Diapositiva 1 - Comune di Mondoví


Diapositiva 1 - Comune di Mondoví
Mondovi is a very good position because it’s
ideally situated within reach of Torino,
Liguria, Langhe and France, in the middle of
southern Piemonte’s most important
The surroundings of the city with access to
plenty of small towns rich in history, art and
natural beauty such as Langhe’s hills, Alps
and plains where one can enjoy skiing, relax
oneself in thermal baths and be delight by
typical foods and wine that are famous all
over the world.
Investing in Mondovì is good idea both
1) for enterprises, because it’s a city that
offers a great number of opportunities
for every kind of investment and
settlement; indeed there are a lot of very
interesting locations which are favoured
by the availability of low cost equipped
areas and by various incentives.
2) and for private individuals, because there
are lots of worthy historical buildings in
the town which may be very fascinating
for those people who want to invest in
the property sector. Old residences,
lovely mansions and hill farmhouses are
waiting to be restored to their former
capita richness, general economical status,
quality of services and environment, level of
schooling and organisation of free time show
the wealth of this territory. The protection
and the improvement of the environment,
culture and local traditions have made
Mondovì a lively, pleasant, interesting place
to live and work.
The purpose of these pages is to give first
basic information about the town and its
surroundings, but they also indicate where
it’s possible to find further information about
setting up an enterprise, an activity or a
house here in order to make this procedure
Mondovì and its surroundings are
characterised by a high quality life style;
social and economical indicators such as per
According to a study made by the Istituto
Superiore per i sistemi territoriali per
l’Innovazione della Regione Piemonte*,
Mondovì is an area specialising in auto
motive services.
As a matter of fact the automotive sector is
well represented in Mondovì, there are both
world known enterprises, that chose the city
for research, production and development,
and smaller enterprises that opened to
supply products for the bigger ones but they
soon became independent and now are still
on the European markets. The fact that
encouraged the enterprises to come to
Mondovì was that the town is linked to
Torino and to FIAT and as a result from that
moment on other enterprises have grown
into international markets enterprises.
The food processing, both for mass
consumption and high quality one,
represents about the 20% of the enterprises
on the territory. 4% of those factories work
in the instrumental part of the sector, that
means machinery for production, packing
etc. High quality food processing (biological
products, DOP, DOC, IGP certificated foods
and drinks) concerns 18% of the enterprises
of this sector, a great number if one makes a
comparison between high quality and mass
There are also other factories which are not
ascribable to a specific sector but they
represent different sectors such as
mechanics, chemicals division, finance and
A large part of Mondovi’s economy concerns
inhabiting and houses in general. Up to 40%
of the enterprises are involved in many
different ways in this sector: from
instrumental products (cranes) to building
products (bricks and prefabricates), from
equipments to furnishings and cleaning
Mondovi’s commercial structure has totally
changed in the last five years, when the
Commercial Centre Retail Park e Outlet
Village Mondovicino opened in the nearby
suburb of the town, just on the exit of the
A6 Torino‐Savona motorway .
businesses; in fact the historical centre of
the city converted itself and its activities into
high quality shops for a medium/high
market level, in order to offer a competitive
alternative to Mondovicino in every sort of
It’s a one of a kind commercial park which is
larger than 380.000mq and counts more
than 3 million visitors every year.
The creation of this centre stimulated the
opening and the development of other
The motorway A6 Torino‐Savona it’s the
most important communication line for
Mondovì, it links the city with Torino and
Milano in a northward direction and with
Savona and Liguria the south. Mondovi’s
motorway exit has a new tollhouse with 16
gates in order to make the traffic to
Mondovicino smooth‐flowing. The same
places can also be reached by driving on the
S.S. 28 road or by train.
Another very important link for the town is
the A33 Cuneo‐Asti motorway that leads
eastward to Alba, Asti, and Po Valley and
westward to Cuneo and France (Nice). A part
from motorway there are also lots of main
roads to join the important cities we have
Milano Malpensa
Nizza – Cote d’Azur
Torino Caselle
Cuneo Levaldigi
Villanova d’Albenga
Porto Savona ‐ Vado
Porto di Genova
Moreover there are also important national
and international airports and harbours that
are not far from Mondovì (see the table
aside) that’s why it can be said that the town
has all kinds of possible links and also why it
always was and is the natural point of
reference for West Liguria in Piemonte.
