Second Announcement - 10th Central European Symposium on


Second Announcement - 10th Central European Symposium on
Second Announcement
10th Central European
Symposium on
Translation of basic
concepts into drug
delivery for specific
September 18 – 20, 2014
Portorož, Slovenia
Satellite Symposium
of CESPT 2014
Functionality Related
Characteristics of Materials
for Controlled Release
jointed with
8th Annual PSSRC Pharmaceutical Solid State
Research Cluster Symposium
The 10th CESPT
In the late 1980s, the initiative for Central European scientific meetings dealing with pharmaceutical
technology arose as a result of the long-standing collaboration between the departments for pharmaceutical technology of the faculties of pharmacy in Trieste, Italy and Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 1993, when
the Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society became a member of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS), all conditions were fulfilled to follow the recommendations of EUFEPS assembly
dedicated to the organization of regional thematic scientific meetings in Europe. As a result, the 1st Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology (CESPT) was held in October 1995 in Bled,
Slovenia, under the patronage of EUFEPS. The subsequent events were successfully organized twice
in Portorož, in Vienna (Austria), Ljubljana, Siofok (Hungary), then again in Ljubljana, followed by Graz
(Austria) and in 2012 in Dubrovnik (Croatia). With time, the CESPT evolved into a well established platform for promotion of new scientific, professional and business connections and a recognizable event
regularly attracting over 200 interested professionals from the industry, academia and regulatory bodies
worldwide and in particular from Central and Eastern Europe. Following tradition, the CESPT 2014 will
provide an outstanding and exclusive forum for sharing new perceptions from academic, industrial and
regulatory aspects of pharmaceutical technology, to form networks with members of the pharmaceutical community and to discuss the cutting-edge research findings and experiences. We will gather again
in Portorož, Slovenia and celebrate the10th yet jubilee CESPT – as another excellent event of the series.
About Portorož
The poetically named Portorož, or Port of Roses, is the undisputed king of Slovenia’s coastal tourism.
Although it lacks the look of the Venetian old towns that can be found in the adjacent Piran, its numerous
hotels, restaurants, conference centres, spas and casinos make it a popular destination. Portorož has
been a tourist destination as far back as the 13th century, when it developed a niche as a health resort,
and towards the end of the 19th century it became widely known for the healing properties of its mud
and salt water baths. This reputation has persisted till today, with the city currently home to no less than
six different wellness spas and resorts.
Aims and scopes
The 10th CESPT in 2014 will offer a perfect opportunity to continue and extend, the aims of this series.
The focus of the meeting will be oriented towards drug delivery for specific populations (children, elderly, patients with kidney and liver failure, patients debilitated by stroke, pregnant and nursing women,
polymorbid patients) with the aim to propose optimal medication in terms of pharmaceutical dosage
forms, modes of administration and dosage regimen. For this purpose different kinds of expertise are
needed, from chemical, physicochemical, technological and pharmacokinetic aspects to preclinical and
clinical evaluations to translate with all possible speed basic laboratory concepts into advanced clinical
settings. The challenges generated by new concepts and achievements in pharmaceutical technology
will be addressed by the eminent researchers who will attend the symposium from both academia and
industry. The anticipated lively and productive discussions among the symposium participants should
achieve the major goal of the symposium, namely to provide answers to the above-named questions.
We look forward to welcoming you in Portorož, Slovenia!
