waltonfordselectedgro upexhibitions
waltonfordselectedgro upexhibitions
WALTON FORD Born in Larchmont, New York, 1960 Lives and works in New York, New York S E L E C T E D S O L O 2014 2011 2010-2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2002 2000 1999 1998 1997 1993 1991 1990 E X H I B I T I O N S PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New York “I don't like to look at him, Jack. It makes me think of that awful day on the island,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New York “Walton Ford,” LOUISIANA MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, Humlebaek, Denmark “Walton Ford: Bestiarium,” HAMBURGER BAHNHOF MUSEUM FUR GEGENWART, Berlin; ALBERTINA, Vienna PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New York PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New York "Tigers of Wrath: Watercolors by Walton Ford" NORTON MUSEUM OF ART, West Palm Beach, FL (Summer 2007) SAN ANTONIO MUSEUM OF ART, San Antonio, TX (Fall 2007-Winter 2008) “Tigers of Wrath: Watercolors by Walton Ford,” BROOKLYN MUSEUM, Brooklyn, NY “Walton Ford: Works on Paper,” JOHN BERGGRUEN GALLERY, San Francisco, CA PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New York “Bitter Gulfs,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY at 511, New York NEW BRITAIN MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART, New Britain, CT MICHAEL KOHN GALLERY, Los Angeles PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New York PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New York “Brutal Beauty,” BOWDOIN COLLEGE MUSEUM OF ART, Brunswick, ME UNIVERSITY ART MUSEUM, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, Long Beach, CA KOHN-TURNER GALLERY, Los Angeles, CA PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New York ASPEN ART MUSEUM, Aspen, CO “Walton Ford,” SOUTHEASTERN CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY ART, North Carolina PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New York “Procrustean Beds,” NICOLE KLAGSBRUN GALLERY, New York, in collaboration with MICHAEL KLEIN, INC., New York THE CONTEMPORARY ARTS CENTER, Cincinnati, OH VIRGINIA BEACH CENTER FOR THE ARTS, Virginia Beach, VA BESS CUTLER GALLERY, Santa Monica, CA BESS CUTLER GALLERY, New York “The Blood Remembers,” BESS CUTLER GALLERY, New York S E L E C T E D G R O U P E X H I B I T I O N S 2013 2012 2011 “One Great Night in November,” The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX “The Bear Necessities,” JOHN BERGGRUEN GALLERY, San Francisco, CA “Grey Full,” JEFF BAILEY GALLERY, New York, NY “Winged Shadows: Life Among Birds,” NORTH DAKOTA MUSEUM OF ART, Grand Forks, ND “Traum und Realität,” GALERIE SIEGEL-‐SPRINGMANN, Freiburg 2010-2011 2008 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 “The Art of Giving,” JOHN BERGGRUEN GALLERY, San Francisco, CA “Wunderkammer: A Century of Curiosities,” MOMA, New York “Going Ape: Confronting Animals in Contemporary Art,” DeCORDOVA MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE PARK, Lincoln, MA “Rare Specimen,” THE ARSENAL GALLERY, New York “Social Realisms,” THE PARK SCHOOL, Brooklandville, MD “For the Birds,” ARTSPACE, New Haven, CT “Political Nature,” THE WHITNEY MUSEUM, New York “Natural Histories: Realism Revisited,” SCOTTSDALE MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Scottsdale, AZ “Animals & Us: The Animal in Contemporary Art,” THE GALERIE ST. ETIENNE, New York “Birdspace: A Post-Audubon Artists Aviary,” traveling exhibition, CONTEMPORARY ART CENTER, New Orleans; NORTON MUSEUM OF ART, West Palm Beach; THE HUDSON RIVER MUSEUM, Yonkers, NY; MCDONOUGH MUSEUM OF ART, Youngstown, OH; TUCSON MUSEUM OF ART, Tucson “Creatures That Stir, Symbol & Satire in Animals of Imagination,” PALO ALTO ART CENTER, CA “The Great Drawing