754. Octavo. [viii], 74, [ii]pp. [A] 4, B8-E8, F6. First edition. ESTC states that there were two variants, one with the press figure 8 on p. 68 and on without the press figure. This is the variant with the press figure. Priority is not known. C2 (pp. 19-20) is a cancel in virtually all copies: an alteration was made in the first line of text. The first line of page 19 in the cancellandum reads: "Come then, sweet God of wishes, fill this bosom," whereas the corrected state of the same line in the cancellans reads: "Come then, sweet God of love, and crown my wishes." Modern quarter calf over marbled boards. Nicoll III; 249 ESTC T50925; Stratman 1302. Stratman, English Tragedy, 1302: "most scholars, such as Nicoll, Macmillan, and Stone, ascribe the play to Henry Crisp, although the DNB and the CBEL ascribe the play to Samuel Crisp." David Garrick contributed the prologue and epilogue. $250 19. Cumberland, Richard. The choleric man: A comedy. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London: printed for T. Becket, 1775. Octavo. xiii, [3], 92pp. A4, a4, B4-M4, N2. First edition. "[Price One shilling and Sixpence]" at foot of title-page. Modern blue quarter calf over blue cloth by Sangorski & Sutcliffe. $250 14 20. Cumberland, Richard. The mysterious husband. A tragedy. In five acts. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. London: Printed for C. Dilly; and J. Walter, 1783. Octavo. [4], 87pp. []2, B4-L4, M4. First edition. Modern quarter purple goatskin over marbled boards. CBEL II, 453; ESTC N010296; Stratman 1345. $250 21. Cumberland, Richard. The fashionable lover: A comedy. As it is acted at the TheatreRoyal in Drury-Lane. London: Printed for W. Griffin, at Garrick's Head, in Catherine-Street Strand, 1772. Octavo. x, [2], 63, [5]pp. [A] 4, a2, B4-I4, K2. First edition. With the half-title present. Advertisement signed: Ricd. Cumberland. Modern dark blue quarter calf over blue cloth by Sangorski & Sutcliffe. ESTC N326. $250 22. Cumberland, Richard. The Battle of Hastings, A Tragedy. As It Is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. London: Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, 1778. Octavo. iv, 92pp. []2, B4-M4, N2. First edition. Margin of title-page repaired. Modern quarter calf over marbled boards. Nicoll III, 251l; Stratman 1334; New CBEL II, 814. $200 23. Dallas, Robert Charles. Miscellaneous writings: consisting of Poems; Lucretia, a tragedy; and Moral essays; with a Vocabulary of the passions: in which their sources are pointed out; their regular currents traced: and their deviations delineated. By R.C. Dallas. London: T.N. Longman, 1797. Large quarto. [vi], viii, [ii], 300 pp. []4, b8, C4-Z4, Aa4-Qq4. First edition. With half-title present. Contemporary half sheep over marbled boards, repaired. With one engraving; the engraved plate of Kirkstall Abbey. Engraving page, preceding and following one heavily foxed due to quality of paper. Conceivably a large-paper copy, with very ample margins. The earliest work by Dallas. $600 24. Delap, John. Hecuba, A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. London: Printed for R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall-mall, 1762. Octavo. [viii], 71pp. []8, B4-K4. First edition. Quarter green morocco over cloth boards by Sangorski & Sutcliffe. ESTC T36072. $250 25. Dibdin, Thomas John. Five thousand a year, a comedy, in three acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. London: printed by T. Woodfall; for G. G. and J. Robinson, n.d. [1799]. Octavo. [viii], 84pp. []4, B4-L4, M2. First edition. Quarter red morocco over cloth boards. One of the author"s early plays. $250 15 26. Dodsley, Robert. A Select Collection of Old Plays. Corrected and Collated with the old copies, with Notes Critical and Explanatory. London: J. Dodsley, 1780. Octavo. Twelve volumes. I: cxxxiii, [iii], 292pp.; II: [iv], 415pp.; III: [iv], 486, [ii]pp.; IV: [vi], 499pp.; V: [iv], 519pp.; VI: [iv], 556pp.; VII: [iv], 526, [ii]pp.; VIII: [iv], 513, [iii]pp.; IX: [iv], 489, [i]pp.; X: [iv], 530, [i]pp.; XI: [iv], 535, [i]pp.; XII: [iv], 436, [xx]pp. I: []2, b8-i8, kk2, A8-S8, T2; II: []2, A8-Z8, Aa8-Cc8; III: []2, A8-Z8, Aa8-Gg8, Hh4; IV: []4 (-[]1 blank), A8-Z8, Aa8-Hh8, Ii2; V: []2, A8-Z8, Aa8-Ii8, Kk4; VI: []2, A8-Z8, Aa8Ll8, Mm6; VII: []2, B8-Z8, Aa8-Ll8; VIII: []2, B8-Z8, Aa8-Kk8, Ll2 (Ll2 blank); IX: []2, B8-Z8, Aa8-Hh8, Ii6 (Ii6 blank); X: []2, B8-Z8, Aa8-Ll8, Mm2 (-Mm2 blank); XI: []2, B8-Z8, Aa8-Ll8, Mm2; XII: []2, B8-Z8, Aa8Ff8, Gg4. Second edition. Uniformly bound in modern red morocco. With plates. An important collection of early drama, containing work by John Heywood, Christopher Marlowe, John Lyly, Thomas Kyd, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Middleton, James Shirley, Shackerley Marmion and John Webster, among many others. Contains 66 plays, including 10 added and 12 removed from the first edition, published in 1744. $2,000 27. Dorat, Claude-Joseph. Le malheureux imaginaire. Comédie en cinq actes, en vers. En Hollande, et se trouve à Paris: Chez Delalain, 1777. Octavo. xv, [i], 109, [i]pp. a8, A8-G8 [G8 blank]. First edition. Contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt. All edges marbled red. Bound with: Dorat, Les Prôneurs, ou Le Tartuffe Littéraire, Comédie en trois Actes, en Vers. $150 16 28. Dorat, Claude-Joseph. Les Prôneurs, ou Le Tartuffe Littéraire, Comédie en trois Actes, en Vers. En Hollande, et se trouve à Paris: Chez Delalain, 1777. Octavo. viii, [ii], 87pp. A4, []1, A8-F8. First edition. Additional engraved title-page. Contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt. All edges marbled red. With an engraved title and three engraved plates by Marillier. Cohen-DeRicci, p. 321. Bound with: Dorat, Le Malheureux Imaginaire, Comédie en Cinq Actes, en Vers. Representé à Paris, pour la première fois, par les Comédiens François, Le 7 Decembre 1776. See # 27 29. Downes, John. Roscius Anglicanus, or, An historical review of the stage, after it had been Suppress'd by means of the late Unhappy Civil War, begun in 1641, 'till the Time of King Charles the IId's. Restoration, in May, 1660. Giving an account of its Rise again; of the Time and Places the Governours of both the Companies first erected their Theatres. The names of the Principal Actors and Actresses, who performed in the Chiefest Plays in each House. With the Names of the most taking Plays, and Modern Poets, for the space of 46 Years, and during the Reign of Three Kings, and part of our present Sovereign Lady, Queen Anne, from 1660, to 1706 ... London: Printed for the editor, and sold at No. 62, Great Wild-Street, near Lincoln's-Inn-Fields; by Mess. Egerton, Whitehall; Mess. Cox and Phillipson, James-Street, Covent-Garden; R. Ryan, No. 351, Oxford-Street; H. D. Symonds, No. 20. Pater-Noster-Row; and W. Richardson, under the Royal-Exchange, 1789. Octavo. 70, [ii], 27, [i]pp. []4, B4-I4, B4-D4, E2. Head- and tailpieces. At bottom of title page in square brackets: entered at Stationers Hall. Half brown calf over cloth. Foredge and top marbled. Some staining. $300 30. Dryden, John. The rival ladies: A tragi-comedy. As it was acted at the Theatre-Royal. London: printed by T[homas]. N[ewcomb]. for Henry Herringman, at the Anchor in the lower walk of the New Exchange, 1675. Quarto. 12, [68]pp. A4, a2, B4-I4, K2. Third edition. Twentieth-century quarter morocco over marbled boards. ESTC R13571; Wing D2348; MacDonald, H. John Dryden, 67c; Woodward and McManaway, 443. $425 31. Dryden, John. Don Sebastian, King of Portugal: A Tragedy acted at the Theatre Royal. London: Printed for Jo. Indmarsh, 1692. Quarto. xvi, 109, [iii]pp. A4, a4, B4-P4. Second edition. Quarter red morocco over cloth by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. Wing D2263; MacDonald, H. John Dryden, 89b; Woodward & McManaway 404; ESTC R4506. $850 32. Dumas, Alexandre, fils. Une Visite de Noces, comédie en un acte. Paris: Michel Lévy, Frères, Editeurs, 1872. Octavo. 3ff., [3]-47pp. First edition. Contemporary dark blue half morocco over marbled boards. Talvart V, 73. With the original wrappers bound in. $75 17 33. Epilogue to the theatrical representation at Strawberry-Hill, written by Johanna Baillie, and spoken by the Hon. Anne S. Damer, November, 1800. n.p.: J. Barfield, [c. 1804]. Quarto. One leaf, with integral blank leaf. Printed on one quarto half-sheet of wove paper watermarked "J. Larking 1804." In a portfolio. HBS 32397; Hazen, Strawberry Hill, Detached Pieces 94. Though associated with Strawberry Hill, this leaf was not printed there. Hazen, Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press, no. 94, notes "... certainly not printed at SH. Mrs. Damer sent Richard Bull's copies to him, 1 January 1801 ..." Ken Spelman notes: Hazen 94 notes that this was a genuine event as Mrs Damer, one of the leaders in this continuance of private theatricals, spoke the Epilogue, and copies of the printed sheet were included with her books at Hodgson's sale in 1902. $250 34. Epilogue to the Comedy of the Fashionable Friends, performed at Strawberry-Hill, 1801, written by the Hon. William Lamb, & spoken by the Hon. Anne S. Damer, in the character of Lady Selina Vapour. Soho: J. Barfield, 1804. Quarto. One leaf [ii pages], with integral blank leaf. In a portfolio. HBS 32397; Hazen, Strawberry Hill, Detached Pieces 95. Though associated with Strawberry Hill, this leaf was not printed there. Hazen, Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press, no. 94, notes "... certainly not printed at SH. Mrs. Damer sent Richard Bull's copies to him, 1 January 1801 ..." Ken Spelman notes: Hazen 94 notes that this was a genuine event as Mrs Damer, one of the leaders in this continuance of private theatricals, spoke the Epilogue, and copies of the printed sheet were included with her books at Hodgson's sale in 1902. The Lewis Walpole Library have a proof of the Epilogue (also watermarked 1804) with corrections by Walpole's printer Thomas Kirgate, and with an imprint of J. Barfield. This was the Epilogue to the ill-fated Drury Lane.production of May 1802. It was also published within a discussion of the play in "Extracts of the Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry from the Year 1783 to 1852 (3 vols, 1865), II.194-199, and is also printed in the 1802 edition of Miss Mary Berry's Works. Only separate issue. $150 35. Fournier, Edouard. Le théatre français au XVIe et XVIIe siècle ou choix des comédies les plus curieuses antérieures à Molière, avec une introduction, des notes et une notice sur chaque auteur. Edition illustrée de portraits en pied coloriés. Paris: Laplace, Sanchez et Cie., 1871. Large octavo. 582pp. First edition. Quarter red morocco over cloth boards, hinges rubbed. All edges gilt. With 21 hand-colored plates. $350 36. Garrick, David. Bon ton: or, High life above stairs: a comedy in two acts as it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. London: printed for T. Becket, 1784. Octavo. [6], 40, [2]pp. []4, B4-F4. New edition. With a final leaf of advertisements. Contemporary half vellum over boards. Minor staining at top of first few leaves. $150 37. Genest, Charles-Claude, Monseigneur l’abbé. Pénélope Tragédie. A Paris: Chez Jean Boudot, 1703. Duodecimo. [xviii], 81, [ii]pp. a9, A12-C12, D6. Contemporary calf, repaired. Engraved vignettes. $400 38. Genlis, Stéphanie-Félicité Ducrest de Saint-Aubin, Comtesse de. Théatre pour servir à l'éducation. Paris: Lambert & Baudouin, 1780. Duodecimo. Four volumes. I: 493, [iii]pp.; II: 464pp.; III: 443pp.; IV: 420pp. I: A12-V12, X8; II: A12-T12, V4; III: A12-S12, T6; IV: A12-R12, S6. Contemporary calf. Reprint of Théâtre à l'usage des jeunes personnes. $250 18 39. Guarini, Giovanni Battista. Il Pastor Fido: The Faithful Shepherd. With an Addition of divers other Poems: Concluding with a short Discourse Of The Long Civil Wars of Rome. By the Right Honourable, Sir Richard Fanshawe. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1676. Octavo. 