Those communication opportunities, the
development of the Savona‐Vado harbour
and of the Levaldigi airport encouraged the
settlement of many important enterprises in
the logistics sector.
An old military airport in disuse has become
the centre of the industrial part of the town
since the late 70s. From that time this area
has changed a lot also because of the PIP
(Piani di Insediamento Produttivi) that the
township launched; they are schemes for a
well‐planned development f the area in
order to encourage new enterprises to settle
themselves there. The purpose of this
project is to consolidate the economy of the
town and to create new jobs for young
Through specific incentives that the Regione
Piemonte granted to Mondovì, the township
could buy those areas, urbanize them and
furnish them with services. Once the area
became usable, the city sold the lots to
about a hundred small and medium‐sized
enterprises with best conditions and low
In order to consider the idea of settling
one’s enterprises there, it’s better to know
costs and obligations that one would meet.
right of lots.
Moreover one has also to pay 18,15 €/mq in
urbanization tax.
Therefore one has to pay 44 €/mq to have
the property of a building lot, not including
the costs for electrical, telephonic and gas
connections. The connection to waterworks
and sewage system is allowed according to
laws and rules but all connections and works
in the lot are not included in the price.
If you would like to have further information
about buying lots, you can ask the town
Ufficio Comunale tel. +39 0174 559293
email info@comune.mondovi.cn.it
The opportunity to settle enterprises in
Mondovì concerns not only industrial and
craft businesses but also the service sector
and commercial businesses, in fact the PRG
(Piano Regolatore Generale) indicates other
areas which are more suitable for such
According to the cityhall decision number 5
of the 22 February 2010, which is still in
force, the costs are:
•25,85 €/mq in order to buy the property
right of lots;
•22,00 €/mq in order to buy just the surface
Mondovì and its countrywide offer a large
concerning living and property investments.
The town is in a lovely position, in fact it’s not
far from Turin, from the seaside, from
mountains, from Langhe and from France
(going to Cote d’Azur takes just 2 hours by
The historical centre of the city contains old
apartments to renovate according to your
own tastes. The most interesting and
prestigious neighbourhoods are Breo, in the
low part of the city, and Piazza, in the highest
The Piazza quarter it’s on three beautiful hills
and from there it dominates the town, which
can be reached with a cable railway. From
the top of the hill there is an amazing view of
plain, Langhe and Alps and the quarter itself
is particularly pleasant and distinguished with
all its historical buildings, baroque churches,
beautiful squares, interesting museums,
schools, lovely bars and restaurants.
Breo is the economic and commercial centre
of the town, in fact there are nice old
buildings and monuments but also lots of
shops, offices and banks. That makes this
district very active and lively, a very
enjoyable place to live in.
A part from the availability of a great number of
areas at a subsidized price, there are other
good incentives for those who want to invest in
Mondovì; in fact there are series of incentives
from some agencies and from the banks that
are assigned to deliver these incentives.
These facilitations can be financial (through free
grant contributions or subsidized loan
contributions) or they can be services, indeed
there are many agencies and trade associations
that run good quality services for their
The local authority in Mondovì created the
SUAP (Sportello Unico per le Attività Produttive)
which is an institutional reference point for
anyone who wants to have further information
about the incentives that the municipality
Here there’s a list of the most important
agencies where one can ask for support:
Sportello Unico per le imprese della Regione
Servizio di Creazione d’Impresa della Provincia
di Cuneo
Camera di Commercio di Cuneo
Centro Estero della Camera di Commercio
The trade associations which have a bureau in
town and which support and run services for
enterprises are:
Confindustria, it’s the most important
association of industrial enterprises in Italy.
CONFAPI, Confederazione Italiana Piccole e
Medie Industrie, with 50 thousand small and
medium sized industries.
Confartigianato, a trade union with more than
500tausend artisans
dell’Artigianato, the national confederation for
craftsmanship and small medium sized
enterprises, it has more than 600tausend
Casartigiani, an independent confederation of
artisans‘trade union
Confcommercio, one of the most important
associations for owners of enterprises that
work in the service sector.
Confesercenti, association of companies, which
represents more than 260 enterprises (both
craft ones and tertiary ones).
