A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. -r" BU RLINGTON, N C., A U G . 21 VOL. V. O n t o * . Fron, Kr son. it p aper is • T h e State 1 if you will secure sub- of the Get busy is o n lo n th s and le people wc red d y” for ;ad is The t tells what stan ts lets je k s on’s S a le e bargains ofs interest by Dn paper and se remaining iargains In Men’s aits .00 men’s all Wool Saits, i kind. Though nearly 'he Drices were $10.00, , $18.00 to $22.00, Now H ALF these figures. tee Pant Suits reduction of one third, blue strges. 50c. Quality at 39c, LOO Quality at 75c. >1,50 Quality at $1.00. nmer i at 39c. t 58c. rts at 75c jr to another season > and Pants Thirty wil W-i,m-'fjOTlCE OF PUBLIC SPEAKING I 1912. V * "1 ■ NO. 15 he may be is but the in ressive Convention whoever strument, to be iised until broken and then to be cast aside; and Burlington, N. C. Aug. 19 if he is worth bis salt he wilt care In order :hat the voters of the i have just received a copy of differs it townships, which have Mr. Jas. N. Williamson, Jr.; of no more when he is broken than tht- resolutions as adopted by the been Mtecl to vote bonds for the this city, National Committee a soldier cares when he is sent Republican State Executive Com man and Chairman of the Provi where his life is forfeit in order . ?ro, Northern and At mittee at its meeting held in the lantic Railroad, be well inform sional State Executive Committee that the victory may be won. City of Greensboro, N. C. on the ed a$ (w the facts in the case, the of the Progressive Party 'being In the long fight for righteous 7th. day of August, 1912 and two following dates and places have, interviewed today said: ness the watch arord for all of us of these resolutions follow: The State Newspapers' report to spend and be spent. It is of been named where there will bej Resolved, We endorse the well informed speakers to ad- \ The State Committee of the progressive Ptrty met in Greensbofo or the meeting of the Executive little matter whether anyone man Nomination of William H. Tait dress the people and give all the last Saturday and issued a call for a state ma«s convention. The committee, of the Progressive fails or succeeds; but the cause for President, and Jas. S. Sher information possible on this most Call is as fellows. party were so incorrect (probably shall not fail, for it is the cause man for Vice-Pres., and pledge important question: To the People of North Carolina: inadvertently) as to the divisions of mankind." our loyal support to their re-elec in the committee that I wish to The provisional executive committee of the Progressive party of Now we appeal to all patriotic Tuesday August 27, 1912. tion, and declare our abiding this state, pursuant to the authority of a conference of a number issue a statement concerning the people of the state of N. C to as Gilliam's School House at 10 a. m faith and belief in the principles of representative citizens and the approvalof the national comrn- same, ‘ at 4 p. rn. i itteeof the party, calls a mass convention of all -qualified electors The meeting of the Progressive semble at Greensboro on Sept of the Republican Party as-enun Elon College at 7:30 p. m. regardless of past political affiliations, to be held at Greensboro on State Committee in Greensboro ember . 3rd whether they have ciated in the National platform At the Hub been formerly Democrats or adopted at the Chicago Conven on Saturday last was for the Republicans to unite with us in Tuesday, September 3, at 2 o'clock p. m. Wednesday August 28. tion held June 18th., 1912. All qualified voters attending who wish to identify themselves with purpose of calling the State Con the high purpose to attempt and McCray at 10 a.m . Resolved, Further, that in view Carolina the progressive movement are urged to come and will be deemed vention. The policy of taking do great things for our state 7:o0p. m. of the existing political conditions absolute independent action had and nation. “ We stand against delegates from their respective counties. Thursday Augus; 29. the committee, A it proper to The convention will be expected to indorse the platform of the na previously been decided upon. all tyranny, by the few or by 11 a. m. tional Progressive party, nominate an electoral ticket in support of Our meeting Was held in the open the many. We stand for the rule announce t$ tl ^.epublionns of Sutphin’s Mill 3 p. m. Roosevelt and Johnson, adopt a state platform, nominate a state and we granted the privilege of of many in the interest of all of the State lvr h id in g their Clendenin’s Shop 7:30 p.m . ticket if deemed by the convention advisable, and to provide for the discussion not only to the mem us for the rule o f' m iny in a County atr^tFownship conven Graham 7:30 p. m. permanent organization of the party. bers of the committee but also to spirit of courage, of common tions noney^tt those who endorse Burlington 50*or 60 other gentlemen who sense, of high purpose, above all the Nationb. Republican candi The friends of the progressive moverhent and supporters of Roo Friday August 30. sevelt and Johnson in each county of the state are urged to imme were present and friendly to-the in a spirit of kindly justice to date for President and the Re 7:30 p. m. diately take the initiative in arranging to have each county we], rep Progressive movement I asked publican Convention held in Chi Saxapahaw Swepsonville 7:30 p. m. resented at the con vention an# to sink all past party differences in for a free discussion of the mat wards every man <*nd every wo cago, 111., June 18th., 1912, are man ,•'’ Eyerybody is urged to attend the splendid movement now sleeping the country to restore this ter i.nd in asking for this djscuse in any capacity entitled to parti I attended the National Con cipate in or represent the party, these meetings to the end that all government, state and national|tothe substantial rule of the people sion I did not for one moment vention at Chicago and partici-' and that in organizing all town may be informed as to the merits relieved of machice bossism, Jand to effect progressive legislation think that the 70 to 80 men pre p^ted in this convention waen.it sent would be of one and the nominated Roosevelt and Johnship, county,'senatorial, congres of this proposition, and the de in state a nd nation for the betterment of the people. same opinion, had they been SOil We stand at Armageddon and we battle for the Lord. ” sional and State Conventions sirability of its acceptance by the a,m advised constantly . . , ' Jas. N. Williamson, Jr., Chairman. there would not have been any of tne movemen t an I the coolnone but Republicans supporting various townships through which r.e;;essity of any discussion what- headed determined and earnest W. S. Pearson Secretary. the National Ticket and the plat the road will be built. VV. E, White, * ?Greensboro, N. C., August 17,1912 tver. Our action was limited to men who are fully informed of form of our .party, nominated calling the conyen tion and leav the nation wide situation and who J. A. Long, and adopted at the Convention ing that body to decide upon its are conducting the National cam J. Q. Gant, held in Chicago, 111., June 18th., detailed course. In executive paign are satisfied that there Eugene Holt, 1912 be allowed to participate in Uncle Sain HitchiV Up. session there was a motion put W ill be a landslide for Roose H. W. Trollinger, said Convention. to the committee nnd duly second velt and Johnson in November R. M: Andrews, It’s a Darned important jourhey, an’ I ’m calculatin’ which As National Committeeman of ed that the Progressive Conven —n®t so much for -these two J. M. Cook. Of the critters in m> stable it ’ud be the best to hitch, the Progressive Party I want to tion be held on Tuesday Septem gentlemen as men but for the J. W. Cates, He’ll be up against some haulin’, for I ’m loaded like the deuce, ask every man in Alamance ber 3rd one day prior to the Re- great cause of the people which Jno. R. Hoffman, The Elephant? The Donkey? Or the Old Bull Moose? County to read these two resolu !• ■ publ can Convention and to the they represent. Committee. tions, and ask himself the ques When last I tried to make it, with Che elephant along motion therd was not a dissent tion if he would be in favor of Let the people of the O’d North Well you couldn’t hardly blame me, for he looked so good and strong; ing voice. There was then put Stateinsteadbf hampering them adopting such resolutions, I think But he Wasn’t paehydermic any deeper than his hide, a motion as to where the con selves with past party affiliations I can say for practically all the Maryland Democratic Leader For An’ as soon as he got started there was something else inside! vention should be held and there stand forth in this great move Republicans of; this County, in He’s standin* here a-trumpetin’ the way he use to do, was a difference■as, to whether it ment and N. C. is sure to give Roosevelt regard to the first Resolution that An’ he’d like me to be thinkin’ that h°’s elephant all through, should be held in Charlotte or her electoral vote to Roosevelt they would not, under any cir Baltimore, Aug. 14,—General But. he's got so meai^ an’ orriery he ain’t a bit of use, Greensboro, however Greensboro and Johnson for the people of this cumstances, vote. the adoption, N. Winslow Williams,, former So I ’lLhave to hitch the Donkey or the O y Bull Moose, won out as being the place by a state will show by their ballots of such a resolution, as they , secretary, of state of Maryland, The Donkey’s done some haulin'—just around the stable yard, large majority in the coitttmtt^. that they ar0 interested in the know theTSft nomination was a lifelong Democrat who has tak But he’s never had to tackle any goin’ that was hard, We Progressives did not under Progressive movement. Certain stolen by the thieving National en a leading part in councils of An’ because the trip I ’m takin' ain’t related to a cinch; take to foretell the action of the ly we cannot serve two" masters Republican Committee. Now his party and who is also one of Why, he’ll mebbe go an’ founder when I need him in the pinch. Progressive Convention, one —that is the law of the Holy Writ tnen n‘ Mr. Taft has accepted a the foremost lawyers of the state, Then, there’s somethin’ FREE an’ easy in the way I ’ve heard him thing we know is that the Pro Our leaders are making a straight stolen nomination is he any created a big political stir today bray ^ gressive party has been launched fight for eternal principles. Let worse than the Party and its by declaring in a letter to Colonel An’ I wouldn’t want him smashin’ EV’RY TOLL GATE on the way with enough en thusiastic support all patriotic North Carolineans corps of thieves which gave it Caring his belief that neither of No, I never knew a donkey, ANY donkey, to produce— ers to make its life ; long and join usin in this magnificent fight to him? I say no, and this be the old parties could meet the So I better be a-squintin’ at the Old Bull Moose. lasting. We shall certainly have ing the case it seems to me in nation’s needs at this time and whether they h*ve teen in the an electoral ticket in the field past Democrats or Republicans „ consistent to repudiate Mr. Taft that he intended to support I haven’t druv him lately, but he’s prancin’ in his stall, and probably a full state ticket. and if we stand fi m we will not without also being willing to Colonel Roosevelt for presi An’ he looks as if his lay-off didn’t hurt him none at all; s We advise all counties to cut en be whipped when the battle is Tho’ it wouldn’t be so awful if he is a little slower, break away from the party who dent. tirely looses from the old Re over and you will fi nd that we will For that other time I used him—jumpin’ hemlocks, what a goer’ placed stolen goods into Mr. He says Wilson's speech of publican party, however we do Taft’s hands. , acceptance is not satisfactory; When we’d hit the hilly places you could bet your bottcm dollar not propose to take any active win in state as well as in nation. We, the Progressive Party, that the situation demands at the That he’d either"pull ’er over or go climbin’ through the collar! Do not forget the fact that the knowing that practically every head of affairs a man who is Oh, he wasn’t very showy, but he got there fresh an’ spruce- part in local county tickets and aroused conscience and the de each county will be allowed to termined purpose of the plain Republican in Alamance County purpose and postive in action; the For I never saw a puller like the Old Bull Moose. govern itself as to all local mat people and the laboring mm is intends to vote for Colonel Roose reins should be put in the hands It ’s a darned important journey, an’ I ’m calculatin’ which ters and Progressives in each of with us. velt, ask that all loyal supporters of one who knows the road he is Of the critters in my stable it ’ud be the best to hitch; the several countries on local is of this great man break entirely driving and is not afraid of his But he’s got to do some haulin’, for I ’m loaded like the deuce— sues can do as they prefer. away from both old parties, and horses. Mr. Roosevelt is that So I guess I ’ll put the harness on the Old Bull Moose. Names of Those Who Have En The Progressive party has. not join in our march to better the man. He has been president and Edward Morrissey been organized to promote Col. tered the Dispatch Contest. conditions of the Common peo knows the office, and the people Roosevelt or any other man’s ple and Laboring man; let us join know him. If he be elected again, no. votes ambitions,—Col. Roosevelt, how n a m e the Progressive Party, keep a- there is not a class nor an interest found in the ranks of the newly ever being the greatest living Bertha May Horne Mr. Brown, Resigns. 63000 '-vay from the Charlotte Republi in the country which he will not organized Progressive party. Addie Ray . 54000 American citizen has been chosen At a meeting of the Republican can Convention, and fight our be prepared to deal with him and Very Respectfully. as the standard bearer of the Aurelia Ellington, Executive committee for Alam own battles. I hope that the this will as it should be.” W .W . Brown Mebane, R, No. 4, 45800 Progressive, party; It is admit good people of Alamance County The executive committee of the ance county held in the office W. J. Brooks 44700 ted there are many Progressives Viil by their ballots in November Republican state central comm of the Central Loan & Trust Co. 41500 To The Executive Comm ittee in each of the old parties but Mary Lee Coble, R. No. 1 next, show to Mr. Taft and the ittee to-day adopted a resolution Saturday August 17th Mr. W. W Waller Workman 15600 hands are shaken by the Kepublican Party that we will instructing State Chairman John Brown resigned as county Cha of the Republican Party of A l their Lizzie Cheek 13100 reactionary bosses who are agreed not tote to sanction such a nom B. Hanna to direct a letter to the irman, and Mr. E. S. W. Dam amanace county. Bettie Lyde May 9000 in an effort to defeat all Pro ination or endorse such a party presidential electors named by the eron as secretary, Mr. J. Zeb. Gentleman: W. I. Braxton, Snow Camp, 7900 gressives legislation. I hereby tender my resignat and such a man. Republican state convention, ask Waller, was elected county cha 4306 The Progressive was born out Martin L. Coble, R. 1. ion as secretary of your commi The Republican party of Amer ing them to state how they stood irman -to succeed Mr. Brown, T. F. Matkins, 3700 of the conscientious convictions ica was on June 18th. last strick in the present contest. The and Mr. W. E. White, secretary ttee, to take effect at once. Gibson ville. of thousands of American citizens Very Truly Yours, en with the dreaded disease of in information applies not only to to succeed Mr. Dameron, at this 3600 Republicans and Democra ts alike Carrie Albright, E. S. W. Dameron. meeting the Executive committee curable Corruption, and in No the intention, so far as their vote Haw River. hence the necessity of a new vember next it will die the death in the electoral college is authorized the chairman and for the purpose of uniting Mrs. B. L. Shoffner, R. 10, 3000 that it justly deserves, for being concerned, but also to their secretary to call a county conv Progressive Head-quar ters party 1100 all patriotic citizens whether in J. R. King, the