GARDENEWS - Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland
GARDENEWS - Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland
Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page GARDENEWS Volume 10, Issue 5 July 1, 2016 The Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc. The official publication of the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc. Published Tri-annually by The Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc. 4915 Greenspring Avenue Baltimore, MD 21209 Mailing Address P.O. Box 65172 Baltimore, MD 21209 410-396-4842 President Nicki Schwab Editor Ronda Goldman Gardenews Representatives District I Linda Elias District II Ronda Goldman District III Dot Sacker District IV Kathleen Brosi District V Brenda Ashworth Deadlines to submit club information to your Gardenews District Representatives: November Issue - October 15 February Issue - January 15 July Issue - June 15 Gardenews is published on our Website: Greetings! It seems like only yesterday that our National Garden Club President Sandra Robinson joined us at our Annual Meeting! I hope you enjoyed her message to encourage children to play outside and come back in contact with nature! Her inspiration for the children’s book “The Frightened Frog” is available from the NGC website Our garden club activities have been a flurry since then, and I have enjoyed my travels throughout the state, and most recently, the NGC Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We look forward to our NGC Schools which will be offered this fall, including Landscape Design School Course IV and Gardening Study School Course II. Our schools offer dynamic speakers who inspire continued education! President Nicki Schwab Noted Professor Doug Tallamy, author of Bringing Nature Home, will speak to us about sustaining pollinator populations in our garden habitats. Mark your calendar for November 5th at the Vollmer Center! Vendors will be there for a fun morning of shopping. This year we were able to give $5100 to the UMCES Scholarship Fund. I hope we can do the same next year. Take a moment to see how you too can lend support to my President’s Project “Scholarship for the Environmental Leaders of Tomorrow!” If you would like to learn more about UMCES or if your club is interested in a trip to the Horn Point Lab, the Chesapeake Biological Lab, or the Appalachian Lab, please contact me for more information about the University of Maryland Centers for Environmental Science. Lastly, kudos to the state of Maryland for passing the Pollinator Protection Act! For the first time, Neonicotinoids, a pesticide that threatens pollinators, has been banned for home use. Well done! Enjoy your gardens, and thank you for all you do to make our lives more enriched and our communities happier! Fondly, Nicki Schwab Page 2 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 First Vice President’s Report …...Diana Bonner This Vice President had the great pleasure of attending the Philadelphia Flower Show in March . This year’s theme was “Explore America” and celebrated 100 years of the National Park Service. The park exhibits reminded one of how breathtakingly beautiful our country is and how fortunate we are to be able to visit the parks (without a passport or going through customs). FGCMD members are doubly fortunate to have trips available to them to many lovely locations. The Landscape Design Council had a very successful trip to Chanticleer, the Environmental Consultants Council had a much talked about visit to the Howard County Conservancy (a must see) and on June 14th the Gardening Consultants Council plans to visit the Cunningham Manor House gardens in Cockeysville. Another opportunity to visit beautiful places was Maryland’s House and Garden tours. This Vice President was awed by the Queen Anne’s County and Talbot County tours. She also visited several garden club flower shows and a moving Blue Star Memorial Dedication by the Glen Arm Garden Club at Cromwell Bridge Road. Another Blue Star Dedication was held by the Joppatown Garden Club. The State Annual Meeting and Districts’ Annual meetings also provided opportunities to learn more about garden and floral design. This Vice President is looking forward to attending Landscape Design School’s final Course IV September 27-28th, Judges Council’s Flower Show October 19th and the State Horticulture Day November 5th. Diana Bonner Diana Bonner at The Philadelphia Flower Show Gardening Consultants Council Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 3 Environmental Consultants Council June Field Trip The Environmental Consultants Council met at the Howard County Conservancy on June 7 for a tour of their property. The Conservancy is an environmental education center and land trust, founded by a group of local citizens in 1990. “Their mission is to educate children and adults about the natural world, preserve the land and its legacy and model responsible stewardship of the environment.” This farm, which became known as Mt. Pleasant, had been in the Brown family for eight generations, since 1703. It includes gardens, farm fields, streams and mature hardwood trees. The historic farmhouse and surrounding multiple outbuildings including a blacksmith shop, bank barn, carriage house, wagon shed, corn crib, smokehouse and chicken coup, have all been preserved and maintained. We were told about the history of the farm and these structures, and how it now serves to preserve and teach us about our agricultural heritage. th The farm also includes 4 miles of trails, farm animals, a nature center, a butterfly garden, several community gardens and a 1.36 acre honors garden that showcases our native plants. Many of the schools in the area visit the conservancy throughout the year, as well as many adults who also come for the beauty of the surroundings and the gardens. Photo: from left to right Kathy Tucker, Nicki Schwab, Chris Myles-Tochko, Phyllis Rambo, Kim Barnes, Donna Miller, Jackie Handley, Linda Harris, Diana Bonner, Lynn Walter, Carolyn Braverman, Nancy Johnston, Christa Pusateri, Marjorie Schiebel, Susie Middleton Page 4 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 International Photography Competition Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 5 Page 6 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 FGCMD Scholarship Winners FGCMD: Congratulations to our FGCMD Scholarship winner Allyson Stolte. She was awarded $3,500 and her application has been submitted for consideration for the CAR Scholarship. Allyson will be a Junior at Delaware Valley University in Doylestown, Pa. with a major in Horticulture. She plans to enter into the Horticulture Industry after graduation. Allyson is Vice President of the DelVal Collegiate Future Farmers of America, DelVal Collegiate Farm Bureau ICC Representative, member of the DelVal Horticulture and Floriculture Societies. She is an active member and Sister in Agriculture in her sorority, Alpha Alpha Lambda. Allyson has expressed her gratitude for the scholarship which will be helpful in lessening her college debt. She has a summer job with Milby Lawn Care in Elderbury, Md. A Life Membership in the FGCMD costs $75 and all funds go to the FGCMD Scholarship Fund. Checks may be sent to the office. BAKER SCHOLARSHIP: Vincent Che-Wei Yi has won the Baker Scholarship Award for the second consecutive year (and final year of eligibility). He received a Baker Scholarship of $7,500 plus a scholarship from NGC for $4,000! His photo with an article were published in the November 2015 Gardenews when he won the 2015 Baker Scholarship. He is currently a Master of Landscape Architecture candidate at the University of Maryland College Park and received his Bachelor’s Degree in History and Economics also from the University of Maryland. He has greatly enjoyed his two years as a graduate student and has found an interest in plant design and selection. This summer he is working with the community of Druid Heights in West Baltimore as a part of his thesis on reusing vacant lots as public open space. Vincent is also excited for two of his rain garden designs to be installed later this summer. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (UMCES) SCHOLARSHIP – THE STATE PRESIDENT’S PROJECT: “ Scholarship for the Environmental Leaders of Tomorrow”. At the March Annual Meeting, a $5,100 scholarship was accepted by Melanie Jackson a graduate student from the Horn Point Lab. These funds were generously donated by the FGCMD and its Districts, clubs and individuals. Another UMCES Scholarship will be presented at the next Annual Meeting so donations are greatly appreciated. Checks to the UMCES Scholarship Fund can be made to the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc. On the memo line, please write UMCES Scholarship Fund and send to the office. Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 7 Page 8 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 9 Landscape Design School Course IV It’s the Final Four! Last chance to join us at this fun and interesting school with exceptional instructors. At Course III, we had 67 attendees, 37 Students and 13 who refreshed their credentials. We received many compliments plus expressions of “sadness” that the school was coming to an end. Course IV will be September 27-28 with an optional test on Sept. 29, 2016 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Annapolis. The topics that will be covered are: *Development of Landscape Architecture: World War II to Present *Contemporary Landscape Design *Design for the Future *Redesign of Areas *Community Participation-Organization and Individual Responsibility *History and Development of Community Gardens *Spot Light on Local Landscapes *Visit to 3 gardens: 1 pubic and 2 residential gardens In addition to this being our last Landscape Design School for quite awhile, the garden tours make this a very popular course. There will be a cut off of attendees so you should register early. Check the website and Events Calendar for the brochure. Diana Bonner and Ann Christ LDS Co-Chairmen Page 10 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 11 Page 12 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 Annual Meeting Highlights Award of Achievement presented to Virginia Decker Dessie Moxley Youth Award to Mountain Laurel Garden Club Gibson Island receives the Govenor's Bowl Mount Washington receives Dessie Moxley Youth Award Susan Somerville Hawes and Marion DeGroff presented Awards of Achievement Sylvia Deck and the Marie Coulter Bowl Glen Arm Garden Club receives the Dessie Moxley Youth Award Presidential Award to Karen Offutt The Perennial Bloom Award to Millie Sample, Naval Academy Garden Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 13 Annual Meeting Highlights The Stieff Young Gardeners Achievement Bowl presented to the Chestertown Garden Club UMCES Scholarship Award presented to Liz Freelander and Melanie Jackson Member Award of Honor presented to Linda Harris, Mountain Laurel Garden Club Maryland State President, Nicki Schwab presiding over the state annual meeting. Four Rivers Garden Club receives the Evelyn Cotton Maryland Conservation Bowl and the Rae B. Weeks Historic Preservation Award from NGC President Sandra Robinson. Marie Coulter, Past State President and Past CAR Director Past President, Bonnie Stevens & Office Administrator Dawn Sage Maryland Roadside award presented to La Plata Garden Club Page 14 Gardenews July 2016 LANDSCAPE DESIGN SCHOOL - COURSE iv September 27, 2016 September 29, 2016 Crown Plaza Hotel 173 Jennifer Road Annapolis, MD 21401 INFORMATION CONTACTS ARE: Diana Bonner Ann Christ Landscape Design School Course IV will be here before you know it. So register now! We will return to the beautiful Crowne Plaza Hotel in Annapolis (formerly the Sheraton). Some instructors will be back by popular demand and we have some exciting new ones. The topics to be covered are: - Development of Landscape Architecture from World War II to Present - Contemporary Landscape Design - Design for the Future - Redesign of Areas - Community Participation Organizational and Individual Responsibility - Evaluating the Landscape Designs of Residential, Public and Business Property - History and Development of Community Gardens The brochure/registration form is on the website and calendar of events. Bring friends and neighbors even if they are not garden club members. They may want to join a club after Course III! Diana Bonner and Ann Christ, LDS Co-Chairmen . Volume 10 Number 5 LANDSCAPE DESIGN COUNCIL In May the LDC had 26 people join us for a wonderful trip to Chanticleer in Wayne, PA. The cold, nasty weather cleared for us that day and the gardens were gorgeous, and the guides gave us a fabulous 2 hr tour of the Rosengarten’s house and gardens. Chanticleer is one of 25 gardens featured in “Great Gardens of America” and in 2015 it was one of the “Top 10 North American Gardens Worth Traveling For”. It certainly lives up to its reputation. There was much talk of returning to view the gardens in summer and fall. Lunch was enjoyed at Tango, a restored and renovated railroad station, in Bryn Mawr, PA. Before heading home we stopped at Carolyn’s Shade Gardens for a walk through and buying spree of her luscious shade plants. At the District’s March Annual Meetings the following awards were presented: Talbot County Garden Club for refurbishing a small walled garden at the Historical Society of Talbot County - $100, Crofton Village Garden Club for creating a butterfly and pollinator garden at the Crofton Community Library - $150, Chesapeake Garden Club for renovating a butterfly and pollinator garden at the library at Owings - $100, For-Win-Ash Garden Club designing, planting and maintaining a native butterfly garden at Forest Park Golf Course -$150 and Howard County Garden Club designing and planting a garden for the McCracken House on the grounds of the Howard County Living Farm Heritage Museum - $150. LDC awards deadline is Nov.1st so get before and after pictures of your club’s landscaping project so they can win some of these awards. Info in Directory and at On Oct. 12, 2016 the LCD has planned a trip to Gibson Island courtesy of Carolyn Keenen. This will include a tour of the Island, a visit to the Salty Marks Museum, a view of their Native Garden, a visit to two home gardens and lunch at their beautiful, new Clubhouse. Landscape Design School has Course IV planned for Sept. 27-28-29. Sign up ASAP as space will be limited. The information will be posted on the website and Events Calendar. Jane Chambers Landscape Design Chairman Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 15 News from Around the State District I - Eastern Shore Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Worcester Regional Winners: Youth Poetry Contest Linda Elias District I Director Susie Middleton: In spite of the wet spring our clubs have accomplished quite a lot. Beginning with March aka “meeting month”. We kicked off on March 2nd with District I’s Annual Meeting and Luncheon featuring Brent Heath of Brent and Becky’s Bulbs speaking on Summer Flowering Bulbs. During the month there was also the opportunity to attend other District meetings as well as the State meeting and see a number of talented speakers and designers. Our District and others participated in the March Home and Garden Show held at the Timonium Fairgrounds, designers from each district produced the following “show stopping” floral mannequin heads. A display moss, succulents and mini pots of kalancho created by Linda Moore, Caroline Garden Club, District I Our "Hon", made of mums, with mini pink flamingos. Created by Sylvia Parker, Homeland Garden Club, Distict IV Floral Design by Marilyn Potter of Mount Airey and New Market Garden Clubs District IV FGCMD. Featuring Aspidistra, Bear Grass, Anthirium and Hypericum Dried and faux floral arrangement by Anna O'Kelly of Crofton Greenery Garden Club, District II FGCMD. Floral