ottbern 3Jlltn(Ji - Salt Creek Civil War Round Table
ottbern 3Jlltn(Ji - Salt Creek Civil War Round Table
Dear Program Director: Want to put on a good program about the Civil War at your school, library, historical society or museum? With the sesquicentennial of the Civil War coming up in 2011, The Coalition of Civil War Round Tables of Northern Illinois want to spur interest in the Civil War. So we've put together a "speaker's bureau" of local published authors and experts, who've presented programs throughout the Midwest. And in this era of tight budgets, most of these programs come free! The attached file details the presenters, their programs, and contact information. Please contact each individual regarding their program and please check this file regularly for ~ottbern 3Jlltn(Ji~ updates. C!Coalitionof C!Cibil~ar Best regards, l\ounb \!I:ablt£i The Coalition of Civil War Round Tables For more information, email usat(RichardZarr) Committee Members Jerry Allen Paula Walker Bruce Allardice Wayne Wolf Rick Andresen Charlie Banks Kurt Carlson Russell Tarvid Larry Gibbs Richard Zarr .. :i>alt ([reek .. Northern lllinois Coalition South Suburban CWRT Salt Creek CWRT CWRT of Chicago Kankakee CWRT McHenry County CWRT Lake County CWRT Lincoln - Davis CWRT Northern Illinois CWRT 1Li 0 (tCbitago jlllcj!Jenrp bern t ~ ar oun a es $Outl) ~ubutbalt IVII http://kvcwrt.cwahi.netl bite <countp ((ountp '1kankaltee http://nicwrt.freehostia.comJ Color code for Speakers e-enactor jAuthor!FeiClier USIC Speaker Teacher resenter OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1-2010) .INOrS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) iCOAOTION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NUKIHt:KN Name: Jerry Allen Name: Rick Andresen Address: Address: 755 Fox Trail Terrace Address: 1609 Clay St. City, State, Zip: Darien, illinois City, State, Zip: Cary, IL 60013-3242 City, State, Zip: 60098 Home Phone: 630/297·8046 Home Phone: 847-516-6429 Email Website Address: nla Home Phone: 815-334-0118 Emall Website Address: Name: Allardice, Bruce Teacher/Author Email Address: Northern illinois CWRT Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table of Chicago Civil War Round Table Affiliations: illinois, and Salt Creek Chicago, McHenry County, Northern Civil War Round Table Affiliations: and Chicago McHenry County, Northern illinois, Distance willing to travel: Anywhere In Chicago area, Distance willing to travel: No Limit Distance willing to travel: 90 Talksltopics: Talks/topics: Portrayal of Major General George H. Thomas, 15th Wisconsin (Scandinavian Regiment), 78th illinois Regiment (Portrayal of Captain John Allen), and the Dakota Uprising of 1862 (Minnesota In the Civil War) Talks/topics: Lincoln's Cabinet, Copperheads, The Committee on the Conduct of War, Parts 1 & 2, Civil War Firsts, and Reconstruction. Lincoln, as War Leader Civil War Genealogy Election of 1864 Vicksburg Civil War & Baseball The Draft Confederate Colonels • indicates a fee may be Charged • Indicates a fee may be charged • Indicates a fee may be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) I ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1.2010) Name: Phil Angelo Name: Dr. Mary Abroe Address: Address: 740 S. Greenwood Avenue Teacher 212 Woodbine Avenue City, State, Zip: Kankakee, Illinois 60901 City, State, Zip: Home Phone: 815/933-4935 Email Website Address: Home Phone: 847/251 - 4745 Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: CWRT of Chicago . . Northern Illinois CWRT Distance wlllmg to Travel: Any distance Kankakee Valley Wilmette, Illinois 60091 - 3332 Email Distance willing to travel: Chicago Metropolitan Area & Suburbs Talksltoplcs: I also do a Newspapers and the Civil War Grand ~rrtlY of the Republic Morgan s Raid New York Draft Riots Fort Donelson Island Number 10 LewWaliace Maximilian & Carlotta Sibley'S New Mexican Campaign "Civil War Quiz Show" "Family Feud" "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" "Civil War Hollywood Squares" • indicates a fee may be charged Talks/topics; Historical Perspectives on Civil War Battlefield Preservation Civil War Battlefields as Commemorative Landscapes; The War Generation and Preservation The New Deal Battlefield Preservation In the 1930's " The Civil War Centennial: Rhetoric, Reality and the Limits And Selective Memory" NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Banks, Charlie Name: Bernstein, Arnie· Address: Address: 916 W, Ringwood Rd, City, State, Zip: McHenry, Illinois 60051 Home Phone: (847) 497-3149 Cell Phone Author City, State, Zip: Chicago, illinois (815)403-6127 Home Phone: Email Email Address: Civil War Round Table Afflilations: Northern llllnols, and Chicago Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Lake County, McHenry County, Distance willing to travel: Distance willing to travel: Willing to drive up to two hours away ( may make exceptions) Talks/topics: The Civil War In Chicago· Talks/topics: Lincoln Funeral Train; Jed Hotchkiss Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in the Civil War, Jedediah Hotchkiss • indicates a fee may be charged • indicates a fee may be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Bohn, Roger Name: Brennan, Pat Address: Address: 2 S, 644 S, Devonshire Author Name: Brown, Ward Address: City, State, Zip: Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 City, State, Zip: Home Phone: 630/858-2956 Home Phone: Email Salt Creek CWRT Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table of Chicago Email Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: OIstance willing to travel: Talks/topics: Talks/topics: Naval Living History NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Wilmette, Illinois City, State, Zip: Richmond, Illinois Home Phone: (630) 408-0943 Emall Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: CSS Hunley Jeb Stuart Talks/topics: Living history • Indicates a fee may be charged • indicates a fee may be charged • Indicates a fee may be charged )-COALlTlON OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NUK II1t:KN NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Rick Benson· Name: Buck, Stephen Teacher/Author Name: Burton, Art Teacher/Author Address: Address: City, State, Zip: Glen Ellyn, Illinois City, State, Zip: Chicago, illinois Home Phone: Home Phone: Email AddreS$: sbyck@ilc,edy Emall Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: Distance willing to travel: Talks/topics: Talks/topics: Address: 116 W. Bailey Road City, State, Zip: Naperville, IL 60565-2358 Home Phone: 630-983-7163 Email Website Address: abyrton@ssc.edy Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Salt Creek Civil War Round Table Distance willing to travel: Joliet and Will County Civil War Wild West Blacks In the Civil War ~~ither talk I would propose to bring copies of photos of Andersonville photos, obtained from the National Archives. I have one portable easei. I would request the usage of 4 or 5 easels wherever I did the presentations. Both talks would approximate 45 minutes to an hour, & would then be {ollowed bv a Question & Ans~e.r oeriod . . . There 15"110speakers charge ror speaking to other CIVil War Round Tables. There is a minimal 'speakers charge' for speaking to Libraries, Museums. Historical Societies, Senior Centers, Parks & Recreation Centers. •. . d etc. indicates a fee may be charge • indicates a fee may be cbarged • Indicates a fee may be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Greg Biggs (historian, author, tour guide, flag hlstorlan) Address: Talks/topics: 1. Henry Wirz - This talk is essentially a biography of his life, from birth thrQlJQhhls I,'feuo to & includina Anderson.llille & his hanairtCl . 2. I tte Nigh mares of cept, Henry Wirz. I nls' talk deats ~tn~tly Withthe arrest, the unusual Trial by Military Tribunal, & the hanging of Cap!. Henry NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) 2600 W. Benderson Way Name: Samuel M. Blackwell, Ph.D. City, State, Zip: Clarksville, Tennessee 37042 Address: Home Phone: (931)217-4265 (cell) Emall 306 E. Kendall Drive #204 City, State, Zip: Yorkville, illinois 60506 Name: Clarke, Matt Address: City, State, Zip: Bridgeview, illinois Civil War Round Table Affiliations: President, Clarksville CWRT; Program Chair, Nashville CWRT. Past President, Friend. of the Fort Donelson Campaign Distance willing to travel: Anywhere. needed. Talks/topics: I only ask for expenses and a motel room wben I have spoken to CWRTs and conferences across the country for many 1'i,ae'ltlanta Campaign; From California We Come - The Golden State In The Civil War; Tactical Perfection - Forrest At Brice', Crossroads: Banners In The Breeze - The Flags of the Confederate Army; Failure In The We.t -The Army of the Beartland; Buckeyes In Gray - Ohio's Confederate Generals; How Johnny Got His Gun - The Confederate Supply System; Nathan Bedford Forrest - Napoleonic Cavalryman; The Crack Of Doom - The Collapse of Confederate Department No.2 (Western Theater); Turning the Tlde- The Union Cavalry at the Battle of Shelbyville (Tullahoma Campaign); Where the Civil War Was Won ..• And Lost - The Western Theater; Volunteer Banners: Tennessee's Civil War Flags; Nashville - Siren's Song of the Western Confederacy. Coming Soon: Debacle on the Rivers - The Fort Henry-Donelson I also do two Revolutionary War program •. Campaign Home Phone: 630/8824027 Emaii Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Home Phone: Son's of the Union Veterans Emall Website: Distance willing to travel: 60 miles Talks/topics: Book: In the First Line of Battle: History of the 12'" y~/JYI"n~f~~fX,~Mhe Civil War and Reconstruction. NIU Press 2001 Cavalry Operations of the Army of the Potomac and Confederate Operations of the Northern Virginia Cavalry Operations In the Army of the Cumoerland and Cavalry Operations In the Army of Tennessee In the past I have enjoyed speaking to Civil War Round Tables: McHenry County, Malta, Decatur, Springfield, Champaign, Macoupln County (VIrden, illinois). • indicates a fee may be eharged www changejnhjsto[,V com Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: Talks/topics: Civil War currency -- NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Cain, Marty Name: Tom Campbell" Author Name: Carlson, Kurt Attorney Address: Address: Address: 38173 N. Harper Rd. 901 West Fullerton City, State, Zip: Beach Park, IL 60087-1523 City, State, Zip: Chicago 60614 Home Phone: 847-244-8002 Emall Home Phone: 773.549.1050 Email Website Address: Civii War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: Distance willing to travel: Talks/topics: Talks/topics: My principai topic wouid be to discuss my book, Fighting Slavery in Chicago - Abolitionists, the Law of Slavery, and Lincoln. Based on eight years of research, FSIC was published In February of 2006. It traces the activities of some Intrepid Chicagoans who ran the underground railroad, established abolitionist newspapers, organized political parties, and helped get Lincoln elected President. It examines Lincoln's position on slavery and the steps he took to abolish it and his vision for America. Mary Custis Lee Battle of Glorieta - New Mexico Territory General Lewis Armistead Baseball During The Civil War The Confederate White House General Hiram Granbury Battie of Belmont The Confederate Post Office Department • indicates a fee may be charged City, State, Zip: Wheaton, illinois Teacher Author • (open) Address: P.O. Box 557544 City, State, Zip: Clarendon Hills, illinois 60514 City, State, Zip: Chicago, Illinois 60655 Home Phone: Email Home Phone: 7081499·0300 Email Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Talks/topics: Ben Butler Alpheus Williams Civil War In the West • indicates a fee may be charged Talks/topiCS: Chicago In CW Patrick Cleburne - What Makes a General Great? Backing the Boys-Chicago Business & Industry in the Civil War • indicates a fee may be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Richard T. Crowe Salt Creek Civil War Round Table Civil War Round Table of Chicago Distance willing to travel: Open Talks/topics: Salt Creek Civil War Round Table Civil War Round Table of Chicago Distance willing to travel: Address: Distance willing to travel: Emall I also could speak on related optics such as Lincoln's use of PreSidential powers . NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) 60187 Home Phone: W. 630/665-2500 Civil War Round Table Affiliations: • Indicates a fee may be charged Name: Carlson, Ron 1465 McCormick PI "Ghost Stories of the Civil War" "Lincoln Supernatural Connections" • Indicates a fee may be charged NUKIt1~KN OF OF OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) Name: Steven Alfred Cole Address: 24 W. Main St. Name: Frank Crawford Name: Cunningham, Jim Address: Address: 1996 Orth Road