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PDF of Flicksheet
earth days 104 Willard Straight Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 flicksheet Earth Days Unmade Beds Ithakid Film Fest Before & After the Wall Sundance Selects Foreign Film Oscar Nominees Hitchcock 101 … and more! The power of that image galvanized the environmental movement, and made people the world over understand on a basic level how interconnected we all are as residents in a fragile ecosystem. Its repercussions have echoed across the decades, and are still felt today as a new movement, with a keener sense of the globe’s fragility, fights against global warming, pollution, habitat destruction and unnecessary wildlife loss. In this calendar, we celebrate the activists who started the environmental movement in the ‘60s and ‘70s as well as the people who carry the torch today with gestures large and small. We’ll also look at the increasingly treacherous survival of polar bears, and take a hard look at the pitfalls of gas drilling—an issue of immense importance to Upstate New York, where industrial-scale hydro-fracturing drilling of the Marcellus Shale is poised to begin. EARTH DAYS We start with a screening of Earth Days on Wednesday, October 14, shown in advance of Sustainable Tompkins’ and Finger E ARTH DAYS Lakes Bioneers’ major regional conference entitled “We Make Our Future,” which will take place from October 16-18 at Ithaca Oct 14 & 17 College and feature a live-via-satellite presentation of the national plenary addresses from Bioneers (www.bioneers.org) headSPLIT ESTATE quarters in San Rafael, California. Bioneers is a 20 year-old, global forum that focuses on practical solutions for people and Nov 3 the planet. By linking nationally renowned speakers with local topics and experts on the ground, the We Make Our Future NO IMPACT MAN Nov 5, 6, 7 & 10 conference aims to inspire a potent global-local approach to our environmental and social dilemmas. Citizens, policymakers, FOR ALL MANKIND youth, community leaders, and business owners are coming together to do the exciting work of co-creating our shared future Nov 7 & 8 ICE BEARS OF THE BEAUFORT in the Finger Lakes Region. For more information about the conference, visit wemakeourfuture.org. Nov 17 Earth Days is the moving story of the American environmental movement from the earliest awakenings stirred by Rachel THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD Carson and her book Silent Spring, to its triumphant 1970 Earth Day celebration and its increasing political victories throughout Nov 30, Dec 1, 3, 5 & 6 that decade—and to its faltering in the conservative era of Reaganomics. We now find ourselves in a new era of environmental activism, where we talk as much about global warming as our own carbon footprint. One man who decided to deal directly with his impact on the environment was Colin Beavan, who took himself and his family on a year-long journey to discover just how much the choices of three people could help to save the world. No back-to-the-land hippies here, though—they lived in New York City, and Beavan’s wife is a latte-swigging, Prada-loving senior writer for Business Week. Their journey in No Impact Man creates a thoughtful, compelling and genuinely enjoyable film. ICE BEARS OF THE BEAUFORT Activism takes many forms, but the Yes Men have a style all their own. Pranksters who got their start taking talking Barbies and G.I Joes, swapping the voice boxes, and putting them back on the shelves, they have evolved into impersonators of corporate spokesmen who use their stolen notoriety to speak truth to power. Whether stating on the national news that Dow Chemical will reimburse the families that suffered because of the toxic Bhopal gas leak (Dow stock tanked), or telling oil execs about the upside of Global Warming (victims can be used to make candles!), the Yes Men’s audacity, as portrayed in The Yes Men Fix the World, is hysterically refreshing. There isn’t a lot of humor in Split Estate, an eye-opening look at the impact of gas drilling in the Midwest. The recent natural gas boom has billed itself as a clean alternative to fossil fuels and the beginning of energy independence, but the reality has EARTH DAYS been far more complicated, with landowners forced to accept drilling rigs right outside their front doors, groundwater becoming contaminated, and public health, especially among children, suffering. This isn’t a Midwest problem, though, which will become clear when our screening of Split Estate is introduced by Helen Slottje of Shaleshock, a grassroots group of Finger Lakes residents who are concerned about protecting local communities and the environment from exploitation by the energy industry with regards to drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale. Oil and gas development affects a wide range of people and creatures around the world, and Ice Bears of the Beaufort presents a colorful, intensely moving portrait of another population in danger. The polar bears in this documentary, shot by a single resident of an Inupiat Eskimo village, were abundant and thriving during the five years of shooting, but MORE SERIES… in 2008 Alaska leased the region for offshore oil drilling. Filmmakers Jennifer and Arthur C. Smith III ‘75 will present ITHAKID FILM FEST the film and discuss the situation. late fall 2009 oct 14—dec 13 Series cosponsored with Sustainable Tompkins, Finger Lakes Bioneers, the CU Sustainability Hub and the Cornell Center for a Sustainable Future Hitchcock 101 WSH=W ILLARD S TRAIGHT THEATRE • URIS= URIS H ALL A UDITORIUM • SCPA=S CHWARTZ C ENTER FOR UNMADE BEDS: MESSY LOVE, HIPSTER STYLE BEESWAX Oct 22, 24 & 25 (500) DAYS OF SUMMER Nov 6, 7, 9, 11, 13 & 14 UNMADE BEDS MON TUES Dec 4, 5, 7–9 & 11 & 12 follow Cornell Cinema on Facebook and on Twitter! P ERFORMING A RTS F ILM F ORUM • A DMISSION : ( UNLESS THUR oct 14 oct 15 All My Friends Liverpool WSH The Hangover WSH OTHERWISE NOTED ): Le Combat dans l’ile WSH 7:15 Liverpool 7:30 oct 25 Rope Three Monkeys [$4] WSH 4:30 Beeswax WSH 7:15 WSH 9:15 Notorious WSH 9:15 WSH GENERAL 9:20 oct 22 WSH The Hangover WSH 7:15 9:30 Three Monkeys WSH WSH nov 1 9:30 WSH 9:45 WSH 9:30 10:00 Three Monkeys WSH One, Two, Three WSH 7:00 The Hangover oct 23 One, Two, Three [$4] WSH 4:30 URIS 7:15 Amarcord Harry Potter Prince 9:30 & the Half-Blood URIS 9:30 Beeswax WSH W/GUEST 7:00 WSH 9:45 9:30 Oct 23, 25 & 26 THIRST (SOUTH KOREA) Oct 28 - 30 STILL WALKING (JAPAN ) Nov 5, 7 & 8 DWANDO (INDIA) Nov 6 K ATYN (POLAND) Nov 20 & 22 CLASSIC SCI-FI ALIEN : DIRECTOR’S CUT Dec 2, 4 & 5 ALIENS Dec 9, 11 & 12 RESTORED FOREIGN CLASSICS: LE COMBAT DANS L’ILE Oct 15, 17 & 18 AMARCORD Oct 21 & 24 URIS oct 17 Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince 7:00 URIS The Hangover URIS 10:00 oct 24 Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince 7:00 URIS The Hangover URIS 10:00 oct 31 [$2] WSH 8:00 9:45 nov 6 For All Mankind WSH 9:30 for oct 14–nov 7 (see reverse for nov 8–dec 13) UNMADE BEDS of (500)Days Summer ITHACA PREMIERE D wando (The Conflict) Nov 6 Nov 6•7•9•11•13•14 A BACKWARDS LOOK at the relationship between Tom, a former architecture student getting by in the greeting card industry, and Summer, the boss’s new assistant. An exploration of relationships in general, how they begin and end strangely and bring you someplace altogether different—and, in this case, better. more at foxsearchlight. com/500daysofsummer 35MM ‘SCOPE DAN SMALLS PRESENTS•ITHACA PREMIERE nov 7 (500) Days of Summer URIS The Hurt Locker URIS 7:15 9:30 A NO COMPS, PASSES OR DISCOUNT CARDS directed by Tim Rutili of Califone with Angela Bettis & Califone THIS UNIQUE FILM / MUSIC event opens with ar t rockers Califone doing a 30-minute set of some of their musical favorites before we screen Tim (Red Red Meat veteran) Rutili’s horror movie All My Friends Are Funeral Singers, which will be shown with live music by the band. The movie is an accompanying piece to Califone’s new album of the same name. The perfect launch to the Halloween season! Advance tickets available at dansmallspresents.com more at m-artistis. com/allmyfriends.html VIDEO PROJECTION 2009>COLOR>2 HRS>USA A marcord Oct 21•24 introduced by film scholar Stuart McDougal on Oct 24 com/amarcord 35MM 1974>COLOR>1 HR 51 MIN>ITALY BEFORE & AFTER THE WALL•BEST FOREIGN FILM OSCAR NOMINEES B aader-Meinhof Complex Oct 28•30 Nov 