Elks Tracks Newsletter January 2011
Elks Tracks Newsletter January 2011
VOLUME 57, NO. 1 April 2013 Elks West Covina Elks Lodge #1996 Tracks West Covina, California Pediatric Cancer Breakfast Fundraiser Sunday April 28th 2013 8:30 - 11:30am $5 pre-sale $6.00 door in the Main Hall www.westcovinaelks.org West Covina Elks Lodge #1996 Committee Chairpersons 2013-2014 Accident Claims Advisor Americanism Audio/Lighting Auditor Bingo BLT Co-Chairperson Breakfast Bulletin Director/Editor Christmas Tree Lane Clown Association Crab Crack Co-Chairman Cribbage Club Drug Awareness Decorating Committee Elks National Foundation Elks Memorial Flag Day Funeral Service Co-Chairman Good Timers Greeters Hoop Shoot Hospital Visitation House Rules Indoctrination Investigations Lapsation Laughlin Trip Co-Chairman Lodge Activities Mail Out Major Project Major Project 50/50 Co-Chairman Membership Co-Chairman Mobile Pancake Maker MDA Mothers Day New Years Eve Paper & Cans PER Association Pres. Photographer Asst. Photographer Presiding Justice Public Relations/Publicity Ritual Coaches Roamin Elks Safety & Repair Assessement Scholarships Scouting Sickness & Distress Super Bowl Co-Chairman Veterans Web Site Webmaster Youth Activities Phil Hawkins, PER Willie Koskela, PER Lee Schwartz Bob Hollis-Brau PER Robert ”Rusty” White Tony Luzzi Judith Lumbreras Chuck Dalool, PER Ben Ortega ER/PER John Kemp Laffe Happer Jr. Ben Ortega, ER/PER Chuck Dalool, PER Norm Nikodym Joanna Howard CeCe Burke Bob Hollis-Brau PER Charlene Rasmussen Rosalie Leon Ed Lima, PER Chuck Dalool, PER Al Bellew Ed Lima, PER Willie Koskela, PER Vacant Chuck Dalool, PER Ed Lima, PER Jill Murphy Joanna Howard Chuck Dalool PER Joanna Howard Dana Williams Victor Tolle Judith Lumbreras Chuck Sawyer Warren Burton Joanna Howard Willie Koskela PER Vince McCauley John Hughes Charlene Rasmussen Dana Williams Chuck Sawyer Bob Hollis-Brau PER Shirley Schwartz Robert Burke Phil Hawkins, PER Robert Burke Chuck Dalool PER Dick Canzoneri Art Benson Willie Koskela David Cox Judith Lumbreras Ed Lima, PER Vern Campion, PER Michael Salazar,PER Ben Ortega, PER Willie Koskela, PER 626-918-0883 626-815-2560 626-334-8179 909-622-9861 714-315-8635 626-498-9697 626-587-6489 626-332-6945 626-918-7952 626-963-3921 626-332-9672 626-926-4046 626-332-6945 909-319-6488 909-392-2685 626-274-6777 909-622-9861 626-332-9727 626-339-4396 626-339-6001 626-332-6945 626-358-2613 626-339-6001 626-815-2560 626-332-6945 626-339-6001 562-652-3873 909-392-2685 626-332-6945 909-392-2685 714-240-1647 626-253-7395 626-587-6489 909-599-4890 626-331-1302 909-392-2685 626-815-2560 626-422-2812 626-338-9516 626-332-9727 714-240-1647 909-599-4890 909-622-9861 626-334-8179 714-915-2731 626-918-0883 714-915-2731 626-332-6945 626-358.8182 626-536-0276 626-815-2560 626-258-7645 626-587-6489 626-339-6001 928-855-5309 626-827-6700 626-926-4046 626-815-2560 Page 2 Elks Tracks NonProfit Bulletin Published monthly by West Covina Elks Lodge No. 1996 841 W. Merced Ave., West Covina Ca. 91790 Lodge Lounge(626) 338-8111 Lodge Office: (626) 962-0113 Office Hours Tues.