City, State, Zip: Freeport, IL 61032 City, State, Zip: Caledonla,IL Home Phone: 815-821·5307 Emall Website Address: Home Phone: 815-885·3005, Feel free to call 727·577·0355 in Florida to schedule upcoming events. Call for specific Information on a program, Home Phone: Ema" Address: Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: I would like to become a member. Distance willing to travel: Any 61011 Teacher City, State, Zip: Chicago, /llinois Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Northern Illinois, Lake County, McHenry County In illinois and Manasota and Sun Coast In Florida Talks/topics: Frederick Douglass, USCT and Blacks in the Civil War Distance willing to travel: Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Emancipation Talks/topics: Defense of Burnside at the Bridge ::: The Matson/ Lincoln Slave Trial ::: Copperhead Riot In Charleston, Illinois ::: A Nasty Little Incident of War - CSA ::: A Nasty Little Incident of War - USA ::: A "New" look at Jennie Hodgers ::: And Where Is Iconlum - The Death of Stonewall. ::: Stone's River - The Turning Point of the War ::: Illinois Heroes ::: Life was Hell on the Home Front, Too. ::: Last Letters Home ::: Deserter or Prisoner of War? ::: Andersonville ::: The Trial of Henry Wlrz ::: Federal Executions ::: Rangers or Raiders ::: Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass and their Friendship Free Blacks In Colonial America and their role in the Revolution and the Civil War Abolition and the Civil War " Indicates a fee may be charged Emall Distance willing to travel: Talks/topics: Nationhood • indicates a fee may be charged I am available in Illinois from May 1" until October 31". "Indicates a fee may be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) Name: Carroll, David 1418 Mill Creek Drive, Home Phone: 312-479·1205 Email Address: corbettrex@MSN Website Address: South Tinley Park, illinois Home Phone: Home Phone: 708·349·7267 Ema" Address: AWT125@AOLcom Website Address: Emall Civ/l War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: up to fifty miles Talks/topics: The Songs of Stories of the Civil War ( musical presentation) Name: Kevin J, Connelly Address: 1580086"' Ave City, State, Zip: Orland Park, IL 60462 City, Stata, Zip: Distance willing to travel: Uncompensated, Author Address: City, State, Zip: Buffalo Grove IL 60089 Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Former member / president: Suburban CWRT,Chlcago CWRT,Salt Creek CWRT CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1.2010) OF Name: BATILEFIELD BALLADEERS/David Corbett" Address: OF , COALITION NUKlnc~1'I Distance willing to trsvel: Talks/topics: Lincoln In Photos SSCWRT Distance willing to travel: General Chicago Area, outside that are will need some logistical planning but not adverse Talks/topics: Custer in The Shenandoah Second Bull Run GettySburg (Various subjects IncludIng Cavalry operations) The Iron Brigade The 1864 Overland CampaIgn • Indicates a fee may be charged " Indicates a fee may be charged " Indicates a fee may be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) Name: Dammann, Doug Address: City, State, Zip: Kenosha, Wisconsin Home Phone: Email Address: NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) Name: Dr. Gordon Dammann Address: PO Box 754 City, State, Zip: Lena, Illinois 61048 Home Phone: (317) 886·1329 Email Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Milwaukee CWRT and the Civil War Round Table of Chicago Name: Daniels, Max and Donna" Address: City, State, Zip: Wheaton, Illinois Home Phone: Email Address:ABENBABE@AOL.COM Distance willing to travel: travel is unlimited Website Address: Topics: civil war medicine Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Members, Salt Creek CWRT; also familar with South Suburban, Northern Illinois, Kankakee, McHenry County and Chicago CWRT. Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: Talks/topics: NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1.2010) Kenosha Civil War Museum Distance willina to travel: Almost anvwhare in the M,·dwest. a feO"'ano somel mas request a nslstinca Wltli travs expenses) (We do charge Talks/topics: "Evening with Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln (One act Play)" "Press Conference with the President and Mrs. Lincoln" "Woman in Black: Customs of Mourning in the Civil War" • indicates a fee may be charged "Roles of Women in the Civil War/Fashions of the Civil War" "Lincoln on Leadership" * indicates a fee may be charged • indicates a fee may be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6.1.2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) Name: Doyle, Dennis Teacher NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1.2010) Name: Address GEORGE DAILEY 1272 N Oak St Name: Tom DeFranco Address: City and State City, State, Zip: Joliet Community College Home Phone 847 358 8438: Email Address: Website Address: Address: 4844 N. Ridgewood Avenue City, State, Zip: Norridge, IL 60706·2941 Home Phone: Home Phone: (708) 456·2251 Email Website Address: Email Address: Palatine, IL 60067 Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Northern Illinois Civil War Roundtable Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Table Northern Illinois Civil War Round Distance willing to travel: Distance willing to travel: I don't care. Talks/topics: Joliet in the Civil War Distance willing to travel: 50 mile radius of Chicago Talks/topics: BATTLE OF CHANCELLORSVILLE Talks/topics: Ewell at Gettysburg on July1 (What if Jackson were there?) Sickles Advance Into The Peach Orchard (July 2) The 361L at Stones River (December 31,1862) The Controversies Of Gettysburg " indicates a fee may be charged • indicates a fee may be charged • indicates a fee may be charged r--~ NORTHERN JlIINOIS-COAQTfOl,I OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Davis, Brooks Name: David J. Eicher* Author Address: Address: 1445 North State Parkway #1705 NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) S60 W24160 Red Wing Drive Name: Finnegan, Marc City, State, Zip: Chicago, Illinois 60610-1549 City, State, Zip: Waukesha, WI 53189 Address: Home Phone: (312) 654-0614 Home Phone: Email Website Address: City, State, Zip: Plainfield, Illinois Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table of Milwaukee Email Email Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Chicago The Civil War