Show,” MICHAEL KOHN GALLERY, Los Angeles, CA “One Thousand Words,” JOHN MICHAEL KOHLER ARTS CENTER, Sheboygan, WI. “Acquiring Taste,” REAL ART WAYS, Hartford, CT “Resisting Categories: Prints,” THE GALLERY OF SOUTH ORANGE, South Orange, NJ “Hot and New in 2002,” KATONAH MUSEUM OF ART, Katonah, New York “Natural Histories: Artists Forage in Science and Nature,” SCHMIDT CENTER GALLERY, FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY, Boca Raton, FL “Deja Vu: Reworking the Past,” KATONAH MUSEUM OF ART, Katonah, New York “Collectors Gallery XXXIII,” THE McNAY GALLERY, San Antonio, TX “The Great Drawing Show 1550 - 1999" KOHN TURNER GALLERY, Los Angeles, CA “Summer Show: 1999,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New York “Armory Show,” The ARMORY SHOW 1999, New York “Wild Thing: Artists Views of the Animal World,” JOHN BERGGRUEN GALLERY, San Francisco, CA “Summer,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New York “Animal Tales: Contemporary Bestiary and Animal Painting,” WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART AT CHAMPION, CT “Landscapes,” PAUL KASMIN GALLERY, New York “Heroic Painting,” S.E.C.C.A., curated by Susan Lubowsky, Winston-Salem, NC “Classics Revisited,” WINSTON WACHTER FINE ART, New York “Next of Kin,” LIST VISUAL ARTS CENTER, MIT, Cambridge, MA “A Vital Matrix,” DOMESTIC SETTING, Los Angeles, CA “Walton Ford, Jimmie Durham,” HO GALLERY, Hong Kong “Americana,” GRAND SALON, New York “Ashley Bickerton, Jimmie Durham, Walton Ford, Jeff Wall,” NICOLE KLAGSBRUN GALLERY, New York 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 “Points of Interest, Points of Departure,” JOHN BERGGRUEN GALLERY, San Francisco, CA. “American Landscape,” MICHAEL KLEIN, INC., New York “History 101: The Re-Search for Family,” curated by Mel Watkin. FORUM FOR CONTEMPORARY ART, St. Louis, MO “Living with Art: the collection of Ellyn & Saul Dennison,” THE MORRIS MUSEUM, Morristown, NJ “Kurswechsel,” MICHAEL KLEIN, INC. at Transart Exhibitions, Cologne, Germany “The Landscape as Stage,” curated by Meyer Raphael Rubinstein, LOCKS GALLERY, Philadelphia, PA “Junge Americanische und Deutsche Malerei,” GALERIE SCHULZE, Cologne, Germany “Artists Books from A to B: Contemporary Artists’ Books,” CENTER FOR ARTS BOOKS EXHIBITION, Harper Collins, New York “In the Looking Glass: Contemporary Narrative Paintings,” MINT MUSEUM OF ART, Charlotte, NC BESS CUTLER GALLERY, New York “A Sense of Place,” MONTGOMERY MUSEUM OF FINE ART, Montgomery, AL “Critical Revisions,” curated by Lois Nesbitt, BESS CUTLER GALLERY, New York “Collectors Choice of Emerging Artists - 1990, VERED GALLERY, East Hampton, New York “Brut 90,” WHITE COLUMNS, New York “American Pi(e),” BESS CUTLER GALLERY, New York “Un Regard Autre,” FARIDEH CADOT GALLERY, Paris, France S E L E C T E D B I B L I O G R A P H Y 2012 2011 Ahluwalia, Waris, “Walton Ford and Ryan McGinley,” THE PARIS REVIEW, Summer Frankel, David, “Walton Ford,” ARTFORUM, February Indrisek, Scott, “Walton Ford,” MODERN PAINTERS, February Wei, Lilly, “Walton Ford: Paul Kasmin,” ARTNEWS, January Lala, Kiša, “Ape and Super-ape: A Chat With Walton Ford on Unnatural Histories,” HUFFINGTON POST, December 10 Indrisek, Scott, “Walton Ford,” WHITEWALL MAGAZINE, Winter Loos, Ted, “Working Practice: Walton Ford at Paul Kasmin,” 1ST DIBS, December Indrisek, Scott, “Walton Ford's Postmodern Naturalism Evolves, Adding Hollywood to Audubon in His New Show,” ARTINFO, December 6 Kazakina, Katya, “Killer $2 Million Monkeys,” BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK, November 16 Duray, Dan, “Ford’s Focus,” NEW YORK OBSERVER, November 4 Helander, Bruce, “Gorillas in our Midst,” THE ART ECONOMIST Volume 1, Issue 9, December Andrews, Julie D., “Walton Ford’s Massive King Kong Watercolors,” ELLE.COM, October 27 