- Duplantis Diary
- Duplantis Diary
April 2016 Duplantis Diary Eric & Christy Duplantis Missionary Candidates to Honduras Six months already! It’s hard to believe it’s already been six months since we boarded that plane. This new country is starting to feel like home now. We are growing to love the people, and learning more about them everyday. The winter is over and we are now in summer and the dry season. The country is truly beautiful with flowering trees and the bluest sky we have ever seen along with temps in the 90s and lots of dust blowing around. We celebrated Saydi’s 9th birthday complete with hotdogs, chili, and a pinata. She said birthdays in Honduras are awesome. We invited two families from the language school to the party. All of the adults REALLY enjoyed the chili hotdogs, saying “We forgot how much we missed these!” Our oldest son Tyler came to visit us for a week and we were able to visit the zoo, a nearby cave complete with bats, and the Mayan ruins in Copan. We saw the arena where the likeness of their gods still survives in statues that overlook ceremonial tables used for human sacrifice. I was struck by the evidence of the deception of the evil one from so long ago. Truly, our battle IS against powers , principalities, and spiritual forces and these same forces work to deceive ALL peoples today. School is going well though it is hard. I am now learning to speak in the past tense which means I can finally tell stories and talk about the things God has done in my life. Eric is finishing up his study of the present tense. He says that the gift of ‘Spanish tongues’ hasn’t come through yet, haha. It is quite difficult to learn a new language at 57 years of age and I admire his attitude and perseverance. He has had the opportunity to lead bible study a few times at our Tuesday night school fellowship which has been great. Most of you know how much he LOVES to teach the scriptures. He’s also been accompanying a young pastor into a rural village to minister on Saturdays. Benjy has started attending a bilingual Christian School. While he has been studying an hour a day with a teacher at the language school, we feel he needs more time with kids his age. He is very excited and so are we! He has school one-half day in English and onehalf day in Spanish. The Lord also has been speaking to us about a part of his future work for us. (High five for all those of you who have been faithfully praying for vision for us. ) He has been opening our eyes to the great need for discipleship of men. As you know, the foundation of any society is the family...and God’s design for the family... is to be lead by Godly men. - Christy We are extremely thankful for all of you who are praying for us and sending financial support. We have been safe from harm and well cared for. It has also truly been such a blessing to have our basic needs met. We know things are difficult and maybe frightening for most of you right now because of the oil field, and many of you are giving not out of your abundance, but out of your need. We are most humbled by your faith, and our prayer is that the Lord will provide for you, just as he is using you to provide for us. We are looking forward to seeing everyone when we come home for furlough from the middle of October through January. We would love the opportunity to speak at your church or small group. We also have a need for a place to stay in South Louisiana. Ideally, it would be a separate garage apartment, camp, or empty house as our kids are loud and active. We can pay $500 month if needed and our pets are not coming with us. We will be doing a good bit of traveling to visit family, supporters, and to do more fundraising. Blackathy, Saydi’s promised kitten Benjy’s first day of school Scout, our guard puppy with a seriously deep bark Prayer Requests -For the Lord to give us clear vision as to the next steps he wants us to take regarding how we are to best serve him here. -For our family and friends back home as they adjust to life without us nearby. -For God to ‘turn on’ the area of our brains that enable language learning. -For wisdom for the people of Honduras regarding their political situation. -For safety of the Honduran pastors and Christian leaders as they work to minister to their national brethren. Financial Status We continue to be in need of ministry partners. Our greatest need is for ongoing monthly support, followed by funds for a second vehicle. We have reviewed our current giving records and will now be reporting our actual current funding status. Our percentage is now lower in the graph than previously reported because we were previously reporting pledged funds. We understand the situation back home and have faith that God will provide for his people at home and abroad. 61% Ongoing Monthly Support *If you write checks for your donation, write #2345 in the memo instead of Duplantis ministry. We are changing this to better line up with IRS standards.* Visit https://giving.bmdmi.org/bmdmi-missionary Designate Eric & Christy Duplantis Or Mail a check to BMDMI, 11 Plaza Drive, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 Write #2345 on the memo line ericduplantis@bmdmi.org christyduplantis@bmdmi.org Your gift to BMDMI is tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. Per IRS guidelines, while every effort will be made to apply your gift to an indicated preference, if any, BMDMI has complete discretion and control over the use of the donated funds. Gifts are non-refundable. We thank God for you and appreciate your support.
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