Round Table of Distance willing to travel: open Talksltopics: Distance willing to travel: depends on program, availability, compensation Talks/topics: I Have given talks in Chicago to Brussells, Germany and spoke about Lincoln for 50 years. Talks/topics: Themselves Dixie Betrayed: How Confederates Unraveled Home Phone: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: Talks/topics: Living history portrayal Abraham Lincoln as Wartime Strategist The Longest Night: A Military History of the Civil War Civil War Higli Commands Gettvsburg Battlefield The Photographs of Robert E. Lee Lincoln Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln: Friendly Enemies? Abraham Lincoln: Man of Faith Commanders in Chief: Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis The Civil War and the G.A:R. • indicates a fee may be charged Other Programs Offered: Workshops Panel Discussions NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Please Call for more information Name: Arthur F. Foley • Indicates a fee may be charged Address: 308 Elmwood Drive NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Farina, Bill Author Address: I ILLINOIS OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: John Flynn Address: 6739 W. Golfvlew Lane Home Phone: 630.355.1230 Email Address: Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Salt Creek CWRT City, State, Zip: Palos Heights, Illinois 60463 Distance willing to travel: negotiable City, State, Zip: Home Phone: Email Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: Talksltopics: City, State, Zip: Naperville, II. 60540 General Grant Home Phone: 708/448-6417 Email Address: None Website Address: Talks/topics: Regimental Bands of the Union Armies Civil War Round Table Affiliations: South Suburban CWRT Salt Creek Civil War Round Table George F. Root and Henry Clay Work - Chicago's Civil War Music Makers The 1861 Missouri Campaign Of Nathaniel Lyon Distance willing to travel: 30 - 40 miles Sterling Price's 1864 Missouri IKansas raid Talks/topics: Civil War Relics (Show & Tell of some of the Interesting Pieces from the Civil War) The Civil War in the Indian Territory • indicates a fee may be charged • indicates a fee may be Charged Gen. Richard Taylor, "War and Reconstruction" • indicates a fee may be charged Name: Robert I. Girardi Name: Address: 8455 W. Berwyn Ave. 2nd Floor Address: City, State, Zip: Chicago, IL 60656 City, State, Zip: Wadsworth,1I60083 Home Phone: 773-693-7387 Email Website Address: Home Phone: h-847 838 2988 Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Illinois, South Suburban Ray Glick, DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) The Engineers at Fredericksburg; General Impressions of the Civil War' Leonidas Polk and the Fate of Kentucky in 1861; Civil War Corps Command: A Study in Leadership "What I Saw at Shiloh," Sgt. Joseph A. Greenhut, 12thIllinois; General William Passmore Carlin, Fillhting General Civil War Corps Command; What Will You Do When all the Brave Men are Gone," Lyman S. Widney and the 34th Illinois Name: Leslie Goddard' Address: 16574 Cherrywood 1039 Hinswood Dr. City, State, Zip: Darien, 1160561 c-847 732 2988 Email Website Address: Home Phone: 630-297-8046 Email Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Chicago, Salt Creek, Northern Distance willing to travel: Any, depends on the situation Talks/topics: Railroad Defense in the Atlanta Campaign; "The Evolution of Union Victory" Civil War EngiMers; Abraham Lincoln's Doctor's Dog; The Soldier's View The Civil War Art of Keith Rocco; The 'Real War will Never Get in the Books; Civil War Artifacts; NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Chicago, Salt Creek Lake County CWRT Distance willing to travel: 60 miles Distance willing to travel: Talks/topics : The Impact of the Horse and Mule upon the Outcome of the Civil War Talksitopics: Clara Barton (first-person (first-person portrayal) portrayal), Louisa May Alcott The Horses of Civil War Generals, Leaders, Officers, I have no restrictions on how I can be contacted and do not charge, if the group offers to off set Q.asI do accept, but do not "expect it ". My animal related charity 0"1 choice is the American Veterinary Medical Foundation @ • indicates a fee may be charged • indicates a fee may be charged indicates a fee may be charged' NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Valerie Gugala • OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Larry Gibbs Name: Lance Herdegen Author Address: 585 Huntley Terrace Address: 1014 Sandpiper Ct City, State, Zip: Crete, illinois 60417 City, State, Zip: Bartlett, IL 60103 Home Phone: 630-709-2383 Email Address: Website Address: NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Address: W682 County 0 City, State, Zip: Burflngton. Wisconsin 53105 Home Phone: 7081672-8162 Email Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: All local Civil War Round Tables Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Home Phone: 2621534-2462 Email Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Milwaukee CWRT Distance willing to travel: Anywhere at anytime Distance willing to travel: any Talks/topiCS: Talksltopics: 1. "A Visit wilh Mrs. Lincoln" First person portrayal of Mary Lincoln 2. "Divided: Mary Lincoln and Emilie Todd Helm" First person Reader's Theatre presentation dealing with Mary Lincoln and her half sister, Emilie Todd Helm, wife of Confederate General Ben Helm 3. "The Lincoln Family after 1865" What happened to Mary Lincoln and her sons after Abraham's murder? This question and many other are answered in this lecture. 