willing recipient of this dis attitude in the present campaign, ention, the call for which app Greensboro. the Democratic or in the Repub ease. In case those in favor of Roose ears elsewhere in this paper, Progressive Headquarters will lican party. We want all whose May Carr Hall 1000 Respectfully, velt do not make known their the resignation of Mr. Brown be opened Saturday night at 8 hearts and minds are in sympathy Margie Cheek 1000 Jas. N. Williamson, Jr., purpose of getting off the will make interesting reading in 1000 the Progressive movement, Doyle Heritage ' National Committeeman. electoral ticket in that period, that he cut loose from the G. O. p. m. August 24th in the old Ar with now sweeping this great country Mr. Hanna will issue a call for P. and casts his politi cal fortune mory Hall over Riuhauts store of ours to join in this cause; Do the state convention which will with the Bull Moose party, it is on corner of Front and Spring not overlook the fact that this Endorses the Progressive Policies. attempt to remove the elec understood that Mr. Dameron Streets. Everybody who wishes Progressive party is a permanent Mr. Editor: Notice To School Children. has also cast his lot with the new to join is earnestly requested to tors. Every since the Chicago Con organization to secure the needed Some of the electors declare party, this is a serious loss to come. All school children who expect vention The State Dispatch has legislation in state and nation. to enter the City Graded School they will vote for Colonel Roose their regular repudlican organibeen an eye sore to myself and We will appeal to the people at its opening who, have not been velt. Two have resigned from ztion and will seriously deplete W. W. Brown, Chair man. to all former Republicans that 1 of. the state with clean hands and its ranjis in so far as leaders are vaccinated are required by law be the ticket. have heard express themselves earnest|leaders and a state and concerned. fore allowed to enter. The biggest angling story of national platform looking for about it. I believe that the maj The health officer Dr. W. D, For Register of Deedsthe season might encourage St. ward and not backward to strive ority of the subscribers are ag Moser requests that this matter Leos to come forward with some for social and industrial justice ainst just such sentiment as exists, be not delayedtbut be attended to ‘‘I hereby announced my can Burlington, N. G. sort of a program for winning to be achieved through the gen in the old Republican party. And at once, as he has a fresh supp didacy for the office of register of eral rule of the people, this is our if we are to believe what Mr. August 17,1912 ly of vaccinating points on deeds of Alamanace County, sub To the Republican Ex. Committee, the American League penant. purpose as our great leader fur Kitchen said in his speech at the hand. ject to the aetion of the democra of Alamance County ther declares: “ In order to suc Brickhouse on the night of Aug tic convention to be held on the 7 Gentlemen:. Penrose May be Fired From ceed we need leaders of inspired 13th, those same conditions exist th day of September, 1912. Thereby tender my Senate For Accepting $25,000 idealism, leaders to whom are in the Democratic party. The ’Join The State Dispatch sub H. D. Lambeth. wanted great visions, who dream only right thing for all honest resignation effective from this From Standard O il Co. greatly and strive to make their Democrats arid Republicans is to date as Chairman of your body, I dreams come true; who can kin come out from the old parties and scription honor roll now is fell impelled to take this course Miss Bertha Krupp of Germa for the reason that I am not in dle the people with the fire from join the progressives and stand ny is now said to be worth $70,- sympathy jtfith the Republican Prof. and Mrs. E. C. Rumbly their own burning souls. with us fit Armegeddon and battle the best tipie. 000,000. Great guns! herfcT&rST'fee'are over the arrival of The leader for the time being for the Lord. party, and will a son. -S FOR ■ Beware at Ointments for Catarrh Fi?E TICKET That Contain Mercury. j Your railroad fare will, under As mercury will surely destroy reasonable conditions, be paid to the sense of smell and complete Nashville or Knoxville, Tenn., Woods Turnip Seed ly derange the whole system by Draughon’s Practical Business when entering it through the College, if you attend the Colfor fall mucous surfaces. Such articles Many of the most successful sowing. should never be used except on men in Knoxville and Nashvilleprescriptions from reputable phy* were formerly North Carolina Drugs, cold drinks sicians, as the damage they will boys who got their start by at do is ten fold to the good you tending Draughon’S College. The and best Ice can possibly derive from them. College gives a written contract Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactur cream try to secure a position under rea ed by F. J. Chenep & Co., Tole sonable conditions.* or refund do, O., contains no mercury, and J '■ ;i , is taken internally, acting direct tuition. The college will send you a ly upon the blood and mucous catalogue, also a card, explain surfaces of the system. In buy ing Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure ing all about its plan of paying you get the genuine. It is taken railroad fare. Address Draughinternally and made in Toledo, on's Practical Business College, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Nashville, or Knoxville, Tenn. King George will go up in his Fresh Eastern melons, nice Testimonials free. . airship next, a report which di ripe bananas, Merchant Supply Hundreds of Burlington Readers Sold by Druggists. Price 75c rects attention to the fact that per bottle. Co. monarchs looking for excitement T ak e Hall’s Family Pills for Find Daily Toil a Burden. Prof. and Mrs. E. C. Rumbly nowadays have to get it out side constipation. are rejoicing over the arrival of The hustle and worry of busi of business hours. ness men. a son. The hard work and stooping of Miss Boardman Won’t Help Taft. For sale at a bargain one Ford Last chance to get nice ripe workmen, Manchester, Mass., Aug. 14.— Model T. 1910 Touring Car in bananas at 50 cents per bunch, The woman's household cares, Miss Mabel T. .Boardman, presi First Class Condition. For par come ouick, Merchant Supply Are too great a strain oh the dent of the National Red Cross, ticulars address P. O. Box 507, Co. kidneys. announced today that she could Greensboro, N . C. Miss Minnie Layton left Satur Backache, headache, dizziness, not * ct as chairman of the adisday for Lexington and Greens Kidney troubles, urinary trou bry committee selected by the boro to spend a week or ten bles follow. Republican national committee A Burlington citizen tells you to conduct the woman’s work for days. the re-election of President Taft. John Whitsett and Miss Ola how to cure them. Professional Cards C. F. Oakley, Davis St,, Bur Coble were happily. married at the residence of R. 0. Hall, Aug. lington, N. C„, says: “ I suffer It seems that a Baltimore girl 10, 1912, R. J. Hall officiating. ed from kidney complaint for sewed a button on her finger by two or three years, brought on Miss Edna Graves who has by hard work and heavy lifting. mistake. There are mighty few Have yon a tooth to pull ? been away on a months vacation The trouble began with sharp who ever sew them on their hus Have you tried my method? ha* returned to her work with twinges in my right side, extend-j band’s trousers by mistake or If not, ask someone who has. the Stokes Furniture Co. ing into my limbs and at times 1 j otherwise. Misses Mary and Beulah Foster became so lame and sore across j Hereafter New York police who have been visiting at Pros my loins that I could not sleep. |men wil1 learn to look before pect Hill and News Ferry, Va., My kidneys were also disordered |they loot. and I was miserable in every have returned home. It begins to look as if the Dem wav. As soon as I began taking Misses Chloe Freeland and Doan's Kidney Pills, I felt better ocratic party would have to be Burlington, - N. C Lois Workman who have been and before long this remedy dredged out* deepened, and wid Office phone 374-J. Res. 374-L. the guest of friends at Hillsboro cured m e." ened to permit it to float a are at home. For sale by all dealers. Price couple of battleships. J. F. Spoon, 1>. V. S. W. A. Hornaday Rev. and Mr3. A. B. Kendall 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co., who have been on a visit to nor yew York, sole agents for the Your Eye Sight. Spoon 4 Hornaday thern cities have returned.' Rev. United States. Veterinarians Kendall preached at the Christian Is the hardest work of all Remember the name—Doan’s five senses. If you burden and Office and Hospital Office Phone 377 church'Sunday. —and take no other. strain overworked eyes with un 415 Main St. Residence Phone ’282, Mr. Chas. Boland, Mgr. of the sightly, ill-fitting glasses, your M BBH H M M IM H M M M H H nM H BM M aM IM iM M O T Burlington Base Ball team made a home run Saturday morning JUDGE R. J. HALL’S COURT nervous system must suffer sev erely, The Glasses fitted by Dr. C. A. Anderson ML D. and found a new son to do the Rosenstein gives relief snd per cheering. For the week ending Aug. 10, fect comfort. Dr. N. Rosenstein Office hours 1 to 2p. m. 7 to8 p.m. Dr. Faucette, Dr. Freeman, 1912. will be at Burlington Drug Co. First National Barak Building. Mr. N. S. Cardwell and others and Wednesday Aue. 21st at Leave day calls at Bradleys Drug State vs Jack Shoe, affray, $5 returned Saturday from MoreMebane, stopping at the White Store. head where they have been on a and cost. house, for the purpose of exa State vs Ode Sykes, affray, $5 pleasure trip. mining eyes and fitting glas and cost. ses. Mr. Eugene May has recently State vs Wade Harvey, affray, purchased a new Model T. Ford $5 and cost. ATTORNEYS AT LA W automobile. It’s a dandy. Re Nina Harvey vs Walter Fuller He Won't Limp Now. member The State Dispatch will for slander. Fuller bound over L S. W. DAMERON ADOLPH L O N G No more limping for Tom give one away in our Great Vot to court. * fla r lin # to r i Graham office in office in ing Contest just like it. Will Wag staff vs Edmon Rus Moore, of Cochran, Ga. “I had Pltdaoat Building fiolt'fttchalSBB Bldg a bad sore on my instep that FOR SALE—About sixty-one sell, Galvin Begdow, John Mor 250 Phone 100-B acres of splendid land. More ton, Mrs. Bax day, Sal Kimbo, nothing seemed to help till I used Phone Bucklen's Arnica Salve,” he for cows damaging his crops. than one-half in fine timber in heart of town. Water plentiful. Defendants paid the damage and writes, “ but this wonderful heal er soon cured me,” Heals old, Anyone wishing to buy, call or cost. W. J. Thompson vs Charlie running sores, ulcers, boils, Attorney aun counsellor at Law, write Wm. I. Montgomery, BurHardin and Mrs. Katie McAdams burns, cuts, bruises, eczema or ington, N. C. Burlington. N. C. judgment in favor of plaintiff. piles. Try it. Only 25 cents at Communion services will be Office over Bradlev’a Drug Store. State vs Baxt Day for affray, Freeman Drug Co. held at Sharot Lutheran Church $1 00 and cost. Phone 66 Gibsonville Sunday August 25th. State vs Harrison Allen, affray, The North Carolina Preaching Friday and Saturday $3.00 and cost. before at eight £>. m. Rev. N. D Bodie of Lexington, N. C. will Attorney Law preachfor us during the meeting Blamed A Good Worker. Ih e public is cordially invited “ I blamed my heart for se Burlington, North Carolina. FOR SALE.—46 acre farm 2 \ vere distress in my left side for Office, Second Floor r’irst National miles from Haw River on maca two years,” writes W. Evans, THE STATE’S INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Bauk Btrildiug. dam road. Good four room two Danville, Va., “ but I know now story house and tenant house. it was indigestion, as Dr. King’s Four-year courses in Agricul Land adapted to the cultivation New Life Pills completely cured DR. J. H. BROOKS ture; in Civil, Electrical, and Me-i of tobacco, corn and wheat. For me.” Best for, stomach, liver Surgeon Dentist Engineering; in; information apply to J. M. Bason, and kidney troubles, constipa chanical Chemistry; in Cotton Manu-; Elmira Mills, Bnrlington, N. C. tion, headache or debility. 25c Foster Building factoring and Dyeing. Two-year; at Freeman Drug Co. BURLINGTON, N. C. courses in Mechanic Arts and in j FOR SALE—S. P. Wilson’s Textile Art. One-year and two; ~ house and lot, on Ireland St. near yesar courses in Agriculture., For Sale Cheap, Broad St. on street car line, near J. N. Taylor, M. D. Graded School. Lot is about 821 A good 6 h. p. gasoline engine, These courses are both practical j Examinations;, front and 264‘ back, eight room wood saw, Ohio cutting machine ,an|„ scientific. Physician & Surgeon. house, several fine apple trees, No. 11, 2 good belts, all in good for admission are held by the pears, figs, etc. City water con running order; Will exchange County Superintendent at all Office in Piedmont Building. nected in the house, very pro for stock, or second handed saw county seats on July 11th. O f f i c e H o u r s *. For Catalog address ! ductive land, fine crop of corn, mill. Apply to F. L. Spoon, or etc. on it now. Price $1600 Phone Snow Camp 611, Harts 4.-00*to 6:00 THE REGISTRAR, 8 :00 to 10:00 Apply to J. W. Cates. horn. N. C. West Raleigh, N. C. X -R A Y W O R K . IT I BurlingtonRrugCo. Local * Personal O PL INKS Paid Semi- An- Strain Too Great SPARE nuas The Central Loan & Trust Co. : .First-National -Bank. 13a !din j, Burlington, ./ M K r o w i )m a P m !. . . ! V . £ r ...' J u o . k [H -t i m : , , . W W Hro «, . Ora. ft’. ■( JSrJ M : o R T K vrno'U o < •; o : \ r/f,« h.ioLsnr, ers Are Undisma; Greatness of th J1* IV ‘Uim-,, Jno (fed W PttTterso'<*''' , OUT ( Unhampered by Tradi M UM 'TORS J M lit'owrinu--, Dr J A I’iiiki'tt Jno R f-'osf^r TO WIPE ,'\ Dr. J. S. Frost, Dentist, Dameron & Long John H. Vernon, College of Agricul John R. Hoffman, ture and Mechanic Arts I You Have a Right to 1 In d e p e n d e n c e % If you have the am bition and energy, to gether with an honest purpose to earn it We Will Help You. The first step toward financial independence is to own your own home. Begin now. Don't wait. You have waited all these years] and you are still paying rent. RIGHT ABOUT apd try “The PIEDMONT WAY/’ Invest a few dollars saved each week or month, together with the interest, taxes, in surance and maintenance money—namely, Rent —that you have been paying to the “Other Fellow” and soon it will be It's Your Glasses! W h y suffer? ^ T h e cure is here. Just bring those glasses into this stoie «n d let us show you why you have tnat horrible headack. Headache is also sometimes a symptom of badl eyes. If your eyes feel “ funny” at the same as your head aches, come and see us at once. are dangerous. . L. H. OFFICE OVER C. F. on,. STORE, :— ' N. C M . B A S C O M L IN D S E Y Dealer In D R E SSE D LU M BER Car Lots a specialty. R. R. Shop Bldg., . Burlington Phone 148 N.C For Results, advertise in State Dispatch. It will pay. And not the some body’s house to rent. Others by the score have tried the “ Piedm ont Way” and found it easy. Will you? Call and talk it over with us. PIEDMONT TRUST CO. Real Estate Jepartment. ton, - - -- no mmm Delays] North Carolina* 76 foundations they la We hold with Th son and Abraham Li people are the mast Constitution, to full ses, and to safegus those who, by perv intent, would conve instrument of iujus ordance with the ne generation the peop their sovereignpowe and mintain equal and industrial jus tic this government was without which no : endure. This county belor pie who inhabit it. its business, its ins and its laws utilized, maintai tered in whatever best promote the gei It is time to set tl fare in the first pla Political parties e responsible govern execute the will of From these great ti the old parties have Instead ofinstrui mote the general v have become the t< interests which use tially to serve their poses. Behind tl goverment sits ent visible goverment, ■ egiance and acknow sponsibility to the destroy this invisibl to diSEolve the unhc tween corrupt busi uptpolitices is the the statesmanship < The deliberate be truefc by the Repu the fatal incapcity ocratic party to d issues of the time hi the people to forge ment of the govern which to give effect in