Elks Tracks Newsletter April 2015.pmd
Elks Tracks Newsletter April 2015.pmd
VOLUME 59, NO. 1 April 2015 Elks West Covina Elks Lodge #1996 Tracks West Covina, California WEST COVINA FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION 3226 PRESENTS: “PANCAKES WITH A PURPOSE” Talk About Curing Autism WCFA 3226 would like to invite you to a pancake breakfast to raise money for TACA! Activities will include a pancake breakfast, face painting, balloons, & prize raffle. All proceeds will go directly to TACA. Please come join us to donate to a great cause and have an awesome time. Location: West Covina Fire Station 2 2441 E. Cortez Ave. West Covina, CA. 91790 Time: Saturday April 11th 8am – Noon Contact email: Christopher.davis@westcovina.org DONATION: $10 PER PERSON www.westcovinaelks.org West Covina Elks Lodge #1996 Committee Chairpersons 2015-2016 Accident Claims Advisor Alternate Delegate JR. PER Americanism Co-Chair Audio/Lighting Auditor Bingo Co-Chairpersons BLT Breakfast Bulletin Director/Editor Birthday Bash Christmas Tree Lane Clown Association Community Public Relations/ Crab Crack Crab Crack Cribbage Club Drug Awareness Decorating Committee Elks National Foundation Elks Memorial Flag Day Funeral Service Co-Chairman Good Timers Greeters Hoop Shoot House Committee Chairman House Rules Indoctrination Investigations Lapsation Laughlin Trip Co-Chairman Lodge Activities Mail Out Major Project Major Project 50/50 Co-Chairman Membership Mobile Pancake Maker MDA Mothers Day New Years Eve Paper & Cans PER Association Pres. Photographer Presiding Justice Ritual Coaches Roamin Elks Saturday Night Entertainment Scholarships Scouting Sickness & Distress Super Bowl Super Bowl Veterans Web Site Webmaster Youth Activities Phil Hawkins, PER Judith Lumbreras, PER Michael Salazar, PER Maria Caballero Lee Schwartz Bob Hollis-Brau PER Gus & Nancy Kane Art Burciaga Judith Lumbreras, PER Chuck Dalool, PER Ben Ortega PER Sandie Sesanto John Kemp Laffe Happer Jr. Robert Burke Ben Ortega, PER Mike Salazar, PER Norm Nikodym Joanna Howard Julie Gomez Bob Hollis-Brau PER 626-918-0883 626-587-6489 626-827-6700 626-824-1161 626-334-8179 909-622-9861 909-524-1710 626-587-6489 626-332-6945 `626-918-7952 626-675-6565 626-963-3921 626-332-9672 714-915-2731 626-926-4046 626-827-6700 909-319-6488 909-392-2685 626-222-2935 909-622-9861 Maria Caballero 626-824-1161 Tony Cortez Robert Gubrud PER Chuck Dalool, PER Chuck Swayer Willie Koskela, PER Julie Gomez Ben Ortega, PER Chuck Dalool, PER Michael Salazar,PER Sandra Mendoza Joanna Howard Chuck Dalool PER Joanna Howard Mario Arellano Victor Tolle Mario Arellano Chuck Sawyer Warren Burton Joanna Howard Vince McCauley John Hughes 626-483-3838 626-962-1001 626-332-6945 909-599-4890 626-224-0698 626-222-2935 626-926-4046 626-332-6945 626-827-6700 626-347-8975 909-392-2685 626-332-6945 909-392-2685 626-586-9501 626-253-7395 626-586-9501 909-599-4890 626-331-1302 909-392-2685 626-422-2812 626-338-9516 Maria Caballero 626-824-1161 Pat Bryant Chuck Sawyer Ben Ortega Shirley Schwartz Phil Hawkins, PER Chuck Dalool PER Dick Canzoneri Sandie Sesanto Michael Salazar, PER Maria Caballero Mario Arellano Robert Burke Dana Williams Michael Salazar,PER Ben Ortega, PER Pat Bryant 626-963-4673 909-599-4890 626-926-4046 626-334-8179 626-918-0883 626-332-6945 626-358.8182 626-675-6565 626-827-6700 626-824-1161 626-586-9501 714-915-2731 714-240-1647 626-827-6700 626-926-4046 626-963-4673 Page 2 Elks Tracks NonProfit Bulletin Published monthly by West Covina Elks Lodge No. 1996 841 W. Merced Ave., West Covina Ca. 91790 Lodge Lounge(626) 338-8111 Lodge Office: (626) 962-0113 Office Hours Tues.