Hoffman-Williamson, Jen, “Walton Ford at Paul Kasmin Gallery,” WHITEWALL MAGAZINE BLOG, October 17 “Second Nature: A Sneak Peek at Walton Ford’s Upcoming Exhibit at Paul Kasmin Gallery,” PAPER MAGAZINE BLOG, September 23 “Fall Preview ’11: And We’re Also Anticipating: Walton Ford,” NEW YORK MAGAZINE, August 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Collu, Cristiana “Il lato oscuro della Natura,” ART MAGAZINE ITALIA, February Thjellesen, Johnny “Når Naturen Bliver Politisk, BILLEDKUNST, December Rassmussen, Lundbeck Sǿren “Louisiana-Museum for Moderne Kunst:Walton Ford,” MENNESKEDYRET, November Montigny, Britte “ Oumbärligt för vuxna men inget för barn,” HALLANDS NYHETER, December Hartvig, Jette “Dus med dyrene,” KRISTELLGT DAGBLAD, November Mǿrup, Merete “Ǽstetisk grusomhed I teknisk perfection,” ANMELDELSER Jeppesen, Michael “Frǽkke, frǽkke Louisiana, “BILLEDER KULTURTILLǼG, November Weirup, Torben “Den Menneskelige Zoo,” BERLINGSKE TIDENDE KULTUR, December Kristiansen Lerche, Annegerd “Det handler ikke om nǽse-hornet,” POLITIKEN, November Bodin, Claudia “Der Maler und das liebe Vieh,” ART DAS KUNSTMAGAZIN, July Febler, Anne Katrin “Die visuelle Sprace des ersten Kontakts,” DER STANDARD, June Kaminski, Astrid “Das vergiftete Paradies,” BERLINER ZEITUNG, January Richter, Peter “Kleine Angst vor groBen Tieren,” FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE SONNTAGSZEITUNG, January Voss, Julia “Kann man noch deutlicher falschliegen?” FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG, January Tomkins, Calvin “Man and Beast – The narrative art of Walton Ford” NEW YORKER, January Kino, Carol “Beauty & the Beasts” TOWN & COUNTRY, January Ford, Walton, and Benedikt Taschen. Pancha tantra. Köln: Taschen, 2009. Print. George, Lynell “Animal Behavior” LA TIMES, March 16, Sand, Olivia “Walton Ford” ASIAN ART, April Cohen, David “Back to Basics” NY SUN, May 22 Colman, David “Jokes From The Family Album” NY TIMES, June 8 Panero, James “Gallery Chronicle” THE NEW CRITERION, June Landi, Anne “Walton Ford’s Not-so-Peaceable Kingdom” FINE ART CONNOISSEUR, June “Brute Soul-Recent Paintings by Walton Ford” HARPERS BIZARRE, August Bryant, Eric “Walton Ford” ARTnews, October Hirsch, Faye “King of the Beasts” ART IN AMERICA, October Wendt, William “Walton Ford”, MEN’S JOURNAL, May Hawgood, Alex “Beastie Boy” NEW YORK TIMES, September 16 Garnier, Jean Michel “Walton Ford’s Pancha Tantra” LA RESERVE, October. Zeitz, Lisa “Dschungelbuch” ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST (Germany) October 30 “La Jungla Animada en Papel” EL PAIS.COM, October 9 Rogovoy, Seth.. “The Natural.” BERKSHIRE LIVING, November/December Genocchio, Benjamin. “Art In Review,” NEW YORK TIMES, November 24 Froelich, Leopold. “Fordism,” STOP SMILING, November NEW YORKER, November 20 “Goings On About Town,” THE NEW YORKER, November 13 Yablonsky, Linda. “Monstrous Infant, Fevered Elephant Embody Beauty in Brooklyn.” .COM Budick, Ariella. “Art That’s Larger than Life.” NEWSDAY.COM, November 12 If You Do One Thing...” TIME OUT NEW YORK, November 2-8 Finkelstein, Alix. “A Tiger Roars in Brooklyn,” THE NEW YORK SUN, November 2 Sunday Arts and Leisure, NEW YORK TIMES, October 29 2005 2004 2003 2002 Sketchbook, THE NEW YORKER, August 28 Goodbody, Bridget, “The Redemption of History,” ART ON PAPER, May/June Enright, Robert. “Misadventures Along the Nature Trail” BORDER CROSSINGS, March Conley, Kevin. “Built Ford Tough,” MEN’S VOGUE, Fall “Nature Without Nurture,” THE NEW YORK SUN, June 25 Grant, Annette. “America the Beautifully Absurd,” THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 22 Yanofsky, Anna. “Force of nature,” TIMEOUT NEW YORK, May 19-25 “A Naturalist Painter Evokes Legends of the Past.” THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 10 Color