Display of Mixed Succulents created by Elyssa Baxter of Gunpowder Garden Club District III FGCMD. May - Community Outreach typically our efforts focus on civic improvement and public projects and in early May the Oxford and Talbot Clubs have been actively involved in “Women Build” for Habitat. But, remember when Super Storm Sandy hit in October 2012? While New Jersey had a lot of damage, there was widespread damage on the shore resulting in closed businesses, lost jobs and homes. We were approached this year by one of our club members who had been working with the State to assist individuals still in need. Since July 2014, they had been working closely with a particular Wicomico County resident, whose home was destroyed in Hurricane Sandy. The home was deemed unsalvageable and funding restricted them from rebuilding the home. The gentleman has been unable to work for 10+ years due to a disability and had little to no other options to recover from Hurricane Sandy. Along with the help of Episcopal Relief and Development, they resolved his housing situation by purchasing a used mobile home and connecting all necessary utility services to the home. The county granted a special use permit for the home with the stipulation that 18 evergreen shrubs be planted on three sides of the home. Our district raised about $500 in support of the project. Three clubs, Worchester, Somerset and Four Seasons volunteered to spearhead the work and on May 4th held a planting day. Flag Laying at Hurlock Members from five District clubs met at the Eastern Shore Veterans Cemetery at Hurlock to place flags for Memorial Day. A flag was placed at each of the 6,300 burial sites. Page 16 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 News from Around the State Chestertown Garden Club celebrated their 85th Anniversary!!! Beryl Kemp and Brenda Strange cut the cake at the Club’s picnic! On July 12th, “The Perennial Diva” will be presented by Stephanie Cohen. Her subject will be new Perennial Cultivars and what is new and applicable to our gardening area. Ms. Cohen is the author of several books and is a “fun and engaging speaker”. This program is open to the public and begins at 11:00 AM, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, in Chestertown, MD. The October meeting will feature Dr. Schindler, following his work with the National Geographic Channel. Dr. Schindler spent several weeks in various sites around the world, retracing the migratory route of our ancestors from the roots of humanity in Africa to the “New World”. He and his Co-Star were dropped into a time and place from our evolutionary past with only the period-correct tools available to our ancestors. It is a show of “real” reality and allows viewers to actually witness the requirements for survival. This is an open meeting and the Community will be invited to attend. On November 4, we will host the Chestertown Garden Club Flower Show, “George Washington Slept Here”. All Federated Clubs will be invited to participate, as well as the public. Dorchester Garden Club “The Potting Shed” a Standard Flower Show was presented on May 25th. There were 273 horticultural exhibits, 36 floral designs and 2 educational exhibits. There were 6 members from our club who exhibited for the first time. There were many blue ribbon awards and top exhibitor awards were placed. The creative and colorful themed staging of “The Potting Shed” was seen throughout the show through signage and displays. “Gardens Aglow, Plants to Sow” was the theme of the Club’s annual picnic, which was held at President Julia Berman’s house and gardens. The Club’s annual awards for Horticulture, Design and Rosa were presented to members who met the Club’s criteria for the past year. Cookie Brohawn was the 2016 recipient of the Perennial Bloom Award. She was recognized as one who has given ongoing support to our members as well as the Club goals. She will be honored with a plant to be planted where she designates. Greenfingers Garden Club held a “Horticulture Education” program at Cecilton Elementary School. Fifty-five students explored the benefits of herbs, the difference between herbs and spices, and a hands on project of making a glass herb garden to take home. All the children received a handout with herb information and a cookie recipe to make at home. A great day for these special and enthusiastic 4th Graders! Kent Island Garden Club’s Young Gardeners had a fun spring. Approximately 10 first through third graders enjoyed stories and crafts related to planting spinach, growing zinnias, and the importance of pollinators in the garden. Lessons will begin again in August. A “pizza garden” has been built for the individuals at Chesterwye in Grasonville. A local nursery donated tomato and pepper plants along with basil, oregano and zinnias. At the end of summer, we will host a pizza party for all to enjoy. A bus trip to Chanticleer Gardens in Wayne, PA will leave Kent Island on Wednesday, October 19th. Cost is $60; lunch will be on your own at Hotel Radnor. Hope you can join us! Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 17 News from Around the State Queen Anne’s Garden Club While we are on a well-deserved break until September, this spring kept the Queen Anne’s County Garden Club very busy with Pilgrimage 2016. It wasn’t a perfect spring day, but we still managed to bring out lots of intrepid “pilgrims”. The Club selected the James E. Kirwan Museum as the recipient of funds garnered from this year’s Pilgrimage. This little treasure of a museum was badly damaged during Superstorm Sandy, and our Club felt that we wanted to help with some of the repair and restoration. Kicking off the fall, we will have a joint meeting with Kent Island Garden Club, featuring Ruth Rogers Clausen as the speaker. Her program is entitled “Glorious Last Hurrah”, referring to the beauty in the waning days of summer. Guests are welcome on September 12 at the Queen Anne’s County Arts Council, Centreville, MD. Please let President Anne Foss know if you plan to attend (410-827-8618). at St. Marks Church in Easton. District I Programs for 2016 Looking forward we have a number of great programs open to other clubs. Look at the FGCMD website for more information on these programs: September 19 – Our District will offer the second session of Project Wild, A Workshop of Programs for Youth Grades K through 12 on Wednesday, September 21st. Project WILD is a great way to incorporate environmental education into your programs. WILD activities can be done indoors or outdoors, are flexible enough to fit almost the needs of almost any facilitator, and are comprehensive enough so that minimal preparation is required by the user. Project WILD is ideal for classroom teachers, environmental educators, park and nature center personnel, Scout, Somerset County Garden Campfire and 4-H leaders and others who work Club was very busy during the with young people. We invite you to attend; regmonth of May. On May 4, istration forms are on the back table. During 2016, Mary Ann Peterman and workshops, participants will get a chance to try Frances Follmer purchased out a variety of WILD activities. The basic materishrubs and accruements for a als include two activity guides for K-12: the ProSuper Storm Sandy victim. They were joined by their ject WILD K-12 Activity Guide which focuses on husbands, Susie Middleton (District I Director), Mariterrestrial wildlife and habitat, and the Aquatic lyn Booth (Four Seasons GC President), Suzy Young WILD Guide which emphasizes aquatic wildlife (Worcester GC President) and husband, and friends, who planted eighteen shrubs at the home. It was rainand aquatic ecosystems. ing off-and-on as the shrubs were being planted. EveBoth guides are provided after attending a six hour ryone had a job from measuring and marking the planttraining workshop. ing spots, to digging, to mulching. The job was com- Two more clubs will be holding flower shows this year – pleted in one hour! This