-Fri. 9:00am-5:00pm Club Manager & Lease Info: C(909) 957-6724 O(626) 338-2119 FAX: (626) 960-3512 The Elks Lodge Website is: www.westcovinaelks.org 2015~2016 LODGE OFFICERS Exalted Ruler Leading Knight Loyal Knight Lecturing Knt. Treasurer Tiler Secretary Dana W.Williams714-240-1647 Mario Arellano 626-586-9501 Pat Bryant 626-963-4673 Keith Kelley 626-825-3240 Sandie Sesanto 626-675-6565 Lafe Harper Jr. 626-332-9672 Linda Abeyta 626-961-6136 LODGE TRUSTEES 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Yolanda Garcia VACANT Dannie Parker Gus Kane Kelli Ishikawa 626-826-8938 Esquire Chaplain Inner Guard Organist Sandra Mendoza Maria Caballero Tony Cortez Pat Mower 626-347-8975 626-824-1161 626-483-3838 626-962-6221 818-371-5232 909-524-1710 626-893-9756 Appointed Officers Appointed House Committee Vickey Salazar - Joanna Howard Roy Kneale - Robert Burke Ben Ortega, PER Loyal Knights Station Lecturing Knights Station Dear Elk Sisters and Brothers, Brothers and Sisters, I am so grateful for the honor to serve as your Lecturing Knight and to be a member of Exalted Ruler Dana Williams’ Corps of Officers for this new fraternal year. My commitment to you is Effort. My wish for you is Peace. One of April’s many highlights will be the annual District Ritual Contest, which will take place at our own “home court” West Covina Lodge on Saturday the 25th. For me personally, Ritual is the true essence of Elkdom. The continual performances day after day in America’s Lodges assure us that we remain linked perpetually in Brotherly Love to those countless enduring members who have preceded us over 147 years of Fraternal Works. Please hold a kind thought for your Ritual Team this month that the cup may remain with us! Tim Conklin, thank you for your most excellent service and example. Highest regards! For all retiring Officers and committee personnel and dear Past Exalted Ruler Judith Lumbreras – thank you and May God bless each of you and watch over you daily. April’s Reflection from this Station: Leading Knights Station Hello my brothers and sisters. This being my first installment as Exalted Ruler for 2015-2016 fraternal year. I can’t say it was an easy road to get here but through everyone’s great effort and support, we so begin. Our first order of business is for all of us as members to move forward and join as one, united to a common goal and continue to better our lodge. There is nothing written anywhere in past or present that say a divided house is great for Elkdom. We all joined our lodge believing with what they do here. We believed in the history and rich traditions. We wanted to be part of a group of people with a high ideal and moral standard. We wanted to be with great people who also liked to have fun. We wanted to part of an organization whose Charity not only gives back nationally but also to our local community. In short, we wanted to be Elks. Our new House Committee will continue to protect our bottom line with a close eye on our bar and restaurant. Club Manager Becky maintaining our lease outs in our main hall and having great, profitable andTRUSTEES well attended lodge events will keep us paying our bills. Bingo ready for another record breaking year that will boost our charitable donations. Our new Board of Directors