Confagricoltura, the oldest farm enterprises
Coldiretti, the most important associations of
CIA, Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori, one of
the three most important trade associations for
farmers in Italy.
Legacoop, Lega Nazionale delle Cooperative e
Mutue, for cooperatives and National Health
Service; it has more than 7millions members.
Confcooperative, Confederazione cooperative
Italiane, the most important organisation of
cooperative sector and social enterprises.
In order to encourage the renewal of houses and residences and the development of shops and
workshops the township passed lots of tax breaks and incentives that led to interests and investments.
Programma di qualificazione urbana dei centri storici di Breo e
Piazza (PQU), Riqualificazione esteriorità esercizi commerciali
Beneficiaries small businesses (D.M. 18/4/2005) that are in the
PQU area (Addensamenti A1 Breo e Piazza); business for the
distribution of foods, drinks and newspapers and travel
Kind of investment exterior improvements (exterior
illumination, sunshades, shop signs and window shops)
Grant aid in capital account up to 50% of the admissible
spending (max. 30.000,00€ not including IVA)
Information Servizi alle imprese
Project « imprese nel centro storico »
Beneficiary: small craft, commercial and service businesses
(distribution of foods, drinks, monopoly goods and newspapers,
travel agencies and hotels)
Investment building materials both for settlement and for
redevelopment of enterprises that are in the historical centre of
the town and that are individuated by the PRGC (spending for
buying stocks or for financial investments not included)
One‐off bonus of 3,5% of the investment (up to 50.000,00 €
max.) and up to 5% for new businesses, craft of excellence in
the historical centre of Piazza, opening or redevelopment of
business for foods and drinks distribution
Information Servizi alle imprese
Agevolazioni dehors esercizi di somministrazione PQU Breo e
Beneficiaries Bars, Restaurants etc. that are in the PQU area of
Breo and Piazza
Investments that are for building or redeveloping cafes’ terraces
according to township guidelines
A. There’s a Riduzione del Canone occupazione spazi ed aree
pubbliche (COSAP), for business that are in the PQU area
Breo or Piazza, that means that there’s a tax cut of 50% of
the investment (including IVA) for the occupation of the
public ground
B. Moreover, for those businesses that are in streets and
squares where there are redevelopment sides – Via
Marconi, Piazza C. Battisti, Vicolo del Moro, Piazza S.
Pietro, Via Funicolare, Piazza Maggiore‐ , there’s also a
one‐off bonus of 20% of the investment (up to 20.000,00 €
Information Servizi alle Imprese
Recupero facciate edifici nei centri storici
Beneficiaries Buldings’ owners that are in historical centres of
Breo, Borgato, Rinchiuso, Via Ripe, Piazza and Carassone
(according to PRGC)
Renovations of facades
Tax breaks of 10,00 €/mq for normal facades and 26,00 €/m for
Facciate Vincolate (facades with historical value and pictorial
Information Dipartimento Gestione del Territorio
Recupero facciate di Piazza Maggiore
Beneficiaries Owners of buildings which are mentioned in the
„Progetto Unitario di Restauro“
Renovations of facades
Tax free for the occupation of public ground with scaffoldings
and building sites (COSAP free). Erogazione contributo unitario
a mq in base alla delibera G. C. 66/2006
Information Dipartimento Gestione del Territorio
Recupero facciate edifici nei centri storici
Beneficiaries Buildings’ owners that are in historical centres of
Breo, Borgato, Rinchiuso, Via Ripe, Piazza and Carassone
(according to PRGC)
Investments for redevelopments of buildings which also
concern the renovation of facades
Tax free the occupation of public ground with scaffoldings and
building sites (COSAP free)
Information Dipartimento Gestione del Territorio
The SUAP (Sportello Unico per le Attività
Produttive) is the public reference point of
the town for administrative procedures
concerning business and their location,
renovation, enlargement, relocation or
The SUAP office is at the Sportello Unico
Polivante on the low ground of the city hall:
Palazzo Comunale
15, Corso Statuto
12084 Mondovì
Telephone number +39 0174 559 211
Fax number +39 0174 559/305
Green number 800 280 382
e‐mail : info@comune.mondovi.cn.it
Opening time:
Tuesaday ‐ Friday: 8.30‐12.30/14‐17
Wednesday – Thursday ‐ Saturday: 8.30‐