1 directed by Uli Edel with Martina Ge Deck, Moritz Bleibtreu, Johanna Wokalek A SPRAWLING LOOK at the infamous left wing collective The Red Army Faction w h o t e r ro r i ze d 1970 s G e r m a ny with a wave of assassinations, bank robberies, kidnappings, and bombings. In the film, a pair of lovers, Andreas Baader and Gudrun Ensslin, are joined by a journalist, Ulrike Meinhof, who abandons her family after writing about the group, which makes her a convert to their philosophy of violent overthrow. “Baader-Meinhof is an exploitation film on a socially conscious subject, the equivalent of Steven Soderbergh’s Che having a love child with The Fast and the Furious.” (LA Times) more at baadermeinhofmovie.com 35MM 2008>COLOR>2 HRS 30 MIN>GERMANY UNMADE BEDS•ITHACA PREMIERE B eeswax Oct 22•24•25 directed by Andrew Bujalski with Tilly Hatcher, Maggie Hatcher, Alex Karpovsky at 2009>COLOR>1 HR 40 MIN>USA RESTORED PRINT! ITHACA PREMIERE C Le ombat dans l’ile Oct 15•17•18 directed by Alain Cavalier with Jean-Louis Trintignant, Romy Schneider, Henri Serre THIS REDISCOVERED MASTERWORK of the French New Wave is “not to be missed. Cavalier’s subtly committed and beautifully crafted thriller investigates the political dilemmas of early 1960s France under the guise of a love triangle. It stars three of the most accomplished actors of European cinema of the period—Romy Schneider, Jean-Louis Trintignant and Henri Serre (Jim of Jules and Jim)—at their absolute peak here.” (Village Voice) more at thefilmdesk.com 35MM 1962>B&W>1 HR 44 MIN>FRANCE BEST FOREIGN FILM OSCAR NOMINEES ITHACA PREMIERE D epartures Oct 30 Nov 1•2 AN “UNCOMMONLY ABSORBING” (Roger Ebert) meditation on life and the meaning of death, Departures tells the story of Daigo Kobayashi, a recently unemployed cellist who embarks on a new career as a “Nokanshi,” or one who prepares corpses for burial. Some shun him for taking the job, but Daigo sees the importance of his work, and fully devotes himself to acting as the gatekeeper between the departed and those they leave behind. Winner of the 2008 Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. COSPONSORED WITH THE JAPAN US ASSOCIATION AND THE JGSM JAPAN CLUB. more at departures-themovie.com 35MM directed by Robert Stone with Stewart Udall, Dennis Hayes, Stewart Brand FROM ITS POST-WAR rustlings in the 1950s to that first photo of our planet from outer space to the wildly successful 1970 Earth Day celebration, Earth Days is “a rapturous and enlightening look at the history of the environmental movement in America.” (Entertainment Weekly) more at earthdaysmovie. com 35MM 2009>COLOR>1 HR 30 MIN>USA F L directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck with Sebastian Koch, Ulrich Muhe, Martina Ge Deck THIS GRIPPING POLITICAL thriller, set in 1984’s East Berlin, traces the lives of a playwright and the Stasi agent who spies on him, as each confronts the moral ambiguities of totalitarian terrorism in the waning days of Soviet rule. Winner of the 2006 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. more at sonyclassics.com/thelivesofothers 35MM ‘SCOPE. EARTH DAYS SUNDANCE SELECTS ITHACA PREMIERE N o Impact Man Nov 5•6•7•10 H alfmoon Files Oct 27 (free) with filmmaker Philip Scheffner directed by Laura Gabbert, Justin Schein with Colin Beavan, Michelle Conlin THE CRACKLING WORDS of Mall Singh, an Indian POW, are heard as he spoke into the phonographic funnel on December 11, 1916 in Wünsdorf, near Berlin. Such recordings were produced as the result of a unique alliance between the military, the scientific community and the entertainment industry. In his experimental documentary The Halfmoon Files, Philip Scheffner follows the traces of these voices to the origin of their recording. Like a memory game—which remains incomplete right until the end—he uncovers pictures and sounds that revive the ghosts of the past. Scheffner’s haunting film transforms a previously obscure episode in Indo-German history into a compelling meditation on the recorded voice, the archive and cultural memory. COSPONSORED WITH THE INSTITUTE FOR GERMAN CULTURAL STUDIES, THE DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN STUDIES, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE, FILM AND DANCE. MAJOR FUNDING PROVIDED BY THE MELLON CENTRAL NEW YORK HUMANITIES CORRIDOR, AN INITIATIVE GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED BY THE ANDREW W. MELLON FOUNDATION, AND THE SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY HUMANITIES CENTER. more at www.halfmoonfiles.de VIDEO PROJECTION 2007>COLOR>1 HR 27 MIN>GERMANY H alloween Night at Cornell Cinema Oct 31 ($2 all) CORNELL CINEMA’S FRIGHT fest, the perfect precursor to your late-night Halloween festivities, will feature some of the scariest coming attraction trailers ever made, a spine tingling episode from The Twilight Zone and a screening of one of the most frightening horror classics of all time—too scary to mention by name! All costume-clad patrons will be entered to win one of our frighteningly fabulous door prizes, including movie posters, movie passes and other goodies, and there will be Halloween candy treats for everyone! angover Oct 14•16•17•22•23•24 directed by Todd Phillips with Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Gallfl anakis F OUR GUYS WAKE up in Vegas after a bachelor party with no memory of the night before, and no groom. “A furiously paced, inventive and flat-out hilarious take on a tried-and-tested formula. An exemplary bromantic comedy that doesn’t sacrifice heart in pursuit of laughs, maintaining plenty of the former and a superabundance of the latter.” (Empire) more at hangovermovie. warnerbros.com 35MM ‘SCOPE 2009>COLOR>1 HR 40 MIN>USA H arry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince Oct 16•17•18•23•24 directed by David Yates with Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Helena Bonham Carter EVERYONE’S FAVORITE TEENAGE wizards are back for another year at Hogwarts, which is under threat by the dark Lord Voldemort, and is no longer the safe haven it once was. “By an order of magnitude—the strongest (or at least the most mature, subtle and emotional) entry in the series thus far.” (Portland Oregonian) more at harrypotter.warnerbros.com/harrypotterandthehalf-bloodprince 35MM ‘SCOPE 2009>COLOR>2 HRS 33 MIN>USA/UK The H urt Locker Oct 30 Nov 4•6•7 directed by Katherine Bigelow with Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geraghty S ERGEANT F IRST C L ASS William James replaces the slain leader of a bomb squad in this film about the war in Iraq, terrorist bombings, the psychic lives of soldiers, and the many and complicated ways in which a country’s heroes are created from destruction. “Overwhelmingly tense, overflowing with crackling verisimilitude, it’s both the film about the war in Iraq that we’ve been waiting for and the kind of unqualified triumph that’s been long expected from director Kathryn Bigelow.” (LA Times) more at thehurtlocker-movie.com 35MM 2009>COLOR>2 HR 11 MIN>USA IN 2006, WRITER Colin Beavan pulled his not-always enthusiastic wife and two-year-old daughter into a year-long experiment to discover how far they could go to reduce their carbon footprint while still living in the middle of New York City. “Proof that ‘eco’ and ‘entertainment’ aren’t mutually exclusive, No Impact Man may be a socially progressive, environmentally conscious film, but it goes down far easier than, say, an all-natural, fiber-enriched peanut butter sandwich without a glass of soy milk.” (Variety) more at noimpactproject.org VIDEO PROJECTION 2009>COLOR>1 HR 33 MIN>USA directed by Philip Scheffner “SPLIT ESTATE IS an eye-opening examination of the consequences and conflicts that can arise between surface land owners in the western United States, and those who own and extract the energy and mineral rights below. This film is of value to anyone wrestling with rational, sustainable energy policy while preserving the priceless elements of cultural heritage, private enterprise above-ground, and the precious health not only of people but the land itself.” (Gov. Bill Richardson, New Mexico) more at splitestate.com VIDEO PROJECTION 2009>COLOR>1 HR 16 MIN>USA ITHACA PREMIERE till Walking Nov 5•7•8 The ives of Others Nov 4•7 directed by Al Reinert directed by Debra Anderson narrated by Ali MacGraw S 2009>COLOR>1 HR 24 MIN>ARGENTINA ($3 adults/$2 kids 12 & under on Nov 7) H