June 2015 - Thousand Islands Central School


June 2015 - Thousand Islands Central School
June 2015
Dear Parents:
Thousand Islands Middle School
The final weeks of the 2014/15 school year are here. The last full day of school for students will be Monday,
June 15th. Sixth graders will enjoy a field trip on Thursday, June 11th, to The MOST Museum in Syracuse. On June 15th
seventh grade students will take a boat tour with a stop at Singer Castle. The eighth graders will travel to Seabreeze
Amusement Park for their field trip on Tuesday, June 23rd.
Please remind your child to take everything out of their lockers by the last day of school. Unclaimed items left in
lockers may be thrown away when the custodial staff begins their summer cleaning after the last full day of school.
We will hold our final awards assembly for the school year on Monday, June 15th, during 1st and 2nd periods.
Seventh and eighth grade students continue to have additional testing days during the month of June. Please make
sure that your Middle School student gets adequate rest and a good breakfast each morning. Students taking State exams
will not be able to bring personal items into the testing room(s).
The test schedule for June is as follows:
June 1st
June 2nd
June 8th – 12th
June 15th
June 17th
June 19th
Grade 8 Science Written Exam
Math Field Test
7th & 8th Grade Final Exams (in class)
Grade 8 Foreign Language Written Exam
Algebra I CC Regents (p.m.)
Earth Science Regents (a.m.)
8AA students will return to school on the afternoon of June 17th for the Algebra I CC Regents and in the morning
of June 19th for the Earth Science Regents.
The Eighth Grade Recognition Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, June 16th, at 1:00 p.m. in the Middle
School/High School auditorium. A reception will follow in the courtyard (weather permitting).
On behalf of Thousand Islands Middle School, please know how much we value your ongoing involvement and
support throughout the school year. Please encourage your middle level students to continue reading throughout the
months of July and August. Have a wonderful summer!
Michael Bashaw Jr.
To be self-disciplined and in control of your emotions,
desires, and actions.
Lost and Found
Several items remain in our lost and
found collection. Please have your
student(s) stop by the middle school
office to see if they have any items
among the missing. Any items left
after July 2nd, 2015 will be donated to
Grade 7: Liam Ambersley and Natalie Richardson
Grade 8: Devin Hartwell, William Jones, Tyler Turgeon, and Kira Votra
Yearbooks are now on sale!!!! They
may only be purchased prior to 1st
period. Mrs. Spencer will be outside
the art room waiting for you to
purchase a yearbook. The cost is $17.
Please make checks payable to TIMS
Yearbook, or bring exactly $17.
Special Educators Corner by Tim Lauraine
6th Grade Special Education Resource Teacher
Information taken from “A Guide to Special Education” written by New York State United Teachers
and New York State Parents Teachers Inc.
What are test accommodations?
Test accommodations are changes in testing procedures or formats that enable students with disabilities
to participate in state and district tests. Examples of accommodations include more time to complete
tests, administering tests in a separate location, large print editions of tests, reading directions aloud to
students, and use of a calculator. If an IEP calls for test accommodations, it should be provided for all
tests, quizzes, and examinations.
If you have any “special” questions feel free to contact me at laurainet@ticsd.org
National Junior Honor Society
Mrs. Zeigler & Mr. Roesch
The following students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society in a
ceremony on May 29th, 2015:
Caden Babcock, Annika Balk, Kristi Bushey, Jason Byers, Madison Calhoun, Mikayla
Cipullo, Jonathan Clark, Jonathan Clegg, Gabe Clement, Mia Coene, Lily Connerton,
Macey Cooper, Shannon Corbett, Autumn Davis, Abigayle Dippel, Kayla Filiatrault,
Kaitlyn Garnsey, Alexi Hartz, Alana Hoover, Chance Ives, Tyler Kilcullen, Alexa
Kowalow, Ailene Lindsey, Jennifer McCarthy, Alivia Natali, Alyssa Nugara, Griffin
Partridge, Olivia Poventud, Kaitlyn Radley, Jason Reprogle, Luke Riddoch, Colby
Stewart, Aidan Sullivan, Paige Thompson, Kaylee Van Alstyne, Kassandra Votra,
Madison Wahl, Kerrigan Wiley, Renzi Youngs.