brought back memories of our be sure to look at the FGCMD website for more details. childhood days of playing in the mud! October 18, Talbot Garden Club Flower Show SCGC members and two guests November 3, Chestertown Garden Club planted flower baskets for the Flower Show - Chestertown GC Standtown of Princess Anne. The floward Flower Show “George Washingers were supplied by the town. ton Slept Here” Emmanuel Church This has been an annual project for Chestertown, 1:30-5:00 the club. Talbot County Garden Club on May 14th, hosted Enjoy your summer. It looks like it is finally here! the Maryland House & Garden Pilgrimage and enjoyed record-breaking attendance with more than 1,300 visitors to seven spectacular homes. Cordy Tucker and her Young Gardeners Club committee have been active leading children in a variety of activities, including making bird feeders and learning about recycling. TCGC will host a flower show "Paint It Autumn" on October 10-11 Page 18 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 News from Around the State District II - Southern Maryland Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles County, Prince George’s, St. Mary’s Ronda Goldman presented a trifold that illustrated the plight of pollinators, highlighted the gardens our club has Anna O’Kelly planted and encouraged the public to participate. The slow start of Spring didn’t We included a horticulture display that showcased deter members from their busy plants that provide food for hard working schedules. District II clubs took home many awards at the pollinators. In a local community newsletter we encouraged our neighbors to provide additional food State meeting in March, several clubs had plant sales, and habitat for pollinators in their yard, business, and the District II Daffodil place of worship and school. show was very successful with over 400 Horticulture entries. The Hammond Harwood Our members are enthusiastic supporters of the Bay House hosted a gala to commemorate their 75th -Wise program. They continue to have their anniversary and members from three different clubs property Bay-Wise certified and our Kinder Farm created beautiful floral centerpieces for the event. Park Kitchen Garden was Bay-Wise certified in Most recently, Charles County was the site of the June. Maryland House and Garden pilgrimage and each home was decorated with beautiful floral creations. Charles County Garden Club May was a busy Hammond Harwood House once again sponsored month with the annual Plant Sale and the Maryland the Secret Garden Tour and many members were House and Garden Pilgrimage in the county. Both docents. We continue to encourage members to were a success and now it’s time for a recess in July. become Bay-wise Certified and are anxious to see Following the tour, four club members put together which club wins the $200 Award in October for thirteen designs to interpret art at a ‘First Friday’ most members certified. Have a great summer event held at the Port Tobacco Courthouse everyone! sponsored by The Society for the Restoration of Port Tobacco. Art was provided by the Charles County Arts Alliance. Some pictures of the art and designs below. Designers L to R: Barbara Carpentier; Paula Winkler; Andi Tart; Mary Lilly; Paula Winkler District II Director Chartwell Garden Club is a proud participant in the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge. Our young gardener’s planted a pollinator garden at the Arnold Senior Center in April. The garden included milkweed, lilies and sunflowers. At the May 2016 Kinder Farm Park Meet & Greet we Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 19 News from Around the State The board members enjoyed preparing lunch for the District II board meeting held in Waldorf this month. Thanks to the Hughesville Garden Club for the wonderful arrangements that adorned the food tables. The Fall Flower Show to be held at the Charles County Fairgrounds in September is titled “Adventures in Wonderland”. Anyone interested in designing may request a copy of the schedule. Crofton Greenery Garden Club A group of Crofton Greenery gals spent a delightful day at the Chase Lloyd House and Garden this spring. The home, the only three-story colonial residence in Annapolis, was home to a signer of the Declaration of Independence, several Maryland Legislators, a Governor and a Supreme Court Justice. Thanks to its last owner, Hester Anne Chase Ridout, the 18th century Georgian mansion has been home to older ladies in need for more than a century. Seven women currently live at 22 Maryland Ave. The Chase Lloyd home continues to be managed by a board of trustees established by Mrs. Ridout, ‘by, of and for women.’ After a tour of the house and a lovely lunch in the garden bursting with blooms and buzzing pollinators, the Crofton Greenery team got busy. We amended, pruned, potted, planted, transplanted, divided and mulched parts of this beautiful Bay-Wise Certified garden. The house and garden are open for tours Mon – Sat 2-4pm. Crofton Village Garden Club has been conducting hands-on workshops for residents at the Crofton Care and Rehabilitation Center for over 20 years through its Garden Therapy Program. Once a month, the Garden Therapy Committee, chaired by CVGC member Diane Smith, plans a special garden activity which addresses the individual abilities of the residents of the facility. Each floral design and its components are differentiated for each participating resident depending on individual abilities, so that each person is successful in completing the project. The residents appreciate the one-on-one attention from our club members and enjoy this opportunity to participate in various design projects while sharing memories of their lives. After the workshops, the residents take the finished projects to their rooms to enjoy for several more days. Crossroads of Hughesville Garden Club created a twelve by sixty-seven foot butterfly garden on the grounds of Maxwell Hall. The garden currently contains thirteen different types of host and nectar plants. Within the thirteen types of plants, are forty-nine Milkweeds. Some of the other plants are Coneflowers, Fox Glove, Russian Sage, Bee Balm, Giant Hyssop and Sneezeweed. Because the garden is near a hiking trail, we anticipate a lot of visitors this summer. We will be providing handouts on the critical need to help the Monarchs and Pollinators in general. The handouts will include a listing of plants with their designated blooming times and general instructions on what is needed for a safe habitat. Pictured from left: Vicki Lomax, Pat Steelman, Brenda Darr, Sally Kemp, Linda Disney, Robin Gill, Barb Mantini and Anna O’Kelly. We are particularly proud that the Monarch Watch Organization has recognized our efforts by designating our garden as “Monarch Way Station Number 12316.” Page 20 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 News from Around the State Our newest Community Project is Garden Therapy. Our first therapy program was at the Charlotte Hall Northern Senior Center April 28th. We introduced the seniors to our version of the “May Basket.” They made a cone container and filled it with beautiful flower arrangements. They were thrilled to take their creations home. We were impressed with their creativity and enthusiasm for the project. The Director of the Center visited during the program and as she observed the activity, she said “this is the most successful program we have had.” The hives are thriving and honeybees can be seen all over the Island. In keeping with the theme of pollinate, Claire Jones gave a wonderful presentation on “Sex in the Garden” at our June meeting. At the recent State and District meetings, members were thrilled to receive several awards: the State Governor’s Beautification Bowl and Community We are working with the Volunteer Coordinator of Service award for our community planting, an the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home to develop a award for our