-Fri. 9:00am-5:00pm Club Manager & Lease Info: C(909) 957-6724 O(626) 338-2119 FAX: (626) 960-3512 The Elks Lodge Website is: www.westcovinaelks.org 2013-2014 LODGE OFFICERS Exalted Ruler Leading Knight Loyal Knight Lecturing Knt. Treasurer Tiler Secretary Ben Ortega 626-926-4046 Judith Lumbreras 626-587-6489 Dana W.Williams714-240-1647 Julie Gomez Chuck Dalool 626-332-6945 Lafe Harper Jr. 626-332-9672 Gale Warren 626-331-8481 TRUSTEES 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Vince McCauley 626-422-2812 Jerry Warren 626-331-8481 Yolanda Garcia 626-826-8938 TBD Danny Parker Appointed Officers Esquire Jill Murphy Chaplain Charlene Rasmussen Inner Guard Rosalie Leon Organist 562 652-3873 626-332-9727 626-339-4396 Dear Members, I would like to express my gratitude to you the members, my outgoing Officers and to the Officers remaining moving forward. Your support of your Officer and Club Management team is nothing short of fantastic and I want to personally Thank You. This past year we succeeded in accomplishing many of our goals. 1. Getting our Lodges finances back in manageable order. 2. Renovating the Lodge Main Hall to increase Lodge lease outs and rentals. 3. Improving the overall Club experience with an enhanced menu and drink specials. 4. Having an aggressive Club Management team. We were handed some enormous financial problems of which our Lodge has suffered through the years, however we accepted the task and by having the right people and allowing them to do the job unhindered we were able to succeed in tackling these problems, nevertheless we will need to keep meticulous oversight and control or we will fail and fall back into the trench we just climbed out of. I would like to give special thanks to Robert Burke COB Trustee, Chuck Dalool Treasurer, Joanna Howard Secretary, Robert Leon Loyal Knight, & Jim Salazar Leading Knight, all who will be leaving the Lodge Officer Corps, I thank you for your service to your Lodge and fellow members, with your knowledge and efforts we were able to get our house in much better order, I look forward to working with you in future projects and committees. Exalted Rulers Message Continued on page 8 Leading Knights Station Loyal Knights Station Lecturing Knights Station Sorry No Article Submitted Coming Sunday March 24th our Annual Officer Deep Pit Pork E Que. My last event as Lecturing Knight and lots of things planned. This year were preparing a Tex / Mex theme that will spice up the event over passed years. Raffling off a wheel barrel full of liquor, 50/50 drawings and entertainment by The Copper Canyon Band. It’s shaping up to be a great event. Line dance class starts at 3:00 for our cowboy and cowgirl newbie’s. Come join the fun April 1st marks the beginning of our fraternal year. Lots of great things are on the schedule. Special thanks to Exalted Ruler Ben Ortega taking the helm again for the 2nd straight year. Though last year proved to be one of our most successful, this year will bring new challenges. Not only planning on continued success for this year but to institute programs to insure financial health for years to come. As we say goodbye to last year and take our first steps in our journey of this New Year, I’m reminded of T.S. Eliot infamous saying “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from”. Make your new beginning and get involved in our many committees or charities and try to attend all the great events that are ongoing. I believe that we all belong to the best lodge in southern California. With your help and support I’m confident that this year will be our greatest yet. Elections came and went quickly for the Lecturing Knight station. If you blinked, you missed it. I sure did! I said, “Yes, I accept.” And before I knew it, I was elected as your new Lecturing