Congratulations to our newest members!
Science 7
Mrs. Bowman
Students are completing their final unit on the Human Body
and are beginning to prepare for their comprehensive final exam.
The final exam is scheduled for Wednesday, June 10th, during our
regularly scheduled class period. You can help your seventh grader prepare for the
exam by encouraging them to review the partner practice packet found in their
science binder. These packets have built-in questions and answers that students can
work on by themselves or with your assistance. Ask our child to show you these
built-in studying features. The final exam for seventh grade will count as 20% of
their fourth quarter grade.
8th Grade Seabreeze Field
On Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015 the eighth grade teaching team will take the eighth grade students, who have
earned the privilege, on the end-of-the-year graduation field trip to Seabreeze Amusement Park in Rochester,
NY. We will travel by school bus and van. Students will be organized into groups of approximately 10, with
one chaperone per group. In addition, one chaperone will be available for handling discipline problems that
may arise.
Parents must arrange for transportation to and from a local school site.
Bus Leaves:
Cape Vincent Elementary 6:00 am
Guardino Elementary
6:00 am
Middle School
6:15 am
Bus Returns: We will be returning to the middle school at approximately 9:00 P.M. Students will
be dropped off at the elementary schools 15 minutes later. Once again, transportation directly
to your house is not provided.
What to bring? Students should plan on bringing food or money for food. Also, lockers are
available so bring money for locker rental if the student wants to rent a locker. All drink
containers must be factory sealed and will be checked before departure. Open containers
will be thrown in the garbage before the bus departs from school grounds.
What else? The park has water rides. Students should bring a swim suit, towel, and a plastic bag
to carry wet clothing. Locker rental is available at the park
REQUIREMENTS: In order to go on this field trip students must be passing 8th grade and
moving on to the 9th grade. All finals and state exams administered by June 23rd must be
completed. Also, students who have received any major disciplinary referral, OR more than
one minor disciplinary referral between May 15th and June 23rd, 2015 will not be allowed to
go on the field trip.
We truly hope this will be a fun trip for all. If you have any questions about the trip please
contact any of the eighth grade teachers.
Dear Parents of Sixth Grade Students:
On Thursday, June 11th, the sixth grade class will be taking a field trip to
The Most Museum in Syracuse, thanks to the Thousand Islands Middle
School PTO who has graciously agreed to fund the trip. The sixth grade
class will leave school by bus around 8:00 am for Syracuse. There, we
will explore The Most and its scientific exhibits, the IMAX Theater and
the planetarium! At 12:30 pm, we will board busses to return to TIMS.
This schedule will allow students to return to school at the regular
dismissal time to ride the 2:30 bus home.
On the day of the field trip, your child should bring a bag lunch and a
drink. They should also bring a pair of socks if they wish to go in one
of the exhibits. Students may eat on the way down and on the way back
from Syracuse. The bus trip interferes with the lunch time they are used
to, so we suggest a snack for the way down, and a lunch on the return trip.
Bag lunches will also be available through the Middle School cafeteria for
the usual cost. If your child wishes to receive a bag lunch, he/she needs
to sign up with his/her homeroom teacher the week before the trip.
Any child who receives two minor or one major referral between now and
the field trip will lose their eligibility to attend on June 11th.
We are looking forward to a wonderful experience with your child and
have thoroughly enjoyed working with him/her this year. Feel free to
contact us at 686-5199 if you have any questions.
The Sixth Grade Team
Dear Parents of Seventh Grade Students:
On Monday, June 15th, the seventh grade class will be taking a field trip to Singer Castle. Once
again, the Thousand Islands Middle School PTO has graciously agreed to fund this end of the year
trip. The seventh grade class will leave school by bus around 9:15 am for Alexandria Bay on
Monday, June 15, 2015. There we will board an Uncle Sam’s tour boat for the trip to Singer
Castle. After touring Singer Castle, we will board the boat for the return trip to Alexandria Bay
and our bus ride home. This schedule will allow students to return to school at the regular
dismissal time to ride the 2:30 bus home.
