th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology


th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology
First Announcement
Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry,
University of Zagreb in cooperation with
the Croatian Pharmaceutical Society is
organizing the
9th Central European Symposium
on Pharmaceutical Technology
with focus on
Nanopharmaceuticals & Nanomedicine
September 20-22, 2012
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Central European Symposium on
Pharmaceutical Technology the most exciting European scientific
event in autumn 2012
Dubrovnik – the Symposium City
Central Europe and other European regions to discuss topics
related to pharmaceutical dosage forms and pharmaceutical
“Those who seek paradise on earth”, George Bernard Shaw
once wrote, “should come to see Dubrovnik”. With its medieval
The 2003 CESPT was held again in Slovenia, this time in
ramparts, stone walls, churches, palaces, plazas and harbour,
Ljubljana, and aimed to present novelties in the research on drug
it is architecturally a living monument to its days as an affluent
formulations, technological and bio-technological processes
merchant state. The turquoise
waters of the Adriatic and the sun- and drug transport processes. More than 110 contributions appeared as oral and poster presentations and were published in
drenched orange-tiled rooftops
the Pharmaceutical Journal of Slovenia. After that, 23 authors
of the old city create an ambience
representing various research groups were selected and asked to
that makes meetings and convenprepare full length papers to be included after review in the spetions a true fulfilment. Dubrovnik
cial issue of International Journal of Pharmaceutics.
indeed is one of the world’s treasIn 2005, the CESPT moved to Hungary, Siofok. This time, 129 lecures, a fact officially recognized
tures were presented and extended abstracts were published in a
when the UNESCO declared it a
Supplement to European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
World Cultural Heritage site.
Again in 2008 the CESPT returned to Slovenia. Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, was a lovely place during the presidency of
130th Anniversary
the European Union. More than 200 contributions were presentThe University of Zagreb (1669) is the oldest and biggest unied and the conference was accompanied by a Satellite Symposium
versity in South-Eastern Europe. Ever since its foundation, the
entitled Challenges and Opportunities in Multiparticulate
University has been continually growing and developing and
Drug Delivery. Another special issue of International Journal of
now consists of 29 faculties, three art academies and the Centre
Pharmaceutics was published from this great event.
for Croatian Studies. Pharmacy studies were started at the
In 2010, the 8th CESPT was held in Graz, Austria, and has been
University of Zagreb in 1882. The name Faculty of Pharmacy and
accompanied by a Satellite Symposium entitled Challenges and
Biochemistry was adopted in 1963, and since 1986 the Faculty has
Opportunities in Pharmaceutical Engineering. As many as 330
been offering two academic degree courses, one in pharmacy
registered participants from 30 countries (1/3 from non-European
and the other in medical biochemistry, leading to Master’s and
countries) were taken with this extraordinary event. Many inDoctoral degrees. 130 successful years will be recognized and celternationally known speakers made the symposium even more
ebrated at the 2012 CESPT.
The History of CESPT
Aims and Scope
In the late 1980s, the initiative for Central European scientific
The 9th CESPT in 2012 will offer a perfect opportunity to conmeetings dealing with pharmaceutical technology arose as a result
tinue, and to extend, the aims of this series. The focus of the
of the long-standing collaboration between the laboratories for
meeting will be nanopharmaceuticals and nanomedicine, newly
pharmaceutical technology of the faculties of pharmacy in Trieste,
emerging nanotechnological specialties which are already altering
Italy and Ljubljana, Slovenia.
the face of diagnostics, therapeutics, and drug delivery systems
Three round table meetings, entitled Alpe Adria Seminars on
throughout the biomedical field. The challenges generated by
Pharmaceutical Technology, were held.
these new concepts and achievements in pharmaceutical techIn 1993, when the Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society became a
nology will be addressed by the eminent researchers who will atmember of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences
tend the symposium from both academia and industry. How can
(EUFEPS), all conditions were fulfilled to follow the recommenwe influence the emerging field of nanomedicine to optimize its
dations of EUFEPS assembly dedicated to the organization of
promise to better diagnose, prevent, and treat, the burgeoning
regional thematic scientific meetings in Europe. As a result, the
threat of today’s diseases? The anticipated lively and productive
1st Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology
discussions among the symposium participants should achieve
(CESPT) was held in October 1995 in Bled, Slovenia, under the pa- the major goal of the symposium, namely to provide answers to
tronage of EUFEPS.
this question.
The two subsequent events, in 1997 and 1999 were successfully
organized in Portoroz, Slovenia.
Start planning for CESPT 2012!