Reproduction, THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 16 The Sydney and Walda Besthoff Collection, “New Art in an Old City/3", New Orleans Frazier, Ian. “Hog’s Wild,” THE NEW YORKER, Dec 12 Marshall, Julia. “Metaphor in Art, Thought, and Learning,” SEMIOTICS AND VISUAL CULTURE, SIGHTS, SIGNS, AND SIGNIFICANCE Marshall, Julia. “Articulates Images: Bringing the Pictures of Science and Natural History into the Art Curriculum,” STUDIES IN ART EDUCATION: A JOURNAL OF ISSUES AND RESEARCH IN ART EDUCATION Highet, Alistair. “Animal Planet.” PREVIEW CONNECTICUT, January Genocchio, Benjamin. “Not Only Watching,; Painting and Sculpting; Too,” THE NEW YORK TIMES, February Ford the Explorer,” FORBES, FYI, Spring Steingarten, Jeffrey. “To Kill a Woodcock,” VOGUE, March. (Color Reproduction) Color Reproduction. ART FORUM, May Color Reproduction. ART IN AMERICA, May “Where to Buy Walton Ford,” MICHAEL KOHN GALLERY, May 28 Haus, Mary. “Birds That Sing a Different Tune” ARTNEWS, June “Walton, Ford,” THE NEW YORKER, June 14-21 “Walton Ford, Bitter Gulfs,” TIME OUT NEW YORK, June 24 - July 1 Cyphers Wright, Jeffrey. “Catch at Your Own Risk” OFFOFFOFF.COM, July Grosz, David. “Gallery-Going,” THE NEW YORK SUN, Review, July 1 Mar, Alex. “Paper Trail, The Drawings Collector Who’s Got the Art World Talking,” NEW YORK MAGAZINE, July 19 Color Reproduction, VOGUE, October Erikson, Matthew. “Strong Statements Underlie Visual Vividness of Walton Ford,” THE HARTFORD COURANT, November 30 Color Reproduction, “Carl and Mary Siegel,” ELLE DECOR, December 2004 - January 2005 “Walton Ford,” ART:21, 2003 Schwendener, Martha. ARTFORUM, Review, January Gilhooley, Derren, “Nature’s Way,” HARPER’S & QUEENS, color reproduction, January Gilmore, Jonathan. TEMA CELESTE, Review, January/February. Color Reproduction, ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST, May. Worthington, Nanci, “Walton Ford, Artist,” THE ARTFUL MIND, June Color Reproduction, THE NEW YORKER, August 11 Markey, Kevin. “First Encounters,” ORION, November/ December. “Acquiring Taste,” REAL ART WAYS, color reproduction “Survival of the Fittest,” VIEWS, THE RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN, Spring,. Color Reproduction, NEW YORKER, January 14 Color Reproduction, THE NEW YORKER, January 21 “Walton Ford,” ART ON PAPER, March-April. 2001 2000 McNally, Owen. “Teams Bring Embarrassment Of Riches to RAW,” THE HARTFORD COURANT, March 31 Rosoff, Patricia. “Acquired Tastes?,:” THE HARTFORD ADVOCATE, April 4 “One Thousand Words,” exhibition summary listed in mailing by JOHN MICHAEL KOHLER ARTS CENTER “One Thousand Words,” exhibition summary listed in mailing by JOHN MICHAEL KOHLER ARTS CENTER (includes Ford image) “One Thousand Words—focuses on Arts Centers theme of storytelling,” SHEBOYGAN PRESS, June 2 “Once Upon a Time— Event to Kick of Summer of Storytelling Programs,” SHEBOYGAN PRESS, June 16 Holmes, Steven. “Acquiring Taste.” REAL ART CENTER. Exhibition catalogue. Slouka, Mark. “A Year Later, Notes on America’s Intimations of Mortality,” Color Reproduction, HARPER’S MAGAZINE, September. Listing and Color Reproduction, NEW YORK MAGAZINE, September 9. Katz, Steven. “Walton Ford: Tigers of Wrath, Horses of Instruction,” NEWS FROM ABRAMS, October “Walton Ford,” ART IN AMERICA, October 22Jacobson, Mark. “Nature Boy,” NEW YORK MAGAZINE, October 21 “Walton Ford,” THE NEW YORKER, October 29 “Walton Ford,” THE NEW YORK SUN, October 22 Gleuck, Grace. THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 8 Katz, Steven, and Dodie Kazanjian. Walton Ford: tigers of wrath, horses of instruction. New York: H.N. Abrams, 2002. Print. Leffingwell, Edward. Review, ART IN AMERICA, January Long, Andrew. “Man and Beasts,” DEPARTURES, March/April Color Reproduction, NEW YORKER, October 8 “FAU exhibit to present