On the day of the field trip, your child should bring a bag lunch and a drink. Bag lunches will also
be available through the Middle School cafeteria for the usual cost. If your child wishes to receive
a bag lunch, he/she needs to sign up with Ms. Roux in Math class the week before the trip. Since
we will be outdoors for a good part of the day, your child should dress appropriately for the
weather – (closed shoes, sweatshirts, raincoats, sunscreen), while also adhering to the TIMS dress
code attire. Students may have the opportunity to stop at the souvenir shop, so you may wish to
give your child some spending money as well.
In order to be eligible to participate in this field trip your child must have met the following:
 Be passing 7th grade and moving on to 8th grade
 Have not received any major disciplinary referrals or more than one minor disciplinary
referral between May 11th and June 12th
 Have taken and completed all final exams
 Foreign language binders approved by and turned in to foreign language teacher by Friday,
June 5th
If any of these criteria are not met your child will not be allowed to go on the trip and will be
required to remain at school. This trip has been planned to reward your student for the hard work
that has been accomplished this year in seventh grade.
We are looking forward to a wonderful last day with your child. Feel free to contact us at 6865199 if you have any questions.
The Seventh Grade Team
June Testing
1st – NYS Science 8 Written Test
8th – 12th – Grade 7 & 8 Finals
15th – Foreign Language Written Exam, Grade 8
17th – Algebra I CC Regents (accelerated students only)
19th – Earth Science Regents (accelerated students only)
Sixth Grade
Students have until the end of June
2015 to change their music or foreign
language sign up for the 2015-16
school year. Please contact Mrs.
Bartlett with questions or
changes @ ext. 4400.
Seventh Grade
Students have until the end of June
2015 to change their music choice or
to choose not to participate in music
for the 2015-16 school year. Please
contact Mrs. Bartlett with
questions or changes
@ ext. 4400.
School Materials Supply List for 2015 – 16
Supply lists will be available on the school website by July 1st.
Relay for Life Team “Unstoppable” is gearing up for the Relay for Life event,
June 12th & 13th at the Fairgrounds in Watertown. This year the team theme is
Super Heroes Unstoppable in Fighting Cancer. The parade of teams starts at
6pm. Please feel free to join dressed as your favorite Super Hero. Throughout
the night Team Unstoppable’s tent will have baskets to raffle off and games. Our
own Rhonda Spencer has been selected as honorary chair and will be
addressing the crowd at 10:00pm. She will be speaking about her experiences
with cancer. There will be team members walking the track and many activities
occurring from June 12th at 7pm until June 13th at 6am. All are welcome to
participate and help fight cancer. Feel free to contact Laura Hall at 686-5199,
ext. 4308, if you have any questions.
Sixth Grade Band
Congratulations to all sixth grade band members on an outstanding Spring Concert. I am so proud of all
of you. What a superb performance! You have worked so hard and come so far since September. Just
think, a short ten months ago you weren’t even sure how to hold your instrument. Now look at you!
In this final month of school sixth grade instrumentalists will be learning how to march. They will learn
a few commands and will be practicing marching outside to one of our concert pieces. This is a great
skill for all instrumentalists to be able to do.
All sixth graders are now eligible to participate in the Summer Marching Band. We will march in four
parades/competitions and have already begun rehearsing. Schedules are available from Mrs. Wiley as
well as a copy of the music to be memorized. Please join us this summer. It is a lot of fun and we
celebrate at the end of the season with a water park/amusement park field trip. Rehearsals begin June
Seventh & Eighth Grade Band
Congratulations to the 7th/8th grade band students. What a wonderful concert you presented to the
community. Congratulations for the outstanding performance at NYSSMA Majors. I am proud to be
your conductor and cannot wait to work with you again next year in 7/8 band or high school band. I am
pleased with the accomplishments that you have made this year. You all have grown musically.
In the last two weeks of school we will be learning the summer marching band music, practicing sight
reading, and taking the post assessment.