introduced by Shaleshock representative Helen Slottje A RGENTINE DIRECTOR A LONSO’S fourth feature follows a merchant sailor, Farrel, as his ship docks in Ushuaia, the southernmost city on earth, and he disembarks to visit his remote hometown, from which he departed decades earlier. In search of his mother, who may or may not still be alive, Farrel frequently drinks, infrequently speaks and is hardly welcomed when he finally reaches his destination. “Liverpool’s revelatory final shot—in which an object akin to Citizen Kane’s Rosebud is presented for our contemplation—adds one last mysterious layer. Like everything else in this enigmatic masterpiece, the image resonates with myriad metaphorical possibilities.” (Time Out New York) 35MM or All Mankind Nov 7•8 The S plit Estate Nov 3 2006>COLOR>2 HRS 17 MIN>GERMANY ITHAKID FILM FEST•EARTH DAYS The M UMBLECORE PIONEER B UJALSKI ’S third feature, “a warm, graceful and fundamentally optimistic movie” (Salon.com) follows two sisters (real-life twins Tilly and Maggie Hatcher) living in Austin, one, the co-owner of a vintage store, the other, unemployed, as they navigate their romantic and business relationships. “Beeswax, at first glance a modest, ragged slice of contemporary life, turns out to be a remarkably subtle, even elegant movie.” (A.O. Scott, NY Times) COSPONSORED WITH PETRUNE, ITHACA’S OWN VINTAGE STORE; L iverpool Oct 15•19•20 BEFORE & AFTER THE WALL 1989>COLOR>1 HR 20 MIN>USA FELLINI’S AFFECTIONATE SEMI -AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL film about the seaside town of Rimini under the fascists. Winner of the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar in 1974, this new restoration was supervised by director of photography Giuseppe Rotunno. more at janusfilms. directed by Yojiro Takita with Masahiro Motoki, Ryoko Hirosue, Tsutomu Yamazaki, Kazuko Yoshiyuki E arth Days Oct 14•17 ITHACA PREMIERE directed by Federico Fellini with Magali Noel, Bruno Zanin COUPONS FOR PETRUNE WILL BE GIVEN TO EVERYONE WHO PURCHASES A TICKET. more EARTH DAYS•SUNDANCE SELECTS ITHACA PREMIERE THIS OSCAR-NOMINATED DOCUMENTARY about the Apollo VII missions to the moon, compiled from thousands of hours of NASA footage, is both a “trip movie of the Koyaanisqatsi variety” and a Buster Keaton-style comedy. Spectacular views of the earth, moon and the vastness of space are juxtaposed with astronauts stumbling around the moon collecting moon rocks. VIDEO PROJECTION RESTORED PRINT! 2009>COLOR>2 HRS 10 MIN>JAPAN dwandothefilm.com 35MM The ll My Friends are Funeral Singers Oct 16 ( $12 advance/$15 at the door) The THE STORY OF a woman who faces a serious ethical dilemma and the neurosurgeon whose intervention guides her to a choice, saving an innocent life in the process. In Bengali with English subtitles. more at 2009>COLOR>1 HR 30 MIN>INDIA 2009>COLOR>1 HR 35 MIN>USA with live music by Califone directed by Suman Ghosh with Ananya Chatterjee, Soumitra Chatterjee more info at cinema.cornell.edu EARTH DAYS ITHACA PREMIERE ITHACA PREMIERE directed by Lisandro Alonso with Nieves Cabrera, Giselle Irrazabal, and Juan Fernandez with filmmaker Suman Ghosh ‘02 directed by Marc Webb with Joseph GordonLevitt, Zooey Deschanel beeswaxfilm.com VIDEO PROJECTION Halloween Night at Cornell Cinema nov 2 Split Estate nov 3 nov 4 nov 5 Dwando (The Conflict) Departures [$3/$2 KIDS 12 & UNDER] Still Walking W/FILMMAKER The Hurt Locker The Lives of Others W/GUEST [$4] WSH 4:30 Strangers on a Train WSH 2:00 WSH WSH WSH 7:00 7:00 WSH 7:00 7:00 URIS 7:00 WSH 7:00 No Impact Man The Baader-Meinhof Complex The Pervert’s Guide No Impact Man No Impact Man The Hurt Locker (500) Days of Summer [$4] WSH 4:30 WSH 7:15 Departures to the Cinema WSH 9:45 WSH 9:30 WSH URIS 9:45 9:45 WSH 9:15 Still Walking [$4] SCPA 7:15 WSH 7:00 Strangers on a Train The Lives of Others W/GUEST WSH Oct 15, 19 & 20 THREE MONKEYS (TURKEY) SAT oct 27 oct 28 oct 29 Departures oct 30 The Halfmoon Files The Baader-Meinhof Complex Pray the Devil Back to Hell WSH 7:00 The Hurt Locker W/FILMMAKER WSH 6:45 W/GUEST URIS 7:00 7:00 [FREE] WSH 7:00 [FREE] WSH 7:00 The Baader-Meinhof Complex Thirst WSH 9:45 Thirst Rope Thirst 9:00 MORE FOREIGN FILM PREMIERES LIVERPOOL (ARGENTINA) MORE INFO: 255-3522 HTTP://CINEMA.CORNELL.EDU oct 26 WSH Dec 12 / $5 S ENIORS / $4 S TUDENTS & K IDS 12 + U NDER FRI URIS 7:00 Amarcord $6.50 oct 16 Le Combat dans l’ile Harry Potter Are Funeral Singers WSH 7:00 WSH 7:15 7:00 W/LIVE MUSIC BY CALIFONE & the Half-Blood Prince URIS 7:00 [$12 ADVANCE Earth Days Le Combat dans l’ile $15 AT THE DOOR] The Hangover WSH 9:15 WSH 9:15 WSH 7:30 9:00 oct 18 oct 19 oct 20 oct 21 Harry Potter Notorious Beeswax Liverpool One, Two, Three & the Half-Blood Prince WSH 7:00 WSH WSH Dec 5 THE NEVERENDING STORY Look no further: you won’t fi nd three more appealing films than these. Sure, things are messy in these hipsters’ lives, particularly their love lives, but it’s the kind of messiness that’s really fun to watch! Mumblecore pioneer Andrew Bujalski’s third feature, Beeswax, achieves a new level of maturity in its story of two sisters (real-life twins Tilly and Maggie Hatcher) living in hipster capital Austin, falling in and out of relationships while the complications of a business situation involving a vintage store play out. Spacey queen of hipster cinema, Zooey Deschanel, stars in the sleeper hit of the summer, (500) Days of Summer, and if you weren’t already one of her fans, you will be. And Unmade Beds, set among hipster bohemians squatting in East London, is a gorgeous valentine to 20-something love and life, featuring a smashing soundtrack including songs by Kimya Dawson, Daniel Johnston, Tindersticks, and (We are) Performance! WED Earth Days Nov 21 LOTTE FROM GADGETVILLE Unmade Beds: Messy Love, Hipster Style UNMADE BEDS Films Oct 14–Nov 7 (see reverse for Nov 8-Dec 13) [$4] WSH 4:30 Nov 7 & 8 KID FLIX MIX Nov 14 Our Hitchcock series continues in this calendar with eight more films—many of Hitchcock’s most well known titles—and the fascinat- HITCHCOCK 101 ing documentary directed by NOTORIOUS Sophie Fiennes (sister of Ralph Oct 19 & 20 OPE and Joseph), The Pervert’s ROct 26 & 27 Guide to the Cinema, in STRANGERS ON A TRAIN which Slovenian philosopher Nov 2 & 3 Slavoj Zizek subjects several THE PERVERT’S GUIDE of Hitchcock’s films, includ- TO THE CINEMA Nov 3 & 10 ing Psycho, Vertigo, and REAR WINDOW The Birds, to psychoanalytic Nov 9 & 10 JAMES STEWART IN ‘VERTIGO’ scrutiny. Zizek is often filmed PSYCHO on the actual locations of the films he discusses, or on recreated sets, so you’ll see him on a motorboat in Bodega Bay in Nov 12 & 13 northern California, site of The Birds, and walking around locations for Vertigo. We’ll also be joined by three graduate VERTIGO Nov 16 & 17 students from the English Department, who will introduce screenings of Strangers on a Train, Rear Window and THE BIRDS Vertigo. You might want to purchase another notepad for the second half of our cinematic seminar, but don’t worry, there Nov 19 - 21 MARNIE won’t be a final! Nov 30 & Dec 1 Cosponsored with the Dept. of English and the Dept. of Theatre, Film & Dance Special thanks to Lynda Bogel, Brian Fox at Swank and Paul Ginsburg at Universal SUN FOR ALL MANKIND PETER PAN ‘UNMADE BEDS’ SCREENING DE C 4, 5, 7–9, 11 & 12 alphabetical film listing On Christmas Eve, 1968, the National Aeronautic and Space Administration gave humanity its biggest gift. The Apollo 8 mission turned its eye away from the matters at hand, took a picture of the planet Earth hovering in space, and beamed it back to Houston. HITCHCOCK 101 N directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda with Hiroshi Abe, Yui Natsukawa, Kazuya Takahashi, and You MASTER JAPANESE FILMMAKER Kore-eda’s (After Life, Nobody Knows) quiet gem of a film offers a seriocomic portrait of a family gathered at the parents’ home to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the death of the eldest son. “One of the more accomplished and beautiful films released thus far this year.” (Washington Post) COSPONSORED WITH THE JAPAN US ASSOCIATION AND THE JGSM JAPAN CLUB. more at ifcfilms.com 35MM 2009>COLOR>1 HR 54 MIN>JAPAN HITCHCOCK 101 S trangers on a Train Nov 2•3 introduced by Avery Slater (grad, English) on Nov 3 directed by Alfred Hitchcock with Farley Granger, Robert Walker CONSIDERED BY SOME to be the best of Hitchcock’s American films, Strangers on a Train, adapted from a Patricia Highsmith novel, is a chilling comedy. Walker plays Bruno, a charming psychopath who desperately wants his father dead. He tries to convince Farley Granger to commit the murder by killing Granger’s inconvenient and adulterous wife. When this gesture is rebuffed, Walker’s performance and the film go into high gear. 35MM 1951>B&W>1 HR 41 MIN>USA otorious Oct 19•20 ITHACA PREMIERE T hirst Oct 28•29•30 directed by Alfred Hitchcock with Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman CARY GRANT PLAYS a federal agent who, with the help of Ingrid Bergman, tries to track down a group of Nazi industrialists in Rio where they are developing the atomic bomb. Classic Hitchcock. 