11ff., 321[ie. 311; pp. 241-50 omitted in pagination]pp. []4 (- blank []1); A8-V8, X4. Fourth Edition of the English Translation by Sir Richard Fanshawe [1608-1666]. Leaf [A3] "To the hope and lustre" exists in two different states. Some copies have "(2)" at the foot of the recto, although the leaf appears to be the third in the gathering. Contemporary calf. With a fullpage engraving on a8v. Wing G2177; ESTC R14359. With a commendatory poem by John Denham. $500 40. Hazlitt, William Carew. A Manual for the Collector and Amateur of Old English Plays. Edited from the material formed by Kirkman, Langbaine, Downes, Oldys, and HalliwellPhillipps, with extensive additions and corrections. London: Pickering & Chatto, 1892. Quarto. viii, 284, 4pp. First edition. Edition limited to 250 copies. Cream linen and paper boards. Spine chipped, corners bumped. John Kebabian's (H.P. Kraus bibliographer) copy, without his signature. $125 41. Hewlett, Maurice. A Masque of Dead Florentines. London: J.M. Dent & Co., 1895. Oblong quarto. 51pp. First edition, second issue binding. Title-page in two colors. Original gilt-stamped white cloth, top edge unstained. The first state is bound in coarse brown cloth with black titles, the second is bound in white cloth with gilt titles. With four plates and many smaller black & white illustrations in art nouveau style by J. D. Batten. Hewlett's scarce second book, proceeded by Earthwork out of Tuscany which appeared earlier the same year. One of the scarcest of the small but very collectible list of books illustrated by J.D. Batten, best known for English and Indian Fairy Tale volumes from the same publisher. $60 42. Hodson, William. Arsaces: a tragedy. London: printed for T. Becket, 1775. Octavo. xxxiii, [iii], 80pp. A4, b4-d4, []2, B4-L4. First edition. Half sheep over marbled boards. Spine missing. ESTC T059593. With the crest and initials of Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, Bart. John Morris (unpublished Armorial of British Bookbindings June 2002) identifies this as the crest and initials of Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, Bart, 1778-1859. His library was sold in 1889. Crest: A lion rampant supporting a mortar; Initials I L G. Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, Baronet (13 January 1778 - 27 April 1859) was a financier and one of the leading figures in the Jewish emancipation in the United Kingdom. He is also known for his part in founding University College, London. He helped to establish the University College Hospital in 1834, serving as its treasurer for eighteen years, and also aided in the efforts to obtain reform in the English penal code. In 1841 he became the first Jewish baronet, the honour being conferred upon him by Lord Melbourne. He had married his cousin Isabel and their second son was Sir Francis Henry Goldsmid, Baronet (1808-1878). $250 19 43. Hubbard, Elbert & Alice. Justinian and Theodora. A Drama Being a Chapter of History and the One Gleam of Light During the Dark Ages. East Aurora, New York: The Roycrofters, 1906. Octavo. 109pp. First edition. Title-page printed in orange-and-black. Designed by Dard Hunter. Three-quarter purple crushed levant morocco over marbled boards, gilt-stamped spine. Double-spread title page, headpieces, decorative initials and colophon all designed by Dard Hunter. Considered by many to be Dard Hunter's Roycroft masterwork. $1,300 44. Johnstone, James. [Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim]. The disbanded officer, or, The Baroness of Bruchsal: a comedy: as performed at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market. London: Printed for T. Cadell, 1786. Octavo. x, [6], 71pp. []8, B8-E8, F4. First edition. Later cloth. Nicoll III, 277. With the bookplate of Harvard College Library. Deaccessioned from Harvard. Dedication signed: James Johnstone. Adapted by James Johnstone from G.E. Lessing's play 'Minna Von Barnhelm.' First edition of the only play by Johnstone to be listed by Nicoll. It also appeared in a Dublin imprint later that year. $200 20 45. Langbaine, Gerard. The lives and characters of the English dramatick poets.: Also an exact account of all the plays that were ever yet printed in the English tongue; their double titles, the places where acted, the dates when printed, and the persons to whom dedicated; with remarks and observations on most of the said plays. First begun by Mr. Langbain, improv'd and continued down to this time, by a careful hand. London: Printed for Tho. Leigh at the Peacock against St. Dunstan's-Church, and William Turner at the White Horse, without Temple-Bar, 1699. Octavo. [16], 150, *151-*152, 151-182, [24]pp. A8-O8 (L4 + *L4). Title-page enclosed in a plain rule-border. Text is continuous despite pagination. Errata on leaf A8v. With index and [9] final pages of bookseller's advertisements. Contemporary mottled sheep, repaired and with a new red title label. ESTC R9025; Wing L375; Arnott & Robinson 11. $1,250 21 46. La Porte, Joseph and Jean Marie Bernard Clément. Anecdotes Dramatiques, contenant 1. Toutes les pièces de théâtres, tragédies, comédies pastorales, drames, opéras, opéra-comiques, parades, proverbes, qui ont été joués à Paris ou en province, sur des théâtres publics, ou dans des sociétés particulières, depuis l"origine des spectacles en France jusqu"à l"année 1775, rangés par ordre alphabétique. 2 . Tous les ouvrages dramatiques qui ont été représentés sur aucun théâtre, mais qui sont imprimés, ou conservés en manuscrits dans quelques bibliothèques. 3 . Un recueil de tout ce qu"on a pu rassembler d"anecdotes imprimées, manuscrites, verbales, connues ou un peu connues ; d"événements singuliers, sérieux ou comiques; de traits curieux, d"épigrammes, de plaisanteries, de naïvetés & de bons-mots, auxquels ont donné lieu les représentations de la plupart des pièces de théâtre, soit dans leur nouveauté, soit dans leurs reprises.[.] etc. Paris: Chez la Veuve Duchesne, 1775. Octavo. Three volumes. I: [ii], iv, 590pp.; II: [ii], 580pp.; III: [ii], 576, [iii]pp. I: []4, A8-Z8, Aa8-Oo8; II: []2, A8-Z8, Aa8-Nn8, Oo2; III: []2, A8-Z8, Aa8-Nn8, Oo2. First edition. With the half-titles present. Contemporary quarter sheep over marbled boards, repaired. Soleinne V, 288. $400 47. Lewis, Matthew Gregory. Rivers: or the East Indian: A comedy. In five acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. Dublin: Printed for H. Colbert, n.d. [1800?]. Duodecimo. [xii], 79pp. []6, B6-G6, H4. Quarter red morocco over marbled boards. Based partly on A. F. von Kotzebue's 'Die Indianer in England.' $400 48. Lillo, George. The Fatal Curiosity: A Tragedy. London: printed for, and under the direction of, George Cawthorn, British Library, Strand, 1796. Duodecimo. 62pp. A6-E6, F2 [-F2, blank]. Wrappers. With plate engraved by W. Skelton after J. Graham, dated 1796. Prologue by H. Fielding. $50 22 49. The Lives and traits of the Bon Ton theatricals, together with the managers and performers of all the principal theatres in the three kingdoms. Number 1. London: printed for the Authors, 1790 [June 14, 1790]. Octavo. [ii], 18, [ii]pp. []2 (-[]1 blank), B4-C4, D2 (-[]D2 blank). Half blue morocco over marbled boards. With the bookplate of the Warwick Castle Shakespeare Library. Only copy in US: Harvard. Was supposed to be a weekly paper, but it only survived for one issue. $1,400 50. Macklin, Charles. Love a la Mode: A farce. London: John Bell, British Library, Strand, bookseller to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, 1793. Octavo. 42pp. [A] 4, B4-E4, F1. Modern dark blue half calf over marbled boards. ESTC T93353. $250 23 51. Mallet, David. Eurydice. A Tragedy. London: Printed for, and Under the Direction of, George Cawthorn, British Library, Strand, 1795. Duodecimo. 80pp. [A] 2, B6-G6, H2. Wrappers. With a full-page engraving as the frontispiece, engraved by Stodhart. First printed in 1731. $65 52. Mallet, David. Elvira: a tragedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane.. London: Printed for A. Millar, 1763. Octavo. [8], 69, [3]pp. A4, B8-E8, F4. First edition. Variant without press figure 4 on p.29. Light brown quarter morocco over cloth by Sangorski & Sutcliffe for Bernard Quaritch. There are a few minor variants in this first edition: some copies have the page number on p. 29 missing; and there were also a few copies printed on fine paper. Variant copies with and without press figure 4 on p.29. Press figures include 4 on p.29 - Variant; with different press figures on sig. C-F, including on p.27. $325 53. Mason, William. Caractacus, a Dramatic Poem: Written on the Model of the Ancient Greek Tragedy; by the Author of Elfrida. London: Printed for J. Knapton in Ludgate-Street; and R and J. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, 1759. Quarto. vii, [i], 95pp. []4, B4-N4. First edition. Titlepage in red-and-black. Half-title present. Cloth. Ex-library copy. $40 24 54. Mozeen, Thomas. Young Scarron. London: printed and sold by T. Trye, near Gray's-InnGate, Holborn; and W. Reeve, in Fleet-Street, 1752. Octavo. [ii], viii, [5], 18-182pp. []2, a4, b2, B4-Y4 [Y4 blank]. With the half-title. Contemporary calf, rebacked. $900 25 TWO COPIES RECORDED – BOTH AT THE BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE 55. Observations sur le spectacle de Rouen. n.p.: n.p., n.d. Octavo. 42pp. A4-E4, F2. Nineteenth-century cloth over marbled boards. Bound with: Lettre sur l'état actuel du spectacle à R*** . Some old staining. See # 3 26 56. Otway, Thomas. The Works. London: C. Hitch and L. Hawes, Brown, H. Linot, et al., 1757. Duodecimo. Three volumes. I: xii, [9]-308, [2]pp.; II: [10]-406, [2]pp.; III: [10]-382pp. I: a6, B12-O12 [-O12 blank); II: A12-R12; III: A12-Q12 [-Q12 blank]. Nineteenth-century red morocco by J.Wright. All edges gilt. With the frontispiece portrait by Miller after Beal. Lowndes III, 1741; Graesse V, 64; Brunet IV, 259. $450 57. Otway, Thomas. The orphan or, The unhappy-marriage: a tragedy. As it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. London: printed for R. Bentley, at the Post-House, in Russel-street, in Covent-garden, 1691. Octavo. [6], 63, [3]pp. Publisher's catalogue [2pp.] at end. A4-I4. Nineteenth-century quarter morocco over boards. Wing O554. $250 58. Parfaict, François & Claude Parfaict. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des spectacles de la foire. Paris: Briasson, 1743. Octavo. Two volumes. I: [iv], lxxxiv, 240pp.; II: [iv], 321 (incorrectly numbered 431), [iii]pp. I: []2, a8, b4, c8, d4, e8, f4, g6, and remaining signatures A through V alternatively in 8 and in 4 – A8, B4, etc.; II: []2, signatures A through Z alternatively in 8 and in 4 – A8, B4, etc., Aa4, Bb8, Cc4-Dd4, Ee2. With the half-titles present. Contemporary calf, repaired. With the frontispiece portrait to volume I. Deaccessioned from Harvard. Soleinne V, 335. $1,500 59. Picot, Emile. Bibliographie Cornélienne, ou description raisonnée de toutes les éditions des oeuvres de Pierre Corneille, des imitations ou traductions qui en ont été faites et des ouvrages relatifs à Corneille et à ses écrits. Paris: Auguste Fontaine, Libraire, 1876. Octavo. xv, [i]i, 552pp. Quarter red morocco over marbled boards. With portrait frontispiece. Besterman, column 1493. Inscribed by Picot. $150 27 60. The playhouse pocket-companion, or Theatrical vade-mecum: containing, I. A catalogue of all the dramatic authors who have written for the English stage, with a list of their works, shewing the dates of representation or publication. II. A catalogue of anonymous pieces. III. An index of plays and authors. In a method entirely new, whereby the author of any dramatic performance, and the time of its appearance, may be readily discovered on inspection. To which is prefixed, A critical history of the English stage from its origin to the present time; with an enquiry into the causes of the decline of dramatic poetry in England. London: Printed and sold by Messrs. Richardson and Urquhart, under the Royal Exchange; J. Wenman, no. 144, Fleet Street; and J. Southern, in St. James's Street, 1779. Octavo. [ 5],14-179,[1]pp. [A]2, B6-P6. Bookseller's advertisement on leaf [A]2v. The text appears to be continuous. Contemporary calf, repaired. ESTC t058085. $1,400 28 61. Poinsinet, Antoine-Alexandre-Henri. Le choix des Dieux ou les fêtes de Bourgogne, divertissement en 1 acte à l'occasion de l'arrivée se S.A.S.Monseigneur le Prince de Condé, à Dijon, pour la tenue des Etats de la province. Représenté à Dijon le dimanche 13 juillet 1766. Dijon: Defay, 1766. Octavo. 