laws and institui Unhampered by corrupted by power by the magnitude the new party offe the instrumen t of t sweep away old al a new and nobler Ith. This declaration ii with the people, ai bind the party and in state and Natii dges made herein The national Proj committed to the government by a s< democracy express through represen ta people, pledges its< such alterations in tal law of the seve o f the United State sure the represents of the goverment. In particular, th* res for direct prin nomination of state officers, for Nation rential primaries f for the presidency, election of United I Dy the people; and |he states the polii ballot with responf *ng equal suffrage Women alike, to th ^ , f «J5,« i■ m»'*■ >1 \ f,^4{")iVVa. ^»fCM «ff-xr»ranmi.. ATE \ I fORPUBUC WEAL PER :EST red by the initiative, referendum wage" .in all industrial statistics, and co-operation with W '■! ■ and recall. occupations. the health activities of the var The. progressive party; belW- The genera! prohibition of night ious states and cities of the 4 11 t/iat a free people should work for women and the establish Nation. have tne power from time to time ment of an 8-hour day for women We believe that true popular amend their fundamental law so and young persons. goes a great deal farther than what he say£, try us on government, justice and pros fjie Fall Texas of the Progressive as to adapt itprogressivley to the One days's rest in seven for p e r ity ^ hand in hand, and so our fail suit and overcoat. changing needs of the peoples all wage workers. believing it is our purpose to Party Platform Adopted pledges itself to provide a more The 8-hour day in continuous secure that large measure of Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. in Chicago. easy and expeditious method of 24-hour industries. general prosperity which is the amending the federal constitutThe abolition of the convict fruit of legitimate and and honest .on. contract labor system.. business, fostered by equal just Up to the limit of the constitu Substituting a system of prison ice and by sound progressive SPARE NO EVIL PL INKS tion and latei by amendment of production for governments con laws. the constitution if found necess sumption only; and the appli We demand that the true pros ary. we ad vocate bringing under cation of prisoners’ earning to H* Goldstein, Prop. perity shall be the benefits con Death Knell of “Invisible Governeffective nation jurisdiction those the support of their dependent ferred thereby on all citizens, ment” by Corrupt Corpora- problems which have expanded families. not confined to individuals or beyond leach of the ’ individul Policity as to wages, hours and classes,, and . that the test ol; tion Influence. _ ■state?,. : /' '< •*.onditions of labor; full reports corporate efficiency shall be the it is as grotesque as it is intol upon industrial accidents and ability better to serve the public,, erable that the several states diseases and the opening to pub that those who profit by the coi More Power and Larger Benefits should by unequal laws in matter lic inspection of all tallies, he trol of the business affairs shall of common concern foeeome com ights, measures and check sy justify that profit and that con for the People the Main mercial agencies, barter the stem on labor products. trol by sharing with the public lives of their children, the We pledge our party to establish the fruits thereof. 0bject3, health of their women and the a department of labor with a seat We therefore demand a strong safest and well being of their in the, cabinet, and with wide national regulation of interstate working people for the profit of jurisdiction over matters affect corporations. The corporation is TO WIPE OUT OLD ABUSES their financial interests. ing the conditions of labor and an essential part of modern busi , The extreme insistence on sta living. ness. The concentration of The development and prosperity modern business, in some degree, Unhampered by Tradition, the Lead tes right by the Democratic party in the Baltimore platform dem of ceuntry life are as important is both invitable and necssary fjor ers Are Undismayed by the onstrates anew its inability to un to the people who live in the cities national and international busi derstand the world into which it as they are to the farmers. In ness effiiency, But the existing Greatness of the Task. has survived, or to a 3minister crease of the prosperity on the concentration of vast wealth un Following is tfcjg full text of the the affaire of a union <f sta es farm will favorably affect the der a corporate system, unguard progressi ve Voarty platform ado which have in all essent nl respect cost of living, and promote the ed and uncontrolled by the Na interests of all who dwell in the tion, has placed in hands of a pted at t lr v Cbicigo convention become one people. country, and all who depend up few men enormous, secret, irres Progressive party, believing last week: X V ■ T W A S N E C E SSA R Y for the Attorney to The conscSN.eice d the people, that no people can justly claim to on its products for clothing, ponsible power over the daily life have a personal talk with a client in a distant jn a tim e of gra.^eiational probl be a sure democracy, which denies shelter and food. of the citizens—a power uusuffercity. The journey would seriously interfere We pledge our party to foster able in a free government and ems, has called into being a new political rights on account of sex, several important engagements made for party, born of the Nation’s aw pledges itself to the task of secur the development of agricultural certain of abuse. credit and co-operation, the ing equal suffrage to men and tk 'd a y v ■ ■ '■ ■ ■ c : akened sense of justice. The power has been abused in { teaching of agriculture in schools, monoply ef national resources, in We of the Progressive party women alike. te used the Long Distance Bell Telephone, We pledge our party to legis agrici rural college extension, the stock watering, in unfair compeihere dedicate ourselves to the ful filment of the duty laid upon us lation that will compell strict use of mechanical, power on the tion and in unfair privilege, had satisfactory talk with his distant client an< by our fathers to mintain that limitation of all campaign contri farm, and to reestablish the finally in sinister influences on was teole to keep all his engagements at home. goverment of the people, by the butions and expenditures, and country life commission, thus the public influences of state and people, and for the people whos detailed publicity of both before directly promoting the welfare Nation. We do not fear com The Long Distance Bell Telephone increases as well as after primaries and of the farmers, and bringing the mercial power, but we in s is t that foundations they laid. the efficiency of business men who adapt it to their benefits of better farming, better it shall be exercised openly, under We hold w ith Thomas J e f fe r elections. needs. I t can serve you w ith equal satisfaction We pledge our party to legis business and better living within publicity, supervision and reg son and Abraham Lincon th a t the and economy. ulations of the most efficient people are the masters of th e ir lation compelling the registration their reach. The high cost of living is part sor:, which will proserve its good Constitution, to fulfill its purpo of lobbyists; publicity of commit By the way, have yon a Bell Telephone? ses, and to safeguard it from tee hearings except on foreign ly due to natural- and part while eradicating and preventing ly to artificial causes. Themeas its evils. those who, by perversions o f its affairs, and recording of all votes To that we urge the establish SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE intent, w ou ld convert it into an in committee; and forbidding fed ures proposed in this platform on instrument of iu justice. In acc eral appointees from holding of various buojects such as the tariff ment of a strong federal adminis * AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY ordance with the needs of each fice in state or national political the trust*, and conservation, will trative commission of high stand generation the people must use organizations, or taking part as of themsei ves remove to world ing, which shall maintain per manent active supervision over their sovereignpowers to establish officers or delegates in political wide and partly to local. The high cost of living is due Industrial corporations engaged and m in ta in equal opportunity conventions for the nomination partly the artificial causes. There in interstate commerce, in such and ind ustrial justice, to secure of elective state or national ofwiil remain other elements such of them as are of public import ficals. this g overnm ent was founded and as the tenutmiy to leave the ance, doing for them what the The Progressive party demands without which no republic can country for the city, waste, ex government now does for the na such restriction for the power of endure. travagance, bad system of tax tional banks, and what is now This county belongs to the peo the courts as shall leave to the ation,, poor methods iof raising done for the railrods by the inter ■Mayor. ple who inhabit it Its resources, people the ultimate authority to J ok H. Freeland, crops" and bad business methods' state Commerce Commission, W. P. Ireland, Aldermam, First Ward. its business, its institutions and determine fundamental questions Such a commission must enforce Alderman, First Ward. ar.d its laws should I* of social welfare and public in marketing crops. T. S. Fauc&te, , To remedy these conditions re the complete publicity of those A. A. Apple, Alderman, Second Ward. utiliztd. maintained or al policy. quires the fullest information corporative tiansactions which To secure this end, it pledges W. F. Dailey, Alderman, Second Ward. ft tered in whatever manner will and, based on this information, are of public interest: must at-’ Alderman, Third Ward, H. C, Stout, best promote the general interest. itself to provide: r*. 1, That when an act, passed effective government supervision tack unfair completion, false Alderman, Third Ward. J. G. Roger?, It is time to set the public wel under the police power of the and control to remove all the capitalization and special privi Alderman, Fourth War d. Eugene Holt; fare in the first place. artificial causes. We pledge our J. L. Scott, Alderman, Fourth Ward. Political parties exist to secure state, is heid unconsitutionai un selves to such full and immediate lege, and by continuous trained Secretary & Treasurer. Jas. P. Montgomery, responsible goverment and to der the state constitution by the inquiry and to immediate action watchfulness guard and keep open equally to ail the highway courts, the people after an ample E. S. W. Dameron, City Attorney. execute the will of the people. to deal with every need such of American commerce. interval for deliberations, shall City Health Officer. Dr. W. D. Moser, From these great tasks both of inquiry discloses. Thus the business man will have an opportunity to vote on A. A. Russell, Chief Police. the old parties have turned aside. We favor the union of all the have certain knowledge of the the question whether they desire D. H. White, Tax Collector and Police. Instead of instruments to pro existing agencies of the federal law, and will be able to conduct J. L. Patillo, Night Police. mote the general welfare, they the act to become law, notwith government dealing with the his business easily in conformity M. A. King, Cemetery Keeper—White Cemetery have become the tools of corrupt standing such decision. public health into a single nat Jerry Sellers,, Cemetery Keeper—Col. Cemetery interests which use them impar 2. That every decision of the ional health services, without therewith; the investor will'find security fcfr his capital; dividends Street Commissioner. John A. King,? tially to serve their selfish pur highest appellate court of a state discrimination against or for any R. J. Hall, :. .;■ ■ ■ ■ City Scavenger. poses. Behind the ostensible declaring an act of the legislature one set of therapeutic methods, will be rendered more certain, goverment sits enthroned an in unconstitutional on the ground sehool of medicine, or school of and the savings of the people , BOARD OF EDUCATION. visible goverment, owing no all of its violation of the federal healing with such additional will be drawn naturally and safe B. R. Sellers, J. W. Cates, Eugene Holt, T. S. Faueette, egiance and acknowledging no re constitution, shall be subject to powers as may be neccssary to ly into the channels of trade. Under such a system of con R. M. Andrews, Jos. A.. Isley, Jas. P. Montgomery. sponsibility to the people* To the same review by the Supreme enable it to perform efficiently structive legislation, legitimate destroy this invisible goverment, Court of the United States as . is such duties in the protection of WATER-LIGHT & POWER COMMISSION. business, freed from confusion, to dissolve.the unholy alliance be now accorded to decisions sustain the public from preventable dis R. M. Morrow, • Eugene Holt, J. L. Scott. uncertainly and fruitless litiga tween corrupt business and cor- ing such legislation. ease as may be properly under tion will develop normally in res upt politices is the first task of The Progressive party, in order taken by the federal authorities; Sonthern^Railway Passenger Schedule. the statesmanship of the day, to secure to the people a better including the execution of exist ponse to the energy and enter The deliberate betrayel of its administration of justice, and by ing laws regarding pure food; prise of the American business No. 112 1:32 A. M. No, I l l East West 6:32 A. U. trust by the Republican party, that means to bijing about a more quarantine and cognate subjects mail, 8:12 A. M. No. No. 108 21 11:18 A. M We pledge ourselves to the the fatal incapcity of the Dem general respect for the law and the promotion of appropriate 10:20 a . M. No. 139 No. 144 6:25 P. IE ocratic party to deal with the the courts, pledges itself to work action for the improvement of enactmen of a patent law which No. 22 5:00 p. M. No. 131 9:17 P. X issues of the time have compelled unceasing for the reform of legal vital statistics, and the extension the people to forge a new instru procedure and judicial methods. of the registration area of such (Continued on Page Six.) Post-Office Honrs. We believe that the issuance ment of the government through General Deliveryjof. Mail 7:00 a . m. to 7:30 P. M. which to give effect to their will, of injunctions in cases arising Money-order and Registration Hours 7:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. in laws and institutions. out of labor disputes should be Su n day H o u rs , Unhampered by tradition, un prohibited when such injunctions General Delivery 7:00 P. M. to 7:30 P. M corrupted by power, undismayed would not apply when ho labor Lobby open all hours to box renters. by the magnitude of the task, disputes existed. We also believe that a person the new party offered itself as J* Ze b W a l l e r , Postmaster. the instrument of the people to cited for a contempt in labor All women, who suffer from the aches and pains, due sweep away old abuses, to build disputes, except when such con a new and nobler commonwea tempt was committed in the act to female ailments, are urged to try Cardui, the reliable, lth. ual presence of the court or so scientific, tonic remedy, for women. Cardui acts promptly, This declaration is our covenant near there as to interfere with yet gently, and without bad effects, on the womanly system, with the people, and we hereby the proper administration of relieving pain, building up strength, regulating the system, pind the party and its candidates justice, should have a right to Removed w ith M OLESOFF, w ithout pain or and toning up the nerves. During the past half century, in state and Nation to the ple trial by jury. danger* no matter how large, or how far raised dges made herein. thousands of ladies have written to tell of the quick curative The supreme duty of the Nation The national Progressive party is the conservation of human re about the surface of the skin. A nd they w ill results they obtained, from the use of this well-known medicine. committed to the principles of sources through an enlarged never return, and no trace or