Knight! Well, for those of you that asked me to take on this position, I thank you for trusting me with this station, Brotherly Love. My name is Julie Gomez, and I have been a member for just 2 years. As I study my new station, I have been reflecting on what Brotherly Love means to me. The dictionary states Brotherly befitting a brother; affectionate and loyal; fraternal. In the Bible, Brothers of the Lord, were persons who formed part of Jesus’ entourage. As Elks, our motto – “The faults of our members we write upon the sand, their virtues upon the tables of love and memory.” I realize that we all come from so many walks of life, but one thing we do share and have in common is that we are ELKS. As Elks, I have learned that we are united, sympathetic, friendly, caring, supportive, and an extension of family. Being an Elk to me means to be ready to help one another when you are called upon. So, as you see, I am here to serve by being a servant to God. With your support, I will take on the various responsibilities and hope to complete each task successfully. Fraternally Judith Lumbreras Esteemed Leading Knight --------------------------------- C H A R I T Y Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Fraternally, Dana W. Williams Loyal Knight Continued on page 4 Page 3 Lecturing Knight Article Continued: West Covina B .P .O B.P .P.O .O.. Elks Lodge No 1996 Cordially invites you to attend The I nstallation Installation Of Exalted Ruler Elect Ben Ortega and the newly elected Corps of O fficers Officers I hope you join me, in doing your part, as we continue to make our West Covina Elks Lodge an enjoyable, exhilarating place while we serve. The first task I have been given is on April 27 which will be the Ritual Competition. I have been studying and memorizing my lines. This will challenge me to perform my station, Brotherly Love. My second task, will be on April 30, the fifth Tuesday of the month. For my first Family Fun Night, I have planned a Derby Night! Come on by to eat, laugh and test your luck on your favorite horse. You might even see a horse named after you! I look forward to meeting more friendly faces and with your assistance we will have another sensational year. See you soon, For the Fraternal Year 2013-2014 Julie A. Gomez Lecturing Knight Tuesday the 2nd of April 2013 841 West Merced Avenue West Covina, California No Host Cocktails 5:30 P .M. P.M. Roasted T urkey Dinner 6:30 P .M. Turkey P.M. Price $10.00 p er p erson per person Installation of O fficers 7:30 P .M. Officers P.M. Grand Exalted Ruler, Charles Dalool PDDGER Charles Dalool PDDGER Master of Ceremony Please call for Dinner Reservations (626) 962-0113 In Memorium April Officers Duty Schedule 5&6 12 & 13 19 & 20 26 & 27 Judith Lumbreras - Vince McCauley The Faults Of Our Members We Write Upon The Sands, Dana Williams - Jerry Warren Their Virtues Upon The Tablets Of Love And Memory.... Julie Gomez - Yolonda Garcia Treasurer - 4th Yr. Trustee None To Report This Month April Greeters Schedule 5th 12th 19th 26th Don’t forget every 5th Tuesday of the month is Family Fun Night and all members, friends, and guest are welcome. This is Lecturing Knight Julie Gomez’s first event so let’s give her all of our support! This month we’re Off to the Races!! See Page 9 John Kemp & Judith Lumbreras Lee Schwartz & Dana Williams Willie Koskela & Julie Gomez Dennis Whitman & TBD Page 4 Propositions For Membership PAST EXALTED RULERS Ralph Gaither* 1956-57 Hugh M. Bagley* 1957-58 William T. Tanking* 1958-59 Albert E. Lindbeck* 1959-60 James R. Yost, Jr. 1960-61 James L. Morgan* 1961-62 Harold Z. Dobbs* 1962-63 Laurence R. Tillman* 1963-64 Enrico (Hank) Salvo* 1964-65 Thomas E. Curtis 1965-66 Jack Cleveland* 1966-67 J. Paul Studer* 1967-68 Roy Williams, Jr.