contemporary views of science, environment,” SUNSENTINEL, November 5 Schudel, Matt. ANatural Selections,” SUN-SENTINEL, November 18 Arning, Bill. “Walton Ford=s Non-Fiction Fiction, BRUTAL BEAUTY, Bowdoin College Museum of Art, 2000 Franklin Burroughs. “Visions and Revisions,” BRUTAL BEAUTY, Bowdoin College Museum of Art, 2000 Linton, Meg, “Avatars, the Watercolors of Walton Ford,” 2000 Kazanjian, Dodie. “The Elephant Man,” VOGUE, May Newhall, Edith. “King of the Beasts,” NEW YORK MAGAZINE, May 15 Vincent, Steven. “Kasmin Shows Walton Ford,” ART AND AUCTION, May 15 Illustration, THE NEW YORKER, May 22 Scobie, Ilka. “Mimesis for the New Millennium,” ARTNET.COM, May 24 Johnson, Ken. “Art in Review,” NEW YORK TIMES, May 26 Varadajan, Tunku. “Allegory on the Nila,” FINANCIAL TIMES, May 27 Color Reproduction, TOWN & COUNTRY, June Pedersen, Victoria. “Gallery Go Round,” PAPER MAGAZINE, June Johnson, Ken. “Art Guide,” NEW YORK TIMES, June 2 “In Principio Fu L’elefante,” AMICA, June 7 THE NEW YORKER, June 19 & 26. Dagnini Brey, Ilaria. “memoria d’elefante,” ITALIAN ELLE, August Gillett, Michele. “The Big Picture,” BERKSHIRES WEEK, September 14 “Brutal Beauty...Artist Walton Ford Exhibits His Largest Collection of Paintings.” THE 1999 1998 1997 1996 1994 COASTAL JOURNAL, September 28 “Bowdoin exhibition puts focus on Ford’s bird paintings of ‘90,” WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT PLANNER, September 28 Sims, Pat. “Inverted Audubon,” CASCO BAY WEEKLY, September 28 East, Ashley. “Brutal Beauty: Where the wild things are,” THE BOWDOIN ORIENT, September 29 Hayt, Elizabeth. “Nature Painting That Looks Unnatural,” NEW YORK TIMES, October 15 Temin, Christine. “Ford’s Brutal birds land at the Bowdoin Museum,” THE BOSTON GLOBE, October 25 Schweitzer, Bibi. “Walton Ford Joins the Ranks,” THE GLOBE, October 26 Isaacson, Philip. “Ford’s paintings embrace Audubon - but with a twist,” MAINE SUNDAY TELEGRAM, November 19 “Avators: The Watercolors of Walton Ford,” Exhibition catalogue, UNIVERSITY ART MUSEUM, California State University, Long Beach, 1999 .Kaylan, Melik. “The Natural,” TOWN & COUNTRY, January Preview “Walton Ford at University Art Museum, California State University,” ART NOW GALLERY GUIDE, January Ollman, Leah. “A Philosophical Take on Zoology in Walton Ford’s Wry Paintings,” Art Review, LOS ANGELES TIMES, March 5 M.B.. “People are talking about taking flight,” VOGUE, April Hirsch, Faye. “Working Proof,” ART ON PAPER, Vol.3, No. 5, May - June Linton, Meg. “Inside the Watercolor World of Walton Ford,” JUXTAPOZ, May/June Cheever, Susan. “Country House Art Gallery,” Jackie & Irving Blum’s interior view, ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST, July Kazanjian, Dodie. “Animal Magnetism,” VOGUE, July. “Hunting & Gathering: the Luxury List,” HOUSE & GARDEN, September. “Birds in the Hand,” ARTnews, October Safrani, Shehbaz H., MARQ MAGAZINE, March Tully, James. REVIEW, May 1 Review of Exhibition, THE NEW YORKER, May 11 Illustration, THE NEW YORKER, November 9 Gomez, Edward. “Past Is Present”, ART & ANTIQUES, December. Miller, Jamie. “The Critical Nature of Ford,” ASPEN MAGAZINE, Midwinter MUSEUM NEWS, THE ASPEN ART MUSEUM, Winter Review of exhibition, THE DAILY NEWS, April 26 Falkenstein, Michelle. “Shiva’s Pets,” NEW YORK PRESS, April 28 Review of exhibition, THE NEW YORKER, April 28- May 5 Review of exhibition, THE VILLAGE VOICE, April 29 Schjeldahl, Peter. Review of exhibition, THE VILLAGE VOICE, April 30-May 6 Wakefield, Neville. “Walton Ford,” ELLE DECOR, June/July Eugenides, Jeffrey. “Walton Ford,” BOMB, Fall Frankel, David. Review, ARTFORUM, October Rubinstein, Raphael. “Walton Ford at Paul Kasmin,” ART IN AMERICA, December Schjeldahl, Peter. “Heroism Addiction”, “Heroic Painting”, exhibition catalogue, Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Kimmelman, Michael. “History Painting: Yes, Those Enormous Canvases”, THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 30 Review of exhibition, ART & ANTIQUES, December Sangster, Gary, essay from exhibition catalogue, “Rooms,” Morris Museum. 