scar will be left. government by a self controlled measure of social and industrial MOLESOFF is applied directly to the M OLE or TAKE democracy expressing its will justice. We pledge ourselves to W ART, which entirely disappears in about six through representative’s of the work unceasingly in state and days, killing the germ and leaving the skin people, pledges itself to secure Nation for: Effective legislation looking to such alterations in the fundamen smooth and natural. tai jaw of the several states and the prevention of industrial ac MOLESOFiF is put up only in ll.OObottles. w the United States as shall in cidents, occupational diseases, Mrs. Jane Cailehan suffered from womanly trouble for Each bottle is neatly packed in a plain 'case, accom sure the representative character overwork, involuntary unemploy panied by full directions, and contains enoueh remedy nearly ten years. In a letter from Whiteville, N. C., she oi the goverment. ment and other injurious effects to remove eight or ten ordinary MOLES or WARTS. says: “ I was not able to do m y own housework. My In particular, the party decla incident to modern industry. We sell MOLESOFF under a positive GUARANTEE stomach was weak, and my blood was wrong. I had back res for direct primaries for the The fixing of minimum 'safety if it fails to remove your MOLE or WART, we will nomination of states and national and health standards for the ache, and was very weak. 1 tried several doctors, but they promptly refund the dollar. officers, for National-wide prefe various occupations, and the Florida Distributing Company Dept., Pensacola Fla. did me no good. I used Cardui for 3 or 4 months, and now rential primaries for candidates exercise of the public authority I am in the best health I have ever been. I can never praise lor the presidency, for the direct on state and Nation, including Cardui enough.” It is the best tonic, for women. ^ection of United States senator the federal control over ihterWhether seriously sick, or simply weft;, tar Cardui. : fry the people: and we urge on state commerce, and the taxing tne states the policy of the short power, to maintain such stand ; W rit* io: Ladies’ Advisory D#pt, Ch*tHu**or* Medicine Co.. CfcattMoet*, T«m * te'b1eefc., **‘ Home TreKtneat tar Worno,” Matin*, I • paiiot with responsibility, secur ards. lor Spatial Itutnctttm, **d 64~p«*e ing equal suffrage to inen and Minimum wage standards for women alike, to the people secu working women, to provide a A M A N DOES IMPERIAL TAILORS, An► Trust Co U:t ■ i; I BURLINGTON OFFICIALS here. Just bring e « n d le t us show h o r r ib le headache, a sym ptom of bad n y ” a t the same time ;ee us at once. Delays lLLEN, E’S STORE, N. C. JNDSEY MBER ialty. rlington N. C. tise in The t will pay. me body’s lers by the “Piedmont sy. Will you? with us. UST CO. meat. North Carolina* * > .j'-'- •' > Blood Was Wrong MOLES and WARTS C a r d u i Vfoman’sTonic The An ad in The State Dispatch will pay. Try one and see. ■ *i ■y$ :: ■ ':! v*- *n#f **» We clip the following from one We are gratified beyond mea in Chief Col. Roosevelt, named by THE STATE DISPATCH sure at the many kind expressions the convention as such, is ijow bat one o f our excchajnges, and re of praise bestowed upon our last tling down the walls of prejudice publish 'it because of i^s truth: Published Every Wednesday What will our Prohibition Dem issue. These expressions, we are and sectionalism in New England —By— ocratic friends do about support glad to say, have come from re and will later bear the message fiw State Ditfxtch Pablafein* Company, ing Woodrow Wilson, the local presentatives of all political of good will and unity and of jus td o ito t, K. C. option advocate. Think of the Dr. J. A. Pickett, President shades of opinion. And they en tice and humanity into every state of Maine being flooded with courage us to make still greater state in the Union. The news his local option letter in the hope JOHN R. HOFFMAN, Editor efforts to provide our readers paper reports show that the same of carrying the state for the Democratic ticket in the Septem IASEES t FOUST, SeoreUry and Treasorer with a paper that will be a wel wild enthusiasm, that has always What will Bob •ad I m ik m Mnayer. come visitor in every home in Al greeted him ori his numerous ber election. Glenn and Josephus Daniels, amance County. We believe in trips through the country, is ram besides a host of lesser lights, do Office First Floor, Waller Building:, the fatherhood of God and the pant on the rockbound coasts of about it? Vote for him, of Telephone No. 265. ery uay you brotherhood of man and if we our puritan ancestors and amid course, because their convictions ubecription, One Dollar per year, pay can by any word of ours, lighten the strains of patriotic music, al on the Prohibition question have able in advance. never been more than skin deep. All communications in regard to either the burdens or griefs of those most a man, that sturdy people youare They have a lot of partisan pre oswb items or business matters should who may be bowed down by mis are rallying to thersupport of the judice but their devotion to prin be addressed to H e State Dicpttdb and rot nussing some of to any individual connected with the fortune, or sorrows known only to greatest man in public life known ciple is not very -strong. paper. themselves, we will feel amply to the world to-day. best All news notea and communications of mportance must be signed by the writer. compensated for all of our effprts. The progressive Party is a Na We ate not responsible for opinions of Onward they Cone. tional party because it is the par Oar correspondent*. The State Dispatch has been The State Dispatch is publish ty of the people. The other two Subscribers will take notice that no e ing this week a description of the parties are sectional and have inormed from various sources Mipt for subscription for The State DUpatdi ail that large numbers of Democrats will be honored at this office unless it is handsome hunting lodge and sum been so since the great Civil War and Republican throughout Alanumbered with staraped figures. mer home of Col. Robt. L. Holt. closed forty-seven years ago, manace County have announced I f yeti ^oaiiy M o w .'..the value rtprcst lited m this This is one of the most interest The Republican party is a joke in themselves as being in full sym summer.siioe.'sai'cv w au ld be to.bu v we Entered as second-daes matter May ing spots in Alamance County and the south and the Democratic pathy with the Progressive Party are io sell. *0,1908, at the post office at Burling ton, North Carolina, under the Act of the article will bear a carefu party has but precious few inti and that they will cast their Attend this sale i£ possible and take ad vintage of.the {bngreae of March 8 1B7;1. reading. We propose, in the fu mate acquaintances in the north. balbts for Roosevelt and Johnson this fall. . ■ great saving- that we are offering you win m in many ture, to make it one of the fea The Progressive Party appeals to We are not surprised at this instances 1* liaif%;nc€tures of this paper to give short ah alike—the North, the South, |information, as v^e have believed Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1912. sketches of many of the numer the East and the West. from the inception of this move Some of us will doubtless ex ment that those of our ous places of interest in the coun people, who are not in direct perience a peculiar sensation ty, as well as short biographies of burlington, Ni C. . I sympathy with the bosses and sp-; \ both men and women, now gone when wo make up our minds to ecial interests would soon find from our midst,; whose lives have withdraw from the political or thatth^re was nothing else for' made history and whos* niemc- ganizations with which we have them to do. For President: are revered and honored by been connected so long and per . This paper most heartily welco Theodore Roosevelt. ries those of us now living. Nothing haps, will hesitate before taking mes all of them. There is room for every one and this great party but facts will be published and we the final step, but once across the of progressive ideas will gladly For Vice President: line, we we will realize that we Hiram W . Johnson. propose to make these articles of have entered a new political extend to them therig it hand of fellowship and give them the ful such a eharaeteras will make them OUR PLATFORM: valuable additions to the history world, built upon love of country lest credit for aiding us in winn Th e P e o p l e Sh a l l R u l e . of our county, Watch for these and a patriotism deep enough and ing the glorious victory that will . OUR WATCHWORD: sketches and preserve the entire broad enough to giye to every surely be ours on the first Tues man a square deal, and an even day of November next. A S q u a r e D e a l to E v e r y M a n . series in your scrap book. The Progressive Party is the only chance in the race of life. united political or/aaizition in Indeed what a glorious future this country, today. Look at the Onward Christian Soldiers. The State Chairmanship. we have before us. What a gold Democratic Party in North Caro One of the most important mat en promise of a thoroughly re lina, as an illustration: fighting We stand at Armageddou and ters that will come before our united country where it wiil be among them-selves like Kilkenny battle for the Lord. State Con vention will be tee elect difficult to distinguish between cats to take from Senator Simm ons, the ablest Democratic The old office holding pie counter ion of Chairman of the State Exe Dixie and Yankee Doodle. Yes, Senator the state has ever h id, brigade in Alamance County are cutive Committee. While we have we are going with the Progres his seat in the United States Sen dead and the most of them have a great many good men who doubt sive Party. No, “by George," ate, while that sublimely ridicul sense enough to know it “Req- less could and would filli the posi- we have already gone—lock, ous little joklet known, by mere tiod with marked ability, still a stock and barrell—and we have courtesy only, as the Republican uiescat in Pace'*. mistake by the convention would gone to stay. What a “ bully" Party is earnestly praying to Marse Bill Taft “for the Lord's sake Let us all give experience it is! Come with us, please, Please have this fool sen The State Convention at Greens be irreparable. A ll farm ers kr-ov that good boro September 3rd, the day be our most earnest thought to this we want to share the fun and ate confirm our nomination to the 00 S ; . a r e f o r good w ork, Let us.sett you . our tcoif postmastership, which we ha,ye w hich w ill enable you to do your Work w hen you want il, fore the Republican Convention matter and go to the convention good feeling with you. held on to for so long a time. at Charlotte. Watch us blaze the with the determination that we Marse Bill our appeties are still d one and cost nothing. way for our misguided brethren will select no man from selfish ul good and while our general health The South and the New Party —the Reactionary Democrats and terior motives but that we will may be slightly impaired by rea the Taft smile Republican, some keep in mind only the best inter For the first time in nearly fifty son of having lived on the fat of years there is promise that the the land for so long a time, we are of whom possibly imagine they ests of the party. South is to have an oppotunity ready to make still greater sac The State Dispatch has no de are still in politics. to vote its actual beliefs; or per rifices for the g. o. p. We will sire and indeed would not, if it haps it would be clearer to say gladly suffer the pangs of the A liberal estimate cf the num could, dictate to the convention in that the various individuals who gout or anything else if thereby ber of Taft supporters in Ala regard to any matter but we feel make up the voting population we can have the supreme happin mance is fixed by a careful math fully warranted in suggesting and of the South may cast their ballots ess of dying in harness. Good ematician at 23, including Post earnestly recommending for this in their beliefs. Four years ago, Bill, we implore thee to gorget Masters and other federal of position the name of Jas. N. Wil in this magzaine, we endeavored us not." to analyze political conditions in The truth is these good people ficers. Deduct these from this liamson, Jr., of this city. Mr. the South and to pont out that a are thoroughly disgusted and number and see if you can to save Williamson is one of the charter break in the Solid South would be can on longer consistently affillyour life, recall who they are. members of our party, a success a splendid tonic. There is no iate with the bettered remnants A skidoo Party in full and de ful business man and cotton manu doubt that the name Republican of the old parties, now steadily moralized retreat, with no ambul facturer, and should he conduct has kept many Southern men out and surely sinking into senile de of the party so designated, but , ance corps to care for the wound the campaign with the same fore now there is to be offered the cay and dissolution. ed and disabled. Run fast boys sight and business accumen that National-Progressive party which and get out of the thing, you will he applies to his private affairs instead of being fettered by Resolutions of Respect. feel lots better. there will be no question as to the traditions, will come in its form ative perod. The platform is as outcome of the election. We also yet unwritten but that it will be Wheras it has pleased God in The State Dispatch desires to feel warranted in saying that Mr. broad enough for the narrowest His all-wise Providence to take apologize for numerous typo Williamson would not accept the is an assurance that may safely from our midst our sister and co graphical errors tnat unavoidably honor unless he had made up his be offered. Is the South forever worker Mrs. G. M. Brooks; there crept into our last issue. The mind to perform to the best of his to be led by that blind man fore, be it resolved. First, That as members of the change in the policy of the paper ability the important duties at Tradition? The pressing, vital Foreign Missionary Society of issues of Today are not to be met was made sa late in the week that tached thereto. The Convention by a discussion of the battle of Front Street Methodist Church, our office force was greatly over can make no mistake in selecting Chiekamauga. The South has to Burlington, N.C. deeply feel the August 26. worked in order to get the paper Mr. Williamson. day problems that loom as large ioss of an earnest and faithful member; but we realize that our in the hands of our subscribers as heretofore has that of the negro—a problem which has now loss is her eternal gain. on time. We think our readers The Progressive Party. Second, That she has left us a been left, by common conseint, to will judge us leniently and will The opportunity is still yours to buy Clothing, rich heritage in her sweet abid The political exegencies of the the South for solving. The South ing influence, which shall cause- x« Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats at a great reduction. It appreciate the difficulty of getis growing to giant proportions ing everything just exactly right times have made it necessary for in her agriculture, her industries us to strive more earnestly to em is a real money-saving chance for you, as our stock in a newspaper has heretofore all, regardless of past affiliations, and her commere. She must look it late the virtues of her Christ must be reduced. | supported such political impos- who believe that the people are on the economic side as well as ian character. Third, that we extend the hus O nly a visit to our store w ill reveal the truth to you. | siblities as the elephantine Bill rightly entitled to rule this na the sentimental. band and children our sincere The South needs two parties. Drop in and take a look. You are cordially | Taft and sun spot Jim Sherman tion ; who believes in a square No man will say that two parties sympathy and commend them to invited. >» deal for every man and who are not preferable to -one party our Heavenly Father who doeth Listen to a member of the fun realize that it is about as dis divided into bitter factions. The all things for our good.' Fourth, That a copy of these nel