* 1968-69 Raiden V. Peterson 1969-70 Donald M. Huff 1970-71 Albert D. Davis 1971-72 Milo G. Summerhays* 1972-73 Robert E. Carlson *1973-74 H. Richard Harbert 1974-75 James J. Andert* 1975-76 Anthony R. Mickols* 1976-77 John Asmundson 1977-78 James E. Smith* 1978-79 Larry Henderson 1979-80 Frank Rehor* 1980-81 Carl Mou 1981-82 Richard Marble* 1981-82 Robert E. Gubrud 1982-83 James Moseley* 1982-83 Al Putman* 1983-84 Dick Delauder *1983-84 Manny Zamudio 1984-85 William Heller* 1984-85 Art Willard* 1985-86 Renee LaRose* 1986-87 Fidel Nieto, Jr. 1986-87 Charles Dalool 1987-88, 2011-12 Michael Sirchia 1987-88 Walt Doran* 1988-89 David La Sage* 1988-89 Bob Hollis-Brau 1989-90 Jerry Kober 1989-90 Ernie Gilbert 1990-91 Pat Shea 1990-91 Ron Conger 1991-92 Dave Southard* 1991-92 Gary Holmes* 1992-93 Roy Simes 1992-93 Bob Schachner* 1993-94 WM Ziegenbein 1993-94 Rick Dana 1994-95 Matt Jessup 1994-95 Roy Long 1995-96 Tim LaMarca 1995-96 Ed Lima 1996-97 Bernie Auld* 1997-98 Ben Ortega 1998-99 Vern Campion 1999-00 George Lunsford 2000-01 Phil Hawkins 2001-02 Don McMahon* 2002-03 Scott Matthews 2003-04 Ralph Garcia 2004-05 Willie Koskela 2005-06 Juan Diaz 2006-07 Lisa Ryken 2007-08 2008-09 Michael J. Salazar, Jr. PER 2009-10-11 Charles “Chuck” Dalool, PER 2011-12 By Affiliation: Judge Al Miller*, Orville Miller, Robert Cortez, Joe Lozier, Frank Berry PER, Jess Nelms, Charles Lein (*Deceased) Proposer Applicant Gus Kane Gus Kane David Ham Antonio Cortez Jr. Nancy Kane StepheWilliam Jett’e Request for Life Membership Leroy Lydeen Sickness and Distress Shirley Schwartz- underwent a brain scan and is awaiting the results Shirley Schwartz- Daugter-in-Law had a stroke and is undergoing therapy Beverly Stewart: Is in therapy and slowly progressing Keep them all in your thoughts and prayers Please report all sickness and distress to the Lodge office. April Friday Night Entertainment 4/05 4/12 4/19 4/26 Jon Destry Juss Uss Don Goethals Global Affair April Saturday Night Entertainment Schedule (Entertainment Schedule is Subject To Change) April 6th April 13th April 20th April 27th Inaugural Ball $20 Night Out With Elks & Friends (DJ “Phil the Beat”) DeeJay Quality Karaoke Dinner Served from 5-9pm in the Lounge Karaoke & Dancing until 1:45am (Subject to Change) Page 5 No Family Night Spaghetti Dinner In April See You on May 20th ELK’s of the Month for February 2013 “CeCe Burke & Vicky Salazar” Thank You for all your hard work and dedication in making our Lodge a fun and better place! Exalted Ruler Ben Ortega Club Hours Monday 4:00pm to 11:00pm Tuesday 4:00pm to 11:00pm Wednesday 4:00pm to 11:00pm Thursday 4:00pm to 11:00pm Fri. & Sat. 4:00pm to 2:00am Sundays Check Your Calendar All Closing Hours Are Always Subject To Change Depending On Attendance Meeting nights are first 4 Tuesdays of the month 7:30pm Members Only after 7:00pm Page 6 Makeadonationtothe ElksNational Foundation a t www.elks.org/donate Ronald E. Fertal James Lopina Jim Salazar Fred Hermosillo Fred M. Palmer Nick Cadena Walter A. Markham William Don Prisk Jack E. Coiner John B. Rafferty Valentina Romo Ramiro Jimenez Matthew Heimbruch Carla M. Governale