yearbook and an Environmental garden therapy program for the residents. We have Concern award from CAR. promised to do four sessions during the year. Our We have a busy summer planned with several design focus will be garden activities that result in the workshops, garden therapy and an environmental residents having something they can keep in their meeting. In addition we are very excited about our room. For our first program on July 12th, the Holiday Boutique that will be held on Thursday residents will be planting dish gardens. October 20th in our brand new Clubhouse. Calendar Note: Stay tuned for additional information on our first Autumn Tea, 12 noon, Oct 2, 2016. In addition to the tea we will have door prizes and entertainment. Naval Academy Garden Club Millie Sample, long time member of the Naval Academy Garden Club (NAGC), recently received the Perennial Bloom Award for her many years of service to the Gibson Island Garden Club The Gibson Island NAGC, District II and the Federated Garden Clubs Garden Club has had a wonderful spring filled with of Maryland. The list of many activities: Two field trips took us to Millie’s contributions and Homestead Gardens in Davidsonville and Mt awards is legendary and long, Vernon in Virginia, several brave souls weathered too long to include in this the storm to plant planters around the Island for space. Presenting Millie with our annual community planting day, our Jr. the Perennial Bloom award at Gardeners have planted their garden plot and are this year’s National Garden looking forward to an active summer filled with Clubs Convention are Sandra Robinson (left), workshops and educational programs and plans are President, National Garden Clubs and Nicki Schwab underway for our 90th Anniversary coming up in (right), President Federated Garden Clubs of July. Maryland. One of our President’s themes is pollinate. We are excited to announce that with the help of our beekeeper from Anne Arundel Beekeeping Association, we have 2 new honeybee hives on the Island. Over Memorial Day weekend, our residents enjoyed a show and tell program with our very knowledgeable and enthusiastic beekeeper. The NAGC has taken on a new project: the care and maintenance of a 4-foot diameter planter in the open air vestibule of the Jewish Chapel at the Naval Academy. The planter is in full shade, creating a tranquil entryway for the Chapel. Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 21 News from Around the State St. Mary’s Garden Club A 2016 Leonardtown High School graduate, Brennan Peabody, received a $1000 scholarship for studies committed to the Environmental Sciences from the St. Mary’s County Garden Club. It was presented to him at the annual June Scholarship Garden Party. This year it was held by the garden club in the lovely gardens and waterfront home of member Pat Brown and her husband, Mickey, where they gave boat rides to all interested on the Cuckold Creek. Brennan accepted the scholarship and made a brief speech about his hobby of carving decoy ducks which he started when he was 12 under the guidance of a family friend. He started out making he heads and then went on to making the bodies once he was a competent duck head carver. He won a blue ribbon at the St. Mary’s County Fair for the first decoy that he made and has since won ribbons at a number of fairs and shows. He is working for a local seafood business and has for the past several years while attending school and has still maintained high grades. He is interested in the health of the Chesapeake Bay and wants to help discover all of the factors involved in its current problems and to help develop plans to repair the bay’s ecosystem. Brennan plans to attend St. Mary’s College in the fall and will major in Environmental Science. Chesapeake Garden Club On Friday, April 8th, Chesapeake Garden Club (CGC) donated $500.00 to Calvert Hospice in honor of Grace Sturdevant, one of our founders. Grace was also a founder of Calvert Hospice. The money was raised from thee center pieces sold at the District II meeting in March. All Helen Downey, Presithe materials for the pieces were dent of CGC, Calvert Hospice Director, Jean donated by the designers. Fleming and Kay Sturdevant, daughter of Grace. District III - Baltimore and Harford Counties Dot Sacker District III Director Betty Reeves District III garden clubs are planning a fundraising event to benefit Hampton National Historic Site to be held on October 18, 2016 which will provide funding to restore and preserve the landscaping of the grounds of this historic site. Morning presentations on various topics of interest of flowers, fashion & food and top-tier venders will participate along with a seated lunch and fashion show by Octavia planned in the afternoon. See flyer elsewhere in this newsletter. This fall of 2016, District III will take part in the Alice Rush McKeon Tree Planting to be held in Harford County. A trust was established to fund tree plantings to beautify roadside areas in conjunction with the Maryland Highway Administration. Date, time and location will be forthcoming. The ceremony will be open to all members of the Federated Garden Clubs of MD. Look for more information in the next newsletter about Wreaths Across America which will be held on December 17, 2016 at the Bel Air Memorial Gardens. Sponsored memorial wreaths are placed on the grave markers at state, national veterans cemeteries as well as local cemeteries each December every year. These annual simultaneous wreath laying ceremonies remind people how important it is to remember and honor the veterans across America. Page 22 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 News from Around the State Bent Twig Garden Club was honored to receive two awards at District III - Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland Annual Meeting in March. The Gifts for Great Gardens Award, which included a beautiful silver bowl and a check for $200.00, was presented in recognition of the creation of a butterfly/ pollinator garden at the Arbutus Library. Under the leadership of Community Service Co-Chairs Vickie Miler, Pat Johnson and Jan Barthel, Bent Twig gardeners planted Milkweed, Joe Pye Weed, Verbena, Daisies, Lilies, and Caladiums and installed a bird bath from the garden of Dollye McCarty. The second award received by the club was First Place for their yearbook, which was dedicated in memory of longtime member Dollye McCarty. In accepting the award at our monthly meeting, Chair, Lynn Egan, thanked Shirley Fratto and all who helped for their "team work". Country Garden Club of Harford County had a busy year. We have nineteen active members and plan to add two more members in the fall. The club decorated an artificial Christmas tree and donated it to the Festival of Trees. Money raised helped support the Chesapeake Cancer Alliance. We also participated in the State House Christmas tree project. Our club again worked on flower arrangements for Hospice. This has been a project for the club for several years. We continue to decorate The Hayes House museum in Bel Air at Christmas and Ladew Gardens at various times throughout the year. In November, club member, Bernice Erickson, reviewed the four flower schools offered by the National Garden Clubs. In the winter, club member, Naureen Fisher, presented a program about the flora and fauna of Cape Town, South Africa. In early spring, Ann Nunn, a club member, conducted a workshop on Kokedama. Participants in the workshop carried home cute little plants, roots covered in soil and moss and wrapped in twine. At the club's April meeting, Joyce Jordan, a member of the club, presented the history of Beleek Irish Pottery and displayed Victorian tussy mussies. Our club participated in the Garden Mart in Bel Air on May 6, a really, really wet and rainy day. The club carried on despite the rain trying to prove our motto "we are small, yet mighty". In May, Charlie Conklin, president of the Gunpowder Valley