Brigade, singing a broken honorable to steal a sufficient young men of the South have a stanza in the Charlotte Observer. number of delegates to control right to hear issues discussed in resolutions be sent to the bereaved It goes like this: a national convention, as it is to stead of listening to personal family, a copy to the town paper and Raleigh Christian Advocate One of the patriots returned steal a shefep, have formed them abuse and villification. The above was clipped from for publication and a copy be from Roosevelt’s campmeeting selves into a political party, on the minutes of our Main Street - Burlington, N.C. Magazine. It recorded society. in Chicago, tells with much feel which stands >for a reformation Uncle Remus Mrs. W. E. Hay ing of the stirring scenes accom- of the conditions, now existing needs no commient. It speaks boldly for itself. Among the other Mrs. G W. Anthony paning the singing of the songs, in this country, that have simply Mrs, J. N. Taylpr ideas it sets forth clearly that especially that of “Onward Chris become unsufferable and intoler tianSoldiers.” He did not say so, able. The result of the awaken the South needs a new party, not but a scoffing public is left te in ing of the dormant conscience of a party of prejudice and strife, An actor hit a barber in New fer that there followed an onward the people was the formation at but a party builded upon pro York because of his conversatio gressive ideas. ash for the bar-room. Chicago on August 5th of the Pro nal persistence. There can ' be The last sentence of the above gressive Party, full fledged and no doubt as to the merits of the The scientific way to beat the quarrel. By all professional ruparagraph is the -wish... that is. arrayed in all the panoply of po cost of living is to ;live;on lee thebajrber was under odligafather to the thought. litical warfare. Our Commander high love. tftXons to w tb© audience. TO ATTEND, OUR SUMMER FOOEW EAK, / HEDl/Ci iON ■ ; SALE' '6f ODDb " and W iilG H IS NO W at its -ES . atien.iu ing cui the very bargain s as we are rapidi, ties, « f tlie best styles and sizes. Foster Shoe Cql OUR-CANDIDATES. <Plenty of barb and fence wire. Paints, Paints. See us we can you. DON'T FORGET OUR HARNESS. Price f. L O C A X j j The farmers were 'the. nice rain Misses'Elsie McBaw a y spent Sunday in C pver W the guests °f friends. Miss Bertha Burgess Jbeen on a vacation to I in Kandolph county hi ledJ Rev.J.D. William ofj Jformer pastor o f th6 JV1 Irch at this place, was: iSaturcay, en route to I where he is this wee* I in a revival meeting. Next Sabbath Aug. 1 4 years oi pastoral wc J. i). Andrew in Buriin tie members and iriei Returned CHurch are i present at this 14 anni Rev. J. D, Andrew ai C. Cox are holding a se pel services a t St Mark ed C lurch in the Cot wee Much interest nian .i'ested in the meei U.\ W. H ' West an near jt’ranklinville, N. d n j this week in tow of airs. West’s mother E. vtfay. Mr. West Randolph County’s farmers. On account of the M nic to be held at Harde Thursday, August, 2S First National Bank w after twelve o'clock. C ers will please trai business in the mornir Probably no one ] fact that we can die Iunless he be the unde Sheerluck Burns, tl ftetective has now in telephone, which is a with a pianola attac why not get the croot the moving picture m thus put an end to cr Lots of people who anything about it aminus dam bill. TU to talk about it. An optimist is a m] has his vacation him. GET TRUS ifSale. REAfl The duties ! va ried and diffi f bu y this space \ cl ear, frank wi | do for you. a, T. Evd in this cd sure that! in our m l AND B. Goodman, SALE NOW GOING ON. , A n ad in The State Dispatch will pay. ’t^-^jand, if rr is mod want to be sure .what's on the bottle ‘is” in the bottle if y°u AffiC he^e We fill prescriptions with the utmost accuracy; G ET SUMMER i JON FREEMAN CO Burlington, N. C, phone 20 s_£S,. DRUG Eastman Kodak films, Huylers Candy, Rexall goods, Lindley's cut flowers. Nyall Family Remedies, Agents for lery day yo„ j Van It urr atien.ia3/ Is sale youare BEGINNING TUESDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1912. < A Little of Everything for a Little of Nothing. - Come into the Rummage.. Most all the goods we had left of the h v<f price sale go into the Rummage with half of? again. Everything we have marked in plain figures you will need no One to w&it upon you—just come in, help yourself, and pay the marked price. W E URGE MOTHERS WITH GIRLS of SCHOOL A G E to BUY NOW and I RIM THEM up SOME PRETTY HATS You can put the girls to work, mothers—let them work up these inexpensive materials into hats for school purposes. I t is pleasant work and profitable work—if they spoil something it makes no difference for rummage goods will cost very little. THE STYLE SHOP, Morrow Bason & Green, Burlington, N. C. jssing soma of * L O C A L a js t d very best |irgain$ as we j a it. & The farmers were delighted North Carolina Alamance County date, a like petition was present over the nice rain yesterday Agreement Between The Greens ed to said Board of Commission a easterly direction through the county of Guilford, to the Ala Misses Elsie M cBaneand Inez ers by cem in resident tax-pay- mance County line, and, thence, boro, Northern and Atlantic Wav' spent Sunday in Greensboro ers and frr^holders of Graham through the County of -Alamance Railway Company and The the guests of friends. Township awking for a like elect to a point necessary to connect, ion in Grahstfn Township on the and which does connect, with the Greensboro Loan and Miss Bertha Burgess who has question of the issuance of Fif Seaboard Air Line Railway Com i en on a vacation to her home Trust Companyteen Thousand Dollars of bonds pany and the Norfolk atfd South in iiandolph county has returnfor a like amount of the prefer ern Railroad Company’s line or., Trustee. tbred stock of said Railway Com lines, or either of them or wtih Rev.J.O. William of Henderson Whereas, on the fifth day of pany : the subsidiary line or ~lines of And, Whereas, on the same said Corporations, or either of former pastor of the M. P. Chu August 1912 a petition was pre rch at trus place, was in the city sented to the Board o f Commis date, a like petition was present them. ca-urua>', en route toKimesvilie sioners of Alamance County by ed to said Board of Commission Second. That in the event the \vnWe he is this week assisting certain resident taxpayers and ers by cert&n residents and .tax said portion of the lines of Rail* i,u revival meeting. freeholders of Morton’s Town payers" and freeholders of Al way of the party of the first .part ship, Alamance County, asking bright’s Township, asking for a is not constructed by it or its txt Sabbath Aug. 25th closes that the said Board of Commis like election in Albright’s Town successor or successors or assigns 1 1 ) ears of pastoral work by.Rev. ship on the question of the issu j Andrew in Burlington. AH' sioners order an'election on the ance of Fi ve Thousand Dollars of within three (3) years from the of the issuance of Ten date of the issuance of said bonds t'en.cffibers and friends of the question the bonds for a like amount of as indicated and set forth in Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) of KeiL’Hntci CHurch are urged to be bonds by said Commissioners on the preferred stock of said Railcondition First, as above set out i 1 pi’:s''nc at this 14 anniversary, Copyright 1909, by C. E, Zimmerman C o*-N o. 41 behalf of said Township for Ten wayXompany: and numbered, that then to that And, Whereas, on the same event it is agreed by the party Ktv. J. D. Andrew and Rev. D. Thousand Dollars of the prefer q, Cjx are holding a series of gos red stock of said Greensboro, date, a like petition was present of the first part that the party pel ^rvicts at St Marks Reform Northern and Atlantic Railway ed to said Board of Commission of che second part (The Greens ers by certain citizens, resident boro Loan & Trust Company) ed C iurcn in the Country ihts Company: wee.. Much interest is being And, Whereas, on the same taxpayers and freeholders of shall, and it agrees that it will, rcan.iested in the meeting. date, a like petition was present Thompson’s Township asking for in that event, deliver all of said a like election in Thompson’s M •. W. H* West and family of ed to said Board of County Com Township on the question of the bonds so issued by the County of near r'ranklinville, N. C. arespe- missioners by certain citizens, issuance of Fifteen Thousand Aiamahce for the several Town is one d n j this week in town the guest taxpayers and residents of Boon Dollars of bonds for a like sum ships in said county, to the Board of .ms. V\est’s mother Mrs. Mary Station Township, Alamance of the preferred stock of said of Commissioners of Alamance tc insure against it, that is to cultivate a habit of th rift in order that they may all bedeE. way. Mr, West is one of County, asking for a like election Railway Company: in said Boon Station Township on staoyed, and it is further agreed which you can easily do by putting m~n/ y in the bank. Randolph County’s prosperous And, Whereas, on the same the question of the issuance of by the party of the first part farmers. Five Thousand Dollars of bonds date, a like petition was present that in the event of the failure On account of the Masonic pic for a like amount of the prefer ed to the said Board of Commis to construct the aforesaid lines sioners by certain resident tax of Railroad within three (3) nic to be held at Harden Park on red stock, as aforesaid: And, Whereas, on the same payers and freeholders of New- years from said date of issuing Tnursday, August, 22. 1912 the date, a like petition was present lin’s Township, asking for a like of said bonds, that all rights and First National Bank will be closed after twelve o’clock. Our custom ed to said Board of Commission election for Newlin's Township equities which the party of the ers will please transact their ers by certain citizens and tax upon the question of the issuance j first part may have in said bonds payers and residents of Fau- of Ten Thousand Dollars of bonds Shall Cease. business in the morning. cette’s Township asking for a for a like sum of the preferred Third. That said bonds shall s ock of said Railway Company: not be delivered by the party of Probably no one regrets the like election in Faucett’s Town And, Whereas, on the same fact that we can die but once, ship on the question of the issu date, to-wit: the 5th. day of Au the second part to the party of ance of Five Thousand Dollars first part, or to any one for it, unless he be the undertaker. of bonds for the like sum of. the gust 1912, an order of election unless and until the party of the Sheerluck Burns, the great de- preferred stock of said Railway was made by the Beard of Com first patt, its successor, success missioners of Alamance County, ors or assigns, construct said line tetectivehas now invented the Company. telephone, which is a dictograph And, Whereas, on the same in each of the aforesaid Town of railroad as agreed in condition with a pianola attachment; but date, a like petition was present ships, said election to be held in riumber one (First, as above why not get the crooks with the ed to said Board of Commission each of said Townships on the set forth, and has in operation the moving picture machine, and ers, by certain residents, free 17th. day of September 1912, to over said line of railway within thus put an end to crime? holders and taxpayers of Bur determine the question of wheth three (3) years Trains For The er the several Townships should Lots of people who do not know lington Township asking for a subscribe the several amouhts in Transportation Of Passengers like election in Burlington Town And Freight. ' anything about it discuss the the bonds of the several Town ship on the question of the issu Fourth. It is further agreed aminus dam bill. They just like ance of Thirty Five Thousand ships as prayed for in the respec by the party of the first part to to talk about it. Dollars of bonds for a like sum tive petitions presented in ex and with the party of the second An optimist is a man who stoll of the preferred stock of said change for like sums of the pre part, as Trustee as aforesaid, ferred stock of the Greensboro, that until and unless the prefer has nis vacation comoming it Railway Company: him. And, Whereas, on the same Northern and Atlantic Railway red stock of the Greensboro Company to aid in the construct* Northern ana Atlantic Railway ion thereof: Company,.which is issued, oris And, Whereas, the Greensboro, to be issued, in exchange for Northern and Atlantic Railway said bonds, as provided by the Company, the proposed benific- order of election, is redeemed at GET ACQUAINTED WITH OUR iary of said bonds, is desirious of par that there shall not be issued assuring the voters of the said by tne party of the first part, or TRUST several Townships, and each of by its successor, successors, or them, that in the event that the assigns, a greater amount of said bond election shall be car preferred stock than Six Thou • 4.1 Successors to The BurlingtonGiocer} Co. ried, that the money derived sand Dollars per mile upon the from said bonds will be appro line to be constructed as afore We Buy this Space priated and applied to the con said: the preferred) stock to be struction of a certain line of rail 5 per cent, non-cumulative and Miller Agents, pan Valley iadi Melrose flour, in the way: redeemable at the option of the the best always, Now, Therefore, The Greens party o f the first part at any D is p a t c h boro, Northern And Atlantic time within five years from the Railway Company, party of the date of its issue. first part, in consideration of the Fifth. It is further agreed bv as well as ours qualified voters of the several the party of the first pJrt v*ku tached to said bonds and be col Townships in Alamance County, READ and PROFIT THEREBY the party of the second part as lected by the holder or holders as above set forth, and each o f tor *W Trustee, that, in the event aafd thereof. them, severally, voting in favor U N . VMparM lop O d b A The duties of a Trust Company, like this, are so election is carried and said bonds In Witness Whereof, the par VulaMi^MeUoc.arfeelife of the issuance of said bonds, of said Townships, or either of va ried and differ so from the public conception that we K m IU , OfcarMtCTu l M M ty of the firet part and the party *r*klp. W M «. H t n u i t i agree with The Greensboro Loan bu y this space in the S t a t e D is p a t c h to tell you in a m i tutOHMuuns them, are issued and delivered of the second part have hereto And Trust Company, party of l u k Itn d n t clear, frank way what this Institution is equipped to to the party of the stcond in set their hands and official seals, ■out U tn tlM , the second part, acting as Trustee do for you.:*, ^ j& klC&ljr Mdon**. PmKIm as above indicated, and are and caused the same to be sign la a*w OMeuboMt >. 