at the ready to iron out all the wrinkles and maintenance of our lodge and building. Rest assured everything is in place for a great year. Exalted Rulers Message Countinued On Page 7 Hello My Elk Brothers and Sisters, My name is Mario Arellano, I was selected to be your 2015 – 2016 Leading Knight, I want to Thank Judith Lumbreras for nominating me, and my Elk Brothers and Sisters for your vote in confidence. I am honored to be serving with Dana Williams – Exalted Ruler, Keith Kelly – Lecturing Knight, Pat Bryant – Loyal Knight, Tony Cortez – Inner Guard, Maria Caballero – Chaplain, Sandra Mendoza – Lodge Esquire, Linda Abeyta – Secretary, Sandie Sesanto – Treasurer, Lafe Harper Jr. – Tiler, Yolanda Garcia – 1st Year Trustee, Donald Backofen – 2nd Year Trustee, Dannie Parker – 3 rd Year Trustee, Gus Kane – 4th Year Trustee, Keli Ishikawa – 5th Year Trustee, and our Club Manager Becky Lepin. I am looking forward in getting involved in all or as many events that we offer to our fellow Elk members. This year is going to be fantastic! We will do as many volunteering events as possible, Monday Night Football, Bingo, Monday Night Dinners and of course all our traditional Elk events such as the Dictionary Program, Charity events, Hoop Shoot Program, Scholarship Program, etc., etc. We will continue with the Great Elk traditions, we will follow all our rules and regulations, and support our Elk Brothers and Sisters when needed. The office of the Leading Knight comes with 2 BIG responsibilities the 1st is to assist the Exalted Ruler and 2 nd like the ritual says “The motto of my station is Charity”. I believe that I can do the job. I have to invest my time, effort and wisdom, qualities that I have and I am happy to collaborate. “God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things that I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.” As you can tell this is all new to me. I am proud to serve the West Covina Elks as your new Loyal Knight. It’s going to be tough but I know with your help and support I can do it. Tough shoes to fill Sister Julie, but I know you will help me when I need it. I look forward to seeing you at the Inaugural Ball on April 4th and at all the upcoming events this year. God bless all of us this coming year. Your new Loyal Knight, Pat Bryant There is a destiny that makes us brothers; None goes his way alone. All that we send into the lives of others Comes back into our own. ~ Edwin Markham Ever practice Brotherly Love, Keith Kelley, Lecturing Knight Fraternally yours, Mario Arellano Leading Knight Page 3 LUCY IBARRA ~ JUNE TALLERINO IN MEMORY OF NICK HOVERMALE JEFF STAFFORD ~ GERALD HENRY DAVID STEVENS ~ RAYMOND ROLDAN BEN ORTEGA ~ GLORIA CONTRERAS NANCY KANE Thank You Hi everyone, I want to thank everyone for the Elks Distinguished Citizenship Award I received on Pin Night. It was a great honor and a really great shock to me. You are all so special to me and thank you again. Sandy Kaiser PAPER & CAN DRIVE Monthly Paper & Can Drive Friday & Saturday April 3 & 4, 8-12 noon Come support your by dropping off your paper, cans, & bottles tell your friends too! Bingo Volunteers Needed Every Thursday In Memorium April Officers Duty Schedule 04 & 05 11 & 12 18 & 19 25 & 26 Mario Arellano - Yolanda Garcia Pat Bryant - TBD Keith Kelley - Dannie Parker Sandie Sesanto - Gus Kane Bro. Gerald W. Warren Member #6520 Born: February 16th, 1941 Passed On: February 24th, 2015 April Fridays Greeters