Over the summer continue to play your instrument. Play duets with a friend, form a small ensemble,
perform at church, the library, or in the park. You never know who might be listening. If you have the
opportunity please consider private lessons. There are many great teachers in the area who are looking
for aspiring musicians. If you are interested, give me a call at the school and I can provide you with the
names of some teachers. I can be reached at (315) 686-5594, extension 5630.
Have a Great Summer
Our sixth grade band and choir tour performance is tentatively scheduled for the morning of June
15th after the awards ceremony. Please wait for details in the weeks ahead.
Sixth Grade Choir
7th/8th Grade Choir
Congratulations to all In-House NYSSMA Soloists on your exceptional performances on May 26th.
Congratulation also goes out to the 7th/8th choir members who performed so beautifully and earned a
Gold Rating at the NYSSMA Majors Festival at Indian River High School on May 15th. I am so proud
of all of you for what you accomplished this year as singing musicians!
Continue to keep up the good work in class and throughout the entire summer. Consider participating in
many community performance opportunities available for youth: Young People’s Theater, Talent
Shows at the Opera House, Jefferson County Fair, MusicalU, and “Lyric Theater” performances, and
many of the workshops now available. Check your newspapers and online for opportunities. You may
also consider singing at your local church services and/or concerts. Whatever you choose just keep on
singing! I look forward to seeing you again in September!
This is the time of year when most students wonder what there is to do in choir. This is the time of year
when the director gets to spend time on teaching vocal technique and musicianship/sight-reading skills
that will improve each and every singer in the group! We will also complete our post-assessment testing
in class during the week of June 1st – 5th. Our concert and NYSSMA Majors performance counted as
50% of our post-assessment grade. However, the other 50% is a written test that includes musical
notation, symbols, and basic musical knowledge. We will have several review classes that will cover
material in these areas prior to testing.
7th/8th Guitar Class
Students in guitar have had a great year! We are revisiting chords that we learned a while ago while
introducing some new ones: Am, em7. Our strumming technique has improved by leaps and bounds.
We can now switch our pattern according to style and meter on demand. Our last area of focus has been
the last string (6th string) notes of the guitar: E-F-G. We will end the year by preparing the full diatonic
scale from the open 6th string all the way up to the third fret of the 1st string and learning the song,
American Pie, by Don McClean. This is our song choice for our final exam. We will have a
comprehensive final exam which will include a written portion and a playing portion. This will be a
week-long process and each student will be evaluated individually in class beginning on June 1st. All
students are encouraged to prepare for this at home by reviewing all of the terms in the back of our book
and by practicing their final exam pieces and scales. Copies can be made upon request for anyone who
wants them.
Family & Consumer Science
Mrs. Curtis
Taste-It-Tuesday Idea
An inspiration that began with Mrs. Chapman, Cafeteria Manager, finally happened on May 12 th. It
tied in with the Jr. Iron Chef Competition, with middle school students tasting a new food. On
Monday, May 11th, four of the Jr. Iron Chef Competition winners, along with a couple of their friends,
stayed after school to make the chickpea pizzas and kept them in the refrigerator overnight. The girls
were anxious to stay, and made several batches of their recipe, as Mrs. Chapman allowed them the
experience of working in a commercial kitchen. On Taste-It-Tuesday all middle school students were
encouraged to taste a small sample of the pizza along with their regular lunch. Most of the students
did try the new product and the responses were very favorable. Many thumbs-up could be seen as
they tasted the mini pizzas; and as they were leaving the cafeteria, numerous students remarked that
“they were good!” One of the components of the North Country Jr. Iron Chef Competition, at the
regional level, is to develop a recipe that could be served in a school cafeteria. With the Taste-ItTuesday Activity, that component was accomplished as well.
Family & Consumer Science – Grade 8
Mrs. Curtis
8th Grade Companies
As a culminating project for the eighth grade Careers Classes, each of the four sections
has become their own separate company. It’s called the Entrepreneur Project and
students have been learning what is involved in a business venture. Each company has
a CEO and four departments led by the Head of the Department. Along with choosing a
company name and product to manufacture, the students had to agree on a charity to
support with the profit they collect throughout the project. The four departments are:
the Production Team (actually prepare several products to be sold); the Marketing
Team (devise ways to sell their product – posters, commercials, etc.); the Packaging
Team (create a prototype of the best package for their product); and the Financial Team
(recommend the price for the product taking into account the cost of materials and the
expected profit margin).
