Taking the Beasts Back Home


Taking the Beasts Back Home
‘Taking the Beasts Back Home’
Sunday 15 – Saturday 21 May 2016
‘Taking the Beasts Back Home’
Be the first to register
The 60’s and 70’s provided an era of the most outstanding vehicle
competition in the world.
The cars that raced you could buy. It spanned an era of famous and fabulous drivers that became household
names then, and remain so today – Moffat, Brock, Goss, Firth, Grice, Manton, Geoghan; the list goes on.
It sparked an era of legendary Aussie Muscle Cars that are the most desirable to own in the country today – The
Falcon GT HO, Monaro, Torana, Charger and their many variations. It was also a period when Bathurst accepted
various other makes and models allowing vehicles other than the great Aussie Muscle machines to compete –
Datsun 1600, Mini Cooper S, Alfa Romeo, Lotus, Cortinas and many more.
The Leukaemia Foundation is offering owners of these great vehicles (replicas accepted) the opportunity to
enjoy a 7 day Aussie Muscle Car Run from Sunday 15 May to Saturday 21 May 2016.
This run will take entrants on approximately 1,910 kilometres of bitumen roads around a broad sweep of
Victoria to enjoy the hospitality, scenery, mixing with like-minded enthusiasts and of course, the sheer pleasure
of the drive.
It is not a competition event; it is a week-long cruise event and opportunity to show off your car to the wider
Entrants will also have the opportunity to participate in various controlled motorsport events, including iconic
tracks and much more!
In return for your entrance fee and sponsorship efforts, the Aussie Muscle Car Run organisers will include daily
breakfast and dinner, accommodation, overnight security for the cars, official entrant’s shirt, car livery (stickers),
back up mechanical support/facilities and motor sport events. Your entrance fee and sponsorship will help to
fund the Leukaemia Foundation’s regional program supporting patience and families from rural and regional
This is an event that cannot be missed by any Aussie Muscle Car enthusiast that yearns for the glory days of
Bathurst 1963 to 1977.
For more information please visit: www.aussiemusclecarrun.com or www.facebook/AussieMuscleCarRun
alternatively our event organisers would love to hear from you:
Meaghan Bush
Event Manager
E: mbush@leukaemia.org.au
P: 03 9949 5803
M: 0422 009 955
‘Taking the Beasts Back Home’
Entrant Sponsorships & Fundraising
Individual entrants in this unique motoring event have the opportunity to
seek sponsorship to offset all or part of the cost of taking part.
This could be achieved in a number of ways:
Develop a package for your team that includes sponsor stickers for your vehicle (In addition to the event
sponsor stickers which we will provide as part of your entrant’s kit)
Arrange to have your car on display at your sponsor’s business premises, or at local community events
Prepare a media kit to highlight your sponsor in local newspapers and arrange interviews on radio
Highlight your sponsor in club newsletters
Wear T-shirts with prominent sponsor ID. Offer your sponsor, his/her staff and clients the opportunity
to have a cruise in your vehicle
Offer to take your sponsor and perhaps one or two of his/her clients on the event with yourself as the
Run raffles at your club(s) and amongst friends and workmates
Organise fundraising at BBQs and other social or community events
Share the costs with your co-driver
Some entrants may wish to cover all the costs themselves and enjoy the event as a self-funded muscle
car cruising holiday.
We hope that some of our suggestions help! For more ideas, call Meaghan on 0422 009 955 or email at
‘Taking the Beasts Back Home’
The Aussie Muscle Car Run, after four successful years in South Australia (2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015).
In 2016, we will be bringing this motoring event to Victoria and we will see approximately 100 people
travelling in 50 muscle cars, in a leisurely paced motoring run.
All proceeds raised from the Aussie Muscle Car Run will be directed the Leukaemia Foundation’s Victorian
Patient Accommodation Centre, Building of Hope.