Schedule 3rd 10th 17th 24th The Faults Of Our Members We Write Upon The Sands, Their Virtues Upon The Tablets Of Love And Memory.... Mike Salazar & Livier R. Becerra Yolanda Garcie & Willie Koskela Joanna Howard & Dick Howard Patricia Bryant & Victor Tolle Page 4 PAST EXALTED RULERS Ralph Gaither* 1956-57 Hugh M. Bagley* 1957-58 William T. Tanking* 1958-59 Albert E. Lindbeck* 1959-60 James R. Yost*, Jr. 1960-61 James L. Morgan* 1961-62 Harold Z. Dobbs* 1962-63 Laurence R. Tillman* 1963-64 Enrico (Hank) Salvo* 1964-65 Thomas E. Curtis 1965-66 Jack Cleveland* 1966-67 J. Paul Studer* 1967-68 Roy Williams, Jr.* 1968-69 Raiden V. Peterson 1969-70 Donald M. Huff 1970-71 Albert D. Davis 1971-72 Milo G. Summerhays* 1972-73 Robert E. Carlson *1973-74 H. Richard Harbert* 1974-75 James J. Andert* 1975-76 Anthony R. Mickols* 1976-77 John Asmundson 1977-78 James E. Smith* 1978-79 Larry Henderson* 1979-80 Frank Rehor* 1980-81 Carl Mou 1981-82 Richard Marble* 1981-82 Robert E. Gubrud 1982-83 James Moseley* 1982-83 Al Putman* 1983-84 Dick Delauder *1983-84 Manny Zamudio* 1984-85 William Heller* 1984-85 Art Willard* 1985-86 Renee LaRose* 1986-87 Fidel Nieto Jr.* 1986-87 Charles Dalool 1987-88, 2011-12 Michael Sirchia 1987-88 Walt Doran* 1988-89 David La Sage* 1988-89 Bob Hollis-Brau 1989-90 Jerry Kober 1989-90 Ernie Gilbert 1990-91 Pat Shea* 1990-91 Ron Conger* 1991-92 Dave Southard* 1991-92 Gary Holmes* 1992-93 Roy Simes 1992-93 Bob Schachner* 1993-94 WM Ziegenbein 1993-94 Rick Dana 1994-95 Matt Jessup 1994-95 Roy Long 1995-96 Tim LaMarca 1995-96 Ed Lima* 1996-97 Bernie Auld* 1997-98 Ben Ortega 1998-99, 12-13, Vern Campion 1999-00 George Lunsford 2000-01 Phil Hawkins 2001-02 Don McMahon* 2002-03 Scott Matthews 2003-04 Ralph Garcia 2004-05 Willie Koskela 2005-06 Juan Diaz 2006-07 Lisa Ryken* 2007-08 Patricia Gilliland 2008-09 Michael J. Salazar, Jr. PER 2009-10-11 Charles “Chuck” Dalool, PER 2011-12 Benjamin L. Ortega 1998-99, 2012-13, 13-14 Judith Lumbreras 2014-15 By Affiliation: Judge Al Miller*, Orville Miller, Robert Cortez, Joe Lozier, Frank Berry PER, Jess Nelms, Charles Lein (*Deceased) Propositions For Membership / Affiliation / Re-instatement Proposer Applicant Ida Lancaster Cecilia D. Martinez Ida Lancaster ` Connie Hernandez Robert Leon Peter D. Castor Nancy Kane Edda Schedter Hegbloom John Hughes Robert Mitchell Grace Oroa Mary C. Ferraro Arthur Benson Christopher L. Imsem Gus Kane Chien J. Wang Judith Lumbreras Linda A. Ruelas Leon Borden Ronald Crawford Re-instatement: John Quemada Sickness and Distress Bro. Chuck Swayer: Was in the hospital receiving treatment for gallstones April Friday Night Entertainment 4/03 4/10 4/17 4/24 Jon Destry Don Goethals Two’s Company Jusst Uss April Saturda y Night Saturday Lounge Ent ert ainment Schedule Entert ertainment (Ent ert ainment Schedule is Subject T o Change) (Entert ertainment To 04 11 18 25 Inaugural Ball “Main Hall” Member Lease Out Entertainment Lounge The Band “Cauldron” “Birthday Bash” TBD Page 5 Family Night Spaghetti Is Back! April 20th 5:00-7:00pm Includes Self-Serve Dinner Salad Adults $8:00 Child $6.00 All Beverages Extra at the Bar ELK of the Month for April 2015 To Be Announced at April Mtg. Thank You for all your hard work and dedication in making our Lodge a fun and better place! Exalted Ruler Dana Williams Club Hours Monday 4:00pm to 11:00pm Tuesday 4:00pm to 11:00pm Wednesday 4:00pm to 11:00pm Thursday 4:00pm to 11:00pm Fri. & Sat. 4:00pm to 2:00am