

Fourth Grade goes to
Want to try snowboarding or
Complete these steps to
reserve your space!***
Completed Liability Waiver
Working Emergency Contact Number
Payment in Full
Application and Essay
Join Ms. Sciarra, Mr. Plaska, and Mrs. King on an
GRADE-LEVEL field trip to Arizona Snowbowl in
Flagstaff, AZ. We will be traveling by charter
bus and spending the day playing in the snow
and trying out skiing or snowboarding.
Your $50 covers the transportation from school
to the mountain and back, breakfast, lunch,
equipment rental, helmet rental, a two-hour
lesson and an all-day lift ticket. If you were to
go by yourself, this day would cost over $200!!
Where: Arizona Snowbowl, Flagstaff, AZ
Informational meeting on Jan 14, 2015 at 5:15
Friday, Jan 23 at 3:30pm
When: February 5, 2015
There’s more info is on the Home page of the
fourth grade website.
Questions? Call or email Mr. Plaska at:
***In order to go, you MUST have at least a C in all classes***
General Information
Behavior Expectations
• As representatives of Kenilworth, any unacceptable behavior will result in IMMEDIATE removal from the
mountain and spending the rest of the day sitting in the lodge - regardless of when the problem happens (on
the bus ride to Flagstaff, while gearing up, during the lesson, in lines for the lift, etc.)
• Unacceptable behavior includes dangerous actions, disrespect towards AZ Snowbowl staff, chaperones or
teachers, inappropriate language, leaving the assigned group and any action that places others in danger.
• NO REFUNDS will be made for students who are unable to participate in the field trip due to behavior issues.
• We will be traveling by charter bus provided by Divine Transportation.
• Breakfast and lunch will be provided by Kenilworth. It will be a sack lunch and some sort of breakfast food.
• Please bring a water bottle with your name on it.
• You will be responsible for bringing your own snack. Plan ahead if you are hungry all the time!
Load bus at Kenilworth
Arrive at AZ Snowbowl, check-in, gear-up
Ski or Snowboard Lessons
Hit the slopes!
Meet at lodge and return rental gear
Approximate arrival time at Kenilworth
Emergency Contact
• In case of an emergency, all parents will have the phone number of Mr. Plaska, Ms. Sciarra, and Mrs. King.
Important Dates
January 14 - MANDATORY Parent/Participant meeting at 5:15 - location TBD
January 23 - Registration and payment due at 3:30pm - FINAL DEADLINE
February 5 - Trip to AZ Snowbowl
Academic Connections
Even though this is an adventurous field trip, there are MANY opportunities for learning. We are firm believers
that the world should be our classroom and that a significant amount of learning can occur out of school. After
we return, students will answer questions related to the objectives in a short presentation during our "After
Party". At the party, we will also watch videos from the day and look at the pictures.
Discussion Objectives
1. I will make observations about the environment at Snowbowl as well as the positive and negative impacts
of human activities in the area around the mountain.
2. I will make observations about the plant life at the mountain and compare the adaptations these plants
have made to the cold weather as compared to the plant life in Phoenix/desert.
3. I will compare and contrast the weather conditions in Phoenix and Flagstaff.
Snow Tips
What to wear?
• Dress in layers. This way, if you get too hot, you can take off a layer OR if you are cold, you can
add more clothes.
- Example: T-shirt, long sleeved shirt, sweatshirt, jacket for your top half. Long-underwear,
sweats and snowpants for your bottom half.
• Snowpants - NOT JEANS OR SWEATS! These absorb water making you cold and wet. Make sure
you have pants that are water resistant.
• Winter Jacket - A sweatshirt WILL NOT WORK for this trip. You will want something that is WIND
AND WATER resistant so if you fall in the snow, you do not get wet. There is nothing worse than
being cold and wet on the mountain - it makes for a long and miserable day.
• Tall and Warm Socks - Ski and Snowboard boots are tall and REQUIRE that you wear tall socks
(the ankle/no-show type of socks will give you blisters and will ruin your day). Also, make sure the
socks are warm so your feet do not get cold while in the snow.
• Hat and gloves - Make sure your gloves are waterproof and warm. The thin, stretchy, kind WILL
NOT be warm enough.
Extra Clothes
• Chances are, you will be in the snow quite a bit and by the end of the day, you will be wet and cold.
Bring an extra change of clothes to wear on the bus. This will make the ride home more
• When riding on the chair lift, a scarf can be a hazard since it can become tangled in the chair or lift.
Then when getting off, you could get injured. It is ok if you would like to wear one for the bus ride,
but all scarves will be staying on the bus.