35MM 1946>B&W>1 HR 41 MIN>USA BEFORE & AFTER THE WALL O ne, Two, Three Oct 21•23•24 J AMES C AGNEY PLAYS a Coca-Cola rep working in Berlin, pre-Wall, in Wilder’s corrosive satire that targets everything in sight, including capitalism, consumerism and Communism. “But in our taste-free, post-Communist age, One, Two, Three can now be seen as prophetic of the eventual Fall [of the Wall] itself, as well as a latter-day classic of screwball comedy.” (Film Forum) 35MM 1961>COLOR>1 HR 48 MIN>USA HITCHCOCK 101 ITHACA PREMIERE P ervert’s Guide to the Cinema Nov 3•10 directed by Sophie Fiennes with Slavoj Zizek “SLOVENIAN PHILOSOPHER SLAVOJ Zizek subjects more than 40 mostly classic films, by directors ranging from Chaplin to Hitchcock, to psychoanalytic scrutiny...in [this] wildly entertaining, digressive lecture packed with juicy clips that illustrate his points.The clips from Hitchcock and [David] Lynch films are so numerous and Mr. Zizek’s comments so incisive that after watching [this documentary] you may never see these directors’ movies the same way again. It is almost as if those filmmakers received instructions from Freud himself on how to visualize his ideas.” (NY Times) more at thepervertsguide.com VIDEO PROJECTION. 2006>COLOR>2 HRS 30 MIN>UK P ray the Devil Back to Hell Oct 29 (free) with Janet Johnson Bryant, the Liberian journalist featured in the film T hree Monkeys Oct 23•25•26 directed by Nuri Bilge Ceylan with Yavuz Bingol, Hatice Aslan, Rifat Sungar, Ercan Kesal TH E D I R E C TO R O F Cannes hits Distant and Climates ventures into slightly pulpier territory with this exemplary family drama. “A politician in the midst of a re-election campaign is involved in a hit-and-run accident on a dark country road. He persuades his driver, Eyup, to take the fall for him, which will involve serving a relatively short prison sentence in exchange for an unspecified but large sum of money...What follows, while not exactly predictable, fits squarely within the logic of classic film noir, where cold-eyed self-interest quickly becomes entangled with unruly desires and the primal imperatives of honor and obligation.” (NY Times) COSPONSORED WITH THE TURKISH STUDENT ASSOCIATION. more at 3monkeysmovie.com 35MM ‘SCOPE 2009>COLOR>1 HR 49 MIN>TURKEY M O V I E D E A L CORNELL CINEMA’S DISCOUNT C A R D ✭ Students: $35 ✭ Seniors: $40 ✭ General: $50 directed by Gini Reticker CENTER FOR WOMEN AND JUSTICE, THE DOROTHEA S. CLARKE PROGRAM IN FEMINIST JURISPRUDENCE AND THE BERGER INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STUDIES PROGRAM. more at praythedevilbacktohell.com VIDEO PROJECTION 2008>COLOR>1 HR 12 MIN>USA HITCHCOCK 101 GLORIOUS TECHNICOLOR R ope Oct 26•27 I N THIS LOOSE evocation of the Leopold-Loeb case, two young debonair New York City homosexuals murder an acquaintance in response to their professor espousing the Nietzschean Superman’s obligation to kill lesser men. A technical tour-de-force, composed of just 12 shots. 35MM 1948>COLOR>1 HR 20 MIN>USA ITHACA PREMIERE ✭ 10 admissions ✭ valid for 1 year THE INCREDIBLE AND uplifting story of how a group of Christian and Muslim women joine d force s in nonviolent protest against Liberian dictator Charles Taylor and the warlords that terrorized the country in a ten-year bloody civil war. “Powerful enough to make even the most cynical believe in the ability of ordinary people to induce political change.” (Hollywood Reporter) Shortlisted for Best Documentary Oscar in 2008. COSPONSORED WITH THE AVON GLOBAL directed by Alfred Hitchcock with James Stewart, John Dall, Farley Granger KOREAN AUTEUR PARK Chanwook (Oldboy) follows up his Vengeance trilogy with this complex, funny, and erotic tale of a Catholic priest who finds himself a vampire with a conscience. Going places Twilight or True Blood dare not, Thirst is “a brilliant and gruesome work of cinematic invention as well as a passionate and painful human love story.” (Salon. com) more at filminfocus.com/focusfeatures/film/thirst 35MM ‘SCOPE 2009>COLOR>2 HRS 13 MIN>SOUTH KOREA directed by Billy Wilder with James Cagney, Arlene Francis The directed by Park Chan-wook with Song Kang-ho, Kim Ok-vin, Shin Ha-Kyun S P E C I A L G U E S T S L AT E F A L L 20 0 9 Oct 16 Oct 24 Oct 27 Oct 29 Nov 3 Nov 3 Nov 6 Nov 9 Nov 12 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov 21 Califone performs live with All My Friends are Funeral Singers Film scholar Stuart McDougal introduces Amarcord Filmmaker Philip Scheffner presents The Halfmoon Files Janet Johnson Bryant (Liberian journalist featured in the film) presents Pray the Devil Back to Hell Shaleshock representative Helen Slottje introduces Split Estate Avery Slater (grad, English) introduces Strangers on a Train Filmmaker Suman Ghosh ‘02 presents Dwando (The Conflict) Nicholas Roth (grad, English) introduces Rear Window Park Doing & Friends perform live with Requiem for Analog TV Noise Matthew Bucemi (grad, English) introduces Vertigo Documentarians Arthur C. Smith III ‘75 and Jennifer Smith present Ice Bears of the Beaufort Professors Fredrik Logevall (History) & Elizabeth Sanders (Govt) introduce Virtual JFK: Vietnam if Kennedy Had Lived Director/writer Katherine Dieckmann presents Motherhood Philip Carli accompanies Peter Pan (1924) WSH=W ILLARD S TRAIGHT THEATRE • URIS= URIS H ALL A UDITORIUM • SCPA=S CHWARTZ C ENTER P ERFORMING A RTS F ILM F ORUM • A DMISSION : ( UNLESS FOR OTHERWISE NOTED ): Films Nov 8–Dec 13 (see reverse for Oct 14—Nov 7) SUN MON nov 8 For All Mankind [$4] WSH Still Walking WSH TUES nov 9 WED nov 11 THUR nov 12 $6.50 GENERAL nov 15 Julie and Julia [$4] WSH 4:30 Vertigo SAT FRI 9:20 WSH 9:30 nov 17 nov 18 nov 19 nov 20 Peter Pan W/LIVE MUSIC nov 21 WSH 2:00 [$5 /$4 KIDS 12 & UNDER] Katyn Ice Bears of the Beaufort Virtual JFK: Vietnam WSH 7:15 Julie and Julia District 9 Seraphine Motherhood W/GUEST W/FILMMAKERS if Kennedy Had Lived URIS 7:15 [$4] WSH 4:30 URIS WSH 7:00 W/FILMMAKER WSH 7:15 W/GUESTS District 9 7:15 WSH 7:15 The Birds WSH 7:00 Seraphine WSH 7:15 District 9 WSH 9:45 Revanche WSH 7:15 Vertigo URIS 9:45 Julie and Julia The Birds WSH 9:45 WSH 9:30 District 9 URIS 9:30 nov 22 The Birds WSH 9:45 WSH 9:15 WSH 9:45 Katyn [$4] WSH 4:30 Cornell Cinema will not be showing films over Thanksgiving Break from Nov 23 - 29 Seraphine nov 30 dec 1 dec 2 dec 3 dec 4 Lotte in Gadgetville dec 5 WSH 7:15 WSH [$3/$2 KIDS 12 & UNDER] 2:00 Alien: Mary and Max Mary and Max Marnie The Yes Men Fix the World Mary and Max Inglourious Basterds WSH 7:15 WSH 7:15 WSH 7:15 WSH 7:00 WSH 7:15 URIS 7:00 Mary and Max Director’s Cut [$4] WSH 4:30 URIS 7:15 The Yes Men Fix the World Unmade Beds Alien: Director’s Cut The Yes Men Fix the World Marnie Alien: Director’s Cut Unmade Beds Inglourious WSH 9:20 WSH 9:20 WSH 9:20 WSH 9:45 WSH 9:15 URIS 10:15 WSH 7:15 Basterds dec 6 The Yes Men Fix the World URIS 9:45 WSH 9:20 The Yes Men Fix the World WSH 4:30 [$4] dec 7 dec 8 dec 9 dec 10 dec 11 The Neverending Story dec 12 Student Films I [$3/$2 KIDS 12 & UNDER] WSH 2:00 Inglourious In the Loop WSH 7:30 Unmade Beds Aliens In the Loop Unmade Beds WSH 7:15 Mary and Max WSH 7:15 Basterds URIS 7:00 In the Loop WSH WSH 7:15 7:15 WSH 7:15 [$4] WSH 4:30 URIS 7:00 dec 13 Inglourious Basterds Inglourious Basterds Inglourious Basterds Unmade Beds Unmade Beds Aliens In the Loop WSH 9:20 Unmade Beds WSH 9:30 Aliens URIS WSH WSH nov 16 4:30 [$4] Student Films II WSH WSH 9:20 WSH 7:30 Cornell Cinema will be closed Dec 14–Jan 23 for winter break. THE BAADER-MEINHOF COMPLEX The Great Divide: Before & After The Wall marks the 20 Anniversary Best Foreign Film Oscar Nominees It calendar.asp?id=11446 F L I C K S H E E T P A F PG =parking garage F A T S =parking lot, GRAPHIC