Prof. Dr. Aleš Mrhar
President of CESPT
Honorary Committee
• Dominique Duchene, France
• Alexander T Florence, United Kingdom
• Atila Hincal, Turkey
• Hans Junginger, Germany
• Franc Kozjek, Slovenia
• Fulvio Rubesa, Italy
• Jelka Šmid Korbar, Slovenia
President of CESPT 2014
Aleš Mrhar
General Secretary of CESPT 2014
Simon Žakelj
Scientific committee
• Elena Boldyreva, Russia
• Martin Brandl, Denmark
• Jörg Breitkreutz, Germany
• Sema Çalış, Turkey
• Jelena Filipović-Grčić, Croatia
• Achim Göpferich, Germany
• Katerina Goracinova, Macedonia
• Albin Kristl, Slovenia
• Julijana Kristl, Slovenia
• Claus-Michael Lehr, Germany
• Jelena Parojčić, Serbia
• Miloslava Rabišková, Czech Republic
• Piroska Szabó-Révész, Hungary
• Małgorzata Sznitowska, Poland
• Nilüfer Tarımcı, Turkey
• Dario Voinovich, Italy
• Helmut Viernstein, Austria
• Edina Vranić, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Andreas Zimmer, Austria
Organizing Committee
• Saša Baumgartner
• Marija Bogataj
• Jelka Dolinar, Secretary
• Rok Dreu
• Mirjana Gašperlin
• Iztok Grabnar
• Janez Kerč
• Igor Legen
• Odon Planinšek
• Aleš Rotar
• Vojmir Urlep
• Tomaž Vovk
• Franc Vrečer
• Jernej Zadnik
10th Central European Symposium
on Pharmaceutical Technology
Tentative program with topics presented at the symposium
Morning sessions
18th of September
Afternoon sessions
Satellite Symposium
of CESPT 2014
8th Annual PSSRC
of Materials for
Controlled Release
Satellite Symposium
of CESPT 2014
8th Annual PSSRC
of Materials for
Controlled Release
19th of September
20th of September
Session title:
Advanced drug
delivery systems
for specific
Session title:
properties of
nanomaterials to
efficacy and safety
Plenary lecture:
Plenary lecture:
Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitkreutz
Orodispersible drug
formulations for
children and the
Prof. Dr. Elias Fattal
Tailoring nanomaterials for personalized
drug delivery:
safety and efficacy
Keynote and short talks
Keynote and short talks
Poster session
Poster session
Session title:
Frontiers of
evaluation to
promote early drug
Session title:
Recent achievements
of modelling
approach in
Plenary lecture:
Plenary lecture:
Prof. Dr. Marija Bogataj
Prediction of oral
drug delivery systems
in vivo performance:
how to simulate
Prof. Dr. Geoffrey T Tucker
Complex patients,
complex models–
PBPK made easy?
Keynote and short talks
Keynote and short talks
Keynote and short talks
Keynote and short talks
Opening lecture:
Prof. Dr. Achim Göpferich
The role of drug
delivery technology
in drug therapy
Welcome reception
Closing session
Satellite symposium
The Satellite Symposium of CESPT 2014 jointed with Open Day Symposium of the 8th Pharmaceutical Solid State Research Cluster (PSSRC, will take place in Grand Hotel Bernardin,
Portorož on Thursday, 18th of September 2014.
The Pharmaceutical Solid State Research Cluster (PSSRC) includes 11 academic teams, located at the
Universities of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Copenhagen (Denmark), Düsseldorf (Germany), Ghent
(Belgium), Graz (Austria), Helsinki (Finland), Leuven (Belgium), Lille (France), Lisbon (Portugal), Ljubljana
(Slovenia) and Otago (New Zealand) ( The aim of this consortium is to overcome current
limitations in the investigation of solid pharmaceutical dosage forms. Every year, the cluster members meet
during two and a half days and one of these days is an “Open Day”.
It is open to the public and mainly consists of oral presentation of senior cluster members. One important
aim of this day is to present the research activity of the PSSRC and to initiate a fruitful collaboration of
universities with industry and regulatory bodies.
Focus will be on Functionality related characteristics of materials for controlled release. Well
known invited speakers will address all the relevant aspects of APIs and excipients used in the solid dosage formulation which are linked to successful formulation strategies and manufacturing processes. In
addition to the invited talks given by the leading researchers in the field, a foreseen industrial exhibition
will allow an update on the advanced characterization techniques available nowadays.
Prof. Dr. Stane Srčič
On behalf of the Satellite Symposium Organizing Committee
Thursday, 18th September 2014
Satellite Symposium of CESPT 2014
Functionality Related Characteristics of Materials for Controlled Release
9.00 – 17.20
Prof. Stane Srčič : Opening
Prof. Elena Boldyreva: Mechanochemistry of organic systems and its impact on the drug formulation
Dr. Korbinian Löbmann: The Co-amorphous Drug Delivery Approach
Dr. Biljana Janković: Critical materials attributes (CMA) relevant for production of solid dosage forms
Dr. Ivan Jerman: Raman/AFM for scientific research and industrial characterization of materials
Prof. Peter Kleinebudde: Functionality related characteristics: Needed or nonsense?
Fred Monsuur: Silicon Dioxides “from excipient to drug delivery technology”
Prof. Anette Müllertz: Optimizing in vitro models in order to predict oral drug performance:
identifying the limiting factors
Closing remarks
10th Central European Symposium
on Pharmaceutical Technology –
Translation of basic concepts into drug delivery for specific populations
Call for abstracts
Participants are invited to submit abstracts on-line for oral or poster presentation before May 15, 2014.