The event in brief:
Open to cars manufactured during the period 1963 – 1977 (replicas welcome) and includes various
models of Ford, Holden and Chrysler – see the website for all eligible cars www.aussiemusclecarrun.com
Cars of special interest which fall outside the criteria will be considered by the Event Organisers.
The Run incorporates dedicated controlled motorsport events and regional tours
Entrants to pay a registration fee per person ($1,200), which includes 6 night’s accommodation,
breakfasts and dinners, overnight security for vehicles, support mechanics, car livery (stickers)
motorsport events and entertainment along the way.
Entrants must fundraise an additional $4,000 (minimum) per car entry
The Aussie Muscle Car Run commences in Melbourne on Sunday 15 May and will conclude on Saturday
21 May 2016
A welcome home event and presentation night will be held on Saturday 21 May 2016
All proceeds will be directed to the Leukaemia Foundation of Australia
‘Taking the Beasts Back Home’
Conditions of Entry
1. The AMCR committee shall select those of the applicants who are to join the ‘Run’. The criteria for selection
will be as determined by the AMCR committee. The AMCR committee shall not be required to give any reason
for the non-selection of an applicant and no further correspondence will be entered into, following its decision.
2. All vehicles must be conventional two wheel drive vehicles with a maximum crew of two people unless special
dispensation is granted by the Event Chairman. All vehicles must have a main driver (Captain) and co-driver.
(Minimum of 2 adults per car)
3. All vehicles entered in the ‘Run’ must have been built between 1963 and 1977, or must be a vehicle of special
4. All vehicles must be models/makes of cars that are classified as a ‘muscle car’ built between 1963 and 1977
inclusive. Other eligible vehicles are those who participated in Bathurst between 1963 and 1977 inclusive. EG:
Mustang, Camaro, Corvette, American Charger, early model Holden, GT Falcon, GTS Monaro, Charger, Mini
Cooper S etc. Please see the website for comprehensive list of all eligible vehicles. (Vehicles of special interest
will be considered).
5. Vehicles in the Run can be a genuine or replica model/make.
6. All vehicles in the Run must hold a full license (No L or P plates), insured and roadworthy as prescribed by
Victorian State Laws. All vehicles will be scrutineered to confirm eligibility. Each driver must be able to present a
copy of current registration papers and a full driver’s licence at any time. Motorcycles, buses, coaches, caravans,
skateboards, motorised wheelbarrows etc are not allowed to participate.
7. The entrant's number, that is determined and advised by the AMCR organisers, must be fixed (unaltered) to
the front doors of the vehicle. All cars must prominently display the event sponsor’s stickers, which will be
supplied by the organisers along with instructions of how/where to adhere to your vehicles and must be placed
where AMCR organisers advise. Entrants must display sticker of the names of the main driver and co-driver on
rear passenger windows which are also supplied by AMCR organisers.
8. Entrants taking part in the Run in any way must sign an indemnity form as supplied by AMCR organisers.
9. The Entrant indemnifies AMCR organisers against any penalty or liability the AMCR organisers may incur as a
consequence or action of the Entrant.
10. Entrants that are participating in the motor sport events on the Run must have a fire extinguisher fitted
inside the vehicle. Helmets must be worn when participating in any motor sport event by driver and co-driver.
NOTE: There is a maximum of 1 person per car in each motor sport event. (Driver only)
11. In addition to the registration fee, entrants must procure further contributions (including donations) of at
least $4,000 per car. This must be the amount showing on the team’s fundraising page upon departure on
Sunday, 15 May 2016.
‘Taking the Beasts Back Home’
Conditions of Entry cont’d...
12. At all times entrants must abide by the rules of the road as prescribed by State (VIC) laws and statutes.
13. Entrants must observe all rules and regulations and vehicle specifications as issued by the AMCR organisers.
14. Entrants are not to operate bank accounts for the purpose of fundraising, using the name of Aussie Muscle
Car Run or Rally, Muscle Run or Rally, Leukaemia Foundation Run or Rally or any of these combinations.
15. The AMCR organisers reserve the right to conduct random breath testing of drivers for blood alcohol and
drug content throughout the event.