0.) lte for the several Townships of Al Trust I m t l t t l OetalogM, > ( m , subsequently delivered to the ed by the President of each and amance County, voting for the Every week you w ill find our story MOqtUrai t ii fn ilta t. ijarcy of che first part by theissuance of said bonds, that the party of the second part, upon attested by the Secretary of each. W. T. WHITSETT, PH. D. ? in this comer on this page, and we feel The Greensbor, Northern And W H IT S K T T . N O R T H C A R O L IN A said bonds when issued in con sure that your reading them will result the construction of said line or Atlantic Railway Company, form ity with the said eiection so and operation of the by in our mutual benefit. held in said Townships, shall be railway trains for the transportation of T. O, Troy, President turned over to The Greensboro freight and passengers thereover Attest:_ Loan And Trust Company, as W. M. Thompson, Sect’y Trustee, to be held by it in trust between the terminal above in dicated, that the coupons upon Greensboro Loan & Trust upon the following conditions, said bonds for one half of the Company to~wit:~ C. V. SELLARS by ■ . First. That the said bonds time between the date of the issuance of said bonds and the J. W. Fry, President ART STORE, shall not be delivered to ihe date of the operation of trains as Attest:— BURLINGTON, N. C. Greensboro, Atlantic and North W. E. Allen, Sect’y. Carries in stock over ern Railway Company, or any aforesaid over said line of rail road shall be clipped by said 300 different paterna one else for it, unless and until of there is conducted by it, or by Trustee and delivered to the Board of County Commissioners 8 £S T A H D H E A L T H T O M O T H E R A N D C H IL D . its successor or successors, or its :u us. W in s lo w ’s S o o t h i n g S y r c p assigns, so much of its projected for the purpose and with the KS~t for over STXTY Y E A R S b y M I W O N i v o f obligation said Board of County r.’O T H E R S for th'ejr C K I L p R I jJ J . V - H II.fi or proposed lines of railway as " • : . ; ; t b i k 6 , with, P E R F E C T SUCCESS, It No use to order SS the C H IU ? . S O F T F N S th e O U M h shall constitute and include a line Commissioners that such coupons ftCOTM M .I.A Y S a il P A IN ; C U R E S J V IN D C O L IC , and go see it. ' shall be destroyed* and that all from a point within the city of is ihe best rem edy for D IA K R H ffiA i R is-ttb* other coupons shall remain atrol iteiy harmless. Be sure a n d a s k fo r M rs Greensboro, North Carolina, in rapidl; c osir.d sizts. Xccm Jiicd i jq cil's a^,Ci lu uvS WC 3 ad \i ntage of the Mu-Xi in m any e p e r s o n a l P UT some money in het bank and you w ill defeat poverty. Everybody has a horror of poverty. There orv’y way The First i, N. C, rners kr that good Sri i you .ourcco's when you want it fence wire, we can please i r potatoes, lemons, o u r 5. tawCo NX corn, cotton hulls, and teal, meai peanuts Merchants Supply Co. DEPARTMENT Burlington, N’S Sale. N. For Your Benefit A LEADING BOARDING SCHOOL 26 . to buy C lothing, eat reduction. It ou, as our stock jj| the truth to you. are cordially || T h e Home O f Good Clothes. irlington, N.C. iG ON, dispatch wiH AND COME IN AND SEE US. V mslow’s S oothing S yrup,” a n d take M> a tb e t w d T weoty-five cent* • bottlfc IF IT IS DRUGS, SUNDRIES, STATIONARY, TOILET GOODS, CANDIES, ICE CREAM OR FRUIT, CALL BN US ::.vl s.- ■/wfps** 'w ^ &e™m *1* ' ' ‘V M f iiv a FOR PUBLIC WEAL Grgamziug in Louisana the rights of the actual homelYl&k&T'e New Orleans, La., Aug. X4.— National rest u'ces whose con Leaders of the Progressi ve party (Continued from Page Three.) servation is reecessary for the Church Directory here expect to have their state nationl welfare should be owned organization completed< by the or controlled by the Nation. time Co Ion el R;>>* ve11.arrii <f if*i The Church of the Holy Comforer. will make it impossible for patents may not know the Company I New Orleans, probably about (continued next week) to be suppressed or used against (Episcopal) sent. v rePreSeptember 20. Arrangements the public wefare in the interests , 1, Revered J s b Beaten 6il»Me, Rector. were made yesterday for a,coily* of injurious monopolies. ention here the first week in Sep Services: We pledge our party to secure But o f that;! V Every Sunday, 11:00 a. m. and to the Interstate Commission, The Negro and the Progressive tember to select, members of the state central committee. the power to value the physical Probably My Company Doesn’t know vou u j Party. 8:00 p. m. A_ Holy Communion: First Sun properity of railroads. In order day, 11:00 a- m. Third Sunday, that the power of the commission To the Editor of The l^orth ARead the Book. YOU Need protection-— to protect the people may not merican: No doubt the southern negro We take pleasure in announc ^ Holy and Saints’ Days, 10:00 a. be imparied or destroyed, we de MY COMF A N Y Wants to Furnish it to Good Men mand the abplition of the com delegates to the Progressive con ing that any of our readers can vention will feel greatly, embar secure the above vest pocket Sunday School, 9:80 a. m. merce court. I W ant you to Know the The public is cordially invited. We blieve there exists im rassed at Colonel Roosevelt's ac book free of charge by sending tions in barring them from the 2e. for postage to D_ Swift and _____ perative need for prompt legis All pews free. lative for the improvement of our convention, for the simple rea Co., Patent Lawyers, .Washing national currency syetem. We son that they have always been ton, D. C. This book contains Christian Charch. loyal Roosevelt supporters. tables showing which states each Corner Church and Davis Sts. believe, the present method of The negro very often makes a presidential candidate carried in issuing notes through private le v . A. B Keadall, P»*ter. of Kinston, N. C. agencies is harmful and unscienti mistake when he so readily reach 1908, the number of Democrats Service*: fic. The? issue of currency is es the conclusion that such steps and Republicans elected by each Preaching every Sunday, 11:00 fundamentally R J. Sellars, Mgr. a government were taken just because he was state to Congress in 1908 and 1910, the leading events of the' &. m. and 8:00 p. m. function and the' systoin should a negro. If the negro delegates or any life of each President, from Burlington, N. C. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Jno. have as basic principles sound fair-minded, intelligent negro & Foster, Supt. . Washington to Taft. It also ness and elasticity. The control Christian Endeavor Services, should be lodged with the gov would stop and review the colo gi ves the population of each state Bonday evenings at 7:15 ernment and should be protected nel’s attitude toward the negro according to the census reports Mid-week Prayer Service, eve- from domination or manipulation in the past, his continual fight to of 1890, 1900 and 1010, the popu tv Wednesday at 8:00 p. m. by Wall Street or any special in see that every man gets justice, lation of about 20 of the largest then we would feel quite differ cities in each state, a calendar Ladies’ Aid and Missionary So terests, ciety meets on Monday after the We are are opposed to the so- ent toward the stand he has tak for 1912 and 1913 and much oth Second Sunday in each month. called Aldrich Cur.ency Bill be en in regard to ^he negro and the er useful information. A cordial invitation extended cause its provisions would place Progressive party. The southern negro so often our currency and credit system *0 *11* » „ TTCaugfct I d a Rais. A Church Rome for Visitors in private hands, not subject to makes a mistake when he enters politics. You can hear of him SBd Strangers. effective public control. Douglas ville, Tex. — “Five If You Only Knew The time has come when the voicing the sentiment of the neg years ago I was caught in the SarSogton Reformed Church. federal government should co- ro race, when, in reality, it is rain at the wrong time,” writes W hat 22 Years Corner Front and Anderson Sts. coperate with manufacturers arid his individual idea he is express Edna Rutherford, of Douglashas taught US about products in extending our foreign ing for his own political interest. ville, “ and from that time, was Rev, j. D. Awsrew, Pastor. For an honest-thinking negro Sunday School every Sabbath, commerce. To this end we de it is quite plain for him to realize taken with dumb chills and fe mand adequate appropriations by Machines vers, and suffered more than I •i45 a. m. the advantage in Colonel Roose Preaching every 2nd ana 4tn Congress, and the appointment velt’s present ruling. Thousands can tell. I tried everything that We Believe You Sabbath, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. of diplomatic and consular of of southern negroes have, no I thought would help, and had Would ficer solely with a view to the four doctors, but got no releif. I pa. doubt, voted for the colonel and special fitness and worth and not Mid-week Service every Thurstook Cardui, the woman's tonic. in consideration of political ex will very likely do so again. Now, I feel better than in many ■fay, 7:45 p. m. pediency. N. A. READER. months. ” Cardui does one thing A cordial welcome to all. It is imperative to the welfare Greensboro. N. C., Aug. 10. and does it well. That’s the se Parsonage 2nd door east of cret of its 50 years of success. tfanrch. ___________________ of our people that we enlarge and extend our foreign commerce. Try Cardui. Shocking Sounds Presbyterian Church. We are pre-emiently fitted to the 5 Absolutely no expense for Needles, Bands, this* because, as people, we have in the earth sometimes heard be Rev. Dtttaid Mclver, Pattw. Terrible Picture oi Suffering developed high skill in the art of ^ Attachments or anything. Services every Sunday at 11:00 manufacturing; our business men fore a terrible earthquake, that Clinton, K y.—Mrs. M. C. Me warn of the coming peril. Na A, m. and 8:00 p. m. are strong exectives, strong or ture's warnings are kind. That Elroy, in a letter from Clinton, f , You get another one FREE if it breaks, wears Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. ganizers. In every way possible dull pain or ache in the back writes:“ For six years, I was a $ out or burns up in 5 years. Prayer-meeting, Wednesday our federal govnernment should warns you the kidneys need at sufferer from female troubles. J i l 8:00 p. m. co-porate in this important mat tention if you would escape could not eat, and could not stand The public is cordially invited ter. those dangerous maladies, Drop on my feet, without suffering to all services. Anyone who has had opporunity sy, Diabetes or Bright’s disease. great pain. I had lost hope. After to study and obseve first hand Take Electric Bitters at once and using Cardui a week, I began to fa r t Sire** M. E. Church, Sooth. Germany’s course in this respect see backache fiy and all your improve. Now I feel better than must realize that their policy of best feelings return. “ My son in six years.” Fifty years of Rev. T. A. Sjrkti, Patter. co-operation between govern received great benefit from their success in actual practice, is Breaching every Sunday morn ment and business has in com use for kidney and Diadder trou positive proof, furnished by those paratively few years made them ble,” writes Peter Bondy, South who have used it, that Cardui ing and evening, a leading competitor for the com Rockwood, Mich. “ It is certain can always be relied on for re isunday School, 9:30 a. m. Prayer Service, Wednesday merce of the world. ly a great kidney medicine.” lieving female weakness and It should be remembered that Try livening. it. 50 cents at Freeman disease. Try Cardui, today, nOw! they are doing this on a national Drug Co. scale and with large units of Hacedonia Lotheran Church. Spit, Quit, Fit. business, while the Democrats Front Street. Hines, A la.—In a letter from would have us believe that we FOUND! Rer. C. I. Morjjaui, Pastor. this place; Mrs. Eula Mae Brad should do it with small units of A u to mobile Owners. A certain amount of money. ley says: *‘I used to spit up all I (Residence next door to Church.) business, which would be cont rolled hot by the national gov If the owner will call at the law ate. I was tired and sleepy all We are now in a position U> do all kinds of au Morning- Service at 11:00 a. m. ernment, but by forty-nine con offices of E. S. W. Dameron and the time. My head ached, and tomobile repair work prom ptly in the most satis Vespers at 3:30 p. m. state sovereignties. Such furnish proper evidence of the I could hardly drag around. Since (No services on third Sundays.) flicting factory manner. We employ none but skilled policy is utterly out of keeping amount and character of the taking Cardui, this has entirely Sunday School 9:45 a. m., ev a machinists, therefore, we ask that vou give us ah money, same will be returned, with the progress of the times quit, and now I feel quite fit.” ery Sunday. less the expense of this advertise Mrs. Bradley suffered from ner and gi ves our great commercial opportunity to demonstrate the efficiency of our Teachers’ Meeting, Wednesday rivals in Europe—hungry for ment. vous indigestion. Cardui builds equipment. SlOO p. m. (at parsonage.) the nervous system, and international markets—golden Woman’s Missionary Society We can do any and eyerything in the line of strengthens the womanly consti of which they are (after morning service on fourth opportunities machine shop work, Almost Lost His Lite. tution. That’s why Cardui help rapidly taking advantage. iandays.) The natural resoures of the S. A. Stid, of Mason, Mich., ed Mrs. Bradley and why it will L. C. Bs., Saturday before Nation HOLT ENGINE COMPANY must be promptly develop will never forget his terrible ex help you. Try it. third Sundays, 3:00 p. m. ed and numerously used to supply ^ B U R L IN GTON, L. L. L., third Sundays at 8:00 the people’s needs, but we can posure to a merciless storm. ‘ ‘[t gave me a dreadful cold,” he ». m. not safely allow them to be wast writes, “that caused severe pains ed, exploited, monopolized, so in my chest, so it was hard for Baptist Church. MAY 26, .1912. controlled against the general me to breathe. A neighbor gave ter. S. L Morgan, Parte*. No. 22 No. 24, good. We heartily favor the me several doses of Dr. King’s Daily Daily Preaching every Sunday 11 a. policy of conservation and we New Discovery which brought BL, 8 p. m. pledge our party to protect the great relief. The doctor said I Lv. Charlotte 10:20 a. m. Winston 2:00 p.m . 7:05 a. m Sunday School, 9:30 a. m, national forests without hinder Was o,i the verge of pneumonia, Lv. Lv. Walnut C. 2:46 p.m . 7:42 a. a Sunbeams, second and four ing their legitimate use the bene but to continue with the Discov Lv. Madison 8:0» p. ni. 8:10 a a , th Sundays, 3:00 p. m. fit of all the people. Agricult ery. I did so and two bottles Lv. Wa.vodan 3:06 p. m. 8:14 a. m, Prayer Meeting, Wednesday ural lands in the national forests completely cured me.” Use on Lv. M’rt’nv’lle 4:04 p. m. 9:11. a. m 6:20 p. in. 11.*30 a. ui B p. m. are should remain open to the ly this quick, safe, reliable med Ar Roanoke No. 241. No. 28. Church Conference Wednesday genuine settler. Conservation icine for coughs, colds, or any Daily Daily before first Sunday in each month Will not retard legitimate de throat or lung trouble. Lv. Roanoke 9:35 ai m. 6:05p. net. Price Lv. M rt’nvlle 11:56 a.m . 7:27p. ro Communion, first Sunday. velopment,' The honest settler Woman’s Missionary Society, must receive his patent prompt 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Lv. Mayodan 12:47 p.m . 8:23 p. m Guaranteed by Freeman Drug Lv. Madison 12:51p. m. 8;27 p, m. §rst Thursday 3:30 p. m. ly without hindrance, rules or Co. Lv. Walnut C 1 :20p.m 8:54p. m. Ladies' Aid Society, first Mon delay. Ar. Winston 2:00 p. m. 8:85 p. na. day 3:30 p. m. Ar. ,Charlotte 5:50 p. m, We believe that the remaining Connections al Roanoke for all points forests, coal and oil lands, water North, East and West; Pullman Parlor the Methodist Protestant Church, power and other natural resources NON- * ~ sleeping cars, dining cars; meals a la still in state or national control carte. BALKABLEEast Davis Street. '1 rains 21 an 1. 