All accepted abstracts will be published on-line in a special issue of the Pharmaceutical Journal of Slovenia (electronic version only), accessible prior to symposium. The scientific committee will inform you
about acceptance of the abstract by June 30, 2014.
To ensure that your contribution will reach a wide audience we have prepared a voluntary Open
access option. You can upload your oral presentation or poster (as pdf file). Your contribution will be
publicly available at the conference web site during and after the conference.
Instructions for Authors
• The presenting author is expected to attend the congress and present the poster or oral presentation.
• The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract
before submission.
• All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of
a quality suitable for publication. Publication is dependent upon payment of registration fee.
Authors are requested to consider submitting the papers dealing with the following Topics:
1. Advanced drug delivery systems for specific populations
2. Frontiers of biopharmaceutical evaluation to promote early drug registration
3. Tuning physicochemical properties of nanomaterials to efficacy and safety and
4. Recent achievements of modeling approach in personalized medicine
Registration is handled by:
Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society
Dunajska 184 A, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: + 386 1 569 2601
Fax: + 386 1 569 2602
Registration FEE (Registration fees are in EUR and include VAT)
CESPT only
Satellite only
CESPT + Satellite
Before 21st July 2014
After 21st July 2014
Academia + Industry
Academia + Industry
Academia + Industry
* A signed letter from the dean is required.
Payment can be made either by bank transfer or by credit card.
Registration fee includes:
• Admission to the CESPT2014 Symposium sessions and Exhibition (Additional registration fee is required
for the Satellite symposium!)
• Book of abstracts - electronic version of Pharm J Slo
• Final program
• Conference bag
• Certificate of attendance
• Welcome reception on Thursday, September 18, 2014
• Coffee breaks and luncheons at the symposium venue
Cancellation and refunds:
Personal registration cancellation is only possible in writing before 30 August 2014. In this case administrative costs of 50 EUR will be charged. After this deadline no refunding is possible. For personal
cancellation please contact Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society,
Sponsoring the symposium & exhibition
The Symposium will be accompanied by an exhibition of products and technologies in front of the meeting hall. We invite you to take the opportunity to present your company and development achievements
and to increase the degree of awareness about your brand among pharmaceutical scientists. Your
support is much appreciated as it contributes to the quality of the event and is used to decrease the
registration fee for students in order to enable them to attend the meeting and share the knowledge and
experience with other colleagues from academia and industry. For further information please download
the sponsorship and exhibition application form from
Symposium Venue
The symposium will take place at the Grand Hotel Bernardin, Obala 2, Portorož, Slovenia.
Accomodation is handled by:
Hoteli Bernardin , Obala 2, SI - 6320 Portorož, Slovenia
Phone: +386 5 690 7000, Fax: +386 5 690 7010
Grand Hotel Bernardin 5*
Hotel Histrion 4*
Hotel Vile Park 3*
double room: 170 EUR
double room: 130 EUR
double room: 100 EUR
single room: 125 EUR
single room: 100 EUR
single room: 70 EUR
Supplement: City tax 1.01 EUR/person/day
Prices are in EUR per day and per room. The price includes self-served breakfast, free parking, free access
to inner swimming pool and Water Park Laguna Bernardin. All rooms in GH Bernardin have a sea view.
The accommodation should be paid directly at the hotel prior to check out. A credit card guarantee will
be required to secure the booking. Rooms are booked on »First Come, First served« basis and neither
above offered room rates nor room availability can be guaranteed for reservation made after 5th September 2014.
For shuttle service from the airports of Venice, Trieste and Ljubljana to Portorož at affordable prices see:
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: May 15, 2014
Abstract acceptance notification: June 30, 2014
Symposium: September 18-20, 2014
Satellite Symposium: September 18, 2014
President of the Symposium
Prof. Dr. Aleš Mrhar, MPharm
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 7, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ph.: +386 1 476 95 41, Fax: +386 1 425 80 31
General Secretary of the Symposium
Assist. Prof. Dr. Simon Žakelj, MPharm
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 7, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ph.: +386 1 476 95 38, Fax: +386 1 425 80 31
Secretary of the Symposium
Jelka Dolinar, MPharm
Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society
Dunajska 184 A, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ph.: + 386 1 569 26 01, Fax: + 386 1 569 26 02
E-mail:, Homepage:
Organizing institutions