• Please drink plenty of water. A day on the mountain is extremely hard work and exhausting.
Please make sure you pack a water bottle with your name on it. We will have a place in the lodge
as a meeting spot so if you get thirsty, you can have a drink. Staying hydrated will be very
• The sun reflecting off the snow can be very bright. You might want to bring a pair of sunglasses so
you don't have to squint all day.
• If your child is prone to sunburn, please pack sunscreen. Even though it is cold, you can still get a
severe burn from being in the sun.
• Bring chapstick to keep your lips from getting dry.
Frequently Asked Questions
What about refunds?
No refunds will be made after January 23 UNLESS you have a replacement to take your spot on the bus.
Since we will be submitting the final paperwork to Arizona Snowbowl on January 29, this will be the ultimate
last day for changes and NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE AFTER THIS POINT. We are responsible for the
entire cost of the bus even if we do not fill all of the seats. Additionally, no refunds will be made for students
who have been removed from the mountain due to behavioral issues.
Why should my child go on this trip?
Education and school should be fun. The teachers that are a part of this trip believe school should be about
experiencing new things and seeing that what we learn is real. We want your children to be curious and
passionate about learning and exploring new things - this field trip is the perfect opportunity to do that!
What does my $50 pay for?
The cost of the field trip covers an all-day lift ticket, a two-hour ski or snowboard lesson, equipment rental
(including helmet), transportation to and from the mountain, breakfast and lunch. If not on a field trip, the cost
for all this would be over $225.
Can I bring my cell phone, mp3 player, iPod, iPad, etc.?
Yes. BUT, Kenilworth Elementary, Arizona Snowbowl and Divine Transportation are not responsible for any
lost belongings. Arizona Snowbowl does have lockers you can use to keep your belongings secure, however,
this is not included in the cost of the trip. (You will need to bring extra money to pay for the lockers)
How will I know my child will be safe while on the trip?
Great question! Snowboarding and skiing can be dangerous and for this reason, we are requiring that ALL
students wear a helmet. Additionally, they will only be allowed to ski/board on the hill appropriate for their skill
level with their group. After their lesson, they will have specific areas that they will be able to ride.
What kind of clothes should my child wear?
Please avoid wearing cotton clothing (t-shirts, sweat pants, jeans, sweatshirts). These absorb water causing
you to get cold and stay cold/frozen. For a detailed list of what to wear/pack, please see "Snow Tips”.
How can I pay for the trip?
We are accepting cash or checks. Please make checks payable to Kenilworth PTO. We will have a
collection envelope in the office in case you would like to drop off payment during the day. Be cautious about
sending cash with students as it can get lost or used to buy snacks on the playground :)
Does my child have to ride the bus?
We are requiring that all students attending the trip ride with us to the mountain so that we can make sure
everyone is ready for our lessons at 10:00am. At the end of the day, however, you will be able to drive your
child back to Phoenix (after filling out the required form).
This sounds awesome! I'd like to go, too!
Sadly, we do not have enough space for all parents to ride on the bus with us. There will be about 20 open
seats available on a first come first serve basis. Adult bus seats are for those parents who wish to ski or take
lessons. It will cost $50 for your spot; however, if you would like to meet us at AZ Snowbowl, we can get you
the discounted field trip price of $35 for rental, lessons and lift ticket. Please make arrangements with Mr.
Plaska before January 23 if you wish to do this.
How will I find out if the bus is late in returning?
Just like with class updates, we will have a Remind group created so we can quickly blast off a text to all the
parents in case of a delay or other update to our arrival. We will also use this to keep you updated throughout
the day on how things are going. Use the included code to register or wait we will help with this at the meeting. Application
Student/Child Information
Name: _______________________________ Age: _______
Grade: _______
Homeroom teacher: ____________________________
Parent/Guardian Information
Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________________
Phone Number:
) ____ - _____
Home (circle one)
Backup Number:
) ____ - _____
Home (circle one)
Emergency Contact Information
Emergency Contact Name: _______________________________
Phone Number: (
) ____ - _____
Home (circle one)
Relationship to Student: _______________________
Snow Experience
Which sport would you like to try? (circle one)
What is your experience with the snow? (circle one)
(None at all)
Do you have your own equipment? (circle one)
Teacher Use Only
Date Submitted: ____________
Cash: _____ Check: ______ Scholarship: _____
Short Answer Questions
As a part of the application, you need to answer the following questions. Please write at least 3
sentences for each.
1. Why do you want to go on this trip?
2. Do you do any other activities that involve balance?
3. How do you react when you fail at something or face a challenge?
4. What are three things you hope to learn by going on this trip?