40pp. A8-E8. Original paper wrappers. $160 62. Prologue written by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, and spoken by him at the opening of the Theatre, Strawberry Hill, Nov. 1800. n.p.: J. Barfield, [c. 1804]. Quarto. One leaf [ii pages], with integral blank leaf. Printed on one quarto half-sheet of wove paper watermarked "J. Larking 1804." In a portfolio. HBS 32397; Hazen, Strawberry Hill, Detached Pieces 94. Though associated with Strawberry Hill, this leaf was not printed there. Hazen, Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press, no. 94, notes "... certainly not printed at SH. Mrs. Damer sent Richard Bull's copies to him, 1 January 1801 ..." Ken Spelman notes: Hazen 94 notes that this was a genuine event as Mrs Damer, one of the leaders in this continuance of private theatricals, spoke the Epilogue, and copies of the printed sheet were included with her books at Hodgson's sale in 1902. The Lewis Walpole Library have a proof of the Epilogue (also watermarked 1804) with corrections by Walpole's printer Thomas Kirgate, and with an imprint of J. Barfield. $150 63. Racine, Jean. Oeuvres Complètes de Jean Racine. Paris: Chez Deterville, de l'Imprimerie de Didot Jeune, 1796. Octavo. Four volumes. I: xx, 427pp.; II: [iv], 436pp.; III: [ii], 401pp.; IV: [ii], 488pp. I: []2, a8, [1]8, 28-268, 276; II: []2, 18-278, 282; III: []2, 14, 28-268, 272; IV: []2, 18-308, 314. With the half-titles present. Contemporary calf. With a frontispiece portrait of Racine by Santerre engraved by Gaucher, and 12 plates designed by Le Barbier; 5 in volume I, 5 in volume II, and 2 in volume III. The Le Barbier plates engraved by Baquoy, Dambrun, Dupréel, Gaucher, Halbou, Langlois jeune, Patas, Romanet, and Thomas. Cohen-De Ricci 849. From the library of Vincent F. Robinson, C.F.E., Parnham, with his bookplate in each volume. $800 29 64. Racine, Jean. Oeuvres de Jean Racine. A Londres: De l'Imprimerie de J. Tonson & J. Watts, 1723. Large quarto. Two volumes. I: [16], 440pp.; II: [4], 488pp. I: A4, a4, B4-Z4, Aa4Zz4, Aaa4-Kkk4; II: []2, A4-Z4, Aa4-Zz4, Aaa4-Ppp4. Head- and tail-pieces; initials; factotums. Woodcut title-page vignettes. Contomperary calf, rebacked. With a portrait by Vertue, a frontispiece and 12 plates by Chéron, engraved by Dubosc, Fourdrinier, and Van der Gucht. ESTC T185766; Cohen-De Ricci 844-845; Lewine, p. 440. $1,700 65. Ramsay, Allan. The Gentle Shepherd, a Pastoral Comedy. Glasgow: Printed by A. Foulis, 1788. Large quarto. [ii], x, [ii], 111, 17, 18pp. pi2, a2, b4, A4-O4, AA2-EE2. Contemporary mottled calf, rebacked. With frontispiece portrait, 12 plates and 18 pages of music in uncolored aquatint by the Scottish artist, engraver, plate-publisher and bookseller, David Allan. This copy is extra-illustrated with 3 additional plates. First illustrated edition of The Gentle Shepherd. Gaskell 688; Abbey, Life in England in Aquatint and Lithography 244; Lewine, Bibliography of 18th Century Art & Illustrated Books, p. 444; Rothschild 1732. From the library of Chalmers Hadley. $750 66. Regnard, Jean-François. Oeuvres. Nouvelle édition précédée d'une introduction des documents entièrement nouveaux par Edouard Fournier. Paris: A. Laplace – Sanchez, 1876. Octavo. Two volumes. I: XCVI, 464pp.; II: 431pp. Early twentieth-centruy half cloth over marbled boards. With eight color plates, two signed by Emile Bayard. Foxing. $100 30 67. Sainte Albine, Remond de, Pierre. Le Comédien. Ouvrage divisé en Deux Parties. A Paris: Chez Desaint & Saillant, rue Saint Jean de Beauvais. Et Vincent Fils, rue Saint Severin, 1747. Octavo. 312pp., [iii]ff. A8-V8 (V8 blank). First edition. Contemporary mottled calf. All edges red. Top of spine repaired. With four engraved vignettes by Gravelot. Some tail pieces. Cioranescu 52530; Cohen-DeRicci, p. 869. John Hill plagiarized it, and in little more than a translation published it under the title "The Actor" (1750). A Frenchman, not realizing that the Hill work was in fact based upon Sainte-Albine, re-translated it into French ("Garrick ou les Acteurs Anglais"), and it is this "new" work which provoked Diderot's "Paradoxe ... " An early and substantial French treatise on the art of acting, addressed to performers of comedy, but with discussion of the techniques of tragedy as well; with examples drawn from the works of Racine and Corneille, and such contemporary dramatists as Voltaire (in particular, his Zaire). The author, a member of the Berlin Academy, and editor for a time of both the Gazette de France and the Mercure de France, wrote other works on the theater, and at least two plays of his own. One of the most influential books in the history of acting. $300 31 68. Sedley, Charles, Sir. Bellamira, or The mistress, a comedy: as it is acted by Their Majesties servants. London: printed by D[avid]. Mallet, for L[angley]. C[urtis]. and Timothy Goodwin, at the Maiden-Head over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-Street, 1687. Quarto. [8], 63, [1]pp. A4-I4. With advertisement on leaf A4r. Disbound. Pages silked. Based on Terence's Eunuchus. $500 32 69. Shakespeare, William. The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text of Mr. Steeven's Last Edition. London: H. Baldwin & Son, 1798. Duodecimo. Nine volumes. I: xxi, [iii], 423pp.; II: [iv], 427pp.; III: [iv], 439pp.; IV: [iv], 395pp.; V: [iv], 420pp.; VI: [iv], 439pp.; VII: [iv], 330pp.; VIII: [iv], 411pp.; IX: [iv], 355, [i], [xxiv]pp. I: []2, a6-b6, B6-Z6, AA6-NN6, OO2; II: []2, B6-Z6, AA6-NN6, OO4; III: []2, B6-Z6, AA6-OO6, PP4; IV: []2, B6-Z6, AA6-LL6; V: []2, B6-Z6, AA6-NN6; VI: []2, B6-Z6, AA6-OO6, PP4; VII: []2, B6-Z6, AA6-EE6, FF4 [FF4 blank]; VIII: []2, B6-Z6, AA6-MM6, NN2; IX: []2, B6-Z6, AA6-II6, KK4. With the half-titles present. Mottled sheep, repaired. $750 33 70. Shakespeare, William. Othello, the Moor of Venice: a tragedy, as it hath been divers times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers: and at the Theater-Royal, by His Majesty's servants. Written by W. Shakespear. London: printed by John Darby, for Mary Poulson, and sold by A. Bettesworth, R. Caldwell, and F. Clay, 1724. Duodecimo. 96pp. A6H6. Modern half calf over marbled boards. $1,500 71. Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice: printed from the folio of 1623. London: [Ernest Benn] [Printed at the Shakespeare Head Press], 1923. Folio. xxxviii, 97pp. Edition limited to one hundred signed copies for sale and six copies not for sale, numbered respectively 1 to 100 and I to VI, printed on Batchelor's Kelmscott hand-made paper. This is No. 93. Title in red-and-black. With five colored plates by Thomas Lowinsky. There are two editions. The one, strictly limited to one hundred signed copies for sale and six copies not for sale, numbered respectively 1 to 100 and I to VI, is printed on Batchelor's Kelmscott handmade paper and bound either in vellum or in oasis morocco by Zaehnsdorf. The other edition, printed on pure rag paper, is strictly limited to four hundred and fifty copies for sale and fifty copies not for sale, numbered respectively 101 to 550 and VII to LVI"--P. [vii]. $750 72. Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. London: Freemantle & Co., 1901. Quarto. 106pp. Printed in red-and-black. Original boards, with designs of Robert Anning Bell on spine and upper cover in red. With exquisite illustrations by Robert Anning Bell. In these black and white illustrations to the Tempest, one can see Kate Greenaway"s style in conflict with the formal arts and crafts movement. Especially interesting are the tapestry-like borders. $400 73. Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark With engravings by Eric Gill & an introduction by Gilbert Murray. New York: The Limited Editions Club, 1933. Octavo. [2], xiii, [6], 149, [3]pp. Edition limited to 1500 copies, this is No. XXX. Signed by Eric Gill. Hand set in Gill's Joanna type, and printed by Hague and Gill on dampened paper handmade by Barcham Green. Bound in full tan English pigskin by George McKibbin & Son, stamped in blind with designs by Eric Gill on upper and lower covers. With the slipcase. Decorative wood-engraved title page by Eric Gill. Initial letters throughout engraved by Gill, and with five large wood-engravings and one engraved colophon device--all by Eric Gill. This edition of Hamlet took a full two years to complete. It is considered one of the crowning achievements of the Limited Editions Club and ranks as one of the most beautifully illustrated Hamlets of all time. $750 34 74. Sheffield, John. The Works of John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby, and Duke of Buckingham. London: Printed by John Barber, 1723. Large quarto. Two volumes. I: [xviii], 3-453pp.; II: [vi], 3-295pp. I: []4, B*4, B4-Z4, Aa4-Zz4, Aaa4-Mmm4 (Mmm4 blank); II: []2, **B4-*C4, B4-Z4, Aa4-Pp4. First edition. Title-pages to both volumes in red-andblack. With the half-title to volume I present. Declaration leaf signed Carteret before title in volume I. With the misnumbered and repeated page numbers in second volume which includes Feast of the Gods and Some Account of the Revolution both of which are believed to have been suppressed after publication by order of the House of Lords and the two separate titles for Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus dated 1722. Pages 361-362 in volume one missing. Contemporary panelled calf, rehinged. Hinges cracked; top and bottom of both volumes chipped. With a frontispiece portrait after Kneller, engraved plate of Buckingham's tomb, and engraved vignettes and initials throughout the text. Rothschild 1834; Griffith 137. From the libraries of the Marquess of Donegall and Joshua Smith of Stoke Park. With the two suppressed sections in volume II present. Most copies are lacking these two sections, although some have the offending passages reprinted on different paper and inserted in their proper places. Volume I was limited to 500 copies plus 100 on fine or large-paper copies. $600 75. Smith, Edmund. Phædra and Hippolitus. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Queen’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, by Her Majesty’s sworn servants. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott at the Cross-Keys between the two Temple-gates in Fleetstreet, n.d. [1707]. Quarto. [12], 64pp. [-]6, B4-I4. First edition. With the half-title present. Modern light brown half goatskin over marbled boards. ESTC T42205. Worming on lower margin, affecting some words. Based on Racine's Phèdre. This play is further remarkable by virtue of its being the sole genuine classical play of the entire Augustan period. The first edition of Smith's first play. $250 76. Terence. Il Terentio Latino, Commentato in Lingua Toscana, e Ridotto a la sua vera Latinita, da Giovanni Fabrini da Fighine. La Interpretatione de la lingua volgare e Latina. Venice: Dominicus Lilius Excudebat. Sumptibus D. Melchior Sessa, [1548]. Octavo. 338 (I.e. 222), [1], 33, [2]ff. A8, B4-Z4, a4-z4, Aa4-Gg4, Hh6, A4-I4. Numerous errors in foliation, including the omission of ff. 148-158 and 180-279. Vellum. Graesse VII, 57. $775 35 77. Terence. Il Terentio latino comentatio in lingva toscana, e ridotto a la sva vera latinita, da Giovanii Fabrini da Fighine fiorention. Il qval comento espone parola per parola latina in toscano, e nel fine di ciascuna clausula, doue bisogna, dice breuemente in duoi, ò tre modi il senso. Nel fine e aggivnto la interpretatione da la lingua volgare, e latina. Soncisi vltimamente aggivnte dal medesimo. Con privilegio. Venice: Appresso Giambattista, & Marchio Sessa, & Fratelli, 1565. Octavo. [3]ff., 438pp., 34, [82]ff. A8-Z8, Aa8Ii8, Kk4-Zz4, AA4-FF4, GG2. Date of imprint from colophon on GG2 verso. Eighteenth-century calf, repaired. Graesse VII, 57. $775 36 78. Terence. P. Terentii Afri lepidissimi Comediæ, Andria, Eunuchus, Heautontimorumenos, Adelphi, Hecyra, Phormio. Lugduni: Apud Sebastian Gryphius, 1553. Octavo. 