4. "Mary Lincoln as a Wife and Mother" Mary relationship with her children is explored in this lecture. Sprfngfleld neighbor's recollections and Mary's own words are used to show how she related to her children, how she viewed marriage and motherhood, and how she dealt with her grief at the death of her sons. 5. Mary Lincoln and the Spiritualists" After the death of her son Willie, Mary Lincoln held seances in the White House to try to contact him and other deceased relatives. Why did Mary (any many other bereaved families) believe in the spiritualist movement? What happened at these seances? Did Abraham Lincoln ever attend one? • indicates a fee may be charged 1. Reconstruction Historiography 2. Slavery as a Single Cause of the Civil War 3.. Critique of the movie "Gods and Generals" 4. An examination of the Significance of the Confederacy Distance willing to travel: 100 miles Talksitopics: Iron Brigade Kenosha Civil War Museum - Kenosha, Wisconsin Native Amerfca and the Civil War • indicates a fee may be charged • indicates a fee may be charged ,v .,Uf\.Jn.l:::J"" "IJTR::jN OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Fred Johanson Name: Michael Krebs" as Abraham Lincoln & Debra Miller" as Mary Todd Lincoln Address: 8714 Dee Ct City: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Talksltopics: Recent presentations include: "Antietam", "Hornet's Nest at Shiloh", "Illinois Political Generals", "German Generals", "Creation of the ANV" 16·1·20101 Name: John S. Kociolko Address: 4929 West 31" Place Home Phone: 708/652-5302 Email Address: Website Address: Home Phone: 773-281-8262 Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table of Chicago Distance willing to travel: Open Email Website Address: Talks/topics: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Great Lakes Civil War Symposium, First Division Museum, Wheaton, IL Distance willing to travel: " indicates a fee may be charged TABLES Chicago Area Chicago, South Suburban Distance willing to travel: 100 miles (RT) CIVIL WAR ROUND City, State, Zip: Cicero, Illinois 60804 City, State, Zip: Tinley Park, IL 60487 Home Phone: 708-444·0726 Email Website Address: OF OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) national Talks/topics/Program title: Visiting the Lincolns A group of unexpected guests arrives at the Lincoln White House on the eve of the President's assassination and catches the First Family unawares. The Lincolns entertain as best they can with anecdotes and yarns. The couple delights the audience with stories about the people and events that influenced their lives. Through engaging conversation they speak about their youth, education, the struggles of the Civil War, and their personal lives in Springfield and WaShington D.C. By the end of the program, the audience will know more about the personal Mr. Lincoln, as well as, the professional politician and the issues that troubled the nation in his time. The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions, and meet & greet for pictures. This program is suitable for all ages 40 minute running time. Abraham Lincoln and the New Nation Whatever Became of the Union Robert E. Lee and His Allegiance Civil Wars Compared - English and American Abraham Lincoln (First Person Presentation) " indicates a fee may be charged Name: OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Major General George Henry Thomas, USV aka Jerry Kowalski Address: 206 E. Grantley " indicates a fee may be charged City: State, Zip: Elmhurst, 1160126 Home Phone: 312/805-2460 Email Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Past President-The Chicago CWRT Distance willing to travel: Anywhere in the Midwest Talks/topics: 1. The Life and Times of Pap Thomas 2. The Causes of the War. It wasn't just slavery. 3. Battles Mill Springs, Chickamauga, Nashville 4. Friends, Enemies & Lovers You don't have a clue. "Everything in life is negotiable" • indicates a fee may be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1-2010) Name: Dr. David E. Maas Name: Rick Moock • Address: 1826 E. Illinois Street Address: City, State, Zip: Wheaton, Illinois 60187 Home Phone: 630·665·6765 Email Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: none Distance willing to travel: 50 miles one way Talksltopics: Wheaton College and the Underground Railroad Address: 5328 Willowview Road 437 Boca Ciega Drive City, State, Zip: Racine, WI 53402 Home Phone: 727·391-4565 Home Phone: 262-681·2591 or 262·758·2131 Email Address: Website Address: coming soon Email Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: 97th Regimental String Band current The music raanactlng. began they sing 50ng& singing began of Civil War around that the original and they atmosphere, talents In the hobby began the campfire Civil War soldiers bringing their and camaraderfe Their Instrumants suited them As memben; at reenactment research to these avents. so well that they of a group events decided In St. Petersburg, 1983. In revealed They lots of wanted malls, festivals these old The combination of music. to develop musical their and schools they found that the old-time songs stili brought smiles and enjoyment to modem audiences. The band performed these songs the way they felt the soldle1"5 of North and South would have sung them In camp and on the battle line, using NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6.1.2010) Name: (Rev.) Robert J. Miller ~: 450 East 78"' Street City. State. Zip: Chicago,IL acoustic Instruments: available to 19th The style will remind backgrounds feel the music Home Phone: Emai' Address: Website Address: 60619 773·651·7000 Cjvil War Round Table Affiliations: Chicago (former President) Books/articles: Author of Both prayed to the Same God - Religion and Faith in the American Civil War (Lexington, 2007); ID.!lulli!. G,w, (XXVI, #6, 2010) "The Religious Trickster - Fr. Joseph Bixio"; The Citizen's Companion (October 2007, "19"' Century Religion - A Different World" Distance willing to travel: Open to going nearly anyplace, depending on my ministry schedule (Midwest locations particularly) some vary from performance blend5 chorus, and genuine and whether guitar, century the tune bass. musicians folk to Is happy stili belongs fiddle, banjo, vocal stage same Instruments harmonies. Trio or Peter, barbershop to harmonica - the mandolin, - and adding of the Kingston the best old-time Paul.nd shows Mary. Their to clasalcal, Individual and every musical or sad, romantic to sing • indicates a fee may be charged or patriotic along wtth, or nonsense. dance audiences Talks/topics: Mary Todd Lincoln as a widow reflects on her life with the President Mary Todd Lincoln circa 1860's talks about meeting Mr. Lincoln and her boys. Sari Semple tell stories of Appalachia in the 19th century. Abigail Adams reflects on her life with John during the Revolution and his ~r::~~~'WXosevelt reflects on her life and achievements; her marriage to Franklin. All programs are done in first person in full period costume. • indicates a fee may be charged of aU ag$$ to or just listen to and enjoy. NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1·2010) Name: James W. Milgram, M.D. Address: 1352 Estate Lane City, State, Zip: Lake Forest Illinois 