2 2 ''carry' Pullman (except agriculturul lands) are SELF-POINTING Re?. H umbm E. Dari*, Paator. slcepe s, Wi, ston-Salem and JSew York more likely to be wisely conserv via Shenandoah Valley routes.' Dining A Hammerless Gan with Solid Parsonoge next door to Church) ed and utilized for the general Cars north of Eoanake. Frame. welfare if held in the public Services: Trains leave Durham for Roxboro Easiest operating' and smooth South Boston and Lynchburg 7:00 a. in Morning, 11:00 Evening, 8:00. hands. In order that consumers est action. daily, and 5:30 p. m. daily except Sunday Prayer meeting Wednesday and producers, managers and workmen, now and hereafter, •venings. W. B. BEVILL, Gen. Pass’r. Agt. Ladies’ Aid and Missionery So need not pay toll to private mo W. C. SAUNDERS, Ass’t Gen’l Pa«. Agt. Roanoke, Va cieties every Monday afternoon nopolies of power and raw mater Repeating Shotgun ial, we demand that such re •liter first Sunday in each month. LISTING sources shall be retained by the Sunday School 9:30 a. m. The North Carolina AT $25.00, Rev. E. M. Andrews, Supt. state or Nation and opened to is indorsed byShoot Exellent Baraca and Philathea immediate use under laws which ers everywhere as STATE NORMAL and Classes. You are invited to at will encourage development and “Superb for Trap or tend all services. make to the people a moderate ffieW." INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE return for benefits conferred. Made in five styles In particular, we pledge our Maintained by the State for the Webb Avenue M. £. Charch, and illustrated and party to require reasonable com Women of North Carolina. Five described in Stevens Rer. B. T, Harley. Patter. pensation to the public for water Shotgun Catalog. regular Courses leading to de Preaching every first Sunday power rights hereafter granted Have your Dealer show grees. Special Courses for teach you a Stevens Repeater. at 11 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., second by the public. We pledge legis ers. Free tuition to those Who Sunday at 8:00 p. m. lation to lease; the public razing agree to become teachers in the J.STIVENSUMS& Sunday School every Sunday lands under equitable provisions State. Fall Session begins, Sep TOOL COMPANY, «ornm g at 10 a. m. now pending which Will increase tember 1^, iM2. ■ For catalogue P.O. Box5i*4> „ , F. *dol, Supt. the production of food for the CMCOPEEFAILS, MASS. and other information, address Everybody Welcome. people and thoroughly safeguard JULIUS I. FOUST Pres, lireeasboro N c ce Co. Let’s Get Acquainted! BUY “The Free!” Ji us ^ E llis M achine & Music Ca N Norfolk & Western THE STEVENS J. V . Pomeroy, Manager. rra out last wee dry weather hi r S w s W t e r . Ho; * he to see a good theO& Vi Iteep and enjoyable ■ The welcome inviting the resj L jd the opening by ffettswas impertunaU SdV.b? ■fine and Gen. J. S. Q ' ^ V p d and W jd the parade reminded u vears only the steps fi the will seemed to tx ju s t the same. Manj swd they M attende the reunion and Wins head of all of them, good people of Win 3id what they could t nleaeant for those wh Jrey and we would ca fouls and all that is ^ thank the good peoplt to n -Salem for the shown us even while \ are on the company i the Jordon waiting a last roll call and fight t tie and then roam on of the River of Peace in its blissful tide. We take off our hat our best bow .0 Miss bright for a basket of toes sent in by our R. rier. Long may she Mrs. John P. Cate daughter Edna spent in Durham last week atives, returned hor night. Mrs. J. R. Stuart i some days in Lexingt daughter Mrs. Bet We hope for her a pW Miss Jewel Clark relatives in Stokesdal pect she will bring i heart home with her. Our town was sadi center to circumferer was learned that Re\ cutt was dead. It i hearts with sadness: sure that his Lord sa “It is enough, come Servant of God well from thy loved emplc Master Joy our pen loved him we trusted true leader he was P the Baptist church w and for some years a moved to Chapel Hi 12 years and we wer to secure his service last October and was when he left the chu and entered the ch congregations nev< He left a large circle to mourn their loi thou art gone to rest weep for thee. S] heavenly powers abc you when the day o: We bow down to Davis for a box of sent us by our Ru Long may she live may she be. Our esteemed Mill the Baltimore mark her fall purchases, ready to get your hi We wonder whe; Spoon was the 01 night. Clarence pie Mrs. J. H. Blackn carried to Greensboi underwent an oper getting on nicely at We hope she will : home with her famil . Mr. Robert Crut family of Georgia his brother W, J, Ci reports fine crops They will visit the R\l. We hope his be pleasant wnil e to R. F. D. No (Crowded out la?t v Mrs. J. A. Burge Lacy Sharpe spe night with Mrs. R 01 kins. Miss Eula Moser day night and Bund W. B. Sharpe. Mrs. Larence Wat ham, spent last we mother, Mrs. Rosa on No. 7, returning day. Mr. Charlie Wiiso of No. 1 and Mr. W family of Bellemonl day night and Sund W. H. Isley. Alsc Robertson and Mr. No. 1 Sunday. There was an ice at Mr. S. J. Huffm night, and a large present and all se< an enjoyable time. p it We are still hopii the crops are toolikii HAW RIVER it to Good Men. /Crowded out last week), rr-hP drv weather has become Sious matter. How Glad we 8*„ld be to see a good rain, ’ civeral of the01dVet3 attend,1the reunion at Winston-Salem • ’ week returned a large atSance plenty to eat and that L*ood. And a good place to jpep and enjoyable entertampnt The welcome address S I inviting the response was 'nod the opening by Chaplam S ts was impertunate and the Sdress by Mr. Lock Craig was fine and Gen. J. S. Carr was as nsual grand and touching and the parade reminded us of other tears only the steps faltered but the will seemed to be in them iust the same. Many of them said they had attended most of the reunion and Winston was a* head of all of them. Surely the good people of Winston-Salem 0 what they could to make it nieasant for those who wore the Urey and we would call upon our souls and all that is within us to tlutnk the good people of Winston-Sulem for the kindnesses shown us even while many of us are on the company grounds of the Jordon waiting answer the Iasi roll call and fight the last bat tle aad then roam on the banks of the River of Peace and bathe in its blissful tide. We take off our hat and make oar best bow .0 Miss Carrie Al bright for a basket of nice toma toes sent in by our R. F, D. car rier. Long may she live. Mrs. John P. Cate and little daughter Edna spent a few days in Durham last week visiting rel atives, returned home Sunday night. Mr. Henry Graves and were out driving Sunday evening and visited at Mr. Miltons Holts. Mr. L. W. Sharpe and Mr. Moiden McAdams of Bellemont went to Norfolk last week. Hope they had a nice time. Also Mr. Herbert Sharpe of Gibsonville went with them and stopped at Bellemont on his return. Tinnin, daughter of W. A. Tinnin died early this morning (Monday). We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family. SUPPORT PROGRESSIVES FOR Indianopolis, Ind., Aug. 14. — A total of thirty-two newspapers in the state of .Indiana have taken up tfye Progressive cause and will support the Progressive mov ement to the state. Included in the list is the the Star League of papers, composed of the Ind ianapolis Star, the Muncie Star and the Terre Haute Star which is owned by John C. Shrffer, who also controls the Louisville Herald and the Chicago Post. . The Indianapolis Sun has also come out strong for the Progre ssive party. All of these papers will be rpresented at the Prog ressive Sttte Newspaper League, which w it be organized in Ind ianopolis August 20. W. Va. Progressives Making Great Gains Cumberland, Md., Aug. 14.The first Progressive Party Club in West Virginia was organ ized last night at Huntington, with a membership of 500, among them many Democrats. Senator D. B. Smith was elected ipresldent. The Roosevelt forces have obtained control of the Westzel Tribune publishedat NewMartinsvile, W, Va. The Huntington Herald-Dispath the leading Republican news paper of southern West Virginia, in an editorial this morning re nounces its allegiance to the Republican party, and pledges its support to Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive party, F. A. McDonald, the editor, is a Re publican nominee for the legis lature. The result of the Martin county Republican covention at Fairmont W. Va.f was a victory for the Roosevelt men. Each candiate nominated is known to have open ly expressed himself as favoring the Roosevelt policies. An at tempt to pledge the executive committee of Randolph county, West Virginia, at a meeting at Elkins to Taft nearly precipiated a riot. To Open T. R. Headquarters DA YS 1 The opportunity is still yours to buy Clothing. Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats at a great reduction. It is a real money-saving chance for you, as our stock must be reduced. We quote you a few prices below, just to give vou an idea of the saving when purchasing of us: " Sharon, Pa,, Augusr 14.—Hea dquarters for the Progressive party will be opened at Greenville this week in charge of John L. Morrison, Branches of the party will be established in every cou IdO nty in the eighteen cc*»gre ssional dist)ict. With Green ville the cen tral headquarters. RoosQvelt Mens i4 carried Mercer county by the biggest vote ever given a presid ential candidate. C L O T H IN G Suits to Close O u t at Half-Price. FOR SALE $25.00 $20.00 $18.00 $15.00 $10.00 Suits ii ii Now it 4 ii 4 $17.50 $13.50 $12.50 $9.50 $6.50 Pants Men’s i1 Pants M n a i« $7.50; 6.00; 3.50; 2.50; 2.00; ress G oods $1X0 arid $1.25 .wool goods, M .75 •’ ,50 .-./. i . V-'\■ <*- ;■ .35 ; -V-:-“ Percale; .12 1-2 Quality '- 10c, Ginghams 10c “ ■‘ “ 71-2c ‘V ■ ■ ■ Lawn 18c “ “ 1212c “ “ 10c “ “ gc ** Bleaching 121-2 “ “ 10c “ . 9c “ Best Calicoes • Now «i ' it «< 4i $4.50 4.00 2.50 1.75 1.20 Now Ii <f £0c 55c 38c 2Qc 10c 8c 7 l-2c 51-2(5 12 l-2e 10c 8c 4c ■ 10c 8c 7c 4 1-2 Mrs. J. R. Stuart is spending Fine bred, two-year-old days in Lexington with her 1 daughter Mrs. Bessie Neese. Men’s Straw and We hope for her a pleasant stay. C O LT Miss Jewel Clark is visiting Hats at Half-Price. relatives in Stokesdale* We sus APPLY TO pect she will bring some one's heart home with her. ’ Voil and Panama Skirts Our town was saddened from State Fusion Sought by Tiere Pro J. A. Nicholson, center to circumference when it gressives. out at was learned that Rev. J. C. Ho R. F. D. No. 4 cutt was dead. It thrilled our PITTSBURGH, Pa., Aug. 14.Big lot Men’s Oxfords to close out at $1.60 hearts with sadness yet we feel At a conference this afternoon, Big lot Boy’s Oxfords to cloee out at N. C. Big lot Men’s Shoes from $3.50 to $5.00 1.25 sure that his Lord said to him: in which Tiers-Progressives, “It is enough, come up higher.” Keystoners and Democrats took to close out at $1.60 $1.50 Quality; 75c Now Servant of God well done rest part, an effort was made to agree Ladies’ Oxfords $3.50 Now $2.50 ih e 1.25 68c from thy loved employ enter thy upon some fusion plain. 3.00 “ 2.25 It was suggested to the Dem .75 48c Master Joy our pen wavers we 2.50 “ 1.75 .60 30c loved him we trusted him as a ocrats that they ask the state 2.00 “ 1.35 committee to substitute Cornelius .35 20c true leader he was Pastor when Big Lot Ladies Oxfords to Close Out at 95c. The Largest and Best News the Baptist church was organized D Scully, of Pittsburgh, for Misses and Children Oxfords to Close out. at a paper in North Carolina. and for some years after then he Robert E. Cresswell as Democra Great Reduction. tic candiate for author general. moved to Chapel Hill for some A committee of Democrats will Every day in Year, $8.00 a Year. 12 years and we were fortunate Only a visit to our store will reveal the truth to you. Drop in and take a look. You are to secure his service as Pastor confer with the state leaders. • The O b s e r v e r consists of 10 to 12 cordially invited. The Progressive state commit last October and was our Pastor when he left the church militant tee met, with State Chairman pages daily .and 30 to 32 pages Sunday and entered the church where Clarence V. Tiers presiding. It ft bandies more news matter, local was decided unanimously to give congregations never breakup. Roosevelt the Progressive piarty State, national and foreign than an; He left a large circle of friends other North Carolina newspaper. to mourn their loss. Brother indorsement and recall the in thou art gone to rest we will not dorsement given Woodrow Wil* THE SUNDAY OBSERVER son. weep for thee. Shout on ye i« unexcelled as a uewa medium, and te heavenly powers above we join aim) tilled with excellent matter of a mil you when the day of life is fled. Repubiicaa; la T x is Go Over To cellaneou* nature. We bow down to Mrs. J. C. Addre«p* Davis for a box of nice grapes New Party THE OBSERVER CO.. sent us by our Rural Carrier. Charlotte. N. C. Dallas, Tex., Aug, 14.—Tb^e Roo Long may she live and happy sevelt forces, of the Republican may she be. Our esteemed Milliner left for party in Tex is today determined — THE— the Baltimore market to make to change the name of the party The Greatest Subscription Bargain Ever Offered. Beading for tto Entire Family. her fall purchases. Girls get to the “ Progressive party of Baltimore American Taxas/'and election Cecil A. ready to get your hats. Established 1773 We wonder where Clarence Ly .n as national committee tr m n i s v o ic e Spoon was the other Sunday man. R Jo a u P H k iiia o i Resolutions adopted indorse night. Clarence please explain. The Daily American Mrs. J. H. Blackmon who was the policies of the Progressive Edited by JAMES X . ntVDTK. B toom lngton,Rllnola. carried to Greensboro last week party and repudiate the adminis Edhcd hr A1CTHOR J. B ffiU Terms by Mail Postage prepaid. Is an Illustrated National Varm XMKed by KBRBEZEtT, KAt7FMA2f. underwent an operation and is tration of President Taft. Daily, One Month f ,25 I k * aemi-month$y form paper pub Magasin* for progressive farmers in dives more reading matter for th« getting on nicely at this writing. .40 lished for the purpose of reporting, Taft followers, a minority who Daily and Sunday, One Month •75 interpreting and teaching agricul all agricultural communities. I t is money than . any m onthly m a g u la i Daily, Three Months We hope she will soon be at bolted, held a convention in ano tural truth for the benefit of all who authority on fru it eoltnr* and should printed. In it you w ill find hlstoffft 1.15 Daily and Sonday, Three Mon the interested in better farms, better home with her family. ther hall. Daily, Six Months, 1.50 are homes, better schools, better church be read by every farm er and gar travel, soiance, invention, art, lite r*' Mr, Robert Crutchfield and 2.25 Daily and Sunday Six Months ture, drama, eduoation, religion antf es, and a better and more satisfying family of Georgia are visiting Daily One Year 3.00 orantry life. I t is edited from the dener in America. I f you .expect to many useful departments of inters* Daily, with Sunday Edition, One AsM, and is closely associated w th make a success of raising fru it It is to almost every fam ily, such as m uil% his brother W. J. Crutchfield and the farmers? the Farmers’ Institutes, necessary to have the best ideas of cooking, fashions, needle-work, hall* Year reports fine crops in Georgia. Progressive Win Alaska Election Sunday 1.50 the Agricultural Colleges, Experi these who have succeeded. These w ill dressing .home dressmaking, healtlb Editiaa, One Year, They will visit the old home op Fairbanks, Alaska, Aug. 14,ment Stations, and a ll other organ ©to. Woman's 'World is superior t l isations devoted to country life pro*. be found In every issue of The F ruit fnost magaxlnes selling for t l.4 l • R' 1. We hope his so-journ will Complete return son yesterday’s Grower. year. be pleasant while here. The Twice-a-Week American election from Fairbanks and neig Three Magazines and The Semi-Weekly Observer for $1,50, Worth$3.00. hboring mining camps give The Cheapest and Best Family News Semi-Weekly Observer, one year.. . . . . . .$1jOO The F ruit Grower, (m onthly). . . . . . . . ....9 !.• * paper Publinbed. James Wickerham, Progressive, R. F. D. No. 7. Farmers’ Yoice, one year, (twice a m o n th ). ,50c Tho Woman's W o rt* (m onthly). . . . . . . . . .... for delegates to congress,789: Kazis Karuezunas. Socialist, 752 The Charlotte Semi-Weekly Observer {Crowded out last week.) Do Not Postpone Your Acceptance. William A. Gilmore, Republican ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Fill tin Coupon. Clip ont and Mail with Remlttanoth A Farm Paper as W ell as a Newspaper. Mrs. J. A. Burgess and Mrs. 156; Robert W. Jenninfs, Dem Si x Mouth*, 50 Ceii I*. Send The Semi-Weekly Observer. • Lacy Sharpe spent Saturday ocrat, loL Formerly The Semi-Weekly Observer was merely The Farmers’ Voice, night with Mrs. Rosanna Wat a reprint of The Daily Observer. Now it is also a some Big Lot Men’s Working Pants to Close Out at 90c. All Shoes to Flouncing and Embroidery Charlotte Observer B. The Home of Main Street, do all kinds of auin the most satisrione but skilled tat vou give us an efficiency of oui Burlington, N. C. SALE NOW GOING O R Our Big T h e T w ic l- A tW e e k kins. Miss Eula Moser spent Saturdav nightand Sunday with Mr. B. Sharpe. Mrs, Larence Watkins of Gra ham, spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Rosanna Watkins on No. 7, returning home Sunday, Mr. Charlie Wilson and mother of No. 1 and Mr. Will Isley and family of Bellemont spent Satur day n ig h t and Sunday at Mr. J. W. H. Isley. Also Mr. Willie Robertson and Mr. Clide May of No. 1 Sunday. There was an ice cream supper at Mr. S. J. Huffmans Saturday tight, and a large crowd was present and all seemed to have an enjoyable time. We are still hoping for rain as the crops are looking slim on No. Third Ticket in Washington Settle, Wash., Aug. 14.