310, [ii]pp. a8-t8, u4 [-u4]. Italic letter. With the printer's device on the title-page. Margin of title-page repaired. Eighteenth-century calf, spine gilt. Baudrier VIII, p. 266. From the library of Joseph Sadony, with his bookplate. $900 79. Terence. Pub. Terentii Comediæ Sex ex recensione Heinsiana. Lugd. Batavorum: Ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1635. Duodecimo. [24]ff., 304pp., ivff. *12-**12, A12-N12. First Elzevir edition, fourth state. Engraved title by Cornelius Claes Duysend, and woodcut author portrait and tailpiece. Seventeenth-century calf, very worn. Hinges cracked, top and bottom of spine worn. Engraved title by Cornelius Claes Duysend, and woodcut author portrait and tailpiece. Willems 433; Copinger 4653; Schweiger 1065; Graesse VII, 59; Ebert IV, 1843; Berghman 2155; Updike II, p. 17; Not in Rahir. $275 37 VERNEUIL, LOUIS [LOUIS MARIE COLLIN DU BOCAGE] 80. Louis Jacques Marie Collin du Bocage (May 14, 1893 - November 3, 1952), better known as Louis Verneuil, was a French playwright, screenwriter, and actor. He wrote approximately sixty plays and was best known for comedy. Many of his works were produced on Broadway. He died dramatically at the age of 59 by slashing his throat. The following collection was acquired from the University of Michigan‟s Rare Book Collection‟s „Louis Verneuil French Play Collection,‟ which, some time in the past, had purchased the entire Verneuil Archive. These items fall within four categories: I. Books by Verneuil himself, or in collaboration with other authors (65 entries); II: Books by Verneuil himself, or in collaboration with other authors, with marks and/or notes by Verneuil (32 entries); III. Books by other authors with marks and/or notes by Verneuil (78 entries); IV. Books from Verneuil‟s Library, but without any identifying marks (148 entries). For the Collection $2,500 A. Books by Verneuil himself, or in collaboration with other authors (65 entries) 1A. Verneuil, Louis. Affairs of State. New York: Samuel French, 1952. Octavo. 164pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 2A. Verneuil, Louis. L’Amant de Coeur. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, Artistique & Litéraire, 1921. Octavo. 153pp. First edition. Wrappers. Uncut. 3A. Verneuil, Louis. L’Amant de Coeur. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, n.d. Octavo. 153pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 4A. Verneuil, Louis. L’Amant de Madame Vidal. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1935]. Octavo. 180pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 5A. Verneuil, Louis. Celos … Buenos Ayres: Editorial Corinto, [1944]. Octavo. 155pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 6A. Verneuil, Louis. La Course à l’Etoile. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1937]. Octavo. 229pp. Yellow wrappers. Uncut. 7A. Verneuil, Louis. Ma Cousine de Varsovie. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, 1924. Octavo. 192pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 38 8A. Verneuil, Louis. Ma Cousine de Varsovie. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1934]. Octavo. 187pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 9A. Verneuil, Louis. Ma Cousine de Varsovie. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, n.d. Octavo. 120pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 10A. Verneuil, Louis. Le Danger de l’Autre. Paris: C. Joubert, Editeur, 1913. Octavo. 32pp. Pink wrappers. Uncut. 11A. Verneuil, Louis. Daniel. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, 1922. Octavo. 210pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 12A. Verneuil, Louis. Double Emploi. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, Artistique & Litéraire, 1914. Octavo. 56pp. Wrappers. 13A. Verneuil, Louis. En Famille. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, n.d. Octavo. 219pp. Wrappers. 14A. Verneuil, Louis. Le Fauteuil 47. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, 1924. Octavo. 220pp. Wrappers. 15A. Verneuil, Louis. Le Fauteuil 47. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1930]. Octavo. 198pp. Wrappers. 16A. Verneuil, Louis. Hautes Etudes. Paris: P.-V. Stock, Editeur, 1913. Octavo. 28pp. Wrappers. 17A. Verneuil, Louis. L’Inconnu. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, Artistique & Litéraire, 1921. Octavo. 144pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 18A. Verneuil, Louis. L’Inconnu. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1928]. Octavo. 144pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 19A. Verneuil, Louis. La Jeune Fille au Bain. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, Artistique & Litéraire, 1919. Octavo. 54pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 20A. Verneuil, Louis. La Jeune Fille au Bain. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1935]. Octavo. 56pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 39 21A. Verneuil, Louis. Un Jeune Ménage. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, 1922. Octavo. 174pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 22A. Verneuil, Louis. La Joie d’Aimer. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1926]. Octavo. 179pp. Wrappers. 23A. Verneuil, Louis. Lison. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1932]. Octavo. 186pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 24A. Verneuil, Louis. Mademoiselle Ma Mère. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, Artistique & Litéraire, 1920. Octavo. 204pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Uncut. 25A. Verneuil, Louis. Mademoiselle Ma Mère. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1927]. Octavo. 204pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 26A. Verneuil, Louis. Mademoiselle Ma Mère. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1935]. Octavo. 204pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 27A. Verneuil, Louis. La Maîtresse de Bridge. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, 1925. Octavo. 164pp. Wrappers. 28A. Verneuil, Louis. Le Mari que j’ai voulu. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1937]. Octavo. 233pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 29A. Verneuil, Louis. Pile ou Face. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, n.d. Octavo. 245pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 30A. Verneuil, Louis. La Pomme. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, 1922. Octavo. 192pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 31A. Verneuil, Louis. Pour avoir Adrienne. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1919]. Octavo. 206pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Uncut. 32A. Verneuil, Louis. Pour avoir Adrienne. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1923]. Octavo. 206pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Uncut. 33A. Verneuil, Louis. Pour avoir Adrienne. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1934]. Octavo. 206pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Uncut. 40 34A. Verneuil, Louis. Régine Armand. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, 1922. Octavo. 153pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 35A. Verneuil, Louis. Le Rosier de Mme Husson. Paris: Editions Royalty, n.d. Octavo. 164pp. First edition. Wrappers. Illustrated 36A. Verneuil, Louis. Du Sang sur l’Hermine. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, 1926. Octavo. 36pp. Wrappers. 37A. Verneuil, Louis. Le Traité d’Auteuil. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, Artistique & Litéraire, 1919. Octavo. 243pp. First edition. Wrappers. Illustrated. 38A. Verneuil, Louis. Le Traité d’Auteuil. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1926]. Octavo. 217pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 39A. Verneuil, Louis. Tu m’épouseras. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, 1932. Octavo. 270pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 40A. Verneuil, Louis. Tu vas un peu fort! Paris: C. Joubert, Editeur, 1913. Octavo. 28pp. Wrappers. 41A. Verneuil, Louis. Sarah Bernhardt. Stockholm: Albert Bonniers, 1947. Octavo. 367pp. Decorated stiff paper wrappers. 42A. Verneuil, Louis. La Vie Merveilleuse de Sarah Bernhardt. New York: Brentano‟s, 1942. Octavo. 316pp. First edition. Frontispiece. Decorated stiff paper wrappers. 43A. Verneuil, Louis. Rideau à Neuf Heures (Souvenirs de Théâtre). New York: Editions de la Maison Française, n.d. Octavo. 460pp. Frontispiece. Wrappers. Uncut. 44A. Verneuil, Louis. Théâtre Complet. New York: Brentano‟s, 1942. Octavo. Four volumes (all published). Wrappers. 45A. Verneuil, Louis & Georges Berr. Le Mariage de Maman. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, n.d. Octavo. 230pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 46A. Verneuil, Louis & Georges Berr. L’Ecole des Contribuables. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1934]. Octavo. 209pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 41 47A. Armont, Paul & Louis Verneuil. La Maison du Passeur. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, Artistique & Litéraire, 1919. Octavo. 50pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 48A. Armont, Paul & Louis Verneuil. La Maison du Passeur. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, n.d. Octavo. 50pp. Eleventh edition. Wrappers. Uncut. 49A. Armont, Paul & Louis Verneuil. La Maison du Passeur. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, n.d. Octavo. 50pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 50A. Armont, Paul & Louis Verneuil. La Maison du Passeur. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1938]. Octavo. 50pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 51A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Azaïs. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1926]. Octavo. 189pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 52A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Azaïs. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1935]. Octavo. 189pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 53A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Azaïs. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, 1948. Octavo. 144pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 54A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. La Charrette Anglaise. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, Artistique & Litéraire, 1916. Octavo. 189pp. Pink wrappers. Uncut. 55A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. La Charrette Anglaise. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1916. Octavo. 189pp. Pink wrappers. Second edition. Uncut. 56A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. La Charrette Anglaise. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1917]. Octavo. 189pp. Fourth edition. Wrappers. Uncut. 57A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. La Charrette Anglaise. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, n.d. Octavo. 189pp. Fifth edition. Wrappers. Uncut. 58A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Guignol. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, n.d. Octavo. 232pp. Wrappers. 59A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Maître Bolbec et son Mari. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, n.d. Octavo. 142pp. Yellow wrappers. Uncut. 42 60A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Mon Oeuvre. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, Artistique & Litéraire, 1920. Octavo. 239pp. Wrappers. 61A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Monsieur Beverley. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, Artistique & Litéraire, 1920. Octavo. 194pp. First edition. Wrappers. 62A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Monsieur Beverley. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1920]. Octavo. 194pp. Second edition. Wrappers. Illustrated. 63A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Monsieur Beverley. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1920]. Octavo. 194pp. Wrappers. 64A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Monsieur Beverley. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1935]. Octavo. 194pp. Wrappers. 65A. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Monsieur Beverley. Paris: Librairie Théatrale, [1938]. Octavo. 