60045 Home Phone: 847/735·0055 Email Address: Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: well·known postal historian published 439 articles and 7 books. Distance willing to travel: distance 50 mile radius of Chicago No fee but please call in by phone for all inquiries. Talks/topics: Federal Civil War Postal History (includes some Confederate too), 40·60 min. Powerpoint. Talks/topics: Religion and Faith in the Civil War [or any topic in this general area] Confederate Christian Warrior - Fr. James Sheeran (14"' LA) Goo's Shock Troops - the Jesuit Civil War Chaplains • indicates a fee may be charged Waukesha WI CWRT exciting qualities of those sfyles with clear melodies and words, strong sound. Thesa were America's popular songs of the 1911\ Century, to them, mich3349@WLnet to as a business. At reenactments, or Distance willing to travel: unlimited Talks/topics: Band Biography. tunes, • indicates a fee may be charged Name: Jessica I Michna * 97"' Regimental String Band City, State, Zip: Madeira Beach, FL. 33708 Florida. Honorarium up to group to whom I speak NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6.1·2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) • indicates a fee may be charged nON OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) NUK I Ht.KN ILLINOIS OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) """"I' I""I~ ILLINOIS OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) Name: David Noe Name: Mark B. Pohlad, Ph.D. Name: Dave Powell Address: Address: Dept of History of Art and Architecture DePaul University Address: 522 Cheyenne Drive 480 South State Street City, State, Zip: Poplar Grove, II. 61065 Home Phone: 8157652071 Emall Website Address: 1150 W. Fullerton Ave., 2nd Floor Chicago, IL 60614·2204 (773) 325·2569 Email Address: Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Northern Illinois Civil War Round Table. McHenry Civil War Round Table Distance willing to travel: 60·70 miles possibly a few more The Great Camel Experiment, The Luck of the Merrimac, The Naval Blockade Home Phone: 847·658·7539 Emall Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: None, but colleague of Richard larr Distance willing to travel: 100 miles one way Talks/topics: City, State, Zip: Lake In The Hills IL 60156 Talks/toplcs: 1. "Abraham Lincoln In American Art" 2. "The Camera and Abraham Lincoln" NICWRT Distance willing to travel: 50 miles Talks/topics: Battle of Chickamauga, Stuart at Gettysburg, Confederate Cavalry In the Western Theater, Battle of Shiloh, Army of the Cumberland, Army of Tennessee (Confederate) • Indicates a fee may be charged • Indicates a fee may be charged • Indicates a fee may be charged iCOALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1·2010) .""''', •••.•"'~ ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6·1.2010) Name: Nick Priddy· Name: Michael Willever and Michael Phelps Address: PO Box 7005 City, State, Zip: Greenwood, IN 46142 Address: 25223 S. Fryer St. City, State, Zip: Channahon,1I 60410 Home Phone:1-815-467.5712 Email Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: none Distance willing to travel: 50 miles Talks/topics: • Life of the every day soldier In the west • The major battles In the west • Thomas's 1864 Campaign. • General Thomas himself. have all the gear of the e.vervd.iIY.union soldier. also was are-enactor wltn ttre Jl!"' III nols Vo unteer Infantry and know the history of the unit. I FEE·S50.00 and mileage • Indicates a fee may be charged Home Phone: (317) 886·1329 Email Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Will be joining the Indianapolis CWRT In June 2010. Distance willing to travel: any Talka/toplcs: lalka/topics: Mr. Wiiiever and I have co-authored a book titled" A Dark and Bloody Ground: Sowing the Wind". 'ThIs book chronicles the week of October 4 7, 1862, when the Slate of Kentucky lay In the balance as vast foraging armies swept the country side; soldiers from the North and from the South flghtlng and dying, staining Kentucky's soli with their blood. 'The reader witnesses theae events through the eyes of s.ven protagonists, four Southern and three Northern. 'ThIs novel for the flrst time bring. to life such historical flgurea as George 'Thomas, Leonidas Polk, Phil Sheridan and Patrick Cleburne, to name but a few. The events of this week changed the live. of theae men and the Slate of Kentucky foreverl 'ThIs book takes you up to two hours before the Battle of Perryviiie, Kentucky. It has been nominated for the 2010 Michael Shaara Award for Excellence In Civil War fiction. We are currently working on the second book titled "A Dark and Bloody Ground: Reaping the Whirlwind". 'ThIs book Is due for release In late 2010. This book wiii conlaln the actual Baltle of Perryville and culminate with the Confederate withdrawal the day after. Mr. Willever and I wiii NOT charge any fees for speaking to your group. We do ask to have a small area available, after the lecture, to sell and algn our-books. We have a strong pas.lon to educate those unaware of the Importance of Kentucky during the American Civil War and to enhance the knowledge of those who do . • Indicates a fee may be charged Name: Tom Steinkamp Address: Teacher 1405 lies Ave. City, State, Zip: Belvidere, IIIlnola 61008 Home Phone: 815/547·9851 Email Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: School Round Table Belvidere High Distance willing to travel: 30 -50 miles Talks/toplcs: 95" Illinois Infantry • Indicates a fee may be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Gene Eric Salecker Name: Dr. Laurence D. Schiller Name: Thomas F. Schwartz Address: 2526 N. Davison St Address: 726 Inverrary Lane Address: Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library/Museum, Street City, State, Zip: River Grove, Illinois 60171 City, State, Zip: Deerfield, III 60015 Home Phone: 708/453-2069 Email Address: Website Address: Home Phone: 847-215-6702. Cell: 847-209-2605 Email Address: Website Address: none Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War RQlJnd Table Affiliations: Northern Illinois CWRT Distance willing to travel: pretty open Distance willing to travel: None 150 miles Talksitopics: "Loss of the Steamboat Sultana" "American B-17 in the Pacific" • indicates a fee may be charged Talks/topics: Cavalry and cavalry tactics, re-enacting, Gettysburg (actually I'm pretty much a generalist - so lots of battles - esp. Shiloh, Antietam,), 8"' Illinois Cav and Buford's Division. 