1993 1992 1991 1990 1988 1987 1985 Watkins, Mel and Lucy Lippard. “History 101: The Re-Search for Family,” essay from exhibition catalogue, Forum for Contemporary Art Duffy, Robert W., Review of exhibition, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, January 30 Cameron, Dan. “Ode to Discernment,” FRIEZE, January/February, pp36-40 Ziolkowski, Thad. “Walton Ford,” ARTFORUM, February Bayliss, Sarah. “Walton Ford at Nicole Klagsbrun,” ART IN AMERICA, May Rubinstein, Meyer Raphael. “Walton Ford,” ARTNEWS, February and ARTNEWS, Japanese Edition Vol. 1, No. 3, May Hakanson Colby, Joy. Review of exhibition, THE DETROIT NEWS, August 11 Rubinstein, Meyer Raphael. Essay from ex. cat., “The Killing Fields,” The Contemporary Art Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1993 Rubenstein, Meyer Raphael. “Landscape as Stage,” Locks Gallery exhibition pamphlet, 1993 Wilette, Jean and Mark Leach. Exhibition catalogue, “In the Looking Glass: Contemporary Narrative Painting,” Mint Museum of Art, 1993 Durham, Jimmie. “To be a Pilgrim: Walton Ford,” ARTFORUM, January Annas, Teresa. “The Two Faces of John James Audubon,” THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT, October 11 Watkins, Eileen. Review of exhibition, THE SUNDAY STAR-LEDGER, November 7 Durham, Jimmie. “To Be a Pilgrim: Walton Ford,” ARTFORUM, January Levin, Kim, “Choices,” THE VILLAGE VOICE, November 9 Levin, Kim. “Choices,” THE VILLAGE VOICE, February 19. Downe, Edward. “The Top 100 Collectors,” ART & ANTIQUES, March. Maschal, Richard. “Through the Looking Glass,” THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, July 21. Redd, Chris. “In the Looking Glass,” ART PAPERS, September/October. Cutler, Bess. “Priorities,” 7 DAYS, March 14. Review of Exhibition, THE NEW YORKER, April 30. Liu, Catherine. Review of exhibition, ARTFORUM, May. Mahoney, Robert. Review of exhibition, ARTS, May. Gilbert, Elizabeth. “Galleries,” DOWNTOWN EXPRESS, September 3. Spector, Nancy. “The Other Man: Alternative Views of Masculinity, The New Museum,” ARTSCRIBE, January/February Raynor, Vivien. “Art: Two Kinds of Pop, Fakery, and Masculinity,” THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 12. “Un Regard Autre (Group Show) at Farideh Cadot Gallery,” DOWNTOWN, October . Braff, Phyllis. THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 29. Peterson, Roger Tory. AJohn Jay Audubon: Predator,” March 10. D O C U M E N T A R I E S 2003 art: 21: Art in the Twenty-First Century, Season Two, PBS E D U C A T I O N 1982 BFA, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island. European Honors Program, Rhode Island School of Design, Rome, Italy. A W A R D S 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, Fellowship. National Endowment for the Arts, Fellowship. Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation, Grant. New York Foundation for the Arts, Fellowship. The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Grant. Art Matters, Inc., Fellowship. The Penny McCall Foundation, Grant. P U B L I C C O L L E C T I O N S Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington D.C. DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA Whitney Museum of American Art, NY University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, CT Spencer Museum of Art, Kansas Princeton Art Museum, Princeton, NJ Museum of Modern Art, New York Bowdoin College Museum of Art, ME Alturas Foundation, MA Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT New York Public Library, NY San Antonio Museum of Art, TX