Conservancy, discussed the important work of Festival of Trees with member protecting and maintaining Joann Moore the rich diversity of land and water resources. The club plans to continue the landscaping project at SARC, a non-profit agency in Bel Air that provides support services to victims of abuse. We look forward to the next Garden Mart in Bel Air scheduled for Friday, May 5, 2017 at The Armory in Bel Air. Franklin Garden Club has been busy this spring with interesting programs. During our April meeting Robert Mardiney from Irvine Nature Center spoke to our club on the topic of Gardening For Birds. Our May meeting was held at Hampton Mansion with a tour of the mansion and farm. In June we will celebrate the club’s 40th year anniversary with a luncheon at Piney Branch Golf Club. Founding members will be present and presentations of events, trips and meetings over the past 40 years will be given. Awards Chairmen, Terry Holman & Marie Davis Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 23 News from Around the State Our club members have been busy within the community maintaining the Reisterstown Library gardens and the planter barrels located throughout Historic Reisterstown. A scholarship was presented to a Franklin High School senior graduating this spring and planning to major in environment at college next fall. Glen Arm Garden Club’s two-and-a half year Blue Star Memorial project came to fruition on April 23 with the unveiling of the Blue Star Memorial Marker at the Cromwell Valley Park and Ride. Boy Scout Troop #124 and representatives of local American Legion Posts, as well as local elected officials, assisted Glen Arm, District III, and state garden club representatives in the dedication of the marker. Mission BBQ provided refreshments. Glen Arm’s plans for the coming year include hosting a small Standard Flower Show. Gun Powder Garden Club For the new $3 Million Hereford Branch Public Library opening on Flag Day, June 14th, Gunpowder Garden Club members created and planted a red, white, and blue garden flanking the Hereford Library sign along with six window boxes for the upper tier of the new 15,000 square foot building. Gunpowder earned the status of community “green” friend and partnered opening day because of the past years of National Garden Week plant/flower arrangements donated to the library center. Since the Hereford Branch serves the largest geographic service area of any BCPL branch, Gunpowder Garden Club is excited that this “Green” outreach activity will lead to landscape/ plant guidance of the newly acquired surrounding park area. GGC President, Natalie Hamilton (center) and Baltimore County Public Library Assistant Directors, James Cooke and Natalie Edington acknowledge contributions. Photo by Carmela Veit. Hill and Stream Garden Club has scheduled a trip to Suicide Bridge on Tuesday, September 20th. Price of $99.00 includes a bus ride to Hurlock, Maryland, a paddleboat ride, and all you can eat crabs, chicken, clam strips, Maryland crab soup and more. Bus departs from Carney Park and Ride at 9:15 am and arrives back at 5:30 pm. For information or tickets, please call Maria at 410-2564138 or Ann at 410-879-0976. Lutherville Garden Club extends a warm welcome to our newest members this past year. As we continue to grow in membership, so too we are growing together in gardening knowledge as a club. We are looking forward to implementing new plans to upgrade the Trackside Garden in Lutherville with a landscaping design to further enhance the gardens. Native plants, beneficial perennials and shrubs will be incorporated into the garden. Periodic workshops with the students of Lutherville Lab School from grades one through five, have been very educational through lessons on garden related activities; such as, planting tulips & daffodils, making bird feeders, and tending many plants in the sensory and pollinator gardens. Recently, a generous monetary donation was presented to our club to help further gardening programs at the school. Talent in Action is always popular with our members. At each monthly meeting, members bring flower samples to be critiqued by our club's accredited judges. Points are awarded in various categories. This activity demonstrates how to prepare plant material for participation in a future Flower Show. A monthly Garden Therapy session on making flower arrangements with the residents of College Manor has been an ongoing activity. Residents look forward to taking part in a relaxing therapeutic activity mixed with socialization with our members. In September, a Mystery Design Challenge is planned as an interactive way to become acquainted with newest members and renew friendships with fellow members. Jessica Jeannetta, a Naturalist with Oregon Ridge Nature Center, will present a program in October on local fauna and its beneficial impact on the environment. November's presenter, Brian Gomes, speaker with the Oyster Recovery Project, will discuss the history of the Oyster in the Page 24 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 News from Around the State District IV - Baltimore City Kathleen Brosi District IV Director Ann Losin The District IV Annual Meeting and Silent Auction was held on March 16 at the L'Hirondelle Club in Ruxton. Jody Jewell of the Mt. Washington Garden Club was the featured speaker. A highly creative, dynamic floral designer, grower, and entrepreneur, Jody has appeared multiple times on Good Morning America, Fox and Friends and NBC Morning News. She gave a thorough and entertaining explanation and demonstration of tropical flowers and foliage. Mt. Washington Garden Club is in its 82nd year and still growing. In March club members voted to increase the size of the club from 25 to 30 members. This is a very busy club that works hard to support good causes. To support this activity Mt. Washington, under its new membership rules, has been delighted to induct three new, young members. These new members are anxious to join in the club’s endeavors. They bring enthusiasm and new ideas so they will be a real asset to the continued work that Mt. Washington Garden Club does. For example, in May, volunteers worked hard on the sale of flowers at Clyburn Market Day. Their Children's Table where children plant flowers in a container as a gift for their mothers for Mother’s Day had a record number of children participating. It has also been a year of awards for Mt. Washington Garden Club. At the District IV annual meeting Mt. Washington received the first place award (for small club) in Decorating Historic Buildings for their Christmas decoration of the Carroll Mansion in Baltimore. The club also received is 1st place as a small club for The Dessie Moxley Youth Involvement and Development Award in recognition of their children’s program on Market Day at Cylburn Arboretum. This project also was awarded the silver engraved plate for The Dessie Moxley Youth Development Award at the state annual meeting. Mt. Washington Club especially thanks their awards chairman Mary Louise Snyder for all of her hard, timely work on applying for these awards. For-Win- Ash Club held its annual fundraiser, A Card Party, luncheon. and silent auction at the Forum , 4210 Primrose Avenue, Baltimore, on March 28. The event successfully netted over three thousand dollars according to, Kathy Jackson, Card Party Chairperson. In April, Michel P. Anderson, Eco literacy & Sustainability Coordinator at the Waldorf School of Baltimore, addressed the club. Known to students as King Compost and the Green man, Michel is a world traveler, photographer, green builder, honeybee steward and permaculturist. He gave FWAGC members a horticulture and design slide presentation. In May, Dorothy Howatt, Past President, Central Atlantic Region, Federated Garden Clubs, co-author horticultural handbook currently in use by the Federated Garden Clubs gave an interactive horticulture and design presentation. Additionally, FWAGC joined the Potomac Chrysanthemum Society. Also in May Marsha Hairston and Jacque Dorsey took students from Windsor Hills Elementary School on Nature Walk at the Carrie Murray Center. In June, Rhoda Fassett and other FWAGC members continued the spring cleaning and plantings at the Benjamin Banneker museum. June closing exercises featured a self-guided tour of Ladew Gardens and a luncheon at Manor Tavern. Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 25 News from Around the State Cliff Dwellers Garden Club partook in the Howard Peter Rawlings Conservatory outreach program, "Little Leaves". The program was designed for city school children to teach them about ecosystems and the plants each climate supports. Another purpose of this program was to introduce local children to the wonderful resource they have at their disposal in Baltimore, namely, the Conservatory. Alice Hubbard, District IV, hosted the event, while Glenda Weber, Naturalist and Education Coordinator at the Conservatory, was the instructor. Glenda introduced the children to three ecosystems, their world location, their climates and flora. The children were guided through three rooms where the climates; Mediterranean, Tropical, and Desert ecosystems along with their respective flora were interactively explained by Guides. In each room the children listened, touched, sniffed, and learned while they took notes and drew pictures of their favorite specimens. At program's end, each schoolchild was given their own baby spider plant to take home and nurture. It was a wonderful learning experience for the dear city children, as well as, for the Cliff Dwellers volunteers who included Barbara Lee, Flo Crossley, Jackie Handley, and Pat McGrath. We all learned a lot and had a wonderful time. It was a good opportunity to take advantage of the treasure the Conservatory is to Baltimore which hosts a large number of events for the city. The Women's Club of Roland Park Garden Club also had several outstanding programs during the 201516 year. Some of these were: Jill Jones described the work of the Baltimore Tree Trust and the work this nonprofit is doing to restore the city's urban forest one neighborhood at a time. Kay McConnell shared the work she and others have been doing at Friends School of Baltimore to create the Native Plant Teaching Gardens. Rob Mardiney presented an excellent program on "Wildflowers" Fact and Folklore" in which he explained the ecology, legends, and folklore of Maryland's wildflowers. Kathy Hudson and Penney Hubbard shared the 46 years of gardening that have gone into creating "On Walnut Hill, The Evolution of a Garden." In June, Karen Offutt opened her gardens for members and friends to tour these wonderful spaces that were featured in Style Magazine in May. Homeland Garden Club also enjoyed a tour of the Hubbard’s garden (featured in Kathy Hudson’s book “On Walnut Hill’). Other programs this spring included a workshop with Rennie Friedlander at her gorgeous new space Simply Beautiful Flowers, a presentation of orchid growing mistakes and how to fix them by Clark Riley, and a presentation by Master Gardener Pam Spencer covering the rearing of Monarch butterflies and how to garden for them. District IV gardeners wish you all a happy, flower-filled summer. Melanie Jackson speaks about UMCES Scholarship Fund Page 26 Gardenews July 2016 News from Around the State Continued page 22 Volume 10 Number 5 Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 27 News from Around the State District V - Western Maryland Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett, Howard, Montgomery, Washington Brenda Ashworth District V Director Lynn Walter: Can it really be June and Summer already? The year is flying by, but I am still struggling to get my garden in, as the rain has really held me up. I hope your gardens are flourishing! District V held their Annual Meeting on March 10th at Ceresville Mansion in Frederick. We had outstanding attendance of 140 attendees, with 19 out of 22 clubs represented. Sylvia Deck presented a floral design presentation, enjoyed by all. As clubs plan their next year, I hope they will continue to include environmental topics in their meetings: Save the Bay, Bay-wise gardening, Sylvia Deck at District V A creating wildlife nnual Meeting habitats, teaching and empowering our youth. There are so many worthy topics! The Director’s Award this year will go to the club with the highest percentage of members who are either Bay-wise certified, or National Wildlife Federation Wildlife Habitat certified. Both are easy to do, and are ways we can each work to improve life for the wildlife around us. It is easy to think of yourself as too little to make a difference, just a drop in the bucket…..but together, we can add up and have tremendous impact - a bucket full to overflowing! There are things we all can do, whether in the country, or suburbia, or the downtown. We CAN make a difference if we band together and each do our part. Coming up in the District is Mountain Laurel GC’s Secret Country Garden Tour on June 25, which promises to be a beautiful day. Our fall meeting will be in Westminster October 6, with an entertaining speaker from who will speak on Growing Spring Flowers. This will be wonderful timing for everyone to get organized for May 19, 2017, when we will be having a District Flower Show. Much more information will follow, but if you are interested in helping, please contact Marjorie Schiebel from Mt. Cross Country Garden Club - Cross Country Garden Club members enjoyed an informative presentation by Devon Kosisky on the beneficial honey bee. There were beekeeping displays, a honey tasting station, and a live observation hive made possible by CCGC member Xina Kojzar and her beekeeper husband, Paul. Photo: Devon Kosisky, beekeeper and program assistant at the Howard County Conservancy. Cross Country Garden Club members maintain a garden plot and a clay pot lady and boy at the Howard County Conservancy. The clay pot lady and boy, whose attire changes with the seasons, attract the attention of many children and adults visiting the Conservancy. Cross Country GC members Mary Dauber and Judy Christensen attire the clay pot lady and boy for summer. Page 28 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 News from Around the State Howard County Garden Club - The HC Garden Club members and their spouses gathered at Kings Contrivance on March 11th for our annual dinner party. We shared a lovely evening together and a delicious meal, celebrating friendships, volunteering and gardening. On May 13, members Judy Draper Perrine, Betsy Swancar, Jane of the Howard County President Kramer and Karen Learmouth. Garden Club held their monthly meeting at the Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory, followed by a luncheon in this beautiful setting. Tours of the Amaranthus caudatus, one of many beautivarious rooms of the ful plants at the Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory. lovely building introduced members to new desert, Mediterranean, and tropical plants as well as unique gorgeous orchids. Everyone also enjoyed hearing the history of the Conservatory during their tour. Mt. Airy Garden Club - The Mt. Airy Garden Club was established on May 3, 1934 and has an 82 year history as a dedicated community organization. Members have noted that many in the Mt. Airy community are not aware of the Club’s longtime involvement in the Town. Some in our community think our members meet only for “Teas” and to make flower arrangements. To highlight the Club’s service to the community, the Mt. Airy Historical Society and the Mt. Airy Rotary Club invited our members to their meetings to present programs focusing on the Garden Club’s history and current projects in and around town. Helping in the restoration of the deteriorated Pine Grove Chapel in 1934 was the first major project of the Club. The building was in ruins and quite an eyesore. To save the building from demolition, citizens worked to save the old