DESIGNER ROSS HAARSTAD P open after 5pm wsh E D I T O R M A R Y F E S S E N D E N *behind *behind anabel taylor MANAGING EDITOR CHRISTOPHER RILEY CHRISTINA FINGER S I N E A D LY K I N S , L E A H SHAFER, MOLLY WINDOVER WRITERS F F A T Mary Fessenden — Director / Programmer Christopher Riley — Managing Director Paul Dimmick — Head Projectionist Christina Finger — Administrative Asst Ross Haarstad — Graphic Designer Ian Crovisier — Head House Mgr S arah Chang — Head Box O fficer P mcgraw day hall tower willard straight ho P plaza sage hall gannett delta upsilon olin hall � P P P anabel taylor central ave. myron taylor edgemoor lane snee hall schwartz center for performing arts PG east bufffalo st. 9:20 eddy st. � of (500)Days Summer directed by Quentin Tarantino with Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Eli Roth Nov 6•7•9•11•13*•14 A BACKWARDS LOOK at the relationship between Tom, a former architecture student getting by in the greeting card industry, and Summer, the boss’s new assistant. An exploration of relationships in general, how they begin and end strangely and bring you someplace altogether different—and, in this case, better. more at foxsearchlight. com/500daysofsummer 35MM ‘SCOPE 2009>COLOR>1 HR 35 MIN>USA NEW PRINT! A lien: Director’s Cut Dec 2•4•5 directed by Ridley Scott with Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerrit RIDLEY SCOTT’S SCI-FI / HORROR classic about a science crew that encounters an abandoned spaceship filled with some kind of eggs, only to discover that one of their own has become host to the monstrous, acid-spouting alien, hold up amazingly well. “A movie masterpiece. And on the big screen, the chestbuster scene just kills.” (Empire Magazine) 35MM ‘SCOPE 1979>COLOR>1 HR 56 MIN>USA NEW PRINT! A liens Dec 9•11•12 directed by James Cameron with Sigourney Weaver, Carrie Henn JAMES CAMERON’S ALIENS is not only one of the rare sequels that surpass the original, it is one of the most thrilling films of all time. Awakened decades after her ordeal, Ripley is sent back to the Alien planet with a host of Marines in tow to find out what happened to the colonists who recently went missing. “One helluva roller coaster ride.” (Time Out) 35MM ‘SCOPE 1986>COLOR>2 HRS 17MIN>USA HITCHCOCK 101 The B irds Nov 19•20•21 directed by Alfred Hitchcock with Rod Taylor, Tippi Hedren A HITCHCOCK CLASSIC of a small town on the California coast that is inexplicably besieged by vast flocks of birds that appear bent on eliminating the human race by pecking it to death. 35MM 1963>COLOR>1 HR 59 MIN>USA D istrict 9 Nov 14•15•18•20•21 directed by Neill Blomkamp with Sharlto Copley, David James A LIEN REFUGEES WHO fled their own planet for Earth 20 years ago remain sequestered in South Africa’s District 9 while the world’s leaders debate their fate in this Peter Jackson-produced sci-fi action flick. “Madly original, cheekily political, altogether exciting.” (Entertainment Weekly) more at district9movie. SUNDANCE SELECTS E ARTH DAYS Oct 14 & 17 NO IMPACT MAN Nov 7, 8 & 10 MOTHERHOOD Nov 19 THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD Nov 30, Dec 1, 3, 5 & 6 MARY AND MAX Dec 2–5 & 8 UNMADE BEDS Dec 4, 5, 7–9 & 11 & 12 IN THE LOOP Dec 10 - 13 CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: MARY AND MAX; THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD; MOTHERHOOD com 35MM 2009>COLOR>1 HR 52 MIN>USA BEFORE & AFTER THE WALL G ood Bye Lenin! Nov 11•14 directed by Wolfgang Becker with Daniel Brühl, Kathrin Sass A QUICK-THINKING GERMAN teen tries to insulate his socialist mother from the frightful shock of capitalist revolution in this hit political comedy. 35MM 2003>COLOR>2 HRS 1 MIN>GERMANY ITHAKID FILM FEST•EARTH DAYS F or All Mankind Nov 7•8 directed by Al Reinert THIS OSCAR-NOMINATED DOCUMENTARY about the Apollo VII missions to the moon, compiled from thousands of hours of NASA footage, is both a “trip movie of the Koyaanisqatsi variety” and a Buster Keaton-style comedy. Spectacular views of the earth, moon and the vastness of space are juxtaposed with astronauts stumbling around the moon collecting moon rocks. 1989>COLOR>1 HR 20 MIN>USA EARTH DAYS I ce Bears of the Beaufort Nov 17 with filmmaker Arthur C. Smith III ‘75 and co-writer Jennifer Smith collegetown dryden rd. N IVE YEARS IN the making by a I N F O Fsingle ★ All screenings open to the public G E N E R A L resident of an Inupiat ★ Theatre locations: WSH - Willard Straight Theatre; URIS - URIS Hall Auditorium; SCPA - Schwartz Eskimo village, Ice Bears Center for Performing Arts Film Forum of the Beaufort is a colorintense , cinematic f amily ★ Box office opens 20 mins. before and closes 30 mins. after showtimes portrait of Alaskan polar bears never before captured on film. The ★ Ticket Prices: $6.50 general / $5.00 senior citizens / $4.00 students & kids 12 and under; matinees documentary bears witness to Alaska’s Beaufort Sea coast as critical are $4 polar bear habitat, a habitat that is seriously threatened by offshore oil G ★ Special ticket prices may apply to some shows N development. more at icebearsofthebeaufort.com VIDEO PROJECTION east ave. ★ Group rates available: call 255-3522 at least 1 day in advance 2008>COLOR>55 MIN>USA tower rd. ★ Advance ticket sales available at the WSH Ticket Desk (open 10am-5pm Mon-Fri ); SUNDANCE SELECTS Cornell Card and credit cards accepted n the Loop � uris hall garden ave. ★ Cornell Card can also be used to purchase tickets and discount cards at the WSH box office during Dec 10•11•12•13 evening hours directed by barton Armando Iannucci ★ Discount Cards (10 admissions, valid for 1 year)—$35 for students / $40 for senior citizens with Peter Capaldi, (62+over)/ $50 general—can be purchased at the WSH box office & URIS box offices during evening statler Tom Hollander, hours, from the WSH Ticket Desk & SCPA box office (where Cornell Card and credit cards can be James Gandolfini hoy rd. used) during their regular business hours and online by credit card at cornellcinematickets.com INSPIRED BY THE lead-up ★ Rent the Willard Straight Balcony (seats 40) for just $150—call for details to the Iraq War, In the Loop hilariously mocks what happens when PG the US and Britain prepare to go to war against an unnamed Middle free after 5pm ★ Both URIS Auditorium & Willard Straight Theatre equipped with Dolby Surround Sound Eastern country, and how the prospect of military engagement plays walk to wsh < 10 mins! ★ Recorded info on screenings: call 255-3522 after 5pm weekdays; all day weekends out within the respective administrations. “The language is brilliant, ★ To be added to our weekly email reminder list, send request to cjr20@cornell.edu and the laugh lines come so quickly that you’d probably have to watch or visit our website (http://cinema.cornell.edu) �= screening locations the movie twice to get them all.” (San Francisco Chronicle) more at ★ Foreign language films subtitled in English unless otherwise noted intheloopmovie.co.uk 35MM h t t p : // c i n e m a . c o r n e l l . e d u I cinema phone: 607.255.3522 2009>COLOR>1 HR 46 MIN>UK Cornell Cinema’s coming attractions trailer made by Robert Ascher N directed by Martin Provost with Yolande Moreau, Ulrich Tukur, Anne Bennent ($3 adults/$2 kids 12 & under) TA R A NTI NO ’ S “ S PAG H E T TI WESTERN but with World War II iconography” casts Brad Pitt as the leader of a pack of Jewish avengers out for Nazi blood in this sprawling tale of good, evil, and wiener schnitzel. more at inglouriousbasterds-movie. *Grads pay just $2 on Nov 13, courtesy of the Big Red Barn Professional & Graduate Student Assoc. directed by Marc Webb with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel com 35MM ‘SCOPE directed by Wolfgang Petersen with Noah Hathaway, Barret Oliver, Tami Stronach A WITHDRAWN BOY finds a very special book that contains a magical world on the edge of destruction that only he can save. “A fairytale of the very best kind, with luscious effects which include a flying dragon, a rock monster, a fairy princess (mercifully grave and untwee), and a threat in whose vanquishing lies hope.” (Time Out) COSPONSORED WITH THE FAMILY READING PROJECT. Recommended for ages 6 and up. 35MM ‘SCOPE 1983>COLOR>1 HR 34 MIN>USA 2009>COLOR>2 HRS 32 MIN>USA J ulie and Julia Nov 13•14•15•20•21 NORA EPHRON’S HOMAGE to all things culinary follows blogger Julie Powell as she tries to make her way through every recipe in Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking in a year, while also following Child herself as she developed her skills while living as a newlywed in France in the mid-20th century. “One of the gentlest, most charming American movies of the past decade. Its subject is less food as something to cook than food as the binding and unifying element of dinner parties, friendship, and marriage.” (New Yorker) more at julieandjulia.com 35MM 2009>COLOR>2 HRS 3 MIN>USA K IN 2006, WRITER Colin Beavan pulled his not-always enthusiastic wife and two-year-old daughter into a year-long experiment to discover how far they could go to reduce their carbon footprint while still living in the middle of New York City. “Proof that ‘eco’ and ‘entertainment’ aren’t mutually exclusive, No Impact Man may be a socially progressive, environmentally conscious film, but it goes down far easier than, say, an all-natural, fiber-enriched peanut butter sandwich without a glass of soy milk.” (Variety) more at noimpactproject.org VIDEO PROJECTION P VETERAN POLISH DIRECTOR Andrzej Wajda’s story of the 1940’s Katyn massacre, which saw the Soviets execute over 20,000 POWs and citizens detained after the 1939 invasion of Poland, a massacre that killed Wajda’s own father. “The period sets, costumes and cinematography all superbly recreate the brutal era, grand illusions and everyday suffering of the Poles under both the Nazis and the Soviets.” (Hollywood Reporter) more at kochlorberfilms.com 35MM ‘SCOPE 2009>COLOR>1 HR 55 MIN>POLAND ITHAKID FILM FEST•ITHACA PREMIERE K id Flix Mix Nov 14 ($3 adults/$2 kids 12 & under) directed by Sophie Fiennes with Slavoj Zizek “SLOVENIAN PHILOSOPHER SLAVOJ Zizek subjects more than 40 mostly classic films, by directors ranging from Chaplin to Hitchcock, to psychoanalytic scrutiny...in [this] wildly entertaining, digressive lecture packed with juicy clips that illustrate his points. The clips from Hitchcock and [David] Lynch films are so numerous and Mr. Zizek’s comments so incisive that after watching [this documentary] you may never see these directors’ movies the same way again. It is almost as if those filmmakers received instructions from Freud himself on how to visualize his ideas.” (NY Times) more at thepervertsguide.com VIDEO PROJECTION. 2006>COLOR>2 HRS 30 MIN>UK ITHAKID FILM FEST P eter Pan Nov 21 ($5 adults/$4 kids 12 & under) directed by various THE WORLD RENOWNED New York International Children’s Film Festival presents this kaleidoscopic collection of the best animated short films from around the world. The program features musical and narrative works from Sweden, France, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Switzerland, the UK, and the US, and offers a spectacular array of traditional, CGI, collage, and stop motion animation styles. Recommended for ages 3 and up. VIDEO PROJECTION with live piano accompaniment by Philip Carli directed by Herbert Brenon with Anna May Wong, Betty Bronson, Ernest Torrence BRENON’S FILM IS the first of the many cinematic versions of the Peter Pan story, and it remains arguably the best, expertly capturing the innocent and enthralling magic of the tale. Recommended for ages 5 and up. 35MM 1924>B&W>1 HR 45 MIN>USA HITCHCOCK 101 P COLOR>1 HR 5 MIN>VARIOUS sycho Nov 12•13 ITHAKID FILM FEST•ITHACA PREMIERE otte from Gadgetville Dec 5 ($3 adults/$2 kids 12 & under) directed by Alfred Hitchcock with Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, Janet Leigh directed by Heiki Ernits and Janno Põldma THE FIRST FEATURE-LENGTH animated film from Estonia is a sweet and gentlespirited tale, full of wacky contraptions, and a warm and refreshingly uncynical sense of humor. Lotte lives in the seaside town of Gadgetville, a village crazy about inventing Rube Goldberg-esque machines. Every year there is as competition to show off the best homemade inventions, which Lotte’s father always wins. But this year, the town is abuzz with the visit of a mysterious stranger… Recommended for ages 4 and up. In English. VIDEO PROJECTION 2006>COLOR>1 HR 21 MIN>ESTONIA HITCHCOCK 101 M arnie Nov 30• Dec 1 directed by Alfred Hitchcock with Tippi Heddren, Sean Connery A KLEPTOMANIAC SECRETARY with an hysterical fear of thunderstorms and an extreme aversion to the color red marries one of her bosses who attempts to cure her in Hitchcock’s 49th film. 35MM 1964>COLOR>2 HRS 9 MIN>USA SUNDANCE SELECTS ITHACA PREMIERE M ary and Max Dec 2•3•4•5•8 directed by Adam Elliot with voices of Toni Collette, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Eric Bana THIS FEATURE-LENGTH CLAYMATION details the marvelous, tumultuous relationship between Mary Daisy Dinkle, a friendless Australian girl with a prominent birthmark, and Max Jerry Horovitz, an obese middle-aged New Yorker with Asperger’s Syndrome. In the span of twenty years they write dozens of letters, trade chocolates, and become each other’s best—and only—friends. It’s a revelation: an intelligent animated film that’s cute, dark, and innovative, all at the same time. COSPONSORED WITH CORNELL MINDS MATTER. more at maryandmax.com 35MM 2009>COLOR>1 HR 32 MIN>AUSTRALIA SUNDANCE SELECTS•ITHACA PREMIERE M otherhood Nov 19 with writer/director Katherine Dieckman UMA THURMAN PLAYS frazzled, blogging, mother-of-two Eliza Welch, living in post-9/11 Manhattan, in native Ithacan Katherine Dieckman’s day-in-the-life-of comedy. Eliza is a woman “on the verge” on her daughter’s sixth birthday, which happens to coincide with a writing contest Eliza hopes to win so she can reenter the work force and regain an identity she thinks she’s lost. Look for the Gimme! bumper sticker on Dieckman’s Volvo, which figures prominently in the film! more at motherhoodthefilm.com 35MM 2009>COLOR>1 HR 30 MIN>USA M ASTER J APANESE FILMMAKER Kore-eda’s (After Life, Nobody Knows) quiet gem of a film offers a seriocomic portrait of a family gathered at the parents’ home to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the death of the eldest son. “One of the more accomplished and beautiful films released thus far this year.” (Washington Post) COSPONSORED WITH THE JAPAN US ASSOCIATION AND THE JGSM JAPAN CLUB. more at ifcfilms.com 35MM 2009>COLOR>1 HR 54 MIN>JAPAN S tudent Films I Dec 6 directed by various ervert’s Guide to the Cinema Nov 3•10 The directed by Andrzej Wajda with Maja Ostaszewska, Artur mijewski, Pawe Ma aszy ski directed by Katherine Dieckman with Uma Thurman, Anthony Edwards, Minnie Driver directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda with Hiroshi Abe, Yui Natsukawa, Kazuya Takahashi, and You directed by Laura Gabbert, Justin Schein with Colin Beavan, Michelle Conlin HITCHCOCK 101 ITHACA PREMIERE atyn Nov 20•22 L S N 2009>COLOR>1 HR 33 MIN>USA ITHACA PREMIERE 2008>COLOR>2 HRS 5 MIN>FRANCE till Walking Nov 5•7•8 o Impact Man Nov 5•6•7•10 directed by Nora Ephron with Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Stanley Tucci WINNER OF SEVEN Cesar Awards (the French equivalent of the Oscars), including best picture, Seraphine tells the true story of Seraphine de Senlis, a village cleaning woman who was also a self-taught artist, whose work now stands in some of the world’s most prominent museums and galleries. “One of the most evocative films about an artist I’ve ever seen.” (David Edelstein, New Yorker) With music by the late Michael Galasso (father of our friend Kat), to whom we dedicate these screenings. more at musicboxfilms.com/seraphine 35MM ITHACA PREMIERE SUNDANCE SELECTS•EARTH DAYS ITHACA PREMIERE THE MASTER OF Suspense’s most financially successful picture, this story of a man, his mother, and a very creepy motel redefined the psychological horror and suspense genres and remains as terrifying as ever. 35MM 1960>B&W>1 HR 49 MIN>USA HITCHCOCK 101 R ear Window Nov 9•10 introduced by Nicholas Roth (grad, English) directed by Alfred Hitchcock; with James Stewart, Grace Kelly H ITCHCOCK’S CLASSIC STORY of voyeurism and murder. Hitchcock, himself, considered it his most “cinematic movie.” But Rear Window, based on a story by Cornell Woolrich, is also one of the great nail-biters in the history of suspense. 35MM 1954>COLOR>1 HR 52 MIN>USA R E XCITING NEW WORK by the filmmakers in Marilyn Rivchin’s Film 3770 course, Intro to 16mm and digital filmmaking, with Media Assistant Randy Hendrickson. The filmmakers are: Linda Barsi, Caitlin Cowie, Oliver Dudman, Daniel Fipphen, Meagen Flaherty, Stephen Guilbert, George Moujaes, Jacob Moskow, Ashley Mullen, Christine Nelson, Benjmin Preston and Mario Rodriguez. RUNNING TIME APPROX. 