7"' PA Cav and Minty's Brigade (Army of Cumberland), 55"'111,104'" III, Iron Brigade - especially 2nd and 6'" WI. USCr, slavery (I have a Ph.D. in African History) Of Sabres and Carbines: The Emergence of the Federal Dragoon. Danville, VA: Blue and Gray Education Society, Monograph #11, August 2001. Articles: "A Taste of Northern Steel: The Evolution of Federal Cavalry Tactics 1861-1865," North & South, v. 2.2, January, 1999. 3046, 80-84. "Two Tales of Tennessee: The Ups and Downs of Cavalry Command," North & South, v. 4.4, April 2001. 78-86. I've been working on a history of the 55'" Illinois Infantry, a bio of Colonel David Stuart, who commanded it, and a comprehensive work on the evolution of cavalry tactics North and South Name: Jonathan Sebastian (Adjunct Professor at Judson University) City, State, Zip: Springfield, IL 62701 Home Phone: Work Phone: 217-782-2118 Email Address: Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Chicago, Salt Creek Distance willing to travel: 200 miles Talks/topics: Note: I can only accept reimbursement for expenses 1. Lincoln and Grant 2. Lincoln's Fire in the Rear: Civil Unrest In Illinois 3. Lincoln and Political Patronage 4. Images of the War (in preparation) • indicates a fee may be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) 112 N. 6'" Name: Don Sender Name: Norman S. Stevens, Ph.D.; Address: 213 Vl/hite Oak Drive Address: City, State, Zip: Vl/heaton, Illinois 601874644 City, State, Zip: Kankakee, Illinois 60901 Home Phone: 630/668-1897 Email Website Address: Home Phone: Home rhone: (815) 939-0552, work phone (815) 932-5279 Email; Website Address: Civil war Round Table Affiliations: Salt Creek Civil war Round Table & Civil war Round Table of Chicago Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: 50 miles Distance willing to travel: Talks/topics: The Westward Movement: Custer and the Little Big Horn Slide Presentation with Audio. Cruise of tne Confederate Raider Alabama Slide Presentation with Audio John Chivington: Glorieta to Sand Creek Slide Presentation Battle of Dead Angle on the Kennesaw Line Near Marietta, Georgia (Sam.R. Watkins-Go ..I\YTCH) with slides The lincoln Assassination Slide Presentation Published a set of 43 transparencies on the American'Revolution with accompanied text through Scott Graphics, Chicopee, Ma. Talks/topics: The Flower of the Southern Army," the Army of the Valley and the Shenandoah Campaign of 1862;" "A Set of Determined Young Men," The Virginia Military Institute and the Civil War;" "Iron Nutmegs," Connecticut's Volunteer Field Officers and the Connecticut Experience in the Civil War;" "I find myself quite a stranger here, but ere-long expect to master all difficulties,' Thomas Jackson's antebellum expereince at teh V.M.I.;" "Personal Affairs," Violent Postbellum Deaths of Confederate GeneralS;" "This Affair will not prove Unimportant," the Battle of Piedmont, Virginia, June 5th 1864;" "I think there is indolence and idiocy aplenty here!" Command Relationships in teh Army of Mississippi, spring 1863." Kankakee County Museum, 801 South 8th Avenue Address: 4N 224 Hawthorne Ave. City, State, Zip: Bensenville, IL 60106 Home Phone: (630) 350-0027 Email Address: Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Chicago Civil War Round Table Distance willing to travel: 50 miles Talks/topics: Civil War Battle for the Prairie State: Illinois Politics During the Appomattox Experience Du Page County History with emphasiS on the Fischer Family (including but not limited to the Civil War era) Overview- The Civil War Soldier Life and TImes at Jubilee College, 1830-1862 Numerous other presentations the war on various battles and other aspects of • indicates a fee may be charged • indicates a fee may • indicates a fee be charged may 50 to 75 miles be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF OF OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION Name: Mike & Anna Strelka Name: Ed Urban Name: Address: Address: 11011 Jani Lane Address: 546 Whitetail Circle City, State, Zip: Arlington Heights, IL 60004 City, State, Zip: Marengo IL 60152 City, State, Zip: Hampshire, IL 60140-9826 Home Phone: 847-577-3997 Email; Home Phone: (815) 923-1910 Email Website Address: Home Phone: 847-683"()071 Email Address:HAVJ13@AOL.COM Website Address: 1809 N. Ridge Ave Henry A. Vincent, Jr. Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: Northern IL CWRT unlimited (if expenses paid) Talks/topics (all first person impressions): Tales from the life of Gen. John B. Turchin, "the Russian Thunderbolt," and his gallant wife, Nadine; . The Incident at Athens, Alabama, and the Court Martial of Col. Turchin; The Conduct of the War through a Russian Staff Officer's Eyes; Chickamauga, Eyewitness Accounts by General & Madame Turchin; A Brief Tribute to "The American Volunteer." Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Table McHenry County Civil War Round Distance willing to travel: Depends on my schedule at time of request, please contact me. Talks/topics: Earl Van Dorn The Eighteenth Illinois, the Hanging of Private Dickerman and the Court Martial of Colonel Lawler Ironclads Also, Anna does a first person impression of Virginia lady Constance Cary, a belle of Richmond society during the Civil War. Exploits of Col. CR Ellet and the Sinking of he Queen of the West "a fee may be charged Battle of Chickasaw Bayou Civil War Round Table Affiliations: McHenry County Distance willing to travel: approx. 60/70 miles • mileage/travel Talks/topics: The Gap at Chickamauga, September 20,1863. In this talk I will relate the events during the battle, leading up to General Longstreet's attack; and highlighting the errors made by Generals, Rosecrans, Wood and others which resulted in what the Confederates call a yict.ory,.and the Union refer to as.a withdrJlwal. laking rne Cars, transportation In tne 1860'S (can include a Powerpoint Presentation) The life of General John M. Brannan, 18191892. NOTE: Each of these can be presented in from 30 to 45 minutes, but can be longer if time allows. • indicates a fee may be charged • indicates a fee may be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Marta Vincent CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Address: 546 Whitetail Circle City, State, Zip: Hampshire, IL 60140-9826 Name: Paula Walker Home Phone: 847-683"()071 Email Website Address: com Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION www.midwestcwcivilian. McHenry County Distance willing to travel: approx. 