Jacqueline Kane Connie Kielsmeier John J. Valencia Eugene Chivas Hal Havens John W. Wootton Charles “Trey” L. Sawyer III Charles Aguirre Vince McCauley Neal B. Webb Victor Criscione Joseph C. Palazzolo Michael Olson Steve Rollman John H. Heater Scott L. Matthews Cindy Nobili Arthur D. Ayers Rudy R. Carrillo Collette Mohr Gilbert Ramirez Jerald R. Whippie John R. Kemp Janet L. Art Ken Hemsley 1 3 3 4 5 8 8 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 19 19 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 27 28 30 Last year we raised $90,450.00 We gave money to the Good Samaritan Hospital, Childrens Hospital of Orange County, and Rancho Los Amigos. We sent several children to Summer Camp and we had a Christmas Party for about 50 children and their families. Plans are underway for this year. We hope for your continued support. Please attend our events. We are in need of auction items & donations. Any questions please call me. Annual MDA/Elks Dinner Dance June 1st, 2013 $15 Jon Destry Entertainment West Covina Elks Lodge MDA West Covina/CITGO Golf Tournament June 24th, 2013 $200.00 South Hills Country Club Independence Day Celebration July 3rd & 4th Edgewood Middle School MDA Holiday Party December 1st West Covina Elks Lodge Thank you for giving us hope. Sincerely, John J. Hughes Elks Care - Elks Share Monday April 15th It’s the one and only El Famoso “ED TACO” Come and join us for some great Mexican Food from the Original West Covina “Ed Taco”Invite your family and friends to enjoy some great food! 4pm to 8pm Orale “Just Like The Old Days” All Monday’s & Wednesday’s 5:00pm to 7:00pm $2.00 Domestic Beers & Daily Drink Specials West Covina Emblem Club #299 10th Annual “Fore The Kids Golf Tournament” California Country Club 1509 South Workman Mill Road Whittier, California Friday, May 10th, 2013 Cost: $115.00 I ncludes, Lunch, Dinner, Green Fee. and Golf Cart 11:00 am Registration, Lunch & Putting Contest 1:00pm Shotgun Tee Off 5:00pm No Host Cocktails, Silent Auction, Raffle 6:00pm Dinner and Awards $1,000.00 Corporate Sponsor $100.00 Green or Tee Sponsor $150.00 Program Ad $50.00 Program Ad $115.00 Players Package Won’t You Please Join Us! Page 7 Chairpersons: Mary Ann McReynolds (626) 966-2761 Jewel Potts (626) 502-5615 Sharon Walz (626) 966-5329 House Committee News Trustees 5-4-3-2-1 Your Lodge Dues are Due April 1st begins a new Lodge Year, Please make sure that you pay your dues for the 20132014 Lodge Year. All Dues Notices have been mailed out to all current Members, if for some reason you did not recieve one please contact the Lodge office at (626) 962-0113 Tues. to Fri. 9-5pm. Don’t Be Left Out Of Ben Ortega E.R. The Fun!! Continued: Exalted Rulers Message Members I thank you for having the confidence in me to take the position as your Exalted Ruler for one more year. There are still some challenges ahead and new goals I would like to fulfill and I will present them in the coming weeks. I ask you to support your Corps of Officers, together we will succeed! I invite you to join us at the Inaugural Ball Saturday April 6th, Let’s Have A Great Time! Fraternally, Ben Ortega Exalted Ruler California-Hawaii Elks Association “Major Project” Fill Up The Pig! Bingo Volunteers Needed Every Thursday Page 8 Pin Night Awards Recipients Elk of the Year - Steve Martin Tall Elks – Wanda Horton & Birger Stensoy Officer of the Year – Robert Leon Members of the Year – Willie Koskela & Dave