TvtwxÅ|v Tyyt|Üá axãá


TvtwxÅ|v Tyyt|Üá axãá
Volume 3, Issue 1
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I’ll rise.
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don’t you take it awful hard
‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I’ve got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
Phone: 662-252-8000
TvtwxÅ|v Tyyt|Üá axãá
Page 4
Note from the Vice President for Academic
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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
You received my welcome back letter in a mailing, so this note is to express my sincere joy for
the opportunity to begin a new academic year
with you. Each year brings new challenges. For
150 years Rust College has mastered new challenges and I believe if we work together we can master whatever challenges lie ahead.
When you arrive we will have more than 375 new students.
These students have come to Rust College believing that they
can acquire a bachelor’s degree in an area that they choose.
They have come to Rust College eager to learn; they have
come to Rust College needing faculty and staff who believe in
them, who care about their success, who are not afraid to challenge them to give their very best to each assignment; they
have come to Rust College to learn what it means to be a good
citizen; they have come to be engaged in the life of a scholar;
and they have come to Rust College for a safe place to grow
and explore what they may want to do in their future. They
have come to us! How will we respond?
This is how I hope you will respond. I will be:
1. Committed to giving each student my very best;
2. Prepared to teach, prepared to listen and willing to
adjust to their learning styles;
3. Creating updated syllabus, lectures, and classroom
activities to keep students challenged and engaged;
4. Assessing students’ work fairly and objectively;
5. Engaged in the life of the students outside of my
6. Maintaining accurate records on each student;
7. Communicating with students the expectations and
their status in the performance for each expectation;
8. Contributing to the good for the whole rather than
bemoaning singular personal dislikes;
9. Following policies and respecting those who must
remind us to adhere to policy;
10. Seeking advice on how to improve in areas where I
may be weak;
11. Asking what more I can do to make working at Rust
College a place where I and my work is valued; and
12. Working, listening, assessing, and changing that
which needs to change about me, so that the Rust
College mission and vision are realized.
August 2016
September 5, 2016
Opening Convocation— Doxey Auditorium 2:40pm (Mandatory)
Inside this issue:
Faculty Highlights...
Celebrating our
colleagues and their 3
Note from the VPAA
November 11—13, 2016
150th Founders’ Day Weekend
NEW HIRES Ms. Erica Tunstall, Administrative
Assistant, Registrar’s Office
Mrs. Cynphonie Jefferson, Administrative Assistant, Education Division
L to R Dr. Barbara Starling Ricks, Dr. B.C. Njoku, Dr. Paul Lampley, Dr. Sheila Fleming-Hunter, Dr. T.E. McKinney, Dr. Marian Y. Talley
The 150th celebration has begun, let us be a bright spark in the
array of academic fireworks.
Sandra C. Vaughn, Ph. D.
The Academic Affairs Unit Newsletter is sent to the Board of Trustees, administration, staff and faculty of Rust College and may be accessed from the
Rust College website. The newsletter highlights accomplishments, addresses campus topics, and invites feedback. If you have a story that you would
like to see in the Academic Affairs Newsletter, please contact Monique Lewis at
Volume 3, Issue 1
RUST COLLEGE , Dr. David L. Beckley, ‘67, President
Page 2
Page 3
“By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them”
Faculty Highlights...
eet Dr. Alaba Oludare, Assistant Professor Criminal Justice
Dr. Alaba Oludare graduated with a PhD, Administration of Justice in 2015 from Texas Southern University, Houston. Her research interest includes drug laws and the PhRMA code; cyber security, terrorism, immigration and homeland security; policing, juvenile and family issues including the eradication of violence,
understanding the interactions between race, class, gender and crime and most importantly, reducing the rate
of confinement among minorities and the youth. Dr. Alaba Oludare is a licensed Attorney in good standing with the New
York State Bar. Dr. Oludare obtained a post graduate degree (LL.M. Taxation Law) from the University of Alabama,
School of Law, Tuscaloosa in August 2010.