2 HRS S tudent Films II Dec 13 directed by various PREMIERES OF NARRATIVE film and HD video projects from the intermediate production course, Film 4780, taught by Marilyn Rivchin with Media Assistant Randy Hendrickson. These seasoned student filmmakers are: Matthew Chin-quee, You Never Know: Can a woman who’s lost everything find her lottery ticket in time?; Shubhra Pandit, The Matchbox: A young woman jogs her way back to reality; Jason Ramsey, Jacob’s Birthday: Can a closeted gay teenager find someone to connect with?; Alexander Scharfman, The Big Community: A little crime in a big retirement community can only be solved by one man… and his grandson; and Christian Madera, editor-collaborator on multiple projects. And, see final (or selected) projects from the Summer Animation Class, taught by visiting Prof. Lynn Tomlinson, with T.A. Eric Becker. The animators are: Linda Barsi, Bing Bai, Oliver Dudman, Daniel Fipphen, Gabriella Garza, Diamantina Espinosa, Chenxue Lu, Andrew Rose, Maia Vidal, Jennifer Wong, Roxanne Yamins. RUNNING TIME APPROX. 2 HRS SUNDANCE SELECTS•UNMADE BEDS•ITHACA PREMIERE U nmade Beds Dec 4•5•7•8•9•11*•12 *Grads pay just $2 on Dec 11, courtesy of the Big Red Barn Professional & Graduate Student Assoc. directed by Alexis Dos Santos with Fernando Tielve, Deborah Franìois, Michiel Huisman “A YOUTHFUL MOVIE made by, about, and largely for youthful hipsters, Alexis Dos Santos’s Unmade Beds is an ambitious neo-new wave portrait of wayfaring Europeans looking for love and identity in the bohemian nooks of East London...Told as two interweaving stories, Unmade Beds alternates between the daffily tender tale of a wild-haired, frequently drunk Spaniard, Axl, searching for his long-lost British father, and the emo-inflected travails of heartbroken French fille, Vera, navigating a new romance... Unmade Beds revels in its art-pop sensibility, bursting with the spirit of Jean-Luc Godard and Wong Kar-wai...The film has an intoxicating quality.” (Village Voice) With a great soundtrack to boot, we promise you will fall in love with this movie! In English, Spanish and French with English subtitles. more at ifcfilms.com 35MM 2009>COLOR>1 HR 33 MIN>UK HITCHCOCK 101 V equiem for Analog Television Noise Nov 12 with mechanical television pioneer Park Doing and his musical friends SINCE THE FIRST television broadcasts in the mid1920s, TV shows have been accompanied by the visual music of analog noise. S-squiggles, vertical jumps, horizontal breaks, ‘snow storms’, ‘blue-outs’ and ‘green-outs’, ghosts and negative inversions are among a myriad of ‘disturbances’ that make up a visual language that is as integral to the television viewing experience as the shows themselves. An FCC ruling brought this dance of analog signal and noise to an end on June 12, 2009. Inspired by a funeral for analog TV noise held at Anthology Film archives on that date, this evening a collection of Ithaca video artists and musicians collectively celebrate and honor TV Noise. Hosted by Park Doing, the evening includes works by video artists John Criscitello, Nick Knouf, Claudia Pederson, Jason Livingston, and Park Doing and musical performances by American Sphynx, Why the Wires, Force Atomique, keyboardist Mike Stark and drummer Zaun Marshburn. COSPONSORED WITH POPCORN YOUTH. RUNNING TIME APPROX. 1 HR 30 MIN BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM OSCAR NOMINEES•ITHACA PREMIERE R evanche Nov 13•14•16 directed by Gütz Spielmann with Johannes Krisch, Irina Potapenko, Andreas Lust THI S THRILLER BY Austrian filmmaker Gotz Spielmann fo llow s e x- co n Alex, a pimp’s assistant who falls in love with one of his boss’s Ukranian hookers, Tamara. Alex plans to rob a rural bank for cash so he and Tamara can get out of the sex industry and live normally, but the job goes awry, along with their plans for a better, more peaceful life. “Gorgeous, brooding, unpredictable.” (Salon.com) more at janusfilms.com/revanche 2008>COLOR>2 HRS 1 MIN>AUSTRIA OF THE D EPARTMENT OF T HEATRE , F ILM AND D ANCE . C OSPONSORED BY THE O FFICE OF THE D EAN OF S TUDENTS . C ORNELL C INEMA RECEIVES MAJOR SUPPORT FROM THE U NDERGRADUATE AND G RADUATE AND P ROFESSIONAL S TUDENT A SSEMBLIES AND PUBLIC FUNDS FROM THE N EW Y ORK S TATE C OUNCIL ON THE A RTS . C ORNELL C INEMA ’ S V ISITING F ILMMAKER P ROGRAM IS FUNDED , IN PART , WITH A GRANT FROM THE A CADEMY F OUNDATION , THE EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL ARM OF THE A CADEMY OF M OTION P ICTURE A RTS AND S CIENCES A P ROGRAM S eraphine Nov 21•22 everending Story Dec 12 The I UNMADE BEDS more info at cinema.cornell.edu FILM FEST (see reverse for oct 14–nov 7) ITHAKID NEW PRINT! nglourious Basterds Dec 4•5•7•10•11•12 directed by Arthur C. Smith III PLEASE NOTE ALL PARKING SIGNS! stewart ave. 10:15 Pick up a Cornell Cinema passport; make 4 trips to foreign language films, getting your passport stamped each time; then cross the border into a 5th film for free! Each passport good for a total of 10 trips. Visit the world at Cornell Cinema!! west ave. campus rd URIS CORNELL CINEMA’S PASSPORT TO THE WORLD I K R *along south ave. *near delta upsilon via south ave. *near edgemoor lane via south ave. south ave. S side of The Wall in 1984’s East Berlin, The Lives of Others (winner of the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar for 2006) traces the lives of a playwright and the Stasi agent who spies on him, as each confronts the moral ambiguities of totalitarian terrorism in the waning days of Soviet rule. The series concludes with the comedy Good Bye, Lenin! Set during the early fall of 1989, the tale unfolds after a woman has a heart attack and falls into a coma, thus missing the fall of the Berlin Wall. When she awakes in the summer of 1990, her son must shield her from any excitement as it could be fatal. His elaborate efforts to conceal the end of the socialist regime work for a while, but he can only do so much to hide the arrival of capitalism and Coca-Cola. Film series cosponsored with the Dept. of German Studies, the Institute for German Cultural Studies, and PG Kino. To further explore the watershed events of 1989 and their aftermath, Cornell is hosting the interdisciplinary conference, “1989 in Europe and the World” to be held on November 19 and 20 at the A.D. White House. Find more info about the conference at international.cornell.edu/overview/ WSH Perhaps you’ve heard of the Sundance Film Festival? Begun in the late 70s in Salt Lake City with the name Utah/US Film Festival, this little festival that could, really did, and then some. With Robert Redford there to shepherd it from the very beginning, the goal of the original festival was to showcase strictly American-made films and highlight the potential of independent film. In 1981, the festival moved to Park City, Utah and changed its timing from September to January. In the mid-‘80s, the name was changed to Sundance, which matched the previously established Sundance Institute, both of which were named after Redford’s character The Sundance Kid in the film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Lots of today’s most well-known independent filmmakers, including Kevin Smith, Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino, Paul Thomas Anderson, Steven Soderbergh and Jim Jarmusch had their big break at Sundance, and the Festival continues to launch the careers of new filmmakers. But the atmosphere of the Festival has changed dramatically over the decades from a low-profile venue for small-budget, independent creators from outside the Hollywood system to a media extravaganza of Hollywood celebrities, distributors looking for the next big “indie” hit, paparazzi, and displays of the latest digital technologies. The scope of the Festival has also changed and now includes international cinema and a showcase for more experimental work. Nestled within all the hype, glamour and glitz, though, one can still find a lot of great film, and Cornell Cinema’s Late Fall ’09 Flicksheet is a testament to that fact, as it includes seven wonderful films—both documentaries and features—that had their premieres at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival. Three of the titles are part of our Earth Days series (No Impact Man, Earth Days and The Yes Men Fix the