60/70 miles • mileageltravel Talks/tODics: Typical Women's Dress through the day and from the 'skin out. (I will dress and have a Powerpoint presentation, but a model could be used also) "What a lady wore at home, for day, for special occasions and to the ball" Mid Century Parasols and Umbrellas (with extant examples and Powerpoint p'resentation)l Civilian Men s clothing (with a model and Powerpoint presentation) "What a gentleman would wear at home, at work, for business, dress andJor for.mal occasions". . . Typical children's clothinq for girls and boys (with Powerpoint presentation) "No, most little boys did not dress in uniforms, and little airls did not wear ballqowns: dispelling the mv.ths" Mid century Jewelry (""'Itn extant examples ana Powerpoint presentation) NOTE: Each of these can be presented in from 30 to 45 minutes, but ~<,nbe 10nQe[ if time altows. Indicatesll tee may I>ecnarged Name: Daniel Weinberg Address: 7845 Bristol Park Dr. 357 W. Chicago Avenue City, State, Zip: Chicago, Illinois 60654 City, State, Zip: Tinley Park, IL 60477 Work Phone: 312/944 - 3085 Email Website Address: Home Phone: 708-429-5781 Email Website Address: Civil war Round Table Affiliations: Suburban Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: within the Midwest Talks/topics: Gen. G.K.Warren and the Warren Court of Inquiry, Whitman's Sampler-Civil War Poetry • indicates a fee may be charged All Civil War Round Tables Chicago, Salt Creek, South Distance willing to travel: Open Talks/topics: Dealing in Historical Artifacts Lincoln Assassins: Trial and Execution NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1.2010) Name: Michael Weeks Name: Larry Werline Name: Don C. White Address: 40 E. 9"' St., Unit 902 Address: 864 Berkshire Ct Address: 10216 S. 78"' Avenue City, State, Zip: Chicago, IL 60605 City, State, Zip: Sycamore, IL 60178 City, State, Zip: Palos Hills, Illinois 60465 Home Phone: (773) 547-3475 Email Website Address: Home Phone: Home Phone: Cell: 815-762-5543 Email Website Address: 708/598-8191 Email Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Chicago CWRT Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: membership recently lapsed South Suburban CWRT Distance willing to travel: Almost any Distance willing to travel: Any, if travel reimbursement Distance willing to travel: 0 - 50 miles Talksltopics: My presentation relates stories about my travels and findings while writing my book, The Complete Civil War Road Trip Guide. The book features almost 450 Civil War historic sites, all of which I personally visited. The title of the presentation is "Finding Hallowed Ground: America's Civil War Sites Today". The talk focuses on hidden gems, lessons learned, the importance of historic travel, and battlefield nreservatlon Fee: None, although I do ask for assistance with travel costs and permission to sell my book. I can be contacted easily by email through my website or by phone at (773) 578-2714. Talks/topics: Salt Creek for many years, but Talks/topics: First person Ulysses S. Grant. Any topic associated with Grant including: Grant at Chattanooga, Grant at Vicksburg, Life of U.S. Grant, Reminisces of the Civil War, the Last Year of the Civil War, Grant as Prp'sident, etc. . I don t Charge fees to Civil War Round Tables, except for gas If a long distance from home. • indicates a fee may be charged Lincoln Robert E. Lee • indicates a fee may be charged NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) NORTHERN ILLINOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: Michael Address: Wlllever and Michael Phelps Name: Dr. Wayne L. Wolf PO Box 7005 City, State, Zip: Greenwood, Address: IN 46142 Home Phone: (317) 886·1329 Emall Address:lnfo@adarl< Website Address: htto· Civil War Round Distance Table Affiliations: willing to travel: Will be JOining the Indianapolis CWRT In June 2010. any Mr. WlUever and I have cc-autbcred a book titled "A Dark and Bloody This book chronlcjes the week of October 4·7,1862, when the State of as vast foraging armies swept the country side; soktiers from the North and from the South fighting and dying, staining Kentucky's soil with their bleed. The reader witnesses these events through the eyes of seven protagonists, four Southern and three Northern. This novel for the first time brings to life such historical figures as George Thomas, leonidas Polle, Phil Sheridan and Patrick Cleburne, to name but a few. The events of this week changed the lives of these men and the State of KenbJcky tcrevert This book takes you up to two hours before the BatUe of Perryville. Kentucky. It has been nominated for the 2010 Michael Shaara Award tor Excellence in Civil War fiction. working on the second book tit1ed "A Dark and Whirtwind". This book is due for release in late 2010. this book and culminate with the Confederate withdrawal the day after. We are currently Mr. Willever and I will NOr eharge any tees for speaking avallable, after the lecture, to sell and s~n our books. have Civil war a strong passion and to enhance • Indicate. to to educate those unaware ot the the knowledge of those who do . a fee may be charged 15800 S. State St. City, State, Zip: South Holland 11.60473 Talksltoplcs: Talkaltopic9: Ground: Sowing the Wind", Kentucky lay in the balance We available Bloody Ground: Reaping the will contain the actual Battle of Perryville Distance willing to travel: of ask Kentucky to have during a small area the American 50 miles Firsts in the Civil War/topics: The Life of the Common Soldier Lincoln" Constitutional your group. We do importance Home Phone 0708)596-200 x2355 Email Address: Website Address: Round Table Affiliations: Lincoln-Davis Disaster CWRT NORTHERN ILUNOIS COALITION OF CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLES (6-1-2010) Name: David Zarefsky Address: 828 Oakton Street City, State, Zip: Evanston, Illinois Home Phone: Email Address: Website Address: Civil War Round Table Affiliations: Distance willing to travel: 75 miles Talks/topics: (1) The Lincoln-Douglas Debates' (2) Lincoln's Speeches - either in general or with respect to particular speeches (1" Inaugural, Gettysburg, 20d Inaugural, Cooper Union, etc.) . PLEASE CONTACT VIA POSTAL ADDRESS OR E-MAIL ADDRESS ONLY. • indicates a fee may be charged