—A third party ticket with candidates for all congressional state and county offices will be put in the field by the Progressive party in Washington. This was decided at a conference of Progressive leaders. The conference decided to call a convention to meet Sep tember 10 to make nominations. A m e r i is published in two issues, Tuesday, and Friday mornings, with the news of the week in compact shape, It also contain^ interesting, special correspond ence, entertaining romances, good poetry, local matter of gen eral interest and fresh miscella ny suitable for the home circle. A carefully edited Agricultural Department and a full and reli able Financial and Market Re ports are special features: can CHAS. C. FULTON & CO. Some men are dumb because FELIX AGNUS, Manager and Publisher their wives never give them a American Office, Baltimore, Md, chance to talk. The New Jersey woman who has just had her broken back Even the man who is his own mended with wire scores another worst enemy, is always ready to triumph for the for the versatile hairsin. forgive himself. FARM paper, but still carries all the xiews, con densed and made a continued story of world events arom day to day. This news is gathered from all parts of the world and paid for by The Daily Ob server. The political /news is an im partial chronicle of the events of the week without regard to party or faction. _ TW ELVE .■mi The F ruit Grower, The W oman’s W orld. MONTHS * . ..... To 1 Postofllce #.* r*#• * .1K . ■.'.F■ •••»••• < Amount enclosed .State I*. THE SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER, Charlotte, N. C. FOBD AUTOMOBILES: Wr have the exe’usive agency for th. Famous Ford Automobiles foAlamance and other Counties If you intend purchasing an Auto mobile write us today for a 1912 Catalog and look it over before buying. It will pay you. Ford Garage Company, Greensboro, N. C, '.I !'/■ '‘i ■Sii* 1 AW' 1 m m m m i. l of thefortification. Everything |Death of the OMest Saturday is the day for our atives on No ?. Mrs. W. L. Durham of Burlin-' is so comfortable and delightful ' ^ picnic. Patrons of No. 1 are W. A. Lewis still continues urged to be present. Invite your gton is visiting her parents Mr. i that it is no wonder that the Vthe big Masonic Fibir.ic\fojt Mrs. Mary Ann Murrie Miles Auspices sick we regret to note. of Bula Lwlge ^ friends ane let’s enjoy the day and Mm E. A. Isle# for awhile. I garrison always succumbs to tys died in the home of her ciaught^r A D- & A. M. On account of sickness, we lost ry assault. Mrs. G. W. Poster is also on together. Elder-Renigar string V. >• This is indeed a beautiful prop the sick list this week. band will make music for the oc last week from our duties on the erty, surrouJiUed oy a forest o f Mrs. Erhma Me Adam* on Peele BiMihjjton/N C Th^*11 Street at 9 A. M Sunday Aug. A t Camp Springs Chnrch Sun casion. This is the best band route. , This is the first time we native trees an do n the shores of, 18th 1912 at the ageol 92 years, day evening Joe Payne had the we know and will be wfell worth have lost, on account of our own perhaps, the loy*lieat streaih in 8 months and 13 days She was misfortnne to have a good mule while to hear them. Speaking sickness, since we commenced Piedmont Norm 'Carolina, the first married to John L. Harrison. neiRhbor and°hL folks killed by lightening. It's a bad strictly at 11 o’clock. Baseball, on the itoute over six years VI beauty of which is only exceeded To this union one daughter were see to it that all come ^T ' loss to him. running, etc. in afternoon. Come i ago; by its value as a natural produc born. The son died at the age be the event of the Hal Hayes spent Saturday and bring your basket and have a ^ er of weaith in th* m a n y , indus of 30 years. Sunday visiting Dewey Ross. afford to t good time. trial villages that dot iis banks in Her second marriage was to Since our last writing we have Position as primary teacher at Harden Park, on th* p. Alamance County. John S. Miles who died about 26 Car' Line, with dl rec’d from our good friends on Friendship is vacant for next We have stated that the as years ago. No. 8 lots of nice fruit, vegeta school year. Anyone wishing buildings, grounds, ternR11" sailants of Fort Snug are always Before .she was 20 years old bles and melons. We thank one same, will apply to G. W. Pat On a conicai bluff on the north successful in their assaults, but and all. terson. side of Haw River near the old it would be unfair to close this Mrs. Miies joined Prospect M. E. Church in Caswell County and We had the pleasure of stop The County road force is at Ireland Mill site, stands this beau ping with Mr. and Mrs. Euliss last on No. 1 and doing some tiful and unique structure, the rather imperfect sketch with for more than 70 >ears remained Ross last Saturday, We enjoy good work. May they finish hunting lodge and summer home out stating, also, that the garrison a faithful member Mi*s. Miles Here the orphan*! ed our trip very much. When Coble’s L. P. before they leave' of Col. Robert L. Holt. Mr. Holt composed of the genial colonel, was of a very bright and cheerful himself, immediately escapes disposition always looking on the we left for home Mrs. Ross load us. t will excuse us for not describing T^e Piedmont Railway & pl ed up my vehicle with nice fru it,! ' Alamance Cotton Mill is put him in this article—indeed that from his captivity captures and bright side of thihgs. ict Company will donate o vegetables, melons etc. Thanks. ting in a new Crater house, Dad is unnecessary as his handsome holds as permanent captives the It was a real pleasure to be in cent of all fares t a S ? 0 hearts and the esteem of all who ber company and to hear her talk night-tx) the orphans. Don’t The colored folks on No. 8 dy Moser is doing the work. and genial personality is known participate in these Assaults. held their annual Picnic last Sat of the ‘ ‘old. times before the' w|ur” . get this. Five cents f S f , News scarce this week. Hand to practically all our readers. urday. They had, a nice time. in your items n«xt Monday if you Several years before? her death either. Burlington, Grahi This fort is far from being im Next week: ‘The Alamance she asked the writer to conduct Haw River to the Park ft, We congratulate them on their want No. 1 Items to continue pregnable as can be testified to good behavior. We have the each week. her funeral, he was assisted by ia! Trams to and from Park™ by the many friends o f Mr, Holt Battle Field.” best colored patrons at all. Rev. T. A. Sikes of the M. E. 40 minutes. e*( who have frequently stormed the 0. P. Shelton has echancei Church. The body was laid to Fine game Base Ball works and captured everything County Convention his property on Eront Street for Snew Canp Items. rest in Pine Hill Cemetery. clock Burlington vs Quite on the grounds, including the the Lacy Ingle place and has mov She leaves one daughter two College. Burlesque bv V By authority of the republican Messrs. Fleet Greene, Bennette commissary department, and all ed to it. He has a nice home. sisters and one brother. county committee of Alamance Ix>dge at 8 o'clock P. M without the loss of a single as John F. Sutton gave us some Thompson and Frank McV* y have sailant. In fact it is said to be a county at a meeting held in the Her father, Mr. James Murrie handsome new Theater right sick with chills for a of the finest peaches we have been came to Caswell County in tjiis office of the central Loan & Trust just completed this week very delightful pastime to be seen in several years. One of few days. Hope they will soon connected with an assault upon Co. Saturday Augu»t 17th, A state from Ireland when he was a Grand Display of Fire them measured 101-2 inches in be out again. little boy. convention of the Republicans of these works as it is well known Miss Florence Dixon is vissting at night at Park in front of circumference. They were fine. J. D. Andrew, lona Absolutely Free toall that the commissary is always Alamance county is hereby called her sister Mrs. Fox Gilford ColWe attended the joint R. F. nated by the Park Manajm* well stocked and the supplies, to meet in tne e.jurt hous§ at Gra .. D. Picnic at McCrays last Satur lege. ham N. C. Saturday August31st, Don’t miss this. Come when exhausted, are always Mr. Russell Stfeart is visiting Will Fix Date for Ohio Convention the children, stay and let ti day 10th. We enjoyed it so 2P.M. fortae purpose of electing promptly replenished. The much. We met lots of our old his cousin • Alfred Stuart this fortications consist of a block delegates and alternates to »the Cleveland, O., Aug. 14.—In ad- see the greatests dsspla? friends that we used to know in week. house built of logs, a well ar St^te, Congressional, Judicial, vanc of the meeting tomorrow fire works ever e xhibited in Miss Gussie Beal of Burlington our young bays. Among the amanace County. ranged commissary, which is, and Senatorial conventions and ones we were glad to see were is spending he vacation with her in ci vilian language, an elegant to transact such other business of the committee of Progressives sister Mrs. Hilliard. which will decide on a call for a Bedford Patton and Jim Wyatte. dining room, a modern and up- as may properly come before the state Progressive convention. Mr. Frank Brown and Miss Glad to see them all. Enjoyable Oecatioo. to-date kitchen and every COn-! convention. The primaries for the Chairman James R. Garfield The Home of J. M. Ross on A l Bessie Fowler of Bur ington spent venience for living a happy and various townships and said today that the date of the Sunday nigh' with Frank iV fc tamahaw No. 1 was the scene of Miss Aleene Horne delightfii contented life. ThereTsTalso an precincts -wiii be held at the convention probably will be Sep entertained in honor of her k a Golden Wedding last week. Vey. „nn_ a„t0f) with thp m a in uiuai polling place in the county Mr. and Mr Charles Durham tember 4 5. or immediately after birthday. Those enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Ross have been fortifications in which are stored j P ^ in c ts the constitution election on Sept Home’s gracious hospit"" married 50 years the 14th. There visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. the latest there is in the way of D. H. Durham Saturday night. ember 3. Many Progressives were six sons and daughters arms and munitions of war for date at night 8 P. M. at the most favor Cleveland as the convent were; Misses Minnie Ivey, v present 26grand-children 18 girls tie Brnwn, Mamie Rimmer," the warfare that the colonel so convenient place for such meet ion city. 9 telle Rimmer, Sallie Page, 1 and 13 boys. Several friends ings, every voter who is qualR. F. 1). NO. 7. much enjoys. and neighbors graced the occas tha May Horne, Nannie Hon Upon entering the Fort, you ified to vote in the coming elec ion and helped to eat the sum- ’We are sorry to have to chro step Lillian Horne, Addie Whitt, BL into a large and beautiful tion, and who intends to support Call Ticket in Washington ptiously dinner. Mrs. A. T. Is- nicle the death of Miss Clara Ti tie Boswell, of this city, andI® the Republican National ticket at! ley of our No. 8 is daughter of nnin which oceured early Mon reception room furnished with the November election is entitled Bertha Horne of Asheboro,N. New York. Aug. 14.—Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ross. It was an day morning. Aug- 12. Miss elegant and restful furniture and to participate in these primaries, Elenor Carpenter, who is in cha Messrs. Joe Brown, Clyde I decorated with numerous troph •enjoyable occasion. Clara was the daughter of Mr. ies of the chase, including, what and are cordially in vited to do so, rge of organising the women for drews, Bun Snipes, FloydSnip and Mrs. W. A. Tinnin and the the writer believes to be a mag The republican precinct chairman the Progressive campaign, said Floyd Whitt, Charley Rime Ralph Warren, Early Pa, family desire to thank their fri what was will see that all precinct meet todav that a call will shortly he Floyd Teague, and Rex Ivey. R. F. D. No. 1. ends and neighbors for the kind -1 nificent ■ „ specimen v „ ofBull ings are held at the appointed issued to the women of the Uni Moose. The evening was spent va J. H. Coble and R. S. Shoffner ness and sympathy shown them l However , we are ^ fpledged ’l time, and that delegates are ted States urging them to work strictly went to Greensboro last week on during her sickness anddeath. pleasantly with games andmud to give only facts in these sketch properly elected to attend the for the Progressive ticket, as its business. Saturday Aug. 24 has been set es interspersed with a deligbtfif and wp will let our readers county convention, with cred plat form contains the suffrage Miss Swana Patterson, our a part to meet and clean off the decide course of refreshments. t; whether we are correct or entials in due form, for any des and industrial planks in which late hour the guests relucbA clever Postoffice clerk, who went grave yard at Mt. Herman Chura tij to Va. Beaeh about two weeks ji ch. All who are interested are not as to this. A wide veran ired information call or write the women are interested. departed declaring Miss fo t dah, filled with easy chairs and chairman. charming hostess. ago, returned home Monday and Lrequested to be Dresent. Fresh E»stern melons, nice will spend several days on No. I Mr. Tinnin Isley and wife of surrounding the building, is one Signed: J. Zeb Waller, Chairman. • j ripe bananas, Merchant Supply visiting her parents. ! near Greensboro are visiting rel- of the most attractive features The Dispatch a year forJfUH t. K D. He. S. FORT SNUG. J P » More Days And J. MAZUR Will Move Over TO OUR NEW AND HANDSOME STORE BUILD ING ON MAIN STREET Next to Freemans Drug Store. $7,500.00 worth of fine Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods and Ladies and M e n 's Furnishing is still left over in our store, which we want to sell before we move. Broken lots, od numbers are worth half price to the Merchant but not to the customers. Come here and get good new seasonable stock for nearly a half of th value, our aim is not lo carry over any goods from this store to ou new store if cut prices will help us to do so. Come Early and Get the Over. I. J. MAZUR, Uuntt oE tk a ie W k. tere4 the Dispatch ( Bertha May Horne Addie Ray Aurelia Ellington, Mebane, R. No. 4i W. J. Brooks ] Mary Lee Coble, R. Nd Waller Workman I f lizzie Cheek Bettie Lyde May W. I. Braxton, Snow < Martin U Coble, R. 1, T. F. Matkins, Gibsonvil Carrie Albright, ■ rtHaw Riv I Mrs. B. L. Shoffner, J. R. King, Greensbol May Carr Hall Margie Cheek Doyle Heritage The Battle of Ata| By far too little paid by the present g< the history of Alama and one of the obje article is to arouspji interest in this w ould give our j position, not only fj standpoint but from point of view to whu clearly entitled. Tl Alamance was fough of May 1771, four y the Mecklen burg Dec more than five years immortal document i ed to the world from 1 on the 4th day of Lexington is a house while Alamance known anywhere, i very same principlei gave rise to armed i British tryanny at L< ceiled their first bl upon the field of where our own hero© under-the^hadowol ment that marks th< ing place. This bi situated about eight of Burlington on the way leading to Libe dolph County. It i fin&st farming secti mont North Carolii place that one would suitable theatre fl blood and strife. 0[ ly imagine that in the peaceful and bl roundings of the ~vas fought that bat known in history an ducti ve of the great finally made of thi greatest governmen has ever known. This battlefield taken over by the and converted into a Park for the pleas might wish to visit I marked the begin Revolutionary war sequent birth of Our representati ves have been woefull; rot seeing to it that done long ago. It i that this stigma w moved and that so: thy o f the natioij heroes who peris^ battlefield, will s<j that will make of tl during and lasting our past glorious h Republican f The Republican North Burlington be held Friday nig! the Mayor's office, Burlington Precinc sett old store sti street, the same ni time, all republicai vited. This notic and invitation to given bv order < Chairman. Precir men will please tal I . F. D. Carriers’ 1 The Rural Lett Alamance County; ed to meet in the ( Gnaham, Monday, in the interest of ment and other portance. AH me W .X 1 J. A. ] C. ■ ■fiC' ..,4#*+ *> } 'v.'