16. The AMCR organisers reserve the right to refuse any entrants, if they believe the car theme, decoration or
sponsor does not portray the image required to be associated with the Leukaemia Foundation of Australia.
17. Should your vehicle break down on the open road the AMCR organisers will have your vehicle delivered to
the nearest town at no charge. If the event support mechanics are unable to repair the vehicle and therefore
the vehicle is unable to continue on the Run, it is then the responsibility of the vehicle’s owner to have the
vehicle transported to their desired destination. (At the participant’s cost)
The AMCR organisers ruling on eligibility is final. Further conditions of entry may be drawn up by the
organisers and will appear on: www.aussiemusclecarrun.com
‘Taking the Beasts Back Home’
Application for Entry
Please print clearly and fill in all sections. Please note that this form is 3 pages long.
Date of application: ____ / ____ / 201_
Team Captain Information
Team Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Captain’s full name: _________________________________________________________________
Do you have a preferred name or nickname? _____________________________________________
Date of Birth: ___ / ___ / ___
Residential Address: _________________________________________________________________
Postal Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Mobile Ph: _________________________ Business Ph: ______________ Home Ph: ______________
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Polo shirt size (please circle): S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL
Emergency Contact Name: ________________________ Emergency Contact Ph: ________________
Co-Driver Information
Co-Driver’s full name: ________________________________________________________________
Do you have a preferred name or nickname? _____________________________________________
Date of Birth: ___ / ___ / ___
Residential Address: _________________________________________________________________
Postal Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Mobile Ph: _________________________ Business Ph: ______________ Home Ph: ______________
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Polo shirt size (please circle): S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL
Emergency Contact Name: ________________________ Emergency Contact Ph: ________________
‘Taking the Beasts Back Home’
Application for Entry cont’d...
Car Details
Please note vehicles must be models/makes of cars that participated in Bathurst from 1963 - 1977 inclusive.
This includes replica cars. Vehicles of special interest will also be considered.
Vehicle Make: __________________________________ Car Registration No.: __________________
Car Model and Year: _________________________________________________________________
Is your vehicle running a standard/factory motor? YES / NO
Has your vehicle’s motor had any modifications? YES / NO
Is your team interested in participating in motorsports events whilst on the Run? YES / NO
Team Motivation
What is your motivation behind joining the Aussie Muscle Car Run? Why do you want to take part? (For
example, love restoring muscle cars, you know someone who has had a blood cancer like leukaemia etc):
Are you happy for us to use your story to help promote the Aussie Muscle Car Run? YES / NO
Conditions of Entry
I have read and acknowledge the attached Conditions of Entry. I agree to observe these conditions and all
subsequent amendments and additions. Failure to observe these Conditions of Entry may lead to cancellation of
Team Captain Name: ______________________________
Signature: _____________________
Co-Driver Name: __________________________________
Signature: _____________________
‘Taking the Beasts Back Home’
Application for Entry cont’d.
Registration Fee
$1,200 per person (inc. GST)
(Total of $2,400 registration fees for captain and co-driver)
Please return this form together with your non-refundable registration fee to:
Meaghan Bush
Event Manager- VIC
Aussie Muscle Car Run 2016
Or scan and email to: mbush@leukaemia.org.au
Or fax to: (03) 9949 5899
Entrants are also required to raise a minimum of $4,000 per car registered in donations to the Leukaemia
Foundation of Australia and must ensure the funds raised are banked before Friday 6May 2016.
Payment Options
I enclose my cheque for $______________ made out to the Leukaemia Foundation of Australia
Please charge my credit card $__________ Visa / MasterCard / Amex (please circle one)
Credit Card # __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __
Exp. Date __ / __ CVV _ _ _ _
Name on card: __________________________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________
Today’s date: ___ / ___ / ___
Your privacy is important to us and we need to collect this information about you to provide the products and services you are asking
for. We have a privacy statement on our website which explains why we collect it and how we use it. You can go to
www.leukaemia.org.au/privacy to view this statement.