Makeadonationtothe ElksNational Foundation a t www.elks.org/donate Sundays Check Your Calendar All Closing Hours Are Subject At The Discretion Of The Bartender Meeting nights are first 4 Tuesdays of the month 7:30pm Members Only after 7:00pm Page 6 Ronald E. Fertal James Lopina Fred Hermosillo Fred M. Palmer Walter A. Markham William Don Prisk Jack E. Coiner John B. Rafferty Silvia R. Padilla Valentina Romo Ramiro Jimenez Jacqueline Kane Connie Kleismeier John J. Vaolencia Hal Havens Charles ‘Trey’ Sawyer III Patricia Soderblom Charels Aguirre Vince McCauley Joseph C. Palazzolo Maria S. Sanchez Dennis J. Evans John H. Heater Scott L. Matthews Cindy Nobili Arthur D. Ayers Mario Bejarano Rudy R. Carrillo CVollette Mohr Jerald R. Whipple John R. Kemp Janet L. Art Ken Hemsley Jim Salazar 1 3 4 5 8 8 9 10 12 12 13 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 21 23 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 27 28 30 30 “Fore the Kids Golf” Tournament” The 13 th Annual “Fore the Kids Golf” Tournament” will be held on May 8, 2015 at the California Country Club in Whittier. This has always been a really great day and we are hoping this year will be the same. Just to mention a few items, we have a Silent Auction, Raffle, Bloody Mary’s , Patio Lunch, Dinner and Golf. Not only that we have fun. The proceeds from the tournament are disbursed to Children’s’ Charities. The Cost is $115.00, which includes Lunch, Dinner, Green Fee and Golf Cart. 11:00 AM Registration, Lunch & Putting Contest. 1:00 PM Shot gun Tee Off. 5:00 PM No Host cocktails, 6:00 PM Dinner and Awards In order to have a successful tournament we need GOLFERS, prizes for the SILENT AUCTION, and prizes for the RAFFLE. We also need EVENT SPONSORS and TEE or GREEN SPONSORS. All Golfers, Sponsors, and donations are gratefully accepted. Call us if you want to participate or have any questions. Maureen Miles Co-Chairman 626-967-0104 Exalted Rulers Message Continued Last year there were some great efforts made by a lot of members to better our lodge. Some I believe did not receive the true recognition they deserved. Loyal Knight Julie Gomez for her outstanding job with Youth Activities. Keith Kelly for his memorable efforts with Jack of Spades, Mother’s Day and Lodge Memorial Events. Gerardo and Olivia Pompa for taking on several No Frills Mondays. The Emblem Ladies for all their help with serving in our dining room. Wanda Horton for counting all the change on Purple Pig donations. However 3 people went above and beyond with their contributions to our lodge. First Gus and Nancy Kane, who they and their crew spend countless hours and set records in Bingo receipts allowing us to go beyond in charitable our contributions. Certainly not least, Sandie Susanto for her outstanding commitment to providing great Saturday night entertainment in our lounge not to mention Cinco de Mayo and Valentines events. Well done! Looking forward to a great year coming and working with a great group of people Fraternally, Dana W. Williams Exalted Ruler Page 7 COME PARTY AT THE ELKS LOUNGE ON SATURDAY NIGHTS……. This is our 25th year! Thank You for your generosity and support we have raised over 1.8 million dollars. Last year wegave $50,000 for reshearch to the Good Samaritan Hospital, $15,000 to CHOC. We sent children to summer camp and had a Christmas Party for the kids. This years events will be: Monday June 15th - Golf Tournament at South Hills Golf Course 11:00am