structure built in 1846. The newly formed Mt. Airy Garden Club organized a Garden Party on the Chapel grounds to raise funds to convert the old church into a chapel. Renovation began on August 1, 1934 and the completed chapel was dedicated on November 4, 1934! The Club has continued its community involvement throughout the years promoting the love of gardening, historic preservation, leading garden therapy workshops for special needs middle school students and seniors citizens, tending demonstration gardens in Mt. Airy, participating in community events, supporting Habitat for Humanity projects, promoting floral design and presenting flower shows, and partnering with other organizations to encourage civic and environmental responsibility. The Mt. Airy Garden Club planted a Wye Oak seedling in 1976 in Pine Grove Cemetery that is now a majestic 40 year old tree. Our Club has supported and contributed to bringing a restored authentic B&O caboose to Mt. Airy and is working on a Blue Star By-Way Garden at the Mt. Airy Caboose Visitors Center that will be dedicated this coming year. “Teas” are still a delight and enjoyable for our members as we focus on our Garden Club mission. Mountain Laurel Garden Club - At March 10, 2016 District V meeting of the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc. (FGCMD), the Mountain Laurel Garden Club (MLGC) was awarded the Dessie Moxley Youth Award recognizing a specific project by club members working with youth. On March 21 at the State meeting of the FGCMD, a special Award of Honor was presented to Linda Harris by Nicki Schwab, State President, along with Sandra Robinson, National Garden Clubs, Inc. President, present for the award. The Award of Honor recognized Linda for her “steadfast dedication to the conservation movement which has promoted environmental awareness in her community Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 29 News from Around the State and the FGCMD, Inc.” Having held a variety of positions in the club, Linda led the state organization in the formation of the first Environmental School in Maryland sponsored by the FGCMD. Students from Garrett County as well as participants from other states and Maryland counties traveled to Garrett County and learned about many aspects of the environment and engaged in hands-on activities through the informative courses provided by knowledgeable instructors. Because of Linda’s efforts, an environmental council has become a reality in the FGCMD. Linda has been committed to the Marcellus Stream Monitoring coalition which recently was selected to receive the Richard A. Johnson Environmental Education Award. MLGC received the Richard A. Johnson Environmental Education Award on April 28, 2016 at a ceremony at the Appalachian Laboratory at UMCES. MLGC was one of seven organizations comprising the Marcellus Shale Stream Monitoring Coalition headed up by MD DNR. Members of the Conservation Committee have been monitoring streams in Garrett County since March of 2012,collecting baseline data for the State. We were honored to have Nicki Schwab and Joan Bender in attendance at the award ceremony at the Appalachian Lab in Frostburg, MD. The Conservation Committee applied for and received a $500 grant from the Maryland Environmental Trust to help cover costs of planting a new meadow at Northern Garrett High School. The meadow will be planted and maintained by the science students with ongoing educational activities. The committee also received a Youth Pollinator Gardens Grant from NGC for $200. These funds will cover the cost of soil amendments, native meadow plants, a stone walkway, fencing and extensive plant information Split Rail Garden Club - What a Doll!! The Split Rail Garden Club celebrated Alice Doll’s CAR Perennial Award at a club meeting when District V Director Lynn Walter presented her with the Certificate of Honor for a life-time of service to FGCM. Alice has been involved with the Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland since 1969 District V President Lynn Walter and Alice Doll and has been an active member of Split Rail ever since. Alice was a key expert working with FGCM and the State in creating the Master Gardener Program in Maryland. Alice was also fundamental in contributing to the creation of many of the programs sponsored by FGCM that many of us continue to enjoy today. Alice loves spending time tending to her garden daily, performing community service and sharing her expertise as Horticultural Chair. Split Rail in turn, honored Centennial High School graduate Courtney Nicole Hammond with a $500 scholarship for her essay on the topic of “How do plants, gardens or green spaces improve your quality of life?” Nicole is a gardener who learned how to organically grow a vegetable garden in order to teach a disadvantaged inner city family how to grow food to support their family. In addition, she volunteers with the Miller Branch Enchanted Forest Children’s Garden. Nicole will be studying Environmental Science in the fall. Our club is in the process of establishing a native plant garden in Historic Ellicott City. Look for us in the next issue when we will have before and after photographs! Page 30 Gardenews July 2016 Volume 10 Number 5 News from Around the State 2016 National Poetry Winner EVELYN TAWES GARDEN Croak, croak, croak, here comes the sun. Three baby frogs are ready for some fun. Croak, croak, croak, rumble, grumble, grrr. Three hungry frogs in search to cure their hunger. Three flying frogs leap into the air, Chasing and eating flies not leaving one to spare. Slurp, slip, slide, down the flies go. Three stuffed frogs all lines up in a row. Croak, croak, croak the day is done. Three happy frogs had a lot of fun! On the eve of its 40th anniversary, the Helen Avalynne Tawes Garden has been designated a Level II Arboretum by the ArbNet Arboretum Accreditation Program, administered through the Morton Arboretum. The Tawes Garden staff and the Friends of Tawes Garden determined that their target goal was Level II accreditation. They achieved Level I status in 2013. During the past year, we worked to meet the Level II criteria, which include: documentation of a minimum of one hundred species or varieties of trees and other woody plants; collection and planting in accordance with the Garden's collections policy and master plan; and labeling of representative plants with their taxonomic identification, including scientific and common names and native range. Plants in the collection must be accounted for in some form of accessible data base. In addition, the facility must promote the importance of trees through educational programs geared toward the general public. The Tawes arboretum has hosted several tree identification and care workshops with its partners in the Anne Arundel County Master Gardeners and Friends group. Lily Carson, Grade 3. Sponsored by the Worchester County Garden Club Garden Manager Ranger Jay Myers states that "achieving Arboretum Level II accreditation validates the garden's founder Stevie Lyttle's vision and the past forty years of hard work and support by numerous staff and volunteers. The designation also encourages elevated standards of operation to ensure the future success of the garden." Volume 10 Number 5 Gardenews July 2016 Page 31 News from Around the State . Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland New Mailing Address P. O. Box 65172 Baltimore, Maryland 21209 Disrict II Director, Anna O’Kelly & National Garden Club President, Sandra Robinson (Design created by Director O’Kelly) Our Location Vollmer Center at Cylburn Arboretum 4915 Greenspring Ave. Baltimore, MD 21209 Please submit all correspondence to the new mailing address. Phone:410-396-4842 Email: Click this link for our updated FGCofMD CALENDAR on our FABULOUS WEBSITE! Find links to Registration Forms on the Calendar of Events Page! Support the FGCofMD Scholarship Fund! Citation presented to former President, Jackie Handley Membership.html