World); one is a great British comedy having a return engagement in Ithaca (In the Loop); one was written and directed by Ithaca native Katherine Dieckman and stars Uma Thurman (Motherhood); and the remaining two, both Ithaca premieres (Mary and Max and Unmade Beds) are two of the best films you’ll see this year. Mary and Max, an animated feature about the unlikely friendship between an Australian girl (voiced by Toni Colette) and a middle-aged New Yorker with Asperger’s Syndrome (voiced by Phillip Seymour Hoffman), is darkly comic, touching and insightful. Alexis Dos Santos’s Unmade Beds will make you want to be a 20-something hipster living in London, despite the heartache and search for identity, because it all looks sooooo incredibly appealing, with its “art-pop sensibility, bursting with the spirit of Jean-Luc Godard and Wong Kar-wai...The film has an intoxicating quality.” (Village Voice) BEST FOREIGN FILM As we like to say here at Cornell Cinema, we’re Ithaca’s year-round OSCAR NOMINEES: THE BAADER MEINHOF COMPLEX film festival, but in this particular calendar, we’re Ithaca’s very own Sundance Film Festival! Oct 28, 30 & Nov 1 happens every year with the Academy Awards. Films are nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film that you’ve never even heard of the fall of the Berlin Wall, of, much less, seen. Clips from the films are shown, which look and Cornell Cinema notes what was a monumental historical intriguing, but that’s hardly the same as seeing the films in their moment with a four-film series, kicking off with Billy THE GREAT entirety. As it turns out, some of these films are never released in Wilder’s 1961 James Cagney-starrer One, Two, DIVIDE: BEFORE the US, or are released after the awards show. The latter was the case Three, the production of which was interrupted when the Berlin Wall was erected. That didn’t stop & AFTER THE WALL this year, when three of the nominated titles, including the Oscar winner, received limited theatrical releases this summer. NE, TWO, THREE the film, though, a fast-paced satire which targeted OOct 21, 23 & 24 While we can’t help you with the Oscar office pool, we can at least everything in sight: “capitalism, consumerism, THE BAADERfill in the gaps of your foreign film viewing by bringing three of Communism…’ex’-Nazis, middle-class American MEINHOF COMPLEX the nominees from last February’s Oscars: an Austrian film that families, rock ‘n’ roll (East German torture methods Oct 28, 30 & looks into the world of prostitutes and desperation; an historiinclude multiple spins of “Itsy-Bitsy, Teenie-Weenie Nov 1 LIVES OF OTHERS cally-based German film about political resistance and anti-war Yellow Polka–Dot Bikini”), The Coca-Cola Company THE Nov 4 & 7 revolutionaries; and the winner of the 2008 Best Foreign Language and the Cold War itself…. Based on a frenetic one-act GOOD BYE LENIN ! Film Academy Award, Departures, a Japanese film that meditates play by Hungarian great Ferenc Molnar (Lilliom, basis Nov 11 & 14 on death, society, and the cello. Don’t miss what might be your only of Carousel), Wilder’s adaptation set cynicism records chance to see the films that were deemed the best from around the world even for him that bugged many contemporary critics and by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences. Cagney himself…. But in our taste-free, post-Communist age, One, Two, Three can now be seen as prophetic of The Baader-Meinhof Complex is a sprawling look at the infamous left the eventual Fall [of the Wall] itself, as well as a latter-day wing collective The Red Army Faction who terrorized 1970s Germany with classic of screwball comedy.” (Film Forum) a wave of assassinations, bank robberies, kidnappings, and bombings. Shot with a verité style and a raucous musical score, the film is packed with action, and much of the dialogue is adapted verbatim from interviews and media during the Faction’s reign of terror: the elaborate historical re-creation of 1970s Germany is one of the film’s great successes. A meditation on life and the meaning of death, Departures tells the EPARTURES story of Daigo Kobayashi, a recently unemployed cellist who embarks on DOct 30, Nov 1 & 2 a new career of preparing corpses for burial, or “Nokanshi.” While some THE LIVES OF OTHERS REVANCHE Nov 13, 14 & 16 of his friends shun him for accepting such a “low-caste” position, Daigo Nine years later, in 1970, in the still fragile German desoon realizes that the work is important, and necessary, and DEPARTURES mocracy, the journalist Ulrike Meinhof helped secure the begins to take pride in his work and perfect the art, acting as a freedom of left-wing revolutionary Andreas Baader from gatekeeper between the living and the dead, the departed and prison, and the media dubbed the new coalition the The those they leave behind. Baader-Meinhof Gang. This radicalized group used violent And Austrian filmmaker Gotz Spielmann gives us in Revanche terrorist tactics to fight what they believed was the new face a thriller about Alex, an ex-con and pimp’s assistant who falls of fascism: American imperialism supported by the Gerin love with one of the hookers, a Ukranian woman named man establishment, many of whom had a Nazi past. The Tamara. Alex plans to take Tamara and substitute the trappings history of the group is explored in the Oscar-nominated of the sex industry with a normal life, but the bank heist that The Baader-Meinhof Complex, an “explosive but scruwould have financed their escape goes awry and leaves them pulously journalistic drama.” (Chicago Reader) grappling with the lost dream of a better life. Another gripping political thriller, this time set on the other th 7:15 In the Loop Sundance Selects ONE, TWO, THREE 2009 9:45 [GRADS $2] WSH 9:30 9:20 for nov 8–dec 13 MORE INFO: 255-3522 HTTP://CINEMA.CORNELL.EDU nov 10 nov 13 Kid Flix Mix nov 14 WSH 2:00 [$3/$2 KIDS 12 & UNDER] Revanche The Pervert’ s Guide Psycho Julie and Julia Rear Window Good Bye Lenin! WSH 7:15 (500) Days of Summer WSH 7:00 URIS 7:15 Good Bye Lenin! 4:30 W/GUEST to the Cinema WSH 7:00 [GRADS $2] URIS 7:15 SCPA 7:15 [$4] WSH WSH 7:00 [$4] 4:30 Psycho Requiem for Analog (500) Days (500) Days of Summer No Impact Man Revanche WSH 9:45 Julie and Julia 7:15 (500) Days of Summer WSH 9:30 Television Noise WSH 7:15 WSH 7:00 of Summer URIS 9:30 WSH 9:45 URIS 9:45 W/LIVE MUSIC Rear Window District 9 WSH 9:30 WSH alphabetical film listing / $5 S ENIORS / $4 S TUDENTS & K IDS 12 + U NDER ertigo Nov 16•17 introduced by Matthew Bucemi (grad, English) directed by Alfred Hitchcock with James Stewart, Kim Novak HITCHCOCK’S BRILLIANTLY SCHEMATIC , endlessly fascinating masterpiece of obsession starring James Stewart as Scottie Ferguson, a detective who has been forced to retire because of a crippling pathological fear of heights, and Kim Novak as the mysterious woman he is hired to trail, who becomes the object of his obsession. 35MM 1958>COLOR>2 HRS 8 MIN>USA ITHACA PREMIERE V irtual JFK: Vietnam if Kennedy Had Lived Nov 18 introduced by Professors Fredrik Logevall (History) & Elizabeth Sanders (Govt) directed by Koji Masutani VIRTUAL JFK INVESTIGATES one of the most debated “what if” scenarios in the history of U.S. foreign policy: What would President Kennedy have done in Vietnam if he had not been assassinated in 1963, and had been re-elected in 1964? The film employs what Harvard historian Niall Ferguson calls “virtual history,” assessing the plausibility of counterfactuals—“what ifs”—and the outcomes they might have produced. The heart of the film deals with the question: Does it matter who is president on issues of war and peace? more at virtualjfk.com VIDEO PROJECTION 2008>COLOR>1 HR 20 MIN>USA EARTH DAYS•SUNDANCE SELECTS•ITHACA PREMIERE Y es Men Fix the World Nov 30 Dec 1•3•5•6 The directed by Andy Bichlbaum, Mike Bonanno, Kurt Engfehr with Andy Bichlbaum, Mike Bonanno THE YES MEN, notorious pranksters who are the thorn in the foot of corporate and government elephants, are back in action, taking on (and hilariously impersonating execs from) Dow Chemical, Haliburton, and Exxon, where they announce a new fuel made from the bodies of victims of Global Warming. “A film complete with comedic interludes and, yes, an underwater ballet, The Yes Men Fix the World is as entertaining as it is effective.” (Sundance Film Festival) more at theyesmenfixtheworld.com 35MM 2009>COLOR>1 HR 27 MIN>FRANCE/USA