July 4th Pancake Breakfast 8 -11am at Hurst Ranch $5.00 Carnival Rides - Food - Craft Fair - Entertainment - Fireworks Show - Rafflewatch for your raffle tickets in the mail. December MDA Childrens Christmas Party John Hughes and the MDA Volunteer Committee 626-338-9516 Home 626-786-4853 Cell Back by popular demand – “CA ULDR ON” ULDRON” “CAULDR (18TH IS OUR MONTHL Y BIR THD AY B ASH MONTHLY BIRTHD THDA BASH WEEKEND) WOW….how quickly this year flew by…..here we are in a new fiscal year for the Elks. I am hoping that my efforts to bring in some entertainment to the Lodge on Saturday Nights have proven beneficial to our lodge. I have heard so many positive comments and received calls from members asking me “Who is playing next??” So because of this interest and your continued support of Saturday Nights, I will continue to try and bring in at least one band per month, two if the budget I am given will allow me too. Thank you and please continue to support our Saturday Entertainment Nights. The month of March, only allowed me to bring in one Band but BOY oh BOY….what a crowd we had and the music was GREAT! The Mighty Mojo Prophets brought the house down. I am sure we will be asking them back. Sorry to say…...but once again, we are only going to be able to bring in one band during the month of April. But, our Past Exhalted Ruler Judith is bringing in a band for the Inaugural Ball. Here’s what April looks like….. April 4th – Inaugural Ball April 11th – Elkove Lease Out April 18th – The Band “Cauldron” for our Monthly Birthday Bash April 25th – Ritual Contest being held at our Lodge As always, please keep spreading the word to all your family and friends, that the New Place to be is The West Covina Elks Lounge on Saturday Nights…..the more you come to our Lodge the more profitable our lodge will be! We have a great Chef, so don’t forget to come eat before the partying gets started. Thank you for your continued support of our Saturday Night Entertainment events and Remember……they are only as successful as you our Elk members make them. Sincerely, Sandie Sesanto Saturday Night Entertainment Chairperson Something is coming to our Lodge Thursday Nights! “iPod NIGHT” COME JOIN THE FUN ON SATURDAY NIGHTS AT THE LODGE!! REMEMBER TO INVITE YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS TOO…… Please expect the new flyers to be posted around the Lodge soon! Page 8 West Covina Elks Golf Club Monday’s “No Frills” 5:30-7:30 Tuesday’s 5:00-7:00 Wednesday’s 5:00-7:30 Thursday’s 5:00-9:00 Friday’s 5:00-9:00 Saturday’s 5:00-9:00 Sunday’s on Special Events Only Your Family, Friends & Guest are always Welcome We just missed the rain at Sierra Lake on February 23rd. Here are the results closest to the pin winners were hole #4 Scott Matthews hole #6 Kevin Morgan Hole #13 Mike Jones and hole # 17 was Herb Sampang. The tournament winners were as follows after a 3 way tie for first place all with net 66. I used the course handicap hole system after #1 handicap hole Scott Matthews was 1st place 2nd place was Sal Tagavilla, 3rd place was Kevin Morgan and 4th place was Bobbie Aragon with a net 75. May 18th we will be playing at Jurupa Hills cost will be $42 for everything. Please let me know if you want to play, and if you commit you need to show up as once I commit to the course I have to make good for any one that no shows. See You On The Green Bob Gubrud (626) 962-1001 bobandditas@aol.com Page 9 BUNCO Wednesday April 15th 7:00pm