Empowered by her interdisciplinary background and training, Dr. Oludare has helped families and businesses
resolve issues relating to tax, business, immigration, family, real estate, healthcare, oil and gas; juvenile and criminal law
issues. She has taught criminal justice courses at Texas Southern University. Dr. Oludare is passionate about service and
works with communities and faith based organizations to raise awareness and advance education among minorities to
alleviate violence, poverty and incarceration. She offers mentorship and career guidance to youths and volunteered with
the Loyola Jesuit moot court competition at the University of Houston. Dr. Oludare has presented papers at conferences,
authored and co-authored papers for presentation at domestic and international conferences. She recently co-authored
an article published by the Journal of Criminal Justice and Law Review.
Also new to our faculty are Ms. Danielle Littlefield, Instructor, English; Mr. Clinton Metcalf, Instructor, Spanish; and Rev.
Kevin Kosh, Instructor, Religion.
We are excited to welcome back Dr. Margaret Delashmit, Professor, English and Dr. William Scott, Professor, Chemistry.
Not returning this academic year are Mrs. Anna Torres, Instructor, Spanish, Ms. Meghann Oglesby, Instructor, Mass Media Communications, Dr. Wu San Pan, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Mr. Vernon Jones, Choir Director, Rev. Annie Travis, Chaplain, Dr. Sujata Sinha, Assistant Professor, Economics, and Mr. Tracey Monroe, Instructor, Social Science
Congratulations to our Colleagues
Dr. Lisa Beckley-Roberts, the daughter of President David L. Beckley and Dr. Gemma Beckley, Department Chair of Social Work, was conferred the
Doctorate of Philosophy in Ethnomusicology from
the University of Florida on August 6, 2016. The
title of her dissertation is: To and Through the
Doors of Ocha: Music, Reversion, and Personal
Transformation Among African-American
Lucumi. Dr. Beckley-Roberts is the mother of David
Amaree Roberts.
Ravi Howard, son of Dr. Leon Howard, has been
appointed to the faculty at Florida State University
as an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing.
Mr. Charles Terry, Jr. the son Mrs. Willa Terry,
the Office Manager, in the office of the President,
has been appointed Director of the Holly Springs
Intermediate and High School Schools Choir.
Dr. Vaughn Vice President for Academic Affairs
receives the 2016 Leadership Award from the Rust
College Social Science Club. The Award was given
for "Promoting Academic Excellence and Inspiring
Youth". presenting the award is Savahn Jordan,
president of the Social Science Club.
Mr. Andrew Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee,
Florida is the son-in-law of Dr. Leon Howard, Division Chair of Education, was a featured speaker at
the Democratic National on Tuesday night. Mayor
Gillum is married R.Jai Howard and they have twins
Caroline and Jackson.
Science & Math Summer Institute 2016
Students visiting the French Camp Academy and the U.S. Space & Rocket Center
GhandiKing Conference: (right to left)
Savahn Jordan, Maya Soetoro-Ng (President
Barrack Obama's sister and event speaker), Dr.
Vida Mays, and Dr. Marco Robinson
National Association of Black Social
Workers Annual Conference, New
Orleans LA (March 2016): Dr. Jerry Wat-
National Council of Black Studies,
Charlotte NC (March 2016): Sonia
Sanchez & Dr. Jerry Watson
son & Rust College students
The color orange relates to social communication, stimulating two way conversations. A warm and inviting color, it is both physically and mentally stimulating, so it gets people thinking and talking! Orange aids in the assimilation of new ideas. Orange is also the
complimentary color of BLUE.
Six Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s) in the Delta region have been selected to advance entrepreneurship among their students and grow the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem through the inaugural HBCU Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Initiative, the Delta Regional Authority announced on Monday (July 18).
Mr. Richard Frederick, Mr. Alfred Worthy, Dr. Charles Williams and Mr. Clencie Cotton took part in
putting together the written requirements to be among the six schools selected for this $24,000