142pp. Wrappers. 43 B: Books by Verneuil himself, or in collaboration with other authors, with marks and/or notes by Verneuil (32 entries) 1B. Verneuil, Louis. L'Amant De Coeur. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1921. Octavo. 153pp. First edition. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. Part of spine missing. Verneuil has written his name and address in California on the half-title. 2B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. La Charrette Anglaise. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1916. Octavo. 189pp. Wrappers. Covers and spine missing. Disbound. With massive corrections in Verneuil‟s hand. 3B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. La Charrette Anglaise. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1916. Octavo. 189pp. Wrappers. Covers and spine missing. Red tape used to hold book together. Half-title missing. With notes, markings, and drawings by Verneuil. 4B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. La Charrette Anglaise. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1916. Octavo. 189pp. Wrappers. Lower cover loose. Part of spine missing. With notes and markings by Verneuil. 5B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. La Charrette Anglaise. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1916. Octavo. 189pp. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. With massive corrections in Verneuil‟s hand. 6B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. La Charrette Anglaise. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1916. Octavo. 189pp. Wrappers. Upper cover and spine missing. Red tape used to hold book together. With notes and markings by Verneuil. 7B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. La Charrette Anglaise. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1916. Octavo. 189pp. Second edition. Wrappers. Lower cover loose. Most of spine missing. With markings by Verneuil. 8B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. La Charrette Anglaise. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1916. Octavo. 189pp. Second edition. Wrappers. With markings by Verneuil. 9B. Verneuil, Louis. Ma Cousine de Varsovie. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1924. Octavo. 192pp. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. Spine partially missing. With notes in ink and pencil by Verneuil. 44 10B. Verneuil, Louis. Ma Cousine de Varsovie. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1924. Octavo. 192pp. Wrappers. Covers loose. Part of the upper cover and half-title torn and missing. Spine missing. With some markings and notes by Verneuil. 11B. Verneuil, Louis. Ma Cousine de Varsovie. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1924. Octavo. 192pp. Wrappers. Spine partially missing. With many corrections and notes by Verneuil. 12B. Verneuil, Louis. La Dame en Rose. Bruxelles: Editions Francis Salabert, n.d. Octavo. 156pp. Wrappers. Part of spine torn. With Verneuil's marks. 13B. Verneuil, Louis. La Dame en Rose. Bruxelles: Editions Francis Salabert, n.d. Octavo. 156pp. Wrappers. Part of spine torn. With Verneuil's marks. 14B. Verneuil, Louis. Le Fauteuil 47. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1924. Octavo. 220pp. Wrappers. Part of spine missing. Verneuil has written “mise en scène” on the upper cover and many pages have notes in pencil. 15B. Verneuil, Louis. Le Fauteuil 47. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1924. Octavo. 220pp. Wrappers. Spine missing. Upper cover loose. Verneuil has entered corrections, notations, additions, and stage directions in blue pencil. Also tipped in is a sheet of paper with stage drawings and designs on both sides of the paper. With the name of a person on upper cover in Verneuil‟s hand. 16B. Verneuil, Louis. Le Fauteuil 47. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1924. Octavo. 220pp. Wrappers. Part of spine missing. Verneuil has underlined some entries and marked others in pencil. With the name of a person on upper cover in Verneuil‟s hand. 17B. Verneuil, Louis. Le Fauteuil 47. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, [1930]. Octavo. 198pp. Wrappers. Incomplete; everything after p. 94 missing. With corrections and notations in ink and in pencil. 18B. Verneuil, Louis. Mademoiselle ma Mère. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, [1935]. Octavo. 204pp. Wrappers. Covers somewhat loose. Spine partially torn. Verneuil has crossed out in pencil two productions in the half-title. With notes, additions, and corrections throughout. 19B. Verneuil, Louis. Mademoiselle ma Mère. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, [1927]. Octavo. 204pp. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. Spine partially torn. With passages underlined by Verneuil in a number of pages. 20B. Verneuil, Louis. La Maîtresse de Bridge. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1925. Octavo. 164pp. Wrappers. With Verneuil‟s additions, notations, and manuscript additions. 45 21B. Verneuil, Louis. Pile ou Face. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1925. Octavo. 245pp. Wrappers. Covers missing. A number of pages with text underlined in red pencil and some words crossed out in black pencil. 22B. Verneuil, Louis. Pile ou Face. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1925. Octavo. 245pp. Wrappers. Covers loose. Spine missing. Disbound. missing. With corrections in ink by Verneuil. 23B. Verneuil, Louis. Pile ou Face. [Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1925]. Octavo. 245pp. Wrappers. Covers missing. A fragment, encompassing pp. 209-244. With a few corrections in ink by Verneuil. 24B. Verneuil, Louis. Pour avoir Adrienne. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, [1923]. Octavo. 207pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Lacks covers and spine. On the verso of p. 207, Verneuil has put together a chart of his plays with the names of actors (?) and actresses (?). 25B. Verneuil, Louis. Pour avoir Adrienne. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, [1923]. Octavo. 207pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Upper cover loose. Lacks title-page. In a few pages, Verneuil has made some marks. 26B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Maître Bolbec et son Mari. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, n.d. Octavo. 142pp. Yellow wrappers. Upper cover loose. Spine mostly missing. Disbound. Verneuil has crossed out Berr‟s name on the upper cover. On the half-title, he has crossed out all the “reprise” of the play between 1928 and 1935, leaving the original performance of 1926 unmarked. On the title-page, he has again crossed out Berr‟s name and the notation, „seule edition conforme à la representation.‟ Throughout the text, he has made corrections, additions, and deletions in red and black pencil as well as in ink. 27B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Monsieur Beverley. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1920. Octavo. 194pp. First edition. Wrappers. Spine mostly missing. With markings and notes by Verneuil. 28B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Monsieur Beverley. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1920. Octavo. 194pp. First edition. Wrappers. With markings and crossing-outs by Verneuil. 29B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Monsieur Beverley. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1920. Octavo. 194pp. First edition. Wrappers. With markings and crossing-outs in red pencil by Verneuil. 46 30B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Monsieur Beverley. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, 1920. Octavo. 194pp. First edition. Wrappers. With markings and underlinings by Verneuil. 31B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Monsieur Beverley. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, [1920]. Octavo. 194pp. Second edition. Wrappers. Illustrated. With markings by Verneuil. He has written „page 45‟ on upper cover, where there are some markings. The middle of page 47-48 has been cut, excising some lines. Similarly, the middle of page 85-86 has been cut out, excising some lines. However, a cutting from another copy has been inserted here, with corrections and cross-outs by Verneuil. 32B. Berr, Georges & Louis Verneuil. Monsieur Beverley. [Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, [1920]]. Octavo. 194pp. Wrappers. Covers missing. Spine replaced by brown paper, glued to hold the book together. Half-title torn, and a small piece missing without affecting any text. Title-page missing. With many notes and entries by Verneuil. 47 C. Books by other authors with marks and/or notes by Verneuil (78 entries) 1C. Aristophane. Lysistrata. Les Nuées. Les Oiseaux. Etc. Paris: Librairie Moderne Maurice Bauche, Editeur, 1908. Octavo. 205pp. Wrappers. Part of spine missing. Illustrated. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the half-title. 2C. Artus, Louis. Coeur de Moineau. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1905. Octavo. 306pp. Wrappers. Book block in two pieces. With Verneuil's notes and marks. 3C. Basset, Serge. Racine chez Arnauld. Paris: Librairie Charpentier & Fasquelle, 1905. Octavo. 36pp. Wrappers. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the front free endpaper. 4C. Bayard, Jean-François-Alfred & Frédéric de Courcy. La Gloire et le Pot au Feu. Lagny : Imprimerie hydraulique de Giroux et Vialat, [1845] - Paris: Beck, 1845. Octavo. 20pp. Wrappers missing. Disbound. With markings and notes by Verneuil. 5C. Belot, Adolphe & Edmond Villetard. Le Testament de César Girodot. Paris: Barbre, Editeur, 1903. Octavo. 110pp. Wrappers. Lower cover missing. Most of spine missing. With a list for the 1909 production at the 'Comédie Française' on the verso of the last leaf by Verneuil. 6C. Bernard, Tristan. L'Anglais tel qu'on le parle. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, n.d. Octavo. 39pp. Wrappers. Covers loose. Spine missing. With annotations by Verneuil. 7C. Bernard, Tristan. Daisy. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1904. Octavo. 32pp. Wrappers. Upper cover missing. Spine missing. With Verneuil's notes for the actors of the 1917 season. 8C. Bernard, Tristan. Je vais m'en aller. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, n.d. Octavo. 18pp. Wrappers. Lower cover loose. Spine missing. Verneuil has identified the actors. 9C. Bernstein, Henry. L'Elévation. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie, Editeurs. n.d. Octavo. 217pp. Wrappers. Stain on upper cover. Lengthy presentation copy from Bernstein to Louis Verneuil, fellow playwright. 10C. Bernstein, Henry. Joujou. Paris: Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1903. Octavo. 204pp. Wrappers. Glassine slip with with ads for the „Lotérie Nationale‟ in the inner panels. With a drawing by Verneuil depicting the stage in acts one and two. 48 11C. Berr, Georges. L'Echelle Cassée. Paris: ""Renaissance, [1924]. Octavo. Play printed in periodical over a period of time. All three parts present. With Verneuil's list of actors and dates on the first page of the first act. 12C. Brammer, Julius & Alfred Grunwald. Der letzte Walzer. Berlin & Munich: Drei Masken - Verlag, n.d. Octavo. 87pp. Wrappers. Part of lower cover and spine missing. Illustrated. With some notes on the back cover. 13C. Chefs-d'Oeuvre des Auteurs Comiques. Paris: Librairie de Firmin-Didot et Cie., n.d. Octavo. Volume 6. Wrappers. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the front free endpaper and the list of actors for the play „Les trois Sultanes‟ in 1908 at the Comédie Française. 14C. Clairville [Alexandre le Blanc] & Léon Dumoustier. Marcassin ou le Mari de ma Femme. Paris: Imprimerie de Vialat, 1858. Octavo. 12pp. Wrappers missing. Disbound. With markings and notes by Verneuil. 15C. Clairville, Louis-François [Louis-François Nicolaïe], Paul Siraudin, & Victor Koning. La Fille de Madame Angot. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, 1907. Octavo. 103pp. Wrappers. Covers loose. Spine mostly missing. With Verneuil's notes for the actors of the 1912 season. 