The 4th CESPT was organized in 2001 in Vienna, Austria, and thus
We look forward to welcoming you in Dubrovnik, Croatia
regained new perspectives. It attracted more than 200 participants from academic, industrial and regulatory institutions from
Authors are requested to consider submitting
the papers dealing with the following topics:
! Novel Dosage Forms/Modified Drug Release/Drug Targeting
! Nanopharmaceuticals/Drug Delivery
! Materials Science/Biosensors/Characterisation of
Nanomaterials/Safety of Nanomaterials
! Characterisation of Nanostructures & Surfaces
! Interactions between Nanoparticles and the Body
! Polymer Therapeutics
! Biologically Active Drug Products
! Tissue Engineering
! Rational Design of Novel Formulations
! Pharmaceutical Technologies and Processes
! Process Analytical Technology
! Pharmaceutical Analysis and Bioanalysis
! Quality-by-Design Strategies and Their Impact on the
Approval Process
! Biopharmaceuticals Manufacturing
! Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodinamics and Efficacy of
Drug Delivery Systems
! Drug Dissolution, Absorption, Metabolism and Membrane
! Bioavailability/Bioequivalence/Biosimilarity
Keynote Speakers
ANDREAS BERNKOP-SCHNÜRCH , Institute of Pharmacy,
University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Nanocarrier systems for oral drug delivery: Do we really need them?
RUTH DUNCAN , Cardiff, United Kingdom
Polymer therapeutics as nanomedicines for the 21st century:
Clinical successes and future opportunities
MAURO GIACCA , International Centre for Genetic Engineering
and Biotechnology, Trieste, Italy
„How can you mend a broken heart” (Bee Gees, 1971): Gene and
cell therapies for cardiovascular disorders
PETRA KOCBEK , University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs):
a promising tool for drug delivery?
DUSICA MAYSINGER , McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Nanomedicines for frustrated microglia
LON J. WILSON , Rice University, Houston, Texas
Carbon nanotube capsules for medical imaging and therapy
Participants are invited to submit abstracts online for oral or poster presentations before March 1, 2012. Abstracts should be written
in English.
President of the Symposium
Co-President of the Symposium
ALEŠ MRHAR , Slovenia
Secretary of the Symposium
Scientific Committee
Honorary Committee
Organizing Committee
Franco Alhaique, Roma, Italy
István Antal, Budapest, Hungary
Mira Bećirević Laćan, Zagreb, Croatia
Marija Bogataj, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Julijana Kristl, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Miloslava Rabišková, Brno, Czech Republic
Stane Srčić, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Malgorzata Sznitowska, Gdansk, Poland
Nataša Škalko Basnet, Tromsø, Norway
Zuzana Vitková, Bratislava, Slovakia
Dario Voinovich, Trieste, Italy
Andreas Zimmer, Graz, Austria
Ubaldo Conte, Italy
Dominique Duchene, France
Alexander T. Florence, UK
Atilla Hincal, Turkey
Ivan Jalšenjak, Croatia
Hans Junginger, Germany
Jelka Korbar Šmid, Slovenia
Franc Kozjek, Slovenia
Fulvio Rubessa, Italy
Anita Hafner
Mario Jug
Ivan Pepić
Željka Vanić
Maja Jakševac Mikša
Tatjana Šešok
Dorotea Pernjak
Biserka Cetina Čižmek
The Symposium will be accompanied by an industrial exhibition of
products and technologies. We invite you to take the opportunity
to present your company and development achievements. Please
find more info at the website.
Symposium Venue
The Symposium will take place at the LIBERTAS RIXOS Conference Hotel in Dubrovnik.
The Libertas Rixos Hotel, Lichtensteinov put 3, Dubrovnik, Croatia,
In addition to the Libertas Rixos Hotel *****, accommodation will also be offered in other 3
and 4 stars hotels in Dubrovnik.
Important Dates
Symposium dates 20-22 Sept 2012
Abstract submission 1 March 2012
Abstract acceptance 1 May 2012
It will be available online, on the website.
Important Addresses
President of the Symposium
Co-President of the Symposium
Secretary of the Symposium
Prof. Jelena Filipović-Grčić, PhD
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy
and Biochemistry
Phone: +385 (1) 6394 761
Prof. Aleš Mrhar, PhD
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy
Phone: +386 (1) 476 95 41
Assist. Prof. Jasmina Lovrić, PhD
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy
and Biochemistry
Phone: +385 (1) 6394 763
Organizing Institutions
University of Zagreb Faculty of
Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Croatia
Croatian Pharmaceutical Society, Croatia
Supporting Organizations and Societies
ADRITELF, Associazione Docenti e
Ricercatori Italiani di Tecnologie e Legislazione
Farmaceutiche, Italy
APGI, Association de Pharmacie Galénique
Industrielle, France
MFD, Macedonian Pharmaceutical Assiciation,
ÖPhG, Österreichische Pharmazeutische
Gesellschaft, Austria
APV, International Association for
Pharmaceutical Technology, Germany
Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia, Serbia
BioNanoNet Research Association,
Pharmaceutical Society of Federation
of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Controlled Release Society –
Slovenia Local Chapter, Slovenia
Polish Pharmaceutical Society,
Czech Pharmaceutical Society,
Czech Republic
SFS, Slovak Pharmaceutical Society,
European Federation for
Pharmaceutical Sciences
HSPS, Hungarian Society for Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Hungaria
SFD, Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society,
More information at the Symposium website