The second period class is called The Bounces of Fun Company and is making colorful
bouncy balls. Madyson Amo is the CEO. The charity that they are supporting is the
The third period class is called The Fun Bucket Clan & Company with Matt Barton as the
CEO. This class decided to sell their products at the Shurfine Grocery Store. They made
two flavors of milkshakes – Oreo and Strawberry. They chose the slogan: “Take a break
for a shake” and their chosen charity is cancer research.
The fourth period class is called P.E.P. Company, which stands for People Eating
Popsicles. Alita White is the CEO of this group and the charity they are supporting is St.
Jude’s Hospital. They are making three flavors of popsicles: Orange Cream Sickle,
Chocolate Pudding Popsicle, and a Strawberry Banana Tasty Pop.
The sixth period class calls themselves the River Bands Company. Emilee Clement is the
CEO and they are making headbands out of discarded t-shirts, and para-cord bracelets.
The charity they are supporting is called rePURPOSE, which attempts to abolish human
Popcorn Chicken or
General TSO Chicken
Egg Roll
Shrimp Poppers
w/Cocktail Sauce
Seasoned Corn
French Toast Sticks
Sausage Patty
Hash Brown
Fruit Juice Cup
Tacos w/Lettuce,
Cheese, & Salsa
Baked Beans
Pasta w/Meatballs
Dinner Roll
Green Beans
Hamburger on a Bun
French Fries
Carrot Sticks
Chicken Patty on a Bun
French Fries
Carrot Sticks
Sloppy Joe on a Bun
Seasoned Corn
Stuffed Crust Pizza
Romaine Salad
USDA Is An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer – Menu is Subject to Change Without Notice
Thousand Islands
Middle/High School
Lunch Menu
Daily Entrée Choices
-PBJ Sandwich
-Pizza Slice
-Yogurt Parfait
-Salad w/Grilled Chicken
-Buffalo Chicken Wrap
-Assorted Deli Wraps
-Buffalo Chicken Salad
Choice of Sides
-Fresh Fruit
-Canned Fruit
-Applesauce Cup
Choice of
-Fat Free White Milk
-1% White Milk
-Fat Free Chocolate Milk
JUNE 2015
Day 5
*Science 8
Written Test
*Deadline for
25 or more
Books Read
Day 4
*Faculty Mtg.
– 2:30pm
Day 3
Assembly –
7:40 am
*Grade 8 F.L.
Written Exam
*7th Grade
Field Trip
*Grade 8
Moving Up
Day 2
Day 6
Day 1
*Math Field
*7AA Science
Field Trip
Day 5
Day 4
*8th Grade
Ceremony –
*BOE Mtg. –
Day 3
*Final Grades
Due – 8am
*8th Grade
Field Trip to
Day 3 6
*Blue & Gold
Club Field
Night 7-9pm
Day 6 11
Day 1 12
Day 2 13
*6 Grade
Field Trip to
*Final Locker
Day 5 18
Day 6 19
Day 1 20
*Algebra I
Regents - pm
Day 4
Day 2
6th Graders
Tour MS –
Regents - am
*Rating Day
*Report Cards
T. I. Middle School
8481 County Rte. 9
Clayton, NY 13624
The decision for closing or delaying the school will normally be made by 6:00am. If school is
closed or delayed, the announcement will be made over Radio Stations: Regents Broadcasting 790 AM WTNY, 1410 AM WUZZ, 93.3 FM WCIZ, 97.5 FM WFRY; Community Broadcasters:
1240 AM WATN, 103.1/100.1/104.3 FM WTOJ Majic, 106.7/92.7 FM WBDI/WBDB The Border,
100.7 FM WOTT Real Rock, 102.7 WBDR KIX Country
TV Stations: TV 7 WWNY, TV 50 WWTI, TV 3 WSTM Syracuse and, News 10 NOW.
In the event that school is delayed, it will always be a two-hour delay. Parents should
be advised that bus students will be picked up two hours later than normal.