16C. Clairville, Louis-François [Louis-François Nicolaïe] & Lambert-Thiboust. Histoire d'un Sou. Paris: Beck, Libraire, 1855. Octavo. 11pp. Wrappers. Covers missing. With markings and notes by Verneuil. 17C. Claretie, Jules. Brichanteau Comédien. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 126pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Covers missing. With Verneuil's name (Louis Verneuil) in ink on the upper cover. 18C. Coolus, Romain. L'Enfant Malade. Paris; Editions de la Revue Blanche, 1897. Octavo. 95pp. Wrappers. Presentation copy. 19C. Coppée, François. La Grève des Forgerons. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 11pp. Wrappers. With Verneuil's notes for the actors of the 1908 season. 20C. Coquelin, Frères. Recueil de Monologues. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, n.d. Octavo. 236pp. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. First few signatures loose. Part of spine missing. With marks by Verneuil. 49 21C. Courteline, Georges & Jules Lévy. Le Commissaire est bon Enfant. Paris; Ernest Flammarion, n.d. Octavo. 32pp. Wrappers. Lower cover missing. Spine missing. Illustrated. With Verneuil's notes and marks all over. 22C. Courteline, Georges & Jules Lévy. Le Commissaire est bon Enfant. Paris; Ernest Flammarion, n.d. Octavo. 32pp. Wrappers. Covers missing. Disbound. Illustrated. With Verneuil's marks all over. 23C. Crémieux, Hector. Orphée aux Enfers. Paris: Calmann Lévy, Editeur, 1900. Octavo. 85pp. Wrappers. Covers missing. Disbound. With Verneuil's name (Louis Verneuil) in green pencil on the front free endpaper. Verneuil has also added the names of the actors who performed this play in May 1912 at the „Variétés‟ in ink. 24C. Delair, Paul. La Mégère Apprivoisée, Comédie en Quatre Actes, en prose, d'après Shakespeare. Paris: Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1909. Octavo. 214pp. Wrappers. With Verneuil's marks in the book. 25C. Delorme, Hugues & Armand Numes. Casino, Hôtel, Jeux, etc… Paris: Librairie Théâtrale du Nouveau Siecle, 1910. Octavo. 32pp. Wrappers. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the half-title. 26C. Desvergers, Lucien [Armand Chapeau] & Varin [Voirin, Charles]. Les jeunes Bonnes et les Vieux Garçons. Paris: Bezou, Libraire, 1851. Octavo. 48pp. Wrappers. Covers missing. Disbound. With markings by Verneuil. 27C. Dumas, Alexandre, fils. La Dame aux Camélias. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 136pp. Wrappers. Upper cover and spine missing. Disbound. With markings and notes by Verneuil as well as inserted sheets with his notes. 28C. Duru, Alfred & Henri Chivot. Le Chatouilleur du Puy-de-Dôme. Paris: E. Dentu, Libraire Editeur, 1868. Octavo. 35pp. Wrappers. Upper cover missing. Spine missing. With markings and notes by Verneuil. 29C. Féraudy, M. de & Jacques Rouché. Tic-à-Tac. Paris: P.-V. Stock, Editeur, 1907. Octavo. 22pp. Wrappers. With markings and notes by Verneuil. 30C. Féraudy, M. de & Jacques Rouché. Tic-à-Tac. Paris: P.-V. Stock, Editeur, 1907. Octavo. 22pp. Wrappers. With Verneuil's name (L Collin du Bocage) and date in pencil on the half-title. With Verneuil's markings and notes. 50 31C. Feydeau, Georges. Un Fil à la Patte. Paris: Librairie Ollendorff, 1903. Octavo. 166pp. Incomplete. Wrappers. Covers loose. Spine missing. Disbound. With Verneuil's notes and marks. 32C. Feydeau, Georges. On Purge Bébé! Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, [?]. Octavo. 116pp. Wrappers. Upper cover missing. Brown paper wrappers. With markings and notes by Verneuil. 33C. Florian, Jean-Pierre-Claris de. La Bonne Mère. Paris: P.-V. Stock, Editeur, 1910. Octavo. 46pp. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on front free endpaper. 34C. Giraudoux, Jean. Siegfried. Paris: Bernard Grasset, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 218pp. Wrappers. Some textual notes in pencil appear to be from an earlier owner of the book. However, the drawing of a woman on the free rear endpaper appears to be by Verneuil. 35C. Gondinet, Edmond. Théâtre Complet. Paris: Calmann Lévy, Editeur, 1899. Octavo. 554pp. Volume 5 only. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. Part of spine missing. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the upper cover and front free endpaper, and on the half-title (Louis Verneuil). Also with a list of the names of actors and actress who played the role in 1911(?) on the verso of the „Table.‟ 36C. Guitry, Sacha. Souvenirs I. Paris: Librairie Plon, n.d. Octavo. 243pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. With Verneuil's comment on Guitry‟s mother‟s picture: „Renée de Ponty (morte en 102 à 41 ans).‟ 37C , Emery. Wirst Du mich immer lieben? Berlin: Georg Marton Verlag, n.d. Octavo. 95pp. Wrappers. Verneuil has corrected Halasz' first name from Emmerich to Emery on both the upper cover and the title-page; he also has added his address in Cannes. 38C. Hennique, Léon & Georges Godde. L'Empereur Dassoucy. Paris: G. Charpentier, Libraire-Editeur, 1880. Octavo. 112pp. Wrappers. Lower cover missing. Most of spine gone. Dedication inscription from G. Godde to E. Gros. 39C. Hermant, Abel. La Carrière. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 127pp. Wrappers. Spine missing. Almost disbound. Illustrated. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the upper cover. 40C. Hugo, Victor. Le roi s'amuse. Paris: Publications Jules Rouff et Cie., n.d. Octavo. 3 volumes. Wrappers. Wrappers of volume two loose and spine missing. Each volume with Verneuil's name (Louis Verneuil) in ink on the front free endpaper. 51 41C. Hugo, Victor. Morceaux Choisis de Victor Hugo: Théâtre. Paris: Librairie Ch. Delagrave, n.d. Octavo. 453pp. Wrappers. With Verneuil's name (L Collin du Bocage) in ink on the upper cover, the front free endpaper, and the first page of text. The inscription on the endpaper has Verneuil's lycée information; class and name of school. 42C. Hugo, Victor. Hernani. Paris: Publications Jules Rouff et Cie., n.d. Octavo. Wrappers. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the front free endpaper. 43C. Kaiser, Georg. Papiermühle. Potsdam: Gustav Kienenheuer Verlag, 1927. Tall octavo. 134pp. Disbound. Wrappers missing. Half-title loose. Incomplete, lacks pages 33-96. Verneuil has written the title, the author's name and the date on the half-title. 44C. Kistemaeckers, Henry & Eugène Delard. La Rivale. Paris: Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1907. Octavo. 238pp. Wrappers. Part of spine missing. With Verneuil's name (Louis Verneuil) in ink on upper cover and (Louis Collin du Bocage) on front free endpaper. 45C. Laya, Léon. Le Duc Job. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, 1882. Octavo. 143pp. Wrappers. Covers loose. Spine missing. With Verneuil's notes for the actors. 46C. Lavedan, Henri. Le Vieux Marcheur & Catherine. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 126pp. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. Part of spine missing. Illustrated. With Verneuil's marks in pencil. 47C. Lavedan, Henri. Le Marquis de Priola & Viveurs. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 127pp. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. Part of spine missing. Illustrated. With Verneuil's name (L Verneuil) in ink on the upper cover. 48C. Lecomte, Jules. Une Loge d'Opéra. Paris: E. Dentu, Editeur, 1868. Octavo. 26pp. Wrappers. Covers with some tears. Most of spine missing. Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on upper cover and front free endpaper and with many entries by Verneuil all over. 49C. Leloir, Louis & Paul Gravollet. Molière et Scaramouche. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 32pp. Wrappers. Covers missing. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the front free endpaper. 50C. Marchand, Léopold. La Belle Amour. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, n.d. Octavo. 211pp. Wrappers. Presentation copy from author to Verneuil, and then a note from Verneuil to Germaine Feydeau, his wife. 52 51C. Marivaux, Pierre. Arlequin Poli par l'Amour. Paris: Tresse & Stock, Editeur, 1892. Octavo. 44pp. Wrappers. Upper cover torn. Almost disbound. Half-title and title-page torn. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) and a comment on the play‟s first representation in ink on the recto of the half-title and the names of the actors who performed it in 1908, presumably in Paris. 52C. Meilhac, Henri & Louis Gandérax. Pepa. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, 1894. Octavo. 136pp. Wrappers. Small part of spine missing. With Verneuil's marks in the book. 53C. Mendès, Catulle. Ariane. Paris: Au Ménestrel, 1906. Octavo. 108pp. Wrappers. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on half-title. 54C. Montjoye, Armand & Charles de la Rounat. Une Panthère de Java. Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, Libraires-Editeurs, 1855. Octavo. 30pp. Wrappers. With markings by Verneuil. 55C. Moreau, Eugène & Alfred Delacour. Le Dernier des Mohicans. Paris: Beck, 1854. Octavo. 12pp. Wrappers missing. Disbound. With markings and notes by Verneuil. 56C. Murger, Henry. Le Bonhomme Jadis. Paris: Calmann Lévy, Editeur, 1884. Octavo. 36pp. Wrappers. Upper cover missing. Disbound. With entries by Verneuil all over. 57C. Musset, Alfred de. Un Caprice. Paris: Calmann Levy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 192pp. Wrappers. With markings and notes by Verneuil. 58C. Musset, Alfred de. Comédies et Proverbes. Paris; Bibliothèque-Charpentier, 1914. Octavo. 351pp. Volume 2. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. Part of spine missing. First few signatures loose. With Verneuil's notes on the verso of the rear free endpaper. 59C. Mycho, André [André Desboutins] & A. Nordève. La Feuille de Présence. Paris: Georges Ondet, Editeur, 1909. Octavo. 56pp. Wrappers. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the front free endpaper. 60C. Normand, Jacques. L'Amiral. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 91pp. Wrappers. Cover loose. Spine missing. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the front free endpaper. 61C. Normand, Jacques. L'Amiral. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 91pp. Wrappers. Ownership inscription. 53 62C. Pailleron, Edouard. L'Age Ingrat. Paris: Calmann Lévy, Editeur, 1899. Octavo. 83pp. Wrappers. Lower cover missing. Disbound. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on front free endpaper and a list for the 'Comédie Française' on the verso of the last leaf. 63C. Reboux, Paul & Charles Müller. A la Manière de … Paris: Edition de la Revue Les Lettres, 1908. Octavo. 134pp. Wrappers. Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on upper cover. 64C. Reboux, Paul & Charles Müller. A la Manière de … Paris: Bernard Grasset, Editeur, 1910. Octavo. 331pp. Wrappers. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the front free endpaper. 65C. Renard, Jules. Poil de Carotte. Paris: Société D'Editions Littéraires et Artistiques, Librairie Paul Ollendorff, 1907. Octavo. 96pp. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. Part of spine missing. Disbound. With Verneuil's marks and notes. 66C. Richepin, Jean. Le Chemineau. Paris: Librairie Charpentier & Fasquelle, 1907. Octavo. 156pp. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. Part of spine missing. With Verneuil's list of names for the actors. 67C. Rostand, Edmond. Les Romanesques. Paris: Librairie Charpentier & Fasquelle, 1914. Octavo. 155pp. Wrappers. Lower cover loose. Brown paper spine. With Verneuil's notes for the actors of the 1901 season. 68C. Sachs, Maurice. Au Temps du Boeuf sur le Toit. Paris: Editions de la Nouvelle Revue Critique, 1939. Octavo. 327pp. Wrappers. With a presentation from Sachs to Germaine Verneuil, his wife. 69C. Saint-Rémy, M. de [Morny, Auguste de & Ernest L’Epine]. M. Choufleuri restera chez lui le … Paris: Calmann Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 45pp. Wrappers. Lower cover missing. Verneuil's name (Louis verneuil) in pencil on upper cover and with many other entries. 70C. Sardou, Victorien. Nos Bons Villageois. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 180pp. Wrappers. Most of spine missing. Verneuil's name (Louis Verneuil) in ink on upper cover. 71C. Scribe, Eugene. Adrienne Lecouvreur. Paris: [?], [?]. Octavo. 293pp. Wrappers. Upper cover missing. Disbound. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the front free endpaper and the list of actors for the 1910 production at the 'Comédie Française.' 54 72C. Scribe, Eugene. Une Chaîne. Paris: Tresse, Libraire-Editeur, 1878. Octavo. 45pp. Wrappers. Spine missing. Some tears on covers. Covers loose. With Verneuil's name (Louis Verneuil) in ink on the upper cover. He has also entered the names of actors and actresses in the 1915-1916 production of the play. 73C. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 151pp. Wrappers. Covers missing. With Verneuil's list of the actors and their roles in the 1909 production of Hamlet at the 'Comédie Française.' 74C. Siraudin, Paul, Alfred Delacour & Adolphe Choler. Après le Bal. Paris: Calmann Lévy, Editeur, 1902. Octavo. 26pp. Wrappers. Covers loose, torn and missing some parts. Spine missing. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the front free endpaper. With many entries by Verneuil all over. 75C. Théâtre de Campagne. Paris: Paul Ollendorff, Editeur, 1892. Octavo. 364pp. Wrappers. Upper cover missing.. Spine missing. Lower cover loose. Almost disbound. With Verneuil's name (Louis Collin du Bocage) in ink on the front free endpaper. 76C. Touroude, Alfred. Le Bâtard. Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 74pp. Wrappers. Spine missing. With Verneuil's comments and marks throughout. 77C. Varin [Voirin, Charles], Laurencin [Chapelle, Paul-Aimé], & Narcisse Fournier. Les Turlutaines de Françoise. Paris: Barbré, Editeur, 1859. Octavo. 12pp. Wrappers. Covers missing. Disbound. With markings and notes by Verneuil. 78C. Warnod, Andre. L'Ancien Théâtre Montparnasse. Paris: A la Société des Spectacles Gaston Baty, n.d. Octavo. 44pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Vingtieme Cahier de 'Masques: Cahiers d'Art Dramatique.' Presentation copy. 55 D. Books from Verneuil’s Library, but without any identifying marks (148 entries) 1D. Arnavon, Jacques. La Mise en Scène des ‘Femmes Savantes.’ Paris: Société Anonyme de Publications Périodiques, 1912. Octavo. 197pp. Wrappers. Upper cover missing. Illustrated. 2D. Augier, Emile. La Jeunesse. Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, Libraires-Editeurs, 1858. Octavo. 127pp. Wrappers. 3D. Banville, Théodore de. Comédies. Paris: Bibliothèque-Charpentier, 1923. Octavo. 2 volumes. Wrappers. 4D. Bataille, Henry. Théâtre Complet. Paris: E. Flammarion, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 10 of 12 volumes. Lacks volumes 10 & 11. Wrappers. 5D. Bataille, Henry. La Femme Nue & Poliche. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 126pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Lower cover missing. 6D. Bayard, Jean-François-Alfred & Bieville, Edmond de [Charles Henry Etienne Edmond Desnoyers]. Les Enfants de la Balle. Paris: Beck, Libraire, 1852. Octavo. 16pp. Green wrappers. 7D. Becque, Henry. Théâtre Complet. Paris: Bibliothèque-Charpentier, 1922. Octavo. 2 volumes. Wrappers. 8D. Belot, Adolphe & Edmond Villetard. Le Testament de César Girodot. New York: William R. Jenkins Co., Publishers, n.d. Octavo. 113pp. Wrappers. 9D. Bernard, Tristan. Théâtre de Tristan Bernard. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 8 volumes. Wrappers. 10D. Bernard, Tristan. Les Coteaux du Médoc. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1905. Octavo. 36pp. Wrappers. 11D. Bernard, Tristan & André Godfernaux. Triplepatte. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, n.d. Octavo. 184pp. Wrappers. 56 12D. Bernstein, Henry. Après Moi. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie, Editeurs. n.d. Octavo. 251pp. Wrappers. Lower cover loose. 13D. Bernstein, Henry. L'Elévation. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 217pp. Wrappers. 14D. Bernstein, Henry. Mélo. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 249pp. Wrappers. 15D. Bernstein, Henry. Le Bercail. Paris: Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1905. Octavo. 275pp. Wrappers. 16D. Bernstein, Henry. L'Assaut. Paris: Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1912. Octavo. 298pp. Wrappers. 17D. Bernstein, Henry. La Galerie des Glaces. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie, Editeurs. n.d. Octavo. 252pp. First edition. Portrait frontispiece. Wrappers. 18D. Bernstein, Henry. Le Secret. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie, Editeurs. n.d. Octavo. 252pp. First edition. Wrappers. 19D. Berr, Georges. Pour Quand On est Trois. Paris: Société d'Editions Littéraires et Artistiques, Librairie Paul Ollendorff, 1900. Octavo. 252pp. Wrappers. 20D. Berr, Georges & Pierre Decourcelle. Dix Minutes d'Auto. Paris: P.-V. Stock, Editeur, 1909. Octavo. 170pp. Wrappers. 21D. Biéville, Edmond de [Charles Henry Etienne Edmond Desnoyers]. La Contrebasse. Paris: C. Tresse, Editeur, 1845, Octavo. 16pp. Wrappers. Spine missing. 22D. Boucot, L. L'Intransigeant. Paris: C. Joubert, Editeur, n,d, Octavo. 27pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. With a printed dedication to Verneuil. 23D. Bourdet, Edouard. La Prisonnière. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1926. Octavo. 174pp. Wrappers. 24D. Brisson, Pierre. Au Hasard des Soirées. Paris: Gallimard, n.d. Octavo. 459pp. Wrappers. 57 25D. Caillavet, Gaston-Arman de & Robert de Flers. Le Coeur a ses Raisons. Paris: Librairie Stock, Delamain et Boutelleau, 1933. Octavo. 60pp. Wrappers. 26D. Caillavet, Gaston-Arman de & Robert de Flers. L'Ange du Foyer. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, n.d. Octavo. 180pp. Wrappers. 27D. Caillavet, Gaston-Arman de & Robert de Flers. Papa. Le Sire de Vergy. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 126pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 28D. Caillavet, Gaston-Arman de & Robert de Flers. Primerose. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, n.d. Octavo. 236pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 2 copies. 29D. Caillavet, Gaston-Aran de, Robert de Flers & Etienne Rey. La Belle Aventure. Paris: Albin Michel, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 253pp. Wrappers. 30D. Clairville, Louis-François [Louis-François Nicolaïe] & Jules Cordier [Éléonore de Vaulabelle]. Fraichement Décorée. Paris: Imprimerie de Vialat, 1853. Octavo. 10pp. Wrappers missing. Disbound. 31D. Clerc, Henri. L'Autoritaire. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1926. Octavo. 101pp. Wrappers. 32D. Comédies du XVIIe Siècle. Paris: Nouvelle Librairie Parisienne Albert Savine, Editeur, 1888. Octavo. 438pp. Wrappers. Upper cover missing. 33D. Constantin-Weyer, Maurice. Le Strategème des Roués. Paris: Les Cahiers de "Bravo," June 1930. Octavo. 45pp. Wrappers. 34D. Coolus, Romain. Théâtre Complet. Paris: Albin Michel, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 368pp. Volume 4. Wrappers. 35D. Courteline, Georges. La Paix chez Soi. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 35pp. Wrappers. 36D. Croisset, Francis de. Théâtre. Paris: E. Flammarion, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 263pp. Volume 3. Wrappers. 37D. Croisset, Francis de. Le Bonheur, Mesdames! Paris: Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1906. Octavo. 265pp. First edition. Wrappers. Worn. Loose. 58 38D. Croisset, Francis de. Le Bonheur, Mesdames! & La Bonne Intention. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 125pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 39D. Croisset, Francis de. Le Bonheur, Mesdames! & La Bonne Intention. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 110pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 40D. Croisset, Francis de & Robert de Flers. Le Docteur Miracle. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 247pp. Wrappers. 41D. Crommelynck, Fernand. Le Cocu Magnifique. Paris: Les Cahiers de ""Bravo,"" March 1930. Octavo. 45pp. Wrappers. 42D. Curel, François de. Les Fossiles. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 91pp. Wrappers. 43D. Curel, François de. L’envers d’une sainte. Paris: P.-V. Stock, editeur, 1901. Octavo. 94 pp. Third edition. Wrappers. Partially disbound. 44D. Daudet, Alphonse. Théâtre. Première et Troisième Séries. Paris: BibliothèqueCharpentier, 1928. Octavo. Volumes 1 & 3. I: 376pp.; III: 494pp. Wrappers, missing in volume 3. 45D. Daudet, Alphonse. La Lutte pour la Vie. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeur, 1890. Octavo. 152pp. Wrappers. 46D. Descaves, Lucien. La Cage. Paris: P.-V. Stock, Editeur, 1898. Octavo. 43pp. Wrappers. Upper cover missing. 47D. Deslandes, Paulin. Colombe et Pinson. Paris: Barbré, Editeur, 1861. Octavo. 12pp. Wrappers. Covers missing. Disbound. 48D. Destrem, Jean. La Faute d'un Autre. Paris: Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1911. Octavo. 36pp. Wrappers. 49D. Donnay, Maurice. Théâtre. Paris: Bibliothèque-Charpentier, 1919. Octavo. 7 of 8 volumes. Lacks volume 8. Wrappers. 50D. Donnay, Maurice. Le Retour de Jérusalem & L'Escalade. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 111pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 59 51D. Donnay, Maurice. L'Autre Danger & Le Torrent. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 126pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 52D. Donnay, Maurice. Paraître & Folle Entreprise. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 94pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 53D. Donnay, Maurice. Georgette Lemeunier & La Bascule. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 109pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 54D. Donnay, Maurice. La Chasse à L'homme. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, editeur, 1920. Octavo. 247pp. Wrappers. Partially uncut. 55D. Dumanoir, Philippe [Pinel, Philippe-François] & Hippolyte Le Roux. La Dragonne. Paris: De Lacombe, 1842. Octavo. 26pp. Wrappers missing. Disbound. 56D. Dumestre, Gaston. La Victoire de Samothrace. Paris: G. Ricordi & Cie., n.d. Octavo. 126pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 57D. Duport, Paul & Paul Foucher. "Coliche, ou un Pamphlet sous M. de Maurepas." Paris: Marchant, 1836. Octavo. 15pp. Wrappers missing. Disbound. Dans un Recueil factice: ""Le Magasin théâtral"", vol. 12. Le Magasin théâtral. Choix de pièces nouvelles jouées sur tous les théâtres de Paris ; Troisième année, tome deuxième." 58D. Duvert, Félix-Auguste & Augustin Théodore de Lauzanne de Vauroussel. En revenant de Pondichery. Paris: Beck, 1858. Octavo. 20pp. Wrappers. Covers loose. Spine missing. 59D. Ennery, Adolphe d’ & Edmond Tarbé. Martyre! Paris: Librairie Stock, 1924. Octavo. 166pp. Wrappers. 60D. Ennery, Adolphe d’ & Eugène Cormon. Les deux orphelines. Paris: Librairie Stock, Delamain et Boutelleau, 1933. Octavo. 128pp. Wrappers. Partially uncut. 61D. Fabre, Emile. Théâtre. Paris: E. Flammarion, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 248pp. Volume 5. Wrappers. 62D. Ferrier, Paul. La Chauve-Souris. Opérette en trois actes d'après Henry Meilhac & Ludovic Halévy. Musique de Johann Strauss. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 136pp. Wrappers. 60 63D. Feydeau, Ernest. Fanny. Paris: Amyot, Libraire-Editeur, 1868. Octavo. 254pp. Wrappers. 64D. Feydeau, Georges. Feu la Mère de Madame. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, n.d. Octavo. 92pp. Wrappers. 65D. Feydeau, Georges. Monsieur chasse! Paris: Paul Ollendorff, Editeur, 1896. Octavo. 194pp. Wrappers. 66D. Feydeau, Georges & Maurice Desvallières. Les Fiancés de Loches. Paris: Paul Ollendorff, Editeur, 1888. Octavo. 121pp. Wrappers. 67D. Flers, Robert de & Gaston-Arman de Caillavet. L'Ane de Buridan. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, n.d. Octavo. 245pp. Wrappers. 68D. Flers, Robert de & Gaston-Arman de Caillavet. Le Bois Sacré & Monsieur de la Palisse. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 110pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 69D. Flers, Robert de & Francis de Croisset. Les Vignes du Seigneur. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 247pp. Wrappers. 70D. Forzano, Gioachino & Giacomo Puccini. Gianni Schicchi. Paris: Société Anonyme des Editions Ricordi, n.d. Octavo. 50pp. Wrappers. 71D. Gaillardet, Frédéric. & Alexandre Dumas. La Tour de Nesle. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 98pp. Wrappers. 72D. Gantillon, Simon. Maya. Paris: A la Société des Spectacles Gaston Baty, n.d. Octavo. 102pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Cinquième Cahier de 'Masques: Cahiers d'Art Dramatique. 73D. Gavault, Paul. Ma Tante d'Honfleur. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, n.d. Octavo. 173pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 74D. Gavault, Paul & Georges Berr. La Dette. Paris: P.-V. Stock, Editeur, 1904. Octavo. 173pp. Wrappers. 75D. Genin, Hubert. Le Langage des Planches: vocabulaire des coulisses théâtrales... Paris: Librairie de ""Comoedia,"" n.d. Octavo. 95pp. Wrappers. 61 76D. Géraldy, Paul. Les Noces d'Argent. Paris: Editions Georges Crès & Cie., 1917. Octavo. 226pp. Copy No. 106 on 'Papier de Rives,' for Georges Berr. Wrappers. 77D. Géraldy, Paul. Christine. Paris: Librairie Stock, n.d. Octavo. 164pp. Wrappers. 78D. Giraudoux, Jean. Ondine. Paris: Bernard Grasset, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 226pp. Wrappers. 79D. Giraudoux, Jean. La Guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu. Paris: Bernard Grasset, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 199pp. Wrappers. 80D. Giraudoux, Jean. Pleins Pouvoirs. Paris: Gallimard, n.d. Octavo. 211pp. Wrappers. 81D. Guitry, Sacha. Théâtre. Paris: Librairie Plon, n.d. Octavo. 347pp. Volume 2. Wrappers. 82D. Guitry, Sacha. La Clef. Paris: P.-V. Stock, Editeur, 1907. Octavo. 242pp. Wrappers. Upper cover missing. 83D. Hackett, Walter. The Barton Mystery. New York & London: Samuel French, n.d. Octavo. 63pp. Wrappers. 84D. Hennequin, Maurice & Félix Duquesnel. Patachon. Paris: Librairie Charpentier & Fasquelle, 1907. Octavo. 255pp. Wrappers. Upper cover missing. 85D. Hermant, Abel. Souvenirs du Vte de Courpière par un Témoin. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 125pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Upper cover missing. 86D. Hermant, Abel. La Belle Mme Héber. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, Editeur, 1905. Octavo. 272pp. Wrappers. Upper cover loose. 87D. Hermant, Abel. Trains de Luxe. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, Editeur, 1909. Octavo. 154pp. Wrappers. 88D. Hermant, Abel. La Meute & Sylvie ou la Curieuse d'amour. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 126pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 62 89D. Heron, Matilda. Camille, or the Fate of a Coquette. New York & London: Samuel French, n.d. Octavo. 42pp. Wrappers. One copy without upper cover. 90D. Kessler, Richard. Der Schildpattkamm. Berlin: Felix Bloch Erben, 1929. Octavo. 99pp. 91D. Lavedan, Henri. Le Prince d'Aurec. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, 1894. Octavo. 136pp. Wrappers. Some tears in spine. 92D. Lavedan, Henri. Les Deux Noblesses. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, 1897. Octavo. 148pp. Wrappers. Some tears. 93D. Lavedan, Henri. Le Duel. Paris: Albin Michel, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 220pp. Wrappers. 94D. Lavedan, Henri. Le Marquis de Priola. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 285pp. Wrappers. 95D. Lavedan, Henri. Le Nouveau Jeu & Varennes. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 143pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 96D. Lavedan, Henri. Le Vieux Marcheur. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 125pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Upper cover missing. 97D. Lavedan, Henri. Beaux Dimanches. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 108pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Upper cover and title-page torn, missing about a quarter of the upper page. 98D. Lavedan, Henri. Pétard. Paris: Albin Michel, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 257pp. Wrappers. 99D. Lemaître, Jules. L'Age Difficile. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 115pp. Wrappers. 100D. Lemaître, Jules. Flipote. Paris: Calmann Lévy, Editeur, 1899. Octavo. 132pp. Wrappers. 101D. Lenôtre, Georges & Gabriel Martin. Colinette. Paris: Librairie Stock, 1923. Octavo. 133pp. Wrappers. 63 102D. Livry, Charles de, Adolphe de Leuven [Adolphe de Ribbing], & Philippe Auguste Alfred Pittaud de Forges. La Salamandre. Paris: Imprimerie de Casimir, 1834. Octavo. 30pp. Wrappers missing. Disbound. 103D. Lorde, André de & Jean Marsèle. Napoléonette. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1924. Octavo. 192pp. Wrappers. 104D. Lorde, André de & Alfred Binet. Un Crime dans une Maison de Fous. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1927. Octavo. 45pp. Wrappers. 105D. Lorde, André de & Alfred Masson-Forestier. Attaque Nocturne. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, n.d. Octavo. 48pp. Wrappers. 106D. Marivaux. Pierre. Théâtre de Marivaux. Paris: Librairie Garnier Frères, n.d. Octavo. 2 volumes. I: 543pp.; II: 438pp. Wrappers. 107D. Maupassant, Guy de. Théâtre. Paris; Albin Michel, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 291pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 108D. Meilhac, Henri & Ludovic Halévy. Théâtre de Meilhac & Halévy. Paris: CalmannLévy, Editeurs. Octavo. Volumes 1 & 4. I: 383pp.; IV: 404pp. Wrappers. Volume IV's cover is an advertisement from the "Service Propagande des Messageries Hachette." 109D. Meilhac, Henri & Ludovic Halévy. La Périchole. Paris: Calmann Lévy, Editeur, 1895. Octavo. 104pp. Wrappers. 110D. Mélesville [Duveyrier, Anne-Honoré-Joseph], Eugène Labiche & Auguste Lefranc. Les Circonstances Atténuantes. Paris: Beck, Editeur, 1842. Octavo. 19pp. Pink wrappers. 111D. Mendès, Catulle. Théâtre en Prose. Paris; Bibliothèque-Charpentier, 1908. Octavo. 341pp. Wrappers. 112D. Méré, Charles. La Captive. Paris; Aux Editions de la Sirène, 1920. Octavo. 122pp. Wrappers. 113D. Méré. Charles. La Femme Masquée. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1923. Octavo. 152pp. Wrappers. Uncut. 64 114D. Meurice, Paul & Auguste Vacquerie [Sophocle]. Antigone. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 68pp. Wrappers. Lacks upper cover and title-page. 115D. Mirbeau, Octavo. Le Foyer. Paris: Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1909. Octavo. 320pp. Wrappers. 116D. Molnár, Franz. Eins, Zwei, Drei. Wien & Berlin: Georg Marton Verlag, 1929. Octavo. 72pp. 117D. Moreau, Eugène. La Dame aux Oeillets Blancs. Paris: Beck, Libraire, 1853. Octavo. 12pp. Wrappers. 118D. Musset, Alfred de. Un Caprice. Paris: Calmann Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 192pp. Wrappers. 119D. Ohnet, Georges. Le Maître de Forges. Paris: Albin Michel, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 130pp. Wrappers. 120D. Pagnol, Marcel. Fanny. Paris: Fasquelle Editeurs, 1932. Octavo. 213pp. Wrappers. 52e mille. 121D. Pagnol, Marcel. Marius. Paris: Fasquelle Editeurs, 1931. Octavo. 260pp. Wrappers. 46e mille. 122D. Pagnol, Marcel. Topaze. Paris: Fasquelle Editeurs, 1930. Octavo. 285pp. Wrappers. 64e mille. 123D. Pagnol, Marcel. César. Paris: Fasquelle Editeurs, 1937. Octavo. 247pp. Wrappers. 23e mille. 124D. Pailleron, Edouard. Théâtre Complet. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 2 of 4 volumes. Lacks volumes 1 & 3. Wrappers. 125D. Pellerin, Jean-Victor. Têtes de Rechange. Paris: A la Société des Spectacles Gaston Baty, n.d. Octavo. 95pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Deuxième Cahier de 'Masques: Cahiers d'Art Dramatique. 126D. Porto-Riche, Georges de. Théâtre d'Amour. Paris: Albin Michel, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 4 volumes. Wrappers. 65 127D. Porto-Riche, Georges de. Le Passé & Bonheur Manqué. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 126pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. 128D. Racine, Jean. Théâtre Complet. Paris: Librairie Garnier Frères, n.d. Octavo. 742pp. Wrappers. 129D. Rip [pseudonym for Georges-Gabriel Thenon]. 1915. Revue de Guerre. En 2 Actes. Paris: Librairie Ollendorff, 1915. Octavo. 145pp. Third edition. Wrappers. Illustrated. Covers loose. Most of spine missing. 130D. Romains, Jules. Théâtre. Knock & M. Le Trouhadec. Paris: Librairie Gallimard, n.d. Octavo. 249pp. Wrappers. 131D. Rostand, Edmond. Les Romanesques précédée de Les Deux Pierrots ou le Souper Blanc. Paris: Fasquelle Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 215pp. Wrappers. 132D. Sand, George. Théâtre de George Sand. Paris: Collection Hetzel Michel Lévy Frères, Libraires, 1860. Octavo. 379pp. Wrappers. 133D. Sardou, Victorien. La Famille Benoiton. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 212pp. Wrappers. 134D. Sardou, Victorien. La Famille Benoiton. Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, Libraires Editeurs, 1866. Octavo. 212pp. Made-up wrappers. 135D. Sardou, Victorien. Nos Intimes! Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, Libraires-Editeurs, 1862. Octavo. 157pp. Fourth edition. Wrappers. 136D. Sardou, Victorien & Emile Moreau. Madame Sans-Gêne. Paris: Albin Michel, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 127pp. Wrappers. 137D. Sardou, Victorien & Emile de Najac. Divorçons. Paris: Calmann Lévy, Editeur, 1883. Octavo. 185pp. Wrappers. 138D. Savoir, Alfred. La Couturière de Lunéville. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1923. Octavo. 127pp. Wrappers. Both covers missing. 139D. Savoir, Alfred & Fernand Nozière. Le Baptême. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, 1908. Octavo. 167pp. Wrappers. 66 140D. Saynètes et Monologues. Paris: P.-V. Stock, Editeur, 1903. Octavo. 243pp. Wrappers. 141D. Scarron, Paul. Don Japhet d'Arménie. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, Editeur, 1893. Octavo. 96pp. Wrappers. 142D. Scribe, Eugène. Adrienne Lecouvreur. Paris: Librairie E. Dentu, 1892. Octavo. Pp. 157-293. Wrappers. Taken from Scribe's 'Oeuvres Complètes,' but with the play's own original wrappers. 143D. Shakespeare, William. Le Roi Lear. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 237pp. Wrappers. Upper cover missing. 144D. Le Théâtre Libre. Paris: n.p., May 1890. Octavo. 186pp. 145D. Varin [Voirin, Charles] & Victor-Henri de Rochefort- Luçay. Je suis mon Fils. Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, Libraires-Editeurs, 1860. Octavo. 36pp. Wrappers. 146D. Veber, Pierre -Eugène. Que Suzanne n'en sache rien. Monsieur Mésian. Etc. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie., Editeurs, n.d. Octavo. 94pp. Wrappers. Illustrated. Upper cover missing. 147D. Vigny, Alfred de. Théâtre. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, Editeur, n.d. Octavo. 2 volumes. I: 348pp.; II: 324pp. Wrappers. 148D. Wolff, Pierre. Le Secret de Polichinelle. Paris: Librairie Théâtrale, Artistique & Littéraire, n.d. Octavo. 164pp. Wrappers. 67 81. Wilson, John H. Shaksperiana. Catalogue of all the Books, Pamphlets, etc., Relating to Shakspeare. To Which are Subjoined, an Account of the Early Quarto Editions of the Great Dramatist's Plays & Poems, The Prices at Which Many Copies Have Sold in Public Sales., etc. London: Printed for John Wilson, 1827. Small octavo. xli, 69, [i]pp. With one page of booksellers' advertisements. Original boards, respined in cloth. New endpapers. Original title label on upper cover. Generally recognized as the first attempt to create a Shakspeare bibliography. $250 68 82. Wright, James. Historia histrionica: an historical account of the English stage, shewing the ancient use, improvement and perfection of dramatick representations in this nation in a dialogue of plays and players. London: Printed by G. Croom for William Haws, 1699. Octavo. [4], 32pp. []4 (-[]1 blank {?}), B4-E4. First edition. Twentieth-century half blue morocco over marbled boards. Wing W3695. With the bookplate of the Warwick Castle Shakespeare Library. The Warwick Castle Library was assembled by the earl of Warwick between 1852 and 1870 with the help of J.O. Halliwell-Phillipps, the Shakespeare scholar and collector. $2,500 69