Martin Citizen of the Year – Sue Koskela PAPER & CAN DRIVE Monthly Paper & Can Drive First Friday & Saturday of the month April 5th and 6th Come support your by dropping off your paper and cans, tell your friends too! Al’s Mexican Cafe Wednesday April 17th in the Elks Lounge Dinners Served from 5 to 7:30pm Page 9 BUNCO Wednesday April 17th 7:00pm In The Elkove All Welcome Tuesday Night Dinner Specials 4/02 4/09 4/16 4/23 4/30 Roasted Turkey Dinner Ground Sirloin Chef Choice Tips over Noodles Chicken Fried Steak Friday Night Dinner Specials 4/05 4/12 4/19 4/26 Fried Chicken Cajon Shrimp Bowl NY Pepper Steak Steak & Lobster CHEA Major Projects Purple Pig Donations JIM SALAZAR - NO NAME ROY BENZOR - ART BENSON RAYMOND ROLDAN LEE & SHIRLEY SCHWARTZ GALE WARREN - JERRY WARREN ROY KNEALE - LARRY PETERSON We Thak You For Your Donations Saturday Night Dinner Specials 4/06 4/13 4/20 4/27 Inaugural Ball FISH FRY Order From Menu Order from Menu ATTENTION MEMBERS FROM THE L ODGE OFFICE LODGE Thanks to the Members who attened our dues drive! Much appreciation to those that helped with processing all the dues and Membership cards. It’s a lot of work but with your help, it’s gone smoothly. Joanna & Donna The Elkove is available for parties up to 70 persons to Lodge Members free of rental fee’s with food purchase. Contact Becky Lepins at Office (626)338-2119 or Cell (909)957-6724 ALL AD RENEWALS ARE DUE IN APRIL PLEASE Members Can View The Monthly Elks Tracks Newsletter By Going To www.westcovinaelks.org CONTACT BEN AT (626) 926-4046 FOR RENEWAL PRICING Page 10 James Steven Ivins Contractors License #913804 Handyman “Doing those small jobs others won’t bother with” Jim (626) 221-1426 Page 11 WEST COVINA ELKS LODGE #1996 841 W. MERCED AVE. WEST COVINA, CALIFORNIA 91790 PRESORTED STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID COVINA, CA. PERMIT NO. 626 April 2013 Elktivities Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Inv est iga t ion A CC Cribba ge $5.00 No Frills Dinner 5:30-7:30p 2 Inst a lla t ion of L odge O fficers 7:30p m 8 E mblem Mt g A CC Cribba ge $5.00 No Frills Dinner 5:30-7:30p 9 B a llot ing L odge Mt g. 7:30p m G round Sirloin 10 14 15 L odge Closed E D TA CO 16 L odge Mt g. 7:30p m 17 A l' s Mexica n Ca fe 5-7:30p m 7 B rea kfa st 8:00-11:30a 21 L odge Closed 28 B rea kfa st Fundra iser t o benefit P edia t ric Ca ncer 8:3011:30a m Ma in Ha ll R oa st Turkey Indoct rina t ion A CC Cribba ge Chef Choice 22 E mblem Mt g. A CC Cribba ge $5.00 No Frills Dinner 5:30-7:30p 23 L odge Mt g. 7:30p m Init ia t ion B la ck Tux Tip s O v er Noodles 29 30 $5.00 No Frills Dinner 5:30-7:30p Fa mily Fun Night Horse R a ces 3 P E R Mt g. 7:00p m Dinner Serv ed 5-7:30p m Dinner Serv ed 5-7:30p m B UNCO 7:00p m 24 Dinner Serv ed 5-7:30p m B O D Mt g. 7:30p m A CC Cribba ge Page 12 Thursday 4 Dinner 5-9p B ingo 6:30p m Friday 5 Dine & Da nce Fried Chicken J on Dest ry PAPER & 11 Dinner 5-9p B ingo 6:30p m 18 Dinner 5-9p B ingo 6:30p m 25 Dinner 5-9p B ingo 6:30p m Saturday 6 Ina ugura l B a ll 5:30p -2:00a $20.00 CA N DR IVE 12 Dine & Da nce 13 Dine & Da nce Ca jon Shrimp B owl J uss Uss FISH FR Y "DJ P hil t he B ea t " 19 Dine & Da nce NY P ep p er St ea k Don G oet ha ls CA MP E R S 20 Dine & Da nce DJ E nt ert a inment 26 Dine & Da nce St ea k & L obst er G loba l A ffa ir W E E KE ND 27 Dine & Da nce Ka ra oke R it ua l Cont est 7a m-2p m
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