In The Elkove Tuesday Night Dinner Specials 4/07 4/14 4/21 4/28 Chicken Fried Steak Chef Choice Tips Over Noodles Chef Choice Friday Night Dinner Specials 4/03 4/10 4/17 4/24 Fried Chicken Steak or Chicken Oscar NY Pepper Steak BBQ Ribs Emblem Club #299 Corner Presidents Message I am very excited to be President of West Covina Emblem Club #299. It is my goal to have a successful year in all our endeavors. I am looking forward to the many fundraisers planned for this year. To name a few: The 13th Annual Fore the Kids Golf tournament, The Casino Bus Trip, A Wine Tasting Event, Imitational Bowling, A Fashion Show, and an Autumn Tea. I am also looking forward to our Community Service involvement and the projects for Veterans, Literacy, Americanism, and Drug Awareness. Many interesting Socials are also being planned. As always many thanks to the West Covina Elks for the use of their facilities and for all the support they give to our club. My Presidents project is the West Covina Emblem Club Scholarship Fund. My colors are Blue, White, Silver, and Black. My pin is a Butterfly “Come Fly with Me through Emblem” Sandy Woods West Covina Emblem Club President Page 10 Saturday Night Dinner Menu Order from our Menu Dinner Served 5-9pm Become a recruiter ask a friend to join the Elks Page 11 WEST COVINA ELKS LODGE #1996 841 W. MERCED AVE. WEST COVINA, CALIFORNIA, 91790~4902 PRESORTED STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID COVINA, CA. PERMIT NO. 626 April 2015 Elktivities Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1. P E R Mt g. 7p m Ka ra oke 6-10p Dinner Serv ed 5-7:30p m 5. E a s t er Sunda y 6. No Frills 5:30-7:30p m Inv est iga t ion 7. L odge Mt g. 7:30p m 8. Ka ra oke 6-10p L O DG E CL O SE D No B rea kfa st E mblem Meet ing A CC Cribba ge Dinner Serv ed 5:00-7:00p m Chicken Fried St ea k Dinner Serv ed 5-7:30p m 12. 13. No Frills 5:30-7:30p m 14. L odge Mt g. 7:30p m A CC Cribba ge Dinner Serv ed 5:00-7:00p m Chef Choice 15. B UNCO 7p A l' s Mexica n Ca fe 5-7:30p m L O DG E CL O SE D 19. L O DG E CL O SE D 26. Cribba ge Tourna ment L O DG E CL O SE D HC Mt g. 21. L odge Mt g. 7:30p m 22. Ka ra oke 6-10p Indoct rina t ion A CC Cribba ge Dinner Serv ed 5:00-7:00p m Tip s ov er Noodles Dinner Serv ed 5-7:30p m 27, No Frills 5:30-7:30p m E mblem Socia l A CC Cribba ge 28. L odge Mt g. 7:30p m Dinner Serv ed 5:00-7:00p m Chef Choice 29. Ka ra oke 6-10p 20. Fa mily Night Sp a ghet t i 5:00-7:00p m Thursday 2. Dinner Serv ed 5:00-9:00p m B ING O 6:15p m 9. Dinner Serv ed 5:00-9:00p m B ING O 6:15p m 16. Dinner Serv ed 5:00-9:00p m B ING O 6:15p m 23. Dinner Serv ed 5:00-9:00p m B ING O 6:15p m B O D Mt g. Dinner Serv ed 5-7:30p m Page 12 30. Dinner Serv ed 5:00-9:00p m B ING O 6:15p m Friday Saturday 3. Dine & Da nce Dinner Serv ed 5:00-9:00p m J on Dest ry Fried Chkn. PAPER & 4. Ina ugura l B a ll "Ma in Ha ll" R ib-E y e St ea k or G rilled Sa lmon $22 CA NDR IVE 10. Dine & Da nce Dinner Serv ed 5:00-9:00p m Don G oet ha ls St ea k or Chkn. O sca r 11. 17. Dine & Da nce Dinner Serv ed 5:00-9:00p m Two' s Comp a ny NY P ep p er St ea k 18. The B a nd "Ca uldron" Members B irt hda y B a sh Dinner 24. Dine & Da nce Dinner Serv ed 5:00-9:00p m 25. R it ua l Cont est 7:00-1:00p m Members L ounge O p en Dinner Serv ed 5:00-9:00p m J USS USS B B Q R ibs E lkov e L ea se Members L ounge O p en Dinner Serv ed 5:00-9:00p m Serv ed 5:00-9:00p m
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